HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-08-24, Page 4--mr#77-
e •
mos. .Afraid to .Pitb the:. EAAionce Preparing
the way for
Taken During the Investigation but Givesithe Declaration of Farr Who Was Kept Hid
big While the Enquiry was Going On. Neither Does He Personally Attempt Any
Why Does Suppress the .E•iridegice ? Th.e. News -Record Publishes It and the Declaratiou .as Well, Which Ts Riost Fair ?
etoreents Arin BARR WORK TOGETHER,
Mr. Farree predilection for whisky
does not explain avvay the feet that
more men swore they voted Conser-
vable than there were ballots in the
box, . • Fere is a first-class
candidate for the gold -cure. Wkat a
fine advertisement he wopld make for I
a patent medicine that would cure
himle.-Toronto Star (tonere')
It is notablelhat the only newspApers
that have the audacity to say that Pe,
fraircl has been proven in connection
with •the West Huron bye -election are
newspapers that did not give theie
readers a report of the evidence given
,-...beforper-Oceeemittee on Privileges and
:Ere rens. If thee lied published ehe
evidence they avcoild•nob have dared to
utter so false and auclacious jag-
mente-leinciredine Review.
• UR WII,I, BRAZEN IT OUT. - the trUth, And the Glebe publishes it, I nient of the money borrowed from I and am satisfied that the reason for
What does Robert 'Holmes, the lob- PR
erne member of Parliament for West limn Mr. Merherson aloolutely and 0. ler.lioPhereon did not ttecompana ballot box la because I must have head -
Huron, intend to do in' view of the unequivocally feleifies the assertions Marshell and myself, or either of na tw vertently on several occasions handled.
however, the train on,Sanday evening, or et any out more then oue at the borne eetne.
astoonclingrevelatiOnsas to the manner made yell:T.4MS bine It is,
in which Ins election waS secured ? oot surprising that Farr and hts other time, per did be know what eve, • (12) I, like others in the poiling.boeth
Will he show a decent sense of shame friends shoul endeavour by base in- dence we intended to give before the when no voters were in the booth, oc.
red resign as did Mellish in West nuendo to blacken the chireacter of committee,nor dtd he attealpt tO Influ- easienally Walked to the window as a
Elgin or will he brazen it out and hold One. who has been rendering ealuable once our twaleete ite arty way whet- mere diversion, and on one occasion I
• n another col- him ehe peesence of the blank ballots in the
"Bob Holmes," the feont ."Bob"
the West Huron election, hate bobbed
nis in the wrong place -an unpar-
donable thing in a newspeperepan-
_ and his only saVii,tion is to bob -under
as quick as ma be while tr, shred of
honesty is left ini to cover his naked -
nese. Otherwise "Bob licLean"will so
strip hint that "now Hee he there; and.
none se.poor as to. de him reverence."
--Algoma Pioneer, • .
The Hamilton Ppectator is a little
imapicious about Hon. Jimmy Farr's
ultimatum to the people of Canada, and
-is unkin4 enough to say ; "Will it be
credited that this Man whO sneaked
about Toronto to ayoid being summoned
to Ottaeva, Who Was too drunk to go to
Ottawa and yet sober enough to Con-
tradict the evidence of scores of respect-
' able witnesses, who had done some-
thing (that teingle-tern bellot did not
ea -idly -on his conscience) which
made him agraid to go to Ottawa, and
induced him to resign hiajob and buy a
ticket for Dakota,has told -the truth F.
The thoe for Farr to haler faced
the issue `lWaS when the coternittee
• was in session at Ottawa; there he
could have met the men who accused
hineand • have endeavored to make
good his case. If he ,coeclueted his
booth as fairly, and correctly as 'he
alleges, he should have then attended
. to. tell his storyeand if theiseberale have
not believed dull, g.rave irregularitiee
existed, whY die they 'nee seeure his,
attendance? It is useless to deny that
ther knew, where he Wee: The Liberal
agentVance found him without trouble
• in.Toronto, and when he wee celebrat-
ing in Whttby and Othitiva. the Liberal
workera rieern to have been hedging
him round with their .protection." ; •
The affidayit come altogether tore
elate to help the.. Libefale out ' of the
West Huron mess: If they believe' the
/tory he tAkeethey• should have pro-
-defeettefirrilatte.wa as a duty' to their
parte,' if they bedere him guilty, thee
ab ould haveproduced hitt as a duty
to the country, and the cense of pine
elections Which the Premier champion-
ed when the case was giyen to the cora-
As foe the futore the Liberal parey
, will succeed only With clean methods,
and toustrid its 'whine of ell those men
who drink several days before au elec
tioni and on polling day,and carry bot -
Hee of whiskey lute; the boOths.-Ton:
ontriStar (Liberal),
strange: that this witness, Fate,
who was invisible when the •Torer
members of the Privileges and Elec-
tions Oommittee -were looking for him,'
shouldee so easily found by 'the Lib-
. erals who want hini. to @tippler ap
affidavit which further the eletv
ernment's .of whitewashing the
proceedings in West Huron.
The party which is able to 'Put its
hand oft Mr. Farr. when it wants him
tn make an tifficlaerit gives its enertiles
a chance to ask whether the three
handwas not stretched forth to keep
him away from Ottawa, where he was
wented to, give evidence.
The majority of the PriVileges and
. ElecbiOns Committee was dra.goOned
by Ministers of the Laurier Govern-
ment into doing its best to suppress
the teuth. The rankest Serb of parti-
' ionship did not avail to entirely con-
ceal the evidence, end, thee party is
now circulating leare affidavits in the
eittitrimpreief gbanging the almost urns
versal public belief that gross fraud
and the Worst sent of trrekery. pro-
vided Robert Hobbes, M. P., with a
majority in Wesb Huron, -Toronto
Telegram. (Liberal.)
