HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-21, Page 7• Unita Tory * lithe doesn't VOW. A A +hi' * for thenaht berltelf Asa and ae s iota -‘411rt 4 **0 1.1 OF 1111 111 the Mirth latielf. The letter WM tO reaeh that point a ite orbit 11AVIL1144 h +h + +II hlinrorarnhiar se on, se ma foolish totem, muss mus IT AS BUN PREDICTED TOSE AND ail Month efter the eaglet fainetite. anel the latter WM et no time 4 0400 More ire got oft w geed armee with thole too-wkle-open Oyeri Of herd Story From *wits or die peiemme oe, fight." You haye heard, at ceitiree, that a elle letwisonte things which were not pewee tomatoes erassoat ;tome elates la his entertaining beak "elet Bin • kept tea widel Open the eye' and ears AGAIN BUT IN VAIN, o ba within 20,000,000 Inatome at Which had been given her to use. And etamp box is a dapeerom preaent to and hied never been, And with Ketleated seaatraaatawe ve tee Kw du Monde ' M. rlamMartort five* a It was bowed to come. Not a quarter tnalstlaseelelvstuutanntt aoe.elnttewtwhielt44. of .01:dttSei lifb)d it is a dadgarddA 111•4" MIL pnretO;10:Tniatet6oh,°tlitill,408.tgAn ;111g.it receive. You Won't? BUt yon knoW, ,tir eldativaideeollen Cara Of MIS She $0,114 tar the lereclIcitese graPhin deflarrn of A edilid An 'be - of e century Pailiteis that game Part fifth centuvy, "The: ltwo beavenry et Preperty. You dontt ? WitY, Yes dote! and centidentall whiscr or two, whie and *Utter -toe head'of hera the the wild. rumor that the end of the iveitee, "will meet like two traine relate Mena, . tillage which the had seen with her too- • i "a -alma °Yes' and the lna""'eur' a'''' realMA there in fittle ealga for fadiPlria'A 448 11°"1°4 11 al If _Pen (AMU eth,,er with re. Yee have only to think A OMMent 1,v,i,i- _ it i — -,.1 Weed 4 near Ilt hand, ea for ,,litS 14:111411: rt1=11%. 14)7 altn Ingetiltitttbl: hi. order to reedit the fact of a certain confidential WhIspers whieh, U the had letter that you once wrote youreelf, not been of the fooljah naaidener she at the neWe that * realer 0 nee ktitd rege. But in tbe present Inatome the, Ton live trie4 sami. tried to, forget rhoeuldmobitaltre:tet withbthe t tree: is at preaent eansing a paw() among Velocity Of 'ohm* will be 805 thnes inteducated elaeatte in southern tvaeliterhavtiltna:000ttliat otfeet4W:t irrr ail: • that letter, You have eaid °vet' and all rtollefher ;the 14w7ratenealAiti:f t ;Is' the over ea youreelf that what wae. to be not she. aaor iill the wortd she would, Hillside. At the city of .1charkete it metres Per hoer." le that it- is all better aa it la You pot have written a word. She W48 far ts said, the dreadl of the impending PROFFOSOR Fetajet'e petearelFey. antentaneaa, apd seapetimes N4th-Yourm' ifet?e°nt;we of what she had heard, but she stilt being that werkMen are leaeing . 12144T:1144e aePtIn`rnatt4aetdieteleagree4ileualbtreat;PEIlleocilciti hear 'the reputation anuing yoUr ac- t ieueovaer a initpoexrdiciort fwoliattb ate trl catastrophe is specially great, the re - Yon act, tt YOU will hilt think it Moe nattl then !the leathered WWI er in t het ot mime country le not atfeetea bY bOdiStr, th earth and the comet,'" he sett, of being verY stoical, very mueb took from her hand a ring, and because the citY in large ouMbersta wiehtng to from • Proteesor Falb, the eminent et 0, phiMsepher, met. yet, somehow, she had .pleuty.of stamps In her box, sPelta What they believe wet be their Austrian reeteorologiat. • According to original owner. Anil then, why, then, .the ownera have aslant. the po. November 18, 1890, and universal It wari written te somebody that She sat and wept alone, tbie Moliseest she emit that mug poating back to its lailt dayii at their village homes and - hila a comet Will strike. the earth on yoU .don't forget that letter. ' • to stop the Migration on, the ' ViliftuaeliteePlies:rutTlielVldbeetattigetilinli • YOU ' loved, awl yet every syllable of of foolish maidens, who, because she lice that letter was a dart lent sure and lived in the days of stamPS; had broken wgrueittlibile rthuainted,otherwise their bestow; equally emioent eieentlets reply. that ber own heart. ?than" those stamps, tbe thence of the earth being destroy - sharp into a human heart. and yon : ed by a comet is only about one in tit - those Amps whtoll have so many sins ,a, Meant that It should be rice If Tau and Mistakes to answer for, whet did 'ew' wasel"s as thts Paige May teen Millions. They admit., that the coald, you would, have made those lir. they dolt They flew Taat and straight seem- there ia 66410 cense for it, thongh night Of November 13, 1899, will be rove el:LaMar. you would have aimed to their destination. They carried thie pause will uadeubtedly" appear - reinarhable tor the reason tbat the theM stralglater you would have eent each ,the ring to its original owner, I altoget141' insutfiolent to • inteltigent heavetle littil thee be ablaze with a And its original ownet-whet did he magnificent shower of stars, but they persona. And tine eame is the a - • • • • them decrier. SePause, when you wrote do t : P point out that a tonitlar dIsplay of that letter; you were chafing under 'What did he eo It Why, as it hap. -1)66,1111166 at the 410Se of thiS year. of celestial fireworka regularly occurs a wrong or a slight, Of "a fancied Polled, he waa a wise man, Whia had several planets in a single sign of every thirty•ehree yore, and there is no reason for eupposing that the epee. Wrong or Sight ; your pride, for - Moth, was wounded, and you tad yOUCSOIX your wrath was rigUteOUS. You didn't atop. te teed that letter laver when it was finished.. No, in - 'deed. Yee sealed. it, you atimped it, -You &untied it into the very nearest malt box, And then yeti Went home to await the -ansvver. .But these pois- - oned arrows of yours went too surely tut° their mark. And yam are Waiting for that „answer yet. Yes,' whatever you may seem to others, whatever you may say, te yoursele, .you•are waiting Yet. Now, aren't you/ And aren't ' there times, when yeu have throwo . - aside the mask you Wear for men to see, and tile other mask you wear for yOurself to" see, and at those times, those rare time, when you look yOur- self squarely in the face,. when You read your life coereotly, wouldn't you give yeats and jean! of this life to un - write that letter Suppose, new, that when -you evrete that letter, You hadn't -had e stamp, that you couldn't have bought or heg- . :gad nrhortowednne-sey for-twenty- fiaur bours. Do yott think that tetter • vypuld" ever :lave been mailed/ And if that letter had never been mailed, ' Why then, waulde't ahat wrong or slight, , real or *meted, have receded . and receded is, the days went by, un - 'tit when yeti leoked back at it, it wtuld have "seemed the speck that it, ready wee.t• ;fend ,at lest when you looked aga1n to find it, wouldn't it have laded, away into the -invisible and forget- table and • foegiveable t And thee, WhY theM.A. certain thapter of your life Would