HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-21, Page 1° • f
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The News -Record will be sent to any address litutit the end of next year,that is to January lst, 1901, for $1. It leads for Local News
aqwwiesa 5iete-*9tereet
' ee
Geaewslaaa4 eeeteleS44Wieloer
• neve r stops in ite ceaseleszi
task -if you -have the olci 611
removed and new oil applied
at'least once M two years,
Oonsider the wear as they beat
away the tninutes, hours, clays,
weeks and years,
. Take care of Tour watch -have
is e
it properly. ened and oiled.
We Clean and repaii all kinds -
ft promptly, accurately and
•at moderate Lost.
te!-.:E0t-MFtSlEt0 42•M!ORee:P-45t5t1"
- A W.741.
• ZGY riait BYER
We are showing a line of
Jardienieres that are the chea-
pest we have ever. offered.
Think.Of buying a nicely de-
corated jardieniere, farge size,
for 35 cents. They 08,11 be seen
Ili our south window..
•, 11 -ave you -seen the Trunks, contain-
in6 pounds of Gloss Starch, we are
"er offe ing? The Trunk is well -finished,
• withslock and key, just what your
little.,111 a Wants to keep her doll's
clothe, in. The starch is the same
you pLy 10 cents pee pound for, bet
r , .
we sel, "the Trunk 'and 6 pounds of
• stare for 50 cents. • • •
• , .
aye just received '
4 gross more • of those •
35c per dozen Masses,'
ost the thing to put -
always was a specie y
ne• and for this
term's trade have in
stock all the authorized
Text Books used in'the
Public and Model
sehoels, aa well as in
the Collegiate Institute.
,(3or assortment of
Scribblers and Exercise
• Books is very complete,
• and are the best ' values
• that can be secured. "
i3cous. (c)zraa&,
supplied free with alt
• our School Books.
We have in stock sam-
ples of the latest School
Maps and can supply
them to school sections, (
n very special terms.
School °rayons, Dic-
, tionirries,: Blackboard
Brushes, etc„ always
in stock. es
• 9
Dyer s
-Gea,i,asoaepao e•iiieak?a464,
girEIRIC3 (ckg
$ ' -
1 _ some folks ettythey are not ywell.
Because tbe•e es tire easily, •
Inmost such cases there is eye-
strain. .
' Neglected eyestrain is sure to
, produce ele ness.
Be wise..
Have your eyes examined. •
Know their exact condition
an expert. .. -
Consultation free. -
The 0. N. W. RxhibIlloo. $4000,001or Apples, Jostle; Wanted. • fleatli of a Pionlorvarna.
ale directors of the G.11, W. Exhi- ' Mr, Az thur Cook ot Cook &000k, A verdict is expected in the 13eck. Mr. Roberti Fitzsiriaons received Busy Week. -This has been am was
bition are malting a big push and ex., apple clealets,whofrone long experience Garrow trial in A few der; now, that is telePhene • message treal Ishurnaale 'equally busy week for Varna,
of next situation as well as
Wednesday and Thursday' anyone, says that their dignity iiniA refuse to be tired out the death Of yesterday vShiels breugheleini ;mord of "
e , Me Henry Fitz -•the apples have been pooring into sup,
pea to draw to Goderich on Ttiesday In the business is able to. size up the if the judge; do not further' stand on The evaporator is in full swing, thus
• week a "greaterthen has been" crolvd, the; season's apple crop will be the
From their prograni we fancy the Ex- means of putting int() eireulation in
hibition ought; to be well worth going this county alone the tidy sum eel
to see. ' $003,000. This includes the price of
Hoer ti Pastern •' the fruit itself an& barrels, togeted
Under the above tseeatog the poe. with the amount paid for packinge.de.
tege La prairie (Man.) News ef last This estimate will give outsiders emile
• week • bad the following i- W. J. ideir of the value of the prodiretof the
Mitceell, whom inany in town will Efttroe Apple Bele. •
uron news
to any address
d of 19e0 for pal
)1U 1k�1lfl1co
. . '
will • ,
nal • ,
$1, •
• Bode and Shoes have gone up
lit value;but R. .3.• .01uff still
remember, houghe •the Clinton, Ont., Wesernes Marna'
Nnwe-RUOntisoure two years ago, He A. reception was held •ba. WUUs
has enlarged the tared twice in -the two churth last evening to give the congee.
years and judging from the appearance,. geteen an; cpportsosity of wet coming
he is making the staid old town bumhome their muck respected pastor,
There's a lot of enteeprise in Brother Rev. Alex. Steu'art, after hie three
Mitchell and he deeerees todo well. , months' trip abroad. There waslunele
Hasn't Sold Otot. . . and a progierm consisting of musio and
The report having become current addresses... The people of Willis
that 3*, 0. Miller had disposed of church are iajoiced to have their pastor,
his lease of the Hotel Clarendon, he re. arming 'them again aed no doube he '
quests TEE 111AWS-RIXIono to contra.. equally well pleased to be once WO
diet it Mr. Miller has built up a good, in the charge where he is so touchnee
trade for the Clarendon, hes made it preciated,
. „
inorepopular than ever before, and meows Droned. •
by any set of politicians. Their Loril. simonso ailed about eeventY years' anci ply the dernand. . • .
