HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-07, Page 411111F''eleetiOns have beela 'Ought, and it is
e If14.4 04.R.Pr UMW?
The report that Preinier Hardy ino
ted to retire treat politico and seelt
refuge in ihejuclicitiry 'le 00 pereistent
that it le -likely to hav e sure foundation.
fle Canna, however, leave with any.
*100 of credit to himeelf Until the bye.
not improbable that by that time Mr,
Hardy may resign from compulsion,
Aa a leader be is pretty well discredit-
• 04 and his Government just about at
the end of itS tether.
AMID ruaLzony.
The Liberal ni;wepapers of the coun-
ty alinoet completelysignored the Otte.
wa Invent -iteration.. The Expositor ,did
not publish a line of the evidence, and
neither did the New Era, while" the
Signal oniy gave space to a, few pare;
graphs from whieh it sought to draw
Why are all three organs so silent?
Can it be possible that they are afraid
of publicity?
Mre. Den Bruce and daughter Jellisai
canto from their honie, Sauthw, Mich.,
on Wednesday, 28rd Augeot, and ere
visiting their relattves, Mrs, Bell, Ced-
ar area, and the family of Mr, (am
Mrs. John Watters of London and
her daughter, Mies Ella, accompanied
by Mies Ruby Seccombe, late of Det-
roit, were guests lately of their rela•
tine, hlr• ancl..Mrs. James
mr, James witompson Dna again se-
cured the barrel making for the Metiers .
Dudley of Port„Colborne, -
Ur. Holland got le a great qUantitv
of brick Its week for bis new bnild.
ings. The brick is from Taman's bask
Yard and is of a delicate strew color
tint, y UIUCLI like oil stone.
Stewort of the breakwater left
last week for Hamilton to engage men
for the work.
A. great number of out, now residents
and summer ensitors spend the after-
noons on the square sitting underthe
trees reading or engaged in divers
styles of fancy work, and we may add
useful work, for one young Toronto
lady was sitting on the grass knitting
a stocking,
Mrs, Cent= Ti N. Dancey left on
Wednesday of last week to vieit her
d ht 1VI L Lome of Port Huron.
, ang er, t . •
Miss Nellie Strang has ohosen the
LOOKrATO AFTER THE LISTS. vocation of a trained nurse and is at
the Presbyterian Hospital, New York
City. Her cousin: De. Strarg ban a
The Liberals are at work on the
voters' lists and will makes big fight 'While Messrs.Murney. and Jack An-
practice in that city.
at the courts of revision. They say, drews were errged• with the stems
and they ought to be in a position to
know,that On the lists DOW being seless ad otherwise badly injured by
f Mr. Mc Iurnie the lassooist of
Vilectiaoai ty the latter vitas knocked. sen.
un_the next election will be freight. It being eome way tripPed hi the coil of
fencei and dragTd tor some diatance
name of everv qualified elector, be be
while with its great strength succeeded
on the lists. in breaking the rope which freed Me,
• McCurnie and gave his friendsa chance
to render him some assistance.
thus all the More gepirable that the rope at.hisleet and pulle through. a
by the infuriete steer, which after a
Torte,. Grit or Independent, should be
Mrs, Captain Willoughby heir return.
ed to her htime at" Cleveland after* a
pleasant vielt at her pseente residence.
• Mee Mable Grahame teturned thia
week to Olevelii714 to HU her position
in that city.
We -heti -0.1)640 M. Oryetal, boiler
maker, contemplated removing his
*melte to London and, Would also en-
ter partnership with some one. We
went over to interview but found
only Mrs, Oryetal, whoeitid "the move
is not decided upon we ,inity' go and we
may not, but Of Mr. Cryetal went to
London be would make money and not
beve to work so hard but the only
partner he will bay° will be myself."
• hiester-Charles Havill returned to
Detroit op Saturday per steamer Car.
mow, efter a pleasant holiday with his
uncle, 0herles Nairn, and aunt, safes.
Mffirsze.Worthip, the Mayor, called, a
meeting for Friday last ostensibly to
.find. out whether the citiSene will vote
for the loan of $50.00 to the Masa
Woeke. Messrs, McKeon, Strang, John
.A.cheson, and several others cannot see
how Monsieur Francois Lennoy re-
quired the loan when tbe glass menu=
faeturers. make such large home of
money monthly. We wish success to
the enterprise if our town is to bene-
fited thereby. Some say the sand along
our beach, when burned, is contorted
into lime, nokbeing of a flinty nature.
Of.a certaioty that would not suit for
the 'Manufacture of gimp. Quite a
number were for the scheme including
Maaager Saunders.
Cards are out for the • nupttals of
Miss Marguerite Jean Jobnston and
Dr, W. F. Gallow,201 Oollege street,
Toronto, for Wednesday, 180, Septem-
ber, at'Knox church.
Mrs. Blackstone is taking a holiday
arid will with her sons visit Buffalo be-
fore their retorn.
Mei Emily Buchanan left on Monday
t� visit the Toronto Exposition with
her brother Walter, who has taken up
his residence in that city.
. In its anxiety to swell tbe census re-
turns the Dr:minion • Government is
bringing in a an undesirable class
of Settlers, In-coutse of time,and while
• still foreigners in habits, thought and
sentiment, these petiole are green all the
rights of citizenship,inchiding the frari.
chise and are thus ableto have as much
voice in parliament as an equal num-
ber of genuine Canadians. This is not
as it should be. The test of citizenship
ought to beraised and include au edu-
cational qualification. No foreigner
corning in should be allowed to' vote
until he is at east able to speak and
write gnglish. .
• •
John McIntosh, if be be a diligent
• Liberal party worker, • may steal bal-
lots with impunity.. •.indeed,he has
been known to add forgery to theft
and yet not a minion of the law has
moved for his apprehension.
