HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-08-31, Page 8•
.oittg to
We want to see you if you ere ahelit
ehOlit yourschool templiee. Text books,
meeting the reou retinas are all on
sale here. School I3ags, Penedo, Lock-
ed hexi Rubber ete„ etc., in
variety, and in many cases. with a price
advantage for you.
is a leader. it Is stronger, better fin -
hilted and more practical than any we
have before seen for the money,
is a needful for your child. We have
all sizes ett same price as we gave them
.to you last year and that waa cheaper
than you bought them before, -•
in a variety ef qualities, shapes And
prices, Styles you will like and prices
you will appreciate,
adjustable to any sized book go for the
asking with every book bought from
with every purchase on School Opening
• day. • These are much superior rulers
•.te what you usueilly get. :We have a
lirntted quautity only for the early
comers. 13e on hand and secure one,
We have done our part to nuke it a
benefit for you to buy your school sup-
plies from us.
• Often Ike Cheapest, Always the Best.
The I D. Fair Co
"Ifiehts Parker's .De Works,
About 0 o
UES:34:30...S.XICOEI we Know
Mrs. (Dr.) Ghnn is visiting in Strathroy.
Mr. T jacksen, Sr,- was in Berlin this
week. •
• Miss Dolly Oantelon is visiting. in To-
• ronto.
Miss Edna Jackson has returned from
• Buffalo..
Miss Josie Worthington is visiting
Settforth. •
Miss Susie Powell is 'the guest of
AVinghain friends:.
Mite; Feather of Rochester is the guest
of Mise Jessie Gat diner.
Mr.J. 0. Stevenson inoved his. family
in from tamp on Monday. ,
Misses Mary and Emma Southcomte
returned on Friday evening.
Miss Mamie Nesbitt; of • Detroit -has
• been visiting the misses Goodwin.
Mr. add Mrs. W. 0. •Searle returned
met week from visiting. in Mitchell.
Dr. Sha* was in Teeswater Tuesday
visiting his • sister who • is • in poor
health. •. .
Miss „Lillian Hunt left Tuesday morn-
• ing to visit friends in Brainpton and
Toronto: , • ••
• M. Bert TedfOrd has returned horrie
• after a week'svisit to Collingwood
and other poltites,
Misses M. Houston and Mary Stewart
• were guests of the Misses Acheson,
XIOPen, laeh wee's. • • .
Messrs. Lome Macdonald, George Ina
rie and Harry Spence of Goderich
yeereaCs &or Sutiday.
Mrs. A, a, ITI•rg Juts returned •from
visiting in St. Thomas-, accompanied
• by her mother, Mrs, Smillie. •
Mr. Ink. Cantelon come up: from Tor-
" onto this week to join the packing
•. staffof his uncle, the Apple King.'
. .
Miss Bessie Walton has returned to
Toronto after spending her 'holidays
With her aunt, Mrs. A. Armstrong.
Miss Tillie Akans, who has been spend-
• ing the past year, in Windsor and
• Saginaw, returned hand last week.
Mrs. D. Stevenson and Miss' Jean, vvlio
•• have been visiting friends in Goderich
• • this, past week, • have retuned to
• The following are attending. the mil-
linery openings in Toronto : Miss Mc-
Donald, Miss Ross and Miss Blanche
McKeewn. •• '
Miss Winnie Goodwin. „has eliarge of
• the millinery ,establislunetit ofMiss
Ross during the. latter's absence at
•the sopenings. • '
re, Misses Jennie and Lettie Smith re,
turned home. lest Thursday after a
• five weeks' visit .with friends in.St,
• Marys and Kirkton, •
Messrs. John Snider and Arthur• Tyn-
• dall leave on Thursday on a trip to
Manitoba. Mr. Tyndall takes' along
a part carload of live stock, '
Mr. and Mts. Arthur (look were in
:Toronto on Tuesday attending the -
funeral of the latter's brother, Dr.
• Cook1 whe was drowned on Saturday.
Mrs, Burrows Mies Burrows and Miss
• Maud Baird of Detroit, who have
• guests at Mr. Sohn Cunningham's
• for the past week, returned home on
Mrs. J. W. Green, wife of the Editor of
the Tavistock Gazette, and Mrs. Ell-
• iott of Inglewoed t'arin, near Galt,
are visiting their parents, Mr. and
• Mrs. John Croll.
Mrs. ° Barr and daughter of Salina.,
Kansas, who have been the guests of
the former's sister, Mrs, J. W. Irwin
foe a couple of weeks, left yesterday
on their homeward journey.
Aniongthoseiyho are visiting the In-
dustrial Fair this week are : Misses
Kate and Sheltie McNaughtori, Mrs,
Junor, Miss Lizede Gardiner,' Mr. A.
Downs and family. Misses C. and H.
Sinith, Miss M. Perdue, Mi. A. T.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Archer and Mae.
ter Grant of Clinton visited Mrs.
Archer's brother of Lucknow, also
Mrs. Archer's eausiti, Mr. Andie
Stinson,. of Riplesirtul itir;Vierk
Washburn of Kincardine. .„ -
Mr And Mrs. Sohn Wiltsie of Athenaj
Leeds county, and their daughter
Mrs. Gallagher of Westport, arrived.
Tuesday evening and will spend
several clays with their many friends
in town and adjacent townships.
Mr. Walter Tiirtibtill of Milver ton was
in town this week renewing sold as-
sociations and will be leaving for To-
ronto shortly to begin a medical
course. He had thought of studying
dentistey but has decided for medi-
cine and will be the the third of that,
family to enter thettprofession:
The following were hooked by Mr. W.
Jackson the 0, P. It. agent this
week . John Bell,. Clinton, to Cowan ;
John Snider, Clinton, Estevan ;John
Lewiston, Lotidesboro, Esteviui ; Geo.
