HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-08-31, Page 5A.TIGUST 81. 1.1 4140011110•0000000000•00000 NEED A. YR INCE ? 'rurquipprIF, • WOW ••••••••••••••••••••-• * SERVANT WANTED ) WINTER, WHEAT. 1 Go% geueraluevant wentea at the Ritten• RIBULTS Or 221020 mates ST OttYAgio VARMNIRS G. F. •81eir recto . ived a telegram WM bury Duos um" wages spa WY' niglIty verieties of winter vvheat have D. D. Stewert, Kivemittn, itikieg him rut. Cuuteu, Aug, Seth. s J". ne.m been grown in the Experimental De- brook the sad netts that John Rich pertinent of the Ontario Agriculture! Of. Keewittin, was drowned while ew ••• - - (Allege ter at Next five yeare in ante with * Fort Franole OXOUreiOn. M larussetk. N NEV.V.S. iI r to ay sum ot 0200 or the Exeter library. ItttPar=litirit=ct iliasnti;IF:lazr!" masa Miee Ida Leng of Winghain onjap the 416th:tot/on of being the prettleet to 'Sarnia on Saturday last, the award be- idg made by three competent jedgee--• Exeter, all whom are credited witt c• havinga great eye for the "beautif 1." on Mrs. Richard Davis met with a paite• to ful accident on Sunday night. It pearsap- thtanitel wales:ad ilbkeirogmtohaet ovoi owiow4eynt J. iniUring one arra badly end bruising the n- other Ooneiderably. She Was rendered d• unconiesious and la at present suffering from her injuries. The work of putting down the gran°. lithic walk on the east Side Dr Main street, was commenced on 'Tuesday. aTthree;rk will be prosecuted as speedily as possible and when completed it will add ;much to the appearanee of Alain We understand that Mr. Hawkshaw, the popular host of the Conurtereial House, vvill sever his cons nection therewith about Sept, 1st, vvhen his father, 111r. John Hawkshaw will again take possession. While working in the flax mill at Orediton on Tuesday week. Thomas Flatter got one of his fingers caught in a running belt and narrowly escaped losing the Auger. As it was the nail was torn oft; J:usalog a painful wound. • I The saiumi smorator company .wm• anneunt of ruet, yield et grelo, weight Deeeaced reokied here for year or ao. APPLESWANTRID :11 '0111 lel and b w r ithstand marrled Mime Maggi eot e c • eatitie:,. Ureengtr ;If straw, daughter of Deniel Stewert, eBruelscisele. •• e. the eueuea marina price for •stvies, whaltill Per mesoure huobel, eto.,of ea014 variety Re Was Pohnehlog the Keewatin Min- a ou MHO JD 00 ••••••••••••!. 16Xeter. Mr. W. D. Weekes, rooretery pub library,receivedword Wednesday th $. P. May, ouperintendent of publio librorleo, Toronto, hao appropriated t lio be or*o. end out% at their factor/in Sal od. hove been carefully determined each stroller the past Reason. • or Hot Water Bottle ? seittora, nith 'tt rear, The melte or thee° practical Fred McCracken has 1st the contriteir • if, • ield experiment. at the College NMI for etory briele reildence,24x30 )very housewife should the basis for the velection of a few of with a kitchen 1444, to be built on his possess a fountain syringe, • HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE the very beet kinds for tooting on. the eligible lot on Turnberry street Scents. • or hot water bottle. Never . farms throughout the Prevince. rho anr Henry and OMMOillere OH tell whatmoment they b The unflemigned Offers for Bale thattwe•story • be needed. If you're .: Nrallgrrigittel'Vrati...444 tlui comer et • acre of land with good bearing eirereriald9f * • Particular about qualiky • sale cheap. APPIY on the premises ' r • an• d don't care about pay. •• MISS MARY amo • Clinton, August 25th, • ing a high price you'll buy • 4. here, Our goods are of the '11 finestgrade and ourstock is • APPLES WANTED • • • f▪ resh) a very important • For seventeen years'I have been cloin bust, .• nese with the farmers et the county of Huron • point in buying rubber • 0.14 am tide year prepared to buy nuir: sound • apple(' than ever. for which the highest market • • goods. Our prices are • Pr 00 Will bo paid. I have authorized agents at • 3, • allpoints in uron, and it will be to the ad. • TOO,SOIlable. We ve all • ventage of ow.ners of orchards to ascertain • ., . • • . sizes and shapes. •- • • • 6 We arothe largest deal. • 6 ; b ' ' I ' li• • e ors x the county in lig .- : • • grade Rubber, goods. : • . . i SYDNEY -JACKSON • • • • flhone 2. Prescription Drug Store av . • Int•••••••••••••••••••••••• DON'T FROINN It- frequently comes from .trying to fix the eyes on a giv- en point and forcing them to perform tasks' for whieh -they • incapaeitated. •GOOD GLASSES such as we fit to your face and eyes will make:reading pleasure. Prices Reasonable. 