HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-09-07, Page 121st Year CLINTON, 4NTA1i T4, TIIURSD,01. SkFT/aMBi R 7, 1,899. W take Number 1081 This issue of The Nows Roeord eontaius 48 columns of reading matter, a greater quantity by several columns than that of an other y o er paler published in lluron county,. it excels' in .crisp local news furnished by "live correspondents Sreq"* +%ZIG S t Tdankalvias SnadaY d,1tth l orals. ,. r 'S` r _ LOndesbOro, f L�, �jp The annual Thank yt iMurray R r Congentolatialts. �� � --' iT' � ' ty �� � f + � cannecttgn with St Peel's Murrayn.:S n c � u 4 .�._.. � !What Our Brethren day h CORP. L sb v pg service in Rev. J; L. of Ii�t c rdi e o • By - Law May Be Submitted The E League � aU s c arch will copied the pulpit of Willis eh •;li last . mri,. ,.,...... •o .......... ....... ,:. _.....-.,., Epworth Leet rr;et: as usual y a Sunda WATCH never stops in its ceaseless • task -if you have the old oil removed and new oilapplied et least once in two genre.. Consider the wear as they heat away the minutes, hours, days, weeks and years. 'Take care of. your watch -have it properly cleaned and oiled, We clean and repair all kinds de it promptly, accurately and tttmoderate Lost. WE ARE LEADERS • • IN OUR LINE. . P. + a MEWS 1x(tY S be held next Sunday when Re R Mc- to te Cosh of Chatham will be the special M , y�, For Permanent lmprgveMints. Th p r J, A,'King hes, w three-year-old. Preacher. The church is now being Jersey cow which gives twelve pounds Connell Will Make, a Tour of In t given its Tbanksgiving garb, as is the of butter per week vestigatione. No Order Yet Given e tulatione to. Mr, A. T. Cooper and Mr. • annual custom of the good people of „ The Huron Central Exhibition and Por a Stone Crusher, ri Si. Paul'%, that of the Clinton Horticulturai Sol t p, Rorke Mesta With An Accident. ciety combined will he -held an Sept. Mr. George Rorke, foreman of the 19th and 20th, nil • gy Mayor Shaw gave thetown council maehfne -department in 'the c. f. met In Roadster class of the Agricultural a wigging at Tuesday night's • meeting "with an accident on Tuesday which Society prize 1ist "road horse, mare or and charged thein with erutfng hack y eldin 16 hands or over" should read to the old non-progressive rat in which. fors evert'. vpreventda s using his right : hand g g their predecessors trod, He' had ex: for several'datys.'. He Who operating a 16 hands or under. .7. . t atone have been issued b the petted better things of them, but was' rip saw whin a piece, of board flew y PXPEnT WATCH REPAIRER AND, JEWELER, • A THING Or lU q� n� �u.?ca M 4Q>Y FOR " s(E rR We are . showing a line of Jardienieres that' are the chew pest wo . Have ever „offered. Think of buyinga< .nicel • de- corated Y corated Jai�dienie e, large size,; for 35 cents; They can be seen in our, setlth window. Have you seen the Trunks, contain- ing 6~pounds of Gloss Starch, we are off ' Tl T • with �lock.,and key, -lust what'your little girl events to keep•her doll's clothes in. 'T 'starch ;is . the same O. u a 1 eat"' y sper a dxfor ':b.it �.yo n , t p p ave sell the Trunk, and .6' ounds` p of starch for 50 cents: • • We beye ,just'received 4 gross more :of -those . . 85c : per' dozen .; Glasses, just the thing to .put ' your jelly in. � sacs Uph®1(®iirl9' ' cOA®®rmao4 To the school children and stu- dents of Huroh we extend a hear- ty welcnine; and our best wishes foranother successfulterm. While yeti have been holidaying we Con have been ,having an easy tithe, but we have • made ample pi epara Mons for your wants in the way of School Supplies and••Text Books. ioarc Invitations not et wholly without hope. The back and striking -the hand between Rattenbury.street Sr, Epworth League Y' y for then annual "At Bonne" 'and Fathers took the reprimand to geed the index finger and the thumb it in Nart,but:wltether it went in at ear flitted a painful ' wound; But Mr, reception of students which will be Rorke is not absent from his post and held next Monday 'evening. ar4d. out at the other;remains to be n. by -the time the right hand is all right Rev.