HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-14, Page 7t 111400 PrOtt3r French pessant girl beg& Werriting of it, ratting un4er tb eked. of green vinsea in sunny France loter wait far over the WM. Adel oeme ot 4 :puny bree-maken, an , 11 s• don." vela mul owe more Implore her ps 8 Wiliitur A It ""gr WM° Weil' 0011ti 81111411-: °I "a USE Or ACETTLE11 GAL 04.04 yhm, ahem theta he Wad. °I et But Vietorlon wasaltly:fg dengerouely The ?themes iliastoefet wares Wee Ohtneveme Soh the Oreillit-11101 Ille la •••••a• .• • e Go he ran*, and. a few weeks atter ar. _ MIX IN TI1E MARKET. Ernest Torah Harley, the moat tam. e riving in Paris he wrote, informing her IDE FOR 1111#14ENIUME. . Yunnan Ben awns thy* largest Wu .4 WIPON, A. CA,NAPIAN, Di. maxi ler Was net ed to ese her. Dirrantr wpm or AUTOKO* teessly. MAMMOTHS IN EMMA nun ut RNOTIORT TO PERFECTION BY TKOS, , 0117,014 ot hie altered fortunate and ime ewe, me se a otte bankrupt of )modorn tiMes, taroo thi WOSid. %fano there itra Oth- nd 0 Skim dug gamin. moth. a. Aka F nfe bar tO forgive and accept once ra a " HaW' PILaidel "" 10,1.11117tatMalr every day of his lite, says 41•14 Atoltinnt sea Citlelelik el en Elle- er tangent Men 1n the world, but that et et otegerees ta Liquefy fg_masr more tts her true lover the marquis - — the London male when he flied hie SAKS areveYerd la Hie riete ellairlint doe. sot affect the Just. ,litter a hint esrocee Exeleatens On:erred 'While Atm a le Riviera. • rayertive-hleetrietty the tasty Oteer llekitiese; RI I that he would receive as tor tbe mare trIalPfa were Mass alase ee Volererese • But ehe never got the letter. worst or Power naieir you. wet noes Petitien he had tour addressee- of et 'A sea captain in the Alaskan bust- 'telly Nohnoberly intermit Is Ma Mos 0 The house to withal! it, „came was • Irreveit. rreeil"1" • Bail, Betbrobtre; Pepworth Hall, ORM- he did us the b000r ot moleattere ITR OP MIMEO ABOUT Me BUSY YANKSEL t nes*, witose oblir woe docked at Om Baya a correspondent, He vertormed It wee discovered by a German chem. el Moment sad flirth neelforee it • d eltr' rota ga oho chid to itersell't ;Ill work my owes bridal veil In my holiday time, and then wben A•rtliut oomeo to marry me, obeli not be a fall"1 gay' brIdal No leolye he thee,r." • But Arthur mime to claim her jeng 'Nsi," before the veil was tinisbed and cbc The kingdom of the home la About bridgeehlte; ileum in Rill etr e • 'arinirried-hina-her young Euglielt lov er as Poor ae hereelf-and went wttb. him te Bagland. Tile veil went with them. packed away at the bottom Q ,a trunk, and --forgotten. •It forgOtten, •tor twelve years, until a lovely. little ten -year -01a fairy broke its long sleep. at last, Seth had dark eyes, Info die lIttle Preach lacemaker of old., bet She Iten ttl4 BnFileb• • gOlden heire-Arthlirse own, . "Oh, the pretty lace I" elle cried, • elaPping her hands, and diusolng• with delight as Adele shoal; it out • of its folds. "afity I ham it for a wedding: dress ter my dolly. mounma The pretty matron. laughed, and elthok her heed ae 'she pressed this deli- Then-iihatold the •stara oe its making. • "I Will fieisb it for you," sho trdd, ,!tind then when the time oomes for my little. Viet:eclat, to be h bride, she ivill have a veil to be proud of." go again the Pretty taper fingers toned busily evee the delicate lace. and :Messes of graceful, flowers- and fairy- ' like ferns grew steadily ender them. Victorine watched the pies- : ,gress of the work' with. timeliest in- terest. t "Nfrinrina teach me to Work it " the - ear& one day. a'My • fingers are ever' so much finer and. tinier .than pours!" Re she began to work a veil for her . dolt, end the faoilitY with which she learnt the graceful work was surpriii At 'the age of fifteen she- waa 'so expert that Adele allowed her to take' .part in. the creation of the .wonderfal veil. itself. • • y But as theyonly worked at it by fits e•-•,--.• and starts, as the fancy seized them, it wan unfiniehred when Victoria, ivas beveliteen, end Henri Riyiere came , a -wooing her. • ---'11isirri came. of noble blood, .and wao , parents•bad left him seme many; not. enough to ltve upiso in idle luxury, but enough to, give him .b. fate start in busineas ' • in•g that ite Prifie his rabble ielatives . %yenta not scruple. to -oppose such': a course as he Infd•clecided 'on, •he chose London as thesoene of Ms efforts, and commenced there. ' 'Fite yo , chancre, that , tonnes mother came from a•Franc had been a. bone between them 'from the first. New, -after ,a yeae's "acquaintance; 'Henri:declared his Ion; and the:coining spring was tbiiee their hbppy wedding. . Thera Adele set tor *ork in. earnest to finish , the bridal veil.. • sp. "1 tell you, Monsieur Riiiere, no lady , of your proud hone. ever Wore lace mare exquisite and •ricii," said she. "And•shcill I net proud.. when see my daughter in her..marriage robes; and think of the, poor little peasant girl cif longago, Who toiled' at the lace to earn coarse, black' bread, far away Over the 'tea 1" •• • .. • Rene/ turned quickly et those words: "'What ••, gerkietigt-that,- • , _ deenef". e questioned unewsilY. "Mysele 1" she answered, pleasantly; 'never • noticing his look or tone. 'What eras I but opeor little peasant lace -maker, When generalise young lover, the father,Of •Visitorisie,:rearried Port of San Pedro, Cale bee a a Mime. kow-tow, and in backing tet In 104 that if a mixtUre Ilme Detir ttecer°' UP; the Iniehand and father bad tot- d e once happi nome was broken to passe away; his realm has bean in. Be414eleY Senare. which. Ite rented, fur- ated to an ellorm- rt la a neteWerthl feet that in Utah !Owed to a better world; anti Meer child, for whom hueband, title to locomotive*, and, nOvv Ahem and gas. hP; and a /sumptuous mute ot ramie . b the oath. from Lady Hind- S'rang" exPerienee t° "late 14 13°4" humPed a wall and Made it totter. tnet he went on once la Alaska. lerankeneteln would nave modelled, gether and produced what la now It is expected tbat tbe cotton aro and earboo were he va ed, first: by the appliclation Of Miteltni . aeotron with 0 unique elephant hunt He wan. jaSt the sort ot creature one_ temPeratUre tbe two fend tee there is not one Irish Mormon. , sun fortune were waiting slum; Wine and electrieity are about to ban. at the Midland Grand Betel, Bt. Eau" ,,e house., ,ifid thu mintuiu And we were ben/nine ea oitun carbide. Nothing this year will be the best ever know: Watt W Terlalatfai• known • me a lacer -maker, Franco, wars eatning sorrowful breed ish the home :tore the 'carrlage and erelk ' - wae it* gin* I° Jti° har° f°"' and further -of elate woos accomplished with zi Y k D' ' in that lenely land was Proportionately broad. Re int- ent and OWE. No dottlit loVers ot Now he Imo onlY three. He hardly "end' °°1" obiP Put So tho Marquee waited tut an..ens- knorerri as 'the erased , ew or istnet Attorney wanto One day When it WAS farrlY Pleaeant, I* weight, He tarried tire scare