HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-07, Page 6Wife of Sir Henry Irving. OLDEST CITY IN ALI* MEXICO*. ANIMAL mon. OF Tge .HABBIT FENCE IN AUSTRALIA* tises Caterer. Su Named Iteetinee Was fits 3 One very' seidora Ware a mra, nevi *v114,-4447 Irving, she is entitled to be celled. The public, hest Iteard, noel She N.V.buld, ,Be a Lady. 11. stroneholot of Fourteen lielehers. IIINDIRD 1,1fE IssuRiNuE rooms* 4 44,241,0el 4.1.71:4244erWe,1"42„"1111 Wilt" - Eight miles dun east over the *noun- • Tbc seventy-third general Everino44 known what a terrible Peat _ bus froze C torce Sto.t1031 r meetlaill of the fiemPaux wee hold st the rabbit has hownte Anstralaela. and then, Of it Lady Irving, but an ClIAPTRE, I. an Orphan, for ber fatherei death left te. Afestioaa National railroad la the Mt :Minh= h tOtt T ea _ going tO be a lady's maid when , her to the teeder mercies of a Sten- Y ut99. ,alt day, the 26th April, lettle animal le an Imported evil ha husband ha societx eisawbem her tatriaw btt older. My nsothet's cow- !Mother, who would have tient her to hntitr hoe steeP the chair. # tie tat in In the British Wan& of the eauthet4 1 01111.011 TEAMS 1110 FLAVOR AND QUALITY she never appears with her distingulab- ot that name a r4,t A W V Vittnan W WP, Maid te tbi) COuntess ot the warkholltie but that the Perish all- winding streets neither waegall uor •.# -- .11 report restlite 00MMUllteated, Gene, fer 'he did not exist among them • head Packagers. . * ettistence Woudd hardlY be elloPected. OW09, Asa you see the leVely thorities weuld. then have taken care t Dart. ne.ther &tags nor butt nor any Amount a lunar clothes she has-eilke and Patine and that the girl's ethare of her father'll AtIORT, BUT MONO, is this r LIMO EL L Inlets Weeptr dodo 1110/11 40:Was brought from England and laces, and real gold brooehes; it'a a Prolierte ehleald be app le , , othr,r wheeled vehicle was ev6r known ititoritittirlfrer "Ieb 4.11 "11444 0 10 (I•9 2 ta.1,31leti loOSQ 813 InllitiPlY in bk. new In fact a great many people bave regarded Sir Henry as a widower. They, knew he must have been married at fetoise time or other. because there are aVe.hed her' neck, tossed her head, and will. He hail no near rellttves, ntl The, city takes Its mune, from Duce .... AMA* as overspread all tbe hit tta e - • to pose, ao.bousb Lb bae one*. boasted 1:1119141104 newfolle ea blot 3 3 ? habitat. Unfortunately, he found We rare fine thiuft to be a lady'a maid, liee. whew price of 'id new alum tbs. 74,00 Britain, but further than that few peo, 15",ir dos Utile IrvInga aututittg about Great look........O1 at.her companions. with. *India- i Eva was left tattle care 0 •,-(It silePti Pl.: think nothing of being a did not last long. Her carat husband l de and self-sattsfaction. nether. Mrs, Randolph'e wi ow oft " d S Har er Mr RaudolPh had died without a ot a population of 40,000 wets. h r of a band a tourteen of the Moat der-. being the stronghold aisd the property le the year We indoor° of bonus Clean by death un lot 1,013 policies 44V:. titittilinettl=geberertsig'W.,7 :ti.,:,:d .1.4.7taltt'umerTiiiiii ...b., * it,s80,1138 scale. th 119.8M,200 tie, fbora4itn. 134174 tbfk4:1111eris°hPel: oajniutt°gstatnrdae4; 163,84 and Partn cf Anstrallit and New Zealand, new enrreendinge most congenial, and . lile*, fiVer knew, and probably feW ear. ladY% maid,' 'sneered Emma Bligh; I had heen a surgeon ; " her second Was ing, desPerate, tiongerelas, and succege- aliariutti trey nue ed. "It% cmly like an OPPer servant, no- 1 a small shopkeeper. Mr. Church, when tut rottbers that ever laid tribute on acirunntwteen ren44 -ant the rabbit in hie new home, d 1 4 t FIR4 ST. j KIII" Eirtitio 444184" t4.90•Nette and he has abtually endangered the thing better, and if A lady's maid, does he married her, nutte underatoo e roads of ma to m at d get fine clothes, why, they're only condition of affairs, and willingiy act- x o. ey scov.ere an ... existence of other grass -eating ani - for many years worked, the rielt de- Reitenue unmet of The4.S a oast -off tilMinge, as have been worn be- witted the responsibility. ......e ..ssuranee Company* for ttiorsatYlit4trall Mats. T..he greateit efforts have been A little read money was very use- . ixeitta of silver that aboune in this VA f A . An aotor, recently returned from Londe& sPeaking of her the oth- er day. " Lady Irving Ins a cottage on Pel- ham Row," he said, " where she invade most of her time, only leaving Loneon in the winter semon, She is afflicted with pulmonary troubles, and is forced to epend the trying azionths of the year In Italy. " A slender, good loolcIng lady .is the wife a the great English actor. If the truth must be known, however, she has not been without occasion for grief, The London public knows' little about her and °area' less.. If they knew they would camp° more, But people who helm an. intimate knowledge of many concerns tell me that Lady Irving has. borne a heavy burden for many'years, " She sans married. to Trying some 28 'Pare age, when he was onty an inconsiderable player. Rer maiden' naMe was O'Callaghan, and she was the daughter•of a regiraental surgeon of the British hrmy in India. She wae a woman Of imperiints, even violent, temper, ram told: eta she and Irving did not Mug enjoy a period of -doniestie felicity. Two' children were born to them, whom they named Henry and • Laurence. " When Laurence Irving was two weeks old and Henry Irving two years, ,Mr. end Mrs, IrVing-s4parated,” con- tinued the actor. Irving left the house that day and has never returned. Ex-. cept to chance.endounters; the two have never met since diet day. His Weeds have, atways asserted. th,at she was bi- sanely jealous of him; her friends have stated that he neglected her cruelly. " He lied the stronger side, but her family and relatives by marriage have ConstatitlY reiterated their faith in het: Afra. Morgan, her -sister, Wife of a membet of the firm Of Ashburne Co., of Calputta'and her Mother, have: per- sistently urged her einise, and -she has hid the constant sepport of Mrs. Medge. Kendal, the actress, and numeroes oth- ° et, friends, " A reconciliation was impossible be- tween. two such natures as those of -*r. and Mrs. Irving.: The latter ----tained ah attitude: of _hostility ; Sir Henry is very proud, and his naturd indisposition to making overtures was increaeed by the favours. heaped .upon him from all Elides. It wae not for him to bend, he figured it. Friends like the item:fleas BurdettrCoutts, Were dis- potted to bellet;e him to be a much fait• tering monement Of &Mitotic patience, ' end tne man -even the actee-who can resist the role of martyr --has net yet been born into this 'World., I.take it. • In the absence.of her husband Atka 'flying lived with her peather, num- ber of years age proceedings for sop- * grate. maintenance wete rumored. I •don't know • that a milt wee actually brought, but ,Afr. Irving.promptly set- tled upon bits arife-rt -life-ortnrity-of- $5,000. Lady trying has never used a Penny of. it upon herself, but has de- voted It all 'to the education of her "For thesehoye Sir Henry has a •very atrong affection, yet strangely, enough, .until recent years he saw but .little of them.' When they .were tello.vra they visited him •once ,a yectit , He, vecntld take them to supper after the theatre, shower them with gifts of all descriptions, and then send them home. Unless hichanced to meet them by accident he never sew them again 'until a year had elapeed. Afre.jrving„,, Whit peawaind of a mild aversion for the etage for a ea.; reer, did her utmost to preve'nt. them from following their father's avocation. Out the blood inheritance' was too strong. Henry Irving; jr.,, is now an tottor, and a good ' one. His Mother, despite her feelings, joutneyed •to the • west of England, te witness his debut, Laurence Irving is a barrister by pro- . . fession. . , ." A gocid example of the feeling•exist- tug between husband and wife was af-• forded when Edwin Booth' went to England: It May 'supply information to the 0111101113 concerning the real rea- son for the ' separation. Mrs. Irving wrote to Booth, asking for tickett! of admission to a performance. of ' Ham- let.' "' I would like,' she wrote, ' to have the two sons of Henry -Irving see an, actor.t " Thia little display of animosity and other incidents of a similar character. allow the disposition • of • Lady Irving. It in likely that the has been sinhed against, but she has done a little bit of 'igniting herself now and then, I 'engine," ectneluded the actor. . •t _ HER PROPHECIES.' \ Those or Mother Sletptiou Ihrte AM. HOLIC True Mit One. . • An • ihtereating .fact which may not be ,generally known, ie that the things and events predicted by Mother Ship - ten,, in 1448 .have.all come to ends ex- cept :that referring to the ending a the world in ,1881. The latest fulfill - Moat of the seeress's predietanis is the e uecessful 111/113 of the automdbile. Here is the text of the &moue prophecy: Carriages without horses shall go, And accidents fill the world with , Woe* Around, the world man's thoughts .shall fly, the twinkling ot an eye, Webers Shall yet More Wonders do, :110.w strenge! but yet they shall. be trim; The 'world upside down shall be, And gold be found at the root of a tree.. Through hills man shall ride, And no horse or ass ht. 1113 side, Under water man shall Walk, Shall, ride, shalt sleep, shall talk, • In the air men shall be Seen In: white, in black, in green. Iron: on the water shall float they Cared. losing Eva% money, he would, by some Ale easily as a woodeh boat. , Liles Would have liked her father te Imprudent step, proof/tit:0e the very , Gold be found and shown oi be witth her, but she had no great erreis they botb, dreaded, for he greatly In lands now not known, ,love for shim. tIndeed that young Per* 'disliked the girl whom he yeas daily England Alan at last admit a jetit principally Oen- robbing, And he grudged every :neigh - And fire and water shalt wonderei'do, ' . &We' affections Were tred. in herself, She had shelter and foli 'of food that idle ate, The world to an end shall coon food front her Mother% amain, Whom SO MM. Church said nothing 16 her • she called aunt, and aueh clothes as hushmtd aboub Mrs. Westbrook's visit, COST Otl' LAUX0IIING. her relative weld afford to give herr except that she wanted Eva to Mettd wOrked wane lace for her, end that the girl Thet coat Of launching a battle ship and she nursed the children, abo.ukthe house and Was treated neith- wee ha t t g up to he t4ronge o de rune aWay with•SomothIng like COMO. er outer nor worse than if she had 117 The great leViathitit reciillree Some fiVa been Ws. Plood% eldest dattghter. (To Be Continued.) fore by, her misses. I in not going tn- to 'service when 1 grows up. There's ful to a man in business, and a axial entire seetion of the country -deposits, front Hith Novensber, 1897, to 15th Nov- Intt erthl to extermlnate hint, but thue the value of whith, If -current renort ember, 1898, PrePol'ed in accordance far without Success. There is probably nO•other animal that BAP/Plies the mar-, ten Pounds in the bank that my until° Income from houses which, though they left xne, and when I get It I'll baVe a could not be aold, Gould be let to len" . ' With "The Life Assurance .4aompanioa# 1' 1 h 11 t cheese ta t i le to ask for proof of Pe true* for hundreds of years Out- Anti" 33 and at Victoria, Cap. 01, mid tweets had candles, awl I'll have his right to reohive the rent, helped to rtv•alled the mythteal rtches related et Amount of (undo at the beginning Of the A h5,1,0balad W.110.11 work to keaP Inc; etiVer manY °swains, and to enable Gallia, strange to relate, every piece teevostiontveniter, ten 42,1/1,03914 that'a what I will. It's better' llav" 111111 to Pat awity nloney against a . - • Wend pc.itatrer deduction et re-sasur Oa Tana wery, every pound of treight apse pi emintas),. .... . . 3,992 222 80 ing a• home of your own, to living in a rainy day. # Consideration for annultieagrented...... 79450 55 countess' kitchen." There was no one. to grumble or to and. evarY PaSsenger to and tram Ca- Igeetielltniarregvideuds 5,595 4/ 1,603,836 54 "Lady's melds don't live in the kit- brizig the diehonest monde to book. tome Ls transported to -day, as for con- ' " o.....n,' retorted Susan. "and you've got ' s 41,1353,444 44 t.-, • Eva did not know she was being rob- tertes post, etther on the backs of to get the home of your own, and 'tient 1......3 au ..0..... .*,..e was told every day of her men or nau.les. el•time Ito death under life pellcies, in. every girl with ' a face like yoars an. cluding,besso addidnnahatter fledge- eael get. a husband, Rmma Wish." lite that she was eating the bread of ., charity, and ehe believed it, And she Catorce is one or the most interenting Di.,1,7nigo.S,==lar,r,p,..,',1 endownienkff 8,285,8E5 92 Seeme ta be no aba,temen.t of the Mli- EMilla Willi ahout to retort anitroY, worked hard, harder than any serralat Places in MeXica. Here are foend the assurances matured " ...... 0 Km sg ' Sawa. , , f keto of the world with go many skins in a year. as the rebbits Of Anstralia, and New, Zealand, About 0,000,00J equir- rel skins of Siberia 'cue sone to Europe anntlally, but in ane year aa many as 8,500,000 rabbit skins have been ex- ported from Australasia, and there when Mary ,Matthews iuterposed, hY would have done, to satiefy herself saying; "Don't quarrel, girls, but let us all ter.. that she earned her food and shot- • 3,449 442 82 ----- MAW 81 sys,cyi 73 that sportsmen unwittingly. inflicted 8.5m. hope retlIS IS AN EVIL • th.a new. cbuntry• IL .s well say what we're going to be, and when, Such waa the condition of affairs, 31,33514o isnown twat: the Attatratuslag countries we grow ald we'll see if It comes true; on this, her thirteenth birtlidaY• whlat are you going to be, 'Eva Ran- , • • pre not rich. in Inative Mune. Alter the oustoma of Mexico in their purity, un- affected by the influence of the strait- 11::::12:8 Eapenisto, a...payment gDF. Diffioult of access, the town can ?..'2122 be reached only hy horseback or cin Poldend and bonus to shareholdere.... Cinne tAX .foot. Catoree hes seldom been visited n by ,any exPePt Ulnae making business •trips. The ride up the mountains into •the town Ls somethieg, once aceom- plished, always to " be rementbered, partly from its element of personal; Ancient of Wade at the end of the year, 15th Noveraber, 1898, as per second echedulo 43,749,892 05 $ 48,6,53,444 44 SECOND SCIIEDFLE, Balance sheet of The Standard Life Assurance Company, on ,15th !Nevem- ber, /.898 Prepared on the 'basis of valuation of 1895; in accordance wibh "The Life Asstiranoe Companies' Act," 33 'and 34 Victoria, Cap, 61. sassliAmins, flhareholdere' capital paid up $ woo Op Assurance and mmulty fun .. 