Ruddell, Londesboro, Fsitevan ; IL
MeQuarrierillyth, hinscarth ; Geo,
Blyth, Moosimin LJA,S. Web.
Met, Hullett, Deloraines.J. Graham,
Brumfield, Alomejaw ; Georgsse Aske,
Stanley, Deleraine Mrs. D. Mes
Naughton, hayfield, Moosejaw; Rev.
13. Clement a,nd C. Clements Mont -
Messrs, Geciltuctdell and Sohn Lasheim
of Haat andJohn Bell of town left
Tuesday for Manitoba Where they
Will remain 'several weeks. Mi
Baden has nOt been in good heitIth
lately, but it is hoped that the change
of air ana scene will work a cure.
Several members of his family have
teethed in the province no that he
Will be quite at home. If the elec.
tiOne should take place hi the early
fall Mr. Ruddell is likely to remain
at one of his eons is a candidate With
splendid prospects of winning
though the eoristitueriest for Which
he is stending has been eornevehat
gerrymandered. Mr. MI will visit.
Myers' pOinte throughout the pre.
Stilled and Will spend some titne in
' the Dauphin District where it broth.
, Or of hittliveit. Mr. reethrun's inter -
eats ehletly lie in Southern Plinth:obit
where he +mica thOtteand or more
Weft of land,
Pus tiee.7stesuessies-.---
' Meilen% john Will Webster of 't.7
SWIM!! TIM! Ilt 'VIM • TIMM rff ItliffttrIff• TIMM VIM Wirnt tifrIf WM"
Jack.son Bros.. 1.
t i Mo ttal U18• o h Township.
Mr. D. ritereoson spent Sululay in
Mre. Riddell left last week to visit u
St. Thomas. •
Mee Ida Raid) of Blyth 1 visltinglidies
Millie Archer.
Miss Hobbs of AubOrn is the toot of
• Mrs. AV. Moore,
Idre. W. Cooperhas settle tied from On.
tarie, California. •
MiselNeshitt. of 131yth is the guest of
, the Misses Almon •
Miss. Lena Harland Of Goderich is
visiting friends here.
Mr, J. W. Hill And Master Fred were
in Gotierlch on Friday.
Mr: 13h'ortune returned to his borne
• in Siincoe on Saturday.
Miss jean MePtierson is visiting friends
in London arid Detroit.
Miss Annie Beattie of •Brussels visited
Clinton friends last week:.
Mrs, Eddie of Seeforth was the goest
ot Mrs. Bert Potts last week.
'Me. and Mrs; William Young ef riode.
rich were in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. j.P.Dolserty Are yisitine•
relative& in (Ilieboygao, iXich,. .
Mies Grace Tedford is spending a, few
weeks with friends in
Miss Maggie Keane is visiting at the
Turnbull homestead near Miivertoo,
Me. Ural Mrs, R, J. • Oleff and Miss.
,Mollie were visiting in Brussels -.this
week. • •
Mrs. Chambers has returned • from a
• • visit to Heneall Am.:imperiled hy Miss.
•':Ids, Peart. " •
Mrs. john, Stevensen returned hist
week front a three weeks' visit with
Belgrave friends, •. • • .
Miss McGuire, who has been on an
tended visit to her aunt in Stratford,
returned he last,week,
Mr. arid Mrs. \VFosterrettieneilleenn.
Montreal. ou .Saturday Where they
spent the summer, moo ars.... • -
Mrs.. Layan• was called t� ',Coropto. hist
:week owing- to • the illness of her
daughter, Mrs. Willianison, •
Mr. James •Stevens of the Base Ltne
-accompanied Dr. Thompson. to Gran-
ton and remained over Sunday. .
Mrs, B. J IdeGill*andMiss Gladys,
•Ohiciage, are • guests of the ferrnerrs
•. sister-in-law; Mrs, Ir, •W, Watts. "
Mr. Robt. Gardinerand his friend;filr.
Emelt Gardiner •of London . were.
guests of Mrs. Gardiner this week:
Mrs. Holden left for. Morden,. Mani-
toba, on Inesday morning.' She sec-
• tired transportation from- 4.0. Pitt -
i800. . •
Miss Leona Potts bias returned from
, Cleveland,where she had been spend-
• ing the. whiter . with her ' brother
Miss Maud Andrews went to Toronto
• no Monday to attend •the "millitiery
• openings and accept 0. situation in
the city.
Mrs. Geo. Hinchley Ieft for Toronto on
• Monday t� look after the interests of
' Macpherson, & Hovey At t he Indus-
trial Fair. •
Miss Mabel Dunford • returned from
-Brussels last week accsompahled, by.
her grand -parents who will .rernaiu
•for a short visit. -
Mrs. Bowed of London was the guest
_all& soil, Mr, EctRoWed of the G.
T. R. sta,ffslait Week and is now vis-
• iting Auburn friends. •
Mrs, •Fletcher 'and • Mrs. Ketchey of
• Galt, who Wee visiting sunder the
:parental reef, Mr. John 'Drell's, re-
• 'tut;ned borne on Friday.
Mrs. Bouies and three children of
Denver, Colorado, are ,staying in
-a:40*ns -Mrs. Bouie has property in
town andcanie•to see about it.
Mr. S . • Clement, son of the pastor of
the Ontario street church, left for
•Menireal •Monday , to. ,resume .his
oodles at McGill Oellege, ltlantreith
H; Callatider and children of
Woodstock, who were guests of. Mrs.
S. Davis, have returbed" borne, While
Mrs: George ,Pay has gone back to
• North Bay; .
Mrs. Robt. Higgins, formerly of Olin -
ton but now of Blyth, leaves this
week for Murillo, Algoma, to make
her home with her two "daeghters
who live there.
