HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-08-31, Page 6ORR if You yeel We 4 woraan, and core- tinarry. yen Must make Up your Mind te eeeeial riga. a it fa Palt s agaMent. Ler at Brat sight ein't "Pm dying'," said tbe mate. "I iceep Sack Eileen Wee a male tlirt. There to tell ellY of your friends that yeet Will never ether a Man, because it InaY The ekirper mitering aeverely from emit bold, meself straight.'" the Man you Marry. And. nobody, to the ereW after Waitt ig a little while to "You'd bettee take oft your elotbee Peet thoee attentiona Whieh When a -.7. Borrowed Plaines. 11 . - _ - • I "Th t' ht " id th te ape "Whet's the Matter!" luttletred the *MK* provingly ; don't give 'im ne encoite- skipper. In the first place, you dexat Want worth having,' I being tied up all in knota Made, I wasn't a girl in Dayton who hadn't 1 he tor Mir beet batereet that Yell Obi/ elaPPreased emotion; went belpw, and! The other cleared hia throat. received Attention* from VIM, and make sure that lie waa not, coen ng p and lie doWn a trite' ne Said, lelndiy. eottng lady reeeives them front a young u ane bOroelY expreSelen, wants to e i • "Out loft his nolie to spite hts mate, •-• trouble' paitted the gentleman are generally considered to ga u, need() their wey quiekly to the "Let me. help you off with theee." face." "If We call male take him to Battle- mate. " Mean eomethlog." Don't go ,tei standing on your dignita feet la this rig. it"li be all right.'" said ain't PI trouble" Said the, Alpe Bat the Dayton girle-or all of them 'Wait a -Our hothead, for it (tetanal pity. Yoe; husband. ia a roan, and men have many and Varied peculie.rities , are Wally incomprehenaible to wo- Alen. Do not try to understand, them, . Dor you oannot, and that all there aboet it. The average man expects a good deal of his wife, He wenn; her to stay at • hotne when he is clot, doean't knove way; neither does she, but it is so. He Wants her to be there when he comes home. It doesn't seem right if ie not, ae doesn't want to be asked his ma - Mos for everything he &Pets. Nine timea out of ten he (Wasn't know what they are himeelf, . • lie doesn't went to be expected tO make love All the time, as he did be- fore he was married. The man who has labored through a year's courtship with all its (meeting leme-meking deVotion, is Ursa!, and he wants time tit recruit. le is not to be expected that he will bring flowers and bonbona every time•he returns from the office, or, tnat he will want to sit out- on the 'piazza gaZing at the moon, "or that he will invest in chocolates and ice ore= every time he pasties with his wife along the thorgughfare where the Me cream parlors haug out their eedue- tive signs. . You must make up your mind that " you will have to find. his things for him when he Is in a hurry to go some- where, and that you must pick up aft- er him when he is woe, and straighten 'Cut the ruin and devastation hs has made, It is no use , to scold him for leaving his Shoes on the piano and hie, old. nat in the basket of clean clothes. gra cannot understand the matter at 411, frovn your point of view. He be - :Motes thet a man's house is his eastle, where he is•at liberty to do just a's he likes, and where he'should not be held responsible to ariybody, And you the iattfir. °You chaps Attend by Me, per, in a tre bring vciice, but one, at leaet,-found. out that such Hie alippere and scanweater is the only "No, III keep 'ore one satd the attentions, when tbey came from Seek olothea he's got aboard, Check every mate, faintly, "I've always had an 4deou. instead of e meaning Kane. needheyou eau lay your hands on over idea I'd like to die in my olothea. It „.I ft Bait out of e picot* of old 0411 or "X'ou'll have your wish some day, all. " emit prealeely nothing at board, QT else hell nit trying to make may ne foolish, but I can't help .1t." tte nic la something, If we can only take him never fear, yen infernal raseall" ehout. Lucy Biewn coulatot believe that all to Mr. Pierson like this, it won't be eo ed the over-wraught eltipPer. "You're eeek,e pretty speecbes and fine oom- bad, affer all." 4/tenanting siokeess to inane me take . lirbile these arrangements were in the ship iuto port!" Plunelits meant nothlog. He had walk - hand above, the skipper and the boe "Why Shouldn't you take her In?" ed with her More than anY other girl were busy with othera below. Various asked the mate. vvith an air of lune- in Dayton, and she had 'begun to think startling eabernes propoanded by the cent surPrise. "We yeur duty mews attire were rejected by the youth The bar le always shifting." ed and tein , and a I at. sort of thing, a good intact ot himi, 'tlibe Was so devote sittPlier for obtaining Possession a his earn. You'd better get up above now", as unlawful, and, what waa worse, hue The skipper, restraining himself by that elm had faith in bine. Praetieable, For a couple of Ware a mighty effort, went on deck again, "Better be careful," said Maria I they discusaed ways and means, but and taktng the wheel, addressed the Spooner warningly, " Beta the biggest I only ended in diatribes against the crew. He spoke feelingly of the °be- moan ways et the mew, and the sklp- flt t i C i t d He don't Mean I r n hr 4 en ora. , excesses, fell into a state of mitten cdttierreandenthgewritrathletobligliertiroirt" t9hffeiy- half what he attys.,' per, wbose head ached still trom his were under to lend them their tremors " I don't believe 'all I hear about deepen: at lengtb, and sat eilent, when they required them. He dwelt 1,1,1.m.,,",, eald Tetley, atoully, " He's not a "I3y Jove, Tonaniy,. I've got it 1" be on the awful punishments awarded, for orted, suddeoly starting up and hitting . mutiny and proved ole.arly that to al- eLtr“ _ the table wah hie List ewhere a low the master of a ship tO enter port ''' Yes,- he is!" said Maria, in a tone your otber suit?" in petticoats watt mutiny of tile worst that indioated thee no arguraeots would "That ain't no bigger than this one," iY"Pe• Be then sent them below for change leer OP411i011 on the sebject. "You git it out," said the skiPper0 a long time that it was palpeble to the an . e 051 said Tommy. swab a knowing toss of his head. mtheaeirneosIttAihnitnelotTthheayt every girl that , comes along, Lucy f 't alwa s paying attentiott to "Ah, there We are 1 Now got to mr tend to bring them. Meantime OW Unit he always ready to make love stateroom and lake those off." barbel. widened out before bine. •to a new face, You know. ne is." The Wendering Tommy, who thought There -were two or three people op - - "'No; I don't know any each thing," that great grief had terned his kin*. the quay as the Sarah Jane (tame man's brain, complied, and emerged within hailing distance. Ily