HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-14, Page 6fk„,
IP. •
.17,711F- 7.7°
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Would 4ei a La4 \.‘
two girie were 14 a, cosy little par -
Went tO knoW if you will let me
ezigyottz,g0=4,47; An Adventure lo The Jungle,
dersee, sMil I earl learn to
leaditarld, rtdis. and rin not afraid tof,
' anYthing. and I aan *peek French. An Adventure in411.041ungle
lar Spending the afternoon together lie • . The -proprietor of the treveting or- °Tiger*, irery plenty here, %bibs.°
hoeeln- girlefriende delight to do, CHAPTER IL-Contleued. , able helpmeet were left to thereselysti, cur witi not, a little surprieed at this said Pandit; "all sleep now. When
, •
iftelied °from the book held Norte: herself at Weetbrook Orange,: r°P.,,,,atoPot"
USBY et ten o'cloCk Eve pre-• a If Yost re wee). Yett'll let ideeplog appeal. and, he would probably have dark they oroev 0 „
Wee her pru4ent reply. answered it pomewbat rogghly, but . uto
After ti thoUghtful pansesel Grace puts t
betiveett her fingere and 0011 stld woe ahown into a emelt room, over.' ntif sate," he, retorted 111S. fOr the singular, aseiloty Of the girl "Tbat'e a pleasant preepect,""
who made It. Tails (meat elletee
illAtet/Ft "Bcolact do Yoe thiele What 1°T4ag Pevtt" th8 11°wer: g"de" ellY,* (sate Can sorateh," retureed her stor" without gloat oQr reticenee,
41.4°14 "Ya Qf the zna•OritY °I men a"nd gritterk.vvallfearetaabwolaittlieaaa"X hie better beif, " and it ever Eve and Mr, Varanasi listened 'patiently,
trUe ? Let Me read," meat, then rested uom the viewilRout: bet friends find nut thst s:ou have been gravely. and when she bad tiniehed
100"rWtithat mt at tot t te aeOtOmrase eueftbthteg life of eteidoee. vdadembeiviempuitoveliirtyr,beTebteb gaoaerr. ictotierkpitierhi.iF);yirtxttobtiertaibiteiahue:army,440kuwe,t1;.,101: byuetti. illbeeriirnfortrioedap1.410aLteheetiohretrIroeueldyettkoe,
t e leech Made tle objeatiou,
geolis flewere, eloee to the bowie, waft -
Here 44d theme -eat and drink, window, bat it was net
.ed eweetest colors through, the openl Mr. Clatircla. growle4 out Words too "If theY do, I shall run awaY to Loa-
the cleneloasi, atroug to be repeated, mad tile wor- 'don, ' was the aril's nonebalant reply;
Jiacet Mee eddy about
Chatter, alitt ion, and hate, - th IA 1 ' bt hav come to blowe "and X shan't go back to _them again
eathet aid equancler, are raised
Aletfts are . hurled in the dust,
StrIving hlindIY", achleVing •
Nothfek; and tbeo they die,-
erlahrt-aild nO olie asks
olua MUttered to Me. "Ilie fellow le
right, though. This is where he
Rajah baga moat of his big game. I
didn't think we "lad oome ae. tar. We
rustz7t oloor a the jungle heter",
We relieved Of our heavy -
bore rifles, and etarted briskly baok,
saerfome that attractea hez• attention. bet for Bee% re-entrance. now.° • Then We °Merged on the brink of a
Ge, a lawn, at eerne diatance trent
where oho stood, Was a Young Wan Wftb. 01:1A.PTBR
a lotr, furious growl. Glanelng to the
al Pin:Pies of the attMe breed gamboled Eva Randolph bad tome away to • eoutd hold ker pheek. _
a couple of huge mastiffs, and moor-
' Barmen Mile/. "Male With glassy*pool of water, •
- her beauty ant/ her reckless tempo'', As.w0 instinatively halted, We hearA
would be treasure to him ithe only
y •
0011001, Susan Harper wast engeged all so he onh a note to Mr:140(A, who left, vire saw a sight that chilled the
about hou.
he or what they have been, The perents a too Roppieo looked the week in the neighboring town, Dame tO WM ha great perturbattout of bleed with horrovvi TWenty feet
More than he elate wbat WaVee formidable animals,. but Eva tholight tearning dreseinehing end hairdressing' mind, and insisted that Liles' ehould down the shore of the pooL in the
Li the moonlit' fiolitatle$ Mild hoW dearly Oho Weltid like to bave and the various acquirenaents Woes- return to his roof at onee, But
shade of a rook and overhanging reeds,
Of the endraost Ocean have swelled, good Tome, with the little °nee, and eery for a lecly's maid, and when mho mats obstinately refused.
reamed tor a moineni, mot gone."' so absorbed wesiihe ie watching them came boine nn sundaes sbe wee much Then ars. Elrod came, and begged .crouched a Monstrous tigress. Beside
that aahelieVek once noticed tbeirmaa- too important a young woman to be -
Both gtrls set and entreated the girl tiotcem,e. brit. her wag a playful, ale-montn-old web,
sileat for a moment. er. e wan not leo blind to her ap- stow uuy, yx0130(3 Liles LainPier, and ana the Poor woraan pa n ed v yid ,,
Beggie's lagghing blue eyea had, a pearanee. however, poor Liles was very (lull, for Emma colors the temptations and dangers
her yelleve heed sidewise oo her pluMp Randolph waa upt beaotiful. Her taco thew* was nursing a stoic grandraoth• sought to lead. rifle, and with a basty atm I pulled
heed, ' ' .
"I reelly don't know, Grime, aud I'm tint, but rarely flushed with a rosy Master Freddy, the baby, was econa, to ke .anything
hett'er ? ft/le asked' ou n e aa an s e c e
ing dreadfully heavy, and wes tO8 scornfully ; and then finished by de- b i th bre t d tr t h d it life -
afraid I'm too thoughtleeis myself to kite; and her We Were lerge, dark and
lhe beast bad seen ura and was mak-
. thoughtful expression as she teepee Strietly awaking, I sunPose. 'Elra WAS In Eondon, and MarY Mat- that wood& beset her tn the ufe ebe ail reedY tO sPring. UP went My
was, ja shape, a, perfect oval; her come sr.' So pretty •Zilea onlY Mrs, Lints only laughed, Her mother had the trigger. Perhaps my arm trona-
plexion was of a rich; sraeoth. breamY Flood's children to pleY witb, thud as been a, claneer, why should Rho expect bleci a little -anyway, the ball hit the
• pasa judgment." liquid, with deeply -fringed, curling kelPles.s to walk, the task of carrYing eleitifes-thift-siilie bated children, land leas beside its mother. The rage of
las,hes that were almest black, though him was anything bUt olecisa.ot. hoped she woUld never have to mire° the tigrees tvars fearful. to see. Her
tlaestion mueli lately, and I'M afrald People looking et ber•oritteally were spane with carroing that heavy child," So' the Floodaswent him% Baddened eyes grew like livinfoscoals, and she
it iii too sadly true," said her canaParo wont to orenounee her to be intertts he beard the village surgeon say to and, self-reproadhful, and a few days roared like a furSo The next blatant
t- g
pretty ; and Erne,st, west ree was sac a lovely fame, will be an awful protecterb. , . . .
