The Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-14, Page 8. I
, • • • •
, 4 •i ..esmo .
' 4-4
1444 4
A.4." tilt le IVltz; ftvzicass heel vietting geoleirtnit
. iforisiet elo.ettine. , f Itriffitt
Ot Interest Ottly to Bo* Millie Clegeof etrasepla wee the Mrs. George 0e.ratelor. has been quUe We841Mo bells writ ems be heard in .E
oat of Iglu Whited thle wek. ill for the pt monLb,wo ',trot to . our street, not -just immediately but
Mr. and Berle e., le Dowdy returnee Mr, Ben Switzer hes solu ills orchard from Preeeot indleatiens, oloVeothoe he -
fore email; white Mantle felts Again.
from Cheboygan, Mush.. on Tueadey. to Mitchell and Elliott fur 1$4°
rt TA? Ne. emeeford loe been elsitieg toFwourolthe Tuha4plipeRnwirteuRocor mOodeeivsrlieth • Quito a enodif number from this
v vIchatty tooe in the London Veit, They
visiting Leaden triUilaft WS week leads. P ' meetly report having a fairle good
We have ,helf a groes of varies two Mre. (Dr.) Taylor of Goderieb wee vie- Is rieriee=15110°Xyteler etiiitiltyvQ471:1°,01 %lite eolemn hum or the tbreshintt
oses *and "sorted colors eye eeeere, itinT, her mother, eilre. Kerr, last ageybut then he -co eeneeivea machine has been heard in our midst
rue. He had eightnirroLears anti site enntinoonslY foe "wore than a week, •
tIMaS+ The ernaller one itende ii6Out Wei's-.
WN.i.,,itre allthr and V. race.
or Brussels tem, but until he was eixtyelve yeare dealt." '
own Jun1104140, is in two colors, red i es e of Mr. James Dunford's ole ther e was Oa a vecent chair Hie " Hello! "
44, blue, heti a little gift tracing and a • last week. oldest brother, died at CO and the " Hello
mete floral design. The ethane is neat, Mrs. Mains of Londeehoro was the youngest at 77 and the revamp age or "Lou, is that you ? "in a etern, son. IV
new and, attractive. . guest of Mrs. Os, IL Carter Friday ' death h la ' --. hack 1 1 i h 1 w•-•
tame venomail c 1 ned was 65 mous voice., " Xa-ale'l collies wafted II=
Mr. Oantelon bids fait to be the eldeettt. ow eepu c ra notes.
The larger one stands about ten ,,RP13,..1•34!illta-.„"' e Of them ell and hie many friends e'll„ ave you returned those Clips
inclieti hign, is in green glass only, bait •eir„. ee. ,r , Anna of Toronto spent a
"Yee, a week back."
throughout, the township will Wieb yet?
very Much. more gilt tracing than the lew 'llearTesee."rehaetisT. w" 'his bwther, this native or Tipperaty many happy 44 you heve a week back."
small one, has. several colors in its Wore Mr. returns of the anniversary of bis birth. •
"No, I said, I returned them a weak
els,berate floral design and in shape we Mrs. Stewart and Mies Nellie Stewart ' day,
yokture to say is aauniq,ne MI MaYthing. Of Travis City, Michigan, are gilestS Mr. John T. eleecom Vetnrnee from a back."
you haVe reCently Been. * They are the of MM. Elarry Hunt, . visit to his tete brothers and sister who ' The operator at the other end gets
Practice' kind ot vase as vmas tils ,The number of citizene Who are this have made their bolnea at Plekrord, impatient and heap up the trumpet
orneniental, Will hold a fair sized. bunch week attending the London Fair are, • sonie twenty oda nallesfrom the Amer- after firing hack, "1 say, you're a clip."
or flowers and will stand steady on the as somebody hies aaid, Vtoct numer. lean Soo. He left the Soo at 11 o'clock, The choir of the church, have added,
teble. We don't know what more we ous to mention, I wee) lorklay and reached (Minton at X o'clock it 60ap-rain-0 voice to their uuntber,
can eay to let you know what they are itee ma mts. IL Baker and miss me Seturday, a prety quick trip. He Just now, it is the property of Fred
bullease ennie and see them at 15c Nesbitt returned home on Monday came down by the all -rail touteeree Lewretice.
Tien ec fte an o ti g t Nig , Marys rlYer being bloelted by it vessel I Wonder it that velocipede which
PE PAIR for the smaller site and 250 .
PER PAIR, for the large ones. Note eorointiconanavelseewlia,” „a la-ara which wasren down in the channel and the ,Yon.n. Man ao unwittinglY Placed
that theprices 1e and 25c are for two sunk. Mr. Beacomthinke ravinine against the °Weide door in SUM) an un
• Yaws: When you see there you will Mr. john lioldsworth. • formerly of nays at Pickford but we are pleased to graceful attitude, awoke pa and Ma.
- naturally think each One to be that Gederieh township but noW it mem-
. ber • of the staff of A ,lehiladelphia te we
hear that he his not decided to locate When did that sturdy youne. man,
. , ere. e fall wheat has been a good Who goes a long way around (belt line)
often no ouvest Ahvay8tho •Bese. , gereih,is week. lig 1 crop and the sprIng wheat spleridtd, for a neai cut, c ange hie woe's
, ,
Those Who Want
A tiolunine Bargain,
• Ak•
'))Li fliJii1 11;.1il'f,',1:;;, a •. r ,,.
