HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-28, Page 11st Year•
the News -Record 'will be
to any address until the end of next year, that is P).441111,47
"sever etops in its •ceaselees
tests -if you have the old oil
removed and new oil appliect
at levet once In two years.
Consider the wear as they beat
away the raiputes, hours days,
Weeks end years.
Take care of your switch -have
U properly cleaned and oiled,
We clean and repair 411 kinds -
do it promptly, accurately and
at mederate c-ost.
' axe Szenens•
anit Liam
0:F4Po-11546410 ipssiso--76&zea,svo
40.1r F.03*NIFY,R
We are *showing a line of
.1 Did you ever notice what a dif•
ference'wall paper made on your
es- rooms ? No naatter bow cheap
ye, , the paper, if the pattern is neat
N. and tootE, the roams always: look
( ) clean and bright and is add 50 per
; 1 cent to their appearance.
IFor the last ten years we have
been studying the wall paper
trade and liege no hesitation in
„ saying the(' our experience is
6. worth a good deal to our custo-
1-) niers,
se We not only know WHAT to
,k1, buy but WHERE to buy, and
‘)" the beautiful stock we new show
will compare favorably 'with
those of the city stores. i
Just now we are offering a
•few special lines that will inter-
est intending purchasers. '
All paper trimmed free,
• are a necessity in every hoe.
.Do you want. a few? If so we.
are the people you shbuld con'
suit. If you live in town we wit
hang your shades free of charge'
A large variety at the popular
jaidienieies that are the °ilea,- V7300E)Ea a ICI o
. pest we have ever offeied. —OLINTON-
Think of buying a nicely de-
corated Jardieniere, large size, VElit ixtritgi
fOr 35 cents. They can be seen reallrd' artwavijunP,DP.q
in ow south window. ci argiVigigira.MBM
,Have you seen the Trunks, contain-
ing 6 pounds of Giese Starch, We are
offering 2 The Trunk is well -finished,
with lock and key; just what your
little girl wants to keep her doll's
clothes in. The starch is the seMe.
you pay 10 cent.? per pound for, but
, we sell the Tru,nk and 6 pounds Of
starch for 50 cents '
.1".1N1T.4sheye just received
4 . grossinreg these
85c 'Per dozen 'Si:beeped'
est the thing to put
your jelly in.
• Dinner Sets -Just opened, tin
import crate of Dinner Sets.
Call and see them whether you
intend buying or not.. •
• MINT@.133,t
tB.IIICA•EaTi" 7,[21, gfrata
Ali:COOPE11-81-0.1 ClintonincUM -**•?*
When you
rs are this age,.
6 reeling or
te near work be-
tcet comes an ex-
• ertiosne, aedu
• ougla°13 st
I strength to
relieve all strain should be obtain-
ed. We are experts ia this line.
We examine eyes free of charge
and guarantee satisfaction. .
Optical Department
/3er S
Cash paidstir Butter and Eggs and
Urged Apple.. • Phone 28
$19,00 -
Ear big
Tni.NEWS•RE0011D, which
leadsfor Huron news, will
be sent to any address until
the end of 190d foe only Si.
0a f3 yoffir
I I;
1 t
A Afiderser Mews Ruel,Peeadal Mesting. Moro of Ohriftlea Elneeareit.
A. nsoon was visible= the heavens bse The regular anneal meeting of the The folloviing are the,afficere, of the
tween twelve and •ene 0 0;4 Tueedae • clergy, lay representatives and .church Christian Bncleavo.r Seelety :of Willie
night, It 'stretched: from north. to . wardens for the comity of florets will • church for the eniseing half-year
_south -acmes the, western sky and Idioms meet in the -S, S. room of $t. Paul's. . term: . . •
for nearly an lio.ur wale unusual brile :church at 2 o'clock thia afternoon Preekletste,Miss Montelfilt •
ance •
• (Thursday) for the transaetion of busie
Mail* MVO Tho.News*Record, • • peas.
Mr, 1:40 Fitesinaone of Winkler, Man., weeftele seeterit
under date of September 18th, wrote Mise Beatrice Rorke,eister Of Messrs, •reaeuree, is° atay j.nurray
us as followe "Enclosed please Ond a eorge and Hugla Rorke, was wedded •Mies M. Campbell
one dollar bill for one year's subscrip- yesterday at the residence of her par- e New Rules.
Organist, eG
titan to your great journal. 1 would ents ni Meaford The new rules under which the ttains
not be without- it for one hundred M& Thomas Friz-
wit, The ceiternollY Was performed by °vet the Greed Trunk system will in
Vice -President, Mess is. Lindsay
Secretary, Miss Belle Paisley
Bee -Secretary, MissIL Mackenzie
dollars for it is juse like bringing old tee& efr. Smith. The haPPY pair ais fetiire Veers= Came irttss fPree tur.14°11-
folki back again." , ' rived in Clinton lasteveeing and will day When the men will be en the hikti.