For three yeai'a she was beund to by the eight, aey limbs seem,ed to
light formed a pretty becItgroand to slie came,. wheo be slily his Otate4 TIM stranger replied with. eonae re- tiae with adr. mu leers. laarman and to , „
"Well, Beseie, t've thought of the her hair was of a warm, rich brown. She will very likely injure her one again,
ienvots she retie and walked slowly to ing and UnC93•32
13D111-looXing tathrtr an a grltieman One. day, " and that, with tater Litas left the toWn with her new sIse launched, hireelf erWard-etraight
toward me. I was actually fascinated
the windoW, which in "the afternoon wondering who she Was end whence calainitys, .
" You tire ,watching my mod?' wood and the tvio passed ozi But Ll s serve •them. and after that, for three have loet the power of motion. As
her tall dark eliglit figure . moth,er join het. , mark aboat the children of the poor
a un- yeara raore shei 1Vas to give them half though , R drEafil heard Lucius
ng . , cry s
also saY, wpst. woMen, most girls. 'Why the Oirl's ehoulder. &ovation had applied to her.
most sialaing goal we can see and thei incieg wag vie, rroluyisi IiIkevstitS lictubitTilit as to wtititer till as hard, • . I think I moved a few trachea, and'
oThe poem says, 'most men,' It might ears, westersfok, laying her hand: on derstood at once that the cairgeoo's ols• of ber (win a Hard terms it vould
Had Ahe Indeed lovely taco she teaevme, gtretunlitney, bat Ialas woold not "Down! down! Jump to one side I"
(tool we stop and think, seleot the " No; IWaft watching those dear lit- • d had they been twice
,strive toward it. Instead of that We nurt them7Bmur I begs rear pardon, • tre *was 11). a ell' She. would, be dressed in gorgeciue that unconsoious act saved my life The
w et et al
attire, au.U.. °pow& of People would see' len& tawny bo. dy of the tigiess st.ruck
rest of the world had been blind
are Wetted here and there bY ,faabloO. Ma'ama.she added,' suddenly recollect- when Mester Freddy set up a howl and
home. and admire het a rictil whcitd could sayt
p y , d 13 kE mo sidewaYs and-Pitehed nie head fere-
' heraelf • " sbalr I bagel ray work waisted upon being carried
10 • • •
the etrong cards 'of environment. The. "Tease replied the 'lady ; " but ta.kic marry ber, and that she woold 'not most into tbe moddY' Pool.
"I won't earrY hina ; the doctor eays to
'11 1
off You•r hat and eatiel yen wt. wor Pll hurt myself if I do. You carrY be a grand lady after all? Iva I staggered to my feet covered
thought Makes me satideat Wiled in this room; to.day.e hi h •
ome fox mr, Italy smith,9 said So ter foolish little brain wove with filth and Watea', I heard the roar
iri me rare old
tnink.of our yoling mem Not so muoli Eva obeyed, and &ion 'after she' vvas Lilas, appealing to a neighbor's son d f
• %eon er ut airy Pasties tor the uture, nf
is expecte' or Us stria, but Young men, Absorbed in revs, ng so wto,,,haa JUst overtaken her Lind the ena taeough in ;earning ta ride and sass., Then I saw the tigress
small brood under her charge. d spring through. hoops, and quiver'ng in' her death agnnies ez' thb
boasting in their strength, intellect Petnt
east an
and influenee, don't, you think it le um pies, or ii.bout the young squire. and lad vitt), t fb Id
Nothing more was said Sleet the " What will you give- Oi ?" asked the risk her seek en thearipezeaellesinore., groundasaShisswaYquitesdeacl-before"i
d - 1
-mut ure •0 ness •ars Than Oxide y escaped with reached 'tee *Qt. Lucius stood over
worthy of them that they are ' wind- not a sixigle remark Was made or slues' shyness characteristic of •the juvenile her life, she still held, fast to• the her xvith a smoking rifle in his hand
or her dead father 113 herse oot
°I ain't got nothing to give,' pout-
.A.ladut one o'clock a servant brought ed tbe girl
through was all necessary to Wog to His face shoue with triumph through
waves wafihed bark on the snores of
bits of Hon Pat' to the girl eoneern g Le.
• tossed e eatnres of chance,
belief that virlacit she 'how had to go
. • ' .
perfection the har,vest which she hopal its pallor. .
existence." • her some dinner. A very nice dinner it " Give us a. kis& and NI Car'. he for •
"took, Who's that ?" was, and very unlike what she was yo.” one day to reap. - ' ''That. ft sp/endid .mhot I" I ex-
claimed. • .
to her alone abd youth Wanta corn an- pretended t p d To be Continued,
actrutitomed to ; bixt it was serYed . Liles pouted' awl hung her head and
The girls both look.ecl out and their
P o sur r se at the de- '
• "It was a deuted lucky one," he re -
eyes followed a dancing team driven
tiger slipped deeper end deeper be-
tWelea the looken hare- •
tiefiereeddeligritp.y Weill* ought my arm In a
"'The beast is situ* I" he orled.
00"Dostine'tonyolu, see t Now le our chance.
We crept to the door and slid it
WM, and banged It tO behind Ue. Ede
we darted 'eat and aped away acreee
the clearing. Boar after roar ra
la our ears, and we heard the rattle
et bars, and then a bettYY email, and
ltneW very well.that the liberated tiger
Moment all hole beented one, and
hie crept to the grouticlaisat that
yet our deliVerance was even then at
haAnadLwe fleundered bate the jungle We
earrweienossrhkuulguiligarhtetseess.just ahead, and a
What finlowed, Was confuelon, I re-
Mernber a volley of rifle shots, and
then a loud burst of cheering. The
tiger ley dean, and half a dozen offi.
cora froro.-the cantonmeot were croWd.
14g arotind us, Pandu bad gene home
tout guided a townie party beak to the
ittngle. Red, they armed. a few min-
mliteange lactderbodttiteesy, would have feuod our
Illeio• oar ancestors Practiced tise Oreat
Faith-et/rids °Lir:La/sere have of
late beeo reviving the old belief that
phytileal forces can be controllea by 'a
direct appeal to 'Heaven, and- much
hes been written on the subJect, This
• belief was at Its, height in the Middle
Ages. The most famoes Instance
the ordeal of Barthelemy, vvhich is
thus deseribed;
' • A huiell pile '61 fagote Wes &dieted
in the middle of the plain, Throu:gh the
midst was left a path feurteen 'feet
long and barely tWo feet wide. On each
aide the wood rose nearlY to the height
of a maxi'e ehoulders. When the mass
Was fired the flames mounted, up in a
%reverting pyramid thirty feet high,
trinting•ovee the mileage in' a pert of
• •
Gothic arch. Around it were assem-
bled 'more thee 40000 men in a wide
prole, for the heat Mate like that from
Nebliehadnezzar's.' furnace,
, —Then --13erthelemy -advanced, bare -
„foot and lightly clad. In bis hand he
bore the ' sacred lance, depked with
streamers and pointed heayenwatd. As
he paused ' high officiel of the
Church proclaimed the! erdeal thetie
""rlfdatthis .rnan has. seen Jeans Chriet
face 'to face, and If the Apostle An-
erew (lid reveal the divine lanees to
him, may. he pass safe aed sound
through the Elena's; but if he is guilty
of, falsehood may het be burned, io this
fire, together with•the lance which, be
Anil all the moltitude bewed their
heads and cried,.