at 27at. Molnar' invented an electric furnace Roe. Ye t rue h at.' his own letter was returned to him tor racing and other pur b tf has • 11,' It The I ndid NeW Siberian Iolanda. pr one, for he was a men of Oda new sahatance until 181)4, when $80,000 more next a to Wer vain; until after ManY Menthe the horse will retain. the finer breede over ased 7447 houses au4 poses rout Sive uP• OP e Alb. He with forinerly a eeelle and, a h f d t apartments at the Midland Grand ha•ve saw .1314 as we, an the I Fs t through the Dead Letter Office. th b t of burden throu hout the carried double locale lie earned double a ouro hat by Placing carbon and Farm labour eonemandi higher wagee Sol She had not f 4 as Ins had thought., ealutamus is already begipnintr to P°a_ It caies like a inemenger ho e a e" g • re use to answer ° z 1} • leading civilized (mitten morituri 110uuo. been abandone4 tor a aeareely lees ini- Ing ac't ne °til°" lanialagl" ivory that muat have weighed over 200 retnaneratt" °f _ this, aod out of it extended a tusk of a mandarin's; yamen, and'recelved the enormously was. a leege of ebony ept_h like -pay, Now he guarded the entrance to three soldiere Re: alienable at conlparati rtti x A syndicate le being formed to 0011 lime direct in ly the electric aro an in Nehraelot thin year than eaer bee high temperature was fore, The next dae BaW himl starting for arke wore shoe which, with minor ctitera- 70 7 1- e 6 " f London, •••• astaess as a merchant peoad had '"nacit' by usual way,".. and the fact mede . ansvrer, but his' haughty family pride had reeeieed, a "A' la•ce-maker 1" :he said to himself: "A eperisant girl' If I- had Mit •known it• sooner P' , And this knowledge of • his- brideh 'humble"extraction so annoyed hint that becatne irl'itable, impatient, feet- ', ; and finally lits conc,eived an absurd • 'bat -violent dislike to the bridal veil. "I hate the sight of it 1" be cried one evening, When he •and Victorine wen "For goodness' sake, if you love me, never work at It'in my presence, dear Victorine. Arad 111 dared ask a spec- ial fever of you, it should be --- He paused,. frightened at his own prudence ; she eat listening in great nerPrise. "Weal r dike said. "lb should be—" "Wear pier ether Veit in the world but that one ito be mereited in." She folded up her work very quietly end deliberately, therugh vrith trembl- hands„, She hed wondered, of late at a Strange. and subtle change in her bone.; new she began to Asle herself sh'e going to learn the cause? She id, with forced calmness: • That as a singuler favor. Ate you arware that thy dear ireether. worked thin veil I" The., bolt, impulsive temper answer- ed. hastily, and without second thought: "That is the very reason that I hate it I" • , Ana then she Undereteod MM. The daughter of England had been slow to tompreherid the pride of this French aristoerat, bilit she saw all eleareynow. She marry the man who thought he stooped to take her! Not though her h)eart broke! , Henri had aroned a pride as stub- born. as his 'own, though of quite a different nature. Gently, but firmly, rAm said to 1111m: "ton chd not know, whon first you nottght Me, that mamma was a ,,poor ladeamaker in Praire°. Sines you Wive known it you 'have regretted our ena • gragernent. Do not speak. I have sten a change In yen. I knove that is• so, Bitt theca ie no harm done," she held out to btu a littIe trembling Mind, "sine / learn this be- . fore It is too late: will grant you the favor you ask." REtkUti he woula have kiseed the trembling hand, but she drew it quickly aWay. • "Your bride will never wear my darling Mother's Mil,,becaume I than • never be your bride!" • ,„ No need to dwell upon what folio*. Ned. His preyera, his protestriticins, • humble at Ent, then. angry, his tears, theY bad to povver to ehange her re- isolation. And so at lase they parted coldly, loVen• still at lheart-for. eh! love dies net eriatiya-letit outwardly neming memo 816 .Mood proudly as he left th ' room, but when the nun& of the aloe, hiet dOor etruek the knell of horse , on her passionate. young leatt,• she • sunk down upon Ole floor, robbing "My love Ole, my love And I ham lett kW," Het parente queetioned hi vain. She had, quarrelled with Heath that Was all that she wonicl tell them, And be. fere time or doom for reeofielliatlen &erne, hose mother Was etelken With Mortal Rielentes, and in three /layer lay &fed; end Vietorlige quite overwhelm,. ed with grief, was orostreted with an attotek oc 'nein fever. mot sk thts jiinetnial, Mini - MONS entrefrom Primes, demanding IilettriYet inanediate rate/owe, Strange, thangee have been hap - paving there, Three litee that etood betWeert bite aid the title and /estates ot, malt -quilt de la /litieta had been Muldenly *Wept away, and to they gent for hied, the heir. At fit* his heatt rinilled with ex. ultation, but 11 senk again. Vice tektite! bad he not lost bet? "r betro for thither reek nor Weelth Need / describe his welecome there, or The inventive mind has only reeent- And that, leractically, is all tbe taahi . . . tlene, coeld be converted into Mnise Pause' POnnde, 'Whited and bent in a Ouriolie trliota tilbs°tonneesxtde:;:elytee: nSettlartlisy 2,c0000t,t000r: nod tee requlttne calcium ear- ordo p th severe), places. It waa No cold that the married toe small wife, and had a sop. ing a new gee very rapidly when acquaintance with. "tbe Marquisr.leut the enormone possibilities of the 'ma a. go Aar noo ey aywor an breite it in boat thi t t ati, dug it out, but , e wag r y,.. wo years- of age, bide possessed the in•operty et generat- arnn• . . tell of the crowds that flecked to plaint 17 been turned iiPon the automobile and, terial difference that bankruptcy haa . . . . ivory was not in tite verybest obelus But he is wetted in Yunnan. He Is in•• hrelight into canter:it with water, Mols- torin,e, except the story of her ROI,* fully worked out or realized, But, ail- twhheieehemise• tfbei Da: intents and purposes, wen. way, it started us to thinking, and We wr te naughty words on the And atter three menthe' march he cordiuth to the old adage, money inakea he to go to London he would •be the influence, deepest heart -interest to ald th b ' a . . Could and take our chances. So the next • . • Emile are still hui-or hes itim y s ten4ed for better things than beating any ng olune have not yet, by any means, been 7 being weather-heana an part.