But let another Sohn MoIntosh,with-
out the same qualification, induced by
hunger, pinch a, loaf of, bread and. those
• self -same officials will -hurry him be-
hind prison welts, • • '
The Government by its failure
to pu the legal machinery, 'into
modem has given its sanetion . to
- election frauds. and is doing much
towards. bringing our laws into d fare-
.pute, For this, even if there was no
thing more, it deserves the ceridemni-
tion Orall suppOrters.of an honest and
impartial administration.
. •
During the honest peiriod of the Lib-
• eral party, that is the austere days of
• Opposition, Sir Richard Cartwright
was its most outspokenoracle and was
• wont to soar to great heights of 'etre
(pence in denouncing the publie eXpen.
dituee, spial occasions it is -o
• record that he pressed into service •al-
inostevery adjective the English lan-.
giiage possesses in his endeavor to de
the subject justice: Because Conserva-
tive Administrations spent on an'aver-
• age $82,000,000 per annum Sir Richard
• professeckto believe that the country
was going to sina,sh just about as fast
as possible. ' • ' •
However-, theliberals came to pow-
er in '90 and Sir Richard Cartwright-
we's taken in the Cabinet, a position
which enabled. him to put his anti elec.
tion program into effect. Btit Sir
• Richard in went Of power and the same
knight in possession of it do not view
the question from, the genie
standpoint and though the ex-
penditure has gone up by. leaps and
• bounds until,tt has readied $00,000,000
• he has never once raleed his voice* in
• objection. " : • .
•• Speaktng in the House of Cemmons
in 1894, Sir Richard is reported on
page 814 of the Hansard as saying :
"Sir, Canada has no business, and.
never had, to spend thirtyesix or tithe
- ty-seven Millions a Year.
"lt is a monstrous thing, propetits
understood, and wholly apart from the
amount of real taxation paid by us
•that an expenditure of thirty-six or
thirty-seven millions should be saddle*
. upcsreAve 'Millions of People in the pos"
s See' Id -on of the people of Canada,
•. "The hon. gentleman would do well
• to look at the annals a the . United
• States, arid he will find that when they
were a people of twenty millions, a
people obliged to maintain en army
and nevi, peopte obliged to maintain
a foreignOoneular service, a people, in
one word, obliged to maintain all the
•things which are requisite to the ems.
• tence-of iniportant nation, they
werenble to get along with twenty-
two millions annually, as against the
thirty-seven millione required by the
• people of Crioada, though but five mil.
• Ilona strong,
Miss Holmes Of Florida. has been , Master Reggie Harrison of the Colle-
spendhig the past three weeks at• the giate Institute is making up 'hismind
residence of Geo, W. Thompson. to become a pharmacist ancl is with F.
Miss Coutts rides every morning to a'orclan in his handsome drug store,
Leeburn school on her bicycle and en-
Medical Rail,
joys the 'trip very.much. The north .end of Mr. Porters' resi-
Mr. Dave Reid Is having those two dence on Elgin and Stanley streets is
new buildings en Oxford street which endergoing quite a metamorphis nii0er
be purchased, lately, painted and, flu- 'A'rehitect Fowler's -superintendence,
ished for the occupation of Persons des- F. Srneath, contractor.
ii us of being near the Chemical Salt Miss Robertson returned to her .
Works or Kensington factor. • school at Windsor per Str; earn:tone
• Mrs. Moon Parker spent a few hours on Saturday a. in, -
in Clinton on Thursday. • • e note that the owner cif the•Car-
• Mr. Jamieson Reid wits laid OW
UP ft few mor'
el • who with hie family their the
days last week from receiving it strain, roundtripupon her in Aug. met with
while attending to his duties as a stone . pito a serious accident while stepping
mason on Tuesdayof last week, off the gang plank at Windsor having
Mr. Moon -Parker arrived. to speed•a, fallen between the °anemia and the
few days in our • beautiful town , with wharf. .
Mrs. Moon -Parker. • . ' We do not know -.whether the Olin -
Barrister Holmes (Captain Dudley) - ton and Goderich base hall contest
is wise in fitting up a laW office en -came off or not. Everybody • laughed
West street. ' e wilt be right on hand when we made any. inquiries. If de -
when military men visit town. He is sfeated they. took it good naturedly.
every pleasant man of the lawrbecom- Perhaps the Hub and the good mum,
mg a soldier of the Queen, lulled them to rest. .
Mrs: Oantelon,wife of aldernien Can- •Miss Hattie Donogh, . violinist, was
telon, West street, left on Thursday a. - visiting her relatives at Exeter the
mslaet to attend the Toronto Expose. past two weeks.
tion and Spend a few days in Hamilton. , The steamer Singapore, -Captain
Mrs. John Swanson,wife of barrister James Sutherland, . reached town on
Swanson of Kamloops, B. 0„ is fteeDM" Sunday 27th August from Toledo with
panied to her home by Mrs. Swanson - 881 tons of Coal for the Water Worisp
of town, inotherof the barrister. TheY. - and ,sailed light on Thursday test , for
left on Thursday,a. tn. with Mrs. Oan. spaniel, River. • - -
telon, who will viswith MonsieurFrancois Lennoy, new • o
l Toronto •
them. . • . • Goderich for the purpose of establish -
Mr. McDonald, son Of the Rev.' Ken- leg a glass factory, asking our •town
neth McDonald of 'Kincardine, was the for e•ioan of see,000, is from sho.oit4. of
guest of Mr. George.Thompson, Elgin chatalineau in the Areondisinent of
street, last Week. ' - . '. • . Charleroi Belgieim. ' • '
Mrs. E. W. Kernaghati has returned Three payloads. of organs were ship -
to her home at Detroit after a Pleas- ped to the..motherland last week from
ant visit with her father, Sergeant 'the organlactory and large shipments
Huckstep, and friends in l3Iyth and
- 'made through the Dominion of the
Postrcatster Gelb, Sheriff Reynolds,
Ottin Dudley Holtnee and Mr. W.
