HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-08-31, Page 2HMS 1.11411000 Is pubilsbed event 1110.407.1)Ali Tim 'NeWo•Ree011,14 Priothig X1911*0. ,41410ftt at 011.1.4i1VOCW. 'Clonte tessisse anVaarlainte toarsa. 12r. eMo. $14e. 1 tdse 1 Solume toe 00 tat in 10,,, 0,1 "" comma." 00 °`1 - 3 6° a 49 eJ IS Pe 7 01% 00 - ()eaten te tat te 00 1 uu A Inca en, a au 2 to 1 26 'fil'sPetilal Pool Son hom te all per oent mitre WM' transient advertisemeuts 10 cents ; Per line for the firet in,sertiont 3 centa4 line, each eutnegUent ineertien-e ilontetreil measure, Peofessiopai card% itot exceeding one ineh, 95.00 Per annum. Advertisements without spec- ific direotiona will be, published till forbid. and • charged ter accerclingly. Transient notices -"Lest," "Foulatl," 'Tor Sale," ete.-50 mitts for first rtion, cents for eacb subsequent insertien. THE NKWei-RECORD will be Bent to any addles's, free of postage, for fi,L22 per year payable in adVanee- s"A' may be 'Charged if not BO paP. The date to which every embseription paid is denoted by -,,the number on the Address label. No paper discoetin- ued until all arrears are paid, except soit the option of the Proprietor. W. S. MITCHELL. Editor and Proprietor. THE PAOLSON'S BANK _ A t rt Pailkonent arab, CAPITAL 4 $2,000,000 REST $1,500,a00 Head 0111643,* - MONTREAL, W31. MOLSON, MACPHERSON, President F.WOLFEMSTANallIthlAS, Gen. Manager Notesdhcounted, Collections made, Drafts breed, Sterling and American. Exchange Wight ion stole, Wont allowed onDepoaits . • SAVINGS RANK. Interest allowed on stimsant 21 and up. FARMERS. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with one or more -endorsers, No reen- gage required as security. it. 0. BREWER, Manner, Clinton. G. b. 1VIoTAGGAR,T,: Banker, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON A General Banking Business Transacted. Notes Disconnted. Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. -------- strAnetneatet Wasa-sararacaRit - • CLINTON - '• - ,ONT Fire. Accident and LW Insurance Tansacted. Represente several 02,1110 beat companies and any information I elating to oaassatee, gaiety given. General District • Agent Mr 3 the Confederation Lite Insurance Co. Money to Loan on Reasonable R,ates Office-Palaee block, opposite Market. CONVEYANCING. John Riclont. . Conveyancer, CoMmissioner, Etc: Fire Inserance. - - Real Estate. Money to Lena. Office -HURON STREET, , CLINTON -MEDICAL. •• • . . • Dr. W... Gunny.. R. C. P. and L. IL'C. S.; Edinburgh. Office -Ontario. Street,' Clintena Night calls at aront doorof residence on Ratteo- bury Street, opp."Presbyterian Ohureb. • Dr Wm. Graham (Successor to Dr. Turnbull.) Licentiate of the Royal College of Physic- , isms, London, Eng. Office and Residence, Perrin's Block, ately occupied by Dr. Turnbull. Dr. Shaw, • • • Office -Ontario Street, optiosite English church„ fermerly ocCupied by De. Apple- ton, DR. TIIOMPSON PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON. .Offfee and Resideoce next to Molson's Bank, Rattenhury street; Clinfen. . DENTISTRY. • Dr. BRUCE, Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE -Over Taylor's Shoe Store, Clinton, Ont. Special attention to preser. vation of natural teeth. • N.B -Will visit Blyth everyMonday and Bayfield every Thursday afternoon during the summer. DR. AGNEW, DENTIST. , • /I your UM IS Olt of Order, MOW Siek,Ileadatint, burn, or Constipittion tikes dose of Hood's Pills On retiring, end tomorrow your dis gestive Organe will he regulated- and yOU Will be bright, weir' and reedy fOr ony kind of work. This bee been the experience Of others; it will be gours. HOOD'S PILLS er4 sold by ell medicine dealers. 24 ets, s_ John Emmerton Tilt LEADifiC BARBER, . Smith's block, opposite Post Office ALSO lgirt for Standard Life Insurance Co Bead Office for Canada, Montreal. Ineurance tolca. • $110,000(000 EstianbirsRgicf.i8VallAr oaidareliiiilelArkvorite GEO. TROW11111, Horseshoer and Oeneral Blacksmith Albert Street, North, clinton.- JOBBING A SPECIALtY. Weedwork, ironed and tint -class material and work guaranteed. Farm implements and m Ines relmilt and repaired.. • The IlicKillop -Mutual Fire . Insurance Company. etuks Summary. • • Recent! Happenings Briefly Told. spANADA. - At a evasion a the 'deli Catbolic hilted. ellotrlelkiti U;!:*toecalaroP"tie014 ‘11! t)bitilt Manitoba elevator firme hairs cow, Be d 1 a e It t 0 word ' Irish' from the itnion's title 07054/07,25. joxitg. The North Atlantic squadron will The, Northern Steamehip Co, will Visit Quanta). next menth. build two more vee,sele the duplicate The project to construct an 0100010 Of the Northland and Northweet, winch railway at Chatham is revived. The fortieth anniversary of Grinteby Nplorrtritallwedenanirtkelrnthawnesdtrincloanttb.eTalsbhe Park was celebrated on Saturday. about 3850,00, '. IST j 13 S d f NI r -on- Val hi hi t bl hit cs, the -Lake ra dso of Laura Sword rae 1 wer brut 11 a lilted b A • The inlatad revenue for july totalled •wiie defeated 4, au overwhelming ree, r. ames . ecor o age. A , 0 u ts , tve eg Y-rtre ase ita w eY we- liasIbtaoadeateee:idw..as xobbed during ow taimity,e itrom in tittle Book, Arlo, Wednes- . imminent. pee trouble of a serlowt character is Mai, Frank Whitlock, who died at Chief Rogers, of the Winnipeg fire brigade, luta resigned, owing to-dissen- her home in Batavia Townsbip, Mobs eions in the brigade, ' wan reviled. to be the heaviest women in th o tr . . end 27 inches deeP. with the Beaver Indians. The howie•or Rev. Dr. Lyle, a Haw day. There in intense excitement and Commissioners emit to Fort St. Sohn 0 c 1111 aa /ler weight was 04 july have not yet made a treaty P°134341 -rier °elfin 10"4° 'Doh" wide Hull city Mune will give^ 3P.00° caught by an adigater at Trout Creek Delano Wood a lad of 15, was bonus towards the, erection of rattWaY shops -if the people vote for it. : . Panama- Park, Florida, while in bath.' , ingt and. so badly mutilated and bit - Because the City of Hamilten neglect- ten thee he died soon after beteg re- ed to Pay a rebate of 322,64 to a rate- scited by tot older brother, rare', he has had a bailiff seize titre° been asked to compel tbe yamination fieatth ber titiAntinWg a'altinpagtglOpTsn(Lw' aasCaprreoaigpeitaCOten11 es si. , The Hamilton Board of into White River, as it was being driv- en aboard a ferry boat, and all were of all ohildren attending ' Qui Public drowned. The dead are: Mra. Albert schools, . Herr .Prof. Oscar, a Well-known Ger- InenyBeDIPilfinounr. 