S a queried', ReView. be the guests of friends until the forelest they eoefnee 0*AP:se, velth:thOhle
The Union Quarterly Sabbath School Parted next week, Congratulations. _These wile have heee jaysttlitil
'Review service of the two Methodist A Blansherd Pioneer,
present rules until they have begonia
schobls was held in Rattenbury street Mr. W. 0, Smith was in Kirkton on
as econd nature will be very apt for a
church last Sabbath. Owing to the Friday attending the funeral of his S
time to mechanically' drop into the otd.
Boots and Shoes hEive gone up
in value, but Re J. Cluff stilt
sells them at ' the .old prices.
ile is enabled to do this as he
bought his fallesteek before the
Tilt Two AS.
• • •
. •make a specialby af Hats. aria
• Caps and now have a large and
•more varied. assortment than ever.
All the leading
•makes are to found in our
store. Sizes from ok to
Fleece 13elbriggan ThiderWear •
$1 per Suit, extra value. jusb
the thing for fall.
1,01, -
yore severe storm the attendance was mother-inlaw, Mrs. Robinson, who rut, afileaskeoree fear so,
not so large as usual, The service, had reached the ripe old age of eighty Th Cox 8 tti dy
however, vies a very interesting and years and six months Tile dec•
eased • -
. ,
The vdlage'Ware, thiengeds lest Thetis.
day.witla srisitore :to :the' annual Fall
Pair and itaints the general npinion'of
all that it was the best yet. The buil&
ilstm .were enlarged last summer and
the aation of the direetors was eanction-
ed by an inorecteed interest all around.'
•There was a lerge att,en dance and from
the satisfied smile which beamed upon
the countenances of be management
the finanCes must have beez4a1lrighti
Stanley Iroevoship.
• Mrs, S. F, Boyd and Miss Elia, ,•syho
have Sieen spending the eumnierat
'.'irae.fiV. G. johnstone's, returned Ilona"
'ifeeToseleto.this week. •
Mr. 1)40X:1i/ewer has hired a cook
from the iikeifheinsffltates, Dark but
'not too shady, Deice ;1: • ';.: • ,
• Mr. john Waeleley has beeneOsaged
• profitable one Rev. Mr. Wilson of was one of the pioneer's of SlanEthard ; • /114"1was 414(74 thl queen vs" Wm °"--
eiat spoke specially to the children on year& The funeral :lemon. was son..in•law in Gioderich townediip the
It will belremetabdereicah Cool Tstlro.8t4Jes.
Goderich gave a eery. thoughtful ad- township and held in rauch respect !
Her husband predeceesect her eight '
dress on Self -Denial, 'whilst Mr. Clem -
sortie of the special incidents in the life preached . by Rev. Mr. Stout, well- i last of October, 1898, killing hire. An
investigation took place immediately
of Daniel, Mr. Wilbur Manning pre- 1 known in 01i4on.
sided. •••••No Radek; Light. •
, •
W. a T. U. convennee.• ••The Electric Light Company furnish -
The annual county convention of the ed no service Sunday night an• d. there
Wornen's Christian Temperance Union
will (D.V,) be held in Clinton on • the
lithof: October. Delegates from the
various Unions are expected to he in
attendance. The Rev. ft. Hobbs of
Winglaam is expected. to address the
public platform meeting in the. even, -Willis church alone was lighted as .o. --.view of hfok -tfio reeeeee.
ing. Further particulars will be given usual,but gasoline being,there the 11-
n t e d ed t f lc gated by a petit jury; and with that
ni the
afterwards at goderich before Police
Magistrate Seeger, a great number of
Witnesses being examined. The neagis.
was -greet skirmishing for lamps. The rhaattehedipsicahcatrigcaeldly°acectErinsthelef-dgerfoenuened.
churches were handicapped and at The oroven was on that' occasion re-
Rattenbury the service was abandoned presented ,the *Crown Attorney,
'altogether. At Ontario the congrega- and Mr, Holt . Recente
tion descended to the basement and at ly an aglielfon was started, docibtless
SL Paul's resorted to the 'school -room. 1 by Mende Of the Beattie
as caretaker for Mr. Alex. Parsons
;eluripg his absence to Ilelgrave.
' M188 Kate Campbell hes. been visiting Mr, Alex. McGregor of 'Clinton OPent
her sister for the past week. Sunday at Mrs. MaPhall's,
We are pleased to learn that ?fr. Mr. Chas. Newton, who is. attending
Win Wild is recovering , . G d ' h . 11 g' , d t li
The frost of Saturday nighthas done We are pleased to see his smiling face.
considerable damage to tender fruits
entertainments in Teaswater, Wing- "brown" ones.
Mr. John Warnsley gare interestin 1
g -arge flock • including , lambe and
John Beacom has been herding sheep
and vegetables. • • - on the 7th, -John says he has quite a
ham and Bluevale during his visit in ., James Hamilton, Who had the mite,.