have., Mad •how differently, and hew differently; too, the whole 'book. Ale me 1 Ah, .me I *I wPrIldrit 'holla-Put-dd'her sPeetacies, and, draw - Kaye you a" stamp b000ta, ea' ing-her chair tm to the Cable, spread Ones,won,g4Teertliere was a girl-- oht the album rbefnre her. iminedi not any ale that I know br that you okay she bename intereeted in its cork; know, o . . did --to tenm. There werupen and ink sketch- rallliper es. awatet.Colors, a• few 'measures. of warned to react hie fellow -meat. Ana the Zodiac 'Not. for centuries •bas if •he mind not read, so readily a more ' . a ere been such e planetary combine - difficult and uncertain volutee, his fel- " low_wonian, bad, bee, taught of a, tton as WS, and, ib ia no wielder that teacher, said to be hlind himself, much foc the last few yeare rater •readors 'of one chapter, certain young wo- and 'other soothsayera have beam mazes heart and mind. And beetthse A . -rawing attentton to it, and 'have been he did not think it quite worth while to, vaaeek his happiness and hers for •preduiting more or less universal ill a foolish Maiden s freak, he reached out for his stamp box. 'He put the ring back then in its box, and readdressed it, and this is what be Wakite for his stampa to parre beak with the ring to its rightful. owner; "ThiS ring is Mira. Wothing ean alter the fact that it was given to you for all time btr -me, who. toyed you. And you_ are mine. , Nothing eau alter that, for you gave yeurself to me for ell time, be- cause yOu loved me. And because I love you, and you love me, I restore to you what is yours, ind refuse to give up what is mine.' And the stamps/ The stamps Carried the ring and the letter to the foolish :maiden, wbo, because she, lived in the days of stamps, had. broken her owe oeart- luck as a consequence , 'Indian! trologers maintain that their iioUntry is bound to suffer some unparaileleti disasters within the next six' months, and certain French and English peo- pints claim thet thetlnited States will _also surely beesoeurgee sole inane net.' Olifing the same time, apparent-. .ly became the planets, When olueter. ed together in Sagittarius, will at the same time be oPposed by Neptune in Gemini, and according to all the text, books Geriaini is' the sign which, rulea 'the United• States; JEA.N ST0FLETtls BLUNDER. • the stamps carried to her the ring and Now it is worth noting that th r the letter and a, lessoa In wisdom vvhich • . e ° a sender Paulo nearly. four hund- ahe vvill never forget. .And you may Was safely give that man A stamp box. He. red years ago and for precisely the will .do to crust with stamps. ' • same issmon. In 1521 Jean Stoner, a - • German, terrified Berope by pre- __ - dictmg a univeraal—deltige in 1524 STOWS. OF ROSA RONII-DIIR.-• “owing to the eoniUdotion of several ,". pia:lett ie wateryr sigie--the wat- ner Portrait Painting 4;1'4mi:rata Ory signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Patience at the Wail or an Art solace. Fasces, At his .oinieetts words thou- sands fled to the mountains amilipthers Mme, Isbert, a well-knovrn ia took refuge in boats. Awinol, a doc- ttire painter' of Paris,•once visi.tedRos$ tor of law and Canon of Toulouse; eyee Denham. at Ba, attain. the course of built a sort of AAA on 'four 'as a haven of refuge. There was no their,,cenversation brought out- an al-. need of such emetement, No -flood bind id. whieh ehe said Miss Benheur' asme. 0, the contrary, the season mtght .interested„ in it, nearly was even calmet and drier :than nsital, the great haloes in the literary and .Stofler bad, indeed, Made a• serious a'rtistic, world Of Frame' tot the last blunder, and one for which many Of his .Iellow artrotegers, inelueiiigagar- fifty years:were inscribed.- atotei Boll- dati. never perdoned him. ,• . Stotler, however, is only one in a long list ef prophets whose prediotions in regard to the end of the world have proved utterly false: !As far back .as the yeer 100IY many commueities in Europe were' drivee half distracted by rumOrs that, the .day oft judgment was - close at kande and 'again in 1186 whole cities were paralyzed With fright fat course. She Arent -this girl e establishment of a certain hose fame had gone Out•both near a d far.. With various other gide and various.other. women of vari- „ ous ages 'and degrees, she spent there •; two Wishful hours, or three, or four, it may be. 'Wonderful to relate, . she went out vvithout having paid' or promised one cent of her; percentage,of the price of the fame of the establishment' of the. .milliner. I do not know how it hap- pened, •but it did, it really and truly came to pass that that girl got safely. I out andeafelyeihome. But -then it al- so. came to pass that wherever . she went' whomever she saw, whatever ehe did, befereaher. mental eyes there • was ever- ptesent, standing out apart • , fram all its fellow -Marvels, a certain and, in -her meal busin'eselike way,took was their surWse • when they dis- covered that he was mistaken. Yet marvel in the tthop of the famous mil- the measure of the page, promising to, time. ; • ” - . • ' such is the credulity of human nature Lhat their faith in 'him remained un- tiner from .valeicle she had so wonder- draw soniething and Send it in a. short • fully escaped. - • • shaken, and, no matter whae year he She became a heunted creature. • A fevv years ago Miss Bonheur want - Look at what she would. that millinery . ed to paint a picture of the wild little selected ad the final one 'of the worlds existence, 'they 'accepted his predict. wonder intervened to &nit out all other - American pony of the plains, of virhieh, sights ; think Of what she would, em. she had often heard. .She owned tied es gO6Pel truth. " der and over, 'around and among her Breton, Arab, Norman and Percheron realtallY bold, though doubtless. not as popular as 911axter,'. is the , Abbe other thoughts - was the thought of her_saos„ put had no animal in her stabl-• that go where she would, it.drew her ee Co serve as a model for this 'new . Dupla,. cure of the village of Dion in' ,...always back to it: "She. went to give picture.. !'Buffalo Bill, ' hearing of the France, and. author of a book with the tollowing extraciedinarY title:, -"The • -it ai farewell look, add beeause it was - artist's' desire, gave her two typieal grane coup or universal cataclysm a farewell ' look, and the . thing she bronohos. and, using. them" as studies, will raVage the world between the 19th reveted was never ..to be hers, and Was she produced an admirable picture, pro', and 21st of September, 1896, iie- to be wornl by another and more for_ flounced by critics at the time to be cording to the Scriptures.. The • pro - tenets woman, her sorrow for losing - eetial to the best of her previos work, pheeies of the Old and New Testaments ., it. was deeper than before. t And so Not long afterward, in recognition of kindness.. 