HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-14, Page 1e
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t ar CLINTON, ONTARIO, TO ilian)* 130111148131t14111199
FtP.Ann pVitePPP:n
News -Record will,be sent to any address until the end of nelgt year, that is to 'January lst 19
rie,4901.,404e014.10,14. Th
ili,e4€140,00404' -111*- MM. " 0
. ,' . " KIM s RaPit V 80011101. ' ‘1.(atilet etet.flifottl. W
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1110b116014,1". 1.• .
Mr. UM 00 Warn bee our thanke foeThe Wingham , Advanee and the The oenton Bowling oinh hae haa e, The Centred Exhibition will be held
never etops In its ceaseleSs
trisli-ff you bare the old oil
• remered and new ell apPlied
at leaet Mice in two Team.
Ooneider the wear as they beat
War the minutes. honrs, clays;
Weakened years, •
Take care of Your watch -have
zt ProPerIV ()leaned and oiled,
We • clean and repair all kinds,
do it -promptly, accurately and
inoderate ..ost,
ARE LnanAns
V ono. Mtn,
• Cr
axi.naT )1V,amnit RnrAtititA AND-
t?/& Wttat-Ik50.1fSat5tOr
• Ir rialtrelErlit
We, are showing a line of I('
Jaralehieres that are the chea-
pest we have ever, offered.
Thinkef buying a nicely de:
('-'''))-rated Jar dienier large size
fo,r 5,pents. s They can be seen
,intour south window.
lave you seen the Trunk's, contain -
0 pounds of Moss Starch., we are
offering? The Trunk is well-Onisbed,
With lock and key, just what your
, .
little, hi- wants to keep her doll's
elot s in. The starch is , the. same ( i
yo pay 10 cents per pdund,for, but 0
we'sell the Trunk and 0 pounds of .c.i
' starch for 50 cents. .
' "We haYe, just 1:eceived
4 gross more' of those
• Mc ,per dozen Glitsses,
just•the thing to put
your jelly in. , '
Dinner Sets -Just opened, an
: import crate of .Dinner'Sets
Pall and see them whether you
intend buying or not,
. •
tat"( fht11.®
001 ;00PEll CU.; Clinton
Cash paid for Butter and Egg S and
pried Apples.- Phone 23,
and well-wiatten cor-
respondence is efetitbre
of TEM N,Ews-BiScoun
whichhas large and
efficient staff of report -
Jere at various points in •
the county
To secure the news of Huron • •
readTroaNirws-RacOnn 4 • • •
To the school children andstu.;
dents naluron we extend a hear-
ty welcoMe, and our beet wishes
,foranothersnecesatni term•While
yen have beett;bolid;aytng we. too
naVe been having an easy time,
but we have Inaleample.prepere-
tions for your Wantte in the way
of School Supplies ' and • Text,
,Books, '
"" Hundreds of samples have been
selected in order to get the •best
iteribiders .and exercise hooktband
we feel quiteeure that when yon
'see our stock. you ' Will be oaten-.
atthe• splendid,' values •We
are no* able to offer.
Seribbterit at le; ruled or plain.
Seribbleye:et 8c-, ruled or plain,
' ° Scribblers 3 for Rid,: ruled: or
Olaf!): • .
• Terobobjevili4t4Ospatuelaecdher
eat:Weave:Ott slates
hat been replenished ann. a good
selection „ aiveaya be, kept.
The authorized...Text Books . for
Use in the Public and Model •
Schools alio•Colleglitte Institut•Ps
are now', in stook • and selling at
the lowest prices.
'Seek:coveys supplied free,
WE) adOEDZliq Sk 0190 "INT°N
•• For along ‘,
time glasses
were used
only to assist `'"
in reading or r,
bear work, '
but with in:
ledge st the eye we are able to
adjust g.lasses we improve the
sight, 'thereby curing chronic
headaches, neuralgia and many
-nervous afflictions caused by eye- fa
strain, The thousands who waer
properly'adjusted glasses are the' re
living testimonies to "the tenth, te
of it. Examination free.
Optical Department
Comma's Booxswour °imam.
some fp' nod' vi•nt-
• 'left on Olu s Counters this
We make a specialtY af Hate and
Caps and , now have a latge and
more varied assortment than ever.
'Al,the leading •
Minces ere to found. hi our
store, Sizes froitt to
, .
Fleece Balbriggan thiclerWear
$1 per Sett, extett value. just
,the thing fat°, fall.
:We prefer making many and quick
sales at a small profit each time
to holding out for big prices. We
.do business on this balls and find it
Satiefactory. Read these 'tow mi.
ees We are quoting this' week fwe
have:many more equally good if
notbetter. ' •
,Smock and Overalls,. per pair $LOCI
Overall, 80c $1.00.
Panto, 01.00 to $2.00. •
, .
. When yen are ready tor
you. fall snit; come- to tut
We have the geode that
will suit ynit and at nioat
suitable prices, : Otte ,fits
are well known to be
• snug arid tomfoitable,. ,
Cluveustomers its
dt:i hear iorne one.saY01
4 14•14100,4%.,4•4•.
peaches and other fruit from hie pro- Parkhill Gazette -Review here Wit suotalasful season and has proved itetif alinton on Tueeday and Widow Mr. Illoat, wife and daugliter a gr. 1.104,4•64; ••
00Ileglate Institati deliver
dlietive garden. The penchee were jot peseta another milestone, the #1..d• juotgutue bettor thananyothercanIgh der next mid it la expecte4 that the Tuciterainith spent Sunclay at W,Statt,
, b entries will he More numerouli than -1036..
large iind imithsome and fihOW VerY 'ranee thegith and the Galt. the 8th. the Diatriet, , In leet Ifridar Mathe
weillhat till* fruit may be. grown sne-
mitt:fully even in the Annie Pat.