MrsJehn Hunt, son of Mr. Harty'llunt
of town, Of the Goldie & McCullough
establishment, Galt; who has been
• Clinton in the interests of the firm,.
returned to Galt yesterday. • •
Mrs, Doherty, and Miss Doherty. arriv-
ed from Claude Tuesday and', will
take untheirabode Clin ten. Mrs.
'Doherty was ninety years of age last,
March, and is yet hale and hearty.
Mr, Harry Catitelon was in Durham
this week haying a look over the
Middaugh House; ene . of tlie best
kiSewn hotels north of •Guelph, the
-leasehold of which is offered for sale.
Mr. George Lyons returned Saturday
froln a ten weeks' visit to his niece.
Mre. Bransdon of Sault Ste.
Marie, Michigan, and brought back
• samples of the old Sale wheat once
extensively grown in Huron which is
now yielding from twenty-five to .
tortrtiVe bushele to the acre in the
vicinity of the. Sanit. Mr. Lyons
says coarse grains have turned out
well and hay Immense.
The garden.. party held under the
auspices, of Trinity chureh, Belgrave
at the residence of Mr. Robt. letcMur,.
ray, lot 11, con. 4, Morris, was a decided
success. Although the weather had
been threatening and it, was a very
busy time with the farmers there was a
goodly crowd ptesent, people coining
from Seaforth, Brussels, Winghetm,
Blyth, and other parts of the county
The amount realized was considerably
over forty' dollars. The committee,
Messrs. Robt, Mold urraysItichatd Proc-
ter, Willie McMurray, Harry*MacRae,
Pero Scandretts Richard Carley and
11. Johnston, were indefatigable sur
their efforts to make the affair a
success. The following program was
.ably presided over by Rev. O. L. Mills,
the chairman :-- •
• Para 1,
Chairman's Address -Rev. C. L. Mills.
Quartette, "Forest, Glee" ---Blyth Quar-
tette Club.
instrumental -Messrs. A. and I. Stew-
art and Miss Sea,ndrett.
Duet -Messrs. David McGill. and M.
Ohorus-St. Paul's choir, •Winghttne.
Solo -Miss Dolly Johnston,
Song -Mr. johns,
Recitation -Mr. C. W, Sander*,
Chortis-St Paul's choir, Witighana.
Quartette-Itlyth Club.
Song -Miss Ohisholtri,
Cowie-M(38SM. Town., Stevenson and
Misses J. Golly, Johnston and
Houghton. .
Solo -Ale. Town. -
Chorus -St. Paul's choir, Whigham,
' Ged Save the Queen.
The party S was brought to to closeft
little after eleven o'clock, all having
enjoyed themselves thoroughly. •
Piento.-The menahere 'of st, John's
church held their annual picnic. at
Jevvett's grove, BaYheld. Wit Friday.
The (lay was very fine and no doubt,
eplentlid time vvas enjoyed by all who
participated in the same. The balmy
tweezes, of hayfields together .with •the
boating, bathing, ete., exhilarates and
makes a pertain feel, about 10 years
Estaratuavoti,--Mr. S. E. TomI.P.M.
paid his seini-annual visit to 8, 8. No. 0
last Thursday. ! After Akre genetel
review work of both depArtmente had
been completed in the afternoon, the
pupils. after assembling in one room,
seng 5 Yemeni' "The Maple Leaf" after
which Mo. 1.'oen addi eased the school in
a very interesting anti eocouraging
manner. He said he wits glad to find
that ., the pupils bad acquitted them-
selves so well at the examinations, and
hoped 'they would do as well this
coming year. Ile also called attention
Lo the .gteat importence of being
reguletr their attendance at schoen
as this was very necessary to good
progress. He wits sorry there wet e
not more of their parents cart, but no
doubt they were excusable as it is a
very busy time... In conclusion be °said
he hoped that much ,progress whitld be
nande this terna and before his return
visit next, spring. Mr. J. Keyes, one of
the teachers in Nashville University,
Tenn., then gave a short, intelestiug
euldrees in which be reviewed the
situation it oumber of yeairs ago when
In; bitneelf WAS in n ttendan es at schools
He ealled to mind some of his eompati.
ions then, Who were now at "different
•prOfesisiens and showed the loipertance
of getting it good education no mittl'er
what cellieg they intend to follow and
that they would soon ha the ined and
women of the laud, He arnitsed (11
childrenby referring to sonie of th
black -faced, burly -headed little fellow
of the,Sonth and to seine of the ins
;Dense schools there. in conclusion h
'Wished theni -every 78ri00ets,-to-theift
' work and hoped they wouldalo thei
best- as he would aexiously enquir
after the na especiallyof the Poblic
School Leaving class in "which he is
specially interested. The teacher
then expressed themselves. as being
more thanpleased and enconraged by
the addresses -and •endorsted also many
of the statements previously Made
after which the school .vvae elcesed in
due form, . • „ . • • . „
Mr. J. Keyes, who lois beehtiOntefot
his holidays; • returned Tuesday to
.Nashville to begin another year's work
there and we wish him everysuccess.
.• 0P5x DiTen.-11,1r. S.. Moffatt •ha
pitr-wIalriir for th
Wet when it does come as he has ha
the road -machine at Work . diggiri
an open ditch across the back . part o
• his farm. It wily he required ,also
we• get•greitt extremes of drotiglit ani
'wet in this pert. • •
Mr.:, John Witnless will seen bay
iplendid'ecnommodatien for his swin
as he Will soon have completed a geed
eubstantial building f DI' the purpose.