4.4 41?IGG Tevveler and Optician. REVERE LAUNDRY • I •Isive minted my Laundry, the evere, to the Stand, lately occupied y Mr. J. W: Hill, in the Combe block n Albert street, which will be -mere otivenient both for` 14s.elf and Cus terriers. Our, work speaks for 'itself and SATISFACTION „;II3 GUARANTEED. We respectfully selieit a.ehare Yaw patronage. Our Prices are right and we will do Our besk please•yeu. • JOHN , HAYHS. Clinton, May 220. . "7— SPECIAL NOTICE • I have a few fancy Toilet sets telt and am determined to clear them out and now offer a $10.00 set for $8.00. 7.00 .1 " 5,00. 0.00 " 11 4.50. 5.50 '1* '1 4.00. , Intending purchasers ean thus secure 'good bargains. Good Butter. and Eggs taken as Cash. . • MEN'S FURNISHINGS Our Fall goods are now in and. *a are Pre- pared to supply the wants of tho people Of Londeabore and Wo always try to please our customera and with our present stock aro In a bettor position to do se than ever before. Here aro a few of the bargeins we are offering: - Good all Wool Teteed Suit made to order KO. Mark Worsteds ins up to $22. A genuine Pail aridWinter Suit made to order with first•cIase trimmings 813. •a weed Pants made up•to•date An Wool Heavy Tweed Pants for Winter wear 81.75, *it Overallo, pure Denham Cottenado, 76 cents... Moleskins St Smocks from 90 cents to 81.411 aro well made and sowed with linen thread. ' A Solt of the best Balbriggan UnclerwearlOOC• nest Linen Collars15 cents up to 18 cents, Nice Tie 15 cents. Pour•in•Hand Tieti 25 dont% Wo carry a ittook of Cuff Buttens; Stude„ otal everything that is found in- a iirst•claaa her, and ask you to call, and examine our ork before buying elsoWhoros T. W. PALMER, • LONDESBORO. • If you want .anything in the Musical line, call • at- U. Roan Music tinporium. • • 0. *101, Aff*r• Vreers rhosplottine, .lihe dyed Oitglish .11.anidv. Sold and rederintiended by ell drtiggietein canidie. Only reti able Mediate discovered. MI taclacoat vattrantect to Cure ta forme° sexual WrakneiraL all effects Of Mutat or eXt•61#4 Prefltel WerrYi• EXeeettive UM of TO - %OM, Opium nr fitindileitte. Mailed Oil tetele prile, obeneekage , One feateleeve ete isgeate, esemniets free 10 any bAarein. Tho 179'ood Conipatiro Winditri Ont. Vt061 flittpliodito it *Witt Clinton Inv ardne jeeiteee, Druggist. (*.operative experiment's of the past Meiklejohn XeQuibben and 1.1 few years show that those varieties Kay, of arriston, were here which have given the beat average re. Wednesday to inveptigate matters as 'sults in the experimente conducted at sewers and onr little waterworks ey the College for five years in aucceesion tem. have nearly always given good eetiefita• Wednesday of this week as J. tion on the farms of the Province. Gilpin was driving in the 0Crti In tiie autumn of 1898, seven varle• try a sheep jumped up from the roe ties of winter wheat were used for the ce.operative teats. These were div- ided into three sete with three varieties in oitCh set; the Davrson'o Golden Chaff being used ;hall the sets as a basis by which the results of all the varieties could be compered with one another. The past winter was exceptionally how well' can do for them. In any event do net dispose of your apples before seeing me or h ot• severe on the winter wheat crop one of my repreeentauves. t iroug out n ano, consequently the D. CANTIZON number of complete tests is not so large Olinton, p. o. as usual. Reports of successfully eon- - ducted co-operative experiments with , ,-- winter • vvheat were received from FARM -FOR Al seventy-two experiments before the 12th inst. at which time we started to work up the summary results in order to .placie the information before the wheat growers at as early as early a . date as possible. It is interesting to knew that these seventy-tvvo good reports came from no less than tvventpeeven OOtinties and distriote in'On tario, including Essex in the west, Carleton in the East, and the•Distriet of Algoma, in the Nortb. "Every Well Man fiath.lfla lit Day.' A doctor's examination ot might show that Minos, lbper and stomach are normal, Ind the doctor cannot analyze the blood upon which these organs depend. . • Hood's Sarsaparilla purifiese vitalizee and eniiches the blood. It cures yo When ' a hit off" or when seriously afflicted. xt never disappoint. Rheumatism -0 X believe, Uciodai Sax. sapeerdilleono hmat az% oexeeualgooNdr rthbeaunmanatlyemo•tberit Medicine I have taken." MIS. PAYMOX Xxratirr, HrIMPtOn, Ont. Bed Cotigh--"After my long illnese, X was very Weak and had a bad cough. I could not eat or sleep, Different remedies dlel not help me but Boodle Elaraaparina infilt me up and X itm now able to attend tfP my work," l'exiquo ,Taqtras, Whim% Ont, . I . . . *yr - x ..