FOi Barthelemy, 'guilty or innocent;
. what a moment 1 He fell on hie knees
_and implored 'Heaven to bear witness
to tbe truth.. Then, springing to his
feet, he rnalied against the
eat, plunoed under the vault. of
A shim', went up tram the array,
•• flames and wee lost from sight.
half grief, half execretion. ' It was
thought that he had been utterly con-
,. sumed. But a -nionient htet he ap-
Ions even with the choicest viands. mand, hot sbe would have given a floe- plied. "You had a °toile shave of •it.
by a fair, well -kept. manacomfortably The weathei awes hot, tbe day was en kisses to any lad ailve scioner than • . Jove! I thought you were neVer go -
seated in the cosy iradat of warm, fur vvonderfully bright And Eva began t° have carried the heavy child after the "
— •
feel. tired and sleepy and to limit for deaf:pre warning, so at length sae ac- Sorest) a e• oreal stellate, in to get out of the wey. Where is
robes. freedom, if only for haltan hour, when ceded to the bora terms,' which includ- eat can rroduce nee -Alf Indian 14,13 's youreifte I"
"Gc;odbye,' Bessie;• promised .te be mrs. Westbrook again visited her. _ ed payment in advance and. theo success. '. remembered that it lea at the hat-
----nome-wnen-Mro.Ratomit-eallad,a-saae " ask- usrformaa nar.Lof_the , •
, a • I
ins in her on trtact, t • ars si,..stierisna,--eeraa...,_peary,,,„„asii „tom ra.).f the Tot ' •
Grace, with heightened calm:, as' sh4 od •
•,-:htitirs in his heeds."
4- b,t,„11 ,
.Bu from his deY ra. Flooa s America betvveen them provide mast • 's-- -4-7t7-1-1red7rvitirltlfri"
noticed the better draW up in fron • II° kid To011ed. by o'er g ed baek t,o the watet.
It 13 h d'd 'th half -sun- •d L'I 'a t
wor 11, S 8 1 so wt r s increase . as wou no earr of tile women lawyers. but t ere s ' legs were a little shaky, and
of her naother's doorasend„ the gsrhl pressed yawn which betrayed her Wear- Freddy, 'nobody could make; do so, and
took infOrnial,leave Of easiii_othe"r,'" -\.„ Incas, and. the ladY said ehartd3S: after many querrela a rude perain- ecaraelY a. country but can bring fcit- raY back, felt • bruisea. I waded out
- -,-Giace anima isravelY into the parlor a "You oi.e'sleen'Y I"' - ' ' ': - bulator, verY mucii,tios worse for.wear, WariS at 'mat one wonaanbarrister. ex- knee dean and bentsoYer to grope for
I ' .
. S•where her' Moiher was discussing the v:11„, in an apologetic toile, and Ill o . , condescend to wheel About the Lydia Poet, altheugh of B'rench• eia;. I. heard. a threshing noise in the dey
Has. Lampier, from: that day for- tie° ion. watt, 1 . , a MI e
1.4e :motbiiir, left the room :to • ptepar a :without having to tun errand:4, •or mind '1,
a leach 'for the Stuaent salt° ataxe.d' . the children, er diaacimethizig, abeut the .wards thought of, -little hut her good - tbe Italian ehxaztli, in.hoxitvioilingatparr:srediii utjahte. 4sesooLlidY ;:otioorlolocid::,voolauwof,tio;o4,a' 'we look-
ed in. the diteetton: of the sound, A
Nrith thein. and vvho sytia.: ' taking: the sliharritca'werfiti5ii"4raa,waymau, Ida, siheotlitri,:k'de.taabilee ..tao tiohoemks. tiionhdeorfshwenw.ixsahveat.letoautceld 'best .uaca'lligheet lent
fotir 'o'clock train to he With a bereav-
• the wewpon. But just then a low cry
• " It is the warm weather,' rellthe ..es purchased, and( in tbis Miss Lilas eePting Great Britain. ' - from Panda brought me stiffly 'erect.
war prospects 'vvith Mr. Russell, SOon I anal not used tto sib at -work-very lo g young, moioeh.
t' 1881 d 'tt to reeds. It was yet at, some distenee. I
r r echoed
Although a qualified' plead-. through the 'jungle, It fairly Stood
h She was a Oitick, Preeecious girl. veFait4re
, wor on evening.'
Her French ettraCtion made her feet end Pandu's a og n
cltre le:n:1 • 44
est family at his nifxt 'station; . "We will both go for' a' walk in t e er, elle was not allowed to practice ill
"Grebe," and the Man's voice was P k and we can talk of something I b
nr•s•re, been thinking of this Morning: telittle sympathy for the Floods', Court. ao she joined ber brother, a- "The tiger, Sahibi" he gesped. "It
tender 'and, earnest.:4.1 *taut to spea Put. on. your hat ana wait • for me in red
laaryer, and site in is coming to avenge its mate . and
to; yetis"' something Jai ,his tone made the garden outside." , • as th.ough. she had left .the gay eity but h
• ' • d Pt; teeth chattered with every "word
0,Gracie look up and then look down as
hastily. "Grace, I. love you; can you
• think of aue a little ?" and he took her
hand to draw her towards bfm.. She
drew it away and moved to the. bandoW
without a wora. "Grace, you have
known me long. Be mine, trust your-
self to me."
She turned to him with such a look
- of pain on her We; "Don't! oh, don't 1
Oh, if you had only,been different. No,
I cannot."
."Tell me why, Greet,'"
"Don't ask me more I I that* you, I
feel you, have honored me, but you
have my answer."
"Do' you Chic* it just to thus in a
=emelt destroy a hope cherished so
long and not,tell me why you anavver
as you der . •
•"Roger," and the werds were.forced
in Pain from h,er, "I could not marry a
man who.. seenaingly /19 object in hong roond, her neck. --
life, but self and enjoYment of self. For some time Mrs, Westbrook look-
-That -le mY reason. YOH forced roe to ad at. the two faces steadily,. then she
give it." • . • • " elosed the locket suddenly, and hand -
He turned haughtily.' The girl ed itl back to the girl. When she spoke
again her tone and manlier had chang-
ed, and she asked, abruptly:
e Was your father a poor xnan when
he died?"
" I don't khow, ma'am, We lived in a
large houxia, and we kept a carriage,
and I had a nuns% so we could not
have ISeen•so poor as we are now."
" Then what beeame of his money?"
"I don't know, replied Eve. "once,
when I asked my stemother fle said
Mr. Church vvould thrash me to with-
in an inch of my life' if X ever asked
such a. question again, or if x talked
to other people about it."
" Thrash •you.. 1 Does he ever dare. to
strike your •
**Yea, ma'am, he hen done so more
than once," replied Eva, her face flout-
ing with Budded shame, add anger :
" but the last tinse was several montbe
ago, and I said I would go to the Vicar,
as "Willy 'Harmer did, if he striack me
A fewt minutes latet the iftdy and the
orphan girl were walking side by side
under the shade of the Jell trees.
'How, long has your father been
dead ?' was -Mrs. Westbrook's first
question: „
' Five years, nia'ama
• " You remember him, I. suppoee
Ola, yes,. very well ; And I renaem-•
bor. my own mamma, toss,- •
" 1 What vvas she like / 'And who
was she?" asked Mrs. Westbrook, with.
increased interest. • •
" She was very beautiful, ma'am, and
before papa married her, "think her
name 'wee "Gordon." • •
" What 1 Evangeline Gordon ? . You
have no portraits of there, I suppose?"
