HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-14, Page 3re KIR ETERN TY DR. TALMAGE PREAQIIES TO THE •UNOONVERI ED. 10,1141 • VC 01414 19 huhe Who *Wert the eitireittlan nelettee titienethlue ter Isee- tatt mite /tette limiting Their I've veleve-Tlie nr, Uwe *trona)! en 00 ladle of astereetinatien. deepatelt from Witebtugton ego: - Rev. Dr. 'Talmage, preached, from the fellowing text-e"A wattle man had twe sons; and he came to the firet, and old; Son go work to -due in ray elute yore, Ete (towered, ma octet I wilt ) 'not; but efterwardelle repented and ut, And be eame to the secoud, and . .8414 likew-lee, and he answered an4 flaidi I go, air, and went not,"..-haatt. g8. eee - While I wale casting ebaut tie my • 'mine as. to what X ahead preach about tonight, my - door-beli rang,' X was . gelled to tbe dybeg bed ot a Christian WoMen; end while. I otocel there amid: the Weeping kindred aod heard the - lea whisleer ot a soul pushing tontine tet the great beyond, I said within my., eat: what le there PO earth, In leavers • tenets, compared, with •prenaration tor 'eteeeity? seed I said then end there., . :to Payola when Sebbate wines, Worn, ieg and. evening, I (Mall stand. before -multitudes of aoule who: will very 'seen - be in the sae* posittoir a this dYing inlet end r taust bringearaessage( God ' hie:gang it, to .heIp them ee prepare for : 'able future.: Ated liere le tee message, " re'eneer is a vineyard.. It is )elly te - Palestine. I•Istek.over; tee _edge of the vineyare arse.' And:that It ie over,. grown With Inge "gerpese They tell ue :that in thts lane In thisse'days there were Some, single clusters pf grapes that weighed twelve • *tends, I think that twine 90 the *bawl may:have heeu treneplantee trees 'the :hills of' gede and tliceyalleys ot Etheol, eplee- eta vines they were.; Aloe I look ovet end' tee the mare wbo covne the *bite. Yetaletiedetettetelie,.haa _two -ems, anxioutt teat .they. go: end' take eSee a theevineyard. , There are bun- elleers and thousande. of (toilers' worth et, "vittage teat Must imeneliateler be ;eased, -after oi perish. The. first son made\ ea flat 'refusal: lee said: "I won'tego. . tether wante 'that vine - eat& it Iced .after, let ante gee!, some. ,bode ete dolt Or else 'att nd t ' th metterileboaselee X hav'e othet matters haikeekftete' But .after ewhile • he heteleis 'tetieiltoquize, end he says with, in„hingsme: wonder it• this is treate ine eattiett es. he algae. to be treetedt .Wheis a jetty it weed& eaVe • all tbei* sirup** .spoll. • .Ins't • le tenet' in one. to tereto do 'that which le so very ,re ecinableee 'Here I am eseaniedatocolitess I wee wrong, and. •;,,w41.3ust go and Attend, te tbis Mat- eter. Father, where le, ..the knefel and , et whet•egnieif the ethane do yeti went: nee to beetle?" Brevet, It is a, .gteed : thing. to, tiee- a •young man or au -eat. men, wh,en he is wrongegalifess iteettit • •"' • - -T,ECY TO' DQ RIGHT, • , I watt nothing to do with. e Mart Wile '. does not anew he* to make an apole, .- ogee Thie tiest youna Mae of teetext Ohrist uses as a type ot thotie persons who openle ,rejeet. the •Cerleitten. rale -.gime; who saye "We delee Want' any of that influence • errtend ue. e We doiet-want :tee Bible. We done want Chritie.'We sere disgusted With ,thuteh- ee and Ministers, and ale this' that Peeteetteto•be :fiapeeel. Away • wite, your relig•..eeanenoneeuseeeee...eleat„..thet very ..eeeee.......aeeetexte'lline eon eite.him, he is, betty; • e • ,• • •••, -Mind, and. soul,. enlistea In the front 'reek of :0existiansee There are pepple: 7 within twente. yards of waere, I stand • to -night; who ere illuetretions cif. that Very thing. I; ,could ealt thera • tame: eWhere.. Ma abOundede grece , dote reueli mein, abettede'" Teat "I: tot" eut • thee tepeneed and vventaGod bless them. Bud hete.is an- :otheityOung man it the text,••Ati soon - as. the fethee points him: eer the: vine- Yeael,' he says: eYes, sir, I will go. IV is. vere eight thet I should.' /*eve him. -"-'`Tie0W-graPes oukht bet pielted. You 'ale, will .be surprised . hew matey ,of teotie ' ripe „dusters 'I eshall gether free the Ratiketeebefoke nigetfall. :Yes, sir; : I ..•.Will go, father.". Ile. lied.. , Ile did net go, • Re eook It ell out in peorniatie, : Re seed: "f sie; eiet he went ;pot. • Ance•Christ uses him as an Relaxation of a ,very lairge neinber 08 people wee promiee to' . become. Christions, but everlestingly ere breaking :the eoleran engegement. • 1 wish to-eighe thei first Peet et ' MY cliscoureeetearY to address myself en these wbo opeely .and.above.board rejeet the -Christian religion; end:then , in the lattee part tif ray, sermon, I will have, time to address myself te those .who•ltive a long while beele *imaging to become' Oldistiithe end have alwaes broken their Promisee. . . Do yeti tett Idare not acidress the Melt clues? I dare. belongeee , that Mese, I know all ateut them. It .1 Should pet My 'head 'on eiteh an -oimat ehoilldee, and say: "Ileeorne Chrietian to -night!" he Woald say, with an em- phaais that would reeound through the Taboret:tele: "Nol e didn't some in hero tot that puepose, Sweetie the worse • odeundeels that:I have ever known, have belonged tO the Churcb. You may have all your prayers and all your preaching, and all your religious talk; but don't bother me about religimiet Let use say I have the strongest ho,pe, • e atrongee hope for thie Mass than for Almost any other. • , •, el LEM A POSITIVE MAN, , 61" ( mad peace 14 death, a Willie:A suttee. patton for eternity, Byt theelifo aud death a those wbom you loved, and' who adorned the Chrletieh name, I dee mated that you aeknowledge that tbere le ' SOlilargaNO IN RELIGION worth heving, after all. You will not charge eitheiheod upon their dtto ivig 3fou look back ten, twen- tea thirtel forty Yeers ego to your tatherag .houee. 'Xhere came a oriole ot etelcesse or death to that losuseheld. Who in the houssehold bore tip tee best • le,lotiatiante, Or those who were not t When yoar- little Mater died, and eke taut in the next recime what did your Christian mother say about" it? , And • w the ber bane on. your father's alieulder, who was almaet trantle with grief, and tell aim to be eoinglarted, thet Jegua had taken the clear ltttle lee* and that all weellele be well? Do yen rememberage? She was very teneer-bearted, ande yet how she bore up uudee et I though she bad elot slept for teree or tour weelts due, ing the illtietee or eleepina iu the next room, had every few moznents rushed out at the cough or at • tee etir, fear- ing that it was' tha last moment. De you. wettnexaber 4When the last MeMeet bed _come, and she ben_t over aged kissed the white lips, and maid: "The Lord gave and the Lore bath tale - taken. aavay, blessed eeethe memo of ehe Lordee-wea it till a eleaMe ne, You have seen enotigii of Chrletei pow- er to soote the brakeu-hearted to mahe yOU oonfeen to -night) in all frankness ,and lionesty, teat the grace of God is A maguilicent and triumphant real- . I net wonder it some of you -this class to whom I am now epeak- tug, had iclaildree in heaven. You eertainly do net adopt the el:merit-11e doctrine ot aenilalation. . Yon do not, think teat the. boot of the pale terse ()reseed that bud into the diist for ever. Where elid you get $he idea, t`hratatm Yetibe4gatfitgeocP."40,Tio!'gre