HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-07, Page 5SEPTEMBER 7, 1899, mommarrea st re.""'"e"ThemDuring liCot s"1 SERVANT WANTED Weather tti THE CHARITY HOSPITAL ; • Complaints are prevalent t which are mere frequent in ; summerthan in winter. The 4; excessive hot weather affects • some y t b h is • mostly alitsWertible for the • • pains of summer complaint. I, a• The use of green fruit or • fresh vegetables produces a • laxity in the bowels which is • • • very hard to bear by childten • an delicate persons Even a • the strong and robust cannot 41 • endure the exactions of dy. • o. • sentery • • • • AROMATIC BLACK., • • BERRY COMPOUND 41 • ia. a, strong safeguard • against uyeentery, diarrhoea, • cholera morbus,summer COM- 441 plaint, etc. When any of S. these complaints are rnani4 • festa bottle of this remedy • • should be at once procured. • • ft It is easy and pleasant to take • r, and we guarantee it to find • ' Satisfaction. 25c a. bottle at • • SYDNEY JACKSON.i Phone 2. Prescription Drug Store • , • ••••••••••••11110,•••••••••••• • • DON'T FROVVN It frequently comes from ,• trying to fix the eyes on a giv- • en point and forcing them to • erform tasks for whieh they are incapacitated.. A PAIR OF GOOD GLASSES such n ,We fit to your face and eyes/Will make reading a leasard, Prices Reasonable. 11. A.J,GRIGG • THE CLINTON' XE'WS-RECORD. ICED SOUPS. Good gene* sweet wanted. Wages 110 per funn7 I/24 btQwn 1114 iwait. atr roars tors it. Utletrag teat trt one Month. Apply to His wool would kink, it they let it ler, Old a W h dlinton, . . _ MRS, BREMER* The Molten* Bank, • APPLESWANTED. The Saltford EvapOrator Company will nay thehighOet inezket price for Apples, windfall and oulle, at their faetory in Saltford. Seltford, An g, - BECK, 0014DTHORIPID-58 00.tit _ R SALE. he undereirned offers Or sale thattwo-story brick reeidenea of nine rooms' at the corner of North and Spencer atreeta. There ls fl of an acro of land with good bearing orchard. For male cheap Apply on the premises to MISS MARY GILL. 'Minter), •Augluit 25th. APPLES WANTED For seventeen years I have been d oin bust - n008 with the farmers of the county of 0:baron and am this year prepared to bust, more sound apples than ever. for which the highest market price will be paid. have authorized agents el all points in liuron, and it will be to the ad- vantage of ownere of orchards to mullein how well I can de for them. In any event do not dispose of your apples 13efore seeing me or one of my repreeentativee. D. CANTELON Clinton, P. O. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers for Pale Lot Went half 33, on the Oth Conoessien of the Tovvnellip of East Wawanosh, consisting et 100. acres, 95 acres cleared and the balance hardwood 13ush, The soil is a good clay loam: Upon the prom- ises are a good bank barn, straw abed and out buildings. • The dwelling a two-storey brick. There is a good bearing orchard and the farm is well watered and fenced, mile from eohool and milert from the village of Belgrave. Apply on the premises to JOHN AGNEW, Belgrave P. 0 Augusto ritle • • LAND FOR • The undersigned offers for sale that desirable sixteen (16) acres of land south of the London Road Bridge. 11 18 a beautiful site for building and will be sold in one piece or in lots. My reason for selling,is that it is too far from town to handle Myself and it doesn't pay to hire help • A. COUCH. Clinton June 20th. • • • • STORE TO RENT:. The undersigned offers for rental the store on Huron street lately occupied by Holloway 8c Morrish, • • TH• OS. JACKSOM Clinton, June 22nd.• . HOUSE FOR SALE. Comfortable dwellihg house on east side of Albert Street, containing 7 rooms; hard and soft water and quarter of an acre of. land, fruit trees, ete. Will' be soldcheap as owneris leav- ing town. Apply to • JOHN RIDOUT July 4. • • Clinton • MOUSE -FOR SALE. oria street. Near Organ 'Factory 4300. will buy aroomyroomfortable house with good lot -the property recently • ocoupied by Jrrank TJpshall. Apply to illarch 7th.•• W. BET:DONE, Demist°,• • TOWN .• PROPERTY.FOR SALE Jeweler and OpticianThe subser .. , • iber offers for sale a very desirable property on Isaac street Consisting of four lots upon which there is a comfortable frame house with kitellen and woodshed' attached. There REVERE LAUNDRY is a good stable •and a first-class well of' water • on ,premises. The orchard, consisting of grapes. 17):11oli rg"caabialigur fr Erg '4°"h a aft e nt e. pp y o e 'weer OG• the premises . • •, -.