(G •W, , Howson of the R.tten- se'Tehe probability is thata by-law will again will be able to use tate left just as bury street church will take for hisbe submitted. dexteronsl „to the electors at the y.. morning �ubject:nextSundayt, Asim- :d'annaryelection asking for 'a.substan-. nista of I-1. Bellamy. mer trip to Muskoka, and its lessons." tial sour for permanent improvements, Mr, and Mrs, H. Bethany arrived six In the. evening, Looking on the bright that is perfect streets,' proper er drains e side of life; cheer for old . and " p N a weeks ago from Toronto and have been n young. " and granolithic walks. The Clerk has the guests of their daughter, Mrs'. Alex. Judging by 'the interest taken in the a'ready received copies•of similar by.. 'Armstrong. Mr. Bellamy's health has 1, rehearsals, the Minstrel show to be laws from adjoining towns which are Hundreds of samples have been ►t been poor for a couple of years past t given in the town hall on the evening laying granolithie, but in order • that 1 selected e scribblers order to het the best o 'and sat an early hour Monday morning of the second day .of the Fall Fair twill the most complete information may be b and exercise books,and to he creased into the county . from be a great success. The songs,•music, obtained the council will make a trip feel quite sure that when you a!N see our oto whence no traveller etc., will be up-to-date, but of that to Win h _ o stock you will be: aston- returns. The p g am'and Bnisaels some diLv, ishedat the splendid values : we o funeral took place on Tuesday to Clan- more anon' perhaps next week: Both` those place's are now able to offer. ton cemetery. The deceased, who was The Salyatinn Army will.have a Tans" are l+dying this new pavement exten in his 75th year,' was a,native•ofCounty ical treat on Thursday evening at lively and if' they' are satisfied with the pposed that itought 1 for lOc rued or was known lie $ellatn s Mills but will be charged. On Sunday night to he profitable For Cl to is • O • Scrib:blers at 1c,.ruled or plain. l Scribblers ribbters ct 3 , ruled or P1 n , i Lanark and for ,.years lived at what which' an admission fee of ten cents outlay,itwill be su ertng. to runt is we11-finished, ;Dinner Sets -Just •opened, ,an r, import crate of Dinner Sets • Call and gee them whether you intend :buying .or not. `VitdvCU.( tJih�iOC Lt OGLECOOPER OOPER CO.,Clinton. � .� O.lt Cash "paid for Butter and ;Eggs and . uried Apples. Phone 23' - • � LWC6L1.J LI 4a4P4o-Q•. and well•written Gor= respondence is'afeature " of: THE NEws-REcoitn which has a large. and efficient staff of .report- ers at various points in "" iee'eeti; the county .:... , .. • To secure. the news of Huron read THE NEWS-RECOI1D 0 s Lt i J STONE scribblers at 3 , B •� it pla n. t►y t now in n also. Scribblers as Clayton. The father of Mr,Bellamy Captain Heater and Lieutenant ,Fife The question of Lavin an en sneer re ep at 5r, ruled or plain. will farewell after seven, months' .ser -°:.g g A good'variety at each price. established a milling .business at"that make a survey of the tote n for. drain- Out line of cloth•covered slates point long.ago,hence the mine, vice in Clinton.• They say they have age purposes, eta, was:' discussed at considerable length: The Mayor said In its Exhibition The following shipped carloads or ,yes very etnphaticall ;thatibhas got to r tion notes on' Thursday �' Y. come to that sooner or eater and the: sooner the better. • Councillor lord thought the .report.w.ould.cost. in. 'the neighborhood of $150 and as. a sewer sys- tem is too big for this, town he did not think the expenditure justifiable for drainage' purposes .alone. .'This: was the opinion of other members .so thee- no he -no action was taken in the Matter.:' Councillor'Johnson said nu'nerous complaints had been made `the poor service being furnished' by' the. Electric.' 'Ligh't Company. The. light wits .note. up to the standtird lay any Weans and the lamps went out when they should be shedding illumination. He thought they should have a more efiicieue ser- vice and that •ie reduction•ought ..to :made. in' the Coinpeny's'hill for nights `when bn.mps were not burning.