42,736,513 08 Reserve fund,...... ...... .......... 380,333'38 Balance carded forward 41,H6 Total hinds aft nee itret-eobedule .. • . 0.8'43,749,992 85 Claims under policies admitted, but: not DFAidde'ride to kirllirletot (due at and delph I" War British ,settlers began to arrive they opening her round, gray eyes and with ClIA.PTER IT. "I r said, the girl • thee addressed. • gradually tilled up the gaps in tee a half-vac:ant, half-dreaky expression a tountenance, as thollgit she iven these girls had taken place Eva Ran - The day after the conversation of lien 01 new: ertild and domestic) speciee meal list ef animal life °yr! tee impart:a- Peering into the future. "I mean to dolph set in her own teem, busily at biotic, hare and rebblt. The pig was Sportamen introduced the deer, roe - be a lady."• ' work upon some delicate lace, in the "A, lady 1" echoed the three who had making of which site was, renlarkeltly from ?" ' movements, but her thoughts a renew and ilmnS, ltas behome wild; tied "I don't think it is moneythat makes wandere4 far 'away from her occupy, thousands of wild pigs are killed ev- e fatly," replied Eva, in the bailie tion. She was wishing that •she bad ery year in the thickets. Many ef the diemmy manner ; "my detir mamma time and money wherewith to get a , streams were stocked with , salmon, used to telt me that money wouldn't good education, ,and thinking thus, her the mother counitry. Bird life win Par - trout and other species of fish' from de it." ' mind soon traveled beyond. the question "Then bow will you set about it f" of wayst and means, and she had given tieularly scarce, and at great cost„star- questioned the others. herselV up te the building of Some lin,gs, sparrows, blackbirds, thrushes, ,"I mean tia work heed and to teacn verY airy.: castles, when the harsh voice GrOWEls larks ,and finches were intro- mytielf, end th get other peoplato tenon, of her stepmother roused her from her - duked from„Xngland, qua* from Cali - d P spoken. 'How are you going to man- clever. • brought into Alia:trawl and New lea- ., age that? Where's the money to come Her fingers were very rapid in their land, and a part of Ilia numerous pro- d Sena', eacaPing . before • the days of peril, but more beoause of the beauty of the landscape encountered at every turn, Glancing down, as you near your journey's end, you (tett& a gleam of the white walls of Los Catena outlined against the green mountain side. Thousands of feet below shim- mer the waters of a mountain stream. The shifting 'colouring of the moun- t/AO as light and shade chase each other over the rugged expanse, the beewns and groans of the valley , below, „Antithe hills, to the itagy distance are ",beautiful. exr,eedingly." 815,705,62 prior toptlaglevembe4 outstandiug*.. 44,346 53 Annuitiee outstending* .... ... 13,298 11 Staff deposit fund...,' ..... 45,710 00 Aurae &Vatted Witla 0,03e 02 044 678 881 83 • s'ASSETS., rigid. And mean, to read about .• Eva, come down, you're wante larnla-and. - the g-reyppartridge.•-a-nd- grave and noble women and to try to ahouted Mrs.. Church. , PbeaSant from China. They have all be - be like them. It will bit very hard The girl droptied her work, and tie - me • and alwaie to do what, As.just and The Real de Catorce is built on the side of a ravine near the top of the range, and has a varying population of from 8;000 to 40,000, as the raines awe paying well or poorly. Here are found all varieties of silver ore from carbonates to refractory ore, assaying 815,000 to the ton. °atom has tt fine cathedral, riohly decorated, and a pretty plaza, the onlyievel spot in the place. To use a railroad phrase, it is a cohnbination bf out and fill, so that to tumble 'into it, on one side and out the other would be exactly disas- trous. The streets are neatly. paved and. run up and down hill, many of them at an angle of 45 degrees. Alto.: ,gether, this is one of the show _places of Mexico.-4•ModerS Mexico. Mortgagee on propetty within the United - Kingdom • %998,235 67 no, out of the United Kingdom .18,669,340 20 Loans on the company's policdes within' their surrender value 2,154,475 89 Inveatments- • British Government secanithe ' 431,682 15 Indian and colonial government awed, ties 881,098 77 Foreign government secaritles 258,728 72' Indian aild coionial mph:final bonds1,444,416 35 Railway and other debentures and de,. . benture elm* ' h.,. • 3,700.470 55 Do. shares (preference/ 783,272 73 Bank deposits for fixed'periode *WO 78 Routs property - Freehold 08,170,313 37 Leasehold come acolimitized, have multiplied pro- digiously, and in Austratlitt to -day, e work, but I shall do it." heended the stairs, to find in the best land of most peculiar and scanty 1111 - "But ladiea don't ' work," objected sitting -room, the Honorable Mrs.West.. tive fauna, the visitor from Europe and Mary Matthews, who, although she brook, the mother of the young man America hears the same btrds warbling had great faith in Eva's talent and ina whose bloodhound had startled her and in the ;woods and encounters the same dustry, yet could not olelp thinking her companions the previous after- domestto and wild animals as at home. that her Plans ger the future were, to noon. , • All of these varieties of animal 1:fe say the least, extreniely visionary. She NiaS a tall, proe&looking woman were ablessing to the country except "Some ladies do," 'replied Eva, con- with fair hair, blue eyes, and large, the rabbit. The man who suggests a fidently ; "Iva heard that the iqueen regular features, and she bore about practical scheme for getting rif of this works very hard, and then the ladies with her an air of-perfectnatisfaction nitisance will make his fortune. A few who went..oat in the war last year to that it bad pleased Heaven to make years ago the Government of New South nurse the sick soldiers, see how theY her superior to all her fellow crea- Walea offered a reward of 6125,000 for must ,have woeked.. think ladies do tures. 807 456 45 p,2a3,267 82 61,620 18 15,987 30 Stook of Scottish °loitered banks C A ' sh roe Ground routs and feu -duties Life -rents and reversions purehtuied.... 