HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-21, Page 41
' •
ift11001604* 1$44 000$10100.
her the ebriee heading the FOreet
ett Whieh, the Editor and
thipriteter hheihhJ. IhettypieeeiLite.
orn1 Me P., 080104 ‘1".,
The*North' Wathrioh electIOns nate
Watt hi:m.014st VrIdaY and SatuidayA
adj:.eurnea till.tite 21st inst. The
eridehelt Pit far ShOWe that ecenebOdy
tnrheclItiose bartel Of Melleh in aid Of
the GoYetrthillent cantlitiate. The Tor-
latoti Star hits the M1,11 ell the head
hen it rehire ha the disgracefol affair
teh fellOws eh, , • , •
"It is a Meek bleb on the recefd of
e, Goveientient that once . prefessed
honer andintegrity, and en a. party
• ' that hes Preached panty for, geperse
thane. ho Shameless has .beeti the
Correlation that the Member filituM
throw up his•eeat, that the party
shotild lose net an hour in merging
itself and lecnIneiog the machine And
all its workers, and that the Premier,
and Attorney•General should withie
this day commence proceedlogs to
jail eyery member of the gang Of
Men wile so boldly bought the con-
etituency, and thet he Should net ex -
cent from prosecistiop the individ rises
who conceived, planned and direoted
the fraucl upon the Legislature 'And
the riding.'
Not only is what the Star gays Or-
rect but the Liheral party in Ontario,
which in pottncl at heart, must stamp
out thhedension of corruptionwhicla has
fhed its ranks or suttee the pertain
ernisequenees. '
WhY Is Hardy Not
Doing Petty ?
Toronto star haterina
Mr. Reedy saye he had not heard
that West Etgin electors were
petitioning for Investigation into the
condoct of a returning officer. Mr,
Hardy eithereloes not read Conserva-
tive papers more likely he does not
at he reads. But surely the
Attorney -General of Ontario le not
ignorant of the fact the the constito,
ency was debauched ! Surely, two
months after everybody elseirnew of
the gross frauds perpetrated, the Pre -
Mier of the Province should not have
to be told, bhpetition that •Wrong had
been done! VVIty should electers whose
votes have beep_ etolen be_ compelled
to call upon the, Attorney -General to
request the proper officers to press the
prosecution ? Why have not: the
officials done their duty,. and why is
the Premier so easy-going whenhe
4 must know, not only of frauds, butof
the negleat of hie subordinate officeri ?
jr1,0101: 44, eiNterfititi.
* * Oonneerompeerr
• .
Several Wade of pressed hay went
lakewerd on k ridays
Peaches sell readily at one dollar per
Mrs, Ralph is now able to take a
•vvalk to the square. She hae had quite .
a lengthened attack of indisposition.
•• Mrs. Tye and family returned to
their residence, Elgin and Stanley
streets, op Thursday evening, after a
• pleasant holiday visit to liahaville, Mr.
Tye's old home,
th"Extremely wellegotten oh ancl a
The Prityincial Situation. .
oronto Weekly Sun, discuss -
the rumors current concerning the
ntario Government,. says :-State-
mente that Mr. Hardy is to retire from
Premiership; that the cabinet is to , be
reconstructed and infused with, new
blood ; that the •present House is to be -
dissolved and a general eleetion shortly
held, follow one another in quick
snceession. The fact that 'no elections
to fill the vacancies in Sbuth Ontaiio,
and West Elgin have het been
, annOpnced, though hoth seats have
been vacant for sorae months, gives
, added force to the rumor of e
dissolution. '
The most persistent rumor, and the
one thet seemaraost likely bribe verified
is that of Mee Hardy's retirement. Mr.
Hardy's health is stated to be far from
hegoodhand ,thereiis understotal to be
friction between him anti some withIn
the ranks of his own party. The
reirement of Chief lustio Burton a
of the Court 'of Appeal May be en-
: 'nouncecl at any time. In the event of
his retirement the position is likely. to
be filled by the 'peomotion of a judge
from one of the divisions (if the High
. Court, and the . position then vacated
, * ad be avail le for Mr. Hardy. •
Mid auses stated as likely te
th itedy's Withdierwal from
thine life ie the action recently entered
by the Michigan lumbermen against
the Previno of Ontario for damages
resulting from the act of the legislature
Prohibiting the export of toga, The
lumbermen claim that the act Is not
. only beyond the power of the legislets
ure, but is in violation of contracts made'
with them by the .Government. High.
legal authority has already expresssd
the opinion that the judgment of the
o Privy Council will be against the
province. Althongh the apt was passed
with the unannnoue approval of the
Opposition, the effect of its nullification
and of a heavy judginent a,gainiet -.the
province could. hardly fail to tell seri;
ousiy. against the Government, and
especrally against the Attcireeh-Gener.
al as its legal member.
A Hint For Hardy.
• Montreal Star.
It is possible that the Mitenish Onfes-
sionsi and the disgusting revelations re-
specting the operatioos of the Liberal
"machine" in Ontario will bring down
More than the distrust of decent people
upon the heads of the Liberal teaders.
It may bring drown Hardy, There are
evidenced that Many among the Lib-
erals themselves -especially thote who
r inclined to think occasionally 'on
hatk-are beginningtofancy
path would feel considerably
ter if the perky little Peemieh
ured so long 'its Sir Oliver's
d partner" could be quietly pill•
rbeard. Dan MoGillicuddy ot the
ich Signal was supposed tri be so
building that • breakwater, Which
ederal Government thoughtfully
b him to construct, that he Would
aye no time to giveforth any thoughts
on the political situation; but he roan-
aged-perhdps on a rainy day -to get
the following in type for the last 'issue
of the Signal: •
hT eh a tifory publish d in Tor
hthet Premier ardy wr 1
proba re from public; ife, present-
ly and then Premier atoreshvill acieend the
legislative throne, ' We &MI': know
What grounds the Tory organs have
fot making the statement, but if it were
true, what is Wrong aboot It?"
What iticteedP No doubt the "Liberal'
corisciprice" of Ontario, that we have
heard rio much &booths in at excellent
frame of mind to settle upon a good
conspicuous, docile scape-goatand send
-.Joint out into the wilderness. It' Pretn-
lee-Hardy could and would retire from
pUblic life arul obligingly take the sins
of thehoarty with him-eostentatiously
call off the "machine" with a mei°.
',charitable assuranee td all •and eundry
that hthe jig Was up" -how much bet-
ter the takers and the 'writers of
the party -would feel about the prospect
Of presently meeting the people in a
Malipaign and hien at the polls? AE4 for
the "machine„" it could dodge around
the Corner mai:some in eh the side door.
