HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-07, Page 84 Going to School? 114 ME CLINTON NAVS.RECOlin, We want to see you if you are about e,bont yeur *Awl supplies. Text books, Meeting the vequireinents are all on ode hei e. School Begs, Pencils, Lock- ed liox, Rubber Pencils, etc,, variety, arni in s with a price advAntage for you. Ouit 50. LooxED Box is a leader, it is stronger, better fin. haled and more practical than any we have before eeen for the muney, A LEATHER BAG is a needful for your child. We have all sizes at same price as we gave them to you last year and that was cheaper than you bought them before. SCRIBBLERS • in a variety of qualities,, shapes and r es, Styles yon will like anti prices you will appreciate, BoOK 00VR.S adjustable to any sized book go foe the asking with every book bought from us, A I-IARD WOOD RULER with, every purchase on School Opening day. These are much superior rulers to what you usually get. We have a limited quantity only for the* early • comers. 'Be on hand and secure one. 'We have done our part to make it a benefit for you to buy your school sup- plies from us, Often the Cheapest, Always the Best. The I D. Fair Co, oLwToN. , Agents Parker''s Bye Works. • New Advertisementg. The Pairtif Shoes -Jackson Bros Fresh Groceries -W. Duncan 5 Servant Wanted -Mu, Brower . 5 During Hot Wesither-Sydney Will Please Fou-Newcombe's Mrs. S. Pike is the gdest of her eon In Toronto, idrox. next Potts visited Toronto Mends this. week. Miss Lena Doherty returned to Toren - to Monday. About o 00 WHERE THEY ARE AND WHAT 0 EY ARE DOING, We 14.11 0 W Mise E.Stephenson has returned toiler sated In lima% Wow Grace Wade of Wingham ing trienda in town. Miss 1.41111e Johnson 'hos been visiting friends in Belgrave. Miss Flossie King ot Dashwood spent Labor Day at home. Mr. J. Holmes of Wiatton bas joined the staff &Jackson Bros. Miss Fanny Oatling of Goderich visit- ed her parents on Monday. Mrs. George Stewart Was the guest of Seatorth friends this week. Dr. Blacken was called to Mitchell professionally on Saturday. Miss Basile Byo returned this week front visiting in Port Stanley. Mrs. D. McCuaikrreturtied Monday from a visit to he son in Harristan. Mr, and Mrs. G. A. McKee returned to their home in London Monday even- ing. Miss Nettie Cowan of Goderich was the guest of Miss Mary Matheson this week, Misses Hannah and Nellie McKenzie spent Saturday to Monday with Sea - forth friends. Mr.. G. F. Loft of Burnside, Mich., is visiting "friends in town and Gorie- r -len township. • , • Misses McKellar and •Oatripbell of Stratford have been the:guests of Miss E. Webb, Miss Cruickshank of Sarnia is the guest of Miss Whitely and ether tIllinton friends. Miss Winnie Paisleywho has been at home foe several weeks, bas return- ed to St. Thomas, Mr, William Marshall and family of London were guests of Mr. W. 0. Searle this week. . . Mr. Alt. Rance, late with 3. E. Hovey, has gone to Toronto to attend the College of Pharmacy. Miss Doyle has returned to town and is again in charge of the inttlinery department at the Palace. Miss Maruie MeOreath of Goderich was ' the guest of Miss Lizzie Tivitchell.for a few days•this past week. Mr. j. A,. Cooper of the Canadian Magazine rind bis wife and child are visitingfriends in. Clinton. Misses Mottle Watson. and Allie Emigh of.Blyth were guests of Mrs. D. B. Kennedy on Thursday. ei-itic;i1.erec;mbe fat Tuesday a. n3-. for Winnipeg.. • Miss Josie Witts spent a few days in Goderich last week. Miss Nettie Stevens spent a few days of this week in Blyth. - Miss Campbell of Goderich is assisting at the postoftice.this week. . Mr. E. Latta, of London Was a guest at Mr. 11. W.4Jook's Monday. Miss Edith Greig, of London is the griest of the Misses Combe. • , Mr. J. Macdonald of Goderich visited ..-friencls-in-the-aub last --week, -- Miss Rosie Herrington ia on an extend ea visit to taanctorrand Stratheoy. • Miss Winnie Young of Bayfield was the guest of Miss Laura Olson this week. Miss Edith AlcEwan of Hansen was the , guest of Miss Jean Ceding last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson visited Bayfield and Stanley remade en Mon- day Mrs. 'John • Mason of Blyth was the guest of Mrs. Robt: Mason this week past. Miss Myrtle McMath 'visited Goderich friends last week, returning on Sat- urday. , Mrs. Chat. Wilson and twit children haye beenepending the past week in Guelph. • • • . Editor Green of the Tavistock Gazette . was a guest at Mr.John Croll'e over Sunday. ; • 4.". Misses Tenn, McCuaig and Lizzie Twit- chell visited friends -in Seafortha'Am Monday. • . • Mr. Williani Cantelon visited his daughter, Mrs. Brooks of Mitchell, this week. , • Misses Nicholson and Johnstone of Godericb were the guests4 of Miss • e- Etoggarth Monday. Mr. George 11. Thompson of St. Marys is spending a few weeks.with latse brother, Dr. Thompson. • Mr. 3. Carr of the :organ factory staff spent Sunday and Monday at his home in Winghard. Miss May Herman of Wingham and Miss Minnie Herman, London, have been at home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rends of Constance spent Frida.y at the home of their. son, Mr. Jabez Rands