HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-14, Page 4'"(
"."1", S. -111r -S "?
. •
„ ,1464"1110"ViarmorimposittimetettitoorAeweir-t ‘`'
haoieles Corroption
North Waterloo.
Malley Wee P!alred Qutl,ike Water to
Soeure the gieetion of the Liberal
The Government Ree.
'fines to ProtieCilte the BOodlera.
(Toronto Star.14berala
The evidence -1n the North Waterleo
election triel shows thet the most un-
blushing wholesale bribery was prite
ticed. ehat money wee pouredoilt
Water, that after the election further
Ovens were paid, presumably as bush
rooney. te theee wlacehacl previously re-
ceiveel cash, end that ell this went en
Under the eirie of organizers and lead,-
naen of the Liberal party.
It is a black blot on the record of a
GeVernment that once. Professed honor
and integrity, and on a party thet has
preeched purity for generation%
So themeless has been the corruption
thet the toember should throw up bis
seat, that tbe party should lope not an
' bone purgibg itself and bouneing the
machine and all Ito evorkers, and that
the Premier and Attorney -General
should within this day coneneece Pro-
ceedinge to jail every meMbee .ef the
gangef men whe so boldly/bought the
' constituency, and that he should not
except from prosecution the indiyids
uals who coneeived, planned' and dir
ected the fraud upon the Legislature
and the riding,
Tile Liberal party benne b safely con-
tinue to run elections with heelers and
hotelkeepers whose houses seem to' be
thebeadquarters for political iriiquity.
keenair les OKAM1144110 •
Miss Beth SMith eve:Kling tbis
week at the London Fair.
Mee, Tenser will leaVe ter the South
earlier tnan the rot of her family.
,Dr. Reginald Sherman ha/ been at
Buffalo under treatnieut for Ws thew,
Ur% (Rev.) Turnbull has returned
. from attending the flattered of her
brother.' •
Onief Thomas lies manufactured this
e u eys
are buying eatensivelne
The pretty little new cottage ' of Mr.
Kerrei on Britannia Road is. reedy • fel
occupation, end elr, turd Mrs, Kerr.
will rnove into it the last Week ef Sep -
b -
Miss Tilt left for Temente otrWednee-
day, tieb,jost, after a pleasant viele at
the British Exeharige,
Rev. Mr. ARM is 'very .rouch „pleased
with his pastorate and is a great ad-
mirer of the eceuery surrounding our
Architect Fowler has quite a hand-
some ploture in seen/ of a Catholic cler-
gY man giving religious instruction te
his acolytes,. nve 'nuether weering
theiralter gowns. '
Mre,Oornwel) of'Detroit was the guest
- of her sister, lilies. Belle Mathelson,
Wellington. street; the post week.
A great number of halters went u'p
the lake meths) Cart:none fleet week of
September expecting to have a grand
timee •
Mr. George Haley intends etribarking
in the merchanietadoring business. We
wish him success. He and Mrs.. Haley
are et the ,eesidence „of ea -Alderman
Caldwell. •
' We' cangratinate Dr. lionlifee-Si
Wyandotte eu his marriage to eine
Elizabeth Newell, daughter of Mr. arid
Mrs, N. N. 'Fairchild. ler. Bowbier is
sued not long since, cohjointly with
Efenri Sulley, beautifel. song
think of thee which. deserved a good
sale. While in Goderich Dr. N. GI
BONO:nee was Deputy Post theater, Fel
icitations„ • • •
Eferace JeFlortoe and 'are, 'Horton
spent Labs* Day at Dungannon, and
strange to relate OD their return benne
as on tWo formee obcasions of their
visit to that toWns they found their
dog barkingstriceesantly, and knowing
the reaeon Mr. }torten Ira but his gun
and fired and found as he anticinated
thee the dog's prey was a skenk. •
Mrs, 'W. IVatsen ..in Teri:into
will spend .soine time et St.' John's
hospital visiting her neice, edes.Magee,
who is there for treatnient
The meeting celled by Mayor Thonals-
sop for Tuesday evening,: Oth inst. to
feel the pulse of the peorde for the loan
of $10,000 to the . Kensiegton factory
*as not very enthusiastic. Mr. John
Acheson threw lot dee/id-water upon
that neither ehe organ factory or eleva-
osehave yetdeclared a dividend,,
In Becker and Myers. wipdow
Hotel Bedford block, are . two very
heildsome oil paintings the,worle ofour
yoeng Oenedian artist' Beatrice Mc-
CoiLesThe subjects of the pictutes .ttre
Sunset in the Alps and LochKetripe.
Pantain Bebb of the Ocean House
need nbt fear the fall eine., now, nor
the spring freshets, ae the • sewer hes
been widenedand deepened. :and very
large condint pipes put in.
- When Mr. McDonald Of Iowa visited
town he was sci fond of old Lake Huron
1110 helook ep his residence at • the
Ocean Rouse. Ilia fattier Jehn Mc-
Donald, nuilt a haw nfilf 'Years age
neer where the" Oceitn House now
stands. -
Threetomatoes groWn by the ima-
teuegardener, Harry Jones, Dungap-
non,when weighed turned -the scale tit
5.1bs, 12 minces. Pretty good.for Hare
Mrs. Feawler andher sister,Mies ryas
of Dungannon, have returned' from
very pleasant visit With their sister,
Mrs. Youpg pf Pontiac,•and while in
Goderich were the guests' of their sis-
' ter, Mrs. lierace J. Horton, •
. Mists Mead Watson has returned
from her Visie to ilagarsvilles •
-Miss Andrews, trained nurse at the
lesolation Respite!, Toronto, is spend-
ing heavacetion .ae the Jennie resi-
dence, Bayfleld Roads ' •
Miss Seegrniller and her nieces, 'the
Missee Lang, will spend September in
town. They are at the 'British Ex -
'change, ' • •
The Todmen came in hist tHn here
light, being on her- way to Midland.
Mrs. and the Misses Lawson reterned
upOri her after a six weeka trip upon
her with'Captatn Lewes/v. His three
little daughters are nove sighing. for
tbe sea. It seem/ to be a myetery how
the Hunter Savage wens -down for the.
Todrotin sailed ny Point Aux Bari:pee
at 3 a. m. and the Hunter leavage was
just one hour behind, and there was no
appearance of aby
Mre. Captain Malcolm McDonald has
returned fenm a. pleasant trip with
Ca•ptain Malcolm on the tug Seaanan.
Mrs. (Rev.) McKay of Luoirriove anct
two children,were hist week the guests
of Mr% Mese): McGillivray.
Mr. Lance 'Watson, uncle of Mrs.
(Da) Shannon, end Mre.Oharles Slut%
was spending few Ilays with tihem,
We welcome him to the old town. It
is a quartet of a centurylor More since
chese to tr3r his fortune else/Where,
Re married Miss Mary Ann Clarke,
daughter of the then- Okown Lands
agent. Mr, L, Watson was head clerk
for the dor goods and groceries estabs
lishinent of the late -Jrrinee Watson,
which business was carried on on West
streee in the building at present owned
by• the Beek of Montreal,
The name of Ed, Van Every as D. R.