• The Mayor; Councillor Mackenzie and the Clerk gave expression to a similar state of dissatisfaction and in the end a reduction of ten dollars was: made with the. implied rpriina ise .of a stricter : check upon the Company in future. The cemetery coinmittee recommen- ded an expenditure of forty-five dollars in Levelling up the front of :the: cane tory (chairman Ford thought 'it 'a g:►ojtnvestment )sit' would increase the title of• the lois. :(louneillor .Pb'uin•: mer failed to See tete need,of •such. an expenditure, while\Conncillor•Mackenr zie Was'of the opinion that. the streets needed the money worse than did • the gravey+i•d.' But the grant passed.. Councillors •Plummer'.and Johnson differed as to the proper time to gravel the streets. The former said start' the work• now for' the wet and,muddy sea- son ea- son:.woold soon be on when it would be impossible to draw mere' than' a good half load from the'pit, but .Ooun-. chlor Johnson favored; waiting until there was more moisture is the air as the gravel Would then pack better. . What to clo with the cattle yards is a question which must before long be th to "rocky." decided... 'Mr. Swallow says they have been ,n an intol..r tyle .nuisance ta' a and th Board of Health is of the same opinion. The yards ofcourse belong to the Grand Trunk, the towiit.merely leasing weigh - scales accommodation: The Clerk has been instructed to Write the Company in regard to the matter and an endeav or .will be made to have :the yards re- moved to some , other 'spot. In the meantime the G. T. .R. will. be requested to keep them Olean and if cars are cleaned at Station to have itt has been replenished and a good c + The 4bherty B hlblt At T enjoyed it at use•• iii the Public- and Model last the Mail and 'Empire had the settlers' effects froth. Clinton station gg�r Schools, also Collegiate Institute p he . this *eek hisweak a E. Bi tt.' Goderich' town - selection following: The Doherty organ is again xbibition. It are now in stock and selling t ship, to Ninge :.l: Fisher: Colborne to selection wit always be kept. x Td ronto b The authorized Text Books for c Newcombe, both. of whom have this week entered the married state. They are. bright young business men, ata; held in very high esteem and their fellow citizens will join tis in. wishing them matrimonial joys and in welcoming their brines to the nab of Huron. Bayfield, The summer tourists have nearly all taken their departure and quietness reigns once ntbre, Some of the youthful campers, boys. of course; have left an unevitable re- collection of their presence here during the past summer, as it is said .some chicken roosts suffered during -their stay. A word to the wise is- sufficient, and the boys will de well to. remember - the reminder next year. An exponent of the doctrine of faith cure held forth in the. town hall last Sunday, but his remarks were . rather more personal than doctrinal. The ex- pounder of this new religion was once a captain of the S. A, in this place and it appears .he hes deserted his old stan- dard and embraced a new faith. • Labor Day was celebrated -here in the usual way. Several took advantage of the cheap rates to yisit the . Indus trial at Toronto. Among .those who .left here for the Fair we noticed Misses Martin,�Miss Lillie 'Elliott; Miss Gal* • braith, Miss Mabel 'Whiddon, :Miss Simpss'tn, Mrs.. (Dr.) Stanbury,'Mr.Ross and Mr. IL Erwin, -the -latter going to iLttena�lyers & Sullivan's school. of embalmingee. Severel'•froni Seaforth, Clinton, attd. Gods ich. picnicked in town. Mr. Henderson, a divinity student -at Queen's University, and a lirothee, of Rev. J; S, Flenderson of Hensall, occu- pied the.:pulpit of the, Presby.terian Church last Sunday and preached two earnest and highly appreciated :ser- mons: Mr'. Henderson will'suppl � :liere Y during the manta of September: Apple packing. is ` the order of :the eley, The .prices paid this: -year are ranging higher than usual, but the ine- thod of selling the whole orchard for a lamp surn,has been adopted. by. many, farmers, and' is no donbtthe ;heet•vgay, but it requires good .judgrnent,;,rts chief advantage 1149 in the fact that by, this means the farmers do not run the, eame'risk of having theirapples left 00 their hands. • Mrs.itlOAllister has left for her home in. Iowa. . • Miss Anna Whiddon visited, a. few days last week' at Seaforth. • Miss Editit Falconer has returned from her holidays• on the second of : Stanley.. • •Miss Frances:. Powlie has returned from her holidays in Goderich town- ship.