HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-07, Page 2'THIS CLINTON IlltiVS,RECORD roitillyht
ItaWa•Recoan • lasi ties hawse, Albert -St
lepublialed eve% TIIViteDAY
012.32.14corte 40311t.
envetaxisitso tesetts.
V go. a„„)4,,,,e• .1,s7X,°
I. Solemn-. ut; tas *1' s's It`
VO.U.Auk., 10 00 to 000 143°
Cement .....*
iu a us 7 au 2
A hob-- . . . • eau s .14)
Xis Special pos.tion nom 1.3 fr, per •
Var transient thivertisemeots 10 COLUS
per line, for the first insertion; 3 ceute
Per line ' eacb subsequent InsertiOn-
nenparell measure. Brofessional cards,
not exceeding one inett, 05.00 Per
annurn Aaaertisements without spee-
rbid and charged for accordinglI• J
ifio directions will Ise published till
Trentrient noticese-"Lost," "Founci,"
"For Sale " 60.-50 cents for first in- • LENDIPC SAIIBER,
Smith' t; block, opposite Post Office
It your liver la out a order, csusng /
Biliouenees, Sick Headache, Heart.
bum, or Oonstipation, take a doe° of
Hood's Pills
On retiring, and tomorrow your di«
gestive organs will be regulated and
you will be bright, active and ready
for any kind of work. This has
been the experience of others; it
will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS are
gold by all medicine dealere, lan et*.
ews 3ummary,
"• Ilk Recent' .floppenings Brie* Told.
" The proportion of pitupere to the
Typhoid, fever is becomiag prevalent PoPulati011 Of England iti lower now
in Brantford. • than Lthas been for 45 ytiars.
The British C,rowo courieel are op -
it thadatici ail LU 1,11* result ot theairooeisd-
Brantfoxal talks of extending a
we:text-wake syateM• ing, a the Veneauelan tribunal.
London Ont., newsboy" sod beet" .A. report to tbe Church MissionarY
• black's have formed a tinuall. Society in London Skill 40,000 persons
• Rail:watt trackmen meet in con/en- have died a fantine, on the east coast
tion at Ottawa, September 12,
lar, E. A. SW/art, DeptttY Minister et 4:4;gAlatetWIcahlte Star stearaer OC'eanio, the
the Interior, has gone to Englendlargest allip in the world, wilt sail trosn
Complaint is made at ki amlton Li
verpool on her maiden voYage to
ohn T mmert o n about th.e blowing of.factory whietles. New York on September 6.
An addition will be ereeted to the The Bathers of Lonaoil haa issued a
• John H. Stratford Hospital, Brantford, letten askieg the oleagy of his dittoes()
sertion, Gaits for each sutesequeat
_TIM NEWS -RECORD will be gent
go 'tar address, free of postage, for
461,00 per year, payable in advance -
61.50 may be (Merged U not so paid.
The date to vvhich every subscription
la Pald. is denoted by tho number on
'the address. label. No paper discontin-
ued until all arreara are paid, except
at the option of the proprietor.
Editor •and. Proprietor.
i1c416••altd 1 it L,f allial'hent 18k5.
CAPITAL, " • $2,000,000
REST $1.500,000
lead Often, - MONTREAL.
F;WOLPEith.TAls: '111010AS, Gen. Manager
Nofesilirrouniod, Calleel ions mule, Drafts
Issued., Sterling and American Exelmnge
I (104 t Pelt). J81t1441 allowed On Deposits
Interest allowed. on sums of $1 and up.
*Money advanced tofarmers on their own
mites with one or morn endorsers, Ns mart-
. gage required AS SOCUrity,
li •.0. BREWER, Manager, Clinton.
- •
'Banker, ;
A •General Banking Bnsiness Transacted.
Notes'Discottnted. Drafts 1sSued'
Interest Allowed on Deposits. •
ar...eb.003M T.A.1S" E.Cipme
Gic.INTON ' - - ONT
,Fire. Accident and Life Insurance
7frisakicted. Itepresen s several of did best
Companies and any information relating ro
iniuraneil gladly given., General
•Agent for the Confederation 140Insunao
*Co.. Money to Loan on Reasonable Rates
Office -Palaee block • •opposite 'Market.
John Itidout
Conveyencer, Loininissioner,
Fire Insuranee. •; - Real Estate:
•• Money 10 Lend. •
Office: -HURON. STREgT, cuNT-ON
Dr,.. W. Gunn,
• R. •C. P. and. L. R. C. S, Edinburgh
•Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. .• Night_
callsat front door ot residence on Ratten-
bury Street, opp. Presbyterian (..hurch..
Dr Wm. Graham.
(Successor to Dr. Turnbull.)
Licentiate 01 the Royal College of Physic-
•ians, London, .Eng. .
Office and. Residence,- Perrin's "Block,
ately occupied, by Dr. Turnbull:
. • • _
•.0ffice-0nterio Stret, opposite English
church,, formerly occupied by Dr. Apple-
ton. ••
.Office:and Residence' next to IVIolaon's
Bank, ,Rattenbury street; Clinton. • , •
• • • •
• Dr.. PRA.TOE,
Surgeon Dentist,
OFFICE -Over: Taylor's Shoe Store,
- Clinton, Ont. Special attentioii. to preser-
vation of natural teeth. ,
• N. B -Will visit hlyth every Monday anal
. hayfield every Thursday afterndon during
the summer.
Office adjoining. Foster's Photo Gallery -
Office •Hours, g to 5.
• At Zurich the second Thursday of each
• illackin &
Veterinary Surgeons. Governmetn Veter
inary Inspectors.
Office -Isaac Street Clinton, Residence,
Albert Street.
Scott 85 McKenZie,
Clinton Office --.Elliott Block, Isaac at.
Bayfield Office -Open every Thursday
-Main atreet, first door west of
• Post Office, Money to loan.
James Scutt. E. II, Maltenzie.
E., Campion., Q
Barrister, - Solicitbr,• Notary, ..Sx.
• OR:Ice-Over Daviss-ug Store,
Money to Loan.
M. O. Johnston
Bar , aelicitor; Commissioner.' Etc
Gol)ERICH, - ont
OFFICE --Cor. Hamilton and St:Andrew's
W. • Brydone,
' Banister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c,,
•(armee t
EC YEAtid*
Onevnitorre die.
Alffiitle WWII* a liketoli MO detonation may
' gummy ascertain our opinion free 1,11$1ther an
. Invention IN probabty plagortbia. Commode/I.
nous strictly oongdonttal._nauabooh on Patents
tient free. oldest tutoney for geouring patents,
P8t.ntg tilk01% through Ilium & Co, raoeivit
psots notioo, MIthiltit Oh o, intim
$dentifit meritan.
A tandierielt ilinetegzei *gr. itigtvg,ii
ilfirte.v: tiot hy. Jill owndrokt.