It Would be far move effective if the
gullible people fancied it wandering •
tiAr in the wildernese-or a la Fate in
Dakotaheinourtinag with the re ired
'credit to .THE IsTates4ittoottn, WaS the
'complimentary remark, made bh Bar -
Oster Seeger on leeking over the (hode-
rich correspondence of that paper Met
week, h'"Koverybody should take TIM
ethise Myrtle hohnston, Elgin St., and
Kies Thomptionalaughterof our Mayor,
were sight-seeing together last week
at the London Fair. •
hirs. ,thons be of Clinton came up last
week, to visit her aunt, Mrs, Van -
Every, whoeloas. been very. '
Mr. and Mts. Jasper timidly received
a smoky reception on returning from
their drive te tower on Friday, a. in..
last. They Intended returning for
ainner aod left a large she]; in the
stove, so that they could easilyheplen-
ish the tire,and by some.means a spark
fouod ap exit from the stove and made.
havoc in the carpet, • . .
• We learn . that Barrister Dudley
Holmes Will carry on his laW business
under the firm name of Dickenson .&
Holrees, thoderich and Winghain.
Mr. John Breckenridge has fittialied
a very solid looking • granolithie walk
for Mr. Joseph Wintely.
hirs. Captain , A, E. . Mcgregor of
Port Huron spent a few daye' in town
.1est week.
-Mrs. Sperling, Victoria street, with
her children and either, Miss Ida Waist',
nave returned from a very pleasant
stay foe nine weeke at Boston, where
they were the_ gueste of their sister,
Miss Mantle Walsh of that- seat . of
higher editeation.
Mr, Ilitmlink has taken possession of
the handsome hbuse on Market street
lately occupied by Mr. a,nd,Mrs. W. R.
_e_MreEraok McGregor Jain the Marine
-Rospital, Buffale, fcir treatment.
Frank -Lawrence, Eirpress manager,
oeieneboust iSnaestsped.ay afteenotrn st Clinton
Rey. S. 'J. Allithrethened froth his
holidah trip to Bowmanville and other
pletes and filled his pulpit both melon-
angand evening.. Ile has three sons at
the Collegiate Institute here. •
The Victotia restaurant, .Mr. Black-
stone proprietor, had his consignment
of oysters early this season.
, 'Mrs. Neil Campbell and Miss .4.da
McKay returned last week from their
visit. to the Industrial Faihat Torontp.
Mee. Campbell 'suffered • front a, slight
attack of cold but ie gate better again.
The Goht. steamer B sytield, Captain
M iirray McGregor, lay in•por t on. Sun-.
day and Monday, Her Oanridiene fiag
hes a. field of naey blue. Captain. Mc-
, •. Mta Carl is hverY hush. elivering
Gregor 's hinne is in Goderict.
barrels for the •Wiartori g trade;
and for the apPie, tread phrougil tne
couptry, • ,
, Mee. William Leeh accompanied her
.niece; Mira Steam on her returirto her
home at hiewcastle. '
. Mr. MCColl, Suherintendent' at the
'breakwater,. will remoee froth his preee
, ent,epsidence, Britahnitt Road; to the
house on East etreeththerhproperty •Of
the late Captain Dencey, • •
The hiarine band played on Th ars.
day everting, despite the September
and Many- copples '•pronoenealed
areUnd the square. "
ehMr: hatiles Clerk Owe: down from
•Wiarton Meet the other directors of
the organ fadtory company. ,
Mies Hincks has retureed .to : Terve-
to. • • . •
Mrs, Wilson tof Wyoreieg anh her
scire• Mr. ' john • Wilson oh. the ,learoe
plece, after a pleasant yisit with their
Mattes, Mrs: J, Q. Harrison and lam,
(lye left on Thursday :for their.. home..
We wish them as pleasant a driVe re -
taming as they .had corning:
airs. (Rev.) Johnsten. and. chi/dren of.
Huntingford, South Zorra, anent leet
'week the guests of Mrs. F. Sneath,Nel-
Ben, street,. Rev.: Mr. Johnston. was
rector of St. George's a few yeArs ago,
and Mrs. 4:ohnston :likes once in a
while to re-aisit her many friendeltere.
Ser eldest sorh Master Evans, is study;
, ing with his Uncle, Rev.. Walter :J.
Johnston, at (he iteetory, St: Aedreves,
itlevi miles froni *Wirmrpeg. : •
• MM. (tedge) Tans.left this week: to
peed the wintee with Miss, Tans et
New York, Mrs. Toms mill be mimed
as she re a faithful worker for St.. Geor-
ge's Guild and alWays ready. to assist
- the choir. •
'Professor holes Nor map, late Of Mon-
treal, is choir leader for St. Peter's
church end hives entire •satiefactifen.
Miss Jest° Sherinou is.organist.
Miss Bowlby has been spending her
eacation at Seitforthe- '•••
Had we known thoi-brcitfier there of
the Br useels Post would fill the pulpit
, of Victoria etreet church Sunday, 10th
inethwe would have given ourselves
the pleasure to attend and join him in
the doxology, so we; trust the next
tinict becomes he will leave his card,
for weesteem the editor of ' the 'Post
very highly, .
Mies Megan of theOlassidal cith !of
Stratford, and a 'graduate of the Colle-
giate Institute here, is stenographer
for the lawfirm of Messrs, .Gathow &
Peoudfoot, aide Charles Shannon, Who
has hohe to the Klondike., •
Miss Conde is delighted" with her
school at Dunlop and -has the'plecisure
Of wheeling to and from her sehool.
.Quite a number of the Ohippevva In..
diens were in town last weekrai route
tor Kettle Point, where they, had An
Attila! counell, The wantin offeeed
for sale here very tastily woven bask.
ets, showingA truly artistic design.
-Mise Montgomery has returned to
the residence of her aunt, litre. Steele,
East Street, after a delightful visit at
Londort with friends there,
Mee. Weldoh and parth who were re-
gisteredat Rotel Bedford and spent
some tiMe in our town, returned to
thete home at Lend= on Thursday
hat. 'h •
Mr. John Runeirnan exhibited in
the reading room on Thera:14Y night a
black bass he catight weighing *three
end a half peupds. •
Tha nksgiving Dap is being agitated
at Ottawa. The Cabinet met lastweek
ahd the deelition has poseibly been me
rived AL Cahada votes foe an earlier
date then last Thorsday of November.
00 Friday' evening the PoWorth
League of Victoria Area chttrch bad a
literary eriterteitunent and social tittle
in the peeler of the cburch. • The eth
teat/Ailment suffered some frOM the
&Nome of the pastor on the previoue
Suhday as very fetv were awate of the
intention. of the League, Bowevee,
the entertainment WaS very good not.
Withstanding the abfience oh fieveral
whose names genced the progratn, G.
