HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-14, Page 5- - IS a -strong safeguard :. ag.ainst dYsentery, diarrhoea, : cholera rnorbus,sunauler cona- 41 , .• . lea ' * • • , , r-0=11-401440 imkiligrillkw4,7':**14`1"— a. cv-sir- ' • 1+A• Jr,1,JjI ihu,A ,03,1 ,t, • T117.7 le • SOlighnOW44040004041400 11.11111C kitOt Weather Complaints are prevalent which are more frequent in sumnierthan in winter. The et excessive hot weather affecto I. $131110 system:4 but the diet is mostly answerable for the • 2 pains of summer complaint. ; The use of green freit or : fresh vegetables produces a : : laxity in the bowels which is• : very:I:at:Ito bear hy child:en . it and delicate persons Even 5 the strong and rohnst Cannot 5 : endure the exactions of ay- : sentery . • • • - • ▪ AROMATIC BLACK- - : BERRY COMPOUND • AUCTIONEER,. TB° •,v!kr, I4eibro0, ...ear. • Or` *'s Parbi1 01 Ode o40414tou. , r Sa ver try roIrt reea v emanteed or nether • ▪ plaint etc When, any of o „ , 0 • ls . 0 these complaints are mwa- .0 : .fest,a bottle of this 'remedy i •-.•• :.,..-- , • should be at once procured. : • • : It is easy and pleasant to take 4: •• • and we gnerantee it to fina : . • ' ss satisfaetion, 25o a bottle at • e . o :SYDNEY JACKSON : . • • Pho e 2 Prescription Drug Store • • . , •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' MP. APPLES WAIVED. The blirliest price will be paid fee Apple. at TOW1.1 COE, sOlInfon, Sept. * CARD OFTFIANKS •1ftl wIh at?iNlijtintbo jig IVi13,11)iirg ht. °dr° augi eidd my Ititeaato(r f4=11.&iit also have ethgr loop. ed and I WA truly grateful. to them. " PATER COLA. GlodericliTownship, ept, Ilth. APPLES WANTED per seventeen years' have been doing...Ami. naafi with the farmera ot the county ef ninon and mu this year iprepared btbuy more eund r'Arkevarf°re::iietm"e tweytepd.I ) authorized at all points in Riron, and it will bo to the act, vdiange of owners of orehardO to aseertain how well I oft ga Mr them, jp, any event do not dispose of yonr aPple$ bider°seeing me Or ono. of myrepreseetativee. OANTELON Olint.on, P, O. •APPLES WANTE '"---11:2,1=14111114.-.7 li•ved From Ilitiron'si AWOL Ilatiltinew City, Sept. 8—The steamer Cue, passed up last night, 144 oo bard Capt. Freemen and One idler Netson Alture, y aurv Oenerlien hens, Lind, -which foundered In Lake limn oft Goderloh at 1 o'olook Sunday afternoon They had drifted in , the yawl boat 91 hOtir., when _picked up Thursday morning, 20 milee ,below Thunder Bey Wand; Capt. Freeman Welts the reinatader of the crew all Perished. • A story of the wreck le told by Moe. Xlmtnett, mete of the steamer Clinton, who. has reached hie home St Cath- arines. About 12,80 o'oloolt on Sunday afters noon the Clinton Was towing her OAP - aorto, the Iiiegar and Grimsby, when a .0quall struck the bode. An effort was made to haul the craft into the teeth or the gale. When the Lisgar getting into the trough of the See, sprang large leak, Mrs. Freeman, wife of the Captain 41444441•4444.1 •4444,4.0•4 MOLDS CRICKET Filt00.190, Wourteene-rear-0141 nor Sea iliesetrit W. 0. Gracie'. 1411aterrlo Iteroarel, With 001 au** wet out, 0400, le yeitre Old, bee at 10400 SluValled G. °ramie /*torte • mood els ortoket.. Grime luta long been reckoned the chereploe cricket player of • She world. Ile is ileW 111 years old, and beillot VIVIAN good (minket ld1 1864. Eh and Mete Owen Gallagher were placed in the yawl of the Liegar and odt adrift, to attempt to reach one of the other boate, but the small boat IMMOdiately swamped and the two were loot A' abort distance from the other oratt, thodi on • board being powerleaa to °tiering dais- tance, • • The Lisgar -wad by tido time sinking rapidly, and the remainder of the crew stood on the deck and waved their hands to therm on board the Clinton, D Bayinc 42CloOd bye, guess we're. gone Th sauford Evaporator Company will PaY the bighest market price for Apples, windfau and mills at their factory in Seaford. ABECK, GOLE4'HORP,13 8t 00„ Seaford, Ang, 4t 4 Jeweler and pptician. • • • The undersigned offere for sal.; tot west ball • 38, on the 9th Concession of the Township of East Wawanoslu .consisting oi 100 acres, 95 • acres ()bared and. the Wane° hardwood bush, _ The oil io a good,clay loam. Upon the prom- ises are a good bank barn, straw shed and out buildings. The dwelling lo a two-otorey brick.: is well watered and fenced. k Mile from school and miles from the village of Belgrave. Apply on the premises to P 0 Augnst llth ° • -- LAND FOR SALE. . , ... . fer sale that desired° sixteen • (16) aoree oflaiid-South-cathe-Loncion Road Bridge, It is a beautiful site for building and will be sold in one picot) or in lots. My reason for selling is that it is too far from town to.handlenayself and it doesn't.pay to hire help • . 