HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-08-24, Page 5-.4ITGUST.24 1899
:••••••••••••••••••••••••: APPLES WANTED
rivand ism tbleyear prepared re buy Mere MIMI
For eeventesei Yeass I havis beenaloing.bust-
me* math the reopens of the county of auxins,
WANTS. oPpieS than op for 'whioh. the highest morket
• Prlee Will be 'have authorized era's at
• •
•* We keep in litOOIC a IttitHber Of lit the lines that are ne0e4ParY in the :
Cooking Department of every Si
2 household. . •
i These goods are the beet and :
IS the prices ere right, :
all points In uron, end it will be to lie ad.
vantage of owners et Dram* to asoortein
/74.1;1,141040a? (11 for flAY event do
inie of my rep(ekg24134,3:4440ra geeing me or
Mama P. Q.
: OUR PICKLINC SPICES 0 "......ri.•
• •
• Are of the hest quality and the' ia,
OtoOk io 00Mplete. Rave your !
it Pickling receipts filled with ;
• pure Solace at lowest • price. •f•
II . ep
II Whole Blixed Pickling Spleee
et • 2. ozHfor5 OOfltB.. •
• Are pore and of geed strength, ilfra
: They will give the best resalte 2
is where needed, •. All extraCte ;
d? 10 cents per ounce.' •
• .
• 6
• •
• Is pure and we gtlarantee it 's
: will give better results than any „„*
• otberatt the same price. Try. ;
• it at 25 cents a pound. . 6
• e
• * your money back, at
• - 6
• 21tone2, Prescriptionpr•rig_Store :
• - do - a
Tifirta'foinT.: lig°wado arrangemente
11t1114',7,31%..7iHerrrtrox,41,1DIT'AF:...t4 at ont.
le or GODS.
tOn and surrounding country. and grovvers
having any ePPles to sell will do well to __gee
Messrs. whitely & Edwerd before tielline, we
• are paying highest Prices for Fall and winter
The undersigned offers for sale Lot west half
38, on the igh Cormasion of the Township of
East Wawanosh. coneisting or 188 acres, 95
acres cleared and the balance hardwood bush,
The soil is %good clay loam. Upon the promises.are a good bank barn, straw shed and out
buildings, The dwelling iti a two.storey brick,
There iS a good hearing orchard and the farm
le well watered and fenced, f mile froM school
and if• miles from the village of Bolgro.ve.
ApPlY on the premises to
JOHN AGNEW, Belgrave 'P. O.
August llth
Notice Is herehrgiven that a court Will -be
held pursuant to The Ontario, Vetere' Lists
,Aot by His Honor the Judge of the County
• Co rt of the County of Huron, at Township
Hall, Varna, on the Fourth day of September,
1899, at two o'eloelt p, m., to hear and deter.
• mine the •several complaints of errors and
• • omissions in the Voters' Lists of the Munici-
pality of Stanley for 1899. •
.A.11 Persons having business at the *Court are .
required to attend at the said time and place.
• , J. T..CAIRNS,
•-•• Clerk of Stanley
' Dated at Varna, this 181,h day of Aug. 1899.
VI 01
• •
The undersigned offers for sale that desire ole
sixteen (le) notes of land SONtli of the London
Road Bridge. Lis a beautiful site forbuilding
and will be sold. in one. •piece or in Nth. My
reason -for selling its that it is too tar from town
to•handle myself and it doesn't pay tolire help
A. COUCH. Clinten
June 2Qtb.
The • undereigned, offers' fel* rental the stoke'
on Huron street lately occupied by Holloway &
' THOS,:
Clinton, June 22nd.
It frequently comes from
trying:to A2c. the ey_e_e._ on a ev-
en Ant- and fordinz them to
per Form tasks for:walla they
are incapacitated.
Such as we at -to 'your face
A 60N13 OF 1.,01114 • "Wbv Old you deceive coe. so?" John
Ity love ha eyee et gala end olden Ufa
• My love las 'beauty in a mown to weer.
And froodawis k, * spotleo. WA upon her,
Mu geed aisd dem mut 044
Kr love hal Mika Olt make old gee grow
minds like white roses and a giver teem
And 'et, by me, who through .eotre ereee have
won ilea
How me her pr*ebe Piengf
Inheaven Si ft of hemp, that they singi
nether ot lame forlornreMembered Vilest .
IN1 would eing the winter of life without her
Who tsught inylifit /110/44',
they sue la the outer dolma* wake
And keep a: Ugliness vigfl or ber Pk%
Vase the wild lovely hopeless: image ;Meet ber,
Which prelim ber best shall make.
•:•41. Nesbit in Bleck and White.
The Sixth
Mr& Washaneo
She Subdued the Crankiest
Man In Pottsville.