601,932 52 Loans upon personal security, with. pola. Ides of assuranee, repayable by in- " - stalmente L035,322 23 Agents' balances in course of collection898,333 84 Premiums outstanding in course of col leotion 565,132 as' Xnterest seemed, but not due • 394,622 39 Do. due, but not paid.. • 9,997 33 Cash on deposit ........$135,881 Do, on current amounts and ln hand ... . ..... . . 591,074 39. • . .726,935 50 Deed and roselpt stamps in hand......... 317 00 a great deal of work, and I mean to ,..,Completely assured upon this point, taa ifeasnatioaible. method of. thorough. ,exter- be one, mad,t-mean.Actavork." Mrs, Westbrook could afford tte.he.gra- , "WelL we shall see," laughed. Mary demi to her inferiors, and ihe now • THISLTEMPTING. OFFER • Matthewa- 'But aow there's only one condescended to smile kindly upon Eva, stimulaMd the ingenious and ile more of you, beside me. WhaVare you as she said: cranks all over the world, and 1,800 going to be, Liles?" • • " So you. are the little lacemaker r schemes were submitted to the Govern - "I shall be the same as Eva," was " Yes, mitten:it replied the girl, look- ment, but: not one of them proved to the reply, uttered in all apparent ser- ing up brightly, instead of dropping be practicable, end the reward has, nev- iousness. • a courtesy, as any other ,girl ,in her er been paid. . •A WOMAN WHO INSURED. . she Manly That Whits 'made tier ' Mouse Barn Down. "WOMB are the nmst uereasonable creatures in the world," .said the ;irq insurance Man to hts wife. ''Some W0111en,'' she cOrreeted hini.:- "Well, we doWt hearrel about it, . • but let me tell about that :old lady . , in Slabtown, who hid her hottse in- sured three weeks ego," he went on. ''Sne had a 3100 colicY on it, about ell' it was worth, really, and we . were only getting.$1.2;40 a gear for Carrying it, Last night it burned: 'to the 'ground; and to -day she was in to ine me. : She was fairly soppiiag in tears, and angry *uncles." . Buie at this • the other. gitls laaighed : !station' wield 'havn•clone. : Efforts aro ccintinuallY Making, hew- aloud,.and:not vvithout tame malice, in . A slight Pfrewri contrapted the lady' a ever, to mitigate: the eVil, and among their mirth,. for Lilds Lampier .was the face, but Second •. thoughte' transform- the devices. that are begtnntug to • be Most idle, gelfitth and seesuaL • ati..she ed it into a smile, •and she next ask- employed hi a fence that its said to be Weeny .far the beat :yak ag gut Lathe.. ed . . , . ..rabbit-propf; .0e attempt net neing able Catty, Her heft Was golden; her eyes ' ." Are yett as clever' aftneneinglace to get ever, under or through it. A were- dark, • With hciatry. 'silken hrows . as riot, are • seid.. to 'bit 'at Making it r few ;totes! ore given'in the last.annual and: lashes. , Her coiaptexion was. like ' PI don't knot:it, Ma'am. I am very 'report Of. the Department of Lands, the warm pink' glow inside a sea Shell, 'fond. oe I:binding' old lacey! replied. the New South Wales, ..regarding the pro - and her fee:fetes bistafair 'to be firm . girl. ..• • - • Sttess - of the oelonial •Government -in aid :delicate, 4 W. : . .. ' " Then I shall . get you to Mend its efforts to tope with the rabbit.pest But she. wail only twelve yeats of some lace for• me," said: Mis. West- be the emetic:ea ni arabbit fenste. The age, and she was eery dirty al. the pre- • brook; gracimiely ; " but you'must conte first, fence. built. wee .in 1897;• and it sent Motnent, for the baby , shabad trP•te: my house to' do it. 'I Could eat extended front the QUeenalande birder been carrying had 'contrived to binpat- allow. it to be taken away. .I septette to the AttanSoi•River, a distance,of about ter ber with the-mlici from -whit* she your•Mother can spare yoU ?" 115 Miles. Since then the GovernMent had More than once rescued him, and . " 9h1 yes, she can go; bat she iisn't has .kephup"the work of fence 'building, to • which he had managed to return iny •gtrl, ' , volonteered Mrs.. Church, and 'the number . Of miles of rabbit - while she luid been talking., , ` ' . , who was alWaye afraid of being tak-. 'Proof feneing nove .ereeted tri the col- -"Yterneedn't-ta-uttlri"-sheassidrhoily,• . eo fey-hey-tula--aget-avaieh„wae.„_00y, asty...is_17,280.: _•Tha_report is jacon- irritated by their .very„ trank . re-. • aideilibly oeer thirty: .." She's teo 'ord. pitmed by a map, which shows thet the marks; "I :ainf t a fool, and Pm ‘aff good: •to be my.. own • daughter, as you can fence has -been •exteedecit• along ,the lookiog as ane of' yoe.." .,# , see, tna'am, I married her father, who entire weatern border of the colony. . "Yea,' mother says you'ie far • H30 -was my fiest husband, though, I was and along two-thirdst of the. northern' geed looking to 'cone to any goOd," re- his necond. wife, and •I'Ve taken . care boitndary. - The purpose seems to be to boated susan Harper. •. • • of her ever 'since., for she hatinq got extend a rabbit fence clear aroundthe "Your ituother' is a spite -NI old eat, no relatiOnS of her own r .. . . . • . colony to its ' fiontaga. It Is a mod- eled: you, may tell her.I slay so," 'retort- • " Indeed I Then 'what ens . her' ' fath- ern China •wall,-. ereeted, to keep eut„ ed Lila" losing her temner "no W30 er% . name 9, asked . tha lady; griotious not -barbarians like, the ancient AVM,: could blame her for good7loils, and if ..ly. ' , . • ' - .. gels,' bat hordes .of animal pests that .what sortie folks Says ts true, not for - " Randolph-Algernoh•Reedceph " rii• threaten to :Over -run the land. ' gcicidnese• neither," • - :.• 7. • -.T plied Mrs, Church,. proudly... " Ile wag ..._ • . • • To this Sultan retorted bY sprigging a sergeon at Trebourne ; go I metried, - . 344,898,881 83 *Note.,-Thesi hems are Included Mew ootresPondimi the first schedule, . - A. R. C. PITMAN, Champion. ' W. J. DUNDAS, Director. a. H. DAVIDSON. Direotowk SPENCER p. THOMSON, • Manager and :Actuary. Eilkabimkti, 19th Agri!. 1899. EXTRACTS FROM .111.6' liEPORT. • It •will be seen titan. ures.that the Progreee ot the company. goes on' uninterruptedly: The new policlea issued, ,atut the amounts as- sured tinder them, exceed thoee of any previous year. , , • =The amount-recelved-for--tlitt--Ptit7 chase et amenities is else greater than .siver Previously reported. Tha suma. paid in death claims: are ConsideMble in excess of the corresponding amounts for the preekes year, but the aeath rates are still well•within the expecte- oa 'which the severhl tables, of prem 1.1023 are based. ' Notwilhata.ading this greater' outgo, ills total funds have largely iner6asei during the. year, rind now aggregate ooninderably more. than $44.590,00; White not neglecting Che important home conneetiona, the consolidation of the "agencies mitside, the United King - Jona goes.on steadily, and the eme- lt:thy are-hettliot:ng . to' reap the :fruits of the paLoy of eareful extension which they havo• been vierkitig Out steadily fot many years past. , • 'In view of:the company's expansion' ant of the latge amount of work,, -both• responeible•end routine •-L now. cite - sequently failing unan the meinliera tf the board at the:head alike, the direc- tors think it desirable to increarie the nembers on the boaed through the •ada dition of 'another member. The comneny have now already passed the middle .period' towatds an - Other investigation and• division of pro- fits, and, althoughthe rate of interest on the invested funds hap. necessarily' fallen of late yeati-it circumstance which cannot be without its effect -the board have: thus far,every reason to. hope that the llnal results of the quill- _ quennium will be satisfeCtory alt "--(-I-VIOUgis I., see SOff had my house insured it vvouldn't burn down. You told me that; I am sure.' "0, I beg your pardon, my dear lady, I couldn't have said that,' said L "'Yes . you did, or never would have he'd it insured. 