00U0H, Clinton June 201h. • • • DON'T FROWN • It frequently coMes • trona trying to fix the eyes on .a . en point and forcing' them to erform teaks for whieh they • are incaLacitated. •• • A PAIR' OF • GOOD:GLASSES • slich as we fit to your face • ad eyes Will make .reading a plsure, Prides teesnueble. GR/GG „. ' • . • STORE TO RENT. ' The undereigned offers tor rental the 'store • on Huron street. lately occupied by Holloway ,W Morrish,., . • , • • • -.• • • • IHOS.JAORS011; Clinton, June 22nd. • ' • • . • . . • , • •••• OUSE FOR SALE. Comfortable dwellihg heu_se on, east side of •Olfbte.Ixte2geiteit'zi (4111natrtIgfa.4 rooms ;brd and Li;(;) .1VAlyietrld °beep as owner is ieev*. ' • :OBEN RIDOUT •July 4. . • .• , '• Clinton • ' HOUSE.' FOR SALE . • On Victoria • 'street,' " Neer Organ Factory 5300. wfl1 buyaroomy, comfortable house with fer:InIcolty-1-3!Iiimroileprgy acen• tly oeoupied by • • • W. BRYDONE, Barris* inarch 7th.•• . i • '; ' • TOWN PROPERTY1OR SALE The Subscriber offers fors 4piox.pezirtko.LItileaeacro isteraeectioiInsartakttiliefrai34fecta, j:bEtgle 1!_ a good aiibreitirr gleoltstrgednla 'Thetre 4:1T)rantts.is l'he, %chard, consisting Of .g17421.' he sold a reasggrtbleallgival6r 13491rtT Will. andtlie pf4,17:,,on • thulie -24ply a rtfin:41..g. via,i7kii. •• • Ra 4°1114 jUNQa FiEVERE, L401,41DRY • I ''5ave ,s.,,Tacy&ed y Laundry; the Revere, • lo the Ns lid lately °counted J. W..1111I, e Combe block on ',Ashen yv be iricire•_. OPtivenient both for myself and cus- tomers. wdrk speaks for itself • and esTiliziosocesAts latiRANTEED. • We respectfully solicit a, share of your Patronage. Our prices are right and • we Will do our best to please you., • • •••• FON HAYES, Clinton, May 22nd. - • •• SPEcIALNOTcE Just at hand,. some special • values in Teas. , ION 25C AND 30G LINIS , • •are extra, yalue. TRY OUR 60 SARDINES, CAlk P,A.ID FOR GOOD BUT-. TER AIM EGGS. G. J. STEWART. • MEN'S -FURNISHINGS Or Fell goods are now in and we aro pre- pared to supply the wants Of the peoelo of •x.,ohdeslioro and. vicinity. Wo always try to please Our customers and 'with our present stock aro in•a bettor position to do so than ever • before., 'Hero are a few of the bargains we aro . _ • ad (111 Wool Tweed Suit made to onler :10. • Black Worsteds 313 up to 822. .A. genuine Fall andWinter Suit made to order • *with last -class trimmings 813. • TWeed Pants iriadO up-to•clate 0.60. All Wool Heavy Tweed Pants for winter :wear 31.76, Overalls, pare Denham Cottonado, 75 cents. 1Violoskins 81. Sinocks from.50 cents to 81. ..&U are well made ' and sowed with linon thread. • • A Suit of the best Balbriggan UnderweadOtki. •, Best Linen Onllers lb cents up to 18 conte. • • Nice Tie 16 cents, • • Four -in -Rand Tics ss cents. • • Wo carry a stock of Ouff Buttons, Stildo, etol everything that is found in a first-class Furn- • • hor s. and able you to tall and exatnine our ock before buying elsovVhere, T. PARLMER, LONDESBORO. \ A• V you Want anything • in the liusical line, 6011 • at 0, Eton,re's Music) •l'itapar•• • 01.'• •4 NOOSE FOR SALE.. . . , , • To subscriber offers for sale his. house and o on corner of Rattenbury and Raglan streets. " , , •_ _" G. PORRETX. Clinton, April ath • • CANNED. MEATS Caned Meats' are a boon to the, tired housewife during the stun- .• mer months. They save time •' and labor. No hanging over a• ; hot stove if•you ese Canned CHICKEN TURKEY. TONGUE -PIGS' FEET .