PIO Is Prlzes.
R. and, Pansford gave $150 in hard
; nosh in Prizes at theToronto Pair. $100
was given for factory -made cheese
which had been•salted With Coleman's
clie40 Salt, and $to for blitter, Deana
prietkio which the ro4ker bad.
Oaleinan's refined butter salt. 1;
&Wee Toronto MOO Sold,- '
Fewer w*.a4t.'''f4V,Tatentfa„:/31xhibitiotr`
_f0.1;00intub.0eplionttio;oktholosa,yotiiir4 tilitict,n12!a:stbet!nhge
sseAecl This A 0 .4
Ofintereat hi the Fair,. The OOMPeer•
•• t h
however. 4i, A.:MIA eijmueb, :Money :la
Yak f th '211 f the 200 a d
it will be harder'te cenvince than ever
that to* rates pay in the long rMlit• •
'Tested/or Taboret:foals,
Dr. Blacken. performed the 'Tabercul-
in .test-. on a Durham calf which
• .00tinty Councillor Spell of Buliettlied
sold tett Vetted Stateser at Sault Ste.
- Thonnimal stood the test and
Went tolts destination. 'Had it. failed
eetild not Itaye beenleat e;i39.„!3e ,cbe
made similar tests
"tbo past few. ipontbs, some of their
subjects Passingjiti not all.
Pell Thirteen Feet
Master George TroWhill fell froin' his
father's hay loft On :Satiniday, beard
upon which he was standing up -ending
and falling upon him an the.- Odor be-
- his fall he just missed striking the oat'
bin wb ich mightluttie proved fatal to
him,- but as. -it was --he waS-Irooeksd-
den,selese. Hovvever,' ne bones, vvere
broken and barring a benised body and
ore litiabs be is none the Worse th..'
_ .
the result of his thirteen -foot fall. •
• -
orlttrat the Collegiate eadets. , • .
;.-Deptain' Corbbe begins this week
drilling the Collegiate Cadets and in a
iimited time v"Vill have them- ready • for
competitlon.' • The period is short,to be
Sure, brit
under thaCaptainis skillful in. ,
stinction the, boys soon qualify for p10-
• motion from the awkward squad., and
quickly become proficient in the. drill
TEL NatveatEboito *Mild
likeVery Mitch te,,seo.the .po,(ts on
parade in the: park QII 'the afternoon of
Wednesday next,, the second 'day of
the Central Fair: The directors should
' Make an,effert:tosecure .
-Awayleso'ffor Stavely
' .."Thq StaVelyCoMmittee has so far de-
cided for the use of acstylene gas all' to
ask-ft:sr-figures as to Cost. They Pin -
pose, if ' acetylene is decided
upon,net only to thus light Stavelyi
'Hellhat the town hall as weill,:and..lei
they estitaatecalmn eeneiii-,
prebie4tayliig,i'O'sexpendititto light
acCounk.,•;• tilie'ettrantittee hastala9.•• de-
cided to replace the; front windows in
StarelY by More becoming ones, upon'
.certeln intetael chergeol'• andalso.,Lthe
laying 'Of a gramilithie walk in frent of
the hall and on the north side to Par.
ran's crossing.
A Vet' Against the Elect& Ogle.
A prominent ratepayer coped upon
ThE NnWS-REconrinit. Tuesday to
lodge ie protest against the . service
now fatailiffied • by . the Electric Light
Company. Wit: hare said he 'filed a
protest whitreaS 'WOO, ' • •0 'been
more the.polittOaire ral
of theta, as olight
IS net note the Candle 'newer &tiled frit
ag ree inent,24,--Tbe street lights
burn very.- irregularly ,and are out
when meet needed, tirdThitlight is
not turned on early enough in theeren-.
ing. 4th -The price it. too big.. ter the
quality of the service
Moth t John Wheittle,... •
On PridaYaftilentOn last Mr. jobb
Wheatley joined the Greet Majority..
He had. been Milo" for years and had
Made his home With his 'eon, jesepli
Wheatley, front whom and his tawny
belied ie,ceived eifrery care' and ,attetir
tion, nothing being let& :indent: that
Woultleoutribute to his conifort and ...
tbiljoytilent, The deceased Was born In in S. S's will beheld in the Rattenimrr eta kept up until an early hour, when
: Nettinghtunibige,. England, eighty -live street: churcifoti the 24th ineL The all showed their appreciation a the •
years ago and. has been a resident of, Ontario street School will be reepotisi.. pleattant time spent by thanking their,
Clinton elude 1$52. The funeral . took blefor the review'. • - a b t d. taking th ' d
place to Clinton cemetery ell Sunday,
They are bright label papers and serve
well the town and district :In which
they are :published.; May they Wive
hinny happy returrnicif the
• Mrs, Reaerick Melsed laid noon our
.table on TtleSdity a ripe strawberry,
thinitlh.g nadelibt that. Tint srtovii.na-
goitas as feud of rare eights...AS any.
bodyit Therein the good' lacly Wee
;tight A. fully -developed and • ripe
• strawberry at thleeeiteoli is very untie -
:attained perfection indoors, thengh,
not in a• h U
, ••
, 'Board Meeting'. ' ' °
The regular monthly:meeting of.the,
PublieSchool Board oyes on Mon-
day evining but, astliere WO:e Vel."7
*03)110neiet.0 transaetithe setiSiba Wee
of Sli.Okt duration. Davis Re,Wlidd
werepcild a hardware billet $4-1.03; T.