119nsel chlidiell and 1lEigs man petrographical geologist, joined Eight, hundred cloakmakers employ - the staff ot th,e Geological Department • ed, in ie shoos in New armar joined the at Ottawa. ranks of the strikers Tuesday, in-. F. W. Thompson, Manitoba. mane- creasing the number on strike to a ger for Ogilvie's mills, thinks the wheat total of 3,000. The striker.; demand orop of the Northwest will exceed tiny better wages and a reduction in the working, hours. .- . res en No nley, to the studinite 1141,4, r wric)( RS. WINTIE WHAT. 4lenee Fined for the rebielpall %vein* Vereets Parte or the Previlitee. rodhetrial Fair, TorOnto, million bushels. Farm' Janda on, the eighth concession P id t Ki • Farm and Isolated TOW0 Property Only Insured. • OFFICERS; . • J, B. McLean, Plastid nt, icemen - P. 0.: Thomas Frazer, vice-president, Bruceneld W, J Shannon. saw-Treas.. Soaforth P. O.; Thomas E. Hays. Inspector of Loans, Beaforth P. 0. • DIRECTORS; . W, G. Broadfoot, seaforth ; John 0, Grieve, Wintl rep: George Dale, Peatorth: Thomas E, Bays, sestet -1h; „Tamest Evens, Beeehwood ; John Watt, Harnett. Thema.' Frazer, Btuce- field; • John B. McLean, Hippenr-James Connolly, Cliteon. • Rota Smith, IlaSeek• potion McMillan, S'ia. forth: James Cumminge, Egmendville, J, w. Yeor,liolmesville P 0.; John Govettook and J ohn°. Morrison, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or tran- sact other business will be promptly atten to on application to any of the. above officers addressed to their reapeetiae post offices. Grand Tru:nk Trains arriee and leave, Clinton Station as follows : Buffalo and Goclerich District :- • Going West, Mixed .... , .. . .. , scam a,ni " " Express .... . . . 12.55 pan. Mixed 7.o5 p.m. Expre.ss 10.27 p.m. Going Eaet, Express 740 a.nt.• ic it " 4' Mixed 4.35 poet London, Huron and ghee Sguth, .. . .47:2457.p:11,a1; Going North,' '1 toss a.m. '6 se p.m. M. C. DICKSON, • W. E. Davis, Dis. Pass. Agent, G. P. a: T. A., Torten°. Montreal. A. 0. Parrisne, G.T:R. Agent at Clinton FEAR THE' km? OF THE Avo4Lp. A. sensing Pante Among the Esseanented Classes of southern Etvoola.' ' . •A 'despatch tom St. Petersburg, sayst-Sitenorts' from Southere Ressia My that, a runiour of. the !rpm -Caching end. of the world is' ceasing panic among the nneduce.ted classes., At Kharkov, the capital of the govern - bunk of thatitaine, workinen are leav- ing the city in large ritinibers, wishing to spend what they consider•their last days at their village homes.. The fac- tory-ownera have asked the pollee to' stop this einigkation, in Order to pae- vent the ruiiiation of businees. • • ADULTERATED COFFEE. Painted. coffee beans are ainoets the latest euriosities of the adulterated food market. • Inferior beans are color- ed with burnt umber and made to look like the finest Mecha. They are dee scribed as "satiny -brown outside,. yel- low inaide and tastelees." 'UNDERSHIRTS, Pretty underskirts cap"be inside of 'dainty cambric in plain colors, and a simple and stylish way is to fieish the skirt with pleating about twelve 'inches deep. The top can. be edged meth nar- row satin ribbon looped at intervals into loose rosettes. The pleating is easily made and does net require near- ly so much work as would rows of ufr flea. Office adjoining Foster's Photo Gallery -- Office Hours,- - 9 t° 5 - At Zurich the second Thursday of each - month. ' VETERINARY. Blacliall 86 Ball, Veterinary Surgeons, Government Veter inary Inspectors. ' . Office -Isaac Street,Clinton; Residenee, Albert Street. • LEGAL. Sbott 86 McKenzie, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. , CLINTON AND BAYFIELD. ' Clinton Office -Elliott Block, tame at. Bayfield Office-0,pen every Tie:vadat/ „ e -Main Street, first door wese post Office. Money to loan, ' , James Scott. E, ei. McKenzie. E. oampion, Q la, Barrister, - Solicitor, - Notary, Sm. GODERICH, ONT. OPPICK-Over Davis' Drug Store, Money, to Loan. M. O. Johnston Bar . , Wolter, Commissieher, Etc ' GODERICH, s 'ON OPVICSa-Cor. Hatniltcm and. St, Andrew'd • Streets. We 41474011d, Barristee Solicitor, Notary ituitlic, 'Ovetes s EAVER113LOCK, CLINTbN liEAFtS, EXPERIENCE PATENTS ?RNA MARKS Oggiette Ciesvotteurs Ate. /throne sending sketchiest? doselleitterg arveliiittetYtiltrattlia,siltrigittEoettrawanicre tionstringrneeent sat au icon antra' "Alt takr,t turihometrzrxreeeite lintecat eons, eation aflame, in e :StitiltMt Atherkarle argesifii N & C0,30111taidwayt Nevi ork otitai4 st.,wa.014,00, -11 an Leaves eve Wall I Nil of Westminster have been devastated of the Catholic Summer School, at Cliff by a bush fire, vehich has been raging Haven, near where the President is for some days. /a. , • • spending a vaeatien, said the Pbilip- ;Prof. Mama., of the .17niversity of pine rebellion may belay but cannot itiunchausen; is at Ottawa to make a defeat "its blessed mission of liberty specie/ report on phosphate and other and humanity." , minerals in the Ottawa district. . Half a ton of dynamite, being used Mr. John Keane, secretary of the by contractors, exploded on the plot .of Ottawa Children's, Aid Society, is an ground at the comer of 135th street advoeate ot the establishment of an anti Willis avenue, New York, Thum - industrial school for boys in that city; day night, with terrific/ .effect, Several • Mr. F, W. Merchan.t has reeigned the hiteurainnegsw.ehtaedilynjudraemaa agnecid. nura.ber prineipalship of the London, Ont., Col- • iegiate Institute, to take the position large primortiOn of Northern New of Principal of the new normal schen York, including the Counties .of Jeff - •in That city. ' The first eutomobile carriage will ing swept, by fines forest fireso that make its appearance .in Ottawa's have 'already destroyed thousalids, of streets. in a fortnight. It is being (m. dollars weirth of veluable. timber land, and. threaten to do inore