0. at town hallpolling eundivisiOn bas
been substituted insplace of James Farr.
Now that the council have ordered
that all the old tanks are to be filled
e hope they will 011 thee cavity On
lein street cornet South, almost; or
the sidewalk. A lecly stepped into
i the other evening, the electric lighe
eing so uncertain on the east aide of
Booth street where it joins Elgin.. No
tbanks to any ope that the lady was
not inijured.
We 1, the tight tone eirofessor Cas-
sels had a large crowd of sightseers on
Saturday evening, The performances
were all cleverly executed,but thelight
was uncertain,
Rev.'Meand Mre. Orr left ma Laboe
Day for their home at the Presbye
terian Manse, Mono Mills. They droves
in the new -carriage they -purchased
at Clintog„ their son Lewis and (laugh-.
ter:Marguerite being with. theme'
To the Editor of Tan News -Recoup.
Mr. Editor '•,-T hope you will allow me
in your wideIy-circulated
"jteil-to make a feW remarke about
this great lcountry where "Wheat ise
King " I left (Minton on August 20th
. • •
in company with Mr, Lasbam end Me.:
Bell and slur trip Out was uneveneful.
At Dryden Stetioia in Algonia the trails,
stopped long °nee& to alloW us to
view the Experimental Fairn. Tbe
beildipgs are :good; but it seems a
;Orange place to seleet a farm;but theci
the Ontario Governnient, has money to
ebutn. ' lureived- ineMptcleirrolfleriday-
a,ndonas surprised to see. the improve
merit that has been made sincerny lase
visit. There are now man -y -brick and
stone buildings with beautiful levyns
.and, flower gardens. The streets and
sidewalks are both in • good coedition.
There areeeven churches andel Ankles
ettierch-will-bieeteskierilif a few day%
se"" Tnis vegetables are splendid: One resi-
dent told me Unit last -season. he had
potato vines seven feee, sikinches long.
The potato bug has not done any harm
this year: We tea a. twelve -mile drive
-into the country yesterda3r and it web
tally refreshing to see the immense
crop-of-wheates Oa many farrns it was
etacked and on others in stook as Man
threshers now take it from the stook.
One of the farmers a few, miles from
here will have 20,000 bushels of Wheat
and there a,re many young men who
came here a fees' years ago as hired
boucle Who have now good farms and
buildings and all -clear. Some of the
'farmers' houses are of stone. The cor-
-- stones are white and brought froth,
a etaiiee•and sold lay weight so that,
the farmer* must have money or they
could hot ge tethat expense. The peo-
ple are turning against the Greenway
Govettinaent and if an honest election
is allowed there will he a change. -The
eicsMayor of Morden is -the Conserva-
tive candidate. for this district arid
though the town has gone Liberal con-
tinuously he has bright hopes of, Win-
ning. The Greenwayites are using
s What IS known as the "floating ballot"
and the "machine" methods practitied
in Ontario in the b3re-elections. •
, • Gironene Rttraneet.
. Morderellan, September 4th.
(Wended for ittet losue.1
• Met Hall was the guest of Miss Qpr-
• don of St. Helens last week. •
Miss Jessie McKenzie lefton Monday
after a three weeks' stay with her sis-
ter, Mrs. hicBurney, wbo died on Fri,
day morning.
Mr, DunearsAllison, who has been
-Mahe sick list, was ;able to return to
/his school Monday, • '
Miss Lilly McLennan is visiting
friends in Toronto this Week.
Miss Hall will_give a musical' even-
ing at Mr.rEd. Wigntelan's on Sept,
12th. •
Mr, j. 'Wellwood took charge of Mr:
Cater& services on Saulay last,
Mr. Perrie of Wingharn will preach
in the Presbyterian church neXt Sun+
Mr. Will Bone is able to be out again
after a severe illness.
A number of people from this vicin-
ity are taking in Toronto Fair this
Mrs jam Agnew reterried to Clinton
on Monday' to resume his studies.
Mrs. G. Reid is at preemie yell 111,
Mr. T, Reid and Miss Reynolds were
Visiting friends on the 9th. line last
Week; , • ' ee
-see...saes enlists :jean and M CafiapbelrAr
guestsatMr, J. new's on, Sunday.
' •
no crops of Southerti Mapithba are
Otte& fine and the wheat le expected to
run an average of 30 bushels per acre.
• 'The young people Of this town are
6j, • • klad be see Miss N. Cleave horee again
rent Ontario.,
• Threshing 'will start about the 12th
of September' in this district
We had a small hail stor toren Sundae
last, blitit did little- damage to ally-
' thing.
W. Phillips/has purchased a new
threshing outfit
lloWard Brown atia W. C. Cleave
are dieing a retching business in *the.
hardwate line.
Mr. William Walker had. his hand
badly •cruehed last Wednesday by a
runaverff team.
- Mr. Reagens-hat; his new barn tome
ted f 11, • •
Mr. A, Burns was the guest 'at the
BreWn House Sunday last,
Mr. VV. Bailey will be baek to On -
tittle ere long. he elayie—W. C. C.
Killdrney, Sept, 5th.
Theta Wheat fieldware beginning to _
look green again but the rain is dear
ingthe farmers with their pert harretit.
Mr. and Mre. Stinton of 13ayibild
Were visitin in town Sunday.
Mr. Jac oward spent a few days
lest week with his uncle, Mr.Horner. I
Mr. Alex. fichaIlet has been attend -
Mg the tneetinge at Mr. Joe. Rau's. ,
We hellete Alex. intends buying the 1
Mr, R. Orr le busily engaged buying
toes for the Buffalo market and he
also ithipoing turkeys to the Arrieri-
cen side,
Mr, jrio. Orr. bought it cer•loacl of f
• sheep feotii Mr. Slioterlon for which he
,pard a fenty figere.
Doge ate et 'Tremont doing deadly
Work Amongst tile Sheep,
The late Anna M. Davison, sister of
the late john Davison, Ilarrietee
Chancery, and relitt of the lete Judge
Cooper, pessed away very quietly on
Tuesday it,m. at her residence Wellings
ton area, corner Lighthouse streee,
The deceased lady Was of a very re-
served dispoeltion and was only known
to a few pereonal friends, but •her
peetty, kindly face and pleasant, Yoke
will noe soon he forgotten. She was
an invalid for a great humber Of 3rears
but enjoyed being wheeled to church
and to make some eocial calla upOn her
friends untila few weeka ago when Rho
began to complain of heatt fellers.
She attended' the Woman's Guild "At
Horne" for Se. George'e church, in the
grounds of Mrs, R. B. Smith, arid Was
complimented by many for attending.
The funeral tbolt piece Priday m
to St, George's church where theloettuti.
el aervice of the church was read by
her great friend, Rev. Mark Turnbull.