of town. , •Mr. A. J. Ford of Woodham was in town Saturday and Sunday and as- sisted at Newconibe's opening. • Miss Edith Simpson of London and Mies•Phoebe Jennison of the London Road have returned from their visit in Goderich. • Mrs. John McNaughton and Miss Maude have returned from their pleasant visit in Michigan, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and other cities. Mrs. nOrate Foster and Miss Aletha, and. Miss Winnie O'Neil, who bad been visiting iv Dundas and Hamil- ton tor a few weeks, returned on Saturday. Miss Minnie Eel., deughter of Mr. 11.B. Ker'arrived home Saturday from Bayfield where she had been spend. ing scene days with her grandmother Mrs. Miller. • Mrs. John Oallander, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Will liar- landaand other relatives and Mende in town, returned home to London on Saturday. Miss Lizzie Brickenden, daughter of Mr. E. Brickenden of Hullett, who has been very ill for months, is now rapidly convalescing and is spending a few days in Goderich. Mrs.. John Davidson and two children of Stanley spent a few days of the past -week with the former's sisters, Mrs. James Eagleson, Mrs. Peter Ker and Mrs. H. B. Ker. Mr. Fred Tomlinson of the London Road has been "killing two birds with oneetone " this past week, viz., visitingToronto friends whom he has not seen for years and the Exhibition as well, thong those who attended the Toron- to Exhibition. this past week were: Mr. and Mrs, W. Meonell, Wilber Manning, Mr, and•Mrs. David Fell, George b'reernan, Mr. and Mrs. John McClacherty, Mr, and Mtg. Robert Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Irwin, Miss Me Wheatley, A. Porter, 11. Hunt, and T. Mason, • Miss toles returned home last week 'from Crookston, Minn., accompanied by her cousin, Judge Watts,. who will remain until the 10th inst. His honor is a native of Stanley township from which he departed about a score of Years ago for the Westwhete he studied law and now occupies a seat upon the bench. Such positions in Yankeeland are the direct gift of the people and was won by Mr. Watts -.• by a tidy majority over his opponent for a six-year term, Judge Watts Mother is a resident of Clinton and Mr. George Watts of TackersMith is "st cousin. Mr. and Mrs. George Lavie were in Toronto this Week and though the Exhibition had it certain anaonnt of attraction for Mr.. LaVIS it is easy guessing that he apent considerable ef his time around the Illassey4ittrris display and at the big WOrks. me firm la bonding a new hinder which basalt the good pointe of the present meanie With the additional advant- age of being Much lighter In draft. A new mower is also beim, conetrueted which will permit of a stoner econ- omy of horse power. To make an examination of these new Imple- • ment* WAS Mr. /AYR? prime motive In going to the elty at the present time. • • . ••• t i MUSA Battery oncinoarcituo unitecl of McKillop visited friends on the 7th e Urta. Tholuas Robinson of Clinton ita visiting her glister, Mrs. J. W. Elliott. Mr. William kindle end Mlos kindle in Marriage to Our Popular concession this week. YOUllg TOWHOG111;14 MY.- A, T. Wes Greta Brown of Tiverton is vls. Ring Mende In this townehip and blooper, i Stanley. ! The ram of Thursday night last did rtn Lovely weateer greeted the marriage an enooue amount of good In this of Miss A.nnie Louise, eldest daughter) township, Grass that woo dry and of Mr. Robert Sellery of Kin- brown len beigbe green again I we have cardine to Mr. Albert T. Cooper, the been able to get our fall wheat in • the A September Wedding tIoderleh Township. poptilar bookseller of -Clinton, MIMIwelle have beetx replenishedand. the haptythe ride's parents on Wednesday, the inia. • Oth of Septeniber. A.bont fifty . gowns Mr, Thornas J'enkins lost another assembled at half -past eleven ti'Cloek 8heen Lin Sunday, making the twelfth Alp - and witnessed one of the prettiest ibosrinis 0,4 from the Injartep inflict, . events of the season. After feartalt- ed by dogs last week. Nor is this the ing of a delicious., wedding din- fleet time Mr. Jenkins' flock has Butter- event took plaice at the home of dose which wag i, tiches deep has beim Miff It! ft? tr It? WM VIM? ittittIV IttitIM VW!!! trittlfftff Writ? IttlItilt litittitt ner the 'bridal d to the station, boarded the two Party r°ve ed iu this wayand, so ft as he is con • E cerned in future there will be few-., o'clock train for Clinton, where theY Rs. dugs or fewer sheep, •,-- arrived.at 4.15 and immediately settled The annual farmers picnic was held down in their home on. Fulton street. on W. 13. Forster's flats on Saturday ..... The customary trip .bas in this case hist. Football and boating were the been Postponed for a ro°°111.' when leadingfeatures aside' from the -pleas- li-- Ma, and airs. Cooper will journeY ant social intercourse& the mere aged down 'the beautitul St. Lawrence, and less aetive, . This eventis a pleas - At the appointed bout' the wedding Ant outing annually after the pressure Lavanha been -in Toronto the past fortnight in attendance epee her daughter who has been ill. Miss Ida Murphy, who had been the guest of Stratford 'friends for several .days, returned home Thursday. Miss Gunn, Who spent the summer with her uncle, Dr. 