the.time sbortly afterward_in a blanket, bring- she had passed the lantern at the end lite,. asserted Lucy. " lie's genteel and Po - and if the girle will tweet OIL ing his clothes under his arm, • ot it there were two or three dozen and taking. the attentions which are "Now, do yeu know what I'm going the numbers, were steadily increasing big smile. Prompted by politenees for atlekitione to dor !natured the skipper, with a at the rate of three persons! for every "No." five yards she made. 1<W -hearted, of another neture, he isn't- to blaine, "Fetch me the scissors; then. Now, humane men, anxioos that their friends 'la he I" titeyou know what I'M going to dor should not lose so great and eheap a _se puisddlecti.trxtea-kisil"'inerniaeimaebdoullftaltia.,bien. treat, bribed small and reluctant, bort "Cut up the two sults end make 'etto with pennies to go in. searehl of .them, g t into one, • hazarded the horror-stricken. Jemmy. efiere, mop it 1,1% Leave and by the time the eactiocnier reached hag all PromPied bY• Seek Edsoir'S off : • her berth lerge proportion of the litenesa. Ilumphi" and Miss Spooner . . . 'The skipper push'ed him impattently off, and lying the clothes on the table, took op the seissors, end, with a few slashing strokes, out the garments into their compound parts, "What am I to wear?" 'said Tomniy, beginning to blubber. "You didn't cannot make him sea it arty different- think of that. IY• because he's a Man. "Witat are you. to wear, you selfish So you' had better go right on pick- young pig," said the skipper, sternly, ing up after him, just as your mether "Always thinking about yourselt Go did atter your father, and just as your and git seine needles and thread, and grandmother did after your respected it there's any left over and you're a grandfathiar. And ie greatly eimplinea peed boy, nit see whether I can raake matters if you do it. quietly and un- something fer you:out of the leavings." compleMinglY. :population of the port was . 'looking gave her nose an upward turn, there-. over each. other's shoulders and shout - the skipper. The news reached the bv exoress'ne imr opinion of Lucre says, ' Tell him I have something to say . ing foolish and hilarious inquiries to - - - I - owneraand he came hurrying down to her beatitY• • Jack Edsons in the world; and it isn't argument, if not addiog very•much to about it now, and. Pm not going.th fore- go ray claim on Lucy Brown for all the the ship just as the skipper, regardless of the heated remonstrances of the When Sack went to C— to live he quite the thing down in Dayton to pro- , Mr. Pearson was a stout man, and he kissed Lucy alter a vary lover -like Dose to other men's WiT643.1 fashion, and made her promise to-wete ' Love to Mies Grant ; also to . Miss sightseers, was preparing to go beloW. came down exploding 'with wrath. triton. which Lucy, Putting iznpliclit Then he saw the apparition, and mirth f • • h' 1: Graham. " Youre, • aith in im, was qui e ready to do. - " Lucy Brown Szoithet Bat atter *Ober altetond thetIght On the oaatter, he ocilleluded to aoeept Mita Grant's ildvioe and go to Mlett Gra- here. Accordingly he net otf to MARIO Mis* Graham that he had contended to mare ry her, Grehaell wait all erailee and Prot- ty words, and Seek felt that he had but to fay the. ward, and the thing VMS settled. And brand -by Ito proceeded to in- form her of the honer be had deeided to confer upon bete "Marry you?" exclaimed Mies Gra- ham. "Why, couldn't think of snob a thing,'" and she langbed as if It win' tbe best joke of the eearain. il.actir began to feel soared. y e "Deowlso I'm engaged to one man alreadY, and the law objects to ottr Marrying two, you know la and there. Otion Mae Graham laughed. again, MP if it were immensely funnY. aeloaorthtehepaltnifte of hinn Sack could not staumainwerelrigSalloakv,efeYe°1uinbgeaclioledligaanteteao and to use a handy,. old pima% which le very expressive, tf not strictly ele- gant " decidedly streaked." 3,LIP„ oa sr a enzumohtteahs aryleeatr fsaeneo'71-. 0 yo eola: altbwouate i an yttiatrargoth,,at it happened. 3 -Wit " And you, never told met" groaned Sack. " You never asked me," said Miss Graham. Poor Jack 1 He gathered UP hitt lac- erated heart and withdrew from his seoana battlefield completely reeled. "I won't give it up 1" he decided. '0 There's Lucy Brown. She'll have me, and jump at the chance; and ethe's worth forty Mies Grants, and a train- load of Kiss Grahame! I'll write to VitHif SAD CM. "MOM, 114yelellans May Chloreferin Wreelled the Nether's Med. The most pitiable victim at the chloroform habit of record in the city wae devaleped the other day by the i Pollee atIthorittes of Intlienapolist Ind., in the? Pereme of titre. Lillie Voipp, witb a bueband and tlarett ohildren. Km I began to usta the drug by inbalation, saturating a handkerchief and lay- ing it on leer face. and ;Me pontinued to inerve.se the ouentlay until bee daily obloroform tell emeraged AP, elllatillug 20 ounees. One eighth of AG I 011tlet! Ite iiGinCiehlt CO/. an anaesthetic. Slue never purchaaed more than an ounce at a time, mitt her children were required to !make 20 tripe daily, to the neighbortng drugstoree, and lf they were pot orompt in returning, she would run, into the street screaming in deliritInt. tier faoe was found te be burned and blistered by repeated ap- plications of the drug, and tbe phy- &clans rapidly jeached the conolumon that one was tntiane. Tbe anthoritlea placed leer under restraint. The fam- ily Was found frightfully deetitate, the mother having pawned everything of commercial value to gretity her hain •It. . ' CRAZY CZAR, Or RUSSIA. ' . The young Ozer of Russia, who ift . thought to lee crazy, cameo of a short- lived. ram. He is the fourteenth Czar, beginning with Peter • the Great. Leav- ing out the two Cetherines the Czar has bad eleven redeeessora of his blood. AU but fou died under fifty, Peter the Great a d Elizabe•th lived to the ugia of iftyethree, Nicholas Ie e to. a d heArnadnwd rasitek,thoehr etrhhise vdeidr y. a f t e r u oon , " ,iiidtYil‘-'01.vve bicriezena.rusnewsveAralesenixatunaradEueladti,ewbou.ats soli:011.k ' received three months before, but he the mtharlaea.padessacer.tdhaantasge.00 nisilttteyr. eeee mILiteinnaadpnaocte aonsf 'we:ise del:afro: ahsits 1)ei et igeiri.., on I 3, The•letter wee sent, and he awaited ,--Jort-;111"reevrelvati—Le°1uTe7tclede:tat'es- .8..4.. I genee, und.snioothed the matter over to his satisfactioneif not to Lucy's. a reply with considerable anxiety. vort the view that trade interests have A laa i came. • vastly improved reeently and that the . "It's favorable of course!" he said, • aa he tore open the letter. " Lucy al- cobnnerznailerrige.ntteel:knifserwtholl fbueturweealsecieinne- ways