_iiir inltrittftlit trittiV trnIfrjr _41,„-11",
el eel •eieell111Sittlf)ir
4$4...t, • ir
Some News "7"A
Aftiornio,n. mit11L otAng
Being manufacturers of clothing we are in a position to say a good deal to buyers or clothing, This seasOn, Will
See Mine radical changes and &great many new. styles, prices will be lower and goocU better, Buyers all over
. .
E.: the county are deinandin5Y, better goeas and the day e when any old. thing would; do are over. 'People are beeirining to
appreciate the difference between clothing cut and made by IllaehllierY and etothing cut and tailored in the proper style,
In an establishment like ours you are bound to get clothing down to'date. We sliip goods all over Oanada and our brand •
will be seen On customers in the EttEit as far as Montreal and in the W08t as far as Vancouver We have to keep up to
the times and our prices have got to be the lowest . Some people imagine beca,use we run a big establishment that our
E prices are high. The bigger business we can do the cheaper we cen Sell, and now for some loots in reference to our ai
New Pall Li es wig
' while the bey Is out of sight. It has Hold the lights up higher boys. E
Mrs, Williatn Grummet of Repworth • yielded three tons to the acre ane sell There 1 that's better. Steedy e 0 t my
•. i funeral of her father, the late John Out of this is to be deducted•N
Fair Co , .. Ie..
7,.The W B came down Saturday to attend the for ft out seven to eight dollars per ton. ill luck 1 • My match is gone out 1
eighty ever 'mind, my chime we li see it = ,
• •
. CLINTON. • ' Wheatley, and is the guest of her cents per ton for packing, which the we can find another._ Hirsh! Here's
, Agen4# parese,s pee works., . brother, Chief Wheatley,
. , Rev Mr Ala Donald j T Oairns the been late in thatdletriet and was just up,
farmer has to pay. The harvest' bee onee Listen I Then the nuiteh, drove
, • • popular. Olerk of Stanley, and Mr. well finished when Mr. Baum left, To all the youth of this young land
•John Sparrow Were arming t those Mr . -and 24rs, Henry COlclough. of Mag this note come as a warner,
New Advertisements. from 'Varna and et 1 4
-,e-inty who at- Constance neighborhood were visiting , Matc ee-at a great reductiOu =
, .
. Good, Aiways.•-godgees Bros., ....:.. .,.. 8 • tended the' meeting of the' Huron friends in this township thie *eek. Up at Mr. Jewel's corner.
Last Thursday two cattle of cons
8 grcebytery on Tuesday. Mr, .1. W. RIliott was among those '
ran' OlOtlliair-Ja0k8On Bros.4'e
, from this mumcipality ,,who,atteeded able ,Valti.e belonging to Ber. Montgom- toe-
, Tee Aavortisoment of Interest -W. D, Fair8 We. Hoclgens, Miss Hodgens and Kr*
Frank • Hi:Aeons were in the Toronto Fair. He was accompare.• erVyertt killed, instantly by a passing =
' MI Orr ni -Miss Rosa 8 and Mrs
X nerY ” ng .-. 6 Toronto this week attending theg ied by Mr. Tbos.. A. Walker of (Minton engine- '
- • Apiece Wanted -Towne & ‘,.ttee„ ....... ,and being genial souls we feel quite a..
. 0 weddirli of Miss Basted° to a Mr, UP.
' VOILA'S the Mattar-A. 1Cirkby
•• Mills. • rom the Qtieen City Mr safe in surmising that they had a very ' ' ore-
• . Auetiotteer-Thoroas Stowe,- ., - .. ' .. . . - 5 'Kr till,' . busy weeks and his books now show St Marys peeple.have changed their • =
20 000 'aeries of apples either bought fall fair to the same days as Mitchele
• 3115eheit.
J. • t • Thome Oeettal Ezhibiticia-Narland Bros0 _ _ .
5 hotodgens went on to Montreal on• pleasant time.
t. . ,
Mr. Robert Elliott has . bad seven ----
Agent 0.R, R.-% Jackson
, • 4 business. '
, Home Vitst-Nowecenbe's.,.......,„.„. ,__. • __ .
• ay O e ns itute for the Blind at ' •
ClatimiK, returned yester-
, . .
Special Notiee.-G. J. Stewart •5 ra Bor. all • e ore er epar lire ciiti2gptteozr age rarseceomtient existing to We selected those days laet summer.
fined his oper- It may not he too late for St. Marys to
stratfore Business College -W. ?-, Elliott..., 0
tiara of Theelik-peter Coie.• • ...• • • . - $gwS-Rucarto to that
... ' .. ' . 5 - -taut tttcl l rttdr d
n e es an gentlemen who *Alone to. -the townships of Stanley, 'ehange back tetlae old date, or letthe
.1t will be
• 1%Tow liats-A. J. Mortieh.,,, ....... . .. . . ..„. 1 en so n o r u n
• had bh ki d t he d ri h Goderichb liullett, Oolborne and Ash- public teke their choice.
g er field, .0f the five to says Goderich and. r
air either way,
- • , ' street. . . gens Bros., Toronto the home of her -parents, .Mr. Hinds of the Mere ants' Bank
•;,' • Mrs, It Glaz• ier and bliss Bernice where she has accepted.' a similar Miss Mitria Melville of Seaforth is was in Toronto this week on business.
