HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-30, Page 8PAGE Erortr---THE" I5LYTH STANDARD_j silty ;o, 5908. HODCENS BROS., CLINTON January Bargain Days Saturday and Monday, Jany. 25 and 27 Two days of extra bargain giving, Prices on hundreds of dollars worth of seasonable Dry Goods that simply cannot help but sell them. Cost or value no consideration when making these prices, We are positively retiring from business in Clinton and it is just a question of SELL, SELL, SELL, of getting a price on everything that will do the selling . quickly. We will be further ahead to make the prices low now than to let the sale drag on and you will find it worth yoga while to be here on bargain days. The earlier you come the better the choice, but if you cannot come early come anyway for the bargains are big. Some Black Silk Bargains We would like to make a clean sweep of the Silk stook if we could next Saturday and Monday. Of course we hardly expect to sell it all, but we really ought to at these prices, One Yard Wide Tafetta Silk $1,o5 Extra quality Black Tafetta Silk, fully guaranteed, name woven ou edge, full 86 inches wide, suitable for either coats or full dresses, regular $1.50, special bargain days per yard,,,,,... ,.,.51.05 Black Waist Silks 18c Black Corded Japan Silk, splendid things for waists, apepial for bargain days per yard ..............180 Colored Tafetta and Louisinne 48c. Genuine clearance of plaits Tafeties, Lauisinnes and Paillette Silke, all shades, the Met ends of our live, that Bold ,et 75c, 85c and 90e, all gathered together and ont on the bargain table rn bargain days at your choice,,,, 48c If you want silk of any kind do not mise this chance, $1,25 Black Tafetta 88c Very heavy quality Black Tafetta Silk, every ynr't fully guarante d, our standard 91.25 quality, cermet le bought for less then that price anywhere. Two dresoe to sell bargain days at per yard 88 Fancy Silks 87c Fancy Plaid Waist and Dress Silke, gathering up of various lilies we have that sold it $1,15 and $1.25 per yard, some specially choice pieces, extra for bargain days per yard,.., .,,870 ANY MANTLE $6.25 Just aboat 15 Ladles' Jackets left to sell, tacit and every one of them new this season. Prices run up to $17,50 a piece. We would like an absolute Clean up of thein on bargain days, and to do it give you your choice of the whole lot for $6,25, Ribbon Bargains 35e Ribbon 19c 150 yards Fancy Dresden Ribbons, 9 to 5 inches wide, dark and light colorings, replier 85c, choice bar- gain days per yard .,.. 196 aby Ribbon 3 yards for 5c iundreds of yards of Pure Silk Baby Ribbon, wash, bs tafetta or moire, regular 8c a yard, all colors, bar- n days to clear at 8 yards for 56 lack Lustre Waists 5oc 8 or 10 Black Lustre Waists, good quality, odd styles and sizes, regular $1,50, bargain days each 50e Giovine 18c 20 or 25 bottles of Glovine, sold at 25c all over, special bargain days per bottle.... 18c Laces and Embroideries is Hundreds of yards of them laces of all kinds. Cam- bric and muslin ernbroiderlee arid insertions, qualities that sold et 20c, 25c, 30e, All one pride bargain days and that price per yard.... 15e Veilings Ioc Clearing out a lot of Veilinge, black and colors, regu- lar 20e, 250 and 80e, bargain days your choice,,,. ,...10c Silk Waists $2 63 Made from good quality tafetta silk, good styles, qualities that will wear, black or crentn, regular $4.50, special for January bargain day's.,,, ,,,. 2,68 Embroideries and Laces 5c 150 yards Swiss Embroidery and Laces, dozens and dozens of patterns, regular 7c, 9e, 10e, clearing bargain days at per yard.... ..... ,,,, , ,. 5c ..A. 0-reat Hosiery Clearance, emobtelms Now is your chance to lay in it supply of Hosiery for next spring and summer wear, We are gathering our entire stook of Ladies' and Children's Cotton Hosiery and making a big effort to clear it out ou bargain days. The lot includes ladies' plain cotton hose, black and tan, girls very fine ribbed seemless cotton hose, fast black, boys' heavy ribbed hose with seemless feet, 25c is the regular price everywhere. Bargain days you take your choice at per pair 18c. We would like to sell all the Furs on Bargain, Days We would like to sell all the Furs we have left on bargain days if we can possibly do it, Retiring sale prices have been cut lower still, and bargain days you certainly can save money if you come here for furs of any kind. Here is a list of what we have in stock. Read it over, then conte and see the goods yourself Saturday and Monday. 