'the north, . .fortune to lose his driver, has replaced
' . ,Mr. •I;larry Wellesley has been on the same purchasing one from, Mr.
theldek listlately.
' Cox, Ex. -Warden. •
-foundry.: of selinseettssanti expects - to don Fair lest week were Messrs. Tor -
take • possession in the iinaisifuf,qes. ranee, Mrs. Torrance, Miss Reid, the
• . , Mi es Ga d 6 S M Ph '1 and H
Whole Number 1084
1.4r. $1, • It • leads_ .for .Local New.,
West Teielteremith-
'Mies Fannie Annie, the poinilar teacher,
'fei,No.6,spent Sunday the guest Of Mr.
'Landers of Stanley,
•'ler, and We. Amor; ToWneend
.vielfied Walton friends On Sunday.
•▪ • I W. Routleclge left this Week
•PrEcimonton where he will engage in
•saneldiag. His many friends here will
elways be glad to hear of lus success.
*Fs. G, Orich is. busy this week
Ur. and Mrs. Martin treated Wei°
reeny friends to a social evenin las
' Mrs John Hannah erected a levee
silo the nest Week and is busy filling it*
• Mr, • 'Selaward Lloyd was storM.
stayed near Hansen on Sunday.
• The council, let the contract for an
iron bridge at Breadboots' be be com-
•pleted by De& 1st,
s. •
• Porter's Mill.
net w luminant they are in ep la en o e e - object in vievr a fiat was got fro . • ss r n r, . c a
Minion Beeid:-Last Wednesday
was a red letter day for the Stauld
Mission. Bend Mr?. (Rev.) 3. Hamil-
ton of Cioderich, president of the
Presbyterial Society,. was present and.
gave a capital v•ddrese on Wission Work
In India. Mre, (Rev.) O. Fletcher of
Themes Road was also present and
faVoered the audience with an excellent:
Bible reading. Mrs. (Rev.) S. Acheson
presided. The attendance and offering
Were good. •Mrs,(Rev.) j. S. Hender-
son and. Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson of Hen,
salt were also present to encourage the
Band 1,11 their good work. I
• Mr. and Mrs.. Johnston and family
have returned to their home in St.
Louie, U. S. Mr. Johnston sailed front
Belfast to New York on the Oceanic ilr,
on her maiden trip. The Ocepoic Trait -
built by the Star Line at .Belfast and
is the largest vessel that .eyer, sailed..
Mr. Johnston was much pleased with
his pleasant voyage and is greatly ree
•cuperated in health.
Master*Fra,nk Canning is inipeoving
in health but slowly.
It is announced that our new Metho-
dist church will be opened (D. V.) On
the 15th Oet. next.
Mr..Peter Dayman, we are sorry to
state, is very ill.
The Kipperi Shamrocks won the
game last Saturday at Seaforth and
thecured the Crawford, Cup. The Dubs
lin boys returned crest -fallen, •
The managing comnaittee of SL An_ -
lection last Sabbath and we learn from
authentic sources that they were net
• The Premier Buys ei Team. ' trieity altogether. ; Attorney ••• General, permitting the ' Varke. .
Hon. Thomas Greenway, Premier of reeste the Kitchen. , (kovin officer•to lust a bill before the grs. Wm. Carter spent:Saturday Miss McDonald returned to her home .
Mapitoba, who is on a vie% to friends Mr, O. Hovey's kitchen had net its grand jury, which • was accordingly and Sunday.with her brother. WnS. in Egniondeille. •
his c
• ,
6 fitti hi • •
roacisters which won second prize at but. the cause was not far to seek. investigation this • evening, the grand . Wm. Hughes is carrying his hand in _ skate, Dap, ear the fall fairs There
in t ourity,.bought.the span alight usual tide...appearance Saturday les& done this afternoon. After a careful Connell of GOderith thwnship! , ,)Zi' ung Jack Shaw le ng a old
the Exeter Fair and first at Zurich 011 About 8.30 the "previous evening a jury returned no bill against :Cox for a sling these days, the result Of e, nas- will be quiteXbit of dust,but Dan will
ThursdayThe price paid was $850lamp exploded and set fire to the cup- the offence charged. • .- • ty cut the wrist with a knife while • be known by his tail and young Jack
. .
What , with pure blooded cattle and beard upon Which it was standing, Edith, Lec;08. • .• . engaged in cutting bands at a thresh- :bilge mustache. -T.--
Ape-strained horses, Mr. GreenwayAndrew Torrance and Gilbert Mar -
The flames apreact to wainscoting, Cal- Grain is beginning to Move more Leg' ''' S ' ' -
_giyee, every evidence of prosperity- : • . ' • 'Ira. Lyons of Luoknow spent two shall were at Louden Fair. • They ,
Pets and curtains, which were pretty freely so the beyers sae.