•••••—•re -e aPelivOlokiiecorieeeiiece4egesefet.o,do. 0-ea.ceao,o-sofrowerverevelleeliektelr- • - 119C 0 0 * ' ; Mc(INN 0 N ; WE ALWAYS PO ; AS WE ADVERTISE limiting girl on the excursion train Mesors. R. V. AloKenen Luoknow Wm. Taman, Blyth; and vv • JR Carlin The undersigned offers for sale Lot wept half. 38, on the' 9111 Concession of the Township of East Wamanosh. consisting of 100 aores, 95 acres cleared and the balance hard.wood bush, Thq soil is a good clay loam. Upon the prem. hies aro a good bank barn, straw shed and out buildings.. The dwelling is a two.storey brick. There is a good bearing orchard and the farm is well watered and fenced, mile from aohool and. 1 miles front the village of Bolgrave. Apply on the premises to • JOHN AGNEW, Belgrave Y. 0. Auguat llth • — • As we sow about One million stores of - - wheat in Ontario each •autumn, the LAND FOR SALE. results of the winter wheat expenmen ts conducted on the different farms The undersig*ned offers for sale that desire ole throuahout the Province are of inestiM- sixteen 961 acres of land south of the London able value to those interested in wheat Road Bridge. It is a beautif ill site for building and will bo sold in one piece or in lots. Illy growing. velem for selling is that it is too far from town The following table gives the compare - to handlemysolf and it doesn't pay to hire hell) tive yieid of straw and grain per acre of • A. COU01i, Clinton the varieties of winter wheat tested on Jane 20th. seyeety-tvvo farms n1&99:i--•• . . *Straw .Grain ortiere . . peiacire STORE TQ RENT. p . (tons) (weighed - The. underiignod .offers fOr rental the bushes) Morrish, . .. • on Huron street iately occupied by Holloway et Davvson'is Golden .Chaff • 1,3 22.5 Morris'', • • ITHOS..T.ACKSON, Stewart's Champfeen• . 1.1 22.4 .. Clinton, Juno 22nd. • • Early Red Clawson "1.3 22,1 . . Early Genesee Giant . 1,2 •• 21.3 . 20.1• . . imperial Amber . . 1.3 ;HOUSE FOR .SALE. - ' Bearded Winter Fife 1.1 194 Golden Drop.. - • • 1.0 .16.2 Three of the foregoing varieties have. been used in the co-operative tests over Ontario for eaoh •of the past six years. • The next table gives the average resultk of the six years' extterimenti with each of these varieties at the Agricelturel College and also throughout•Oniario. . . ' . • 0--7i. O.-Teits- tfrit;Viiiiiii- average 6 years. ave. 6 years (bushels per (bushels per • •• • • acre). . , . - acre) . Davison's Golden Chaff 47.5' 30.4 Early Genesee Giant 43,5 . 27,0 Early Red Clawson • • 43.6 • 27.6 i, • , • . ecneougslenee '. . . ,1,.• in the average yiebi Of :winter. Wheat per acre, the Dawson's% Golden- . TOWN PRO.pERTY FOR SALE ,ohl.ff limed highest amOar..II 'traria- gest tested over Ontario in . the •yeai 1893, among 9 varieties in each ofthe years 18940895, and 1896,..and .among 7 varieties in each Of the yenta • 1897, 1897 and1899.• . • .. • . 2. In the oo-operative experiiinints for .1899, *theStewart's Champioe ' Bearded Winter Fife, and Batmen a -Golden Chaff came through the winter the hest- and the Golden Drop- the poorest. • •• 3. .The Early Red .Clawson. Rad 413- , pedal, Arriber were the firbt and the . , ' ' Bearded .Winter -Fife And" SteWart's : HOUSE FOR:SALE.. Champion „Were the kat to Mature in. 1899. • • . - •• • The subscriber offers for sale his house .a»d 4. Dawson's.' Golden *Chaff and. the ot• on corner et nattenburvend newel' streets. . ' •Early Geneeee Giant possessed the • '. W. G. renlitlITY• .strongest straw -and the Bearded . aided Winter Clinton, April latir • • • . •• . - , Fife the weakeit straw in the. tests of ••this year. • • -- - - • •• . . '. •• , 5. Stewart's : Champion and the • SUMMER .RESORT - . Bearded nter .. Fife produced • the .. • ' . • • ..- • • - longest and the Golden Drop the short- •• Hayfield is the.popular Jakeside resort for the est straW ill 1892. •-• • people of Huron, and the River Hotel the moat popular house. I have again' had it refitted 6. 'In the zo-op.erative eXperimente of. and renovated and am in a better petition than each , or the 'pasting fears,theDawson's htet sateen to cater to the Wants of the health Golden 'Chaff was °Ilea the. leadt. , and or 41easurotteeking public. I have had Shiba .,, . ... .. _. . . . ,, ,. . smilt to the river, immediately in front of tho Dna early uenesee want was one- or the Hotel, and tables; seats, swinge, ete.,. built in • Most affeeted by rust.. .• . • the pretty Grove which extendir along the water -side, where there. is ample room for 7,In 1899 all varietieswere practice], largo pic-nic parties. It is a cool, 'shady and ly free from met whigh.ithich isenearly comfortable spot for a het day,. . ; , • . •. .girtitya-th•gumse wheii.noonto ,. is. :mem. AR INVITED . ..,..-• - . .. viiiiiA the wheat, - .• • •• :- - . temake use of it. There . • • . 