HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-08-31, Page 4HUMSDAX, AUGUST 09'01, 1809, °
lanzrom 2'.1118 ,P.44Z.
There is, considerable telk in settle
quarters of thegeneral elections taking
elace thie but we 4Ou1t if the
cant* will be brought en before on-
otleereessiett. Too Many Of the teem
het% ineleding McLean's peoxy in
West Munn,. are making hity while
tbe sun eldnee, end seeing peecions
little thence Of warniing the seat for
• anotber -term would stave off the day
olt 'reckoning est king as poesible. In
:the .preeent enjoyment a $1000 a
season free free trips everywhert3,etcetera,
; etcetera, they have not the slightest
' with to face the ,electerate before
rieceseity cernpele them to dO so,
ant*, Tor onto.
nt, Whitby.
john ThOM peon, Ter on to.
Then the vnerge that the triechine
bad .$20,000 Irene the Government, and
could command at least $30,000 morte
isnot new, but simply in keeping with
poet revelations of the trial Mine by
the tbreeher.
Below ie given a brief stuntnary of
the cha_rgeo made in ehe lateet move in
North aterloo's case.
Particulars in the North. Waterloo
Contest electiou case, in which the twee
of Louie Breithaupt, the• Liberal
Member -elect, is in question, were filed
in Osgoode Uall, 'Toronto, by W.1).
McPbersonemlicitor for the petitIonere.
The document is a formidable one,
consisting of a hundred typewritten
•pages. It begins with the particulars
of the usoal chergee of bribery and cor-
ruption by agente of the reepondent.
woo PAYS ZINK tt.42'47R 9
Me. 4'. T. (arrow bas not yet volun-
teered all answer As to the identity of
the paym e'ster of Lenkleter. He may
not now,. baits be alone profits by
, the absence of the tniseing link in the
evidence, he ought at least to make an,
Attempt to find out and let an anxious
pbilo know the result of his research-
es. Another very reasonable query is;
Out Of what fund is Linklater being
reimbursed foe his voltintary exile from
the country in which even the judici-
ary' wOuld like to make tile acquaint-
ance. When Mr. Garrow tires of
tyling the door of elm Teronto Cabinet,
a positidra which is his by Virtue of his
• supernumerary membership, he might
devote some of his Mine and talent to
amending the election•law which, this
• Linklater episode would indicate, is
• net just as far reaching as is some-
tinies desirable.
r -
' Itis no secret that Mr. John McMil-
lan of South Huron will have the fight
of his life at the next convention foe
the selection �f a candidate, the pre-
vailing opinion being that his serviced
to the. po.rtY at large traeve not been
• such as to give him as hie lease of the
hive. Among the. names which are
• looming • up are those of County
Councillors Snell and McEwaii, both
of whom have had cOneiderablexounici.
e yet experience. Undoubtedly each of
these gentlemen has greater persona
the latter has the strings in hand:and
it remains to be seen if he can Pull the
nomination his way again. But one
thiug is certain;Mr. McEivan will not
•-stand another stuffing of the conven-
Is Crime To Go ihapHoliked-r.:
. . .
' . ' • .. ' •
. There is not a deceret man in the
country who does not believe that
prompt and vigorous steps should be
taken for the punishment of electoral
honesefin the recent bye -elections in various dispnted .hallots are described,
Ontario. •• " , and laid claim
The country has been put in poses- • In No. 2 polling sub -division, Berlin,
• son of testimony to. the. effect ,that the ease of "the 21 ballots"arises. -The
1-..hallot boxes have been stuffed, _that •eeety returning officer •here Was
1 bogiis-Ntilifittreeheen.,..pareffircetliese 'Harry Cummings. ' It is alleged that
.• boxesand courited,that- ballots moth:31'r he was put into the poeition at the very
one of thecaudidatee have mysterious-. lase rnoment to replace another, and
ly 'disappeared, that ballots cast ler 'that he refused -to allow the ecru tin eers'
a candidate have been counted to see the face of the ballots, but per -
for his opponent, that more .ballots eisted in calling them off by bilnself.
have been found in a ballot -box than It is said that in this manner he was
there were yeters atthe poll; that bal- able to- "evvitch" 21 ballots from Dr.
lots have been defaced and destroyed, Lackner to the cieditof Breithaunt,
• that, in 'Short, nearly every form �f _
. Mare Nereerne. •
.• electoral deviltry conceived ofby eon- e,.. _ . , e
ecienceless partizanship since the aneen- • In No. 3 sub -division, Berlin, the
tiop of • ballots and ballot -boxes 'had sten7 of "eighteen ' thumb -nails" ap-
been practised within the past .year in Pears. It is claimed that these ballots
the provinceof Ontario. • were originally marked for Dr. Leek-
. . Now the question is—What are the ner, but in shuffling them up somfione
• ineresponsible for the maintenance •marked another 01085 011 them and
eipirbercle'rand the enforcement of the thus spoiled them. Thedeputy return;
new,going to do about it ? ing officer of No. 3 was J.H. Wildfong,
_ Is it poesible that these things shall secretary of the Young Liberal Club of
be done, and that the doing of them Berlin, and a conetriitteernan ,of L. .7.
than be made public, and that no pun- Breithaupt, it is said. -
e 'element shall follow •? .• In No. 4 , suledivision, Berlin, five
, Are the vicious elements in our poli- more ballots are said to have been
' ties to be sriven to understand that "switched."
they can •destroy legitimate ballots, .. INSPEETION ERVELA.TIOXS.
can stuff ballot -boxes; can laugh in the In Noel suledivisione Waterloo, the
facesof laoneat citizens with imPentty? returning officer gave Latimer. 43, but
the whole country is made cognizant of
--,thWho/.e `machinery
d the •entire police organization of
of Justice on inspection it was found he had 44.