Page:dem? 0, no. rrom human phitosopey it 0, no. ' From the Bible? AsideirteleT tbe eTrare d'rtrZ I y ; an en et e ie somettaitg in the 'Bible that is true, after all. 0, it ia amazieir- hew ineelY people have been . eIROTJORT TO CaiRIST lay the death ot their children. • It seems as it when a Mae cannot be touched in' any other wae, God totiobee hinr•inetiet•te war. --There weeeff girl in Anglend• Sae event for an evangelist. lie eame. to pray with here She said; "Praynew for father, and. mother, and brother ; they ere not Christians," And he • teelt "down, and • praye.d • •for them. • After lee had risen, the dying girl said: "Manama, will you become e. Christian, ' and will .you meet .mte intheavenr She said, will: Then the girl/bailee to her father, and seed, :Papa, win you became a Chreetion end meet ine in heaven?" and he re- pliea: " My dear child, will." Thee' see earited. to 'her broteer, and said: " Will you 'become a Christian wed !neat eee44.1e4 heaven?" aria be replied; anen she. 43(!fat4 10 beckon, end they said to her, Whet are you beekomntfora" She seld: "1 amelieek- tilling for Je,eas to ,001:110. porae, Jesus. Comte aestiei'CorageJesus." Oh, do you yroude-r that that little eand threat trete ander the coverletepeeached that. whole ineo the kingdom • of Godes A.nd are. there net emus of you to -night reeeed upon by such meteor - /es as are enough to .thalee the 'fouri- aatioas "of that determination that you will aot serve god? o, ete :blether, you. cennot afford; You cannot efford to be loste You caneot wede throttgh 01.1 the prayers that haire.heee Offer= ed fez your rederaptioe. Yeu stand chin deep ' in Ihe streams 'of Amiss mercy, You have' been celled, andanvited, end thundeyed at, eve coaxed, unteeSinei has np More threatheinge _to 'offer, and Calvary 'hat 'no . moie tenderness le plead: 0 Heaven, will they' shut them- selves oute from thy klory ? o World of -Darketess, will' they. dere. all thy seangs.? Jbegrn.ent Daye will 'they flint themselves- wider thy falling mountains? This tight and tele Tab- ernacle are the •Thermeleylae in which the dieetinyf of thy soul willebeeelecidee. To-niget I Teenight Ten• million eget?. and: not • orie. half-and-half. I know that when 'tome a man ie persuaded he weong, and turtle in the other direct, - time he wilt be just tie positive in that elireetion. I suppose you will allow one to call,you "brother, X have no gown, no banda, no eurplicee not even a white necktie, The platform. On winch I tatted mey be higher thane the pews - wbtell you, Mt. It is • not beeause eee =vett higher then you, but only, that standing bere I Mae gain tleur attention. And these thinge being so, youlegay then; "I ten ite eat yeti, and allow you to veil Me 'brothere.' So a great 1401.11t is gained.. Nowt a propose to ask you a aerlea of questegfue, latother, and yogie ensue:, wilt stile. eonsent. Xs God your Father Yee Ras Re been kind tied loving', and tender, and pee tient with Yeti ? etas Ile clothed, arid • sheltered, end fed. you / Yete Has ale given you a home arid a geod many veer good erieude V Vase And do all theta thboge, al these. kiednesse ee eti the pave ot God, imply that eou epee are 06 Ong , vti °tight to leee Ube.? Yes. Do yeti love "What time. ut des They said: "One to be carried "to enable tbe Emptess tettdinZ 41 Ily° easat' all a Ma 8 'a e'en onme by ihogis who are the beet two gtiarts Of white corn. Return the so pealsect In Song ana story, wee e r and- right, and honest, and just that it was three ot feta o'eloek. Row long with Jewelev rhe rule At the Gerentra at the little vehitrf ratting the huddle belleee that instead of ill wog the epee tie. boil gentler until tbe hulls heitit1 it ks eceesoling to those whose •Moutha dear erieeds in this house tonight, are and there yotl saki: "0 Lord, let me Drees to appear twice at the ettieW who addreeeed libn in Englleh *did bade - Ileraild gloat No I You es14: "1 ge, ger; ' but yea event not. 0, how mauy broken promisu tee God and your own doable's spirit. You bane, yeer heed, eater been tilted With prowess tbat you have net kopt-solemn promsee- Invents/es male wItb tette' protases vowitholotalhe. elawahdr oota txrgherobrattettlerwboarvido eever made any prointees at all, than, }noting MAde a premise, to have de- apieed, end rejected, it, and broken it. Yet no great, le the intatuetion to- negta, thet while X (meek there are a tbeueand /mule is this audience prole. awe for the future. eot knowing bow - ever,, that tboaa premiees will be broke' en, like alt the -premises ot the past, 0 apirite darloteee, down to the pit t Throw tacit over tele welience the ele- Heat. Thoa knowest that If they inlet ue on e e rep ei ao thee thence tor .heavem. • - Maar NtiSeel THE LAST CHANCE, Down bite tan daricueee, thou, despoiler of leamortal smite!. - 0 my hearers, if we vould only eee the -blindness, end the delusioe, awl the damning itibetuntion that press eowte wont the souls of some bare to- night, there weuld be an ageny Audi- ble and overvvilielming. Aye, there waved be shriek be tee night weee the destroying angel awePt over EgYItt, Wed there was Dee dead in each house; fen in, some of our bathes thee - are alleleact-deade le treleatieesand in sins -dead beyond arousal -dead tor' ever! I have 110 more faith in worde le Denied tala or the glories of !heaven with the tongue of ea Edward Payeon, ile ocialdi speak of the eorrowe tse• the banished with the tengue of a Richard Baxter, if 1 mead desoriee the glories of tee reearreeeeta 'with the tongue of a at. Pante I would teem no faith kn weeds, • edy only confidence is in tee OutuiPotent Spirit, that Re will thie night break into this audienee,makieg it to wait for its eine, and to ;beg for the Divi'ne Mercy. Eternal Spirit, (speak, now 1 The ivork is tee great for us; we cannot do It. Ail our be- seeching fails. Eternal Spirit, speak newt Bid all these souls ;nee the 'life or the Gospel. Ye dying souls, reliant lest the deer of mercy be shut, anti your moidemnation be irrevocable. 0, that we might have some suela.pray- ing to-mght taere, for each other, tie the woman exercised, when she prayed tor ear .buseind, and seek: "0 Lora, bring my heabene to Chriet to -day, or blot (tut my ewes from Tey book of Wee! Anderwhenetbeyetriedie-or Amer, her u.p ae eaving made ti rash prayer I so muse: more earuestly dicashe cry out: "0 Lord, bring my Inieband. . to Christ eto-daye Pr blot out my name from Thy book ot life ;" and God, heard, and Watt day the work was done ; and so far from having her ;lame atm* off the book of God's rex:ambience, tbere was another, name set down beside it, glad .there waa joy otter that ptodigal returnee/ 0, t pray for- your compane kale, ptay for yOur parents, pray for •yoer thildren, prey foe this august ete• sem age, pray or y u se es, Hely Ghost! He has already ceine, Yield to Ilia influencee, ye deitle Yet iramortel auditory I • • IlOW HE WON HIS WIFE. • trienit, Prot/tenor Jamee Itodraset, Uterebeet-tettive or assioolate-ot a ecore mere 01 scientific &moieties, end is coasteutly makiug tripe to out,. of -tee -way parts ot the globe to etudy the oharaetertetlee Of reptiles Med lett rival *reamer* et rare speoles. AbOut a year ago Iparted wtth eire on, the where turbo Wait ;tailing tor In .uatra, 10210X a. Xte wag ballad on A long trtp through tee almost impenetrable junglea that' line bete banks of .tbe Arance Alver- otte ef the western tributaries of the Mighty Orinoco -and X reeelvee only oue letter from him, AnnOMMing his oete arrival In LA Guatra. Yeeterdae, hewever, when I tgaen- Woad, tatoi my club for lunch, ttge port- er liended Me a note, which he eidfl had been left by a gentleman the our effort* to trap hlin far uneueessetul." - The glowing deserlpttohtia gave of the great iterpeut time t profeesor'e . • . eeleatific Ardor, and he,_, ermined to 'effect the ciepture tlate monster, Yoe this ,Pier he Mile severel s HOUSEHOLD. 