E. Co 36110006s" aw ark
antis r lit.. Waalthstfort, .0,
taut for Rorfard. IIfcIPSUROCO CO
head Office for Canada, Montreal.
Ingtranoo •n halm • $1111,C00,o00
Investi 0 Li to t amnia • l'i,500.000
Estahliti ed. Inti. The 41d rcliablt and favorite
Horseshoer and General Blaoksmith
Albert Street, North, Clinton.
Woodwork ironed and first-olasi material
and work guaranteed. Fttrm implements and
machines rebuilt and repaired.
The illeKillop Notilid Jiro
logirauto. ..COrnpany..•
:Farm and Isolated Town .Property
.• . Only ' insnred.
• oFFicrins;
B. Mame, Prmid nt. Kipnen 1`; fhi‘
Thornes Primer, vicepreAdent,.Brucetield P.O.
W. J. Slionnoi", Pecy•Treas... Se fort h. P. 04
Thomas 11, Hays, Inspectorof Loses, Seufortli
P. B. '
W. G. tiroodfoot, 'retort)) G. Grieve,
WInItrop t Gent...* Dale. Poitfort It: Thomas R.
ham Srafor h Jornes Evans. Beecbwood
John Watt, }Turlock; Thome" Frazer, Bruce.
fit Id; • John B. McLean, Mimeo; James
Connolly. Clinton..
.• • AGENTS:
Roht, Srrith. liar oak Roh-r1 McMllIan. sea.
forth James Cummings, Egniond villa, .1, W.,.
Yet,: 1101mesvIlle o 0. • John Gore dock and
John C. Mir on, midi Cot's.' • '
Pal ties deAtrou, to effect insurance, or :ham
seat oilier business wilt be promptiy ed
to on application to any of 4110 above officers
addreseed to their respeetisie post Oleos,
Grand 'Trunk Railway . -
An isolation hospital mat also .be toobey the .7173eisions of the Arch-
, _ . , .
No 19 cotnpafly, Western Division servanoes, incense and light%
Royal Garrison Artillery, is to be William imeson, who inade a great
moved. to Esquimait. reputation as A war artist and cor-
The headquarters of the Yukon Held respondent in the Crimea is dead. He
fore have been removed from Fort eaw the Indian mutiny, the Alayasine
Selkirk to Dawson.
Ian campaign, and the itranoo-German
Charles Moore and J. H. Houston war. •
have returned from Dawson City to Last year American low flash oil
Ottawa in eleven daye• killed 26 and injured 276 Londoners.
tome Fox, arrested at Hamilton for In five years it ha e killed in London
embazglereent at Marengo, Iowa, has 211208wpaildpeitnajut,rendtinlee24tapeurievoonet.hel4Gaonyy-
returned Voluntarily,
ernraent to raise the Cash point,
• The Canadian Pacific has procitresi
.it; Lcvedon despatch says that the
15,000 new oars for handling this year's
, British Government will shortly go -
grain crop in Ntanitobe. int seven commercial commissioners
aflertYaee'lawarlithe."11-inallantwtear dineeaty' heear°73'. point seven to the embassies, but
parts of the world, They
year when leaving Canada. - will repore*o the Board ot Trade.
Judge ftiehardis has fixed tne -bail in Sir Edmund Antrobus, owner of the
robbery of the Molsons Bank at NS
the ease of Anderson, charged with the
li estate upon which Stonehenge stands,
uiPeg, at 0,000, il- offers the -land to the Government, tot
R125,000. The price is big, but the
Kingston's School of Minleg cost vat" of stsnoienes as an antiquity,
02,070 mote than the receipt& last may induce the Government to buy,
to cost $6,000 Is require& •Major Ross, who was sent to Sier,ra
year and in addition a new laboratery
Leone, by the Livorpool Sahool of Trap -
Typhoid. fever is somewhat prevalent
ical Diseases to try to discover the
in Brantford. Fourteen cases are at
malarial .mosquito, has . wired to
the hospital, . and as many • more are
Professor Jones that the mosquito
being treated at borne.,•
Ilie Government has loeen informed has been found, and asking that the
that Mouritas and British North
t3orneo, including Labuitti, have adopt-
ed the 2 -cent. Imperial letter rate,
Trains arrive. and leave Clintgn Station as
• • follosvs
Buffalo and Goderich Dktrict
Going West, Mixed
PC CC , Express • •• 12,55 P.m.,
'"' Mixed .... .; .s.. 7.05 p.m.
Express,• 10,27 p.m.
Going Eltst,Exyress . 74O 5.111.
" Mixed.. • • 4.35 P.m"
London, Huron ano'BrUce .17
Going South Express 7.47-4-:».
66. .66 it
Going N61111, " : ' aan.
M.:C. W. E. Davis,-
. Die'. Pas$. Agent, G. P. T. A.,
• ' Toronto. • • Montreal
A. 0. Vermeer, G.T.-R. Agent at Clinton
• .
-i Is ti#,141
01 Cimmeter.
•..Theugh the .c.t:her featuresnll reveal'
theiy special charaoteristics,,jt is hope-
less to try to read and belance 'them
aright 'without first carefully examin-
ing the nose and allowing for the
weakneee or strength indicated by it
The Roman nese is 'unfailingly and
correetly., associated with. Will. pOwe
and, commond-; the snub; variety with
self -assertiveness, and the. thin, high
bilked, hooked type with avatiee.
compreased nostril . is not to be
'wished for, as. it iudicates Suipielot
and panuritaisneee. When the con,
is heavy the character is usually cor
respondingly dull and uninteresting
well defined it points out- the -well
balanced mind, and perhaps also a pas
sionate disposition easily roused ana a
easily calmed.
• The little, pleated, narrow ,noae pro
claim's itself as impodept and.wanting
itt reveretice, and when it is united t
a reeeding chin and forehead, •will
eye.s chise to .the nose, the wider th
berth given the possessor of such un
enviablequalities theasetter. Bother
is inueh, very much, in physiognomy
and 'otte's constant, not itest, impres
dons, though not always' invariably
correct, may, on the whole, be trusted
--'-!--`8"-Arr`TfiEJY1 DO IT.'
Sew the -sea lions 'feeding and drink
init. on the way ever, said Liarly..
: Where Were they drinking demand
ed the positive man.
Tri the trough of the sea, of eonrse
01 winter.
• So the falling of the hairtells
of the epproach of age and
declining power.
No matter how barren the tree
nor how leafless it may seem,
yeti confidently eXpeet, leaves
again. And Why?'
• Because there is life at the
, roots.
.• So you need not worry abOut
- the falling of your hair, the
; threatened departure of youth
-- and beauty,, And why?
•- Because if there isa Spark of
a life remaining in the roots of
▪ the hair
will arouge it into healthy active.
Hy, The heir Cetiliets to come
out-: it begins to grow:, and the
gloty of your youth Is teetered
to you.