;ship know, just as well as anYhedf one of the ploneere of Niesouri town•A great• many of this locality pent
else,thet the missing Linkleter is being ehlP. • The funeral will take place some part of lase week Uncle the Whole
paid to keep Mit of the country until on Friday and owe member qf Mr. • 'Week at London Fair,
it degieion isrendered an4. Islet eo leng
as he can make three times as much br
absenting himself as he could by limi-
est toil, just so long will 'he continue
on the safe side of the border.
fan Madmen' ex the Church.
• It has been known for some tune that
Ian Itaciaren has been critically study -
Ing modern church niethods, and the
results are now to be made public in ,
the Ladies? Home Journal. His Hest
article is called "The' Candy -Pull Sys-
tem in the Church," and in • this be
•treacly states what many have felt
but have ecancely ventured to publicly
aspere with regard to social tendencies
of ,the church, The great English
atittitor will then handle ...The Koine%
in the Church," and after that answer.
the 'stg
the opinion is pretty generally ex- The merchente .had their winderS somewhat artlinquestion,‘;
ShOd Mib"
•Preetied thatif ould the lnister e Shot?
couldn'e *make • it• neatly dressed yesterday and; Fel,e
go nobody else need try, The gentle- visitors freely reneareted upon th :face:rade Pound.
man whose name has been mentioned in fine appeeranee, thie kind of a
connection with the lease is an old'resi- vertising, as well as in the chief of 4
dent of the town and very populaeviz.. printers' ink, the business meu'i
' In February 1897 Mr. L, E. Vogler, a
,Prorninent farmer of Xent county, and
;brother of Mrs. ,Wm. 'Coats, Sr.,
.coneztare neeteanars orsaake, '•ousstoie lead all campeators .and tee... ' of Clineon; ' was drowned • while
The Oollegitite football club' was ore quite willing that their pieces slioutet, crossing the .,„ Thames' ' River :" on
. . •
ganized hist .week with tee ' fotiowing go on record •They don't resort teth '' ..... .
officers :--President, W. E. • Rand, oichiashioned wiry of doing.businereili, etihetealielycewa,antoil:AlselZybintrztiteftwa;as The
Secretary•Treasurer, J. E. Archibald, e. _that ire, .holding off until then. pulp+.
ao4 t.‘1,0.1 go th.00. Wised that he through an air hole.
Aikenheird, Rollie MacPhersaie; Onra- one better; ' : ' . .1/4''' three weeks age when ie*as found by,
John Agnew, tors quote figures
• Managing 0.011emittge, _, The bodywas notrecovered Until some
tor, John •Laird.• The club is .sninus ens sivetierviaires. . ' ' . some men who were diggieg in a sand
much of last year's :material and will eir, Swallow informs THE llEws.R.t. "flit close by. the riyee benk...-The-bply,
. have to draw upon the colts, but it is eeonn...that.he--•has eeeidede-toe'reitiee was riet,Tirs-e, recognizable, but
quite possible they win peeve eqiiel•to frorn the grocery business, in which "e was identifiel by the Clothes which Mr.,
the occasion and keep the red and lelge has been engaged. for eleven yeaea. Veg/ar Wore when the accident hap.
:to the front, practice begins. this Previous to that he was for several Pened, The body is thought to have
.week • Tears etripleyed111 the gram trede, a sp- been carried into the open pit during
. raa aiminsi7 opeerap, , - - . . . skienee in all of eighteen years in 011 • the spring freshet when the river over
The millinery Onenings "take place ton. He has, been a Member Of ' '!i ilowedits banks. . '
this evening and already the . diffeeent town, council, is a pillar of •Wil esi.
Witham Rath is Read.
establishmenes. arebowers of beauty. chOreh and aetstee in S.S. eiork,in sh Raw who lived
hts resolve o
Fitzsimoure family here will likely at-
Death otThos. 0, •Coopen 4/1 •
Ur, Thos. 0. Cooper died on Feiday
flightiest, his strong•constitotion with -
deeding the infirmities of Old age and
the attaoae ot disease much longer
than those Whet watched by his bedside
expected. Re • was born in 'Rent.