Re. ganatteoded the bowling tourna-
ment at Walkerville.
tilso Mrs. Sheriff Reynolds who wite
with the party.
The garden party at the bealitifu1.
residence of the Misses Naftel wee
quite a success even though Labor Day
gave it great man/ of our citizens a
are very large and in parts thickly
wrestled with fine old Englis'h elms, tbe
stately rowan tree, pines, cedars,
maples in profusion, spruce and chest-
nut with twiny , beautiful shrubs and
the beautiful barberry flomishes there
• to perfection., Tne gaudy Chinese
lanternsof many forms lit the grounds
in the absence of fair Luna. Cream
tr were nosedaround
Ka all tal aluetrel4
devotees. The fish pond and our little
friend Beatrice Wells (Busy Bee) -flatt-
ed out a wee rolling pin, getting what
she withee for. rhe Misses Naftel
deserve the thanks of St. George's
Young Ladies' Guild for allowing the
children to play in the beautiful
grounds, and we trust that no shrub or
flower has suffered inconsequence.
OnLabor Day, although so many were
out of town, those who remained had
uite a owed of pleeaure offered them.
- t the beautiful residence of Mr. Wil.
liam Acheson "A Missionary at Hein?'
was given end presided over by Mrs.
Acheson and her. popular daughters,
Mrs. Greig of Seaforth and Miss
Eva Acheson, assisted by many
ladies of the congregation. A. great
inany had the pleasure of greet-
ing their old la/1Am, Rev. T. 51,
carepbelL'who presided at the mission-
ary work, alluded to, on Mondev
afternoon, a, summary of which will
appeae next, week. Mr. a,nd Mrs. Lusk
and two children of London attended
the meeting: Mr. and Mrs. Lusk are
the guehts of their aunt, Mrs. George
Acheson, Altogether the affair was
very pleasing to the Missionary work-
ers, and they kind hostesses.
Mr. P. J. Luhy, who has been ab-
sent for some years in Hamilton And
Detroit, is visiting his mother, Mrs.
rathY, Toronto St.
:Mt% Geo. Rieset and Mies Bleget, of
the P. 0. department spent Labor 1)47
itt Offriton the guerite of Mee, Bisset s
relatives, Mr. and Mitt Cook.
The Hon. Mr. J. T. Garrow, his wife
aud son Alan, returned this week from
their sojoorn at,- A sbury Park, N. Y.
chance to go out o town. The gronnde
Any one. ff.ieling. pogo/flee key on
Thursday lot in the postoffice or on
West Stu would sonfet n. fever upon
the...owner-by iettvir4 •ite At the post-
• Office,
The schooner "Lisgar," of Toronto
vitae lost about 00 miles north of our
Pork She Was hound for Depot /far -
bog freighted With doe! for Mittel° in
tow with: the eteamer "Clinton" and in
charge of the barge "Freeman" of St.
Catharines, The captain's Wife wee"
• cook, The "Lieges." it a total loss and
it is feared the crew perished also.
The • whole fleet passed our port on
Saturday. The barge "Clinton"- earn° -
into port Sunday night at lisp. to,
while We were posting Ttitt NRWs.
ItEtlonti correepondence and truly we
tele thete was danger in, her notes.
The "Clinton" Raw it was useless to
render aetistance and came in for help.
Life Saving Captain Oraigie took eut
his tug "Evelyn" and came in on Mt:41-
days. th. with the barge "Grimsby"
but there was no sign of the "Doer"
and her crew. It is it Vet' y ea& elem..
The named Of thoee on hoard the 111.
fated "Lisgato were not all given your
correspondent but Among them were t
Mate, -Owen Gittlaglier of Sb. Oittharw.
Meg.; ,Deck betide, Pat Soyett, of Sk
Oahe tin ee, Prank Willett, of Kinget011,
Mte from Tonawanda, It Y. And one
from Buffalo, N. Y.
4,goodly number of our eitisene ais
"tistiftg the OXianeitiott at Toronto.
Lee and • Sheppard .are ciiming out
strong in the wagon advertising bits'.
laps. They have a new wagon painted
yellow and lettered in black.. . Business
•prospers with them:
Principal Strang,Ocillegiate Institute
is adding a bay window to his 'resi-
dence, Brittannia, Road. He is also
adding another storey to the kitchen
'at the back part of the house.--Mrse-
Straug is a great lovee ef flowers and
now.with the large bay window her
fanoy will be gratified.
• Mrs. (Rev.) McKay of Lueknow and
two children spent last week in tew.n.
the guests of Mrs. (Rev,) IrfcGillavray.
• Mrs. W. Watson left on' Monday item.
to visit Toronto relatives.' '
The Dudleys have two•
Shetland ponies. and, regular outfit,
this season for the apple trade.
Mr. John Porter. Sr., Hut•on road,
has received $400 for his apple cron, so
we learn. •
-Mr..Cherlie Crabb of Heesall visited
at his Old bonne, residence of his mother
Mrs. C. Crabb, last week.
• ' Mrs. Sharp left for her home in Tor-
onto after a pleasant visit at the- home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buchan-
an, Sr.
•*Mrs. (Dr.) Gaily has returned to De-
troit after a very pleasant visit by the
lake at the essidence of Mrs. Mayor.
• lktrs, jot* Hawley leaves on llth
September to accompany her daughter
Miss Maud Hawley to school at St.
Mary's, Faribault, Minnesota.
Mrs. (Capt.) Richard Baxter has res
turned from a visit to Kincardine,
• Barrister Heys of Seaforth spent
Sunday in town with his wife and
filthily who were for some clays the
guests of his mother, Mrs. W.T. Hays.
Mrs. Rees Price and two daughters
•have returned from an extended visit
to the Thousand Islands and other
points of interest upon the St •Law-
rence. They' also visited their retro
tives at Belleville.
Miss Rita Salkeld of •'The Maples"
accompanied her father, Mr. John
Salkeld, to Toronto.