-AnY^ doffs and whipPing small boys who r. e a money, the mare go, and, money combined, with a 80,1,04 yet, 1.0; tone& rains that money commands win One evening he made °ilea party certainieemake the atotomeue go. nacPv04, frOIA eitI4Or ininaion in eonse- aa3' :we began a regular elePhaut hunt' shoP windows; he would honor dee: $ these tusks belonged once to the eases by attending "at heroes" at fifty of a tableaux vivant% for be had to A year ago there were not no automo- aaence of .the banizruntey. Bot,h houses go into society sometimes, however lit. biles in America, but since the first ef were hbitigigryesint examilimmotgint.1114InevseoLlelvieridaces thiet Igvuoinnledasrestlikneasttteondddainnegegs UosfhhIniegPmigititels. yaMell d deterniined to collect all the tusks we walls. There is a fortune in him, Were ot a aingle lane of terniture d rage. His photographs would be i tio be liked and the particular tab- thm• year at lout ad commm.es have UNDER MORTGAGE leau in, which he took part was that of " • looked as though a dozen elephants us, but lu 'age room was limited. NVe did think of taking him along with . had died together, and were buried iia gg . • a wedding. Suddenly one of the but- been 'organized In different sections of when Mr* Rooley filed" his Pea -awl. In tons on his vigt paught in the bride's the United. States and Canada, with an both came the mortgage haa gince been the sand -pit; netirly -all were froz- THE KISS. ' Woe veil. in an instant he bed recog- enorMous aggregate eaPital of nearI3' raieeds and Kr. ErroleY, JISS hAPPUY uu, . • aimed that once -hated lirceit was Vic- . • . " • . o been relieved of the necescuty whieih, . . A 0-HOHT ELEE,LuiTt. , Medical scientists tell us hat we Wain s bridal veil! • V100,000,000, ' • t "I borrowed it of s laceemaker," the These companiee are turnin,g out it was at first sOPPinied won'" • l'One day, one of the men came melt- health, and the evils xesulting frOM may Ao longer kiss, that it Injures the lady who wore it explained. "I would about •200 typea ot eehiales, witn vat- threaten him -the necessitie namely, of 'have bought it, bUt she vrould not sell. ing int° camp and said that hi had ious methods of propulsion. Electricity Moving with hes family into a cheap ... Abe. osculataly titbit, if persisted In, round a live elephant; be had seen it It was her mother's work." ' ' ' f are t forth aa lIblu a '"A young girl V' he' gasped. steam and„ gasoline, are the three main Sint o London Ridging -a Nobody can doubt who sees Mr. The fellow was demoralized. We fol- aeum, move -its hair, tusks and everything. - se e I . Ina Ad ad nau- 'Men is the only •-animal that "Oh. no, indeed 1. A poor, thin, jade forces that have been cheined and ed creature, iyith fine eyes, eertainlY, boand tol do the bidding okthe Man be•-• Hooley, at home on his broad acres lowed him to the spot, and he pointed klasen as a murk of affection, and the but ill and -worn. I shall he glad to hind the lever Other in titre powers, thee this ics alt for the best -so far as up the cliff to a lag hole, from which he kies is und.oubtedly as old as human give you her addresi if you have work ' • a " Mr, Hocde is concerned; and one le swore the elePhint . had walked, I t I 1 for her. I am sure- she needs it." i derived from. compressed...air, liquid air, ot_oo,, idiom. to non ratuutte him ,crawled up the little divide, ahd look- n.nure. n the o d. catacomb pictures Well, she never needed for anything I cetbonic acid, gas and alcohol, are be- ap-o'n LI A . . . g.. . , . . ingnver saw the sight of my life There event *men, wane it involves • of Egypt, fanklovers are depicted in after that night 1 love and happiness ing experimented with, bot automobiles him au no personal discomfort, leaves was an elePhant that. had been in oold kissing attitudes, while as far back as ese powers eh n he ro . storage perhaps tveo million years, hilt /anis, we are told tharthi o thy came to her in bounteous measrue, and with ' th b i d t th ne him -with " greater freedora and less it was as fresh as though it had fallen • • - a w r - stayed with her forever afterward. 1311 " ' i lt* t responsi i i y -leisure o cu Iva e .., .., patriarch kissed Etaollol and "lifted OP Pale. and then, and som.ewhat care- are not yet practical and accomplished the simple bat costly tastes .which her "7 oar ruJecs, tThe eye even was per - worn still, was the kids of the Mar- facts; they! are Atilt in the' experiment- was unable to 'gratify in a period feat. 'The animal had been buried his voice aad wept,", though why he guts on bier we -doling day; but in his al stage- — •: - • - • e .----- -- whenheereckonedehi,Milliones witIrthel anute60-feetefrometheasurface.intlor "Waleirteelitra-thirtrirtiT ennjecture. eyes -the -eyea of true and„faithful love -it was still t'hle, sweetest face in all the• world that emiled under Adele's bridal veil. And this Marquis kissed the lace and blessed it becalms through it he bad found her again. • . "I love it now!" he cried, "It shall be kept as a preeions treasure alwayee' And so it was. Many a fair and high-born bride wore "the bridal veil of Riviere" in the years to come; h t f th t The Romans divIded krsses into three the farnaer,„ and -milkrcut-ii and grocer coubtry My:, In Frence the antomobile is used by • blecloth He iss.de teenddtlriettse pursnitt of a ' ''' an • ae- anew had wooavsv.he.ecid it Out, so that it hail dnewenn t4hyti ' !also ow l'Inw e Ville Ern. linemen), - viuni, vehichmeant the kiss of friend- ight and- rolled clasens-the• osculum, basium and sau-, gedlinugt monster, ahip, of polibeness and ot love. The aod peddier as well as by the man of tweed shooting coat aneira breeches, made bY the Most-exolusive °Sing red heir' its trill* 1009. lLgstrraditle- Greeks•rnognized bUt one, the kiss of wealth and leisure. An automobile hugh anake ; and out ,beneath curved': club isi in existence whichnumbers up- 113f tWeat End tailors, and his ;ratty' Le markable tiske that gave 00 love. We ot the present day ban the eattlieerrn,glel5teires ,of the most fashionable strikiren the mage kiss of re,conoiliation, of respect, of ward of 2,000 members. In Paris the pa hitairsehorklilh4 moth. gEzVli g9)gi:earnanlnem tct° la adorationi, and who of us does not re.. eleetric motor is 'fast supplanting the figure, the vels°ry .idalat,11 o/d -fashioned horse cab. French laws the breeziness of 'leis maTer, 'mg:este Iiicournildahiladvewtarnansa spoplretneddiodths enPenzafooriemmsiedne. lot =1,3e,r ire first kiss of tovel Fair a 4 starry filtieS eeme bailie. tO 'THE' AUTOMOBILE ABROAD. burned end of a tauten on a t -whose mother was a peasant girl, but for rams and speed limits. The machine who for true love's sake and for love is but among the.m all none' were more have, been passed for the.regulation of .nzew ..a. .. w nasca 7 trely blest than the Poor lace -maker, _ builders and operators; and providing te be dsed for military; purposes, -and pnete tr, the Adelpbt Theatre, one fee f si3ro t ,4•Lt, it is nevertheless deVOth aereces ion. s t t at ' 1 ,t e .a mole ° okew,' but -we had no way to keep Min aneeted a betrothal witnessed by I made an effort to save the skin;whieh Saturn's triple circlet? And who has have made the fortune of the entire leve's Elysian streams1 Who has.ncst America or Europe as he vvas it would every. heart. Who' has not waudered by to he Maclaine la Ma uise de la El- i as v'telk --aer,e Malalikiiillealdilatg• h • hy • 7....4--,-- .