:-•-* '*4++4+I+444+
r eople generally in rottsirille
the, new Mrs. Wasbane that was to
be, Not that r Ottsville people were ac-
qpitinted with her and allowed their
acquaintanceship to run riet.with their
sympathies. Not fio. They knew of
her by hearsay only, as a widow-
' Widow Douglas, they believed, of
Green Meadows. •
But they did know jolui' Washita°
-that was enough to know -John
Washane, who had placed less than a
year ago the plain yet touchingfy in-
scribed stone to the fifth Mrs. Wash -
ane. Tbe Oust Mrs. Washane's stone
testified that "none knew her but to
love herr the second, "Her price was
above rube." Mrs. Washane, third,
was lamented as one who "had done
what she could;" the fourth, as "one
whom the heart of her husband could
safely trust in," while No. S's epitaph
was, "She always made home happy,"
And now ,No.' 6 was about to be of-
ferecl at the connubial altar -so said
It was talked over at the various
sewing cireles, and suggestions were
offered, motions made and 'tarried as
to • the best ..way in which to apprise
the new afre. Virashane to be of her
unenviable prospect, and one day, as it
happened only a Week prior to the
marriage, an anonymous epistle found
its way to • the Widow. Douglati of
Green Meadows. It ran thus:
• Dear Friend- strangers to you, vte feel
it incumbent Upon us to write you ere you take
Comfortable dwelling house on. east side of
Albert Street, centainin 7 rooms • hard. and
-soft wator aied quarter o an acre of land, fruit
trees, etc. Will be sold cheap aa owner is leav- •
ing toWn. Apply to . , •
july 4 Clinton'
and eyes Will: n3alce 'reading •a,
On Victoria street. Near Organ Factory
9300. will buy aroomY comfortable house with
goodilet--the property . recently occupied by
an'ffk Apply
. • w
Mara 7th. ." 4.arr15141.
Jeweler and Optician.
pleasure, Prices Reasonable. '
. • •
I nave moved my Latindry, the'
Revere, to the. stand latelY occupied
by Mr. J. W. Hill, in the Cornbe block
on Albert street, which will ba more
convenient both for -myself and Cus-
tomers. Our- work speaks for Haat'
We respectfully selicit a share of your
patronage. Our prices are right and
we will do our best to pleitse you.
ziciaN HES.
The subscriber offers for sale a VerrilOsirable
propnerty Itanag greet corsistingtof font lots
11141h jriTgent nrac woaogsgli'lltt ter e bouseThere
isat good sta.blii, and ct firet.olass well .01 water
on promises. he orchard, consisti
and apples, is a good :one. • The property will
n o grapes
be sold at.a reasonable figure for efts Torn. oosh
and balance on time. Apply to the owner on
• the promiees •
Clinton May 9t11.
. .
The subscriber offers for sale his hernia and
Clinton, May 22nd. . st on corner of Rattenburr and Raglan streets:
• ' ' Clinton, ,April 13th'
I have a few fancy Toilet sets left
and am determined to Clear them out
and now offer a. •
$10.00 Set for $8.00.
7.00 " " • 5,00:
6.00 • " " 4.50.
5.50 44 4.00.
Intending purchasers can thus secure
good bargains.
Our Fall geode are now, in and we are pre-
pared to supply the -wants of the petiole itif
Londesboro end vioinity, We always try o
please ' our cuatemers and with our present
stock are in a better position to do so than ever
before. Hero are a few of the bargains we are
Good Butter and Eggs 'taken aS Oath,
offering : -
Good all Wool Tweed Snit made to order 810.
. Bratsk Worsteds $13 up to 622. .
A genuine Fall andWinter Suit made to.order
with flret-class triminings 813. _-,, •
, Tweed Pants made lip-to.dtite 81.50.
All Wool Heavy Tweed • Pante for Winter
wear 81.75. • •• '4.
Oveealls, pure Denhean Cettonado, 75 tents..
Moleskins SI.
\ Smoke from 50 cents to SI. All aro well made
\ and sewed With linen thread. • _
A Suit of the best Balbriggan lInderWear90o. -
Bost Linen Collars15 cents up to 18 emits;
Nice Tio 13 mete,
Foar-lialend ilea 25 cent% L
We carry a stock of Cuff Buttons, Statile. ote
everything that is found in a first -cress Filen- -
her s, and ask you to hall and examine' Mir
ock before buying elsewhere, •
In the. High' Court of justice.
• Li pursuance of the order mule herein and
dated tne 20th February 1899, there will be of -
hired for : sale by,.Public Auction at the
Rattenbury House the Tovvn of Clinton on
the 26th day of August 1899, at One P. M. With
the approbation of the undersigned Maker.
the following lands situated in the Township of
. Hullett, viz :-The Western part of Lot 16 in the
• 9111 eoncession of Thillettbounded by the River
Maitland and the whole of Lot 17 in the 91h
concession of Ilullett excepting therefromfo
teen acres off the south part of the Lot hereto-
fore convoyed to jams Allen, and the portion
of the Lot laid out into Village Lots and known
as the Village of Hartford. The Janda to be sold
compromise 101 acres, 3 roods and 2perches,and
are partionlarly deseribed by metesiand bounds
ln a certain mortgage dated 121h April 18784
from Lawrence Melville and Wife to Jennie
Thereat.° upon the premises &frame house, a
barn, good well and orchard. The Ian& are
eonvenientlY cateated to school, ehtireh ole,,
three miles from Londesborough and seven
miles front Clinton,
The purchaser will be entitled to go on land
to do fall ploughing after harrestin the twee-
ent year and to full possession of the land on
the 181 April, 1900. ,
I If you want anything
in the 1VIusioal line, call
at O. lioar4 Musk
Not. AO, vows thopteeloi.
thlit Mat-
ileid and reeorefnerided yell
druggists in COWS, Only OH.
able •Mediellie •diecietered, Eict
holed:tem frkirantad to edrii all
tonna o exual FeaktiteS:c.101 eiteets Of abuse
or areeitee Maifat /NOM EXCealitti tie Of TO.