• Miss Bean, one of our clever Col-
legiate graduates, hes been appointed
teacher of the public school at Mar -
nock. •
We have much pleasure hi intro-
ducingto the citizens of Hens:Ill our
young and clever friend Miss Connie
LeTouzel, Who has given entire satis-
faction in St. Patrieks Ward School
Company's manufacture.
•Colonel Holmes, officer commanding
the London district, Mayor Thompeon
and Council visited the old burying
ground, which seemed to pleitee,as . a
possible sight for thenew armory. • Of
course the gallant colonel -was . shown
other parts of the town, but :the•old
burying ground is very, ,central and in
a line with tbesroads leading to_aole
-borne and fiiim'Ofinton, Bay1d ' and
thetownships. 1 .
If anyone wants to see a rera mils of
a begonia, he or she may call upon
Mrs. Strang, who has one of the most
• beautiful specimens of the "Rubra", TIN
ever saw, reaclaing' we felt certain .
more than seven feet, with branches in
all directions and dozens of scarlet -
stemmed blossoms, hanging in large
clusters. - It is out Of doors alt sem-
SEPTEMBER 1, 189o.
Lines iretfully Whetted to the loving - 4/toommoomorotat ,.00tootoom• oorp000roommor0000m000mmoomoto
umtoott to Got cooylottooN,
rarzte, 041•(')ognitrartferIngla4014
There was 'a wedding at Conductor
Ireland's on Thursday evening. Miss
Minoie Ireland was the' bride, and Mr.
James Day the groom. Rev. W. Freed
performed the marriage. ceremony.
Mr. A. McGregor; who left Wingham
nearly two years ego for the Klondyke
is now in Vancouver, B. C. Wages are
reported good there at • present, brick-
layers receiving $4,50 per day. Often
where wages run so high, ,exp 6nses are
•also very high,' so that "far off fields
often look green" when they inreality
afford no better opportunities than
those near at hand. • -•.
Mr. Fulton, a workman in the chair
faeteiry, had a close call, A pierie of
board was caught by the saw he was
• working near, and landed with terrifio
force, striking him on the -lower part of
his- body. A similar blow on thebowels
caused thedeath of jos. Bullard.
This interetting Jewish ceremony was
performed on Saturday last, On the in-
fant child of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Goodman.
This event, so scrupulously observed by
• devout Jewish parents, always ' takes
Place on the eighth day after the Child's
birth, in' observance to the oerenaonial
Ilave, The ceremony ' in this ease was
performed by Rabbi I. ;Halpern Of To -s,
ronto. The reeitals of the service are
of obtuse in the Rebrew larignage, dur-
ing which' the child ie passed from ..iie
metober of the family to.'another,.. until
it is finally handed to the Rabbi, Who
with a sharp knife makes the ceremon-
Jalsinaletans,_noesege,romary feast and
•• rejoialligs folloria" Ole cereraony. ' A
few Gentile friends were present:. and
witnessed the oereinony. • .•'" 7
.• There died in East Witivancish 'on
Sunday M. Joseph Cook, one bf the
early settlers of the township, at the
age of eightysthree. The funeral toOk
place taWestfield. • .
•BORING FOR SALT ..--Messrs . Grey,
• Young & Sperling,'salt manufacturers,
have a gang of Men at work •with a .bor-
ing machine on the east side of the salt
' block boring for kilt It is the inten-
tion to go down 1,100 feet If necessary
.to strike salt end if the firm are success -
fel the expense ef pumping the brine
from the well now used, two Whet' eway,
will be materially • reduced. - It will
take nearly six weeks to -complete tbe
.wOrk, and we hope trie.see the firlaVe
enterprise awarded by striking e good
vein of brine. .
The Beautiful Gates of Gold.
The, beautiful &tee of Kol_d.
Tao beant4tui golden gates.
'Twee of them he sweetly elms
When that day his friekids among,
Ere his Rotas la.
For throtarb lietwea's golden gates,
ahe beautiful gates ox gelde
Thy lov'd boy passed sateiy through •
While the evening onset grew
Peter In the west.
Then weep riot loved ones -weep not
Thou art nearer the sates at gold,
The beautiful golden gates
Wiii mime Oleo in the fold.
-g10160 A. Skbologo.
Forest 1101110.
One day het week while drawing the
threshing machine in Mr Sinoleir's
barn the tongue struck a stone whioti
threw Mr, R. lifolCay off his balance and
overturned the inacibine, Fortunately
nothing was broken except the tongue.
Mrs. Jack Ifeart of Brucetield is omit -
mg in thie neighborhood,
Mrs. 11. Little of Uullett and Mee
Martha Hagget of Myth were guests of
friends here.
Miss Lizzie Love is visiting friends in
Mn. Vanhorn, who has been
for • some time working for Mr, John
Love, left Monday for his home in
mer. •
Mr. Everett McKenzie returns from
his trip to Indian Head, looking like a
young Adonis. •
Mrs. Johnstone and daughter,
Miss Frances, have returned from it
very pleasant visit to relatives atOolao-
conk,Victoria County.
' Mrr. John Carlyle of Brantford ar-
rived on Saturday to join her sisters,
Mrs. Thomas Carlylaof Brantford:and
Miss 'Lillie McVicar of. Edinburgh.
They held a family gathering on Sat-
urday, 2nd September.
Mrs. Armstrong, mother of Mr. Harry
Armstrong, is visiting her brother,Mr.
St. John.
Mise Jennie Bell leaves for Chicago -
this week after a very pleasant so-
journ at her home Elizabeth street
with her mother, Mrs. Beil,
"Better than ever" were the words ut,
tered by Rev. Mr. Anderson while with
Mrs. Anderson we met him corning out
of the Court Room after Mrs. Moon.
Parker's third and last reading under
the auspices of the Ladies'Aid of Knox.