-- • , • • '• • and asples,is a good one. The pro ert will I nave moved my Laundry, the • Revere, to the stand lately occupied, 44, 1,11Y. by Mr. J. W. Rill, in the Combo block on Albeit street, which Will be more. erorvorilinti both for myself and cus- tomers.. Our work speaks for itself and saassoActrioN GuAnANTEED. W respectfully "r h f et on corner ef Rattenbury and Raglan streets. , patronage, Our prices are right and D'Onit—FITY-' we will do our best to please you,• - April 13th •• • JOHN HAYES. • Clinton, May 22nd. Clintea May 9th. MRS. JOHN J0NOR. • HOUSE FOR • SALE. ir The subscriber offers for sale his housed • SPECIAL NOTICE • • . I have a. few fancy Toilet' sets left and am determined to clear them out and now offer a, ;$10.00 Set for $8.00. 7.00 " 5.00. • os 4.50. 5,50 " 4,00. Wanted at Once.. • • A good general 'servant wanted at once in small family. Must be competent person Good wages. Apply to •• MRS. IV...FOSTER Clinton, Aug. 29113. Albert sI. North OUR SPECIALTY- •• Intending purchaser's can'thus secure good bargains. ,• •• IS FLOUR and FEED, and our • Gocid.BUttenand. Eggs taken as Cash. greatest seller the White Swan Flour. This is, we believe, the most popular G. J. STEWART.: brand on the market. • If you try it once you will be so- pleased with it • MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Our Fall goods are now in and we ale Pro - red to supply the wants of tho people of iptatsbctig AnstorTiligitand 114rwiethaigg Bpi= - stock aro in bettor position 10 00 so than ever • before. Here aro a few of tho bargains we aro. offering: - Good all Wool Tweed Suit made to order 81e. • Black Worsteds $13 'up to $22. A genuine Fall andWinter Suit made to order with first-class trimming:1;13. Tweed Pants made up-to-date 81.50. • All Wool Heavy Tweed Pants for winter wear $1.75. Overalls, pnre Denham Cottoned°, 75-cen18, Moleskins $1. Smocks from 50 cents to $1. All ate well Made and sewed with linen thread. A Suit of the best Balbriggan UnderwearMo. - Beet Libon Col1ars15 cents up to 18 cents, - Nice Tia 15 cent& Four -in -Hand Ties 25 cents. We carry a stook of Cuff Buttons, Studs, et& , • ceorything that le found in a first-class Furn- her's, and ask you te call and examine our tick before buying elsewhere. T. PARLMER, LONDESBORO. If you want anything • iuthe Musical line, call at 0,• Mare's Musio Emporium. •dweApe. Troorg Phospliodine, the tire Enf/ifth Ear011. Sad an reeetemen cid y itil druggist* Canada. reu. Able niediaine disOoltered. Of gurrttakat to etre all tondo o Setae, Wen tieseL,a Or craft, ?dental Worry', 3106661ft tiftatTo. opirre or Stientlanta, treiled bit reoeipi of orate, one rare si. sir, 86, one oropuase, raceliteure. ampler fres to any eddrear, Wkiii Pod VeitiPary, Windioff Wife Wood Phosphadine Is SOld la ClIntOrt by Sydfic, lia0kA011, Druggiere that you Will prefer it to other brands. We are now selling the White Swan at $1.75 per cwt, Several of our custo- mer's have asked for Rye Flour Of Which we now have a stock on hand. OUR GROCERIES' are always fresh and well assorted, and the prices, you will find, are most reasonable. Butter and Eggs wanted. 0. OLSON ,KIRKE3Y Next door to Clarendon. Crown Bakery P, slew a plaeter cut or his ieet And 'Urea his lite lo a hospital row. BONO on row* oi white little beds, • • White little lam- row* on ma, White little pillowi for little heads, . And that hi the werld which Willie knew, , Willie Pleys 4/11 his cot 111 day. , r1O/Iing rich with. bit at faring And WON when 'iny one comes, bie way, lido the world where he le mow, /•,Tarrow realm for a king to rule! Sooty treasure he hoards end spends! Sewer,* marble, a broken spool - But then, you see, it 11,S depends. Nobody cuddles him up again And tucks him close at bight with a kise, Nome are busy of course, and then, Who but a mother could ever do this? . Nobody folde hie brown !Alla hands And teaches him, "Now I ley roe" there. But Some One listene and understand!' When Willie stumble', saYing his prayer. • Out in the world men work and 'light, And setae are wounded, and some wee till, ' And the right pee wrong and the wrong comes . right, But it never bother* Willie at all. Woolly end funny and brown and sweet, • Living hie own little life ;mart, With a plaster east on. hie poor little Net, • " And God.' own eunehine euro in his heart. -liable Earle in Youth's Companion. CAREEN OF A CAPITALIST . • The Capital, Was .Acquirect, but a Tender Heart Prevented Its , • Profitable;nvestment. • •O••••••• i•••••• •• • I bad long had a desire to become a capitalist. . Lucille seemed. to think it • smart to laugh at me for this extreme- • ly laudable and perfectly natural AM- blticin. As for'her, she wasted her sub - shine° in riotous living, spendingev- ery cent of her salary on opera tickets. imported toilet articles and tortoni bis- • cuit with a reckless disregard for the • future that could onlymean