Ills lines have fallen in 'pleasant places 'badly damaged before help arrived and , Asranen•Gosetk has bought .4 hand- - or three days with Wm. Carter last didn't foot the ball, but they tooted the
since he went Wesb.; 'week, and together they took in the : Feed home from Clintop.
. . the fire was put out There Was n6- some driver fronistir. Kerr= of near
..COlittit Apple. ' • bodyin the kitchen When the expires *a.rtfa. ' , , • , Exeter and ClintoidFairv • ' Chas. McPhail; our new pliotegrapli-
' 'A. visitor preeented the Toroeto World sion took piece, .• • ' idr. Albert McBrien inter:chi reeving WM. •J °Oen has an extensive job of. i. r, is out taking snap shots • and has
with a giant apple Monday. It was A arras-- Display of Drell& ' . . his harness shop to the premises lateiY ';111613:111g for . jamas rair*vi'"' Set fair assistant. The : eonipany
grown •in the orchard of Mr. W. js Good judges. say that the display ot occupied by Hellowity Morriebs .. . . • A. Tyerman won a large number of -. promise to do a rushine. business
••priXes-on frisitht 'the ifiseon Central: • .inthe near future. •
• Mrs. M. Graham intends hayingher
millinery opening On Sept 29th and
following days All are cordially in.
sited. • The department is undee the
control of Mies McElroy.
• Mr. Thomas Crawford 'has 'the con- •
traet of the stone Work for the neer
lieeey stable and come:mined opera -
Cone on Monday.
M JhK 11 h had his house on
Kingetreet moved, to his lot opposite
the Public School. ,
Rey. Mr. Thomas of Lucen Was 'in
:town Saturday on his, vvay press% •
the, Harvest Home services id the
Church of England in Brussels.
• Mr. Sohn 'Littlefair of 'Courtright. is
at ' present ' visiting' his mother, Mrs
•EdYeard.Littlefair of town.
Mr. James McMurchy and bride
arrived home on Saterday. night from
their wedding tour. They will oeeripy
_ke. Joseph Comb'e base. on. Dineleys
street: 'Your correspondent job:Ea.:in
wishing them along and happy life
:The Merebers of the Roman batho-• .
lie church, represented by Mrs. Wm.
Bell, Miss Lynn and Miss Annie Phelan, .
presented thefollowingaddress to Rev.
Father McKeon on his visit to this
To Rev: P. J.McKeon:
=• Deer Rev.. Father e ---We Would ask
you to accept thie „smell amount as
slight mark of the deep affectiori: and
tepder gratitude wit w ic .
.people of Blyth and vicinity will ever
•regard you. • Let us assure you it le with. ..,
feelings of the deepest regret that wee
bow to the decision of our reverend
• Bishop with regard. • to . your re-
moval from our . raid& We have
occasion to thank you in Many ways;
but most especially for your efforts in '
roxiodelling and repairing our church,
arid for the establiehmentet the Leagee
.of the Sacred. Heart of Jesus. That
God may 'bless you and alwa,ys the
earnest prayer of your loviug-parish- •
eners of Blyth.
• We prefer inaiass; inn'and quick
• sales at a small profit each time
to holding out for big pricee. We
do business on this basis and Brid
satiefactary. ' Read these few pri-
ces we are quoting this week ; we
have many more equally:good if
• not better,.
Smoak and Overalls, per pair $L00
Overall& 50c to $L00.
Pants, $L00 to $2.50.
• When you are ready for
your fall Ault, come to us.
We have the goods 'that
will suit you and at Moat
suitable prices. Our fits
are welt known to be
snug and comfortable.
Y. Rolla
Botand of :Collinglood. Talk about draft shown at the Central Fair last There will be the regular eelebration
luselous fruit fruit! This apple is known . Week was' never excelled in Clinton, of the Sacrament' of the Leed'e Sup.
. . Mrs. E. 3,.. doldwelfet-COnitanee has -,:: 'Mr. Robb Beacom has purchased a
• - h -.1: .-SE7 '
15e inches- an circumference, 5e inches
.: ci further and claim that in some morning seryite. . . moutRock foie' to Mr. G. yons Of the Bayfield Line Robt has a
, .fioek hi
through the centre, and weighs nearly paints. it stands comparison with Lon- The SL Marys Journal in a write-up o Lucknow. Thise. abssepvi- fancy for good stock.
e 9 '• „,
two pounds: , Huron nate discount Col" doe, especially in the two -year-olds of Grantonsays i Charles Thompson, able reputation and should pladej. •
llogwood for apples, both for quality and yearlings. In the former Class M, B., one of Ontario'srising physi- in thelead•With this useful variety- of - e
- Reigrave.
and quantity. Who has a still bigger there- were ten entries and for yearl- clan& is now 1 d ' CI' to : fowr:Y'•The'. outfit consists of ' borne '' es- :
Geo. Connell of Goderich. called on A C ' rch, and ;Rev, R. Hall Of Toronto
Clinton station this vveek include :.
sole her entire doels. of Puie-brect-Ple- rthiteobred calf from his brother, John;
as a "Red Alexander," and measures even in the Faired palely days. sone per in St. Paul's on next. Sandarefteis
•from ninety buds. „ Mr. IldeNab, formerly of White•
glans •
p • Jugs nine. • • The shipments•of live stock
• Ce • pta'M Combats Company • • A Wednesduyivaddini.