Once Canadians were able to con-.
sole themselves for what their court -
try lacked in priding themselves
. upon the integrity of their laws and
the Wholesomeness of their adminis-
tration. Bub this redeeming feature
hag turned out to be a delusiorf : a
delusion 'expend by a threel-coluinn
confession an the leading Liberal
newapapee of the PrOvinee. The Globe
has published an allidareite puiporting
to be the eXplanation • of James Farr, •
- and although it ie as Itsughleble a thing
is ever appeared in print, this docu-
ment is actually the pall thrown Over
the corp8e Of Ontario's 'election 10,We,
And the Globe is the chief pall bearer.
When the eircumstences are under-
estood, and there dere very few who
do not ufiderstand• the circumstaneeS,
the miserable snbterfuip that Farr's
affidavlb is becemee manifest. Not his
solemn testeMent, nor the prestige of
the Globe's 'front page, • can make
' thab document any more than the
. miserable subterfuge ,that it is. Earr
\ May have -got drunk, and he may
ee, have tan up a ballot, because he
-sWeare to these thipgre bub there is
not the slightest enders -eke the Gov-
ernment, not bringing him to Ottawa
before the Committee upon Elections.
ttatemenb now is a mere laugh-
able affair. Ib watt conceived by
Farr ; , it is ode to say thab the affi-
davit Wart concocted by the Liberal
party, and miserable atid amall as!
that affidavit is, it is the pillar and
supped of the integrity Of the Lib-
eria , party in this present instance.
No true Canadian can afford to palli.
ate 'Buell jugglery, It 48 sae to pre.
dict that tthleaS the election laws. ate
but itt Operation., and, the offenders
punished for their manifest infringe-
ment, the !Arty stifling the judielary
Will suffer the consequence of its
eardihood...-Totorito Star (Matti.) ,
• to the inYestigatin coin- ever, either by a promise of ononey or took the counteefoils out of my pocket
and arettuaed Uwe, but at no tune dur.
nate° at OttaWa in securing t e eel- otherwise.
deuce of the witnesses Marshall and 0, The statements contained in Fares Mg the said election clay had I any bal-
Nelson as IQ the very important ad- declaration that I told him that Mr. lots, except those which were handed
missions made by Farr to thein. Hut McPherson bed impressed upon Mar. to the regular voters, and I certainly
it is surprising. to find the Globe par- shall and myself the necessity of tell-, did not, examine them or any other's at
ticipating in a plot so contemptible, ing a story that would look all right, the windovv during the said day.%
.At this particular juncture id public and if we did, that he would not for. 43) On the day following the election
weeks ale meet, in its nature not get rises utterly false,and without any I had a conversation with 'Abraham
Smith, who asked me aboot the trou-
unlike that of the cowardry assassin foundation in fact.
who a few days ago with , murderous 7. I never told. Farr that Mr. Mc- ble in my poiling subdivision. I in -
intent shot down M. Debate etRennes, Plterson had tpid me that if I would formea him that there wits no particul-
on to his eeat despite the clearest
proof that he was returned by fraud ?
So rotten has the election been Shown
to be tbat even the *Toronto Globe,
whose capacity is greater than that
of the whale that swallowed Jerlah,has
felt constreined to print. an editorial
warning the party of the daager ot at-
terneting.to shield the wrong -doers and
calling Open Mr. Holmes to resign in -
order that the real wisbes of the.people
of Weet Hahne may be: iespereamed.7
Welker ton Herald, '
HOLMES EMI'S mart rtioenitne or
There beer) been many inetarieen
the political liletory of Canada in
Whieft.eortupt practiced! 46 elections
have been proved. Against both politi.
cal puttee, btit there is nothing on the
recads of such an outrageous character
as the revelatione thet have been made
in tile West Iloron CaS6 before the tom-
mittee of Privileges atid Eleetione. The
tette brought to -light during the couree
of Ala inquiry weft eueh AS to came
evety (Median, no matter what his
trd ht leetottitteir for ihatrie.
he watt, CatahMi tir American polit.
lee are not ote whit Week sr than the
raseelly things thab Wing donettro eliteb
Robert HOIMAI 14 WOO Hieraniee,
What is ereculiar about the it:tatter is
that although the frauds were detected
Man early stage of the Investigation
of the -parliamentary 'committee, Sir
Louis Davies and the Hon. Mr. Sinop,*
both members of the Governmeet, and
Mre Russell and Mie l3ritton, two of its
prominent supporters, endeavored, by
all the arts peculiar, to •the profession , to
prevent a thorough' investigotion, and
soright to gloss over the crireinal
greet' that had- been revealed. The
eourse-pur sued by these gentlemen and
the coarse pursued by Sir John Thorma
son whed fraud was charged agairist
Officers of: the.,Conservetive Govern-
ment are hi etrikipg,contrest. Sir John
not orily showed no syinpathy with the
transgressors,bet he empleaed the Most
estine cOunsel theDominion to probe
the cases to the very bottom and bring
everything to light. At Ottawa to -day
we have meo charged vvith the
duties of goyernment, to what're IS
giyen the- guardianshep ..of Canade's
business and political integrity, trying
to screen forgers, perjerers, ballot box
staffers, thieves and eonspirators, 'and
all for the sole reason, apparentia, that
they are friends.-Goelph
.-Herald, - - •
— .
it is the general opinion tha the
,criminal law in. regard .to corrupt
,practices at electionsilaye been a dead
letter. during the past few neontbe.