" YeS, ma'am ; I always wear their
'portraits in this loaket ; it was giv-
en to nee when my .mother died."
And mo saying, sadly and almost rev-
erently, Eva detached a locket whieb
whom he felt he wati honoring by .ask-
ing.her to/Merolla early life and beau-
' tiful home had refused hiniS Eta hand
was on the' door. • .
"Goodaafternoon, Mies Richards:"
„a". -ss.... Her. afia was pele. She turned ap-
pealingly. "Don't let us part in ang-
er, Roger I Don't misunderstand me;
feel deepla. the h000r, I would if I
couldmake you happy, not it would be
• wrong. We have. different views of
. life. God could not bless the union. ;If
you had only been, different, but ea it
Cannot. Don't let Us part thus. I
am stilt your friend,"
He harmed sadty, the anger dead, ex-
tended his hand And -was gone,
TWO years paseed, Mr. Russell Was
still seemingly the aimless, gay man
of the world: The student, with the
whitealotelleeteal forehead, and tall,
straight form. pante back from college
'ready to enter tin Ina life work, the
ministry. ' again, and then- my stepmother inter -
"Grace,' need 'a helpmeet in the duo &red; and r heera her tell bim ' not
tam weft 1 Can you be eontent with to be such a fool "as to kill the goose
the love of a Peor Mani who has noth- thdt ism the golden eggs.' I have
Jog to offer but his head and his heart woriderea ever since what nhe could
and a life of toil, discouragement and means for I don't „really make much
"""---"-t,--...---- . self-sacriece t"' • • - • - '"-... money with! my lace work,"
'''s,Taillaatileiaking, dark eyea ked up
into the face she reverence . She will find out one day, Do you mean
"No; i suppose not. 'Perhaps ,you
glerted in the noble purpose th t made to cottent yourself with making and
hian forget eelf foe humanity. Iler 'mending all your Mel"
hind nestled In hi& " Oh, dear no,r. and the girl's Pica
'Yee, Douglea, I could go with you ehoogoa As though a new light had
to the world's end, and JoYfullYi Olen:lined it. " X am only working to
thankfully to the beautiful West." Make motley to put myself to sebool,"
yesterday, and had' even then Theen
older than she 'actually Wee noW.
Since she had, become SO dangerously
conscious' of her beauty she bad cease -
basely wished thet her father would
come back and take her away frona the
Floods, for she kfiew that with him
she would live in great cities; and
surely where there wag abundant
wealth and nattily people a girl with a
lovely face need not be dressed in poor,
shabby clothing, nor neocl. she spend
„exponeiit of penal law. .
On the °thee. hand, lairs. ;knee. Alcoa -
ion, a woman lawyer of Finland, is al-
. lowed to pleod. Coure. and hiS a
fine reputation as a speaker. Elia-
land Woilld appear to. he the bunting
ground, of the lady. barrister, for there
Ls yet another feminine advocate, Miss
Signe Silen, who has much 'active work
to do in the law Courts- She has
eiten pleaded before the Senate Of Pin -
"There, . Pandui" exclaimed Lucille. Dear d on tha :further 'side still hold -
"give me your rifie-gnick I It has a 7 • e '
tenger range." • • nag the lance: ' Bothaeriends and' cic-
alae ...handed his own "gun to " the °users thronged toleard him With con-
shikaree, but before he could takelhes gratulations. The crush was like the
other •in exchange, the angry roar
of the tiger as it bounded toward us he had. fallen prone upon. the ground.
again, and, we had a glimpse. tug. of battle, Then, it 'was seen that
rang out
Over the reale., It tivaa less.thaa thirs He was 'nurt to the death.' 'In fact
tar yards diatant.
. The sight was too much for Pandu tile. fieall was aininat falling film his
old hunter though al I/ h a body. Some claim that he weattraMP:
?her life, In looking after a. tribe 'of land • . . ' a ' '
. . - nieversbeen tonsadeired o coward, but led Open by the moba.ethers that the
self-willed children. • :. : - .• • Deninalit 'claims Nanna sergi...but ishe in the 'twinkling of an eYe he tutned lire ke,O.`101141•14•work,' • TiAre meY he.
Net that.; tibia hid eny actual lain, Married 'rec.ently„ and has praetically. and fled Aown the, shore of ' the , viol, truth" la „both- statements, but the fire
defined inclieation for evil, on the Pon- RETTilasta FROM rkft,iii•BAlt. tilting both rifles With him. '
"Come back, you rascal I". roared was enough, '. The • victim writhed
tion , of doing Wrong, er any elecirly s , • .
trary, good end: evil were veri much ISraulein Esehelsson le a well-known . .will goestion: the justice, of the vist-
aed the iniriele was ditiorediteds Few,
alike •. to her miod, prOvided either Swedish womau lawyer,nut she, doea hot Lucius. ' • -.
Paaidu never: faltered, 'With ."4-. u
u n 'diet, hoWever,•cruel and senseleaS the
would assist her OS attain, the end she prectice in Coort. . She is. bowever,
famed for Mae legal knoWledOe, and manner Of -obtaining:it. , .t -
swinging from each band he bouniled
father say.that ;Man was. 'only responsis ------7.'s Unconsciously (tastiest at the .Poolo Such ' Was the ordeal by 'fira as prac,
deetred. to reach. She had heard "het into. the tall reeds; and vanished. ' We
:solicitors flock to Oar tor -counael e
opinion.,, • ,
We to. hirnself for his actionsa 'and that flOillidered tieross, oido oy. side. and tised by our anecatore. There' was riO
the Wealth 'of the rich 'Ought to be ' 'Katrina Dahl i sa.. young lady who; jn water dame only •to Our knees. With- .
The, hUmbug about_this. Every...detail- was
taken away and given to the poor, and the Ting c'i lady lawyers, , represents Out looking ,back wes plunged up into - carriee out With Western thorough -
she had aeceptedt thesa pernitioos doe- NotWay. She ,beerinie la' doctor in the- reeds. After a. few stens the. nese and honesty, and beside it the
Benarea performance, though lindoilbt-
anxioua to plead•in Court, but the ass, very mysterious, seeme a trifle
trinda as hor father hid accepted theni cavil lew 'seine yeara ago, and is natur- marshy ground gave way to firm foie, edl.Y
Norwegian legaomoinariee have oil, to 1 and •vVe were again in -the fast- tame. And wben We remember that
before' tier, with the readY • belief of allY
Mithing to lose by the redistribution- the present viewed- ber aPPliectiona to from
misses of' the jungle A dismal roer crew" a well -men
the. rear, full of blended Mpg men have been
wee who has evetything .to gain and ".
of looperty; ' and she longed to get plead witha blind. eye., But she isnot and rage, spurred usto greater speed, riditim
grief known Co testify thet they Bali witches
overhead on broonisticksi we.
ale, and .crietinue.e to eispense legal ad. A fatious .eoar woke the jungle ,,feel justified: in teceiving.suela re,ports
away to London ot Paris, where she in the least daunted by Constant refue-
telt convinced she should find &me echoes. .It• seemed ot our very baekei with a grain cat allowance, all tbeise
If you are at all interested in the "Goa helix us I" crlied Thicine. I stay, doatoreS lawOers and ptofesserato the
vvoriderful fortime. But her father slid - vice- •
higher follication of women, the story contrary notwithataiadingi
not•eome, .the fertune was far away ered and .nearly fell.' He tot* ,my arm.
