HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-14, Page 2AriagfflaNNWW. • e•oer The clielet Woe* to le* lice--Seciret 10.011. moue itsain Woe leson,te Moffitt' e 1 Ve, 111 04 al 0Ua Ohm.. lUUA tie UWAn fle. tenohIle 1413.01;1110:Aen ;4440 Per .t ria•ra "r trorlelitt IOW tiliennuita 10 oente POP line or the not ineertion; 5 canto Per line *944 ao.booqueot inoerttoro. amotrou amour% Brofentienel pird.t iOt exceeding one WO/ 4540 vox elthiniA.Advertisement* without llPee.- ifie • direttiOna. will be publiebed, till forbid and °Urged. tor 0,0eordinElY. .41.4"Vitelkt ii0t1004-.-"Uat," "Potted," "Vox Sale," ete.-50 cent* for ant In- bOttio 25 Dente for eon* sebeequent insertion. ' 'TOE hil4WEeTtECXXRdl will be SW to 403$ addrene, free ,of voltage for 81.00 per year, payable in 1046011... *1.15° may be Charged it not 40 PAK The..flate to width, every aubecription Pant Is denoted by thn,ber4,00 the addrese label. No paper tiontn:"41" ned. untll all Armin are paid, extept ,at. the option of the proprietor, W. X. lilITOBEI.,L, • Editor and. Proprietor. THE MOLSON'SAN1( .At PalW' tot isot ,t camel. $4,900,000 Ritsr , *1,S0o,000 ' Reed MONTREAL. , , - WM UOLEON, IllAcPtilliB8ONO President E.WOLPIAlik.TAN 01110,40,8,Gen. Manager Notesdisrounted. Collections made, Matta 18SUed.' Oterling and Aineriesu Exuhnuge aht end fella Wryest allowed on DePuslo ' • - SAVING/3 mum. Interest allowed on surns of. Si and up. • FARMERS. ,v/410110y advaflcecl to ,forn10111QII their own bbthEt with °Tie or mere endorsets.„ No molt- . gage required :is security. . . U. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. G. D. IVIcTAGGAR Banker, A I BEIIT-. STREET, - CLINTON A General Bankieg fleshless Transacted. Notes Discotinted. Drafts Tssued. , Interest Allowed'on Deposits. croza uras.,,r3cocrit cLill'rON • • - -• •ONT • Wire, Aceident and Idfe Inenrente.-- Trsnsacted, Itepresents several or oho Veit companies and. any information 'mating to • lieureneo toriele given. Galardi ,Dotriot eeentfor the confederation Life /neurone& Co. Stoney to Loan on ateasonanne Rates Offiee--Palace block, opposite Market. • CONVEYANCING. • John iid9ut, ..Cenveyaneerf 'CproorisSiorier, Etc, , ".Oire insurance. - • - • Real Estate. >r Money to Lend. Officao-littlION ...STREET, CLINTON • MEDICAL Dr. W. Gunn -- • R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edieburgh, Office -Ontario Street, 'Clinton. t Night calls, at, front door of residence On Rotten - bury Street, opp.. Presbyterian Cleirch. -." Dr Wm. Graham (Successor to Dr, Turnbull.) Licentiate of the Royal College of Physic- ians, London, Eng. Offiee and Residence, Perrin's Block, ately occupied by Dr. Turnbull. ' • Dr. Shatv, , Office -Ontario Street, opposite English church„ formerly occupied Dy pr. Apple- ton. , .H. DR, .0. W. THOMPSON , OHVSICIAN AND SURGEON. ' ,Office and Residence next to Molsonse Bank, Rattenbury street, Clinton. .DENTIORY: , Dr, BRUCE, . Surgeon Dentist ,OPEIGE...-Over Taylors Shoe Store, Clinton, Ono C Special attention to preser• vation of natufal teeth. . N.B.-Will visitBlyth every Monday and .Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the minuner. DR. •AGNEWDENTIST. Once Adjoining Foster's Photo Gallery- OftIce Heins, ": 9 to 5, At Zurich 'the second Thursday 'of each 1;.aekall 86 Bali, vete rninetri .eter riflery Surgeons. Gove Mary Inspeckno. Office-leaac Street,Clinton; Ralicience, Albert Street./ `O. VETERINARY. ` 11CAL.:. Scott & MelCenzi BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eta CLINTON AND HAYFIELD. Clinton Office-Elllott liltok, Isaac .et. Bayfield, Office -Open every Thursday etreet, firet door west of Poet Offirsee,Money to load. jamet Scott, R. I/. Malrensie, E. Campion, Q.0., Barrister, - Solkiter, o Notary; Yee. GoOkfttGli, ONT.. Oelitet-,Ovei. Davis' Drug Wee. Money to LAM. - - . • M. (), Minden, Ilar SolicItor„ Commissioner, Ric GOD/MIMI, - ooviao-poe. Hamilton and St. Andrew's Streets. Brydene,' • Berritifer. Solicitor, NotorY Pubffd etes. Cteriett t RAVER BLOCK, CLINTON O YitAitIP 1EXPItHIEMON , John T. Envie Tilt LEAPING CARONI Smith's' Mole Appoint* Post earriendered to the American*, hee heee , .dletrieeted• ville Perko): 444 at COW ItOrilber shipmenoto ottt Ot Doliteth for Anis*: are **Omitted et illi,M000 t•O‘ gra killed hi light.SiLsonite001 pertft. Thl. II IS the banner month n. • eee At tn. conelusimw of the &viol 0014* Rey. Itattilderion, tat Brantford, declined the cell to Moncton. bratIme. In New York e.dmiralSempeon The °tope of British Columbia. have NwiorUthl*rAttnlYenvtr44 ellequathd"ronc"""nat hiedow°nt trk: been injured by sued and rainy lifieeet, wether. • •• The Allen Line Astearaeltip Perielan d t d are Dv:neeillthecoat beceroarpilehrehroeuretead. and an rt ttfut b,Q,tat.T.:graungia. . laborers ou deeke have been ad- ilght leek now get.ting 00o. The wages of day ' The patient*. who were b tten by the Yawed from 48 to 0.25 per day. • mad, dog at Thameefore bave gone to The United Settee contingent of the Paeteue Inetitute, 1,1ew York. Canadian Rifix Xoint .Corantiaelou will Salarr of Mr. Wm Ogilvie, Yoke** -.prepare a report to (Jotter se u out)* Office Th Govern ent has advanced the hold m t t irri date to ALSO us 00 Air a an y Art fur SiondartliJfitotooce Co Hoed OPUS ter cosa, lionteeet Winne* in fowl. 4110,00,000 breed's,* In canada•mamma • Es.tb1di4ed b5 Tee relleble end terlrite • ale TROVRILL lloroedt* and 004eral Blookomitlt Albert Street', North, Clinton. JOBBING A SPKCIALTY. Woodwork Ironed etald lireGoisee material and guaranteed. Farm illieleineetetted merenteeerebuibiandtiodeed, • • • Tho AcKillop Josurance . , rarm and Isolated Town Propert7 Only Insured, • OFFICERS: J. H. McLean. Psiti, at; Rippen P. O.: Timmas'Prover,vilefrpresidentsBrueefteld P,11, W. J..Shannon,' eteey,..Treest; Seqtarth_ P. O.; ThomasE.,,Httys. blepeetor LossoFkgeatorth P0. „ . • 1)/Rilettilta; . . W. 0, Broadfoot,"Geafortit JOtor O. Grieve, Winthrop; 0001•So tatiorPeafortin-lhoMolrE: 1/eV Seaferlh f• Jetties Evans. Iteeetrwocid ; John' 'Watt. liarlook.ThomaR Tracer, Brute - field; John /3. ivieLean, Kippen: James Connolly; Clinton, • Smith, liarlook Robert IfolVillian,_Gea- forth James Cummings, J, W. Teo: goltnesvillo P. O.,: John 00VOntock and Yohn.O. 41Orrifon, auditors.' . Partile desitoie to effect insurance or• sato other business will he promptly attenled to 00 application to any of the above °dicers addressed to their respective post offices. , Grand Trunk ItEti1way. Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as " follows • -•"" Commissioner. from 5,000 t; 3.000. tete othe nestlatione undert en Mr. n Ael* dor McLeod o torden, state the CommiosAn. • Man., herr been almoipted, Land 0IelMe1 The A•merielln Bicycle Company hie Per the purehttee of the various ji VoulMieelener for the Yukon district. completed its permanent organiatante. tiou. The members the Winnipeg 01 Board of Trade are diecuse1ng the ad... *Mande the °Meet an meat VisabilitY 01 ROVerintlent grades ,for Prominent bicycle- concerns in „the flax. • .vnit.ed States, there, will be- lemma Tbe Simeoirreet Fool Company hes; 040,0. "PO ainek• oemmeeeed operations et Barrie. The GENERAL, ally capacity ot the maeldee, le fifteen Rome wili• have a univoral exbLb tons. • , • • den in 1401, • .. is prosecuting the drivers o4 union be arming. busses for neglecting to take out It- geala may sell her African peesee. comes. ' A Northern Pacific express train Two tease eases of btlb011iel Plena° was dereinernear Winnipeg, enttOn?. have occurred, at Oporto. Johnson, oxprella meeeenger, et rig. Thee Cologue Zeitatige.lo in insPired TIM isentiOn BtratAt BallWaY Company The Orange Free State is reported to 01.01:14 to GerMally. • Paul" killed. •article, virtually ebendone the Oellee Rev. Itiebard Ednionds Jones, Qt of the Boers. , , Quudie: school, England, has been op -Six immtt:nd aveaChave been test by Peinted prineipal et Trinity College • -- the 'flooding of a coppen, mine at Iles - Scheel, Port HoPeo •. • shi. Japan. 3. E. Taylor, Manager of - the • St. The, recent 1:ominous la yin to*. and is euceeetle by J. H. Still. ?red, Virregked'00 veesels. - The -Irish 'International ItugbY'Boot, The ultan of MorOceia haa aoparree. hall Cleb about to take a tour reraePceertlAuctadtellreigrilnig.k."!-41":14 through Canada. arriving Ili about Sefitember 25th, V., W. Powell, chief ,of , the Grand b° intending effect a analiellainn 'al Trunk Statiotioak_Beeartment at Monte 84" °t "91aPh°1' 'km" in rermeee" ' rineattliehaws terteigrrdstt;asec, epi, Positton liahrus atiltalf the gulaGariaii neve/- tat 74 years Old, is ^ to wed the Runge- . ,•elan actress, A.rabeelie Nagyotiged'18. UL poem, bus been Netherlands , Woman's reported to have been discovered at the The Disarm- minesoioonf otalswenrr jaentciMintng-• owe- ament League has petitioned Queen Victoria te avoid war With the Boers. homes street has resigned one mused, ow leaa aegoo, lives aed dent of the company. ettn."n Japanese GovernMent is eittd to Semite tit thierh ikui; )1. PAO , „ A delehink -eetTil AA QS tbe millet a the , ere** tkrongieg out et th4i MAW* Ottirettt Itheatre* teat night, au unknown wo- man eirrek eerboile void, .end .A. deaPateh from lionete *aye:- died an hour and e half later. Tneaday wax, roomentous One the Though probably e dozen people 'were trits1 of Capt. Dreyfue. The old queer. .7*-W/theme:a to the act, and hum - tion ot the ewer doeumernts earee up, ,dreds More saw tbit wortute, erie and the feet Wail hroutgbt out that knew her, end all enquiries failed to papers had been pereeed$ to the court- elicit a Angle. tact that might lead to martial in thla trial without the know- her identification, ledge a the defence. . Thie le a shirt- Several people on Adelaide street ling, tact When It le considered that between Bey and YOuge atreeta be Mailer* obtained a new trial becauee„ tweet* nine and eleven Onlocie noticed he was convicted beftire on evidence a elim etlei .0144 in white, wining back and forth, apparently watching for Immo one neer tbe Toronto Opera house. While iser actions were net PeeltliarOehe attracted iiiitee attention preoccupied air and,pUrPoiletel Shortly efter faleVen ffefflbedt stop- ped her walk-in front of W. SPinle eloon. and, Muldebly, putting her ben 111 Irer Pocket, she drew out a blu two-ounce beetle et eartadie acid, and raising it to lipe, swallowed th Pigeon. Then she threw the efflPt vest's), On the pavement, and walke on someararde farther. She staggise aeiddaewndailke,Mied ageing:4 store front fo moment before alowir oinking to tbe t • lll$D AT THE EMERGENCY. 'that Was. cOMMoriloated in *sent to hie judges. Poiselbly, it he is again convicted there will be good grounde for an appeal and Another trial. The judge** denied the...request of Ni. Labori for pormbesion, to call as wit, mom for Dreyfue military attaches of foreign Governments who, it is al. leged, had bought military secrets :rem Dreyfus. This is onsidered a • bad blow for the Rimmed, though M. Labori BOOMS to eattertain the hope that he will be able to get this alit. donee hater° the couri. by sumnsoning the attaches to attend in their person- al capacity. " • A feature of • the mullion was the' Times who had been watching her eloquent plea of it Senator of Franco hafl Until now eitemed parelysed, but for preYfus. •It MoVed the speeta- 4" none erewd eurrelulded the Proaa trate form. She was packed up. and noit seat, owner of p elute loam In An Englishman named Hill and three Alpine guicies have been killed while the Yuk"' was drowned in in the Kinn" mountain climbing near. Zermatt, dike riteer• Relatives otter 1)10,000 for the roe -every of his. body. Switzerland. •• o General Ludlow. MilitarY Governor The body of .1".