HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-30, Page 7\aa
LE' 20:7 V.—FEB.; 2, 1908.
Jcsua the :'ev;c.;a of thct ', or'ld.-Jopn
3: 1-2I,
Commentary.—I. The new birth (vs.
1-1). • In these verses Jesus clearly states
the condition of entering the lcingdoul of
God the kingdom of grace Imre and of
glory hereafter. It is by being "born
again "from above," converted, regeta
elitted. Nieodonnis could not; under•
stand this and asked how a man could
he horn lehen he was old, Jesus gave
him to understand that it was not n
utteral but n spiritual birth to which
he referred. The Savior then brought
to Nicodemua an illitstration about the
wind. JIe need not think it strange that
he, could not understand the operation
of the Spirit., for ho could not even un-
derstand the blowing of the wind, The
gars of the spiritual life aro unknown.
\l'e can understand the new birth only
as we receive it.
11 iesus.inspires faith (ter, 0.13) Nie-
odemus was still in the dark. He could
not apprehend spiritual truth. Jesus ex-
pressed s•u-prise that he a great Jewish
teacher did not understand these all-
important truths. 30909 spoke with
posltivcneS.s and authority. He said,
"We epeak that which( we know, and
bear witness of that which we have
seen" (v, 11, R. V.). Jesus spoke frorn
personal knowledge, not from hearsay,
mud yet Nisodemns and the class of peo-
ple he represented failed to accept the
testimony given.
III. God's great love for man ('vs. 14-
14. the serpent—Study the story in
,`oars 21:4-0. "The ]history of the braz-
en serpent is a parable of the gospel:'
even so—"Christ here testifies of the
prophetic anus• typical character of the
Old Testament." must—This was God's
plan to save men (Hob. 2:0, 10), Son of
man --This is the title which Christ most
frequently applied to himself, sometimes
interchanging it with "the Sus of God."
He appropriated to himself the -prophecy.
of 13nnitl (1114th _26:63, 041 Dane 7:1 3).
It is'.atpplied ,to Christ more than eighty
tinle1S9 the NeW,Testil111e11t, 111129lies,
1. H1a' 110miilatio11 (Matt. 8:20)', and
that he, the Son,of God, became a trite
man ([Tom. 3:3).., 2. That lie ;vara the':
cue perfect man, sinless and complete
in every human virtue. -3. That he was
,1,1e representative mann, elevated above
individual, class and 'national prejudices.
4, 1)14111 he was, officially, the represen-
tative of the human race in his life and
death for maul. be lifted up -1. In his
l crucifixion, 2. In his exaltation. .3, In
This is the treason why men erre guilty
and will he punished. Light 1. igiht often
denotes instruction te•eching, doctrine,
as that by which Ave sec the path •of
duty. -Barnes• the (wprll an tl03,teninee,
Gen is used With respect to Christ, who
cs the light (((4)re world. 1t is also au
emblem of holiness, happiness and hi tn•-
en; Is come -00d has sent the light to
us, but the .work of carrying the light
tm 11 lootiand darkened world rests upon
[.lose who see thou light, The heathen
nations of -the earth must be reached
through the efforte of the ('hri-li:m
church. Alen loved 'darkness --Lore of
evil prevents men from accepting the
goal; they prefer .the dsork talo evil
tend late the good. Men roleet Casuist
and religion bocal.nao they are evil, 1 and
they aro evil because they reject (Ariel,
and ialigion. Irreligion.mud Wickedness
are one,—Whelan. 33ocnus eta --1t is
lard for men to 010410 themselves lie -
fore God and confess and renounce their
miss, 20, Ifateth the light --Evil works
are performed in the night, under cover
o1' tiarintess. Wicked men are afraid of
the light. Reproved—The gospel re-
proves and condemns the sinner, It
makes sin appear odious.
