The Clinton News-Record, 1899-08-24, Page 23e- •
Is Inebed every THURSDAY at Tug
1"6we'Reeolfo Preateg Bowe, „Albert IR
ali•Inktatallk. COM*Itis
ItA11141. •
Yr- • 051% 3 110. 1 Ala
eoluum ..... $to fa uti elle el vi
te_Mtuutt 05 tie m pe 12 u0 50
LJOlunin U QJ 13 at7, 00 Lt. 22
iLJMUtuti 10 00 V te le ret
1 lace . . oe 4 50 ts tw 4 4‘f
itarSpe wag pee'l eon trout veto at. per cent extra
For traneient advertifnueente lh gehte
per line for the Ord insertion; 3 cents
Per line each subsequent ileFierttcme'
aonliareil measure. Professionat cards,
not exceeding one inele 45.0 Per
ennual. Advertisements without sPeo•
ifie directioes will be pablialted tIU
forbid and charged for accordingly.
Tremilent notices--"I,ost,"'Founde
"For Sala," etc. -50 cents for first in-
sertion, 25 mite for teeth sebseeuelet
THE NEWS -RECORD will be sent
to any address, free of postage, for
OP per year, payable n advance-,
$1.50 may be charged if oten paid.
The datit to *latch every subscription
is paid is denoted by the number on
the- address label. No paper discontin-
ued until all arrears are paid, except
at tee option of the proprietor.
Editor and Praprietor,
Ircrreerat ly e it tie i lismott eite.
CAPITAL, $2,000,000
REST - $1,500,000
Head Offlee;'• - 'MONTREAL.
W14. P401.801,7; MACPHERSON, President
wot,FER: TA N '1 ol A S, Gen. Manager
Notes dierountrd. 0 reetions made, Drafts
lsLued, Sterling and. American • Exchange
Lc rght vial sold. into Om allowed on Deposita
Interest allowed on sums of 51 and up.
Money •advanced to farmers cn their own
notes with 03)0 or moro endorsers. No mort-
gage required As security. . • •
11. 04 BREWER, Manager, CI nton.'
. .
• . Banker, ••
A Cieneral Bahlting Sosiness Transacted,
Notes DiScounted, Draft e Issued.
,Interest Allowed on Deposits,
-Or.32.0033 •3P:sx.*T..CeILD.
CLINTON • - •••• - "ONT
Fire...Accident and Life insurance
Tr/mattered. ltepresen s -several of Oil Vest
Companies and any information Jointing to
.imuranco-lettft,given. .General District
to Loan on Reasonabio Rates
for the Confederation lite Insur.mce
Office -Palace block, opposite Market.
John. r.ti.dout,
Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc., ,
Fire Insuranee. - Real Estate.
Money to Lend.
Dr W Gunn,••
•. .
:R. C P nod: L. R. C;S, Edinberelt
Office-Ontarie Street, Clinton. .Night
calls at.front door of residence on Ratten-
bury Street, opp, Presbyterian church..
• ... _
Dr Wm. Graham .
(Successor to Pr. 'Turnbull.)
- "'--L. ralitipte of thalloyaeCollege of .Physic-
ians, London, Eng. • •
• Office and Residence, Perrin's Block,
ately occupied by Dr. Tecnbell- a • .'
Dr. Ma*,
Office -Ontario Street, opposite•English
church„ formerly occupied oy Dr. Apple -
Office and Residence next. to Molson's
Bank, Raitenbury street, Clinton.
Dr .: .BRUCE.;
• Burgeon Dentist
OFFICE-Oyee Taylor's Shoe Store,
• Clinton, Ont. Special attention to preset-.
vation ofnatural teeth. •
N. B -Will vase Blyth every Monday and
Bayfield every Thursday afternocht during
• the suMmer.- .
Office adjoining Foster's Photo
-•tem .. -
waziceCV. .41041rS, to .5.
At Zurich the secolid Thursday of each
• .
Blaokall & 'Ball,' .
Veterinary Surgeons, Government Veter
inary Inepectore.
Office -Isaac Street,Clinton; Residence,
• Albeit Street. •
Rousse the tor pid Uyer, and cure
bilkeleneee flick headache, jaundice,
moo, indigo tient eta They alel
valuable to prevent a cold or break up a
Neer. Mild, gentle, certain, they me wortley
your confidence, Purely vegetable, thee
can be taken by 'children or delicate women.
Price, 26e, at all medicine dealers or by non
of Q. i. Hoini & Co„ Lowell, Masa
John T. Ernmerton.
Smiitee block, opposite Post Office
•gr t fcr Standard Life. Insurance Co
MA401110° toe Canada, Montreal.
• Inturence in force„, 1116,000,000
invests' 0 as in canoes • 18,500,000
Bet MAIO 0,1825 Tbe old reuebie and favorite
aorsesuer and General Blaokomith
' Albert Street, North, Clinton, •
Woodwork Ironed and first-olass material
and work guaranteed. Farm implements sad
machines rebuilt and repaired. ,
Scott' So McKenzie,
curerorr AND BAYPIELD.
Clinton Office-Elliote Block,- Isaac at,
Byfield- Office -Open every Thursday
-Main street, first door west of
Post °frith. Money to loan.
James Scott, E H. McKenzie,
E. Campion, Q -C.,
Barrister, - Solicitor, ". Notary, lee.
aeeicee-, Over Davis' Drug More.
. Money to Loam
• aohnstini,
The IlleKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance. Company.
Farm and JeokLtedTown Property
Onl lnsUred.
• • -mem t
..T. B. McLean. Presid nt, Kippen P. O.;
Thomas Frazer, vIce-pretident, Brucelield P.O.
W : J. Shannoa, Freey•Trea... Selforth P. 04
Thomas E. Hays. Insp ,otor of LOREOS, Beaforth
P. O.
W. G. Brondfoot, Peaforth John G. Grieve,
WInttrop: George Dale, Peatorth: Thomas E.
Hays, Seaton.' h; _James Evans. Beechwood
John Watt, Harlock. TIMMS Fraser, Bravo.
field; John fr. ItToT,i3an, Kippen; James
Connolly. Clinton,
Robt. Smith,'Harlook • Hobart MoMiSan Sea -
forth : James Cummings, Egmondville, J, W.
Yee:Helmer:vine P O.: J03111 Ooveniook and
:form C. M reon, auditors.
Parties desirom to effect inaurance or. tran-
sact other business wilt be promptly' attemed
to on application to any of the above officers
addressed to their respective post offices.