.A.pple picking and packing as the
• Order of the , day sin this locality. A
there is money in.apples. this year very
few cidls are. beirig left ter. the evapor
ators. A good. , pride . is altered. tot
them. on account of the greet: demand
andsistartvehnoina • •
, Mrs, W. Keyes,' who has been visit
'mg frieudsin Harrietehand Weighani,
rettirned home hist Saturday'.
• Mrs. B. As 'Higgins,. Who has been
'tv.e%toyvieltli•nthge..pitet• Ont Shoy
. Mr. ..13: Higgins ititendsstaking in
the Toronto leciustriat Exhibition.
Mr. Chite. lidins and Mrs. Treat froni
Phicager are spending, eis' few • Weeks
under the parental' roof. Mrs. Treat
has net been enjeying. the best of
health, %it w.0 hopethat thevisit duty
be benefieial•to hew., . • •
Miss MS IlexbY has retutried frem
visiting friends in Clinton.. •
Mr. 'A.. Dunkin has begun to .build
his !silo, the foundation being Omit
cerrieleted, • . • • • •• '
On. account of the exceedingly des,
weetherno•wheat .ground is in readi-
ness awaitingthe refreshing showers.
-Mies Annie..Foster returned • home
last week _from visiting' 'friends in
Hensel'. .
.'Mr. ' Joseph 'Cook, who has been
engagedwithMe, B. A. Higgins in the
harness making business for the past
three years, hes gone to literisall to
work. -As Joe was of a kind, genial
-clisposiition and a .ernile arida Wordfor
"everybody he willhe greatly piessed
here -but ourloss will he, Hansen's- gain
where -.we wish hien every success.
Mr.' Alc.Kie bece.ine so. Ighesome
lag Saturday • 'that he thought he
Would bid adieu to the shop and take
a header on at hike for Bright Where
his:wife has been visi-ting her friends,
Iele needless to say that he wouldn't
• long' be . in. eight onsitceeull b of the
terrible'Tate he would go andthe thick-
ness of • the dust. Nothing . hits been
heard of him since, but we hope he
arrived safely at his destination., ,
• • Mrs. , ArmetrOug, (laughter and•
• grand -daughter from • Day. City see
visiting At .Mis Wanless'. Sr. • She
Was it resident of thie place at one
time. • • '
; and Miss Wardess from Blyth
are visiting eit Mr. John Witnless' for
a few weeks. . •
Mr. 'Oliver' Keyes, who has been
harvesting with his -brother Fred sr -
,rived home' , last Monday with Mrs.
Fred Keyes, while Miss A. J. Keyes
Will a.ccornpanY her back and spend a
few holidays with them, . .
Word has beep eeceived from T. and
R. Ward to. the effect that they. have a
fine drop of -wheat arid,will *-bring in
good returns it securely harvested.
Lucknow, paid a short visit to friends f•s'
v. Jetties Orr and MM. Orr of
Mona. Mills neer Orangeville, who
are spending them holidaye with rola.
live* in Buffett snot OAS tnnfaship.itis
ed Mr. John JOein sey, who is et brothee
el Ales. Orr, As r. Orr 'solate Yeats
ago held the position of teacher in No.
%bele very well known it that vicinity.
Although he has had several calls from
distinguiehed churchee both in United
States and Canada. hestill remains
with his first chinge, having spent 'the
whole of his ministry of twelve yeArs
at Mona. Mille.
Mies L. Churchill of, Ilullett is the
guest of Miss -Aguas Cooper.
The harvest being all oVer,, the
tie of the steam thresher may be heard
now in all parts of the township.., Mr.'
Win. Perdue has Oa run two onteninee
in order to keep up with all who desire
his eerviees. We woeld suggest to
hitia to get (he Grit threshing machine
that did Rich slick work in the recent
bye.electiotie. The farmers of this
township say, although it seemed to
run stiek there was a terrible lot of dirt
ehnnection. "
mrs Peter Cook is ()trey looking up
apples for shipping purposes, So IS
Robert Elliott and other buyers toe
numerous to Inention. •
Alr, Geo, 3. Connell is -engaged with
D. Cantelon to pack' apples for a
few weeks. We unite' stand stir, con,
pall will work in the vicinity of Lon.
don. • ,•
0114he ninth vonceitsitm,
The last Week Or ten day of the 'Face -
tion Mr, W.. §, Lawrence siient down
at Inneekip mid vicinity and . while
them,- with severalfriends, visited the
notorioes Blenheim, or Ben well swamp
e it young Englisinnah Of the
e latter name warm eirelereil by Burchell
s seine nine years ago. Tiie swamp is of
• the most dense kind,brit Mr. Lawrence
0 says that about ap 'arere....around_the.
epet veheeettrifiriiiidet Wits committed.
r •
has been swept clear by souvenir
hunteis and that trees in the vicinity
bear the names of visitors from .such
distant points tte California. 110 aloe
visited the graveyard where Benwell's
body lies and wits informed by the
sextoo that visitors were of almost
daily oceurrence in the`su to iner season. -
Mr. Lawrence took his miners with
him to Bright and took a nuarkeir nt
views, including the spot .where Ben -
well's -body was found and his grave.
For Goderich township news there
is no medium like Tun CLINTON NEWS,
.liECORD. • '
There is good money' in cheese this
season and 'though it is now three
ceutshigher than at the corresponding
period last year anany expect .it .witi
yet. reach the tourteen cent .poant.
We allstenseirWill as the increase in
price will more than offset the smaller
amount to Iss inariufactured thiS season:
Last year eighty tons were made in the
Holinesville factory,. whereas it has
been. estimated, that the' outpart ef .'00
will net be more tintn• shay tons,
depreciation being due to .Che rather
smaller patroirage and poor grass, .
Mr. Chris. Nesbitt is visiting the
'Toronto exhibition,
-.Mr. William Elliott hae returned
frourhie trip to Philadelphia, ; He visit-
1-sa niurther of points- ofinterest ter the.