one thing -namely, `matrimonird hopes: • • And, -to -tell the truth, Lucille Was attractive enough to warrant her hex- - Ing some hopes hi this direction and • could have had her pick may., time from half a dozeii young fellows, each • one'of whom got almost as much sal- ary as she did. • But that has nothing to do with my • oWn ambitions, which were of a very different sort I say were, for I'm not so sure about them note, my firstexpe- rIence as a capitalist having rather un- settled my views of life for the time being. •- I was very young indeed when I • first fornied my ideas as to the daft- • ability of wealth. It we." way back in my childhood when old Mr. Higgin- son used to come to .church -in -his -great-- fur lined overcoat and dirty linen, and observed how the minister and the • elders crowded around him to shake go Mt A rooZ over OUT head. .4324 now we must lose It A fresh buret of sobbing interrupted her, mid Wallowed a ellecenion of what seemed to be cobblestones, I tried to tbluk What Mr. Higginson would have done la ouch an emerge*, QY and wondered, if be ever felt ae much like it chicken thiet as 1 did at that moinent "WhY, don't my," 1 managed to say at last. "I'll° not deprive you of a home. I Only bought the mortgage as an 1uveatment, know." Here 1 was actually apologising for having "Preley tint at interest" The peer Meninx went away a little eom- forted at last, ad went to bed with a nervous headache. rather lost Interest in my mortgage after that. I didn't sleep well for some reason, and wheu I did doze a little my dreams were haunted by weeping old . laddes. I got a bed habit or going in/. to A brown study at inconvenient times and would start guiltily when spokeu to euddenly. One day I got a note from Mr. Adams Baying he was going to foreclose at once and assuring me that Pd,get my Money all right -I needn't worry. Somehow I didn't find the assurance comforting and went home without • any appetite for eupPer. , "May the Lord preserve Me from ever becoming a capitalistr cried Lu - eine, looking at nv face as 1. sat try- ing to read after, framer. "You look, MY dear, for all the world like Judas • Iscariot after he funeral would be Thank goodness. night.' Bob is Lucille' was found out. A cheerful beside yen. Bob is coming *- cousin, a young law- yer and the jolliest boy going. But, ' also, when he came Bob was in the blues tool -He sighed like a furnace every few moments and finally an- nounced that he couldn't stay. "1 want to see a man named Adams • about a mortgage," he said, and I turn- 4ed cold'all over. • ",It's the saddest case I ever heard • of," he went on. "An old couple who are clients of mine had a mortgage on • their home. It was bought a year or _Jo ago by some titlark or other." . ' I covered my eyes with my hand just here, and Lucille coughed in an tone; embarrassed way, but Bob noticed nothing and proceeded in a troUbled • "Of course they couldn't keep up the Interest., Whoever bought the mort- gage knew they couldn't. Such people always figure on that, you know, and now the poor old chap has gone crazy over losing his home--elean daffy, you • know -and his poor wife will be turned out unless something is done."' There was a dead silenek.for„a--mo- • -ment-wherll-irici, and then I got up without a word, and going to my desk unlocked the drawer where. I • kept the precious Mortgage. With • trembling fingers I seized my pen and 'with ,a few strokes canceled the mort- • gage, and as I did so a load rolled off .inyheart. , • •• • • "Sere," I cried eagerly to the With, . fled Bob,"take this to. that poor wom- an quick, tonight!" . • "Oh, Sara!" • cried Lucille, • "you • worked so hard for that money." • - '"So. has ,I said. "And .1 am - young and strong, while she is old and. helpless. Oh, Lucille, if you kneW how r ve hated myself lately." • Lucille took nag in her arms and then explained things -to Bob, -while I cried a little, though I couldn't help thipking What Mr. Higginson would have said at my behavior. •' • We got Bob off at last, as happy as a -lord, and then Lucille embraced. .me again. .• "Yon were never cut out for a capi- his band, when he •wita such a hateful old curmudgeon that I. had privately • 'thought. the Lord might te have made scone sort of. a puhlic apology for per- petrating him on the community.• Higginson has got a lot- of 'ineney out at interest" my father would ,say when I ventured to_wender why. people .made Such a fuss over a . dirty and disagreeable than. -dr • . What mar veloui power' ''money out at inierear must be; I. thought, when It can transform' even. Mr.. ffigginson into en . acceptable. companion, • And se at thatearly age I was made' acquainted with the potency of Wealth, . and I resolved that .some day-. too. should have "money. out at interest," When. I was made head stenographer abig lei ofilee, I considered my am- bition, as . good an realized. 