The Administration of the criminal law -
es in the hands of Grit officials,' end
there is a wiclespreed belief that these
:Officialttehave been negligent Mettle elite
cherge of their clutiee.. The leading
position ie given to three-columo article
en yesterday's Grebe •to peeve the
grouodieseness of this belief, to show
that the election laws 'and their ad-
ininietratioir by Hertly'e officials Are a
terror to election searepte The 'thee of
James Farr is given to pubstantiate
this. This gent explains in hislengthy
solenin declaraeion why it was that he
failed to show up at OttaWa and give
evidenee in the 'West Huron *dim
ineestigaticer. er•appears that on the
dey of ,election he, while acting as a
deputy ieturnirig officer, incrOvertently
tore. up a • ballot paper that. sotneone
had found on the floor. This, he learn-
ed, evva's A criminal offence, and the
knOwledge of this fact, to use his .own
lenguage, "occasioned nee a great deal
of fear.' We find him on :deveral
'occasions on the point of going to Ot-
•tavva. hub When lie, reflected that he
was liable to be arrested for tearing up
a ballot,. he thanged his Mind and d idn' t
go. On One-nccasion he got as far als
NVhitby,• but tife dread possibility of
arrest pursued him and he got off the
ears at that place' and drowned his'
grief in copious libatione which pub
him ander the weather for severed'
clays until, he fact, the Ilmise of Coin -
'erne had prorogued. Then he comes'
forWard And makes this affidavit of
hoar it was he didn't 'shovv un Ot-
eawa. This alleged fear oe llardye)
officials enforcing the election law is.
passible • dog -day reedit*, but - the
(31pbe is abont as silly as Farr if it
expects the.people to take it seriouslye
The "solemn declaration" is rubbish
from start to finish. lt proves nothing
extent this -that Farr was accessible
daring the whole of the Wept Huron
investrgation•, that Vance. and other
Grit workers knew of his:whereabouts
and that the Liberal menibers of the
Privilegee and Electiotte Committee
coend have aecure.d Ferrets a ;witness ef
they desired his atteedance. That is
the great fitet brought out by. learr's
-declaration. Farr was Available and
hoping thereby to deprive the pelse-
cuted Dreyfus of the benetit of the
etleice end. .assistaece of his. leadlng
counsel, However, one thicig is made
clearer by this episode., ' It is evident
thet the Globe is aesoeiating itself
more.airdniere Closely- with the men
of the machine and theiy methods,
ThellecJaration of Mr. Jimmy Farr,
pu'blishect in uwn personal organ
yesterday,. isthe product of the mas-
ter mind of 'one of Canada's greatest
stateemen; the supreine abiltty and
great ettainments of its author stand-
ing out ie large luna,ps in every line of
Mr. Farr knows that the poeple of
his eountry have had grave forebod-
ings regarding tee coriduct of the Wese
Hiseen electiote and hastens. to relieve
tee - public 'tend and • frustrate • the
knevish tricks of those who would
blacken his own diameter and that of
t be other patriete whir oecupied official
positions on that menioeable .occasion.
conduited the poll in a fair and.
impartial naannee tee the nese of my
judgmente" sfeireleesly declares,
and the Globe magnanimously teltnits
that "the poll wee fair," "I had been
drinking, for several days before poll-
ing,daye fie Continues, and on poll;
ing dey had a bottle of whiskey with -
nee in the booth, most' of yehich I
cirank myself," coald• anyondf under
ench elecompeancese___doubt that "the
time wee frite ?-""7* "r-ame. reemeee
the great campaigner asserts, "I het
the reeson of the presefice of the
blank ballots in the bellot bert hi be-
cause 1 nand haye inadvertently on
Several occasions • heeded Out more
than one et the 'seine time: . Surely
• Oo one will deny the truth Of the sa y -
big' thee eto err is human," and all
will join in a Chorus of praide that Can-
. -ado -has -a sun so close to . perfection
a,nd ;infallibility as . Mr. Farr. • The
election !was it 'eat conciuded and Me._
Holmes wed announced es the victor.
'Mr,. Farr 'nide up, bis 'mind to go tO
OttaW but his trin Was bardly as
sue as his neatly friends might
hi it '.would be, "Having
b en drinking. rather. 'freety, ann. pe-
en very dry," be says, "I got off at
itby to. get a drink, And realigned
in. that neighbothoode foe a 'few
:three), after *Mehl returned to To-
.tonto; still under the itifbienee of
liquor, and haee no very clear reeol-
lection or where 1 wae., or what I did
'for keveral days after 'my . return."
Mr. Farr's eandor in making these ads
missious isnclinirable and Is calculeted
to further assure to him his eosition
tra a populer idol: In Ottawa he woujd
haee been received as.one ef tlie•ereats
est exponents of the new Liberalism,
ba as he: regretfullY Obseryes, "the
only thing that has deterred ene from
going. 'has • been my ntiforeunate
drinking.". "Mr.e. Fair was too seosi-
tiee .on this point; arid the oath -Aryls
the sufferer, but neither his colleagnes
nor his newsPapee Will ever, forsake
herf,-Meil add Empire.
It is not knowe weo originated the
trick Of ripening an Opponent's eal-
lots during the cotint by puttieg ir-
regular meths op them by means of a
piece of teed pencil held under the
Heger 'rail. The Ontario machine,
however, mede the dirty business its
own. It was Of the kind that appealed
to the men that represent...Liberalism in
the Dominion's most corrupt province.