The choir, assisted by Professor Pow-
er, earlg the GOth Psalm amid hymn
'Nearer my God to Thee" (old version)
Peofesaor Cuff providing at the oegan,
The pul t, reading desk and Chute
were dra in mourning, The pall
bearers were her matt esteemed
donde, Mesas, O. Widden, Da Mc.
Donald, T. Weatheral, R. Radeliffe,
Philip Holt end B, Level*, Thy '
mourners were her relatives, Mr, and
Mre. Adolphus Naftel and Mr. Merles
Gereper O. B. of Toronto, *nephew of
ire late Judge r And her 'Meyer, '
Mr. Re Ha le the remains lay
n Mate ee Itirel exi
lied t •
T resigettion of Mr. Thaddans W. '
vitt, otte of the Cuetobas Dee*
at staff bee been /weep 11
is to 'Conservie
Mies Gibson of Listovvel le the gueet I
of her mother, Mrs. .1....Ades Fowler,
Miss Macke of Toronto is the guest
Of her eister, Mre, j. gneg, Newgate
.strMeerst. Sceleagour of town eat4 far.
Scrimgour's sister, Mrs. McCausland of
1301sevain, Mantteha, accompanied nee
to t e Forest 'by. ,
Me. ()beliefs Kenyon of Shortaville,
N. Y., is the gueet of her brother, Mr,
X, W. Sioltb, Eaet street bakery. Mrs
' Kenyon. la TOO Well after being treat•
1 : ed here yeare ago for a tumor,
Mrs. ft. 8. Williams, her soii, Oem,
rnodore, and Mee Ethel returned litet
Sat ea f .. d li htf 1 le
Pore Arthur, per stean3er St. Andrew.
Miss Holmes. late Of letorile. left on
Saturday for Strathroy, Later a very
pleasant visit at . Goclerith with her
uncle, Mr, George Thompson, musics
dealer, Mies Rolinee will return at au
early date to pay our toviln another
'visit, • she is . Fa) cnarmed, with the
scenery. . ,
Butter is advancing in price. It Was
17 cents per lb. on Saturday, Peaches'.
ohe dollar a basket, .
The 1Catalidin lay at Dymentes dock
on Satuedisy getting „unloaded, Her
cargo was 500.000 feet •of lumber for
Vire ate sorry to see Mae °bailee, the
spa/Mar German teacher at the Collegi-
ate Institute, in mourning for a well
beloved sister who died -recently.
Mrs. Colin Campbell has. returned
teem Grimsby Camp meeting. and Tor.,
onteee Indestrial Fair. She spent a
' delightful time at Grimsby and had the
pleasure of nieefing Rev, mr. and Mrs.
Belton ther% 'of Sts Thomas. •
The Madeleine T. Downing Captain
Freer (eop of deceased caetain) cleared
from our harbor for Qbicagn on Times- ,
day 7th inst. after discharging her i
:cargo of corn 19,000 bushels at: Mimes'
elevator. Mrs. Parker was still steev-
arciess,but all the heeds were new. •
- The Se, 'Andrew.cleared on .Meeday ..
with usuatearge of -pressed hay. 'We.
always know when the St. Andrew is .I
•expeoted for we see, loads of pressed
hay going down West street.. -' •
Mrs. -Cooper, a lady feom Port
Arthur, who with her little: son; 'John
Howard, came down upon the Ele.
Aedrew, wee taken so ill that she •
could not . return this . trip. Of the .
boat. The St. Andreiv's cargo was
avl usual 38,000 bushels of wheat from
Fore William for Richardson, &Polls.
- The St. Andrew did not unload at
Richardson Sons' elevator until 1 as in.
Monday,. as,the suffered a• little darn -
age corning throogh the old unused
claannel. from Port Arthilr, a coin vete
sel lying acmes the channel now in use,
The United Eropire, Captain Robipson
opened a way for het, but the mud
belabledareelyas she 'paged throngh.
The. coal sveseel is lbeing, lightened
where.she lies, so that possibly: the
Weer will be clear on the retirees trip.
Mrs. Wilson of . Wyoming, accom-
named ne her eon; Mr.: John Wilson,
nruggist of WYoming; drove to Goder-
tch te spend afew 'clays the guests of
then. relati ties, .Mri. • le 0, .11arriscin
and fatni1V, Elgin 'Street, and • Mise
. Wilson, :who has . returned :to finish
-this Millinery .season with. Mrs; Iti B..
.:.SmIlitishs' Hamel/en lleft.en Monday. te try
beefortune in Dungannon as an up to -
date mitlin'er and knovving beteartistic
taste, we know Dunga,nnon's fair ones
will eppreciette hee services in trying
toaria,ke thena more attractive, even
than they really' are. We Wish: Mise
Rarrison all success. • ' • '"•• ' .
'We are pleased to learn that, Plaster
Peul Tinnbull of the Collegiate Ins*
tute and son of the Rev. Mark Turn-
bull, has obtaihed a positiors in the
Bank of Montreal at Chatham.. Mat-.
ter Paul Ternlitill isaibright exemplary
youeh, and We feel aseured Ise will reap
henorin hie tie* undertaking,
• Mrs. D H. Roes wIth herlittle son
and daughtet retureed .on Saturday
from. a 10 days' visit with friends at
Pettolia Maithasville and other Places.:
Mrs,. Rees left per steamer Clarmone,
and returned by traineand,'was sprite
delighted with her. roiled teip, beieg
enabler! to meet so Many friends. She
reports the S; .A. ' flouriehing in all
directions. e • ' , A .
Mt. Harry Armetrong ie iii Wineie
oek, and Was fortunate DO '. secure a
position in some. offide there, which
sultehim, and writes that he likes the'
diey end that he is in good beelth. '
• Miss. BaSter, late titeringrapher for
the Chemical tialt work% is in Chicago
the guest of Mrs. Willie Stewart, the
contralto soloist; who kindly sang: iu
Knox church dui ing her visit here to
Mr. and Mrs,. James Stewart, Trafalgar
'street. . , .
Our friend, 1, Hellmuth Oltietal,is Mit
again with a pretty new walte, which
he has 'called Leonora. Miss Blies
Tye played, it, in the manuscript
some time ago at a Collegiate Institute
entertainment, and every one was very
much pleased withit. Every lover of
ghe valse should_ get a'Copsr•of -its ate.10,
eceas per copy. Sold, by your -corres-
pondent, Miss ,E. A. Skimings, who
sold 10 copies after the mall came: in
bn Saturday afternoon, - . "
Mr. and Mts. Jarnee 3roung of Man -
theater drove down to spend Saturday
in town. Mrs.Yolingts mother and tes-
ter or Galveston Texas, visited her
very recently and pessed thro' Gocle-
rich, their old home, going to and froio
Manchester, Mr. and Mrs, Fourbey re-
sided in. Goderich many years ago • in
the house on Kingston. street, which
notv is the residence of Mr, Cat, gro--
ems Mr. Fourbey died swine years ago
and•Mrs, Fourbey lives" in Galveston,
Texas, with her son. Mr, •John Four,
bey's She remembered the old. town
With affectionate regard, and ie in the
enjoyment of very good health. choos-'
ing Gelveilton; Texas, for its mild win-
ter weather,
Mr. Proctor of Detroit Was the guest
last week of Mrs. Robert Donogh, Mrss
Proctor's mother.