* have a book on the Heir
Mod its Dittetniee. It hi tote.
this thud Ativikur OH.
ft v.). do.not obtain the be:ninth
1041 (*8111 105,013.1t."MOUtt;
NOW alaldlatt loth Teat aen•
• Obi '11$ 4wnts 1.11* wince mar be easily
SW, 1,4*011, Mew
Long live the strike!" Dieturketnee0
were arrested.
Two disaetroue fires broke Mit in OF OAPTI DREYFUS. 'V:taal our gehf:ftize
a° , the nave t co
followed, and. a. number of the tomb
. re
de of t e
tary apotheeary headquarters and salt* Tliee NOTED PaISONER. ' thetniel/tie he right to defend
eluding with the remark: "I intervened
St. Petereblirg. In the :trot the raili- THE EVIDENCE SEEMS To FAVQ8 t keu:116' when gx6"11 (9a1"" "e at -
Stanley Huff, aged seven years, .was
worried, by a dog and nearly .
at Chatham. When rescued the lad's
fire and head were badly lacerated.
a he trial of two Indians for the man-
slaughter of an insane Indian has,Iust
been concluded at Edmonton. One was
acquitted. The other aot three menthe
in jail. e
A bush fire West Flamboro'
township is said to have, done damage
to the esteot .of about $3,000 to -stand-
ing timber owned by , Mr. Wm. Lak-
ing, of Hamilton. • •
Ottavya will again renew at the
Legisla.ture its request for a reduction
in the number of aldermen, the
lengthening of the tem and • election
in alternate years. • '
.Wiaodatoelt ist at piesent. suffering
froni a typhoid fever epidemic. There
are 25 • persons down With it. The
hearth -authorities say that its prev-
alence at due"to the am of bad well
• w.ba'Irearnk Kend. all, Captcon.of the'slasein-
ship- Clipper; of Rat •Portage,- was
drowned anursdate in the Rainy River
rapids. "He was caught la a eepe that
had been thrown to land and dragged
off the boat. . • .. - .
Vesselinea are unitized at the asbenos
menet aetiVity in the lake tranepotta-
tion Misiness; and, wcinsidering the
prved facilities for 'handling eargees,
she earnings. of the vesseitewere never
ao great-as.now., •
• , The -ecatifidate of 'Cent.' Thomas..A:
Purcell; of the 8.-$. MOrrimtte; Teceat:
ly stranded on. A.nticosti island; •has-
been .suspended for- three metiths, and.
• severe censure .has been passed,. on the
second .offieer, Was. Goulding. -
• Large numbers of deer are swimming
the Sr.- Lawrence River, to.eecape .the
sforeat, fires. The steamer Empire State
passed -lose -to a hard el:slimming ,the
river, and one, large :Imek ;was 'within
a. few feet 14 the steamer.
new line of railway between Ot-
taWa and Brockville is projected backs
ed by Ideal capital as an independe
ent one, to furnish direct, connectiOn
With Brockville and with. the Grand
Trunk System east; and. west, of • thet
center. • •
• e he postsiffice Department has made
a new ?areal post airangeinent with
J. -tupelos, Hereafter parcels -for Russia
will be ,sent. "via Hamburg," the rate
being 58 .cents per pound, or $L62 for
1•1 Pomades which , is the limit ' of
Police Chief Powell, of ,•Ottawa,
speaking Of the operation of Sunday
cars theta says, "that 'while there
has been :more bustle in the city pa
aaeount Of: the cars there has boil
6, marked degree less of drunkenness
and crigne,". • , • ,
• :Profs John WS1s1ea Brooks, of
Brantford; has iseued a writ against
Isaac Weigh, it baker; for 02,000 dame
ages for alleged slander Mr. Brooks
is. a phrenologist by profession,
Walsh's opinion of him is not . very
exalted, hence the cause of action. ,
'It is reported that the statement of
the. Banque Valle' Marie affairs pre-
sented to the Can:Wien Bankers' As-•
mciatien showed that no lase than
52,C00, had been eharged by the bank
for expenses in connection with the
forcing of ita circulation. • . •
'Barrey Talley, the soh of a PrOtas
Went. • citizen,. of Maiode, N.Y.; •a
ersutile 'Weeks ago stole $11,000 frorn
his father and carne. on to Montreal,
weltre he has been caught, but upon
his confeseion his • fether decliged to
have the young man arrested..
Captain Girouard, a graduate of the
Ontario Military Acedetay •at Kings,
ton, who had charge of the building
of the •railway ditring . the advance
-into Me Soudan, has: been made nici-
jor in -recognition oe his services. Ma-
jor Girouard IS at. present visiting in
Canada. ' •
• Prof, Robertson has gone to the
Marithise Provincee to arrange foeithe
•etarting �f co-operative . creanteriea in
Nova Scotia, to be main.aged by hie
department in a 'similar way to that
follovve,d When the department treana,g-
ed. this cheeue factories and creamer -
feel in Prier,* EdWard Island,
tary warehouses -were deetroyed, In-. •
Thee° words will be Pehlhaae4 aU
V ahrtag a laaa at 341,111948 eettidee. Iste1lItistiee lespartnieet ;Melia Tells an aver France, and win tend to make
Grey:sotto tignber wharf and lumber hiterestine Starr -M. de Ere,. Gen. Beget more popular with the
IrardS, the largest an Ritasitte ware also tient, Fortner Peeing n• or Wl'allett 411311.
Gen. Deloye repeated hie testimony
wbuitinreit ainnt(10 ttnheilitga einf rtobulablcaesii. ° 'alaa Ber4•" 1114' 414ffirt Martini'. heft -a -the Cocart of Ceeeation, relating
At St. Petersburit correspondent says
that 8,000 Vilma nave left Finland
eince February. The Finnish Work -
Agmen Astsocuation has d.eolded to
send agents to chow !Ando in Auee
trent'. for emigrants. The • peoullar
methods ot Russia's internal policy
are gradually but surely driviag• out
her most indUstrious and hardiest
'Government send 'men to him once,
ft is1 believed that the Government wUl
send niedical experts to assist in the
Ex -Speaker Reed has resigned as Con-
gre,ssman, bar Maims
Ex -Judge . Hoary Hilton, of New
York, died Thursuey at his summer
home here.
A. H. Lungino, Democratic candidate
for Governor of Mississippi; lies de-
clared for Bryan for President.
The business portion of Vietor City;
Colorado, has haen wiped Out by fire
at an estimated loss of 42,000,00.
A statement from Prince Edward
Island shows that last year there were
34 to -operative cheese faetories itt she-
cessfal operation, and 23 co-operative
creameries, where butter was matte.
The total value of cheerie and butter
available for export in the year
amounted to 1364,557.C3.
Oar. C. W. Morrison of Brooklyn, N.
Y., is in Ottawa endeavoring to secure
atafte for. a pulp Mill on the Gatineau
ttiVer near Chelsea, severe...Miles from
Ottawa, and also to parchaee some
spruce . It a suitable site is se-
cured it is said it mill with a cap-
• acity of 300 tons of pulp daily wilt be
• built.