• „... •
• .Grand Trunk, Railway,
Trains arrive and leave Clinton Station as
• Buffalo and Goderich District :-
•Going West, Mixed . . ....
"- ". Exprass.... .. . .. 12.55 p.m.
" " Mixed . • . • • • .... 7.os pan.
Express .. t 0.27 p.m.
Going East, Express . . .. 7.4o a.m.
44 Id 44
4( " Mixed k 4.35 P.M.
L01;4:1011, 1144r011 and Brace :-
Going South, Express 7.47
44 64 16 .. 4.25 pan,
Going North, ;.....:.,1(3.15 a.m.
," ." •• • 6.55 p.m
M. C. DICKSON, W. E. Davis. .
Dis.. Pass. Agent, G. P. &T. A.,
• • Toronto. ' Montreal
plyrrxsoN, G.T.R.. Agent at Clinton
Bar •, Solicitor, Cointoissiogier, Ete
Or/eice-eCor Hamilton add St, Andrew's
. trydone,
. , °Pens •
EAVEli 111.0K, ' CLANTON
50 'YEARS'
COOVII10141111 &C.
Anyone seeding helot/hand ameriptiett nute
enemy riacermin onr opinion tree wiener an
Invention to probe fair wee:nice Cormstmles.
ttons strictly cone dentim. eandbook on ',Montt
beat free, oldest agency foriteteurrpmente.
patents MIMI trirOtIffh 011010 ye, Meseta
al het, without name, in t e
Sdelitifit AltieliCall
A hintdrattnelf Inesttetel
yMreale Lersietd
e, ir,
mantop er taiteleWintenliusxs. ta:earr menia. 4."c"4u".tnrr:i&coadig.i.w., Nowm
las It Etc. wamariatoa,
, •
ews ,Summaiy,
mi V• * Receni 5attenines Brkfly Tole,
CANADA. i Regular and volunteer U. S. treoPe
J. H. Todd, Millionaire merchant of indulged la a riot at Fort McPherson
Victoria, is deed , Ga., and eight soldiers were wounded.
Winnipeg Iwo raised the ealary of Its. Americana are alarmed that a oon-
chief of pollee to .2?.000. eignment of shot and sheet lead tor
SantPle* of new wheat, oatue and for the hilne insurgente.
d 'TePah from Salt 13"razmie°4e it intended
rye elsowa at HaMilton are lin liua Y I
good. Nearly 20,000 additional troops will
,,, wee be sent to Manila up to Oet. 22, and
Tql° telegraPh nee t° pawtc'e - ' Gem Otis will luore a fierce ot about
likely be coropleted by the end of next.
month. 46,000 men when the dry reason opens/.
At the Maeet investigation in New
s Great North-West Central Rail -
be. extewied 25 miles ewe Y. ork a detective gave evidence to
way is to
. snow that pool rooms, gambling dens
B Brimantf.ord y shortly have a face Itt;14 rum Joints were flourishing in
tory for the manufacture of bog peat •
Robert O'Shea, 46 years old, a porter
foe fuet. at the Union Hotel, Niagara Fails, N.
Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Smytlt, of Mid- Y., committed suicide, by jumping
ford, Muskoka, celebrated their golden from the Cantilever bridge that Keane
weddiag last week, the gorge. He was intoxicated at the
D. Howard Sharman, a young den. time,
,tist, was drowned by the upsetting of Three soldiers - .
of the 34111. re:entre.
his CallOe at Winnipeg, stationed at Fort Logan, Colorado,
The Northern Pacific Railway halt raised a distrubai
nce n a saloon. Two
let contracts tot its Portage la Prairie policemen named Thomas Clifford and
brandli of Inke Manitoba. W. E. Griffin, were shot and instantly
The water in the St. Lawrence River killed by one of the soldiers for at
near Kingston has gone down -twelve tempting to arrest him, ,
inches within the past ten days. A report at Cleveland says the ble
Hilda Blake, the Brandon murder- cycle trust of the United States • will
ess, takes bee confinement in jail very int only reduce selling and manufac-
coolly. She ia now engaged me her taring expenses, but will set out to
capture the world's markets. Methods
The Wet/am:eh County authorities,will in °banged, but the names and
are after a raping pool room, wheel styles of the various wheels now made
has been operated for some time just will be retained.
outside of litunilton. ° , William G. Newbrook, a Buffalo law-
-Fordine.nd Lemieux, ex -accountant, yer.-has disappeared; after confessing
has taken out an action for '41.0Ven that he bad misaPpropriated about
againa Fred- W. Smith and the Vale 05,0o0 a the funds of an estate en -
Marie Bank for false arrest, • e truated. to his care. , Several months
The Canadian Development Com- • ago Newbrook's father made good a
Patty has landed passengers in DaW- shortage of 85,000 i'n his sonm accounts
son in six days from Vancouver and but refused to• GdmosEolia4Laecond time,
ten. and a half from Ottawa. N
A conservative ' estimate of the Yu- I -
The bubenie plague has- reappeared
kmonimonsoutrbut tpolateheser ietstiams
palasc'eteint in Cahnitta. Fierce rioting has occurred In Satz -
at /am rtwelve to fifteen millions. eurg. Aus
' Robert Hunter and Herraan Rein- etria.
Pitmen telertnalt 44staisietts are arieleg,
They Dave ItIsnp •eared for Ct;nturles tad
TI4411 ROVIVell 1y ilhaillee•
SOME4 25 years a,go; when the scoriae
Or Islam produced by the, ancient
Gmelre ia working the silvermines of
Lewextur, near Athens, was removed,
Lie order to, In more effi-
cient modern appliances, the ,seede of
a 'kind of poppy.of thegenue Manch'.
on, which had lain ueidereeath the slag
Lei a dormant eonaltieerfoi et least 1,-
500 years, sprang -up again all over the
uncovered ground. Unknown in mod-
ern1 times, this plant was deseribed
the -first eentery ofour era by Mateo -
rides and Pliny, and had disappeared
from the face of the earth for 15 or
20 centuries. The fact that these
seeds should have retained their vital,
it so long seems very extraordinary,
but: there are other instances quite as
remarkable. - For instance, raspberry
seeds- found in -1835 in an •'ancient
tit/mitts, in a offin buried 30 feet be-
low the surface, and believed to -,have
been there since the elecond century
were euccessfully planted.. And an ail-
otbee ease seeds of the Polygonum
Oonvolvulus, au% up trent the bottom
• of n sandpit, *where they were believed
to have been buried for 2,000 years
were etill vigorous and produced heal-
thy' paints.
- .