• county, England, on July 191h, 1808
and thus had reached, the extreme -old
.age of ninety-one years and two
months, Be Was married in the Old
Land to Katharine Kempton, who
survives him. They came to Canada
and Huron in 1837 and after two.yettre
residence in Goderich took up lot 40
on the 9111 cericession where they re -
Allred the chatter tibmit-shipes, stylesehe is a:good citizen, and .,..,.. e • for manY Years intlibee-relehtitY •of Bel-.
fashioue, ete.eete., the masculine Mind leave is aseuree of i*e'gret,f ea. al
;;,..: 8 pave, hut moved a few years•Ago to
is apt to become bewildered, but open. three boys "'ming up" 4-4d• .9% '''' ' Proton ea Grey :COuney, and later stile'
ing night is to the ladies a Mild sort of sake more than ariy thing e se' ag
I le ' . . into the village of Dundalk, died on
:high revel: They will be out eo•night, itied to tOte up farin. in.g" '. ' • . '1,„ SOOtWollge.4 abut seventy yeare. He
wit.hoireet doubt, in force and the fair Court of Rivlatoo. ' , . ' : • • 'i had. been sick foe. seine, time and • the
. ..
milliners have made ready for their re- The ()Mot of Revision for the to n end was not unexpected. Mrs. Samuel
ception. A description. teeelesestalii, do etseiteise•lield In thee fteeeireirall -ie rPinti of toein, one of his. daughters;
e difrititylee Viola- Thursday and as.theList, which. velel Wen home a eveeleeago and. reran:Med
, . .
at least a celitmn but this being SIM* then be made final, it is altogether until the eilei•easteeelier sider Mrsathrt-
week we ha* not that neoce space. at likely, he, that upon which the ne t Alton of Nelson, B.C.,ladjilso.ret
our' deeposale - :, • ' , , . fight Will be made, both parties lia, is .and was present et, the deallerd.e.Tne
An floorsofio Ladies' fa. .. . . • ,,•• . been. active in hunting up aerivals anCifs. .deceased haa alway a caiiieden farming
• The 'Ladies' Aid &the Ontario street equally as dilligent in inekneg out until a few enentbs ago' When he
and •instruetive and the most refined' of
M.ethodist church raised during, the list ef departuees. 'e The Liberals are bought apeoperty in Dundalk and was Mos B. Pickard has returned home
past year eover $400.. Of this ihnotint seeking to strike off thirty-five names only nicely settled d . . .
own•.when the Do* alt mItchen,
ter;ripendeig a few weeks with friends. any inedicine company set up in t he
. and 'add 10, while the Conservatives evitalile copied him eff: lie; vvife err- . Innerkip and Drumbo. • place A handsome present' will be
'will endeavor to. add forty and rives andle is expected she will either. . en t • tb person who k the
Mrs: W. Tebbutt has purchand'the ; .
1.„... eionee andlot owned by Mr. •fteo, gut... . .
.bra eighteeo...4#0.0.0ft. yhe. Voters' move. to .ollotop or otteteseve to .„,„,.. eiler fdid.inteidateeviog iiito. it _tit an greatest number,,llai ' weeds : o- ot ef:the.,
1, ea .Act. might' be strengthened In neer her•chicleen. Mr. Seltenep went ; lettere lir Go Remedy Company'
early date'''. ' • . .• ' , ' • . . ' • •
several reepecte, ' Rfor iustaliae, a ied- up tin the funeral atid,retualed ngitiU . The.W. 3,L S;. sent: a bale of goods to '''' and no doube a. good many will enter.
The new brick church is going up
very fast, although the weather has -
not been very favorable, nevertheless
• the hands employed are moving with
good speed and no doubt the roof will
don cover the walls.
The old Methodist parsonage has
heen moved back, the main house be.
hind the brick for kitchen purposes,
etc., and the other part in front of the
stable. for a driving shed.
Accident --While Mr. George Rath -
well was driving- over to Varna last
Monday morning his horse stumbled
going down the gully and threw Geo,
and hie sister out against the fence.
Neither. were very seriously hurt.
Beth shafts were broken and the horse
mainedfor thirter-eiglet years. In 1877 n1itttebruised.
they 'retired from farming and moved Bad Cat -Mr. Wilson,evho was hire
into Clinton and have ever since beeO with Miee El, Reid, was cutting bands at
Mr, Tohn Reamers threshing, Gode.
residents. For the past few years Mr.
Cooper has been in feeble health and
but rarely' was seen' down, tewn. To
Mrand hirs. Cooper were born six
children e-Williara, deceased a year;
Jelin T. of Bolesevaire' Ma*.; Geo. A.
of • Goderich township) Mrs. David
Barge of to*e ; Mrs, William Meting
of Godericla and Mrts. Samna Brow!? of
Aeoberly. The funeraltook place on
Monday to .Clinton cemetery' and the
• servicee•wersi conducted by. Rev. j. E.