1'3% been living in that house for fifty years, and it never burned down before. And it wouldn't heve been ineured now it you hadn't have put not up to it.' 'But I never told ,you 'that it wouldn't burn down if you had it in- tirther feet in a passim? and te.a.rtrig off, beneath me when I took a seined bus - the Grand Theatre at Leeda Twit Liles Lampier's hat* : . : band; an yen see, ma'am.' ' • What further damage:she meditated ' "Algernon Randolph!' repeated Kra. feniale attendants Were seated ia the -I. cannot say, iiiiile-iihi mks of the 'Westio'rook, whileTheniellifirg iikir -till dress circlebooking 'office:when_ amati snail children, under the care of:these expression of ,pain passed over her put his hand through a small apex -- five girls became so shrill and Piercing countenance. "And so he is dead I" ture and seized a bowl containing Z25 with terror. at the prospect- of a fight • ehe added; "and this is his daughr in gold, The thief Made off and aue- between their guardians. that hostili- ter?" • . . • • reeding, in .,alluding his pursuers. In .tiesi had, at lancetithe suspended until "Yes, ma'am, Did. you .kno* him tP his •flight, -however, the map • fell, ,and silence could be restore& . asked .Mrtt. Cherch, • in Oahe; for it the money was scattered abont the Before the girle could recommence suddenlY occurred le her. that any street, being picked up by a number of . , . their discuseion a huge • blotelhound frieinds of her late hesband might be- lotingers, some pf whom :aleo ntade off mean bounding lute the midst, :of the come unCleasantly curious as -to the A daring robltery in reported frinh "'Yes, you did, too,' she instated, 'for what is the good of Matting a house -if-it-is going to „burn down, lat to know ' 'There's a good deal of good. For instanee, you will gat OL.500 from the insurance company, which, you 'would- n't have got, and. you have only •paid 312.50: ' • ' ## 'When do I get It t she sobbed, as if she wasn't going to get u cent. " 'just as soon as we can get mat- ters in shape and report, the loss to the company.' • , "'Well,' she said, sniffing as she went out, 'I suppose I will, but if I had. known it would have burned down, just the same, I never would have had it insured, never l'" • with their soon. group, scaring the little one's out of amount of property he possetssed when . their wits, and. terrifying even the eld- het died. • " . Failure and Success. er "girls. - "Yesi I knew him," said airs. West- • It is often(' all the little things that Liles was the only one of the 'parti brook, sadly, "but it was long before conetitute the wide difference between who, retained her presence of mind; he was married -when ha was but a success ond failure. ' Some me& earn - but she knew the dog, and ' she now young man, in fact_ l. but . I shall be est in purpose, capeble in many ways, called it by name." • glad to help"his daughter. •Will you seem unable to discern the import Of "Leo l Leo I" ohme up to my house to -morrow at ten minor, neverthelese important Me- nke animal looked at her and gave o'clock, my dear r . ' ments, and' neglect in consequence to his tall a condescending Witg"of recog- "Yes, ma'am ". replied Eva,'gratefui grasp the Opportunities that if accepted' nition but he did not eare for shabbily for. the changed. tone of kindness, al- would carry them On to Victory. In dressed people, and probably he was most of affection, .which the lady now no judge of feminine beauty, tio he did used toward her. _,_ • • the same way people are Unposed U11011 A NG LADY e°11"Pled` nut aPproach the girl tone when she The change was dile to the respect THE CONDITION OP YOU 1.1le rebeitding a the oompany's pre- an additional profiL 'practise the die-. 1 • by mercenary druggists, who, to gain held ottt her hand to him. • in which her dead bather was held, and •OF WELLAND. : - . • . . . =envie Edinburgh is progressing sat - tion, however, a young man had leaped more than if it had been brought about thibt,,,,, 50 'ri.eiment nesiducheno vv" pale the next annual general meeting . of • tractor, they accept some 'worthless honeit method, of substitution. Call- Betore she ooniti repeat the invite- she valued it upon this account far . ---. • : •• , . isfactonly, and the boerd hope • that ing for-Putnamii Painless Corn Ex - the gate which led into the meadow, by any personal regard for herselL So and seeing at a glance the consterna- Mrs. Westbrook went away, and Ent. could Immo - .4 , and 'Emanated and Urea tat 1111 Abe . the company ma3r be held within the board room of the new office. o y I Wk. difiesh-eating substiftiute, n1; to be sappointed or stt er irijur . Put - tion which his fonx-foiated companion's presence had prodnoed,,he called him off, and then, approaching the group, itaid: "I hope my dog hadn't frightened you t he wotildn't 'bite," ' • "Oh 1 I Wasn't • frightened," .said Liles, with a smile which showed her white teeth ; "but the rest were l" "I see you are a brave little girl," and he /sodded and went on his way woo.dering how it was that the child- ren of SOMe of the . working people were possessed a so meth delicate beauty, But Lilas Lanipier was not, in the atria sense :of the wotd, the child of working parents., Her father was a Frenchman -a Feench "'patriot" of humble extraction, some talent, and great• want of judgment He hod Weak aild Neevous. been compelled to escape from France with his child, whose Mother had been SD English dancer and had died *non after the birth of Iter daughter. The poor exile tried hard to get work and failed, Ile was rootless and exelteble, and at length, unable to endure his returnde to tier roons. But Mrs. Church was ill at ease. Oven and over again she assured, her - AWL that no one could blame her for appropriating. to hew hwn use the mousey that legally belonged to :her stepdaughter. She gave her a home and eke and her husband only approp- riated the girl's share of her father% property, and exacted two-thirds of, all the money she earned at her lace work in