21. Docth truth—"A most expressive
phrase. Right is truths and wrong is
falsehood. inLdvis and grinds net a
lie," To do the truth is to obey the
truth, Cometh to the light The good
man prefers the fight. He does nothing
under rover. Jesus said, "1-11 secret have
1 snarl nothing,",The 111011 11110 101'00 law
light 1102.8 not find it, in harmony with
hir0 feelings to join Himself in secret car
clove, behind locks an bolts, with those
who meet to learn patsswo'dq end grips
in order to be able to emery on their
deeds under cover. 31113 be made mani-
fest—T1e. desires 'the most rigid and
searching exnaninntion into his actions.
He is right and 10 knows it, and he not
only has nothing; to fear by coming isle
to the light, but be los'1nu011 to gain,
He courts the light. W1' right ie God -
11w deruiro of the good men is to mag-
nify God not himself. This closes
Christ's interview with Nicodomc.
the publishing and preaching of his ever-
lasting gospel,—I3em'y. ID. whosoever,
ere,—Gentiles 99 10011 as.Tews. "Who•
seem' is better -.for .'each one Cain
though he were called by name, for the
same Dame might belong to another,
Those who accept Christ as their per-
sonal Savior will be saved from the ef-
fects of 0111, which naturally mod in the
destruction of the soul, and will lie given
spiritual life here and in the world to
coma life everlasting, not perish-dhnit-
ted in 11. 0. etordal life—Eternal life is
the life which nothing eau destroy. It
is more tlnini endless existence. The
wicked will exist forever. "Eternal life
is fullness of life, joy, peace and love."
It is the life of God in the soul
10, Luther called this verse "parva
1libht" (little Bible.) On his death -heel
110 said, "it is my favorite cordial," The
00150 is said to be "the best thing ever
nil in human speech" So loved—Such a
uc0 could, not be described, Jesus did
de n
' i tai f
root 't.
There s a
t etc n p
lot attempt
neaunin6 in thatlittle word
"so" which
the finita mind cannot fathom. The
world—".A Methodist cagier 111 York-
shire opened his first sermon with this
striking comment, 'When God lures, he
loves a world; when God gives, he gives
his Sen.'"--lleniton,Only begotten
od has r
an sols made
much through the regeneratingnowerr of
the Spirit, he has only one "only heget-
ten" Son --a Son of equal rank and di
(1)10. with himself. 13e1(oveth in him --
To believe in (or "on") Christ is to ac-
eept arms as our Saviour; to believe and
obey his teachings. It implies a thor-
ough 'repentance 011d a renouncing of
the old life, as well as 0101110102/ and
faith, Not perish—Not be banished
front the presence of (sod. To perish
tines not mean total extinction of be-
ing. Everinsting life—"Eternal life,"—
„ IL V. Tia Greek is the same as Litt,.
'17'15, Here is n double benefit offered:
"1. These who believe in Christ are ex-
empted from eternal perdition, 2. They
aro brought to eternal -glory"
17. The 'cots—As 11 4. , o w w e
Inman race is meant, not merely the
Gentiles. To condemn} --Or to judge,
171/1 purpose of Christ's coming ono not
to judge and condemn men, but to save
them. "Thig does not contradict John
ix. 30, Tor judgruent am I cone into
the world; Compare Luke 0; 56,' Since
there are sinners in the world Christ's
of them
coming involves a separation
from the good, a ,judgment, a sentence;
but this is not the purlins, of his 0nnr
ing—the purpose is salvation. Might
be saved—Tia world ern reject Christ if
it ehooses to do so; it is not compelled
,iltrhe saved,
1 IV. Man's responsibility (vs. 18-21.)
",Terns here explains to Nicodemua how
men hire guilty for re1ceting him." ]8.
That believcth—The one who trusts in
Jesus Christ for , satiation. Not con-
demned—Or "not judged." He is not
condemned because be believes in Christ.