Breithaupt was giver 18, hue the inspec-
e country at the disposal of every tion revealed but 17. In No, 7, Water-
itizen who suffers thelosii of a poodle
erred to be made hen citizens 'are lore Breithaupt Claimed 57 votes hue
the inspeotion gaye him but 54.. Lack-
s:ay; and it3 II05 a warrant to issue or an
ner was given 50, but on inspection it
robbed of their electoral franchiee• and •was found he had 59 to his credit. P.
IL Roos of Waterloo was returning
organized conspiracies for the stealing officer.
--of seats in Parliament ?, In No. 11, Berlin, it is claimed that
What has paralyzed the arm of the five ballots were Marked by the .voters
. la* with respect to this one particular for Lackner, bet after they had been
ferns. of erhne ? deposited another cross had. been mark
There is noble shadow of doubt as to ed on, spoiling them..
where the responsibility rests. • It is It is claimeal that a number of ballots
: the business of the Provincial •Govern- sheirld be rejected because the voters
inente ardor the officers appointed by were non-resident. •
the Provincial Governmeuts to see to Many ballots are objected to because
i the enforcement of the law. The Ore' the voters had received pay for services
-Uri° Govetnment should act, in the rendered the candidates. .
Province of Ontario. If any offielal is
VoTes Norm arns yarn.
not doing his' full duty, the Ontario
Gnvernment shoeld prod him on. . A good point is made from the fact
So upon 'the Ontario Government that many deputy returning officers(
iepreasere the dual nuestion—WhY have and poll clerks had positions that took
them from their own sub -division.
you not acted adequately before this,
and when are you going to act ? . Many or these failed to take the voters'
When ballot -box betide were charg- oabh of offtce before voting. As many
ed In the Province of Manitoba, there as omitted to do this lost their vote.
was no Medan& on the part Of the The scrutiny Ilse eonoludes with the
eenway Governnient tOset the tria. general clause that ehe 'votes of all
friary of the law in motion. Then persons charged With cortuption or
c the Doixiinion GOvernment was Illegal practices . and• against whom
ady to co-operate and to furnish charges -have bean made, sboirld be
de for the prosecutiou with a gee. stricken out, and one vote each be,dis-
us hand, Te -day ,,in Ontario .there 'alloWed from Breithaupt's majority.
toebe an alarming paralysis. OREgf-PETITIOX PannetiLane.
Stunt 'he ttio Wheat
and Bugs t leas.
A nseeting of the greln section of the
Teronto Board et Trade wee held 11
day afternoon, having been hastily cal-
led by Mr. M. McLaughlin, president of
Mr. McLaughlin explained t hat he
Weaned the meeting foe the purpoee
of eonsidering the appearance of sand
lathe new crop a Ontario fall wheat.
He had wrieten to the Ontario A.gricul.
turiil College to ask what retnediee
could he applied for the prevention of
snaut, and has been snrprieed to learn
how eitsily the peat could be extermin-
ated, In bulletin No. 108,issued by the
departmentet was steted that by a
simple and inexpensive treatment of the
seed betore it we sown, no farmeu.
need, he in
troublee with sntty wheat,
One method was to treat the seed in a
eolution of copper sulphate, by limner-
• .A. araorrin4 sing the seed five ininutee in a solutioe
of one pound of copper sulphate to e
gallon of water.
Another inethod was the hoe water
treatment by lininersing the seed 15
eminutes in hot water raised to 132 dee-
grees Fahrenheit.
Mr. John Carrick ineved,secondedby
Mr. Goodall, and it wasearried
That the millet and grain 'dealers
comprising the grain section of. the
Board of Trade view with grey° con-
cern the apeearence of smut iu some
of the new crop fall wheat that is be-
ing offered for sale, Experience with
,sinutty crops has invariably shown
a serious loss to the farniers who
grew it, and.to the dealers end mil-
• lers who make it into flour. We
•woolt1 therefore urge on all farmers
seWing wheat thie fall, the tumor-
• The Liberal party OrgarilzatIon of tance of treaeing the seed by one or
other of the simple methods wbich
the Province of Coterie are charged
have been found successfel on the
with advancing moneyExperimental Perm.
, for corrupt
purposes to Alex. Smith, Toronto ; 1 The following resolution Was also
James Vance, Toronte ; John •Brant, 1 missed, moved by Mr, Good
Whitby John 0, Gorman, Toronto ' 'That nil experience has shown that
Thomas 'Lewis, London; James Cor -
meek, Grielp_h ; J. K, Threkeicl, the.only way to eitermlnate the pea
, John Werhormison,TOronto; bug is to discontinue geowing peas
. Yates, W. Carroll, for two years, The grain section of
A. Black, G. W
*Deer Park; W. S. Malloy; Edward the Board of Trade, therefore urges
Pritchett, D. Wylie,- -Tune, London ; upon farmers who have this year
• bben troubled with the eea bug, tbe
Cahily St. Catharinese —Campbell, lorporeance of dot growing peas fora
Goderich ; Aisne. Robeitsen, Clinton ;
S. Rudolph, Brantfold ; Jailer McNab, year or two. ,
Guelph ; e-McNab, Harriston.