serioua dam- eporraTte.cdcon. fpitaromy,Ohieago by the Ottawa age. The by-law to accept the Govetto GENERAL, iment grant of 300,000 annually for ten The foot-and-mouth disease has in - Years wesegiven its first reading at Noted Egypt. the -meeting. of the Ottana City- Coun- • The hubcinic plague him eppeared at arson, St. Lawrence and Lewis, is be - eil Thursday night. • Oporto, Portugal. . A traction engine broke through a Portugal is suffering from, earth - wooden ;bridge in, Westminster Town- (lenses and ,sto, role7 ship 'and fell fifteen feet, The owner, - ma Nile Is lOw and Egyptian ecit74 George •Arthurs, fell with the engine, fen crops are threatened: and was setiously injured. There were 3,450 deaths 'from the M. Gauen, of Quebec, and Mr. Hairy Bain, of Ottawa, have been •appomit- ed to the departmental staff ih the Yukon, the former as geographer and tne latter as draughtsman. -The Customs inepector at Montreal discovered in vessels loading luinber for u, s. ports oh. the lakes quantities of 'tobacco, eigara and fruit. The Selz. urea are valued at 3t5,000. . •The honey crop 'of Canada will nat amount to above one-fourth the yield of last year. This is attributed to the late spring, Which resulted in the hives being weaker than usual. A stree•t railway oar at London; Oat., was thrown off the track by some ob. struction fn an eastern suburb of the citi. The car was Wrecked and set, on fire by a Mob, whieh was dispersed by the Police. Mrs. A. E. Hastings, of Kingston, has iseued a writ against the Mont- real Transportation. Company to re- cover '325,000 as damages for the leas of her husband, drowned off the tug Bronson at Alexandria Bay on- 'June 22:. John ONeill. father of the other young man drowned at the same time, will also take proc,oedings against the company.; ' ...The prospectus of the Quebec, Ham- iltonst.is Fort William Navigation COM- PailY, wheat protisicinal directers are Hamilton capitatistet has been issued, Ib states that at present it is only, in- tended to, build twe large vessele carry' grain iron ore and coal bee tween Fore William, or Duluth, Mont- real and intermediate porta. It is es- timated that these vessels will each cost from 3120,000 to 3130,000. . •A 'great log jam, containing nearly 100,000 logs, has, been piled up at the Cascades, abbut fifteen miles uP the Gatineau. Tbe jam has been allowed to accumulate to its present propor- tions, because there are already too many' logs at the GovernMent • &tem at the mouth -of the Gatineau, where the eorting out of the various firms' legs is done. The question is: "Hoie is the jam to be brokent'' Four yearii ago dynamite was used. GREAT BRITAIN. The Countees of Warwick has em- braced the Socialist faith. Lord Pauncefote's new title will be Lord Pauncefote /of Presfon. • Sir Thomas Lipton has donated £100 to the Lord Mayor% West Indies relief, A. London. despatch says that MS has beeh the driest summer in England on record. • The cable rates between South Afripa. and England will be reduced to 4a e ward in September. An explosion ocourred hi a colliery at. Durham, Tuesdag, In which two men were killed and seven others se- riou,sly injured, • A Lenarkshirefirni has secured an order for ten thousand Lona of steel 'retie for. the 'United Statee, 'Other ors dors are expected; • s The Lord. Mayor of London -has, opened' a fund at the Mansion House for the relief sufferers from the West Indian hurricane. The Glasgow Tramway Corrimittee has accepted the tender of an Amer'. can firm' for engines to supply electric power, 'The figure Wool 6570,000. Se the' felling of the hair tells --Itt. Hon. Mr. Chaplin, President of tbe 'Local Government Board in Great of the epproach of age and Britain, has atiggested that an old age declining power. pension fued be provided by a tax of • No matter how barren the tree a Alining a gearter on wheat, Signor Mareoni, in his experiments with wireleas telegraphy at 'Dover on -Wednehday made a e,omplete seccess the naessages passing through neveral miles of cliffs, upon which Dover CUB - stands, and 12 miles warms the sea. Comment has been aronaed in Cape Town by the shipping of 1,000,000 carte ridges to IlloeMfontein. It was charged that them were destined for the Trans- vaal. Ur. Schreiner, the, Ceri Pre- Otitinge Pree, State, which ie On friend- ly ‘terma with Great Britain. The Edinburgh Scotsman says that nor how leafless it may seem, you confidently expect lesves again. And whyP Because there Is life at the _ roots. ' - Se you need not worry about the falling of your hair, the _ threatened departure of youth - and beauty., And why? _- Because if there is a lipid( of I life remaining lit the root! Of - the hair NAIR VIGOR Will *tante it Into heelthy ictiv. ity.. The hair castes to come out t it begins to grow: and the gloty Of your youth le teetered tti you, We have tit book en the Hidt and Ditbatet, It lit free. Me ilia Atfoltone rritts, It rex do eat etas eittbetiatelita, tattiett.f ISTP - 1:6111"41;hbtottri, I N'n :01V/bk. irftlio WA. Mier, stetea that they belonge to the trade between Great Britain and the Ai*. 20. Sept. 0 Mistelattuoll Bedford, Que. .Aug. 2040 Dundee County, hferrieberg.AUtr. 2041 Clarke,. Orono. . Boot. 1248 Eldon, Woodville, .Sept. 1446 Eastern, Sherbrooke, que. Sept. 4-0 Glengarry, Williamstown. ,Sept. 5-6 Reseal Volintr, Metcalf. ,Sept. 5-6 Elgin Eaet, St. Thosinie. .Sept. 6-8 Western Fair, London. . .Sept. 7-16 Lanark Southi Perth. . .Sept. 11-10 Kingstou, Kingston. „Sot. 1144 QUebeci Expesitiea, Qtm. • Sept. 11-10 New l3runswielt Provincial, _St. Joim, N.B. . . ,SePt. lis20 Great; Nort here, Ceiling- vnenL . eSeids 10'20 Central Canada, Ottawa, Sept. 11-23 Prescett County, Vankleek Hill. . , . Sept. 12-13 Wellesley, Wellesley.. , Sept. 12-13 Emmet Brom° Centre. . . Sept, 12-13 Stormoitt, Newington. . Sept. 12-18 Owen Sound, Owen Sound. Sept, 12-14 Bay or Quintet Belleville. Sept, 18-14 Carleton CeuntY, Itichmona.Sepn la -19 Shefford, Waterloo, Que• . Sept. 14-15 Durham West, Bewesau- ' eine, 0%14. 