'Gunn, returned to her home iq Boston Monday. Mr. Tipledy visited the Industrial • Fair this week and also old friends an4scenes in and about Whitby • • . Mr. and Mrs. James Couch end Mr.and .Mrs. Murray of St. Thomas were • Mr. and Mrs. Webster ane_Miss Mabel Webster of Prestori,-were guests of theirdaughter, Mrs. R, Greisla; the forepart of the week.' Miss Allis of Buffalo `is visiting Mrs. Carter of Victoria street, while Miss Carter from London has been spend- ing a few days at home. • procession entered the. drawing room of the harvest season and is thus high - and the ceremony was performed by ly welcomed by the invited partwi- Ftev, VV. Rigsby of Kincardine. The OD.. Pants bride was accompanied by Miss Minnie Kr..J. O. Elliott received word from Bowers as maid of honor and Miss Bete the vielniAv of tittcknOW last ThursclaY .17.-- that Sellery as brAdesinaid. The groom met with wassupported ,by bis brother, Mr. Er.' that Hr. HenrY O. Cook, had i an accident and was very seriously in- = nest H. Cooper, The bride carrying a jured, Mr. Elliott left for the scene at ' shower limpet of white roses end once but to hie joyful surprise found r....- 'wearing a ricb bridal veil of silk brus- that there wee not_inuch _Wrong -with . r....- sale net and orange blossoms, looked govvreen train. with a yoke of embroid- satin „Cook. It seems that while driving on handsome in an ivory duchess the highway he was rug into by two young men who were racing their hoe- yr:. eree .chition. Miss Bowers wore a pink• see. Cook was thrown out of his rig ..... organdie dress trimmed with white sat- and had bis fe,ceentendelost a, couple Sir, in tiebe ribbon and Miss Sellery •,wast gowned in White organdie . trimmed of teeth but they. were of the kind that '- any dentist oan sepply, When Mr • • vvith white satin bebe ribliqe,.. Both Elliott arrived the man he had been - ' . • carried boquets of pink' roses. ..lhe given reason to believe; was on the road . .- benuty of the scene was enhanced' by to Kingdoin Come was out boying es -- • - PAP? - OF . SHOES. The pair of shoes to a man who has to provide for a moderately large family is a mighty big item and his pur chases for a ear anaount to a considerable sum. A difference in price of from 10 to 16 per eent. means a large saving to him and he should be able to take advantage of all chances in this way. tlis first plan is to pay cash, His next move is to pick out the place handling good quality because poor goods are dear at any price Our Shoe department is just sucla a place, We are carrying the best goods we can buy and our prices are not equalled by other dealers. We save $1000 a year in expenses compared to the old way of doing business and there is no excuse for us selling a little cheaper. Nothing succeeds like success, and the success of our Shoo depart- ment is an evident fact te all hu)ers. We say thou our goods are not equalled iu price by any dealer in the west, and wo are prepared to back it up. Mr. Elupay; who has been a member:of .Hodgens' Bros," staff for. several " weeks, left on Saturday for :London *here he hail secured a situation: Mrs. Colville and two children of Jack- son, Mich.'who have been guests of Mrs. John Cunningham for the past ieturned Ilene) yesterda,y. Councillor Jones, Mrs. jonesand Miss • Jones went up to Goderich Satan, day to vielt friends. The Councillor only remained until Monday p, in, the elaborate house decorations In •which pink carnations 'and.aPPlee• Mr. John Trewaetha has sold a driver '- ferns la ed a protninent part. The briNe Kas_beeri one of the most popular young ladies of Kincardine, a fact which was strongly in evidence in the display of the numerous and hand - sortie wedding presents. .- She will be . missed . in _ many social circles where - her talent and gracefu manner have been preciated .and the place she occupied in church work especially. will he a difficult one to fill. Kincardine's loss ' will be Clinton's gain. The grodna will receive rnany congratelatioris for be has meny friends.• In Clinton as book- seller and earnest church worker he holds the highest, esteem of many, as CA-Setedtatfy Of tM he -inn -County Christian Endeavor Association he Can hardly be more universally respected Latins district and as Secretary of the. Ontario Society , of C. E. of E. L. he has attained to a provincial repu- tation. Among the . Many cost- ly • presents to the bride were a piano from • the greorre a sit, ver tea; set from their friends of Kincet•dine, end a Japanese set from W.: 0. Cooper of Winnipeg. The maid of honor -and bridesinaid were present- ed with opal•rings by the geoone It is - to be hoeed,thet• e.