• The agents -of the respondents are
charged with approaching J. H. Wild-
fong of Berlin toe'switch" ballots.
Berry Cummings is said to have
Iseen• approached on a similar imission.
Alexander Smith Of Tortinto,Liberal
organizer; James Vance of Torprito,
Aenn Brant of Whitby, John O. eon,
man and Thomas Lewis of London are
charged with having raised a bribery
fund of $000, or thereabouts, which
was manipulated by Albert Bossard in
order to procure the return of Louis J.
Breithaupt. This fund is said to have
been used particularly in New Ger-
manY, West Montrose hind Weiseen-
berg, .
A further charge is made that the
same persons who are alleged to have
raised; the campaign fundtvere paid for
-thelesworke and had money advanced
to them with which to bribe the North
Riding of Waterloo.
flofieSa II troy .
Bidder, was ;periled on 10th August tel
Our enterntielng new lo"ablInte Mr' in Agewthiellele)eolittennii,hYtt, int:ittvtiviseerptli"e emveenpt.
. ecepti:oti at tile
Miss Illnerna, Martine danghter of Mr. i. (t)tIt'atglUtreoQeltr .1:41ric !hi le beginuperreugzeni
Jacob Martin, of Preston, OntBstrTeehte.
2n144 ids: pUtturrnPiebnetil a' fwShtu. (141fteBort4tget'legIchtohoel
happy couple reside on Arthor
'Icrio.ieli4prattli:hiti'tdtileilt;),siTvtetlell.ketqlwtttii°i.wgri t arti .nomy we et Nu wtgrettnttul Eec -.. '''‘ventlillleinnie., . .,
, Joeeph Beek, J. T. Golathrope and II,,
successfully for the twit eighteen
a (Moiler poeitIon in Goder id:I.—St. veee"."ence in oe otniwyse and Collie*
months. bite reSigned, having accepted etri 0111 ie,:).".", ielir" 4(414akillu7teliaoe ll'iolllb41149QornWeldoet
George cprreepondence of Galt Daily the hi. , t id t
Reformer. 0 "fen' " ' ()rug° WIlrehUrIt/e° I" IVIOnt1).$ agO We betraji. preparations for this °Vent by search,-
M eat; r s . I I e I I Muth 01 u cue a 0 4 li i s 9e- eratle: a(tireelino earri:141.netylh' it:4 uaap:iitli eltaltsokir stall 41tiegii,103:71114teeeri jug -u"ne markets for tile New, tb.e Novel in, Ladies' Wear. It naeant
turned to London.much to, colleot as we have done. Nothing, so fa,r as we know, has
Airs. Dark of London, who is visiting
WInehaus. beep. overlooked. Every possible need, for you,ng an.d old has been.-
y. ,l * •
utittenthiry House, Clinton, spent it antxcipad.
her daugbter, Mrs. Rettenbury of the
few days in Goderich last week, a W. Currie of Clinton has corn -
Mae Smith of Chicago, who has Mei: 45e eiesdnt:wlei:tnattlalitlobralt,ngth:litt:iv.Zr.-
spent her vacation the guest ot her etee C.
uncle and aunt here, Mr, and Mrs. .T. Fs • •
Smith, East etreet,left on Saturday gan Weed,H.Deof Bond etreet church,
per sternum. Carrnona for land, Rorcoto, Whose recent able lecture im ee
9 • •
.preperatorY.to her return to Cincture. "Where are we at," was so highly ap• -
again Katie time rie October. Our store will be open from 8 to 10 p • in, when, all our New
miss,s,liith is a, very popular member PeTeehl,eetceodititzitil.fortrpzig.
of Chicago's staff of teachers,
goods will be 021 view, but not a dollar's worth, sold till SATURDAY
,... Mrs. Leitch and children, vvho have.
spent a very pleasant time visiting
their relatives, Mr., and Mrs. Alex.
Kirkbride, will leave per steamer Car-
mona on Saturday for Detrott.
Mrs. Thomas Carlyle of Brantford is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Captein
Mackay, ,
Mr. 1-larre Aeinstrong, late Express
agent and Telegraph operator, left on
the harvest excuisaors for Winnipeg,
Moosejaw and other points,
Wheo ()else Tom Tretheway wrote
•his family in July last, he was 8,000
feet above the level of tne sea and 10
feet of snow was being dislodged by
theminers who . accoinpany the, Cap-
• tain, who, is prospecting in the Rock-
A Chicago despateh sa,ve that Cant,
Preer,who died recently on his school!.
tir, the Madeline T. Downing, in, our
harbor at Mooers' elevator,was an old
time navigator, and bad sailed lake
boats nearly' all his life. kle came pro-
minently into penile notice during the
great trial in Chicago when he assisted
Warden McGarrigle to escape to Can-
ada. Captain 'Freer was ab that time
in command of the schooner George A
Marsh and took MeGarrigle from • tbe
• Cenadian schooner Edward Blake on
Lake Huron and lauded hire in Canada.
He Was about 00 years of age.
Miss Hattie Herrison,who is at. pres-
ent attending the milhnery openings at
London, en her return will gc, to Duri-
gannen to superintend the millinery es-
tablishin en t recently purchased by Mr,
Charles Andrews, now of Seaforth.