'It had seemed so far away before that I'd; never tried to save Very much, but new • that it. was fairly Within my reach .1. • began to lay nrr-money at a frantic -rate. "11 you get.another ratite la your eel- . •. KO. you'll he so stingy you'll take to; lunching out of the, mucilage bottle and weevil* your bicycle suit to chureh,"; declared Lucille in .disgust. • 'But r just let her jeerrand kept on • .ecommilzingi- and. at last there 'came a day 'Wiled -I -hid- $1,500 in the bank.' ,•61r. Adams, a friend of my father's, in- vested it for me in a first mortgage on a suburban eottage, and .when the pa- pers were, eigned I Went -honie flushed and triOniphaut. • . • "Congratulate me, .Lucille," I cried, throwing myself • into a chair and my _ hat 9a the youth. "I haf inveshtigiSed mein moneys." . • • uc e was ng a at to Wear to the theater that night, one of those • silly white tulle affairs that a single ehower will transform into an imita- tion cestard Pie, before your very oyes, "Huhl" she exclaimed, "I believe you think yoti've done something really rine. • Sara .Dunning, V you deal look • out, your nose will grow hooked just like Mr. DunkeIsptel's down at the pawnbroker's shop." • • "What do care?" I retorted gayly. "I've -got money out at Interest, . cllie. Do You realize what thatimeans?" "It means that you've worked like a slave and denied Yourself; till pleasure for .a year Land it -half . to get it and . you're thin as a shad and yellow as a lemon. Corde on and 'go to the theater tonight, and forget that you're it cap- italist long enough to enjoy yourself, th e d " But the fever woe In. ray blood, and .1 wouldn't listen to her. So went on putting money in the • bank and looked • forward eagerly ,to the thne when the interest from my investment would begin to come in. It was paid promptly 'enough the first quarter and the second. Then It lapsed. Six months went by .and ne, . interest • "It mine to. Me." remarked Lucille one day, "that you'd better 'invest1. wife' that money in dead earnest" "Oh, don't Worry yotirself," I retort- ed enappishly. I was nervous of late, and -beside.e. Mr. Iligginson Vag al - THE • .SAME STANDt . THE SAME BAKER THE BEST' PRODUCTS She's a dandy. What 1 OUR 'ICE ORKAIVL A. KIRKBY,, Next do Or to Clarend CANNED MEATS Canned Merge are a boon to the tired housewife during the sum- mer Menthe. They save time and labor, No haling over ft hot stove if you use anned CHICKEN • TURKEY TONGUE. PIGS' FEET • Our gook is all &Mt and teem the, beet cannot*. Try a earl Of Ohlekrn for your Sunday dinner, • E. W. UVULA talist I knew it all the time," she . bfied triumphantly. . "Thank you, dear," 1 said meekly. . "And say, Lucille, let's go to hear Maude Adams tonight" . . "Why," she exclaimed, ber eyes as • big as saucers, "the prices are way - _ In G." • . "Who cares?" I said. richer - tonight than I've been for years." •*. • I And we went=Edgar. Temple Field in Chicago Herald. . • • lowed to be as arose all be liked, I re- membered, "Well, it's a great thing U. have Men. ey•oUt at interest," she reeponded air- ily, tilting her sailor hat over her nose and shaking out her rustlbfg ekirte preparatory to going Mit. Wm Was really outrageously pretty. At the door she met some one cOm- hag in. A pale, forlorn looking old Wo- olen, with a pinched face and an ap- pearance of inviting cried for Mx "Is this hIlse Dunning?" she asked. 1 insured her It was, and Oho pro- • ceeded timidly, veiled to see you about that mortgage." —1"11,7 -yes,'" I said, *Wooing to shut the door on Who Was lingering • in the hall in an unprincipled fashion whiell I etield not approve. . "We've been unitble to ineet our payments lately," went on rat visitor In a depressed tone, .."and yeeterflay your agent Sent me Word you intended to foreelose. Oh, Wee -Denting, don't, MOM deal be hatd on Ws. My poor husband has been siek in bed for a year, and if WO 1000 Onr little home It will kill hilt." • • Itere the poor Cratere btirst etit crying, and reached for my banner. dila, feeling somehow that 'being a capitalist wasn't ouch fun as I'd Wag. Wed. • , "Oh, Wet Dunning," proceeded my guest as noon an *he waft able to speak, "it you knew •how fwitd trie worked to hot tho *molt tits, nut the es.tinkr His Talereltem.