In the scrutiny of the ballots. east in
North 'Waterloo where one of the
latest Liberal victories was scored, be-
sides proof of deliberate fahrification by
the thieving perjurers who •figured so
generally among,the Liberal Govern-
ment's deputy returning officers, there
was evidence that other seoundrels in
the employ of the machine, had by
could be had, but not only were po the firigetenall device spoiled ballots
means taken to get him to OttaWa marked for ' Dr. Lackner, the . Con-
tra he was not Oen requested to at- servative candidate, which the deputy
tend. Althoog,h the Liberals made no refused.to count. So the Liberal lea -
.effort to obtain Farr's evideoce before jority was increased, aterthe 'Hardy
theeommittee, they now seek to give gang Strengthened in its hOhl. on the
: effect to an ex 'parte stetement made province. If there is any public eon -
by Farr, he being subjected to no cross-
examination whatever. Farres state, rituscience in Ontario to arouse, the px.
osure of the West Elgin the 1Vest
ment is not worth the paper it is Writ- on and. this North' Waterloo
ten on, as far as discrediting the evi- villainy shoold awaken ibee-Mitchell
dence that was given before the com. Advoeate. .
mittee. As we said laefore, all that
the declaration does prove is that Parr BARR DIDN'T maim THE THOTH, .
could have been examined it the Lib -
era's so desired. To get his statement
before the Publie by, way of affidavit
shoWs that they 'desired to have him
meke certain eontradictions, but they
were afraid to plate him in the witness,
atand. It le a contetnptible trick, and
does no credit either to the Liberal
perty or to the Globea-TOronto World.
To prepare a long solemn declaration
of thirty paragraphs and get Mr.
James Farr ,to sign it, now that the
West Huron enquiry is terripoearily
suspetided, and publish thethme on the
firitt page of the Globe is the .xnethod
adopted by the machine to meet the
facts brought. out at Ottawa. Mr.Farr
was nob to be found when a subpeona
was out against him, but he can be
foend to sign a atatetnent, apparently
in Toronto, bub which reaches the
Globe, apparently in a aspecial des-
patch" from Goderich, Such facts
as where and when it was signed are
nob given. The important thing is tha,t,
Mr. James Parr can be.found when his
friends want him. We confess we are
surprised that the Globe vvould pub-
lish such matter. It knows, of eouree,
that unexamined testimony in his own
. behalf by amen who COnfespea that lie
was afraid to go to Ottawa, who evad-
ed a subpoena, and whoa° statements
are contradicted by the PiWOrti evidence
of many men undei• searching ewes -
examination in a regular court of en.
quiry, cannot for a moment stand.
against the testimony brought ont
that cour& If the Globe arallts friends
will continue to keep in touch with Mr.
Parr until Parliament meets again -Ann
will then appoint some one with more
perstMAIV0 power than Mr. Vance to
induce him not to get citit tO a country
town for a drink, but to take orie In hie
aceustomed haunts, wewill gete some.
witab more satisfaetoey testimony,
But whab surprised US Meat le that
publielty would. be given, under au&
conditions, to statemente implicatinge
reputable • gentleman in this city,
Mr. W. D. blePherson, whose name
in eonnection with this case has
'nowhere before appeared, And on
what groundeP The aforoutid Mt. Pert.
deelares that Marshall And Neiman
made falite statemente under oath be.
fats the conimittee Ottriwit5and then
come forward and makethe proper kind ar trouble up there except as to the
I ' th T ld aeven ballots meaniug theeeby the flve
through all right, and it would be extra, blank ballots and the two ballots
money In my pocket, nor did I tell him destroyed at the cmening of -the poll,
anything to such' effect. Mr, McPhee- and that they had been worked out all
son never euggested that I should right, meaning thereby that the ballots
make a declaration of any kind or give had been duly counted.
any evidence before the conunittee ex- (el) During the noon hour on said eV
cept the truth, nor did be make any ectton • day quite a number of
promise or representation that it would the employees of the organ fire -
be in any way to my advantage to tory and bicycle wanks voted at ray
make the proper kind of declaration: polling subdivision, and, as most of
And I make this solemn declaration, thern were personally well-known to
conscientiously -believing the same ' to- me and as I lead been in the habit of
be ti ue, and knowing t hat it is of the keeping a tally as to how I thought
same force and effect as if made under voters voted, with the vievv as a matter
oath, and by virtpe of the Canada Eel, of curiousity of seeing hownear I could
dence Act, 1803. come to the actual wont, I remarked
Declared before me at the -City of To- to Armstrong, the poll clerk, "that
route, in the County of York, this 19th ehere were thirteen d -a -good Holmes We won't sell you. COTTON. for lArooL, or JUTE for FL...1X
day of August, A.D. 1899.
New. Stor0
FOR the next week onr energies Will be given to the preparation
of our Fall Opening which will take place about the first week
in, September, when -we will be ready for business with a store full
of bright, new merchandise. A completeness, a richness, a new-
ness, such as you'll n91 see duplicated were you to travel for miles
We have gathered everything you, can possibl3r need. in ,Dress
Goods, Silks, Mantles, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, etc., with prices
no higher than good goods should be, •
. .
Want•this store to be pointed out a,nd. spoken of as •the 'place
where all claSses of the Community may come and feel that they are
being dealt With in absolute fairness.
ballots went into the box a little while - . , •
• .(Signed) JAE], N.ELSoN. ago," meaning that there were that,
(Signed) Sam. S. M.airrne, • many of the enaployees of the organ
The•meaner sorts of m.erchan.dise will have no place here. Olean.,
. A 0onunr., etc. factory and bicycle works known to be ,
onest reliable goods at honest prices is what intellig'ent' yerS
as sure Holmes voters who had veted. /I,
. .
(15) never stated to "James Nelson
• Thomas Marshall, of the city of: or Thomas Marshall that . Mr. 'Holmes • are looking fOr,
Toronto, in the. County of York, do 'net ine on the streetin Godericla and •
thletnnly declare --a • said ,t,"1 will not forget yore Farr for,
1. That I am th.e Thomas Marshall thee' I only remember.. meeting
who Rohe evidenpe before the.Cominit- Mr.• Holmes once :and that Was on
tee on Prieileges and Elections at Otta-: the Main street in iGoderich, where I
eva in connection' with. the West Huron was standipg With a number of other
,glection. ". • peeple and elt. Holmes shook hairdo
2. That I Wei° read over the declare-. with us all, Withoet treeking any pare
tion or Jerneerraieeepreblieliedthee -*feeble retrarek to mee - zee'
'Globe neevspaper of the 16th of August e (10) I had been drinking •for seeeral
1890. The statements conetrined. in said daya befoie day„ end oil polling'
deeltreation relating to *het papsed day had a .bottle of Whiskey in the
betv.vemi Me. W. D...MoPherson; James booth, most er winch r drank myself.