•lang_lite_bleeeeds With-r-iiirefiliappiness is to be the for- tunate lot of this .yeung couple in . Whose posseesion Clinton rejoices. THE NEw-Rheettn is pleased to tender con-. gratulathins, • 1 often b . At the recent meeting' of the High Court of Ancient Fcirresters. Mr. James Dunford of town was appoin- ted District .Chief Ranger for Huron. Mrs. McGirr and family left on Mon- day for Chicopee Fall. Conn., where they intend to teside. Mr. John Mc- Girr of the G. T. R, accoMpanied ' them as far as Niagara -Falls. Mr. Jarnes Horton of near Hensail was intown over Fridev , night on his way hoin from ine Nor. West . whither be ead been with a cerload, of horses,theh third thisseason. ,Mrs. L. McKibben and stm, Mr. :Wel- ' ton McKibhon of Wingham are the guests of Mrs. F.W. Watts this week. Mr. Walton McKibben will remain in town .and • attend the Collegiate ' Institute. . • • Misses P. Moore. 11. Moore and A.Kerr of Hensall and E. Moore of Cromar- ty, accompanied.hy° Mr..D.,•McCall, .. Jr.. and j. 'Hoggarth ' of Hensel], calledlast Week upon the latter's sister, Miss M. A. Hoggat th. Mr. A. J. Allan, organizer for the So- ciety of United Workinen, has been in town the past week laboring in its interests. As the result there has . been a considerable increase in the membership of the Meal lodge. Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., was in Toronto and Pickering Saturday and Sunday and on his return on Monday was accompanied by his • family who spent a couple of months , at the lakeside with Mrs. J. T. Cheer, Mrs, It. alutferham of Joliet, Ill., and, Mrs. R. J. McGill of Chicago, who have been the guests of Mrs. P. W. Watts, started for their home on • Friday inst. ,They were Accompanied. by Mrs. Jas. McGill, who will make them an extended vteit. Owing to illness Miss Bolds has been obliged to rest from her various dut- ieeancluding that of organist of Rat- tenbury street church, but the church officials have been fortunate in securing the services of Mrs. Mc - Hardy -Smith, who after a good deal of persuasion, has consented to take the position temporarily. Mr, Walter Riddell of Lontlesboro re- turned last week from Manitoba where he had been visiting hie sons and in convetsetion with Mr. James McOoolgated that the crop pros - peas were iinmense and when he left the farmers were nbout, the middle of their cutting. As an in.. stance of the good sized fields he said that his son one inorning gave the .boys a "stint" and being curious to know the extent of it he enquired and found it consisted of fifty acres. The bnys kept the binder humming nntll three o'clock next morning and it was started again ab frier. Mr. Simon Henry returned the ether day from Manitoba where he had been for a couple of months and was so much impressed by the outlook that he may yet decide upon permit - nen bly locating there, The fact that his two sons are now prairie farmers will have somewhat to do with in- ducing him to go West. The pro- vince, Mr. Henry says, will boom this fall AS the result of the good crops which will eattSe both hard cash and immigrants to flow into the country. He heard a great deal about the Doukhobor& while 111 the province hut nothing favorable. The settlers appear to have taken an in. tense dislike to the ex -Russians who make their women pull the plough. Drysdale. Mr. W. O. Cleave has Invested in partner in the North-West, We hear, We wish you joy, Charlie, and may all your troubles be little ones, Dr. Mister and sister apettb Sunday at Maple Grove. A number of our townspeople took hi the Toronto Exhibition while others Intend going to London. Some of the north end people plc. nicked at the Grand Bend on %dues. day. Packing apples is the order of the day. Mr. John Moffat is again at business proved In bealth Oar North-West boys teporil +rood. in eonnection with the grain trade. Mrs.A. Wilkin of Clinton and Mrs, 'tasty. A itrated I Prices Aft somewhat low, The her. Parlmer of Londesboro were the Vestie Shalt ow, guests of Urs, Suridercock last week. crop hub badiy hailed , aticl to Mr, J. Miller of, Holrnesville, . On Tuesday evening. Aug. 290,Nor• man Orr, of Moue, Mills was drowned while bathing in the Humber river. His father, Rev. J. Orr, who was visit- ing* his father at. Goderich,wes tele- graphed for and where he arrived the, body- had just been recovered, having been • in the water over seventeen home,The body WAS found in sixteen feet of water, ebout eight yards from the shore.' Norman' had. been •wheel- ing and being tee warm when he -went into the water he took cramps. His coMpanion tried to save hire but in vain. Therenettus ,were.'.1mought_to.., Godeeich and. the, funeral took place on Thursday at four o'clock, the • re- mains , being interred in Maitland cemetery. The shock to his parents was terrible; but in this sad bereave- ment they recognize the Hand that never errs, • . • • In that great, cloister's. stillness ,and seclusion • • By (guardian angels led ; • • • Sae from temptation,safe frOm. sin's . Pellation, • • • • ,; • . He lives,• -whom we call dead. • Varna... .Ouriosity.-e--Mr. Thomas Ward had a very strange cpiadrupecion. exhibition lest week, It..WAS A chicken with.foer distinct legs, :four wings .and ' two threats With but one .head. One paie of logs was! in its peeper place wlaile the •other set was u. little above the firstkpair. One set of Wings was else in its proper place and the other set just a little. behind. It W,tS 11 singular lpoking creature.' It lived for a .short time only .aftee eomiug • out, ' of the Runaway. --.While • Mr, W.'