7, oliaa saaiheur compare with those of the Bathers . that night she wibte• an order for le . COI. Cody% and with the secrets of La Salette, . an order ,Which. she thought would Painted and gave him a portrait, of himself on horseback. in which ie foretold the great war make it 'hers. gild then, because she whitdi will destrOy nine -tenths of the had a Stan* at band. ahe %nailed the The following anausing dedeription of hutaari race, the coming of Antichrist order before she slept the order with. .W aPpearance and mannet• Was given and his reign, &ilex' whichethe Church which she aroma away her own free- - ba. 0 newspaper writer who paid her will triumph over her enemies and the . don for Li year and .5 -day; In prompt a visit mine years ago and sought reign of Christ begin on earth." The obedience to the order which the stamp te obtain what/ the artist most dread - author fixed September, 1890, as the ..biad carried AR too surely, there ,eame ed Mad itveided-anainterview, I time when the great "tioUP,'' as he next merning the wonder, and vvith "A funny -looking malt came toward called it, would take placea but he mi- me knitting hie bravvs. He. Wore an • 'I 't did ` t t k i th 1 Music, Poetry' and phlioriePhicsal and witty sayings, signed; by such men as the same reason. Now arid again dut- Meissonler. Core, Mi Hats. Saint e ing the latter part of the Middle,Ages Beuve. Victor Hugo, pumas, Gounod, the sante extraordinary' phenomenon Massenet, etc. Looking up from the was witnessed, though in a lesser' tie - last peas 'the artist said abruptly :".• game .and ever since the modern re-. "And now I suppose you want Rosia vieal of occultism there hive, not been Bonheur s : name 'here; • that 'is: why wanting 'erratic. prephets aof • the Jean you bring With a most comical stetter type. • • . expressien op her beight little face, A few yeers ago Mr. Baxter oreat- she peered over her epectacles at Mm. ed s sensation in England by hie Art/ - filbert, who, Much confused; stammer- diction that the world would.certain- ed meekly that she would be greatly iy. , • • honored to receive such notice. The • . COME TO AN END IN 1887. artist deolared that sae would ' be h • d . Thousands believed lit hit% and great a it its wonder of a prtenenark. And. . the millinere Marvel was so much more ' of a Marvel nowthat.the. girl whp vvae, oe course hot.' any girl that you know *or. that I know, saw at Once . that " there Was nothing .airiong .ber posses- .. skim that eould beat 'comparison with it. ,And befere . she mule use it ehe must order. gowns end gloves " and wraps and Many.other things worthy re appear with le ' And how many 4 genuine Pleasute for herself, ' how Many an engagement for others ahe .had to retiouteet in the months which a followed, end all because of that order whieh thcastemp had carried too We- ' 1Yr She meld, otieer bear to think, mut ' I. woild -never . date to ' tell, If only. ' her' stamp boat bad. beeo empty, just that once. . Onee. upon anOtber time, centuries And centuries ago, and in another part eif the world fteint any that we hate 'Mena and or gather rate end' kind, there was a *Moan. And this 'we. Man evtote a Matte,' but betrouse it wait before the &ye of stiMpailbeliblat her !damp boat Was empty. And betetese het stamp -box was, empty. she did tot mail her letter at once, 'And she was it lucky, lucke WoMan botato'have done so, for, lee me tell you,what itissaid that lettet woad: litiee done If it had ' been .stamped and. Mailed. lamainie of one .sentence id it, one. tiny isentencei . whieh contained the teeteat Innuehdo • abetil anOther Woman, that letter, if atampee end Melted end delivered, would have. blasted, the reptitation and the earthly Winner% of that "other *Mean. That little inntiehdo, SS Moat itinitetidos do bowel With the Words adapted itself to its, reduced. requite-. founded on thefie portents, rlithe cl ---e.• -6 other the cruiser atinie ett which wile "thee me," and, it Was foltnded aPon mente, rreblk birth td eealle death Leeigite, Writing at the Berne' time, sig. Marconi bimself, The Adinirel Of _ 4, iv otter% ditty tie eubmit to the expert- figure study, and =Mt keep everi riati11.- ...he noficitor refused. The broke inuaele ender control, As the salmi the trutlwand-thus was, of all. iteltind;, we at much otterrevered. That a full .saldl ' t„ ‘- he fleet gave the order that the atom - et hiMseIf ,watt then asked if he would nose it aeldom held formore than tem: the moot deadly; for you know -"a °' "We hat% a cemet of enormous size; weeks 'one just begins to 'gray to it, lie *latch le half. a truth is ever the and vigorously developed skin lir a its tail is the most beentiful objeot shoula get in touch My Meekly am vote risk it. aible with the, Europa. Signals were ii what will hattpen to Me it a don'tl' :WhaVe ft °Malta!' blitekest of lies.a disideration, will be generally toncede conceivable.. lavere person of note to So the writer of that letter was a ed, The tendencY is for oure to de..! alarmed and believe!! that Heaven, in- . Rent out, and instantly a theesage came back ,froin the Europa that she had if You'll 106e the case,' replied both mitt he. - husky, luoky woman te hive lived bee I generate to a tisatie paper consistellek. :teteeted in their fate, s reached her convoy, and was on the his legal advisers, ends them 6, fore the doe of stamps, Atud ehe was The eXellisita structure of thee skin at wareing in this comet. 'T.hisy say •talat, -I way back ta tuntatataniente the news e Thane* said he, hurriedly, "loae the Mote Itteity still when her good fame • once indicates Ito impertence ita one of the otaurtiers of Cardieal m me h 77111--- ---' to tbe flagship, When the aunt) re* case lose. the c'aIse." And mo he did. a.- ... -no; her good angel, her guardian the organs of the bony. who is diumaireel of by hie tillyt1 dans, ceived this. message she watt Mete than ' " . ' 1: 1, i 1,41 1 ` int honor of hie . _ , . - Statateetviiispeted to her next day to A hotnely ehowing of that tunctional '-elleve th a Pr -1y 0 . -. . forty miles from the Europa, and more A ainegeeei 0001,01e. h • f • th le Th 0 enormous straw hat. Under tt was a it would certainly occur before the Soft beardless face, browned ey the sun close of 1899, and, lest some of his and lighted by 'chestnut -colored eyes" a slued nose exaggerated the size of readers May fairy him to be the ir., responsible viotirn of • an unbridled a large mouth with rows of superb imagination, he takes care to' point teeth, and there was a breezy Dow if out that his work has been issued with long hair. "'Who are yoii 1 Where u did yO the sanction of the Church authorities. a statement which many are iziolin- come fox and what do you want? ed to accept caragrano sails, as it is he said sharply, stopping and thrusting well known „that Rome does not va- les small hands in the pockets of gray, courage her priests to pme as.pro- ribbed trousers, . ...., pliets. "This sharp questioning disconcert-. The book, of which it is extremely ed me for a