Mee, Allan elartin and Mrs. (Judge)
W. L. Carpenter of Detroit, daughters
of the late Mrs. D.' Ferguson, wish
through the columns cif THE NEWB,RE-
coAD to exprese their grateful recogni-
zance of all kindnessees shown • their,
mother in her late serious • illness by
their many friends, ••
. Miss • Maud Watson has returned
froth a pleasant %left with her sister,
Mrs, John Stratton, Hagarsville.
Mrs. Stratton and the Misses Katie
and Edna reburned on. Friday per
It at Fort William, Minneapolis and
St. Paul. Mrs. Straitee said they had
• rain &Most, every three days. • •, -
Mrs. Re S. Williams, wife of the'
manager of the Bank of • Commerce,
itecompenied brher daughter and eon,
Miss Ethel arid Commodore, took a
roundtrip, on the •5te-Amirew last
week,. for Cleveland to •Fort Witliene
Mr. Williain Ariderson;.• who came
f rom' his Mine. at Buffalo, to, attend
the feneral of his Meter, the late Mes.
Ferguson, left for his home on
.Messrs, Harold. and' Charlie Black -
Stone left this, A. M. to visit the
• Queen City.. • • "
• The • Missed: Johnston, teachers of
et in Schools; and who were so ill, for
• weeks aftertheir viait to the Preston -
baths, •are quite' better. Se there is
'a Pettit gained by Presteneduperior
to our, 14L.D'e. remedies, hue possibly
the embodies pi-epeeed them to be be-
nefitted by the mineral. baths. They
are better anyway.. : ' ' •
• Mr. William Lee has sold his lake
residence to Mr. and Mrs. Gatenhy,
who have spent a great many years
in Dakoea to ,which . piece they went
when leaving GOderich some years ago.
They evere'loyal t� the old 'town after
all. They left it; to make a fortune,
and now come back to spend it. '
• Our town on Monday night looked
ita if a 'London fog had come to illus-
trate Mrs. Moon -Parker's description
.. Gederielt.
. —
Mrs. Edward has . returned "to elitf
home of her son at Toronto, Mr.
Charles Eawatel of the Monetary
• 'It is charged thitteBenjamin Devitt, Mrs. T. B. VanEvery is •very low.
License Inspector; the License Corn- For *ninny years she has been in delis
•missioners of Berlin and the Hon, E.J. Cate health, yet from every this
Davis were concerned in a deal to ex- tack she has rallied, bet this Mine the
tend the license 'of Albeit Bossard in physician in charge holds out no hope.
order to get the latter to vote Merit]. Rev. Father Roache, who has filled
•:. THE GOVERNMENT'S RAND. the place at St,. Peter's for the past
month or wore, has returned to Tor -
Karl Wertike is said to have been onto. Bev, Father • West has been
paid $15 foe his vote and. promised a taking a Well-earned holiday, . .
•further $10, and $5 for eyery vote be Muter. ' leasurehae been given oureitt-'
influenced in the Liberal way
• zens to knowof the good position of-
• It is charged that the agents of the fered Mr. Charles V. Shannon, win of
reseondent claimed they bad 220,000
e-Gavenerrien teintlesonieleco
mend $30,000 more. They showed
Wernke big rolls of bills, This is said
to have happened frequently.• .
The respondent's agents are •charged
with paying for refreshments, both
liquid and solid, given to voters in or-
der to influence their, votes. Promises
Of poll clerk berths were made far a
•similar purpose. •
• Promises to procure important posi7
times are also charged as being a means
of bribing the electors. was his home on Huron s bank. A,
sontiTisrv -ram •
Mrs. W. Shannon of the Park House
and stage els, e -Game vv. -a-ncl-Preudfootis
law office. ,Charlie was a whole host
in himself, in shimmer always to be
seen in.his bicycle suit. Courteous to
all; especially the fah, sex, and a, great
favorite among the •young' men. Me
was one of the members of the: Marine
Bend, of the Baseball Club and of Se
Peter's Choir: Faithfel in his office
work,we feel quite proud of his promo-
tien and hope he will find, the Mon -
dyke region' as free from danger as
' very recherche supper at the Cafe Bal-
moral was gotten up for his farewell
Perhaps the most interesting part of and a great nuinber of his friends,. lad -
the partictilan is composed of the all' les and gentlemen, escorted him to the
pending scrutiny list, in which the station. He left for Ottawa on Thurs-
day to join the staff of. the Dawson
City Civil Service.
e men 'Charged with • election The particulars in the cross -petition
s in Manitoba were said to_ ,,be in the contested eleetion of North
orking In the taterests of the et,heer- waterloci were cdso filed Friday.
ye party. The mot simila,rly Char. Joseph eneeereeeee Jelnee reeeefeseu,„
in Ontario are said to be inernbers William Sehaef&eare the petitioners
She Liberal "machine" in that pro-. and De. Henry G. -Lackner the re -
Are we to draw the infer/nee that, The list consists of 31 clauses, one-
e Liberal offieials in Ontario are de- bracing alleged atteinpts to bribe voters
iberatel sheltering the asCithr lino payments on the part of respondent's
half ?