Nelson andmyself lefeuirtrue. .1 asked Mr. Berton to getine a' bottle, •
B.The. facts are that When Nelson and he promised to AO so, but did not.
and Myself were telegraphed fote. frail] (13) When the thergee ire to the :in*,
Ottawa to ateene therefor thapurpoie. .guleteties ire my p.olling subdivision.
of giving evidence before the. -Paella. Were, firsenutde ey Mr Borden,. someof
entary:Oonan Mee Pri Pr iseleges and trty fel low -em ployees. at De W. Thomp-
Electimis, ap-plied fp Mr. McPhee- son & Co., where I Work, and sortie' of
son foeir loan pf thirteeb dellars . (sis) rity felloueboarders where reside in
each to -purchase ret urn. tieketa. front Toronto. atiked me if there was any
Toronto to Ottawa, and he loaned each tr nth in the chaeges, and I said "No,.
of up this aniount, eve et striete -time not a word," though I elwaYs adthitted
giving him an orderein writipg directed tearing up the ballot handed Me 'by
to,the-elerk of the Privileges- Commit- Bober t Clink. • • •
tee at Ottawe for thirteeo dollare, ehe • 18) .A.t. vedette thims• in. eubeequent
amount to beptrid rid by the committee conversation some of my fellow -ern -
to cover our railway fare from Toronto ployees and •feliciw-leorteders informed
to Ottawa and return. • .• me that for teiring up a hana, 1 • was
4. While in Ottawa both Nelson and Heine to be aereeted,and their remarks
Myself, eudoreecl the chequee •for thir-. on this head occasioned Me a great deal
teen dollars oath Made ont Our' fa- of fear. • . . • . •
9 I Jean Vie d
vbur to eoeer said railway fareeind we ) fleet met es nce, re erre
.leff, the same there to be forwarded to to in the eviclencegiven at Ottavea, at
McPbersop arrenged • in pay- my boarding -place, in -the city of Tor-
n -ren t the money borrowed from him, onto, when he in trod ueed himself to
5. Mr.MePheremi did not aeeonapanY rue, and. behree that date the said
Nelson and myself or' either • of us to Vance was not 'personally - kinewn to
the trifle on Sunday evening, dr at any me. •
oeher time, nor did he know what- evie (20)bn the occasion of the said inter-
clence We intended to give before the view weth Vance he discussed with me
committee, nor did 'he attempt to influ- the reports which had appeared in the
once our evidenee in and way What- papers tre to the itregulerities at tor
ever,. either by, promise of money or polling subdivieion at the West Heron
election,ancl asked ine if ther'e was any
otherwise. " e •
Declared. befote me at the city of To- truth in the charges made, and I in-
ronto, in the County of York, this lOte formed him that there Wan pot. He
day of August, A.D. 18fee • hiked moil' had ane objection to goihg
{Signed) THOmAs MitREMALL, , to Ottawa and givieg my evidence,and
(Signed) Anemia W. BURN, ' on my replying that I hect not, he
A Commr., etc, urged that I shoule g,h at once. Bet
informed himithat 1. would wait to be-
eArtat's DEODARATION. suleixtermed in ()trier that I might get
-.• James Farr, a deeply. returning offt, ray. experises,. This , ihtereiew lasted
• er in the 'West Huron bye -election only a fe hr minutes.
held for the Heine of. Commons. 'cm (2r) At the time of my interview with
Feb. 21,1899, hair made the folloWing Mr. Vanee abeve mentioned; I fully in-
solent') declaration before Henry W. tended going to Ottewa,bub on account
•IlickleeTOronto, aeconunissioner in ehe of the remarke made to me•durieg the
High Court of Justice : day or two succeeding theleteeview by
(1) am the James Farr who acted as some of eny fellow -employees to the ef-
deputy retureing officer at No. 3 poll- feet that 1 was Belle to be aerested for'
Mg subdivision in the town of Goder- , tearing up a ballot, I changed my mind
ich at the bye -election held in West and did net go. •
Huron on the 21st February,1899, (22) I had been thinking for some time
. • (2) For eighteen years prior to the of going .to Dakote, where T: • have an
month of Aprillast I was a reeident of uncle living, -and told' seine of my
the terve of Godericb where I carried friends that I intended going thereeend
•thi business as moven ter, and front - on or a,beitt July 13 purchased with
about the year .1893 until the time I left my oivn money a ticket, for Dakota,but
Goderichl acted as deputy returning before going I went to Goderich to see
officer at the municipal eleetions for iny wife, but as she strengly objected
the saute section of licateriah as the I esturned to Toronto the following
subalivision for which I acted es de- der. . •
puty returning °facet on the met Feb- ' pay On my return to Toronto on July
euary, 1899. • met James yante'on Yonge street
(3) A post cerd received by ere from neer the corner of King ,end infermed
Me. Lane, the electiOn clerk, was the huh that I had thought of going to Di -
first intirnation I had of being appoint- kota, aod he then "'said vvoulcl haire
ed deputy returning oflicer at the said . made a mistake' if I had done 'so and
election', and had not been previouttly staeed that the hese thing for tne to do
spoken to by any one &bent being op- was to. eo to Ottawa and 'clear myself
pointed, though On account of having . by giving my evidence, and I then eold
acted as deputy returning officer. so fre- bier that I would do so.•
(24) On my retuning to my boarding
house late one night during the follow.
ing week I MLA informed by Jenne
Nelsoner, fellow-boarder,that Me.Vance
had called to see me and Wished me to
go to his house as soon as learner in. I
thereupon walked up to his home with
Nelson and had an inteeview with Mee
Vance, when he inferined tne he was
going away in the mot ning and might
be away for a few days and wanted to
khow wlaether or not was going to
Ottawe. kte informed me that :el did
not go I Would be subpoenaed and that
it wonld be far better for me to go at,
oncee I then told Vireo that would
go the next night but asked him if I
Wag 14010 to get into tremble MI ac.
coulee of the torn India and was in-
formed by him that he thought not but
that in any °Vent it wee far better for
me to go down* and tell all I knew.