moment, bet, recovering, diftioult to obtain a copy, its divided I' eitiwered: "I am a Joon:dist and into two parts, In the first the author %viola • to eee Miss Bonheur.a predicts the devastation ot the world "'Well, look at her,' said the little by ware, earthquakes and plaguea, the peasant, taking off hie great hat. "You birth of Antichrist, whose mother, he tnuat excuse me ; I am obliged to amp says is alread.e here, and intrudere away.'" - / It ia interesting to note that Miss „..4..TEHEIBLE 4ATA:OLYSK . Iloitheur had no patience When' ahe was -Which will leaVe feW human beings at the Aced of flik school oath alive; and in the second be seta before tempM en the paet of her girl Ancients les the- , elaborate calculations by to it& tate alaar 'pecitliarities of dress. Mamie of which he had been enabled Wtth het theee oddities had come about to make his wonderful prediotione. nattiettily and for sufficent reasons; Ile also dwells at length on certain with them it was affectatiOn, whith Ocancidences, which are certainly curl- , she wouid not tolerate. ous but which nevothelege are not e likely to convince sensible people, that ..the end of the world Is near at hand. The tippearanee of comets has fre. quently given rise to sunder erode- factoey to knew that steady progress 4 5' :• tiehs, This was the case when the - Et now !leen et me thilacaney by Tao famous comet of ise,0 appeared, is being Made be Mareeni-,in.14 pet - Midi tfirrering, • ' Whiston a:scribed the deli:ore to its feetly unostentatimis veity-ki wiree " By tilthest tonal:ant otrercietering, (corner :appeaeance, and Mob n et ti_ ..___, loos telettrePhY. In seine- reeent mane- - :Leteertth:Ipdeoitpleealglitte= awroetrt; uveers in English waters,s two +Mimi deg and night, for otiocessive • genera- • tione the skin hate. by degeneration,' treatise toprove the abaurdity lobelia' ri!litat Mei/ 1Slit' te ratto IV tat %it ABOUT Y01111 SKIN, • taole in 11399 will be .more glorioue or name Ominous than it was in 1838 and 1800. ANIMALS' MEMORY. Same leeptareame tismalices Air Their - • 33/10%ent Henri De Parville, A Frepola° writer, MO cote:cite:I instances of ani- mal intelligence, many of Winch are of a cheracter to indicate that aniniale always remember things which have become habitual with them, In many c;oarrsia!'sIlitn?),OreuMnketbdenretiasa,ianngaletk'rectindtntehtlea' cottage 04. Friday end requested Mrs. antilior. of it. accordingly; but the. MoKerotry to direct him,to her mother. wb,slibyistuareizatinglier3sucle ah..neasattioe tuonabecousst mliflr9tsh. elarowlealadoroyt iontfetromwoed Thhimo. otthraoengheerr p ied her with questionEi about her. Mimed thieg enly .o,ocasionally. , mother. her silken:, and herself, Re • Moneieue De Pv.rville gives an amus- thenatibruptlea informed her that be driven an the diligence between Berne 1 Mre. MILL; rwe;a8r)413eur E-ittang- her long -lost acoount rot at) p6rfOrmances'of six 'was Wgliala Rass' bifortihelitrinivrho r home for South emich. horses which were Tegultaily and Gurnegil, Switzerland, They reach- ee in the light ot an impostor, and told ed Gurnigel each day 'after a lemg and ham that he milld not be her biother, hard joetneye and at the inn were de- tclastett.dbetioltIrr was dead. The ataauge Moiled from the vehicle andaelloWed existing beatweuuenuhtiveairis.t.bueg slal-31,ahenIP tO find theit own Way to the Stable. ' dry suddenly rt3membered a story heir mother had tole bee ablaut an, accident vt 4 el4 WILIASIN B0813 RETOSNAD AVM, ex.porienciprobo Nabetiwtauhe todwidititoto um,* Twara-six TEAss,t ratettlY else Aiwies$ rergettsat Wel- Made Inellilelf known to me through Wew lbei came lame reeve emelt the tme of a dataohed Ohne of Ids taten Pnintl The homeeempliag of Wm. /toes, who furlough from Ins work among the before he attempt, 4°14/4 "ringing n rnrinne "fish 111"°. assid 4 medical Missionary on a the *tura returned to Toronto on Vriday atter an *Attlee. 40:1'nWitolonitvbes 41,9001 sopriets goeftpat aVnalix.louTebtOodoeinttOrrodwubcoopLUtor,100 plo absenee of 2$ years in South Africa, ante all aw,hobaraeptheer erroemeeeocill:oktrtz xtilltWaert It! geknOt WthollooliniofitOottouther ;r2leedijacianeriliwatiothe li/ihaPPIlY died, and the artlet bad to mamma. Mr. /Mee Isad been mourned as I fear the heathen regard, na some 'pemoimntorhyl:nallapsuitbeescitbyeabhaell 400:oldzonfrdOiT dead by hie family for as years.' very potent tante, eur evangelical forest modelic gum! London Tid-Bite. More then 80 Year!' ago Willimelteas, work were ot the owe port oe aucoeas One model sat for' the elothes, anoth- then a lusty and ambitious young To. fhat our medieel work is, / should ex. er for the hair, and a third fer the rent° boy, bade adieu to home and pact the mtlleoubno loved ones and departed to Ileac. bla "Bud, *hetet Ieptile. One: morning Rg7Ave.,eaaatrnfoeretgeesbearMd,ra'nVdaMl VrePs: fortune in a foreign land. In cemmoll I went out to look over the ;specimens own for the (lying little one. That with mane venturesome epieite he Wee of real Or .faneied. injury which were the pi ture might be absolutely true attracted to 'Seeth Africa, For theta 'awaiting treatMent. There Was prat- to life. alr. Vildes actually had -the three. years lettere were received Drool ty nearly, every kind 0 tropical disease cottage built up, to the emallent detail, the abeent one, at leregUlar interaale. in the outfit from sore fingers to in isle studio; and when once the work at hie home, in Toronto. Then all' cone dropay. Moist of the petiolate were was begun, in his own -words, "he prep:. nulnication ceased, an4 feW Months weil known to me; but among 'them Malty lived wtth and for the picture afterwarde news of hls death, WAS re- wee one torto whose face 'was easeam. for six Months." until the reward of caved by the enemata faintly. That Hier and who eeemed tce belong to e ouch infinite patimice watt in. his grasP. was 20 Setars ago, and ttons that period different tribe, As I stopped at his Mr, Ilolmeni Hunt, the paleter etl, uP to a few daie ago nethileg farther plam leaPed to his feet as actively was _learned of his fate. Re Was Sid- as a cat and frOn1 semewhere in his cerely warned aa dead, seanty apparel dug up an object Which During thia time many changes. took he 'presently handed to me. It wae a 441M6, :tool ra be aeon' dsTiheoetaapoi no:1*gebulouriuld$:::e ee :titled rdeenpa irgt7e et hi r1:141:ar- OPine. eteheao'lthtile 7 iltnrlsakouel le oan:e obni ge to womanheod's estate, and a dough- around as a dollar and. very timely as rePlacied the bay whom they believed rardspotoitioor.aesefuTliltyiozulitotiontatibnme.iSt•hthhialeiskn,:rbecioe lieutfnaer-oss fott ttreitopnaa.oaTouhede 1 i Dia av r an It 11 yre 3:r e it gratlIV. ea IptatartgQ0fahrids. o w n skull instead of a vire RETURNED LAST FRIDAY. • fin‘d4 joauutkdwdhatiltethuieuutrouevbeire aerta. eenee tithe d'a opinion with his chief and as a re- al; aahagt eFr r al dr ar iyy e' a4 lb; 0;oxreodutmp,irl, adn1 ei -iii glen had bad .sonte sort. of a difference" ef (mired for Mrs,. Ross. Alter a time he suit. of such presumption bad receiv. ed a %tont dubbing. One of the blows succeeded in locating the lady's young- • had fractured the skull and for the eat daughter, who is the wife of Mr. tithe had k - e - Charles ta Mclemetry, in the emplOY old ‘woniennw9uhkoadlolloikulaututet; thWehrientlicee of the Alien eaanufacturing Co, Mr, it amtheedoi,cienoet, among these particular tbet pert.of .libuisi4skuiulLlereies ItolloelefetiTil abnorddMst"ree. IfteXbri:rale rpereeisdeenat rheYR,6aara*-- : save diffacultly ey ied the loose caPY Ci cottage ale Eew Reece.