---a b - . y is Der yshire.neighbours, to w om reall at home ere..,,,,surrotortiask,laut=ehut=utftealleref. • , • ,r. Hoo ey air wrecna with est, most sensuous clay! and lived, per- abonee was chosen bY her faithful lover has become a Governmental institution- ion Is ati Risley Hall ha I had .packed in salt, and, but ter the not held in his arms a being of sztete„, everything on board later, would have haps, 'hours of ecstasy in a single mo-, his el:en-handed generosity far more saved it. There are enough tusks buried Meat I Kisses have also played a than compensates for the . occasional in the NewSinerian Islands to provide : very prominent part in hi t Th s Ory• e WOMN IN BEITISII POLlTICS. Lefty. gallantries Greot Intelleatnalfilfts- . Lord Beaconsfield lutlebted to Ills Wife ray Many Political Successes. ' The- recent 'alarming illness of the wife, of the British -Prime Minister • the Marquis of Salisbury, has called forth froin this B.ritisla prese expressiens of anxiety Which bad a deeper origin than There are several powerful essocue- tions in England. devoted to the devel- opment of the' automobile; and espe- cially in the line of parrying heevy toads and for &waling Purposes the machineyhas !found a .far widee accept- ance than in the United. States: Auto- mobiles. propelled ,b !steam are • the most papule): in England. In New York and in' name of .the other huge eitiere•of the United States the electric, vehicle hes come. largely Into favor. • IV is especially' ivell adapt- ed for all' city Uses, for it is without odor or vibrationa, and is almost noise, mere Munan sympathy for ii, husband less; but) owing to the necessity of car - threatened with the loss of 'hie wife, eying e. storage, 'battery, it is, v.ery it. vitas generally understood that in heavy . and can run fee bat. a limited distancee-about . 26 indes--without re - the event of Lady Salisbury's death charging.. , Therefore at present -for Lord •Salishuey weuld withdra* froth there is no telliag, What Improvements politics altogether, Enid thes ,coraiel may be Made -.-the Pitomobties_run by his party to ohne) 4 netv leader. Wh°- I EctItireitarpugarVaineses a ThsestrmrTerlitrell3cna% weer that leader should prove to be, be made much lighter, and de not re - it _wale felt thatk the 'vrelfttie of the - Prire, as do the electric vehicles, eharg- he imperiee3d, ing stations; moreover, fresh supplies .14#ish... EmPire would Nerie-ortherseen eligible to the pose. °f Easeline eau be obtained aleYwhere, pion poramands'ille contiaenee,„gt tne : and steam is, easily generated., • Bratish 'people as Lord SaliSbury doik --• ....4AIIDS ' AND -FEET BUSY. them -would 'he pepulerly,.viewel as a managed by. the .leit hind of .the drire to Power of any pf in the' 41144.gtrio pitemobile the 'Mix - and the • adVent rent is readilee'Contrplled by a lever . HANGEH il, NoT A c.ALAmrry. er, whoa, right hand is occupied with . , the steering, lever. Thus the driver has When, in 18•57, 'Lord Salisbury niar- his hands full, and his feet are fully riest his wife, be was plain Robert Ce- ecenleied as well. With his -left -tee' he manages the emergency switch, and cil, 27 yeare oId, a second son, with with Ma left toes he rings the genil, no immediate prospect of succeeding The reversing 'switch is, turned with. tit hbe Marenteate. She Was thedaugh. his right heel and, the brake irt APplied tor of siolgo of tho now extiuct with either right or left Poet. He the light b . ressin a but - Court of Exelieq,u.er, Baron Alderson, - Otri tmoduet his seat. I./Renee itgoan be and older than her husband, but) a wo- - seen that the driver must keep his wits Man of great intellectual gifts as ahan:t hhn and Mindy •with both • hands and feet as personal attractiveness. TA0 mar, ' ,The gasoline automobile alio • keeps eine was distaateful to young Cecil's its operator fully occupied, and he has father, and for a long time he bad to mere details to master. Re must. know eke out a seanty idcome by, Writing he* to fill the gasoline and weter for newspapers, chiefly ,t he Satarday tanks, hOw to regulate tlie battery Revieve. The' dearth of his elder brethe vvhieh ignites the gas ,and natist un- derstand how to clean and eil the ma- . er 18(Z permitted hira toAnstime chinery, and ,must familiarize himself the courtesy title of Lord Crairborne, with' other detaihrtif the machine. The and that 1,;„ ;„ „dad, mererunniag of an automobile is much "`""`" the same,..whatever the power employ - hint AfarqUis of Salisbury. The lineal ed, The gasoline machines are usually descendant of Queen •Blizabeth's Ca- Frenoh inventions. oil', Lord Barleigh, he has provedhira- Certainly the automobile is gelling to Self worthy of his distinguished an- bring- about great changes among all oestor, and is the foremost of living sorts and donditions of men. The ma- Eritish statesmen. phine la but in its infancy now -It May Lord Salisharra devotion to hie ivife be called a inere baby ia comperison has never flagged, and though she licai With what invention and progress noo openty influenced his 'political con- will Make dt. In out- rural districts it duot, it is So Well known that she is is a great. curiosity now, but before his confidante, and counsellor, and that many years have passed away, a horse his own personal ambition would not in these same districts will be a far induce, him to retain office atter she greater- curiosity than an autome was taken away, that the destinies of bile. Great Britain May , be said to' depend THB THREE TYPES. on, her. Ili this, respect, she is, how- ever, but one of many English Woe The battery compartment under the men "43° ilave PlaYed in Britlah l's°1t- slip aes t°/ae ponweeneeTrhne doallatitarttlibieleiltBhuaP"s t f th I t i ties, a Part ilot inferior to that play- four adjuetable contaotti. The battery ed by men. lord Beaconsfield, who was Lofd la intshed in bY means Of a hydraulie galishoxy,s predecessor in the Tory ram, and the moment it is in place leadership, was, it is well known, ine the circuit is oomPlete and the ma- debted to his wife, even before his Mar- chine is ready for action. An emergency ringer to her, for the pecaniar3' aseist- switch shuts Off the circuit. In start - allots and the intellectilal stimulus ing the automobile the driver puta the which aided him materially in his emergency 'Witch in place and the struggle. for Power and fame. When eireait 18 °°m•Pleted" Ihn reversing *he became a veldow' she was SO, end lever is thcm pressed backward or for- Beacoasfield, 85. She was not beeuti- ward DA the direction calls for, then ful, bet he Married her, end when soul° the controlling lever is pushed forward, of, hie friends expressed their aurpriee this lever controla the speed. Of it and aeked. him why he did It: The machine has to be recharged 64 - "Gentlemen," eald, he, "do none of yOU tot' ranning about 25 mikes. In reoharg. know what gratitude meana 1,, nia in,g, the battery is taked out and biegraphe.r. Janata .A.