4 t rot bed for cora fritters; *44 rollui a the °glee milk, salt, wit butter inol flour. Beet well, thee ear in oaretully the athlete beeteu whites a the one sad bake at ewe on 4 het gridolle, Do not add baking itowe areompapled by t planter lute his trips tote the u le, genexalle beteg GLA3)101.170, hderandoule gitaxtemra.flour, it You min powslhlY deughter. and whited in his search by The gladiolus le moat effective when a 444411, array a servaota wee vainlY plcuttect tn oltunpa. Planted einitly, it Oalted Corne-Out the oorn from thee sail/tete/lila. "" in n' acanb tw the cnian. doge opt funoisli body enough to ap., soh uncooked. Put a leyer in the boVe They bad selected, as their base 01 Pear lks tile beet advantage, as Mesh born et a cattle, then a iota ot sett, operations a little, cleared epet In the bueb will grow up only two Qv three amsthea, layer Pt corn, aootbee layer t th jungle, where, a gaudY Dower-0011We But in ;troupe ot A dos- oe fiat end so eoutinue until the sleek tent wait re cited, and hanelenaelee wele en there will be atallts encash to give le full. Place te board oe top Of the One ay, Vete the beatere Were busy •tternlehed Will be ell 010 eould be dee keep it below the brine. Ttde oatat tw a 4econ. oitito.e great tem that setree.:0 ... _ .. lawarefl explori g the thleitee the prefeeeor'e t rue meet and the mat* et eater nom, on wbieh pUt a beim stone and play be filled at intervals by lifting paattretnietul anzeriveptItyrasev.ecteleotoothainizeawrdasn. 4 0 1 1 1 f 1 . i Th flower -Mello will med. borne kind the board, adding more cern and ;e- ase -sing a small hand -net be robed Of eupport, ex. they wal be breken down p lie We 1. A, tect paelang the 0054, 1 toward the bright -hued fellow, but it by muldeo or strong winds. One of the YOU And io two or three days that iiimbly eeettPed WM, darting Own one beat atIPporta We baye ever tried. le there is not etieficient moiature ,to _eleared throagh the eanglee Made be setting four paste 4n the moieten the salt,. aed about, one lent CP .4e neiee ous Pe flatlese, hod, Without fireffienti of any ground aboet eace clunfp of plauts, of water. en ,as e ju tie cePtee gort, tee solentiet &whet after the lie- abeut A ft:let or eighteen Inches frOM tbel cern ,there will be eurricient hih ad se ill atom about them niga Name, ard, and. the planter, fe ring that, the e g t, 4 a , brim to weer it theroughl),. weee It read- as tollowee awl Wan nigned anilr9teatall nOure of lea friend'e Atcrost a tthiese latrips h•teeten wire otr the ottak emee, put.e few hecee.red: heed and vtoleut exertioa migla proe ott r Age gm a Meaner " ?manyrspeResdar me:Tone:1, Arrtyod lome, fdotreiwiritosnetroke. ealled to fatellita to Make eort of ivitb metieee lab tops Underneath the betted; tbie profeseor awl take him a two er three Inches sgeare. Through will prevent tiouring and molding. from South Amerteit yeate,rdey, awl hat. • reel/eat. And hurried down the jungle support they need. Thie inethed Will ' thee° meseee the etailts will thruet pUt tee board over the whole, If pre - own to Droe in when you get that and tweak scientist. wee nowhere in sight, and tee eacli stalk to a stake. This gives tbe IA the direction tame by the be found an easy one to provide, a.nd. packed; corn has been kn wintei tele may be cooked and serv a eery exeleaug and eventful. trip. path much more satlefacthry than Oing COD P011P0117 for two years. In. the tood with us, We are stopping at the ed, tro- le nd dine at five e te. of all natural grace, end necessitates a Co iereitolleiee iraskruawnldtathao teephine sane here at 01106 to hunt youeuP. Rad 6•11't PomPlied WW1 the them:elves, and get bunt them all the, it • ges, en, - girl walked -briskly, ccaning at last to talent a formal primness whice robe it aio eame es fresh oom of course st mustease -soaked over night' in Water eleS.-•-lar B d ' anxi - o mee yeti. , fronted, her, but, undism,ayed, she push- advieed. • . .The pestscript nearly took Mg Prattle/ ed )202, way through the brambles, cell- The gladiolas is one of our best flow - the refeseor by naine era for cutting, ati it lasts well if the awae' * MY friend, PXofeseor Budraan • t a:, 9 man vev7 ,aas A, wall of thorny, undergrowth eon-- great deal more labor 'than the metbod to reo;aove, the salt, Vale is by far a more vettelesome way Of, preserving ooni than canning. • , married? It could not be possible, and No ansWer came back to her. and, water in which It is Plaeed °banged Canned, Own and Tottetitheee- •By L rubbed MY OM 417.4 read the line AA- hating: she listened ' for som.e second daily. It e..admirehly suited to use mbcing tomatoes with corn very little nouncieig the fact that there was a that might guide ber to ben. 'in; large dose vases fee the corners - eiffioulty will be found ha keeping, Mrs. Rodman two or three times. Aiefiest see beard nothing, but pre- other prominent Places in a eoena• - While corn ferments quieltlY -alone,. Ordinarily the marriage ot One of mY eeeely there came to her ears a fabet, bachelor frienes does not serprigeete, muffled cry fig Wale and the 43000•41 Of : slot in its presereetion, Stew the but • the profeesor was snob an arden tomatoee until .a. preper thickness, womanehater-he had had eti infortun- inilhiredt:ennadi; atm, wounds inflicted'by the th mating Munchen. "Professor, where ' are yours she and pushed, her Way through . LegrErotarATING NITEps, :ice) ttywerioilio lsei oeatidiea;vsgetelrefitc4ifratakuel ieli.deea oralnigy et ,ininse, 1,11 oli vfneien-g et lain: 4,t3 tangle of creeping vines, not II aWe e° Me beelle r vi 6enddt h0att wPrheetntYa 11g:rd, Y;erad1°- tbthiiiilliiirdasivd fril-r"cs aotle(kfrarolhvainllg allaanetel'btYpiari'l'7°Prinii 4,11A1P. thorns, y burdock, nettle, teazel, ragweed or _ barely tirue to dress and hurried home Elbe heard • . merigeld tbe w,eed seemiegey thrives „FACT AND IlEATITI.