•Our stock is all flesh and from • the hese *coppers. Try a tan of Chicken for your Sunday dinner; el.,. W. IALI.L.13111.. WIIAT IS Tan Mit:Traa WITH Min CLINTON BASEBALL TEAM? suteess has been, phe. , nominal.' More poWer to it. WHAT TS TRU MATTER Wrrn Tan " CROWN BAKERY? • ITS ALL itionW. WE ARE SECOND NONE IN OUR OWN NE, f you4'want stale stuff We are not in it If you -want MA -class, fresh goods this is the place to let them. A.• KIRKBY Next doer to Clarendon. ' Draw thie ," Those on the steamer were unable to to do anything but watch the unfortun- ate men rown before their eyes. • When the Lisgar'a watch was changed at 4 o'clOok 111 the morning the Jibs, which had been lowered the evening be- fore, were battled up. Nothing"could have been wrong then with her. When the gale-hicreased in. its fury, during the forenoon, Captain Fahey of the Clinton ohange•I his course -a-little to better meet the dorm, and itia sup- posed that in making thie turn the Lis - gar was drained. , The .crew of the latter was seen afterwards bailing her out and throwing water overboard. - About 12 o'clocik it was evident, the ;Liner was sinking, and her ,orew rush- ed aft to swing the boat. Captain Free- man put his wife in the boat, while he and three others get on the cabin, The boat was lo.wered, but won capsized. The Lisgar wind dbytn suddenly, Mre. Freeman was not seen afterwards,. but the other remained afloat forsome time. 40 Owen Gallagher was passing the ,Grimbsy,•planks yrere thrown to him. Jie Was Just about te reach a plank when he sank and the others disap- peared soon afterwards. Thorie . on board the Lisgar were: Captain Free- man, Mrs. 'Freeman, Owen Gallagher, - Patsy Joyce. of St. Catharines. Frank Mollet of Kingston, and two deck bands from Tonawanda." • Winsharn.„ • -Bereavement. o—aine-reoently with its - accompanying sorrow to the heel() of Mr. Wm, McBurney of' 'Maineoh. On - Friday last •week, MM. MoBarneybassed - beyond the bounds of time, aged 30 years,eight Months, ten claye. Deceased leaves a sorrowing husband and two child., renLone ,of the children is but a little oirer fourteen months 'olcf, the ether onlY a few -weeks. Again the truth of the adage, that i.troubles seldom cane alone" • has been seen in the home of Wm. Armour.. On Saturday last week, death took from the home, the youngest child, aged about oneyear. On the same day, an 'accident befel another' ohild. Ile, was ridiug on a, load of stones, when he fell off, arid the • vraggen passed over one leg, crush- big.it very badly.' . Rev. R. Hobbs received a telegram 'Wednesday of last week announcing the death -of Mrs. (Rev.) Mc:Donee), of 'Serstfora, Deceased was well ItHewn to many •in this' • . Seaforth. •. •, . On Wednesday:of last week the home of Mr. Jas. Meklichael was the .soene of a quite wedding, the contrading parties being Mr. john Turner, a well known • and highly esteemed citizen . of this • place, and Miss Marion MoMMhael, sixth daughter of the late Thos Mc- Michael. The knot was tied by. Rev, Neil Shaw,of Egnaopciiille, in the pres- ence of a' few friends and relatives, rim bride was attired in a navy blue travelling costume. and was assisted by Midi Julia Leatherland, while the groom was ably 'supported by Mr. Sam Ilinchley. The honeymoon included a trip to To- • route.. One night recently or early morning some unknown person • or persona gained an entrance into L. Smith's boot and shoe store by means Of one of the windows in the rear of the building. The drawers of the desk were -opened and the papers in them were lying on the floor, together with a number of shoe boxes which had been relieved of their contents. The would-be thieves carried theirplunder into the. back part of the atore and put it in a large box where the -were found next, morn - Ingo • Mr. W. . Colclwell of Constance, Who sustained -injuries by falling from a doorway in the second story of the Commercial hotel, died froth the effects Of them on Sunday a Week ago. The deceased Was 67 years of age, an Eng - Rahman by birth and had lived in Hal- lett for a great many years, and during that time made Many warm Wendt; and gamed the respect of all who knew hin2 by honest and upright dealing with them. He was a staunch Conservative, a Britisher, and a member of the Mie sonio order, it regular attendant of the Church of England here, to Which he was a liberal contributor to all the various branches of the church work. An invalid wife 'and two grown up daughters and one son, George, of Bran- don, Mrs. (Dr.) Farinombe, of New- castle, and Miss P. J. COldwell at home', who Wail the faithful and gentle nurse of her father during his brief but Were Muesli, are left to mourn their loss. The/imam' took place on Tues- day morning from thesCommercial hotel to the depot, where the body Was taken' on the eight o'olook train to Newcastle for Interment, Mr. Thomas Itain, Mr, Marsden. and Dr. Parneonabb acorn - pealed the remains. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bo% reeved family especially to Mrs. Cold - web, who was unable to come to town to see her husband during his Slims. That there are five thousand theatres In Ather104, and that one Million. and a half people attend them elieW week- day nightopending seventy millions of dollars a year on theatre -going, ate the surprising facts with Which Mr. Fronk - lin Pyles, the draniatic:aiter Of the Now York Sun, will open an Important Wing in the next issue of the Ladles' Mine Journal. The series will be callad "Time Theatre and 1r People," and ITT run through soosen humbers of the In gazine, lavishly illustrated with pitotureis made by.twelve different art - lats. The ertieleg Will treat of every plifise of the theatre, the pley and tha *dor, from the Weide,. and will tell how , altheatre is managed; the actual money vhieh pleys haye medel.liow an 'toter is 'treined and whet the itotors are *Mils ly paid; haw a play is written and what the *Whore recta%• how * play Is re- hearsed; the OW n ght Of a play; how the gams** make up and What they use; and Is a minute way Kis two Iasi *Weiss Will whet goes on behind the seirees tin thei stags during the par- ireire It is * amine t that this will he the tires that the theatre and tire aster thave Oter rit %Anal. 014 .si mil there Fresh... Groceries pow. Affe, 'Wood% Photpbodine, "1'r 2.1214th Eiol redo men eot by all druggiettin claws. omy ra". rntdtlMtSOd to 0514 y, aiimions ohs/averse, It 1 et Exete 2 lb., sot* W. Duncan 'will not be undersold and his 'stock of Groceries and Seed* le fresh, an4 wall aseorted. Clover •sn Tirnothy Ee8i &IW7s on hand. trim 41.20per elVt. , W,1. WOK ra I, •-mk. '*** strorr—oirrwinx.—ra' Roman on the 8th Mat., by the Rev. O. Jewiffe at the reakience of the bridet_iiparents, . A IT Short to Mies 11. Xeellf*st daughter of J. W. 'Or -twain,. all 'of TURNAR—MoMIOBARL—Ou Sept. Oth in Seeforth at the reaklenoo. of Mr. Ames 1foMicbaol, unole of the bride, by Iter. N. Shaw, 33, A., lir, John Turner, to Mise Marion MoXicheel, , both of Saaforth. ALLAN-SHILLINGSLA,W.-On Sept.6th, in Tuckerdnith, at the residence of Mr. Thomas Shillin.gslaw, brother of the brio, hY Rol'. • N• SbEtYrt IL A., 3y,IMirs.0BoehnireiomminnaAslialinogfoRawlancherd: to SO0TT—ST4VENS—On Sept, Sth, at the entnee, McKillop, by Rev. P. lisresgrave, Mr. Thomas A. Scott of Morrie to Min Rebecca, M. Stevene. of Hulled. MUSGROVE-EMERSON- Oa Aug. 31st,, et:Albert Lea, Minn., -Kies lda , daughter of the late John Musgrove of Tiumberry, to Mr. Samuel Emer- son of Alden', Minn. JAMES -WA'I'T ---At the residence ,of the bride's parents, Brussele,on Wed. neaday, Sept. 6th,tby Rev. G, J. Abey, Wm. James to Mtge Altos), eldest daughter of Robt.Watt, all of13ruese1e. • No" "woo outiter of our health, and if you do not attend to duty, the blame is cagy toe4teo, Ifyour btood Is out of oder, Noce' eSer. eepnritt4 will purify a; 'It Is tho.. operatic remedyfor trouble* Of the blood, lildizers, howele or liver. for a Ther°11tarear-714444ddibffeartereattriredibil. clues felled to benefit me. Z trlsd ROOMS FieriMparilla one threebottles comyand perfectly cured IL, tS. O. A.irm• Weide Bridge, N. 8. A ealogorwo-fiAll 4 bed lost five chile. Oxen with anahmeria 1 save my remaining two children Moire ,O.eretiparlue as the' were Oubleet to threat trouble and wore not illIntsrga le31:0T0Tow. 1111V":1010 ne. w.H.PrasoLii, Pembroke, Ont. podisrilis care cathartic to tea wig/. , MK1NNON WE ALWAY8 DO AS WE ADVERTISE Pee 4,4e who deal here know that they can dopen d audiv everything exectly as advertise& We neve ra4. veranything special without having a fair quantity aee i ; stock, and aa long as it lags it goes at the advertised pie:. ; BRING THE AD, ALONG"WITH ; YOU AND PROVE THIS • We got a seep t; for threshers. They are may worth $1, but we marked them 75ei. he other day some good strong Poway. just the thing ; We will clear out the balance of one steels. of Muelins, regular 1$1c to 20e, w• ShhirfittirW:ie;:estkaY,:rnyeg:Lul:oren85se Skirt, $1 .