.Inted6. opium Or Mailed MI reosipt
tif prie1e, nsoldtge six, $5. One fem.pfifeee,
tofft 004. Parepriietif 1188 88 lint sddrslL
'TWA Wood Windier" On
Wood Plieiginddine sold In Minton by Sydney
jitelteOn. prilgkletc
Tho purchaser will be required to pay ten per
Cont. of his purchase/money on the day of sole
to the Vendor's Selleitor and the balance in
thirty days thereafter vain:int Interest into
CoOrt and to sign an agreetnent for the comple-
tion of bis purchase. The conditions of little will
be the standing conditions of the High Court of
Further particulare and conditions of sale
may bo obtained on application to Mr. F.
Helmested, Barriater, Beate' th, or to Messrs,
Garro* & Proudfoot, Barristers, Goderieh.
Dated at Goderich the 5th day of August,
Vendor' e Solieiter, Master at Goderich.
Net door to Clarendon.
Crown Bakery
She's a dandy. What
OM ICE OligAlt.
Next door to Clarende
• upon yourself the- yews 01 Connubial obedience to
one John Washane of Pottsville. Be Is a good
. . , . .
man. tie is .an ones man. e s a generous
man. But truth compels' us. to -State that -in
spite -of many • virtues he has worried hiS many
tomer .ivives intO untimely graves by Sagging
and bossing. That this .inity not be your fate ia
the wish And prayer of :Sem Wint'Wenisne.
The idow Douglas read the letter,
a curio . s little frowia.which . Was half
a emile, shewing, itself as • she *perused
the anonyinousnfissive;': ' - • •
• • The wedding' tereinemy was: over:
Mrs; Washitne, sixth, was an . worn-
plished trot, and the twain, now one,
having driVen'in their own hired hack
all the way from. 'Green Meadows to
Pottsville,were about, to enter ., the
ho.use'whiCh ,flallY 'Lancaster had Cvith
ladignant vehemence get in readiness
toreceive the bride..•• '
• "And now, john; as . soon as we can
get our 'Clothes changed' I • think that
yonhad better hang that gate while I
am getting.inpper. I noticed it sags,"
"Lu-Lucia-whwhat?" . John Wash -
ane was ,plainly astonished at.the ad-
monitory tone of hta new: made help-
mate. gra. Washane's answer was
a trifle disturbed in tone, -though
sweet.---• • • • . -. .- •
• '"I hope, John, that. you're not. going
to annoy me by causing .the to repeat
my Words. ..My -dear departed husband
always: pald close , attention when: I
spoke. I, said, 'You'd better hang that
gate as soon as you get your everyday
, clothes on., as it sags so.' " . ,' • .
Thus was the beginning •of • John
WaShane's sixth maritalventure. When
he °came MO the !Mese, he was urged
to take off his 'boots. at the- thresh-
old and rethinded, "Never;did I- thus
hat% to address 'mY. first' huaband."
•. Constantly was the statement made:
'What would my dear partner.D.Ouglas
have thought had I beea obliged to ask
him to bring up coal? Dear George
'would never have failed to • precut°
the best of meats, and butter." Until
at last John Washane became awns -
'tamed to the. oft repeated .assertions
and actually :felt that, conipared with
the late . George Douglas, he, John
.Washane, was an Weed and .a vil.
lain. No longer did he refer to Susan,
Matilda, Jennie; Carrie and Mary as
. patterns. for all fiiture • housewives to
copy. What were they as compared
with her tOwhom the sainted Doughts
had hewed In allegiance before? His
voice took on a bumbled mislead° w.hen
he spoke to or of his Lucia. His? HOw
had he ever dared to „woo this piece of
perfection? How had he been so, fa-
Vored to win her?
He referred to his ,own UnwOrthiness
one day to a neighbor lately tnoved in-
to the 'town, a man vrho years before
had lived in Green Meadows. • ;
"As 1 think of her, former Partner I
wonder what she saw- 111 me that
should lead her to renounce the name
of • George Douglas. It may be that
she saw my need and, as it were, Was
Willing to snatch me as a brand from
the burning -what were ,you about to
eity, Lawton?"
• "You never knew George Dougles
personally?" . .
Sohn shook his head-
"But you did, I dare say, by reputa-
tion at least?" . .
Mr.'Lawton grinned.
• • "X did," he eald, with a Anent, mirth..
tut chuckle. "And so you - are the man
that married Lucia Douglas. A good
'Woman she and a clever one. Eut
Geoite DoUglat-Well, yes, I .kneW
lfiro, too -lots of folks did -the grog
shop keepers, best of all, Thought
that he was a kind of saint, did you?
Well, now, Lode, didn't when he Used
to beat her till the was nearly dead;
and She didn't when he stole Parson
Grant's colt; nor she didn't when lei
used to swear blue streaks at her; nor
when, she used to have to keep herself
and him from starving by taking in
washing -oh, she didn't think him a
saint till he up and died in the gutter,
relieving hef of a rinisatice. 1 mind
how oho broke down when: we told
het he was dead and said: We's done
ofie good thing that I hope. the /Ara
will give hint predlt for, 'he's, died.'"