. Elliott was corning •hoinelitst Tbursdity night his horse took fright infront of Mr. Robinson's andthrew himin the ditch,. emashingthe buggy considerably,. While -04r. Elliott sustained it few in- juries. The night was One of the dark- est this seeson.and the rain added disa- greeableness to thepeculiar situation.. Mrs. H;iggins, we are pleased to •an - flounce, 1.9 unproving very -nicely,- bet it will take time and patience for com- plete recovery of strength. `. • ' • • Mts.. Sayers of London returned home Wednesday after very faithfully waiting on Mrs. Higgins on her visit- ing tour. '" • • .• Mr.•McKie• returned home MonertY night arta Mrs- McKie Tuesday from visiting friendsand relatives in and about Bright. . ' . • : ' ; • . Quite .a. number of the Citizens in- tend to take in the. Western Fair at London.. ' • ' • Messrs. Foster and Purdy, took in the Toronto Exhibition last week and no doubt Other attractions also. • Messrs. S. Moffatt; J. T. Cairns,Rete. Mr. McDonald and Mrs.- Arthur •Stey- enson went to Toronto this week. Two More Runaways. -While kr. Charles Reid was coining borne from Brucefield the horse stepped upon board which flew ug and.frightened it. Mr. Reid in trying to stop it, ran in to the .tence, but it made a bound and turned leaving buggy and all sitting there and struck . out for home, Mr. Wanless caught it coming into the burg. Buggy and harness were some- what broken,hutMr. Reid got off very safe. Mi. Edward McAsh was dos- ing the gate on Par Line place the horse started off not waiting for the driver.. It circled around the 'English chew& Without mitering a thing and then down home running thrteigh the gate, • When some of them ran out to cateh it, ie 'whirled round end out striking one hind vvheelageing a post and bending the axle. Itis a pity such should happen, being a new buggy and a horse shortly 'broeen• in. Local Convention. -The local con- vention 'of District No. 8 will meet nt Varna- next Saturday. ,A good gather- ing is expected. Mr. Charles Johns, :whe has been vis- iting at homeand vicinity, returned to Chicago last Friday to go on duty again. Is Is reported on good authority that the Vitowill be in running order about Friday. • The appIepackers have been through and about all the fall Apples are peel- ed. It did not take long as the crop was light. • The recent rains were much welconi- ed and now the wheat ground will be in No. 1 shape for the seed; The roots also will be benefited thereby and pas- ture for the animals. • Mr. and Mrs, Etcher -cif-Bluevale left -n--a-recent - exceirsio rirlo Mithitolle- , with the intention of locating there. Mrs.. Etcher is a native -of this towit- ship - and lived fer years- on the Oth „concession where' she is best known as .Mise Sarah Young, ' daughter •of the late Henry .Young..• • , • • • . . KIPPen. Mr.IeriacJarrott and daughter have; we ere glad to state, recovered from their recent illness. Mr. George Mulholland is convales- cent and WAS .able \ to attend church 'eat Sabbath, Three members of the Executive Committee of the Sabbath School As- sociation , of Tuckersmith, Hay and Stanley Met for business in St. An- drew's church last Monday evening. Reit. W. Gauld, returned missionary froni Formosa, has commenced hit tour among the churches, • • Mr. W. Oudniore our bar king, has gone to Liverpool o'n business. Miss AL McGregor and Misa A. Mur- ray, teachers, have returned to :profes• sional duties. Miss McDougall. Oranbrook is vis• Ring friends in this rseighborhood. Miss Upshall has returned froin sum - meting at Bayfleld and reports it pleas. ant time. Miss Crawford is home again after yisitin relatives In liipley. Mr. Charles Stewart returned home on Saturday froth his trip through the West during which he was •absent. six weeks; He went as fee wese as Este- em), oorth through the Dauphin Dies trict and also through Southern:Mani, toba and keeping both eyes and ears open from start to finish he was able to forth conclusions 'from actual obser- vations combined with the experience of the settlers. The progressiveness of VVinnipeg impressed Mr. Stewart, but Portage la Prairie rather disappointed 'hitt:), bite, .as he says himself; he pos- eibly expected too much. Then there •is this in it, the Portage is a farmers' town And is at its dullest -clueing the harvest season, If* Mr. &Swart hus. any intention of going west the Date. robin District would probably be his 'choice, of location. The question of fuel is not such a Inu•ning-no faun on the word-,-tbere, owing to the diversi- fied character of the country which is considerably wooded. The Oak Lake section also favorably impressed him and the hum ofBrandon town is borne Upon the senses cif every visitor. His second or third choice would probably .he the district south of hoissevain, .thotigh in his • toeshe saw no More •prounsixig fields than those of the M entionite settlements.' The crops over the whole province looked nioSt promising and the farmers are in splendid spirits. Many talk of forty bushels to the acre. 