M. Ellintt's plaCe as chairman was
ably filled by Shatarioh of the Ken.
intigton furniture fanitley. 11t3 is a,n.
historian yet he on get' his Oahu°
around th.e Scotch worcie with the
pretty accent. of a clansman, The fled
numbet oh the OrOgralli wee the pretty
vocal dueb "Breken Hearth" giveth by
Mise Stokee, Opratio, end Mist; Shan-
non, alto, in a splendid manner. Then
followed a terseh Wanted And appre.
elated: addrils3 by Ma, Shannal, At ititt
Onclusion tiled Reek rang in health
VOice that fine poetn Bong Of Meal
HeMarefl,"The Corning of the Pilgelm'
Frithereh after With& Mies 'Rite
Salkeld electrified itil with het vivid-
pieture in word and, geature of "The
Frith of the Tornado,' Then an
nalerdOrt extended. over sufficient time
for all to partake of steaming toffee
, Hardy oVer the sin of its% prime And
WOndering whom the atoorous Preston
' -.-- . httiroldhug now that it had teased to
, tot With the ballot boxes'. '
: ob. will Premier Hardy gO P Editor
. McGillicuddy, ea he leans upon his
h• sheivel an the beeakwater and ignores
. the "devil" calling' for qcopy" from
the,shore, does notifeel too sure about
' , „ A tri clitt Ir'esg refittgag re rtiittedrTug eat tt5'
it le vatant, and he sees nothing
"Wrong". albeubthe chaps, e, but ite is
hartaased Witildoebt, ..ButIcling break -
Waters he titiderstareds-that is the red-
inni he got the joh-but how to pee,
suede Hardy to "get off the perch" and
the party at thi3 Sable time, is a more
'difficult problem, Somehow Hardy
don't 1061e like re eandidate for the
etsiipit-goittehio, flub,froin the muddy
nainence of his briekwittee, the Me.,
hitilIiMiddY le lint tithaid to give him a
hint. • . i
. Atid When a overtone* contritetor
oved Peek se PlelnlY, What
k , end file of the old
be thieking. 4
elly and ohocolate cake and sand:
Wichea, Aftee Justice bad been do a b
to the before mentioned rotten
Mies Iran* Sault() gnat here red
'Sister Snell Photographhe w
oved to the Utmost, The
4 n e G lad Oh
Mr. Matiger, late of the organ fac-
tory and formerly of the big will, has
received A liter:Wye posItion in NeW
Mrs. Moon -Porker left or Oortmop,
on Seturday, where she gave readings
in the Methodist church on the even-
ing of Tuesday, 18tb inst.
Mr. Dick Cattle came through from
Toronto to teke passage on the steam-
er St. Andrew for Fort William. fle
intends to spend, the winter there.
The Meson. Dudley shipped a cargo
of appleeper steamer St. Andrew last
week Lo Port Arthur. The St. An-
drew had quite a difficulty in getting
sufficient hands to unload ber last
Mrs. Wilson' and her son hohn left on
Thursday.of last week for their home
in Whotrung,
Rev, Mr. and Mra.Lehlear with their
only daughter, Miss Leta, left cm Mon-
day, lltb Septhfor their home at Gal.
mut, Illinois, after a very pleesant vis-
it to their relatives. here,
Mrs, IVIocav•Parker accompanied by
her hosband, wheele'd to Baylield. on
Thursday last, and were loud in their
praise of the beautiful woods surround-
tng the lake villege,
' Mrs. Carlisle, nurse, and children, of
Detroit have been spending a toe
weeks at LakeviewheElgrn avenue,
iVfrs. Carlisle was so pleased with our
town last seasou that she reolved to
to return again,
. • Messes. Ben and Water Seats, Roe -
ace J, Horton and •Wm. Lapham with
their wives, returned. from a visit to
-the London Fair ati Wednesday even-
ing, lath inrithquite delighted with the
The Misses Hillier have opened out
in up-to.clate style, in the store lately
°copied by Mr. Halpany, We trust,
them usual success will attend them.
Miss Ida Hemings, late oh S'noith
Bros. establishment, square, was itni-
ted in marriage at Sasketoon, Saskat-
chewan, about six weeks ago to Mr,
Maitland Barkwell, late ot Colborne,
and now of Lion s Head, N. W. T. Mr.
Barkwell is bookkeeper for Mr, (Maw-
fordahinsuranee agent, etc., late of
Ashfield, and now of Lion's Head. We
extend our best wishes to Mhand 1Virs.
Maitland Bark well in their new home.
MM. Runaball of London, who has
been very ill, is noW with Miss Daisy
Runaball,herditughtehatthe Betel Bed-
ford, whither she oama to recuperate
in our .tOwn. Mr. Rumball was in
town last week.
' We learn that at the Point Farm
they' have treasure trove. Tehie last
year of 1800 will.driubbless keen Lake
Huron in the minds of the multitude
who have read of its wrecks, but the
finding on the beach At the Point Farm
of a large knot of woochwhieli is said to
-hear soch resemblanee to the linea-
ments of Bon. W. E: Gladstone, that
mine hOst of the Point Farm has had
t he curio photographed and sent a copy
to Mrs. Gladstone. Why did not the
savants say it looked like St. Patrick.'
What .a. bonanZa for our genial. friend
and the Point Farm, Our enterprising
builder, Narciese Contine should have
found it. he could have said it looked
like Champlain: .
Mt Robert Henderson, turnkey. at
Castle Griffin, and Mrs.' Henderson
make an annual trip to visit friends in
Winghani and Tuckersmith, They en-
joyed their visit very much.
Mts. Webster and her daughter Lil-
iie 'have returned from' their. visit to
their relatives at Owasea, hitch.
:The knitting faetory closed fa. three'
days during the • Industriai Exposition
to enable their.hands to attend. .
Miss Ball of the C. Phlt. ticket oftice
West street, took a well-earned 'holi-
day last week visiting the Industrial
end London Fairs and Niagara Falls.
Think of the dredge Arnoldi dislodg-
ing a stone abaft one bandied yarcis
front the north pier, which weighed
*about seven Or eight tons. We wonder
how the clipper managed to fetch it
On Saturday our tennis players who
Seem to have this season increased in
number had such a delightful Septem-
ber aftereabon, so like a suminer day
that they enjoyed Very much their five
o'clock tea. • •
Last week Mr. Charles Crebb of Hen-
sel' was obliged to go donne to Toronto
to have an operation perfclercred upon
his eye, fearing inflammation touching
• the other. While in the employ of the
Wheelers of Saginaw, a piece of steel
pierced one of his eyes, but he has
worked for years, until pow, he limn&
he must have the eye retnoved, if
naught else cen be chine. hhhe are
sorry for Mr. 'Cleabb, as he iaquite a
seillful machinist and we trusthes sight
ma.v not be father impaired; •
' We heard on Shnday evening after
the shower that hail had falle.n north
of hs, but we trust. it did no damage.