• with all efeeed. • ''' ' ' And Presently. Parting, the vines, just as Well, while ite desirable plea In sonee fax -away tin* When 'the - It lacked ten Minutes of five o'CIOCIr see saw - her father's. guest: etriiggliag beeomee d ide llye." met -of plaoee' It:' perfee teability of the . human react when tbe tab I hed engaged set tne in the eoile °tat gigantic' enri/nnt• I ee pc the'hoe at onee upon ahall be an. aceeraPlished fa01e then, down et the door of the iefetrePole • Th le ptile was wound about tee...Yeilereuseuseee the acid of the tematoee seems to as- • leadeed tit naY watch, found I had enelle bele..., was the faint ore tbat PiftWeed speings up beside a poppy or - I. gent 14) r4Yeeitedeandetvate iminedie seleillestee bed/ ITU ZOOblie and was tbe appearanee of the little weedfieed- Our greeting was of the most eordial she saw with horror that it was•purple, dispose, of thane ; _but if teey are al., tinge, where a bee pan be need, ia the ately shown to tee professor's aparte fast crushing hire to death. meats. Ins face was turned toWard her, and quickest and meet effective way to character, and, in aehasty glance about and that the imprisoned males eees lowed to grow . for a few days they tee rem, I noticed almadant evie were sterting from their socketee may ee easily_ pulled up • root and (Immo of the presenee of one ef the She realized his roefill peril, and e. - Te faiier sex. , 'cafe wile le dressing," said the proe . • 'knew that unless he was insteetly re- eparalinetet. u4p., aorwe:edneh:suyatataoinwedshooantya size. never Due it off *ith the him, but fessor-and I noticed teat he blushed eleuata,64 his life . would soon, be crushed when he tittered that ended -ling title, • Pale and trembling, and wringing „owe, will: quickly come up , from the old "I'm sere you'll like her, Per she's the her bleeding hands despairingly, she Weateeer the way or meane, most. sensible little woman - I ever -looked about tor eome eyeepon to give: keep the weeds dowe entirely at all met. But for her .bravery, I would ,the raonster combat. " dee. othervvise mealy places decidedly hazards, for they rob the soil and ren- nin be. here. talking to eon: now." . Hidden among the tiedergrowth was objectioneble. A wise gardenet Is' he perliape, to be born, a worean' will not be to be both branded, We all, men- aed weneen alike ' enter the everld nlaseie beings, ;with -so much ne- tural force, perhaps, tut eor the''rest -blank; the world tells vvhat we are to be, shapes us by the ends it sets before us. To man it says, Werk; to woman. says,• Seem: To the Men e1 says ; Yoe bait) a strong:. arit and .great knowledge ; laber ate .y:ou shall gain all that the human heait desitee: Semng who never alloWs a weed of any kind -To the evneitan sayse to :go to seed ebeet. hie place for aot help you, nor. later; knowledge,. et Dee of the most entrancing visione of ti htening its chile and•bissieg tem:Ay. skirts thereb saving ideagelf many a eee: .Strength elmil Instantly scented a, romantic tree hmb of generous eize. etery, and was about to put a •leade thie, crept. eautiousle toward the leg queetion when the door openee and serpent, which, with blazing eyes, was consideraele distance about the out-. a ceetaineekind, may, perliaps. You I A rr-zr 7:?1 sea I gain weatroen gain, but by other • - Minato loveliness that ilnY eyes -ewe -ettellauld °n•Ve'kuk Ae*/‘"11 PI" bAOkAd10 the following seilliOn. Whet]. . • Emus beheld steRped into the rooM, tended tor the snake should strike the germinete. large weeds alieut to seed nee .pulled means. . ehe question oe".Beauty vs. • . The definitions of faseination are ManY •• . MARRIAGE .e" . Paquita,s' stud the professor when professor, and in inoirin aliceet for a •gerded by most people as, superflecnis,' isTifle embarrassed at sight of a to the•anklein amound of•soft eatth, • • • Marriage verses. baye so : eoraPletelY she. came towitere me wite . outstretch- 'flesh,. , ,, • . a • • Green Cern in the Ear. -Corn sbould . etrineeotenaeiWeeretevresseleheteeenes•L4t.veiAy h ' . , lee world. audits shame befere :the rune across' them in old magazime or she eeie; eeth ebe• ineeetveehahrrne-: pugnacious ohareotee of .these pestifer- rs of 15 to 80 ears ago' ea earl- .acoent• imaginable. av ous insectie she determened to melte- 'Steal:110." "listed' 'Elnw'manY tlal.ea eau cote:Mat them A ii :at the .abeurdity of tbe. verse and :the ing are ead eriewee • • oadity of the custom that permitted I murmured my pleasure at thee be- truck the snaida s arp blow,vvith the t t Witff this. idea ahlti.04t. farward and ,wabaileit Wee Wereaeating whet* good fnore to a Worn,an tan all the. Wis°1111 • tie •Inai IIS liad a.nd alniost oe boloriacin A d ir • n pa o ee • . , ,GARE IN HARVESTING. POTATOES. • When digging his • eroP,.. the groWer should exereise, all. 'poseiblee care not • to cue f)r Othereese mar :the flese of the tuber, seys Mr. E. L. leineett. •I • have seen potetoes serioesly injered appearartee and. in. real value by tee parolee§ use of.the hoe or.digger.•EverOc. from- , the worth Of the tuber,' The . thh ao :eke ute tope° rt hwoel oe thi7sy .8 ma •naeil.e.o(flettrhaec4tos wounded •potatees knows that shemust, cut deeply'. into it in order. to ereniove clithyie pinarteewwegitielau„heese- .eoufrntehdebliireekekiaenseto • Put o•f the tool used in iligging;. and she knows, too, that often.half Ot•the.'. rooe mutit, ee- thrown away, lenovving • alie is very careful to see that when ebe buys a basket of' potatoes. they, are not damaged in any -such ' . Then tee eimeeseful growiir lied ellow his crep to breeised, when, put Into the ;basket. or wagon. beet, beeause heekeows te.at tiny mice bewse may cause decay and eoudequent total toes. Be will ensist that Ws pothtoes Abell be handled careeutly from. „start Lo floe itile •will, furtherinote, gee Toe it that his crop is* storea in a dark, dry and cool pla,ce weile waititg ger tee. market. He knows 'that when stored where the light will °onus flooding' in, many hue:bele will. be lost by tattling green, Every *each potato Must be thrown out kw/caving serious lose. •Nte one will knowitsgiy buy a lot of green and bitter potetoee. Often the lose • from this source is by r40 Means mean. Ilefpre marketing the men wee values. his reputation . will carefully sort hie crate rejecting. ail • tubers- welee are under size or affeeted by decey: tele produet will then. present na usietorta end cletidedly attractive 'appearance, whieh will go far toward effeeting a sale fait priees. . Now, it is not askieg toe inueh of the potato grower to observe 'such elle- him niuph to de so, 'mend Will be • a . Pie rules, as these. Xt will not cost ammo. of vitIAT.us-,weliNf profit bee. him. 4 lave aeon loads of' tatoes en bee the ear' from wince( etie,..hdyer • teould reject Practioally tiOn6 of the Where. sen the other hand, X have seen lada from whieb. several bushels were rejeoted as unguarketablee' Which pays bestir „IIALTER,1111,1eieln. NG COLTS. Every colt ahould be taught to lead with a batter while still with the dam. Tbete is loos diffieulty at thie early age then later, and, also aetis liability tO haling 44 ardinal injured hi itS struggles to get free. Tee first thing to do is tit make a etrong head baiter that -040 Iet out or takee: in with, Muskies so as eo Cometly ftt the head: Put oil the *head halter at first with- out any hitehing strap, and leave tbe colt all (ley to ,become wed to It, tat-. 'Eng oft the halter at tught. eseben the hitching strap is atttiettea it should be liela firmly, forif the colt finds that it oan Wall*, it will be slow to un- learn• the habit. It is well at fitet tolead the telt and ite alma aide by side; When he lean& to atand by a hitching post without trying to :Pull away the bteaking to Iead may be considered tomplete, inken very • little titae when. this betaking tb the „ Thablete'llcaL9Indmiluagd6thwalltii- tehtieherectlultirie8sYirtilhge. fleet lestion to the animal that it ie to be neatest aervent, Xtethie le early impressee the breaking .to hareems to made much leers` iliftioult, Obituary. veraii, whtto oowedays•ree she. halted just, over the teretiliold, a point of vantage, her foof was plunged' ap they should: be burned es they might Fageintition" is 'Periodically agitated. ranger, "let me present my : oldest Almost instaneles her lower litebelee- . ' • ' . ' ' ." . ' . . . and varloue; but ,one that More neer- if nothing waste ate eat so uncoil -Anion. atd dearest friend; Colonel Taylor." gia:ite ntee,erienerwt earned :etiinleta:ruthert rAl.