'but that average. will not be general, though it will he quite high enough to realize many millions of dollars. • The Manitobans in general detest the Doukhobees- who were recently 'railroaded into the country, and oppose any forther im- migration of them. Me. Steviart forms the conclusion that Manitoba is not an Eldorado for laboring men, the season being eoo short, neither.dbes he think it advisable for Anyone don* well in Ontario to emigrate, but itis a farmers' country and a young man madestart on A small capital and make headway faster than in tliis province. In this connection he instanced the ease of Me. Frank Orwell, well known about, Clinton, and it brother-in-law of Mr. Lavire who took tip a prairie section fourteen yellers ego with very little'to' to stru•t•withl In his first location he was frozen out several years in suecess. ion when he nioved to the Vicinity of Oxbow and now Would hot take $7000 for his holding. Mr. Stewart's many friends will be pleased to learn tliiabahisehoTItli has much. iraproved in hsbstl • . West Tackersinith. • ; is!-• um - 1111., .10.•••• O r. • •••••••. • Mr. Chas, Layton and Mr. Malward Lloyd wheeled to Orediton on Sunday and spent the day With friend§ there. Me. Fred Tomlinson of the London Road spent the pasb week at theToroo- to•Exhibition. Mr. J. ()rich started for Usborne on Sunday awheel, but when some dis- tance on his road he punctured the tire and had to return. Mr. Robt. White wears it broad fatherly smile these, days. Mrs. Newton Crich of Clinton has been epending the past Week amongst. old friends here. ' Me. A. •Wiltsie of the London R' owl deliver•ed on Monday to Mr. Archibald of Seafoith tetearn of horses receiving for same rt handsome figure. • Mr. John Routledge will Aell hie chattels by a,uction to.day (Thursday.) He Pilreoeee trying his fortune in the Web wnere he intends going in a week -or 80. Fall wheat seeding is the order of the day. . Miss Mary Layton is laid up with sprained foot, Dandon-Dullett. .1•••••40W.610 The auction sale of Cattle,' the prop- erty of Mr. Lou Farnham, last Tues- day Was well attended. Cows sold for $35 to $2; two-year•olds brought $70 to $80 per pair; yearlings, $20 to $25 erten, and Calves about $10 to $12. The receipteof the day wet e' Mr. and Mrs. Wie, Neter spent Sun- day in Goderich. •' Mr. and Mrs. 'James Faleservice spent last Sunday at Ben Tyeaman'a of Wingintm. Mr. M. Creighton was called home rather suddenly last week on account the death of his brother in Myth. He had Anent the night with him and left In the morning for his work, thinking he was ,Impovingp but he died about two hours after be left, Mr. mining's little boy is, wo Are Grain is turning out extra well in forty to report, still very ill. 1Vlueh thie vicinity which makes the farmers sympathy is felt for the family in their Mile. day of trouble. Alisses 0. and M. Livermore are in Farmers are sowing wheat. The Toronto this week taking in the Pair. plentiful rainS are very welcome. Mrs. John Sundereoek it gteatly im- • weal' This is the cut of the "Creole,? price $2, and which stands to -day as the ost SuCCessful selling shoe on the market, It is giving the greatest satisfaction and sales) are constantly inereaqing, A well-known farmer of Hull tt told us on -4 Saturday last that he had three pairs of these.ehoes in his family and that they were 72 ••••• the best guods for the money that he had ever got. New customers for this shoe are in every week and 1t is easy tu sell them when they examine it, . We krIOW very well that there are lets of people paying $‘3,50 for goods no bolter. • -.AID fee:. Noted for their fitting qual ities and for solid, sensible •'Wear. Prices $3, $4 and $5. Since we have accepted the agency of this line of shoes owe doubled the business, and to- day we are -enabled to show a. side line that is not shown out- side the cities. •Goed_btlyertL. - ;--sbultt daI1and1nspect' All Repairs On Boots and. Shcjes promptly attended to. •-•011! Our stock of the celebrated -Bell Shoesfor ladies' wear will be in this week and we are =-2 quite safe in saying that no =in goods ever brought' into Olin - ton can equal them, Our ex • pei ience of these goods during the past season phows us that 7.2 fine,goods-a re • appreciated- in this place. Every lady in this section should call and inspect --is ou r new fall selection. All.repairs on Boots and Shoes .promptly attended to. c son Bros _ ..• ...... , ...... _.. ... _._. __ , , r„....-...;,...- , .•.:- De.Partinsentotrael , .---- Aiwa 41144414.14ii4ii4ii 14444 iiiiiiiiiiii 41‘411411 41Liiiiii 4111111a1 Jiliiiiii,: 41.14114114 , ..., . ,, - 'Myth. • Miss .Bella McGill spent part of lest Week at the.l'oronto Fair. • • • me. Hugh McRaer is very low at present Witlinatalysis of the bowels.. 3. G, Emig)) and family left Monday . for Goderich where he •-hits rented a' restaurant: . The.. people of Blyth re-' wet their' removal very emcee: but we :can say that Blyth's loss is a tiodei•ich .gairi.