All the boot and time factories in
QUebee will be closed for two or Wee
weeks. In the interval the manufac-
titters will draw up a uniform eatle of
wages to be imbraitted to the em-
• ployee for bign,ature. The factories will
then re -open as soon ass there fa an
Utularstanding for not than one
year between employers and employed
The Department of the Interior has
received most eatouroging raParta of
the progrese. being made by the
Doukhobor inimigrante, and there is
- every reit/son to hops that their lot
will, be finite as happy and tinecessful
aa was looked for. Many of the men
have obtained work tie laborere on
railway conetruetion, and many Roe
fin to give over their 'strictly vege-
tarian diet, which rather tended to
interfere with their employment 40
laboreee, With the tunteptancte of the
same food as obher hands and the
adoption of clothing better enited to
Canadian conditione, It is evident tisat
the Doukhobor* Will fi0On fit hate the
natiorall grooves of the 00fintry, ing the walls. of the building. The mo-
tive for the outrage believed to be
It. le estimated that over 70,600 Am- P6titteaL
ymearlea,ne have 'lotted England thin kt 114u", Prantms, bed, et 200
striking dock laboters, on being re-
nbe4 first 60neivanent of lent howl 'fused admiseion. to e oelnetery during
indieatee too the eeasenis atop is ne the burial of, the remains of a com-
exceptionel ouality, rade returned to the city, erying:
Oat of 1,000 men who went into the
Kotzebu,e eountry, Alaska, •last •.fall,
more than 70 leave -died, from disease
or accident. • "
The dry house ,opthe Samuel Dabble
powder mill near Sheppton! Pa., was
completely „wrecked . by an explosion,
and Wittstun T. Betsenberger, one of
the proprietors; ' end Harry Tones, a
povirdermakewere stitertrity-blown to
a toins. :
While crossing the tracks of theeNew
.Tersey Southern railroad at Seabright,
N.J.; a carriage containing six persons
was struck by a train. Miss Louise •E.
Torry, Charles ' Tri,ppe, and Create
Terry, .were instantly killed and the
others badly injured: •
• . A Chicago despatch says: "The Cala-
adian Veterans' Assoeiation received e
letter from Sir Wilfrid Laurer, stat-
ing that he, the Earl of Minto, the
Canadian Cabinet, and.,the merabeta of
the Canadian Parliaineet would accept
an invitation of the Chicago Festival
Conimittee to participate in the fes-
tival eicereises to be heldscluring the
,setond week of. October; •
Prof PiCketing of Harvard Obserai-
tory, Who establiShed the "Misti Ob-
servatory of Peru, ie seeking a suit-
able locationJor the lirgest teleaCope
in the world; being construeted at Cam-
bridge eapecially, for observing the Stew
planet. due ,to paee (deed to the eaetla
within. 18 • months. •s •
Th new new eteel steamer Buffalo„ new
Under • course of construction
Buffalo, will he launched soon- The
steamer wee buitt. for the Western
Transit Co.; and wilt be the 'largest
package- freight steal:sae on the great
lakes. •The new • bowl, is 400 feet in
length, .55) ft. betina, and 28S-2 ,ft. in
depth. • .
Thete are several . eases- of . yellow -
fever at Panama. • •.
•:The Chinese Emperor hes deve:oped
eylmateras of insanity, .
Ile 111.;t1 it Pram" er Gambling Which
worked for a Time; lint It Ended in
the Same Old Way.
Until: a week or two ago the ;region
about the quaint old city of Glasgow
looked, upon Dr...Taraeo Colcotheun, LL.
D„, of the Blythiswood ward of that
Scotch metropolis, as man of most
a?caulfdarY standing, revered by his in-
feriors„ reepeoted by his equals and
Pointed out as e model for aspiring
youth. To -clay, he pines within the
gloorpi bound. preeinets of Duke Street
Priecta4 a proved embezzler to the ex-.
tent ofVlataibly a million of dollars,
and there wailing and gnashing of
teeeh outi and down that trustful re -
gem from the Grampian Mlle to the
Solway end from Dumbarton Castle to
the Firth of Forth. Gambling was the
lure; a "aystenx" was his evil genius,
Dr. Colquhoun was a "writer," which
in Scottsih phrase, means no penny -
a -liner of the Glasgow Grub street, but
ex solicitor of the first rank. 'was
the :senior member Of the firm ef
srs. 3. ,8c D. T. Oolquthoun, a law tuna
in the very bighest standing. Indeed
so Wong was the firm's hold Upon the
'public ,centidenoe, that hundreds of es-
tates, large and were intrusted
• Lo its oare; and therein is the. great'
grievance. Widows and orphans gave
their legacies into the custody Of the
Main who had been honored 'by Church
and, State; by soefety'and the staid ,old
University pi Glasgow itself. 'Phe Doe -
too wee treasurer ofseveral religious
bodies. Ile, had been, thrice elected to
high Offio ill hie dietrict, and whennr.:
reSted was pitunning a • return to his
chair in the Csinewil for the Blythe-
, .
wetat_Ward. . •
The Turkish exchequer is said 1.o be
empty and the Finance Minister is
hiding. • -
The Transvaal Volksraad. has reitised
by 18 to 9 to abrogate the dynainite
monopoly. - ••.
'The American -built Athara 'railway
bridge was opened by: Kitchener
on Saturday.. '
Serious riots have' occurred between
Czechs and Germans at Gradlibe, near
Koniggretx, in Bohemia. •
A Boer has been arrested in Beast-
'analand charged with attempting to
stir natives up to rebellion.
Professor Benin, of the University of
Meseina, Italy, claims to have discov-
ered. a cure for bubonic plague.
tIt Rome despatch says there have
been several fatal cages of , bubonic
plagee recently at Palermo undlklaples.
A: party of Russian, •engineers has
bueeern. 'rnasisacred Chinese brigande
at Kirin, on the China -Russian fron-
At Santiago, Chili, an entire passen-
ger train fell hato the River Mayoral:at,
Wthheieshwreurnes itoshrtengh the city, and meny
The bodies of over 2,500 victiets*of
the recent hurricane have been buried
in Porto Rico, The injured number 1,-
000 and the homeless 2.000. •
• Piesidentinuhet of France, In at ad-
diesa to the, Distriet Council of
bouillet .said that the whole country
should bow to the verdiet of the Drey-
fus court martial. Tile judges, he de -
°Jared, could be relied upon for abao-
lute impartiality. Ile vvas convinced
that the troubles of the country were
nearing an end. '
A sanitary cordon has been establish.
ed around Oporto during the continue
once of the bubonic plague there. The
Lisbon paper* assert that two work-
men, who recently, arrived there from
Oporto, hav43 developed symptoms of
the plague , -
The Nile has rieitn In the
Simmer district, but the rise has not
been eufficient to allay the Uneasiness
felt ter the safety, °A the drops. •
Spare id reported to be considering
the sale to Germany of her African
cialonies, particularly of the Vernand0
Po, Elobey, Ifni and Coritico Wanda.