- • DoeireSTIC USES OF CORN. • ly eseVerie the whole. groued of a eils-- as. its occasion great surprise. • But . Instantly her ',face, lighted up, an gene .eut ef lee:hien,. chat; ioetk. ntui ed,,, paisd.eii..04,:teil , to meet you, 001. a enhaeat.roelaifelre: ate: te;,sehne eadnewdlientgurbeile ,bbeeionotroltptikaeas. erotiomkal; abse Peeitshelebrleb.•oaite.alai- yaeut2,2g, for. sae mum. heee a .en'exeiedge, f • " t d• k ' th ' ' ' • ' : • talked about you so much:- AO very tbein her ally in rescuino_the :prates- wh'estt 4 .elo (I. . we• , eve reef' ' 9 with a. ptette dinaP. le • le I.:true:darnel:Let 004 refrain from. a IlearY *nil both' much -that it reaper Seems' Ake meet- sot • • . • the: stone fiearth, thieking all the . art of Iter (mammy' yet it is iv POINTIti OP TUB SHER, Old, broken -mouthed or, we may adO, ruptured ewes, must go, and A faulty udder Is, in meet Canna. an unPardalt able defeet, Ave a writer in London Live litook Jou.rual. It la 1040* OAV to stitl Author cull the flook of Re lesa desirable merabete, Great judge, Meet le required. in eleilleg Out the weak membera, but Ono oppertunity" ranee be takeu, and no douat Mgoreus weeding le one eof the ;morass a an - proving a to*. , weak, bare, or baely-eolored bead, speoltlea. Mire, Ween a uldfoene color is in type, pluk or badly -colored lips and Uoetrils, and spots whexe no spota should, be, a nutty, eons, ugly head in any breed aboUld, be got rid of. It iA no 'great meteor it we eull beyond, our usual,eraft, as there are plenty of oppertuoitiee in early autume 19 re, place by buyiug 0. foW good, twee. Nothing looks. better thatt good heeds, eiod strange tee it may seem, a sheep's lame, wince le only worth tel. at the en,teberee, is Werth a lot 04 ruone,y wlien carried oo a good ram or ewe. NeXt to the heed end eiere we look tor eOod neeke. BWO-necited sheep nor-. er look •well, and A need sexes" el a" strong point.' int luse. therefore,, es far as possible, weed 04 -Yong Or holloWe Wicked ewes. "A"'neulicular mete indite ileitis strength of constitution, and I have:. Wives knowe a eheiiiabeeeder who did not strongly objeet a.shabey feeble. letr. Elbear, the father of the Soutlickeete breed, ineisted on the porta:lee of this poiut. jas. Itaw- lance, of Balt -ridge, oae et' the oldest li.4...93112.1119„tetlebeetelets, wouldtestsiteepee, a weakeneckea ewe, and oc, malt •who ealuee hia elect, would. buy a raM with • • b newieueir;arched, teperaig and :Jamie •ehoulders are ae important tie neele, and should be eoustderea 'as tollows: eeiret, they must Inend with, the neck. They mute be well laid back so es, to prouaee thick "s crops"' and a greate girthe eecondly, they • must be wide 'over the tetpe. Thircuy, they must be Wine throngh the heart erten blade to blade. Nothing cite be more effectiee than a good' ioyeeeed. If e•ou try te'.: tlaink it, antagine the sheep to be grazing with Wir head. toevards eou, and. you will thee notice the grand ef- fect ot geod, Shoulders. Deep f/oor to the chest and a prontinent breast., come tag well Onward between tee fore -legs complete thia part of our picture, Next lee us look 'at the ribs and. back,. the loins, the quanete, the let -down et the. lege of mutton, and. lastly, at the genera, :ainetteneas .of tortn. There is no mistaking a good sheep; and whet looaing through a flock for draftine, •eveey,neitane ffnelegei_Ezed bad eharaceere ed oe•defeetive etvelistagnet --.Asgeod flock °menet be go euP a year, bile oath year telle, It le the ob- jeet to ta.ke, off the tail! and pat en a new end: improved head to the fleck every year,. and thus to build: up the , •ideal which eveiy geed bleeder careies hie mind's eye, This is drafting, or Weeding, and no suecesseul breeding can go on without „it, ' its use, ' ing ecenplimented, and eve were °heti tree lintb she had pickednie , wishing we weee an Iedian Or glpsY eyes, with a knowledge of bo* to use I I e, tbe column • g ge 0 it an angry iss, e serlie 4 so we coo ave every • them, are worth more to her than a v devoted to the marriage notices, 'and ed dinner. ed toward her, dragging the leatle_._oe.-neee--tee left the husks and roasted knowledge of all the elegies. As 01111 - headed "Hymenealee aPPear the fol- It was a spleedia meae - the Me- its victim, wee had relapsed intoeure n o n fire outdoors. dr021 we are shaped to this end. We lOwingi • ' • • tropole is noted for its cuishee - and pe ate told that we cannot go Lute the sut I did it 'ample justice, for the table is Iirei°wursirnhings of the derpent further Greea corn should be thrown into. "Ma 'Renee M. Lproke• to Blies Ceih• erine ,SEorms. • • 'to filay, bee' allele (toe fates will bee' , . ' my weak spot, and a good meal, well disturbed and enraged the ants, end .beailing watet and need boil only five , e e, tbureed, and our niee white What daring feats the ardeet eettb . served, elwayte,paes me. in the best of thee began to swerm oyer it/ scary minutes When, the stareh will be suf- (trees will be soiled. • So veltb our pertorme, • ' ' humor. ' . , • . body, skating there fiery. maneneles fitaeatie. °oohed to be digestilile.. .01 .eneek preissed wistfully atgtonst the Who bares its- bosom te reseitless I am rather an 'abstemious men in into itefleshi .• eoursee it remaine in the water,aeotit wiadow pane; we for •a short, time . Seoraers ; . .- ... .. the matter of wines, being somewhat This was a toe that the snake • had twe,ntrrainutes, AS it takes softie 11010 WAtell- the little ewe at their happy Anitt elke the fablecaheateen god wbo of a sufterer from gout and the Pro- not bergained to meet, Stung to to mime tbe toiling noint after the lea.Y, then go and thread a titling of , abetted, , . • . - tessor is a total abstainer. . madness by the ants, the monster be- .cold eoru is eet. ie. eche inner husk &might. beads for our neck. Wce.stand teat in a :pave the roving, winds elite.-- Re and I .did net linger long, there- gan to' relax its coils about Professor may be left on if desirable; many peo- in: trout of the mirror and admire our • „ peewee& . i., -fore, after the table was cleared, but Rodrean's body, end thrash about to le "thilnk it prevents the seveetness of . nice .white skizt end Wok line) our 0003. from pow, you, will look back aPon this So Henry hue tho,vcry....n.e.nieje:bease. joined Mtee Rodman in tee drawing- rid Itself of tee swarm aunts. . 