A fool knows other people's business
better than a wise • man knews his
What does yOur mirror say?
Does it tell you of some little
streaks of gray? Are you
pleased? Do your friends of
the same age show this loss
• of 'power also?
Just remember that gray
hair never becomes darker-.
without help, while dark hair
rapidly becomes gray when
once the change begins.
Will bring beet to your hair
the color of youth. It never
fella. It hi 'just as SUN as.
that hest melts stiOW, or that
water quenches fire.
It cleanses the scalp RIM
and prevents the formation of
dandruff. It feeds and flour -
haws the bulbs of the hair
making them produce a butt.
tient growth. It stops the
hilt from felling out and gives
a fine soft finish to the hair
as well.
We two * took on the Halt and
kelp which you may obtsin
upon request.
if yon do not oblate andel benefits
yea expected from. the Itte,pf 3110
Losou, new
belt, two Hamilton Klondikers, are ed fradditional Fatalities are report -
hone again, without a cent to show
ora Oen
:Russia' yetke -steps to expel ex-
for their Lang trip of two years over =
King Milan from Servia.
die Edmonton trail. •
Drill books for the cavalry, -artillery i
greatest labour crisis in the history
carpenters' strike has caused the
and infantry have been issued to dis-
tribution to militia units. One copy The French Government tn uprobe
ot Rennie*.
bited further fights between bulls and
trict officers commanding for free die
goes to eine' offieereand sergeant.
wild beasts.
The • old litusic Hall of Dundee
street, London, fOrmerly the Meehan-
The A.meeans have captured San
Lee' Hall, 'has been turned into a hand-
Mateo. ten inilee from Manila, after a
some, upeto-date theater, the interior stiff fight. •.• • -
haveng been completely remodelled. • It is said that 30,000 Finlanders are
TwoFrenehmen in the employ of the Neirwfsidoeurnidnigantdh! .equestion of settling in
Montreal Transportation Company
have been ca.ptueed in Kingston smug- Filipinos have captured and burned
gling dress goods, tobacco and cigar- the United Stats steamer Saturnas.
ets. They were acting for a party. in. Her crew are missing.
Montreal. ' , . Seventeen cases of poisoning figure
A...caritage containing Col. Leys, M. in a murder trial now being heard at
P. P., and Mr..Chittick of Morchestet TeTmbensvr:p0r, iiTtilhautncgahrinya. • and
japan have,
ownasSaattururdakyl). Y Tahtertietrecraarnaate•
concluded an alliance is confirmed by
the occupants of the carriage were a despatch from Rome.
thrown out and severely hurt. It. ite asserted ,that the''Filipielos de-
, Mo , Jahn Baird, private banker of
Spanish prisoners in their hands. .
manel $7,000,000 for the release af the
Lynden, has m,et with a peouliar and
serious experience,. An Miaowing toe-. Herr Wolf, the German Liberal De-
nali led to blood-poisonin , and the
puty to the Austrian Reichsrath. was
. g ' • •
severely w d it •
a,mputation of the toe, and now it is
oun e in a savage duel.
feared, .as tble wolund. is not bealing .
NARKETS OF THE WORLD' "RP" HUNT IN 14"1""1"".111011.11111 AGINIPAT1113,
Colonial elevereeteat maniere Ike Orton/ peels
And the Orestes Strike Us ow most•rx Prire4 12: grata. Ostia), 063 tate-wrionessee Nefeel et the Asbautto* SEPT IN WHEAT CAUSES INCAI.*
of easeade 14 Wetireth In the Leadiug Harts, The Newfoundland Legislature has '4'COLABLE DAMAGE.
, A despatch from Roseland, V. C.,
Baylis -The largest mining camp in the Toronto, Aug. 18.-.4here was %good with satiefaction by all sportsmen. 'The (arbentele Inaltile-lierda tees Hetes
Nortb-Weet is on the verge of thn big. run at the we -ter a cattle market to- By it the hueting grounds Of the is- or 411.0e ""t"Yed by 1118 ilteve4e/i•
this section. Six thousand, miner*, was a little slow, a good deal of the moderate means and limited holiday A despatelf from Ottawa saye:-Next
vials* oilstones, triSeeteketh
gest Miners' strike in the hietory of day, receipte being 82 leads. Trading lend will be the -awn open to Bios)Of'
Idaho,moatly Americana, and manyof thehave resolved through their ately from the Coeur d'Alene district, the authoritiee for pen/elusion to ohoot to the 'United Statea Oansida'a great-
'. m artouwf,te. mbraorukgehttIn . Wing for to mor- ' time . Heretofore the fee exacted by
In . est rival on the hemisphere as an ex-
nainere union not to accept the Wagea perter of wheat and cattle is the Are
4 export/ cattle the demand, toe good thribou leas been 4100 for Seven head
offered by the British Amerithe Core gentine Republic. The condition* of
atuff wase beyond the supply, but far- --five stags and two does. For thia
poration, owner ef .the LOW, and Con- agriculture there, and particularly of
mots continue, tt1 send in. Inferior stook, there has been substituted a graded
tre Star and other big mines, I.:
fer which the demand 18 410W. 0004 license, as follower For $40 a license Uwe° of cattle-raleing, are Popularly
anndernam and, mankkonk, nwnera of snaiwtepers brought LW bigle ae 45 per le granted, good for one month, Per" sbIPP°Bed to be °bell a° te tender the
mating Ow holder to kill two 'stags
the War Eagle and other 'properttes oompetition bomewhat unequal But
the rbacipal mine owners of the dig-
' More good, buteherie °attic are want- and one doe; for 450 the number is in-
trietp. ed, but the general average is low, A creased to tbree aegis 'and me doe,
Last winter the British Colgrabla few extra, choice lots brought as high and the period is extended to six
Parliament passed a law proeibiting aa 44.50
the working of men in -mines more '1 hut the average price was - weeks; While for 180' a two months'
license ie obtainable, with, the right
than eight hours per day, oho rate aTottnd and below 04 per cwt.
was 03.50 for ten hours. The Roseland Following are amen of the trans- to kill five stags and two does, These
mine -owners offered 413 per day for notions e-
ticemtes can be obtained from any meg-
1,200 lbs, sold for 44.00 per cwt.
A load 100 shipping, cattle, weight ispatyrarataen, i jatuatiace witeredeonf 040111
chiefly cows, weight 1,050 lin; sold for lion roe to violate any of the previa-
A load of mixed butchers' cattle, and subeeribing to an oath or affirma-
just paused an aol which will be hailed
satisfactorily, teet ths ftiot will have The Czar haa• decorated M. Delea'sse,
to, come 'off.