4 ilkcharge of, Mr. Hall% Serviees on-
• Monday, hogs • by C. Wallis ; TuesdaY," few friefids last Satursley..
Paptain Combe's COmpany partici- A very Pleasant event took place
1:`• ,Kunday last. •
pated•in the•drill competition at Gode- yesterday at the residence of Mr. E. hogs by R.. Fitzsimons ; WednesclaY, •
. . • cattle by S. H, Sinith; four carloads rich yesterday 'afternoon's nd did itself Rev. W.: H. Geddes of Ailsa Craig
'great credits • This' was what. was ex- tdf' d • th's vicinit last week
pected as the Captain is a goddinatiud-
toka,nd had the assistance of his effi-
• cient officers, that Is :-Lieuti. Brece,
Color-Sergt. Miller and Sergts,.. Wat-
kins' and Webb. The Company, it
might be added, did not consist:of the
regular membera of No. 4, but of twenty."
five • Collegiate' and Model School
students who were only Under training
. „.
for a short time.
Mr, John Bali Home Again..
Mr: John Bell returned Em Wednes-
day night of last week from Manitoba
After an absence of a month minus a
day. has been un there several
times before and as he moved about
• leisurely he was amply able to form
conclusions founded upon experienced
observation. •Winnipeg, &lye Mr.
Bell,is growing rapidly and the vacant
• land which stretches for miles to the
west and south, is being taken up, con-
siderable ef it • by Americans. Very
truemany of the purchases are for
speculative purposes, but, that grant-
ed, no speculator buys unless there ie a
good, prospect of values increasing.
111r. Bell spent a few days at Morden
With 3. H. and Ceorge Ruddell; sons
efMr. George Ituddell of neer Londete
bore J. H. is the Conservative can- '
didate for the 'Mord.= constituericy
and though the Government has gerry-
mandered it Mr, Ruddell fully expects
tehead the poll. • Mr. Ituddell,Sr..who
is now there dna els% • has consider,
ably benefitted by the trip. Ab Beehive
ehort distanctsweeb of Winnipeg,•Mr.
Bell met Mr. Plummer, brother of
Clouncillor Plummer of Clinton, who
during the course of conversation re-
marked that though they had a schoel
population of only five • children
•they were paying the teacher a salary
of $400. To the Down ESA taxpayer
this would seem a killing rate, but not
to tcsthe Westerner, Who niust have
his children educated, no matter at
'what cost. Mr. Bell • visited several
points in the Dauphin District where
many of the settlers are from
Huron ecernty, The • town of
Dauphin has , a population of
about 1,000 add so many of its citizens
were former residents of Winghanethis
county, that they say Nifinghain
not Dauphin ehould ite name. The
District is largely covered. with scrub
from four to ten feet high and to cut,
uproot and burn It Is not much less
• difficult • and wearisome than
an old-time clearing. • in • Outerio. There are ticeasional. etretchk
es of hay lend and stony sections are
also to be riaeb with. The latter
are about aa pleasant. at corduroy
to drive oeer, The Gilbert
Plaine 'are a prairle-Iikeeitretch of
country bub frosts ate rather prevalent.
On the whole ftom Mr. Bell's descrip-
tion he much prefers the prairie to the
and are doing era, among the number 11,0ndeshoro.
for 14,000 and he expects itilOther 4,000 Mr. 0, Engler le visiting his lister, dts Annie Wright Sundays& ab
Hartt, when his sus eren-mw. ,
Lizzie Braid of Columbus; Ohio. was ' .'•'.1' Bebert Welsh has been in bed :. *Church . -Divine service was conduc-
United in marriage to Mr. A. S. Keach- since night when he caught cold ; , ted last Sabbath by Rev. G. itt. Kilts,' Iler..W. J. Scott, principal of: Blyth
school, spent' Thursday evening with
ie of Galt The:young couple left by A lay-up is milieu/4 • with his
of Delhi and was much appreciated, as friends here • .
but we shall be pleased to see le sin shown by the !ember Present in such
the Afternoon train for, Eitratferd and -
other places to spend their honeymoon.
Me: J. W. Hedy, publisher of the St. aleo assisted ably in S. S. work, corn- u...
phia, on Saturday morning,
Dr. 3.• Andersen. left for Philadel-
ing Countenance on the streets shortly.