It has been 'decided to hold a uni-
versal exhibition in Rome in 1901. At
the same time a &Reseal inonannent tb
Xing Victor Emanuel will be unveil-
South Australia harvest prospects
are fair for the time of the year,
and the outlook for the colony, es-
pecially with the improved agricul-
tural prospects are very hopeful.
The Satan of Merocco has notified
the powers that he is destroying the
native beats on the Riff coaat, and 18
establishing a gunboat service, to pro -
teat foreign' shipping from piraty.
The ravages caused on the east
coast of Africa by famine have beeonie
so appalling that it has been decided
to appeal to the Lord Mayor of London
to open a. Mansion Howe Purid for the
relief of thia etriekee British subjects
in East Afrieti,
A despatch from( Rome report's' the
throwing of a dynamite bornb into the
villa of the: Archbishop of Gallipoli.
Province of Lectek, seriously damag-
A. despa c rout enn 0, aye- • to the 120 abort ' cannon hydraepneu-
COdiere, deputy cla:et. of the intelligence matio brake and the Robin shell.
dePettleent "der l'ieu"°1' ilenrY' sclae:Tarret7itatiat'ilrlaentra, reply, made
who, 'since his pre17101101 appearance in. at Beure •
court, had'been released by the Minis- goo, yodnrciseepante utheinastiochoboriako; Wonaere,
ter of War, General de Marquis de watethaotinhtehneevgeornsearwall%tuaszefd„,ubeecawuasee
Oallifet, from hie oath of profeesional
never present at firing practice.
secrecy, was the tiret'witnesa called on
Tuesday. Be testified to the effect
that tlae late Col. Sandherr, awl not • •
N•ehrY• reP6ive4- the famous b"dere"' linlielin Issued by the Manhole' Aerie'''.
The. colonel deelared that hie belief in *aria Department. • '
the guilt of Dre.yfus was first shaken A (141:latch from, Winnipeg, saya:-
;vise: tate May,
vincial Department of Agricultare was
The summer crop bulletin of the Pro-
vdiencelaeraedthsattonDtizycytthuast whaeswiansnoncoewnt,con-
intereeting aiimmary of °fon pros -
issued on Thursday, It giyes a very
A WORD FOR COL. PICQUA,IST. Pasts, which confirm previous eisti-
foCro010.1Ccildiiceqraeartht,enas sap Ov okne 0 1 10 re n tsi strongly tigol 1y, ;lima at 62.5c4,766 bushels. The total
mates. The total' yield of gain ts
dier and an honorable man, and threw Wheat yield is estimated at 33,504,766
light Upon the situation which existed hushels, or an average of 20.55 bushels
in the offices of the intelligence depart- Per acre, fretn, 1629,995 acres. Oats
ment of the War Office. Ile explained tinie t
that Henry was jealous of Piequart he- giving a yield of 23 003 120 bushels
. , , ,
the from as acreage of 575,136. The yield
hoped, to get for himself. Codiere ex- from 182,912 acres, an average of 30,25
gwivheinohchnartgneryof had.
of barley is: placed at 5.532,972 bushels,
:at autItiheae ilastect etriownas
pressed the, belief that in was because
• Societyi honored him and his family
by receiving him coneng the best, In-
cluding Highland- Lords and Lowland
Didcese; and. he was •
oit Several 'SometieS, notably the Unit-
ed Pies -hers' Society, the Hide Dud Skin
40e:eat:law and. other waster -trade or-
ganigatigns. ',As for -hetiois in learn-
ing, althpugh he was.the son of p. poor,
but respectable working man, the
'writer', was granted by the Senate
of the 'Glasgow University the degree
of recognitton ot his services
Ltd a nieinbisr chr the Ittiverpity Counell
7a;ad. bee notably high repute? in tIte
community. ' .• :
• 413ue, ein an evil summervacation tours
the man 74 millions tarriea over the
green cloth of Monte Carlo. -After a,
taw hours' itinet"play cirw eight
hundred •snag ticainds out of the bank.
The croupSer winked ins waked eye,
for he well'kn,ew that the geed Scots;
main would 'aeon be back with the ecim-
Dortable wad he had taken away and
supplement 'it wit/it soine of his own
exatiecluer peeid,es. They all flo.
DoiAnotard, terameue t,obis
,tigatreaadukidt lean g, abianc,kotube
failing to oreak the bank, and -still
aileto.d, of the game, he returned, home
to the bosopn. of his family and ,his
1.1here, however, things appeared.
_very tame t,o him. • Ile got the
tenr," Mania, and after a time took
quiet. alip over to the Continent and
tried it on Brussels,. Ostend, Monaco
fund Oiler resorts, to his enrichment
seVeral.thouseud pounds. That settl-
ed ie with the Dootoe. lie began; 1.0
took upon his .4,'systean" as infallible.
Glasgow became too small for him. The
Doctor found an easier way ot Making*
pounds and pence than by slaving over
investeeents for widows, orphans,
charches ansi stedeties tit one per cent.
eunimission. He made repeated:strips• '
ea the Continent, each time returning
with wianings large And small, and
then, the tide began to turn. • His evil
hour was at bend..
Like She loite of his Compatriot,
LoOhinvars which "swells like. the Sole
way, but ebbs like its tide," so did the
'mkt of
PriCee 04" Grain, vattie, cneoios 43
111 the Lending MErts.
Toronto, aleptentber 1. - Wheat -
lite Western wheat markete were
very etrong to -day. and Ontarios wore
ecieY, owing to the gravitation toward
ilit export beide. New len. 2 red sold at
e8e; Alanitotnie were ratiler litmer. No.
l1 bard eeld et Oto, Toronto and weal; and at 7v 1e2e, ga.t,Ueda-to-day
was light.
Flour -Quiet. last.part agents bid fg,
65 per bit., tor straight roller, in buy, -
era' bags, middle freights; and bidders
asakt§02.70eame, in wood, for Read use,
autdovtilsifeold4-, aarwrztexBrailmnilt.1•50s•. a
suPilleme7nSt.teoaoiddy.4tCrzarc,, nlootits, b.4 PAL% nmd ewd I:to,
October shipMent, 530, ,
:a:-Lc7Sr,under fe efertg;.
uyeree_iva,cksytr.aoar. Tlootrso,nett.4.1511-20o'
,. und
iowo, Car tote of No. 2 yellow,
. Batley -Peed barley, north and west,
are es ted a 40 bushels per acre, Is selling at IA -to -82 1-tio,
The isritish Empire Compared With the
Mot her,Comitry.
It is a caannionplace to talk of the
British• Empire as one "on which the
sun never sets," and perhaps the gran-
diloquent fact does not convee any
vary great meaning to ordinary ears.