8. The Stewart's phamploi and Dil.W% is DAVI° aSecimMOdeitiOli• •• son's Golden Chaff produced. the •plure Bayfield, Juno 6th. - • ... •• J. C. ML JLER'. pest and Imperial AMber end Early Red Clawson the most •ahrunkep.. grain in ----,--. .. .this year's testi'. . . ' 9... The SteWert's - Champion and- Dawion's Golden. Chtifl. were the moat popular varieties- and the ' Golden Drop was the tease popular variety pith the experimenters in .1899, • 10. 'Miring the past iiiinin • years, the. Dawson's Golden Chaff has been' an ex- ceedingly' popular variety- with the farmers who have been conducting -these • co-operative experiments'. •thrmighout Ontario: • • • • • • Dismernertosi op silltDsoh*Esiotil etraeoses . The • following two seta of Winter wheat varieties will be sent -free, by mail in one•half pound lots of each. var- iety, to farmers applying for them„ who will carefully test, the three kinds in the. set ivhich they choose, and will -report the results after harVestnegt, year. The seed will be sent out in the order 14 which the applications are received as long as the supply Instil.. Dawson'ss Golden"l' ohair.. . I, . Early Genesee Giant. . ' * • ' ' , ' Early Red Clawson. anr,2, • -Dawson's Golden Chaffs • . Dianiond Grit, . Geld Coln. . Each person wishing one Of theee seta should apply as early as possible men Hon- ing Whit% aet be desires; and the grain; with instructions for testing, .and the blank form on which to report, will be furnished freeof boat to his . address, 'lentil the supply of grain for distribution is exhausted. - • • All cominunicatiohe •shoula• be 'ad- dressed to . ‘ : ' C. A." ZA.VITZ, Agricultural College, Experimentalist, Guelph, Aug. 17th, 1800, Comfortable dwellibg house on east side of Albert Street, containing 7 rooms; hard and soft viliter and quarter of an acre of land, fruit trees, etc. Will be sold cheap as ownerls inN g town. APPly JOH=OUT July 4. Clinton • • 1.,_ToTrEj _OH_ la On Victoria street. Near Organ Factory $300. will buy aroomy, comfortable house with vglotstliergcently ocoupied by Frank iarpyg _ RRYDONE, Harriet e, March 7th. ' The subscriber offers for sale a very desirable ProPerty on Isaac street consisting of four lots upon which there is a comfortable frame hbuse with kitchen and woodshed atte,ched. There is a good stablo and a iirat.elaas well of water on premises. The orchard, consistingof grapes and apples, is a good •one. The property will be sold at a reasonable figure for cash 'orb cash and balance MI Unto. Apply to the owner on the premises • MRS. JOHN JUNGR. Clinton Wray Oth. KIRKBY Next door to Clarendon. Crown Baker • THE .SAME BAKER THE BIEST PRODUCTS She's a dandy. Whatl OUR ITh CREAM. A. KIRKBY, way, startling the horse, breaking the harness and causing him to kick. Mr. Gilpin received two Won on the left leg making a ugly out which nes:31388i% tated the Dr. putting in a dozen stitches to bind it together. The bone was laiti bare but fortunately was not broken. Over /4,000 worth of cement walk have been put down on Brussels streets this Beeson so far, and a large quantity of private walk. Brussels oheese factory shipped 107 boxes of cheese last week, the Nit half of July make. Messrs. Bailantyne & Son were the buyer. Dr. Tait and Messrs. Cecile, Mosier and Douglas of Blyth, played s Tennis match in Brussels last weekwith Messrs. Cameron; Blair, Fox and Sinclair and were victorious.. , The county Board of Examiners, con - gluing of PublioSohool Inspectors Robb ,and To, and Messrs, Cenieron • and Beckett, met in Brussels public school building on Saturday of last week.. Mensal!. • A rather unique °Oft struck town on Friday.' It was ae prairie schooner, owned by a travelling juggler named Moran, said to be a former resident of these parts. The fellow looked as though whiskey •and he had gone into partnerehip. His performance in the evening elicited some applause and a fair colleotion. It would be a good idea to tak Reople of this class a couple of dollars for the privilege of giving their exhibitions. 