Church who were all perfectly.delight-
ed with her as a reader and elocutionist
Nothing could show better her dignity
and pathos as well as firmness than her
rendering of Catharine of Arragon's
Defence before the Lord Oardinals and
Judges in her scenes from Henry VIII.
Professor Simpson played the musical
accompaniment, 1VIrs. Moon -Parker's
recitations are from grave to gay.
She bag many adrnieers among the
literary portion of our citizens both for
her talent and modesty as well as for
her appreciation of what the Goderich
Ladies' Aid have done in inviting her
, to our beautiful town. -She is a woman
The funeral4of the late John Norman of travel and culture.
eldest eon of Rev. James Willtain and Mil, Sim Fax and children visited
Annie Orr of Mono Mills, took place lately at the home of her brother,Ilugh
from the residence of his grandfather, Murray of the G. T. R. staff.
Robert Orr. Esq., corner nitwits and D. F. Hamlink's apple season has
Mary greets an 30 no mo on Thursday eonntenced, but this year lie has a
last after tbe train came in with the re- rival establishment in the ' Sanford
mains. Mader John Norman Orr was evaporator.
loft at the manse to take care of his Miss Emma Hero Of Chicago spent
sister Marguerite and brother and the three weeks in Goderich the guest of
manse while his parents, the Rev. Mr. Miss Eva Smith and Mrs, D. F. Fiam.
and Mrs. Orr visited at, Goderich and link at Meneeetung Park, She return -
Clinton where their relatives reside, ed on Thursday last to her home.
and feeling like taking a holiday on Mr. Noble Smith made a business
Tuesday 20th Ang,,herdrove to visitthe trip to Toronto last week.
family of Mr. Betz of Alliston, whose Mr. Emigh and family of Blyth
son Clayton was his companion, while arrived. on Saturday to take possession
family lived at 1110no Mills, of their new place of business in, Shane's
and after singing the lovely byme"The old stand. They intend keeping an up.
Beautiful Golden Gates" with the to -date restaurant and they have come
young people where he vieited, vvhile in the Oyster month, Seotember.
. they were getting the tea ready.he and Miss Lena, Shaw of 1./inghato was
Clayton Betz went down to the mill- the guestlitst week of Miss Beth Smith,,
dam on a branch of the Nottawa River East street bakery.
to switn. Young Orr was a fearless The Collegiate Institute and Public
steirnmer, but he took 'cramps and no Schools opened 011 Tuesday. fith Sept.
one being near Rave young Betz, who We must congratulate Miss Ruby
tried to save him, he sank after raising Sheppard, Waterloo St,and Miss F,
-heed for help and was nfound McLean of Dungannon n passing so
for 17 hones. Master Norman Orr with creditably their primary, secondary
his 'Mather and slater became tnetabers and fleet examinations in one year
of the Presbyterian church two years each.
ago, and at death WAS 17 years of age. We regret to note the death of Mrs.
The body was embalmed and tended in Gee. Park, Newgate St,. on Saturday,
a handeorne casket and expressed to 20th Aug, She had been ill a couple of
Caltdon East, where ILA'. Mr. Orr met years, but no one left that she was
the body, 'Rave, James Anderson seriously so until it few days previthis to
and Sway Wilson officiated at the her death, Mrs. Park had no children
homes and grave. The mourners Mita to mourn her loss but it is a sad afilic,
distance were the brothers and sister tion to her husband. They were Wo-
of MrS. (RSV.) Orr, Metiers, Sohn and • cerely attached to each other. and
William Dempsey, Mrs. Jenkins and were members of Victoria St, church,
Mrs. Celina, all of Clinton and vielw .5Ira. Park had many kind Mends and
ity. The pall -bearers were the datiliRS neighbors who eympathizi3 With her
of deceased, Mestere Ilea and Herbert hue -band in his bereavement. The
Oer, and Austin, Louis, Francis and funeral took place on Monday, 2fith
Led Chieholtrt, The funeral cortege Aug, Bev. Mr. Allin officiating tit
weeeeafte way to the xelehthe eeme. linuee and geave, The pallbearers were
tory. . all Mr. and Mrs.Peek's friends and
Mr. Goode, drnggisk le an ardent I wellowlahere Mews, Sohn P. and
admirer of inutile and flowers and hue, (harlot Bate% Robert Meek. Junes
20 varieties of Cacti in his store win-, Stewed, Malaria Whitely and J. 11.
Mr. Joseph VatiEvety IR spending & Rev. S. 3. Aiim spent Sunday at
few days with hie mother Who hass beeif .1lowniativille, whither he Went to visit
termingy hisfether.
, Uri George Shin of Smith Bros. Mite Beale Aaliplant of London is
establishment returned hot week Om ?mending' the SOWS the ttueitt Of her
n. delightful visit with Mende in New Meter,lifrO, (Rev.) Allin at the Parson.
York, ege, Victoria St,
S. S. Gilpin met with quite a serious
accident whilis driving in the country
last week. His horse took fright at a
sheep on the road and attempted to run
• away and kick, • Mr. Gilpin was struck
twice on the leg inflicting sorae bad outs
Which tequiredseveral stitches. •
A gentleman in town (not a, bachelor
either) who has been investigating sitys.
there are 62 widows living in Brussels.
Not many villages of 1300 can make a
showing of that kind. That they are pro-
gressive oltisens any. one will tell you
who canvassed fpr granolithic walks on
the street where they live. 'Their names
are generally first on the petitiots.
The new stetion is -finished and is
only waiting for the furniehings before
being occupied. A new platform ,has
been built near the cattle pens and will
' be very convenient for loading from
wagons on care wttheut going through
the etation.