Year by year the British Empire is
spreading and gtowing. The English
lauguage bids fair to become ,the One
universal language of commerce.
Nino years ago the percentage of
each European language spoken in the
world was as followat--
English. , . t 27.7
Russian .4 • • if • 4 18,7
German. . d • , 18.7
Freoch, . . . 12.7
Italiaae , . . . . 8,3
Portuguese. . : . . ; 3.2
Judging from the Apt rate Of pro-
gress one may aesunre" with some cer-
tainty that in 1809 England is even
higher up in the scale than in 1800.
It is our great, Colonial Empire that
we have to thank for thissesxtraordin-
ary prominence in the affairs of the
world. NO other nation can boast of
Buell enormous territories as Great
Britain tan. Besides the vast areas
'which are under s the control of the
British ermen, the mother country it-
self is an infinitesimal speck,
The area of the British Lilo in square
miles is 117,759, India and Ceylon mea-
sure some 1,585,625 miles, Australia
Ot0,774, and Canada heads the list with
8,51902. in South, Central and East
Africa Great Britain possesses 758,70i
goon miles, New Zealand gives us
104,027, while the Straits Settlements
and Bernet) run be computed at 1,20,-
600 square miles..
And by the way, asked the old
schoolmate, what beeonie of most-
ly, who used to talk to much about
devoting his life to upliftirig mankind?
DK he go Into the ministry I
Net anevvered the other seheolmate,
he as io the elevator bualtiese, vertiation which he had with the Anse
A rowErtxtri, MOTOR. • trosItungartan militaty attache, ea,
wite,s_Dear me 1 now are we ever evoked a prompt protest from Major iteetreat litiecteician liteteives shack el
Selineider, mention of wbosis. nine
to get through this crowd t Mille Corriere In the name of the Govern- 10,100 Volts and Is alive,
the, train. ment arid State. Col. Schneider„ 50- 4. despatch from Montreal says:-
nunband-nrifee your umbrella a cording to thin Minium, admitted that •
:bushels per acre. •
of Picquart that Henry committee his
forgery. • • • esttihmeatYeideldasc4follialoxw, ary;-0, and fleas' are
Dreyfus spoke a few Words at the eon- Acres, Bu per aere. Total
Plex. , 21,780 • 13,0 296,20S
elusion of Col. Codiete's statements. He ety.e. ••:tele•20,4 65,626
said the scene which preeeded his arrest Peas, 7, 1,366 19.5 26,637
Was so fantastic, that it had completely The figures giveu are carefuily pre -
bewildered him, and "merely left a pared from 'estimates of crop eorre-
blunted impression on his memory, • OtgOetlxdpeenetts. Woheantel.rreplyydOsdpjedatfnesm.ofhwe heas
The prisoner is now accustomed to tintate may be considered conservative.,
Ids surroundings, and has apparently If suitable weather for -ripening and
recovered his self-cenfidence, •58 he chraorveiniaftwbe fargollave'Ve.Claataeragthee_4
speaks readily and clearly and follows 20 tashels per acre being canvsideeea
the witnesses closely, taking notes of the eveiage for the past ten years or
various pointcsof their depositions. more.
Major Lauth • fleet confronted Col. Mr- P, W, Thompson; manager of
Codiere, and tried to score against him the Ogilvie • Milling Company here,'
iste pointing out that Cols Codiere was when interviewed, • said the two car-
ineorrect in Saying there were anti- loads of ae,w wheat received here on
Semites on the general staff, Since Co- Thursday were the best grown in Mani -
Were himself yeas- cnie, The colonel re- toba Tor years. He says there liasbeen
torted, turni.ng the tables on the Major, absolutely no damage from frost at
as, raising his hands, he cried: -"Quite any point in Manitoba. The hate:test,
ntreirel bIoraetni a' isan witness
• ntntie-Semite; m
• I Mr. Thopsoa stated, 'is progressing
under "pest favourable circumstances. '
Jew.' I am an honest man." The audi- •• . .•
ence applauded these remarks. :DIEDWHEN TOLD' THE NEWS.
Col. Codiere then administered a well- , '
deserved snub to Major Lauth, by re-;
Marking that he, the Colonel, Might be .44 “4 14441Y ENPite8 I,It ne"ling er
alloWed to know, more than Major Iler igr4ithor•0 111111,S8.
Louth with reference to the Work of- ' A despatch from Woodstock saystheinteliigenoesdepartment, sincejte, Mrs. Walter Atkinson • Main street
Colonel Codiere, rattle -00d Col. Sandlierr ' '
as ehief of the departnient wheileVer died en"Sunday night very suddenly,
Sandherr was absent; • while Major and her brother, Mr, Leonard Kitsch,
Lanth, the witness concluded, swas died of gangrene at the hospital on
merely iny assistant. 'My assistant,
mark you." • Tuesday. 1VIrs. Atkinsorrhad been ail -
Major Louth did not'enjoy this little ing for some tires, Ina Was. net seri.a...us,
ecene.at all. • • . . ‘1,y til, On Sunday Waist a neignoor
mif ecnoedriat,Ir og.lethe xe tit f enhl aros sn41me de de otlhcie- oneolslse doyf ,ahnetir j:ttrciltd4ohvcr of ttht he ea.atloitollutelnielet
SAM) iluperotlious air whioh character-
ieed him when he apPeared at the Wit- ments she 'suddenly' fell ovee and ex -
• ness bar struttin
, g about the stage in .
The brother entered the hospital a
disdainful attitudes. His evidence week ago sufferings from typhoid fever;
however, was not verystrikbag, nor was *hie!: was suecesstully combatted.
that of Col. Fleur, or X. Gribelin; ar-
points of Col. CodiereS deposition. •
were well .and favorably known in
Gangrene et in, and he followed his
Wiliest, Who else contested ' minor sister Tuesday morning. • Both parties
eihalty, General Mercier,. who evi- Woodeteek. ' ' ' •
dentlt confronted the witnee.s in. order
to demonetrite the baselessnesia Of the '
last, confronted Col. Codieee. The Gene Nobleman • C01141e1111
stories of his' intentions toand to
'show his determination to fight to the - ..-!-'s
repetition of Col, Sandherr's .opinion Of• 4 d n WI from Mciscow sats ie. -The
ek anoint,. to lie PlItOtedt.