$2;.: for 500. A Parasels, silk and linen, steel rod, regular $1,25 to $1 75, for $1, °D Boys' Sailor Snits, regular 81,50, for $1, MOW Sold by Watts ffs ihvggists. - ea- n t no buying your new fall suit don't for. • ullarrias. EaSe and Disease, - get that we,earry a full range of 1:1,. Shorey 45 Cos's fully ; °' guaranteed ready -to wear clothing, . 0 31'00.4.14mm,— In Croatline, Ohio on ° Sept. , the wile ol »r. MoOsiO um (nee Carrie Coate of Clinton) of MASTER A. 14, mums, daughter. WIGHTMAN.-In East Wavvanoshj, on • Wightn3an, of son. COOK—In East Wavranoshi on Sept, 1st, the wife of Mr. John Cook, of a son FANSON.-In'Exeter,. on August ;24th, the wife of Samuel Fanson, of a son. BAKER. -In Oreclitdn, on Sept. let, the wiN of Richard Balser, of a daughter, WILSON -1n Usborne, on Sept. 6th, the wife f W*1 MA.GEE-In Belgrave, Sept. 5th, son. Magee of a daughter. M1 has been the star performer in nearly all the great Itnglish cricket elevens aline • , that time But he has never Made a re- oord equal to that of young Collins, Mid lovers Of the game are firm in the belief that the lad's aocoraplishment will long stand nnequalledc -Young Conine is the . orphan eon of an East Indian cit•il servant, and lust now is a student at Clifton College in England. His mere, • cedented tally of 028 runs not .out was made at a house match. but the record is regarded by Englishmen as autbentio;Xis no .way dd bbs portunity putP.1"g blin out, but his thipll • , • / Angust 30th, the wife of Mr, ohn HAWKl--On 10th con. Turnberry, on • Sept. lst, the wife of W.• Hawke of a WHEELER—In Thrnberry, on the 5th • inst. Mrs. Arthur Wheeler of a daugb ter. RITCHIE -- In Asb field, 12811 Con. 23rd Aug. the wife of Mr; James Ritchie of a son, GARDNER - In Ashfield, I3th' 'Con. . . ' Sep. 41h the wife of Mr. W. G, Gardner of a • _ 'DEATHS. • G. Onlet • and endurance, big accurate •batting and blevee placing, frustrated all their at- tempts. • Both Grace and Collins are of English • birtli, a circumstance which - tons to console the Briton for the shat- tering of an idol. And the feet that the .now•olaampion ig but it boy by no ineand ,erabittere the disappointment felt by friends of Mr. Gram, TIO -MOSQUE 07 01VIA.Tt. BEAUTIFUL:JERUSALEM EDIFIOE TO ElE REPRODUOSO IN. PARIS. 411; 'its 'Graceful Arehlteotoriil• Datable -Ara tone Seep at the Werld!a Bap oar- , . . tie*, 'at the Fionelk Catlike:1 tin 1006-A Stiipendous ask :WhiOls Famoui Bare Sist4thininselventOik... 4 • The :.rtiproduetion cif -the .tiolcine of • Omar is one. of the :stupendous tasks which the Paris Expoiation builder" have eet for theixiselveg. . •, The Mesita°. tif Omar,' In Jerusaleni, is situated 7 on. andient •MounniatOrlah, the site of Solomon's and Herod's temple, . A meinher of the' Paledine Exploration ,SocietY will ouperint,end .the building of the reoeque and the liohammedane will bold worship there daily. Great trouble ‘Will be taken to oeoure extrenie accursioy and, as far • ea. .possible, she wonderful 'temple Which the Armenians aro always -threatening to .destroy Jerusalem wiU ha reproduced., • ' _., • .The entire inolodire of 'the Mosque of, Omar in • Jerusalem is called by the MOhatninedans Harain-esh-shareef. the WEIRATLET,--In Clinton, on Septem- ber 8th, John Wheatley, aged 85 • years. PLICILERIN,In Whitby oh September 10th, the infant daughter of Mr. and cregeriorraged 7 months, • Mrs. Puolferin is a daughter of Mr. John Morrish of Clinton. ' SAGE -In Walton. on ,Tuesday, Sept. • 5th,, Jessie Sage, aged 39th- years, 1 • month and 25 days, • COLDWELL-74n Seaforth, on Sept 3rd, . W. E. Coldiell, of Rullett, aged' 67 COLLIE -4n EginondVille, on Sept; 51h • Margaret McKay, relict of the late' Joseph Collie, aged- 65 years. • .. DICICSON.