emmit allotebtlx crimes.en glair be, agents for refreshments, ivagering on
the election's result, promisee of set,
If so, the iaw-abiding Canadian citi- Wog overdue accounts and other modes
P`am has an instaident allenge fitllnff in having for their alleged object the cor-
his facrethat he der not -ignore. rentifig of tbe electors, ,
: If SO, the legeu ary bandage has The gravamen of the list is that the
Alipped from the eyes of Justice; and Liberals desire to show that the , theee
'the law, ill Canada, as ill 8911111f is an agents who aided Dr. Lackner in 1899
instrtimeritof partizah aggrandizement were the Satni3 that worked with hirn
,in the hands of the "clique" in Powev. In a previous campaign. This, it is
_ Then is the administration of justice claimed, if proven, would render Dr.
in a tlititis ecifidition iri this emm. Lackner incapable of taking the Seat,
are maaSurahly neai to a oven if It Were shown in court that he
line when hirelings can steal an elee- was by is majority of votes entitled to
tion and the legal representatives of
the Crown be coerced into tacit. ti.e.
ahieseence. And in the face of ouch a
dition of affairs, What will the In.
nation or the uncounted ballots of
baulked ata over -taxed Ma.
Meat itti entrenched and
su anizatien ?
eriek for • country is tremen.
sir they loarrnit. the law.cifficers of
ark) to slumber at this
And in Cabe they do slip/flier, the
usatien WIII change froins--"Whitt are
eLiberal officials going to do about it;
"What are the Cariatilan people
ointle do about it."—Montreal Star.
thific,;:i.Work in Waterloo.
&Italian band 'of the "thresh -
..141 "18- l'ei/ealea in the declar- respecting Reformer can hold up. Mt
01.16 Made eoncerning the conteeted head and support,the party's.* of old.
ctien itt the north. riding of Water- -
The shrilly practiced pm evidenbfn .
444180°Itthic.°01t4W480411rnerrenttot, the we dietricts of the North.
.ev attd. the names. of the ollieged Watt Territories' recent: heavy rains
Ware tokettling.e. Whir* htkve, kayo delayed tire harslet and if stollen
ivolt before? . rivers and *reeks to a viood.
Itlake illoildenine Hie Party,
Ron. S. 11, Platte, Q.O., • brother of
Bon. Edward Blake, takes a very seri.
oils view of the disclosures in West
Elgin.. West Huron and in those other
constituencies won by the Government
in the bye.elections. Of Preston, the
Liberal organizer, be saps :—"Preston's
head, as well as the °there who took
part:ill those disgraceful acts, ehould
fahl Just its quickly as could write
down their names on paper." Betides
this strong, yet justifiable language, it
is odd Mr. ialake intimated that while
Preston and the balance of the brood
of ,bribers hold office either under Sir
Wilfrid Laurier or Mr. Hardy, xi* self.
• Mies Eleanor McKeown of Stratford
is the pleat Of Miss Maggie Proudfoot.
• Mr. Treble has recovered • wcincler-
fully.' His daughter. .drove !mine with
him last Friday and .un Saturday he
was ebIe to take a walkup town. Dr.
Taylor moiler gave. up hopes for Mr.
Ti eble's recovery. . • „„
•The Carincina arrived it about 12 :a.
m. Wednesday, several hours' • later
than was eicnectedelimeh to'the regret
of the large. number of citizens who
had gathered at the vvharf. The de-
litywas owing, we hear, to .the boat.
havingto put hack after leaving Point
Edward because of the rough weather.
The earmoria, has been inadequate to
meet the requirements of this season's
travel and there has been much dis-
Comfort in conseqeerice.
On Friday evening Mrs. Moon -Par-
ker gave her :second. reading in the
court house under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid of Knox church. "It was a
condensed interpretation �f Restand's
play, Cyratio de Bergerire."' . The codrt
room . had quite a. large, fashionable
andliterary audience and alt listened
with rept attention tothe end, The
entertainment was opened by an ins-.
tru men tat cluett."Tnnsehauser's March"
beautifully executed by Miss Blanche
Watson and Mrs.:—W. R. Logan.
Cyrano de ' Bergerachad much , jus-
tice done him.by Mrs. Moon -Parker
particularly the dying speech, ' The
audience were held speleboundfor over
two hours, and the pretty finale to
Christian's death, was exquisitely ren-
dered by Miss Eva .Acheson's song,
"Good-bye Sweet Day." In the, last'
aet Miss Acheson went into the
jury roorn and sang the beautiful sac-
red solo "Ave • Marie." Whirl was
truly effective. Mrs. W. R. Logan ac-
companied the singer.
Mr. James Hayes, Lighthouse street,
deserves credit for the very pretty and
neat appearance of his home. The ver-
andah IS painted a lovely sulphur col -
Mr. Walter Buchanan 'returned froni
a trip on the lake on Wednesday per
steamer Cannon& He will transfer
biteallegiance to the Queen Citsewhere
we trust he will make his mark, Wal.
ter •is a valued member of Knox
church choir and con tribrited numbers
very often to the C.E. and other enter-
tainments in town, so what Goderich
loses Toronto will gain.
Miss Tile is spending a few weeks at
the BritishExchange with her parents,
Mr. and Mre. Tile after is prolonged
visit to the Queen City. •
Schools will all re,open next week.
The holidays have passed quickly.
` On Libor Day the Young Peofele's
Guild oft. George's will holder'. garden
party in the beautiful grounds La
Vrangue " residence of the Misses Naf-
tel.. Admission, 10 cents. Refresh -
then ts extra. .