thought her eyes of me." news to the people of Canada, since But his opinion as to ite being levee,. •our own trade interest. will be stiniu- . able changedeninewhat as he -read it ; "'Mr. Jack Edson. I arn vety thank- ful for the leonor, etc., but I don't take ine witb second-hand articles when I can get them at first band. Sohn Smith overcame him. It • became necessary Sh Id f 4 little dis- • "Good graolous I Luef. married!" for three etout fellows to 'act as but-, 43 eels' n e31P ee 1 g. tresses. And the enore indignant the Sack's eyes were like saucers when skipper looked the harder their work " spoken out." He had known her • a Then he suddenly arPointed , think thee he liadn't dropped into the d th • • he rea a name. - mime. ina y 146 was asststed, in a weak state, and laughing leysterical year, but never had .stud a word about nearest chairr. Tbere • on t no nee es ere, A man may have the capabilities of whined Tammy, aftei a lengthy search. a hero in his composition, but heat "Oo deem the foe'slet and git the 'IY. 'to the deck ot the sch000er, where marriage in all that time e and if he " Welt, I've gone ana done it this never be able to remember to shut the owe of sail -makers' needles, then," hvaeicfaollborweedkaathweistkaipapexarottlao,w6amnda, idn Ocii intdn't had the idea of marriege in his time!" he groaned. " Sack Edson, you're burea.0 drawere.ond not to bang the said tne skiPper. "Don't let anyone see an explanation.. , - n e head, what had he been so devoted e feel 1" ' Poor jack I He is in tin market yet I outside door When you are downewith-whateyou're after -and some thread." end eaver..itke for T Who bids? . • one of "your headaelles." , "Well, why couldn't you let' me go "It's the finest sight I ever 'saw in . - he'll spill his coffee over the clean naoaned Tortuny. "I don't like going had finished. "I wouldn't have mcssed "Perhaps ne wants to get started in busineies before he settles' &mere Ho =I be ae Win as Solomon, but in my clothes before you cut eana r, "my life, Boss," he said, when the other so black about it ; and he can t for rae. . . t ' E , ' •tg ono me forted her. tablecloth, and wonder. wh9 You look up in this blanket. 'They'll laugh at it for anything. I've -been feeling eery thou.ght Lucy, and that thoughe come THE WHITE PASS RAILROAD, the Mita him oantrol his temPer,. when '!You go. at once 1" thundered the good. Don't talk nonsense about leav- jack hadn't been -in 0--- a week ba- the' collar band •of his shirt pinches • skipper, and, turning his back .on him, ing the ship. wouldn't losie.you.for fore he struck up an acceeintanae with It NoiV Take; Only. !ilgil; Illniys to Rion* ter clooiar anheiterlibuor for.spu Inkling her lawn. his neck and peakaa his collar "ride whistled softly, and began to iterange anYthlng aftet this, bot if you.. like to • . icemen/0 ironer, y eceuvcr. . 6 OW S1 y the pieces of cloth. • try a fresh raate and crew you can Nfiss Grant. Miss Grant was tolerably good look- The White Pass And Yukon Railroad Oh, I don't know. -You see, she -had up." • -• • • lated and im.preved. In nothing has this improvement been shown*, in ' a more marked way than in the increas, ed sale of Putnam's Painlesa Coen Ex- tractor. Timea beinte dull every- thing not absolutely' needed beeenao luxury, mad its sale became stationary. Now it. is different, Sales have in- creased vastly, doubtless as it hats proven the only safe, sure, end pain.. less remedy for corns, and wise peo- ple will use no other. HER ASHES IN THE ilifORTAR. An odd mounment wile desired by an elderly maiden who •died a few weeks ago in Athlone, Ireland, She left a for- tune of 5135,000 to bespent in the &reel tion of a (thumb, provided thee her body should be converted into ashes and used in making the mortar toe building the edifice. • • • Pharaoh 10c " Qur' - - - • - - .014tet. pREss AND HOSE. • Mrs. Green is awful mad at her next aod .had a rich fatber. yeas fully opened to 'business froze it on. He loves the babY, and will work for "Laugh away, JOY. 'lads," he said, please yourself. • If you'll only eorne up jag' ions at once. Those attentions Miss . it all day cheerfully, but if it.eries cheerfullY; as all Vgfroarious burst of to .the house end let Mrs. Pearson see LaolK. began to be serious ha his at - Lynn Canal across the mountains to holds you responsible. Goan receive cor ey,„ . Tomm,y on deck. "Wait a bit." couple of pounds, Now, get your bon - nights, he is out of all patience, Mid laughter greeted the eppearenee you -sites been ailing -I'll give you- a tent t ' d. Wel Lake Bennett in the last week of July.. Noonan HOTEL H4REOTORT. . s or A %Plan. If you are going to be married, . He waited hiniself for nearly 'tweety net and come.0 , • ' Business is business,' thought Zack. The rapidity vvith .vvhith the Kkeadike i Balmoral, Free Bys ke u your mind that You will be aninutes, at the end of which time The End. " A few thousand won't come araiss to has been brought into touch with the ---- at sue, European Nam Rooms from Si a day E OPP. patient through the first.two.or three Tommy, treading on his blanket, came me, and it I can get a good wife and rest of the world is illustrated by the Hotel Carsiake, n i do ti t e mpani ti -ladder Mad flUllg banking account at the same f th E r G.T,R. Station, Morn reel, Cinsleke& co.u, rrop ff. years yme . are ..gettiog used to y. ng. w h co each other. Thia is the critciaL period etilled into the cabin. feet that on 20 niany o 13 U 0- , THE COMING MAN. tinae, ,I ought to think myielf lucky. • e •-"-ItiTtetycrilla generally fairly plain sail- ship," he tiaid, solemnly, as he picked • Tini ? • and win 1 as Av nee to marled Itfe,-and If it ia passe in There ata t a • needle eboard the • say, Sack Edson, old fellow, go in pean newspapers printed a despatch AVENUE HOUSE— • Familif Hotel rates FL59 '• SHORT, BUT STRONCII Is this argument - CEYLON TEA MAO THE' FLAVOR AND QUALITY teed Pagagee. . • * t • *s.