• So Gilchrist. miseino Vietorta. B. C., bao been found oft 0? Havana, has offieilil imformation. Of at Macaulay Point there with a' bag ?f thirteen eased" of yeltow fever in the stones tied about his "leek. •deLiertment. le- between sir Al - The rain of Yesterday appeara to have' second c"n _bvrilonerdnaenral over opsve vier noeritrie kthaewhete Fro. fired Milner and President Kroger la xece,iveo talked of. this time within the bounct- Viott benefit fromtl,ot_fretting. (trim et Cain/ Colony. 74-7071-Orkrr. Quote Paterson, lot 4.' t'ne at' ilio'''Karelinsect)tunceealtred10% tsP`tithinanit6hvtidtilthugdh.oand-reattea le903:11, nadmititie da an rtttetaherdOUtet; mixed With it. Tee &so proved fatal but was !trirefited: and decapitated. • on ttliddiaolInCeis°Ronoshbtatt:gbriteeDd awshmaaeliwtchiloecti o.attlteolie!oseselaille. is'thseaoaNb°,ert2:8-nean'intWee :pne.arrSiOilneaark- Buffalo and Goderich District r -- Going West, Mixed,. To. io ao's 4' Express..., , 12'55 P.M. o Mixed... ....... 7.0S 1:". " p.m. Going Ease, Express 7,40a.m. sr 4 • • • • a.ss p.m.„ " " 443s p.m. . T London, Huron and Bruce , Going South, Express ......... 7.47 lion, " " • " 4,03 P.m. Going North, " loos a.m. 41 . 6.SS torn, M. C. Dmicsos, E. DAVIS, Dis. Pass. Agent, G. P: St T. A., ' Toronto. . Montrea I A. O. PATTISON, G.'IOL Agent at Clinton THEN SLEPT TO DEATH. ✓ eettifarly Midden. **cense or a st; • nate Child. • 4 de*Otoli from St. Catharines, says: -.A peculiarly sudden death tocceired about one o'clock On Thursday morn- ing at the &We at Mr. Orebn ',Nichols, his only daughter, jonnie, telling a victim to acute •toxaemia. The girl, 'who watt seven years of ago, haa ,been playing in the spark ori Wednesday att- °moon, and went home complaining a feeling eitilLy. She put on a jacket and . stood near the etove, and presently lay down. 'She fell into .n sleep :004 7 o'clock, from whiell she :did ,not awake, end since she did not struggle in the least, or appear 'very ill, no fears wereereueed. Two doe. . tiers weftcalled in, but the little girl 'Passed PeoeetnalY nWaie shriotly after midnight, • . . • • A '04AvELANn CAR BLOVni UP • Passengers, 'Ned oive Wave Broken 4A: deSpatolt from Cleveland, •O., says: od•A ooMbincition Bar on the WIltribt ate - Mos line was blown up by a powerful explosion between Scoville and Quincy attests teat night ,at 9.30. Therewere six pastiengera on board, Dee of whom e nstabied broken lege. . • • _ .B.Ussell Sage, wording to the New York Times„ has a forttme of from $20.000.009 to 150,000,000. • of nothing better to tear the fining of your throat and lung.. It is better than wet feet to Catlittl bronchitis and pneumonia. Only keep it up, long enough tad you will succeed in reducingyour weight, toeing your appedte, brineng on a slow fever and milting everything exactly' • right -for the germ, of Ott- • aumptioa. Stop coitig • and you will get eist-Was watching' the wotk of ;Viet:trig including two women, were drowned. a derailed street oar... 'recover. The new building for t he militia Anarchists in Rio de &mime have stores in Ottawa will be Iodated in sent a girl Anarchist to Paris te ,tigthueaoree,arbuott. ttbheOr aoroomervYntierld' by yarptaierr- dYnatnite buildings of the Paris ExPo- liament will not suffice. • bsiStvilern.beSenevearic4rei stied. the conspirators It is reported that the directors of FraUlien ff°hatinaa't°ino a teacher, in a position tir„pay the depositors started to climb the Planica, in the julian Alpe, without guide, and her La Banque du Peuple: will shortly be the 45 per ceni. •of the balance stiii 'mUtilated lbodY. was found! at the foot due for their, claime. or 4 a rook 204 metro high. k.coordintsto reports received at the . Thee New Zealand House Relwe- a nuniber of iseptains of ocean Vessels sentativee. committee has agreed) to BePartmenr of Marine and ;Fisheries Gov - lately leafing Montreal . harbor have eminent to join in defrayingt the post the resOlutions authorizing. the. ov 'been Overloadtng their Steamers. of the proposed Pacific °abbe The Department of Militia and Deo A Johannesburg paper rleeffribee the fence at Ottawa ,has deeidid oo asow Boer women as veryovarlike. They are raembera of the Canadian militia who forming rine clubs in many districts, - are possessors of Royal Ebunaile so- and petitioning the Transvaal Govern - clay medals to Wear them 'With their °lel" against granting the franchise to unitorms. . tha Uitlaaders. • • • , The difficulties *between the boot and ' shoe manufacturers and the tasters of Quebec have apparently moue toan rend. A modified, scale of Prices has 4:9A). 13"E49. Flt" FAMINE' "* . been eubraitted to the men, Which tluiy Terrible mortatity,lit german eget AM, have accepted. Owing to Lona ,COninlinol firelight. The London, Onto papera are die- Despatches from England any that °"sing the' narehaae Pr'ik° sire" Tail" 40,000 persons have died of starvation way property and. its operations by the city as the best Wang of putting an in German East , Africa. The terrible eact to thispresent unfortunate con. 'famine that is now decimating the dition of affairs. The Ontario Government his passed an order in Council' appointing Prof. Day, at present lecturer on agrieue: tore an the Guelph College, tot the Posi- tion of Farm Superintendent, which has just been vacated by Mr. William Rennie. Two Matt fell fifty feet by the eol- lapse of it staging On which they were working in the Intercolonialoole- stator building at St. 