Mackenzie $100 en account, and *9.
,W..1„, Cooper for , one „year's lane,
dr in of school -tcivvels." 'The school
lia,Vitig as. yet hardly settlecl clowu
'‘o!tt; QP:friy.i7in1Prinatila ,,i.X:48117/tgish;ys..' 7C°.6 wR;s''
The annual:meet:Mg of •the Ontario
Sionary Society was held.. on the 12th
anat., When the following officers
elected : President... Miss Freerpan ;
7.1..St•vice, Mrs. Crieh ; , 2nd vice, Mrs.
Briekenden.; Mre...Atinrews;
OoraSee.,:lfre. Treasiirer;
Mrs • ()lenient, 'kiss Freenian was
eleeted. delegate to the branch meeting
to lie held London in October. •
ual. This lueciens SenteMber- berry
„. the".Clinton Ceineteri%never looked
so Wares at the present thee as
„the result 'Oahe -gOn'a
Care.tak. Hoye oldaunder the super-
vision ,
of the contmittee of. the -.tern
. •
conned whoseduty it is to see that this
particelar God's Acre- is kept neat and
-in- ord:er. The Walks hitve been careful,
ly 'graded and gravelled,. oblioxieue
bushes -uprooted and the,, park lets
made refreshing to iety instead. :of.an
• -
'eye' eore, Chairman has . taken
great ;interest In the beautifying ef time
'cemetery and to him not alittle eredit
is done. - •
. ,
The Armouri Poe Clinton:,
• ' Colonel Hohne.s of Len don „
Clinton,' last week and under the. chap-
eronage �f Mayor Shaw visited verietia:
eligihle sites for the proposed Armory,.
oacinctispgildthbestruothosanti.ielicite.i7•04rf ground oinu;t
adjacent the park which,woult1 be just
the spot for the Battalion ' to `Manoeu-
vre npeni„ It has also been sliggesi•ed
that thesite of- the former Doherty or -
*an :vvorks would furnish envie room
arid alio heconvenient. The Celonelwas,
eitaightbe eipeetecialon-ointnittel but
t is fatly mcnotedthat whop,' the ttr•7::
-Mot y is built it will be located in Cha-
lon. • -iileograPli3r anti, rabway facilities
considered, 11 would he an•absurdity to
erect it any Wheze else.
Hodgenit Onea Are Oleect hnpertets
•bqii4ipg'ilieir reputation of .heing
POrifir'eSalte ,end Hodgens
BreEhareby no means contentWith deal-
ing 'entirety.throngh •midalenten to
have Again been Making direct. impor-
tations, the duties upon Which will
help to gwelilhereirenue considerably
it the Olititon r'eotillit.: of custems-
From- Eaglend, theY.: have imported
dress geoOs, including silks; ate.; from
Ireland linens and yarns, from Ger-
many reantlesi..and, from across the.
border" undervies.e in great variety.
Accordingly the Palace is now stoCked
from basement to attic with the :new
/91f1 'the. novel 01 the dress goods lido.
Hodgens Bros. are energetic as well as
progressive exia tinlodate. and in
reaching out after trade they tato al-
ways managed' to.gete good share!, •
ral4"00:40 W It V. • : ,
kii;eliting of the Clinton W. O. T.U..
was at the home of Mrs Seale the
• a74.A.mong others in attend
'the ()entity President, Ar.,
ra eats were Made for the annual
three Hoke defeated all eqUal num or aatlei and in of a aunerlor oleos Mrs. W. Crooks le visiting friends in
torn Stratford and thus have won both There Will likewe reasen for (Heap- lilstovecil; the townsbip of Wellealer.
iteattiteeTtsbewi (bpi:147,1;m fraorinid theecoOrelati4 eiteu: hPeelaarayeriatiliaitatheeteptrteerune:eatosr wiluert it lectebethr ep7olvnatitTrobitshisiobteorw(latip";
Fridare game. w.ere as folowo t ;Mould itaot P fulltioxpeet eee Period otover twenty-yam:0, 19.01-043ht,
awl sons for miletaround In the .1111b Urs.Edavards oil daughter of inner-
.07,14P,::•14ficprithiderinsgon tW, iSe(4vTbototno.. none.etdhaepaondi, bhlitviouttgaronutenacl-netxt °Wed, •twit! are.,the guests (.4 her sob' A' 44'
MaTeggart Bay .hle time. Wsatleiranadnr°1; Xrdr:e.A.' 11, Fowler of Burford viated,
J.'‘ Falk' EI4P•'.*• -2°J" (skiP)''"..29 ;staff are tieW busy getting ready forsthe friends here on Sunday,
(=mom arti•vrvorio, the yeomen with their vtiveadetighters Alec Oreohs„will find Matilrehangee.
rah,. . A, large number from here attended
johnstone • Horl5e09., • . the London Fair on Tuesday.