. . , . French Minister of Foreign Affairs, • . with the order of StAlexanderNewe
:Mr. George Brown, a 'photographer, •
.was eharged at WinnipegKeen1d
Keene court ,s- •
s have.
with followinig his business on the
nlYoative. are reported to and great damage caused tie
Lord's Day„ when asked if guilty; or been
property b the hurricane la the West
not. guilty, said he, would plead:guilty , y 31 ,
to working on Sunday,' but not on the Indies- • ' ..
Lard's Day, as that was not Sunday. Germany has begun a new. type -of
He is. a Seventh Day Adventist. • torpedo beats: larger ' than the . old
The' biggest robbery that Dawson • style, which have been found unsea.
has' known for Several months was worthy., . ' ,•,' -
committed two • weeks' ago Sunday, a Bulgaria . is financially enbereassed,
evell-known Victorian being the vic- Ineconsequence of . the killing of a
tint. .While Gowan, of King and Frenclefisherman by .the Leda a num-.
Gewan's saloon, was dining in the ber of English visitors at Boulogne
bar some one came in and stele $1,500 were mobbed, last weelce •• , -
in gold duet and cash. . The Spanish court Inertial has, by
Word was received in WoOdatock a majority ofoneaceuitted
Monday Of thedeathin Natal South and other -officers tried for surrender
the -
. , , e.. .
Africa, of Mr. W. G. Boyes, who . ing Santiago to e Anteri(7-annsTotat
previous to nine years ago, was a pro- •A. .
merican delegates to the Peace
nonent book and stationary meichant a f ' .11
en erenee wtcommemorate the cm -
in Woodstock, Deena -sad was about ference byethe erintion of .a 'peace
70 years
ofa4 and. died a paralesis. dew: ewer the English' church at The
Ile was, a majar in the British army, na,,,,, ,
and had seen active' service in the At- ee ' , • - • ' -
g'ba'n War i The starving peasenlry of Sesser-
• i tibia, o piece of Ruestan country north
. • GREAT BRITAIN. ' of the Dentate and the Black Sea, have
The °Prince of Wales has left Lon- refolted, and lied several encounters
don .for Marienbad,' to return in
eight hours, and proposed in tee event
this was refused:to introduce the con-
tract system. At a eneeting of the
miners these terms were rejeoted. Tee
mine owners, fearing that the Coeur
d'A.lene spirit was rife emong the min.,
ere, organized a militia company, the
head of whIch Is Ross Thompson, who
laid out the town of Roseland. A car-
load of rifles and two machine guns
have been obtained,
An IlitstIsh.tempany to Ereetelue at North
Sydney, c. It.
despatoli from Sydney, C.B. says:
--Another huge iron and steel wprks,
eclipsing even the Whitney estab-
lishment now being erected at Sydney
will be located at North Sydneyin-
formation bas been received from Eng-
land that a deal is about to Pe con-
summated to merge the Nova Scotia
Steel -Company, of New Glasgow, N.S.,
and the General Mining Association.
The latter is the oldest coal company
in Cape Brace). ' The. directors are
Englisemen. Its mines are at North
Sydney. A representative of the Nova -
Scotia Steel, Company hen been in Eng-
land forsome' time consulting with
the directors of the coal company,
The neve concern'aplaat at Meth Syd-
ney will include a ship -building plant,
steel rail plant and dock. The com-
pany owns iron mines at Belle Isle,
Newfoundland, and it is said that -
three hundred thousand tons of ore
lutve been sold in -Europe for immedi-
ate delivery. The concern will have
a capital of twenty-five millions, prin-
cipally English. The price to be paid
for the General Mining • Association
coal mines is not stated. '
SET- with troops. • ..
Through th& fai ure of -ventures by
Andrew Carnegie' has &mated 850,- his agent, Paul' Van Derviss, a young
000 to fouled. a ;mein library at Eeighe Russian, worth $18,500,000, has become
ley, Yorkshirebankrupt and will save at most $30(10,
Motor wagons. are being put to 000 from the wreek. • '
sevlte tests ae LwerpooL a4. Liver-
pool ity has adopted' motor dust
Light • tee -strut* a marching regi-
ment at Limerick, Ireland, Saturday
oeevetetes,:ye;ivaitenes.. urin,g two officerstold
, There has been a, revival of • day-
light robberies in the Strand and other
outrages which terrorized London a
few months ago..
Naturalized aliens are not eligible
for peerage in agland, and Mfr. Wm.
Astor, therefore, can only become a
baronet or a knight.
• The French schooner Pauebote was
sunk by the steamer Hercules off the
English ceast on Saturday, and nine
perscnis were drowned.
The tie -meter! of Sir Thome Lipton's
company, has been comMitted for trial
at London charged with being in poa-
session of fruit unfit, for use.
• Tbe Marquis of ,Londonderry has
announced, the engagement of his -son
and heir, Viscount Castlereagh, to Miss
Edith Chaplin, eldest daughter of the
EA. Hon. Henry Chaplin.'
The X.,ondon Times has been grant-
ed an injunction restraining a • pub-
lisher named Lane from re -printing
speeches ct Lord Roaebery admitted-
ly taken from the Times.
The British naval manoeuvres have
remitted in the &Wok fleet getting
the °envoy, supposed to be from Can-
ada, safe into Milford Haven, eluding
the fleet which 'represented Prance,
Emperor ,Witliam• of Germany has
-conferred upon Count Von Munster-
Ledenbing, the German A.mliassador
Paris, the title of Prince, in recogni-
tion of hist service as head of the Ger-
man 'delegation lel 1 he Peace Confer-
ence at The Hague. e
• in a collision ot trains, during a
thunderstorm, 'at Juvisy, ilorance, Sat-
urday night, about e0 passengers were
killed: and 73 injured. One train was
standing and the other crashed into it
at 50 mine an hour,' telescoping ehree
paseenger. coaehes.
The River 11am Risen Forty Feet in
Twenty -Four noun.
A -despatch frem Winnipeg, Man.,
says: -The Big Saskatchewan river is
on the rampage. The stream has risen
40 feet in the past 24 hours, and is
still rising. The bridge piers at Ede
raonton are under water, the ferries
swept away, and hundreds of cords of
wood and 'thousands of feet of lum-
ber have gone adrift, The electric
light power house at Edmonton is un-
der water, and the flats below the towel
have been trensferred into a lake of -
rushing wateree
The freshet is due to the phenomenal
rainfall of the past few days.