'John. Herbert Harris of Truro fell Oil his head and his brains Were dashed out. The oth- ers will recover. • ' A representative of a large United States milk condensing firm has been in Woodstock for some days looking over the ground with a View of es- tablishing a branch either in Ingersoll or Woodetook. About seventy hands Would be Pulpit:led, half of therm girls. The United States Consul at Ottawa makes a report showing an enormous increase in the value of exports from the Ottawa district: Up to Jena 80 the total value of the exports for 1899 has been $2,838,291.85, as compared with 01,865,840M in 1808. The increase is, therefore, $972,481,24. A man named Bergeron makes adi- daeit to the effect that he borrowed $300 aff the instance of Lieutenant nor. tin of the Montreal Police Faroe to pay for hie appointment to the force, de- l:raked the money in the Banque Ville Marie and the bank auepended. no loot hie Money, and Fortin tefused, to help him. The Cataract Power Company syndi- cate has 'taken possession of the Ham- ilton Street Railway, Hamilton Radial Maestri° Railway, and Hamilton to Dun- dee ItailVray, the busineee of the street railway poising into the hands of the Syorlicate on pathitent of about $125,000 Or 8180,03 fot the controlling interest in the stook. . , The new Weistinghotiadintilekoacting brake for nee on pateenger &aloe waitifiven a trial on a Canadian Attixo tie Railway train, and proved very !satisfactory. Tile brake is designed Particularly for quick action in time of impending ectsidente. The train on wbich it was .teated was run at be- tween ST and 65 milea an hour, an& in every ittetanee When tried the brake worked well. :The ()amide At- lafitie Railway authorities have deo ailed to tidopt it on their 'system. GROAT narrAts. moth in England hasended a thir- teen weeks' drought. — Ifinnund Rutledge, the noted Lon- don publieher, is dead. tore to tours, and ,Made an inApression UPOn the. Indigos, , As announced by Preeideol. Joutrest, the _Grist, part" of. the Bearden ‘Of the court-martial wile ems*. LABORPS FORMAL STATEMENT, When the'id,oOrs were opened for the public *elan, M. ',abort, read a. brief statement tO the effeet that it was •the 001SM:writ Of opinion of the defence that Wbile they hail hithertonot Called foreignerit'to' testify, the Governnoent hiving set the example, they. would. nojoagei, refrain. front .•doinotOto. Then intuit* to President Jetw.ust, M. LabOrte Said: " We knew the par- ticultiely delicate position of core 'maned in this matter, but we, must ask that yell also summon witrieeses out- side of rritime for Os. We *ant Schneider, . Schwartskoppen, Paniz- zardi, and, others. to prove directly, and emphatically that Dreyfus never had relations with foreign powers, and Carried Into Buotherets drug store, Dr, Crawford was aturtmoned,,, and he did all that was Poeffible until the amba, lance removed, the patient to the Emert genoy lioopital. Here the hettee suro goons and Br. Crawford labored with her for an hour, but at tWenty-five minnte4 to one death relieved. the WO - Mau of her suffering, , The „ auleide was probably about tWOntr•INQ Yttara old, fair, slim, ftAtd of aboat the medium height, She Wore a White blow?, a white pique, skirt, a sailor hat, and a pair Of russet shoes. On hee breast was a badge consieting of an American flag bearing the let- tere, " V. R. 0. Y. G. .,13. arranged upon it. Underneath was tne motto " Fraternity. Protection and Aid." The woman% underclothing wiled' was of a rather. °heel) variety, bore the marks C., 21011,' 296.' • , THE, WHITE RIVER COUNTRT. • never coramunicated to them the paPere 'rho oneveting Pewit' coinpletes its Work ik • mentioned in the bordereate ' • n the Waen. • ' 0.e'efarNiree, athisroeugashk tdhlaptiotmbeatiGo o voehrannMn ee lust, D eltpadeoPrtmonatrtoifrotre Outtteetvrao•rsehyass:-tuTrheee d°m°11ainj *ern tCsarbearing f for the ptrsdeeletaitto n.", I,. and new . . . ,. surveying parties in the ilinkon this protesteagaineLheolnoratood• s has just romance' me terial difficulties of such action; andd departmen thn one of the parties nee said it 'would " not assist the defence comPleted• its labors as far as it to 1)08 - anyhow. sible to 'do so. Application was made After some consultation, the judges , . retired to deliberate on the request, to tare Go'etratillent sea" tune ago for Their decision wairaWaited with a ten- mining locations on the White river, sion that was painful. When the judges a tributary of the Yukon, intereeeted had returned, President 'Thuauat rese by the 141st merida° in the boundary be- andmously refused. to grant the defence's tivean Celle" and ' Alaalta* 13ef ate announced that the court Unani- request that. the aid of foreigners be grafting any applications the depart- inookal. The announcement was fol- moot decided t0. send out, a ,survey awlotawsoedirebicyka'dwaj.ohaunurrprib-Bahreu_sb4017,4,nOoducrotu rwthwleahs tra_vense OVII,ite 'river oeurntrv and get out by the. Alaska: r river to tne tlea. coast. Mx. Talbot was .-o:rifiE EXCITING TRIA14 .. 'planed thoharg-'-e ot the party, which of the 'morning sitting Was a scene in consists, of fear, men land 17 horses. Which Laborio General Billet, 'Cpl. They, (Altered the country by the Dal- Jeuroust. and Captain Dreyfus ,paitiei- ton trail, and had a hazardous journey. lotted. Things had progressed quietly after the Dalton route- was left be - 'and ' even monotonously "up to . that hind. The valley of White time. "La Dame Blanche,' .with her river w, as traversed :1lor 'a famotts pearls in her Mire and. mewed lionindetobie distance, " whell . it her neck, keit' whispering to her cone- was discovered that it took an: entirely panion. , Others who from` the. first different trend from what Wait 'goner - had taken the keenest intermit in ally supposed. The country became every word tittered:in the court 'seem- practically impaseable, so that the ed 'bored, and the intenstobeat in the party was eventually conipelled to re - teem sento Several asleep. Suddenly, trace its steps. Gold colours. were when General Billotoin low, eVeirtelleS, found at different points along the again brought out what many deo creeks, and deeper in plentiful quanti- °tared is the General's last catdoname:- ties, •but no gold -bearing • quartz was ly, the complicity Of Dreyfus and Eeter., discovered. As an instance Of the diffi- hazY; there was a remarkable 'ehartge et:titles Of thigeeountry it is mentienect of !scene, M. LabOri, in terrible excite-,_ that a party of American Minere hood, went and Waving his orate, protested lag for the upper vvOtoell Xlaska- in a ringing voice. 