1, Nic0ds,mns coming to ,Terns, "Th0
1)10ee100 of Jesus in Jerusalem, and es-
pecially the excitement produced among
the rulers of the Jews consequent upon
the purging of the temple. together with
11(1 increasing fame as a teacher and
evoker of miracles, which had reacting
Jerusalem from ,the hill country \"here'
Jesus had been, led, to this famous 1n.
terview." Nicodemus was not ready' to,
neeept Jeans as the Messiah until lie' had
seen and heard hint: With the greatest
solemnity Jesus ,turns abruptly from
things temporal to things spiritual. His
first sentence tuns too deep for the wise
councillor, 111(0 great plan of salvation
w110 disclosed to him. Niendenme, was ig-
norant of spiritual things. "Ilov can
(hese things bet" was the, true index of
his darkened mind. "It was not teach-
ing lie needed, bob the ability to under-
stand teaching; not more light, but
IT, The nen birth. `he nest he born
again" (v. 7). There is no other way to
be saved. Flesh Can 1101 be ,justified
)Rom, 3. 20). "By no process of evolu-
tion Dan the natural man develop into
a spiritual man; by no process of de-
generation can the spiritual ruin deter-
iorate into the natural man, They ore
from totally different stock," It is not
enough to improve the old nature, but
there roust be a new fowl:1011011, a neyv
life, a new creation, a birth •"from
above. Regeneration is the work of
the Holy Spirit (Titus 3, 5.)
i1. The brazen serpent, ":Ind as Moses
lifted 0p oho gement in th, rrhldm noon.
0v011 00 1111101 the 3011 of Man be lifted
up" (v. 14; Luke 24, 7). 1. As the Is-
raelltes in the wilderness were hitter by
the fiery serpents (Nuns, 21, 6), so the
sinner is bitten by "that old serpent,
called the devil" (Rev, 1 2, 0). 2, As
river' one bitten by the serpent must die 1 er)
so death hath yawed \pmt all mom, for
all have sinned (11(iiii 5, 12), 3.As hoose
lifted np the served by divine appoint-
ment (Nuns, 21, 61. so Christ was ap-
pointed by the 1111)11er to die for the
world (I. John 4, 0). _. As the serpent
00(10 lifted up visibly in the presence of
the people (Num, 21, S) s0 -vas Christ
lifted up publicly bofiee rhe Whole nation
�e � Israel-
en 9.:1e i. '
,LL 11
nt the Pars1
mast look to the serpent (Num, 21,
9), so we must. believe onChrist, the
et0811 701. ti, A0 "every one" looked
"lived" (Num. 21, 8), so Fevers one" that
believcth on Christ bath everlasting life
(John 0, 40), -
IV. (nod's great love fo' the world. 1.
The lover, "God so loved," Jesus did
not die to appease the wrath- 0f God.
"God so loved ug" that Ile.sent His Son
to die for us (I. John, 4, 11), Man sinned
and sold (himself to Satan., God lutist
boyback, for redemption is'the way
back to God. God paid Satan his price,
the blood of IIis-own Son.: ' •
2. Tho. object of Gods love. "'floc
world" A sinful,- rebellious, ungrateful
world (Eph. 2, 1.6),
"God is love" Love is sacrifice. The
death of Christ was the sacrifice of God,
Redemption was love prompted, love
conceived, love wrouglht"
3 The expression of I -Ins love. "He
gate." Cadention is a gift. 11'e cannot
buy it; we cannot earn it, lest the "should
boast" of it, instead of glorifying God.
Yet 00(110 so long for it that they try to
buy it. A wealthy Brahmin gut bathed
in eight :aced rivers and visited fifty
temples; a114 walked around a certain
tree forty-tw-o times every morning,
malting an offering to her gad at every
circuit. She fasted twenty-five days;
taking nothing but a little milk, coin,
penance each day. Aga.ia she fasted
forty days, She gave liberally. She
built a temple to the gods; decorated the
idols with her own jewels and fasted
107-13.14100 Jay's mare, For hours she
710171] sit before the idols and say a
hundred prayers over her bends, Daily
she would light several hundred lamps
before the shrines and sit and rend the
sacred boosts, But her longings were
never satisfied; her heart always ached.