• Mr, and Mrs. Stephens of Drysdale visited;friende in tow!) last,Friday. • Mrs. Holin;an and levelly- .visited' at -Mr..Geo.•Baird's of Stanley last Satur- day. .. Miss: Ada,Btniettlets retutWed from her: holidays. • . Mr: Trott has'romoved liiephotogree .phic tent. Miss 0. Smith is visiting Miss 'Reba Stanbury. ee a and at : the E e the lowest prices, on the -ground 4.• Book .covers.supphedfree. lc occupies is prominent place. In the Mu - t ... c sic pavilion herr, the, main: entraLne , .iota This is;Me•...Beat's•twclfth trip to Q1414 ®I1° e" '(CeO OLINTota' Thisfit'mCe +t and a Manitoba with shipments similar to COD t tL vdeservesgieatcredit that ofMonde, . for the high state of perfection to which Y �e it has brow ht: the mar stmyelyliailopealnp ���� �n"� corm • g manufacture of • Lariviere • W. Murch, Fiullet, tci Hem - ( For fon • organs. 7.'heir, factory which•fs•devot d `'A meeting of the Stavely cornmittee a •'time lass s c\ exclusively to the meek irg.of organs, is was halrl the other night at whit ir';,sr were , u s eta 'tris"largest of its kind iii Onnada, i£ not: raugements were thiole for the ,finish - only to Rapist e�, .in the World. . Their 'present dis la. tag touches hi and about the hall aLnd• i reading p y n a tag Or ' �. 'consia,ts`of the finest organs.that.even- in ?a sftot't taus itis �x Nirtailthe farin- n e +i r work,.'.p but with in, they have:ever ;made Their surpass - al.opening will take :place.. The' occas creased know- "lug beauty and general 'excellence tree: cion will probably' demand some sort ledge st the eye, we are .able to impossible to describe. In their•parti- of"ceremony, adjust glasses to improye the " color line the are the highest ossibla sight, thereby curing. .chronio ' g N TheQhlldrenSaveMoney.. headaches; neuralgia and than effort: 01 human skill. Y Thetrial which `iLas been 'made in :nervous - us'afflict ons cauaedbyeye Cdnto6 du strew.. a liethousands vvh weer r thotvta Hrussals Galt of having vdewinga: bank in ccin- 4,.w r Itia:bov' ro oil . adjusted bowling -con a► c loll with • theu ' P .p Y J fisted glasses..are the � g test on • the Clinton e t p bhc schools has living testimonies to the truth• t Green Monday the local``rinks outscor Preyed quite a seecePe: Many of. the 'of its •Exaniination• free. '� ed' Brussels by 'five poi;nts.. :Games children have accumulated, neat) little Optical Department i were played both a. m. and p, m., the accounts and show a disposition to in CQOPER'8 BOOKSTORE, OGINTON• 1 .'opponents of the morning trying: con- crease them rather:thnh withdraw,' In elusions with tether rink m the after I3iant£ord the children have $1,1!1257 OLINyON. 542.30. Flow would the `,system work Dr. Shaw, J. Ballentine, in the Hub's public school? ' . noon. ' k on deposit and have drawn out only BRUesELB. Still some good Bargains left on Clutf's counters this • ' S119ln0 THE TWO A,J'S., Our.. new premises are commodious and . enable u to carry a larger stock ' than . before, and thus a more varied selection. From both points of view our customers benefit, and We want them to. reap it. We solicit an inspection, believing that a purchase ' will follow, - .. RATS .A S . CtALTY, RaiL'JF:7 1.J'S CLINTON'. teeeee PROFITS " • We prefer making many and quick sales ata small profit each time to•holding out for big prices. We do business on this basis and find it satisfactory.. ,Reitd these few pr- Ccs we are quoting this week ; we have Many more equally good if not better. Smock and Overalls, per pair $1.00 Overalls, 50e to $L00. Pants, $1.00 to $2.50: o When you are ready for your fall suit, come to us, We have the goods that will suit you and atmost suitable prices. Our lite ore• well known to be snug and comfortable, A. Y. Nano ' CLINTON.. WE SI our C'Sj :t Oh, do T hear some one say, I ilon't think Z shall go near you,.1 ' don'twant fits. Oh, yes you do. You like your Coat and your Pants to fit and you like anice easy fitting Your Hat won't W;'N:vk' f, look well if it don't fit. That is the Overcoat. You `► t kind of fits we give our customers a us Fits and guarantee good fits or no sale and you can then give ns the othei kind ()flits. give us a trial tc fit you out in a nice Spring Suit. • You will be more than pleased for we .n-ake a specially of giving better values`and better fits than any house in town, We are praetical tailors and can fit a giant or a dwarf and best of all our prices will fit your pocket boo.kIn the ready made department we have sure FROM8.5o TO $12.00 the latest styles and patterns. rvo lie 4 Vali and We Will Save You Money. 