• On Tuesday of last week Doctor
Whitely was sent for to attend h seri-
ous case in Colborne, little Oliver Gold-
thorpe being thrown from the buggy
in which he was ridifig"with some one
duririg runaway. The little fellow
was unconscious when the doctor
reached the scene and found the little
boy's head badly cut and fractured,
On Wednesday the marriage of Miss
Marguerite J. Johnston, sister of Mr.
Donnelly Johnston, G. T. R. operator,.
and daughter of Alex. hohnston, Esq.,
Elgin street, to Dr. William Forbes
Gallow of Toronto, was solemnized at
Knox Presbyteriar church at. 11.45 a.
tn. by Rev. hones Anderson. • The
bride looked loveable in a costume of
ivory white brocaded silken train with
tulle btidal veil and coronet of orange
blossoms, carrying a showee briquet of
bridal roses, 'The bridesmaids were
dressed in whfle °eget:Idle Miss Jessie
*hallow of Toronto,shter Of the groOM,
wearing hers over p.,nk, and Miss Cos.
tie of town vvearing hers over blue.
They both wore black velvet hats with
handsome ostrich plumes to matchathd
curled shower boquets of exquisite
pi,nk ram. • The groomsman was Dr
AVebb of Netymariet, a friend of the
groom. The ushers were Messrs, Oli-
ver Rhynas and Harry McKenzie,who
escorted the guests. to their places of
honor, The altar table was covered
with flowers in jardinieres and &hand-
some floral arch watt formed hi the
middle aisle at some distance from' the
pulpit, Quite a oumber of calla lilies
with other white flowers and green
foliage formed the areh. Between the
middle tiers of pews And the side pews
white ribbons were fastened, ona tied
in hem, whieh were quietly unloosed
by each usher on the arrival of the first
guest at either side. Sprays of myrtle
deeoritted the elmit acetylene lamps.
Mrs. W. tt, Logan played several or-
gan solos before the arrive! of the bri-
dal tarty who were headed by the ush,
era, then thehridesmaida, followed by
the bride on the erne of her fatheee the
groom taking hie place betide the beide
justas Rev. Mr. Andetson came fro, -
ward to meet therri. The bridal party
marched out to their carriages to the
joyful strains ot Mendelsohn's Wed-
ding March. The invited guests trinn-
bered 104, niany of whom sent their re.
geete. Those from a distence were Mr
and Mies Monk, Mr. and Mrse D. Syl,
voter. Mr, and Mrs, Corson and the.
groonee three sisters, the Misses Gal -
low all of Toronto. At the residence of
the bricleht parents a europtuoute Wed-
ding breakfast was served, The bride's
going away dress was of blue vrith hat
to match. The preaente were owner -
one and very beautiful, among- them
being a very handirome dock, the gift
of Mi. Charles Gallovv, uncle of the
groom. There are a great number of
lovely silver gifte, but ire admired
moat the onyx tablee, the gifts of Mir,
and Mrs, Corkin and kir. and Mrs. D.
Sylvester of Toronto, The ifts ef the
alters do them infinite cred t for their
este. The groom's gift to the brihe
Waal dozen Vaunter; of the Parknitin
Works, beautifully bound, and to each
Mermaid a creacent pin with dia-
mond. atar. The ha p couple had
y morning an eft amid go
es and showers of rice for Toron
other cities, We add the On
na of the Gaieties corre
f Tim Mews- olu) So
Wiabes of t 'b
la al 4
h Mr, and Mrs. John Platt lett to vi6it
the London Fair on Thursday lash.
Mr. Will -Smith hear returned to his
position In ,Ohicago quite reanatalled
In health, thanks to hone nursing and
good medical atteudance.
Lieut-Ool, Varoe hair been at Ottawa
consulting with military contingent at
tbe cap hal,
Drilliog for the great North Western
Fair is a novel feature for 'Oh Surely
the managers of it will coin money
,enough this time to erect a. preper
banfastand Mr 100 .
Me. Nevvell of the Kensington furni-
tore factory, who was laid up for some
time, is better and at work again.
We learn that Mr, Dentate of the
organ factory staff, who pan a nail into
his foot About three years ago, while
stepping down froorn the freight wagon,
He did not have the wound attended
to for hours and after he did home it
treated he vvorked away and always
kept it inflamed, when to make his suf-
fering still worse this year he happen-
ed to rat carbolic acid upon it instead
of proper lotion, not knowing the dif-
ference until too late. . Since then he
has for weeks been at home nursing
hie sore foot, and now has been obliged
to go where he sheuld have gone years
ago. We are Very sorrh for Mr.
Daniels as none were more faithfrit.
Ile has bought a house and lot
since he went into the factory, We
trust he may not have to lose hie foot.
The factory hands have been quite on.
tortunatee Mr. Oressman • being en the
invalid list, and,, Mr, John Proudfoot
has had to give up hie position there
from failing health. There ape others
as well who /owe met with accidents,
Miss Rebecca, Bates, after a pleasant,
stay with her brother, Mr. Tom Bates;
left per steamer Oarniona, on MondeY
night for Detroit.
This is positively the last trip of the
Oarnoona, to Goderich this season, She
came up on Thursday last •
Mrs. Bruce of Sanitize, Mich.; Rehm -
anted by her daughter of Crosswell
Itch., have returoed to their banes
after a very. pleasant visit with their
rtlatimes Der.G eor e Barry Bight street
and Mra A. Bel , Cedar street and
friends in:Dungannah--- - -
Me. Will Green is harvesting in
Dakota. Re takes charge of a tnresh,
ing maehine.
Dr. Zimmerriaan,once a S.A,Captain,
with some of his follovvers have a tent
'in which to worship on ' the lawn
adjoining Thomas' grocery. The rain
of Monday no way discouraged the
Mr. Frank McGregor was advised by
his doctor to go to,,Buffalo for treat-
ment, his knee showing symptoms of
becoming permariently loent from
rheumatism. • • •
Master McIntosh, 12 years of ' age,
Sepaeate" School, is now one -04f the
Collegiate Institute Entrance pimils.
Pretty young to pass,
Death was a Messed release to Mr.
Williani Oantelon, who passed peace,
fully to rest on' Saturday, 10th Sept.,
after an Illnees of three years and eight
months at the age of 75. His disease
was chronic Bright's disease, and heart
fallore. He had the best medical cites
that could' be hiven .And the best
attention a nurse • could afford." Tnis
later season he begen to have attacks of
heartattilure, and wished for tne end.
Mr. Oantelon was it hardworking :man
hayfield Lim!,
Our beautiful weather wee some.
what metre(' Wet week by the preeence
of thoee cold gale*,
'We do not pretend tp IsnoW all who
etteneed the Western Exhibition,
London, from thief vicinity but here are
the names of a few of them: Mrhand
Sheppard,Me. Albert ThoMheon.
Mrs, 3'. Tomoson, Mr. . W. liernwell.