One day she sent for a lady missionary
17terestcd. She 0ecepted salvation as a
gift. tsarist satisfied her heart and gave
her a peace she 1104 never known, She
lost all interest in her idols and came to
loathe them, IIe' family because suspi-
cious. The priests ordered her to fast
and not to see the missionaries, The
days were dark. At last she decided to
leave her lovely home and tntlell loved
family, whom she could nests see again,
and espouse the cause of Christ. Slio left
all her sills and jewels, and with only a
cotton cloth gauuent crept one Christ -
nuts night to the mission door and tlu'ow
herself into the lady's saris, exclaiming,
"I 0.10 come!" A, C. M.
13elieveth not is condemned—Christs
coming was the act of God. It w08 nn
not of the most stupendous character.
it obligates a man to God. If, however,
man neglects, ignores and then denies
it, he stands condemned, If God sent
his Son into the world duly authenti-
cated. man's duty is to respect and ac-
cent that coming—W11eden; to pray to the gods. She taught her in
k Th hlindu became
Resolutions' Passed by Reform Associa-
tion ,of Britain,
London,, Jan. 27. -There 11'05 11.
in this city this afternoon of the Congo
Reform -Association, raider the Presi-
dency of Lord Monksivell, at Which a
more active campaign was decided upon.
The association passed a num•ber of, 3e -
solutions, denouncing roundly the pro-,
posed treaty for the tr,uasfer 'of- the
1.uugu Independent ;state hu t'olgfum,
and deuantling that the British Govern -
mow proclaim an eorly time limit with-
in winch. Belgium 101161 produce a plan of
auuex,ctlou poovidiug guarantees for a
00111piete, reversal of the claims and pa a
Gees el the 01l0tling systelii, the 1'eetul
Mien to the nauveh OI their 17gate, and
abrogation of slayers and forced Labor,.
Another resohition 5038 ,that if Belgium
does not adopt such n whine the ltrrt-
lsil Goveruutent shall appeal to the pow-
ers for joint action: in the event of
this appeal failing, the British. Govern
anent, 11 was resolved, shall 30000/00
the Congo Independent State as a bar-
barous state w'luell Great Britain refuses
to reeog 1110, rad tile British Govern-
ment shall notify those c011001ued that
any iutcrferenco with the rights of Brit-
ish subjects in the Congo is an unfriend-
ly act, and that any disturbance in the
Congo involving the security of British
possess1008 will be suppressed,
The resolutions .are intended. to
strengthen the hands of Sir Edward
Grey, the British Foreign Secretary, 1\'10
is only awaiting definite actio, by the
Belgian (toveauucnt and Chamber before
Three Prominent Brink Managers to
Assist in Arranging the Affairs of
the Bank—Not Interested in the
Penman Company of Paris.
Toronto I i oto despatch: The directors of the
Sovereign 'lank net yesterday afternoon
mud decided to resist in the courts any'
atst,i(m which might be taken by or on
behalf of one or more shareholders to
force the business into liquidation. The
solicitors for the bank advised that no
fenced liquidation could he authorized
by the courts, although an attempt
might lie"made in that direction.
The, directors are satisfied that the
voles dry winding -sup which they have
ulider',.ken will safeguard the interest
,of all and insure the very bent results.
• The directors also decided yesterday
to call it meeting of the shareholders at
the earliest moment possible, and no-
tues will he sett ant to -any calling 1110
nemtiug for the last week in February,
11r, Laird, General 'Manager of the
Bank of Conutiete; 31r, Braithwaite,
local manager of the Rank of Montreal,
and Mr. Henderson, inspector of the
Hank of 'Toronto have been appointed
to net with the President and chief offi-,
aero of the Sovereign Ranh to insist in
earryiug out all the neces,ary business
connected with the transfer of accounts,
the realizetinneof securities and the oth-
er necessary business,
lovas President of the Sovereign
Dank: said yesterday tont the bank (nine
out of the transaction with the Penman
Manufacturing Company of Berns, Out,
all right. 10 the advertisement; of the
Neaman Company in the British newspa-
pers the Bank 0 Slontreal, and not the.