Parke the deceased being a, meinber of
the Church of England, . The pail- corn last week nearly severed his heel
beide-es were -selected by Mr. Cooper ,from the foot by the machine he had.
some time previous to his death and • It was a terrible cut and will take a
were Jackson, William J long time to heal: . '•
Biggins, $, G. Plummer, Isaac Dodd, Mr.& Moffat welt to Exeter to the
lienrY Steep and H. joyner.,, Show as he was one of judges and
has been called upon to act in that ca.
pacity for the last :eight years there.
This is a good recommendation surely
'rich township, When • three Or four
sheaves came down he wits in the act
of butting the band of one when the
feeder pulled ehe sheaf and result was
• the foimer stuck his arm with the
• sharp knife severing the artery and
muscles, The arm was rapidly tied up
and he at once driven to Clinton to tor.
Gunn, who dressed therwound. It will
be scimetime before lie wfll resunie his
work again. • ' .•
• Mr. JohirJohnson, jr., wiffie•=ding
Rohnesyllie. •
• —7- ' for just judgment and fine reputation
Rale of Serrforth visited, friends as •
• •
in our neighborhood this week, sys'armdgje: . .
at Mr . x "
Maguire and wife are visit;
Mr Jas eLobb of Galt is visiting
own fr-m
O. --W°CinlYgh"le,cr 111Tohnedyayd,Kithvee
Imamn pranizri;y sTnhuenydirvpearbreyenIsylainsidtinegsp
-"Mee M. Call efltindon silent a few
rencle, Mr.'. James Gra-
eucpi a 1 li yrk
greater part of the didance through
days with here
• elides Fair, and U freein of Clinton where ems magaire gave
sWnenre4:77 guests of Miss 'Brene..tittil on.
Miss J.Phipps Sunda ed. 'th
,thet"irr*II*--eeneeectvand";;Teetiree every
Professor Stuart, the manager of
- excellent
ern d ' holding an
to the youth not long ago. • •
, anion. via rie s
night this week in the Temperance
eraSleVefertalh, eir°atthe Wile;i-me...atitinateelaoniloef Gtuond:
erich onMonday each evening. It is both Interesting
Ball; The hill is peeked to the door
. Myth.
Thos. Watson, Willies:a MOW and '
Alochennison wheeled to eoderieb on
Thursday night. •
Mr. and Mrs. J. (e, Einigh and two
daughters of Gederich visited, friendie I
in town on Sunbays ,,
Rev. Ur, Armstrong of Dungannon._ ; J
preached in Trinity ehurch on Sunday.
Mid Cora, McTavish ot Detroit, Tile.
has been visiting the Misses Anderson, ,
returned to her home on Saturday. . e
Moore 80 Carter, livers* Men ha. v° Si
• boughtMr. John Maionaldet lob ab the •"
corner of King and. gotten steeds; •anelee‘
and willemild. a, Hedy barn there. • ...
Den.stedt il-roe. have bought it the . •
hardware .business from Chas.aa4tii-
ton and Will rtioYe to that stand in
near future. • • ,
Church.- In absence of the Superin-
tendent, the S.S. was conducted by
Wm. Lowery last Sabbath.- C. E.
topic was taken by: ,A. E. Wethmal
on Wednesday eveningr. Bev, 'S. F,
Parke, Clinton, • conducted- diViOee'e••ee-e'
service on Sabbatl* evening here. -
What about the picnic? '
School.-- Owing to the Huron
Central the school has hi:AWES-5' ;
Wednesday of this weeks° as tie enabler:es:,
all to teke in the Fair. '
The Thessalon pine planking ba
duly come to lend and the bridge
construction is being rapidly pusheise
tc a finish, an able gang of two experte
and five local hustlers being at Wear, ,
Theatructure be assuming proportions ,
and the jolly farniees will soon _whistle •
over Gravel contract will be the next
in order after which it is thought
be too cool for ,e,flies. on Us" so there • -
will be none. . '
• Sundayectin the burg. -„Mr.
and Mrs. also Master Eerl.sts the q
of Mrs. Brownlee.
Jno. Johnston, Jr., of Londeebertie'ea,
the guest of her father, 3; Johnston.
Ella McBrien visited, at Xinburn last
r .1300 went eo paying the debt Warmed
by a recent addition to the Rampage
and 540 interest on the saie .So onde
cessful were the ladies'that the Quae-
• terly Board bas asked etind they have
accepted the duty of paying off the
mortgage debeof S700 still remaining
upon the parsonageft leas been' the
custom of the ladies in the past to
He is ezeabled to 09 this As he raise fends by a series of socials, bue
bought 'fres fall stack before the these they have decided to abandon
raise, ee. . ' and will instead:inaugurate a series of
, monthly contributions; • tt is proposed
• sells tleene a,t the old prices.