-In McKillop, on Wanes:. • day, Sept. 61h, Mary Bell, relict of the late John Dickson, aged 74 years and ' 9months. . • • ARMOUR -In -Wingliain,. on Saturday • Sept, 2nd; infant child of "Mr and Mrs .• Wm. Armour, aged 1 year. ANDONALD-In Grey, on Saturday, • Aug. 26th, Peter McDonald, aged. 84 years, 6' months and 23 days. ' TAYLOR. --In Turriberry, on Tuesday, Sept.-• 5th, Freddle,--irifant• child, of • Absalom Taylor, aged 3 mneths.• • LIODGSON—In •Culross, on Friday, Au 25th Hannah Hod son relict of • " THE MOSQUE OF OMAR.. Noble Sanctuary. About the middle of the inolosure is an alined rectangular plattorm , about 16 feet•from'the ground. in theimiddle of the platform of the otiginal temple,atanda the main temple, the Moeque of Omar. The building is an octagon in shape and hi covered •by a light, artistically 'hived donne, whioh.le sarmolinted by a croodent. • . • Outside the mosque there are several mriall..elegant praying place* To the ,south of the platform lithe Wand large temple, oe mooque, °idled El Akita. . • Here are deveral handsome Stained - glans Window, and one etgaecially that bas called for the admiration of thousende 'Who have demi . it. It is made of email traruiparent glass mosalea,, wrought into eaquisitely beatitiful floweri and artibeg- citteg of variegated colOrs, barmenioublY blending` into each othen This window hag another peddler* of a double set of deafens, one set being visible at a certain distanee frem the wIndow, and On stepping back two or .three yards another and' entirely different set of designsiappearti to 'She view. 11 in said that when the Emperor Franck, Joesph• of Austria visited Mamie. lem, • he • offersd £2.000 (about $10,000) for thie window4 but was told that he couldn't get•It for million. The priceless features, the buildera think, can be reprodueed cheaply, et • , . -.• s. g • • , the late Ralph Hodgson, aged 86yearii years, 10 months, 22 days. . MotURNEY-In East WeVrannSii, on • Friday, Sept. Ist, Margaret Catherine •-McKenzie, beloved wife of Wthi M c- • Burney, aged 30 yeare, 8 months, 10 days. - CRICH . -In Clint& oii' Monday,Sept. I ltb, Verna Leda, infant daughter of • Mr. and Mrs. Newton Crich, aged 5 • months ancl 9 days. , • • roll Exhibitions. • Centrtil-Ottawa, Sept 11 23, Strathroy, Sept. 18-20. • Clinton, Sept. 19-20. • Collingsvood, Sept,,,19-22. Northern; Walkerton, 'Sept, 19-20. Listowel, Sept. 19-20. • • Central, Guelph, Sept. 19-21. Port Elgin, Sept. 21-22. • , • Woodstock, Sept. 21-23. North Brant, Paris, Sept. 25-26, CetitralBruce, Paisley, Sept. 26-27. • South Grey, Durham, Sept, 26.27. Goderich, Sept. 26-28. Waterloo, South, Galt, Sept. 28-29. Luoknow, OoL 3-4. • Stretford; Oct. 3-4. • ' • Bayfleht; Od. ` • Brussels, Oct. 56. Kincardine, Oct. 10-1I. Dungannon, Oct. 1142. rcat Stock Show, Guelph, Dee.5-8. • • For Over Fifty Years • Mesh Wriatowe Soorunto BY111:11. has bees used by itillione• of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your reef, by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of CuttingTeeth send at once and get it bottle Of "Mrs, Winslow s sooth- ing Syrup ' for Children Teething. , It will re- - A shoft Kamen on, the Meaning or a Familiar Word Disease is the opposite et ease. Web. ster defines disease as "lack of ease,an, easiness, trouble, vexation, disquiet." It is a condition due to smile derange- ment of the physical organism. A vest majority Of the ',disease" from , which poopimpure Disease of this kind is cured by Rood.' Sarsaparilla yvhicla purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood. Hood's Sarsa- Farina cures scrofnla, salt rhenna,pimp- a • es and all eruptions. It tones the sto- mach and creates a good appetite, end tt gives vigor and yitality to the whole body. I1. reverses the condition of ; ; ,. , # g MoKINNON &-.00 - BLYTH i . . ile,.ft.53,‘›eca..:*.o.52•...4b.e1.454044b,0?-qzbe04,41b.05-1k-f0falter.conit.ttobe-ult.ttest.ei . I I •-• • • 14:11D401:11[11ftEXPID111011-0.. SEPT. 19 AND 20. tlunge,. gg health, comfort and . • "ease" m place of "disease." • ,:90ME. To THE FAIR Skaguity 'people are audsi.aering a • . • . • AT THE SAME'TIME. •• .