'The people down the London Road are having a hard tinte of it flehting the fire. Mr. Lowe had eight acres of grain burned, all but one stack, and the flee was at one time 'within teo feet of his barn. It has been a night and,day con - fret with the frames. ' • On Monday week Dr. Gunn and Arm- strong performed a second operation on Mr: Ossining's little boy, removing an abseess from the bone and now the little fellow ahows some signs of ini- An.ovem intend • - The sehool board met last week and aPPDinteit Miss Constance La Tetzel of Goderigh, to take Igiss Whiteside'ii room fora month, owing to the illness of Mise Whiteside. • • • OViserver says; Is Clontine men- tally unlialaneed or is his scheme ora city called St. Joseph simply a bid for notoriety. In ell fairness to ,the man we are driven to conclude that the, trouble' is Mental. , The scheme has eyideutly. been the dream of his boy- hood and belgiMe a part of hinikelf and whatever others may thibk, to hint Joseph ia a city with its thousands of people and its brass- band. Searorth On Wednesday evening of hist vveolc, a quiet but pretty Wedding took place at the reeidenee of Mr, Nicol, North Main et., when their] daughter Rachel Was united in the bonds, of holy wedlock to Mr, Montgomery Patrick of the 7th con. of Tuokersinith. , At eight o'clock the ceremeny was performed by Rev. Neil Shaw -of Egmendeille, in the' pre's- etice of about tweitty-Ave relatives of the °entreating parties. The evening Was pleasantly spent in a goofed way. The young couple took • up their resi- dence on Mr. Patrick's fern) and started their journey through life with the best wishes of their numerous friends. • On Monday, Aug. '14th, the news of .the death of Jean 'C. Cotten fourth, datighter. of Mr. W. 0, Cotter ' of Dunne reached here and caused .much sorrow among among the young lady's numerous friends. For • over two month's Mies. Cotter. had been ailing,' but it was not until Friday, 'Aug. Ilth, that her illness Was thought to be Seri, ons, but an Suede), afternoon thie bright young life, so full of hope and promise for the future was ended on earth, Colborne ToWnSiliD. Threshing is the order of the clay around here. The root loop is' suffering badly for the want of rain. Xr. Fletcher Gildere sold his farre of seventeen acres to „Mr. Thos. 'Tabb far the sum of $900, then purohaeed a Afty- sore farm from Mr. Edward Straughan Of Saltford for the sum of $2000, Major I3eole mad J, T. Goldthrepe tend having their evaporator in Sanford running in about a week. Messrs. Thos. Millian, Samuel Gar. diner and Thos, johns started for Mani- toba on Tuesday, Cedberne council 'met inthe town- ship hall. All the members were pee tint. Minute's of previ011a meeting were read and passed. The. following RC* counts were paid : John 13erker, road work, $10; John Barker, operating' grader, $8; John Barker, care of gravel pit, $2.0; John Barker, two culverts, on boundary, 89 trawl; eilemb town no grader, $2.50; George Bradford, diary. ening grader knife, $1.60 ;Signal, print- ing voters' list and advertising, $36.60; Obas. Mugford, burying sheep, •50o,; Robert Quaid, road work, 012; John Clark, building oulvert;$25; john Clerk building oulvept, 85.60; Wm, Smith, for stone hammer, 70o,; Wm. Hill, tile for drain, 03; Wm. DI illian,road work, 500.1 Jaime Yeager', road worit, 25.e.; Alex. Robertson, search in registry ofiice, 26e; Richard Bowden, outtiug grass in ceme- tery, $13.10, Alexander Stewart made application to the council for damegea sustained t� hie hone 1)Y StOPO1118 * hole and falling. Alex. Robertson moyed, seconded by Richard Jewell, First AM to The Injured, . . that no action be taken, Carried, The An intereoting and instructive article oounty rate was fixed at 1 4.10 mills; in the current number 01 ItilfrEa'S township rate, 1 8-10; school rate, 1 4-10; alto anifficient ratee to raise Bezel% is Dr, Grace Peckham Murray...a "First Aid to the Mire ted." Ft , the amounts required for the different live are igener-ta, Flig:10"1,51 schools in the tovvnship. Adjourned to are lost through a tome of the proper- methods of caring meet again on Monday, the 18th of September, at 2 o'elook p, rn.-.P. for injured pereone• before medical ate. m01)020.01,, W. Next do or to Ciarend tendanee an be obtained, that it fa, in (Mak. a way, the duty of every One to master • CANNED MEATS Canned Meats are ft boon to the tired houeevrife during tbe sum- mer months. They save tune and labor,. No banging over a hot etove if you use Canned OHICWEN Tufts* ; Tohioue PIGS' FEET such ample rules ail Dr. Murray lityft down. Ameng the points touched upon .•••••••••-........11.6•••.••••••••4 Willi Exhibitions. are the usea of stimulahts, the methods of construeting a toorilequet ifl ceee of Western Fair -Lon -don, Sept. 7-16, hanorthoge, the temporary setting of ometrai-ottawa, Sept 11.28, frootures, and the proper treatment of Strathroy, Sept, 18-20. • burns. The artiole is admirably Moe' Clinton, Sept. 19-20. • trated froM photographs. Collingwood, Sept. 1042. Northern, Walkerton, Sept, 19-20. "For the Sake of Fun, Mischief •Liitowebsept, to.2o. Central, Guelph, Sebt.19-21# D0116. Port tient Sept. 21%22. woodstook, sot. 21-23.