. inhosPitable weather. His reverence 1.•
pliroenting the school on ite preeper- ..qeveral of the farmers from tliSs sec,
after which they take up house in Galt
on Saturday. Their friends and so- Mares Journal and who has made it a
fine is a member of the firin thin intend going t� Clinton next week.
quaintances in Clinton join in wishing ous condition and work accompleshed
the young couple a long and happy Which has purchased the SL Thomas and exhorting to loyalty to the Great to get a supply of bran from Fair's
mill. Tbee make -this trip annually• .
• Times. Mr. Hedy will be managing • captain. .
life. .
• The chillY season is now on and warmer clothing
must be worn. This to many !mans 6, new suit,
including underwear. In buying if you want to.
get good rtinality at a moderate price you, will
eome and look at our stock. We ca suit you in
both respeets,
" Our Mezes Rei.4closr-macte
at $8,95 are strong and warm, b
so good as higher -priced Suits.
tit of course not
We have underwear at from 450 per Snit up,
Pleece.lined Balbriggan Suite at $1#75 per
are splendid value.
A new line of Fall Capes at 500#
lir tall Overcoats
• ot fine English ltiVhipcord at,. $10 are
• strong and cheap,
• • • ..john Ross, teamster for levingStone
Thanksfar Plowet;s.• d-irector. •, •• •0.E. oedneeday evening. was a of 131yth, upset hie load of 320 apple'
At the Rettenbur estreet church next ' -
Y rousing meeting; S. H. 'Lowery took
Sunday morning Rev. B. Clement will tlie topic, while S. ityief Rev. Mr. Kit - barrels at Janaieson's gate in East
The management of . the House or
preach, conducting also the fellowshiP ty and others assisted. , Wawasiosh on Monday. The gate was
Refugedesires through THE 'Nravvs-
meeting at 10 o'clock. In the evening picnic. -The success of the season. broken, the barrels siiilled far and
Recortia to acknowledge the receipt of
a liberal supply of beautiful. boquets
the pastor will take for his subject, "A L place,-Allys fiats near the new wide and John used poetic language.
of floweret from Seaforth Presbyterian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly of near
S.S. and on behalf of the inmates to very pecoliar expression." .. bridge proved an alsnoet ideal picnic Belleville and Mr. and Mrs. Dayid
return many thank for the sake& A Mr. John Leslie, Jr., has heed ale location, being central and highly suit- -.et _
vy inters of Napanee were. guests at
pointed agent for the McCormack Mfg.
suitable quotation of scripture' att. able owing to ease of access, beauty of Mr. James McMurray's for a fortnight.
Company and vvill handles, full line of
ached to each boquet was carefully land and water scape, choice arbors Both these ladies are sisters Of ML Mc -
agricultural ini lements. Hewill have
read and in many instances cora- he . P , _ _ and good sporting green. ' • Murray S. ...
mitted to memory. Donations ot this ,is senipmeon hand in a few days uaind 1 People -Over 150 goodlookinge The Bast Wawanosh Fall Fair will
afterwards ou. hue ng.
nature are always acceptable to the in sh°1117 people assembled early in the after- be held 011 Thursda.y and Friday of this
for trade . ' • noon and fun was in the see of all.
mates. week It Will not be a Side Show, but
The aged gentlemen laugh d till the ' • . • • - ' •
Some perepn unknown left a sta- .. e
Soviets This Week. • purely an exhibition of live stock, agre
. mentiat the entrance to Dr. Graham'a cobwebs all s
hpok outof their whisk- . h f • ea,.
cultural produce, ete. Wit fair w
This has been moving week with offi Sunday - ht IT th fi
ce on nig . pon e y•
several of our Citizens. • On Saturday sheet was inscribed 'Prom Susie to ers. The younger married people in- ther we expect a loge turn -out.
lately occupied by Principal Lough; hook by calling for IL Did eSue--" ' dulged kernly in the contest, while the
single young people (well they are not
Michigan„ has returned home after a
Miss Maggie reill of Alm= county,
Principallioustonmoyedintothehouse Peter," either of whom can have the
l all accountable for all they. do,) , ana
short visit at laer eister% Mrs. james
on Monday Mr. Chas. 13ezzo moved make a mistake as te "Peter's" wilere the children, why they were in the rive . m6Murray'0.
into one of Mrs Cooper's houses on Elbows e er. mischief, races and thew glory
Fulton street; on Tuesday M& Fred. Ti. the Central Fair prize list
among other thing&
Livermore took up his abode in one of lished last week we make this cotrec- • 8. Goderieh Township.
G. Eniersonts houses on Wellington tion :In grade cattle, mileli' edW - for Program -A mited baseball
street and yesterday Mr It I
The New Ohurch.-The new brick
Presbyterian church, which will soon
be completed on the outside, presents
a fihe appearance. It hart gone up very
rapidly last week esicl this m spite bf
the very cold and disagreeable 'weather.