% 300 40• 50 & 6000 A BOON FOR THE LAME THE IVEY PATENT EXTENSION SHOE 000. ere etitione to secure the address of every hums nein sea wows:, tit Denede wl,pee June. mess emulate In Olt* Ilub Wing shorter then the other. end are eiferloi good puMI on. plum, ut to every lame Maim who will take the create to wee tor, Stouter* • 1, ow to *ot I4F Anna Oet ono of the Extender's for Yourself end 204 Wino AVOW Weaned lt 4 meek, have OP trouble to couvreca oho; of its value. Thu. Extension is by 1 sr the best of Its nature ever p'aced on the menet, and ellablee the Irtarer to Walk *Wright, foo Welk with ease and comfort, to wear soy ordinary More %bon, and glyee them the game *Wean:mein* their nu re fortunate Deseriptor circulate free to oil. Ask tor terrell tQ ogee* Address 0104101 MUM. 170 LIAY STREET, •• e • TORONTO, CANADA/ RUSSIAN *eLLITERACY. Tbe illiteracy of litnisla exceeda that Vgrg,gilortigra a civilized kevernment. The Humana- -.:-- of any other country claiming tO have Orotteetaittrue iteestioolreueenniweirgn ;VII r3tarrs_tilerers to be :eared mew Miriam etates that In 10,000 villages of the vast empire there is MA a school; Donlinion Line VAtisiZs hos acquired eveit theruaimenta of A ' Montreal end Quebec to al verpoel. afid It is estimated that not 20 per coramou mehool educatton. It has be n it"e" et l'8"4"4"-Ilme "buiru"1"11"sec9" e aibin, sal ; steorogo, $22.60 4nd 23 OD Large and fast Stentners Vano,ouver, ---..e. cent. of the population of the empire fbiagaudreloo0a0to tmliaata iaf ttlitheaczavaratwaoruraldy dills; volefoormwienrion Seotsnia_n,..Carnbroman. would thereby save motley enough to Information Amtly to Belli egente or ages. It is not surprising that the DAVID TORRANCE a CO., (tonere! deems, 17 st• eaorsoentste moterro, provide a school tor each of those vill. czar eihould desire to rowel SOITI6 ar- reogeraent with tbe other natione which would vetratit him to pertially disarm. , e W.P C 086 '•.. •• • ,„.•• • • EARN nisig11411 set th three brilliants, by lolling one dozen Austrian Bone stick pins se tecents each. User 4re imperishable pretty a,a many Nee sei them, return us :woes% end NVO send thls valuable zing in velvet -lined cW44 bY re. turn ma% ilomo flynacialty Co.. Illropt.1;-R•orouto, Can. , . • CALVERT'S . .„,t.:40.4!:,,,D49,nof:,,,,,tarrzteo.,_,P.;. 0,;.*‘ ..32% Prato for the .Menth "ie.:. 14:41070::4441:::111,,:igloirud et.dre 1 ficti nu15044 ti ii tc .1. ai'virtik :viol, ttti : 1 ;21(1)1_Li.. a:, : nU:cY0 r. r . e• Pal i t 01 a :he out rpe:enrvy,o4:06nrapthay.1:::::inpeortocetthdo, monthly coupons maturing August loo, have rem:doing a , ' F. C. CALVEST i -.. Burin% of 28 per cent. Atte, deducting expenses, nodule on 914 ' • pc= ilf, t.11.'grinvgitulruhnt linrIorguABO)vuepr 24 eit4 elle (16 40411. . 10.4140Hrerrze, . . 46igui,Aympag o . ' inv.rehsetinomonnit. ironitoviceglaeitgatrart131alnpwarottioluentrrosn. :,,. o ._ of the num. thr.mt, etoinUclo and , 8V . .0.11,0aTtu:!za,car,t,,hhout. r Vo.,146 8t.Jamee-st. Montreal, _ bolradoidremrammrn.atonsoetZedigdiZiultz HOW CASES? WALL CASES. 'Once and Bank Fixtures, Modern ONE N iGH-rdCorgtlugit,:rrtZitl Store Fronts: Mirrors and Plate Glass. For low prices write TORONTO SHOW CASE CO., 02 ADELAIDE w., TORONTO. CAN. 1 r tJ G , ENG.C2 ''.0.:A.bEL'AlpF. 51W. To RONTO. ' . • . -go " BEAVER BRAND "' Mackintosh pnroovoefr. hAa r8dkoinsr tomitsakgurneon obuthegr.WIleedr: • .041111114E88 . AND SHORTHAND • • . 1 THE NI -RAMC' & ..HARRISON COLLEGE vor Rubber Peewit ca. eurorea, Cor.-Yongeand College Ste, Torohto. . • CIVIL SERVICE PREPARATION A SPIECIALTY. A well equipped,' widelypotronized School. High record 'for good results Individual instruction. Prospectus maned to your address fres R. D. NIMBI° and JAR nannisore Principals. • SCHOOL OF MINING, KINOSTOIL _ Affiliated tti Queen's University; Session Vine 00. • .:ran.., ‘ wet 400mtiumg$T0 Ettjuns ....._Ettl sf:K:INL TLi c a .S8 Rroose: ihciAe sNb,ysineiNdi 13 Ittl liEwl istileyt.6iirlat;"e_7„..rj,_:::;:oiad.::;,......rib,..QArninrva:ol,i,.:01o.11,370; tt.houb.ent.,i X MI., 99 Ad . : :. piTattifiricaitiu,„2:48Trnesed. i pictitirtt.tilotratigeloni ihteloienoitt eati:i e r a s p e ci a I o d v a i n a gee. ' .athporAtumg44.6kno. wwlerditgeeiogrf • ..• • , 113 Yonge St, Toronto +1AFIRIS.ZaTisigpp' TeBRArr Wholesale only. • LobpDletance Tedeltholielra. . - WILLIAM ST., TORONTO. • . . . Mills, Mille SeMarvia Barristereetee removed to Wesley oldies., nice. mond se. W.. Toronto., who. wish to improve and 'love .4* .Garmerit to.date methode, write tub Cutters! MINT /000,1TsEepto. • • Oart get you kest vetoes for your Apples, Butter, Egan, r000tarto.w.o.4287totbar:oloot &a Cu0,40.17::::::torontatOeiLm. , • 'The Dawsoq Commission- CO., • ea In all countries Dodges, . • sent from Dawson on the previous da daY‘ • pATENTS menu, relisteeed,'Ocenights, Prom. himself upend rubbed his head. "I've telling of the good feeling there oveYr eallWaY. Vire-Olass coonieroininetat. Modern irn. masts Public, Temple Building, Toronto. Oat. s I twit:int Is . 01 TerY Flattering, te •. -And Jack Rdebn did ". go in" accokd- St. JAMES' HOTE10•497121Gal&ipiritf• Easiii•gr,!incrsV;R`evarattlf:a1=1:1"patents; • ing afterward. • • No one ever realizes her -,Most brit-. looked everywhereet • !"711" "leak ingly, and 'for a month dovetail hire - of the human hody have recentlyfur-' the vast itaprOvetnent in .communica- provements-Rates moderate • • Rant expectatiens ef haPPiness. Yon. teWhat t'' roared the skipper, hastily Deep researthes as to the strhethre self, wholly all,a unreservedlee to Miss expected to 'be nut • you • must not Ted Ted 1" „ : 414. ' Boons, raMarioz, LAU! r will never. be quite so hapPy as you, eMteealing the pieoes.bf, cloth. .."Here, Grant a • ' titans that the• railroa:d . would intro- .. • nished some startling facts regardink Then fali,reofv temident, or .some oth- /Ince, and Adding that the journe, from :WOMEN planvEs: . • ..,• • o ic rayer Minces, Scapulars, ." Ay eV air 1" 'said' Ted as he' came' ixito a dilemma by flee sometimes without any little se - . • young lady, with bold, black •eyes and July II, but was not fully opened till. a tx t t ff d b tb d' I • • mp ti ion' 0 ere Y e mil aY in k d end Stomach takes WHITE'S PHOSPHO SODA got a rent , Albrice has clearly proved. that man the number of women thieves in that ,, was . formerly endowed with mor Miss Belle Graham was a Very PeettY practically conuileted to the lake on eity. It seems they cannot resist the • to love you if he shauld go to the of- the .skipper glibly.. 'Tye always had onnecasiOLIS of parting in sai , t I g n. . . •Pos s n . Sack had not flirted for some Bine, he , • . fortnight later. The company ie. a'fite. ibe large shops, . , ' eel osefilie:::evesi,7,00peate, excellent cleanser for Wen n ih this skixt." your cou,rtship days.- iet, man cannot "AnY uther needle, then f" said the• ',telt ,,viihdarlenceheois' tEise4tsblt, GnIaA1;11ilida. proceeded, after his old fashion to lay .le more sanguine even than the pet)... • • Ages ago human teeth were ohm AI% cE COOAR the place of coal ter prepare. live up to this sort of thing eery long. • apons o e used as his heart at Miss Graham's feet, meta- ple ot Dawson'ail to the shortening of . 