So'e(eigu Bank, is given as bankers for
3)01 Pt map Ccmpum;,
First Step Registered at Great Meeting
in Barbadoes.
Bridgetown, Bablool0c0, B. 1V. 1.,
Jan, 21.—The agricultural conference
which has been in session for the past
week in Bridgetown came to an end
to -day. Delegates from all British
West Indian Islands, including ad-
ministrators, merchants and plant-
ers as well as W. C. Parmelee, Can.
affirm Deputy Minister of Trade and
Commerce, to the number of S0, wore
in attendance, '
The address delivered by the pros -
idem of the conference set fprth,
among other things, that 'great
gross has ,been made in the new cot-
ton industry, which already is worth
35,000,000 a year to the islands.
With the view of effecting closer
relations' .between Canada and the
West Indies, steps looking to recipro•
cal trade was registered.
This would be regarded 110 a purely
faniily arrangement; and it was said
retaliation was not feared. The con-
ference demanded also improved tele
graph' and shipping facilities for the
West Indies.
1D. --This is the condemnation—Or, t 3 I f M
Government Bill in the British Columbia
Victoria, 13, C., Jan. '21.—The teat of
the Natal Act, which the Provincial
Government will re-enact 91 this seg.
sionof the. Legislature, and winch was
given its first reading yesterday, las
bent given to the House. It is vir-
tually the l h coma
as the
that i o
last year, with the, exception that the
typographical error responsible for
l a ap-
the invalidating of the act, tvl s
GJ o-
peared in the final draft, has been set
right. The not provides for an edu-
cational test to be imposed upon all
immigrants entering British Colum•
bis, with the ordinary reservation,
and a provision for the enforcement
of the act and the penalties for its
The disabilities to attend ,unauthor-
ized immigrants are set forth, and
penalties provided to be imposed on
any corporation assisting immigrants
to contravene the act.,
Insurance Company Refuses to Pay
Husband's Claim.
Sicilian Driven 18o Miles Off Course, But
Reaches Halifax.
Huililsx, 3, S, Ian .. •- she. Man
Line steamer Sicihwi, Capt Camp•
bell, six (lays' out from , Philed' liana
for.' Liverpool; vitt St. Johns Mid,
curie unexpectedly into pot yc ler-
day afternoon with liar 0t.um„ gear
I11 the hurricane width. raged 011
tete Nova Scotia 00101 O1. 31)1n1'day
and Sunday great seas washed over
her deck, one large one breitit ng n
portion of her steering gear, and
while this wens bang repaired the
other part gave way, leaving the big
liner at the mercy of the gess
It mem impossible to guide her avid
she was driven 180 miles off her
course. fart of the broken gear was
patched up, and Capt. Campbell shap-
his course for this port, 11101 wa0
sighted off the harbor shortly after
noon, steaming slowly up.
During the storm, the chef suitor
hail lois leg fractured, and is now
confined to his room. Another 1110111 -
her of the crew had his hand frost-
Syndicate to Supply Windsor With
Heat and f ig'li.
Wiud,or, clan. 23.-- The $vmoo'o
Syndicate will pipe natural gas
to Windsor from the Tilbury fields
at 25 cents for cooling and lighting,
and 25 cents for all other purposes,
with the privilege of increasing the
rates five cents at the end of seven
years. Mr. Symn.es' company, as a
guarantee of geed faith, proposes to
spend ,350,000 of the .1)00,000 that will
be,•required to bring the gas to the.
nice and laving mains outside the
city limits before beginning to tear
up. the streets for pipes. By oho
terms M the by-law all the pipes nec-
essary to supply every part of the
ety must be laid within three avers.