Misses Nellie and, Hattie Donogh
have both returned from their holiday
Vieit. Miss Donogh visited Detroit
end her sister Rattle sPent her noli-
days at Exeter. s
Conductor Coner, now of Exeter,
was loyal to our town on Labor Day,
spending it with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiltsie of Athene.
Cat, (Farmersville), Mr. and Mrs.
Gil/Maga of Clinton aud Me. and Mrs.
Plumsteel of Same pities spent Labor
day plenickiog with Maand eite.Strait.
on and their two clever little daugh-
ter% Misses' Edna and Katie, on
Huron's pebbly beach, The day was
lovely end the patty enjoyed thereto e
selves thormighly. C
Mies Theo. Hensley of No* 'York .
rejOined her mother, Mrs, john Haw- -
ley. and Miss Maud, and -with Mrs. R.
Hawley left for their home at Detroje
on Mendey,,,alh.Septernber.. , -
We learn that apart from the new
evaporatnr at Saltford they will coin,
bine a cennery. Colborne, Aslafield
and Wawariosh farmere will not need
to draw their fruit into town.
We mtervieved Captain Babb of the
()dean flotiee on Monday whom we
found boy writing In hie ,office. We
weee informed that aftee the death of
Captain Few, E. G. Schubert, Park .
Commissioner, Won Park, ()Mee '0, -
' - a o le it ' apta n,
tent a amuse to Captain Babb to pay
all expensee connected with the Cap-
taiti'e Mimes and death, and lAter he
received a telegratO from the same
person staking him to Wfre the arrival
of the Madeleine T.Dowaing Mat week
and her (sleeting. to him at Chicago,
showing the bueiness like women, and
confidence pieced in Captein Babb.
The Captain also thoughtfully merle ,
inquiry as to the late Captain Freer'.
standing in the Master's Aesoefation,
and found everythhoe was pe otly '
satiefactory •vOnne with e deo
ceesed. Captain ruf also received a
tele ' fr'den 1. B. niggle of the Mar-
i gition asking eifter detelle of
t of the Limyar. Oftiatetiti Babb
inf rd as that Oaplittin Free -
Meg Of II • legs, and of tete ppte,
Stiffii- :I 60 nee waning
! , • ,-...
seese iipriturtimriprimitiPpr
North Waterloo Election DI
West Huron Tettelters' Meeting.
"4, _The tee -charm cal Dietrict No. 3
'W. HeTeek. inet st Varna On the Oth
inst. There Wee a good representation
present and niutth intereet taken in the
Is ;program which proved very inetructive
an4dopirofiftoarbolit disconion took puma
on.the New Itegulatiou and that part
'Au of it eepecially relating to the P. •Id. '
Vourse caws in for much adverse era.
dem as it le leoked upou WI the first
etep toward driving this Oonree out et
the Public Scheele. The old coerse
has been found to work admirably and
pupile and teachere Wok much interest
&is the work wbicb was indeed a 'Tien -
end liniehinte course for public echeet
echolare, Ilia general opinion prevail -
lug le that the Minititee of Education
ebetild leave well. miough alone and
thet the present arrangement is very
• Indefinite and nneatiefactory.
Mr. Geo. Beird °laved the day.'s
glaoroal brAa Ctlify°11of eltrlacalguollena
t, text book was exhibited and the nfork
e to be done during the Course briefly
outlined. As it is optionel with Schools
d whether this eubject or Botany is
taken, Me. Bitted advised ,the taking
of Agriculture as it eMbraced a peat
g). deal of the tiro ptinciples of Botany
and the Couree. The firet sixteen ghee-
, tete could easily be covered in thirty-
. two lessons, Mr, fia,ircl gave a practi-
r cal Illustration of his manner of
g teleing the first lessens, using for the
Peirpose nuts, eeede and grains. The
. lesson proved very interesting and
lnetriictive. •
g Mr, G. We Holman than gave a talk
on Composition; covering fully the•
.1 whole Course with junior and senior
✓ classes, anti explained his method of
• dealing with the sobject, impressidg
the importance. of thoroughness and
neatness from the beginning, Every
ch exercise shetuld he a fthished product..
Briefly the work ehould be es follows
d Fer 41211h:ors (11 De icripeion of things
t in the schooeroom or In the school -
yard (2.)Description of thingsrequiring
d the exercise of memory. (3,)Narration
. of events happening about the school.
7 (4,) Naeratien of events • requiripg
inenfory, (5.) Reproduction of . stories.
‘' read aid •descrietlon . of pictives. For
• seniorti (1.) A continuatian of 4 and 5,
e (2.) Reproducing the sense of poetry in
: paraphasing. (Sz) Letter writing, busi-
Iiesitfortirs-(4.)-Historicalsreeriewe, and
imaginary events, Mr. Holman show-
ed thet he had given •much thought t3
, the preparation of the paper. .
Mr, J; E. flarriw.ell Dead discussed
-the eubject of Watery with 3rcl clesses
e and -explained very thoroughly his
Method. of eekings the COUriiie. Mr.
Harnvvell eald that, he .taugnt the
A lessons topically in the oeder given in
" the book and did so by convereetion,
e requiring the.pupils tq reproduce eath •
0' lesson on their slates; In teaching the
. government it was better, to proceed
, from the knownstaking al a first lesson
, ' the sebeol and the teacher, then trustee
• hoards and municipal councils and
s then the higher governing bodies in
their order. This talk proved very
inetructive aid the eubject was well
1- -discussed. '- • -
The next order of •buisiness' wits
• Phonics introduced in an able manner
by Mr.Geo,Howard;who illustrated -his
method: by diagrams. 'oo the board.
- Mr. Hovvard said he- weuld take the
e first silc tablet lestions by the "look and
. 'say" method. and then introdece the
• „ phepic method,using the analytic with
• a good deal of simultaneoes .class
,ing. Tho Circle' containing the:. vovvels
e. with. the consonents written arciund
, tbe outeide wee 'a good device for drill.
, on tbe sounds and shbuld be used fre-
- quently„
-• • Mr. W. Bairdthenproceededie show
e how he wmild :teach Decimals to class
: , of beginners and shOwed by his manner
of dealing with this difficult subject
that lie understood the work thorough-
ly. Thiesubject was well discUesed as
, was eveey topic taken up and many
'geed points breught out. , In feet tbe
meeting was a good one and 'Much
benefit was derived therefoem.