The St, Andrew came in on Friday,
with the usual cargo for Richardson
Sons from Fart William, She cleared
sense day. She had some lady passim-
gers for Lindsay, Ont.
The funerarof the late Maegaret An-
derson, beloved wife of Mr. Dan Fer-
guson, took -place from her late. reed-
dence, LightliOnse street. on Saturday
last, Rev. Me, Aneertion officiating at
house and grave. Mts. Verguson,With
her huthand and family came to God&
rich about forty years ago, when Mr.
Ferguson embarked in business. Mrs.
Ferguson wa a lady of great force of
character, en bled by great Christian
zeal and charity, grid deeply attached
to hee husband and Welly, During
the past, year or longer the deceased
lady Buffeted front nervous prostration
yet was able to sometimes attend Div-
inc worship. The end came quietly on
Wednesday. • She leavea to mourn her
108S, besides her husband, Mr.. Dan.
Ferguson, four daughters and four
Fiona, being Mrs, Allan Martin, Mrs.
(Judge) W. L. Carpenter, Mrs, A. A
Corking,, Mini Detroit, and We. O. S.
Wood of Iticlunorid, Virginia, Messrs.
Dan rergirilOti of Ste Paul, -Minnesota,
John A. of Kalamazoo, Mich., William
D. of Martina, Philippine Islands, and
Saws llugh of Detr.ilt, of whom at.
tended the funeral Mra. Allan Martin,
Mrs, (Judge)W. rk Carpenter and Mr,
• Miss Olara Mount .of West Wawa -
nosh had t he misfortune to have one
of her eyektknorked out while ,feeding
the. calves one . day last week. Thr•
aecident not only deprive her of
the sight of the . eyel but will be a
• source.of moth suffering.to the patient.
At a threshing on the farm of Finlay
McLennan, con. 2, Huron, on Friday
last, a quarrel took place between Ken-
neth McKenzie and 'Win. McLeod. In
the tussle McKenzie threw his oppon-
ent, and it is said he kicked McLeod in
• She abdomen. Since then McLeod has
been Tinder medical attendance and
grave fears were entertained of his re-
• covery, but later repoits indicate that
he is improving.
A ten year old hose a Stan of Jobb
Elliott of Wawanosh, met With an ac -
olden t on Monday that nearly deprived.
him of one foot, Mr. Elliott was driv-
Mg the mower and stopped to got n
whip. The boy handed him the whip
but did not succeed in getting out of
the way before the horses started. The
• hoy's right foot was *caught by the
mower near the instep and nearly sev-
ered from the leg. Me'clical attendanee
Was at once secured, but the boy • will
have a painful foot for some time.
One of the old settlers of West Wa-
wanosh died on Friday of last week in
She person of Mr. William Dunkeld of
.lot 14,.con. 2, at the good old age of
nearly 74 years. He had been ailing
With rheumatism for some years, but
at lest was confined to his bed for only
tome ten diva. Born in the land of the
heather, deceased came to Canada
about 40 years ago and settled near To-
ronto, but 27 years( ago he carne into
West Wawanosh, where he has been
ever since, it Successful and • respected
resident,. Pirb Years ago he retired
from active work and has since lived
with his son Alexander. Ile was twice
Married, but both wives pre -deceased
him,..and two daughters and one son
survive him. In religion the late Mr.
Mr. Dunkeld was a stancb Presbyter-
ian, and in polities a strong °observe-
tive, and le was greatly to his pIeasnre
that he Wee able to cast his vote for
Mr. Robert McLearmir Bev. Mr. Fair.
bairn conducted the funeral services . at
the house arid. grave.
The residence of Mr, and Mrs. Prank
Jury, on the 12th concession of West
Wawariosh, presented gay scene on
Wednesday evening hob. When their
daughter, Miss Maud Juty, was united
in marrfage to Mr, Alex. Ross Of this
village. The nuptial knot was tied by
the Rev. John Learoyd in the presenee
of large nuMber of friends a the eon-
tracting parties and the members of
thti Lucknow brass band. The cere-
mony was performed on the lawn in
front of the residence, and as the hri-
dal Petty catne mita the house, the
band played "Annie Laurie." The
brideeteald was Mies Andrew of Ash.
field:and the groom was supported 'by
The handsome bride Was the recipient
Mr. Frank Johnston of this village.
of many beautiful and costly presents,
and after the hearty eongratillations
of all present, the guests Sab down to
bOtintiful wedding Anhneere
Ey the death of Mr, John elerpoe Aug. 295h, reittirnitire lentil Oote
WILL nit Wei ON
Nottingham Lace Curtains, 8 yards long, 50 -inches wide, fine tiperi ,pattern. Speeial
which took place ete hie reekletice,let 8, Opening Day 950 pair.
man and Sept, 12th, returning tO
con. 7, on Wednesday lett, the town. lith, 1890.