The hietorical steamer North-West
Miss Maud Spe,ncer at Leeds, Eng., broke away from,..its moorings, struck
has recovered 4250 damages in a suit the centre pier 'bodge, and went down
for breach of promise againete George the river a total wreck. .The river
Arundel, a yotuig engineer. He took ist full .of drifting miners, shacke and
oteasio oorreot the spelling, in her
lettern.W •. 1 1,1
A balloon from the Crystal: Palace,
London, ascending on Monday, col-
lapsed and fell like a stone in\ the
Weltered° of a Wit crowd, but the
cordage caught on a- house and the
four °Militants escaped with a severe
elealchig lup,
Sir Alfred Hickman, in the British
House of Commons, condemned the
practice of the Indian authoritimetur-
chasing railway material in the United
States, declaring that while •English
engines cost mote, they were better
end lasted tenger.
The fifty-third annual report, of fbe Wednesday Weaning, said that an Am -
British Commisaionera of Lunztey erkah Government official told him
shows an appalling Increase of mad- alai: the next few years would see a
nees, the number of el/babes in Eng. large importation of English stock 'n-
etted, Wales being 155,066, an in- to the United States for breeding pur-
create of 9,114 in a year. The spread P°6"'
la largest stating paupers,
Britain bus arranged a torivention DROUTH IN S. -W. RUSSIA,
other small buildings. People in the
low-lying part of Edmonton eTe pre-
paring to move,The water is now
four feet over the bridge piers, and
continues to rise.
Extensive Purchases by Illuited Matte
Breeders I•ronibled.
A _despatch from London says: -Mr.
Victor Cavendish, member of Parlia-
ment' for West Derbyshire, in a speech
before the BakeWell Farmers' Club on
with the United States on behalf of
Ttinidad, aduiltting certain United twee jags .er the Winter and Sprint
States prrOdUCts duty free into Trinie wbest crap,„
dad, Wed reducing Milted Statue duties A despitteh trom StPetersburg,
on s% certain attic'12 lee per cent.,
while -granting the United States fay- saysk-Repotte from g . otitheWest Rug-
ored .natien treatanent. eia say the reeint drought in that por-
The iseheme of Lord Curzon ofIred- tion of the country has caused the ut-
laden, Vieeroy of India, reepecette. g ter loos 00 118 winter and spring wheat
frontier defence has been approved oir crop.
the Imperial Governs:tient, It provides -----------
for the withdrawal a t18 regulate frr on
.mittly frontier gartisene and the, sub- DRIEST SUMMER OW RECORD.
Mitt/Aloe of tribal militia, which' will , ........
remit in large economy.
UNITED STATES. Italheill Ilk gattlend Vella Wrens SO to lee
A detteehmeta of 100 matinee have Toms Per Aere4
been sent to Manila.- •. 'A 'devilfish from London, Saystee
Peer young men drank wood aleoh01: Vhte hate been the driest ;summer on
at a plonks, and died in Elklied, Tioga record here. 101113r 100 tons of Water
, county, Pit, per acre halt fallen Instead of the usual
The Red 'Otte stunner itanaingtna average of 6101 tow. Itior 25 days the
is quarantined at New York. It WM tbermotneter hag registered a tempera..
a case of etualipot Oa board, ture of oter -80 degreee.
. • —
13.1e 1-2 per ewt.
A load of mixed butchers., cows and
heifer, weight 1,020 lbs, sold foie
per cwt. . •
Fifteen heifers, weight 895 lbs, Bold
for 84.30 per owt.
Eight heifers. weight 1,020 lbe, sold
for $4.50 per cwt. .
A lotl of rough tows weight 1,000 118sold for 88.25 per cwi,
Three loads of ehippers, weight froze
1,225 to 1,325 lin, sold at prices rang-
ing from 84.45 to 85.
There was a good demand for ramie-,
ers, prioes being steady at 42.75 to 03.--
25 per cwt for light, and extra choice'
84. For heavy prices were 43,50 to
43.75 per cwt. with an extea. 25e, for
best selecetons.
There was no change in export bulls,
of which the quality continues poor,
Cows, were :unchanged,
Good -.calves are In demand, a few
salea being made as high as 88 to 89
each for vealaweighing from 175 to
200 lbs. on bhe hoof.
en eeport sheep the trade wae fair-
ly briak, with a good depend for Ora-
cle:3a stuff. Butcher's sheep showed
no .signe of lmtprovement, in quality,
prides Varying from 13 to 43.50 per
cit -t. EWes (showed an increase in
prioas of about, 40o per owt.
'Receipt's at the hog:market were
abeat 1,000, with prices unchanged, and
too many Heat hags still coming in.
Farmers are showing toe much anxiety
to unload unfinisted steff on the maze
Sows, are fetching 3c per lb.
Stage sell at 2e/ Per lb,
Store -hogs will not sell. •
Following is the range of otirrent
•• Cattle.
supposed to glove ,Ilrett„ .,4,30,,Loc,,,a,
EXPII .......... SM -
W11.101.41. Ile Got RUIN .
' A deapatch from Lindsay. Ont., stip:.
Mr. James Greaves, 'cqadueber of the G.
T. R. train -running daily between here
and Coboconlr, had a narrew esetipe
freen being tent, whilepessingleilson's
• •
aiding, 'three miles . this side of Otebo-
conk, on Wednesday night, • It is ele.
Greases' custom to ascertaial it the
different paints along the line on the
up trieethe number ef cars to be taken
on -the down trip in the morning, and.
when passing Wilson's siding he was
looking out 'of the closed • window
conating the cans whenhe heard the
report of a rifle and, the frame of the
saah tlu'engh *which •he was lookiek.
creshed in. On- examination it was
feted that the bullet pealed through
the, frame and oat of an open window
on the other aide of .the coach, pasi3ing
withimi a fee: inchets of the conductor's
head. Everything. points -to it. 'being
a delieerate attempt on Mr. Greaves'
life, and yet he himself cannot aceennt
fcie the, affair Melees it Was done by a
tram iv hone .the 'conciliator compelle.
ed to pay hie fare whenetealing a ride
fewedaye ago.. -
TI1411, 1146 l'Crilelrgliar41 are .in
esiassay at Dull.
A deapatch from Ottawa, Ont., says:
-The Standard Bank officials, have
been notified, It is alleged, that the
mystery surrounding the robbery' • of
811,009 on May 130» last from the Bow-
manville braneh has been cleared Up,
and Aix men are now in Hull goal who
have been identified by the night
•watchman as having been peen by` him
in the beak on the night of the robbery.