- le"e piece off - with the bl d ' f a k le. stranger.in queStion turned` up at the Poeiticeda up the aveu:d elan% ' let nil' a - Before goina to the stable, they. in- -variably set out en a little tour Which befel her brother when a child, in which ha lest a portion of (me of his throutsgh the hotel greunde.whegrefritnhge toopeos Shhoe tpld tbe stranger this, where- if,ttee were In the• bahlt, iff one, gueat ancithert the horses e! hem tempi Of suger. Maiehing .from ttlhehudiaislindoermoutlualuoievtbeecifeboiet. allat .ddeienetilute.inags s ster adeordfld acme that evening Otredl?lh'ud's and the tly den:tended; their sugar, This rotifer she had nevlaer weeeeineu.lueTitieu mthoe.b es established ohatom at the place, avnad t ..omheyrwttenrde tot% other members of the atilthongla newly', arrived guests- some. il t,o,mtre. ewhajeyeotaidliktei:gt,4tiatieldreqetni Inaanwttn in the cottage:at JEKLPX theinrel-uviitocoatoedh with, and IC goer for the Oahe of. reeking mourneed ileact recouoted the star of hiai,:a4tohoesrisenngsa.n,d brother ,thea hayd .The diligence plied cinly foer months' HIS ADVENTURES ABROAD. thoeyear, and the aorses were erea When:Mr: lases landed in South Al- PtoYed ebsewheye doting the Other eight months; but On the reminmtion nf. the trips in summer, these horses, wtbir dwilLeare Uuceedeafrgeormllyreeasinattedyeatrheliur tour through' the hotel gardeos, show- in,g, on thievety first tkip, the.greatest. haste to ge the familiar reund of the year before in quest of segara Moasietir De Parville also tells of a °avail,' horse • named Nfenelaii, be - ^tonging to . the Tenth Beigtnent of Chesseurs, whe, after being ridden the cavalry manoeuvresin the riog At, the barracks, became eo fend, of the evolutions that 'he lvvould Manage' to escape fr.ard his'stall at ,night, betake hiMaelf to the ringeand. go through the •required movements alohe. - Hie nocturnal performance became known and the officers and Men fre- queatlY wept to watch it. , Mendes would be left unhitched inahitr and -when all became quiet, woild go out, find his way to the ring,,,and sol- emnly but `briskly go "through • the whole drill; apparently remembering every detail of 'it in the proper or- The wriMr of this witnessed a cur - bens demonstration of the excellence of a dog's memory. He possessed a col- lie, %rhea at the age of elaout eseyear, had au attack of- distemper., and • wee sent from Boston to a farm in Ver- mont, ivithere he remained ;several menthn. While there he spent a good deal of time in dig:ping out woodchucks end barking at 'their ',bUorows, all over the large farm. 'He was sent eack to Bdaton. ,Some five years afterward he wee takeia by his mastex on a visit eo the same farm is Vermont, and he -Widen) *killer arrived. then he stetted out ma a tont of the old farailiar woodchuck: holes The -fermi', who had been very familiar with his ways said that he did not omit a single spot Where wood. chucks' burrows had -existed during hie previous sojourn, and went straight to them without any search, The dog also fell instantly into all the eta routine of the farm, and :kept the dieth out of which he ate fn the spot where he had formerly kept it. He shovved that he had forgottee no detail of his habits on, eae place five years before, ture do the rest- The patient - kept the chip of his :Mull end the insortp- tioe on it ovas the work of some pass - Mg trader. , "When the case canieaiiiider my no- tice, there was soarcely more than the thicknese of a piece of parchment left of the skull ever the byain, and, the wound had practicalay healed, It turned taut thet Lapute had not made the long journey from his distant home to see me because this degtee of. dan- ger troubled him. He had the idea that the piece of the skull should be set back in place anti he seemed to have great .confidence in my ,ability to do it. It wee a great .disappointment te hiin that his skull thip xxiuld mot be stuck back. Although I did all that eurgical science prescribecl for the pre - Meilen of the this :spot in tbe oran- iuniamy patient kept harping on the fear that he might lose his fragment of bone, which might fall into improp- er hands aad thus play tla.e mischief with him: The only way' to pacify hint was to string the' chip en it cop- per wire. and sohler it' abeut his peek. THE MODEL. . laverhshll prefer rasing, fur 'Noe litanies -1Ianeg »hart but Ilueb *wary ured. Ilea he ,expettenced the ups apd downs. • •• There has been much' virritten COD. incidental to life, in a new•country. • , Fortuniedid not smile on his efforts at cerning life as a model, but these aro.- first. Gradually he grew away from cies seemingly come trona the pen of his obi ' assmeatee Re devoted him- writers Whe actuaily know little about self to the taek of amassing a fortune and became as one lost to his old 'home the real model, writes. a lady. I ha.ve and friends. "Building a foitune even letely become aceuainted .with a in South,..A.frice. is anatip-htll and young woman who, for mime time, Itas gradual prOC--ailW but by pluck and per- been a professional, head Model, Mid, severanee Mia Ross accemplished until toaday he is counted wealthy, as - - beina rather voluble, she related sev- • wealth goes. . , eral imadeats in her career. a The recent trouble in the Tranavol, "To pose for the individual artist,a which' may ultimately result in war tale said, eis away' s pfeasanter and between the -Boers•and England, get Pate la adjested one way. Or the other ftfateli Mr. Ross' thinking thatuatir the.. dis- Y . .b toot tebre; ha)3da. t:elass work is .more there are securer places for men of ."It is usually . thought that the means than South Africa. ' This train Wages of a•model are verY fair. To of thianght brought a flood of recolleca tions of his boyhood days; end he was the inexperienced it may appear do. A seized with an irresistible desire to model begins work at 8,45 'and, po aies again look upon his old home, Con- until 12,45, unless extra hours are ar- verting his ready money let° bank ranged for, repeiving 10 minutes' rest hetes • be placed it in a large belt, which he fastened around his waist.. °ebb beer* Her recompenie ita 84 per In this manner he safely brought his speaking of ,classm•wrao'rdl: The belt contained upwarcla of $60,000. week for four h them in the romantic manner:detailed otily