- A vast Amount of rillechief istione, too, NOrth preoto !Who 8130, 2546' O beeaume people itegiet to keep thee blood Otintrai Bruce, Paisley. Sept. 26-21, pure. Thentiochiefappearain eruption, , South Grey, Durham# Sept, 26.27. • dyripepaia# Wit/cation, nervousness, Goderiehp Sept. 2648. kidney Owe -ices and other atirnents,,, Waterloo, South, Gait, Sept. 26•20. • Title miachiet 'fortunately, may be Lucknow, Oot. 8-4, . undone by the faithful use of Hood's atratrord, oot, 8.4. Sareaparilitt Which cures All dioramas Bet. ow 8,4. otionatipg to or promoted by impurs Billettig, ode the. blued. • Eideardine, Oot. 10-11. t Our stock Is all fresh and from the best canners. ' Tr, yelo of chicken for 'oor Sunday dinfier, a. W. 31E3LILata. Ploorise Prit,t.e cure an Ilver in, N. Dungannon, Oefn 11.12s it PIttallIg• Vat atOok ShoWl Guelph Dee• 8,8. s. London's Fair. • Prospect is great for a most success - ltd Fair, Notvvitustandiug the enlarge- ment of the buildings, giving 'much more space, entries are pouring in at such a rate that before Sept, 8, the date of closing same, all departments will be crowded to overflowing; It does soem irnpossible to meet the demand made ,by exhibitors at this truly great show. ' • The usual pleasant time may be looked forward to, as ample accommo- dation will beprovided to convey visit- ors to and from the grounds, and for their aomfort while there. Be sure and take advantage of Western Ohtario's "Great Holiday Outing." • The special attractions will form a Whelk) ahow ih themselves, and will be a surprise to everybody. The seoretary informs us that at no time in the his- tory of the Fair bas there been such a great list of attraotloue, There will be exciting speed ;events every day. The Fireworks display, inoluding the "Bom. barcleaent ot Apia" by the British and American fleet„ will be most beautiful and realistic. • No one can Weed, tbet ,IfWeaterielle- without-derlAngi,iiine benefit. There le always something' for everybodi. to learn, enjoy and remember. No one should rally miss this.' show. It is a pleasure trip to a veritable Fairylitud:- an object lessowdepicting the prcigress of a century. • We would' advise our readers to take it in.. We understand that prize lists and programa are still to be had, - . • , • • . English Spavin Liniment:removes alt hard, soft or calloused lumps and bleni• ishes froi».horsea, blood spaviti, cgrhs, ,f,shnetd Connell. .A.ahAeld' council met August 12th, memberg all present.' Minutes read and•approved. The rates for the pres- ent year were AXed at I 4-10 mills for cOunty purposes, 3 mills for township purposes, 1•6-10 mills for "special school purpose s anci a rate sufficient Pi nieet. the trustee's estimates for the several school aections in the townehip. Check!' were issued for the. folloWing amounts: John Webster, gravellingeon.12, $21.19; Joss. Hackett, repairing culvert and in. apecLing,$2.961 E.Bovverie plank, $9.30; John Miii.dook, grave), 82.163 John Ferguaon, rep. bridge con.10, 03 John 'Ferrite]) repairing culiert' S. R..3 and 4, and 'nape° Li ng, $4 ; M. Farrier, gravel- ling S. R. '3 and 4, 814.18; Wm. Reid culvert. S, R. 3 and 4, 08 ; George Hun', Ler, spreading gravel and repairing eul Vert, 01; liebdersonl.grav el) 03,20 ; George Burrows, plank, $1;76 Isaac Hawkin's, culvert at P. A., $4 ; J. B. Graham, repairing culvert L. B., $1 T. McCarthy, til, 55o.; 3. knightly, re, pairing eutvert S. 11. OEaud 7, $1; D.• Dooliu, towing, statute labor teareo 81, SelliVan, delivering plank, and pr eaPtiallorkin; gb°rIli di Ygeer, t'DL." , 503313.f• orhe priarlti ng. bridge at Cranford, 888; for culvert S. R. 8,and 4, 520; culvert S. It; 6 aird 7, $14.50; we' k on Hackett,•ditch S. R. 3 and 4, 810.50;A Dreany, grading S. R. 6. and 7, $18; T, Todd, plank: 813; Jacob Cowin'', clean- ingclitoh S. R. 9 , and IO, 010; James Maize, repairing oulvert con. 4, 51 ; Thoinas Johnston, repairing bridge S. It. 6 and ;7, 03,50 ; Rusiselt, cleaning ditob coo. 4, Ili i qbn Hewett, gravel- ling and repairing hill, con. 4, 44; ,John Hall, repai. ins bridge at Craesford, 60o.; Henry gorner, gravel, $9.70 John Kilpatrick, gravelling oon. 7, and S. R. 6 and 7: 003; P. 1VIorati, gravel on D. L., $70.46; W. Misner, inspecting con. 7, 89' D. McDonald; elm plank, 50.96; R. Gibson, culvert, S. It. 6 end 7, 518.12; Neil McKenzie, repairing culvert S.It, 12 and 13, 04.50,and ()elven C. Wansley, burying sheep, 50c.; F. Munroe, drain con. 12, $3; A. 111cBurnoy, tile, con. 12, $2.50; D. Robe, gravel, $0; ,T, K. McDonald, $9.92t A. Moggart, gravel, 58.17; W. and R. McColl, shovelling gravel $3 I Pat Wal- lace, repairing culvert, $4 C. Rouse, repairing bridge, oon. 10 50o • Wm Pierce, drain and repairing +culvert S. R. 3 and 4, $3, A letter from James Rose was read regatding certain drains on lot 6, con. 13, W. D. The clerk was instructed to write Rog, to.eity 404 the Metter WOulel be duly enquired Inte*on September 291h at 4 o'clock p. ire Council adjourned to meet again on September 80..