1 • La Toscana 1001 FACTORY ,Montreat ' • - all druggistn, In 10o, 25c, bee NASD:0 packages, Hone in I I oche, its effect is Immediate. Sold ey Queen City Drug 00., 27 i Vfellingtott.st. E., Taranto 'd Ted wi h an evi ri ' a mischief -loving dispesition, and as — timentansceoe in the ball, such as. you, ',I Melte ' tbe last one elasterday, skipper,. trying to .conceol hie emotion changes. which Mari' *is at present egernag htna acquainted with Belle Vanco.uver to that teem wonld now re- Accordieg to' the Paris .poliCe, there Religious Pictures, Sur uary, awl Church Ornaments: Educational Works. Mall enters receive prompt rotten. tiOn. D. & J. SADLIER & Ca,, mentrete. gtieve over thai. Take the.goods the , . • Don't think your husband haa ceased "X want a sail-maker's,neddle," said undergoing physically. • Graham. • . • quire only nine dais. The road *as has been a marked, inerease latcoin goes provide and be ebankful. below. • - • • • ' It is too eaucli of a strain ori his mem- "l• den't believe there s such a thing we d - Phoricalli sPeaking, and, for a montb the time to that town, for it tieolares • . • .--••••• aboera•the ship," said Ted, who tad once, t CARD INDEX-. • YlIggtnnIdnegse;rilt 80(i)EAnd)10etiti • flhentistryandnAss ,ying, end idiasineralogy and Geology. gittilarteertaft: etiPlia°,ndlirer Zio7n)te, •ceig ;- MeV. For °Mender pp ODWLIN, Direotor. • Rotel mut Seloou men Maniat afford to be . without the Automatic Faucet Atteele . • pleat, sett pays tor itself in one week ingbeer. No drip, uowaste. 'You only need '"'',•-•- onehand to draw beer with the Antoinette. blabs ease of rush you eanbold sexcila eachband, so the Automatic is. always ready. mir Automatic. draws the finestglass of beer ling Is used tor any trade, se itputs thekind of hearten the beer that. $ you want: PH04111:50 pre-paid-- money_mtonaa uot satietad, OM Hamilton Aftgeo.,Torontar , . FAR M FOR. :SALE-- • • • .• 198 ACRES arrinieetre n Waterloo Co., Wilmot --•Pp., . Ont. : Mlle north oF bieW Tinntlee And 5 miles south ef • Petersbnrg, 0131 • Ch Tit • the lendodepes gently. towards south and email' • trNitton., ihoogrt Inv ono, 1.120bottp. eiesolterre.eaantrolrd• Kt:urine; • ohneped;rmei. ne;tiorrio,atpnr asf: • water by hydraulic ram power ttheel on born:, aboue LlaritVgAI•11%.8:ZastAteep°,rfar rWete'01 • ond Soft water at housp ; Writ suppbed with 'spring rtfaceesr 61:5111i1EIVI/641'8;14TIVEUI:b. • .• FREE ftZleitiemryor Intoanaddgidrrizhootsfievtiodiutioysemior fdrisiover14 years oltHend their own adobe**. we award' a handsome bicycle waist eat, We requireall who aro awarded the waist set to distribute 25 pkgs. of Intr LiOnionede Powder and collect 5e. peruke. :Bachpackage contains , enough for ton glance. Return the money- ' to us by exprose money order or postal Oote,. and we will giv e you in addition to waist set ar, • elegant bracelet. In order to induce ploropt, nem, to all who makoroturns inside twelve doll fromreceipt of goodswe tvillfurthergive a love IY stick Pin.• DOMINION SUPPLY 'muse 92 King Eit.: W., 'Hamilton, Oat. The only perfect system tor ikeep; .12 COLO MEDALS •IIPHOLD ITS QUALITT-- Don't try to ape your rich oeighbors, that Dawrien may now be reached •in DEFINITIONe - ing names god eleroere obeyed the.me.te's thoughtful injunce Unintentionally; traces of such.use Miss Graham liked a flirtation as est depth, 'waved. him away, iota. then At any ra e, the completioo of this , The Best. Known a y, as it veers,. for petition. Sack was always looki • 122 and 124 Bay St., TORONTO. 'factory Newmarket, cep t your Ile as you find it and '-P-he peeling, sincerity in others, and can- The stethoscope, answered the pupil , was her racist devoted cavalier. Tito Mos Spocialty Mfg..00., • PEERLES Sample tray outfit $3. . CI • and nag your husloand fot the money doe.. "Nor thread. 1 was onlY saYing' are often ' revealed, hy a eneer, The, wen as Jack did Mid was in nowise eight daYs from' Seattle, Tacoma. Vie- 'What is •a stethoscope, and what is lig for and ex- t • the class in anatomy. on a corner. of a locker • fel), muscles this brought into NAY are eluded At once that Miss Graham had railroad to the navigable waters lead, at the pedal extremity. ot the elites, CET MENG! I MAKE MONEY I 1 • make the: most of it. . oeteing „ . are sonaetimes bared, dog -like, backward in. 'tittering her part. torte er Vancouver. , it a ed for ? asked the professor, of - he oannot afford to give you. Have !so to the mate yesterday." • ',eau • Loewe the courage and 'independence. to ac. The eltioeu—r ealea again to the love - aptly eaged "snarling miisclese bi found his fascination irresistible, and ing to the Yukon practiatilly revolue is a sort of mieroscope used. by 'a doe- ence ae Me Free iFor Farmers' Use F M h If your husband earns a goo4 g 9 • ing, do not go from hornet° earn some mIt's a PUY •rett do things in such a hurrye said Tonneiy, sniffing vindic- .meney for yourself. • The man IS the baturai provider tor his family. and tively. "Yoinmight 'have made.sure of the needle before you spoiled my is better that he should remain so. olothes. There's tvvo due going about Ile will respeet himself more, and you more. Keep the ridiculous now." e hwoluilse,rmaesPeekAohmeimpleasant, and de the - The 'master of . the Sarah Jane al- lowed tlais insolence to pass unheeded. beat •you earn with the means at gout tt is in moments of deep distress that woman& "A penny saved is as good the mind of man, naturally reverting as a penny earned," arid the careful nousewifo con save many a Re nn y if to solemn things, seeks to improve the occasion by- a lecture. The skipper, she gives her mind to it. cbastened by suffering and disaopoint- Make u,p your mind to be gentle, and meat, stuck, his right hand in his loving, and forgiving, and, allelic all, it, mid gently bidding- the blanketed comings, and. try and believe that he urchin in iron have charity for your tedsband's short- Peeket• after a lengtheoed search for of hint • to sit down, does the very best be 0821—for a man., again ; . , "You -see. wh t comes of drink and cards," he said, mournfullit. •Ohistead ' _of being at the' helm of my ship, racing all the other crafts down the river, Pm Some Account et the monied or ladneing skulking down here like-lilee—" nerspiration. • ' "Like- an actress."'