•'• • Your correspondent ' wishes Wein every prosperity.in their. new field cif .. •• • • • Me.: Beet Moore . of Mapleton re-, new frig pid acquaietances, in town this week. • • •• • • S. H. GidleY and wifeare visiting at Cleveland this week. • . . • William Shane -rewired word Fri-• day that his son et Winnipeg Was dead.. Mr. -Shithe. has the melte pathy of the whole community. • Mr, and Mrs. W. W. sErtei•an of Clin- ton' were guests itt Captain Rancee' over Sunday. Stinday, • • • • • • • Ws: Thomas RicBilen• 'and daughter Lizzie of Ripley ateevisitiog with Mrs. McBrien'e.parents this week, Mr. and Mrs. -Geerge Moore. . • •Mr. Mon of Gorrie, who is lay read- er, . occupied • the pulpit in Trinity • church en Sunday, • • • • Death again •visited the village on Friday morning last and. 'called away Me.' William Creighton. He had been sick only it very sheet time 'awl people were .astonished. when he sae reported dead.. He, was in the prune of life,. be- ing on1y:31 years .old. He leaves. a widory, and a child only a few months. old. •He WAS buried on Sunday at 2.30 by tlXe 0; o,. F. lodge. . . • • • '•-•• • . `• '• • • Hayfield Line.: • • • ' • The .people of 'this vicinity as .else- where are now jausilyengaged in pre- paring their ground for fail • wheat' as the receilV rains haVe rendered the . wetted softenough for cultivation, Mr. Sohn. T. Beacom is ',eying at. ateek's visit to friend& in :Sault Ste. 1Viarie,'havieg sailed per S.S. Carmona. from Goderich last week . • The annual union picnic of. Sweatier- Holuiesville and. Middleton Sun- day schools was well attended by the scholars and parents of this branch of . the narish last Saturday. Mr. G. VV. Harnwell wheeled ;to Goderich 'on Saturday lest:. Labor . Day • was observed in our school by . going •through ..fhe regular routine of work. The following • Hen- dee will be taken as a holiday instead. . Mine Edward Rathwell has been spending a few days visiting blends in GiMeYr, G. B. Cox of Kincardine visited. his friend, Mr. G. W. Hitenevell, lest week. light Cole's church is now much brighter than previously as new - lamps have been purchased and take the place of the old chandeliers. Mrs. P. Cole is 'at present visiting at • her son's, Mr. .Peter Cole, of this line. When on her last visit here the friends of -this vicinity will °Member that she was accompanied by her husband, who hes since passed- away to join .that great majority, Mrs. Cole is already of ripe ago and hes been well known in this vicinity for many years, Several Clintonians were present . at - divine service in St. John's church,. Middleton's Corners, laat Sunday even- ing. • The hem.. of service will in the fu- ture he in the motning' as it was some litgoemPer'eovtibthuselYftiraners of the lent) ship: ped their pigs this week, While others delivered fat cattle at the Clinton mar- ket, the former being bought by Mr. Chas...Wallis, and the latter • by Mr. 8. art. sJwohltnzelE.‘eacom left on Monday morning last for London. where he in'• tends making preparations tin his fu- ture Perin. tor his wheat harveat next YeMaig. Will Blair. at former teacher of 'S. S. No. 10 Bayfield Line has once more been down upon it flying visit to -his Many Mends this vicinity. Me. Peter Colies barn was destroyed by fitarbetween twelve and 'mac o'clock last Thursday. How the fire originated remains good for conjecture. Some think a.spatrk from the house chimney linty' have started • the conflagration others advance the heating theory the loose mat& solution also had Its advocatee. However the barn Went. an in smoke and Mr. Ode feels nettle. ally enotigh, considerably dispirited over it. This is not to be wondered at as the building contained his vvhole seatOn'S erop, nearly all hill Implements and the thousand and One artielea which acctunillate around a farmer's barn and though they have not much selling value, yet aro useful' in their place and if destroyed coat Odd M011ey to replace. Mr. fides homes were only got out of the burning building in the nick of time and he managed to Rove the binder and a couple of Ito. lades Which Were in it leart.to. ••••••••••••••••aasoissessesisetaivase;es. - The eain last , Thursday made: the :Vim 4 . • ground in good Shape for getting in esi fell wheat. ' . • . . • - Clearing • the Mr. Jas. Barb has purchased a farm ..• of one hundred acres froin.Mre. Geo. • ' Morris for the sum of three thousand le- . . . . W five hundred dollars. .••• ... ay • Mr. Chas. Long is Mid up at present ;•;„6, , . • "down off a stems. stack at Mr. Tiffin's with•a sprained foot: When. coming suseasimiaises••••••••••••••••es•••••ine smite -as, the ladder slipped and let him fall to the ground. We hope to soon see hint ' Mr. Wm. Clark w.hile•dritwiing straw aroubd agaie. . We are busy these daYd Clearing the way • • from. the barn elipped off tthe loitd down behind the horses and two of the forfallgoods. ... Alroadv they are beginning ' ........, wheels rung over him hroke 4. b • ' thiareeiloff nni his ribt. Mr. Clark will be o arrive, More are., on the ocean cOm.ing:L.tlie persons home finest lot of high -Class Silks, Dress Stuffs and . • 0,,,,,iwae2ieswditrh.gev hist: i . w 0'riliN Mantles we have ever gathered together for ilk they wofild return it end if not the - • , ' • . ' . . . • lave will have. to take them , in hand. a season s sellingi.coniing to us .diredt froM 2' • TUM,3140. Miss Million and Miss St•one were the the makers --and when all are. here we will guestsof Mr. and Mrs. • A. Killian on -. Stbrta Mrs. Wm.Straugham ofRen- . have a stock that stores in places. larger by riaillbr are taking in the Exhibition at • • ' . Toronto this week. ' • • The public school's were closed on far than Clinton would be proud to. shoW., Monday that beieg Labor day. It More about new; goods. next week.. •Satur-` seems rather farcical after the long . holidays to have this break iu the term. -3 ' ' t 1 uay we are go.mg o SO would it not be as well to exempt the schools from the observance ste-Tthia-• • ' holiday. . • • • Linklater Expects. a • Cloyernatent Office. TorontoSapt. 