14-15 Wilmot, New Hambitig. . Sept. 14-15 Elden, Woodville. . . Beet. 14-15 Roxborough, Avonmore, Sept. 15 Southern, Brantford, Sept. 10-2t Stet:thee . and Ueborne, Exeter. , . Sept. 18-19 Lennox, Naeanee- „, -SePte 18119 Middlesex West, Strathroys Sept. 18-20 Peterboro Central, Peter- boro. . . . . .Sept. 18-20 durcet °carat, Clinton.. ...Sept. 19-20 Lakefield, Lakefield, . Sept, 19-20 itlesherton, Flesherton. . Step t. 19-20 Turnberrya Winghant Sept. 19-20. 44110E1 IN 001Tid Affitit ER 8 81 Tlig -t erealie • ,ResUlta Teetil Made By 011iarlO -THE WOUNDED COUNSEL OIVEN A .Pliett Or 'Drain, Cheat), 40 Fanners. WARN WELCOME. Oft Leading MVO, Northern, Walkerton.. . Sept. 19-20 Presoott, Prescett. . . Sept, nal North -York, Newmaiket. . „Sept..19:21 Central, Guelph: 1. Sept, 10-21. Great Northern, Coiling- . wOod. . . . s Sept., 19-20 Scugog, Port Perry._ a Sept: 20-22 Rainham, Raioham Centre. 6%0.'21 Petroleas Petrelea. , Sept. 21-22 Alnwiek, Itoseseath. . . .Sept. 21-22 NSteiddlesex, Ailsa.Craig, .Sept. 21-22 North Brum, Pert Elgin.. . Sept. 21-22 Haat Elgin, Attester. . ;Sept. 21-23 Oxford North, Wood,atook. Sept. 21-23 Central, Lindsay. . . Sept. 21-28 Streetseille, Streetsville. . Sept. 22 Nova Scotia, Halifax, Na..3.. ,Sept. 28-30 Brant North, • •tearts. • .. Sept: 25-26 Ksquesing, Georgetown. o Sept. 26 Bruce Centre, Paisley, . . Sept. 26.27 Haldimand COuntg; Cayuga. Sept. 26-27 East , Larabtona Wa fford. ... Sept. 26-27 .N. Wanace, Palmerston. . Sept, 213;27 Brampton, BramPton. . Sept. 26-27 Grey South, Durban:a. . a Sept. 26 -27 - Pilkington, Elora . • Sept, 26-27 Ancestor, Ancaster. • . Sept. 26-27 Ripley, Maley. . • . Sept. 26-27 North Ontario,. Uxbridge.. Sept, 26-27 West .Williams, . Sept. 26-27 Oxford' N., asid )V., ingere ' _ emit. . . . • . SePt. 26.-27 Kenyon; . • . Sept..26-27 Coboorg Central, Cohourg. Sept -26-27. •Waterloo North, Berlin, • Sept. 26-27 Great Southern, 'Emma. a Sept. 26-28 Central, Peterborca . . Sept. 26-28 Si:elute, North, Stayner. • • . Sept, 26-28 plague .in the. Bombay presidencysnists _Northtnatelgen,..aculericle.s.sbepts,26-28 week. . • iiiirianlar, Chatham. . . Sept. 26-28 There 'were 22 'deaths • trom the Lanark. NorthrAlmoetle. • Sept. 26-28 plague at Hong Kong aed 26 new canes. Wellington Con'tect Fergus,. Sept.. 27-28 during the past week. • .. , • 'Prince Edavard,•Picton. . Sept. 27-28 Ontario and . Durham, • • .The German , Goveinment's , canal Whitby. , . •• .. Sept. 27.28 sehemes have been' defeated hetet° by the.Prussian •Lower ' • Wellington North; Harris. . The New Sonth Wales dovernment Sencoe Central, Barrie; s •Sept..27-29 top, „ . • S.e0t. 27-28 budget shoWS a surplus' Of -estimated Seymour. Caniptiellford, „ 'Sept, 28-29 rebeipts over: suggested expenditures Orangeville, Orangeville. -Septa2849 anuruntirig to ,Z140,000..• ' • • ... . Weston; Weston. " ...Sept. 28-29 Renfrew South, Renfrew. . Sept: 28-29 Woolwich, Elmira. . . . Sept. 28-29 Waterloo SOuth, G.alt. . •.•Sept. 28-20 Halton, .Milton. . . . Sept. 28-29 teorint, Vas killed .while, attempting • illeamilton. Smith, a Young English prfrocieungikd,.f:rouidncluerfail.d; ,,s.. 2298:2809 aseend /Mount Otemina, on the- ltals . Romney y.; • .0ct.. 2-3. tan frontiea,•without a .guide. • • • The filth cominandment, according to Alt ldietOrnaon, Baonitdoniimien Oct 2-3 . . . the official Ruesian revision now reads: , Awaiting. , . ; . Oct. 2-1 "Hcinor thy father {and thg 'mother, .Cooksville, Cookeville. a. Oct. fi the Emperor and. his officials, that thr Pinkernin, Pinkerton.. . ;ANA. • 3 • days may be long, 440.0 Algoma .Estst, 'Sault Ste. ' • The Czar, Eniperor 'William, and the (Marie. . a • . .• . Oct. 3-4, Emperer of Auatna will go on a hunt Makes, Lucknow. • . , ' . Oct. 3-4 in Poland in Octeber, and incidentally Cookstown, Cookstown. . • .0ct. 3-4 discues."grave, political -matters." . Ferest, Fores• . • .. . ' Oct.. '3-4 .The Seri -trio' gales and heavy 'flews Raleigh, 'Bretalia. Oct. 3-4 . . ..in Chili continue. Near Santiago,. a Norwich & Derebein: wason- . train fell into% river frean a railway Wag: . . . Oet, S-4 bridge andlifty pereons were drowned. Camden, Dresden, ..' a. • .: .Oct. ,3a5 A. Paris lOcksmith, name.d • Bonnet Perth! North, Stratfara. cot.. 073 • Elmva le, . Elniveles . • . ,Oct. • 3-5 has been shot by ae unknown assailant who saw hint in a street, and called .Dorehester, N„ Dorchester. Oet. . out : "He tooks like one of those dirty 14e. r'se4". • "d Leamiligton' • Jena." • . . . . • HoLewaelnrdirenidietow• a. • •. It is reported from Calcutta that York -East, ellarkhara. . Oct:. 4-6 the surveying •stearner 'Resolute has Renfrew North, Beachburg. On. 3-6. been sunk in collision with -the Bri- Charleatona Charleston. . Pct. '5-6 tish Steamer 'Seindia, with, the tloss Allistent, Allistoro Oct; 5-6 pf several. litres, . Dosanqu.et, Thedford. . Oet. 6 • A -Hassle:ft rescripti has been issned Pualinoh, Aberfoyle„. . . Oct.. 6 declaring that Talien-Wan, near Port Norwiela South„Otterville. Oct. • 6-7 Arthur, China, la a free port, andaan- Tilintry W., end Ns. Comber. Oct. . 6-7 nouncing that Russia will build a new Howick,tporrie.'• . . Oct. city is -the neightorhood pf that place. Morris, ,Blytii, . • . . .. Oct.' 9-10 • iittuguat ,Mosetig, the Austa ion uova Beaton, Becton., A . OA. 10-11 eminent • railroad offici at, charged 'with Peterbore, Es,Norvvond. • • . . Oct. 10-11 stealing emergencY itiobilization plans Ccilchestext. narrow, • . Oct, 10-11 and,' eelling -them to agents .9f ,France Ktneardine, Kincardine. . Oot. '10-11 arid' Russia, has' confessed. "Warld'a" Fair, Heaton, . Oct. 10-11 Eramosa, Rockwood. . . Oct. 10-11 Some rain has fallen in India, but Harwich, Blenheim. • . . Oct. 11-12 the conditions of the crops is very un- Rodney. . . • . • • Oct. 11-12 satisfactory, especially in the Descan Dungannon. • . ; ' ▪ . Oct.' 11-12 -district. The cultivators. in Guzerat Burford,. Burford. . . . Oct. 11-12 'at two rupees, 75c, a head. and Kathiaway ere sellin.g their cattle Rochester and Maidstone, Belle River. . s Oct.. 12-13 12-13 The'plague of ,Poona le daily becono Schomberg, Schimberg. Oct. • ing..more virulent.' The natives are Orford, -Highgate, Oct...1445 panic-strieken, and ire fleeing to the Woodbridge •Fair, .. Wood - country in all 'directions. The streets