anci she hadsbecome both reckless 'anti.
of the, Indian young lady,. Miss; Cornea and dragged me along, Again au Days,. . a.-.-eiea---
impatient when temptetion from an fill roar that Made the groUnd treat-. KOMP. KOMP. •
nnexpected• quarter • came hi her WaY; lia Sorahfu, Will appeal to you... Thia me, • • •
One never-M-beaforgotten daY Mr. There are 'more 'than one eort of
girl atudied at Cambridge and then But just ,when ft h'orrible death seem-
ed imminent we etaggered into a bit kerne • Some kord hit :planted in tbe
"stood announced ,hie intention of talc- Proceeded ta a sfolicitor's office inLon-
ing 'tits children to the Circua, that don for the purpose of getting ail in- ofnleated sPace amid the' Jangle, and grolind and the .other sort donSt need
studiee completed, she returned borne porticios of an iron °age, about eight . planting ; they grow gnite naturallY
sight into the Ore.ctical side of law. Eter here the scant light retreated the pro -
had been opened' in a• field not very
,fse, away. Soreddie-vvas toci, young to oil mexes toes and don't. need. hoeing.
go; ana it.was just a question whether to Indio.; and la now.. at the head oll a feet egnare 1 We gained' the strange: This kind of kern' has two itorts-aone
Lilas or the childs mother should re- NATIVE WOMAN'S COLLEGE; 'object jay a dizzy rush, and Lucius gentle or tender like. until 13ill ITonets
would. have enjoyed the dissipalicin.as lan lady lawYet with a wide reputation the slidifig deer. I re.; eteps on your 'foot, when it gets boll -
main at home, when Xis, Flood, who .. Miss Sarnaisa Bilcesco la a Rouna'an- - jerhed °Pen
muck( as aoy of them, said, 000d eatuo- fer the depth of her legal knowledge. member filth* inside in a heap. and . ing mad.and swears like everything ;
edly; ' . : . She studied law at Paris, where .she hearingathe clang of iron as the door the other. is hard headed end makes
Yeu shall go, Liles; mayhe 1 II af- passed all the qualifying examinations shut fast. And then' ourte a Mom- a row oll the time, especially 'when
ford to go another day.° required by the Law Vacuity oi the .ent of agony. . s year boots are.on. I don't like korits,
iSio - "Silas went, and the tinsel and Paris University. She returned home With a 'stupendous rear, a great tiger and IMO the extracting medicine, Put -
the horsee and three glitter and ate. to Bucharest and elaimed from the launched himself against the cage, end • nani's Painless Corn Extraotot, which
plauae intoxicated her. and she deter- - legal authetities there the tight to clawed in madness at the' bars until removers than painlessly fn twenty'.
mined, before the evening was over. practice in the Itoumaditin Court& She •theY rattled and creaked.... Again and four hours.
that by some means or other she'-wtia granted the tight, but has not again the 'huge. paws dabbed at 'tux. -,----
Indus had dragged me to the very Petroff Voider!, a Russian scientist,
'would PM a troupe of trtiveling per- exereiSed her privilege, merely want., metre of the cage. There vve crouch -
formers. Not a vety aobitious. as- ing to establish a ptecedefit, She Is ed and ehivered while the beast vat hatt demonstrated that kerosene May
piration ,for 4 girt who meant to be eonteilt to adVise clients without b ellen, he °inverted into palatable Whin -
a lady, but theo, as she fissured herself, their ectual advocate. al„. Lout hissed and. roared.
- "g Final , 'be drOW back and wlecl It and. eupplied et 30 cents( a gallon.
ery few steps., senta &Mktg', to warn1 the stonlach and
SHORT, BUT STRONG, is Ibis argunsorti#.4
Lod Ptickegeo. .4,54 ach 49, So es vaie.,
WANTED, IT TO BE IN .g.A.Rwrogr.1
prisketr-WItat can sena you up to-,
day. Nirs, atylee .
Mrs, B. --Send. zee a leg of rautten,
and heaure It is trim a ,b1a41; ebeep,•
Brisket -A black abeep?
Mrs. SaaTess we are in Mellanillift
you knew. . • -
Ph_t_^094: OCitttt Pt)Ti;,listrg:tet'te'r" •
around tb•3 cage, peering in d7ii ova istrov f6r the petroleum mine& and kero-
all things must have a beginning. .Getmany has one or two lad bar -
lb was not &Moult to Come to thie esters, one of whom has .enviable
resolution, but to put it in practice reputation fdr the Soundness of het
was by no manna so easy a matter, opinion and depth of judgment, name.
and Liles for, the next few daye quint ly Fraulein Anita Atig-usberg of Rah.
At the perfect maion of life and .love, • , reeler, you wish. to be a goVernese?" most of her time in woridering how over. She tomes of an 014 legal Ean.
the aligehi looked doWn and &Wed. 4( we X &WC's gaid, tpa, pagnintaly l She should take the first steP to enter ovarian stock, all of whom are wen -
Roche Parsee, 1899. "I don't thlnk I -shall ever koow eh- the .career she sought to putsue.
. ,
known lawyers. Having studied at
-s- • migh to teach others, but I want to Her owe carelessness made the op- Zurich ahe is about to persuade the
. draw and Paint, or even to go as a Portlinity. She was walking along ono Munich bar'to admit her as a working
JEWILS LIVE. clerk. There are Many things a wont. morning, pushing the perambulator barrister. .
ilea! jewels. scististe noW assort, an can' do if alio is in earnest, and hag before her,• and looking back to fol- It would seem as if Mme. Merie
telly a little kliewledge." low with admiring eyes the figure of Popelln, of Belgiuni, was leading a for -
possess Orgatite. life, It has long be. en -,, I am
glad you think so, mr dear; DV. Ernest Weetbrook• when she susl- torn hope. A qualified lawyer, she is
kno\ern that opals and pear% grew doll I believe yea meao to work bard, and, denly found herself and the child dIretting her Mode to conquering the
when wean bY invalids, and latterlY therefore, for your father'e sake Twit, struggling In the river. 'ler shrieks prejudices of the Brussels bar, WhO at
and those of the airiall children who present deeline to allow her to plead
rulAcif and•the turquoise are tonna to help you,"
" You knew, my father f" said Eva, had lagged behind soon brought the in Court. * She Is at the head 'of the
there the same aensibility, Pearls timidly. " Wart it before I -Watt born ?" young' 'gentleman and seine laborers Belgian Woman's Rights Party.
are more iuditative of the condition 'of '0 Vas, before 1 was.married, and mY who wet% at wotrk in a neighboring Mat Clara Brett having succeesfully
the wearer than anY other geril• BOn Is Wen or eight Years older than ahe baby Were Monett without see- passed all the examinatione conatitut-
Though this adiests stoo6 itv6s looger you can be, But don't, ask me any field to her tissietanee, and Elba arid ing her a lawyer, was refuaed pepsine.