• •. plan to move the buildings in Dyea ' acmes the bay on mews! .to that place. , • . . ONLY NATURAL CURE Por all Disorders of the Diges- tive Funotio us is D. Von Stan's,Pineapple TaKets. ....61111DON'T FORGET OUR _STOVE EXHIBITION . --- . • commencing on die same date as our Fair, and continuing until all parties . . „ . . requiring stoves ler this season a:e sup- •. -, plied. We carry tlie largest stock of . , • • • stoves in the country, and only the choicest designs of the leading manufac- turers of the Dominion. We might just name a few Ug-hft—Raag'-e--G'vet) 1..,••••••••••••••••• Med media.' Men know that the pine apple contams.a quantity of vegetable Pepsin. This product is invaluable, cause it. exerts a wonderful power in • the digestion of all kinds of food, Sox- enee has noveconsolidated this grand essence into tablets: and thus, within • reach of everyone, is a veritable pana- cea for all stoniach ills. , Dt.-Ven-StanWhieatirde-Tablets=ar the mosLimportant advance- for the preventimi and curs of sickness in the last thousitndyears. A good digestion is the basis of health, arid all may have it by the faithful nee of these nuiriel- lous ;tablets. Box of 60, Tablets 85 cents, ' • . • • Mrs. Argent °Marmite fell free] the platforin of an 'ex,press train neer Stouttville and was badly,hert. A DOCTOR'S. HOMAGE. , ' • use in thecity of Toronto alone. , the bRraiand's loaf rimtenlievcerni„irrodBacaesd'e. • 1.16161-7.74 13;est‘.:17.!1*""*.. . • , , • - Honor Bright, VainOts. Model, Imperial, . Brilliant, Matchless Pearl--Thp old reliable wood. . . • •• • Cooks, A car load just received; several hew designs. • • " ° HARLAND IRON AND HARDWARE STOVES AND TINiA, RE • PRESCRIBED FOR TITS PATIENT Sou= • AMERICAN' RHEUMATIC 0011E, AND .'THE MAN'S OWN WORDS FCiR re :." r•r SAVED 'MY . •; , • Win. Erskine, ;Manager for7Dr. - , t • have a patient who has been cured by R. Hopkins, Grand Valley', writes : "I South American Rheumatic Cure. He roadfoo BOX had been trying everything on earth taken to bis bed. Three doses relieved, , Mantait' acturers And 15ealeris. in. without the slightest relief, and had him; aud when he had taken two hot- tles "he was able to drive out. He • im- . Mediately came to me and Said this great reinedy had saved his lite. This remedy relieves in a few hours and is curing the world. -Sold by -watts I& The -blockade of St: Mary's River *as raised. on Sunday night,•and a fleet of vessels abont twenty 'e;iiles' le length y,aas41.ittlIztrrczgh !no m Lake Superior to ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. . ••^, For the Spring trade We are offering the largest' and most'noM• , plete ,stock of High, -1Wedium. and Low.: Priced Furniture in. • _the County. We have some great values t� offer in , • • •• • • • smitztoEss WOMEN'. . . . • • •PARLOR SUITS, -COUCHES, AND LOUNGE*. • 1STERVOUSNESS, INDIGESTION AND • GEN- • DEUIPTY EtAyE parvim AWAY THE sriassalsre,• BUT SOUTH AMERI- CAN NERViNE • BRINGS BA= THE ITEART GLADNESS. . •• , Do not buy until y ou.haye.paid .a visit te• our Warerboins. • • • •.. . • : . • • .„...• . • .• ..' • • . • • • • • .• . • Mrs. D,• A. Gray. ofWaterford, says: "For a number of yenrs I was a great .sufferer from indigestion and general debility, and many times was unable to attend to my household duties, I was treated by nearly ' all the doctors in the town and got no permanent relief. L read of a cure by South American Nervine which seemed to exactly fit my case. I•procured one, bottle and got great relief, and siX bottles cured nie absolutely." It certainly has not an equal. Sold by, Watts & Co. — UNDERTAKING • • this line we carry a comp' let°. stock: Our' lior.wiei and - fit are up to date and our charges reasonable. • bROADFOOT BOX'. 