Glazier are visiting Wingbam • position with tee Acton Burrows spending a few clays with Miss A. • Onr firemen are talking about going
• '''' 'friends. 06.. Her many friends Will Wish Tyerman. • . to Flint, Mich in October, to their
. miss .Eteme Doan left, Beeneay for • that she may find her new situation Master Tom Adams was not 'struck - teurnament- °
a few a pleasant one nn at it wi 0 with the far West as he got sick (hoine ,
' 'Toronto where she will spend
. • entirely satisfactory also .frcirri a sick) and started for home after being •• _ le
e. __ . e •
"7•37'e ; • ' • fine cial point of view. Miss Maud_ there only two days'. "r°Tvnls Sale.Ate= ter. —
-.Miss Barge left last week :for Ohicago
to spend the winter with her broth- Palace.
Shattlinon is now stenographer'at the a eir„ Alex Medd Is home: for a .few .'. Friay. se-pt..22na. Alt 0..w
.s.te'w- ity,t
'_ • '' - - aye. of lot 6te Bayfleld lane,,Goderich, Tp.,
4 • Nes. „Roderick 1VIeLeod returned this
Mr. Virillin:111.. •Elliett of • •Inglewood Rumor says that &tie of our esteemed will -have an extensive auction sale of
-Farm near Galt, spent Sundae at his young men will take a partner for „life _
, ,helidays. • Colborne will have the largest yield The Whyte Packing Oonipany re-
, • Mrs. elcelpedy-emith.havine• re con and the former will ship more than ceived a large number of live bogs this
lklbout o o 0
., , . r.Elliott s .
aidered her decision as to thepesition any of the otheie M Elli tt and hi week The price ei low this . week
et, the Rattenbury street eieureh or- Stanley Partner have already shipped -only $4 a hundred.
---"---ce° Peopletor an organist. Miss Campbell 0 , chases of orchards are: Tnos.
, gem, the officials are again looking 2000 barrels His lar est s
,monlxe, $pkirWilliams and George Pre
o; John E. te
ter dame home from Toronto Thurs.
Godericla officiated last Sunday but David Burns of the leeitland, $520 and day, They narrowly escaped a serious
1110 *TAT ' 0 no gapponoient has yet peen made. George'Harris of Duugannon $400. Tile accident while there, as in a crowd
.—..........., w week, having gone up On a visit to away rip into the thousands. . were dragged a short distance, but got K. ._ _ r. Henry Cole was in Lucknovv last . sum total of his • purchases will riin they got too neer the street. cars and
e no
. .
. • • - hie old friend, Mr George Miller We are sorry to hear of the serious n safety. •
, , .
Mre. Murray is •visiting in Toronto. whom he had not called upon for illness of Mr. Thos, Cooper of Clinton • Dr. Dunsmore, Of Stratford, was in
• . thirty years. When two cronies of and for nearly forty years a resident of town to day seeing his many friends.
. . .. .
There. are always a number of people who want a cheap knock?,bout :suit, and -.4. .
., .. ' .• , for..thierreason We are placing on the market something that will surprise the zat,
A $5 Suit
keenest buyer. -. $5 is not a• big 'figure but we could. ask $8 and' still give .value; There is not a Man in =le
this Election that can afferd to Miss this Suit 'if he wanta,sometting cheap., :. ,.
Now for our $7 itilid $10 Suits—For years we have placed uti the market' suite ot the v,bove ,
. . ..
figures that have given the greatest of satisfaetien in, cut'make and triumieclibein.ih a manner .thq t could ._.
not be approaohed'hy ordinary .ready.mades, and besides the middleman's profit was saved, A good
Many hnyers-dou't stop to tonsider that this means a big saving in their purchases. This season we can
show goods that cannot:be. equalled -by --any other dealer, We . buy our, goods from the manufacturers
threat, out and make them ourselves, and save all buyerS from 15 to 20 Per cent, These statements are
worth investigating. '.' ., • . ,
11•14... '
. •
U144-4 .
• • _
13-ore-Sclioo ts' c1.75 , .
These goods are. Made and sold by the. hundreds, and this. season the goods are better. .
.than OVer. We still keep on imprOving•the quality and Make, and the only. thing that
I I.! 1111'5
Teelettin8 at a standstill is the price. Our Boys School Pants fire known all.over the coun-
try. Sending them by mail makes it an easy way to supply the demand. it's a study
for tnost mothers to figure out the boy's outfit. We hive heefi studying the problem for 20 years tindwe
E_-- ean help people out And now to finish we want to call ' your attention to our great Boys' School
Cap, at 150. Our wonderful line of hosiery at. .25c, and Our sweaters at 50 and 750. Thy are
hard to equal, and are just,what the boy § want at the present season.
. .= • -
• . • • ' • " .441
0444 • • - • • • •'" • . • • I
, •
• , •4401,
-Mrs: Wm. Hai an was m London their age and experience get together this township.. Ills sore Mr. George A. H&came to Mitchell in 1860, and lived *el
this week. , • there is mueh to talk -about, They Cooper has been in &instant attendance here until he moved to Stratford. gr- " •
Miss Lily Hunt has returned from a are both eighty five years of age. upon him for several days and is doing Stratford seems to agree with him, tee
The markets this week have been .
Mr. Alf. Thomas, teller of the First all that's possible to sooth the lastditys
. visit to Toronto and Brantford.
of his aged parent. ,,, . anoderate. Prices remain about the 0 --
--Misses Ida Heywood and Ern Haxby National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska,
visited Blyth friends last week. is in town this vveek revisiting fa* Lindsay tiros. lost a' three- year. old same as usualt Wheat Into K. peas e•-• .
iirt,[ppie-Vcirliiingto& as returned miller scenes , and renewing old as steer the other day. They suppose it was 52, and oats 23 to 24. Eggs contie UP at al -
roue afortnight's visit in eaforth. sociallons. He was once upon a choked to death by an Apple. , 13. Cheese and butter are not veryinc se--
.; Clrnton b .b. f- mr, William Proctor from Detroit is plentiful, but this weekre rain will
,„ , .