• Fronde, says of charged' at the atathaL her, "She was his helpmate, 1de Candid- The ah°r° la an 'American renl'edn°- ante, hie adviser ; freta the first he felt tion of a Dectintalle voiturette. The the extent Of his obligations to het, motive poerer consists of a double cy. but the eense of obligation, if at first tinder gasoline motor, which transmits felt as a dutY, becalm a bond of friend- ite power to a differential in the rear ehip perpetually renewed,,, How um axle. It is. well known tbat when gaso. Gladstone, too triad her husband, by lirie is/mixed. with air in proper propor- watohiag uver'hia health sad comfort, dons and ignited, it explodee Instant - and by carefully shieldizig him trent 17" 137 adMitting this mixture. at the end or, head of the engine cylinder and onneYancee likeli to intetfere ith hie LADY PALMERSTON /1/ P L/TIC09 / labore, is well known, pexiaPtloondingditt. at the'proper Moment the is wen violently forvierd, and • then by the aeti on of the fly wheel eon; was, in pubiic life as well as In er aiu entliValent-tievicti,-11%-bi forced .A6 an earlier period Lady Palmer.. back again, and the motor is kept in private life, the active ally of her him. motion. ThS eXplOsitM of the gas is produced byl means of an electric spark. The MaChine le started by turniog the atatting wheel at the side. This starts the motor by :fucking in a itharge of gen ana exPlOding Ito . bend. She electioneered tot hiat, in- ttigued for him, escrowed In hie behalf upoe members Of Perliturieut, ((ulnae - sedate, Journalists, and Public Men ge amally, all her feminine talents, Mint toe, did'in spite of Palmer - don's nOterfolle dentine to others Of the fair eerr end of Pussies With There is it gasoline tank la the front biftg totalit unequal to the dentands An ban noior Pitt his.foot in onm. la e ou IIIS PREIT'EltiENOIL • In the atom automobile •the steam in generated. by tieing gasoline as Atoll.' them wbf IL joined to hie personal beauty, obtained for hira the utak. 4rt of the (tarries°, Which connects triode upon t nottadaya, A. large hag Allow Me to eongratu .,,t Y • DOett ha Tatiana of a Pipe With the firebea- tad taken ite place, tbe • contents ce he never eonle Mine later ' .1"P" Stott* r.-Atit t kind st ehevre flank Of "Cupid," Neter, lee goes te bed directly tlftekr tno•girm do you went, my little boy, !ander the holler. Combustien trees on which are distributed by the mod- gthen Victoria, also, het/ not been 4, In the firebox and the irmoline is ValeOre ffeent footman, who receives than from dinner. • We have peppermint, eassefras, who mere figurehead, in the gOVerrienent Of raised and bonduoted by the Pine the h de f his I t Do v A Model young Mate Madam ee h an 0 In El resit, MOM a e an afternoon -tit model young num. How old le he tergreen, lilac, heliotrope ana attar of her erriPlre. elite had been but tWo around. the boiler. A double eylinder disposed af daring roost I" brusqueness of his manner, he lives tbe world with ivory, for a century to, celebrated kiss given Caesar by the 'THE LIFE THAT LIE,LOVES. come,' • . :11iiirrrni • 1%.,1'14of Ittlialnd,°'Igil 11)13sit ' Row es it don l. Est modus in retells, A nellINOcEROS ON ICE. . give to Anne, of Denmark; are,fainie' eaid the poet pliilosoeher; there are ' "Sone years ago," aintimied ways of doing things. • skipper, "they •found a rhinoceros . in the liar • to 'all. Iri imnance tind:.poetry• The- modest -£20• a: week which, the the flesh in sibekie„, The animzil had tbn7 figure far more proniineetly, and creditors' :trustee' Undertook to allow wandered along what is now the Lena are sometimes. chosen as a theme. The •Iir. Hooley is znainteitance money is River and fallen. into a crevasse. and Visa whicin :the angel toOk in the pear - certainly. not sriffieient, even if it te been frozen. , It wes a third larger ' lyt gates 'as atonement fin a lost soul Officially, Mr, Hooley, like the tiae horns, one of whieh was four and-one- fortanate gentlemen in the nevels, is half feet long ; the bedy was cOvered ' a...aa kiaa' af Yentli anti lt7e," •end Ina " a • beggar ;" practiozilly he is nothing with huge reddish hair, ii. pr-oteetion. ""'" country gentleman. 1 • ' • _. as solid aa a rock, but, Unfortunately, - et, was froaeu,",That , vt. aniiood had but ane rev of the. sort, but a „ very Well -to -de against cold weather And,. notwithstanding his fanciness wee almost 'destroyed' by wild' ;mime's . To .1elas thew,' all et ollic4 fr6331' north for cottntree lite, he is unable altogether before he wasreached hy any one that ' • e, to- • awe • ,., ... to resise the attractions of towo, and cared to• save it. :The long hem was Xissee.have, even aispenartehdepesiemit at We/Bingham Wine he is 'quite e secure0s. and most of. tile -skeleton,. tern of litigittn?rn• . The busy 'maii. gis. trioxide' have . rallied ivhieh remains. In Retsina :to' tell the teat kiss, whieh, with bursting heart, will never be -forgotten, .eeery still regularly paid; - than any living rhinceeros; had two ,sse kuows Byrows "Long, long. kisa. around him.. . story of the time when the huge Shin:. we press upon the cold, senseless lila, One gentleman, *he, h -y a modest in- oceros tramped the pine and spreee which will no•fer men respond to our vestment of £541000. reaped a profit Ot forests ef ' the Far North." ", . • carcases. But saddest of all.fe the . some R600,000, has behaved very gen- • • - kiss ot satiety., Who can tell tbe bit - was filed, and his noble example hes POINTER 'PARAGRAPHS. ' . , . termini, of the worn out •passion, the not been lost apen others. , ' — • ' . which whither all gladness, all joy, all , . jaded nerVes, the toucleof lips. huonudoewr Ent Mr. Hooley is not altogether de- A lawanit is the proper court dress- liberty. The trite cense, the pandent upon such ' good offices. . for an attorney. . ecstacy is, alas, alMest as well known • He arliarently has studied of the •poet philosopher, and has die - the words The picture of health is often a genh- alst the kiss which Herrick defines as covered nab there are ways ef doing In,..,,a,,worIc et 'itr....t ,.t. , ., • ...., •,..m; _ :r1hoviots thnewemeteenStorlaatwogmll:gne,"N'vhaendhavoef things. To my'nothing of the " pre: '15 Ws°. ra"e'e w'''" `a '''''' "" """ neveo loved, knows aielittle as the - sjiteuld select a malleable one. • cease of the suns," . ' d dweller knows of the sea. Pas - The •dog who chases his own tail la°. . tries' his best to make both ends meet. sion and the sea are like each other. . . A bachelor alWays feels soi•ry for a- spraY that stings; words shall nit erously since Me. Hooley's petition - The kiss . that burhs, and the salt • BULLDOGS ARE RVER LOYAL. Pretty girl whe enarries Poole other tell them or color portray them. What • man. *, - the samontuits give us in lieu of one liteasou Why the Ungainly Bratee MT When a man of mature years ae- he sweet, tune ho ored k Per Laced sr Their musters. • q'uires the cigarette habit it is easy haps, after