m • Mai ara • -
J. Zsunagan - The Nimitret Show to be given in the Leonard's this week, '
.jackson(skipP111McVeddenOldP)22* -town on the evening. of Wednee' Miss A V. Ste non left Tun
171. Co be W. , n The Maio* •••• , • Ma R. Johnson of Bright visitedat
L. 4ennedy
• P e on "
I, Taylor , Hobertoon day and Thitracia• • next, -un a.47 tramte,tal manitoba, where stAo
Itattentiury ;Baker alb:vices. Ot the P. neOCIP intends spending some time with ler
J3eydone 'Dr. liairke should receive a 'liberal Pat".' aunt; She procured' her ticket from
D.-4-;Voreestee ekg$3. Levitt o a e One Who ie competent to •
n • , • Mr. V'ir. Jackson, C., P. It: agent a
•jildge and bus witnessed the roheereele ernto
ii °4iitenblittl'itaMitaa, "5Baint.h' e g says that the firsroart of the Progreo/. The anniversary services of the Me-
:: On ott evening • . P will Consist of funny jokei and ends thodist church *will be held. on .1ilendaY
r'e481•1° the itatteehhr7 street, I ion,gs.galbre end a ambit' of: hilatitiv.,1 the 21tb, when Rev. Mr. Wilson of
*cintrCh gave a,uStudents' At Home." •ful ballads. To -Pert tWo will„be serer- ootlerich will take' the, morning and
This- an • annnal affair with the 'al no -to -date specialties. Prof. Lewis ve • •
League and, his for its object the re. .1 h b d th
e v •
ei mg and making, at bome.,, in both • . of Clipton the atternnon service, linen.
SocietY and Church of the students f0--*;" 111)1:1' La4 ‘luaatreaenft1T3tioraloaptteor,BwriQll*npiiac°1tre: b°ne•ble°11,41L,,t`el):,-b'soLd'aylisteitivilisteeedtttnocoWell,
11? P Veri. • * t
ontsicle pointeWbo may•he attending his first appearance before a on th
LI 1 g. ' auclience, well-known 6.01 Forred.v.Flosirtd6:a" aluridenwa:fenianwdoi,ruiStoet,
• enjoy emse ves.
grant wite-glind rid the refreshtnente •
• • was a large attendance and as the pre-'
_ . . • -wiltintrodtice.s.,..burleali.ue.--tbat--"ie.lex-- s•-•- --10;•-z•----• • -
a very able 'adroit the tovfn tL
XliSt Sabbath. eaRey.Mr.MeDonald TOWN'
absent in Toronto. Serviee next Itleh0 •
bath at the usual hour.
Mr. Treat front Memo took * trIP-
orer to Oa relatives ' arid friends,
and he and lifre. Treat, who has been
• visiting here for the past throe weekat
went home last Tuesday.
lifre. B. A. Higgine is improving'
nicely mild if proper care is taken will
• soon be around again,- •
Mr, Mitchell from Exeter has
bought the evaporator and is now run -
Ping it at fell speed,
A Medicine Company • has come to
town and are going t Mat_ up. free
show every night for prchablY 0,''week
or More. TheYhave tajten their stand
• in the Temperance hall and show ceni...„
meneee Thursday night, •
Mr. W. Ilarnwell witeeled down
London last Saturday, He left at 4.80
and was dotal' at 8 o'clock. rca
turned home Monday, night and as he
W‘£1.8 tired taking in the Fair he wished •
to take the train heMe bUt they refus-
ed take ins bike so he resolved to beet
them and kept ahead to Bewail
and Was in Varna 10 minutes ahead of
the mail with a head wind all the war. :
_The-time-taken...Wee; -3 honrs and 5 • --
appetising . an enjoyable . time was teat ., h . 1'1...... The. - 1: f kb i or . -4 week. 1 ' .:- nlinti(Vrteosie.. an-- o'c'sasional-Corrooroudont.1 ,
illia.1117:101 7 °Pug; a, Jackson
1578. •- f'elen'3de in London, • , .
teebyterr; • • ' : • • '' • ' • • ' a
:eXperienced.. The program ren as fa- MISS Edith floilistvorth is visiting
Lowe , .. -. : - . . yet 'fifer°
' Collegiate- Institute preached to 03
Principal Houston ot the Clinton
' Rue, Numb. ttna...(rainier, . - was held, In Willis church on Tuesday. - . • . . *
Qiiartette "Fernier Oblui" Xeoora eltl,bi". Xe- meeting . . • '' 7 . ...-. •-•.--='' ". . ' „.• : '1;:atboYwtielrhiaanu.SozinostthesirotoedtaoyP.°t'aTrb7oh°oTne:
Sole "J.ven,Intekr•', MisliCounhigle6i3. : A.,petition was presented hy the Wes- ' . ' SUMMedittie, ', .,•
greations, which icon, ortoontiglogii
noiditer `Nfide Whole" Ansa Ivasinnetee tern ..part 140okt .Eayti:Old Road,
Solo "The rTgraozintio in Alcoa . de4r :FT tik7"4.6 gl° 'bagel; Iht gorie g art t• previous°13aaltding tecinr Sal roer on;
• baler Doherer
. 014) "spring 10 coining, 108i Limo the PretibyterY • allowing , the new
Mdress . Rev..30.1101084n church tO 130 10P.P.tVil, in Varna. The
lAtne_aAciateida.match O'or.Xv_nentiber7,..Kra- _
Richardson and Reidwho cited causes
r 0 dd. . mes, mureh why the new- 4 ureh should be
tett: toasts. , ,bullt eii the'old sit,e, The Presbytery
T b b . decided that the petition was notiregit-
Solo "Timo Baby' miss nowsen• petitione:rs Were repreamtod'hY Bl •
Thiett •Tiki h'
he ase all team is billed for AiIm '
`ol'eig on Priday lar and returned it to eoll1.9 throe h
, • . .„ g
utoanti 00.in carload of the Church -Session. The- fi14
- ' Mr, C. shipped ttre‘" Car
stoves on Tuesday...