• suggested Tom - Lockjaw when ennead by a wound The .skipper seed . him all over. has long been.considered Womble, and Tommy, unconscious .01 offense, mei CURING LOCILIAW• le is:only of late years that a few inot ius gaze serenely. atances of sueeeasful treatment bave "If," 'continued the skipper, "at any the tees time you telt like taking too etiutb, and firer tY itclje,W4ahristrheetreoxgeeraPtditn°11g ;°.ilndetehd°, flake The decisive stepe and accordingly ing thaw, etfeeted by the Indian wooer- yoau stopped witli.the beer mug half .01 tilt $,) toe is-ebecoming .double. he east about in hi mind aa to whom beert recorded, the BIOSt striking be - w y. lei your lips, and thought of nie n , like the thumb, he allotted honor bl, ving,the privilege 9 If' • • con' tor for the purpose of looking into the Wire onlr fi eer lb, te wencher...tic Demand Grip 10T1 'Agricultural machinery And tor general . Stores sell it to their bee trade, The practice of t' . • . was ready to oapitulate and surrender lionizes- the means of cominunioa enee in now localities. cooked and the dtsuse of t thf od whenever he chose to speak the word. with the Yuk ld field TS cm go s. p. o t chest of a patimit with leis ear. noel have to twist wires aintind each other, like old 'More need than eny other inaohine oil, ,Rardw.ire and General Sir -C. Bell... • ing OUT () By and by Miss Graham went out of weapons is largely responsible for the up his devotions and the otner neces- r.,ortaiAly been one of hardship. and • , wOven renOeS, as crofts wireo ere gripped and protected . • ee as towet on a vieit, and -theo he packed this time the overland journey • hes MALI. from Weather. • Can never alp or break. Ftve times as degeneration that is undoubtedly go- eerlee of love -making and returned, denger, and has cost a oreat• deal Of W.1.1.0YD WOOD,Torooto.ORNERAL AGENT. O'K EE FE'S 11.) Che et Wir Pe ice v i ted. W I 0014' to OikeNALA ARCH ea, fe,orreon, oon." Etta had been so bttsy I Work had been d rd'ia rt a the trip ratty be AN HONEST CONFESSION'. Brantfor d appearing. Human jaws, found in ree He couldn't get away from the office. made in a fev,r hours arid ae a cost r a- ta E T. OP • • strong, . and lasts ten: times as long nny woven fence • • • made. Vett nse Coiled Srring,Twiss or Burl, Wire, ' , • Invigorates end Strengthens. • Ing on. '' * nice a predigal son, to Miss Grant. . oney. 0_ ay , ' The wisdora teeth, in feet, are dis- imusnalty driving for the lait month. an a a ils pa err y reong _, • molars, the remaining 'graciously accepted them all, and re- measured by the large expense 8 which is still almost a bagatelle when g EinerselVe writings that you do not . understand, Uncle Charles V puted Palemithic depoliies, have wis, Seek invented a score of excuses 16 dom teeth with crowns as large as, aecount for his absence; and MiSs Grant • ' 1 Changes are ars° taking piece in " Ili n d as himself againe, ing freight over mountain ttasses that The great pleasure in reading Emer- a ack- Uncle Charlest--Of course there is. if not larger than, instated Sack in her good graces, and known as the thorax. ' ainriedaabintilingtthheewasoorladt.toilSonte and for- son is the opportunity it .gives a man toivie Sack had a sorry time of it for ,, . • • • with 6, fertile imagination to think c ar w the cage -like part of the skeleton In August Miss Grant went out of or . bliekbone, was furnished in the re- pushing to a successful conclusion a , out meanings' for profound passages. . ma k d in need a a home. The •first step, to- ME MOSr DIFFICULT ' ' M11,8. WiN8Lovrs Sooennect evitue haa beer, colic sod is the best reniedY for Mart ma. 250. k• bot' POR ovEIR PIPTr YRARs mote past with a far greater nutnber While she was gone, he thought over the matter seriously. great piece of railroad . engineeritig • CalvanIzed Steel Windmills -and • Toniers. A/40. . . Meet 'nag staffs, • town Grinders, • • - Iron and Wobd Punifle, . Dee summate Send for New Catal,gue. • !he Canadians deserve the credit of THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN. want of some one to pay attention to • of tibs than at. present. " Here he was, young, good•loelcinge rhe company. asserte•that et war usee w mothers* tor their children. teething: It soothes tie. Sold bky all,flruggiffististitewe,Igshoontthlt4eswyniorvid. Be ing organ, its fotna changed consider- ward securing a home, was to secure a stretch of 'railroad building ever un- stir° "- • • °bad, sarong the gu____.tus allays rin, dards eine r • As the foot became a sup. and making a nice aura of motley, but Alteeations in the feet are very able', and the flume Sure enoligh, why didn't' he t wife. Why didn't he get married ? dertaken, end the history of the work o for Mrs. s o o port of the body, method of le8 a the lueo.nbiZe: came larger. THE CYCLIENNE'S SKIRT. At the present time. all The moret he thought of it the more Wows!' that the technical and physical hi d to ebstaete,s in the way warg very tormid- According to the Wheel, London, the able. One of the greatest impedi- police of St. Petemburg effect to re - clients in the way wee the fact that game the 4tkitt of the cyclienne as a nuieb of the blasting wan (10.00 in rrenaancitai bra Lo tita"saftety of the Wear - alcohol. TWo eases are reported iii would you dot?' • greet intereat. The horse at one time of becoming Mrs. atk Edson. • Sack knew of.three who would be A competition with the change tbat ali poison, and by enormous doses of sitting in this disgraceful state what 0\ has taken, place in the horse 'is of * ing. • ally developed at the ex glad to have• him-lvliss Grant, Mimi which au the ehirmieg ouiptonis were "I dunno," replied Totnnter, yawn- Posaestied five toes. One of these gradu- pense of the Gtahant and Lucy Brown. All he had first was thateof a young ruan of 22, skipper, with great expresaien. . appeared. ' ' . • . • * to do to gey either of ,them to be his for better fee worse " was to give removed by vioterit peispiration. The "What wouhl you dor* persisted the °there, wbieh in course of time dig- ).* nuts huge toe continueclto devotion them - half a chance to *say yes. after 11, moment's thought. and th 'I " I like Lucy," he soliloquized; "but who had the misfortune of having had "Ltitighte I s'pose," staid Tomrn , , • hiS hand caught in the gearing of a - s' she's it plain little country girl, and ae, cerried off, n,ut in the coucse of e nal or Maw finally became "Yotiere an unnatiiret, ungrateful tily iblonee of toes are sell' found In dent think Pll throw myself away oti her father isn't worth much, end I her. There's Miss Graham, she's smart . The sound of a well -boxed ear ran threshing machine; Part of the skin through the cabin. . • •eaf.aggerated into a boa.. Rudiment - greasing towatd a speedy cure, • volved," Lastly, to crown. all, an an- a great deal; blIt like's got too mucb '1'.'t'll kind unele to look after you." temper for nie 1 Ten afraid I don't theee toe bones much -more highly de - one morning the patient awoke w oil' "Anybody eau lave him fot but," . cestor of the horse bas been discovered, a strange rigidity In his jawe, violet& bbetle the indignant Tonetity, as he fear oomplete toes awl one avant one of those high-flyersl MIAS Grant's the rimet desirable person af- pain all over the sternum, Intermit- tenacirly felt his ear. "Yon look a hreenving ter all. Old Grant's bank account' ts ent 'difficulty of breathing, and coo- Preeioutt sight mote like an aunt than '-imenta"" Man appears to be going through' Me