are frequently required to assume iolYnlyw,otk. I am treasure to Toronto. He fOund that ., ;Read model, as mo a s . are o e Y is really a misnomer, his mother, one brother, and three sise Mrs resided in Toronto, and located d 1 h' d. st nsibl for head above.' . • • - visey difficult postures withoet any ed., al is Mr. Ross' intention to return to ditional recompens' e. • - • South Melee, 'and the of his sisters„ %the irt a widow, Will probably accome °men tea a me° a a +W k h b tt r models party him. ' - • than men. Posing requires firm en - After his arrival in South Africa Mr. durance and this woman possesses to a miner. With the money thus accumue greater 'degree than man. Thom who Ross 'worked for about five years as a lated he started speculating, and have never experienced the torture ot gradually acquired a competence. Mr. posing know absolutely nothing about Ross is a bachelor. it. Place yourself lit even a comfor- table 'taxation and remain se for only • five minutes, and notice how glad you A FIG FOR EVIDENCE, are to feel tbe freedom of your body. when the time has expired. Then . imagine what it would 'be to endure a enessing seaman In ais engine retire tense strain of every muscle ter 50 An English solicitor was defending consecutive minutes. Do you think a fruit broker in au action brought for to undergo such a nerve tension unless the wages offered would influence you the recovery of one hundred dollars, compelled by absolute neciessitY, the prim paid for a consignment of "Models, almost without exception, figs whith the plaintiff 'declared to be would, prerer tepees for male classes. unfit for human food. The defence al- womene-and I, being a woman, am In spite of the boasted tenderness of leged that although Moderately dial Permitted the privilege of assailIng my colored by salt water, as the plaintiff own sea -men are always more hu- mane in their treatment, - "To really know your merits end demerits; you. meat pose for a class of art students and he criticised by the artist. I never realized how many good points I had counterbalanced by bad, until heard myself so criticised. And theugh it ie humiliating to have oneself held up to vietv as merely an inanimate etetue, one glows partially accustoined to it in time, and it be- comes -somewhat amuaing to hear re - ale, and turning to the opposing coun- arks suck as these: 'That girl's eye - set hoarse and perspiring, he mid: brows are not straight. 'Don't you see " Look here, guyner, you say them their graceful sweep/ Don't give her figa are good to eat mad I say they eyes that senselees stare. She has tont. That% all there is. between us, fine, intelligent eyes. though unfortun- ain't it leow, s'elp !Jae if youll eat ately. her forehead spoils that fires- knew when he bought them,. the figs WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY, , were perfectly wholesome. The figs Stead), Pragremi Whig limit in the New Were in cOurti, firairna or tan tt ii miratlaii; The plaintiff, a cosier, who conduct - Dr. Peteelatiens,•a Ressian scientist cable own case, was skilfully' moss -ex- urb° has been experimenting for soine amine& The trial Was obvioualy going years be connect:kin with the perfec. against him, and once or twice he re - tion of a system of telephoning with- etonirr tioesonexhott Tizatsitatrecjoundtgeme othjeat- out wires, claims to have devised all op- , te grew deeper Paratus by matins of . which persons I may converae ea easily and distinctly as be wire telephones, from London - to Antwerp, or even from London to New York, Dr. StienEt promises to give a tletrionstration of his system on the - River Thames. Pending' the testing of these extraordtnary claims, it is Bathe . . two of them figs and jou ain't sick Bien, As I aaid, one grows minus Oa- iteraediately Afterward, 1\11 lose my The judge ot once stiae the propriety passe of this suggestion, and tithed the law- ye.r whet he PrePoited. to do. 'Your honor is trying thie cam, not r,a was the reply. " No I No I The offer made to you," said the judge. , Aehereied donsultatimi took place. 0 1 e ted t un the eon - ed. to this, and gradually becomes the automaton fOr which One la evident.. ly taken. , "Our bout% are short," the said, be ctholuaion, "but the misery endues:Vie even tuit excels all a faiatory Or /Mop girl endures lit a week, do noteMazi to say the girl Who really dnee head posing feela the eXeetis of fatigue Which My words iinply, But..the real misery la felt by the- imeel Vibe Posee for a Inietake 40 takes oe more odor Um der aimilar coaditione, 'Writ . . tele 'W. Mammas This is en IMPortant dise coveri, and. throwe meth light upon the proper balullieg of milk for best "Clailletit Milking, by clean haede, in' talsblpeit, mretwatstbaobsieuvaptimeierittetrerdcba;:titticte and. thorough cooling ot the Milk. Cooling A once lemene the capacity of the milk to take uo adore. arreete (ha process ot fermentetion, end, it w,eit stirred during the cooling, the create is kept foam, rising to the see. Moe and will afterward more -surely many eTnUltntely beautdul pictures, - remain Mixed with the milk While sparea neither time nor money in reel- being distributed from the wagon, 1 izing his ideate Wbene in his early These are valuable ponsideretiona for yeare as an artist. he swished. to pant a milkman who de:stree to gixe his pus - the ieScapegoat," he took Ins ' canvas tenure a good aerviee ' ' and paints with him to the met, Wan- toFuocreoumeotishhe aslilmoPfletehtesaogndoobdeertoowslatYs dered hundreds a miles, ',.ovex deserts Ls to have a tank of ice et i - roo tptrno4plIrtial't17; litninfidelephe,Qfhtheatgraooastp, llthereeaP-01 lesattaZ tiasdii.huieliprutigi'141'reelYfujilLileelinnFaalf.fia: his ptoture; and at the end ef three EirittntetinY tiind otadues,;twahnicuthelladre Psett7 01! , years of wandering and work brought -•aartly tio sell It for lees. than it had sr3::d.'tpnhicetehtceatait:wwbbeaistIteev;olarelriminegtvoe40•111uhedie:i's lot, back the completed picture to England hotually cost hien to Paint it, ,Among continental artists Pone ever worked more centimentiously than Meissonier, some of whose tiny °AIMS - Or with their microacopio 'perfectIon detaiL aro valued at more than 41,000 a square foot. When Meiesonier was Pabaiang hie "Napoleon in 1814," wiehed to give a realistic pioture-to the sneyy-covered, trampled road over which the French army . traveled, he had a small plarform made and cover- ed with clay. He kneaded and paean& ed the olay, wheeled over it . a mina - tura cannon, impressect lent -marks tan it, re -kneaded it and repeated the pro - stilt, Then he sprinkled salt over the' and got the heal snow -effect he scoesusghu:til. he was satisfied vv. ith the re - rutty, hoof -marked, trap:016d clay, Hyosai, the meat realietio of Jtitaan, me painters, was cradled in realism.. Even as a child he would Mune _the slums and make sketches of ' Arrawie and wrestling bouts, As a boar of 9 he fished out from