9. Cf.OTm11f FURNIslfElt AND HA.TTEM anon Bober IOU 'VICTORIA 131,001t __Jiiiiilli • Oapt. Combe, J. Hewitt, Tho.'pood�.'oada Movement, Lis. Fair,' D 0, Ross, The Provincial Inspector of Roads, W. P. Spalding,sk,15 G. Gordon, sk,.15 Mf., IV: A. Campbell, 'has returned F. Jackson,; A. D. Duncan, to Toronto from Renfrew vvbere` he T. Lickie, : Jas. Irwin, ; was'advising . the.. authorities on the D. McPherson, A. Cousley, best way of spending an. appropriation L. Kennedy, sk,.:.20.3.H.Oitineron,s.15 of $10,000 for newmdcadani roads. The In the afternpongaine Mr, Kennedy's council of that town recently •purchas- rink won. by; three points and Mr:. ed a steam roller: and crusher:.' Me.., Spalding's lose by•tlie same number. 'Oamphell, whose' services will be 're: tlitired in Clinton by.and by, says that municipal authorities all over the prow- ince are waking up • to the fact' that true economy la road -making lies ' in making a thorough job of every new "road built. The Clinton and'Goderich baseball teams settled the question .of .superior- ity in the maul here on Friday.p, m. lastand so emphatically that it i8 not atall likely to bare -opened again this season, The score at the conclusion of of the. sixth , innings stood 28 to 0 in favor of Clinton. This need not ne- cessarily imply that the playing of e visitors rs was'but rather that the home nine put up an almost errorless game, particularly in the field. Thescore.was : CUNT oN ' T.B. R. H. ' 'P.O. A. E. Harland .rf,..0 4 3 0 0 0 Meoonneli ef,5 3 1 0 0 0 Doherty se.. . 5 4 1 21 0 Agnew lb, ...4 4 2 , 3' '0' 1 Treagei' 8b ..5 3 4 , 1 1 1 Gowan 1£ ....,3 . 2 . 1 0 0 0 McRae c .4' . 3 1 10 1 0 Smithson 2b5 8. 4 2 2 0 M'La„tilin p 5 ' 2 2 0 1 0 Tennis Tournament. The ntentbers of. the tennis club held a tournament on their grounds on Labor Day, . Rev.,E, B. Smith and Mr, Al; Miller won the honors of the day. in les •MeTa ar Fair and In -the, S t r Singles, gg Smith were each • handicapped (-15), Lewis and Miller played "scratch" and 15. There was � o. Jackson had •�-F n handicap in the Double3.. Result in Singles -Fair beat Jackson, Fair beat Lewis, Miller beat McTaggart; Smith beab Miller, Tai the . Finals;Snaith de- feated Fair.. Doubles -Fair and Lewis defeated • McTaggart and Jackson. Smith and Miller beat Fair and Lewis, The Walkervllle Tournament, • The Watkervtilebowling 'tournament refuse removed, was ''greater than has been" and is A eotnmitnication was read from the said to have cost the• Walkers close Underwriters' Association .which ''sta. upon $5000. The arrangements were- ted among other things that Fair's, on a most elaborate scale and crea- mill•pump, which connects with six ture comforts were there galore. hydrants, is a useful auxiliary. Apollinaris flowed like water. Olin- The Mayer informed the council that ton's crack rink, consisting of Messrs. as he had received a petition signed by W. Brydone, d. Ransfordt W. Jackson' twenty-nine ratepayers asking him to and W.. D. Forrester, were in defer.purchasing a stone Crusher, he. hard luck for • after defeating had in compliance not; yet signed any Windsor and Mitchell, they lost to order. If the inajority of the .ratepay. Toronto by a chance shot, In the Con- ers were opposed to the machine, he solation they won from Goderich and was not going to buy ib though person - lost to Chatham. The second rink, . ally in favor of doing so. which was composed, of • Messrs, 3. A resolution was adopted%authoriz- Taylor, Captain Combe, Dr, Bruce and Mg laying of plank walks in front r, Johnston, did not fare so• well. of Cooper's book store and the post - office. _.-. following ordered 42 28 20 18 0 2 CODERICH, T.H. R. H. P.O. A. E. Thompson 1b3 0 2 5 1- 2 Mallard), c' .3. 0 0 6 4 1 Brown se.,..3 ;0 . 