(25) Having made up my mind to go
to Ottawa I started for that Wade
about the end of the week in Which I
had the Test interview With Vance, but
having been drinkigg retheefreely and
being vete, dry, I got off at Whitby to
get a drink and reinitined in that neigh-
horlioncl for a few days after whieh I :
returned Le Tote:into, undeathe
fluence of liquor, and have ne very
clear recollection of where / Wes or
what I did for aeeerel days after lny
(20) The eitid Vence did not! ab any
tune advise me to keep in cencenlinene
aeoel being subpoeneed, nee did. he
give me an y money directly or nd Ira&
bry nOV did he give me cheek or fue-
Messrs. jetties Nelson and Thomas quently I fnlly expected to be appoint -
Marshall, the two Withessea who gave ea,
evidence in the West Huron investiga- (4)1 appointed Henry Arinetrong, a
tion before the Privileges and Elec. friend of mine, and a Oonseevative, es
tion committee at OttaWa, have made ill y roil :clerk.
affidavite in which they flatly contra. (5) During my residence in Goderich
Farr in his published declarateon in the work for Robere
diet the stateirent made by Jatnes I had frequently done cerpentering
McLean, the Censer,
Globe newspaper, in SO far tre they rre vative candidate at the said election,
late to Mr. W. D. McPlfereon. Mr•Fare end had berm well paid for it, and on
it is perhaps needless to repeat is the account of iny personal acquaintance
bibulous depute, returning- officer of with him ahd having been canvassed
Goderith, vvhose conduct in contiection by him personally, and having proud&
with the election has been so severely ed him to do so, I fully intended 'voting
criticized. He was out of reach all the for him at the said election, I took no
tirae the eonunittee was in session, So part, whatever in the Liberal campaign
thab the Conservatives were unable to and stated openly that I intended to
cell lilin•to give evidence." After the vote for Mr, McLean
adjournment of the House, liowever he (0) I remember Janus :rata; coming
bobbed up with a deelaratieri whieh to me the night befo,re the election and
was given a place of honour on the advising me to resign my poeition as
front page of• the Globe, and in which -deputy reternirig ofdcee a,na to return
he made statements reflecting on Mr.
, the ballot box papers, the reason given
W. D. Merheeeedt whie4 were 1/4"" by hint for talking ine to do se being
featly untrue and inelicious, The dee- that I had been drinkingand would hot
davits of Messrs. Marshall and Nelson
are as follows : therefore be able to procrtly perform
my duties, but belieye his real yea.
xursow's STATEMENT. son for asking me to resign was that he
1, Jetties Nelson, of the city of To. feared I wan a, supPorter of McLean,
enati clethrect
ronti in the County of York, .do sol- and on that account r refused to follow
'1. het I am the lare es4leition ho lifilnitTdvhieceit;1
ght before the election Wil.
gave evidehce before the Committse on liarn ltfitchell, the town clerk of °ode-
PriVileges Mid Elections at Ottawa in eicio and &prominent Conserrative,in-
connection with the West Moven elec. terviewed Me, and as it result of the Ar-
rangement then arrived at between ut
That I have rend over the declare. I on the following clay, when the, fetid
tion of James Farr published in the Mitchell came to the polling booth to
Globe newspaper of the leth August, _vote, showed him my belief, which
180. The etatements contained in said Wa3 marked- for MOT -teens and which
declaration relatini; to whati.passed be- ! deposited in the ballot box in his pies.
tween Mr., W. 1), MePherson, Thomas once.
Marshall and myself are untUre. (8) had nO oonversetion with any-
Thefeetst are that whet Marshall body ns to my duties as deputy return.
and myeelt were telegraphed for froiri ing ofilcet,and receivedno instruetions
OttaWa ter attend there for the our. refereriee to the same from ariyone,
pope of gioing evidence before the Par. exeopt the printed instroctions in the
liamentary Committee on PlivIleiree boX.
and Blectione we atiplied to Mr, Me. (9) I conducted the poll in a fair And
,Phereen fora leen of thirteen donate hripartial trimmer to the best of my
($13) midi to pureiniee return tickets Judgment, arid every ballot, handed me
from Toronto to Ottawe, and he loan. by the votere WAS duly depoaited in the
ed eiteh of us this Amount we at the ballot box.
mune time giVing Mtn art order in writ. (1Q) Dialog the COnite of the ilay
ing dieeeted to the clerk of thilelletres Itottert Clark Minded bellot
Committee at Ottawa for thieteen dol. which he Paid had been on. the floor,
las the amount to be naid xis hs, the and on looking ab it And not recognle.
eonurrittee te eover our rellwAy fere fog the initials its mine I tore it up, but
tenni TOronto to Ottawa end return. In tieing AO I clid trot make the remark:
While in Ottawa both Marshall end "oh hen There Watt lois !of them
' he teports Stray conversations with myself endorted the eheques for thir. Amite, yenterday."
them which bring in an horiourable teen dollars efteh made out In- nor fat-, (11)„The bellote furnielied me fa. the
narria, absol tely tuitonely. and ex. !our to toyer. said railtvity fere, and Vve ,arritt eieetion were piinteil on very thin
peat. the u ur thig, 001 leftfths same there ft+ he forwarded gaper, oil it was difficult to avoid
14 Ph re n aimenged lu per anding it were than One at onetime
gad. 0 le OM epee r. 0 o
Ptah me witlenner fendsmor did he reit.