The company' ng]cee not to export
Buffa)o, Jan. ''7.--; he suit of 'Pony di
Shutt ,against the Mutual Lite Insurance
Company to um0ver $2,0011 on 11 policy' on
the life of his wife, Josephine, who w'a,
found strangled in her room in the
Terrace Park hotel, three years ago, was
begun before Justice Marcus in Part 2 of
the Supreme Court yesterday. At the
very outset it developed that the de-
fendants will endeavor to prove that
the dead woman was killed by her llus-
band. Not only has Inspector Taylor,
head of the detective bureau, been sub-
poenaed to tell what he 111102s about
the case, but Thomas Penney, attorney
for the insurance company, in this open-
ing address referred to what he termed
the murder, in plain English. The grand
jury refused to indict Di Smitf.
"And this htnnaih being, in the guise
of a 111811," he said, pointing at Di Santi,
"has the effrontery to cone here? 1 trust
and expect that you gentlemen of the
jury cha'n't force us to pay a sent on the
death of this woman, who, we say, died
at his hands."
When the taking of evidence. began,
Henry Wertheimer, local manager for
au uustmlue company, told of visits
Quid to him
the plaintiffintifk andd his
wife. Snitsaid that the taeon
had been insured in the Equitable for
38,000, and he for 30,000, and he wanted
to take out an additional policy for
38,001) on his wife. ' The company de--
e-cloned the risk.
II. Weibe•t Spence, the former local
manager of another company, 0000' lo -
051011 at Detroit, stated that Di Santi
had applied c l t0 hint for , 6.((10 additional
insurance of his wife's life, •
Further testimmm,y to a similar elfeet
will le offered this forenoon in an enden-
vor to prove that the plaintiff plotted
to insure his wife heavily.
Toronto Butcher Discovered Last Night in
Unconscious Condition,
AToronto despatch: Last night at 11.-
15 o'clock Detective Nat Guthrie found
Jahn Zeagnn 11, aged 45, butcher, room-
ing at 4 Ontario place, sitting on the
doorstep of a house near the corner of
Frost and Princess. lie (v00 surrounded
by a small crowd, and when Detective,
'Guthu'ie reached lrim was in as uncoil -
8010110 condition, the empty bottle of
carbolic acid at hie aide indicating the
cause of his condition. He died in the
police ambulance on • the way to ' St.
Aliene0l's Hospital, Zeagrt 011 vvn5 un-
married and lived with -his sister at On-
Edmonton, Alta., Jan, 27.—Within a
few days between two and three thous-
and nen will be required at Edmonton
in connection with the construction work
on the Grand Trunk Pacific section west
of the city to MacLeod River; 125 miles.
Foley, Welsh & Stewart, successors to
Foley Bros. & Larson, who have the con-
tract, will start work at once.
Vessel Which Was Suspected Had Cargo
of Phosphorus and Chemicals, Con-
signed to Match Factory at Brazilian
Nen' York, Jam. 27. The ITe'uld has
received the following cable despa tell
from its correspondent at Rio Janeiro:
From information received from an au-
thoritative source I am able to furnish
The true explemiti0n of the story of an
Anarchist plot to destroy with dynamite
111e American warships DOW hi the gar.
While the fleet was en rou.te. to Rio
word reached the American 3110bas0y at
]'oris that Anarchists bed despatched n
steamship ioded with explosives to Rio.
It was believed then that the explosives
were intended to blow up the fleet.
The German ship ,which had this cargo
was inspected by police on her arrival
at Rio, and it was found that one-third
of the caro consisted of phosphorus
end the other half of chemicals used in
the manufacture of matches. 1t w110 die.
covered that this cargo 9805 consigned to
n match factory, butf'fherpolice took ex,
tea precautions watching, for Anarchists,
A wenithy.French Merchant in Sao Paulo
00)10 amgnk ithose;� under surveillance.
This explanation shows' the matter some-
what in the light of 'a joke, despite the
police vigilance.