.1°P4s Pat.tle fret -0 GOderich yeeiter:, AsotpateloPtc:i9mtbetebeinftgov,•. Tor. oith.,obou
Rev. B. Ciement Will„ tie home to
10..a.,:13rticerield congregation
of Renfrew Whlativocate the: claimii of,
of Hoge to Toronto onMiintlaY: , -.0aWyer of Westminater.,tias sustained
• Mr. S. 0, Sinithenf • pOrt it before the London Presbytery,
and Rev. Mr. Shaw appointed: to dup-
• nt , ppe ree car- t -TT
to be. held on
en y d h h the Pres -
take charge of his services next Sun-
bt in church in Canada hopes to
day. - • . edr:i 000
Viva potatoes taken front one hill la v°4•7 $
Tod Rattenbury's Patch Weighed fout
Porter's Bill.
pounds, nine Ounces.
the 0 tur un w
Mr, Thos. Cooper- has been ' danger- " Sas: McDonald and Bea Torrance
'misly for some Attys. am' 'a fatal paid .anangel visit. to Baytie
tertninatiOn is feared by the family, • day.
-- The foundry petiole sold four eepara.. Mr. B. C. „Potter and wife ve. gone
tor/ at the,Toronto Fair and their.. ex - I to Chicago Where"Mr, Potter is to % re-'
perienced represektatiVes. look. for ceive treatusenti „:tiope, that he
equal success 'London: "•• return a new Man, .` In 'their alt
, .
• Mr. George Larie ishaving consider- sence the store; is•baing superintended
able demand ter the -Imperial, a three:- by.Mies Ivison assisted by Mr. Mc-
ohvoerrapilolivorWghrioeuhnids icapablendayo! turning' Phail.-
. .
. One of the CarrollBros.,aprofessoioinin'a aTaMrorn. klaro .E.AairElliaiscr'Wteeetike.h7D411' irno: his
tom was killed by the kick of a horse, sister. bellitheeraecPh°7tli wash°y' having klieand hisa.bsYPI.!n.
,hotse traders, who lately visited
some daYs ago in the vicinity of Pert. did time* Will k°°w° 11°%°* -4°• enJ"
Albert.. , himself when he is ttwer4.
dr 'and Afro, &Ley, who have for Mr. W. G. Blair of Knicardinevisited.
a COUple of month,' been upon the Ho- friencla here Sunday.
tel Clarendon staff,;have genete Bay -
•field take the Management .,•of the
IliVer Hotel -
Twenty fire members of the Huron
'Presbytery dirted at the Ratterbury
House On Tuesday and as all but ' two
or so drovein,Mine Host Joe's etahles
.were Well-filled. • . • •
The Londesbore juhipr Epworth
League has invited the Leaguer' of
.Onterio. RattenhurY Street to
apen4 a social evening with 'them, On
lilies Kate She*, site of Dr, Shay/
cued at her home in Teeswater on Mona
day of heinorrhage tif the bowel% D.
Shaw went up to the funeral tvhich
took place' yeeterday.
The objects upon which Rev. • Mr.
Iltivitton may be expected .speak mn
the Rattenbury street church next
Sunday are I at 11 a.10.4 4'A. Clarion
Cell." At 13. 01.r"A moat Reniarlia'hle
Book." , . •
The regillerainion miatterly review,
serVices of the Rattenbury and.Ontala.
Mrs..eporge•Weston is on the etek
het.: • rs . .
Otis* Winnie Porter Of IV:Ingham ia
sPebding a pleasant vieit With relatives
and. friends. '
Kra Douglas, ,accompanied her
niece,' ,ridiss Dyke, of . Goileilch, are
epencling a few days at porter's 141fiats
.the guests of litre: Torrance..
Mr Benders -on oecunied the pulpit'of,
.Betbany church on Sabbath: and,
preached to a large 04 attentive au-
lfdies Bates of Detroit is rititing with
her aunt, Mrs.. •lilephall, • and 'ether
friends hi thie •
MisS,McDpugal of Egmenciville.who
haii been staying with her aunt, Mre.
ElltotkretioneO to her. home Saturday.
Mr. Jas. Handiten attendee the. Itt.
dustrial Fait tit Totorito and reports
having had a pleasant time, a
Mr, T. Battlei entertained a , fete
filen& Tuesday ereningt last week.
Dancingand other aintioenients were
freely enjoyed.,bythe host and gueste
County Con ention which will be held
in Olirtto out the ',middle of Oct,o-
her. De tea are expected, from the
ratio, Unione hi Huron., 4. prograrn
to include a Sehool •of Methods is in'
Course of preparation for the meairtg.
beief. Last :year tbe number of Btu,
dents lit attendanee at the Model
School Was twenty paid $145
In fees, This. term the rerentie from
tbill Witte WilIfell•t0-$15, there being'.