Muer Susie Elliott,Miss Lily Thompeon,
Mr. NI, Sheppard, ali of whom we -hope
pent an enjoyable time while in the
Forest Oita.
hite P. (.1ole ie at present busy pro•
curlug mittens' with which to build a
place of shelter for hie etockancl
mote during the winter,
It is needier% to say that everywhere
YOU go you see apple barrels, apple
pickers and neaten or at leape home.,
thingbelonging to the apple trade. The
firemen" orcherds are a great boon to
their (mitten; thie year.
The people of this community are
very sorrh indeed to hear of the slow
preihress in health Mts. Wni Elliott
friends' are awaiting aux ausly to hear
of oleo's Hill is marl. Her many
of her recover y, Much sympatlor is ex -
o which she is so ituportant a factor.
After A photractea siege of illness,
Mrs. 11. O. Benconthas again recovered
though we believe she has not fully re-
g,pined "lier usual degree of health.
Under tire able care of Da Woods of
Bayfield Mrs, Beecorn has been able to
vvithetand a very severe attack of Ill-
ness pf almost a yeahe duration,
an Whim. for hat issue)
Mr. J. Stewart took in the Torohto
Exhibition last week.
Sir. Ed , Johnstone le in our midst
once more, We rue glad to see Ed's
sentry face again.
Miss Flossie Cole, accompa,nied by'
her grandmother, Mrs. . P. Cole of
Michigan; spent a feW clays last week
in Toronto at their relatives, at the
same time attending the Exhibition.
. 1V1r. John T. )3eacorn has 'returned
from hartrip to Sault 'Site, Mahe, and
is favorably impressed with the place.
Mr. J. Elliott is' Another of our
vieinitY-wha-attended the Inhustrial
Exhibition at Toronto last weeks
Mr. G. W4 Barnwell ,paid a short
• visit .fo friends in London last week,
taking in the Western Exhibition at
thme sralectiiumfre.haed
the misfortune • to'
• lose a yaluable young animal last week,
it having got caught in a hole near
his bush and was so badly injured be-
fore rescued, that it only livea a short
- tirnesafterwerds,---- - • -- ----eh a
mr. Chas. Stewart is beautifying his
residence by erecting ithandsoeue ver.
andel around the same. .
• The Epworthi League was especially,
well attended last Sundae: eveniag and
great interest centred in ' the ,topic
which was . yery, ably presented mod
discussed by the 1st Vice President,.
miss May , These meetings are
becoming more and more _interesting
and a cordial welcome to its meehogs
is extended by the Leagueto all. .
Miss B.Beet of Sault Ste.Marie,Mieli.,
,who has been visiting friends in Gode-
• rich and • vicinity, was the guest of the
Misses Beacom last week.
'Mr.John'Beecom is,making ready to
• in.ove te London township and will
send hiechattelsi such as he does not
intend to sell, down' by degrees.
His recent trip to his new location was
foithe purpose of putting in five
acres of fall wheat for bread., 'The ferm
Onside of 110 acres. but is mostly. un-
der grass and there is a possibility that
Mr.13eacom illegals° engage in a trade,
there being an opening in a certain
line in the village of ellderton, three
miles froth the .fittart.
• Goderich Township
Messrs. Charlet; and George Diek and
Par. Maoris of Hensall were guests at
Mr. Win, Perclue's on Sunday.
Miss.:Laura Perdue visited friends on
the Ith lest week, '
A band bf Chippewa; Indians from
tthhero. uSgohutthheirintohritennshipRtebseeraoueprasdseady
'on their way to Kettle Point where
ere is annually a big council meeting,
a,n event to which they always look
horward, to with much interest. An
Indian pow.wove is not an exciting 'ars
fairewhether it be a dance, meeting of
the comma Or camp meetinith so that
'this gathering at the- Point would he
interesting to -a white only because of
its rarity. We know little of Poor.
Lo, less of hie fanaily, and possese still
less personal knowledge, in regard to
their habits and customs...
_ We regret v6ry much to learn of the
death of -Mr. Thomas 'O. Cooper of
(Maori, formerly of this .0*nel:up. He
was .well-known to thci older genera-.
tion here and highly respected by
there. To his aged widow and to. hie'
worthy son, only: esteemed neighbor,
George A. Cooher, nu all. extend our
Mrs. (Rev.) W. 11. Cole of Columbia.;
ville, Mich.., who has been upon a visit
at the parental honie on the 7th con-
cession, Mr. George Contelon's, returns
.ed home this, week.' Mrs. Cole's mapy
friends were pleased to meet her .and
to learn that her husband . is meeting
with success in his labors in the Mas-
ter's vineyard.
pfessed for Mr. Elliott and the araily
in his eat ly years, and amaSsed gate
a faun of money, being strong and
•steady. Re first worhed•at Brewster's
none, Bcosanquet, and later itt Sand -
burn's mills,. Port Ripon. After that
he. choked -les own farm of 80 acreatwo
roil, west .of hlohnesville, Thinking
possibly that Imbed sufficient income
for the r.ernoinder of his life he retired
and °came to Goderich, and ' boarded
quietly until about ten years ago he
married' Mies Hebei of Benmiller,. who
has teken good eare of hirn through all
these long years of illness. He pur-
chased ahhouse and lot on Cameron
street hnd removed the liaise to the
propeety he owned neer the lake hed
enjoyed working in ins garden, until
illness overtook •hinhthen. when able to
lehve his , room he delighted in sitting
upon his verandah looking out over the
lake.' Bev. Jaepar Wilson officiated at
house and grave. Always cheerfel
and quret Mr. Cantelon is now• at rest,
lhe casket was severed with floral
taibutes, the• 'gift Of •loving .friends.
A lovely wreath was the tribute of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter • °matelot], GoderiCh
township, and lovely baskets from
Mrs. D. Cantelon, West street, and
Ur. and Mrs. Arthur Cantelon • Light,
house street, boquets from lahby and
Arthur McI4ean, Mrs. Lindsay; alts.M.
McDonald and Mrs, Baxter, all of
toohnand Mee. gurschenski of 'Ben -
miller. The mourners were Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Cantelon, their sons Robert
and Wellington, and their daughter.,
Miss all of Goderich township,
Messrs. William and David Cantelon of
Clinton, and, Mr, Peter Oantelon of the
same place; Mrs. George Can telon and
her daughter Maude, Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Oantelon,Goderichtownship;Mr.
John MeCartney and daughter, Miss
Tillie McCartney, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Elliott and Me, biludie, all of Goderich
township and Mr. James -McLeod of
Stratferd; ,Mr. and Mes. Ha.bel, Mhand
Mrs. Kurecheneki and Mr. and Mrs.