City of Brotherly" Love including the
mint wheee. he saw piles •of gold valu-
able enough' to buy More than une
township like Goderieh, • • • .
Harry -Perdue left hist week•for Mac-
Gregor, Man, ••
• W. J. Elliott has the • centract fora
hew cottage " for Mrs, ' Mills the
Huron Roadsliellett, • , .• •
Miss Tessa Orooks issvisitipg at her
uncle's, •Mr. John Acheson of Goderich.
While descending the•hill at Porter's
11.111,.Monclay, the separator 'of •Harri-
sets a•nd. Blair notde it punarnersatilt and
brcike sersitsof the. parts. • •.
Mr. John 'Fustian; who has hale the
Sperliog farm rented; has leased the
McIntosh fain) of 180: tickle.. situated
about twe and. a half miles clistim
froth Goderich.He, is .maaing the
groundready'. tor , wheat The
rental. is 8400' pet anti nen . „
• De. prepared to attend . the grand
union Sum:maid'. Midaieton
Ind Hohnesville churches, od.Satrirday
Iron has arrived and will soon be in
phtee, whilethe earth hi rapidly being
filled% by Contractor Wheat ly and his
men.. .
Preparations for the netv bridge at
Sprung's ()reek are also under way and
one line will soon be thoroughly up to
Church. -Rev. E. B. Smith, the. press
tor, gave an excellent discourse last
Sabbath. •
Endeavor was lead by Miss Flora
Miller. The attendance was good and
interest was sustained.
The union picnic is on the bolts for
Saturday, Sept. 2n eon ilth concession
Goderich township, where weather
permitting a good time is looked for-
ward to.
Threshing is the order of the day.
Apple -packing is also • securing it
shave of attention.
Miss Haycroft of Brussels ie visiting
atMrs. /garble Lovett's at peesent.
Miss Addie Melirien was the guest of
her sister, Mrs.. F. Itieliveen. Miss
Blanche is also'vieiting there,
Miss An'nie Tyner is yisiting friendS
Jordan OttridaYed at Mr., 0.
Mr. 13, Biter vanished last Sunday,
Tertehers' aleeting.
The Public School tertchers of Div. 3,
West Iluron, will meet- at Varna, Sat-
• urday Sept. Oth At 1,80 p, En. when the
tollOweng program will he carried cut:
Agriculture ,in Schools -Air. Geo.
hayfield tine.
• Composition, junior •OlasSee--31iss
Mustard and Miss Xennedy;
Composition, Senior Classes -Mr. G.
W. Heiman ;
History with Third Climes -Mr, S. E.
Phonies -Mr Geo II w r•
Geography, Junior °lessee -51r, G. W.
Ham well ;
Decimals -Mr. Wm. Mika,
Threshing machines are now meking
the line quite lively.
The apple packers of this line have
started on their season's business
Great competition in the apple business
is exhibited this seasottrwhi eh no doubt
will have for ite result it great demand
for apples,
Mr. Percy and Miss Massie 'Cole
Suritlayed in Stanley,
Miss Bra (buff of Clinton has 'been
epending it few days visiting her etitteiti
Mires•IVIAMte °tuff of this
Mr. Robert Cole, we are sorry to say,
has been laid up with a very eord leg
for the past week,
itobett'and Mitre Sadie Ricluuds
accompanied by Miss Dellis Thompson
all of lanlough, have been vitiating Mr.
J. Thoempeon and friend* in this
Mt. If. Rorke of 181; coneession and
Mr. It. Ileacorn of the Oth-spentSutiday
with their friend Mr. IL Chid of this;
1 West
Mrs. Brigham ruid daughter Alice of,
Clinton are visiting friend* in this vi.
Mbss 3, Ilelmos of Clinton returned
home lest week from it visit to Mr. ,
George Lisell'e, •
Mr, and Mrs, I, Ridsley of rterimil.
ler sperit, Sunday at Mr, Snell,.
1VIrs, rt,MeCartney of Hohnesville is
on a visit te her sister, Mrs, Lowery,
IVIlso Sheila MeCool of Clinton, has
been spending pare of the vacatior
With bet. grandmother.
NM ▪ -
Famous Shoe Department I
' . •
43Doing business for spot cash. Buying in large quantities glirgot from the
manufacturers, and having no expense attaehed to this depai talent, enables us --.4
to offer fine, reiiable goods at prices that most (loafers aqk for inferior goods. ......
A department that is increasing very rapidly is good evidence that gnodern -a—
, methods of doing business are being appreciatel. The days of long profits has =
• distil peared, and the merchant of to.day has got consitlerab'e figuring to do to "460
s v..1 . make both ends meet, In this department compared with our old way of
doing business we are saving store rent. extra assistance, heating and lighting,
/#.". advertising and.a hundred and. one littie expenses, which enables 1.113 to shave
I V` 1.1 - 'Nf P "•%:\
our prices a little finer than other peep's), Take, for instance, our celebrated
ilow shoe at 70e, You caudot buy the' SaMO goods elsewhere under 01, and
the large quantity going out every week is good evidence of this fact, Then
take our Ladies' line of' shoes at $1 You get them in Button Shoes, Laced shoes and Oxford s,and we have been told tke
and time again that there is nothing in this section to equal them.
I fall called the "Creole." This cut gives you shape and style, 1 an sold at $2 a
pair, and 1 am said to be the best, wearing shoe on the market. People who have tried
metell this story, and know:it is true: Jackson Bros. are the only people selling me
in town, afflmade from,the best Milwaukee•Oil Grain; and will always ri main soft.
am waterproof and entirely siettmless,. My bottoms are of the very bed quality, Solid
sole leather. .You will find no paper, no shoddy, and no filinigs in my compositiun.-. It
.larials worth your while to come and see me. Lam Moving out very. fast.