John Witehaile walked hem& la a
delnanded, pulling upon his knees the
• wire whoM hitherto be bad hardly
• dared to kills, "Yon' Made Me think
he was an attgel.-all but."
"It'a tee bad," Mr0. Witeltsate gave a
playful tweak to the .grizzled Wm.
techa so near her face, "hut, John,
dear, I did it In self defenee.i I'd hear.]
bow you told your second wife of the
virtues of Susan. And I'd heard bov0
Idle came at last to the conclueloll that
'0 you 'didn't think she Wee worthy to mi.
tie yew shoestrings and so died'. And
then you told your third wife that she
, had been a treasure, that Matilda Was
not tO. be mentiened lightly, that she
was A worker, a helpmate, a weibau of
a thousand and you could never forget
tier worth; and then Jennie died and
• • you put •ois her tombetone What you
never told her you thought abont her;
.and then Carrie beard of Jennle'S
, goodness and bovv you could trust her,
but died not knowing;that yini trusted
her, too; and then Mary -the 'sweet-
ept wornan that ever lived, I admit, for
I knew ber, she was my own cousin -
Mary became your wife, and you never
told her that she made 'your 'Mane ea
happy as heaven, arid she died. And,.
John, dear, I didn't want to hear What
all th,e,others had heard, and so 1 gave
you the chance to hear the kind of talk
your wives had beard-and-Joha,
dear, you're 'not angry, dear, are you -
because -well, It has been lovely here,
and I'm se glad you married me and
• gave. me a Chanel) to forget. George
Douglas. • . You're not angry, John,• .
dear?" • .• • ' •
. And John .Washane kissed his pret-
ty, coaxing yeing wife and sald: "It
you'll never mention your "dear de.
• ;parted' to me again, I'll tell you, vvhat
I think.- I've got a Wife. my*. Who Is
'the best and brightest, loveliest, sWeet-
tst, cleverest, dearest woman- • There,
' there, puss, don't smother
Louis globe4)enaocra,t..
• • An seuretiting rarrot,
• :Bayard Taylor 'relates the following
about parrot once owned by a lady in
Chicago, says Our ,Animalaleriends.
When the great' fire was.raging,mn
owner sew that she could rescue nob.
Mg except what she Instantly took in
her hands. Theria were; two -objects
equally dear, the Parrot and the old-
-• family Bible, and she could take but
one. After a moment of hesitation she
seized the. Bibla. and was • hastening
away, When the parrot cried out in a
loud and -Kiloton, voice, "Good Lord, de-
liver.ust". No lipmen being could have
been deaf to such an appeal. The pry
cious Bible was saCrificed 'mid the bird
saved. He was otherwise a clever bird,
, In the house to Which hewas taken,
• there. weraamongother visitors a gen- •
tleman rather noted for volubility.
When the parrot first heard him, it ifs-
. tenid. In silence for some time; then, to
'the allutaement of all present, It said
" very. .emphatically; "You talk , too
' tenchr . • • • ,
The gentleman, at, first embarrassed,_
.preimatly resiimed his interrupted
course. Thereupon the parrot:laid his:
' head upon One side -gave an indY•
scribably cOtniettl and eontenipthout
"Wm -tel". and added, "There he goes
again!" • • . •
.An Antimafia Tragedy.
• ::-.."I got a pair .of those automatic .sus-,
tyeriders the .etherday." .
; "What are theY?"•. • • '
, • ."Therare aanitent contrivance that
. adjusts; itself without -outside
• "Adjusts; itself?" •
. ' "Yes.. I put 'em en and went to call
em,Bessie Clinker. They were all right
; as long'as steed up, but when' pat
• down -they iromediatelY .slicirteited un.
Arid when stood ; up again they
wouldn't lei go." • .
"Whitt did • you do?" .• -
"What could I do? I sat down again,
and they Shortened up'sonie More."
"Must have been , awfully
• "I should say ea •l.Xy.troosers were
three inches above -my -shoe tops when
finally *said good night." . •
. • "Then whet dm you do?"
•."Walkedhome. on tiptoe."j-CleVeland
• 'Plain. Dealer.
She Always Bras It.
' • diWetiloilrarvay, pa. is e • very word in the
Pa -No,: I guess n'ot, my son. Every
little while a new one comes into use.
Williv-What's the Met 'word, then,
PaP?a-I don't know.. Go ask your m'cith-
. sr. -Chicago NeWil.
_ _ •
' We met with One of the moat pleas.
ant au:vitals on Tuesday evening in the
' lecture room of North street Methodist
church, it was. ever yet our lot to wit-
ness,cin the occasion °rile International
literary and 'musical entertainment
• given by the E, L. of C. E. The .walls
were draped with flags of different
nations, and several were interspersed
among the drapery of red,. white and
. blue which festooned the pillars, 'The
Leal; re room was filled with beatitiful,
• and beautifully dreamed young ladies,
and several of their parente. The gen%
tlemen were few and far between. We
notioe with pleasure Mr. Thomp-
son of Clinton, who .we may men
tion, is it great favorite among the
ladies. Several portraits of our eover..
eign adorned the walls. Little Miss
Lottie Robinson won the prize for hav-
ing tire . largest number of proper
guesses, as to what country the flags be-
longed, She only 'deified One, Lottie
is the daughter of Captain William
Robinson. After the cards Were all
handedin Rev. leaner Wilson took the
chair, asking- the audience .to sing
"God Save the Queen." Iiie address
was pithy and to the point. The
beautiful solo, "Suet as the 1311n went
down," was beautifully' sung in her
pure child's voice, by little Miss Ger-
crude Illtmes of Detroit, a relative of
Mrs. R. McKenzie. Following eame
very pleasing address from Rev. Mr.