Lord Curzon's Majority for House of
Lords Was Small
h}0111 1, ,lin. 27.—Tho (aazette an-
nounces that Lord Curzon received the (1, it welketli not in the counsel of oho
largest number of votes at the elec. 1 a •"soehly:" Christ is not there. If you,
tion 11011 yesterday by the Irish peers 1 '1'0(1111 walk with Christ keep mit of lyll.,
evil company, of all eve)] associationsJ,
beep from all evil places --fat' every; e,
place where yet rann0t go in the Spirit:,
of Christ, and that, if upon earth, you.•, .'
might not expect to meet Hine therb s-
Jf you g0 out of the territory w'htwe,
ITe would go, you need not exneet''to
find Ilia.
Ever blessed God, our gracious Father.
let the oyes of our understanding be
opened that we may sec Christ Jesus as
ill the 1.
Ile is sot before us gospel.
we Over behold Ilio in Itis majesty and
beauty, the chief among ten thousand,
the one altogether lovely. 31a' we adore
Him as the Eternal One. tine Son of Gal,
who, for our sakes, veiled IIis heavenly
glory and (arae biro this world, and
grant, O merciful Father, that such faith
may be vouchsafed to us that we may
he able to accept and rest upon Him for
the fulfihneet of those gracious purposes
which Ile came to accomplish. By IIis
sacrifice may all our guilt be washed
away; by talooutpouring of Rio Spirit
may we be renewed and sanctified and
changed into His image. And may our
hearts' true love and devotion be His
both now and forever, Areen.
Going on Forever.
This life's choice is not for this life
only; it is for the next world as well,
1Vhotever our future condition may be,
we know that it is to be a conthn once
of tied, which we have chosen here. But,
that 001101 we hive chosen will he deep-
ened anti intensified in the world be-
yond, Paul hints at (hie when he speaks
of Christ's representatives 00 being n
"savor of Christ" both to the lost and
to the saved; "to the 000 a Snvo1' Rom
death unto death in the other a savor
from life 111110 life." We ere dead now
without Christ; but the dcetlh beyond
the grave will he a deeper death. W
are living eternally 11011' and here if our
life is in Christ; but. the surprises fond
joys of the life in Him on the other
side of the grave will he richer then the
hest tiat we 01111 know here. The tor-
tu}e -of our 'sin-0h1sen momenta end
the joy of oto' Christ-surrend0md mo -
monis m'0 both earnests of their eternal
eohtinunner, tbo ale a warning. the
other an invitation, Why 810111d we
ever choose wrongly? —Sunday Seinedd',
Walking With Christ,
If we aro to walk with God, we Must
t:0 nowhere that Christ, will not go.
Oh! how many venture beyond the ter-
ritory in which they ought to wall:. end
they wonder why they have not the
enjoyment of religion. They g0 where
'Jesus will not go. 'Blessed is the man
for a representative peer from 1., -
land to fill the place glade vacant by
the death of Lord hahnaine. It adds,
however, that Lorca Curzon's right
to vote in the . elections of represen-
tative peers has never been certified,
and that Lord Ashiown received the
next highest number of votes., being
only a few behind. This is generally
,llterpreted as meaning that Lord Cur-
ze71'0 election may be inva!idated ov-
ing to his not having taken the nec-
essary steps to qualify as a voter.
Lord Curzon claims that eminent legal
advice makes his position secure.
Lord Curzon asserted to -night that
hi., failure to qualify for admission
to the roll of Irish peers was due to
a technical omission, to which his
attention had not been called, and
which in 110 way debars him from
election .as n representative peer.
And Proved It Later by Appropriating
Vicar -General's Wallet.
Ottawa, Jan. 27.—A your; man gain-
sho 1
to the truce
',Palace yesterday and later an audi-
ence with Vicar -General Routhier. IIe
gave sus name ,is Oscar hcuaud, .in" to have been once a fervent Cath -
411c, religiously inclined in his ways,
nie�t; volunteered the information that
lady he had fallen from grate 0101
ani evil companions. it urn's
Idling to lire over lei, t y
in a manner regain his least position,
1ad C1
conic to make confession, 10.1 he,
Then watching his chance, frau n onuses
table at his right band he nppropr1ated , hand, and no hnl'ln can bofall us. Ac hes
a gold watch and chain awl In a little crowned all the past years of our lives
while tools his departure, The loss 0000 with Itis 00eihm'ss, and walking with
The Crowned Year
In Psalm 65 the sweet singer nay's:
"Thou crown:st the year with Thy good.