Miss M. Weatheral of Go ich Vls- . --.=.
' nev. Mr. Thonaas, who several ears renewing old atisciciations and will make theni more plentiful. ei.--. • .
. Rev. Mr. McCosh is the. guest f Mr. a o was minister over the Thiele as •reeRe,ca Irtee7 tlajlirillIa DV. w9ek Ziiiiiiiii. &Ala • liiiiiiii 1Iiiiiiii iti411411' 44411411 iiii4411- -411111111'11i 41i4iiiii iiiiiiiii iti1111 i 411411'4U iiiiiii n
, the guesit of Miss M. Cluff _la ' *
-re . • • zetriain several weeks, • 11
bristkin con regation ha this place. - •
high compliment to his ability as a -
ancl Mrs." Raike at the 'Rectory this me. Themes us a brother-in-law of . , % .
week. , . • me, E, Butter the 13.ase Line. . • e. Judge: ''. ' . . ' ' • , •
Dr, Smith gi showing . hitt handsonie ' ' ' . •
_ Miss Mary Irwin, who has been for ' "41141°-.-.-.n-inlillett' , carriage horse at the Torailto.exhibir.
, miss Neftie MciGregor of Goclerich is .
. the gixest of Mrs. A. Miller of Hiiren some tinie stenographer for Ho& -miss Floe Hunter. spent Sunday at tion. .
• • • • • I •
• •
• • Q. Pepa. rtment41.
17 .&,••••.—Store 1
What. this store sells is good. It stands.
b. faith have we.M what we sell that back
mug_ ,
your money if When We work for yo
some examples of how 'We do it : -
fcir honest, reliable. qualitOs. all the Sd
. . •
12r interests weVork ,for our own. Here' are
of all its selling is our guarantee to refund
• Week from visiting her mother near • farm stock and implement% . Terms-
Seaforth. fathei.-in-lavi's Mr. J. Cron, where' in the near future. . •
• $5 and under cash, on sums over that , . •
nt ondone where he. won peize monerto the -in London this Week. traordiniry Quilt Sellitig ExtraOrdiggry .11d
.-.?,...J.: Iii, McHardy left On Wednes- cAfor: le of °week . Mr
Elli t has be ' • • M . Wi ET
enEivilsoittaigoleihusa r
t oritc4ng I
P :sittbsePrxth titb week in Tor-
itt „.. 12 month's.- credit or 5 per emit. dis- i
count.--Thomas.Brown, auctioneer. :
. dalifor an 'extended visit to friends
. reterned...fronetl.ieTor. ontoExbibition ' Mr. O. Dale is exhibiting four horses
Tuesday, Sept. 20th. --Mr. G.R. Cold- . •
. Misseallit and Mnina, Maier of Gode- amount of seventy-3(re dollar. This MreJohn Medd is very ill at resent. well of lot 4, con. 7:Hallett, will have ' ....
rich were .guests al Mr. John Ted- -included the first prize of .forty doll- Erysipelas is the . troubleWe wish an extensiye•eale of fa•rm stook;. =pie- -
.. ., .ford's this week. • . ' : • .. ..- :- • twain thecompetition for befit and him a speedy recovery. : ' . , • ments and household effects.-Themas
' Miss Ethel. Doherty left Tuesday for • .. quickest made butter. and, l'sT,..' and „T, Mr. Smiles Southcombe left this week Brown, auctioneer:
for v n, . sa. e .bought is . Monday; Oct. 2rid.-On100.5, Huron'
Toronto' - tcil attend the . Havergal • Riinsford s second of twenty .dellaeti.
_ ... e transportetioe . born- Fe R. Hodgeos, .110`ad. McKillop, extensive sale'of farm
, Ladies' College. .• • •' • . . •
, • _ °Beton.' e , . . . -' .. . • - . stock and iniplernents,without reserve.
'. Nista Lizzie Gardner returned Monday - Forest lion*. • ' 'il'ames. Carlin, proprietor; • Thqreas
., . Monday evening from a couple of . • -.-e-----e, . '. .
.. ,: ... • • - -,' • • •
: weeks visit in •Toronto. - . • Mr. J. Snarling and Mee. Wm.- Leh-
' Brown, auctioneer. ./
Mrs.. Samuel 'Oantelon' of Steeetsville pingteri of (Jlinton called on friends in
• Decidedly Cloudy. .
• ,
• . . . ,, .
is visiting Mrs. George Cantelori of this neighborhood. • •
• . - • RattenhurY street. • - . . • Miss Ida Bennett of Alma was the • The Liberalleovertiment iif Ontario ' tereut9 Live' StOek 1114rieet.
_ . .
• -. -guest of Miss Jimmie Brownlee last is on the horns' of a -dilemma. When • '.
Mimi McAlpine of Warwick and Miss , . • • . . North Waterloo is 'declared vacant, 'as Toronto; Sept. 12.. ----At the 'western
• Anderson of Wyornieg are guests of week. ' .. ' • • ' • it is almoSt certain to be, the' e-Vvilt be cattle yarde this morning .tve had the
. • their cousin, Mrs. jarneirair. ' • .3,1r••••Th°m"" Kyle •i: laying off "'lc four vacancies in the House, .viz., West coniparatively sraallrun of 60 loads, in-.