• One advantage already noticeable in
having the new sidewalks laid outelde
the ohade trees is iti the protection it
affords the trees. You hardly see a tree
in front of a residence that is not more
or less harked yeah horses' teeth,. Of
course Ibis against the law to tie helloes
to Wee but that law, like the one com-
pelling pathinasters to out thistles and
noxious weeds on the roadways, is much
more honored in the breech than in the
ohsereanoe. Sine° the walks have been
built outside the trees this practice ie
imposeible and in that way alone will.
be of immense benefit. Some citizens
are complaining that the walke are too
far out. Onoe they get accuidomed to
them there they would not have them
back in the old pima on any acconnt.
Mid Bella Forsythe bas been eery ill
but we are pleased to say iii now recover -
We are also sorry to say that ;Mrs.
Samuel Cluff is very ill;
Quite a number of out young people,
rom here took in the Dublin picnic and
report having a pleasant time..
- •
Mrs. A. IVIOrton and family from
oardin� were visiting, in this minty last
week. -- •
Gipsies encamped on the mill property
12th consone day last week. They did
not molest anything belonging to neigh-
Farmers are busyseeding., 'The
Mr. W. E. Caldwell af Constance,
met with a painful. Without. on
Wednesday morning., Be was atop -
ping at the Con:anemia hotel and
Was eleephig iri One Of the trent bed-
rooms en the second fiber. He got tip
In hie sleep and walking towards the
window, which was open, he fell out,
striking on his head on the board plat-
form a distances of about 20 feet. Ile re.
ceived some cuts in the fees and a etivere
shaking up, but no bones were broken.
On Monday, August 2let, a man giv-
ing his rianie as Leech hired a horse and
buggy frOm A. FOrbere: livery stable to
go to the big drain in Gray. -Nothing
has been teen of the outfit. he man
was short and stout, dark complexion,
vvitix a lump on the left cheek, being
about 6 feet 7 inchee, deemed in gray
clothes and wore a brown hit. The
bowie Wag a email oheatnutothr year's old,
about 15 hates high, had a white otripe
Oft i ts face and two whiteankles behind.
The harrieed wile old, a rather large,'
black buggy with s 11667 top, completed
the outfit, which woull be worth About
Mr, Robt, Molt/BUM, ion of Mr, Sohn
MoMillan, was in the stable hamming
his hems on Wednesday morning the
animal Welted ,him, breaking hie lower
JAM i16116f 136$1d611 this Mr. IdeMillett Is .
severely bruieed ebOttt the nook end
An Important JudAnient has bee*
rendered the other day by Justice Fat.
oonbridge at Osfoode Ball, which will
livenoe-hokier woo summoned for Sun-
day violation of the sot, eof1 one Asir.
with was oubpoenaed Ito a witoese, and
when asked if he bad prooured or re-
oeived liquor, during prohibited hours,
be obiecteci to answer, as answering the
question Wight tend to criminate him-
self, and for his reline] the magistrate
committed him tojail until he answered
the question. The motion before Fah
conbridge, J., was for a writ of habeas
corpus to take the body of the appliant
before the court, and His Lordship de-
cided Ghat the primmer should be dis-
charged. as be was juntilied in refusing
to sower the question. This will make
it difficult matter to get convictions
for violations of.the Liquor Livenoe Aot.
be interesting botelkeepers. A iti
every W
or your money back
lease You
GEE -HOLLAND- At Port Huron.
' Mich., on Aug. 23rd. at the home of
the bridele parents, Riohardeon at.,
by Rev. T. Maren, Mies Lillian, eldest
daughter of Mr.Charles
may of Brussels, -to Mr. Cyrus Gee,
eldest son of Mr. Fred Gee.
PARKER -BOLTON -At the Methodist
' personage, Brussels, Ott tug. 29th, by
Rev, J. Holmere Mr, Nolton C. Parker
of Elena, Perth county, to Mias LiIUau
It, Bolton of Midland, Meah.
Methodist Parsonage, Whigham, on
Aug. 30thby Rev. R. Hobbs, Mr.
Thos. Russell, to Miss a Stonehouse,
- both of Belgrave. ,„
beautitul shower of last week will great-
ly benefit the parched ground and
tutus° the wheat to spring up.
That's part of our liberal policy.
HOOPER-DALE-In Stratford on the
28th Aug., by Rev. Mr. Bielce, John
Hooper and Miss Annie A. Dale, both
• '
BANES-ICERR.--- M, the residence of
. the bride's parents, Crediton, on Aug.
30111, by Rev: Jas. Hussar, Wesley
Kerr, merchant of Brinsley, to Miss
Vinetta, eldest daughter of Joiseph
of Blanchard.
D• A;DiIn Wnifa00
rg• Z•ev• W. lre
Minnie Ireland, to Jas. Day, both of
Wingharo. ••
TIART.-In Wingham, on Thursday,
Exetcr. • Aug. 24th, the wife of Ezra Hart, of
a daughter- . s •
A telegram has been received stating
that Mr. N. J. Clarke had died from the .
effects ofa paralytio ,stroice on Friday,
25th August, at his home in California.
Mr. Clarke was a resident of Farquhar
for many years carrying on a general
merchant business. He disposed of his
business to Mr, Gardiner about 16 years
ago and moved out to near Exeter
where he resettled for about ;three
years stiltoeteining the township clerk -
'hip and secretaryship of the Usborne
and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co:
After this he tnoied to California where
he purohaired a large farm and carried
on•ranobing in a yerv extensive scale.
Mr.• Clarke taught school for several
years at Farquhar and in the school at
Cromarty and also did a general convey-
ancing business as well.
. , .