Hess," and thesewords touch a respon-
sive chord in ninny hearts. To ali of
113 the year has ln•onght 001.10(1 and man•
Hold experiences. Upon the pathway
of some the shadow- has fallen. Bereave-
ment, sickness, business disnpopintlnents
have been the lot of not a few. Bnt
amid all the strangely mingled oxperi-
0115 we 0011 hear the voiye from the ,
eternal: "L0, I am with 'you all the
days." And that promise is very real
to Gods children, Evan in life's dark-
est Med we have felt the touch of the
unseen hand, and have been drawn closer
to the heart of infinite love. He has
11e01 with ns 11ithecrto: He has given 1.10
songs in the night; Ile has led us in
1 'Sht mths • not one of His promises cause. has
failed us, and so wt face the future with
hearts glad and strong and unafraid. We
know not what the new year may have
in store for us; in mercy the future has
been veiled from our eyes, but we know
that nothing can phuek us focal IIis hand
or separate us from IIis love. Some who
are with us now nary loo with God be-
fore the year is done. Some of n; may
have t1 'shed our little worse. Some of .
us may be lulled to pass through the
waters. So be. it. Our times are in His
discovered the pollee notified and the 1 11ieae11 suceoedng year will he mato
young man arrested. radiant until the call 7051105 and we en-
• ter into the presence chamber of the
Where Go the Boats?
London Ont., Jhe l o the Lots n -
are again being beard on the Lou- Dark brown is the river,
don market of the number of framdol- Golden is the sand,
lent agents passing through the It flows along forever,
southern part of Middlesex. One With trees on either hand.
farmer stated that he haat been "Lek- Green leav s a -floating, '
ern in" on two cessions by men selling Castles p34 the foam,
butter color "gm ra meed to be harm- Boats es ming. E -boating
f t} la
lens to the 00)10(10101' 0 the
and sure of bringing higher prices Where will oral c9nte hor"c:
for the r the commodity." He paid three On goes the 4.1ver
dollars for the sample case, and two And on sp:rdvehe,'mill, i
days after the parties left the t'hei Awa down the galley',
nits, found that the stuff was n con- y, down the hill.
taction of chemical coloring 11(1.3100 Away
and oil, cheaply made up, an ss
for any purpose.
A complain 101.1,s made at the of-
fice of the market @leek this morn-
ing, and 601110 action will be taken if
tiro whereabouts of the scheming
aunt can be found.
Galt Factory.
A Galt, Ont., despatch: Two labor-
ers, John Walton and Charles Prime,
while at work this afternoon at the
Goldie & McCullodlr Co,'s workshops, fo11
a distance of ,20' feet to the floor. The
men 980981 origaged in whftewashipg
the shipping room, and; were ow a
scaffold, when one ' of the hanger°
broke. Both were very seriously in-
Two Laborers Suffer Severe Injuries in
Away clown the river,
A hundred es. ore,
Other little childrennlhlor m
Shall bring my' ,bouts ashore.
—Robert Loco j$tevensol,
Forward is written e t1 f f dyl,;'.,
youth. He pas(o '°from office nay t
clerk, from cler)t,. caslder; then lie be-
comes partner;',4 finally head of the
firm. Tho'Trap has seemingly moved
forward a1 t, he time, but in reality, in-
stead of'ing headway he has made
Stern,wq3�7;�, for he has travelled towards
afftq- ;carps, that hay in which all must
fititil!it Come to an anchor. Our face is
(named aft, and not to the fore, for the
drift of our, life- is to the afterwards.
Brow humbling are the paradoxes of life!
"Bread of deceit is sweet to a man,
but aftcrw•m•iis lois Mouth shall be filled
with gravel." -11. T. )killer.