• We make riespeciahty at
, more Varied aeti tment
-All the leading ,
OtipI ar� now
that the church make a special effort
mime,•th clear 'off this indebtedness and for
ial,„btejlirlex-c, the Amount raised it will be entttled to
• : credit in the 201h Century Fund which
.bas for its oiled the wiping off of
existing incurobrances.
Hats and •
large and We prefer making many and quick
than ever.
sales at a small profit ' each time
to holding out fee big prices. We
do Wends on this basis and find re
satisfadery. Read there few pa-
` ces we are quoting this Week ; we
•e •have 2.0any more equally good if
MEMO- /:,
, _Makes are to f turd
atom. Sizes robe ai
rleena Balbriggen -Uri rwear
$1 per*Iteesztraartetue.1 Ind
the/thing for fall.
in our When you are ready for
to Th •your falleuit, come to us.
• We have the goods that
will stilt you and at most;
suitable priced. Our ties
are well known to be
snug and comfortable.
not better
Smock and Overalls, per pair $1.00 e
pveralls,.50c to $LOO,
• .
,Panta, 51.00 to 0.50. •
L. Nano
e es • A - iss---sesteeesee - -
• °
Mr. John Lashato Returns.
• Mr. John Latham of Londesboro re -
tinned on Monday night from his
three weeks' sojourn in Manitobe }le
left Winnipeg at 11 o'clock Saturday
night and reached Clinton just forty-
eight homer later which includes a
three hours' stop in Toronto. MLLash-
am spent the bulk of his time at PiL
d Mound, in which district he owns
1200 acres of lancl, about 400 'being un-
der cultivation, either on shares or
leased.. The4majority of the settiLrs
fire„from Huron ceunty, round about
Clinton. About three mileo from Pilot
'Mound Is the Londesboro SettleMent
of about erventy families who are do-
ing well this year. They have learned
how to farm and as tbe remit do not
raise wheat alone. They geow oats
and barley as well and many of them
have from twenty to twentyfive cows.
Mr. Armstrong, who wane out from
Bayfield a few years ago, bought
half section and putting 200 acres
of it under cultivatinn the first year he
grew enough .wheat to pay for the
820.' John Macdonald; also of the
Settkniene, has a barn 40x140 with a
atone foundation. In conimon with a
nutnber of others,he objects to the ten
or twelve foot foundation, such as the
Ontario fanners build, for the reason
that the breath of the eattle in tho ex-
tremely frosty weather forms it thick
eoatitig 01 100 on the stone wall. Mr,
Gorrel, formerly of Goderich township,
threshed 18,000 bushels of ode, for
• Whieh wars receivinge twenty.flve
• cents per bush has been in VIletshington State for about
el at the 'Pilot Mound
oats teatet lie years past In 1808 he wed
nor USICIZ)2,19t$ prnoliiii;alstohethe bushel. n ver eg n °I1 °
C rit5 aflitY4rir tb"Ittle the KI talk and the trill from h
to St. Michael's took Art," / p. m. "A story of ehanged etc ental roof.
eeurc... are 11 a. V., "A West 0, Lod spending p..ilew weeks under the par- ylval devices at Zion again.
the etTlitthildia;lot go to the troU- San Francisco
ord after bending two Week&
r ntott propene', friends hi Clinton and LOnclethoro this
dent of Clinton inky move into Stan-
ley atter the lase Court of Revision had'
been held in that toevpship but:pervious
to making ep the final appeals here; so
Tuesday night. - •
Orchard Sold by Auction.• ••
• A despatch from Collingwootl on
Monday was as follovvs :-The tbat although loosing hie' franchise in
• •• • • .
import -
town he ceuld not get on to the town-
ship listsind would be shut out alto-
gether. 'this is an injustice that a num-
ber have suffered from and it ought
to be reasealed ire the earlied possible
moment. , . • 1
. ' their orchards. Mr, W.W. Cox.one of
mrs. Bowie ma on ma near the most successful fritie growers took
Mrs.Boreie, who was born in London a new departure in the way of disposing
'England, eighty years ago, but who of his crop, instead of selling to the
• has been a residlent of this country for buyer be advertised for tenders and the
twenty-five years and, the greater part buyera sought him. On Satorday he
of the tune a citizen of Clinton, died' disposed of the entire crop of apples as
on Thursday last. She had been ill for they hang on the trees to an outside
the past twelve months but congestion buyer'. It is estimated that tbere are
oe the tangs Was the immediate cause Over 1,600 b,arrels, whia Will net Mr.
of her death. Mrs. Bowie's husband (7ox in the neighborhood of $4,000. He
preceded ler into the Spleit Land over has no packing or barrels to supply.