1 fhe corn frotn being boiled out into great deep eyee, The curse begins to hour as the one in which you were &mired be Locke, the Stories now room, A.1though suffering• eicrueetteag saved or lost. -Turn ye, for why will smile in •Peaeo.". She was. very youtig- not more than piens erom their fiery stings, Paquita, yedfee 0, break the infatuation mew , :mr.. Thomas Lemoine to Mrs. Susan eiglen" I should „judge - and it bravely seized the professor by the .Let it be .recorded of yea asewas re- e,.,„„e• . . . . . looked to me like a . .genuinie love- shoulders,. and, • exerting , all her corded of this young, man in•the text. eeee' ... _. . _ .. mateh.' • • • • . strength, dragged: him to a place of e O'er het to dwell alone, - eolonel " ' "Here are some fine native cigars; safety, . . e he wiaovasaw et was not good . • He saide "I will not, but afterevard lie e said the professor "Paquiise Then, with a wild cry for heap, the repented 'and wen,t.”,. Let' me tell re , A d th h t h • e•to • Wood; • ' - • eee so e ear a e gav e .. (lees not object to amottina." . my brothers, that there haVe` beenaten ast tautened to a, stone. When I lighted a cigar, ante leaned • "It, so happened," said the profee- fainted dead away. ' just as much set against. religionaes . Iv • •, "Mr. Harry Miller ,to Miss !Magda- hack in my ehair, tars. Itodreen drew sor, in conclusion, "that several of the you are, :and yet ' they • ve. lone Wolf. . an ottoman up to her busband, and bush beaters heard her ery and rush- • •STIRRENDEBED TO CHRIele . ., . en Duo. Weisel soneetimes take our .alieep abet , seated hethelf at his knee insucb aposi- to th s e. While two or three of 1)o yeul enoyv Um etory ef 30 „ ttigitt,, . . bum that 'ahe •aould look up( into his ,thene °attended lo Paconta and myself,. pen,. dechifing that he wonld not go face, end at the same time give • her the others meths haste to noose the And Millere take onr grain, • into tee kingdom of -God with enroath And when these. two their trades guest courteous attention. ,• • strugglingserpene. Their shouts and go horrid. that eeee the abandmiedepeo- _43, , , ., t . . The professor glanced down into her eries brought host Gana and a dozen •ple in ;the etreet tried, to hush hien up, ,e.„ :rat\ , ,.e.y. e en_ , upturned face, gently pateett listaear. •of his set -yards te the spa. They me- wed.. yet, in „, a little while dreaming a Wn e 1 On/ sal t tu e , . end said:. • ,, - • ried my brave resouer and myself to &team oeheavewso sweet that teemere A, gleam, et hope. speings o'er my "I told you before dinner teat but the little tent, and we were broaght recital of it has enchantea all ()hies- . jaeow, ' for Paquita's bravery 't would not be back to donschulszleSS. Except -the tendom I edr, Madden: vont .to ,scoffvat lin this dark, dismal gulf ; • here to -day, With her perrcassion 1 bites of the ants, which. were very Sohn Wesley While he preached, and tear the Welt has caught the Miller . will tell you why." painfui, and a few scratches, Paquita. the mere announcement of the text': , stove, . - She laughed, her face' Duette/I. and had suffered no (tentage. I Was less "Prepare to meet thy -Godes convert- The Miller mole the Wolf." .. she .sate: . . . fortunate, the terrible hugging I had eee hive onie a few months ago in "ele, Alvah Finelt to Miss Harriet "Yot haVe ney permission, if yeti will received had so bruised my body that New York City, a man in indignation weed, ... confine yourself: to the facts. My eon- for several weeks I was confined to leaped with both feet epee, the Bible, A guild. Finch late in search of seeds nection with the adventure was a very my' ' bed, • requite was my nur,se, to did he hate iteyelt in a few weeIrs Explored a rural bowey; • trivial one, 'tor 1 Wag badly frighten- and--" • laafpterr,eahdienhaeldwtihthet•vieearyritillibetleescm. Aii: ., Attie found amidet lexurient Weetle ed, and really would have. been able te "She fell in love with ,you," inter- . A modest little floWer." - do anything bat for the help of the poied Mrs. Redman, "and is tosday the Gospel, charged with the invitatiens mightI • "'Mr. David. el, Cook tp Wise. Laura. fire ante.'" . happiest woman in the voider eThat's all nonsense, Paquitat eoe- The following weak I had an oppor- glorions promises. 0, it is a • and theeeondetionatiotts of hell. It has •Marther- ' - - . : • e tra' dieted her husband, good-naturedly, overeonie °tiler souls, and tonight it A: eaarener unfolds thechatt, . "But the colonel shell judge for hira- certainly en ugly -looking ramister. I theitY of feevving the big boa. le Was. will; by the graea of the omnipotent .13y storms of love teertook, • . ear what measure of credit is your could not belp shuddering • when. 1 you., Do not look Vearful of aboals-with beating heart, due. I am 'only sorry that the mon- thought of my friend beieg °rushed to Christ, overcome around as though you felt nothing on Calls on the faithfel Cook, ster who might have been my death death by elle great terpentet museular this aubject. Your eyes are already' Cotainands, thus given he scorns delay nail not ,yof passed the costome auth-, donstrictions. , moist with tears end there is a trera- Ana crowds eaeh, swelling sail, . pieties. You ehall see him as soon es , Wing doWn VA tbe dePth elf' yetis heart And onward steers to ITYmeirs Bat', 1 get him out and haw lain properly " e - and Your feet are slieteug over the To shelter from tee gale, • TRE I/ERROR IN SOMALILAND brink, and. this' night you may be in But, much xetarded by the wind, set toe" . Thereupon my- friend told tne the _ hell 1 0, stop! stop! immortal mate Re calls the thaplain's •ald, advetaure to whit% he had reference, - Para. Alan Gardner, the, _English lremortal woman. I eing*the last bell And 'quickly leaves the storm behied, antlewhen he had fleashed I . deelared . Authoress, 011 one of her bigseitme of God's invitatioe to your soul, This The deetitied port is made, , tiler Mrs, Rodman. was altogether too sheeting expedltfons la &maimed, may be your holt night on earth, this Let Otos* who sail life's brook, modest in making light of the great - eerviee Abe had rendered a man whom Sava a "man a Ithald'ag tflasa'' al'a the lain! Goepel :mimeo you will ever Dieser shriek, nor be dismayed; , • heir this tag:. leett call of the 1101Y But, like the Marlette tted Cdols, ' you will be laved to aeknowledge was was to delighted with the fitet cleat Spirit that will ever strike your soul. • Pali in the el-MPhil/1'8 leid.' in as unpleasaat mid perilous a. pre- eight of her (leaky eveatitettancet that When We meet the next tilde, it Inner Suohl flattereet tributes aa the fete- die:intent as ean be imegitted. . ehe sat through two entire' daya and be when the world le itt a blaze, and going were doubtlese received by the Tepee, hie arrival in La Guaira the agets outaide. Mrs. dertieerei tent pardon and repentance are imposeible. erides'and groans of that time, if not year previous, Ptofessor. Badmen had 0 thee tonight. it might be written with actual pleasure+, at lettet with at ,orice ehertered a email latinch, With geeing with rapture at bee own re - of youe" lie tad will nor, hitt after- fortitude.; eto fs,sey the ft:entire tit a the neeesearY elessie and attendants, fleetion, On the morning of the third earn in the bottom of a baking dish, 'The bees are very attentive to the end that is for those. who have been the Mildest ot the_ effusions quots ware be repented and weld.' young ..couple of to -day wed foiled and ithipped to 1Trbana, on the Orin000 dee the fame of the lookLag glass had the water. , Work and is only Linefeed when. we don Corn Fritters1.