Mrs. Damouth and family of Port
Artlier are here- visiting . her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wever„ -Mr. • Morits ,of
Ohicago,Is spending a few weeks _visit-
ing hie mother, Mrs. Haugh end:ether
friend/is-41ra. F. Hess has returned
home after, having an enjoyable visit in
Hamilton F, Forster lost- a valu-
able horse a week ago last Sunday. -
Miss Graham has returned to her duties
as teacher. -A, week ego last Sunday
'the home of Mr, Bender wee made
happy by the.presence of a little baby
boy. -Miss Carrie and Bliaalieth Greb
from Detroit, are visiting under the
-parental roof. -Mr, W. Bosienberry and
Mt W. Baker, 'went on the excursion
• to Manitoba, Ther intend working
there for some time. -Mr. n. Bennet
bus gone,to Pigeon, Mich: -
•, •
The Government Has Adopted
a Standard for Apple ShIPPEkg
Ottawa, Aug. 31. -The Department
qf Agriculture has adopted -a standard
• case for apples io tended far export to
Great -Britain. A wooden box 10 by 18
by 12 incbes deep is fitted with four
sliding drawers, made of cardboard,
• each being divided into 24 square cello.
Thie insures uniformity Of size and
immunity from bruising -two requisites
to good prices for apples inthe ' Eng-
lish market. Tbe case will Contain 2
dozen baskets."
A Good Word for the
Half -Breed Of Canada.
The more I have seen of the half-
bloods of Canada, the more I have oom e
edmire them. They are of fearless
stock, and have inherited many good
traits from both races. Theyregard
with amusement and pity their half.
brothers, the full -blood Algonquins of
the remth
remote forest, but ey understand
the arts of wood -lore vvhioh make life
more thanendurable there. They have
French, English,Sootch and Scandina-
vi u family names, and anyone who
thi ks they lead an uncomfortable •life
is v ry much mistaken. -From "Where
the ater runs Both Ways,' by Fred-
erio Ireland in the September Scribner'e.
If you are tired and, can't feet rested
and have no appetite, take Hood's Sar-
saparilla. It enriches and vitalizes the
A. Darnell, of Hayden, Nebewrites :
"For 12 years t was troubled with itch-
• ing piles, the agony at Conti Wits al-
most beyond bearing.' I tried a dozen
or more 1;o -called pile•remedies withoot
any lasting benefit. One box of De,
Agnew's Ointment cured me," This.
remedy m
cures eczema when all else
Hertvy rains '1' have benefitted the
crops in *Central' India, though other
portione of the country are still staffer.
ing from drouth,
The Municipal convention openettin
Hamilton on Tuesday.
SIMMONS-In Wingham. Aug.31st,lifra.
A, E. Simmons of. a ROD.
MILLS, -In Hullett on Aug. 29tb, the
wife of Mr. Wm. Milts, of a son.
• TAILOR. -In Exeter North, on the 29th
Aug. the wife of .Tohn Taylor of a
daughter. • .
FLYNN.-In Rullett on Aug. 26th, the
• wife of Dominick Flynn of son: • -
LEE. -In Hullett on Saturday, 26th
.Aug., • the wife of Wm. • Lee, of a
• daughter. •. .- •
03A.WFORD.-In Hullett oh Monday,
• 14th Aug., the wife of Geo. Crawford,
• ofa daughter.
Poor economy to ask you. to keep an arti-
ole you don't want, and by so doing loose your
good will. ,
It is by your favor that we grow, without
it we are as useless as a fifth wheel to a wag-
gon. By keeping the best of everything and
selling at the olosest possible prioes this
store is bound to succeed.
Oonfidence once established, the rest is
easy. •
COOK. -In East Wawanosh, on Aug.
27th, Mr. joeeph Cook, aged 83 years.
•MoLICHLIN.e-In Grey, on Aug. 26th,
Robert MoLaohlin, aged 47 years.
• MoDONALD.-Ip Grey, on Aug. 26th,,
Peter McDonald, aged 84 years, 6
months and 28 days. ••
JONES. ---in Brussels, on Aug.24tb,john
Jones, aged 80 years. • .
PHAIR.--ln Exeter, on A ug.29th,Annie
Dilling, beloved wife of William Phair,
aged 57 years, 3 months and 5 days. .
JONES. -e -In Grey, on Thursday, aug.
24th, John Jones, :aged 80 years, g
months and 17 days, •
• Fall Exhibitione. • ,
--- •
Western Fair --London, Sept. 7-16, ,
Central --Ottawa, Sept 11-21
Strathroy, Sept. 18-20.
• Clinton, Sept. 19-20.
• Collingwood, Sept. 19-22.
Northern, Walkerton, Sept, 19-20.-
1• Listowel, Sept. 19-20.
Central, Guelph, Sept. 19-21.
Port Elgin, Sept. 21-22.
Woodstock, Sept. 21-23.
• North Brant, Paris, Sept. 25-26.
Central Bruce, Paisley. Sept: 2647,
South Grey, Durham, Sept. 26-27.
Godsend), Sept. 26-23._
Waterldo, South, Galt, 'Sept. 28-29,
Luoknow, Oct,
Stratford, 04 3-4.
Bayfield, Oct. 3-4.
Brussels, Opt. W.
Kincardine, Oct. 10-11. .
-Dungannon, Oct. 1142;
Fat Stock Show, Guelhh, Deo.5-13.
Notice to Advoptisers.
Advertisements for pages 4 and -5
Mint be in this office on Saturday to
insure insertion the following week
and for pages 1 and 8 not later than 0
o'clock Monday evening. Advertisers
will please bear this in mind. • •
Yoterletee 6Very WedOtedini often300*
Old Wheat , 0 06 to 0
Goose Wheat. Mt to 02
0 38 to 0 40
Chitin 000000 $411.11,44,4 Magi 040. 0 00 to 0 42
POSS. 00000 ickoba 0000 0000 11,1.64* 0 50 to' 0 5
nye.... lit .4%1110, 0 80 tO 0 35
Butter loose In emelt 0 14 to 0 15
Butter lit -ttlbri.00..401.446 IS ta 0 16
Rgga 0 11 to 0 12. -
nay 8 so to a 00 -
Live Hoge, 110 to at
13otk 00 to 0 00,
Dried Apples per 0 06 to 0 06
Woel... laliefaotejoim 44444444444 0 12 to.0 18
Fleur' per cwt... 444 i 75 to 2 00
POtatots.,......t%"/* 1," OOto 80
Reduction •
In Millinery. .