der Me any thsistenee whatever in eV°
ading iserviee of a enhpoenti, but, ori
the contrary, he eepeetedly urged .me
toga to Ottawa of my own free will
and give my evidente before the
mitt ece
(27) Thomas Marehall and SAMOS Net -
eon, who gave evidenee before the coin.
inittee at OtteWit were not cotreeb in
their statement, ite to when they last
SAM befote giving their evidence at
Ottawe, t RAW Omni on the Sante day
they left foe Oftevee. and was told
by Nelson that they hail got some way
motiey from Mr. W, D. MePherson,the
lawyer. on Sondity afternoon and Cott •
the told itlePlieritoe wished them to
, make * etatemen t of their eyidence so
thief( he could teke it down and poet
them on whet to say at Ottawa. 1
neked Thole Marahall how much they
had gob, and he said *20, with a PrOM-
, tO Make it Mere if the evidence wee ,
ff; ood and strong, The ertid 3p,rehen
This store will keep none other.
1 •
*Our etore news next week will be interesting as well as profit-
able. It will tell you how you may save some dollars.
and Nelson have infornied me since
tbeir return from Ottawa that they
each got $13.20 at Ottawa as witness
fees and as they were aWay ahead on the
transaction they bad each bought a
new suit of clothes. Nelson Otto said
that it, had been a God sendfor Iiiin,and
he hoped he would . get it chance to
make another- raise In the sante way.
.1:le also told me that NV. D.McPherson
justebefore bidding them' good-bye at
the train on Sunday evening when
leaving for Ottewtehad inipreesed upon
thern thenecessity of • telling a story
that would look rell arght and thee if
they- did that he would not foga'
them. . • .
(28) James Nelson told me since his
return from Oetawa that the said Mc-
Phereon had told him that, if e would
come forward and make the proper
kiod of a declaration' the Tories would
see me through all right, and it would
be money in ney pocket. e
pp) r neve not received any nioney
directly or indirectly or ally assistance
of any kind from the Liberals to in-
duce me to stay awey frona OttaWa or
to evade being served with a subpoena,
and the only thing that hag deterred
'me from going has been my unfortun-
ate drinking, brought on by the fear
and worry occasioned by the stete-
merits made by my fellow -employees
aa tb thy itabibtv to arrest for tearing
up the ballot banded me by Robert
(30) Was informed by the people in
the boarding house that Henry Ross
had told them after his return frcim
giving evidence at Ottawa that I had
better not show up in Otterva, or I
vvould get into trouble.
arederiele. •
Mre. Tyeewife of mail. clerk Tye, and
family, Elgin street, left on Friday to
opend their vacation at Haysville end
eurrounding country..
Miss Flo McIntosh has returned from
her Detroit outing,
Miss Case of A.ylmer is the guest of
Miss Hinton.
edissee IdoCrimmon of Ripley, Mc-
Cullough of Galt, and Smith of Petrolia,
were the gueets last week of Miss. Far-
row, datightar of Archer Farrnw, M. •
We were Beery to learn last week of
the serious- illness of Miss Hawley, who
had been ill for ten days. Mrs. George
A. Kay of Detroit came to -day with
HawleyedUring her nurse's illness.
The Madeline T. Downing oleared on
Thursday before noon forOswegoevehere
she is at present owned,.
lir, and Mrs, William.ProUdfoot and
•Miss Hutchison all returned from their"
p g
Mrs. Geerge Watson of Detroit came -
through to attend the funeral of her
brothee, the late Alex Birnie. •
Me. and Mrs. Fred Prideato were
called upon last week to lose their little
eon, Philip Albert, aged 7' month' and
.21 days. ii, bealitiffil healthy ohild that
succumbed to the fell destroyer. The
feneral took piece neXt day, Wednes-
day. The bearers were: Mestere
Stanley Warnock, Melville Rhynas end
Charlie and Walter Saunders, eaoh
'bearieg it large beeptet to leave umet) the
cathet. Mr. and Mrs, Pridhain hive
the sympathy of all their ftionds in this
their second bereaventent in the course
ors NW Months.
We called on Ittrat Mt 'Fri
clay, a; tn. laet and treked her hew the
figs were maturing. The figs were al.
most es large as lenions, of an olive
a n &der, a roxi ti th
quince. The frit t le pear shaped and
eon, ad a ripe &wherry, but testee we
think inferior te the dried fruit. It IS
very 11.16010tle aud It hae a title ilg taste,
lt, le net unlike a atrawberry in flavor.
It would make e rieb preeerve. As the
ilgs ripen, °thee ilgs ere forming, The
fig tree bes 00 hltiliSOMI the fruit lust
ehowing like * tiny lotato Apple oe
teMet0, among the 'stenches.
' Mr. TAettli Newton, Malt Work for the
Timei-Eterelcl, Chloego, left on Friday
fOr Wit, city Ho was s nett et Mr
(Merles Newtelt's home soh e here. It
manyyetas into eine* Prod Newton,
e mile imy, left <Wald for Chicago,
Min M w of relnevirdine le also
visiting . Maureen and Mr&
Mrs. Ottptaid -A. E. McGregor • has
returned to Port Heron. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Newton have
beee sPending: their vacation at Noe
with the guests of Pere Mr. Newton 'at
the Baptiet prethytery in that toWn.