W s*
• re.00000.,0004.geeeleee000000%
1-* -I Turn
O P. a
E":" • Your Toes !
e) .
e Look at them, Sir. Note each hen*,
12 corny deformity. Ill-fitting shoes did it.
•- Putting your feet into boots that fitted
• your eye only. Now, how does your eye
• • like the look of your toes?
es_ •
• ▪ • which isMade to fit feet. It cost '$5,000
• . to produce the first perfect pair, but you
rs.-:.• 0_ . can have the five thousandth pair now
; _:for. $3.00..- Made of best. imported calfskin in Tan or Black, with
a"- se the famous Goodyear Welt., Six shapes; all sizes; any width.
I !
•••▪ •▪ tl
-.cal •
• OW.' selection of Bell's fine hoes is the large,st. out=
. .
side the cities, and in a short iime we will show sour of
• ,
.the choiceSt goods ever brought into Clinton,
. .
All Repairs on Boots and Shoes
promptly attended.tc...-
' Nun and N •
I gimped on lob of Eyor7 ! jac4csotipros
iF iimmemmlo
ossoo**********mmo*********************: 19
41,10.iii: *4* 41111l4ii '111441 41444.6‘(
:LowleSihor!. Port 'Attica.. •
: • *loseisl0000 io '
. •
Matt Mains has been laid tip
for a NW days narsina.a conele. brie
'cutting down it trees Brot her Riley
says he was "rnossbacking" it; a tet•m
- tvi I be understoody wie
of the'axe. However, the•tree lodged
and in freeing it Matt fell and his foot
being caught he was for.ar time suspen.
ken rilis.. He receive' the inniry.while
ded lietweenheaven and earth, In the
t tumble he had the ribs fractured, bu
. .he itvery thankful -it 15110 \VINO, T:1
is rushed-witir-wock-and.ever4t..day.id1
counts ihthe busy season. •
. Mr. El. Server of London, who he
s'xteen rigs npon the road 'gat berth
scrap. iron, shipped thiety' tons fror
afternoon -next, • in Cautelon's Grove
Ilth con. Goderich township:, Arrange-
inents are being unide for it foothall
match, and all •kinds of races. Ice
cream Alla refreehment tenis.',ort the
grounds. sutnineelnil band In. attend
. •
' • Auburn.
the harveat is nearly oeer for this
year. • Sortie are 'through and others
ear.lySo, • Fall evheat is hot -very good
around here; but peas, setts and barley
are it fair crop;
Theshiiig Is the .order of the day;
with times looking.up. .
Mrs, Murdock °1St. Helens wa,s the
nest.`of her patents, Mr. and Mrs,
Erratt, •thepast week. •
Miss Daisy Higkingbottoen has re
urned to Getierich after a visit of two
veeks with her sister,. Mrs. Ilenty
Mr; WallacCeof.Sumtherhill called on
Anbarn friends last Sunday. s • '
Miss Addie 'Helwig spent the, past
week with friends on the boundary. .
Mrs. Bowed and her little daughter,
bliss Sarah, of London; are the„guests
f Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell. •
We understand that Miss E. Blair is
n the sick list; but hope to heals of
her improvement.
Mrs. William Flutter. has again been
irostreited but at. last aecounts" is a
ittle better.• •
Miss. Charlotte Lawler is improving
n health, being able to sit up it little
very day.
Mr, and ides. Robinson spent Sunday
with-thobstteets parents; Mr. and,Mrs.
Fluker. • •
Miss- Stout of.Olinton' was the guest
f.the -Misses Sturdy lett Sunday.
Mr. G. E. Rowed of Clinton Sonclay-
(1 In ithbilrit. Mr. Temple Clark of
Dungannon als0 spent Sunday in our
Look (int for a -wedding. Shortly.
The old corner stone is being eon-
erted into- an apple evaporating
steblish meat.
Moses lioltshaner bits secured' the
ervicee of Eli Simmons of Saltford as
n Assistant cooper and with his able
taff is doing a, rushing business.
J. Gravenstein has removed. his shcie
(Tithing establishtnent to his home. •
.1-tey weather_ is telling on the roots.
Win.° Syrningpon has secured the
mitred, of repairs at the dam from A
. Oullis.
Mts. McGee has rented her farm to
esley Fari•oty and purposes retiring
• some village.
D. E. Munro has Secured his fall-
ock of goods.
Miss Mathis of Berlin le enjoying an
Outing with gld acquaintances here.
Miss G. Care of VV. estlield is the
guest- of John Mar at present.,
Me, 3. Garner isthe guest of hie she
ter, Mrs, Leach, and soon leaves
for hisschool et Stayner,
T. Baugh gives us another call.
Rev. R. H'end moil and wirti are at
present in Preston, The foriner's heti' th
is impeoving. Me, Lockhart is ably
filling the pulpit in his absence.
. Stauhey
Councillor IdeNaughton is attending
the Industrial Fair this week.
' Mr. John T. °raiment son of Mr,
.Tames Graham of the 2rid concession'
left. for Manitoba, Tuesday morning.
Ile will. probably .go tie far west as
itlpostjaw, tut as is is trip is more one. of
Panything e 07
visit it number of places.
Mrs. David Mentughton startta from
Clinton on Tuesday morning for Moose -
jaw On it visit to her patentee Who res
side neat that place.
Mee. MeCortniek ot the Queen's
lintel the other day etepped UpOn
nail Mild) penetrated het shoe and
entered the foot, intlieting a. testy
Mr, E. I,I,vingstonebas it number of
mon at ivork inetking.apple
Mr. It. liereeon of WorRt. VVeteeentsth
has mid the ermlee in his four -are
()relined for the neat -snot of five hunt -
red dollars and reserves fly:is hart*of
the,fruit for his own use,.