talleationa, lied don't talk to anybody craning inueIrdamage beyond a good stiho6n atpoppeariaeodticteo bpstartillittemeealintaftwiaitinh btahre,,
tban a floiver, it aeons to hove a f°1'm else of what I say -though, by t.bolvsy, , witting,
lx 410,1„, „Nog is this preperty unfound -
of life, vvhich, like that of the flower
loees color end btilliancy and actual- hiw old 06 you to . , Mit. Blood 11 anger, hoWever, was result that a
"1 unjust thirteen, ina'a.m." *rely great ; it was nothing but care- ing the bar to reeognize the lady's
Thirtee41,well, I will pay for your lesoess and dislike to little Freddy, rights, and commanding.
bill was paattihe6dbaurtthoraidtz-
. edtteation, and I will then give yoia Sint- she Vowed, Ala lie her rage she ettuelt mit swomen who were gualifiedainto° the- -
ed, in . reason; Salome " luta Utterly' '
learned much concerning germs an moot to start yon, in anyealgngyon
their Influenee in the, propagation °1' adopt. No don't thank me," a e Said,
health . and disease. Those Invisible hurriedly, as the girl ceught her hand
emanations which eurround the per-. and geatefully profiled it to her lip&
eon weitring gems penetrate th° in'' "I am bat paying a debt, ;nettling
terstiete of the jewel and act- otoro,,,,
itaDY tnereaeee or ' de°145ao.O its Then elte turned herlace toward the
ortilinnorF The Inference ie a hoteee Maintaining 'a Peaerrili and Ail-
irtie one that. tinge and pint should ence whieh, Eva was too timid to break.
be laid aside by the invalid, gven in When the girl got back to the Onall
geed health it is better to give them mom, taw: wee bending, (met the cootTy
tot root. To inelose then 111 their eases lafeces of lace that requited aIl her
ekill arid care in Mending, she csould
begs of Jester. Eaten Clothing should not help fancying that she must have
Attie be treated to rest, It freshens ni) fallen asleep over. her work, mild that
• Wohderfully the fro* or Wrap to shake that walk and converaation in the park
'tend beuelt ths garmelte and hank it matt have 'been a dream. Bet 'happily
i 0 a datk uloset. It was nothing of the kind, and the next
day Mr. and We. Church Were mulattos.
rid and somewhat frightened by Mrs.
ntp PAN 'ClillIrtE114A* 'Westbrook coming to Oen them end
A *Moan has. pettinted. a fan end . 6ftbring to take the girl off their
tintbrella Combined, the handle of the haPliof.
At fitat they positively refined, but
latter being hollow, with it Wale kAr *when tlae 1.ady talked n._f getting her
at tbe end, to which the fen Is Atte° ..-
ed, tie that it can be doted and allotted , '..arror to Aunt 1111 the late Mr. Miro
WO the handle Whim not in Use, oolPh's family, arid tereetalri who wee
the girl"s legal guardian, they gave a
Yki4.1...141.1 hasty, though unveiling aroma to the
tan WAY. arrangement.
Ifriend-Do you permit your lb to 4' she wits of age, :tor then 1"d
lat it her own f mane de ,W t et Wank'
' 0,,
illitti it
' hen
, eltA74,4114:4, In my hitn " Min -
r. hie cue --..'''" .
and put thole Away Is to Waite an ac.
the girl sharply mow the face, and faculty.
declated thet ehe would rend her away
rarely makee US more ready to bear
The fact ot deserving puniehment
A. ;handsome vett pin of goal repro-
to find a better home it she. could.
the lash, and Liles persuaded herself 000ta a how and arrow. ,Tha 130w is
that she was gteatly ill-used, and re- at,addod with diamoads and onartads
'solved to take Mrs, Flood at her word.
Without giving hereelf time to, think alternating, and the arrow with a row
of the probable C011tag,unnees of what
she was about to do, Liles ran Up to a.A.Pettbrroth. roomed:1fmk frolf itt of
her own" voora, put on her Sunday itoid etootooled it( reen nd
clothes, fled taking with her a few g Ye cre'•
tribes she veined, amt a !hitting or two has tWo dianSonds for °Plat While email
which ehe had hoarded, she erept EnPaZila are Set OA the back le Imitate
downstairs, made ,her tray out ot the tilts opoth,
heitie unobserved. and soon reached elemit of the new SOMA Wine* ate
the high road.
Thr traveling eirent was still in the of agate. eitrtOottnted hr a cover of
neighborhood. and Lilts soon arrived gold teetotally enameled; others are
at the field. where the large Utah in mounted both top and bottom Walt
which the performances took place gold and are aleo imamate& large
was erected. opt:#.4 eet In 'the Oover.
At another time eke Would have felt A handsonte brae& °fooled design
shy and timid. now she was deoperate, haat a large baroque plum in the otin4
Berman a troupe, was her refuge, and ter, takettuted in gold. it le surrounded
no sooner did she moth the entrance br pearls tett in the tiliapis of * heaft
to the now: empty place tlian'she *aka and held in rition by Steal! wine of
tha clown, for Mr. Bernie& pearki in the otatrie The whole la
"Yillt. dett. Asia this way," be aurreateded by diateends, whiela are set
re bed,' and Itti &tying e bed bet to let ribbon ot fold. Two largo Nettie
A Of Ira that IOU
ed a man, Witom the reeognized' ea platitude, w ich disappear behind the
knotted end d'islogm feral the teal of the
rtai •breitSeft:
We plucked. up e,ouralee end exam- makee the eyes glow with delirious de-
Ined our shelter. The result wata net light.
encouraging. The (sage was very ol4 .
1.......m,mmo .
seemed to be Merely hanging togeiher. MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY.'
a 8 y. s
"The Bajah who brought this here The " Bahnorallo" Free Bus te.t41;23:
twelve yews ago" said Luolusa"I have
heard about. It! Was his favorite way
of killing ttigere. Ile would draw
theah to [hie spot by lying a goat on
the edge or the jungle and' then shoot
them through the bare. I don't' snlis
prose he has nag, tt, though, for bajf a
dozen years, and it la ruining and fall-
ing to pieties, *But aa long as the
tiger iii eenlent to gayly preen about
and keep SOlteb We are safe; otherwise
-a shtug of the shoulders completed
the sentence. 'and I knew what he
Written words fall me when I try
to deecribe the horrorfe Of that olgbt.
The minutes seemed hours; the bourn
days. Cold, hanger and thirst were.
slight in comparbion to the rootless
vigil kept by our beaieget. His rears
he threw himself against the flimsy "7:141r. It mama/ it trot
Of baffled rage conetantly resounded
through the jungle, Again and again, Lu g Moe foe ate /es da
. BY S
Sold by ell druggists. see, ft *Ode.
cage, or tried to snatch Us eat With his end restores tke allot
paw& ,
dropping on us.'" mediae.' to think, that she never got
Crack I crack 1 The bare *tee creak.
Ing end heeding undee his weightt. VENN' LII0Tir,
They bent afid bulged, Then, to our White -lithe has a great eotatratind of
h°E'r.LPorolictwou°tC)i4 thognedmItlirdeittsi. "Hes larittwiekg-e't httealisnaChti: the YealMtno rm
thr tiger'e head and Rhouldere were takrrled— .
itotually inside the cage; we Could
tPoiialotintik, ot°08,1cria°47.71,17127104.1,;1010°15Ps'
AVENUE NOUSE -nagalerrattivellA
CIT.B. Depot'
Prevemerita-aBatas Mdderato
Wad -Major, le It irtie that once
during the war one of the enemy died
to save your life? '
Major B witty -Yeti.