Allin, who delights in all inteenational
intercourse, even to inareiage. He is
e very pleasaut Speaker and feels that
a little humor is preductive of good
results. Miss Ausehrook came next on
the program and her selection was
very apprOpriate, "The Ingle Stile for
Me." We listened -kr) the pretty words
and happy ring in the tinget'it votee,
and hope at no distant date to hear her
render the "Ingle Si'de" again. Mr.
Ure Stuart, played in fine style a lovely
solo "Velem" IV Durand. Rev. Mr.
AndersoU'e address was quite masterly.
It related to the peace conferenee
the Hugue. Mrs. Dr. Whitely and her
sister in their pretty cluett " Love's
Awakening" gltve t greet treat to the
• audience, for which 'a great number,
were not prepared, as Miss rither's
forte was supposed to lie ih elocntion.
Her contralto voice is crouch sweeter
than powerful, but the rich blending of
the voices of the two Sisters was de-
lightful. Mrs. Wilson is o fine iropee.
sonator of Irish and Scottish character,
Her Scoteh recitation ‘"$ite Star wits
glint en' oat ebony," a very pathetic
poem by BIM Cook, was full of pathos.
The mtatical progrom ended with Mr.
Stoddartht pc& iotic RCM g "The
Soldiers of the Qtieen," whith brought
dovvn the house. We knew Walter
Buchanan possessed a gage effect, but
W(' found that Ur. Stoddart is equal to
the OetlUtiOn. Then mune the nrippy
hour for refreshments, and after all
had been served, every one Wag totted
again in the lecture room, and the
• ehairman read out the flanin 01 bate
Robinson, who had solved the greatest
number of right guesaes as to what
countries the flags belonged, There
were 1 flags and shelled the names of
, 14 eountriee on her card.. Flag atinly
Will HOW hee011110 AP aptelal card At
chord.; "At Homes," and other enter-
dazed eondition;
"Iattela." fllft vole6 Was 61111 efititer
sithav awed tis he addreased her, in
spite Of what he had heard, "Lue1it-'0.
"Oh John, Why don't you say what
you Mat to without repeating? Dear
George used to speak so differently."
"Did he ever ettsif Yon?" John had
fend hig tongue at last, •• ,
"Why, John?"
'And strike you? Get drunk -steal
—negtect—eotne, Luekt, tell me4 t want
to know the truth,"
VirashomOs dimples beeamo
"Soma voe tag been talking," she
Mid, itAttinkle in her brown eyes, "so
may a weltadmit it. Ire was—oh
:oh% dear, he did tiutko my, lifo so inho
trable. to unbearableA •
OASEMORE-REID-- At the lifethoditt
parsonage, Wingham, by Itev. R.
Hobbs, on Augueti 16th, Mr, Robt.„
09% ruMmerbeeirrty0 Mies Jesaima :told, both
PRUWO14FFE IlithOrne on.
the 16th A.ug., at the residence of the
bride e parente, by Rev. William
Martin., of Exeter, S. I'm, of Slim-
ville, to Mies Jennie, only daughter of
John Rowolfte or the 81. Meta's road.
BARIt-ALLAN-At Cromartyi on she
litb Aug., by Rev, W. J. Doherty, P.
Scott Barr of Iiibbert, to MISS Mary
E. eldest daughter of Mo. A. Allan
of near Oroniarty.
A, otthterefOidenf
by the Rev, J. L. Murray, D. D., ari-
foisted by the Rev. 1, McDonald, Mr.
Alexander McRae of Duluth to Miss
Jennie, 'daughter of Nerman Smith,
Esq,, Kincardine,
the 26th ofjuly,by the Rev'. Mr.11ines,
George W. Baker, of Detroit, to Miss
Annie J. Pullman, third daughter of
Mr. T. Pullman, Hibbert.
WOOTUN 41tOST-On Wedneeicley the
16th Aug., at 44 the Elms," Owen
"4 Pelf Outside Is
• a Poor Substitute
For Inward Worth."
Good health. Inwardly, of
the Aldneys, live owl bowels*
45 are to come If Hood's Sar-
saparilla is promptly used.
This secures a fair Outside, and a
consequent vigor in the frame, with the
glow of health on the cheek, good
appetite, perfect digeition, pure blood.
Lost of Ar4tite IMP in poor
healtharouble with Masi:len, tired, feeling
and losaot appetite. 1 was oompletely run
down. I look Hood's fiaraaparfila and atter
awhile' felt much better. Hood's Sar.apa-
built me up." Lome A. Ressatt, Old
Chelsea, near Ottawa, QUIP,
111110UStle.$.041 have been troubled
with beadache and bIlIOUISUOSS and wao
Much rundown. Tried HoOd/f1 Sarsaparilla
and it gave me relief and built me Up." A.