Meedel, an of Benmiller, Mr, Charles
Symohds and 'Mrs.: Whitmore, Salt -
ford, Nlit W. Stanley and Mrs. Leach,
Barnesville. The pall -bearers were
Messrs. Samuel Sloan, Given, Rolland,
S. P. Joseph Whitela and Win.
Campbell. Althcough the day was
very unpleasant, yet ab the hour for
thefuneral the' rain ceased and a very
large cortege wended its way to Mait-
land cemetery. ,
cre tho Aditor of Tim NEws-Itscore°,/
bin Editor. -Will you allow; me
space in your widely-cIrculated journal
tchmake a few More remarks about
this country. The harvest is all cut
except a few patches of oats and thresh-
ing is in full blast. Some of the farmers
are stacking their wheat, while °there
are threshing out of the stook. get
a drive out into the country every day
10 or twelve Miles and return another
wath so hay° seen a great deal of it
and it is one continuous wheat field.
The leheat fa averaging 25 bushel& to
the acre. sew One Moe of wheat the
man told nee was sown on the 10th of
June and he was cuttIng it oh the 5th
of September,. 1 thihk it would tun
15 or more bushels to the acre;
The way the the threshing 18 done
here is : The thresher takes a caboose,
a dining cae and a took and boarda the
itien,vvhc ttre employed by him. The
farmer hire nothint to clo but attend to
the grain. Thar thresh two ' thoueanel
nd ,sornetimes three -thousand five -
undyed buihele per day, but they
thresh three thousand bushels of mix.
ed grain. Some of the farmers pay
$700 for threshing, I have seen sever-
al new threshing noachines leave the
station. here, but not one of Ontario
martufactere, They Are all American
make. The machines lo use here Are
all Mit-feeders and selhband caterer
end porne of them have cyelone blow -
era foh staeki rig the straw for knotting,
On 100 acre field they theesh in oeveral
places in the, field,
The weelher Is fine, There is no ap-
pearetnee of frost yeb Ana the tattle are
splendid and as level tre Sheet of lee
and hard and smooth, beitutitul for
driving on. Art earn its the field of
grain la threshed the 4plow karts.
Bonne farmers put five hoteee on a bin,
der and run them for a few holm and
then change and pot. on five fresh
Both political parties re wee k.
ing hard And both confide t of victory.
Tbere never WAS a 001180 vative elec-
ted in thus conatititency an now there
are fair Orlb townships Ad a to Itt so
the Oonseevative candidat ht
hard work, but he say. he 11
the "threshing machine" pe
en, Sept. 1Iih.
At the healt,h of Mrs. William Elliott
ontinnes very poor, to the regret of
her numerous fnends all over the town -
'ship, Mr. Elliott has decided to reduce
his stock of cattle, including his finnous
herd of Herefords, and for that pur-
ppm will - have an reaction sale on
October 17th, Mr. Elliott Lathe most
extensive beeeder of Herefords iti this
province and his animals being the
pink of the breed there will, ne doubt,
be an active demand for them.
Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Baker of the
113th were eniong the numerate visitors
to the London Fair from this town-
The old residents of this township
will regret to Wean of the death of Mr.
William Oaritelon of Goderich which
took place on Fridey He at one
time livinh upon the 7th eoncession hub
was enabled to retire &out active life
over twenty years ago, He then
moved to (Hinton, subsequently to
Sarnia ancl afterwards to Goderich
Where he rounded out his doe. He
married ten years ago in hie 135th year.
He was a staunch Tory and Metho-
dist, •
A number of young peoplefrono the
township,:principallyfroin the Hayfield
Line, attended e, party given by Miss
(huff of Olintim on Friday evening
last. They returned at an early hour
and one and all say they enjoyed them•
selves thoroughly. But this is only as
was expected as the hospitality of the
Olaf fen:lily is proverbial.
Word has been reeeived from Mr.
Elias Potter of Potter's Rill who a
fortnight ago wait to the Dr. Dowie
Institution at 0,hicago with the hope
of obtairang relief from physteal suf-
fering', which the doctors had failed
to afford him. At laet accounts he
was resting Well and had had good
appetite but could not elaina to be
otherwise any better. As our readers
knew the Downeyites are Faith Curiae,
the whole of their creed being the cur,
log of disease, not by the use of medi-
eines', hub by faith alone.
Tobacco can not now be bought at
the store at Porter's Hill, nor can
cigars. Th e ownrh. fif the store is a
Feeds Outlet Downeyite and itis state
posed they place tobacco iti the same
eategorst its hogs, it tlOW being toler,
ably well.khoWn that a .gehuine
Downeyite does not believe the lien of
swine to be -fit food for human con.
Mr, Arthur Serener) speaks highly
of North Dakote, but thinks he would
rether live in Southampton.
Mr. It Talbot repprts very cold wee-
ther in the North West "and. expects to
leave for noride in the near future.
Mr, D. Dewar dislalsed Of a feW head
Of cattle to Mr. Johnston 1 et week for
faney figure. •
Mr. George Campbell, Jr.*, purchased,
tha Plantation from Mr. AO hiOneitti.
alljoin In wishing yen prosperity, -
George. ,
Mt, Zohnston ,0 W tatteAS
Hanover title week
Threshing le in full blest this wee% lu
Southern Manitoba.
Mrs. H. Penfield is on the sick list.
Mee Oook has his new threehing out-
fit ready for work.
Aheavy_windstorin passed through
bare last wedneede,y taking tops off
stacks and knocking stehare And etacke
down, but not much claraage clone aft.
er all.
Mr. Cron le erecting a large three-
story store in tovra at present.
Miss Bertha M. Phillip(' web visiting
friends at Mr. Cleave's hut week.
Mr. hackson has moved to hie farm
zro loaprtnyer 0.
new store. ntliarwie. was iatelY of
Picking hazel nuts is now the order
of the dah and oak nuts are coming in
Mr, W. Cleave trod Miss 'Ethel Hohe
gene drove to Crystal City lashhhiclah.
Some wheat hag been threshed here
and averagma 24 bushels per acre,
which weighed 74 pounds per bushel
Killarney is a pretty town and
growing fapt.
Mr. McQueen is bush ereating itlarge
Weirave had very little ram and leo
frost yet so far, nothing but tine
harvest weather.
Nine hundred excursiouiets came to
air town. Most of thent got work and
at good wages.
Killarney Is settled by, folks from
Ontario and many frail Huron ' Coon-
ty. Why not take THE NEws-RVOORD
,O;et.p„t, aloni,d1;1; get home news
without any trouble at All. -W. C. 0.
e Have
What We Advertise
When we advertise -c;rtain goods you eau rely upon us
having them in the Store, and when you al* them.yo4 OAR
depend up9n getting them at. the prices advertwed.
We don't advertise for a bait. The actual goods are here
and more than we can tell you Of in an advertisement,
Black Dress Goods.