Matid.-How noble! How did it hap-
Major Bluntly -4, killed bin].
feel his hot. etetotang breath, eur kit TOtteisttgli MO!. latiting,mti,?i,2
In desperatien Inelus whipped out
hie poeket.knife, opened the, largest
blade, and', 'struck tbe ereature's Vialtor--.You 1$436M te be an IMPerts
paw, and 'drew blood. The roar that ant person; everybode tures round te
followed drove us to the furthest oor. look at you.
tier of Ow cage. There we trembled Looel Great Man. -Item; there bort 4
for a 'moment, while the etreggling Men in 'the town I idon't OWO Meisel to.
Sass. a sa
I see same fellow is going into tbe
rabbit rearieg buelneos, said the board-
er who get the raor,ning paper Brat.
$0013118 to ble that relates rabbits
would be eomething of hare -lifting
nature, Bald the Cheerful Idiot.
" tellsOretesanaleat.. .
weep, Torouto, ciENERam swears.
Whales' teeth form the coinage of the
Fiji islands. They are painted white
and red the red teeth being Worth
about SO times as much at; ,the white.
Tne eatIve parries his wealth around
neck, the red and white a his
coinage forming a brilliant contrast to
his black skin. A common and curious
sight in the Fiji lalsocis is a newly
retorted wile presenting her husband
with dOwry of whales' teeth,
MRS. WINSLOW'S soormilo SYRHP hes been
used by mother, for their children teething. It soothes
tr'soithsu rne: 4110: 2:Idt Og est 8( °to::: ersonasol rt:e,11-;:Vg141 A.ord: .81 :frPt,wag:1 las 0:1 fr:g1 t h:rUa eEP:
help you to un'stan' dat die wort
would keep gwine round, even it yeti
akin!, happen :to he- an,lian' to push yin'
. •
rass Band
fnstraments, Dr1/145‘, thit70;71as 00.
Every town can have a band.
Lowest pritun 19er guinea. rin .03tel,egue, sec Biwa
truaelts. welled tree. write sta for ,411yisisgu)
.1... or swum( 4,
WHALEY 1101f0a di 99,i e TerOlet0! Sae,
astoraserit veto wish to infrove. awl hove up.
1•041140 met eels, write:eh
Onterol C. W. OuNT 00,,Torentm
Catarrh Indian Catarrh Cure.
, 6041).Y.tiltV1.!e«Pizumiott...,
The Pelf Perfaet system tor Serer,
log panics aud miasma earl
Sample tray out* won.
The 00(100 8110910MY Mfg 0o.
;111 end 124 It4 at., Togonim re$siors; Nannette, •
Solid Gold, ,,,,t1.80
13eet, Gold Fill 1.60
6 yrsalold kill 1.00
Best Glasses... 100
'We guarantee perfeA, satisfaction.
6114013E. OPTICAL:
• O.- yonge St root, Toronto: •
Calvanized Steel
Windmills arid • HAPLEY -
lowers, AAA°
Steel Flag Staffs,
Orals Grinders,
Iron and Vfood Pumps, ,
• pee sueellee, nNANTFORO CAN,
Send for New Catalogue. !Outten Ws 'FaFsr•
Your aloes of a VIOlin.
Guitar Or Autoharp for
selling only -3 dozen Gold
ToNad Lever Collar But-
tons at 10 cents each, OF
111aodolin or Banjo for selt-
ing 4 dozen. No money re-
quired. ,Just write IN dad
we wilt s. the talttons
postpaid. Sall theta, return
Ihe money and ,the Roam.
choone WIll for -
express, all charges Pool, ',ever
button Go., Dept. Z, Toronto.
Delfeess Cannot beCared
ay local apple:leases le e inn a each 11.1
rlineased portion ot the ..ar.• T er,,t unit' raw
wa, to eure deafnesg, and. that I-. by co ,ntitu•
banal remedies. Deafness is caused by se In.
flamed condition of the MUCOUS linibg be
Eustachian Tube. NN hen ties tube gets letiam
ed you have o: reml3ling sound or imperfect
hearing, and when it is entirely (fluxed deafness
if; ibe result, and ualeas the inflammation ean
be taken ont and this Mite restored te its nor.
nen condition, bearing you be destroyed for-
ever; nine eases out of ten are ceased by Ca.
emit whieh is nothing bat an Whin:led evade
lue of' the mucous surfaces. _ _ •
We wet give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafnows maimed by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Pla Catarrh pure. Send for
-ertedererbrete.---- -- • • - • •
J. OSENICY es Toledo. O.
S Id b D 7 •
Haag -Family Piles ate the bruit.
One of • the prgils GI the Philippines
is manifested in. the • case of RlIgh
Baker, a discharged &tidier, whs. nail
juet returned. to his hostile in 'Welton,
Pa, „While in Manilla as sea -fly bit him
on tbe, right eye, destroying tile Sight.
The other 'eye is now affected, and it
Is leered total blindness will result.
W C 988
' ' ' ' .
ment you
Warded by
,......TH_____E N...11VINd0 & HARRISON. .
8"0"or.THYA0uNfiDeand-dalege Sts., Toronto. "
• OIVIL saltine enefeinatiou A SPECIALTY.
, A well equipped, widely patronized Sehool, High record
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inallue,d2to. igyoilrisaidodtatiti al les.. Ers.xts., isoN. vrincipme; .
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32% ' Profits' for the tiltliith
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surplus of 28 per cent. After deducting expenses, and tlin
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oreditoomfutudhominpveeriatomanana.sus,r:w.luevovsiir:ivii,deoronndtoost L18. 4.8 .
The palliator! Investment Comp y of Toronto, .
EtliChigan Land tor -Sale.
grt 003 AC11.13 GOOD FARMINO 4.ANDS - Assn:NAO.'
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Net,. 01Y Mich tOIU NAt & )1itult An
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AWIle17(3111110114e11/ t.A.0...; and will be old on most
reanonable tyrlog. Apply to
R. 31. riericatt, Agent, ivest Day Oily, Mich.
Or J. W. CURTIS. Wilittbinoro, Weil. • '
and Sheet MetalWer.ti. • •
ROOIFItiel Roortxo SLATE, titicir
Re or Oreen. .SI', BGACKBOARDS (Wo soap y
Carla& io DIM fectantgo, t SeCr.,aiffilaa,ve Obi of let
4.rtri,hr gti I TI:Qi :11110d:1'o v11416gledr Ili to ma$ .f taxawier
'00 us?! iesneca.,,t.es cre5goutilrar dues: iiewre sr 0 bt ntar ei no t 81.
upply. 0111,111n trou Qin nppl [Cation, '
F. 0. oALVERT' •
p 4e11. m
Sausage CTInTinab„.-7,-...goEtatifrittnistitel
nue; BLAOKIY.ELI4 & 0., Toronto.
11111 DER MillIES 11401/BATOR -Seat and Oheteseet
" 0. Rolland; sole agent for the Dominion. Bend Sot.
atamexer catalogue. 370 &Paul Street; Montreal.