return. Mrs. Church knew 'that the girl% own property entitled her to good clothing and a fair edeoation, quite as well as any one could tell her so, but for five years she had gone her dishon- est way unquestioned, and it certainly Would be extremely incontenient if any investigation were ta take place DIOW. "What could Mrs. Westbrook knoW of her late husband?" she wondered. i ":Was e gteat lady aware that he had a all micoine independent of his prefession f" te.nd, wenn atilt, "Did she know that he had died intestate r An alit pondered these gestations, exile tuny lellgetr, he left his child in Moe, Church thought of making her the care of some (natant relatives of 4 uslyauld, a sharer in her anxiety, but his late wife, while he himself went second thoeghts convinced her that she back to Paris. What ,becante of him' had beet be silent. Mr. Church was there those whom he had promised Le tick an amiable man ; he wag seraping write to in England did not know, He bogether a vere nice little fortune, might; be in prison ; he mighe be dead lend. it was more than likely that if foe aught they knevo--tilmwit ter' till be .thought there was any' danger of . tens lit tallow and over a ton of Oil So Muth for one of °Ur heroines, and twit soap to paraded* her to leave She tnetttle to be A lady, a lady, AO*, her °radio and glide peacefully into eerding to her ideal of one, To have . SLEEP. ' The ektierierice of yeara has proVed the Water. fine cilothee dainty food, a sof t eolith, thttt there ta absolutely' no disease due nothing to 'de, end every apish and Ali our 64311S44 do DOt alithiber SIX4111.. TOI It. vitiated condition of i he blood or A VICTIM AT I'lliST SIGIIT. White gratified, its soon as it Call be tntwously. They fall, into infiensibilltY, 'shattered nerves, t hat Dr. Williams' formed, that is Was tawnier's notion after" another. First the eyelide oh- Palosellk Pwinalhewoll heaufrettritiVolirr:sattnohtl My wife has ruled me ever SinC6 bur of being a lady, and of the life that ono senile Sight, and the SWISS of taste le troubles would avoid mu& misery And 131Artiage, ,„,„,,, ,... 1,„„ a lady, should live. Yonrto n 11160 "ON n'Y v.?"' """' EVA Randolph% /Ideas are widely Of* the next tO lose auseeptibility. Setell- Sat% money hy promptly resorting to ruled me ever 0640 1 titSt laid eyes &rent, The lever that is to help her ing, hearing and bowl then follow, this treatment. Get the gentle% Pink ete het, OnWard in- life is 'lard work, strength. Touch la the lightest sleeper and moat Pills every. time and do not he persuad- imbed by self-denial, easily aroused. After touch hearing ea to take an imitation, or some other , At Polkestone, the masters of three seeking after ell that 4s soonest regains consciousness, Slumber remedy from a dealer, who for the #1344tifigt,°:432.18hIniti,"ilnattitittirLreilimilneAdiilthje° triitatiattle and liy etadletiting any. eoretnenees with the Viet and works sake of extra, prbfit to himself, may itrotei'',40.1r-lborniZTeloriiiidr-ii,o—tdiv/^ pre thing thiot is 'haat and utiworthr In its way tip. to the tenter of the rterV,- say is "just aii good." Dr. Williams or to be detained for three months her nature, 'oho hopes to ittletteed• And one action, kThe itttlattel of smell is the Pink Pills cure when other Mettioinett h Alt, poor Eva is worms than being stinply Last to awa 4. , , . , fail, , . . , • TO moving the adoption of the report nam s born Cure is tbe only reliable From, the Tribune, Welland, Ont. which was unanimously carried, the lie. Miss Hattie Archer, of Welland, an . chairman, Ur. A.R.C.' Pitman, said it awe extended among a large nuMber of first time in the historyr att hleikre wtoorkisealit atillsoewrovitnat ggoirold• tiding. was very 'gratifying to know the estimable young lady, whostacquaint- tiew business of the yea had that 01 ihfeoro the.. piny, exeeeded ten millions of doll°anirs, -poeition. Not always. I think our citizens of the town,. has thn following girl sings because she has a grudge and from year to year•it was growinot to eay regarding the virtues a( Dr. . against us. . Williams' piskpeas for yaw poolde: _ showIng no Signs of standing still. He ilso referred to the -very stitisfactoii. . g HA In the fall of 1897 I was taken very ilL nd sound condition of the company, O'KEEFE S 1110.13r. MALT I was nerVous, weak and debilitated: wa hioh gave it a very high standing halfrorates and Strengthens. ' LLOYD WOOD, Toronto, GENERAL 4415NT• At thin time the least exertion caused while its investments were of the sat! int charaeter. great 'fatigue, My appetite was poor The appointment of Mr William until I wets so, weak I could barely SPENCER 0, THOMSON, as. So You want- to marry my daughter ? said the old gentleman, ,W -W -Well, op:wouldn't exactly say that, replied and I Was attacked with frequent sick Younger as an additional dir-ector w headaches. I gradually grew worse approved of. walk through the hlattse. I was very Pale and emaciated and finally became entirely incatmcitated. Various, Ine- dkines were resorted to but gave no relief. Later I was treated. by two of the best physipians of the town. One Bald my blood was poor and watery. I folloWed mildest •for some tine but did not Improve. Theia the second doctor was ballad and hst said Lie (mule help me, but after idwroughly testing his medicinee without benefit„ I gave it OP, and de- apaired of ever getting well. My grand- mothee had. been, reading at that time mueth 'about Dr, :Williams' Pink Pills and* persuaded me to try them. That was about January, 1898, From the firat, the results were really marvel- lous, being far beyond my friends' ex- iseetations. After taking five boxes I Can otand. retire fatigue than could foit"tWo Ylettra, f have gained weight splendidly ; can take my food With a delightful rellah, and agaiti feel *sheer - fill, healthy and strong. I would furthest say that the change is wholly due to Dr. WilliaM41 Pink Pills, / hope that my testimony 'will prove beneficial to ohher girls similarly af.. flitted ' Montreal: W. M. RAMSAY, • Manager for Canada, Tt HUTTON' 13A1,P0t111.. _Secretary* , _ • NOT A TEMPIRANCE STORY. the. halt/Zealand, railway sMash drink Was the direct means of saving the lives of about sixty tiBettr- sionista, Who, as -the night was cold and wet and the train was waiting, left the rear 'carriages and trooped Into the railway hotel a fete yardig Off. While they were: drinking the smash took plitce;The carriages -which sixty of the beer -thirsty crowd had 'quitted Were redtieed to niatehWodd, TIIE OLD SONGS, can net tong the otd, songa That linger in my throat, ,Ilecause, alas, it happene, Dan not sing a note, the diffident meM h -b -but elle wants to m-inarry me. Otherwise w'e never vvouid have been ,engaged. . oomomomme . FOR OVER FIFTY TEARS • , • MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP ffae been used by tatitherr for their children teething. US/loth.' the child, softens the aurae, allays pain, ewes wind oollo,,hnd ia the best restudy Ws' 'di:writing. 