. t'd for • Murder is
-crate remarks were of small impart-
-since the ntost interestiins being his
Mathieu 'Dreyfus, vv,heu the prisoner's Government on 'Tuesday •o
brother went to see the colcinel, to ask release from the Penal eelonryd
071 est g t13 ha!
for justice in 'bebelf of Captain Prey- ilea, of a young nobleman; Atexander
fps, Mereier admitted Sandheir said:
an honest man, who was prepared to T Paa who was condemned in 1895 for
•-"Mathieu Dreyfus impresses me as a
•make, any sacrifice to save his bro- atirnt4,11e.thgedn mmisuredraeible4nckwridoobwberoyf of
Affairs, and Premier, followed Col. hou.se, to hide the crime. A brass -smith
M. de Preysinet, the former Minister
Codiere on the witness stand. •The named Itterpoff, having been arreated
of 'War, Romer Minister of Foreign
court room was packed to its utmost the other day for another crime, coes
capacity, as the distinguished .Prench feased thug he had robbed and marder-
statesman began his deposition.' The ed the woman. The story was corrobor-
tormer minister is a venerable -looking eted by the finding in the lining of his
coat or 1,000' railway shares registered
rwin,"with 'scanty snow-white hair and in the. name of Gen. Boldyreff. Karpoff
will peon -be beought to trial and Telma
is to be returned immediately to h.s
Boldyreff, and the burning of her
moustache, and was dressed in a :blue. young wife.
serge suit. M. de lsreycinet began by• •
expressing the pain which he capon-
ienceil at the trouble his country was TIOLLEY AND HOSE WAGGON.
undergoing, and, later, he said he re..
membered a conversation with Goner -
al Jamont, at which there was a re- Street *Car tilselity4lirel-inii•Lell,T11. °vellum°
ference to motley corniag from abroad A • despateh -from ilranifor ,
in support of the Dreyfus agitation, d•Ont:
"Which, while disinterested in France, says: -A quietus -collision 'occurred on.
might not be so abroad." The states -
he say if an amount Was mentioned. X. trio- street oar and. hose waggon No, 2
Wednesday mornipg betweea an elec-
man, however, did not remember the
detaila of tbe conversation, nor could -
tdhear "attacks
tohnent the
to thhi his ii.fermary,s tItiVfhtivigt Igueoorn:werraes or: running Le. ona tne.'irf r Dalhousie.ehh,aset
might be prejudicial to • discipline,' •
adding, "Might not these attacks lead whits creeping the street oar track, a
to the disappearance of discipline atid car crashed into the waggon, turning• WITH A JACK KNIFE
Eggs -Market steady to firm. Re-
eetpts tree. . IASI: Ell;00k is bring-
ing tram 13 to 14e. • .
,rutatoete-Jrair supply coming in, s
and latices easy. Choice Canadian of-
fer et 8010 024 per bushel, in farm-
ers' toaciti, on the street; and out of
store at 660 per bag. . Car Iota, on
track, are bringing about 50e per bag.
Beams -Choice nanctaxicked beans
sell at $1.10, •and eommon at 75 to ate
Vet' yush.
Dried apples-4)ealers pay 41-80 for
dried stuck, delivered here, and in
smell. lots resell...at 5 to 1-273; evap-
(trete& ES to 8 1-2c, in small lots. ,
• itioney-tteand lets or honey; deliv-
ered here, will .bruigsabout. 6 to 61-2c; •
dealers quote from les to 7 1-2 Per lb
for 10 tu 00 -lb tine; in comb, around
44.25 to 01.40 per dozen sections.
Baled bay-Grichanged. New brings
$8, car iota; delivered ltere. Car lots
of Old, on track, choice, 418 to 08.50;.No.
2, $7. Dealers sell to the local trade
at 08,5e to al) for choice, ,§7.50 for No.
gi end new ott.§8:50. • ,
Straw—Nominal. Car, Iota are .qubted
at el to 65, on teack. • •
elops-Dull. Dealers here sell: a't
elsout :18 to 20o in the ordinary way,
and are paying .outside holders from
16 to 113o. , .
DB,ESSE0 BOGS .4.Nl.) 1111.0VTSION.
Firm market and good active demand •
for provision. Dressed, hope unchang-
ed, Choice :butchees' . weights bring
about 436.50 acr $6.75, fernaers' loads, on
the street. • , • •
quotatiens for previsione are as fel- .
lows :-Dry salted ehecuiders, 6 34'Se
7c; long clear bacon, ear lots, 7' 3-4.c;
ton.lots, 80; case lets, 8 1-4c; Cala peeks
8 3-4A.S. •
Smoked. .naeats-Hams heavy, 12e; meda •
chum? 130 telights 13c.; breakfast bacon;
10 to 12 1-2 es picnic hares, 8 1.-2 to
8 •
8 3-4(c roll, bacon, P, kto 9c, smoked ,
backs; 11 1-2c. 8.11 nieafiennt-eLanekle
lc less theta praxes quo• ted for amokea,
meats. .
Lard-Tieroes, 6 $-4o; tubs, 70; pails,
7c; comporuled 5 1-2 to 5 3-4e.
Butter-siteete is a, fism -market and
a good stea y•deneind.. Quotations are
-Dairy, tuba, peer to Miediura, 14 to
15e; striOtly allele% 17 to 180; small
dairy, lb. prints, auout 18c ; preentery,
tubs and hexes, lc, pounds, to
2so. .
: .50heese--,Fir , and se 1 ng • twell at .
111-4 1.0 -1-1 1-2c. '
Buffalo; Sept. 1 -Spring wheat-.
Strong; No. .1 Ncirthern, old, 75 3413;
No. 2 Nortfiern, 172 1e20, Winter wheat, '?
--Strongly held; No, lswhite and- No.
red, 710 bid. Corn-equiet ; eesier ;
No. yellow, 37c; No. '3 yellow; 30
1,-2e; ow. 2 corn, 30 1-4c; No. 3Com,
a6c7. Oats -Firm; demand improving;
NO. 2 white, aac ; No. $ white, 24 11-4 to
2,t 17-2c a No. 4 white, 23 1-'2o; No. 2 mix-'
ed, 23-1-2c ; No. 3 mixed, 23c. Ryes -No.
1; in store, offered. at 600. Canal freights
-Unsettled; wheat, 2 4-8 to 2 3-4e;
Oats, 1 1-2e; barley, 2 -1-8 to 2 1-4% to
New York. Flour -quiet and . only
steady. " .
Detroit, Sept. 1.-s-Wheat-Clated-N.
1, whitis;eash, 71c; No. 2 red, cute 720;
September 720; December, 756. •
• Milwaltkee, Wes., Sept. 1. --Wheat
Quiet;No. 1 Northern, 73 1-4o; No. 2
Northern, 69 ,14-2 to 70 Lao,
Steady; No. 1 51, to 54 1-4c. Ba,rley--
Quiet ; alp. 2, 42c ; aemple, 36 lt-2 to •
• Toledo Sept. 1. -Wheat -No. 2, (sale
• 70 14c s December, la 3sae. Corn -
Ne. 2 us xed, .573 I -2e. Oats -No. 2 attic -
21e. Rye -Neglected. Clover ...-
Prune cash, 04.55; October, $4.00 bid.