0 0 0 2 Irwin lf....,,3 0 0 .1 0 0 McCartney cf3 0 0 2 • 0 2 .Shannon 2b ..3 0 1 1 2 2 Elwood 3b...,2 0 0 3 0 1 Vivian rf,... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Pennington p3 0. 1 0 1 - 0 20 0 4 18 8 10 Monday's game,, Clinton ve, Imper- ials of London, was not quite so one- sided as that of Friday, so pleased' the spectators better, The home nine were 1 in 'splendid form and outplaying' the visitors at every point they won by a score of 11 to 1,' with one innings to spare. These tt+vo decisive ,vice tories very much snore than even up teethe two or three defeats encount- ered•iti the forepart of the season and theteam may rest well satisfied with its laurels, •Amon times who atten' led tate Tor- to •UI paid ; r t?; C. Carter, for htinself otic mon onto 'Fair frtiln here were • Mrs.. Geo, and gravel $ 112133 Baird and het' son James; .Johtti Snider Tltas; East, 'talo 80 13' and Thomas Malloy. 3. Miller, street•watering Si 00 Peter McGregorhats sold his celebrat . R. Reynolds, salary ' 30 00 ed pacerto Thos. Berry Of fteneall for Electric Light 00, 70 00 $150 or in tate neighborhood:Coal 55 00 ltobertTurner from. Ireland, who bas Recsipta -Scales, $41.25 ; Office, $4 ; urner been out arnn ng with 'Geo'. h.. Cemetery, $21.20. OGtNTON, leaves in a taming to return A.B. It, M.-P.O. A. E. to theEmerald isle. ' • Ilolluesyille... Harland r# ...5 2 ' 3 0 1 0 Aberhardt has''resutrted his Mi'.3. L Coartice :,trended the'To McConnell ,ef.5 1 0 " 2 0 1 duties with Dan Campbell at the black. ionto h'lair. Doherty es„'.4 1 1 8 0 0 arnithing. Mr. R. W, Mackenzie and wife of Shannon If ,.4 1 1 6 0 0 : A daughter of Simon Mackenzie of Goderich ,R. visited Mrs, lie an s on Mon- Agnewlb'..,.5 2 2' 4 0 0 Tuckerarnith died 'at her home near day. Cowan 2b..,.3 1 2 1 0 , '0"'WinghansonFriday after'along iilness. • Miss Bertha Graham was the guest McRae c ...., 4 1 1 0 4 -0 Thedeceased will behest known it, this of her cousin, Miss Bertle.Stanley'. Roes 3b ....3 1 2 2 2 0 section as Maggie Mackenzie, who at The 141ethodist choir picnicked at McLaughlin p4 1 1 0 2 1 one tlme,taugh t school on the Brunsdon Bayfield on Tuesday. - Line in Stanley!. Mrd.1'hipps Kpent a few dayir with 31 11 12 27 6 2 Peter McGregrhae bought itOlgtles- Mrs. A, Tebbutt. Lennon, dale mare ficin "W'illia % Rose for which • Mr. W. Proctor of Detroit Is' vlaiting Excelstiori If. A.B.gOit 1 . P.O.d1. • Eta he Mies R asorf Clifford (las been la guest friends In and around thevlllage. The yearly meeting of the W. M. S. Jackson 2b .. 5 0 0 '4 5 1 at Alex. hose, Sr. a of Holmesviile will).* field on Wed. Coyne 8b..". 4 0 2 8 It . 0 Heir. Mr. Oouch and family are visit, nesclay, 'Sept. 13th, at 240 o'clock In Steele e......4 1 tee 1 8 0 0 lug at ht McIntosh a' the Methodist nhureh. A, full attend.Watts of -.2 0 2 8 1 0 Dig shipments of apples tare being once is requisite as the time has come Arthur's a+s...4 0 1 2 2 1 made. We never dare the freight ;or the appuiniment of officers. Cox rf ..:,. ,.8 0 0' 0 0 1 'shedtoo crowded as' -at the present tare. •county (;ouncilfor t ortnoi'I is in T'o� 1tobert to 1b4 0 1 1 1 0 Cecil Hampson is going to Beafortlt to Y 0aatello p...,4 0 1 1 2 0 learn the baking. ronto ttten;iitag iz meeting of .the' 1 2 11 b.rtltoyd took lo drat Labor ,»s,DayExecutive of the l;fitirynten'a05 Assoaia� 24 rtaat8trtltfetdi • ) titin, a Mr, S. G. Stanbury of Exeter was in - town over Sunday,' having come up to attend Division Oourt,bet the cases all being settled out, of Court, 'there was no law dispensed,here on•Fridity. Several of the residents of Bayfield. _end vicinity have been treated lately to ;the spectacle of seeing a very !liege -Wild - headed eagle on the ;outskirts of the village. The directors of our Fide . are "*mind to keep abreast of the times and have been putting the grounds in order._ The race. track has been much improv ed by the use of a. road ' scraper. "More power to their elbows, Why not ex- tend the track, making it a half tntle.