a3vhile, we, 'like the New A. real lover of clogs is apt to hive- to see hie finish. . _ Zealanderes, will rub lapses as. a mark a preference ate to type, bult Intle apt Poseib,17, ihe World may owe every' cd ate°, " " ' ' - man a lrving,but it has too manypr.e. also to he fond of all good, dogs, no terred creditors, trum DAtuNG melon matter vvhat the class or their special Noah' was evident' - 1 the pickling ' ' Y • n of the Blythewoed. afoney began to PitrPoses in the world, The dog lover business -at least he filled the ark With Is voter like in this regard the trulY gallant man -lie may prefer blue ,,eyes and fair hair, or the opposite, but his heart goes mit to all women who are good because they are women, and be- cause they are good. Tralhe uninitiat- ed an affection for a bulldog seems a perversion 'of taste, for the bulldog is not syMInetrical, is 'nol: graceful, and admetimes appears, to Ink intelligence. About his intelligence, however, there is mora than. one opinion ; aboue his af- fection and his. loyalty there can be no doubt, whatever. Hid affection knows neither hesitation, wavering nor (Stange and he is a ran comrade. Re is net noisY, lie is not nervous, and te is not given to derrionstration. Itis fills the ,requirements that Enleratni formulat- ea as to perfeet companionship, • Ile don bob need to speak to show his sera - Re can. tell you what he wis.hes to sissy with his little eyes, ant he lean be eloquent With the waggings of Ine etturipy tail. Thia kind, of cr"dompanion is not such ata ceartniends itself to all persona for there are those In the World who like chatterers and consider the unending email talk Of the draWing-room the highest and Most pleasurable expres- sion of °Inman wit. For such as these the bulldog hi net likely to have the greatest attractione. Let• ouch have a frolicsome dog or a kitten that will cha.se its. tail, But• the bulldog is a good companion for a quiet Man of thoeglitful and philosophic east of mind. The bulldog will not disturb Ida Musings, the bulldog will not say the wrong thing lat a tithe when sitende is precious, for the bulldog rarely speaks, When he -does, he is rdfort, though not sharp, in lifs donatriunica,tione and very Miteh to the pitmen°. 3 Ala TO CALLING ()ATOM. • ref& an v gor us. preserved pairs., ' , . pour ,out over the green cloth like Everybody wants. to get in en the the 'rushing torrents over the crags of ground floor. That's why there is al- his native Trennichs. He began to ways plenty of roora 'at the top. lose this fine mane at deep biown ,aair, It takes mere religion to hold amen his self -contented rotundity, and in - level in a horse trade than it does to •• • Kimura oecame the demon of his dark- nritke hiln shoat at a eampmeeting, ,,,,,„ - --- • . re nemorse was written in Some people are-eo mean that they er '"""""-. 7 — Iv -Opt even epeak the truth unless it blood red letters over the face ot earth is for the purpose of hurting some one's! - and heaven, and 'even in the glances lot heavy basket or teay corttaining a and restored him trii health. feelings, • ' • •• his trusting' tensile creatures whose weight of from 35 to 30 Patinas, --She tit -Governor Hogg, of Texas, is clean Bid six. short months' aeo a ellicago money was going One to the hank 'an- then begin* s to go on. long Peddling shaven now, bet once had a beard man declaredhis willingness to die for, ,, ., .. . . -. his. fiancee. Now he is seeking a di- 'or tne croupier s la o ica 1 e 1 1' . . , . - from, which he could not be in uce • .ce b p 1 ettl 'aurae s with her mother, elder sis- • ° - ' d d 'vowel on the grounds that it is inapoti- rake-41We bank that pays no interest ler or responstble female friend, walk- tie part,. While on a viset to New York Bible to live with her. on deposits nor honors drafts at sight tug barefoot as .many as 16 miles a he wanted to have this beard tirimmed, day. ' At 18 she iesrigorous and tough but the French barber knew little as a mountain pony, and, like most - English, and shaved him clews. Then ,: , busheie of owing wheat in North Da- kota, man did not pursue hie exPeriments economleal constructim thefOult exceeding those at teat year. eetrie furnaeco vvae then Very tittle alums Elba Plaine crop, the size alrill abundanee ot Velifornia reeve, wrteit at ner,ncia:supealny170:inios knits°W. iins'uall' euell Cagan, the invention Use before the United Staters Land-• . - the only woman authorized to prac- Tclatalia"Ln, wwainlaUtja,rtoefetantlt, ionuAthmareit :ears, :TI:hibaeeeturunsisittes4„wslitit:ethesh-saivneuebteherie isodt Ont.„ W44 o. peer boy assieting • Miessigth:orusein, thsve iinieragtwettionetilyt..noifzbyoeaarrds- 41:urYireaeorlilra. Eveugae.ncea.piwtalaizoadttnio;root - 0,788,883. „ United States Medical. Corps, hes heen teenmeebetro. be held russela in Sege detitiled to ONO the naedical confer- . . Rear Admiral ).5artlett •T. Oramwall had, the honour of being the first nayai oadet appointed frona Nebraska:. 0111: awnonse g4ritidiuta.ted as a szaidshiPMan Ciongressman-eleet Gorden, OE Ohio, ,who seconds Xt. Marshall, of that State, .has the unique distinetion of aiming from a eistriet that never sent a Republican to Cengress. Governoe Joseplt-1):BaYere,-'cf owns the first Federal flag captored by the Colifedieratee in tbe war of the tlbebeeSntianti. Hiliestionrti4111."SPocTie4eyll.thig it. to • The:french have laid claim to Ad- miral., Dewey •on .tba greued. that he descends ' from a Hugoenot family named De Hem; aad the Belgians !thee put in a plea for him' as De Wee. '' Out in the "bad !untie • of Dakota A man frein Maine 'has aunt been hanged for being coleur. blind. en cat- 'tle brands, and . thle emphasizes the ,ateclaggeet, 't'Yheoueernetieeet,,go away front home ot•Tsliaenaerosaamssiinnlioof, PT,eregasidiednitt tion in the Unatee'd• Staten .and riot- en Americran heiress: He w s a Ireadiunaettftuttheef :R.Terethesar !eh- . The United Staten TreateurKIDeperte. pint is...making . prenerationti • for the fall. dethand fer eurrenoe for crop. Moving purposes; Shortage , ot • • . eurreney, if it shoal& denten; will be " .metywith.115 gold pieces. ' . • . Mites 13..", McSweeney, Governer :of South Cerolina; won a. scholership,in Washington and 'Lee University • nt thi'age -ef 16; but' conk)/ .not comillete his Course. because the .