8‘. n VIII:nrittrre beallera6 anti T.Tneloritakera W: /fInnagek • • Night and Sunday calls answered. at Residence of our The Radial Electric Office was robbed Feneral Director, J.W. Chidley King St„ opposite Foundry. at Hamilton, 8800 being stolen from the -safe. Samuel Scott an employee of were stolen from Clothes after he the , railway company, looked up the the office, auk he_pays the keys Men want' but tittle here itanallalegatil bad gone to Eleep ab home. REART SIGNALS, QI7I0E AS A. FLASH THEY APPEATt, BUT IITST AS titlIORLY WILL THEY VAN/$11 UNDER TEM HEALING SPELL OE DR. AGNEW S CURE FOR THE HEA.11.T. Bove the poor little sufferer immediately. De. pondupon itdnothers, there is no mistake about • it. It cures Diarrhtea, regulates the Stomach When the breath, is short -hon you and bowels, aures Wind Colic Ooftens the tire easily --when there is alitation-- Ouitis, reduosarneammation,egaiOves tone and energy to thm e whole syote. rs. WinslOW's When there is smotheripp ng sensation soothing Syritp" for children teething is plea- and dropsical tendency -all these in i sant to the taste WA JR the prescription of one Of the Oldest andbeSt s and cate heart weakness, and are the dare female physician nurses in the United States. Price twentyove ger signals if t on procrastinate- Dr. out the World," Be sure and ask for mrs. lives which in many reset a,ve been cente a bottle. Sold by all druggists thr.mgh- AgneW's (lure for the Heart, is saving h b witettowe SOOMING SitatIP. Proclaimedby eminent physicians as • beyond hope. It will relieve most ioute cases in thirty minutes, and pa- • . English Spavin Liniment removes all tience and the remedy will cure any hard, soft oe calloused lumps and blew- case of heart trouble in exiatences-,- ishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs Sold by Watts k Co. . ' . . . .. .... The publishers of Certieelli MOH Needlework Maga zine'amiounee h new department for Oeteber under the cap. Lien of "Modern Lace Making" which will be in charge of Mrs, Sarah Medley, (eller, York, OW WOrit has always attraotedmark ad attention, The Shine Istille Will likevolee dontain ideas for : imple Christnitio needlo. work, besides new patterns for centre pieces, doilies, pioturs frames, tee cloths, elk purses, etc. Those of our readers who feel an intermit la this elms of work should. mend Iff Mite for a copy or become sub-, fieribersat 26 OatItti pep antIUM With as little delay ati possible. Address, Cor, tioelli Silk Co., ra. rag, Jahns, P. 9, , "Like diarrionds raindrops glisten, • Dropt of Hood's Same *rills. Iire prec- ious jetvele for the blood which glisten In their use, • The Ministry of Rom G, 11. Iteld ban re signed In New South Wales, and Mr. liynti will form a Cabinet. Gail. Merritt will be sent cint t,o Man - r na to manage the subjugation Of the rIibpleoi. of Eureka Iterness„ Oil will take the stiffness out of old harness and mike it soft as new. It will took like new. It oils, softens, blackens and preserves the leather. You • can keep new harness from ; 4 wearing ant mid renew • 4i0/* tholife of old harms* with Eureka,' .Harness OLvititonidlyd„. stolos,a0t, (411111 below ' but Most of all. went T.&R MYRTLE CUT 71EIFIVEST. EXCUR WX±JL 108 RinstOi Sept. 12th, -Returning Until Nov.. • • ember llth 1899." ' Ping and cut. • asTualcanues To - WINN PEE(13.0iffily iton DERAIFNE sn8 muub I YORK 0 -140" • • A pRite5 LBERT118 PagArk ItEYR COWAN EDMONTON • London & Lancashire Life • • TIOKETg and all informaion from Agents • Grand Trunk Railway %seem. Established in Canada ISO illlrelated Rind $6,652128 LIBERAL, STRONOi PROOR ES 5 IV 0.1/laser', D. P. A., Toronto 0 A. 0, Pattison, G., T. R. Agent, Clinton. F, 11. Hodgens, O. T,R. Ticket ,Agent,olintoti. AttillteolnhaeltiPZI: 'atiw foroirci:ers • Ain: insurance issued. Policies • , and nonforfeitable. • Money iortned. Policies purchased. 0 K8un ask, • ' AGENT O. P. IR, 000. Amount oat palmy. holders $687,000. •444'4444 CLINTON Eull information furnished by CHAS, B. HALE, ACENT, CLINTON Tivivellersto any part of the • world Should conetilt the above In reference to tickets, Notice .to AdveMseeg. • • Advertisements for pages 4 Ana 6 must be in this office on Saturday to • 0 insure Insertion the following week ' JA 01<s - and for page.s.1 and 8 not later than 0 AGENT O. P. R. - (*look Monday evening. Advertisers -wzfl plame bear this in mind. t1,1,1111,11".1,1111,111,- • Coles Cottot Soot Contra Atir.sto, toti,..04$ oiv raggIttle,yr 62cHk"t . 6 , 641 Sta A SCHOOL WIN A FINE RECORD STRATrOft fitX AMEIt OA end tWO ' Y /2' oar 001.4 44S