It is understood ' that --Chief Genesi.
notified Provincial Detective jos,
Rogers that he had arrested men
against whom he had proof implicating
them in the crime. Their names are
given as James Collins, Win. Hastings
John Murray, William Gilmour, Wil -
tenni iohnson, and Pat Ryan.
The men were arrested and convict-
ed of vagrancy, and during their teen
Chief Genest has been able to Work Out
his clues.
Elhhtlitet Mimi Oyer the irelehentlou or the
!teller or Deem'.
• A •deepateb from Londonderry, days:
-The Protestant celebration of the
anniversary of the Relief of Derry, be-
sieged' by Jitlla0S ,army in 1680,
led to riotous scenes here on Sunday.
An excursion, party; composed of 400
members of a '98 olub, arrived from
Belfast, but the police refused to allow
the excursionists to enter the 'city.
The appearance of a Natioiaalist band
to meet the party caused disorders and
stonclethrowing. Bath mobs attacked
the police. Finally -the Riot Act was
read, and the Mayoe of Londonderry
called out the garrison. Eight cone
stables were seriously injured. The
rioting was renewed in the evening
on 'the departure of the excursionists,
in the vicinity Of the railway station.
The police made repeated baton charg-
es, and several portions were injured.
Wheat lade fit Maillillbe 111111 1/0 Etter.
mesas This Tear.
'despatch from Winnipeg Bays
The att. and N. W., railway orep report,
issued on Wednesday, aho'ws that
Wheab Mt the north-western portion of
thes.province is rather inure backward
than in Central and Southern Mani-
toba, but the grain is ripening fast,
end harvesting will lee general by the
end ,of the month. •
The estimated yield from all palate
rune holm 25 to 80 bushelper acre,
the crop being very heavy. •
ottug-Illiati Disrobes and Deliberately
luau* to Drank
A. deist/etch from Deseroatto, Ont,
aayti:-etatorday night about '2 O'clock
a young immigrant, named Wm. Davis,
undreseed on Cedar 'Mill dock here
and jumped, into the bay and did not
again appear on the lintince. SCAfte
70Uina lads who were in the vicinity
gave the alarm, and a rescue party re-
covered the body in about 10 minutes,
but life was extinpt. The young man
had only been in town a few dam and
it le mid bowels not mentally stood.
NO theeptaele has ever heel/ Made
With eufficient strength el retest the
bursting power of frozen water,
Shippers, per cwt, . . 8 425 500
Butcher, choice do. . 375 425
Butcher, med. to good -. 325 :340
Butcher inferior. . ,„„eaft, „,,,„8,00„„
Sheep and Lambs.
Ewes, per cwt. . . . 875 400
Bucks, per cwt.. .. 2 50 300
Spring lambs, each.. ,. 800 400
• Milke.ra and Calves.
Cows, each. . . . . 2500 45QD
Calves, each, . . . . 200 700
Choice hogs, per cwt. .. 4 76'
Light, hogs, per ewt. . 425
Heave; hogs, per owt. *, -4 26
Buffalo,Aug. 18:--Hpring wheat-Ao-
tive enquiry; No. 1 Northern, spot, 77-
9L8 18 77 5-86.e No. 2 Northern, 73 7-8e.
Winter *lone -Duel; No. 1 white end
,No. 2 :red, 720 on traffic. Corn -Firmer.
Nic 2 yellow, 37 to 37 tele; No. 3 yel-
low, -36 3-4 to -37o; No. 2 corn, 31i 1-2
to 36 3-40 ; No. 3 earn, 96 to 36 1-4c.
Oats -Firm; No. 2 white, -25o;--No. 3
.whitte, 24,e; No, 4 weite, 23o; Nix 2
mixed,' 23 1 -Zvi No. 3 mixed, 23o. Rore
-No. 2, on track, quoted at 57 1-2e.
Canfreights' ie.' Steady: Flour -
Firm. '
Detroit, Aug,. 18. -Wheat closed -No.
-1 white, cash, 72 1-2ce; No. 2 red, cash,
73c ; September, ,74e3; December, 76
Toledo, Aug. 18. -No, 2 wheat,. cash,
72 1-4e; September., 733-8p asked; De-
cember, 78c asked. feorn-No. 2 mixed,
33 1-2c, Oats -No. 2 mixed, 28 1-2c.
Ree -No. '2 earth, .551-2c bid. Clover
seed -Prime, cash, $3.90; October, 84,40
asked.. Oil-Unohanged. .
Duluth, Aug. 18 -Wheat -No. 1 hatd,
cash, 74 1-8e; September, 72 5-8e; • Dea
comber, 72 5-8c; No. 1 Northern, cash,
71 7-8e; September, 70 5-80; December,
71e;'May,. 75e; No. 2 Northern, :675-8c;
No. spring, 645-8o. •
Milwaukee, 'Aug: 18. -Wheat -High-
er e No. 1 Northern; 74; No. 2 Northern,
72c. Rye. -Higher; No. 1,54e. Barley
DulirNo. 2, 41 1-3 to 42e; sample, 98 to
582 le2
Jana of the game laws of the island.
These are in brief Not to kill deer
out of Season; not to have in one's Pos-
session nor to sell or buy any portion
of a deer out of season; not to kill
more deer thareprovided by the license;
not to mare, trap or pit caribou, nor
to hunt them with dogs, nor with any
come -Lettuce or weapon other than fire-
arms. The employment of non-reia.
dent guides, bearers or laborers is
prohibited except under a special lic-
ense, for whirah .25 is charged, but eue
nuMbers of competent local guides
and other attendants oan be had at
it feede until -the greens are trans -
low rate. of 'wages this should not formed into pa, black powder, greasy to
operate as a hardship upon any visit -
the touch and of the odour of' decayed
beg sportsman. In any hunting party
all deer killed by the employees counts
as it killed by the principals, and ev-
ery licensee on receiving leis permit
pledges himself to endeavor to remove
the careaiis or flash of any deer he
maY klil and not use for food into some
town or settlement within ten days.