1 Marten Scarf $5,60 1 only American or Brook ,Marten Scarf, serviceable and stylish garment, regular 87,50, for bargain days special ,,,, ,.5,00 1 only Child's Incitation Ermine Throw, very neat and stylish, regular $5.00, bargain days special„ ,,,.2.28 only Brown Hare Stole, a good comfortable warm fur, regular 08.50, bargain days-. ..... .......... .. 2.70 1 only Stone Marten huff, nicely marked, trimmed with good tails, regular 925, bargain days 18,00 ,1 only Stone Marten Ruff, extra long, very choice fur, regular $48,' bargain days special 95.00 1 only Natural Oppossum Scarf, will stand no end of hard wear. regular/1S,60, bargain days 5 90 2 only Hare Ruffs, regular 85.50, bargain days earn 400 tris' f Neck Scarf, very full, thick close or oargnin days ...... .. ........11.`26 'Fox -Scarf, an extra choice piece of egular $85.00, speelal for bargain days,,,,,.., 20,75 1. only Sable Ruff, good length end very thick close fur, bargain ain day s .......... ..........18.75 tr 1 only Sable Throw, very fashionable, satin lining, regular $80.00, for Introit' days ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,20,00 1 only Genuine Alaska Sable Ruff, trimmed with heads and tails, regular $18,00, bargain days 18,50 1 only Gray Lamb Collar, long front, very high, re- gular $12.50, specie, for bargain days 9 40 1 only Columbia Sable Ruff, very full, thick close cur, extra length, regular 912.00, bargain days 900 1 only Blue Oppossum Ruff, regular 912.50, bargain days 9 40 1 only Ohio Sable Ruff, This is an extra good piece, exceptional quality, regular $22,50, January bargain days ,,, .. 17.50 1 only Black Caperine, nice high collar, comes down well over the shoulders, regular $8,00, January bargain days 4 00 1 only Electric Seal Caperine, high collar, comes down well in front, regular $10,00, bargain days 8 00 1 only Sable Ruff, very thick close fur, regular 815,50, bargain days , 8 75 1 only Columbia Sable Muff, thick and close, large size, regular $9.00, January bargain days...,.... ...0.75 Great Dress Goods Bargains Genuine bargains in Dross Goods, We are getting the et.ock to just 51)0111 where we wanted it by this tinge when the ogle started. If you realize just about, how big these bargains are we will surely get it down Smut day and Monday. It will pay you to hey even for next miser], Waistings and Tweed Dress Goods 2oc Fancy 11.0hair 1Vrti9t:ngs in assorted colors, also Ttv.'ed Dress Goods, d-luale f bis, various weights, suit. able for skirts or full cosiuules, regulete 80e and 85c, spe- cial for bargain days per yard.,, 20c Railway fare refunded on all purchases of $10 or over, HODGENS BROS. A Doctor's Statement Bale St. Paul, C.C., Que. March 27th, 1907. "Dr. 5', A. Slocam, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: - My many thanks for Psyohine and 0xomuision. I have used thein with very great satisfaction both in my own case and in that of my friends. It af- fords mo ulucil pleasure to recommend a remedy which is really good in caves for which It is intended. I am, yours very truly,'' DR. ERNEST A, ALLARD. Doctors recognize that Psychine is one of the very best remedies for all throat, loung and etoniaeh troubles and all run dorm conditions, from whatever cause. It is the prescription of one of the world's greatest specialists 10 dis- eases of the throat, lungs, raid stomach, and all wasting diseases, Ask your druggist for it at 50e and 1.00, or, Tr A, Slocum, Lt imited, Toronto. Enter Any Time Our management trains more Bookkeepers, Stenographers and Telegraphers than any other in Western Ontario. No extra charge tor two courses. Mont, eminently qualified Instruc- tors. Graduates aestpted to good positions, Other colleges engage our graduates as teachers. Indfviduel Instruotion. Mail Courses In Matriculation, Civil Service, Penmanship, Short. hand, Bookkeeping, ete. Send a postal for information about Canada's Greatest Chain of High-grade liusinecs Colleges. WiNGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A. A. Ebner, M. A„ Pia. D. Vice Prinelpah Goo. Spotton, Principal, THE BANK OF HAMILTON. An Increase in Profite Over Last Year's Record -It Holds Its Own 1a Every Respect, The Bank