Only fifteen.teaebere-to-be en the roll.
Aarlause in the; PrinciPare report re-
, •
Church.-Re...v. E. B. Smith. last, Sal,- 1 al'Egve-e' rhyibRohdlYy.;4:00.13troeeclearitie:gileits cle/wIsca6y,.1*t.Ts..
' bath evening aelivered an able edatess ' • •
tedth - b°rtlatriheeht,x".6dfwcieallMilitg4.0enTLI3'ee'nleteasrseitysth,o!: now: running itlho:vanaoirratoirs.wWiethe a.-f:,ill
. M. Norman ',Mitchell Of Exeter, is
vital, union with the True Vine; - " • : .
force of hands and is preparedle buy
OPRWereenrbiiesdatylieeTellnirgYlririffnow 40ewtillloggi!les 'all Etehaetralticel),Itehsetsheavteant..ye• ebarr7o1igaht daughterl. n '
. , ,
change in church service. • . -,
Anionic on Hill's flats wee from. '‘ . , r . Pilgrim, bur village tailor, was
_, , . . - .
••• ' beeeT;r;71,mbitttoenmtrh:eBotohmetrtide.ay utlyerast:daoc:
-pSb. eeatettuineir4add;se:roh.ifoTs:a.i:an'leinlhileellttr4s1.13tterirnoc.tn411°Inw:,.11"011::kdeirli?e: ,' ". c17,0 na:ndr badlyrE'leo:.::89etsr jaaAn'i wspgcce:u• 1. ftenr: i Ile sd74 03 :ha;aa ;Iva' pi had:::::::tbe bee •
have began OPerations. Plank is ex7: " torn put. , A. cloartor ots.o blob nearet,.
' I'Daeler,wt ThellaSt St:We Ipagnitgaawbbo.uent °It7e301..me•s* tongue as large as bar thttrilb,' Wa$ al0
' There is toe much threshing on DOW', bitten off. Beatriee hore, the, injure
Master Sanderson . of • Winthrop patiently mid. in a few cla .11 ,b,
the gees; ofeMn r.. u0-'.saraerie,.!nr . 'e • 7 87 ' .1.1 IVIhrt. Gagain.orge 'Reid of Bay City; Mich.,;
en!: itsbseMgittlecshteollfomf Mr.
Geo. 1;3 faHill, at Pres' 'la on a 'sit to his mother, Mrs. Sohn '
.. ,Real, sr., and his sister. Glatt,to .have ,
v• isrtiteivn..g7a,340.7tailktyintigf Delhi is :el:tee:I:Isl.:,
4._ , _ ..._ . • him .
h6e.se in ,Bay oft y ' . where he, belongs
,haleaannodonhgesatrtu3sr. ac;idcetomhoeraerlciocokiiiiisigs•as6p.
-inu'lqubrr184::;13E17, 1 f:ci ti:vrielinu, ... :1°214ns:8'h:6o:8 i es og ien ink saa•sfett"; . . le or 1! "t.' ;i deservingBrigade, which ofI i bast oi nfoetwi 0 nin ei n "deur:
green en route. . . • - , to the ,. 13raso.nattoned .tiehY14tell;
Brievakpite.hpatacri.teicnogrdinifayuosutrr ni.litibb. in, seemagrosn. trasretahti:wol4dc;givtaarlalevyisbitOiny.8,, a• i`le; '
a flourishing Condition especially. With father's,- Mr: janies J‘Ohns, has returri.:
9116-5't °i•tr .e.it'zens• • ' ed V: her home in Chicago.
. • , . .
. .u. Watkin Moved his household et. mt,..a.otnos Amystrong,s cooper shop
teivt a h°01 I:: .11 e 8 ci a..7 .Of-, til, is ' vriek. • to his ,tisorastbbensayp,pe,;7anc.kbeerhanstlingoutbarrels
. Mr, F. 0. Moilveen and wife also,Mr. A . . . •
allcBrien and Miss Millie Sundayed
at Eph. Ball's up 'the Line. .• .• .
a sudden appearance on Monday eyen- The Methodist choir picnicked in
ing. Henry has,liad quite a peep at ''B
home, ad boys.
the West in six months..., Welcom
. •
seem late for out -door events of One
ayfield on Tuesday. The date may
° nature, buttheweather hes, been -so
• venture it. • Wet:re giad to hear ' thab
pleasant of . late that they 'decided. to
they had a pleasant time: :This is an
. efficient' Choir, regal:1r in attandaSees •
after [he
hTeedierplrl,erheoterweeastleirri,limrve:: tbieonititseninntionrimshoin4,40thditt,atchierii et. /airy egn
are none of . your 'Wet scads although : deserved &holiday, • . -
we :enjo3;ect the treat Of cc:teeter:int:balls • Dr.:McCallum. hits two assistants:
whiela Was served to the inent'heig On Welker, eth Year Trinit,yatid Itrhitely, • . -
Monday night week ata stillthere are grd.yeai Toronto.: The Drat friends itt
cuure..tn follow 'Government§ May go Iiiiibirjeithihsteo,i„doutoecohakliaet:ozh that he s meetlng
is olci hotue 'will bo
blithaaecv.kont,no:erTutiemaeniiddefrilitaioict:Vinet. t...bpiat'anttaeyd,i tn thls section and.
ua hair a good praptice,,
lielp,i1S•and he helped: 4
:WAS 00rEt,Pergaserl'Wili • itir'*oia..aeakertantui.