No voman's wardrobe is complete Riithout at least one
Blank tiros and°, besides, this is a biack'goods year 'What
a handsome lot of newest weaves we're showing, too !
and Figured 'English Repp Rich Brocade EffectA on Mohair
:ground and at prices to pleasantly surprise you, Justilifew
Mr. William Stinson of the Sattble
Line recently sold forty-two head of
cattle for close upon five cents per
pound. It was five in a sense, hut with
the onderstancling that he would re-
turn so much per head, a way the,
drovers have of buying nowadatat
The only advantage we .canhee it has
is that it enables the buyer to say to
other sellers that he did nob pay, say
Jive cente, As ni this. case. Mr, Stin-
son is one of our progressive farmers
and raises good stock. • .
- Stanley' cooncil met on Monday,
Sept., llth at the tovvnship hall. The
minute's of previous meeting were
read and adopted. Theis. Wiley's bond
was accepted and a by-law confirming
his apimitateet...sia s.eilegteL peeetede,
. 6'si law was elect passed making the
collebtor's notice a sufficient demand
for taxes. The following accounts
were passed: Alex. McBeth shoeing
pile •driver $2, breakages to ploughs
$2.00, Hugh McDotruoid repairing cut
verb $1. Carnal meets again on Mon
odhAym. NOseit.catkh., 9ne o'clock. -J. 7.
. Mrs. Da,vih Welsh of Senile° counhy
Mich., is visiting at her -brother's, Mr
George Johnstone of the Ooshen Line.
, We are sorry to have to report the
death of Miss Annie Kennedy, who
died at her boarding house at the vil
age of Ethel oo' Saturday last 'where
she •had been engaged in teaching
school. Mies Kennedy wits the young
est daughter of Mr. Geo. Kennedy o
the Goshen Line. Shewas only• a few
dais sick when the meisenger of death
came. The very high esteem in which
she was held as a, teacher was mani
tested by the pupils Which •she had
°lunge of who marched in a body to the
station end many bitter tears Were
shed hy them for theloss which they had
sustained.% She Was loven as a' teacher
by her pupils. The bodh .was laia in
its last resting place on hunday in the
Baytield cernetery, followed by a large
concourse of friends. The funerel ser-
vice was conducted by Rev. Mr.: An-.
&eves, pastor of the Methodist church
of which she was a tneuriber:
Dear Annie, how short Was the stay
with friends and relationiebelow. In the
marling of life thou art gone where no
'Sorrow thou ever shalt know.
It is acknowledgedhn all hands the
THU NgWe-REeOnD now easily leads
for Stanley towitslijp news=it
A eek ago when Mr. Geo. Pinnel was
our on ' apple buying trip with Nth
G. Anderion of Luchnow he met with
another accident froth which :he may,
be a long . tinie in regerVering. The
accident happened at Mr. A, booths
on the 10th con., Culross. When
Mr. Pinnel was leading his horse to
water he ha& to cross. some bars
over . which the animal hesitated to
step., As he tutned to see if it was
coming it euddenly leaped oVer So close
behind him that he .could not avoith it
and iti hoof struck his leg juot above the
.ankle, breaking the bone and fracturing
the ankle in several plainer. Ile was
thrown to the ground end lay until help
arrived, afterwards he was takenhome.
Abont helf past one o'clook on Tues-
day morning a week ago fire brake out
in the cooper shop owned by Mr.
William Lyons of this village. on
.Orrambell street and in a few minutes
the whole structure together with the
dwelling house close by was totally
deirtroyed by fire. The fire company
promptly responded to the alarm but
•tlie fire had gained such headway
before being doroveted that it We's
impossible to save either the shop ot
dwelling end both buildings, together
with then °entente, were totally con-
sumed by the flames. As the dwelling
house wile only a feW feet front the
cooper shop the inmates had a very
narrow escape and only suocteeded in
getting out of the burning building in
their night haothee. The cooper ahop
had only recently been °copied by Mr.
Edwards, of Colborne village, for the
manufacture of apple barrels and it is
supposed that the fire originated near
the heater which is used for the
purport() of partly dryinh the barrels
before being finished. Jar. Edwards,'
loss on stook and tools is about $209,
but Mr, Lyons' lees on buildings, furni-
ture, • etc., will ()armed $1,000 and we
are sorry to say there was no insurance
carried on any of the property de-
stroyed. •
One of the very happy and pleasant
events occurred at the .residerioe of
biro, Mary Fincliater on Wednesday
.evening, hept, 18th, the occasion being
the marriage of her eldest &tighter.,
Miss Agnes, to Mr. George Snelgrove of
London, The groom was supported •by
Mr.liugh Findlatehbrother of the bride,
and Mr. Robert Snelgroveybrother of the
groom ; next came the• bride who Wae
beautifully attired in white India allk
and ehifien trimming and ofirrieid a bo,
(met of bridal rosette the bridesmaids,
Miro Isabel McKenna and Miss Eike
MoDonaldafere prettily attired in white
organdie over white ; the little flower
Gwendolen MaoLeod, was nice.
ly dressed ifiyellow Shanghai bilk and
held the wedding ring in a tiny baaket of
flowers. The Ceremony was performed
by the Rev. N.A. McKenzie,
of Chesley, uncle of the bride, assieted
by' the Rev, A. Mackay of this village,
One by tine the piOneers of tido see -
Lion are paining away to the geed be.
yotid. On Friday, Sept. 1st, there died
at his home in this village, Mr. William
Henderson, one of the very first eettlers
in this patt Of the previnoe, arid a man
who was Widely known and greatly ree.
peoted, Dec:eased had reached the ripe
old age of 78 years, For nearly twenty
yeah, Int was an effielent member of the
Canton hoard of the tOwnship of. Kin
leas, Deoeseed liaises a vvidoW and
family or Palen Children.
Resare.14Clute and Mallough grooer
mernants of this villege,have disodiVed
partnerehip end the business. in, Whim
Will be carried on by Mr, S. MeClere.
pearanees," but put.
40 -inch Black Figured Serge, large
and swell. atterns, bawd trash, .
. Yerl' suite le for skirts or dres,
eee. Very special at. .. , . .... .50o anteed all wool. will give excel -
weave, very hard finieh, guar. e
' lent wear for skirts or dresses.
44 -inch English Repp,Vandyltepet. ' Special 50e
terns and rouhd about stripes, • e, • • •
very newest weave for fall wear, .. 44anc)h, zolack Bilk finished Brillion-,
teen in good heovy quality, •
dust. Special
Blare fine finish, Will not hold
eoo yd.
at 00c. Oar price
herd finish, will not hold dust,
wear guaranteed, Solchall over
44- I nrcnit dMestritgani.17seextillon hheartlhdti (jun lohaF 1 oi r.
50 -inch Black Cashmere Serge,extra
finish, vvathanted not to pull or fine, bard finish, Ivill not take
cut, just the thing for skirt8,75oyd. ' hi dast, wand sell well at 75c. -
• .