bridge. . . Oct. 17-18 are deserted, Tee relatives and friends E. Luther, Grand Valley. . Oct. 17-18 of 'the dead, leave' hurriedly the mo_ East Luther. I. • • cet- 1148 mime the funeral pyre is lighted. Norfolk Union, Simeze, . s Oct. 1749 Reports lrom the • Wrench treaty Meraviaittown. • Oct. 17-20 toast of Nevvfoundiand indicate . that F/ri.n, onto . Oct. 10-20 the results •of the' season's operations ... thus far are very unfavorable to the '' JOUBERT'S APPEAL. ----- Wrench cod fishers and lobsterpeckers: ' catch. ign both theta" staples is far aninsvaal nenerntat canting renspitlet te below the averages and altogether in.. . Ale queen. • adequate to, reinutterate 'the French forlthe expense of Maintaining fishery The •Catie Town correspondent of the operations in that .nuarter. London Daily Mail says: --"General • . • joubert's appeal, which Will reach the . WELSH COLONISfS FOR CANADA. pQhurett31,'reeellitSingatuirtel YhiefigtoatYcoaflitthinegDPuatniel: A large Rigration to the nuatiaten cialOvSeir°yatlifaf,Agotridimin. thee TiaineransrivtaaatlhsevhIcit the Semi Future. hen -led, he says, to 'British oppression A. !despatch fine London, Bays t -The r°001"nhet flitrpee.,431 natashbeettaittigienlaesteisseeseeth: Welsh may invade , Canada in large wee dominant, asserting that the members. In the sixties $,C00 !Welsh- wire -pullers of the vile scheme are men went to Patagonia, and, in .8nite tecitIthodee and Joseph H. Chamber - of the Sterility of the country, they laite whom he cottples with Jameson. Aliening to the Applebee murder, he triumphed, and now send to Europe remincet the,, Queen of the "Jack -the - demi of the finest wheat, grown In Ripper 8". crimes in London," . The Argentine. Republics, which SAYS A. MOMS VIVENDI IS AS - South Amenta. • SUBED. recently made no claim 011 Patagonia, haw 'demands Military service from the Acton Republic' is making strenuous The Goverentent of: the South Af- entlere and °nape% them tedrill oa efforts& ,to perettade the local Porta - Sundays. They are beginning to look gime° etithorities to permit the pas- • to Great Britain for eatostanee. Other Welshmen who desire- to end- sheasgeptionnininainlyntWilierneda"rneigateenstt 'Itot.Ithgaetr grete have been looking. aboust, folleWing the invitation of the Cati- with Great, Britain is assured. Two Ind( effect, inating that a mock% vivendi adittai High Commiasioner, David thineen4 cases of arras are due to ar- Lloyd-George, meniber of Parliament stye hese teoesseeew en the 'nerman for Carintrvorn, aod two others are to atelialiel. Reonig, from Hamburg, July 51b. LITTLE OIlilleCAPTURE. laelloitedi a 110 Pound Sturgeon %atilt a Clothe* tine despateh front Chatham says: - Ermine Huff, a little girl Of nine yeara, haa a paatillar experience with clotheiline anil a hundred and ten - pound eturgeon at. Lake Erie, about IS miles email of Chatham. The lit- tle ilrl, who is staying with Henry .00.0 liavei been grown in the Experimental 41reS$ "11-14111144 4;41"•' "91* 11'""14 Eighty varietiee Of Wbster Wheat Leeks Weil. nut Appose: ie be Suffering DePartment• of the Ontario Agricale 44411111" A deepatch frew fteanea, saysi-lafai. tural College for at least five yearti tre Labori, int euceeesion, and the power to with- defence, vvoi713700747.1e'eet;r.-" stand the eold weather, strength of c en TAM - straw, amount of rust, yield of grain, day ale/Ili/1g' when the "en" day 01 Ora third week of the secend trial be. weight per mean:red bushel. etc., Of ,eliela variety have been.carefully de- ga,n* termtned eaoh. year. The results cif 11 The arrivill of M. Labor). wan the uheile oacticai field experiments at • sigeet for scenes of extraordinary en. thusitiani.. At 6.15 a.m., three ear. ethoetto0Onil olergae tfoownnottlitteeliavseireyfobreatthtifinedls- riaqes, preceded by a number of hi. for testing en the lanes threughouti °Yel(gi' d"Ve LuVit'boriTat °brisitt' ;31.tioan the Province. The meoperative experi-ePtiteititt4.*/. besinenttsavoetrateigee praesstuftetws iy4e a rtshosh oewxptehrait, 1414"1°1"8" those varieties whicb have given the friends of the lawyer end emne police Toe others contained mfivene t:eacorsildinuoted at the College to. Inspectors, A WARM WELCOME. succession have nearly al- The orowd abOut the floe' building ways given good setisfaction on Use aushed up to M. Lebon's carriage, a.nd. a number of people eagerly thrust their Miele through the windows to greet the distinguished lawyer. When ht. Labori descended be was surrounded by friends and a hundred. bands pressed his, while he was as-' sailed ivith all sorts of ,queations, to which he smiliagly replied: "I am get- ting on Weil, my faienda, thank you, Tnank you, • Aa Labori still acoorapanied by Krate. Laberi,, and a physician, enter- ed -court room, the audience greet- ed bim by standing up, and there was a/gee/arm roar of applause, accompan- ied by the clapping of hands, which -was distinctly heard in the streets, Tears sprang to the eyes Of the wounds ed maa, who was evidently deep- ! y affected by the warm welcome. Among thoee who greeted Ma Labori der no place tbe information' befOre the. 7tieorn: Generals Billot and Kerne:, who courteously enquired AA to his condi- wheat growers at as early a date as The Nattiorsit Ocpeclition, fitted nut by King Cisme/ of Swedee, to' search for Andree, has not yet found any trace of the :Arnie explorer. sail on Thursday ter Canada. Mr. United Statea appears tci be very Lloyd -George phi he and his tom. floiutishing, and that in consequence panions were going to spy out the of the increase, a regular .fortnightly country and that he could atly nOtha ebeesintship service will soon be estab. ing further until the end of ihe lished between the Tyne and New viait. York, instead; of the present ociweion. al 'service,. UNITED STATES. CANADIAN PORK FAVOUEED. Forest. fires sre doing great damage In Northern New York. neat* noose Propose", 'to Establish a Admiral Dewey will arrive at Neat Piteking VitetOry here. York between September 25 and SO. deepatch front Ottawa says :-With ' Peter Bantler aged 2, is dead at the object' of enlarging the market in klYstnritttubtlYugo, ColInti bY 0- bite fr°61 a England, for Canadian hams and baeon, a well.known London importer, Mr. Two American' lieutenants were killt Oottrtenay, of X. and M. gourtentty, is ed in a skirmish near Angeles on Sat. urday evening. at present on a visit to this country. 