25o. hot, thil. Bold by all dtuggists throughout the world. Be our* and int tor 4•Ides. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Panotuality is the: stern virtue of Men of business, and the graceful cottrtesy ot prinets.-Bulwer. , 01••••...w. La TOSSERS, 1011. BeiblOSE.2dttg3 Take away your filthy huge said the hero, antioipated that remark, said the villian, Smiling sardonically urater his black towing mustache, All these bills have been carefully sterilized. * "a$0 40it a ow. A BOON FOR THE LAME! THE IVEY PATENT EXTENSION SHOE CO.0 Aro apziou a to VAOLUO the Adak** of every how nlau end WOAnin 14 owlet,' whole lame noes ronidsto In ono hparbeing shorter than the other not too Wieder good payilf bionnott to every bum b wbo will mice thetrouide to write for eiroulth au ore to Met bui OOP. 001 OrlA of the Roe:none fortoutent tied you will, after 'wearing 0 a Week half e no trouble to convince °them of Ito rulue. This Es tension ts by far the beat ot toasters ever p'aced on the market, and tumble. the weever to walk upright, te walls with elve and ofenfort, to wear tiny ord_inary store sh0e, and g Ives them the (tame appentranee teethed More fortunate lends. DolgrIptire oiroulars free to all. Ask for tering to agents. ,Address EIFORR note 170 BAT STREET, • WATER AND OZoICH,, The authorittee of Lille, France, have eenoluded gome exhaustiVe tests of the efficacy of (mono for purifying water, They -ftncl thle method, applicable on a large soale, and aupertor to any hitherto used. All pathogenic or saph- rophytio microbes inhabiting the' Wa- ters experimented upon were destroy- ed, After treatment the water is weakened in organic matter. less lie- ble to prollution .and more palatable, - TORONTO, CANADA, Metnweat ROTEL DISEOTOBY, The 41 Balinorayl Froe rAn.pian, SI 50 Ai up, - — Hotel Carelake Furopeatef Plan. Room AVENUE HOUSE—Seim- College. A-117:1.0 station, Montreal. Get feailsitke"Po uP. °pp' iriontily Rotel rata nit.so SY. JAM -ES' IIOTE1.—Q,,„PPoiriTkopTitiRpt• ItalliraY. Pirst.olass Cominerci 1 nrovemente-Rates moderate 4 }inn"' Modern ha' , • Lawyer -Well, have you at last de- cided to take my advice and pay this bill of mine ? -Lew-yer ,--Very well ; Williana, just- add tow •to Mr, Smith s bill for further advice, Reafriess•Catinot be Cured by local 1, ppitear 1. no, i4 111.0 tbn moot I its di,.earott portion at the ear. Tilers is only 00 way to cure deafne.s, and that lo by comma- iional emod les. Dearnesa is eau rod by an in. flawed condition of the mucous lining of Um Euiracblananhe. v hen this tube gels inflow. etlitnuir,haVdewahalrl'iniibsielluitlreu!ynedi osedildnePa(frntrs!. Is the result, and inuless the inflammation can be to hain ont eind th Is tub I, restored tp its nor. mal coedit i ut, hearing win be dos troy ed • ter. _over •, nine cases out of ten are ortu,ed by Ca, Tiff•ll;iffiroTilanlithratt-tilltHir11011011eit oonds. iv); ,,,00fwtihr 'FPI ;lee (}(318n3811HrlIranrder8h d Dollars tor any case of Deafness le mod by catarrh) that can ',nth be cured by 11 a Catarrh Cure. Send for • r Mara. Pee.. CHENEY & 00t, TAfedo. 0, dcl by Drugs sta, /aci. Hall's Family Pills ore the bost: Pride is increased by 'ignorance; those assume the most whotinew the• lent. -Gay. • B S. iniri..Tritli_tiii::tEt? Sold by an druggists, sac: sciarthe. • Pleasure is very seldon2 found where ..itAlt.sought... 'Our brightest bla*zes Of gladness are commonly kindled byun-• expected sparks. -Johnson. ' mu Band Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, ek. Every town can have a band. 1...w.e•PrloCia ever aniated. Pin, cite! ow, IStillua, tratione, mantled tree, Write uir tor anything irr mune or Masi* Instruments. WHAM ROYCE & CO. • Toronto Cam seW11itorsNTonEOho-- vlell'it(ToTeljult belly! • gottouvry 00..69 Adelaide St. E., Toronto. I mit II:0y Tutioil 5:04.1 dAA It le Ind nwiewm7. tO th011•• So& to maks tamer in grain and dooms. Ten to one hundred dollars oarefully invented eit margin will net you same profit as one to five thousand dollars .111 If you put.. chasm -nit right. Write tor pamphlet, explaining fully, F. 0. ANDERSON & 00., Stook and Investment Brokers, Ylotorla St., Toronto. , Michigan Land for Sale. 2 000 ROSES 0300 YARMINCt LANDS .44 fiFNAC. 10$00, Ogemaw and Crawford Counties, Title per. foot. On Mich gan Central, Detroit St Mookimic and Loon Lake Rails() pie, at prices !engird from 82 to 95 per ante, These Londe are Close to Enterprieing New rleYli5sontaUblhenahtria..80Ahpopollya-leoto-., and will be sold on mod * mo'Vr 3199. OEU. ARFrelent':WWhertleButaYor(e5,1tb7itol,°?' " Ph-raoh 10o• Cigar Manufacturer. 91 Payne, i.t Greens , Qiie' _, - Old Gentleman -Aly friend, what do you do with, youi wages every week - Put part of them in the sayings bank? Bus Driver -No, sir. After 'paying the grocer, baker, butcher, and rent I pack away what s left in a barrel. ' don't' believe in savings bankt. . . • ‘ir C 987 • CALVERT'S Carbolic- Disirdectante. Soaps,. Pint. meat, Tooth Powders, ate., have been a warded 100 medals and diplomas for supe .1or eicellence, Tb•dr regtilar use prevent" infanta OU9 diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists wailhd freo on app cation. , F. C. CALVERT & CO., Itg_ANCHESTER, - - erfouttuo, ' ' . ." . catarrh Indian Catarrh Cure. . A,..• Sold by all reliable Druggists. ONE NIGHTZZ;u0,,,tly:17, Stammerers123"11:4:i all t Wirt Stooks • 3_ 2% .__Proflts for the Month OF JULY. This t ompany., after paying the 4 per cent. ntonthly coupons maturing August 1st, hove remaiong surplus of 28 per cent. Atte, deducting expenses. and the amount carried to the reserve fund there remains to the credit of the invest .rs a surplue over dividend of 18 44 per cent, Any amount.front $50 upwards received for itrfrBooff free, giving full particulam, Inv • Tho Dominion 'investment company ot Toronto, Oanada Permanent Ohandum, 18,Toronto St. Dominion Line STEAMSHIPS OR YAL MAIL . ' Montreal ontretseitac-toitteereota- Large and fast Sten me.rR Vancouver, Dominion, Scotsman, Cambroman. Rates of passage t-Firat Cabin, 9.50 upwerds ; Second Cabin, 935 ; .aseerage, $22.00 and $23 50 Por further lefot Mallen apply to los:Magenta or DAVID TORRANCE si co., General Agents, 17 St. Sacirantent te,„ Montreal. • Your choice Of a Violin. Guitar or Autoharp for selling only 3 dozen. Gold TOppid Lever Collar' But,' • tons at 10.cents each, or a Mandolin or Banjo for sell. Ing..4 dozen.. Nnanoneyd- quired. Juist write AA and ' • we will gland the bidtens postpaid:Sell them, return the money and the Matra - choose will be promptly for. express, tin charges paid. Lever mettoss cp., Dept. 1, Toronto. ment you warded by • • liond'ale—Milrormerreont-ot-offOrd-tern7 withunt. the Aittomatie Faucet Attach. 