• elisteGrece Grant of Saginaw is spend-
ing her vacation the guest of Mrs. Mc-
Pherson and Mrs. Brown. -
Missee Grace and. Elizabeth Witten,
daughters of Rev. Jasper Wilson, heve
this year 'taken their- Senior Leaving
certificate in the departmental examine-
tiops at the ages of 17 and 1 0 respeetive-
. ly. They have certainly done eredit to
themselves .and their• parents, and to
their 'school -in Which they have been
treined. They have -taken very• high
seancling in all prose examinations;
where the marks have been made
public. •
• We are happy to introduce 'lefrs. Robb
Rollinson of Paisley' to the readers
of TETE. News -Ramer. Her &ligh-
ters sighed to .return to Goderioh,
which town their mother jeft on
her marriage 23 years ago, ' Mrs.
Rollintion has taken the Maitland House
at the station where any guest will find
gracious and' airy rooms, and good
board. Mr. Rollineon has christened
the place '"Spider Castle," that bney
insect haVing been the tenant of Mait-
land House for a nuraber oeyears, but
the spider has found a busy rival in -the
person of Mrs. Rollinson, whose dark
eyes say "our place will be first-olastee"
• We wish 1VIrs. nollinson good fortune in
her enterpritie. If a new station is
built on the old site, it vrill prove a
lelondyke both to hen and a joy to the
eached her tbat her son Cap.
theoon• hae been very illsince
tain Matheson was drowned. ' He had
just been promoted and was so anxious
to do his duty that he watched upon
'the vessel for skint 48 hours, and had
presumably fell asleep upon the railing.
The mate heard a splash and immedi-
ately reported the circumstance, but he
neeer came up, and was not found too
ill two days later,Wheti his motberheerd
the news, she was prostrated; ereed has
never rallied since. Dr. Hunter, and a
timber of her iaeighbore, are constantly
in attendance, but the is hovering be-
tween life and death, ,
On Friday evening Mrs. Moon -Parker
delighted a Gocierieh audience by in-
troducing for the first tinse in years,
readings from Shakespeare Lady Mos
Bah's Sleep -walking Scene And 'others:
.P.Irs. I/bon-Parker hat; not as much fire
in her composition air Mrs.Soott-Siddon
but her reading ire efaultless. Her mane
Mir show+ study apd hew doeution de.
lighted all especially "Papa was etump
ecee and "The obstructive hat lin the
pit." She will always please people
who .admire that biracial English com-
position fer she ia perfectly at entre in
'at (hat) litereturei Ertgland being her
home, Music Opened the entertainment,
Miss Blanche Watson, kindly contribn-
ting an extremely well rendered piano
solo; Mr. Stecidart rendered "Soldiers
forth° Queen" which woit him a warm
encore, but he poseibiy did noe come
prepared for the honor,. for tie saw him
not again. Protestor Simpaon ACted as
accompaiiisft but, it being choir practiee
night his time was neceesarily short for
for any- outside engagenient. The
Ladies' Aid of Klutz chureli contributed
many beentiful flowers and Canada's
flag was fastened on the northere well
of the Court room, The day had been
exceedingly Warne, Meath petisibly ad.
counts for the abeenee of many well
known eisiterti. .116v. jasper Wil-
son represented the clergy Oh Frit,
day evening. We have often heard
that the aeoustio properties of the
Court ItoUse were not flattering, tut
We think a culprit could hear the Judge
pronounee hie sentence till right, We
head distinotly every' word of Mrs.
Moon Parker. many of *Welt were soft
end WW1 but eastern' &kid they could not
hear her. Altogether the enterteln.
Merit Wag a 'treat, end we thank the
Ledies'Aid of Enos ohnroh for it. The
hers wigs Misses Ithynas, Anderson,
ht et Inspecter Tem
(, actg sr
Hata moo Bobwri4 out Vtdoe trown
11 pretty depot -um •
0.1,4hvg ft .
Virtues of Salt-evator. Baths.
Poe a bane bath (a* bath given' to the
body by use of the hands only, or by
sponge try cloth) piece a handful of salt
basin as ordinarily. filled for wish-.
ing. Allow the salt • eo• dissolve, or
hasten the action by stirring it with the
hand. The water sbould be as aold as
you have vitalify to withstand, Use no
wrap: Bathe the•entire body. Do not
ireglect the" fthe and neck in the free
use of the salt -water. This bath has an
exhilaratinginfluence, topes the entire
system, end gives to the' skin' a healtle-
ful condition that anaply repays for the '
time and trouble involved. IF used in ••
the winter it will be an excellent pre-
ventive of colds, besides being te sub-
stieute for *face cosmeties.; No chap-
ping,.no roughness of the,skiti and no
clogging of the pores will trouble.the
persen who systematically and regularly
takes bath of tbis sort. Ordinary
table salt -or rock salt will do, but vvill
not do so •well. The sea -salt contains
medicinal properties not found in the
others, Whether one exereises or not
the body shOuld receive a daily hand
bath of cold or cool water, especially .io
the summer, either Open rising or be-
fore retiring. --Edward B. Warman in
the August Ladies' Home Journal.
The speeific remeey for trouble of
the blood, kidneys, stomech, liv,er, is
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood
purifier. •
' 'Canned Meats are a boOn to the
tired housewife during the sum-
mer nine ths, They .save tune
and labor. No hanging river a
, hot stove if you use Canned,
Oue stock is all fresh and from
the best canners. Try a can of
Chicken for your Sunday dinner.
J. W.
For quickly and easily
polishing brightly, without
scrubbing), Silverware, Gold.
ware,Dishes, Xnives and Forks,.
Spoons, Cutlery of all kinds,.
Brass on Harness, 13rass ou
Thigines and Boiler's, 13rass of
all kinds, Copper Utensils,
Tinware, Pewter, Glassware,
Windows, Fire Irons, Cooking
Utensils of all. kitids, Marble,
Woodwork, Floors, .Mirrors
Oilcloths, Bath Tubs, rticyclet
Plated Ware', tate., Etc.
Sole Agent.
'14. OOMBE
Chemist and DrugLimii;di