-was 'at' that atene in the world,' and Anable te pey his. remaining :college expenses:: ., Russell Sage; at 83, eaye he can feel Calcium .carbide Wes first sold •at a ehoastf fli6 ..,liZenr. vere high anace on acnunt sof the fact for. I have get." he says. "Ail me. that it required •thos ase of about flare hundred horse pewee for twenty-four ideals I have realized. Of couree, now ' alleuinao .prwoordkra.t.a.sslingaginettitopria, twthh4r: have to improve • things, to . work •ran: satisfied." . •• • , right and carry 'on my work.. But I great quantitiee are'. turned out daily by the • use of the ineXpeneive water The medal. to be Preterited by :the power there. The en' of the carbide, 'city of Baltimore to Cept. N. Mayo •- bewevete. has beeome so general 'that these. works ivill soon be doubler"; and Dyer, 'of the -cruiser Baltimore, bears . even then it •ia expeeted that it will a "'mese of the 'ealitain, and i9 6114- • idly grewing demand. • e' low, the -Mareland coloues;" frem , paraded : by ribbons of black and- yet: be almost impossible to supply the rap - The flame d. acetylene is entirety bar in which is set, a . bit ot sail from fermi from ordinary gas, aad is much the Reina Christina. ' 'brighnr and richer than the includes- es pent lamp. It is a solid.flame of twene •L'esimitell" fr"a*tIven'tY 19nalilinn in ty-fiVe candle eower, abont one inch, in Xmases, eovering •twoethirds of -the controlled. by a ..epecially designed oreaee ,in the , Shipment* of cattle be - height and 'one 'inch width,. and is Ste* eay, that there will • be a 'do. • burner, which only oonsumes ahout cause elf 'the peospecits of 4 eorn •:- oneequarter -foot 'of gas an. 'hour.. • Crop. tetockinen of the soutle-west bee, • At tint • glance it would seem from lieve that corn:will nest be wertirtnate this that the Ms* light is yery• much than 15 centh per bushel, and that less expensive than the Old,••but while it will not pay. to send, two -year -tilde., the acetylehe burner con.surries such'a to the' market no*. . , ' very small quantity of gas the cost of the car:bids instill so high that it is found that antylene is very little cheaper than .ordinary .gas.• flinch further beetiose the ProPer and old he; crossed the border te the United States, where hie talent was seen ree- ognind, and Soon afterward he built a very large electric Italian, for the purpose of experimenting in the pro - Mutton of alloys ei different •metals. While doing so he found that the elPettering of the molten metal in. the furnace frequently produced a conduct- ing path between. the cerbons of hie aro lamp, so much so as to seriously interfere with and sometimes °actin- guish the are. To overseen thirehe plac- ed in the furnace a mixture of coke and limey. which he found to his Delon, isihment unm,edlately combined under the great heat and produced beautiful, elear-calciwirearbider zit it ririfeitiative- ly low cost. . • EXPLOSIVE A,T FIRST. . • Capital waei at once interested in Mr. Wilson'a discovery, and it was 'toe long before companies were organized in ev- ery ,State to centrol the Wilson pat- ents, hub it *as also only a short time when it was discevend that acetylene gas, under certain circumstances, with of a highly explosive nature. • bontrary to the advice of Mr. Wil- son, nutny tof the cempanies-undertook to place the gas upon the market in, a liquid form. In order to do this it was compressed nntil it became liquid, almost in the same manner as liquid air ie. prodaced. it was found, however that during compreasion the explosive qualities of the gas increased rapidly until wbAn, in *tt liquid state ,it was extremely. dangerous. 4 , In using the gas inthisonanner Many disastrous- eaplo,sions occurred, and the public. quickly denounced the •gas, but further experimente soon proved that if the Pare gas were used without be- ing compreseed there was only.one Way of causing an exPlogion, end that •wire by exploding .in the ges' tank a -small quantitY• of fulminade of Mercury or some other violent' explosive. It was also found quite possible to burn .the electric 'aro within a tank of pure gas with perfect safety. It was decided that the gas would have to be used withinut being •Oone- pressed, and this• ection was quickly indorsed by insurance underwriters, Who Will nab now peemit the uee,of ace- tylene gas tinder pa -entire. • •• ritonucsp AT SLIGHT COST. WOMEN PORTERS, At the age of 0 or 10 the woman porter of MartiniqUe can carry a Dr. Max Breuer, a former surgeon • ef the Gerraan env, now prilthising;-• --•es in Buffalo, has just been decorated • with the Cross of the Legion,of Hon- our for saving the life of a French seaman. While on a German vessel. • the dootor heard that the Frenchman was ill on a British ship which had surgeith on board; attended the man -oven. in their honest faces he . saw the look of suipicion, and it madden, THAT TIRED FEELING. t e Governer was angry, u cam ed bim. Still he plunged. . inane optimism of the gambler Is it Certain •fitan That /au mint Work Honniouitogii. • was upea him. From a nober; conserv- ". titiPei imbue, reticent Scotohman,,whose " When yen hear a marl eeniFlain" integrity *as Iran and whose heatt beg of :" that tired feeling,' you May be was gold; l)r. Colqiushoun changed to a Satre that Ire spends more of his day genine at the gambling bell, a losing baking and. lounging theft Working," gamester, vvho secrifices honor, horn" said a wen known peyeidee Aand the male stao thos, e ' near dear as well as confeong " A truly hard worker never suffers vestoes by the, hundred, and great was tiaaForal al • tthienerten Datitor paid interest from this disease, for /men it is. It pities trent not working off, by either an. bonds and sectOities that had nO mental or mential •exercise or work, existence -paid, it to ineestors out of the sttlierfluous energy: giVen to eV. theft own. principal; but that Make, erY, man. This energy, If left, turns shift did not last long. 'His mind itself, so its speak, to forMing poison- weakened Puler the 'terrible stride ohs keen Which 'ea th 't Then the financier Wee taken to a an- . . • treat at Gartnavel to recuperate. "ItUit as a thoroughly' trained ath- lete Waite with certainty hie second theie, heaths together, end trouble wean Shen tho trtusting Ones began id put wind,. so • every really haxd-vrorking ram Mighty men Of figures went over boustriess man knows that he does his great lodgerk while tee Doctor vvas best work after he has shaken off 'that, how d th to w Hs of tb 1 Wed feeling." • • and, on the Very day otitis release the In fact. you will find that a really calprit was arrested on a Charge of hard Worker never complains of it after mleapproleriating his clients' funds. he has' passed his twenty-fifth or toren- pacta pouted in, The priceiner held his ty-seventh. year, Incense he has then head, high until the last, •but he could trained this energy to do Its prepet opt eseape, He now awaits a trial the Work --that is, keep hie Miri4 and body Veirdiet of Which cannot be dotibted. GiategOVV: 01 still dazed Over the event, There wee- net abigie 'said ogee ario oag Lady Margaret Primrose's Weil* `• • EiT6 PII)14!T SM°IM • WHERE IT COMES FROM, • difig prefents, gays a London paper, Fussy Old Gentleman, to chance reoPle who wear feleg hair will be travelieg lady cemPanion, Have ybu interested in the announcement of a. though there waa a very that and ailY Children, mitdaint pretty one from the Marquis &Haut- etrange discovery made at Antwerp, rid to) the bridegroom. A. card ease Yes' °aro a soh- In that city, a bale of human