-W, &omens, Clerk. . 1 • • 1 •• • . 'Wood's Pills ante llver ills; the nonteritating anti -oily cathartic to take with Hood's sarsaparilla: Sold by Watts & Coe OrlikRiats- MAREIAGES. . ROSS-J:LTRY.-At tbe reeidence of the bride's father On the 23rd inst., by the Rev. John Learoyd, Mr. Alex, Ross, of Lucknovv, to Miss Mary Maud .Jruurryy: ooinvv.lyawdaanuogsbh.ter of Mr, Fr nic PATEtrOKNICOL.-At The home f the bride's parents, Seaforth, on Au 23rd, by Rev. N. Shaw, B, A,", :Mr. Montgomery .Patrick, of .Hibbert, to • Miss Rachel Nicbol, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. Alexander Nicol. EENNEDY.-In Clinton, on the 24th inst. the wife of Donald Kennedy, of a daughter. GOODUAN.--In;Wingham, August 18, the wife of C. Goodman, of a son, CURRIE.---In Brandon Man., od .Aug. 8th, the wife of Mr.' Nelson Currie, formerly of Brussels, of a son; SELLERS. -In Morris, on .Aug. 19th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Seller's, of a son. BARRIE.-In Tuckerainith, on August • a2Idstitutghhett:riN of Mr. Richard Barry, of CONTINE.--At St. Joseph, on Augest • 17th, the wi fe of Mr.N. M. Contine, of a eon: STOTHERS.-In Blyth, on August 18th, the wife of Mr. Joseph Stothers, of a daughter, - .0,71314.errialliraf4v:e GALLAHER.- , the 'infant aged z months. . CASEMORE.--In Turitherry, . • Sunday,. . August 20th, Mary ..Ann Victoria, Wife Of 'John Caaemore, aged 50 Yeers . 'and 5 days. • • • • HILL. -In Wingliams• on Ant .,19th, Elkin J'ohn• Francis, infant child of • Mr. and. '5.1te; Wm Hill, aged 6 Egmondyille; on'Aegyst. : • 23rd; Elizabeth Neilans. wife.of •.1anies Munray, aged 43 years and 8 IRON. AND HARD.WkRE-014'STOVES AND TINWARE:: months. . CHARLESWORTH.‘-.AtlfartniMani• :"." ' " '" `1"'- ' • - People who deal here know that they 0411 depend on # finding everything exactly as advertised. We never ad- vertise anything spec.ai without having a fair quantity in # ;stook, and as long as it lasts it goes at the advertised price, ; BRING THE AD. ALONG WITH 0 ; YOU AND PROVE THIS . 0 We got it snap the other day in some good strong Smocks, Jost the thing ; r Inc threshers. They are ensily worth $1, but we Marked them '75e• T We will clear out tbe balance or out. stock of 51uslins, regular 1,24e to 26e, ; for 50 a yard. . V Shirt Waists, regular 85o to $1.25, for 50o. 0 ; Parasols, silk and linen, Listeel rod, regular $1,25 to 51 78. for 51. 0 A White Duck and nenSkirts, $1. 0, Boys' Sailor Snits, regular $1.59, for $1, . • 41 . . C g , When thinking of. buying your new fall suit don't for. it i e 1 01. get that we carry a full range of a Shorey & 0o,'s fully #• 13 guaranteed ready -to wear *clothin• co g, e # / MoKINNON & Co. - BLYTH -,..b.e-‘b.oe-sbeibee-Rt>eibe-ro.e.st.eiro-eabeibar ARLY CLOSING:— We commence on June. 15th to Close our Store every evening.at 7 o'clock sharp, §aturdays .and prior to holidays excepted. -' .Our stock of Hardware. of all kinds is very complete rid our prices are right, having a large stock in be - f re the late advances on all kinds of Hardware. Do 't buy Binder Tour brand, unti , see obrand, beat everything. • We .are now deliVering Coal. Leave your orders at . . our Store for prompt delivery. toba, on Aug. 150, Elizabeth Hoop, relict of the late Martin Charlesworth • of Seaforth; aged 74 years and 5 • ForOver Fifty Years ••••t••••• :IIFT$4rO�t,- Manufacturers and 13ea1ers in WiNstow's Sournme SYRUP haw boeil ' used by millions Of mothers for their ohildren while teething, •Ifdisturbed at night and broken of your rest by a• sick childsuffering • and crying with ham of Unting_ Teeth send at onee and" abottle of "Mrs. Winslow's seoth-4 ing Syrup ' for Children •Toething. It • pond upon it, plethora, there -rano mistako.about it. It cures Dlarrhcea__, regulates the Sternlieb, and bowels, cures Wind Collie,. softens .•-the Gunis;redueesbittaminatien,anti.givqintolneoand., giOrtgi" Syrup" for `gaturss'sigf sant to tho of tho oldostA.7,7,1,44 tgpaii,03,8_,Tigigra,; (23. nurses in we vntueu etates.