-To one dozen ears of 0:.,ii.:•agise:vheisteinnadn. re:emu= ch6firlilf'teusiseepoonon6f-tiblielff t'4)w1omegilgigt:, fwho'is no loi7g-er Yinoi li.nriellim6husgatebnec:na:crit- , and, the Woman half pound of flour, one teaepoonfel of baking powder/ and a sPeinktele- per. ecore the earn aowe the centre of• oath eow of •grains, then with' a blu,rit knife press put the Pulp, leav- ing the hull, on the cab, Never grate netting. have expert kriewledge mean stand a chance with her Pelee emu- eeparienee oe exceptienal value • to meters. Once or twiee, perhapee in a generation, there is born 4 woman with a surelus raw'. et nervous energy such a desire for that eevia et the hulls miked with the 'To this all tile wIsP" .d111P4 fathm: fetWorj: 'vettn:it:r417alciTtieosf, own, as hi tliat way you get dying and bang buried with seareely of the eggs and the flour. Beat well. 'C'eagete all A name upon her gravestone, that she ead 'ehe milk, salt, PeePer, yolks Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff /la a..."flaas ranee hea eeearela troth, add them to the baking powder, re'and• tlue goddess GrundY has a :Have ready a pan of deep lard, droll) 01.:tcreliPdelearyatifi:kigtilamillfeetPriso0julleithttvehoemliabvattenl:wicsalatdilleiltertds' stir carefully until thoroligleir Mixed. tile mixture; by spoeofuls int° the boa. Laweraeyettoroaixe litiurpe te,0112:toiaget:itnetrinanilcilypo, anndd. ing fat; brown. on one side then tutri and brown on the other. ittenove each teeth Wheripeols of envy and an un - one with a skimmer, drain onebrown failide,soutoltneomilhleree:indya'braagrkingfrotmotretbetet paper. Serve very hot. Do etot pierce the fritters with a. fork, ati it allows leertclev "henre• Ng:Idling &Meted the steam to escape and makes the " fritterS heavy, egenned torn may be Moore, and penetwer :lie is carried used, allowing one pint finely chop.. over the fa isk at t sad of velneb - stands the roc Success. Do trou auto.. Pea' , pose if Napoleon had been bor nem that he woule have been Ileoantivenci oalSatesivivectadt Catozengaawidt-haiaaTdomioamtoaelea.-esbieaattidt 10 eve tea parties and. talk aman them in pieces, put 'tbem in a porce- e0andra 'NO, woald have retell; lain -lined kettle. with a tablesp0001411 but instead of w -Wan great and kingly with all his sine h WO ld h slowly thirty minutes. Rusk one eloz- leaf teary. last ea_the en ears of maw score down the centre weraaa who -fetes ee a of,' butter a.nd a slice of onion ; gatevv eau 0-ee, of thew euto3toin,whheeierheassiutrt---ainpo-et. of each row a value, press out the ereise it oPenly, elle rules in the dark, er; but being denied the eight to ex - pulp, add, it to the totaateesi cook tett of butter end a•paiatable seationing et 'toed whose .ixoswoo she feeds on, and minutes. add atiother tab eepeouful ae,eortie wee eieeetee through the salt and pepper, After adding the by whom she climbs, They tea as we • cotes 'Wet& oarefullY Or the eeen will are not forced. to use our youth and settle to the bottom of the pan and •• and a cat itet afloat in a pond is free betray; that WO are free agents! Yes, scoreh. Serve eyed, hot. , neither is the drowning man forced to Sealloeted Come -Rusk one dozen to, sit ta the title till it dies therct; pulp as previeuelY dinette& Seale, are of corn, score endspress out the glorious liberty! Tee peal girl, ,the e . Mutat at the proverbial straw. It is a pare and cut fine alit good-sized ripe woman. who is oId, and ugly ancl peer tomatoes, Measure a hail, pint of looks in vain for menei ohivalreiti et: stale bieadeorurobs. Put a layer of tentions, bet elle dotal net find it, NOW', X heve evord, for another elites, their Marriage notice accompanied by peorasiug to become Christittes, but all ed, At this point he outfitted hbe atttle- ot 40 Sermet women, collected from ter, eprinitlings et bread crumbe, dust with Y )e, er ape he the tbne breakieg their pronfieete-re- orgy, naussmAtcEns. e.earrayft ewelptphllp4eteintlidonceatallydo.ontehernrobrencrentz and neer, were engaged in taking an salt and pepper ; anothet layer of corn flowees feel grateful to the bees; they ptresented „by the: other young Man lei admiring turn • et tee magic mirror, there the totnatoes, bract crumbe and are gtea.t fecila if they do, c nen e w Araficie River • spread through tee country, and a row, then a layer ot tonlatoee, therg a flowers till their honey ls done, then the text, X auppooe my dear friendo, ' • . etarted on hie • lenge.' r 6 eito When Mrs. Gardner came on the scene 80 COntintte until al t e togred:!ents I ''' _ . you think your easoes'is vertepromising, rem' Perot:is Who have seen tne Ciet- eoantry Met little traversed by• Divine.. she Wan greeted. by 40 feminiee Scernall are used, having the /stet la er read age, or to briefly catalegele hie MAAS' 8;81,' Ilut, alas! Per the litisitations ha t haute ' n Westtan is knowe'by her Month, Xei Yoe. have t een promising to become , ..., .. _ , areas Christians a good while, hut You liave , ye LI scientific disetweries would oely -weery of a Vetting' -outfit, the Mello belies, .t et t e pet 1 t of el r t one testae. to itsae 12 women . under the supervieloxi of a mad of )3.e Wale Mneh Bartlett:sod one day, af. with the bate cioninuettal. Mirror. And hard wood label ill two (matte 0 so i but by, the ehape Atte dolor of the lipe, Y 1 A WOMAN'S TRAITS. • Cane of those I have been telkitie eholet• vat* mohey txtravagantly en her To enter into the amaila ot hie eel; gittee7foriblirdiocIgnkinlignligtetsitat.laitactob M.: etesirulnabA 1711118 ti!ineholetretrte°1oevrentill. A.'h' no, it is nee half so bright tot .tbe man Entprese Would believe tbat she ed man, , ' A co' rtan philosopher declares tthat • were obliged to content themselves 0 01 ern.- one P n ea i by the %emelt that lesue theretrom, constantly employed ott her 'wardrobe, the mature , ALWAYS IMOICEN VOURePROMISE. 1 id i E t a honor. What about Ito take a Journey ter .having tor aavara week"taataad the' ereman wtth the looking glees yee sett water; boit fifteen m nu es, a au and the, iluee aed dimples thaegather melted fer ninny weeks the moat •Inl- flet or( your back te fearful aleknese. dozily mane eipon a extensiet clearing Pe P -aelde until the water is perfectly clear u baps it • was wheet . you wete tbrough a primeval wIlderneste to eud.. rtata erson In Soutalilan tteout this Important teatttro, tte is that involves setae species cetelnonY• u Wben did eou first Premise,' k ere d'• then drain It oft carefully. Dip your aeseporeect in his theme by physiognot Yon knew: fehet. ohaneee Were ageenst she employs 40 dreesmakeee, and When on the rtght bank of the river, you 'getting well, There woe the she attendee wedding the Empress tete ' The. wen -built honk, and other out. finger in the ,weeet, rah it Against wets,. eeee euttetteot, !touress us nurse sitting by you -the Moak ticking quires 15 new gowne• Per State °cell- end the earefiellyeeultivated ' ()PAW FOR GOOD LIME, yout thumb, sine it it feels elippery, with tee tact that 00 women with the, away the painfill lentil. 