- Then, we are satisfied, we could beat any of the towns in Huion in getting a crowd to witness races and other sports. Sntumcrhil 1. Church will be in'the evening hence- forth until further notice instead of morning and as,at result the at. will meeton Wednesday: evening, the pre- vious night of meeting. Rev.: E. B. Srnith conducted Sacrament last Sab- bath. Chair was taken by Mr. S. Kyle of Cinburn at last 0, E., while A. E. We- theral took the topic,"Encouraging the Builders." It is hoped that the same ample attendance will'charactei'ize mid- week meetings as has been the lot of those on Sabbath evenings. Bridge. ---Contractor Wheatley has the earth tilled in in' the rear of one abutment and le treating the other to alike dump, Owing to delay in arrival of plank the iron men have had to either help at the dump or saw'mirl. Some of them have a great eye for Corn, they say, Mrs, Gleo. Hill and John are at pros- ent visiting friends in Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. George Farquhar and' familfamilySundayed its the village, as deo' alio me. Isaac (latter and family of Stapleton. Mist Addle Wright was home on Sun- - day. Mrs'. 0. Beacom visited her parents in Olinton, Oorn eoelitls are all the go. Saturday picrates hien attraet a few. Go'derlci4 Township. lofts.1td. Ploadt. who had been'visit- ing friends in this township as well as Clinton, left for her borne ht Toronto last week. Mr. Satre Switzer shipped a carload of WWIl. able own taising to Toronto fact week. ;Mer. John Stewart went along to See that at. good price wait reale lead. Mt. Thos. ,leukins of the Huron Road, who has a good orchard, was asked by a dealer the other tlaif h. would s nt.rtaht tete osis of$d '. • On Monday evening with good attend - About The News -Record's Growth in ance. The topic was "Holding up the Size, Circulation, Amount of News pastor's hands" taken by lair, R, B, and Advertising Patronage. They Jeffrey, Recognize, It•as one of the Leading Weeklies of. Ontario, - Hereunder we reproduce 'the cow - mots made by a few of our exchanges on the second: enlargement made by TEE NEws-Rnanto in fifteen menthe oro YA.LtjEyOR.UNH DOLLAR. , THE CLINTON NEWS-itE.C,OIaP is en- larged to an eight -column paper and is now in the front rank. What' puzzles us, is how the publisher is going to live and give such a paper for $1. a yeah•.- Hensel' Observer. - oNE OE THE MOST BBoortEss VE. THE OL/NTON NENyK,RECORD has been enlarged and iinriroved The journal -is one of the most proeres- • sive in theprovince.Acton Free irese. • been considerably onlai ged and other - best country.' papers. in Onterio.- IT HAS BEEN- TWICE. ENLA.HOHA THE' CLiNTON Npws-REcorto is new appearing- in eight -Page, eight column form. Thii paper nits been' milarged twice since thepresent proprietor took • • IT HAS STEADILY' IXIMOVED AND Is wpm, EDITED AND T.CUtTLAN. • Our newsy exchange' Tap Creeepri NEWs-REColen has been- agal n' enlarged papee, Weil edited end popular. Under RECOND has steadily imprbeed, :end le • Sine@ 1VIP.W..r. Mitchell has taken the REcortn, of Clinton, which he did in October, 1897, ie has been tWice enlarg. inneepaper, and the,columns lengthen -- ed, and now conies stitl further en - barged to en eight -column page and the length again eXtended. The Times ex- tends its congratulations to . Editor Mitchell on tiessuccess the pittieriS hay'. ing under his management, apd.on the bright, pewsy sheee which he gives eo • again been. eolarged, this thne to eight • rue neretypreie Or Eeremaineteet.e Oetehee, .1897,' one eiteemed pre. elecessoe, Mr. W. 3'. Mitchell, took over tfie manageinent . of -• THE ()rewrote NEweellEcortn, then issuedrui 'a she. column," eight -page Weekly. Almost immediately the crowded' condition of the paper 'showed the- growing Wine - mice of Mr: Machetes epterprise, and & seven -column paper Was the resole yet this'wesn't large enotigh to meet the. • requirements and the labor ions.supple; -meet bad to he . added nearly .every ;week. Last issee TrrE NEWS -Heenan. eight -page piper. Mr. MI tcbell's eeiends will-tbe•pleased to hear of h and with them we ;join in Wisbi rig I. luta his puree may grow apace with the in. creasing growth of his Pewee' jeurnal. -Durham Chromele: munitrut, ewe: LOCAL- 'MATTER, wart Oonservative journal, bas. entail* 'ed to. an dight-coluitin paper- of' eight - Algoma Pioneer. . TOE • CLINTON llutys-Excinto has again enlarged its borders end is now eighepagt;e eight -column, paper, , THE NEWS-RECOHD IS fresh and limey and it model paper in inany respects. - Exeter Advocate, rs ra0Gasissivn Arlo Moen/mons. ty a six column sheet, is now appearing in elght-page, eight•coliiinn form, and presents every appearance of illereak:. Mg prosperity and progress.