VerY atttit3f"t6tY feature abeut vnisive starts In the lower limbs. A an unchea the same change es the home hes . the traneaction. Wheo she' gets back After tiring this thot he vanished in doctor being called in, he, Immediate - a cloud of blankee; and the skippllt, undergone, • in enelent times a short_ I'll speak to her about it, and have ly proceeded to throw the patient in - sighted Soldier or bunter was almost the thing off tnY to a violent perspiration. Poe thtspur- hastily abandteling a bastily fotmed an impossibility; toolay a whole.nation Miss Grant came back the next week, mind." pogo be had hoops put under the bed reeolve of first flaying him alive and eeertrgegreeeeeyaieneleefeenaget pxo- little toad," said the skipper, fiercely, th " hotste aro extant with and handsome, and her fathers' worth e _existing "You doret deserve to have a good, then /tinging' him overboard, sat down Is dniCte4rwith delePtive and Sack wended hie vvay to her home cliethee hi order to prevent their con- tact with the 'way arta then got feur uffaitt and lit Ids pipe of the deoision he had arrived at dur- ing her absence. • Once out of the river he pante on deck again, and, ignoring, by a great *A- "MD EVE, Miss Graint was rather cool, effort,, the smiles of the crew and the . by MOODS of which he was enabled to "She'e Miffed to think I haven't jibea of the mate, took ,command. nee Ithove hie head. epaken on the ithportaot Mg:fleet be - The only alteretion he made in his The human eyes feebler', regard- fore," thought Zack. . dress was to substitute Ins sou'wester ed the world from the two Mee Of A gotta opportunity preeented itself. for the bonnet. and in this guise ehe the head; they aro even now gradu- and Jack proceeded to effet hie heart did his work, while the aggrieVed-zilly-shifting4-to-s-more-forward post. mid hand to Miss Grant after tbe most Tommy hopped it in bitiukete. The time genteel Manner possible. ' " three days at sea passed like a horrid Ill the dim past the ear -flap WaS He expeeted to see her burst Into a dream. So covetous washite gaze that a great sonnet in aticertaining the flood of thankful.. tears, or perforrct the crew iiistinethrelY elutehed their edireotion of aound,s, and operated large- some other equally origInal feat to nether garments and loteked to the ..13" In the play of the features. litit' demonstrate ths„ gladness of her vow). butteming of their teats ail they piseed the nmeeles of the ear have &lien Bons ; but she did not do anything of him, He saw wets in the mainsail. into diense, for the fear of tutprise the. kind. and falthioned phantom trousets out of bY„ enprelee no lOnger exlets* • 'You. do me a fiteat deal of honor, the flying jib, and, toWard the end, AMUR, Mr Senee of shun is mario- I suPpoSe," aeld she. in a tone width beton to babble of bitie eergee 'and Milt hiferior to that of savages, That seemed to imply that the hardly to•n. mixed ‘tweeds. Oblivious of fame, he it is still decreasing le evidenced by eidered that she was speekhag troth - bee reselved to enter the harbot of observations of the olfactory organ. /la '7. to But the noise itself indicates A te11d. iftn„117-T* 'igt‘bontiltd1rtiomferit yfeeetbatiWO bressel)nttirnag- It is almost tt eh t 'shortly efter her return to inform her deep pots filled with quioklune, which he alightly moistebed with water, To prevent the skin trom being seorched each ttiot was wrapped in lin- . en and then placed on each side of • the rlatient, orders being given to the family to Moisten. the giliekliMe from time UP tithe and to change it whet exhausted. The heat engendered was so intone° that on the first day the bed clothes caught fire, which, howe ever, WM Speedily' axtingUished. As for the petspiration, it WAS. SO inimodere ate We to pass all belief. On the fifth. day all tetanie symptorna had dieters- pested, except a little stiffnesa in the jawa, the. Patient Wee in a state of cenipktte prof traticn, which vas, how. ever, review by good nourishment, and a few d s after ali traces of the Ilangerous affection had disappeared, Y , laborer, who, when the doctor eatne, snd the tun was well up before Battle. ham." Wrest of the country will warrant The seetind ease Was that of a day he. Neer hems the Wind 'droppe (may to become more proniinebt. places where it Was impossible to am- have laid down a law gatgenteiraa4 ploy anything but numati labor to carry list shall ride through 'tbe streets of the material and supplies for the men who were using explosive to tear hun- dreds of themeatids of tons of solid rock fro= the mountaba sides to make the rotiabedi and human tabor also had to be employed to clear much ot the grade as Ont. -blasting operations pro- eeeded. As the construction was be .n June last year, Lb. re dal 1 oad to Lake n completed in about thirteen months. rhis time would hetet been consider-. ably reduced U. it had not been that aboat two mouths- after the work began the news of the distoveries the Atlin gold fields caused a atanmede of workmen, One 'morning le700 man were working On the road, and next day the labor brigade numbered only atiO, all the others having departed fot the new Eldortido. This was on Aug. last Year, and from that tiMe there was the greatest trouble to keep on head it euffieient force of laborem. The • ‘. 'n early tion of t has been difficulLtes were mutat augmented ale* f ,oto; of the oaten, Pries, 760. tier bettie. by the Unusually hewer" frUeriVtall MAL Sold 1310 all drupe sts. Testimonials free. * winter, and during February and Halls Family Anti ere the beet. March last nine men vvere eneoloyed the Ituesianaeapital unleas clad in the bifurcated garment. L LI BY' s ..4 rdritoree the doter Sold by ell druggiets, sop, a bottle.. COOLNESS IN DANGER. She -Tell nieowhen yott were On the army, were you coot in the hour of engeg. He -Cool? 'Why, I shivered. dimooRoo. HOW'S This rass COLD HAPLEY • &MUIR COIN! BRANTFORD CAN. molten this paPer. lustrumenis, Drums, tinfforms,tte: Every town can have a band, Lowest prices ever otiotod. Pi et. gaol ogite,10n00 trationsicilled .,,ily,ritgeriflor!,1;fr I g WHALEY Mar & • 'forciato,-!can. Michigan Land for Sate— , mit *Mies aeon FARMING LANDS-AREVAO, lost° Ogernaw and Crawford °minden Title per. feet. 06 ichigal Central, 1343 ro c toot Lake Railroads, at price* tango* front te 413 per acte. Theta ,Lands ore Clone to Enterprising Nee Towne, Olumihes, Schools. ete., and wIll be sold or, wed reasontoble terms. Mang kl 9 le 0 litigin soML.ROBERSefiEfilOR. • ROYAL. MAIL I 07.. rotaytot STEAIIIERS • mon•rftem:Vo • LIVNIIPOOL. • ' EVERY THURSDAY • From Liyorppol. ' Muktraal 81 Aug CAT•IPORNIAN SeA 24 .... ()Pk 7Sem TA11,IUI ' 21 Rept 14 Be t PARISIAN 28 Selge 21 SePt., .....,..HAVARIAN it 011, . The uevr Twin Screw S. S. Bavarian, 10,00(1 tons, eV.. sail from Livcrpo.d ner. 24, And from Muntreel 8,350,2, Cabin Passage-SACO and upwards. . tvcond Vabin -55,00, Return 4.96.20, nseerne_uverpoot, London, meow. Zonioseerra, or tincenstwOch • i3.51.). Per tickets anoluil Information apPlY locak agent oh ' IL 1101URLIER, 77 Yong° St., Toronto*, or fl. A.A. ALLAN; Montreal. 