'You tatted SUMS court-gOWn8 are Made in Vieenti. fields stirreoinding it were a hatubleMe The Opel is ne longer considered Of tedie muoh coldtwater aa will cover small. red lipped, "Cupid bow," mouth year head ontehethot pillow, aria tiaid: Him I You ackilowledge it la lair eeelock." "0," you. said: "I thought to waig, and are femeently etuddegl Great was las outings* to be receive() Info:nett It has beeo andt tliesaye to the 'Avestan ket- intellectual ter generous of beart, and you should, end iya hew many of my the. eight le, isn't al" And jwit then eourt male* it Imposeible foe the nOl- Of buildings by a faireskinned , PoPillar to corn nerviest with' It the Nett of tuck and to start; then with a skinttniee dip oat are not its Aceordance wilb the lines of their settle cant:idled Imswee get vvell ands will aerve Thee." Yoe functions. In the elan* (*stun*, tout him..weieome, happineee its§ highest terns. Ile ties CoOn and three? it into a Pan of healer laitt dowse be the poets to be I'lltt, I don't loveritian," "I go on wfth got svell. Van ate, welt tonight, You I melt of the Wotk done he thstag.drettee It wag the owner lof the i:stitte, Ab- deed; it is now considered the token elear, cad water. Wben yott have it told that It "Wiiti43, streight moath, with, etrang, white teeth," aetiotes 01 Yes. ' Eteeee nee eat -aided: it and ewakelling. Your friende teete ell the dresses May have a different look. Re had married, in Urbana, the . all the (Wets. of the rainhoW. ' It is to tam,* the hulls and Also' to cletintee gobasteits ef heart, terength of mita that Ole world croutoe make eoit hap. Or it was 1 the hour ot spiritUel that the rule May not be broken and wild °Mutt?. felted it a holiteW world t Yeti, „Hee gettiev irtto the klogdom of God, Vote even though they ate in reality the deughter of tt erettithY Venezuelan the gift of lover to sweetheart, the t 0044 1 e Ye. liel itt h I It tnay he tutees- out itethottieutd and one. ether eterlitig ;maltreated ritt, and have its highest morrow oil next week, or uext month, dram, wears Many jewele. • Seine of afed b* his only danghter,- requite, so &rooted a ohkraeter rte te elle* le. teeth witterte hut this Wesbing•ttotest reafetPote:esegid.Pthie° Ili: tirebrlytiditaliglelt; more totesotiinti§, - Rave -you fauna oat aalds s#1 gcensir tra bet you went not, Makers Making alterations Ito ealoixt Gate, Who had Weight -OA to this! et mutual /erre, barbing brigbtly in ell out rub thoroughie With the bandit the *mean oe atupereor ;nett:114010e it slandered you, and abused yeti and said: "I will attend let the neater to- mime. The Enefiteeet, When in fell doti, end hie hounehola eves now mark4 sytinbol of All eternal devotion, and ot miry to teb it through three or fear - olialtilies which we all Ake to think enjoyetients el feattul letettoest yes, et =nextiYear ;",lotet YOU let the hartest Meese are the Itreilertle of the erosiene li 4 Wife having tiled about three yeare natre ItS gains Abe Intoxications', and season pas* by. roneetidt "I go, girl" But the has $01416 beautiful gems, give piewiteth, eel tin ilottetant ana Ray flasbeit of tot4Uilitirtstatitigettalsatla riti,61,44 itteepta firrt.npvirtiltilutnp40014dettfildfiVe ;peas! • atmrevale been'teareul falttres, and do but ion went not, Or, there was date ea to her by the EMPeror at theft. A kilts" visitittg a brother enonareb leseeeeltiful eater. . - It into dear water luta 4oII until ten- Rion Whielx Was the peouliar propertied' you feel down In the 4epthe of your ger that a loved bee WoOld be taken Marriage, and. a beautiful eolleetidt1 et eouhl not hav6 been 610r6 h0601t6hiy V) 6610hatsize this romantio Idea the dee, about three or tear hours, Drains of the heranet of oldttaahloned novelle, toulatenteht, a tonging for eon:Whit* levet year hetieebehl; tend so you Went pectels left te her by the late Ettereite reoeived end eraertaned than weePro. oteitt le new Met ill the feta of a. heart, add. 4 neerter of * pound of butter bat et/1*h biloycle riding And kindted better then this world 6.011 give you? to the (Motor as he went( to the •deorit. Annulate. 1001106SO „Irriedrieb is most teeter Iteareett by Planter GADO. adltl, the eentIteatitt et et heart on • fire Itgleti Rua will /teethe your eorrowe ?oat tried to il endl a palatable tleassoning of salt and anetteemeate bay& atttabd to volume it Wittier( ie ttoettirei Oda trick, but Yeeti Y60 i If r eat oho** you a re- and yoU, asked 'him 4bout the ogee, and wow:Meal In matter -tea drawl, end ite The plenter was etemething ofiteclene With, leVe itt tar WhIeh appetite te a and belt yea in all your di:dresses, tively en the aide of the eitecostry of teethe German tweets.* 'At the ett-ealle eteriet oolleernint the het ite of the LW *set et* a Vitt. bat Australian epalis WOO- A hide Pint of Mean may se. tha Ira iti lag been soaked. in On ttikttltli tO to. perseverauee works Wonders. ito be added, if liked. Tine emu hat, get lien committed Doge eta the MajOrity de WOlitelii Who tiOniti eat himettlfeeeta told hbvgiledt ttittny 101e5e. TVA 'heart* when enlell ell°91tet fa Moult for the thin lipped, deter - end ter n thoutiand ages( give year loved one; but he gave you no ea ""sehle.ppe tour " "trate taut( entutlees horde o teptiles that swerm- bitOte Me'At Y eon Ported lit su pee Una yed hrineeel Win rx Ile,. satterehtiow arid you presieme hint Mill whtch oorreationcle'te a Oreeettation n ed through that tropleal cottalea Went size to permit ot tbeir be tot used*, move the hull, lotte: at o it, owe loot a , * , theitn-.6nt hew you had kitide oe W63,41 gited VeheAT he does not Want t* train of Shah Of a eertain length. VrMstrietOr wile% infeeted a deep 'beans me alto Matta tor the tette* of Corn Griddle Otiettee-Por theist Inge merrier, le 'spate taieee else% by efay Mende, who testepetessect Clatisetenitys break eke heart, eat at tlat elute tlitte Seine of MOM treble epPeer te b*** jungle in the Veal- of Ids reatitatton. /*whet/. tree nowt ot eetaped eon, one-hirt cr at rilgit, st000rt4t to the kittens of xilme, z do got 0,,ok you to tato n4t te,e- there *life, there inhOPO," Yen NOP fsettetta an le Vark414 dream*, Willoh Wee the btagliet **mike I itter dt6,44164 itatatin illnkrAISA tOnVeY filar Mak *It.. Qt. $411114 iliGttr "I/1w 6214444f )4114 tit brfo. PliniftleiffelPrectildr tlittettoerattOU#41141 ItAva bete &ea consitteritly, tiled gloriatudyt Yee, has torten up the ease: "As Itleg es helm In tee for years, tat thee are "Pee been hint tWitele° he sold, "and ........10....... ' 1 k to take Gales "0 14 let er get well tionl I *Ill do duty beta time to time at the e•f. Ones 't emended blsa. hat be 664 tram hoer* to hoarse 'on motor was Ilatrs tine titb1"191)991n1 r"----- oodles oft la the early pert of the eyr friends -4 ao stgy a great 444:11 of you that einewer whiett a pheeleiale Ursa, The meat Wenger'? thing le a partietilarly await and tared:me hoe fet the lorgliette chain. Theist °Pal ea"" "nun& "d' °ern atid thetefore MARRIAGE IN SPAIN. Cie* est. al% you had ledred fterther with, tineetleele until he gave England, the et -limes are not hell- Belled a great deal to bey about a lee a alronlet Rola hem* as a pendent 4.„,,enr„,,,,t'll,„.eni, -tirocuy,, its you , wad yeligion trey litte gieree 6669 6 get *MIL Motet feet datewtog tem* of the lerepreite. moped, Reel a wily ohl &wear, Obi alt gots, , • "• tore •owitielisaf treloitaionfel Ala 'Serape eameable,, MB POINTS OP BEAUTY'. Atlitording to the Pattern peas a Woman to be briatttifiti Mate pietdetie tile felieWing entaitiebt-e Poittearirtirleeillygelabhirok.-e06brow4 rfrapila the eye ; Pear things white -h: Skin, globe of the eye, teeth, lite Po4loragthui4r,4114:1e41.41'"fruins and otiettlee; grallettr dt,hitnerogar,toneae711e, tektite; tolleurbki,hlrgerirla701,11, legs; Fout things largel--. Porehetia hilts, loins. afar • • •