• . Crags-Dld you • tell Simpers you thought I was a man without any bal- - once? Butts -Well, 1 naturally Inferred that if you had a balanee you would draw on it for the amount you owe Inc-, Ph CHILD GROWTH. • Make Ihe Zineatioa •A'eeerd With Ito. Net napess rt. seI. of organs or funotions then upon' • Growth focuses for & time upon one einother, until the whole hodj is develop- ed; but all parts of the body do not grow at one and the same Mole. The body growe first in length, and then in girth, in breadth and depth of chest, in breadth and beigbb of forshead, in breadth and length of face. To make a medial application of this ivell-known fact of periodkaty in phy- sical growth, let uta observe the derelop- ment of the manacles of the arm. Tn. moles of the upper arm --those conoern- ed in the functioning of the shoulder jOint--tere ripe and ready fax training at least a year and ene-half before the !nosier et the Angara. The muscles' of the shoulder mature fax training sit months before the Masolek of the ellioW, and these in turn five to eight menthe before the Muscles of the wrist, which are ripe and ready for training front three to six menthe before the muftis* of the fingers. When we build that a child 'hall begin to write by means of the finger Muscles only With a small pinoil In narroW apace!, en ruled paper or & elate -we run dire:Alienator to the prin. elides of arena lied development that nature has so plainly written la his eon- iititution. Must net education, to be eau - **Mon at all, be in sword with these principles rather than in opporitton to them? The ehild of 8 years, during the first days of his school life, °hernias to make large, whole -arm raorements rather than the minute MOrlirerte of the lager muftis". At Brat he requires "almost an acre" of blackboard space in which to write a few sentences. We MU.* trate the large shoulder muscles before attentpii- Inc to burden the Seeder, undeveloped finger muster, which are reelly injured by seek toe darly strata and involved activity. Thus we, Ind in our best regulated kindergartini Of to -day none of the finer work for the younger ohildren. The young And it no longer required to take int the liead-stringlag and pin-prioking exercises -at least not Until his iyet and his tugger rrriolei tor rips and•ready'for snob training. in Nome et the most modern kindergartens • the oocupatione and gifts are ooneerned vvith larger ob. jecte Instead of those formerly tried, Which were of the smaller, more orthodox eize-clarger blocks, larger pencils, larger needles, larger beads and °oats' Wing instead of Ono thread.--tfornir6 • Gereplimaelar le a reelaaer After the ihaneo-Paissiotti war the 00r, mans bed the highest respect for (lens* Gallifit, and whoa the Wrench wren./ hat° attoidad th• rieznalk irbrintriler 506 rilirlirb in the 'I04 b opeolal barite+ Sion of tho old Simperer he WM trained with the most exquisite solitary Ana bottildirrilds. Hajaaty iblaord hita oft big tight hand, at tho'iablo, and frit taollairt to roast (ha tomarkat foto) what l'irdelok Who ftert ono. Pahl to thai A.listrialk ilarshai 1/011k meeting MI* atter 11313 Istvan years' watt me was for irking hit plea' at hods wawa the /tine, but Predation atolainialt "no, ttist *SI nett* 40 1.116 04 sti 111.146610 r key, AP wall low la to bet r•v$ th• , oot. Nionever *Tule Theorists Olive Pomo NeW 1"1111 11441417.:VIliaabt1144°444 fur Students of our time thinking On parallel lines with $b� savant* of (er, many, who have made moll arida in the discovery and ImprOvement o food", have learned how moth less it rentlirell Of bulk to eatlefY tile body Olt the arti- floial appetite) than was thought in the eighteenth century. But all are pretty well agreed, especdally in Germany among the rruit theorists, that the food of all important workers should be the best It ill not rinoorinnon to hear a fruit apooisl. do for the daily wen, WhiOil demands that the foonities of each man shall be at the top of his bent,' you mind eat better food. You thould pay for the raw meter. ial of your food not les a Mian ten. shill - Ingo (40.150) a day." if you expostulate, "BO I think so much money can be better spent Clonsicler,. ;looter, the Scot- tith School of Metaphysics; all that brain stuff turned out on oatmeal and whisky; I don't think my work good enough to ;mend ten ibilfings on it Bather let me do as St. Teresa (whose lanalle spent a fortune on her health), pay no attention ' to my toed or my health, and perhaps by thinking only of otheras, she did I • will get strong al she did," Here you are bidden be pranie.al and overran' eyes to light, Another Gorman • spectialist weld to me; "And eat -don't do as all women do -din• on. tinned coined beef and hard boiled eggs. -But go to the • beet place, order a broiled bird, a pint of Dlloquot and a bunch of the best gripes toed -or Rudesheimerif you have. the good renew. You will see that your editor will sencl a broiled chicken and oham-' perm cheek, instead of one of corned. beef andweak tee kind. To write well a man must build the thought up by the body. . It what.' the Hanover frifit theortsta give out • be, true, the following fruit soups, taken:icy gold* or hot according to preferenO0, are good forhrato workera. and people wise must exert themselves in warm weather. They are given as food and medicine. Burt the doubter can take them for the sake Of variety. Iced Soup of • Oranges.