a river, the severed heed of, drowned man and took it, home to paint; and at 15 he would Mt up his easel in front of a blazing fire and calmly pub the flames on Ms can- vas. It Es even on record that one day he chimed two young ladies Of ligh birth through the' corridors of a palace simply. to sketch, As, he ran, A rare pattern on the sash which one of them • Verestchagin, Whose terrible war pictures ere alniost repellant in their realism, has risked hitt life many, times while painting thera. He *old go, sttetch-book• in hand, into' the thickest of tbe fighting, end, sketch the fallen men in the interials of defending him- self from the ateacks of the enemy, On ene occasiott he had to suspend his painting for hours whtle 'the bullete. rained around his °aerie and he bears a's many scars as aoe hero-oall the fruits for his love Of realism. Me. Berkeley Whose battle-picturei are commanding so much admitation, never trists to memory or fancy _for pis effects. If he wishes to paiht mud.. splashed boots he will go for a claaoe hunting in the rain, and when he reaches home will ma.ke a careful study of the splashes' and re-proauce there exactly on his canvas. Similarly if he wishes to paint a tattered gar - meet he evil' tear one into shreds with' his own hands, and he is never oontent to Paint a horse 'until he has actually posed one in the desired attitude. been that letter, every word, to titke power whieh ean be developed, in the Passing awari dd the ethes bt that SOrp801,11k6 deb. skin its itadiCated by the :story of the ror with which it haa inspired them, tame, beginning with the little words. Indian. Being altnost naked, end Ile had the donee totatigh at, there add the dangerous little worde, "they say,' yet apparently 'mite eotafdrtable iri to reply facetiottely that the comet to bury those Millet deep away in a inclement weather, he was asked vvhy did him too much hosier." lonetiome :mot witete aoot tun he dienot aeern rafter and be naade WHAT ELAM'S/AMON SArs. Ith meatte eeded the whisper sof her minietering feet," 137 this rdteeerdire °Merin our 'the /same Aubjecteerlii this eentlarY 4 "43 " an' NY wonld never tre d, where mho herself ill by the eX0oglara. he rePliech "White ai. Camille Viiihiteariettr, the dietine , for eignaling the enemy* approaeb, angel she is More fortunate than she petipheral lierreti arc too intettee& ime Predietione consenting the eild di Imo memos h„ aa, 6f immense value. xeith„ perhaps will ever know this aide of pressed by calorie elmagae, our owl. world. have eeverat times been MO er flato nor ersaphores an be renea heeteel, ',try bleed spitene too feebly add In. Sotiated wlth comets „It was annotime- „,, OM at this I range, and when the Mhere le yet etitither WoMan, a ,eompletelsr developed to battle most ed thet the coMet of la elaifot elltInkmel weather le fog y the eteens siren young one, and X Met the present istteoettifellY With heat, „ditieests and would (Moran:It the wor 4 s orbit on con. not general, y be trusted over one tens* advisedly, for she is living Yet, ,traumatie Impreetions,,- its tattsoular October 29, 1882, which it did.sipi pre. or two mate. The inuanime faith bItts. Of the Otilishateddene who thinks !are all too defieitillt and defeotive for Otuse Alert), the end of things was de* to place in Mireords ebility, ittdt herself Yeti ivies and very 'superior, lour 'greateet comfort and welfare. All blared at hail& Rumenity Wita threat. is a tendeney tO betievo that the pos. Sible benefita of the new, system have been much exaggerated, but its abili- fis whith has noir boon thoroushlY established, to supply a speedy Mule, er, thirty to fifty milee distant tonal ;mild never go egain. And, that elus manat face no pain no slick. Indlen itu reins ae rono th t h di I and teovliaf ertharig lel daily, he le fat, and bonnet:Atte tissue theetance dieted. There Wits great oxeitentent, which the Britiah Government menu ing`frons the Unittintliag help Vela Oh t and the tenet: Of that hot verb / have its Itanational powers have been re, ell it watt going o ppe hltsivert him in the **trying out used elledeisedly. for X should speak doted, Yet aeldea le heard, a OAT tO The orbit-Ahrst is. to sity,, the path ef navel and other etignality enteri- I the earth..lted been coettinaided with l'auts, prolohtea to bola, JustRied. heore eortestli if I said she thought 'develop the skin. ,. i • RA Ala, said the man who tot sometimee morose aMI visionary, "If I only httd the wined iaf an eagle and the neart Of a lion, Anoeher bf dYsPerisialinutMur- ed the fatality phyidoitin, in tones Of toempa Sty 11 you ou t wish for is the setomeoh of a gest. AUTOMOBILES DT 1/40. "trucanson is add to have inVented the first heti:elle:se 601.440 about 1$0 years ago, The celebreted meeltadi- clan had the honor, 1/40, of exhibit., ing the velsiele to LOWS XV..; ot Prance, who we. art Weed with its Working that he talitd Vautentson hie pe, trout**, • ' ENGLISH AO IRISH. Why These Two itarel lin,ve Nrver, nem That the EAngleisfhe irig under the same physical condi- tions, should have the most opPosite characteristics of any tWo people in the world ts One of the mytteries. The physical coriditione of the two races England, heing insular.", with. a surface are almost identical. Ireland, . like marked by moderate irregularities and possessing a moist add equable climate the chief differences being that Ire- land its rather more naountainous than England, and its climate being a little milder and wetter, Yet the two peo- ples are sharply' contrasted an tem- perament ane character. The Irish are as impuleive, mercurial, humorous and unitiethodical as the Engliah aee atolid, orderly and atractieal, In war the Irish are most, auccessful atteck the English in detente. The Irishman enters into matrimony with his heart only, the Englishman. calculates the cost of marriage before making a pro- posal. Irish literature is more witty, more tender, more glowing than Eng- lish, but is less solid and endurtng, The contrast ot character as moat ettikingly detnonatrated by the fact that the two nations, during an Inter- course of more than seven centuries, have never been able to thoroughly understand each other, and, apart from artificial difficulties manufate hued by unscrupuletus agitators, the real differences betWeett the two Olin - tries have been entirely due tO a mutual misunderstanding of each other's characteristics, TO IDENTIFT GEMS. In these days of frequent robberies it Is well to adopt some method. of iden4 tifleation more sate than that of tt sitnple recottnitoin of' one's own jevy els It is next tia impossbile to pick nut one's own ring from it collection seven weeks earlier a co e of hatches of twetity. An expert might do it, but can be turned put, and raised for mar - few WOM011 can. • ket, fetching in a goodly retort!, and " The beat method is the jeweller% they ate ea et the way of' the chickens method. Every 'piece of jewelry they tialeaard for 