. ' with a sore foot. . , . • •
- . Mr: W. A. Litornell of Molson's Bank, Huron, North . Waterloo, South- Ont- eluding pee sheep and lambs, 579 hogs.
A number of Our _young people from
. being offon his holiditys ,Mr. S..: W , .ario, . West Elgin,- each. with, a spicy 20 etilves and not more . than half a
here took in the Kippen. lawn' social ....,- --Wilson of Almonte is Supplying.;
,,„.... .
• . , -tale of Liberal corruption attaching to dozen' milkers. . • • ,
• •
- • . held UM; John Beery's. ' •
_e the last by-election... TO. • re-elect ' a • 'The market this morning waS more
. Master Willie. B. 'Taylor: son of Mr. .' Rev. Mr. Acheson of. Kippen hole and in better shape.
Liberal candidate he eany of them brisk all muhtt
. 'Jacob Taylor, has been visiting with prayer 'meeting. at the home of Mr.
Will Prove todegreat 'a task, even for them has been the, case 'for some timer.
London friends the past fortnight. . Ebenezer Forsythe • heat Wednes,day
the varied .resourees of the M,aehnie. all the, good stuff found a ready market
Mr. Johnny. iller of the Rotel Claren. evening. . .
If the .Oonservatives win these ,seats and buteliene- eattie, of the kind Want -
- don left . esday -for Oluithain to Mr. and Mrs. Flanigan of ' Paris are
they will then have forty- five seats in ed, was scarce. teerything worth'
altefidmid ' aughlan's Business. Col- visiting_ lit Mr.' lames Gemmel's.
the'llouse leaving the Liberals after
--' lege.. . , . Mr. Robby Gemmel, , who has been hour. •
buying Was cleared oft at an early
• . 4 • a Speaker has been elected, a bate
visiting with friends in Paris, hoe ie-
,,,,_ Mr. Witham Shier, fortherly of ' Hut- Majority of three, This would prove . There was it steady demand for tor-
• lett but now of. Michigan was the turned 11°Ine" ' '
• ' much too ,sinall for it working majori. -port cattle, itt from 4-1 to 42efor light .
• guest of Mr. John Brickendett Over Miss Lizzie Love, viVho has been visite
--trend would soon result in the de- stuff, and up to eit and occasienallye,
' •
Sunday. • . • ing in Gray, bus also returned 'home.
feat of the Government and the ccin. shade over for choice exporteree. .• •
itev, Mr. and Mrs. Parke and Rev. R. Miss Annie Berry spent one day last sequent .advantage to Mr. le hitnee Goocl butchers' cattle was an excel -
week With Mts. James Berry. . • •
in the appeato the cOuntry thatveould lent trade to -day, and more of the ha-
- - McCosti Of Chatham were in Seaforth We are sorry Mr. Hugh McKay
:yosterdey 'calling entire Rural Dean is very in, - then follow, On the.other bend if they ter grades of cattle would have found
Charybdis of a general • election ab a readymarket. The bestetuff sold .at
front .8* to 40 per pound; medium
Hodginh . . . . . , Quite it nernber from here are taking- 'avoid this Scene' they fail into the
•Miases. Maggie Dowser, NA° has been in the London Fair.. ' •
once,' which is almost as sere to. re- Stock sold at from 3e to 3gc per pound;
. ..• living at Thornlow*Iliplesing District, . and coramon stuff sold amend 3c per
suit fatally to the party. The outlook
' for the past year, returned borne on • .
' Saturday, . . • • . . 'Stanley Township. is far from it pleasant One from it Lib- pound. • .'
. . „, eral point of view and is causing a Milkers are Wanted and if the right
,- Mts. James. Howe, Miss A.tinie Howe •
and Wee Maude Wilson returned on. le '
WO William Peck of the .bahyloo good deal of apprehension among the 'sat eme along from $10 to • $60 each
party,leaders. All last week. membere mey bedepended one •
Monday from from a, few . days, visit hi t ine one of our oldest and most, es- Choice shipping bulls are worth
. . . . Goderieh. . . e mei/id residents.: is now very. ill and of the House tied prospective cancli-
dates were streaming into the Minis- from $3 75 to $4 12e per cwt; but coni-
: Mist; Emma Doan left for Toronto on fears are entertained for her recovery.
tees' *offices .01. the Parliament build.. mon .bulls sold down to $3 and 8275
.- Monday and after a freiv days there Miss Kennedy, daughter of Mr, Geo.
po icy to pursue.. Presenb indications per cwt. . .
Stockers are. ,Worth from $2 /5 to
will. return ' to her sehool duties et Kennedy of the Goshen Line, who has ings and consulting as to the best
... Detroit eee - .... -• - • „e' been teaching school atEthel, is very POI
with. brain disease. The family seem to point to the probability of •an Xeienhe were scarce and wanted to.
$3 60 per cwt. ' •
latiCtiblin .1,3,atthrotiti of Godericii, who were'eent for the latter part of last. day; the price ranged from 4e to At
early dissolution of the Howie and an
has. jest' returned from the Duck Is. week, the message saying that .if they appeal to the country under the lead-
. lands, was veining. Olinnati friends Wanted to See her aye they rnusteonce .ership of Mr. Ross, the' present Peem- per pound. More wonla have sold.