---aake lour oranges, grate the peel in sugar to absorb the emential oil, then pound the sufgar in•ie bowl, and aqueeze.over it the . juice of 'the fruit and. do the flame with two lemons, cutting the Ionian' lengthwise and squeeziag the 'juice, over their zest. Reject the. seeds, and, put the pulp and • sugar in a porcelain pan; to which you have added three pints of cold watered:id let .it boll. Dissolve in a oup a tablespoon- • fill of Irish moss and add to the orange liquor. Let.it reduce by ten minutes boil- ing, strain and •cool. Then put In it a pint of ,ohopped ice, let it stand's few minutes, add a "glass of white wine.(un- ieSS white wine be forbidden as it is not presoribed for all men) and eat with bread as any other soup. • Raspberry Soup with Italian Paste- • Take. a quart of raspberries 'with a oup • Of powdered sugar and mash them finely. Pour over, them threelLitsiALD.gjking, :..water,- -grelritift7iiii- to oome to. . the :boiling point. Then add half a oup vermicelli, w,hicia you have boiled tenor- ! i • little Water separately. Stir and taste if agreeably aweet. and then. add the juice of half a lemon and grate the zest idto it. Put away to cool, then ioE it, or not, as you prefer. . • ' • • Apple soup •is net , due to modern theorists, • for,It has been a Milt -broth for genValeseepts. (in Germany) . for oar! • tainly • half G century; • perhaps more. Indeed, by indeperdent search I find' • that in the 'seventeenth century ranch that we think due to our • age was e. ployed by eentlation and eohelars, among • e throe er er , he Poet an saint. Take four tart; very 'read apples, pee1 and core. them, and . boll to a thin 'puree • in three pints of water, add • the grated Ind of a lemon •and four . tablespoonfuls et sugar; a aa tspoon o t, two gi s o Rhine wine. ;Lastly add three tablespoons of saint and cook slowly half an hour. . Pineapple puree.can made thesaine Way, without tho lemon rind. Not only is it an agreeable iced soup, but in Win'. ter it is given to babies to cure diph- theria. In exaggerated eases the juice 011,10TediartIhiuTbaenr.b le made into a thin puree or eh* soup. Some thicken it .with a itttle olltnleal• But oatmeal does not agree Vvith everybody, and Inakes•itselt manifest in•a fainting 'sensation an hour after it is taken. For this reason so.me children's dislike' of oatmeal 'should bs - considered. • • Toed currant jelly is. another variety. •Takehalto piat of . currant jelly and a pint of chopped ice and shake them well In olosed verieel five mintites, then take th. s a map, •. •Strawberriesand goosberries oan be 'similarly oontected, • and both these ars commended for such as must do writing or 'study .84 night, while miathee•and all state fruit are net good for people ot• sedentary life.: • . • , • The Glenealra The. Seavraiihaka cup will remain In Cenada for another year. After winning the first two races it was thought that the Constance would surely land the trophy•for the 'United. States, but Dug- and bowels - glen seemed to have. a bit up hie Mem, • THE OLENCAIRN 111. and be got away with the next two con. tests in tterer etyle. On the fifth and deciding Moo, Palled on Thursday, grd A.uguet, the Conetanes grounded at the start and Glenrairn soored a hollow vie - tory by sailing over the pours alone. Wateia iValelhad e7 1! Emperor Charier -V. qatried it *bah in 1630 that weighed, 27. potinds. • In anoh a game 111* proper to may, only "carried;" seal* it, *stab is never 'worn." 40 Ng Eye Like the . Master's Ex." • You are master of your hearth, and If you do not attend to duty, the blame Is easily located. Ifyour blood Is out of order, flood's Sar. saparIlla wilt purify it. It is the specific remedy for troubles of the blood, kidney', bowel!, or liver. s, Heart Troub4e-41i had heart trouble for * number of Years and different meat. fillrell tailed tO benefit me. I tried Hood% Haraaparilla and trine bottles oortnerttel7 and perfectly oared me." Mu. 0. a. NIMMe. Wallace Bridge. N. a, A Safeguard -10 Alr had lost five oh*, • dren with -diphtheria rave mY remaining Iwo children Hood's liareapartha as firer Wire inhiect to throat trouble and were not very strong. They are now healthier and etronpr and have not since had a