'Dreyfus, 'Who had tereleforty-nitie, nal% to journey forty been sittireg-11WIi-atatue, also juteped mules, having to pass over glaciers tohboaanhudiisayfrea,ettaa,rogdpeenwispidiatturemittsphieiceeted:SutxFaim:ilhlinigits Moat ,Of the distairet , HER BURNS PROVED: FATAL. With passion, said addressing Colonist' . • tribes living along mid brick of the Xottaust: "I protest against tins odious about.200 miles, is due to failure of the east coast Zanzibar and unnhtteal accusation." • M. ',abed at the tianie time was demanding to be heard; CO1- ... Mull &Mated, equally determined not 'rains during two consecutive seasons • to • hear him, called out "Maitre Lahore. and consequently: inability fo raise the ttr,erafuasbeottiogazYO:at: supevialre:,13%Ftzt mega upon which the. natives delaina down be wag deathly paleoand treinbl- Toseate, Sept, market* were about steady to.d*Y. . Ontario*, were elioleonged. end lietellie tubes were up le, *WOO to *trooper take freights. Oittarle rod orld wato are %tweed at 07 We, north end wear, - Manitoba. No. 1 bard, Toronto and wee, old at 80e; and, Elfe. •Eiger -The livid nutrient fa qiilet. Straight roller, to buyarie baga, middle freights,. le quoted at pos end $2.74 mired, • Pilfreel-Scarce, lima quoted at ell I* ;m.o. Middle freight/01. and ahterte at 414‘ ess74k, fair emuirillootiouoo for pewit for iMniedinte. ShipMente at 55e., earth and wert, Octonerfihipment 54e. Oats-Steedy, New witite, math and ereat, 23e, and mixed, tio• New wink°, mot, Pohl at 24 1-2 to dec. Bye.. -Quiet, Car Iota, emit, 4101 and west, 49 1-ec, • Corelliall. lite .2 American, trot*, Toronto, 40e. Barley-N.0W No. 2 barley, late parts itebid for round lots. PRODIJOE, • Eggs -The anarket ie firm an4, mend for No, A eggs at 14 to 14 leie Second sell ise:,18 lel, to 180. for subsistence. The suffering yriks ing like tr. leaf. ' •• . • • *eat last year. and this year. the, most. THE END NEAR.: • . afkpalling Owlet' lieve : been ' coming • All the evidence in the Drityfue case from the stricken district, which ion- isi. in, and at tho emotion the protteout- log counsel commenced hie oddress. braces about 100,000. square 'miles. The drought ia at an end at lad, its eopionit agreed tha.t ell signs, peittt to the ton-. The auditors on leaving- the court rains like fallen this stutuli4, but dentnatinn of the accused. Acquittal, of °outlet, tie Possible, but would he a thoutsands Of people have been, toe • Ourproes, The defence tit plainly: Cue- ifte;bhleastobeeltb greater since saint. ththisin°:atiani-s °4venlliploriligedtd. ntankaf3.431tit avepVelailngtoPihnet4iSig°11 began then before, - military coutf in Paris. The eppeal The German Government started must (be heard within twenty-four temporary hospitals, and all the Olio- hours after the decision of the °butt. eionary and philanthropio societies Martial. If not allovved, the degrade - have been active in relieving distrait'. tion ot Droyfn.s Will follow, as the Gov-. Many Were reduced to go feeble a shit& erriinent is reported to he unwilling to that rice, their usual food, was too again appeal to the Court of Cease.- eoritse a tattoo Mid they timid not tion "' digital it. Miasionariee verde in May p,ORROERVI CAUSES LAUGHTER. that all tbe people of many towns had perished and thousands were suffering Major Carriere was then called upon from dysitiltery,, ulcers and ether die- .tt'deily" the final speech tet' the -Pre' easeti that usually attend famine. ChB« seistittOti, which only histed an hour and dtea.of eil nes were in a frightful a quarter, and which was generally state of emeciation. In addition td the cha.radteriied as a weak oration. His relief measures of the GOVerntratrit, the argiirriente' calared' hY hit/ Umiak man' Mohammedane Of thit coakt, the Geri hemmer evoked Mitburate ot laughter. Man Catholic niiselonaries and the Ile add that let considered 11 (0 be ea - Chun.% MISsionato Soeiety of Ragland tablished that Dreyftla wrote the bor- have been actiVe in relieving distress covering of oheet:Proholgewacsenoc:or:inatatithie- ahd eupplying seed for the next Melo. rept, but the diatress continued to be tiring manual with little difficulty, .cant, he thought, and he pointed out that Lireyfors could have Obtained the Runde are Mill ,being sent • froth Eu- Very 'great. ........„,.....-,......_ , •Moreover. tbe Major argued, Beterhasy , could not say in ;emote that he was ' gong to the manoeuvres, While, HreY- GEilERAL STRIKE OF SEAMEN.' fun eould geed thoUght sty Up tO Atigust ....f.. • 28. The overneneet Commialtrory af- afirtmereadtitol:tihne hnittneesoitilf had noticed the • handwriting Extent or the lowliest Cininot 166 beget' based for lionte pars. Since 1894 th lettere which he hadwrit- A.. despatch from London' eayse-The ten from Disvila bean& Alluding to' general' stiligeof. seamen and steamer the *secret downer', the Major said that firemen, vrnior hair • been threatened Saterbase ems not- IAA a position to furelah the interesting information. for tome time, Was do:dared on Mon- Dieeueeing the correspondence Ot ,„"A day, the shopoWnere rebuilt* to atteept COL Schwartzkoppen, Major Car - the invitetion of the Searnen and fire- riere declared emphatically. his belief Onion for a conference In regard' butt Efortrae had relations- with