Public -dud 'High Schoois,Toroure) „Rooting Felt, P,ton,
Cool Tin', 11001? MG iarf Ot, see oar, teem,
thee res,4110, done otir dm). letat
et4 o. Estimates furidalied for work oomph t 01 cm•
taaterialishipped to on, no'rt of thasouotry. Pk.,
O. OU TH lEk. SONS,. Adelaide &Widmer steovararttn.„......- -
Mentreal en% thee to. 4.16vT•e":,::4I.16.ili 3
• Dominion, Seri s an, Cambiums
For further information apply to loom re-.;•,, 01
DAVID TORRANCE CO., doter •1 s-ittA
. •
Struggle fork Priee 10, '7
'orn L'ure. Ask your
mos. EtrzweataselVernigligOsettilVO Ilt)112
Atr. Arnott;111111,1 who will con' irleeyeu becalm cure you
name fatty t ono
Stanrirnerers ILd-
, to boottroa eis4
whore., mite to
" BEAVER BRAND " MookIntosh
never hardens le is guaranteed Water.
PreoL Atilt -for %take no other. Bea-
rer It Oboe Olotblos Go, Montreal.
iltice, Rats and mos. sold by s11
proggists. win gamin W. Toronto.
"J. 1 %%JONES ENG.0?
Wholesale May. tees Distance TelephonelM,
.L A w MGM, war & Halos
Dertiolors,etc„. removed
, to Wesley Elhigs., Rich-
mond Alt. W., Toronto.
The Dawson Commission Co., Limited,
Cee.Wast.alarket di Colborne St., Toronta,
Ova pt you best prices forgoer Apples, Butter, glace
Ponligh and other oroduee, If you shlo it to them
DATENTie Procured le an countries Designs ,
Trail.. Moire registered, (lopyrighto,
I Parents immured. Writs forinformation.
gOnaTON. lt. tangs, egit itrea sweeten( Patentt,
Notan Public, Temple 1) eliding, Toronto, Ont.
Catholic Prayer Igl:P3Z1r03:"0"
• r u ars,
ltelkeinw Pictures, ain mt./. twit Chervil tird molds.
Educational Wid"as. Malt 1,141.3 irorlre prnmpt amen
don, 0. & &Wan & so , montresi,
TOSOPY0 Codling School offers aceetat telyamarge
▪ te 50.1rous of acquiring 1 therektli knowledge
rotting end gather Lientleme .11 (1,Minintil. Wad tut
113 Yonge St., Toronto.
ALBERT COLLEGE• inaLpEoVetogri,„1.
Hon, ete., for one term 0110 weals. Bend for specimen
of penmanship, eta W. 1'. DYER, Princioni.
Art Ildemosolnt Phosphate, excellent cleanser tor liver,
kidney and stomach, tikes tbe phew of *cellar orponra •
Nom moue bt headache, lta effect Is Immediate. Hold lir
all druggists, In me, No. Um and$1,00 packeees.
Queen City muses., 274 Wellington.M. III., Toronto
Office and Bank Fixtures, Modern
Store Fronts. Microns and Plate
Ole's. For low prices write
lloyanasDo y601'54114 10 gas the girls
ge Milne surprice t
cart 1181'n OCeitivi full
with this noteltp.
Tho Malnipting of Weis fun. Senator
g Mating Bug, and live tee years longer.
Stint peat -paid with our list of emitter,
fOr 100, ift stamper r sneer. s
142711411mnd Termite, Oen
JAL Annan; Pienagor.
• JOHN J. MAIN. SOT, and tress,
The Canadian 7
14 et, a...m.1,g., e. .
llobelan • Saloon then clo e. atr te
ivitheut the Antorolit'c I t
mrnt, a8ltpayeforit.-elf WM"' r
fog beer. o drip, 05 wasta. Yonorily '
one hond.to draw beer with 1.1.0 Aittonatt.0
. bukiti case of rash yortcrin 87,1 a 3. 11,1.1d )14
eachEnoil. Dm
always ready. 'the Itai mann*
draws tile neat friars, of 1)4ura
ia used for uny 11'110,, arit'111114
the kind of Lead on P e be, r shot
you want. Price CI CO pre-p.ild--.
rn, ,nfornleil if netaiLlsfuo•
tory. Hamilton Mfatl'o.,Torouto
• . . . ' .
o other gives such c =pieta satisfa ctio n to FAR MIRIS
niTYGER9piRLEtTGO. leiaci_.
. .
CA NADA ill A N'
Loan and SiLvinfol
1 rgi. oaf, 1:41.1.11 piss.
The Oldest and Largest Canatilmi Mart,.
gag() nerecratio, :
Paid-up ( apital, . • • $2.,6ou,opo
Reserve Plaid 1,20oscloo
Mimi Office Taronto st., Taranto.
B ranch °tricot -Winnipeg, Man., Vancouver, 8,0.
DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed,
DEBENTURES 19SUED for 1, 2, 1, 4 or'S Years,
With !edema r outruns 10,681114
HONEY VENT oil getaway et real estate mortgages,
Government and aiutdclout Bands, eto,
Tor further partictilars apply to
Alanoging Director, Torender.
On' Trial
es 1(1 fg
Fekte pUMP
tr• those terto. 'SC seeker.
irreking. trid a !actinic
For Muller ted ors
, J. W, *110E1180N,
Aylmer, Oht.
IlEALTH RESTORED rtTg„.1,111,11`i
kat dlsordersdatottleb.,/stngn, Me its, Liver, FilOod,
Bidder, Xidners, Brain siM Breath by
Du Barry's; Reettlenta
Arabic* food, .
'hien Sower I /Wendt end Children, mud Bias Reorilinte
a/Waft Infonts whose Ailments ondirebIlity have re
ileted all other treatinehte. It Maestri Mien other
moan rejected, sitter 40 time its cost in roodlelne.
50 years•
Goa, I'letulency, Annum ti,
suligestIon, Consumption. Diabetes, Brom:title, hien.
*Mk 0oUghl mourn), ostertkalsosere, neouse,
irell0v115 Debility, Sleeplessneas, reepornisese,
DtiBarr* lit Co., teigh
Landon, %V., Mee id mix, 14 Rue de CostIglion, atid
J ell Groom, Chendsts, twid Stores errYwhere, MIRA,
• 3, &I., N., 611). 14s. Sent carriage fres), Alta Del
flarty'S Sweetest A Met HA, in Li es, 31. dd. emits,
treats tor Gamete: The T. goon 00., Tani Red, TotOntir
118111°SafetY 10 ALLAN LINE
Esplanadeo lioronto
OOP, Shorbouite goo ,
High Ciato Water Tuba Steam
Etoilom tar AU Preahutreso
Duties and Fuel.
tra t on, , toettest
itOYAL MAIL 1St' Wart
STNAMBIts I Vagott.."
Peon titers& Yrnts tfunhasT
rt 11
: i ishit-"" ' _A tepig.., .. : .. ...
oetIlliktinkii " - -14"
. 21 sot.. beyeelee , OK
law 74in Sow 11, 11. Damien, ,10,060 01111
tronlik. ern* d Ant itt, tvir op trontrtM -hot r
hi PRAWN, - V.0.041 arid
Cilidn,--431.K11411111 . .
ty:Z1277A rift, Enn4x 11, WV*: totetoeterty
intwookontwat ON lititetinaliOi/ 401117 lid IOW *fa 01
* Mitinettelt, 27 Wog* Skti, Thoonto,
i lie iL,A. iii.,AELLik idgesisicio