01%1110 to Sons ShiliPuildere, Phlia* hog products, particularly hernia, have. hook in the Water'. Something tugged able to get supplied et ran and eteel. Lenity thinks, that their Popularity to Mr. Linality, Whet Waft near. ' Be tams of the Provinees ta the autumn of 1898, seven varie- ties of Winter wheat were .used for the 0e -operative tests. These were divid- ed iota three sets with three varietiesi 'n each wit ; the Dawson's Golden Mat being used in ol 'the sets as a ba,sis by which, the retains of all The varieties noold be• compared. with one another- - Zhe past winter was exceptionally severe ow the winter wheat crop throughout Ontario, consequently the number complete tests is not so large- its usual.:• Reports of sticcessfal- ly conducted co -o. perative experiments with winter Wheat werexeceived from seventy-two experimenters hefore the 1211 inst, at which time we started; to Work .up the summary results in or- Locas wELL. possible. It is interesting ao know . . The lawyer lookedavery well, consid- that these sevent,y-two gdod reports ering his recent experience. lie walked camas from no less than twenty -oven quite briskly, but held his left arm. counties and districts an Ontario, in- close to his side, in order not to dis- turb tbe wound. Counsel was on- clirding in the .West, Carletori • in the East, and the Diatrict of Algoma in oc \title di to a .dligLwoerlld-ionuatirhioenaed a the North. • As we sow about one mil. tom chair, behind the tabl different farms thin t th 111 0911.1 ictl. court she wile surrounded setneapa lion aeres of wheat in Ontario each for the lawyers. Madame Labori also received a hearty greeting. As she took minima, the vomits of 'the winter WI'Mat experiments condoned on the fnen s ;who overwhelmed her with ug sou e ro- congratulations -on her husband's rer niece are of inestimable value to covers,. those interested in wheat /growing. At first the audience seemed to be The following table • gives the com- appitehensive that Col Jouaust, presi- parative yield, of straw and grain per dent of the ' court, might treat the time of the varteties of winter wheat tested on seventyatwo farms in 1899: Straw. Gram per acre. per acre Dawson's Golden Chaff. ,t1an.38. bu2n2h.5e18 Stewart's Chtunpion. , 3.1 22.4 Early Tria-grawarr7.7:8----422: Early Genesee Giant.. • 1.2 , 21.3 • Imperial Amber. . . :1.3 • '20.4 Bearded Winter Fite, ...LI 19.4 Golden Drop. . t 1.0 . 10.2, Three of the foregoing varieties have been used, in the co-operatiVe feats over Ontario, for well 61 the peat six years' experiments with eaeh ot. these varieties at the Agricultural College and' also tbroughout Ontario. • 0.A.0 Tests Ont. Tests ay. 6 /yrs. V . yrs Varieties. • .. Muth. bush. • per •adre: per acre. pawson'a Golden Chaff. 47.5 30.4 ' Early Genesee Giant, .43.5 S7.6 -• Early lied Clawson.... 434 '27.9 CONCLUSIONS; • 1. In the aserage yield, 'of winteir Wheat per acre, the Dawsoa's Golden Chaff stood highest among 11 varie- ties teeted (Wee Ontario in. the year 1893, *Meng nine -varieties:an each of the Years, ;1894, 1895 and 1896, and ama oats seven varietiee, in each of the -years, 1897, 1896,' and 1890, a 2, In the co-operative exPerimeets for t899, the Stewart'e Champion, Winter Fife, ' and Dawson's Golden Chaff came through the winter the best,' and the Golden Drop the pew- & The Early Red Clawso(n,aad Imper- ial Ainber were the first and the Bearded Winter Fife.. and Stewart% Champion were the last to mature in I noses. The prisoner indignantly de, tied his alleged confession to Lebinn- 18499. n,o Golden chaff and th'e• Reneattlt, and, demanded that the tiiiae had come when positive proofs of his guilt', not mere " beliefs ''• Should be shown. Two interesting scenes took place., One was wheillg. Labori asked Gen. Roget to giire his opinion of Es-, terhasy% role, and. hie visit to theGer- man LErbassy October( 23, 1897. Roget replied, in ithe tone of studied disdain, which he habittially adopts towards counsel Thr the defence: " I absolute- ly refuse/ te telt you." M. triton warm- ly insisted, but the president of the court crushed. him with a curt refusal even to allow Gen. Reset to respond. The second scene was between M. Labori and eel. Jouaust, after the 'de- poaition of the Royalist Deputy, De Grancimaison, which consisted of a ita de aga'n. t fo:eignera interi ening in the affair, delivered in grandiloquent style, with a peroration, ending with the words, addressed to the judges "le you- think Dregrus innocent, ac. quit bitii ; but, if you decide he is guilty, yon must pronounce his con- demnation," The deputy-aocorapanied this instruction to the court with sweeping gestures, and tuaned tO leave the stage, aMid roars of laughter 'from the audience, which drew% a Hero, stage villian look from him, that again convulsed the court. • Labori, however, called the de- puty back. He wanted to examine sew. 0111 a( M. De Grandmitison's state- ments. But Col. Joustest refused to all ow thei questions to .be put, tit which counsel becania tremendously itidig. Minh; insisted, upon his right to do so, fund a wham altercation entitled be- tween( the presidetit of the eourt and oitinsel, The foemer, hoeteVer main- tained( deeisiorn, and M. Laliori sat downrgagged and boiling over with in- dignation, , reception to M. Labori as a demon stration which woutd warrant tam in clearing the court. It began, there- fore, with a few timid claps of " the hands, but was soon followed by ;am- oral applause upon the part of the whole audience, with the' exceptions of av=fewspersousalatundhairatasthestatalla"a the esoconurt. 