Moinnamt, 89 Defoe Street, Toronto, Ont.
/ Hi/a
1111111 111
Sound, by.
the Rev. J. (*mane of nocovil ?MI flur° liver Ma1
liohnesville, uncle of the bride• ncltrii/NINg Rea
eel) cathartie to take with Hood's atirlittarina,
sieted by the Rev. Dr. Landord, Rev. 8°Mtrr Watts & Uo., Druggists,
Frank 1Y1. Weotton of Murille, Out, .
to Miss Hattie Louise Frost, • .
HYMER-WINTER-At the Methodist
parsonage, Atwood, on the 161h Aug.,
by the Rev, E. A, Fear, Win. Hymer
10 151188 Allioe A. Winter, daughter .of
Caleb Winter, both of IVIornington...
Conductor Greaves of the Grand
Teunk, while riding.. in a car near 0o-
boconk, was nearly struck by a bullet
from a rifle that passed through a
Window near his head.'
ittinrus, • "You ayend the Sapling but
MATHEWS, -In—Fordwith, on 'rues- "•. Not the Tree?) .
• day, A,tig.91h, the wife of Mr. Edward
Mathews of a daughter. When disease has become chronic
a.ncl. deep seated it is often clfilicult to
BURROW, ,-.1n Howiok
CANTELON; -In Clinton on the 20th
inst.; the Wife 011di. Peter Cant.eleet headaches,t rlls w 11
the wile
ou conceseion fe of U. Buhrow b
clire it., That IS the reason why, it is
" disease first shows itself-tn piniples,
j, ori Aug. 8th,
. of a daughter; est to take Rocal's Sarsaparilla, when
ticii(3oo'r bl(joio. d nwtellaekr*
ef a daughter. stoomeh'or disordered liver oi. kidneys.
This great medicine .• regnlates the
. whole system. 11 nevel_Hdisappointa.
ifilEATIlet: '„...
floon's rims are the favorite tatirtre%
LIOLLADt.-:In lEleyfleld on the lOth tie. .
Aug., Mary Coaug,,• Johanna, wife of Jaro.es Miller, trium
MILLER. -In Croniarty, on the Ilth
:llady, aged 72 yeark. .
Signor Marconi has scored another
ph with wireless telegraphy, the
aged 57 years,
PORTER -In Egmondville on ug.11 th miles of cliff at Doyer. •
, message ' being sent through several
' Laura' Scott, sixth daughter of the -
Sate John S. -Porter, .
aged 23 years • .
. and ll months. .
Mb .• English Spavin Liniment removesall
MoKENZIE-In McKilIep, On Aug.
pcenze, ageyears and '
- hard, soft or calloused luni pa and tletn,
Riseth McKenzie, d 69
• ithes from horses, blood spavas, Curbs,
6 months. •
. -, splints, ring bone, sweeney, stifles,
------- — ,-----..-.sprains, sore and swollen thl oat, '
' coughs, etc. 'Save $50 by use of one
. Owngto the heavy rides ' in
the Saskatchewan RiVer has over- bottle. Warranted the most wonder -
blemish cure Ver knewn. gol
ed by
northern Alberti and .in the mountain
fulreeked and the river' is fnll of Watts as. Go,------------
flowed, •The steamer Northwest has
been w
miners' shacks,cordwood and lumber. ' .
Edmonton is partly flooded, andthe Forest fires •h ave destroyed prOperti
pecifylaliving In low-lying parts are pre; worth thousands of dollars in. Chat -
per ng to move out. ham Township, .
. .
...- •
. For Over Fifty Years
. • . .
, • .
•MnS. WINSLOW'S' SOOTHING 'SYRUP • has • 300.1
used by millions of mothers for their children
'while thothing. If ' diSturbed at night • and
broken of your rest by a sick child stiffering
and crying with pain of (Tutting Teeth' .
send at • .
ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will. re- i ' •
. . ...... . .. ., . ..._
onco and get a bottle or "Mrs. VVinslow's sooth, : • '
Hove the poor little sufferer Immediately. - De:' 'VOTER)' *LIST, 1E399 -
.peod mien it, mothers, there isno miStako about • . , FOR TIIE' - . -
it. . It cures Dia.rrhcea: regulates'm
tne Stoach•'
Gums, reducesInliammation; and giveatone and . . • ., • •
and bowels, cures .Wind Colic, softens the .M1111i0ipalftY of- the Township or 4 ..."
energY to 'the whole system, "Mist Winslow's , • .G.,0,d,OrOl1, 0OUtity of Euvolti.
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- Notice is hereby' -given that I• he've trans:
sant to tho taste and is the prescription of one mitted and delivered to the parties ,mentioned
of the oldest and best femide'nhysicians and .in Sections 5 and 601 the Ontario Voters' List
nurses in the United State% Price twenty-five •Act 1889, the copies required by .W(1 Section%
cents a bottle. Sold by. all druggists through- , , to lie so transmitted er delivered the list made
.out the world:" Be sure and ask for "Mrs.. pursuant to the said Act, of all persona appear-
Nvmstow's SOOtHING SYRUP. liof by the last revised ASSEISSMellt Roll, of the
.... , . . . - • so, d.Munioipality, to be entitled to • yote lathe"
Ten aditional reginlentsmof volen-
teer infantry are to he raised for ser-
vice in the Philippines in the New
England, middle, Centa'al. and southern
states. -
nick I N 84. CO.