Duluth, Sept. L-Whent-eNo. 1 hard
Gash, 71-3-80; September, 71 1-80; De-
cember, 71 1-2o; No. 1 Northern, cash,
68 7-8c; September,.68 5-8e Oaeeember,
6') 1-2c; May, 72 5-8c ; No. 2 Northern,
60 1-8e; No, 3 spring; 62 7-8e.
w a wou resu • we ound it eoiniketely upside down. Fireman
ourselves In difficulties with another Thomas Potts, who was driving. • Was
ociuntry 1" In short, M. de Freycinet thrown from the seat, his head cut, and
delivered a patriotic speech, rather body severely bruised, ;Chia Liners,
than a deposition, concluding with the who was also on the waggon,. was
words: "Alt the world will accept your thrown and slightly hurt, while Fire -
verdict, which will open an era of re- man Fitzgerald, on 'the footboard be -
Col. aouatist declined to put to
witness some questions par by M. Lae hind, jtunped and escaped. The front
bori,. creidaring that they had no direct
the of the street ear wee smashed in; and
bearing on ,the ease. Motorman Beal thrown back in the car.
A. number of lady passengers ere
frightened, but 'not hurt,
The evidence of the Matt. Meyer, Mo- MARDI'S SON SLAIN,
tinier, and Glory, all of whom are
handwriting experts of the first rank,
was a strong /putt for, Dreyfus. They Oen, Kitchener itePor's More legating Di
were most emphatic in declaring the
borclereau was written by Esterhazy, toe s gan.
and created a -better impression than
, A despatch from London alio :-The
fantastic, diagrams which the latter Khartoum, has cabled the Foreign
Sirdar, General Lord ICitchener, of
M. Pertillon, by not introducing the
The action. a Gen. Mercier in asking ()Unice that the Miahdi's two sonshave
deemed necessary. •
to be allovold to reply to M. Molinier, been kill_ct thy Betish troops while re -
and then getting up and emfirming slating arrest at the village of Shu -
the professor's statement that kabas
ESTE'RHAZY CHANGED HIS "BAND- A. force of British troops had been
WRITING, despatched there in consequence of a
Since 1894 puzzled the audience. That reported, Mandist ineurreetion on the
Esterhazy should, have deeemed it. ad- Mize Nile, instigated by Khalif& Merit
vitsable to change his.handWriting since and the PtfahdPa sons. Thee latter had
fitlr,actt n"dighthta.' been living under oupervisum at Shu -
the date of the bordereau appears, at
ttom..tdiiceartemitolitteitd hesurvtoottet ttaba. Oa, the arrival of the troops
the dervishes met them with a warm
Prof. Molinier o.rottsed, disoussioa as to tire, During the fight the Cherii and
the General's respells for this uncalled the Mahdiss sons were killed and the
for intervelition. There are some pee- village wife burned. .
pie Whosee in Mercier's unsolioited tes- • • '1
timony yesterday support of the
honorable nature of hi Mathieu Doe AWFUL TRAOED'i IN MANITOBA.
fuis' visit to Col. Sandberr in 1894, ri;,•
behalf. or his brother, and the General's mouse Near gine filo Wire mid
move to -day, an indication Of some 'Vero chimren•
A. despatch froin Winnipeg, says:-
rerhalia a preItide to a candid avewal
of hia mistakes of 1894, On the other A startling domestic tragedy ocourte. d
ehiaonr,d,immtainnye that
sitetuthrdinakraGeenvo, Mere- pohniSmundaAy attailnailbertnpaintaitinws, nveraordeDroxieu;
will diacredit him altogether with the Johnson shot and killed his wife and
&soli, hotte,stootaninCetpt:idigath,,widheticho! giving lle was
three children, sod then shoe himeeif,
not known to have domestic
over are almost incontestable, and troubles, and was of sound mind, No
time' to senaopextent, reinstate himself satisfactory reason can tie -yet be as -
by' an tiffeetation of impartiality' signed for the deed. Vali partieuIars
M. Picot related an interesting coo- are not yet teriorted.
walk ahead. I'll follow. Estethasy atited as a spy, and wrote Thos. Vaughla, a young man employed
the bordereau. In the Royal electric works, came very
AN INCIDENTAL. q , , ROGET'S BID FOR POPULART/Y. near being killed on Wednesday night.
, Gen, Roget, with his usual shrewd- He was working at one of the dynamos
RIbliti-Ste that striking.looking iori flees Seised illietr M. Picot'S 'statement and turned the wrong switch, with the
dlobbs-Who's the inelitrilfloant-look••• 1 that Col. Schneider expressed ustenish- refinit that he received it eurrent of
there 1 She roarr.e,1 million&
ng fellow with her t merit that French officers ehould have 10,000 volt*. Vaughlh fell uticonseious,
, ifibbx_oh, hes tho mart she married. I itorhe‘ibitindottlaroeerisrtoonmittainorit 1thh6epvtutotridormof odbu.tawndhsioit taken t4o 4atlilleinkhalPrite:01 vreeplf.
orinIa Mon Severed the Windpipe, Tel
May Mecover.
A despatch fronl'Oeillia, saysen- For
some Lime back Mr. Thomas Whipps,
an old and respected resident' of Orile
lia, has been Suffering from melans
cholla, with a tendetwa to suicide. He
gave up his farm on the outskirts 01
the town and came inte town to live.
A few weeks ago a new brick house he
was erecting on the Calverley estate
was totally destroyed by fire, and this
seemed to increase Mr, Whipp's trou-
ble. Ills friends bieve kept him pretty --
well under surveillance, and up to
Thursday morning had succeeded in
preVeating any desperate act. Be got
up early, complaining of daarrhoea,
and made two or three visits to the
outhouse at,,the foot of the garden.
During -thia; time Mrs. Whipps had re-
mained, awake, but She finally dozed
off, and wee firewood brooms °uncoil.,
ing. A neighbour, Mr. Whiting, had
heard moans, and on looking out of his
window saw Dfr, Whipps lying on the
ground in a pool of blood. Dr. Gilehriat
was summoned, and found that the
throat had been cut from ear to ear,
and the windpipe severed completely,
The patient had lost:a great/ quantity,
of blood, and was very weak; at one r --
time it being thought life was extinct.
However, he rallied, and at the time
of writing has a fair chance of move
ery. The weapon used was an ordin-
ary jackknife. ,
Croquet, the ancient and honorable
game has been roused from its Rip
and is once more re-
stored to general favor, and to the
lawn heretofore sacred to the tennis
net, There ate several reasons why
eroquet is worth reviving. It is it
good,game, its :evolutions admit of to
end, of pretty attitudes and froelts, and
for those high spirits who rejoice in
the fray it affords more opportunities
for out-and-out squabbling than any
other polite aminniment extant.
4. deapatell from London Haya:-.
Drought prevails over an extensive
area in the middle aild south of Eng-
land. 'rho EtInt end of the city has been
put on a abort supply of water. Pee.
torlea in Staffordshire have been does
ed because of mut ot water
• Ent:1y umbrellae .inend, mistert
None to .inend and none' to ,lead;
Itist •OlIe Watt stolen yeaterday.
e .ace.A.stersaaet-