The reason for thee is that a few years
.fitrog. oma. pat.ohervt:.:oafriboB:hi.iptcsilse40:Bonavtuhael oaf:ante-10%a
in the South Americen Republic the
farmers have ,troubles of their own,
and eeriow3 troubles, too. A bulletin le -
sued by, the Argentine Department
Agriculture bus just been receive
the derrartnaent here, It is addres ett
thei farmers of the Republic to in-
struct them in the methods of grap-
pling with 'rot' and •f Anita ' lit WIreaL,
The °peeling paragrape of the bulle-
tin, oe which the following is a trans-
lation, *‚bows what oerious inroads
these pestsi have made UPON the crops:
"Enormous looses," it IfiLYS. "Silk 0E-
perienced ever' year, amounting in
some instances to more than half the
entire, crop, ceased by a disease which
the farmers commoniy call "carbon;"
It is: also the cause cre 'the produetiee
of thei inferior grain ot small Valli% so
common in, our markets, and known aa
smutted, punts, negro., wheet," The
bulletin goes on to aeoribe this " die- •
emee ms well as that Of 'eerie,' or
rot, to a microscopic fungas growth,
the, latterl seen in the immature wheat,
to which! it faistens itself, and on which
secoattenat lumens at she Dreyfus Trial
• Da Sintellity ItornIng. • •
A• despatch from Rennes, says :-A
stirring scene 'closed Saturday's ses-
sion of the Dreyfus trial. General
Mercier spoke' •nearly freer hours in
ruthless denunciation of Dreyfutt, who
had listened unmoved 'until Mercier
concluded by seeing that if he had not
been convinced of the guilt of 'Dreyfus
and if the latters conviction' had not
been fortified since 1894, he would
admit he had been Mistaken. Drey-
fus jumped to his feet as though the
words had galvanized him into life
and ahouted in a voice which resound-
ed through the hall like a trumpet
note: "You ought to say so zany."
The audience burst into a wild cheer,
whereupOn othe ushers called for ail:
once. But when Mercier replied that
he would admit Dreyfus was innocent
if there was any doubt, the prisoner
shouted again: "Why don't you thee?"
At this there Was another outburst of
M. Casimir-Perier then rose and dra-
matically demanded to be confronted
with General Mercier in order to deny
some of his statement.
Colonel Jouaust ordered the court to
he adjourned until Monday at 6.30 a.m.
fee the confrontation, and as Mercier
turned to leave the court the audience
rose en masse and °tithed him, those
at the back of the court standing en
chairs and benches in order to better
howl him down.
6.4* •
Weaseled TWO Den and °neatly lutw His
Drains Doe. • .
A despatch from teharlottenburffi
Prussia, sayeeeeekt the btanoh et the
pear a ford: on the northwest -coast
and after removing tin heads and
antlers froen the finest stags left all
the meat tarot unburied, with the re-
sult that the eleer have completely
abandoned that region. The new re-
gulation prevents:the possibility of e
repetition of secile unsportsmanlike
The deer -stalking season opens on
July 15 and continues until Oct. 1,
when there 'is an . interval of twenty
days. / Seooting is resumed on Oct: 20
and' continued until 'Feb. 1, from
Which time until:the middle of July a
close season is observed. The caribou
are to be finned in the vast tracts of
latatiorefeeeht and the uplands known
as "barrens," untrodden except by the
occasional hunter. The deer are in
countless herds, and those in the col-
ony whri have mast closely observed
their habits say that with proper safe-
guards agaittat wanton killing there is
no reason evaly they seould not con-
tinue; to provide the finest sport for
the hunters of Europe and . AMeriea
When every oteer..eccessible hunting
ground has been depleted. ,It must
be remembered that the 21:10,11101e people
who inhabit Newfoundland live round
its coastline and that three miles from
-high water mark there is not a set-
tlement. The rest. af-the 42,000 square
miles of tae ialand is given toe to the
w animals, which include bears,
vectiesefoxes,'Iynx, caribou and hares.
'Ihe best time fin- sportsmen to visit
the island is the 'month of September.
The best route is that by rail to North:
Sydney; Cape Breton, Where the steadie-
er Bruce is taken across the ninety
miles of water. separitieg this island
from the continent.. Landing at Port -
aux -Basques in five or six tours, the
hunter boards a: train, and a run a
twelve ,hours places hien. in the midat
of the deer country. . At Bay of Is-
lands, about two-thirds of the Way,
guides, canoee, and all the other ac-
cessories to -a successful hunting trip
eau be obtained:• "
September La the best mienth 10
visit the island, because then:, the
sportsman can vary his caribou hunt-
ing with ether sport; each as angling
for, -trout or:salmi*. NO fee is ex-
acted by the colony .for any forzn of
sport except deer bunting ; the trout
and salmon rivers sere free to all; and
the game bisds van .be shot by any
Person possessing the requisite Owl -
;ink' piece. The guides engaged for
caribou ahooting are equally avellable
for the angling and bird shooting. A
visitar, therefore, with the leisure and
equip,ment can claim his fill a enjoy-
ment theee within a .month. •
. •
A Few, Paragraphs WIsIella WM He Found
. Well Worth Reading. .
. linen Was' the fiwit tabric weaved.
Vegetarians have clearer complex -
liens than people who eat animal food,
It is a remarliabld fact that few bald
men ever die df constimption. •
The first balloon ascension was node
by the M000ktgolfier tirothere, in
Lyme& France, June 5, 1783. . .
fro lay the dust: cm. its roadbed the,
Bostoe and Maine Railroad runs a
litrge oile3prinkler over its route.
In Asti, California, is an immense
cistern lined with concrete two feet
thick,. for the storage Of wine. Its
capanty is 500,000 gallons.
' ,A. blacksmith in Grass Valley, Cal.,
decided to ciao Ilia career on the an-
niversary of his birthday, at the very
:hour of the• day when, he was born. He
waited until tbe dock struck eleven,
and then committed ettioide.
On, each train. of the new Siberian,
railroad tttere will be a ataticatary
bicycle to afford exercise to the pass -
elvers and a barber who will shave
then), free of, cost. '
A. sheep with five horns rambles
around the farm of William Dfarston,
in Cedar Spring*, Ky. Two horns grow
on eact side of the head and one in
the centre.
A 'negro conviot in an ,Aurarlan jail
Was conve-yed to et Vienna et/spite',
and there 'ex-peril/tented upon with
eleettleity, for four. month's. At the
end of that time he was so bleached
that he would ptssa for a white man.
Three hens bektiging to Dr. Shaw
of feusesliville, Ky., are 'high flyers.