For the balance of the
season I will make a
reduetion in priers of
per cent
upon all kinds , of
Millinery . .
Sana next .Floveg's Drug Mr-
• Miss Ross
For quickly .and easily
polishing brightly, without
scrubbing, Silverware, Gold.
ware,Dishes, Knives and Forks,
Spoons, Cutlenr of all kinds,
Brass on Harness, Brass on
Engines and, Boilers, Brass of
all 'kinds., Copper Utensils,
Tinware, 'Pewter:. Glassware,
Windows, Fire Irons, Cooking
Utensils of all kinds, Marble,
Woodwork, F1001%, Mirrors
Oilcloths, Bath Tubs, Bioycles
Plated Ware, Etc., Etc,
Sple Agent.
Citenaist and Druggist,
Dress Goods
'1' We are very enthusiastic
aboUtthis Dress Good -s stook of
ours take a pride in it; want
to be known ait The. leading
dress goo& traders of this sec- .
thin. Colunam of description
won't do the department jus.
-Que. Every dress need has •
been anticipated, liere are
some items to tempt you..
40 -in. Bleck Figured, (all
wool) Serge, hard finish, large
and emaltpatterns, suitable for
Dresses or Skirts, =i-%
Extra value at
50..inch Cashmere Serges, in all the neWestfall shades of
Brown, Blue, Garnet and Myrtle, very .fine weave. 60
Plaid Dress Goods in all wool and silk and wool, in
mixed colors of Blue, Mauve, Garnet arid Myrtle, plain
a_ n d cFoir.edneedheitcytesity ODurit: Dr
ae,ttern. -no two alike, in' all tle'le
latest shadingof Black and Mauve, Garnet and Black, Blue
and Black, etc. Prices ranging from $2.50 tO $12 50
52 -Inch English Broadcloths in shades of 13rorn, Grey,
Purp1e,-Nav4--andL.Garnet„.m.a..two alike, just enough for suit in
*each. Value at $5 adid $5.75„
. 45 -in. Bedford Cord Dresi Goods in shades of Navy and
Brown only, will make very -stylish costumes, guar; 5 BO
anted tb give good wear. Our _.regular.price •
44 -inch Black Blister ()report in -4-yard skirt lengths;
two alike, large and sinall pa.it)riepf
tori,hard'slfiistb,b, will 6tioet •ahcon
dust, will give good wear.
39-inwide•Black Moreen:Skirting with Satin
stripe guaranteed not to cut, fast black. Special 500
Elegaltit. Silk.S .
, in all the .new shades of Blue,Pink, Nile,Mauve, Cream, n
Don't let' price disturb you. A littlemoaey goes a long way
.Garnet and gold. ' A 'very fine quality at ..... . —
IraIuNe2O;i.,,i.nachwornan in the town bat .will h.t),:ce a new silk. waist.
this 'fail, and we .woUld like 'the ' contract for . supplying them.
Your iiiiit is here, COMO in and select it from our New Stock.
in this silk, matter. . . •. .
Special at . • - • . I. i.,/ — ., .
weight . warranted not to cut. Extra
Black checks; only in 4 -yard waist lengths0 l. • rj,'' .
• 23 -inch Black Taffetta Silk very. fine quality, good heavy.
FOR rivirrArrez, WE ARE SELLTNG-217iliell Plain Wash Sil k
, Taffeta Silk, in colors of ,Garnet and Black, White .and
, , -,.
75e yd.
Black 'Silk with fi. ne* white hairs stripe,will,. give •
excellent Wear, , iery. suitable for waists, Specia
One only 'Waist length of Black Taffeta Silk with white
striPes, soft finish, vvill not cut, . very stylish. • Our price
$4.50 for Waist. ••.
• 22.inch Silks in colors of Blue, Garnet, Mauve and. Cerise
with white hair stripes, Satin finish, no two alike. •C% ir7 G
Special for waists • , 4.. i 0.
' 22 -inch Taffeta: Silk in colors of Myrtle, Blue and Garnet
with Polka dot, no two alike, waist = =,.., h driii
lengths, in each .piece . U.i.Pk., eac
21 -inch Plain Taffeta Silks in &bade§ of Sky, Pink, Mauve, •
Cream and ToriPois, fin.e2 soft finish, will not cut, 75c and
85c yd4
. 21 -inch Black Silk with Polka dot; soft rich satin 'finish,
suitable for waists or skirt. Splendid 1 00• Ira' rd
value at , .•• .., ----.
• 22,111011 Fancy Stripe Taffeta.Silk in colors of Purple,. Cold
and White, Torquois and White, Sky, Garnet and Pink (raix
ed) willmak e a very stylish waist, Lat. 'oa
4 50 Pinnli
est Frenen Novelties, Our Price s •---..
Perrin's Gloves
They certainly a:e the
standard of the world,
The Makers show their
faith in them by guaranteeing
every pair. • In style, color
• and finish they are the peer of
any glove in the world. 0
Values. like the following
are very tempting:
Perrin's "Olga" dome Freneh Kid Glove with self and eolor
ed embroidered backs, in ,colors of Tans, Modes, New 1 25
Blue and Green, gusset fingers, every pair guaranteed
Perrilf0 "Leonoie" Suede, 2 doing las.tert.O.P :syitik gusset
fingers in Black 'only, embroidered itti 8e1f and 1 50
"Olga" in Black only, 2 large dome fasteners
gusset finge.rs, fancy Silk embroiderialbaeks, in
MauverWinte and Self . 125
Pine French Kid Gloves Perrin's itt all the newest,
shades, a
e,fr seiydomee!6ilk Embroidered Backs, 2 fes.
1 00
Perrin's famous Gloves_ for Misses 2 dome fasteners, as. •
sorted Tan shades, faney embroideral backs ' all ry=
sites I kJ°