cold." W. It.PLicoxis, Pembroke, On‘ 7 Aff'Ver -Ilood's Mean 4ringg / • f 107 Cathartic tO tit Si ijd�a. • Sold..bv Watts & Oruggists. • A CONVERTED PHYSICIAN, WITH THE AID QF SOUTH AKERICA.N KIDNEY CURE,NTarESES IIISPITOPELESS' • CASES•BAOK TO Ille&I.TH. • A prominent physician writes this of diabetes : "Personally until very re- cently I have never known an absolute cure." But this same physician says further that he has noted the wonder- ful work accomplished in patients of his by South American Kidney Cure; patients whom he had ceased to treat because in his estimation there Was rh3 cure and no hope. What a tribute this is to be the medical genius in the . corn- - pounding of this great remedy- this; kidney specific. It soothes, .heals and cures the diseased parts. Does it quiekly and permaneia tly. i„4,..,.....,....„...„...........a..........„..... McKINNON.-. & ,$.0. It .1.414r0L11-1. . ; ; WE ALWAYS DO • ; ; AS WE ADVERTISE •. 1 o 42• People who deal here know that they can depend on ; € finding everything exactly as advertised. We never ad. i I vertiee anything special without having a lair quantity. in • stock, and as long as it lasts it goes at the advertised pneo. BRING THE AD, ALONG -WITH ; ; YOU AND PROVE THIS - ; .y leo' threshers. They are easily worth 51, but we marked them 75e, i fk We got a snap the other day in some good strong Smocks, just the thing • for 5c a yard • ; We will clear out the balance of our stock of Muslins, regular.124c to 20n, 0 • Shirt Waists, regular 85c to $1.25, fer W. • ; White Duck and Linen Skirts, $1., Parasols, silk and linen, steel rod, regular $1,25 to $1. 75, for $1. e Boys' Sailor Suits, regular $1.50, for $l• • When thinking of buying your new fall suit don't for- i ; get that we carry a full-ranrrora Shorey 421 Co.'s fully # •v El guaranteed ready-to.wear clothing, '• • ; et ; The Patriarch of the Greek Church in Egypt is dead at the age of 103. " Ta Threw Good Money After Bad • . — • Will but increase my pain." If .you have thrown away rnoney for med- icines that did not and could not cure why should you not now begin taking Bood's Sarsaparilla, the medicine that never disappointed? Thousands of people who were in your condition and took Hood's Sarsaparilla say it was the best investment they ever made, for it bought them health. - • „ROOM -PILLS cure "sick headialie and indigestion. • •Davao', Oity now contains a school population of between SOO and 400. Th , c ars or oo s in the district. ,An order_for books has been placed at Winnipeg, and several Manitoba- teachers will leave shOrtly. for Dawson Pity.. •01117110/1. COURTS. • IRON AND HARDWARE +-STOVES AND TINWARE 1WAY DIFFER AND SPLIT HAIRS oN D00- , TRINAL POINTS,BUT TfAY JOIN HANDS . . • Polt HTINANITY IN PRoCLAIMINO 'THE VIRTUES OP DR, AGNEw'S HA.TARTHI. AL PoWDErds. • • ' ,•••••••••••••• • • MCKINNON...8c Oa. • 14. 'BLYTH . tio,(9-0ibenean•ga-ita.o....b.ottert.41.6.4tbei' An.eion.owt.eibn•rboo•ibnot.o4th,e , EARI,YTOL.OSINP.: We commence on June L5th to Close our Store evening' at o'clock Sanidays and prior to holidays excepted. • Our stock of Hardware of all kinds is very complete and our prices are right, having a large stock in be- fore the late advances on all kinds' of Hardware.'= Don't buy Binder. Twine until yOu'se-e. oui: brand, beats everything. -COAL- -7- We are now delivering Coal. Leave your orders at our Store for prompt delivery. ..HARLAN'p:(3ROS„.: Catarrh, that dread menace te In- •1 inanity, attacks the high, the low, the .. 1 _• . 1 rich the poor, the learned and the MI- ' 'Manufacturers and Peelers lu ., terate, but De. Ag.new's Catarrhal : Powder is the soverei 11 cu dneeds cacy to cope with and cure this disease ALL KINDS OF. FIJRNITURE. no more reliable teptimmay of its ern- ' - OX Shan that such eminent divines as Rev.' W. H. Withrow,Methodist ; Rev.Mun- ro Fraser,Presbyterian ;Bishop' Sweat - man and other prominent leaders in the church courts, who have over their own Signatures testified of its .virtues. What better evidence for you that ' 10 will core yon. For the Spring trade we are offering the largest and most.cora plete stock of. High, Medium and Low Priced Furniture in the County. We have some great values to offer in . • .PARLOR SUITS, 'COUCHES, AND LOUNGES lhe ree-yeae-old daughter of Mr. W Witham Gillespie., Hamilton, was run Do not buy until you have paid a visit to our arerooms. oyer and very seriously injured. • English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or callousediumps and blem- ishes from horses, blood spavin, curbs, • •• • For Over Fifty Years • M. Flirnesrow's Seo-rnuro Syrinx. has .been used by millions of mothers for their children ,while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest ,-by a sick and suffering and crying with pain of .puttiag Teeth. send at once and get a bottle of "Mr*. winsloW's sooth- ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will to. , Hove the poor little sufferer I di Do. pond upon it, mothers, there 1. 