' this Week. • . • . he at once. Tfamily all wentup. At let being allowed to' realize hie Rew-
Choler) shipping Sheep are wanted.
eave, Ben Sheppard, who has be tri last accounts, we are /Jerry to say,Miss
serenity of a place ori the bench. But
cherished wish of an :elevation to the Prices were firm to -day at from 13e to
'. '
whatever course !nay be. chosen the 30 per pound.
Rams are quoted' at 2/2 to 30 per
visiting in (Minton and vicinity f r ItennedY showed no signs of imProve-
the vett month, left on Monday to Mont.
, return to her home in the Soo. Mr. john.Johnstone o , eGoshen
f :th Good veal calves are in demand et,
political horizon is bounded on every pound.
- • •side with heavy clouds for the Liberate,
„ Miss Viriiinite•Sheppard returned last Line has sold the produce of his mph.
while for the. Conservative party • the from $5 to $8 each for primes and from
week from visiting friends in Kin • ard for $300, No doubt there are a
outlook ie, correspondingly • bright. 03 to $5 for mediums,
cardine arid left Tuesday morning for number of tales at this ,rete but we
Next month' will probably witness ' Between five and six hundred hop
haven't ot the correct figures jueb at
Toronto where she will take a situa. g some startling developments ,in the bailie in here to -day; prices are un-
Misetion. , hand, .
some political world. -Toronto changed and steady at 40 per pound
Mrs.William Stephenson of Marlette, for choke hogs (scaling trom 160 to 200
Ranee of Clinton arid Miss Laurie Mph., arrived last week to visit her World. •,.
of Elmwood are the guests. of Mr. mother,Mrs.„ Wiley of the Par Line, • ,, . : lbs), and 4*e pee pound for light and rep
Hepworth correepohdett of Wiarton who is very ill, Mrs. Wiley is now
oyer eighty -two -years of age and has 11111181$01s.e,„,,-.... ' Following is the range of eurrerit
" • eta Mrs. Laurie of the G., T. G. who
Hattie' (Tomtit, -visited Goderich 1 ears.
lived on the Par Line for very many
•Ilseveot Thanksgiving services Will be quotations.- „•
,Shippere, Per colt.. ... .. .. $4 25 $5.00-
. friends thie week. Ity the wity,Mise belein the Methodist church on Sundayl Butcher,. ehoice, do... ,, .8 75 4 00
. ' Ceetibe Veill' Preside at the Septemher 27th... Rev, R. Dobbs, of Butchetinedinin to goodeft 25 3 80
, Rattenbury street Methodist. e urch ••
°Ian in • lease Line.
106,01,• 'Witigham is announced to prewar.. A • fititcheet inferiOr
nintt Sunday. ., A "coritpartf Wail had at the Ionia harvest festivel Will be held about the Stocker, per ewe 2 75 8 50
Mr: and Mrs. 8. II. Smith have for the . 'of Mr. E. Butt on. Wednesday evening Sable Clitte• . Sheep and Lamb& - .,,,
present taken. apriettnenter at Mr...1. of last Week. There WaS a large - at- What Might have been ft serious airier ' Etees, per cwt ----------- ---3 50 - 3 76
, IL McHardy's where Mrs. Sinith vvill tendance inducting a flanher :iota '-''
oecurred on Elizabeth atreet on Sunday Spring lambs. each.... 8 CO .- 8 75
eeeeled On the afteeporin and eeening Oliotoh and the. unanimous opinion le /stetting. Two tieighbore disputed. the Bucks, riiis-icirkte.t; •;t.n.d,(.).462er • 2 75,
. . -of monde* end Tileeclay next, Sept thab a jelly goed, thne Was spent Mr.
• 18th and 19th. gosoettolon of a plebe of ground, , The Coves, eath •..., .... . ... .,25 CO 45 00
. and Mrs. Butt are a hospitable couple .- tepid° ended me mitt and One of them
Messrs. IL and J. Cottle and Miss- was struck on the beak of the head 'with Calves, each. • 2 00 7 CO
Jennie Cottle of. Sault Ste. Mari and love to see the young peeple eh oy
Hoge. ,
. . Mich., who have spent 6661mm/hal, 62
e thresselz . Mason of ee •onetee eves et etone. Fortunately the injury was Ohoiee hogs, per cwt.- .4: 2,5 4
not Berko. . •
A. lt, Smith has toured tbe iervices Heavy hoge, per' cwt 4 00 4.
. visiting -rehttivee in , totem returned vieltinteal elre E. Butt'ir lain week. Light bogs, per twbe .... 4 CO 4 1
home on Tuesday, They were beek Mr. John Govier nieb With art acci-
beeri viaititig in tovvri. and Goderich.
- " Wu° "a" deoboro• and Ross or Auburn were cal- flee years experielice With Gratton et Co , . 1
ed. by lifte P. R. Hodgente - * dent oa Saturday teat Well dislocated of A. E. McMiehael, of Landon, as . .
. .
clerk in bloater*. Xr.Mcbdicshael hulled, • ,
• , Mr. and Mee eie ei,, Tele e, ' e . ' his shoulder. Iers. McOallutti of Lon- . -
township for the pant three weekswill b himself
led in and under theirskillful attention who do in imnietnie elotbing teach, and
iti Bern:Wet Mich. Mee, ChM Cole
. 4 he loon eagain.'
Old Meat ........i..,. 0 68 to 0 67
lekTrieeclay to return to theirehomeWill nit' doubt prove 'ft skilful' assiotant, to eCottatact oat Wednesday agitation . ' .
rind Mrs.Jarriee Lindsay aceeitipanied Mr..Smith, '
The Wthitham Advatetts says i
them es far es London. - CO/IbOrrie leolittehly.