-Stratforci Goderlelt Township. Miss Itoset,y Jenkins of Huila spent & few days With Mee, Tbos. Webster and other friends 00 Oth con. Service on Siinday next in St. ;tames' ehurch and until farther notice will be hold at 11 A.M. Sunday School The anneal Union Sunday School and congregational pink in cOnnection With Middleton, liolincSville and Sum- merhill bold in ItIr: 00/1t1OPS Grove llth con, on &hardily bet was, again quite successful, The attendance was good, although it Was modified some- what by there being several thresh ings in the neighboehood of malty metnbers and also by the conflillon of the llarv- est picnic in Forestee's pore. The refreshment tent in charge of Messrs. John and *Harvey Mulholland was well patronized, Football, bamehall, swing - Ing and taring were enjoyed in exten- sively. Not by any means the 'east man's race the In prize ireing earned by Mrs, *VVI alter Weston . • All report leaviarg had a right good time, John Weymouth, while trying to remove a belt on the threshing .ma- chine, gobble band caught in the pully which gave him a, twist, Mr. and Mrs. and Master Percy Whitely returned on Friday evening from Manitoba, The trip did . not im- prove Mr. Whitely's health to any ex. tent. Miss Lou tiaggatt, who has . been, visiting et. Jas Woodman's, is visiting friends in. Blyth for a few days,, - Miss Lou Obimette left on Menday' evening for London to resume het, studies. • Miss Sarah Hill is again able to be around after severalweeks'. . illness; Mrs, Young and Clara are visitiog at Clinton this week, A large number of Foresters attend- ed afuneral at Blyth on Sunday.. Mr. and -Mrs, Jas. Hill visited in Clinton over 'Sunday. Wilfrid Crisp went to Brussels on Monday to play football with Blyth. Labor Day was Very. shier in our iirs. T. Andersen and e son ',Elwin of the Soo are vislting relatives' and friends here at present. Mies Alice Stout of Clietonevas visit- ing the MissesSturcly, but, has reti. led . Miss E. Glen and Miss McNeal were in: The Westfield football team played Auburn on Saturday ,evening, the former winning by' one goal. After the game supper wile provided for the visitors atthe hotel. " Ohildren's birthday parties are all the rage, there being one at :Rev, Ken- , D. E, Munro and Mr; Hemline' who have started an apple evaporator, are reedy to receive' all kinds of apples ite highest prices. • ' A, E. Wetheral took o flying trip hone: lest Saturday. Mrs. FL Beadle has gone te Toronto - to see her daughter 'Charlotte, who is si'eMki.., Lockhart of Se Helen's preaclied an excellent seemon on Sunday morn- ing. His text wile taken from Isaiah, 44 ; call last week, can -ming 'on ehe flats. They went south from here. • Mrs. (ATMs intends visitipg her sieter cif Alf i?sniVt°11;. jr,, we ate glad to hei‘aler,si.e J.rejeuouveTestitign. keeps kw. Miss Charlotte Lawlor is able to be' Miss M. Dobie has been ailing, Mrs', 3. Cassity still keeps poorly. Rev. R. Henderson and wife have not returned yet, she still keeps poorly. The Women's Foreign Missiohney • Meeting was held on Tuesday at Miss E. W. Arthur's to pack clothing for Mes. G. Marshall is in Toeonto business and Mise Clara Lawson lute charge of her duties here. -"Mrs. B. Stalkee, who hits beep' Sick, is gaining. Miss A.lice Dyer have boon visiting there, Mtsirliniont Garnett Is better egain, Mis& Lucy Garrier is visiting her sister, ' Mrs, 13. Leach and Mies. It A. Illair have returned agitine Miss Edna Aronstrong is visiting at Miss A. Ferguson spent Sunday at B. Ourrunitige in peeking Ooopets aro making those days. things go ahead Mr. H. Itoberton has started to NIA Itaillettt to Onr village. rifts. Hobert. Stalker has been on the '61cMkrisi.8tMtahrokpaAtItteterkOn. g boo returned home after spending ta woek with ."nrialre.tiellhenttri;"(Illtilot 18 fetlerfig Wit property With the Page wite fencing.' Mts. flowed datighttry Mina Sarah, have returned to London after SuTnudartykledinving:nuriteohnirtgo. meet the mees, •