the power of which "A° was the agent.olle to Beteg the rate of Wages for firemen declared that gaterhazy, jam oohing and sailor* rar *steamer* at iso and for sailors on sailing 'cartels At monthly, mat Ploquart had utterly failed to to prove that he wee traitor, and a *light advance in the. average wage!' 004,11bee him of the htheeenee of prey - now paid- at the various: Initial' parte. eve ome„belle_f the innimenee of Report* as to the'effeet and the -a -Ugh- Reeyfeofo, eafd mapp °Arturo, in 00e. lilies of the rittittenlent have not yet been daideni.. what, been ttanatornma intp a received except from south shields, tionvictien of hie malt, which ham been Vireliman, the Axed° traveller, hes' where it es stated two thousand men errived tat have gone out. Many meeting* have The Lord Mayor of Dublin Ina been been held in the vieinity ot the ton - invited. to New Yotle ita connection don docks, the speakers expreming the With the -Stinteritestit Merest **statue to l determination of the men to remain Cherie* Ste rt Parnell. idle until their demands have been PNITED sTATIgs„, granted..But traffic at this ,port lute Two tow mot at man hoe, atm not'yet been affected. It ie not like - strengthened by the testiMony of the witmemes for the proseoution. To.detyt Tried to . Light cnoovolricie by Ntea,i 01 A deepatoli froniToronto begat -Mrs. Martin- Mulcahy, 117 Jarvis street, was attempting to light a fire Thursday morning by Using deal when she received burns which resulted in her deeth at St. Mithael"s hospital shortly after . • When the woman went to light* the fire to prepare dinner the wood did not burn quickly, and, being in a hurry, she pentad on a little coal oil, and applied a match. /he flames shot up instantly, and caught in her cloth. tag asahe was stooping over. Before she could extinguish the fire her hair was wombed train her amid, and the upper -portion of her body severely Maned. Then, its elm was alone in, the house, !Kra. Mulcahy had to lie down and suffer in silence until her hus- band returned from his business in the Merket. As soon as he ,discent- ered her condition he sent for the am- bulance, and had the woman removed lo St. •Mioluters hoimiital. She linger- ed in agony for femoral hairs, and then expired, es stated, at ten minutes past five. Deceitee'd wits 28 yeara old, and leaves fOuriehildrett. tbe youngest being onlY four mouther, old„ Her husband is a dealer in levels at the market. , BOLD HOLD -IIP AT CORNWALL. Fear Illettisiveymeri Chin:ter Mid Wired et a Pollyanna. .4. detinatch from Ottawa saya About two o'clock on Thursday morn- ing Alvin locecod wtiewaylaid by four highwaYmert at .the cornet of Pitt and Third street. They Stepped from be- hind. a high tepee' and knoisked him down with the butt end of a revolver. After searching him they bound Pawed hand and foot, and gagging hint With hie own hat, tarried hint into a stcle street. Another man • who happened along Was Weed in the eatite way. 'When Officer Lalonde teaphed the dormer the quartette "tapped eta, and two of them Covering Ilia witla i voivers ordered "Hands AV I" The of- ficer isiitang out in the roadway, and the higbivaymen fired four shote, none of -which took effeet. Lalonde' re- treated down the street, and went at,. ter Chief Caltner011, but by the time he returned the quartette had made thernitelves Entree. A' r camel to ton yoll oui my tout art4 OM° SALMON HACK RETURNS, bOienee drat Dreyfus is guilty, and to ..st . • *oak "k for78 0? Loot fiteeetel; *coed emir to onto" * the .penal code.". Mg. e. 4 „ deopatek from Ottawa seys:-.0f- Krt121) 131 CIGA1211"Xi' Wei returnee place the salmon peek *toped *t Ifluesze ronor.14. otgeinised for several day% in:trl A almost& from:St./Amin, Me., *Vat of Elitist* Oeitimbia for the present Mr* JAI" 11" 1161444 C31161/1314111 than ite•ettint *111 /074 knoval er '.--Albert 'Wright, talliteeti ruts old, season at 61t,000 easel, Whbah is Seclend the Delnooratio Walla's for fa°vOrror its remit keenly felt Th tfeet There ;Ore 175 heehaw failures in eludes ell the port,* ha the pallid lave, George Knobs, ne Vrill be bur. Wen 1,106,477. inlet were put up. The • the UnitedStates lest week, sItsInst 17! Eilkftkue, led froth his Motther's home, No. MAI .realr ors * A:orient tilde brings the et Ohio. • . e Men 0 ot the union witting the eerike ibe tie414 a* ht4/* °f. bit br(418Sat °rib' to tho**IntooPlnetukl Peek of too, a year eito. Oh the Pacific °oast up tntemport Sherman has I:It Francisco with the 00,1 . HAPI,XOSS the 4 titge ptiCei Pala to the nt trete Manila. hgth thkekeigh and egt ere killed end item. Red- Arerege. reading Pt:tenor gootittli ware Odd by Aortefiotin nit avenue, in St Louis. Mal Wright &worms eddieted to t 1,1 muse& nOteettY motto POW I tte habit over three years was tles last year he innelotsh .UI the ate nt of 00- ,eitturkt -law, Dr. a A rent forty to ettolli a day. no Intd been 11 . but otte thoeglit li h Mt o. of .4 Way w a boiler 00qpItlfiltstf Gerner le *bout to lea* hi work de-. er iron works, tite bungee& Mob ot frovi Aintragro-Din y won't he long 1 ne *yin* that Ia • from naalkaya, and ting our ARO true orig Potatoes-OfferIng freely and anther easy here.. var 'lots are sold on track shrs witeaorinueas 45°400140111xPelloO,r btowolsfrot oPtietctestt•tboUrreStrecti: iee stook brings 55 to 65e per bag. ..13efens-Onoico band -picked beans sell at $1.10, and common at 75 to 80o .l'el)rrrbiedmhe'pplee-' Dealer* pay 4 /-Re for dried etock, delivered here, and in Etittedinal,lslottoa 8rteloel,i, at. slat:11611z; evapor- Honer-itouna lots of honeys deliv- ered bore, will Jbring' about 6 to 01-2c; dealers quote from 6 1-2 to 7 1-2c per lb. for 10 • to 60-4b. tins ; in comb, around $1.25 to tit.40 per dozen see. Bated bringS 08.50; car lots, delivered here. Choiee is worth about 250. more. « • Straw-oUnettanged, Car . lots are (quoted at! 04 to 05 on track. Hops -Canadian crop light, but, as the English* crop is large, the shortage here Will not likely, affect tbe market. New hops now arriving, but no quota- tions yet. Dealers here sell at Montt 18 hi 20e, in the ordinary waiy for old, and are paying holders outside. frem 10 to 18e. _ _ _ DAIRY PRODUCE. • Butter -Market strong: Receipt e are light and demand here keeps stody for all choice. Quotations are ;-Dairy, tubs, poor to medium. 