Cochrane k jOhi1StOtto marble, defiler") GOOSe Wheal, .„ -to 67
Iithereneee Steep retutnect on . sates. Death has visited '-otir meld Once heve•purehesed the half mire fronting on _ lisrier.....4440004$414.40$60 01 0. 38 te 0 40
tlayftenia Indian Head and will re. more when the beloved wife of Mr. :oliephihe St.) and lying with o!Bell's Oate.,..,,,•;....0.,..',•.,,,,,e; 0 25 to 0 2h
• Mehl' herne three weeke or see me Gordon Young posed away Oh Veda,. &dory, ermined hy the peirehttoers ets , nee.
infOrinii Tat NW/VS./Ikea/03 trial he leet, The humid toOk place oil More,- nun -hie Werke. we understand the ee —
Not long ago a 'chalice to'buy•NVhite Quilts at away ,n14-1.3r-
priconarne ourrway:' e ro- ore y far Id 11 ,
in a wholo-y.ear'f! ordinary businesi, 1)0 if -the price we will,
sell'ffiem at it will not take long to clear theta. out All'nre
Clean, new and perfect goods, and the prices 1888 than they are
usually sold for :wholesale. An extra•Quilt two is not a had
thing to have and h will be many a day before you will. have
the chance to buy qualities like these again: •
White FloneYconab good . Our special price While they last,.1.68
: Pattern and entirely *fee from Very firria4vbite mar.- Quilte-fine,
dressing, knotted fringe all • cpialit,W.fancy centre. with bor-
around them,•.06x80,In„ regular . der, 68x80, regular $3, our spec-
ie° $1, our special price.. -• • . • 680 ial pride 1.80
he same quality exactly, only Same quality exactly as above, '
• larger size, 68x80 in., $1.25-quale only 72x04 -regularly seld at
Ity any place, our special price • $3,50, ......., • 2.20
89ti The best of the lot, extra fine •
10 only good qualitywhite mar.- , quality white Mar- Quilt, full
Quilts, fancy Pattern, 74x90 in 10/4 size, thekind that will wear '
' these are extra good goods and for years, regularly sold for $4,
. sell in the regular way et $2.50, I our special price 2.76
Ng such opportunity to buy white guilts has come your
'war before, It is one that will. pay any hOusekeepee to take
advautage of..
Perhaps h is a little early tO sell blankets. However with
the genii we are going to sell a few peir' s of blankete . at special ,
All pare wool, large size Canadian Blankets, Dior- •
• °uglily scoured and cleaned, special, per pair.... 2!70 • ,
. btut had 0, vegy busy Ammer me dive tet Colhorrie eemetere, wItete the pride paid Wasbetween end WO. 4800 1 RY.0,finuirratorermtv vt,swo, 0 00 to o 85
time he, etteeled all the Pelts In remains Were laldin thew Jest reeting ' Butter loose In Creek eel' 0 18 to 0 16.
Manitol,h exhibiting his Hoosier Igoe' The husband and family have Ratter in tan................ 6 14 to 0 16
Shoe Drill which ha been approved - the eYmPeths" of the whthe earmunnit$' I Sir Wilfrid Leerier bee seeented ills ..o,_ ,„„„..1,L,,
Of bY fat. halide and seems likely to in their sad bereavement, - 1 lesetatitel to viisit ehicoo, *eke was mse• r.....,a.10.0. ... 4,4 l. N** 0 II ett 0 12
"fill a long felt Wank" After the Mrs. Morrie or Gederieh has hem presented yeeterday) The Earl of nay. .. . ..... ................,..... 5 50 to 5 00
'Melina of patentees, ms, steep is vialtiort at her sioterfs* Mrs. William Dilute has not rdpbedtet. '' Live Rags..., • .. ...olio to a 76
Magnum att' to the etteetee of his in. VSIgUlg°12' the Past V"ek" Conlinisaloner of Immigtatien Me.
'seriatim( alert eoseedevis the Da. to Captain yowl is hotly ambit his oresty places the number of neve Jrst'iPorkper met ,,..e),.....6 60 to 6 00
whieh en kinds of ground are alike battalion for the Great North. W Hera ing6Mataitio 'for the year he be. Dried Appleit pee thee., Y * 0 06 to 0 06
tueenc4weint6Ztekeructieroxasitkei'moit etalocreoTierre.11ahTatlibev: rillelliblenebterttidtdt47pbigbabetitttils;teyil bt kinill elleldr ineeeett; teLmeisitini °°° ia: ,1147144 "e W " ' " 414 *kW lar OlVie.4.w • n a or •.4 115 to 100
Wool,•4, 4/11164410004 44404044041144 4' 0 la tetb 0 is
tat. o *ream *Ali , ,. ,i, - - , ' Peoaieee,...,,....... virirr '00 LC 60
O0 t 052
' • ,e
, • ee•eeee'..... • *"
A.4.4 41114.64. • ^.. .154.1da...A• •
Just a couple of dozen to sell at thete special
• prides. They are good andrat, these, prices(' are
very cheap.