111*1C, As It pays Itself in one week dra ing been No drip, no waste. You only need ; one band to drew beer with the Antoanatte . casein( rush newt) hold glows its . well hand, afs ',the Automata Li • al waya ready. •The Antoinatic drawathe finest gintissiffbeetenal le used for any tnitle, ais it mite „ the kind of bead on th ahem that You want. Price 91 50 pre -paid-- • • , money refunded. ir hotratiartic.' • tory. blanillton Mfgeo0Toronto . . . •. . . " FARM FOR SALE • • 198 'ACRES SITUATED New Dundee and 5 miles south of .Petereburg, n Waterloo Co., Wilmot Tp., Ont. ; Mile north 'o . G.T.B. ; the land slopee gently towaids south audio:car is a rich clay- loam, in azOod state of cultivation ; there are acree of orchard artd golden,' about 28 acrea ot good hardened bush, °oder and apiece hedze Annind buildlAgs, and 200' maple trees borderieg on farm ;• ard ind soft water at house; barn supplied -with seeing' , • eater hy hydraulic ram; power wheel, on barn ; about • 60 acres of wheat, 45 meadow, balance spring ' crop ; trrm can be bought with or without crop. .For termi, • addrens ISRAEL ORESSMAN, New Dundee. Ont. • • Fid&E to every 'boy and girl who sends ns the ""`• full name and address of five boys oe gide Cover 14 years old) and their omaddreas we vdil award &handsome bicycle whist -s4; ** - We require all who aro awardedthe waist set • • -to distribbte25 pkgs. of our Lemoneule Powder .. and collect 50 per pkg. Each package codeine enough for ten glasses. Return the money tots by express, money Order or postal note, and we will give you in addition to waisteet an . ' elegant bracelet. In order to induce prompt, • •ness, to all who makereturns inside twelve dayn • from receipt of goods we will tether give a love ly stiek pin, DOMINION.SUPPLY DOUSE 92 King St. W., itamato.u, Ont. a BEAVER ORAN riw:hbeme tau:: (6t1 -leg 1. 0 4 • . • Or. Arnett, Berlin who will moistest ydu Ortt CI 're you " PEERLESS,' • , never hardens-8:01-aranteed Water. proof. Asktor %take no other. Bee. macnine oneltubber Clothing Co; Montreal. , 11011111110$ SENSE KILLSMoaoholl. Rod ,a1 Bogs Illats and Mk.. gold by all 'Dreintlets. mango.= W. Toronto. • WOOD & PHO 1 0.ESIGRAVI G J. LJONIES ENG.,C? 6•3•10•ADIELAIDIESTW TO.RON70. HARRIS '3"" LEAD, COPPS% BRASS. Wholesale oily. Long Distance Telephenel7Xt • WILLIAM it, TORONTO. Mille, Mills Ss Halos Berristersete-removed to Wesley_Bidga.. Rich- mond at. w., Toronto. The Dawson. Cominhoion Co., Limited, Oar, Wid4larkit & 001bonsi titr., Toronto, Out .goi Ion beat taloa for your 'Applee, Butter, Even, Poultry, and other produce, you ship to them. 10,.Prerimmit,tireedBlutitindlilicigo;untrien. Design's, 'Trade Marks registered, Oopyri.glits,, weed, Writefor Information.. ' (MEE, Registered Solicit:Wet Patents, ' .E11.100.5ANRcoTri:0EresNaNtp..tiTRve' vrti Toronto, Ont. . , . Catholic Prayer 1.1t14,7g.,TAitg,"... 81/90:381i.deus 'Pictures, Statuary, atid ,Chutch Ornatnenta Educational Works.. Midi outdo 'receive prompt fitful • D. &11.•SAOLIER & 004 Montreal. WHITE'S PHOSPHO SODA An Effervescing Inutelatte, excellent cleanser for liter, kidney and doinaela takes thef plum of coal tar prepare, None incase et headache, ite effect is immediate. Sold by all drugglets, In Dle, 250,1100 and 51.00 packages. Ibilatioity Drug OO., 27$ welungtopos. saturants Solid Golcl.,..$2.85 Best Gold rill 1.50 6 yrs Gold Fill 1.00 111:511111 V • Best Glasses- 100; We guarantee perfect eatiefaotion. GLOBE OPTICAL CO., 93 'range Street, T01'01150. CARD INDEX... The only perfect system tor keep: Ins namea and adamant$3, Sample tray outfit Tee Office sroiaity Mfg. 00, 191 and 124 Bay St., TORONTO. Partig?: Newmarket, -.•• THE 911114M0 & HARRISON MID allontitami COLLEGE Cor.leonget and College Toronto. CIVIL SEFIVIOg PREPASATION A SPECIALTY. AWell Wulpped, widely patronized School. nigh reeora fel good results Individual instruction. Prospectuo mailed to year address free. D. NIMMO and JAS. HARRISON, Prinerpale, 8911001. OF MINING. KINGSTON. Affiliated kr Qtteen'e University, Seit'sion begins Oa tober 4th. Four yeare for degrees (B. So., R. M.) in (11 Me•allurgy and Mining Engineering. (2) Analytical Chemistty and Asaitying.and(3))/(Mernlogy and Geolofd. Three gears for diplomat. Shorter special Courses, Graduatee hare so fat salved emvp4oyment Maly. For calendar away W. 1. (100D 18, Director. SHOW (CASES., ALL CASES (Men and flank Fixtures, Modern Store Feonts. Mirrors and Plate Glass. For low pekes Write TORONTO SHOW CASE CO., ADELAIDE W., TORONTO, CAN. cot,sessy I make Money 11 Fe e Machine Free With leo Innis, Wiens° Fred. Wits snit et mon lb. to bateau/0,1e Daimon Otte Renee 111 Don't bete 80 Met eited mound oath other, like old roroveo tenon, m mom *Ism am snood awl /*dotted from weather. Oen hetet Sip ot break. Five Bens AA .0•002, end lasts ten Mina at long as on, woven fenett Riede. Conyht Plain, Ooiledating, Twist ot Barb Wire. °Monett Wire Mame e avor to•antod, 'Orme windy to 0,62twA,Irni 00., London, Oka. .TH IS OIL is adapted to all conditions of .weight, . as pnede.adtin.lsot.:. reiiape cueisis.as. inipgreiso% .PBeiE7E1,6.RLkuE,0Sis.. thr.er AML.ROGERS lug' envoi ALLAN L.INE STEAMERS UPETRUOL RoyAL NAIL sr. LAWRENCE Roltre, .I so: . EVERY THURSDAY .. . ' Prom Liverpool. ' • ._ From Montreal 24 Aug 81 Aug BAVARIA N,... .. .... 7 Sept • . • CALITTIRN/quIrA.Iil 14 Sept. • 14 fle. 1 PARISIAN. g elle6rt ' 21 Sept., ..... ,...BAVARIAN.: .... 5 Oot. , The new Twin Strew Et. & Bavarian, 10,000 tone, veil nil from Liverpoid Aug:24, and from MOrdreal Seta. 7 " Cabin Passage -950.00 and upwards. . Second Cabln-$85.00, Retairn 8C6.50. Steerag'e-Ltrerpool, London, Glasgow. Londonderry or Queenstown. 923.50. • -For tickets:Mc' all Inforniation apply W local agent ce . . " III, BOURLIER, 77 Yonge St., Toronto, or IL & A. ALLAN, MOntreal. . IIEALTH RESTORED '01"g4..7311: nost disordered Stomaoh, Lunge,' Ne^ves, Iowa, Illood• Mulder, -Kidneys. Brain and Breath by Du Barry's Rovalenta Arabloa Food, MIA Siren lovalids 'and Children, and alsia Rears *to P&loth...Infants Whose Ailments and Debility have re, ted all Other treatments, It digests when all OW odd is rejected, ales 60 time its cOst in tnedielne. 50 years' tztunirrozkr, don, Flatelemd, Dywepela, Indigestion, Consumption, Diabetes, Bronchitis Influ. ems, Coughs Asthma, Oatatrh, Phiegnx, oarrbout, fervotus Sleeplessness. Despondency, DU BarrY ft Co (Litnited), 77 Regent PP strect, Mouton W., also in Paris, 14 ROA de Oastlgilon, and a all Clirociers, Chemists; end Stores everywhere, in tine, 3.% thl., 6a, 51h.„_148., Sent carriage tree. Also Du Barry s RevalentaBiscults, in tins, 30. 65. Andes. &tents for Canada: The T. Eaton 00.,Llanited. Tema - /.7"/ CENTRE BOSIN[SS COiliGE W. Oth1W# PrInttlialo Of YoraoAnatoo.ratiog. VON& and ORR . aohool now Monne lit San. tout% ye;tidetavulaklit:esaposeetatil oirriyaya.tamtstohnttro otothiltdi Mill Tenth vellum opens on Sept. 5th Mixt. 6:11euttaireatinot:fiirlfilierienylmhottottbe6r Watt rtirnmeintessendh.doust lotonnitlon lnt ttheettolly tint to tuttoita TwasamoustielyitionsAisyNitituorOATION• AddTteilLiTIWAPII suit oho:0st 444114wokoodorioionaiiiiiwato.4.4 •