• There have also been many spedatOrs, ,
took possession of his newly -bought ist, W. Vireir 2nd,whereas it should be the price of leather. Then followed a idvisiting Mrs, Peter Cook this week. . opinions on it and yet no doubt it will
Mrs, Samuel Cattelon of Streetsville • and, might I say, critics pass thtsir
. 3. Cleft breeding purposes reada J'as. Reynolds match opened the sports and sent up
residence on High street. Mr..T. Dun- just the reverse. Grade cow for dairy While a daughter of Mr, Harry stand the test
snoring game of football in which the
clothes expense and Ettiff BMA ask," Perdue' s was driving Sterne from Mr. - -Literare Meeting . -e -The Literary
youths indulged to heart's content,
1286 each time. and JIM Reynolds 2nd. Ross' near Brucefield on Monday after- meeting of the Epworth League Was
forde snovieg yen was brought/ into purposes should read B. Churchill 1st
Diwing the season, which has now .
and that is all about IC MeanWhile noon the horse became unmEmageable held last Wednesday night when a
and Miss Perdue was thrown from the good prograni was given to a fair 'luna-
tion. Even. the clergy Were in the heat 7
Wilton the Plums Clo. . -
of the contest, and well there was fun
about closed, Cantelon Bros shipped the juvenile races were proceeding, the buggy and rather severely injured; ber of the League. The nexb one which.
topoints south And east 3,000 baskets competition keen, prime pretty . and pay. G. Im laity a Delhi he -knew. will be the Metier this year will doubt,. •
of phut& They bought everything excitement at the highest; Bon -fires . ing acquaintances in this locality..., less be the best as every effort Will be
that wait offered and turned nothing swings were centres Of attraction, ba - The many friends of Mr, R. Jenkins Made to secure a first-class program
away. It mystifies some as to how baskets also defined their share at- will sorry to learn that he is not re- Gold Remedy Company.:-Profeseer
they find buyers for sit& larva ship- tention and needless to say recented it. covering SO speedily as they would Stuart, Polyphonist, Impersonator, '
. Himont& Manager of the Co., has
merits, but they appear to experience After tea the young men's race created wish'
no difficulty at all in securing Et; mar- A huniber from Cliutonsind vicinity, givee splendid, entertaininents and
ket, It's A case of knowing how.
• Their largest single purchase was from
• Mrs.Geet. Heide), of tdwh,While MEW.
• Robb's fruit, they say, was eirception:
ally good: ;Ori Monday and Tuesday
Casitelon Bros./shipped 1,500 pounds of
butter and thiS prisb week 8,500 dozen
of eggs.
A number from here attended the
Goderich Fair this week.
• The anniversary services on Sunday
were Well attended, considering the
weather. On Monday evening the house
was crowded. When everybody had
done ample justiceto the good things quite a Jammy'ane for a while ' the spent a pleassinb evening at Mr. John lectures for nine nights itt the em .er
Revs. J. WilEion, B. Clement, Howson, Within. Then notaccustomed to late Beacom' .BEtylield Line, prior to hie mice hall. It is needless to say the '
the program wee cOrtireenced. The raarried men's also Came in for due at -
gave excellenb speeches and Mrs eral 1=e:toward courses under various departure from our midst. • was filled with people from far
Magee Cardiff and Wise of Brussels near to hear his excellent lectures,
Shaw, E. B. Smith, and G. W.Ancitews hours the good people took oft their sey-
which Were highly appreciated by' - with the afternoon's outing and eora. . 'me'
sleurit a few daysat Air. 4, Thompson's, entertainments and procure som
• his remediesz On Wednesday •
mon of Go derich gave eeveral recitations eonditions, 'but yet all well pleased
everyone The choir rendered. some . vineeti that We is the spot foe such. bliss Maggie Tat of Alm= county, Saturday nights a small fee of 10 c
choice music. 06. Teesdae evening a L. O. L. Die, 928 held a rspedal meet- ' Mich, paid a short viiit to her brother was charged while all other nip
Octal Was held. The proceeds amount. Mg last Friday evening in honor of • this week, Mr. James McMurray of were Aree. Without exception'
ed to about $00. the visiting beother, and the lodge le iselgrave Was oleo a guest at this hos. people of Varna and cornmunitv ha
. Miss Lueie Andrews of Fullerton was no doubt much profited and ermines pitiable house no Tuesday. never been better eats Wined and M.
the guest a her frienaimi.. a.stanley ged as a result. This will not interfere Miss Maude Bryant; of Brussels Was calved such instructive lectures as the
Stinday and. lienday. itthe tegh----------------------------- y the guest of Mist Thompson a feeedays Professor gave, especially On the
Thd Apple kinesi Entintate.
Apple KinesCantelon la of the opin
ion that the ,estirnate made by Mr.