• -
re se*********leoereeea.
da,yecl in the village with her cousin, •
MiSs Fles McCreath, Goderiah, Sufi- 14. .C1'e. '
aring the
imiviiss,,s!tteiliois.,..,...tatkins and 4
aughter 1.
spent last week visiting in the vtilage. •
John and Jarvis Wiles have both me
got artesian wells no* for the
1:40, Were put down by Peterson, :
good of their cattle m dry. weather. "1040
:••••••• ••*enessineelie:*****Wilisie•aeloYeisasieseme teenselaie
:. .
Kinc di
t ne'
finished that he put to, his barn and
e Donald McKenzie has his addition '
We--a-re-bugy-these_days clearing the way
g VValker
his stockand Claude ldurrety, Gode-
s .
-blivalinb ars bre itecolitme-datiown ow -for ,
for fall goods. Alreadythe3r are beginning •
n rich, Stindayed in the village.. tO arrive, more are on: the ocean comingthe
a off while working about the threshing 9
this station last. •week:. S He is well
known here and. int vieg 'dealt honor
ably with sellers, of -Scrap he gets -
good sham of .what He is not
itt all like that, son of Jacob who leca-
ted in Clinton it short time ago and af.
terdoing up eumber of Citizens dis-
appeared like.a thief in the night. . '
Mr. William•Riley.has .long dis-
tance team, that is w.hen they run
away they don't Stop at the first • open
gateway; They started.off last' Week
an'd never polled until they reached
the village of Aril:fern though several'
'parties set out in chase of them. .'.• •
Itiley_lias.f.r,al. finished. a barn'
for .bir. Robert P i of' West Wa-
nosh. It will b 3 a COMMOdiOUS
.heing 88x50 feet Itt addition to a. n
ber of small jobs he has yet a barn to
build in. McKillop. The 'largest one he
has built this year' was.for Mr..Rebeit
Garrow of the -sterile '. township, the
m eitsu torten t being -100x50.
Mr. George Snell went to Belfast on
Satdiday night to bring home Mrs
Snell who was Visiting her mother.
Miss Lottie Young visited. at Blyth
over Sunday.
•Mr. Olivet Of this place has pur
chased it phonograph and by its means
is now seeking his fortune: May sale
cern atterd yon, Idelyille, .
Mr, Smith of Toronto, vyho hashee
visiting at Mr..Ouitnette's: hits retran.
eel home accompanied by Master Char-
ley Ouitnette who will .stayn, few days.
The entertainment held in the Meth-
°dist church Friday evening last wits a
succesce • Me. Copelend gave ahem
sixty views of the World's Fair which
were beautiful to view, Ile • also: ex.
planed eitels as he went Along Which
made it all the • more interesting. Ile
deserves °credit for furnishing so good
an ve n n entertainment.
e, Miss Nellie • V'ettrtleidges left for h.er
!none on Thiirstlay feeling greatly ben.
fitted after spending a lew months
out of the city. . •
•Mr.- Prank Lewis is in the vicinity
renewing old acquaintances.
Miss Yungbiut has been engaged et
Thos. Hill's.-
Mts. James Hill is spending it few
days under the parental roof, .
We are.pleased to Mr. Geo, John.
sten' around again after being. .vtiry
• sieldicr's.. lames Woodnian returned from
Ypsilanti, Michigan, where she Was
attending her niece's funeral.
Miss Lott Haggatt of • Ypsilanti,
Mich.,. i•eturtied with Mrs.. James
Miss Lou Wray returned to Sta
.Thomas where she is• going to •spetid
few (lea's before she returns to her situ-
t.ioli 10
Mr. el,"'rge afitneg swhit A young gentleman had his wheel
• Thos. Richardson, Sr., had the nits-
- fortune to get one of his fingers taken finest lOt of high -Class Silks Dregs Stufrs and
machine vvhile,it was running und had Man.tles we have ever ga,thered together for
one badly crushed also.
Mrs, Jae. Olwer is again in the way a season s• selling, coming to ug direct' froM
• •
for the better,
the Makers—and when all are here we Will
have a stock that.gtore i 1 6
far that ClintOn. would be proud to shoW.
More abOut new goods next week. Sattir-
Mr. W. W. 111.anaTnillis
holidays at the Soo. 'spending his
Miss °ors MeTavish of • Detroit is
visiting the Misses Andersen.
Mr. Arch,- Taylor is at present very
sick,, but we hope to soon see .him
around again. • '• • •
A number of people from town at-
tended the somal. at • BeIgrave en
Thursday night. -
A load of yoeng people Attended
the party given by Mr. Harry Kelly on
Friday night. • •
Mr. Malcolm Campbell of St. Marys
is visiting at his home this week.
Mr. John Denholm returned from
Manitoba on Monday where he went
with a carload of horses, •
Blyth and Lucknow tried• conclu-
sions at football in the latter place on
Monday when Lucknow won by 8 to 0. -
Trinity church held its annual Thanks-
giving services last Sunday at which
Rev. J. G. Abey of Brussels, who ex-
changed,pulpits with Rev. E. L. Mills,
preached . appropriate seritioni. ' The
church was -tastefully demented with
dainty. sheaves of grain, fruit. and a
Profusion of flowers and a. very beauti-
ful appearance did it present clad hi
the harvest garb wove by willing
hands, All present pronounced them
the most tasteful and appropriate ever
seen here on a similar occaseon. The
vi hole effect was. fine and reflected
great credit on. those who assisted in
the decorations. In response to the
Thanksgiving appeal the olfertopyl web
considerably over. $100, While itt Bei-
ges' ve it Was .nearly $A The chair,
under the leadership of Mr. A, II Pluiia.
mer, rendered appropriate hymns atid
anthems very acceptably. • •
The dry hot weather is burning the
grass anti causing the fame's; to use
rake water. It is delaying fall wheat
Mr. Talbot is doing conskletable
shock threshing this season,
Mr. It. Dewar has engaged. with Mr.