John g 8 E falll /le ehip of Kinlose heel lost tem Of its most
derson of Buffalo, N. brother of de- esteemed and West residents, De' POI littritrit Itirb
eteeedy also attended. The &MI tel. melee had resided there for over 45 NNE 8
butes were lovely and eovered the caet„ 'vitro seae greatly relpeeted. The ,N
Wreath fr°M the matAber8 °t Mit1310 noon to the Itinlost cemetery,
among them being it Ion'," funeral took blues lime Friday after.. Rita
walks Lu he imilt this year has • been
awarded to Olias.131trber, who will „ be-
gin at once and push the work as rap-
idly aS possible ; price nik rte. is equere
foot. Three sections are likely to be
Mr, John Smith, who haft held the
position of baggageman at the
station iere for the past fourteen years,
has Wee promoted to the position of
station agent, at Ethel;
'Rev. Father McKeon hid farewell to
his congregation in the R. C. church
here on Sunday. After the service the
congregation presented him with a
purse of gold as a tangible recognition of
their appreciation of his services and of
the esteem in which he is held as Rec-
tor. He left oti Thursday last for his
new 'mine in London tolloWed hy the
geed wishes of a large envie of friends.
giev, Father/ McMenamin of Ridge -
town .lists been appointed here,
The home oe Me. john Casemore of
Thrnberry has been clouded by be-
reavement, Mrs. Casemore haying pas-
sed away on Sunday week at "the age
of fifty years. For some years past she
had beer) in failinghealth from dropsy,
and for many mouths had been unable
to leave her bed.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place on Monday evening of last week
at the residence of Wm. Netterfleld,
Lower Town. •The contracting parties
were his daughter, Emma J.,and Wm,
James Cooper of Mayville,Dakota, W.
T. Fife of 'A.mberley assisted the groom
during the ceremony, and Miss Lizzie
Horeuth of Turnheri y rendered similar
service for the bride, Rev, R. Hobbs
tied the nuptial knot. The bride re;
ceived a number of gifts evidencing the
-the esteeni itt which she was held. The
Epworth League of Winghare Metho-
dist church,bfwhich t -MT bride was an
active andvalued member, sent as
their gift n very pretty gold watch, ac-
companied by a nicely worded address,
expressing the most kindly sentiments
and appreciation of Misa Netterfleld's
work in the League. •
Mrs. Thos. Yeloiilliwc7f.Exeter.Who has
•been Visiting friends here for the ..past
Week, returned home on Saturday. '
Mr.A,Seott and his daughter Maggie
were visiting friends in Brussels on
Sunday last..
'Mr. Sas. Roberton, who has been ill
for the past week, is"able to be around
• 111Iss Susy Taylor of Kippen is .the
guest of her sister here.
Mr, Henry 'Cooper is now the owner•
of is wagon.
• Mrs. ElenrY Little and her . nieder
Miss Baggit of Illeth, spent it couple
of daysevith Mrs. Lietle'S parents at
ror est. Home. -
Threshingie now the order of the
' day.• •
Mr. Henry Little is at present .laid
up with a severe attack of quinsy.
• Miss Emma Carter will address the
prayer service on Wednesday evening,
subject, "Hove does God reward those.
who do His will?" •
Me. McHardy, of Clinton occupied
•the pulpit on Sunday 'bottling, Rev.
Mr. Thompson being ihIisnd unable to
takethorge of the service. '
IS FLOUR and, FEED; and. our
greatest seller the White Swan Flour,
This is, we believe, the most popular
brand on the mai k. s. rr veil try it
once you will be , so pleased with it
that yowwill prefer it to other brands.
We are now selling the White Swan
at $1.75 per cwt. Several of our custo-
niers have asked for Rye _Flour tit
which we now have a stock on hand.
. are ajways fresh and well assorted,
• and the prices; you will find, are
most reasonable.
'Butter and
hIggs wanted.
very effort to make you have a pleasant, sociaLhour will be
put forth. You -are cordially* invited to visit our Reception and, ex-
amine.our lovely stock—we don't expect you to buy, only to elajoY
yourself.' first-class orchestra has been engaged, and the'..occas-'
ion will be purely social.
aturdayMornitig, Septi. 2d
we will be ready for business. We want to get a,cquainted with .
every Dry Goods buyer in ancl within. 15 miles of Clinton, and we
know it'shuman nature to want to gethold �fthe handle end of a
For that reason we have prepared. the follOwing list for Satur-
day morning at 8,o'clook.
Opening Day Specials in Dress Goods.
• 38 -inch Fren,ch Serge (all wool) in colors of Navy, Garnet,.
Brown, Royal; Pink and Sky, fine even weave, hand finish., guar-
anteed to give ggod- wear. Special 25c. •.
• • 38 -inch Plain and Figured.Black Lustre, b.an.d. finish, will not
hold dust. Extra value at 25c.
38 -inch French Novelty Dress Goods, in colors of Blue, G-arnet
and Bla,ck mixec12 silk finish, Polka Dot effect. Very special. 280. -
• 44 -inch Reversible Cashmere (all wool) in colors of Brown, Myrtle
'and Torqu.ois Blue,. very suitable for Children's dresses. • Regular
'wholesale price was 57c, we got it at a bargain and pass it on .to
you at 50c. .
42 -inch Broadcloth iia Garnet and Black only, good heavy (vial-
ity, just the thing for tailor-inade suits.. Extra, special 50c. ,
•.50 -inch Cashmere Seree—fii colors of Navy,. Myrtle:, Gamet,
Brown and Black fine even weave,hand finish; will not holcl dust,
spleadid-wear-i---Ek-tra value at 60c,
42- inch English Repp in. Black only, Vandyke pattern and
Floral. designs. Extra hard finish, guaranteed to give excellent
wear. Opening Day price 60c. •
' • •
Wrapiierette at 8c.. Yard,
_ 27 -inch Fanc3r Wrapperette in.colors of Garnet, Blue, Purple,.