A.rthur Cook as to the value of the
Huton apple ores) STEW at leash $100,000
too low. The fruit itself,' says the
Apple Xing, will cost at least $800,000
and $100,000 in addition Will be paid
out for barrel& wages, etc. 200,000
barrele Will be shipped from Ilurott
alone, Ten per" cent of this to fall frulb
last week,
• 1 physiology and hygiene oftthe body
... ' , ' Ere leeving.the bridge constructors Mr. Fred Waif/ end titer of Grey and on many cif its diseasee and ail -
Mr. W Elford &nu w'fe of Gederich
attendee, the annivetsary services on • . township were visiting ab Mr. IL mente. On Saturday xiieht he ga,Ve
Sunday and. Monday. ThoMpson On Wedneaday lasts the handsome present of a large letup
spent a short time repairing ildra
in October.'
their worts and nue been paesed W. Williams obtained the red to the one who Made the most word*
Rev . bridge, The one here refiecte credit en
Ansrewo, wife and
Brownie Were the guests of his pieta tiekeis for his roadster colb at the oub of Gold, Remedy Company.. The
SI John Jervis Huron Central. Winner was idr. E.R. Harrortell who
, County COMniiSsioher Ansley who
over half of which Will. be sent to Mr. W. 13rown of Londeshoro called • ete, Vin Lowery leavea in a coliple made (Wer2,000 worda. The Professor
J h
viewe recen y
o nston, has been inwroving
Our Istranitobs; The prairie province is con his sister, Mrs, 3, Watkinson Tues. of Weette for Toronto to attend the had gel= tO' Brileethild•fertials Week.
htime of late.. Mere improvements are '
ceiling for 00,000 barrels of fall and day. veterinary college. • During his stay he sole a large quantity
suit " talked Of.
Dauphin Diettict though a number Winter stock. The Apple King has Mr. ana,Mrs. 1. Snell of Londesboro Many talk of Goderich Show
already booked orders frona Manitoba - Sundayed ab W. Stanley%
from this county have estasa in there
of his remedies and gave private treat.
Ment to a goodly ntunber ,every day
WE° called to tee him.
-:Varts, and Dick klughse and Sohn barrel order any day, Di* total ship- Mrs. W, Marquis. •
While Mr. And Mrs William Whit. We ere glekto annotinee that Stroh -,
Crawford of.littliett. Mr. SAM McLean, mead will aggregate 50,000 barrels, as Mrs. Mulholland:leaves on ifrius.y for sasilitiesas'AistneenIrs; W. airnhatt.80aitidAgusbournat
well known in onion and Lackbaw, follower I -Wellington, 4,000 ; Waterloo Chicago tO ViSit lier friends, She Klee Mr. Gee. Parquhole lase week. ely were homeward hound from their D. A, Higgins b. able to be up agai
Is chief et the Dauphin pollee and a and Perth, 10,000r Middlesex, 4,000; iriteeds visiting her sop Ivrea IA /tau. kr. and mri, Beacom of otintou f.ne:111; :stint:ell anblet°inb: .15wheri:cktreadinik:::; M4rt. 11.11084tiatiirill dealsioletli hie blaok pouf
ihh terror to disturbers of the place. Mr. While Huron win supply tho haianee. Wake', Mrs, Laid:melte accompanied paid tho 16,tioes stator, mrs,,, it. minor, port Winiarat theengineer noticing Et for a tileelignre. , •
drecl Etna fatty Weil en his pay roll. ing at Mr. Acheson's left on Tuesdat allying visit Otie day tastweek, huge boulder ort the§ track Ault in, time Several took in Clinton Pair
s""''' $ 13011 heard a good deal of political talk All told be will, next week, when the her to Chicago,
sits of opinion appeared to be . that Dew. Aft, 'tar and &mil). are 'Visit- to Put en brakes and bring the Wan to week while others attended Goaerie
while in the province gm the cOrleete, Winter packing stArts, have One• bus Dr. Rowell, who has been the visit.
d la As regard. the price, Mr. Cantelon for Dakota. tutientaavooref tahisbysrleitorlti tivecetanmaissthilthhatifbewootiseicoosntd, s it °our:hire° . tibiaweekvrokorsitt the vap, 0146 tutu
Whitel 'Et brother whet the commtinity Elannoll
thoUgh thil teeerib addition to the pop. says it itetitogether too high for 'Speen fal agd t ht I le el r el: hat ti loyl
Dug n
Mr.ana Mrs.W. Pickerel of Columbus and address frora ite old-time teecher •
=sire visiting friend* in the neigh' who le *bill characterised by the ono. &▪ Asper nu 120 acres of as Fooa whost theaewull aPples =dike,* had beihrt
rhood, this fell as ever tested 1 laard, down because their In'Ppll rert oats
I gy sad /Ago a ota.
Ifiotemoos illation, the Doukhobors, .eb at are
1 tive urpos and that the buyers are
6 SAO tt) mar*, Grsentiiii# running *great risk of loosing moo0Y,
• • °