it score of years and ever since she has Outaide if the apple crop he will sell
made her home with her daughter, $7,000 worthpf plums, Pears Andaman
Mrs. W. J. Copper. The other, mein- fruits from the same farmn.
bets of her family are: Mts. S. Castle , „,, , ,
'At the funeral which took piece on•
and Mrs. Melted, who is also deceased'. 4:th"Syrr:vhlecate:x"wtisgunbdea'y'. held In st.. Peter's
Saturday afternoon to 'Clinton cone -
The baseball team played in. Allan
tbeerlyn,gthseixpla;lela-bneda.sr:rnes, rooewn Asemlencstinonnd,
Craig last Friday and was defeated by
ance of this pert of Ontario as a fruits
growing district is beeonsing better
known each year. This year the erop,
, especially apples, has been very large,
and some. of the 'progressive farmers
are realizing good roond Fiume from
Blvd. Cooper and Ed ,R and.S. Cestle. a score of; 11 to 74
The foundry has an exhibits at the
The seryice at birth the house and
Brantford Fair this week in charge of
grave were conducted by Rev. W. G.
Agents Hinehley and Moheing.
liewseat pastor of the leattenbuty
Serviced the House of Refuge was
chounritchectwi6inal fworhic.! taken last Sunday by Mr. A. T, Cooper
' and. next Sunday it will be in charge
many years. Mrs. Bowie was a good of Mr. J. H. Mellardv
woman and held in esteeni by all who e '
rThe Collegiate Institute epode will
knew her.
Nuggets Prom thgeirdlice . • The Commencement exercises will
be held on Friday, September 201h.
. , •
A shorttimesince Mrs. (Dr.) Graham take piece on November 10th.
rdeived it letter frem her brother, W. Tirs NnwsanCono until the end of
X. Wright, which vette post -marked next year for one dollar Is big value
Dawson Oity, August ith, andOlinton, for the TOMO. ME Nnws-Itistionn
August 2.8th. Ie was thus Jose -three solicies comparison and thrives Upon
weeks en mute. Accompanying the it. .
letter was 'a registered package con. The Viceter Times says Rev. Mr.
dike gold Millyard is becoming very populat itie a
brining a coupie of Men
nuggets, which when mounted will preacher in Exeter, while as it man he
inake very pretty pina. Mr. Wright is genial and sociable and is Making
• VMS aternaer resident, of BMWs, but wide acquairitanee. '
Bev. kr, Howson's subjects for lleit
Sunday's tierviees he Itattenbury Street
. the Victoria Mission in B. 0. • the contest. The present will be given
MrseA. J. Howell of Fairview,Mich., away Saturday night,but the lists are,
is the guest& her fattier. Mr. Ach- to be M on Friday
• •
. Remembeiethe anniversary seeviceis
on Sunday and the tea -meeting on
Monday evening. lee sure and come
and enjoy yoorselves.
coderich Township.
.. Me. Adam Mulholland,who was born
in Londonderry, Ireland, 86 years ago,
• and parne to this country when tvventy-
six years of age. 'passed peacefully in-
to the Great Beyond on Tuesday after-
noon. In the early (*sand for years
he cairied on theflour milling industry
at Mitchell and on his retiremene from
business he went upon a farm in the
vicinity of Brisesels where'he lived for
about fifteen Years. Feeling old age
creeping upon him, in order to be near
his son Williato, a respected farmer of
this township, he ' moved to Holmes-
ville where he rounded out his days":
Those who knew him esteemed. bine. •
Mrs.. Mulholland survives, together
with their, family of four children :
Mrs, A03088 of Toronto, who has been
with her parents for some months end
will now remain fer the Winter; Mrs.
Phillips pf B. C. ; RIM Mr, Mulholland
C44 Iowa Falls in the State of Iowa, and
Mr, Mulholland of this toWn-
ship. The humeri,' takes niace on
Thursday afternoon to the Holreesville
etation and leaves by the 2.45 train for
Mitchell where the interment will take
place. Mr. Mulholland was it Metho-
dist and. the service; at the house were
Attwenrthose wlioe'took-enerissedoll
Show' from :hereeeeveee ; Carter,'
Master 3e. Cartees-ee, A. Robinson,
•Youngblut; ees,e`Yourighlut and
S. Ferguson. • ' .
. Mrs. Robertori and daughter Iva of
Londesboro eve the guests of Mi. and
,Mrs. Bradford lase week. •.
Mies Cora Ferguson 'spent' Sunday
at home.• 9 • r
• Some ofAtiburn,people took in the
picnic atPort Albed ana report having
a good time. ' -
• Mr. J. Bitigharn of Sureemerhillnelled
�n Auburn Mende lase Sunday; , •
• The Auburn Evaporator • is deli*
rushing butrineste It is reported that80
• bushels Were put up ee dry one 'day ',to
Miss Shepherd visitedat Brussels.