Brown, Mauve, Grey and 331ack and White mixed, good heavy spaal--
ity, warranted all fast colors: Special for Opening Day 8c. .
'LADIES' 750. Kip GLo:vh8-AT 29.0.
. . . . . . • . .
. • - .. . . .. EXTRA 'SPECIALS
1 ...
. -• Kid Gloves worth.75c and selling for 290 is not an every-
. day occurrence, therefore buyers.ought to be plentiful on Sat-
urday morn.ing when We selLnearly. 100 pairs ofFrencli, 4-
0 buttoned, Kid ,Gloves in Tans and Browns only, , sizes, 6-4,
0 6;.-2,.°6-3„ 7, 7-1, 7-2, good fine qua,lity. Special at 29c pair..
. .
200 yard s' 'White Victoria Lawn, AC inches wide, fine sheer $
'quality, almost free ' from starch, will give good.- satisfactory
Wear, well worth 10e yard.' Saturday morning 6%p.
3.2 -inch -extra heavy Print in Navy •Blue with white dotts andstri 1 -plain,•
pesy. a Wel
ranted fast colors. You always have to pay 124c for this quality. Our Opening Day price 10e.
35 inch Grey Cotton, very good gin lity, fine even thread. Special f(4.1. Satarday 3e.
35..inch extra heavy, Grey cotton, due quality, free of dark spots. Special at 20 yards
for $1.00. • ' *- . - , . . .
- Flannelettes in Light and Dark Colors, heavy quality; in stripes and checks, God
value at 5c. ••• .• ••
Very heavy Shirting Flannelettes in dark colors only, in stripes and checks, usually
sold at 121c., Saturday morning 100.
28 inch Moleskin, good heavy quality, in Stripes and checks, just the thing for men's
working shirts. Saturday morning 12k and 15c.
. 25inch Blue •Dennim, fast colors, heaviest quality, sold all over. at 25c, Special for our .
Opening Day 200. • . . :-
Extra Heavy Moleskin, 28 inches wide, in Brown and Grey stripes-, • Regular selling
price everywhere 250. Opening Day. price 20e; . ••
25.inch Fancy Tartans, in colors of Blue,' Myrtle and 'Garnet, vvarranted all fast colors,
▪ suitable for children's school dresses. Special at 31c.
36 -inch Apron Ginghams in Blue and White checks only, extra heavy quality. Open
ing Day price 81c.
• 38c. TABLE LINENAT 25C. •
• 58 -inch Full Bleached Table Linen, floral designs, fine even weave, almost free of
starch, good heavy quality: Extra value at 38c, •Opening Day price 25c.
• 78 -inch Unbleached Table Linen, very heavy quality, floral design, free- of starch,.
Excellent value at 500 yard, '
For quiekly and • easily
polishing • brightly, without
scrubbing, Silverware, Gold.
ware,Dishes, Knives and Fork,
Spoons, Cutlery of all kinds,.
Brass on Harness, Brass on
Engines and Boilers. Brass of.
all kinds, -Copper Utensils,
• Tin ware,, Pewter; Glass ware,
Windows, Fire Irons, Cooking
Utensils of all 'kinds, Marble
Woodwork, Floors, .1Vfirrors
.1)ilc1oths, Bath Tubs, Bicycles'
Plated Ware, Etc., Ile,
Sole Agent.
Chemist 'and Druggist,
Tray Cloths, sizes 117 z 28 inehes, guaranteed all linen, hemstitched edges, good quality,
free from starch, all ready for use. Special fur Saturday 19c. •\
Linen Towels,sizes 18 x 40 inches, with fringed edge's, red borders, heavy quality, will
give good. wear. Saurday priee,124e each. ,•
4 . ,
*‘. 4' Ladies' Full Nshioned Neck Cashmere Hoe in extra fine quality, suitable for early
fail wear. Saturday 25e, • ..
Boys' School Hose, made of er
xta quality 'Worsted karn sizes of 8.2) 9, 9-2, would sell
well at -88e pair. For Saturday's selling 25e,
Ladiea .fine Ribbed Vests with open front and long sleeves, trimmed with ribbon around
the neck. • Good valneat-'250. • . '
Hygiene Ribbed Wool Vests, open front, long sleeve8, nicely trimmed, guaraYa.
Canadian Vaoifie teed not to shrink in the wash, Saturday price 50o.
200 Ladies' Fatiey Embroiderea.liandkerehiefs, Made of..fine quality Lawn, ureold be
EXC• URSIONS cheap at 12e each. Fur opening Day only for 25e. •
Leaf Lodge, No. 27,2i...0.1.1. W., and a. •
W. )00
handsome pillow frona the mem0:
members of ,
the family. The pall.bearers were r.•-• -.smelt all pole& in °Marie, Windsorand
Messrs. TX 0; Strachanr Dick- „t* I. Vor ferther particulars apply to the ns&rsel
Canadian Nettle Agent, or to
eon, uratisnuchantal, tittinuei moan, many eleptele, ftWroarOwtallyinskiteneildi ithee'L hut%
The interment was made In .1m144,' ithmui ottri, Itprotorihb blood. They need Hood's Sat. . NOTMANt
Asentedit.Ua• lukovioloPosisisouraoriget,r4ogsrutntto
'Henry Bolton and 8, P. Th'r