Credit Saturday. Mr. Prism, Mel recently ascended 200 feet in the
ait in pqrsult of a hawk. . When the
,a retired army captain and former
/woe wentles blow they quit qteratehe
president of the Harabterg marine of- lea gravel and igagsben beta to dinn
ing both. He then jumped hitt/ a train eel Mtn who and what he wan. fie
director and cork, dangerously wound- ed for Vagrancy. Ilbie Magistrate ask-
lice, after presenting a cheque for pay- r' - was ---
A San Francisco tratap a arrest.
mime diaoharged a revolver at a bank
and alighted at the Zoological garden,
Where he fired at an official, who tried
to bar hit entrance. He then pressed
the -Muzzle of the revolver against his
own temple and rapidly fired three
ehiele falling dead. NO Motive le all*
signedfor his Conduct, and he is sup-
posed to have been insane. Increasing rotundity on the Part of
- ' the wife 00 a London haberdasher led
BIG SHOWAT PARIS, r' herlienband to eat off her supply of
dratnatically declared, "I am an eon -
est fininf-the =bleat work of G000.",'Heateet Mere being aeakna the Jecige
thou& he vvould put hiUr hi a plate
of safety, and sent lultm to jail tor three
fish." The•bulletin advises eradication
of these pests by treating the seed
wheat with a weak eolation of sulphate
of copper.
'From another bulletin issued by the
Argentine Government it appeath that
great havoc is being wrought among
the herds by, a plague known as "car-
benole." The virulence of this disease
is such that the immediate slaughter Of
all affected animals and the cremation
of the eareasea and the use of antfeepe
tics in handling them are earnestly
recommended. The Government under-
takes to supply free to stock-raisera
of the Republic the Pasteur lymph,
which it is filaimed renders animals
immune from the plague. ,
A Conference in England, to InsProve the
Poultryaltaising lut14.111111-
Great Britain is the largest egg -
importing Country. No brealrfest ta-
ble is well fuinielied witheut eggie and
BrAisb henewould give:up in despair
10 it were intimateel to them that they
ougb:t to supply all the eggs the eopu-
lation can consume. Infect, the num-
ber a hens is so very inadequate that
over 1,839,0(.10,000 of eggs, worth 820.-
000,000, are ixaported every year to
make: up the defielency in the home
supply. • Nobody wonders more than
the British do themselves wily they
don't raise: more. poultry. and egge,
and. so a poultry conference met at
Reading to talk the =atm. over.
Mr.. Walter Long, President of the
Bretish Board of Agricaltere, told the
tout, of Which 4e, drattit three pines
The esseedien treelike to gave a rho les• a day. At twit meal she welshed 21,7
bib"' al *ht "oh'. polithecie. 18 efic %yaks tihe had dwittd.
A detfeettch front Ottawa, Says:- bed dewen to 180 pretteide. Fearing that
Among our moat notable exhibits She ittatlid mole become a skeleton, 'she
the Paris Pair neat year .will'be one titrotroArsernbak.nutflaya.., a."")tet441
from the Canadian Nolte Reilway, .
which Lan reaerted a apace of1,200 ,
feet, that will be fitted up as reeep-
don room, /showing ritanr ofite best jetates, aeid hie Mother" have tom
oil paintinge, and dig) aya of the You four times bow to stop making
natural treOUtoe4 of the country Along that racket.
the route. It is said the company trite, Menline, roiled Om youth, who
will vend between $25,000 and g$0,000 has a great future before PIM the
on tha tothihte. , exact &Unbolt..
delegates that forty-three eggs were
imPorted each year for every man, wo-
man and ?Wel in the. United Kingdom,
and every one of these eggs might just
as well be raised at home. He would
do all he could to facilitate this de-
sirable result. Same of the delegates
said that the poultry farmer might
-reasonably expect a profit of five •
shillings a yeazefrom the, eggs of eaoh
hen, and there was no reason'why the
homy production should not be largely
increased. Various ways of encourage.
ing the industry were approve& •
Among the diversione of the con-
ference was a trip to Baynards
Surrey, where the delegates were con-
ducted over the great poultry -fatten-
ing establishment of Mr. C. E: Brooke,.
Who annually sends 36,000 fowls to • •
the London market. This market' has
sotme peculiarities Which the poultry
Canon must take into account.. The
chicken must be sent to market with
its head on, for the buyer will_not in-
vest in a fowl whose head has been
cut off. The idea is that chickens that.
are mutilated may possibly have been
killed by some animal. It is also im-
portant that the chick.en should have •
white or at least light yellow legs, as
the poultry buyers object to black
legs. There is no good ground Dar
this objection, but consumers will
have their way and their Whims must
be gratified. • If chickens with black •
legs are forced upon the market they
bring anly about 1810 tha price of
those with light legs.
The great hen oattntries of Europe
are France, Austria-Hungary, Russia,
Italy, ' Belgium and Denmark, and
thee England has plenty a neighbors
that are willing to supply her wants.
Canada is now trying to get a part
of the trade. If China might only be
eoceolmically tappe,d for poultry and .
eggs that country could
be all crea-
tion in the quantity supplied, for that
empire has•more fowls than any other
;country in the World. .
Aroused Ills Master 10 goal/. $11111e14011
1114 race.
Soave eine for purely. A Bristol.
England, cat a few days ago proved
the mane of saving a whole family
from deetruction by fire. At half -east
two in the morning nshopkeeper nam,
ed Ledo „Seeniedermanin was bloused
by his pet tabby, which was gently
vilaetrd toitekiagiebtldf:ivher
cee 6
iaway, but As
the faithful feline persisted, he arous-
ed himself, to find tins rosin full of
smoke. ale alarmed a lodger, Hermon
Muller, who was sleeping On the same
floor, and also his sister and another
young wornan. They all rushed to the
stairsawhere the flames were already-
sprreading. •
With the exception of the lodger, the
Wraiths, taking pass with them, reach- .
ed. a landing, from -which they escaped
teethe back yard. Just as the Mulles
r3hot righethroagh the spiral staircase
Muller, who had stopped to put on his
booth, Waa out off from escape. The
flambe reacted his room, and then,
thriteving out soon bedding, he leaped
from the seeetind story window, He
badly sprained his ankle, and was tak-
en to the infirmary.
ELORDIKE OUTPUT $W,000,000.Steamer Kosalle Lauda 11130,14.01114 lit Cold
at Vasicataver.
A despatch from Vancouver, •aays:-.
The -steamer Rosalie. with 150 pass-
enger& bringa in the neighbOurhbod of
$3,000,000 in gold. According to the
estimate of Canadian Gold Commission -
et Ogilvie the output of the Klondike
mines this year will be 440.4100,000.-
Clara, you admit that We Would be
Mere eel/eh/et-able at home lit the, hot
'Yee„but everybody else le gene. Wbo
will nee my new clothed-
Alk.-Ifies Deering always bee a
crowd of youpg men aretind hr.
2.114t, .11000111Y, •-••. Us; um' evidently"
thlOt there is 4404 18nuthhars.