15 to 16c; istrict- ly choice, 17 to 18; small dairy lb prints. about 19 to 20c; creamery,, 'tubs and boxes, 21 to 22c; pounds, 23 to 24c. . Cheese -Firm and likely to" continue so for some time. Dealers here quote from 11 lob to 1.2co, DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS, There is a good steady demand and prices firm and unaltered. Dreeired hogs steady. Visoice butchers' weights bring about 416.50 to 86,75, farmers' loads, on the street. Quotations for provisions are as fol - Lewitt -Dry salted shoulders: 68-1 to 7c; long clear bacon,' car lots,' 7 3-4o; ton tote, 8e; case lots, 1-4o; backs, 8 3-4c. Smoked • meets - Hams, heavy, 12e; medium, 13o; light, 18o; .breakfast bacon, 12 to 12' 1-20; pienio hams, 81-2 to 8 8-4c; roll bacon, 8.1.2 to so; smoked backs, 11 1-2e. All meats out % of pickle le, less than prices quoted for, smoked meats, '• " • Lard -Tierces, 6 8-4o; tubs, 7c; pails, 7e; compound, 51-2 to 59-4o. Milwaukee, Sept. 9.-Vitheat-Steady; No. 1 Northern, 70 1-2 to - 72cO No. 2 Northern, 69e. Rye - 'Higher; no& 55 1-2e. Barley -Firm; No. 2 42 Won 1-2e1 sample, 35 to 410. Duluth, Sept. p. -Wheat, -,No. 1 hard, dash, 70 1 -lo; September, 70 1 -lc; December, 70c; No. 1 Northern, cash, 07 3-4c; September, 67 3-40; December, •Bile Nay, 71 3-40; No. 2 Northern, 65 1-4o. Butfalo, Sept. 9. -:-Spring wheat- • ; No. r Northern, old, spot, 765-8c; No. e Northern, old elf., 72 5.8c. Wirt. ter whent-Dull 'and lower; No. 1 white and No. 2, red, 72o, Corn - Strong; No. 2 yellow, $7 1-2e; No. 8 yellow, 37 1-4c; No, 4 yellow, 36 1-2e; No. 2 corn,. 86 8-4 to 37c; No, 3 corn, 36 1-2o. Oats-Strting; good demand; No. white', 25 1-2 to 25 3-4e; No. 3 white, 2.5c ; No, 4 white, 24c; No. 2 mix- ed, , 23 1-2c; No: 3, mixed, 23e. Rye -No. 1, on track, quoted itt 000; No. ft, 59 1-2o. Vanel freights -Dull. Flour-Firta. Detroit, Sept. 0.--Wheat-Closedf- No. 1 white, cash;70o ; No. 2 red, cash and September, 71'1-2c: December, 74 3.8e. , SALE OF TIMBER LIMITS. fifitisfling and Algona Berlin; Vetch • 111431,o40. • A despatch from Ottawa Savo -A sate of timber limits was oondunted here on Viredneaday` by Peter ItYae, Of Toronto. The berths disposed of con- sisted of limits in Nipiseing and Al- goma, the property of the Erin Of Hale and Booth. Om senicit partner died re- cently, and the sale was called to wind up the estate. The amount realized was $431,000, which is considered a; satisfactory return. Most of the lim- its had, already been cut over. The biddete veer° chiefly American and Ot- tawa valley lumbernien. Betths 2, 8, and 4, in the toveliship ef Butt, Nipiesing, Were sold for *75,- 000, to J. R. Booth; of Ottawa. Nos, 00 and 187, on Serpent river, in 'Algoma, Consisting of 36 equate miles Mode Were bought in by John Chariton, M.P., for 080,004). Berth, No. 82, on the north shore of Lake Huron, from which some 20 Mil- lion feet have been out, wits knocked down for *815,000 to Thenias Pitts, of Detroit and flay City, and John Chari- ton. • ENGLISH WALL -PAPER TROT Notiorm AA the Omitente Ma Foot Agave to Pool • e Progio. A despatch from London, says:.... The Meat darinyg and what will ptobo obit' be the matt eitocesitful trade coin- binetion,ever formed, in this country carnet into operation on Mendel, thentanutititterere of wall !gorse with All the exception of fent fines in Loh- dan have agreed to pool that. Prilfitti. The capital aggregates 515,000,00e. The promoters have guarded againat foreign'competition by an arrangement with the dealers who have Mined Dm *entracte not to deal with foreign thantoetteturers for ten years. Or the eiril of UM years it is *tooted that the ; eyndieate will be strong anon& to ward, off all oentitetition. The price of the chi:ape:it male of Wall paper is to be rattled intteediatele 250 por . bo those engaged" in the trade will be thrown ent of employment. The sin- I dictate expecte immense profit". PKA.003 Yenta 1. ato otigox ritp.effil4d1r lalt, in 1400111Mo a jt... 04.4)* *gain and earlier vielene *Olen we ed had eon* in a Pa Whinh Pieehariela, utterly /dot. . 8, WhaP geed than? Ae ihile 'Weil" was asked the Onion *lowly unfolded linelt. AS the aeer peered into the misty dui:roses there loomed forth ek eandleetiok all ot gold, a golden, ISM Stand rather, siteh at' that Mode for the tabernacle of Moses, with 4 Cen- tral *rhea upholding a lainP, and ikr" branch's* upisoldinglarape en each side. The golden'. eandleatielc° of Selo. mon% templet may have been somewhat different in design, but that ot Benxi ' the. forte Of which is made faMiliar to US by Alcalptures on the Arch of Titus, wee similar to that hate described. With a bowl neon the top. Per a reser- rolf of oil. Seven lamps thereon. One lattoi on the central short, and one on each Of the eix-branchee. Seven pipes to the fieven lamPe. Or, as the Itevis- .ed Version has it, "Haven pipes to each of the lamps. Probably the carldiefftieh as Steen in the Vision was very large, It May be taken as tbe type Of the Church, of God, It was: Made of the- costlieet materials. In its Parte it was diverse and yet equal. Its purpose was te- give light, but it was not the light in itoelf, only the bearer ef the ' light, and it needed often to be re- plenished and trimMed afresh. Tem' olive trees, by it. The Oil burned for light in :umlaut times was pressedfrom