halt, aa heeome an siumat useless imam*. Aho indeed! Dna he smoke, .weighing 17f pounds, waall stolen from very large extent, taken the place of t°0rileti elitar.eUEL teamed that thit hair, had been clipped • tion now that card leaving. hail, to a Nee !lee neVeli No miuth o omen tne nettor, madam; .the from the heads of Ittnatics and eon. a railroad station, It watt afterward calls among the raerabers of the itighe of tobacco le poieonous habit. Does eat eirelea of London, A' oard case with elate itt publics aesyluituf and prisons them hais 'become it thing of the petit, he. freqaelt lthe Chiba? Yoram on the throne, hod wee but la . engine contieets With the bolter, arid oo eaund.e iluet tWo menthe's. some kind flea like phor.ter. by Means of isprOokete atia clutin. When theo meals% is to be darted a rod, h./hated and ineerted in the fire. box. Then gaosollne is tutned OA from the gasoline tank. The heat Mortal% the gatitilifie and prostents any explo. *jolt! then, a filtiteh hi applied to the rirenox and starts the. gaeollne flame. It tekes alacht four Minatce to itet tt Menu, Then the throttle is open. nea Boy-. , three at I Want Po r app it to et rear w et, et • agairieti Sir Robert Peel, her pterorrae tive as Queen t6 °home her own offi. 4 ell a ye o wo year* hhi tO Offide. During her whole taiga, /she has, althOregh dilly obedhnt nor Obilatittitilinal, ad- vieers, required all importaot meet - iterate to .be ettbmiteed La het tiontidesr. ottion betake they were adopted. - • COUT.DN'T GRIND lislt TEEM IN SIM WASP, . An etidilent professor of psychology was deeply iritereated 1111 tlwocisie of `," epileptie evnillan, Talking veith her ° husband,,he sought out premonitions end oteteptorea, Aald ho aiked tide * quotation: Did you, • eVer notice that f NSW WAS. Or vtowEns, The leuguage of tinware is now * PA, TO BS HUMODED. l.eyinee a pert the ptditical dleeord Daughter. -Ma. 1 think You'd batter f the day to Part*. White pinks nna tot ixt smoke in the berme. lite millets ere the edges of the re- Mrs. BoattiM-Hult I I Witottid lika to vehl. ejetionary party, while the Soeialiste Daughter---Svery Christmas W6 have ad advanced Republictuts have adopt. A time tryhtS to find a. %tient for sa tad boutonniere*. SOU anti -ton- him, eyerylehing la so expettelte, You bet papers adttait their tellowere to know, biet we eau towaye wit ruto Welke Patent& hats Sundays as IP*" prettY esitioaseiVere tot only ton Wei teleult to the Prealdent. thnht. backer When yet* spits! The mon whose mind I* not made ug by preoseithe it forwird this lets Lon ,r vette round het tooth at night? shoat rieVer air hia OPIfilotte ill &esteem into the piston. Every *pew. we' borttived itaal*lid re" ation is automatist after that. plied: She hetet eleot in thorn. h b t mountain -bred women, she is cothely. tri like the effect, asid,•deoided to groie She Carries no* upon her head a tray no More hair on his .face. and burden of front 120 to 150 pounds, earning less than'80 shillings a month . by traveling 50 miles a day as AA WO, erant seller. Forty or fifty miles a day, always bearing a burden of over 100 poilnds-for stones are added as the ttay emptied at merchandise, to maintain the eustomary weight...and -this for an lucerne of a frame a day I Out of the frau° She has her food and awl isier:eigepataaarrteinrs eita410 persoc. ureo and her clothes to get. Twenty teens a year A brief calendars and a light calico robe constitute her traveling apparel. On her head eke wears a soft toile, or pad, upon which the Mit, tray, is OS S none. The soles of her feet are toughened. to &teething like Indian rubber, feeling no asperities of stir. face, bidding defiance.to the sharpest si 8-.. Ver SOUS a day for bread or biseuits a fere sons for tageut, a few sous for somecheap liquor to mix`witli her drinking water; perhaps 16 sons in all. Her sleeping quarters might be expected, to bring her daily expenses up to a franc; nee- erthelese such is her ability to eccelo- ralee that she not only manages, to live on 'her Income, which aeems in. credible, bat actually saves enough to set honer up in eome aimpie Matinees! wIthir her yoUth and physkal powers decllne. BEST TIME TO TAIKE MEDICINE. According to Professor Moritz, writ - it* in a German utedleat petiodleal, the most epeedy absorption of a drug intothe human syetem is insured by administering it with water on an emPty atotroach, In many tans, he nays, it definite effect will thus he pre - duffed, when tio effect would be Pre. eeptible from the same dotes adminis- tered ahortly after the taking of food. Food taken inalueditttely after midi retails the abeorpt_ ien of the drug. wolf:ea SIGN" PAnoltits, Berlin has added sign painters to the daily *increasing list of WOMen who work at lutes trade. These women have served * regular apprenticeship, including gYMIlestio ttaining, thet they Will. Mit lots, their nitrite *MI6 workbag oit. acutfolds or ladders. They Who the gray linen tomtit atrd eap the the hoftee,piiintere hedge 411 ite kW ftft pant. K.Oltilla • When ;Korean woman is married; nye Mr4, Bishop, she is allotted v. room Or roome in thel enlusiort of the wom- etes epartments. The name bestowed cm her hy her parents soon after birth is dropped, and she is known there- after only as "the wife Of So-and.So, or " the mother of So -and -So," 801: husband addresses her by the word "ya bu," aignifying look here,' which is sig- nificant of her relations to him. 911-. hnce. is regarded as the wite's 'first duty. Daring the whole of the mar- 't riage day the bricie Must be as mute its a statute; if she says a word, or even makea a sign, sherbecoines an ob- ject of ridieule; and her silence Mast remain unbroken even tn her own room, though her husband mayt attempt to break it by taunte, Seers or entatiago for the female. reevants'are all on the qui vin for such h breiteh of etiquette an spersoh. hanging about' the door and Ihnhligsgle utit:raanWhee,ulvvticdh g;:osttIPidovaearuette her to lase nate. in her circle. The wife hits recOgnized duties "to her bus - bawl, but he has law, if any, to her, It is eortect for. tt man to treat his wife with external remarks oft respect, but he Would be an objelt aeon and ridi- cule if he showed, her affection or treat. ed. her 44 coiupaulou. Among the upper elaesea brldgroorte after, pass. fug thtee or four edge, with hie wife leaves her for a manderable tient te shove his ludifferettee, To set otherwise would be "bad form." • • SAIM afittIONAIltr. Istin4 Mem irone tit %be rtelt- eet 1>t moviareha, AMMO ineetne ire* abeut $20,000,000, aod .he knowe how, to enjoy the geed thing§ that lie Within life leech. Me patio% fe like a city, ae neerly 5,000 Demons live le It. It la lighted by eleetrieity, and the, tippmetmeuts generally are neotce date. Lhe ortemental rterdenet *over 25neree, and are earrounded by a wall teet high, He hese glass pc/villein in whiab he makes &acute to tiseheat* ton of the lake tel eruallther. • ''""?