8t°ck' %'Phich °Wit° along „own is marked avith an identificetion Xt. Huoier adds: The Mee is short unake oldeftishioned churn dasher, only make the dasher Of a piece of tin • six or seven inehes in diameter, aolder-.. ed firmly en to the, end of A wire handle, wheel fiad better be galvanized end have a loop in. the end tetkhang ' up by. Two or three plunges with this implement in a 'can, of milk eaoh time be very effeotive in agitating a cone that a pail is emptied will be kir to sequently in cooling the milk, _ We much prefer this simple and * Motive method to any of the more eta` borate "and expensive ones and it IS' experienee 'that milk so treated will keep.' longer than as -though ea- posea to the atmosphere, in a fine spray or a thin sheet. in neither of which' , ease are any germs removed, but it"hi reasonably certein that even antler yery favorable contlitiens, a. feW Are added to the milk. Milk or nay ober fluid will. cdol ranch more reidily When hrenght in close contact with Water, than in air, even though the air 18 eon- siderably colder than the water, a his , .is especitillye true of milk in tin c, ne or glass jars, If . one must have _ aerator, he should choose one thro 77 - which water is tun tor pooling ,. • peseta CORN AND OATS BEST- Egr • FEED; ' ' " *If the' sheeP ttre to be fed diiring the *inter, begio by giving them it tight grain 'ration while the grass is atilt aped Anil tom -ease it as the feed - gets •Pooree, so the sheep :well gain right 0,164g. says Mr: atesse Then, after tbe grast: season is over, ' give , them a dry, :weileveatilatidosbee - or, barn, which. is 'net subjeet to &wits. You neee:,uaR.Istjs..exaP_sedrty:h. ge: to do well lf tn'ey eild'ain-cCgart"-. 1?itlana •4-rdtahn:Win rfrfoe:eu4ineblinotid:elpF111,40e:see 411,1 efrta.tohmhe evveph:ratoii:del cular about h moch as pos and like to 1 th to good %vete usinathe middle of the day. a..., ,a • Of the meanies-1MM grown• On the a tarra, I ha.ve had the beer cern vith Corn aid oate-about. bwo-t et • 'and one-third oats. Sheep like meal with 'their grain ration also, b 1. .1 consider It tOo expensive. unless 'ivied in:giving a gaud flock ext finish, Clover certainly Makes t best hay thlit is grown in Indiana, b if it. is not mixed with other hay, would rather have an Occaalonal f 'ot some other kindS„Resides the .hay I like to give them! om3-feedsof--bright ' Cut fodder. The fodder.can „be; fed in, the grain boxes if they are made lerge epough tor it. Thee, if I am giviege three feeds of grain, often put one tead of itoa top of the fodder. , I like to have my, eheep fed 'often • and. regularly, at least two or three times for' the grain and; three or four for the Amy; or three 'of bay and one . of fodder would ao welh Thea believe as Much depends on the skill and faithfulness of the feeder as on the rations given. Sheep will eat .near- 'ly one-fpurth •mare grain on a keen. frosty day than they will in a damp warm one. So to feed them all they care for and still have their appetites fresh for the next feed requires not only experienee but it keen eye, f6i-' business, Do not feed out in the rain. ' They will keep their feed dry if you. will give them a fair ohanee, POULTRY PROFIT, Mr. Hunter says that" it 18 a tone, stint saurpe, of. surprise to him ttlit so many beginnet's in peultlayeroa scene to thalli egga alone the sere roe to profit. :Whi cannot they under.; stand that with "meat' added to theit salable produota they have hy ao mueb inert:aged their sales? Egge are ell right so far 50 they go, but with eggs and meat we have a larger business and better profit. Vityandette plymouth Rock hens, when they go to market, will average - to bring about 40 tente Reis*, Mad that sum is a decided. adilitme to the yearly return,: from a flock. WYttlia ' dotte ahd Plymouth Rook cbickens are alvvays salable, :from a pou:nd weight up teamaturte teed for market ehicite " eas no hotter B can be found. Mott PointrYmen have i tors a ood- ere ; by starting the a six nUmbera It is seratehed by the, JeWel- sighted vvho doesn't camaider and woek ler, as ation ail ib is hought, and *enter- for the profit from the market pout - led on hie registry books, with. a fell profit from eggs. If he was losing some try side cat the husitmes, to well as the destription of the 'setting end each - eart of the egg profit by having an eye ralOroeCope arid the mambas will be on the poultry side, he had better stick to the eggs; but when he cat make Stone, Examine your rings with, ti found. _ quite as rauch, 'or e,Veti a little, more, repaired, this number, wi ite repair ia from egge, while keeping the eye on Whenever an article tatijewelty 1 the meat profit, isn't he blind_ to hie ritgiriStbroork"Wraher68610r eitiltralefto,n wthhitioreis- Own heat ititerest not to do sof It. le like a retread working for passenger trim of ell artiolee of jewelre, btit is bushiest only, and neglecting the partiettlarly noticettble in the repair freight bosinese. of Watches Every time a • watch is . TROUBLE tN BIGHT. - V6°1111413 lirtItItAhle:-/V.voeltjueCt°mUaNdeEit4 big 8°C0letti thrneeivadhnelintjjeis'iriswatjceeelFeetileadrejtmavesie:ticiittusetet,ea* Clark -i know now ex ectl y how e defaulter feels when 116 Stands on the depealt in a savings bank,„ in trust for the length of time since the watch verge „a aitt,"ea3,. my baby b7 When he 10 tWenty-one was twit cleatil, es ha hes it re and let him tee horfe :ring:Saco:rat 8ttitp' - deenerli:tnivenetinetntylhottarkeelfirtitettritrewelert 6 inalou atOelr GPeenutTehld lanlitereeeeWt''On't Peyal tried - married with it, and now ilve got - ler will Olt out the registry for yun. 0 support him and his wife end eight Y'ittv obancee of recovery in Oise of ' that. My boy dtew the money and robbery, sue greatly Increased. ehildlren. • AID TO VISION. NOT VERT CONSOLING, 1 auppose / should he 'y116116(1 if I Smith -et noticee yoU ditlit t ispealt to reoiti:iuerolite:heitge111147"dbidetengtitpl:a:tviseat teller: I vvili ban 'hint the bank beide tell ter a in 1118 kg. gilt Green -Why, what t th tit cif th II Id Clarke-47es When my wife went 41"A' when rau 0404 hron twig worn- to tramiate "hie thoughts itito the onee-Re Intuited me yesterday... /1 you wore your eyeglasses here, Ins. What t the trouble / mita frontier dittleet. mils& roe a..n old tool. the inbabitaht answered. at ono, you tinsith.Weit you •oittet remember fi Usk I that roo re not as male an you ttssnI cia fired kiss revolver a few te be, 4hbett I of uusittet, rf..!,•4 . 4.1* away she told me to be sure and have the plumbing overhauled While she , WAS gone. forgot it till the" minute, and she'll be Melee tomorrow. Los WORST., She -Rave you ever acted in private theatricals t the worn diegisee that ever hs,r,peued to nie watt getti ermined 'for, 'staying op all night en working a tick-teolt vtleaf moil door, POUND POD, POUND. il,he says it We* eating en WIWI, h adt her ao tat 24,h That 11.000nalta ter hew sweet weigh, await t 1