• The following officers *etc; then
• •
:elected for tbe ensiling year :—Presi-
dent, Mr. J. E. Harnwell ; Vice Miss
' A. Consitt ; Sec., Mr. G. IV...Hainan
'Exicutive Com. Meese% 'G. Bitird, 'L.'
Naltel and Miss'Magnire.
- The snrograrn for next meeting on
Noy. Ulla; as followa
t GeographY -els•-ses;'M G W.
, .
Rothe Weik . Barnwell.
Mr..L. Neftel.
Literature, 2nd class Miss Consitt
•Analysis; 5th class Aft.G.Howatel.
' Reading, Part 2, Miss Maguire.
' Class Mr.J.S,Delgaty.
Drawing, Ben. claimes, Mr. W. Baird
Drawing, Jr, classes, elitie Kennedy.
-itie"-ae-rele woo the :Election
Said to Have Had a Fund of $20
000- With Which to Elect The!
Berlin, Sept. 8,—There are About 1
Nr. Marry Bothwell attended the charges Of'corruption.and bribery to be
InduetrIal Pair at Toronto Met week.
The Messre, Dudley sent a cargo of proceeded with *phut the return of
applee to Port Arthur per steAmer St. Mr' Dr°1that114' The 21 baLtat"ll r°11
Andrew on Monday, • . No. 2, Berlin, which were 'counted for•
. Mrs. Wileon of Torontp has spent 13reithaupt, are Allowed for, Lackner.
Emma weeks at the Park Howe thie
sutoMer end delights to tell bier re- Of tne spelled ballots sOM0 ere reserved
miniscences of it when she was R young or memo, w e ot, pro were OreuNem
. • ,., _,
'ledsr rand attended. the halls giventhere te Pr. Lackner and Breithaupt.
by CommisSioner and Mee Tones. for
whOm in the early days the Park WHO OW /TAAs awOnTi To. .
elouse ,was built. Mrs, hues Wes a The first witneaa was Fred Baas. XI
daughber of the late Bishqp Straehan
.or Toronto, Mrs, WilsOn is a Meter of , Ai. —
teatified that' he wee eeproaohed by
ger genial townsman tee /Retie; mown ... oers 13osserd , before the election and
A A fi a o .apent Q ere money o e or 1. rel aup
some time here.' Three. dove after the el 0 i h
' Mr. Barclay Doyle of Wyandotte Dan two dollare. He more kr.Breioh
prrouarramodontom ,, Q t Q12 eel gav
'DeltioltilonantheYelailstatirvinp me threedollere, and alsogave my hire
and Detroit spent a few days last week aept bad canvassed him for his vote to
at the Rotel Bedford and was quite
delighted with the improvements going noneiti. WAO reminnie morme.
en in the old. town. which he loved to August Nemo' swore Bossard prearn
• with her mother, Mrs. •Uowler.
TimsitisWahir;aaboorb.son spout tabor vay . 4i4
vote, ,which. be fulfilled bt givin
,... ' teed him, money after the -eleallise fo
Dr, Reginald Shaonon, we learn, hae him #2, - • . . ,
been .suifering so .severely from- an
attack of rheureptisin that he ' feels it k disoussion here eroae by Mr. Ayie
vvorth, °amen for the defereie, arsine
• advieS•ble to spend' some time at some
where. . . proof of agency through Boseard. •
of the mineral beths at Banff or ells,
. . Before further evidenoe was adduce
Mrs.. William Baxter has returned. the judges railed thee they would hea
from her summer's visit -at Muskoka .furtherehargee, . . . .„; e.
.and other rioted.summer resorts. Bhp . ' mow= carr iteenie-e.: ' • ..
will be at her residence; Lighthouse. • •
Conrad •Gildner thea took the ettui
street, this week.
On' Seturday the G. T. a; train kllied and swore he got $6 at' Boomed e note
• a, couple of cows that happened to be through One Sehrentz. Cross-examine
on the track at the. stone crossing, by.Mr. AYleeworth; he Would not Aden
Polley's farm. ' • • it. was for bis vote. : e
- Salle -Of the G. T. R. train Men bas . Feed Sohentz, next called, 'sworn, sal
an up4o-dete kissing bng which they ' he also received $5 from Bossard for hi
retain -as a rno'clern 'curiosity. Ms a
Pveler sPecies that neyer seems to die's, ...Y°C"teit*rl ;Warnickii, .swern, ;aid ' he re
' MrseSpeni:ie, Wife of Inland Revenue .. (seised $15 behave and $15 after the oleo
,Officer Spenee of GeelPh, aid three ' Mon for his vote, elsci from Bossard. li
little deughters loft ()D Friday 1st Sege : Wee .sUbiected tei a eaverecrosieexatiaina
temberforStrafcird where Nir.._Spen a ' tion by lie-::-AperiwateT.tior steak telii
would. meet them and a.ccernpany. them se„„„s
to tenelph. While here ,Mrs, Spence. e''''""-' ' ' .. . .
Wins Pallowslci swere 'he was told t
and children 'were the gueets of Mrs. ,
' Marlton,' the lady's mothers . call .at •Bossard's and get his' reweed
Miss Reynolds of Philadelphiais the: which lie din in the -thane of a $2,bill fo
guest of Bari•ister and ,Mrs, ProudfOot, hie vote; •:. •• ' : ' •
Waterloo street. ' Charles Bill, the last witness for th
. .
' Mr. and Mrs. Williainalit retuined' day, snore he reoeived $20 in all - from
on Saturcley froua e lew 'week's visit Bossard, .. . • - ..
with their relatives at Fergus.aral Galt. •, Berlin', Ont., Se/pt. 0. e -Court °pence
.They •areat, the Cafe Balmoral. • at 'Lao a. m, Mr. C. H. Walper ova
We regretvery inuchlosing Mr. Ea. the fltst witnese; ' ilia • (Widens/a was t
Tilt frem among our clever stuclenes of shoe/various political gueeteatahe hotel
the Collegiate institute,..net slime- he Mr.'Hingy BroWn, clerk at -the Walper
chooSeS Oivil Engineering as a- profes- teetified to the presence of Alex. era th
sion Of course beMust needs fit himself Vane*, Lewis, H. Jeffrey Meeptes .7,. 6
for • the Week. .He left On . MondaY ae. Gorinare(Torohto) 3 I 'Thretkeid; J
in, for IVIontreal. ... •: . I ', •
W . ' Tliompeon (Whitini), • see. Black
'Mrs. Lou Bind.= left on Moridase to
vigietbsstese.aeeeeedee,.whoe faxes.A.vju4ondon),...Weelliam Carroll,. (Deer Park)
join het mother, MrseWade-and Maa,
ter Artie for a week or two' after whicle ii;ir':Wth'Ye.e.atIsllostiaointphTetW4Illiodyal-Irsi °HirsO6O-,a`li
all.•*ill go to Woodstock' ands Mrs; J. Davi% Reidy,. #1,0oart, Gilation ann
Buxton. Will spend a feet Weeks With' the Premiees • . -. : .
her lanailythere. . • . • , -: The 'object of tke paikeoutrnn.is ap
ears, • Weldon ' of London, whei. has paiently to mines/tone or pee albeit;
been: resealing some weeks in .our lovely -sitting iti bigh.plapes,Witli, Orr pt,' acts
town, left to -day (Thiirsday) 'for thet . TURt. L'"IYERR '0 NEIORTINO FOP ',UR!