Model in 'podepreh this terni. . • -
„ .
Mr. Richard,: Wife,' and son of. ' W. itontiedge bad eii.etten.
Brussels,. , fortrieriy of Auburn, were . sive ;lotion Bete of farm steek and • int -
visiting tete ' plemento last Thursday when good
Mr, andiMraloe* of Hellett were. prices were , especially' tor
,guests of thalyit sees' SYMIngton... • horses and eattle. The total
Mr ad. ¥r, awl aaogir. ein000tea $Liko, Tha•welt.
„,.. ,J4_, '•••
ter lally were the •guests Of Mrs, A: atteifotitter, Thonies BOW
Itebetteon, • . the liaminer with his -n. al ability.
kiss 11. irinkAil, un'aved 'home:, plfiis, Crick is down Witlt ait att.,
dn:1411311 tig'CiVig"4.rhIttlittagg l'tnhdetoiirinitheter4 onifetrjohenr;! "Mk i6sfsIndeitithtli"S°11imiapann, .tlf, tendon' Who •a;
Mv sloGeo. has been the guest of Mies Jetitilson: ,
Miss. Weatheral spent &MOO Of the London Road peat fort. '
With friends at Stoith'sligh night; returned. . ' het hemp. on Mon
Miss O. *Knight of Vile back. to day last. •
her old place at A. Ramon's, • ' Phoebe is•this Week 'a
Mr S. • Ilelwig bas secured. a saint* the giiest of her Meter Annie and other,.
tion. 'friend': in London., -
Mitites. Barbara, tAttin itod Bertha. A. number of our People, took in the
Vouneadut have iteenied wort in Gode- Western Pair London thlsweek.
r miss t Mason of 10.,0. .-h Is ;t: guest thrisawilewokhaeat seeding Intel -zed • 7
of the Miens. Younghltit. ' • • • • Mr. Wm. Grant has been btleY, the.
Miaees liable arta Minnie Marsh are past week buntline a centetit millet tut- -
home ;tor their lielidaya, also their der one of his honses. Rather simple -
:brother freril the States. • lonalooklngrWillIe
H. Outhe lost a tntinichla steer Mies Maud Montgomery of ' 1
has been Spending the pastweek . with
lob weak. , ;
Mr.; 11, • Aiddall ifflia .visit to frietide thie leeitlity. •
•Lotrdeshoro friends- • • Apple picking and packing is the or.
Welah Guidon yielting her der of the day,
Oster, 1.1m. 3..Tones, who is Very,Sick, Mr, Thos. Jennison visitecl Mods • A r
Me. R. .Sonee has reiserned home near ItilIsgreen on Sunday,
boot the Weet. • .- • . Mr. W. Nott tweeted first for his drie •
•: Mr. 'arrow has retwoned groin var in -London this week. •
the Soo Sr sojorn with Atibtirn Mr and MN Xesitton °rich of Glinitiatt'7; :a
• . " burled thole baby girl at Tot*
ftlitesta.41t, and Mel. Henalerson pee a cemetery on Titeedite4ailt. The
flying vial. to Auburn hist *eek, both pithy of old friendeltate fe
host an tts ess an ng et
Hey, W. G. Howson conducting the Seale& Adorer have lately iiitelVed. parture to their respective homes 604
aervicee at house and graveside, ordere for monuments from the follow- poen forgetting the festivity wbiob.
Many nitizens Were present to witnesa Ing perhoba I Dr. Gordon, Lueknow, commemorated ottinothin
Robt. Chambere, Lueknow. Arai. Me- day., „: - ••*•••
the lowering into their last resting
plade of the remains of one who had Cowen, Stanley. a. E. Jackeon, Set- Glen Itathanaltlailit Ben Elliott, who
,livea imiong them for so rattily years. forth, Henry Jones, Dural paatieO the P. S. examination credita
, A
The pitill-liettrere Were t -Gorge Swat- • II'. Ord Ur- ow, hexagon° to Goderich to' Attend
M.,(0.._,,(., the o g ate e Ish t em suo.
number of Re*
1 W Dania M Cory! William Jones form* tO this says `Mephitis of stttd. titer ebegregation atreetWat0) g 0 ne w w h
George Oordon. cision not to grantPrinutty cartithsatet Sittulay drove down, to hear him,
ente lesmall Ode year owing to the de- - that he Was to preitaa wio - on cositi
Santee Shepherd, Thoulas IdachetiZie, •
tare. s, MeDougaill le en the tick list.
" after 1898. There ate fifteen in attend- a token ofaporeciation thatioust have • We trust ahe mayor:on recover. '
,aleriibti Septet:Win* Wedding.
Two more were aaeigned to the pleased the reverend gentlenian r. Ames am ton tut theitile fur-
.tolosa tho ronowing r-Ahalattrerent * ..t.,,, . • . at the Statidatil Elevator abd Will re. , lose b, pireeon of (ninon sondayta
in thettioeith eirelea 'of Petrone, took '"''''' ' : celee at all houre six days in the week. at hr parents home. .