of Hamilton presents a statement which shows a satisfactory increase in profits, even over the rec- ord of lest year, being at the rate of 15,57 per cent. on the paid-up capital. In consequence, the bank is able to carry forward to credit of profit and loss the very handsome Wince of 8217,949, as compared with $110,270 last year. The general statement shuws little change from last year. The de. posits are practically the same and in this respect the Bank of Hamilton has fared better than the majority of inst. itutious, there having been a decrease WhenYou Take Cold One way is to pay no attention to it; at least not until it de- velops into pneumonia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way is to ask your doe - tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. If he says, " The best thing for colds," then take h. Do as he says, anyway. Weyuhlteh our formulas W. 4nUh eieohoi host our medklnu We urge gee to emelt Tear doctor ers When the bowels are constipated, poi. sonous substances are absorbed into the blood instead of beingdaily removed from the body as nature intended. Knowing this danger, doctors always inquire about the condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills. lends ey the T. 0, .yrer Co., Lowen, Ddu, -� YE R in Hardware, Tin- ware, Stoves and Ranges A FEW SPECIALS Double Burst Gun $10, now 85.99. Spraytnotor Pump 815,50, now $9.99. Jewel Oak Heater $12.50, now 59,00, Velma]. Washer $7.50, now 95,49, Cold Blast Lantern 75c, now 40c, Largo Teem Bells 10c. Good Chopping Axe 90c, wow 69e. Green Bone Cutter $12, now 96 49. Jewel Cast Range $45, ' ow $87 79. W New Century esher87,50, now $6.89. 011 Cloth Squares $1.25, now 760, Body Bell $2.20, now 51 49, Cross -cut Saw 5i feet, guaranteed, 94.50, now 88,00, Plow Points 15c to 25c as long as they last. As our stock is limited come early and have your choice, All accounts not paid by Feb. 1st will be handed in for collectiod. N. B. GERRY Four Head of Horses For Sale. in the deposit. items in most. cases. The empitat stock told reserve continue to equalize each other Call loans have been reduced by 5816,000, while com- mercial !Dans have Seen slightly in- creased, In VIM of the conditions prevailing in recent months the Bank of Hamilton is to be congratulated on holding its own so capably. An advertisement in THE STANDARD pays, New Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Co, of Canada is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Directory for the District of Western Ontario including the Town of Blyth Changes of firm names, changes of street eddreksesor orders for duplicate entries should be handed in at once to Frank Metcalf LOCAL MANAGER, READ the ads. in THE STANDARD. Cutters GO TO Ewan & Co. BRUSSELS for an up-to:date cutter, Special prices for two weeks on cutters, All hand. made and any color of paint, Piano Box and Portland Cutters and all trim• mings to lift out, Must Be Sold to make room for 150 buggiee which Ewan & Co. are making for 1908, Don't miss this bargain et Ewan & Co's. Brussels Up-to-date Carriage Factory. All rigs are guaranteed to be the beet of material and workmanship and never have been beat at any exhibit, G.._GREAT REDUCTIONS ON,igA FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, ETC. .1%.1L•litEFt ck Ft CO The big Furniture Dealere of Clinton offer epycial reductions to the people of Blyth and vicinity, Your expenses paid both ways and the geode delivered to your dtor without morn charge as we bare sur own rigs for the purpose. We guarantee you a saving of 20 per cent, which means won the $100 purchase. Mattresses, $3.00. Springs, $2.00. Cobbler Rockers, $2.00. Couches, $3.90. Carpets, 32c per yard. Rugs, all sizes, from $8.50 to $40.00. tnnalaiE Ft PrI IINT G We 'cave thebest equipment in West um Ontario, the best rubber heor,,e outside of Toronto. No charge for the hearse and a saving of $20 on the outfit. Our 'phone number is 28, Night or day any call will receive immediate attention: ]PZA.PTC.S ,FEND C) Gr. Pi. NS We handle the bast. Ganeral representatives for the Gourley, Winter & Looming. Your credit is good, any terms you want. De sure and hunt us up when you want anything to our Line. We will make it pay y ou, CLINTONThe Big Furniture Dealers and Undertakers, WALKER & ROSS, CLINTON YOUR MOYEY BACK IF you ARE NOT SATISFIED,