City very trarch charmed Witlibee stay, ..' P • .
..eire. McKeown, wife of .111r. . Mc, ' :mr. Brown aware more Or less sif th
Keown .0. T. it staffs ::Stratfords sepal, [guests in rpiestion Wera consorting . to
e„ few daye With Mrs. John Prondfoot.. gather doting:their stay. ' ' - -: . • .
She returned. on Labor Day eccompitrii- • On cherge No. 50, 'Jacob , Steppler
'York has returned, to'lier hoinee eittee
vacation with Mrs. 'Proudfoot. Beseard and offered $5 to vote fee Breit
ed by MieS ' Eleanoie who' spent . her .cia241:ehdo,f.:;:yre.Eci 1. 10.8:311ii,04:02a50.11..e. cl 1.3::r.
kale months. yisiting in'thet 'city. .
Miss Annie Mitchell lace, of 'Neiv. 'mos . eThis • wag paid to me On. th
, . • . , • ..
•• . •• . .
P . ‘
conearieWeneet GM:mama.' . . • Beesley Sehnsucli swore Bosetirdserhen
. •
. A.Bible confeterice of Beetherri ' (so in Weitisenberg, '.pronaised ..him .$25
.called) has not been held. in the town which aim- he received throegh a third
of 'Goderich sinbe that heldin the. drill party, some time aftet. ' '
shed about 15 years ago by Lord: !elecil.
On thielst instant a largenumber from he got $75 from BosearO,. hut. on. erase
. J„ Lauber was then called, and swor
differene ;Arts getbered inthe Temper- examibatiop be contradIcted and 'go
ance hall, Worth street, which is Well
mixed and waarequeeted to atep down
adapted foe such . a purpose.- The
tp. haeti ell In' the matter of tbe.27 double croseed
laretheire ': had arranged '
ballotsse 'decision has reached. orderin
• meals served in the Melee robm off the. , . . - • - g
hell in order thet alimight. be able. to the examination of the coupterfoil% in
attend. the meetings and not bave to. erder to deter:mine who the vatere Were
remelts at home to.wait on their visit- sled else' to ascertain if Alley were rui
ors, A cordial invitation was extend, doubleemarked aterleaving the yoters
ed. te alt Christian's to remain fo the hands. : ,
differeameals no matter What body of ' • ,
. , FRANK SORER= wes O Inane If' .
several' availed thernsebies of it. •The
Christians thee tnightbelorig to ana
Frank Scherer, next -called, 'wore
subjects under discussion were Hebrews rend, • I' ant ii voter. in the township o
1 arid 2 itnd 1 John 1 2 and Sand proved Waterloo ; *as visited a week. or ten
very helpful. The gospel was pretteh: days. before the election by Bossard, Who
ed on Sunday tbe 3rd both in the after- risked Me how I was going to vote. I
noon and evening. Me. ' Petrequin, • a told hini 1 intended le vote. for Lackner.
Freneh brotnee, preachecrin the after -
eh later our at:his
He then offered me $25 to 8 o
pronouneiation•fairly geed. He stated
neon. Hiteaceent was decided but his
Wel in .13.erl in, ' by appoin tment,. and
13reithaupt .. Saw le • '' nit • i .1.
with the Brethern, In the evening a ,
that. be had been 59. yeare alsociated
r, who aleo got' $35. I also go
recieived $25; hi cobapany with :Barney
Mr., E. B. Haat of Clinton ;resisted ny '0"40r..0
D. More of St Thomas preached to a
seine time later who told me it.. wae
$10 ewer°, frem • no brother, Barney
ed that tie thralasetonference of Breth-
large audience. It maybe remember-
. rom Bossard; told me he would pay me
ren the late Lord Adelbert Cecil. bre $6 for every vote 1 thatiged. I offered
titer of the Marquis of Exeter ' WaS Pgter Eller '$2 to vote for Mr. Breiths
present. The Conference closed ' ,on aupt, HO said he would take it. T also
Tuesday 5th, several eesnaining tathe asked• Ignatz Both to vote for Breith-
'end on the week, Meetings being con- aupt but offered hire no =rib), . •
. t
tinned in another building .hy Mr. W.
E. Gardiner, of Ohathairewho is said to•
be one of the most gifted teachers
ii,Mong the-Brethern, The following is'
a list of the visitora as far as we were
able to secure their names e ---W.' E.
Oloughend Mise Clough, Chicago ; P.
F. • Petrequin, Detroit; Fred -Meet,
Commie, Mich, -; Miss Oitrnell, Colum-
bus, Ohio ; James Pennington,Halifax ;
le 11. MeNairn, Toronto.; W. E. Gar-
diner, Chatham I E. B, Meet, Olinten ;
David More, John Watson and Jones,
St. Thomas ; W. Marshall, Londoo ;
A.bner Elms, Hamilton; Jolm Archeis
ears, Archer, Miss Avaher end Miss
Smart Li/anew; W. O. Cullen), Miss
Mergaret Callum arid Miss; Maynard
Cullum, Alma ; John Evans; and
Young, Bright; II Oheseie Mrs,Oheser,
Miss Oheset and Miss Pais,. Wood.
stock ; Miss Morehead. Sttatford ;
George Henry Ball, Mrs. G, E. Ball,
Mrs, John Ball, E. Leer, Mrs. Lear,
Mrs, Win. Ball, Miss Bell, Jarnee Ball,
William Munninge. Inre. Win, Mea-
nings, John Manning% Mies F. Man-
ning% SaMsen Carter, Mts. Carter,
Elias Ball, Mrs. E. Ball Mid Geo. Bede
fords Hallett.
• '
Mr% McMillan of McKillop Was the
• guest of Mrs. John Jamieson on Stin-
t JaMieson 'was bn the sick Fat
laet week, bet, is able to be around
Wm. Dale, Thomas 'McMichael and
G. Dale left on Friday for London.
They each took with them a number of
horses which they intend to exhibit
at the Fair,
Miss lde Bennett repent a couple of
days last week at Forest Home, the
guest of Mime Jennie Brownlee,
Mr, A. flugill was in Toronto last
week attending the Fair.
Mr. Ortwein of Reopen occupied the
pulpib on Sunday morning in the
absence of Mr. ThOnlpagn who is in
Toronto Writing on his exam.