• ,rrico twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all • druggists throttlik .... • • • - Pave the poor little sufferer Jrnmecliately, o• . • LL KINDS OF FURNITURE. • For the trade we are offering, the largest an* mdst cpm plete stock of High 'Medinin and Low Pricia l'urniture in ' . „ the Comity. We have some great valnei to offer „th ' • PARLOR 'SUITS, 'POUOHES,. AND LOUNGES. tat the world.", 113e sarIttr. ask for "It wiY8141""" "" • ••••••••••••r•-: Do not..buy Until you hayepaid a visit to our Ware room s. 4. wrgtz? KNOWN. FIRM. • • . • The Tuckett Company,. the well know tobacco manufaoturers, propose to furnish a special attraetioa at the To. ronto Industrial Exhibition to those 'find delight in smoking the" weed" as well as to those who axe interested in the cultivation of tobacco. • Thin company boasts that from the tiine the 'tobacco leaves the grovvene hands in.Virginia it is under their tare' until it is transformed into the familiar plugof T &IL". ..Visitors to the Ex- hibition will fled the hoghead of raw leaf from their warehouse in the South and illustrations of the various pro. Ceases through Which it passes until it becomes the well known plug of tables - There will be on exhibition not only the Manlier T 8 B" and "Lily" but the most ourlous twists'rolls and plugs made for the inhabitants of all parts of the world from the Esquimaux of the Arctic circle to the' miners of the Trans- vaal. • The object of the exhibit is t9 shoWas far as pasaible the actual history of a leaf of tobacco from thethee it is growu un - tit it is skilfully packed into the *ell' known packages of out tobaccos or woven hy Spaniardsinto the most invit- ing of cigars: „ No one attending the Eihibitiotr should fail to inspeot this very interest- ing dieplay. Notice to Advertisers. A.dvertisements for nape 4 and 5 Must be lit this office on Saturday to insure insertion the following week and for pages 1 and 8 not later than 0 o'cloek hfooday evening. Advertisers will please bear (hie in mind. , ese 4 1.il ',,'• [1, e `V Pt, • , i .4..'•i• ,f. :6;0 j.k,1"''''' I; ' .. Pi ' 3. -1 of Unreks natness Oil . will take the litiffness out of old harness and make It soft as new It will look like new. • It oils, soften, blackens and , PetrueVeeSeplitvietathrneres.0 Trot wearing ottt and renew the life of old harness with Harness s.. Molt on illyoutharness and on your • caress. top. Put•tip tit cans from g. pint to 3 gallons sou itverywhavt• 1.11/1101111AL 011*00,, Lifettid UNDERTAKING - n, thi$ line *e Carry a complete Stock: Our liorses and ut fit are 'up to date an4. our charges reasonable': BROADFOOT, BOX & 00. Furniture 'Dealers and TJuclertseleerie itte Chifiley, Manager Night and Sunday cells anSwered at Residence of Out Funeral Director, J.W. Ohidley. King'Sts, opposite Foundry. Men want but little here magimsda below but most of all want . , T. & B. iii1YRTLE GUT LABORDAY IlETURN T/OKETS WILL BE ISSUED AT 'iSINCLE FIRST-CLASS FARE Plug and cut. Reduction In Millinery For the balance of the . season I will _make a . reduction in price of . 20 per cent • upon all leinds' 'Of .., Millinery SIMI ti 4x4.Ropettal ,Dttug Stott-, . -,• Miss ROSS London & Lancashire Life Established in Canada lees Invested Puna - $8,682,288 LIBERAL, STRONO, PROGRESS! VE All the poptilar feting of Insurance iseued. Policies unconditional, Ivorld•wide e • •1! Batsvaen all settionein Canada, all Atations Canada to and froin Detroit. Mich Port Huron, Mich. All atations in Canada TO bat NOT • FROM Buffalo, Black Reck, Niagara Falls'ancl Suspension &him). N.Y. from destination on or before t1, ISM Sept. 6 a Good going Sept. 2nd, Srd, 4th. ValidIng*• For particulars Jo to ticketssleeping and parlor. 400A6,70,ingoutiriait,-oti Ail it, fornnation apply to any agent of the Girard Trunk Railway oyster'''. M. C. Dickson, D. F. A., Toronto A. 0, Pattison, G. T. R. Agent, Clinton. lt• Hod gen% G. T.R. Ticket Agent,clinton. • C. P. R. AGENCY. Two more excursions to Manitoba and the Northwest. • AUG. 29 AND SEPT 5 FARE $28. Tickets for two months. For particulars ripply to 'VV jACKS0111 and nonforfeltable, Man • AGENT 10. . loaned. Policies purelinael. New business 1808, 84,500,- • 000., Amount paid pollOP , holders 5687,0CiO .... Full information fttrnished by CHAS. B HALE, AGENT, CLINTON Yam* tholes Cotton loot Compound. 1.smosssialiy nor monthly by over 0,000Litdiefi.thife,effeetual. ladles ailk tir druggist for Cook's coot Rot Cow ko AO other *sell mixturee,pilbs and itatioes are dangerous. Prioe. No, 1. neer %IV*. degrees nom ger, $kner box. no. 2,iuifle.t an reeeiet of prfee and tivottient itiij8 Tite (intik Vompany Windsor, Ont. oe. 1 end 2 sold antioirireendeici or altIlr.eptona Dorstuto 14 Oartadli. No. I and No 2 sold in elinion bySydn .hosown, orirs oat, FALL TERM OANS SEPTEMBER 5TH okr e ,••••••••'i."1 , A.. '1 tizie://a./ • STRATIPOltri, ONTAItIO. Nearly sixty per cent of the students we enrolled during the past year from outside of ,Stratford came from nearer other business colleges than ours. Three thnes the number of implicetttotte for offiee help have bgen received this • mit' as compared with any previoes year. Only one kind of liminess Wt. . cation givett to our etuclents arra tAlla,t3 "the.best." Witte for -our new tate. logne, 11;ls the finest in Canada. W1 lutititorri rrttrattai,