'Piece on To:elide). at the reticle:lice of rowl*Palalts• • .,„... , ,, eau. ' Add to the coundetice the nubile have The Misses Morgan after a lengthy
the bride's father; Dinferin averele, Ittrri Mr.P'reed.,6t wingne; e,.1. in the personnel 0(60 firm, their will visit ainoni friends and relativea here,
When llgyilllitto kl, Newcombe one pied the Baptist tednit hist airktar** ingneas to pay the highest prieesgaIng
,The Petrone. Topic Of last week con- oructiofbnt tieobied, to on 'at sometbing7. Holmes& swab are how „At mole
tune to lose his driver.
'af Chi •" leading /Ming' 'bus1iness both &Ili, and having MOO eal
ilon't*think I shall to near you men, wits united In marriage to -Mise exchange With Rev. 1 T. idurdne
Della Brownecont be. The ceremony 'the tongregellons were much pleased
' coon,
dona a
. • d t• Y to Wag performed by Hen. Mr. Philip of with the reverend geutleman s
, • to fib and yon. like a niee (may fitting being wittemed by the immediate being absent on bit' hcilidays. hie Pull*
t want ts s on o
on e your oa an Your an the Methodiet church, the marriage itte.-.Pastor Clement of °aerie greet
Spring Overcoat., Yotii Etat won't friertds of the entitraating parties. Mr., was occupied the plornitor by now.
look 11 "f 't d it fit. Th t ' th 'vietat nrevewefflue eappottea the liewcombe, who is 0Yerread$
groore,the bride having the asoistance to rander the church a erv1ce Zut the
tilid of fits vo% give our elitt°146711' of Mist Minnie'sloyee, The bride look. evening Mr. 'loads FOstert 'AO 15
--have returned to Detroit,
and. •tliey make a strong team. _
Miser:fettle Irwin, Who has tor eetn t Illyth. ,
time beeti an tiesistant in Fide* hook -
*tore, and by reaton, of his courterry Oranbrooli and Illyth played football
and amiability wait very popular' with in the park on Thnrsday night Ittet.
the patrene of that establisluttent, hat The game Molted in a draw,' -neither,
ratigned the peettion atid, been sec olds seating a goal,
ceeded by Mini Nettle Maim, late Of
'000per's bookstore. •
• At ' the Christian • Etkleiton
and guarantee good iite -end you Carl then giVii .ea charming a gown of white tal. quite at home hi the pniPiti delivered meeting ehnveb, men.
the other kind of fits. Give ne a trial tc fit You oat ill it nice eta, with en orefareas of ink orgasdie, a fluent arid logical disoagne. ItlAti•ac..0 , somewhat recovered in health.
Sprini Suit. 'You I3e inore than pleasid for lee Make
omen:Rifted with true lover's kdobii and always atte"ntively listened gell'o'4"3,11g, weet""
ion:tvrilitiele" 117f °Ini°./11Tbt°111 °21e/tidaY' being
n . evening the ignnieivs. rovhad age hope tot, ht had in the Temperenee hen oo estro
speola ty of giving better valtres and better ato than any house ,Irgartu" fie" fie 11° of
of the groom, The brideeine.0 vo te- pulpit of Walls church both A.M. and
thfigift Mr. Murray of gineardine oecuPied the on, 0 ivredmyvery tick *I A Omit/graph entertanment was
In town. We are practical tailors and ail lit fi• eta a advalf
‘- asmlngly *bared in mousseline de sole p.m. ttev.A.Stetairt 1. (mooted home :teniwatinrtdOnerlistrsecteut TionTht efttri 614"(11146("ibrS'
Messrs, Istepkt Stobliers and Virtu:
Moser were in Goiania* on Pride*.
triser HO wood, who has bow visiting
ab Mr. Thsume iteriroy's, left for her s,
• Say evesing,
kt; Ot Osissels gave *
'Wife peakirtnearee on.
dtbsult; ovrea hj
And best of WI our prises lit our ket book, In tha. over work and OW WM 0. hat*. bbli week" but hie eotrgeootion &tin° tha te,04, ,f • • 0.-
readly made department Ire hav.e JIW M4f140 70 #12.00 . am"' P"r1 Ptul °°°"''" t° ° al° '14°4*. 41i 116111/18 Win Th• (10.1r4 Balla win Oyu too
,tite 1,00 eastiti for tarenivillliaatadritit•httevett titottikr ing tro tibto elotile of Leto,*
atest styles and patterns, . the cerimeny. a silltraVtUans httiabldril Sunday *she. has iirreagea Iv air aotoort ThmiK131.*
bbvte partaken ot, after Whinb the hap• ohs ge with Rev. ikr. Shim of 33/g- nen.appettrittroi
' aloe lie Da andiff. •via.
• •
Illieggra. A Ingarervieei ha SO. NO* bluff& Toronto, gte "attuned Megan., he
n' *In
p .,11N-4',4444:tf4 \
were pro* wog atte6dedietputially&mm the aWntbg, soloti by roar bria
rad the Urge Wept,
4'40 te he a proit rat
Ittgl VIA 'VA *Al A Ur. Rohn* of 3"
.1" bee Joined the
"I'% eighteen Onto
We are sorry tp *tate the death of
the wife of otte Of the old pioneers of
Colborne, Mrs. Gordon rtung„ who
itisied away last Priday Iftetneen.
bar I took plan Mentlay ater-
Erloariant thatk ,Toitit4
Mr. Sorry
eon on Monday
and 1.11
` „