On Wednesday evening Mr. Meyers
of Clinton will stddress the prayer ser-
Bele, Charles Allen Seeger M. A...lefe
for his rectory at Toronto on Saturday
2nd Sent. after it pleesant auting with
his parents here. Ile prettehed two
sermons on Sufiday 3rd. inst. and gave
St, George's congregation very much
pleasure. Rev. Mr, Seeger is Rector
of St. Cypriotes church.Toronto, and is
extreinely High Church,
While lOoking at Mr. node's' collec-
tion of cacti, we noticed the latter days
thateach One WO labeled with ite prop.
e botanical name One Card attach.
d to a tall odd looking specimen was
Opuntia Senells" reald Man" which
amused the paesere by,
The Stephen and Cal/erne Agelcult-
ural Soelety will hold their annual Fall
Fair here on Monday and Tuesday nett.
There were four busses+ left here on
Monday for Londtm owing to. the street
railway strike thereto carry passengers
dileitig Far week.
Win. Hatekshave Zr. of St. Marys
Sundayed in town with friends. e
Mrs. Wm. Eaatet brook, Mre, Henry
Plante and Master Clarence Easter-
brook'returned. on, Saturday lasit after
a two weeks' visit with relatives in
Burlington. •
Mr. th Thorne and wife of Los Ang-
elos,Oeliforrila, who have been visiting
relatives here for some them, leave for
their eouthern home this week, One of the greateit eveilta of the Au -
Mr. Nornieil W Creech._ bookkeeper team seithon fe the announced enlarge-
atVerity's Plow ?Werke. Brantford, le n3ent of that truly great neWapaper,
epending hie honeys hare with, his the Family Herald and Weekly Sta,r of
parente, Me. and Mrs. Wm Creeeh. Montreat, The enla
George ,Basterbrook and Arthur I the Farn117 Herald a Paper equal to a
Staticombi are visiting reletivee la hook of 884 pegee eadak week,making 6.4
Guelph and Hamilton this week, Inch books in_the year, The Faintly
Herald and Weekly Star Is *Imply oar.
Flidey hot in Hirkton.
M'r. and ilareo Wm" Iledderg °Pen"' evelIthing before it, tan einem a-
.. Mem running by leapssold bounds.
mum. stewart, Stephen!, and me- circa ',Mon withoutdoubt moat WM* '
Zirdeyof Seaforth spent flondity lioloak and ee fee ea we wee EH, anti
tOtrgh, One Sire it deserves le,
Tharney Scherer was then called. Re
asked for the protection of the court
$worn, said, he lived in Xew Germany
ain a IabOrer, brother of Frank Scherer.
Bossard called on me a vreek or so be-
fore the election ; we talked awhile over
election matters and Iloseard invited me
to dome to his hotel and he gave me $25
and offered me $5 forsveo vote I could
turn in favor of Breithaupt. Saw Bore
sard again the day before the election,
when I got $10. Our poll in New Ger
many showed a gain of four votere for
Breithaupt over last election and boie.
sard gave me $20 or.$5 per vote.
exoeuse sommilari rre
George Soberer, sworn, said, live in
the township of Woolwich; am a brother
of Prank and Barney. Bossard came to
my farm and asked me how was golf:kg
vote) and how I felt over the election.
I said 1 was for Lackner, Re asked me
if repney would "do the thine° and I
saidtif there wee enough in it, it might.
Efe promised me $50 now, abd $100
more it our poll mil/ increased by tO over
hat election. He gave rne the $50.
After the election I gest $100 from Bos-
sard. kept $40 in eli, and gave Joe
Laner $10, as I did not buy any votes.
When asked witness eaktle was visited
last week by Lawyers Bitzer and &ellen
vvho teld him that he was liable to a line
and imprisonment fer accepting bribe
money at an election.
' This feature was brought out. in vievt
of the fact that Bitzer and Scellen are
the local !Moore hi the interest of Mr.
arrnenoost Winton.
William I:hob/mine termer, near Weis,
amber& sworn, said he received CO
from Bossarctfor his Vote hit Ilreithaupte
IternitiSoittli aretroation.
Mr. MePherson then renewed him
motion of yesterday requesting Live
other charges to the bill Of particulars
1111 application was austained.
George Beller, who lives in Welton -
berg, said he got $7 two days After the
election train Barney Schniutik.
notsay wharkit Was for, mid he did
not Amk,
Respecting the inspeetion Of the 21
double-crossed votes lift, MePhersoe
naked the court to perk:cat these whose
ballets wire thus marked to appear this
afternoon and give evicienee.
The toot then Adjourned until Sep
Wilber 24,
Pcirt Albert
Miss Flo MoCreath, Circular Oity, re-
turned bonie atter-two weeks viiit with
her cousin, Min Ethel DeLong:
fere I, B. limekiln and ritually arty:,
ed home again Ms Tuesday lait from
Mr, and Mrs. A. Cunningham are
vieltingin Toronto arid vicinity et pre
J. B. Hawkins came homefrom Mon-
treal on Thursday.
Stanley Hayden, youngeet son of Jai.
Hayden had the misfOrtune to get his
arm broken last week,
Borace Cunningham:blender the ogre
of Dr. Whitely at presen t
The Harvest Home held on tabor Day
under the suepless of L.O.L.No. 1044
was a success. An interesting pro*
grareine was Mimed out, Interesting
and inetruotive addresees were given by
Rev. Maser% OirvanteLearoyd, end
County Master of West Brno. There
was an ample apread to rattily the most
fastidious appetite.
Mr. 11. Stothers, B. A., And family of
Ottawa 0011egiate have returned to the
oily during the pest week After an exs
tended visit ot six weeks in sishileld.
Mr. San t Andrew, eon.12,
field, is visiting his daughter, Alm Kil-
mitre,* at trooltvilla And. intend% Lek-
ing in the eklaibition Ottints.
Mr. WM. Stothers of Aalifield lied a
dose cell on Tuesday, the 6th inst.
The lightning struck him dwelling house
Within about four feet frOm Where he
WAN hitting. The hOlt soughed the par -
Litton, tearing A hole in the floor and
melding the *toes pipe* weed in ell
directions. Mr. Stothers Wee reeding at
the tline aid thought for a alert spite.
that hie last beer bect coma,
Cirettnistitatee Alter Comm
in mooed dyspepsia. riervonaneter
catarrh, rheumatism, eruption% iste.„
the cifeemstanees may be altered by
pelf valid enriching the blood with
Sareitpar lila. Good appetite and
o elevate terms and per -
the leol of *eau 411a.
MA is A reerioree
the beets that
-come Fl.rst
The World Afterward
A good motto this for either individuals or communities,
and readily Ands its echo in the voice ot • every merchant in
Every dollar spent in y.our home stores adds. to the devel.
opulent of the borne industries. It helps the growth of the
town. by helping the growth of the individual, for we are all
more or 'Jess clepep dant upon each other, •
We are keeping careful track of your Dry Goods wants,
and constantly adding to the stock to meet them,
These few items in Linens show how prices run
08-inek Half Bleamhed Table Linen,
good heavy quality,. with large
floral design. Special...." ., ;26o
72.inch Half 131eached•Table Linen.