00 mistake about it. It cures Diarrhcea, regulates the StOmaoh W d UNliERTAKING , u this line we carry. a complete stock: Our 'Horses and en • , . fit are up to date and our charges reasonable: • BROADFOOT BOX 84. CO. Furniture Ilealers and Un.dertalterio , cures in Colic softens the • . Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. . P.I/1rs-W4ns1ow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething la plea- sant to the tasto• and . is the presoription 0 ono . of the oldest and best female physicians and runerai Director,. J.W, Ohidley King St., opposite Foundry.. • . nurses in the United States. Price twenty-flvo • cents a bottle. Sold by an druggists through- out the world." Bo sure and ask for "Mrs, WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. - • J. W. Manager Night and SundaY calls answered at Residence of our Miss Annie Gosselin of Rintonburg was struck and instantly kill by the O. P. R. local train from Pembroke. • • THE PINEAPPLE CURE In Not only the Pleasantest. but the Surest Means of Cure in all Stotlaoh Troubles. Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are an unfailing and delicious remedy for dyspepsia and all the distressing conse- quences ot impaired digestion. The juice of the pineapple abounds in vege- table pepsin, an invaluable product, in that it is Nature s chief aid in digesting all kinds of food, Dr. Von Stan's Pine- apple Tablets contain this grand es- sence Of the hiscious fruit in a consoli- dated form Eat them like candy, or let them dissolve in the mouth. ,They are efficacidus and pleasant; will at once relieve alt the afflicting symptoms of lenity digestion, end will cure the moat inveterate caseof dyspepsia,: Box of 00 Tablets, 25 cents. -Sold by Watts. -dr 0o, of Eureka Harness Oil will take •the I stiffness out of old harness and nallIce it soft att new. It will. look like Aw. : • It oils, softens, blackens and vil ,7 a preserves the leather. YOil Call keep new harness front .,,t, ,..• • wearing out and renew .... .t.‘,, t the life df old harness .wh VI • 1' •44.,./,. Fresh . . . Groceries 101111.111alaked Dunwill nobe ABOR • DAY undersold ancand his etoct k of• • Groceries and Seeds is fresh and well assorted. Clover and Timothy Seed always on hand. • libreter Flour $1.90 per cwt, • 5 lbs, 25c. Tea for $1; W. DUNCAN. RETURN 'TICKETS • WILL BE ISSUED .A.T • . SINGLE FIRST-CLASS' FARE Men want but •little here below but most -of alt want • L.. T. & B. MYRTLE CUT Ping and cut. London & Lancashire Life Established in Canada 1863 invested rata — $082,288 LIBERAL STROH, PROGRESS! VE All the popular forms of insurance issued. Policies uneoriditiohal, wolld-wide and nonforfeitable. Money loaned. Peliciespurchased, New inisinees 1808, $4,500,- hliderAir $0°87u11,0600".11.dpoliey. Pull information furnished by CHAS. B. HALL . ADENT‘ CLINTON H.OMMINOW Deek's Oaten Itoet Deta one te atesettilly end month I over 0,00014141U. Sof:Roma. air ath rarest for 'a am rm. II4110 ether, ft Wass, p Aland one aroa91141 Mat Priiti, No. 1. atter strooger,ft oar box. No. at or Igoe sad rs•rert • O t: eooftmen bi Au col .7,win Twit, 10 _1111 01' 10 • ttse it on ell yorhattese end on yew carriage top. Put _tip hi tole p105to.&Ion. Wald rowywiste. A ON Othi tamale BetWeen all statforle in Canada; all stations in Canada to and from Detroit, Mich,. Port Huron, Mich. All statione Ili Canada 1'0 but NOT FROM Bilffelo, Blit'ak Rock, Niaga Menne and Suspension Bridge, N.Y. . it Good going Sept. Trid, 3rd, 4th. Valid return. bur from deetinatien on or before • Sept. 5111, For partioulara as' to tickets, sleeping and parlor car accommodation, and all informatioa-- apply teeny agent of the erar.d Trunk Railway System. M. 0.Dickson, D. P. A., Toronto ' A. 0, Pattison, 0, T. R. Agent, Clinton. R. Hodgens, 0. T.R.Tioket Agent,Olinton, AGENCY'. Two more excursions to. "Manitoba and the Northwest. AUG. 29 AND SEPT. 6 ' FARE. $28.. Tickets for two months. For particularn apply to W. JACKSON AGENTCP1R. • FALL TERM 0?ENS SEPTEMBER 5Ta STIZATIrOnD, ONTAB/ a. Nearly sixty per cent of the at ants we enrolled during the past year ut outride Of Stratford came from hearer other Writers colleges than our*, Three times the number of applications for office help have been received thir year as compared W1t,h 11.11, prealout year. Only one kixat of Widnes. eau. cation given to otft udeute and that "the heath" Writ* • our tielt Catk- in •