W. Slack as fOrernan. Things Will
da'Sr -we. are going: to -sell
; 32 Ladies' Shirt .Wai.stS,. dark
. . ..,
. 7 andlight oolork all stylish, up7.
to -date goods' and regular 75C '
and $1. qualifies, special to
:r •
29.only, Ladies', Shirt • Waists,
some light, some dark, fancy
stripes and cheeks, white Uus-
Eris and Pique, ,new ,and de- .
sirable goods, 'regular $1.15
. and $1.`25 qualities, to clear„,.:
- Nosuc.b. buying chance .in Shirt Waists
has come your way before:
. .
boom now, Die
visited his sister, Mrs. e
last week. .
Mi. and Mrs. Wetley and Mrs, Brog.
den etre expected home this week.
Miss Brogden 4 Buffalo left on
Thursday for her home after spending
a few days with her cousin; Geo. Brow
AVin. Lee wears a broad smile
these days. Its a girl.
Messrs 13ll & lilted' sold six -1
teen export cattle to Sid. Smith of
Clinton to be delivered On Wednes.
The; Epworth League met at their
'usual hour on Monday night. The
topic was "Green Pastures' taken by -
Miss V. &wham. Several , of the
mein bers'took pat t in the diSeUeS1011
which made it very interesting.
Me. Copeland Wel photographed' the
pliotos inc to 1)0 a Id
in the Interests of the League and etre
new for sale by the League members.
There are two sizes, the large ones
sell for 40e. and the email for 25e.
HoWArd Adattlt Wade it business trip
to ,seaforth on Fridny last,
Mrs. IL Adam aud BIM left for
t attetid
the mininery openings.
lantharix and Geo. bit for
Manitoba on Tuesday. Me. Ruddell
has not been feeling yetv well for the
past fens Months and. he is goitig to me
If it will benefit his health. We hope
it mayr do ban good. J. troilism Is ail
usual oing tip regards to lus land
stolen from the Horner residence .one
Sunday evening recently, bat found it
Iwo days later on the sty' (Pig sty.)
Beware sif thieves, Jim.
Mr. Pahl Cleave has gone th South
Pieria: to his sister. We wish you
success Paul in your enterprise,
Mr. T. Clark a hayfield is busy
Painting Mr. Dewar's house and he
intends- caging the bird ere long. - -
Mr. Ohas. Parker, Ilavileld, has n -
gaged with Mr. John Werinsley for the
A meeting wits held last Tuesday in
the Presbyterian church for the pur.
pose of choosing a pastor. Four
naes were nominated, Rev. Itir.
Sayers -of West/nine te r inf r the
choke of the meeting. It is tO be hop:
ed Mr. Sayers accept as he is 0
cation. splendid mao
, Several, fittnilieta of the Mill Real
picnieked at hayfield last Wednesday, CLINTON ,Idrav IwtlaCdEneTilat:Eafi'teOtallf.
took it Messrs.nisiness trip to MT; clieesrtreyr Narrated eve
Mrs, White and Miss Cora and
Mater, have returned from it two.
weeks 'visit to friends in Stratford.
Mise Mable Stewart has returned to
Clinton after Spending her holidays
with her aunt, J. See,rlett,
Oh, 1 wish it would rain, conies from
all quarters as the Water is getting so
scarce. Soine of our farmers are eons. • • •
pellea to draw Water Inc their cattle as
their wells are going dry.
as the last half of july ellee80 hiite
berrstopld. mfourrelyteo, you Is vis
atshoehropotateopnettine,dbfitt.or mdonMartia.72!. Jones.
Wattted at Once.
A good general servant wanted at onea In
attmll family. Must be competent person.
(food wages. Apply toMil& FOSTIat
Minton, Atig. 2904 Albert st. Nort it
last Monday.
• Rev. Mr, framilton of Londesboro ^
prettehed eloquent tiertn0138 in the
• Presbyterian church last Sunday.
Walton cheese factory leads the van,
Beth firer, are raging in thie
flOine boys set fire to A pea stack of Mr.
Itenneyst, and although It WAS
hreshed ib was not it vet/ niee joke.
AS he 144 a let, of it in Manitoba. lie t
he Weather being tes ry the
luisat present in the neieborhood of t
fifteen hundred totes. ) Mlle Of it la
iirst.e ass ara an s intA
I dittid
W. Dunetut will not be
undersold and his stock of
Groceries and Seeds is fresh
and well Assorted. Clover -
and Timothy Seed always
on hand,
,lteter Flout 21.00 per owt,
lbs, 260, Tem for $1,
Old Wheat 0 05 to 0
• Goose (0 ta • 02
• 0 to 0 40
*** ** Eiti, 0 00 to 0 '
Peattomiiiir. 000000000 • • 00000 14061 0 50 to 0 ta
...... 0 -30 to 0 25
utter Those eroek 0 14 to 6 15
Dotter in tub, ... .... 0 13 to 0 15
Pggis 0 11, to C 15
. • ..... VIII 111,11•1,110•4 CIS 0 50 to 0 00
Live .... ..4 60(0 61
Pork per 4...6 00 to 6 00
Dried Apples per 0-05 to 0 05
4111111111.**0• ..... #011.-tt 0 12 ft 0 13
Mont per ewt ... . I
Potatoof ..... ... ..
Might Arad And cause 'quite a bit ttire f DuNcAN arvest Appiel:„..„.„,, 50 to
73 to 2 IS)
00 to 110
&Attie hi the neighborhood,