Heavy quality Turkish Bath Tovvels, natural color,
With red and white stripes and border, 214%42 in.,
regular 18 to 20c quality, this little lot at........2 for 250
an goo va ue at 40e,
What. we'say about the Quilts MI apply to the ket-
ChlefSj. it:Although the quantity was large yet the price tempted
us and we bought Months of ordinary selling' will not clear.
out what we have, but the prices will make .extraordinary
ing and dear them out in short order. There are no fancy ones,
• all are"plain, jtist thesensible kind for .every day:use, and . all
are new, all are perfect. When you can boy goods like 'these
for just half whatyou usually pay, wouldn't it . be wisdom lo
lay in supply . ' •
2- • -allese-
• , .
. Ladies' hem stitched handker-
chiefs tine quality tainbric,
lineh finish. 13 in. square, in,
• hem, sold, at 10e everywhere, .
OUT eXtlaut Ll1L,.‘ry price. , . ... . •
.. . ... each or fe'r 250
.' Hem stitched handkerchiefs, flee
. strong cambriclinen finish, 15
•in. dquare, in. hem, never sold
for less than 120 each our
' special price . . . ...2 for 15e
Bem stitched handkerchiefs,
(mark- pure lineh) 13 in,
square. 1 in, hem, would be
• cheap et 2 for 25c, special price. 70
Pure lineri hetn stitched handker-
thiefs„extra, fine quality and
soft 13 in. square, and "
1 inch hems, good as we. ever
sold at 20, special price for WS
)ot....... ...... : .2 for 26;
Extra fine tleality pure linen heir*
tatasi tvt Cseh se odi haatn 2d51.coe, we bhi il� the
II on t.
square,1 in. hem, as good as we
Fine linen finish cambric hand-
kelchiefa 184 in. -square, our 4
regular 10c goods. .Sc each or 8 for 25c
Same. quality as above, 21 in -
square, hemmed edge .. ...
4., „ .. . .10c each or 3 foe 25c
Gentlemen's hem stitched hand- •
kerchiefs, 18 in, goitre, alt pure
linen, 1 in. for 2Ed
. are leaders. in Dress Goods in whatever way you want
to look at it. There is no akimped assortment here, there's
variety enough of every fashionable Weave and finish to suit the
most exacting taste, Many Of the lines that Nie have are our
own direct importations and you will net find them any place
else.- The siylee are absolutely correct and the Values are suCh
as will bring the bulk of the Dress Goods trade our Way.
.'Judge the :whole stack by these:
• Heavy all wool serge,bard worst-
ed finish, will not cut or hold
the dust, myrtle green. navy
dblack,d I •
special at... ... . 32o
Extra good quality, all wool serge
worsted, finish, specially good
for skirts, black and navy only,
We are ready with our Fall Mantles, ready
with 'the hest, brightest, and most up,to-dite
stock of German and Canadian Mantles We
have ever shown, If you are going to buy a
Mantle there is just one "hest time" to buy and
that is early; We will have more to say about
them next week, and, win be glad to have you
came and see them .auy time, whether you
wieli to buy or nob. •
special, • 11.4 • 1,1 • It 11 0 45a
Extra good quality skirt serge,
hard finish, every thread pure
wool, 42 inch wide, guaranteed "
to wear, sold all over at 60c,
just the thing for a fall skirt . , 500
Shot fancy. dress goods, 42 in.
wid.e, new goods, will =aka
tityllsh and fashionable COS-
tlihreS8 Special • .4- ... .. .. . ase
42 to 44 -in. all wool poplins, extra
good quality and in all thd
, fashionable shades for fall
. l
381n, black blister crepon, good 42 -inch blaek blister crepori, rich
pat, tern, will make stylish bright finish, guaranteed to
skirte special at ........ 156 *eat; special for skirt length., 4.00,
Agood assortment of fine Crepon Skirts, no two alike, imported direet b3r our-
selves, goods you will notsee duplicated, aneWhere at froni $5 to $8.50.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 21st, nod and gsta, will be Milliy ner Opening days when we will make a rich
. 4
diepiny of the new, the novel, the fashionable in Millinery, Mantles, Dress Girds, bilks and Furs, for fill and winter wear. The
showroom will be open Thursday afternoon and. the store from eight to ten clock Thursday evening. You are cordittIfy invited
to be present.
MIIIS nose 'ln.vltee idle
• ladies of Olintott and
eurreunding country to
her Pall Miiiinery
Opening Which will
• • take phiee on the Oven*.
• lag or
Thursday) Sept. 2tst
miaow rolloWing days.
• The stock is complete
and includes alt tibe
Meese iturblom
MISS ROSS444422:7
othe tualenslood oltors for Sale that dohs tee
teeeti Korea of hied month or the ',widen
Road ge, ItIs a beautiful eke fot'buildlfl
111 088 1)100005 Mi
11031 orselog ht1661aittown
to ran elyief Matt eten't Pay Ire
COU'Olt Clinton
tune feth.
The tele/Meer offal* ter sots
see vce
ereeerttn base otroat toeistine or four sm
gatth thereisa ovrtabicfreiousertien aia hattah
t)llie°°had'iiast atetfe. 1 he
rrs4ri°1rrl rlltbeia otmcol aaormoo
olittom Slit. MRS. 30111-1
=et Jukt/Zetill.
On Vide/ix street, Istear OrtOnly t
,,rniky a men*, 001t1fOrtAbIO honk Ivir).11
Prret tri,„ar.r6ltaril0t 566111314
'eh. trterSONS, bertiste arch
The irebearteet Metre for sale bie limos. arta
et en comer ffeeteraiereetie Raglan wat.
Ve, 0, DOMItTlr,
°RUN, .A.ptil ma
• '',441......"'"4.44.411