Planning for fall business means the elearing up of
summer stocks a,bsolutely without reserve, Goods of every
sort allowed to remain in stock only so Orlg• We insist *2
on selling goods at a loss rather than carry them over from V
one season to another, and the more you analyse that fact ;
the more you will appreciate the constantly enlarging sue..
cm of title business.
0, Table Linen L yaials wide, wort h 25e, clearing price 18e.
41 Table Linen1 yards wide, worth i5e, clearing price 25e, e
o Fine Black Sateens,worth 14c, 15e and 18; your choice for 124c,
e Fancy Organdies, wide Width. worth 124o, cleaving- Price de. -
Colored Cashmeres, 42 inches wide, worth 25c, for 15e.
al White Cotton, 87 inches wide, worth 70 for tic
Plald Silks for waists, worth 75e, clearing price 50e. at)
fa) 'Fine Black Satana, very special at 25e and 30e.
Heavy Black Sam na, dolt tile told, ltyards wide, 50c 1).•
New Gieghams, fast colors, worth 7c, at 5c.
Plaid Dress Goods, worth& and 10c, clearing at 50.
11, Ladies filet bleu* ribbed hose, svorrth 15ci. 2 pairs for 25c. e '
a We have just bought a, full 'singe of Li. le A. CORSETS at 0 very close prices, which we are selling at 25e, .10e, 50e, 75e and $1 Per Pair. .
-' 7 .7-", 7,77 -
- • • .
We cominence ou June 15th to Close our Store every
evening atlo'clock sharp, Saturdaysand prier to
holidays: exeepted.
Our stock of Hardware of all kinds is very -complete,
and our prices . are right), having a large stock in be-
fore the late advances on all kinds of Hardware.
Don't buy Binder Twine until you ECe ciu futtd,
beats everything.
•______ • . • saki Municipality at Elections for • Members,of
, • : ; • : • ' , . the .Legislative Assembly. • add .at Municipal
The shop „tvorkers or London,. who Elections and • that said list 'ts'as first'poiited up
have held eaneetingin Byye Park, are at my office : in gust •Goderich township, on.
said to work as much as 80 and•E0 hours
.I9th day of Au . 18"9, and 'mania
there forinsPectien. Electors are called upon
a week et wnges averaging tw.0 .pence to examine the said' list and if any missteps
per honr, They are told that there •or any othererrors' are found therein, to take
are too many people in London, .amtimmediate proceeding to baro tho. maid errors
the same phenomena of oyer-potinlation corrected, ng,accordicelaw.
has. long ego appear .
ed an Americen . NIE0NSTUntit . . .
cities. ,
• ; Clerk of Godericii Township.
.. .. Dated Goderieh Township, August 1911,1.M.
____ • ..... .......-.41, .....-...„..........-___
. The New Weekly.
The last issue of the Weekly Mail and TH WESTERN FAIR'
weekly in its present form. Next week
the new Weekly Mail and Empire will -_ __
page sections distinguished as the SEPTE.saBER 7th TO 1611i, 1899
appear. It will comprise three eight,.
News, Agricuftural and Literary sec- Entries dose September .6th. Space
•Linctly a home paper, appealing to allotted on receipt of entry.
ibits will be unsurpassed, attrac-
tions. In the endeavor to make it dis.
every member of the family. The tions better than ever. Hippodrome,
excellent hews features, and will ab- dt eesriss: WorldImperial Renowned fi, F a (nr,
Chariot Races, Champion Sword Con-
Weekly Mail and Empire will retain its
sorb the Parent and Fireside, strenthen-
mg it with a veleta*. and more varied a a in , gi '
Aerial Artists galore. reworks each
. • • • .
treatment of agricultural end live stock in Samoa," and all ring and -platform at -
and Americaris
topics, retainine hoviiever, the woman's
by "Flaneur," its legal queries an- tractions,
department, by -"Kit," the critical talks Special excursiort trains will leave
aweredby Barrister Edward Meek, and London each evening after the fireworks,
lit popular Children's page. Especial Grounds will bo behutifully illuminated.
irterit is promised for . the illustrated Send for Prize Liats and Programs.
short and serial stories, as being worthy LT. -COL. W. M. GARTSUORE, Pres.
featares of the Literary section, J. A. NELLES; Secretary.
, .
Foresters Elect Officers. ,
— London &
Toronto, ' A ugust 17. -The biennial
Benton of the High Circuit, Corepamons „
We *are now, delivering...Coal. Leave your orders a
our StOre for prompt delivery. -.
roaiifoot, Box
itlassutacturciirs.amd. Dealiers jn
or e pring trade we are Offering the largest and most com
plete, stock of High, Medium and Low Fciced Furniture in
theOcanty. We have. some.great values to offe—rin7
Em.pire contains its own funeral notice. . . Do not buy until you have paid a -Visit to Our Weirerooms
. .
It IS in truth; the' bet issue of the
• LONDON . .
night. The following officere were Lancashire Life
of the Forest, A. O. E., concluded last
elected :-High Chief Companion, Wal-
ter Richards, London • High Sul -Chief Established in Canada 1863
CciMpan it n, Mrs, Ifansilton, Sarnia.