'Mr. M.' Adams of Kinburn vbsited at
Wm. J. McBrien's.
AIL Young of Woodstock is visiting
there, also. •• . •
Auburncontractors we learn have
secured the job of ^excavation etm. at
Sprung's bridge. '
Machines still " hum around Our
neighborhood andcblored gen
quite boramon as a result. T
three threshers In the vicinity.
L.-Biownlee accompanies
Sprong as fireman with his e
cutting outfit• ',
W. ..E, Miner has _engaged
Noble Lovet for one month.
Apple packers are active..
Stock -shipping also makes a stir.
• Mrs. MOlee is talking of, Moving to
the village. • '' -
We :wish, Mr.-. and Mrs%Wm,Wait,,,
Who have returned from' their trip,
long life and prospeeley; •.••
• colboried. Ta*ne0110.• 7
A terrible ram and hall etorni passed
over this neignborbocid ien Tuesday
last, 'breaking,"winiloWepeoes in the
schotil. •'bide Were feece,s of ice fell
• 41:8Wbige aarsearitt to say that Mr. Ned,
Hogan is very loved present, but we
hope to 'soon see him arenind again,
. A sad accident happened on the farne
conducted by Rev. J. Greene, of mr. Rieluird Sewell on Wednesday,
Beigraye.. . . when his dwelling house Was destroy...
•-ea by fire and burped . te the ground.
• Most of the contents werdeaved. Vide
• Mr. Cie Michie left lase week -to re. - an Insurance of $800.`,
snupinenet haisinwnonetkh alvtileftnesnpiselrearranfnteter here John
Mrs, W. Bone spent a week with, wit.. .when they bowed it•down te, the wee
eider at Udell, Mills. . •• lune UM'S of the morning; but sad. to
ser. mekeelehe iees,,en Tueeal, say the Salmon wenn% very good.
to visit his eider, Mee Miller, in Mani, • onMkilsist.iflorenee Straighten is on the
• tort:.
J. Andereon of Phile.delphiti, le •• Itev. M. Se Wilson Is conducting re
Mr: Watt Morriliy.' lode, valuable
horserecentlY, but has purchased another Mr. McKay preached excel-
lent !sermon in Bisens'' chrtech ort last
Min and Mrs, John Beacom
fly spent Sunday at Mr. Da
COM'a Mr, Beaeorn says this
est section of country he ev
Mr. Geo. Wad and Mr.
Ile visited London durin
The many friends of M
ttns are pleased to know e has es.
most recovered from her eneeeen,--
Mr. and Mrs, A. We mouth o
deshoro spent Sorel
Miss Ellen We,
Cudmore pr
hay recently for Ross Bro
Miss Grigg has return
ing a week's bonder; W
• Walton.
Mr. Henry Voung ha
plowing bee One 'day lae
r:Id Bea.
eithe fin
• tater/. .
-Piet. Beat;
he Pair.
-Susie Neil-
• wangtobnad huge boxes forty days and four hotted, but reach- cumsternees which has no parallel in. Mr. and' Mete :Grigg are at
11011q think I 8, each ee ing Daereon, sari Mr. Wright, is now,. history.."
.• • a. ou e 0 enver, h •
tte sold The Mese; Agnew are visiting.
present • • 1•....• 'DOW.
NOVMMI Oteecit has
retntned to.
very low. •
shalt go near ,y0Y: ...del.,: ggenif:'
,whith ' would hold from 130 cornriaratively it pleasure trip foe by Mr 11 D 1
don't want S,ts, 013, yes you a hnAh • •
You like your Coat and your Pants ---els. /nto thole they ellov, Maldng close connection Seattle can two pieces of he OE- "
The Silence of the
Rena M1
The religious press acta wisely in
avoiding politics, but there are occas-
ions when it becomes the duty of the
church, speaking through its press, to
refer to political matters. We take it
that the recently diselosed corrupticirt
• in the eonduct of eleetions forms a sub-
ject upon which the religious press is
justified in speaking out. The dearth.
is not slow to comment on evil when it
manifests itself in other departments ,
of life. Why should it not raise elide
bear soine one say, I ble 0 a
th two Chief Wheatley having bought the week, vtitation With relatives here.
to • fit and you like a nice easy fitting °out at the At Y ' rt
quarter Acre Tot at the torrid' of Vie- A number born the villitge and telatiVaa here On Thureday buie.