'out medic -in-' ilEALTH-RESTORED :1°':,,,,,.... to th: ,,,,,14deirn,oirccliezeilyBAL.orraainnlf,autdonjigrile, Du Barry's ,itho .. , vlee, Liver, Blood, Novalenta . . Aid Raven invalids and Children, and also Rears sue, . • : Arabioa Food, 10.,fimi Intents wkove Ailments and Debility hare re. 11804 all other treatments. It digests when an other rood lit rejected, saves PO Hine its cost In medicine, 5(J Year' s8 AinnYnauriaillbikk6irer oefultionist6t4e, . Roolgi NG medShilettApialVisip40. it. M. Mime, Agee, West 'no. OKA Mee rgr Pt: hits.MA134341,tattie,tellinVite,ht(itimirribft!I . Mom Platulericy, OSspimera pu,d aro eLATZ BLAOKBOARDS IlWe Supply . Duet. ry. Or .T. W. GURUS, seettioteno, Itoopnla isLATo In Iiimok, ferrous Debility, Sleepietioness, Despondent:yr Coal Tar, eta ROOFING TILE tiee New City'Build: • r . 0, 77 Toone 7 Street, •••• kilo and High Sehool,e Toronto) "tooling Felt Pitch IsimITtoti;frigiditireutr,blyuir:inuirslireriliol eV Clellirge, Coe. inlisio,0W.,oalso 11r Pada, 14 Rue de Castiglion uhek inateriosielepoe to any patio! thow000runti41.11401p4Afge le, 31,,trg,,Its,'. Et:1141E4 fg:Itszglevyry:vbetv, IA tina„ 0. DUTHIE &SONS. Adoialdoinvitdmor Sto,,Toronbr so rrr'is Revalenta Bisolilts, in tins, '91C.eild. Ad eiji,,_12° Do. Writs for Canada . The T E toi 00 T I i I T {Wheat „3:1:==lintithm,,,B4. • • Azt atclorris Tett to one hundred dollars We offer Ono Hundred Donate Reward Mr any ohne of Catarrh that menet be cured by Hated Oatmeal Oute, ' F. J. °HONEY Oc CO., People Toledo, O. We, the Undereigtied, have Mown P. J. Cheney for the Inet 15 yeate, and ballet?* him perfectly honorebie in ale lausteme transact. ulna and financially able te carry Mkt any obie getlen made ey mermen. WHIST ez Whosoileforaggiets. Toledo. o, waronvo, 1(114NAN IViattvor, Wei:debate Drageles, Tokens 0, %Rau% Catarrh Ours le taken 'eternally, act. log direcuy upon the blood said .inueoutt solo w••••••••ii, abovelling snow for every one actually " geeptgoevE. pgeenn. • engaged in railroad construction, 'Rail - reit *lolly forego(' on margin will St oaks othhtuarohndtritdioalle‘rvioritttellfloiloyamouppetro. net You same profit as one to fire explaining fully, FR IL ANDERSON & 00, Stook and investnient Brokers, 20 Vloterla St.; Toronto, NAJOA. PEItillANEN'i is01111 anti SaVInga CalltI30,n3r. . ieconeenesen ins, 0 The °IRMA and LerSeet Canadian MOrt- gaga Corporation, • Paict•up Capital, • • $146o0,000. . Reserve Pund , , -. 1,20o,000 ' ithati tfifice-inrante Ste Toronto. Branch OttlooO-Ainnlitog, Mane . eneeauver, OA . -.—.---.....• road builders were probably never 136 A112106t etrery nation, With the /moor.. nat'oeuTs Illinnevrer DiterAd alloWed. bundled un before to keep them from Britain; le OVertaketi. te Meet ' the fiX. time of Qui United Statee and Great Mintl'ITtiltICS PIMP' for 1,'Z a. lot 6 rouse. With,Intereet coat/Ong etteclicd. freezing to death, for the work., was rainy. Prance Mitt behind .to the • t Benda, etc.- . molts; and the larger part. of the line puebed on steadily in sPite et the tie. Peneee of maintaining its army and ctoviggagailIZAILI r "I " se tatemortgages, • , 20 degreee to 80 degrees below zero, was built With the thermeMeter front arnotint Of $1,000,000,000, Austria has teeotetlettlistiontaillositeely to of alS0,000,000 and Italy of 030,00,000, an annual &Belt of 180,000,000, Ituesia t. HERBERT MADON It is Plaid that the corimany intende *bloomy otorettre.torottto., tcr punkt the road on to Dawson as soon ' thote is any prospect that the dtsve. RWRoolii jet& WAS tharideretrUck. th additloani enterpritte. In Othet appeared In it dying state. tie at firsi mart riertita hate view. a grey bank on the Tilig /TOR ACTION, -He had never dreamed of anything wordot having joined the ilea with denied having,had any wound, but up- starboard bow., , like this. It had flustered his wits up navigable waters by a eteatri road, they nn examinatme an injury elletsed bY Until Within a mile ot the harbor Preddie, whose pa is a stritt distil,- terribiy tor a minute.or two. Then^ go will rest on their ohs for a What>. ID. n hoiy.aan was diseovered DB MI6 of the ekiPPer held on, and then hii gradp ,littarban -- Ma, ean You have tt Man Tama them and tyled to explain mate steed ' of folloating the American hirl great tem. -a cireUMetaltee the Pa' on the wheel relaxed tonataiihat, and he arrested if you think Ws going to kill feta; bat Aces taraat wao obetinate apt method of extending railroads Intel - tient had torgotten, The treittntent baked round anxiougy tor the mate,. Yout ..., a woman ever was, and would not Hs. new regions ahead of development with vvao the oarlie itlild attended With ( he "Whets's 13$31" he sbouted, Ma -Certainly, ray son, ten to a vvord from him, • the idea of stim,ulating and assuring Sante reStalt, , "Hes very ill, toir," staid Ted, tihtik.• FreddieeeThedi I0M• ping tee git out "06 to ttiso Oraham," WAS all ahe ing his head, watrant for pa. eel& and /mak at lett Withdrew from DOOR 131118/NRSS, "lilt' gasped the atartled 'skipper,. Maa-Yott ahoottne, Preddle. What the &Id discomfited, NATtiltAL MIKAPPritHENSION. now is oillooins getting. or, Am "116re, take the wheel a Mirage." reason tould you potteibly have for any "TVs plain tit the )11146 on my fate ' die handed it over, and theta, grasp,. tauch tottioti against' your fathert that's she hotted ecenething 8.1)60 my And what does" your brother,' do, bitteher business* vay bmr, They my be ing his akirtoil went Mail below. Pretidle-*WhYi / heard him tell the flirting with 1Vtisa Graharn, tilld she's l'in'tahl kui bait a cow at it time, IR his hunk groaning Vitt cat)'Hoed ebln efretng 6 br tit him mad about It. Confound Wel Gra- % ham 1" r •Polttiett, lie/ ,ure, mem, he ft a windy trimmer. . . does so ittle that he can't afford to The Mate was tilf lying hal itti Ional omen thin Mi I ' ' a Ise I • • W. N. SHAW, Fknoltall+, CERN, MISINESS COME .01 TOrOfito. Melt and OIROARO STREET& • This tigoellent school te no* etosing its her year and mak lug special eroperation ror the Fell term, whloit ononto On ant. ate next. bneriguis oatt tan Veirtpoltalt 'odor A too tee ymmetti bete bon reeointnended for altuations in Meat of our best bUsIness houses. Informetioe telt bo. elleettely Sent to noel, Interested in llesiNISS 0116010* ttlientHARO) 11PEWRIYINLI,or 1111100APInti , • Address 14. IOW Pridignit. ,