olives. In thie vision the trees grew op close to the candlestick, as an indi- cation that the course et repleniehment is at hand 'and inexhaustible ; 4 sym- bol that the eupply of power does oot come through tramp ministrations,. but directly from on legit, from , the . great God. , 4, Whet are these, my • Lord? The divine teachings are 1101 alto -aye under - Mood, even by olovired men. It is wise to ask questions. * • ' ' 5. Enowest thou not. The angel'. awls to be surprised that the prophet did not understand the • symbolism. Even to -day heavenly powers must think it etrenge that we are not able to reed the signs of God's providence. Doubtless much of the vision was•plain , to Zerubbabel, butthere was depfluto in it that required angelic revelatiOill, ---, , No, my lord, ., We should never 358 to ashamea to acknowledge our if nor, ance of the divine mysteries f we would receive instruction. ibne tning SOUDAN RAILWAY HORROR. IritiS togriert With *tiddlers met Wein mat rain rem itothte. A deppetteh from London, sayie-The Daily Mell's oorreindent at Cairo ed rekteived front S, near the oettfittenee t troth return With 1101dlire an a trIrot fell Of a ere MP OWN, OW1Wh, 14 WO' ( 6. This is the word of theoLotd.Xere is a message of plain words; tat fair" u.nderstand But before wet study this word 01 thei Lord let us back up -- on *lus symbolism of the candeeetiolo. The Jewish nation was this candlestick of the world, set in its place, to 'shed. abroad the light of the world. The Christian Church is the-cafidlestick of • Christ. Weare ' to let our itlibt shine. The . &woes of supply near, the an- •elent Jews are nearer us, The Holy' • Spirit' 'flows through our hearts ,,,a the oil. to .the lamp. '3Sly Ood is able to supply all your needs'a.ccord- ing to his riches glory by Christ Jesus." Not by might nor. by pewee! Neither the Persian monarch, nor the governor descended from David, nor the high priest, nor the aggregated Wealth of the. little nation can do this • thing, No earthly power it sufficient for the task. "What good would • a lamp be without oill Even though the temple he as beautiful as a candlestick made of pure geld, It will ailed no light into the dark places of the earth with- out the oil of my Spirit, • saith the * Lord of hosts,. 7. 0 great mountain. A figure repro- sentin t the difficulties • wbich. arose restore, the emote. The Samaritans " - around Zeripriabet tu nisobndeavore r • • had e hood in these, difficulties; so had the . traitors at home; so had the Per- sian empire, • so had Satan, Before Zetubbabel Governor of Jerusalem. Thou shalt become a plain. That is, be totally obliterated.- God was. already . - controlling the hearts of Men so as to • favor Zorubbabel's plans, The head. _ stone thereof. The last , stone which comPietel the tent*, tbe crown- ing grace. Shoutinge-Acelemations of joy. Grimm, grace unto it, . A suppliestiod for divine grace to rest upon the 5111084/107"" - building. •• - . D. His heed 'shail also finish it. A *, Promise of =Measurable • eneourage,' Meat to Zerubbabel.'it is not strange that the people' dissatisfied( with this prince. Though descended from David, be 'was born: and had been brought up in Babylon. • Ile was not king, only governor, and that by the grace Of the proud tyrant/ of. Penne A sorry contrast he made to Solomon in all his glory. Nevertheless, "bid band," earth God, "shall finish the temple." Zerobbabel had lb watt seven yeartolonger for the fulfillment et this promiee, god rewards 'with success those who work for him. Those who'do not witness the suecese of their endeavors here may Yet be- hold it hereafter. 10. Who bath despised the day et • email things. Mady a person had des. 1 Pieed it as he looked at the contempti- ble colony. .The rest of this ,,,verse-iw."-: not easy of explanation every nerfleolar, but the thought is that the plumb line, the symbol of an architect • Or builder, in the hands ofsZerublaabel received notice and favor.front the seven eyes of the Lord. which, ' ning f and. fro through. the •whoie earth, indicate the orantacienee 'Of God, . 11. 12. What arethese . • What be these. Zertibbabel piles question on question, for he desires to under- stand every detail of the Vision, .14. These •are the two anointed muse. The two eons M oil, literally; the two conspicuous sone of jehevah. That stand by the Lord of the whole' earth. That is Ur say, the 'despised *Zerub- babel and Xosinrit, the prince and the priest. the State and the Church stand night and day before the Lord of the whole earth, are in Ina fever* bre- cognizedeieing. air workers big:Aker With him, and sure to lAave hie abundant. . • . • MIROLARs AT SMITk'S PALLS, Attempt kite Think wren- trince.Thela Left *hied. A despatch from Smith retie, Nays; Baird, junior clerk, and 04 John- ston, cashier, Of the Unlonliank bete, Who both Sleets in the bank, were kink, - 'tilted by fidiee at tile 'Trent door, Beth elerks jumped up, and with re- VOIvere leaded. Went to • the door and demanded of theee outside what they Wenld 'have. As AO AlieWer earner One of the 'clerks threetened to shoot when the intreders ter& to their heels and made eft. Nothing more Wati heard theni that night; but ex.-• atelitettion in the Morninig showed where the attenapt had been made to et in. SoMe iron nretthare, taken _om Ur, J. Canine* shop, had. been geed to int open the door, and the bit- ter Was pretty badly euraped and splintered the , attempt. It vat evident there were two in the party, and they had made it eeenrola of the pretaleee before tackling „ the trent door. !there no *10 eti whoth the wonid.ht burglar* are, - ' IttODEAT ont.4 PzArion. t know one Modest fellow who PIRO gfveolheald am -Observer. lte new has it o say shoat Ideas:if fal a /amok • 104 Melina up tor tetti h tilted% infilorte *hi Yet 1110, •