George S. D4W of Itidgetown visited
Spring Overcoat. Your Hat won't Lasham mull.iieetlton i'll°t. Me°"na /4". P*a*atnnesr°''r:e'tiWar'laI111181de eet1.11111 °A waning Onnnond week. on
took in 1,11o,fair at London last Mee. Samuel 13nokingharti returned
look well if it, don't fit. ,That is the whom he knew virb;n heemwasretennwpnat,.. &ocean omit:: 'ranchiffrnnirotUvrhes0Bnoina:ziad, tiv7iiialland streets for $eep and sse, vie' ..
and they are also itterested in a bon*h by Mra.naKMaient'lel'ifeoiril $11500e a, local corps
8 i ft, Liodos.,y of Halton le the sued mra, waraeley. at tenaab.
=Saturday after a pleasant vial with
prospeetieg the eialtrie and gettifik now in command of Ensign Maellzifl °' goo, b 8, itrihre -Outlaw° has accepted a p0 -
of fits we give our eustotners tics in Huron and helped to ale* him.
That Vesta before the Premier deserted chine adjoining. They are now bile? The Salvation AMY r. McCiennan,
and guarantee good fits or no sale and you eau then give ne -the Conaervattye part foe the loavesO Mrs. Cassels of Wiatton is the With Messrs, Carling Broao
ad !ittbet, me, Labs, vutted did.", ready tor winter's; work. One of Obis and wife. They are a ti. pair,
S •4ti S 't Y "Il h h c
pit g ut . on •wi e 1320r8 t an pleased. for we make a ent pieta of the province rid Is of the
opibion that the average yield will be Partners has gone out for
maehine,ivithout which tie mining oht-
e, thawing Rail:Pet:a for the work In wIt'aulchthael; °eTtihe:tatiteear.0MtrtiaI. MB:I:head' 1st thinrch
in Heater, intoodedhating a garden party °tithe' mNehrichants. ,
%and Mrs. William T, Croaker of
the other kind of fits. Give us a trial t lit you out in a nice
twenty-feur bushels to the acre. In fit le now nomPloto. Itte- Wright eels into titageal;:tilottfitttel.PuOt:ptilt: new Ufa
rf Pleasant lete in eonitnend, lute beenerneferred glee/kg je ' n ape et. Ing relatives and friends In and around
ow etry, Mich., Who lisive been visit.
a Welty of giving better vai ets and better fits than a b
ny ouee i lava of 14*'. 3.. oeuttos0 is 2l
aurae was "at ho
ntn iSfe on lei •
Lean thenuMbet of friend* on Friday as
lied the oats from the grazier and • he i'eaalled In etglib 9 WI
of warning against the corruption that
permeates our electoral system Evil Is
evil wherever it appears and the evit
disclosed in the recent bye;electiOns is
equally a.4 heinous as the sore that is
ordinarily dealt with from the pulpit.
It is even more worthy of denunclas
tion.. Corruption atdections 'is hula
thusly sapping ihe morality •ot the
people. If things are alloWed• ,
to drift it 'win not take long tilt
• we become as corrupt in Ontarici 85
they are in New tork, The religious
press aught to siseak out on thie eines
tion and arouse the tritention: of the
religious portion of the comtnunity.
Ibis necessary thee healthy public
sentiment shotild be created agaiskst
the scandalous methods that. 610 being
resorted 10 connection With this
eleetion et• parliamentary*,
representatives, is the guardians df
the petiPlea Merals the church sinsuldf -
take noticed this esreat and paring
evil. le surely Cannot be the feet that
some of the derionaleational were
are silent Weaned. of the volitioal lean:
e"• • Exeter, returned to t 0 r onte on ihn"gabIentl"hitnr /3edibors..114:141°Ilinata":"Infh:
• Monday last itor from the platform. If these PePe'ri
Aim •Wm. Steverteepf Detroit,. who seikgraibein:ttyzoonwidteaspeabliik oiltItititstrOtarly.tdo
timed tioredheibryhoMme kr. lalsatarwlesetrie : teheafthdodele. tyhttn 01:011,111 Ina\faintt *been une
a jar goapt. is isiteteet Stade OW Alt
poem istif
, 1,• thireittt•
ih t0Wh. Wit are pr.aetiettl. tal ors and Call fit a giant or a drarf Winniper he ni
and best of all our prices will fit your pocket book. In the of West Ituro
feady made department we have awr8 FROM $0,60 10 $12•00 PlalA"re
atia ft broth
the latest.styles and patterns.• -e!
John Deli anu
• they alwayst
•,Gipe A Call and We Will • • hoe You Money, former Wag
°area bows
with his
crop ire
titte ova
whv tag b
r211,1-6" t.11
1,-m • \
-' .11 la, 1.1.
n to Mitchell and Info London.
te The meeting• the Rateenbery
street hpworth eve on Monday
to 0901210 was lea by te MPH*, wittle
e was giv
were doing their duty to their subs
W. T. johns end wale are visiting in
el/strait, ,
• .o
bean vialang herderhpeas eraer„shifan 111V0Irl . le 1111to thi
• •M