44 -inch Black Figured Mohair, fine °Lir s.PeniAl Prie° • " • .... • • . • • • .6°0
Silk finish, will not cut, or bbld 46 -inch Meek Bengaline Oorchextra,
dust, large awl halal designs;
• Very specifti at , .90c - fiwniri ggievaellil,y;dlo‘ovkeLjha-,intd1;wkenisnilokt,
hold dust. Splendid value at -60o
44 -inch Black Figured French. Skirt
lengths, no, two alike, in vevy 'Fine nihck .13rnacleihth* 52"inchns
. wide;heavyqualittheatio finish,
nfineeisti.dgeuelagrnaenleedbetrodiziviVie esabtaisit: thing for fahor made anise,
ill not spot with rain; juAt the
factory wear, Special for skirt '
would be cheap at $1.85, Our
lengths , .. . , . $4.50 special price
4.4.inch Black Prench Perolla in $1,15
80 -inch Black Moreen Skirting with
Silk and Mohair Figures, extra wide Satin stripe soft finish
fine, hard finish, just ono skiit will not out, wea,r. guaranteed: .
in each length. Special value would sell well at 00c. Special
• Each $5.75 to $8,50 •
45•ipch Plain. Coating Serge, extra
rich (Blee Bleach fine even .
oo ress
To have a perfect fitting dress you must have good linings. It's,
'our constant aim to keep stocked up to the minute with. every
dependable kind alining and only the worthy sorts are here.
Linings that will stand the test of wear.and tear. In a word
The Satisfactory Sort.- .
Business brine•erS and trade winners for Saturday No
need to ,say much about them. •
You can take it for:granted that' every item in thi,s list is •
an accurate and truthful discription. of the goods. they 'represent. •
Ready for you at 8 o'clock Saturday morning -LAM -1'i, come
in the afternoon or eveniug expecting to find all our advertised
bal•gall1S ai many of the best lities aro Cleararl Oat bolero
Dress:GoodS Sitia S.
40 -inch Fancy Drehs GaAs in •
• :Medea of Gold and Royal
Blue, Gold_ and Light ,hilue.
: Regular price of these goahs •
were elc t•ara Saturdah motn-.
ins only • . . . . yd
8 pieces Setin.Royal Dress Goods,
in, shades of New - Blue,
*Dark Green and Brown: Orig-
inal'price was 75c, hut we'sccur•
• ed them at a bargain, so on
Saturday we offer them at..35c yd
lniece only of 48 -inch Ladies' Oloth
in Blue and Red mixed. Very
:eatable for children's jackets
oto school dresses. For $atur-
• day only., .. . .. . 7c1
fa pieces Silk and Wool Plaids, in ,
all the new colorings ranging
ip price from 50c to '00c yard.
Saturdah. -morning we • offer
• ' your choice of the entire lot at
• ,42cycl.
28 to 30 -inch Flannelette, light and
dark colors in stripes an d'checks •
good quality. Saturday. , ..50 yd
88 -inch Flanhelette colors of
Pink an a Blue only, extra heavy
twill and plain, warranted fast
colors, will give good wear..
Sold all over at 12te. Saturday '
88 -inch English Flannelette in
stripes, colors of Blue and
White, Pink aod White, Gold •
and White, fine heavy quality.
Uetially sold at late. • Special
..... • • • • • • • • • * .... 1°° WOOL BLANKETSIT zso.
AT 3/ic
Good heavh ci utility, all Linen Tow-
elling, 15 incbta wide, with
fancy border. Jost two pieces •
for Saturday's selling . . ...
518 -inch (*men and Garnet Tabling
warranted fast colors, small
' floral designs, heave, quality.. '
Regular prree 00h. Special at
.. . .. . 000
All lanen Towels; size'21x 48 inches .
with hemmed edges, Red, Blue
and Green Borders, warranted
• fast colers. Special for Settle-
' dee, morning 2se pr
Boys' Extra Heavy All Wool liose
with heel and toe made of
Scotth 'Fingering Yarn, sizes „
8i, 9, Well worth 35c.
Saturday morning.. . . 25a
Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Vests, with
open front and l'ong. sleeves,
nicely teinoned, will give good
wear. Special ........ -250
Saturday rnorniug 018 o'clock we
will place on sale a beautiful
• assortment of Silk Ribbons in
all the newest shecles of Blue,
Mauve, Golcl, etc. Regular
price Of which were 50c, 00c
74, all to clear ... . .. ....25o
Very heavy ShirtingFlannelette in
clerk colors ohly, in stripes and
checks, well worth 121c, Sat-
urday toorning..... . , .... - .... 10o
.28.inch Moleskin, good heavy qua -
in stripes and cheeks just, the
thing for men's working shirts,
Saturday meriting,. 120 and 150
. •
28 -inch Blue Denim, fast colors,
heaviest quality, sold all over
ab2,5c, special for Saturday 20o
Extra Heavy 'Wool Blankets,. size
001(80, with fancy colored bord-
ers, ast colors, reel not shrink
in wash • Would be eheap at
$8. Simard for Saturday... 42,50,
Heavy Comforters hurtle of the best
English prints. fillet with extra
quality' white cotton batton
(well quilted) good, large size, .
worth OA), Saturday price $1 75
EIYHOLr, IS FLOM and FEND, and our
, atentest seller the White Swa
' beend on the tnleaveket.
, This is, we beh el; th ri leer%
e TTe;totirrrtyll
puce yan will be se pleatred with it
itthtisitt:ney:so5i 'pl. It!: eelal:1:pi te:reeeatifneghry,:iattatdoo}towtribp 11;he hi tees: rAtto %nvili then h— - -
., We aro now aelli
OtUf8 Rhav l;:.:10te a (i‘a.°1411()Yirlcill?'nlie(181t.'°°i.
w ch we o eve
ma utte: etu(;00,80110,111e." ild'rtlettt
r a. w OEIRIEs
Eggs wanted. -
For quickly and easily
1' hi
SEI:otilosbn g C 0771- olY; Iwkitihn°dus:
ing, Siiverware, Gold -
ware Dishes, Knives and Por.1
Biass on Harness, Brass on
Engin's and Boilers Brass of
all kinds, Copper titAnhUs,
Titi'vrare, Pewter,. Glassware
Windovis, Fire Irons, Cooking'
Utensils of all kinds, Marble
Woodwork, Floors, 1VIirrors
oilcloths, Bath Tubs, Bieycles
Plated Ware, Eto., Etc.
Sao A 0,14.
Fresh • is •
W. Dunean will nob be
underanid and his ittoek 02
Groceries and Seeds IS freSh
and well: aaeorted. Clover
and Thnothy Seed always
on hand,
mirer_Flour 01.90 owt,
1.Mt MOI fOr