High Mannish, Miss Ilishop, Montreali Invested Tuna .. -,. $6,582,238
IIigh Guard, Miss* McMillan, London; •
High Sentry, W. ,T. Vale, Toronto. The - LIBERAL STRONG, PROGRESS! VE
following dietrict deputy high chiefs "
Hochalaga; Stet,- All the popular forms of
Campanions Waddell,
were' appointed in the districts named :
ens, York; Oripps, Middlesex ; Fuller, insurance issued. Policies
Oxford ; Nelson, Brant ; Burkholder, and nonforfeitable. Money
unconditional, worlh-wide
Lambton ; Pollard, Elgin; Gray, Illst. Ilawnegu' sPintiscielsagreka
ings ; Elleirne, Carleton ; Band, Water-
- loo, and Wellington.' Hamilton was 000. Amount paid policy.
fixed its the next place of meeting, and . holders $087,000 , . '..t.o. I
before separating a Past High Chief Full information furbished by'
Companion's jewel was presented to
Companion George Richardson; OHAS. B. HALE; ACENT, CLINTON'
of Uurelra itarneas Oil will take the
stiffness out of old harness and make
it eolt all new. It will took like
It oils, softens, blackens and, '
preeerveS the leather. You
can keep new harness from
wearing out and renew
t14.e life of old harness with
ri:this line we- ca.rry a complete stock. Our Horses and DIA: •
fit are pp to. date and our charge's, reasonable:.
ltrurulture• bottlers% and 'Undertakers
' Ciiidley-, manager
Night ann. Sunday calls anSwered at Residence of . Our
Funeral Director, Chidley, Xing St, opposite FeundrY.
•• • • • •
• .0.
. Men want . but little here i I
1111111 ILABOREItgr
below but most of all.**ant . •
IPlug and'eut. irt ..,... lire*
Portage La Prairi
Estovan ...... "...... -
Cowan and other
.4 •
13 FLOUR and FEED, and one
greatest seller the White Swan Floor.
This is, we believe4, the most popular
li011,fid on the market, •If you try it
• once you will be so pleased with it
that you will prefer it to- other brands.
We are now selling the White Stvan
at $1.75 per cwt. Several of our eusto-
metaa have irked fot• Rye Floitr of
lYfanitoba and
Ase-niboia Point -
(food going hem stations West bi Toronto
and Orillia in Canada Aug 22ncl, 1899, and from
stations Mt of Toronto and Orillia Cancida
August 210, 1899.
Stop goingePr"ti?ersttt..1_674w7st,o it=
001 ti..„ Milan on used to destination by
August 31st, 1899.
On snerender of standard. eertiticateseon or
before Nov, 15111, return tickets Will 30 issued
for $18.
Tickete and all information from O. T. IL
O.DI/son, D. P. A., Toronto
.01: fit td ;Ts: a; /%11,2TtoirentVrigMin ton.
which We now have a stock on • hand. • .
• " • •••• • •
0. • ' R. AGENCY.
are always fresh and well assorted,
ard the prices, you Will find, ate
niost reasonable.
nutter and
Eggs ;vented.
o. oLsont
lBaytleld ia the popular lakeside. resort for the
people of Huron, and trio River Hotel the most
pepoistr house. I have again had it refitted
and renovated Online in a better position than
last season to catof to the wants of the health
or licitioire-seekingpnblie. I have had steps
,,nitt to the river, inimediritely in front of the
Hotel, and tames, seam, swing's. etc built in
the .pretty Mare which extends along the
water -side, where there WWII >TO room for
largo•picmio parties. •It is a cool, eriady and
rOmfortable apot for a hot clay.
to make use of 1. There
IS ample accommodation.
Hayfield, June (ab.
the' it oft all your honest and on your
carriage top. rut up in taus from
pint to 8 gallon. *old everywhere.
088. 00,, Limited
Oookl Cotton 1100t Ootapouti
Is successions ueo, Monthly' by ova
iamoLitdiss, safe,affectual. Ladies Oak
_your druggist for risiikt 'COO Rtiet ttin-
TOO AO rimer, a* all miaturss, mile Mid
tilititiOnfit 010 cangeroom. rtitio. No, 1. 01 uor
r - ; No. is, 30 degrees te100488,98 pot bor. rio.
3114110. toompt of price and two speent
1- 8191110 Tao, Odok 008911057 Windtkor, 0111,
Off. 1 ifir1 it oat Ana OWOMtattedect bim
utak* mom ariIMada.
J'No, and No eeisold in Chute u by 806
ackeort. irrug Rt.
Tsvo more excursions to
Manitoba and the
FAIRE $29.
Tickets for two months,
For partiptilarS apply
TEMBER 5111,
Nearly sixty per cent dale students
WO elir011ed (lilting the past year from
outside of Stratford earns from nearer
other 11188111009 colleges than ours.
Three times the number of appliethens
for °Mee holp havo been" received this
year as compared with any preview(
year. Only one kimi of busine*s. edu-
cation given (lour students and that
"the best." NVilte for OUP new cata.
legne, it's the finest in Canada.
W. 3,ELLIOTT, Principal.