• in r,xieses fine qualiey, very free
of starch; will give excellene
wear, Well worth 60e yard.
flOoilitish4v16.11;e5,9 03' in.. . 50.
Full Bles.ches1 Tlible Linen, in very
• •
choice patterns. "With line satin •
did value at- ..80o, (30,e, 75o; 85o
• •
72 -inch tiouble D imask Teble
, Ligen, in very fine quality,
with plain centre and fancy
borders, the very newest weave
shown. Extra value et .....$1,00
Alt xL8ien,enairTitel•fei•i°rigkedhse'clgiiezst,sre5d7
boi•ders in fast colors, newest •
patterns. SpecieLeach...; , . 98o
58.1uch Green and Red Tabling,
erfectly hese colors good
quality, Ilene ly sold •
et 500 yard, Special, .elOo
Extra heavy Towels, sizes 20 x 3$
in, Blue and Red Borders, in
fast colors, all linen, Sold else-
where at 50e pair. Our price.R5opr.
20 x38 in. Bleached Huck 'Towels.
good heavy quality. self border,
extra value tie ..40o pr
Fine Bleathed Turk isb Towels, fest
colors. red border, sizes 21 x 43.
' Special . , 25o pr
Bleached Turkish Towels, extre
neavy quality large size. Splen-
vaineat...... 50o pr
x b2 Heavy Linen Inrkish Tow-
els, with Fancy Red Borders,
perfectly fast colors. Special $1 pr
Full Bleached Damask Towels,
extra tine quality, size 23 x 45 in
with fringed edges. Special 50,p pr
Spe_cjal Bargains
for -Saturclay
- The specials below. have been carefully -selected from tbe-
different departMents; and yo.ti will find the.valucs as represellt-
ed; Welike to give you, these bargain surpriSes because we
know that you appreciate them. Remember, our guarant e—
your monely back if you want it,. • ,
American Prints in al the newest
colors, 25 in. Wide, good, heavy
cloth, gueranteed al fast col-
, ors, will give good satisfactory
wear, would sell well at Sec.
For Saturday selling...... -Geo
Apron Gingham in smell checks ".-`
only, with fancy border, guaran- ,
, teed (Indio.° Blue) will give
• excellent , vvear. Special for
Saturday . • . . 10o yd
Ladies'Hernstitehed Handkerchiefs
• guaranteed all linen in a fine
even quality. For Saturday 3.
for. ...... 290
We have been, very fortu,nate in
.securinganother loteff Victoria Lawn
foe Saturdarla selling. The hest time
to come is the foi-enoon. We cannot
promise you any in the afterneon.
" -
White Victoria Lawn, 44"),
flne sheer quell ty, almost free •
, freer starch, will give good sate
isfactory wear, well weals 10c
Yard. Saturday morning only_ Cleo
Cashmere Hose af 2 pair for 490
Ladies' extra, fine Cashmere Hose
(all wool) full fashioned, heavy,
'pairs for ..... .... . .. . ,.-.... 4110
at 35e pair: For Saturday 2.
heel and to eswerrant.ed o give
excelleut wear, would be cheap ,
• Grey Cotton Sheeting at t
35.inch extra heavy Grey Cotton in
fine eyen thread, very bee of '
dark spas, would sell freely at
' 7c. For Saturday's selling 5o
32 -inch ref r I heavy Print in Dark
Navy Blue with White dots.and
stripes,warreneeel all fast colors.
o elsewhere at 12ec for this
quality. Saturday 10o
LADIES' $6 50 CAPES AT 81 65
Ladies' Fall Capes , in Fawn and light
Brows) Broadcloth 17 inches
long, 116 iri sweep nicely trims
Med with five rows of Vel t
Regal/sr prices would have been
$3.501,if we had bought them in
the regular way. Cleating the .
lot we got them to sell at .. . .. $1.65
Ladies' lighe weight tweed Jackets
suitaele for early fall wear in
colors of Brown,GreyandBlack
made• in the latest styles. foe
Fall. Buyine :them as we did
at, lees than helf pride we offer
your choice on Seturdayet .$2.98
Natinglaa,m Lace- Curtains Be yds.
long, 50 inches wide, button
hole edges, made of extra fine
double thread, very neat pat-
. r s. Sold elsewhere at $L75-
Satuectay price... .. . .. . .. ,$1.19
72-ench Unbleached Table Linen
- fine Soft finith (tree of starch) .
Neat Florid 'designs, will give e. •
. excellent wear. Regulae pride .
'would be 35c. For _SJI.,,t3.1.Fcjj.x.,
°nese esS set -se
3 • pair Only Chenille Curtains, in'
- - Green and .Red tvith Fancy Bor. '
der% siizes 3 , yds. lone lay 30
inches wide, extra heavy qua!, 's
ity. close vyeaye. Special for •
Saturday ... . . s......$2.69
37 -inch wideArt Scrim, new floral
design,. bright colors. Regular •
laic quality to dear on Satar-
d,ay. „ • . • 10o
30 -inch Silkolim in shedes et Green,
and Holioe Blue and Pirik end
Pink and Aileen, just the thing
for eushions. Special for Sat-.
urday , . . • %sod
12 pi only bf 10/4 Grey and White -
on lankets good hoevy
co/alio, Blue and Pink striped
boielers. Special at... ..... .75opr
Good heavy quality Grain Bags,
berg° size. Special for Satur-
. ....... . ..... $1.75noz • -
Miss Ross invites the
ladies of Clinton and
eurrounding countty to
her Fall Millinery'
Opening which will
take place on thoeven-
hag of AA t*
Thursday, Sept. 21st
and two following days.
The stock is complete
and includes all the
latest fashions.
IS FLOM and FEED, and out
greatest seller the White Swan Flour.
This is, we believe, the Most popular
brand on the market. If you try it
once you. will be so pleased with it
thae yOil will prefer it to other brands,
We are now &Ming the White Swan
at $1.70 per cwt. Several of OUP euato.
iners have aeked for Rye Flour of
Which we now heed a stock on hand.
Are &liver! fresh and well al/ended,
aid the -prices, you will find, are
moot teaeonable.
Better and
Ego Wanted.
TOWNSELM littnallItTT.
0******** •
a pante nt to t
odes) le her,
ober the nage
tutty of inen a
114'14 o
ear and aoto '6
n tad
*In t _NO
votortLtst Act, by his
6 county Matt or the
bete on tho Torootto
ot Covell °Work, ta
*r• I alnio Of
ot the
For quickly itnd easily
polishing* brightly, without
scrubbing, Silverware, Gold.
ware,Dishes, Itnives and Foilts,
Spoons, Cutlery of all° kinds,
Brass on Harness, 13rass on
Engines and Boilers, ,Brass
all kinds, Copper Utensils)
Tinware, Pewter, Glassware,
Windows., rire•Irons Cooking
Utensils of all kind's, Marble
Woodwork, Floors, Mirrors
Oilcloths, Bath Tubs, Bicycles
Plated Ware, Etc., Etc.
Sole Agent.
. • • r