5.-Linklater, the miss- ing witness in the West.ffuron election case, is still absent., and the court has obligingly adjourned until. September 30 to see if he will turn up. • • When the courtopened at half•past ten at Osgoode Hall this morning, Mr. Justice Oster and Mr. Justice Rose were on the bench, and Messrs. W. D. McPherson, Edmund Bristol and E. L. Dickenson were psesent for the petit- ioner, Joseph Beck. Mr, George Wat- son, Q. O. counsel for Mr. Garrote, did not appear until half an hour later, by which dine all the proceedings were over. ' TWO affidavits Were Bled by E. L. Dickenson, solicitor for the petitioner. The first was by Mr. Robert Tennant, Linklatees landlord in Winghanr. His affida,yit stated that he had received the July rent of the house frein Link- later's•mother, but that he had not yet received hie August money. Ilo wever. Linklitter'e household goods were still in the bowie. Tho second was an affidavit by the solicitor himself. He says that the ten- ancy of the house occupied by Linklae• er in Wingham Is not yet terminated. The household (goods are there yet, but Mrs.Linklater has gone to Black Rock, New York. He further states that Mr. Brortdfoot of Seaforth met Linklater in Detroit, butcould not, now gi veiny information as to his whereabouts. He had heard a report, however, that Linklater had • left Detroit for Buffalo. Subsequently lie learnedthat a, man named Carruth- ers had metranklater in Buffalo, and that Linklater was spending money very freely. Oarruthersjsaidthet Link. later stated thetas soon as this petition was disposed of be expected an office under the .Ontario Government, On Saturday kat Mrs. Linklaler returned to Wingham, from which place she had been absent since July I, And re. Burned possession of the house. al- though her husband was not with her. Mr. Dickson describes Linklater as a laborer, formerly It Mill hand, who prior to his.departure, was engaged in collecting eggs for an egg husaSr. He had no property or means 'and was de* pendent, as far as he coul.d.'ascertain, entirely upon his *ages for the main- tenance of his fondly, and want not able to save sufficient to travel 'and spend money freely. Linklater, so the affidavit alleges,le in debt inWilightlin Inc ordinary household supplies. The maker Of the affidavit &Wane his be. lief that Linklater intends to return to Whighatri. and that meantime) he ia keeping out of the way until the peti- tion IR disposed,ot maw APPLES WANTED For Seventeen years 111 aye tren dein Wee tem with the farmers of the county et tolerant anut am this year prepared to buy more sound apples then ever, tor which the highest market price will bonsid. a have eatherixed agents at all Points In Huron, said it ,W,4k be to the a& vantage Of OWlot* °ritzy se to t:Attalla how well; Ofth aorta, t • *any event 46 Oa MAIMS of yoursapp co 14foro seeing me or ono of my repreeentatives, D. °Avow& Ultrit" re 0! . .„ • 32 Ladies' Shirt Waists, dark and light colors, all stylish, up- to-date goods and regular 75c and. $1. qualities, special to -20.only, Ladies' ShitViraists, some light, some dark,fancy stripes and cheeks, white Mus- lins and Pique, new and de- sirablo goods, regular $1.15 and $1.25 qualities, to clear ' No such buying chance in Shirt Viraists* has come your way before. .110DGENS 13R0g; DIRECT • IMPORTERS SPECIAL NOTICE have ts few fancy Toilet sefts•left and am determined to deer them. out and now offee it • , $10.00 iSet for $3.00. 7,00 .. 11.00. " 4.50. • 5.50 0' " 4,00, Intending ptirchinjers can thus seeure good bargains, • • Good Butter and Eggs tekon as Oa& G. J. STEWART. Fresh ... Groceries W. Duncan low ilot be underaold and his stock of 'Groceries and Seedals flesh and well assorted. Clover and Timothy Seed always on hand. Exeter Flour $1.90per lbs, 26o, Tea for $1, DUNOANN SERVANT WANTED 4 --- Goal mineral servantruited, Wages $10 per month. Apply to Clinton, Sept 7. Mits. 131tEWi4It. Who Holeons Hank, • ,,• ^ CLINTON MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every `Wednesday afternoon Old 'Wheat .... . 005 to 0 • Goose LO to 01 Barley 0 38 to 0 40 ..... sflisis“.s.sississQ 00 to 0 60 to 0 '52 Eye &Ns*. . 0 80 to 0 86 Butter loose in crock , 0 14 to 0 15 Butter in tub, 6 13 te 0 15 Eggs 0 21 10 C 12 Hay . . ............ . .. .400111114111141. 6 60 to d 00 Live Ilogs . .. . . 60 to et Pork per 00 to 8 00 Dried Apples per0 05 to 0 05 Wool 0 12 to 0 IS Flout percwt..,.,,...,,,, 1 175 to 2 00 Potatote 00 to SO , -