3,1 ORE THEA.TRICS. Dreyfus: entered the court room soon afterWards, and a after saluting the judges in the usual 'manner, . he turned toll. Labori, with eutetretched hand and a Smile of keen pleasure lighted upa,his pate and 'usually im- ptessiVe features. The laWinr took the prisoper'a hand and shook it Warmly, whereupon Dreyfus gave him another look of gratitude and took his seat in front of counsel's table, his back to- ward thens. . Col. al'outtust next read from a paper an addoess ta M. Labon, the tone of• the president being quite sympathetic. The lawyer made an impassioned reply. He was deeply affected and his voice was Clear,. thotigh not 'so strong as bea fore the outrage. He was •vety mire ous amisexelteda-and•swayed to and fre when he delivered his reply, wnich pro- fou.ndly impressed his hearers. Hifi re- marks considerably. fattgued him,, and he sat dom.). flushed and holding. hi side. He afterwards once or twice nervously twitched his tingers, and twinges of pain flitted over his face. LIVELY SCENES. ' • Nothing very material b.as been brought out ht the sessione ef the cotirt-martial, but seVeral lively soenes have occurred between counsel and wit- ro•E.9.4 1 Tomlin), Aug. 25.-0We bad 82 loads at tbe westero Cattle yards to -day, Trade all round was slow, and *large eliantity ot stUff West held over for to- morrow'e market. cattle, and prices were unchanged at 04.25 to 35, with an extra 15 cents for the choicest. There was not much doing In export A good deal Of inferleir butchere oat- tle was • unloaded On the market. The want ot pasture still keeping the aver- age quality of offeringe lows For prime snuff there Watt, a fair deinand, but trading was generally dull, with pricea A shade lower. (following are soine of toalayas tram- ,, lima sold at 04.00 Per ewt" actions: - A. load of expert cattle, weight 1,275 rough export, weight JAG° lbs., solS One load of mixed butchers' and a t'04.0.5 per cwt. at 04 Per owt. One load export, weight 1,280 Ibis, Sold A lot of ertra choice export, weight 1A40 lbs., sold at 5 per cwt. were unchanged. rriceal of eaport bulls and stokers 119, with quotations as low as 12 for inferior. . Good veals were in demand at 37 to • There wee a fair demand for sheep, of which there Was a good ran. Prices were the Rama. ap last Tuesday, 30 Per • , s i cwt. for bucks, and §4 for ewes, being the top figures. Cows sold at 005 to 045 each ; The hog market was easierr quota - doing are unehanged from Tuesday, but there was a tendency towards lower prices, Too many light bogs are still coming in; 35.36 1-2 per cwt. was the highest general price though for a few 'extra choice selec'tions as high art $5.50 was paid, Unntatiotus :-..- • Following is the range of current Shippers, per cwt. . . , 3 4 25 $ 5 15 Butcher, theice, do. . , 0 75 4 25 Cattle. Butcher, med. to good. . 3 25 3 60 fluteher, inferior, a . 3 10 ' 3 25 Sheep and La.who, Ewes, per cwt. . .' , . 3 75 4 00 , Bucks, per cwt.. . . . 2 50 300- Spaing lambs, each. .. 3 00 4 00 Milkers and Calves. Cows, each. a . . . . 2500 45 00 Calves, eaCh. . • • , 200 7 00 • Hogs: e.Choiee • hogs, per cwt, s 4 50 5 36 1-,2 • Ltght hogs, per cwt. . 4 12 a-2 4 62 1-2 Heavy ,h?.ge, per *cwt. 4 12 r-2 4 02 1-2 . • Early Genesee Giant possessed the etrongest strawaand the Bearded A'S -in- ter Fife the weakest stravv in the tests of this .yelir. 5. Stewart's Champion and the Beard- ed Winter Fife produced the lengest .and the Golden Drop the 'shortest straw in 1899. . 6. ln.the co-operative experiments of each of the pant six years, the Daw- son's Golden-Chafewas one of the least and the Early Genesee Giant was one of the meet affected by rust. • 7. In- 1869, all varieties were practic- ally free fisam smut which is nearly always the case when no smut is sown with the, wheat. - 8. The, Stewart's Champion and Daw- son's Golden Chaff produced the plumpest and Imperial Amber and Ear- ly Bed Clawson, the most shrunken grain in this year's testa. 9. The. Stewart's Champion and Daw- son's Golden Chaff were the mist pop- ular varieties and the Golden Drop was the; least popular variety with the experimenters in 1890. 10. During•the past seven years, the Dawson% Golden Chaff has peen an exceedingly popular variety -with the farmers who have been conducting them ccoopeta ti ye' experitnents ihrotighout Canada. • THSTRIBUTION OF SEED FOR TEST- • ING PURPOSES. The following two sets of winter wheat. varieties will be sent free by mail in oneehalf pound lots of each' vii- riety, to farmera applying for them, who will carefully test the three kinds in the aet which they. aeon% and will report the results after harvest next year. The seed; will be taint ad are received as Iong as the sUpply an s it sh . order in which the applications SET 1. Dawson's Golden Chaff. Early GensesBeze 2G,iant, Early Red Clawson. Dawson's Golden 'Chaff. Diamond Grit. Gold Coin. Each person wishing Tie of these oats should apply as early as poesible, mentioning whin' set. he desires; and the grain, with instruction.; (or test- ing, and the blank form on whiebs 10, report, will be furnished free' of cost to his address, until the supply. of grain for distribution is exhausted. aradmintonsunicatione dhould be ad - 0. A. ZAVITZ-, Everimentalist. Agricultural College, Guelph, Aug. 1711, 1899. ESTERIIAZY MOBBED, • widener". Hest sten ereau at the Areit , Vatter at Prance. A despatch' from London angst -The Daily Nowa says that ex.ltfajor Ester. hazy, who is a fugitive from Prance, was recognized. on Oxford street on Tuesday, by a few psrsona. They began groaning, aoa their &aloes soon At- tracted other peraons, and' in a shoet time it well-dressed cirovvd waa follow. Lind ey at the lakej took a piece of log rAt,errhasy eking the street hoot. clotheeline, tied ti, large hook on it, bag hire. The police interfered and dia. arid got -a friend to bait it with a peraed the crowd, while .Esterhasy pleeia of meet. SIM then went down made, Kt 080apn in a. nab, delphia, are diselarginia men, being 44• been growing fa fake:, and Mar, es:: . at: tthb: ilitinbee AMOPRIATE, The Erie Itailawy halt' cut the rate . will pe gaohatteed by 'the nstabliahntent ft6:Idthdel'6176ttlde hgairri bacalItleedd took the clothealine, and after a otrug. horeeielie muk vition. Tlui Milkman,* / am going to buy& for round trip tickets between Chicago of 0. Petk-Pitoking hOUse ceneda glis landed a huge Bturgeon. The fish The IlOusekeeper ... tee, it will be so, and New York to $18.45.'where the silt/ weeders tasiinlysfor the British market. meeenred feet inehm, and walked appropriate - goes eo well with the gle fare Wail $20, And rate War la Ile Will likelF atart etleh Pork4aCk- 110 lbs. when dreamed. The int' Mit ovals mita you sou. ing eatablielneent in Ontario. , le the tepid of the hour. ; •.1 o.A.HOHT A HEAR. • Tonrisne Experience in Lithe Of Kayo muskete. A despatch from Barrie, Ont., says: - William Ajdorff Albernithey, Cole embus, Ohio, had a startling experi- ence on Tuesday morning while troll- ing ow take of Bays, Mustkoka, district. The talkie Was pasidling him over the lake in aeareh of fish, which, did not dome to his spoon, when suddenly they saw a large hear enter the lake, and proceed to awins acroas. The only arm- ament aboard., was a 44-ealibre rifle, tended for small game. The guide, wi- der directions, followed up the big quarry, and put a couple of abets -in him before he reached the shore. The beak evidently was not overpowered by the, bullets, for he 'darted up the ateep side of the shore and disappear. ed into the woods which afforded mete thicket. •Atr. Albernithey and his guide fcillowed and presently came aerate bruin in the midst of a patch of berry, bushes. The bear was evident. ly hurt overely, and showed tio fight, so that it wee an easy, thing for the two men, to dispateh it. They brought the cartiane in triumph to the, hotel, arid Mr. Albernithey has consigned the akin to aa local tannery to be Mired. This itt the first instance of a bear ever having been killed on take of Bays. SBOULD BAVE TIIOITOIIT Or MAT,. I've &mitt to tell you, sir, that the photograplieda you took Of the other day art not at all satisfactory. Why. my husband looks like an ape Weil. madame', you should have thought of that befetes you had him ,telten. Buffalo Aug. 25.--Sprina wheat - Strong ; 1 Northern, 77 7-8 to 78 1-8c . No. 2,, Northern, ,e.i.f„ 7$ 3-13c. •er w eat -Strongly held; No. 1 .white and, NO. 2 /red, 73o bid, ,Lo arrive. Corna-Virm; No..2 yellow, 37 1.4b ; No, .3 yellow, 37e ; No. 2 corn, 864-2e.; No. ,3 own, 30 to 30 1-4c. Pats -Strong; No. 2 whiteS215 la2c ; No.11, white, 24 3-4 to a5c ; No. 4 white, 23 3-4 to 24c ; No. 2 "mixedi 23 1.20; No. 3 mixed, 230. Rye -No offerings. Caaal,freights-Steady. Flour-aFirm: Detroit, Atig. 25. -Wheat No:,1 white, eash,:72.1-2e ; No, g red, cash, 73 1.-2c ; September, 74 _Wes. • Decemher, re. ' • ":" "" Duluth, Aug. 23. -Wheat -No. 1 hard, bash, 71 7-8c ; September, 73 1-8e; December, '72 743o ; No. 1 Nortbern, cash,: 72 3-8e; September, '71 1-8c ; Dec- ember,: 71 7-8o ; May,•75e; No. 2 portIlis eria 68 1-8c ; No. '3 spring, 65 3-8e. Milwaukee„ Aug. 25--;Whenta-No. 1 Northern, 72 10 '74e ; No. 2 spring; IB 1-2, to 72 .1.4c. ; No. 2, 54 ta 3-40. Alarley-L.Steady ; No. 2, 41 '1-2 to 4ac ; sample, 35 to 41c. Toledo; Aug. 25.•a•Wheat-No,.2, cash, .72.1^; September, 73 1-8c ; December, 70 1.80.- Corn -No. 2 MiXtd, 34c. Oates a -Nm 2 muted, 21c. Rye -No. 2, cash, 55c bid. Clover seed -Prime, copal, 34.05; October, 34.55. 011-Unchang. - , : THE SHARPERS poi' $5,996. A freScolt hummed in the 014, 014 ; ivay-were 10 Purchase lila farm. ' At deepateh from tiro:donna, Ont.,' says :-Janies Connell, a wealthy,' fir; tor, tesidiag seven Miles back of Pres- atatt, was relieved of 35,0o0 oh Weduntsa.. day by two* sharperea Last Thursday, . two well-dressed strangere, who repaea seatted, theniselves as sons el a Meth*: diet ,nitnister, called on Mr. Connell at his home; aaiimaxparessed desare to. buy' his farm; Negotiationa; were now. ducted, and- the deal WUS satiefactarilit• settled. "Connell came: to larockville• .Weatuesday, and was imeomparaed hy one of the sharpean, drew 35,000.. from( the bank, and was introduced to. a card game, in wnich he was extraor- dinarily lucky. Bunco then hired a rig and: started With Connell for the . farina'. where final arrangements Were to be. niade and, the earchase ,tponey paid.. over,. Ait,ita, caslthox Was letrOducedi for ilifetyi tund the ferna Money and, Connell's $5,00J were placed thereinc., OPENED OHS BOX ANA) FOUND A Aboue, three-q7a.OrNteliii:s. cis C a Mile' frona • Stune'it .Corners the othet shaaper was overtaken, and he aaid that important buttimems re/Milted their immediate at- tention at Prescott. Cosinell got net andahis 'moneyed friend, said:-. "Here's thie tag, path take tare ot it, andfwe will be there to -morrow or !the "exottIndtitlY1.-"asked for the key, bUt we. s' told that it had been f,orgotten. Ile thelo started. to walk home, 'but, be- " coming! suspielous, broke open the box and. found th'n.t the sole contents WAS a. atone. lie hastened, to the farnx of ahatles Stane, at Stone's Corners, wihom he told that he had been -robbed. at 310,020, Stone hitched, up, and drove . Connell into Prescott, bet the sharpens bed 25 ininu,tesw start, end crossed to Ogden/Aux& NS. The rig was located oill Lisbon, Mut the sharpers have nee been (found. at this writing. A Prescott newsboy Saw the men at the dock, and • estah 'displayed large roils et bills. The altarpers bays been hanging about Prescott, for a week. • ANDERSON SENT FOR TRIAL. Defence Withhold Evidence in the Winni- peg Robbery Vitae. 'Beclitottaa ttteSta qoiedsop y says :-The PrelinlinarS trial, against young Anderson, charged with bank robbery was. concluded on Wednesday, Detective Davie' evidencei was read over to him and signed. 3. T. Meek, accountant for tlia„lafe Clary Manufaeturing Company, Was exantined, and gave the accused a high character. Ile said he was a most effi. dent °Moe hand. 4.1 the conclusion. of Black s evidence Anderson wad committed& to atand his trial before a Supreme Court. The as- sizes will be held next November. An- derson vrill go befere a inry. donee was offered, by the defencew SPURIOUS MANUSCRIPTS. An Englieh offices, who ia now eh., gaged in some exploring work in Oen., tral Asia, hes diecOvered that there ex. fats in '<Wotan a regular manufactory of old Atiiatle manusetipt relies, arid so large is the output that he belieVes that at lewd 05 per cent, of the, wenn. seripta which have reaehed Ourope from Central Asia during recent years are apnriolts. • •••'