HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-08-17, Page 6ROW VIE MIN OANAIIA'S SOWER POLICE THE ilEP OP TIM °ROAN ARE THEIS DUTIES AND IIESPONSIBILIe 'WORM' AND SHOOK off tbrough tbe light branches. * Oates. DaY and night, scorehed and lionatable had :sighted the Indian; the geared and athirst, they have to battle latter Peeped. ballit aMeng the trees, often to preserve the country from. be- TeleporarY rePaire kept Alien from coming one vast kiln. No more excite bleeding to death. They tried burning) ,ing picture was ever arawn than the l'IES IN THE NORT1I-W the Weave felt, but the poplars were etght of two polleemen, With LWO Wet too green. Thou three conetableae. blanket* knotted. together and trail- ing the groUnd, galloping aim on eith. er Aide a a line of leaping hungry flaUte. Miles MI milers of fire line they will pat out in tbis way. Intereselng eeemetel Id the Reettlen er liMither el fellieers end nen m fee verve Ilawkin, Kerr 'and LUndy-crept Re1010re mad 111141101` Streen 'Mateo *re elhele nate of ray 1. oil t Lee er a threugh the twat: dengerOtle under- temstautly et Worg• nesular tfordier Yu narreeke-effine Ile• Tgrenewiethfonwt toteheineefie tenet/rep:Iva; tohree°110to' Altheugh there ere Many thing* Oaten's 111' Theis' tile 011 1110 14110ne the outeide bear,dbaat raeaguraleaarattipoteroavmaals andehowing Their r000see, in Estee ot fho rifles week t about the brain which eteientists have wool, gh4 Apr. froel the deep ehxdows of the mane. not yet fathomed, still great strides No fleeing Indian. darted into the even, have boo; mule z,soeutly kwywiedge tAtribdo agnottieL;iAt Golden, in the heart snioruemogatgfoilrlr,hrotineogat,acdtipaorilittiemeaa; um elmtaltne• The (lough lnieinger4isanitt4:6 w:jsorli geetettt of What the orani ve There was 'nettling bnt. the oc- Cerebruns. iis the emet part a the brain, was conunanoing *Lie* pOilde there, and otiameate sharp era,* of a elfee fee end immediate souse& of all our men- ill sPite at firm raetteures the miners teirill of elefelance of fin Indian, and then weee beginning to get. a little mit of mit,Nkei, gray meeker of the outer eurface ade up of layers of ii!iaor et,),ne night " 1311miziate4 In a elr Wee 1113;;T:Prar1=1:11gt:t A t" rgeene Fury, a determined wive ears, no °all from the constables to nerve:Cells. These are the thinking cen- 13.14103g little mat, •was sent, sew. pea' friends on the outside: no word tree. EXPeriments ma ailitialS have two constables, to arrest the oh°Wu that each convolution has a SW., P.tgi, ,SaustiVid Peseseien el ors stNiersifst."7ge° thbeiantgt ourt ttheewoatticit: eta function, and if deseroyed it can. straight; up tolYtilvea rannit'heigiwd agiVellf, for the three brave troopere weft: ly. ars grew heave, and well they might, not be rePlaced. Also it is found that said; °Coyne with me; I arrest you." neg with tneirewbite set faces looking tn: course it was an invitation that the lett brain' is more active than the Up at tbe Jaime melt, their bedlam torn the turbulent miner he'd no idea of ate ey the bullets that bad been fired at • right, This knowledge hee been most eepting. Fury roadbed out Persua- n t ern from the Metance of a few lures. useful. in relieving suffering. sivetywith lee left hand, clutched him Thu: if an ePileptio commences a laY the collar in art iron grip, and ofWthit ethe peesistence characteristic ' fit be tviritching the riget themb or le:waken foe the door'. tt was like Cook,ewelnete'in t%tvo°c1nOe:;haKtt3ere tit2tc(11 hene, one woeld find the cause in its. rerogwe'yngtigdogi.talbleamoroentfivaes caagmef011.111 of failed to accomplish. As he warmed his way along on his stomach, O'Kelly eelve centre on the left side ef tbe swaying, swearieg miner's in front Qof (eta:411st dlencoveuryt. Tlisile Indians, with • the =lace of the brain according tiasetiatnes4 were vainly trying to keep ruinwaya lettgcrinng, tYiii teal elermir. tilorielt:, ante We are 'tow able to make. a map the little ser,geant Vstleil biS tWO as- fhrocigne deg:redo fileadI3elit rItIlisnah by bteakiug the anx41.1 bushes off tease •the varioue funettons. All impres. at Fury' ttor• the 'seemed, These led to a (teeth- e received from the Miter wprld coming, and without looking around :era yvtets.duLbyateheolneetriansenciyitol ether,14Y eight, eMellehea,ring: teete 'fired point-blank over 'his shoulder, t aatr. bhoubgtthdt ahise ttitle the girt:unit. wing. each wee tt- hawk-eyed Indian with a • touen, are carried dleeet to the our- leveled. rifle. " It was in these little Of ehe larain and recorded in the others and the poll:11°1 ltiruP:rillstehne. vaiwaie;sotthet, theehree policemen had , brain -ethibit, Of theiT reseective areas, er out' on , the road. before the crowd lead time to gel; worged ip into a Pas- TheS two canstables a ' while all Movements are the result of voided tile paths,: and kept to the tbick growtle iiiI#113110S sent deem from the cells in alan again' . It twee seme little distanee to the ro 'add 1 O'K 11 b ' en y e y femme aware of ri the differene motet- peewee barrechs, and, as they hurried the um: ' pair of lehakeesoloree. legs in front of ' willing captive along the road th , eY nine Thinkmg it wan ene of his dee There are five large sensory tires: d saw the miners ooraing for (nein again. oemrades he reached out to pull tbe First, sight, which is the largest, at "rhere'll be Borne quale wurk this body back, As he did so the feet were • the back. Sraell, mete and. hearing time," laughed Corporal Roth:dreg- evrenched violently tram his graap, and have their poeitions at ' the side of ion, for he was of. the perty. . Just as clisat.pear.ed over the embankment in - pulled their prisoner over a to t e pi . e et es t Tit 'fl belched forth head, in the temper* region. and in- Linn' ner surface. Teed' resides at the top 11ridge ewilioli sPahned a little stream, in his very face, and an Indian sprang a eigure came tearing down the road up on the embankment to get a better Of the brain, WI h • 44 .4 .e large meter from tialebarracks with a sword in one eliot at hiAL A bullet from °Kelly's area• ocoupiee the Milk of the middle hand anti a revolver in the other. It ,Araha. t s THE MOTOR AREA. whom the rioise of the fighting had was the cob:inlander, Major Steele, roused, from bed of illness. Ile is to arranged that, the motor cells nlanted himself firmly in the middle of the bridge, and vowed to kill the first of: the lips are in froni, then those I member af the mob that attempted to- ot the hand, arm, end tiO on, baekward pass, • to the foot, The simplest. •brain action ' It Was settled tlyat tlane as it.always • is. No prisouer is eyed given up by le as folbews:-If a person tauebeo any - the NoTtliwest Mounted Police °nee the thing hoe pr- entre the, painful 'se' nee- ee---- e,- " taw demands tnat he be arrested. ',.rhe 'teen would be telegraphed to the see- miners knew enougla of Steele to know sory Area. The sensory/ cell which re- that ne would keep his word, also that •ceived the nieesage wbuld wire 011 .to their eamrade wtrald ' have_ a.fair, ised. them. • , . he person wae asleep, and .there- Nor that prestige and' iletermina- e, the braid net acting, eueh tion carry the point always. Some - 'pie *ifct might be niainaged by thii spin- ittlaeusidTertado,47 urt ono dthres al cern, pr medulle. It is called a e- to arrest and nail Seaeth flex act. • ' • dew gutters damp on',his face, and the f, equare trial ; Mat much Steele prone; e motor collet to pelf. the liend awa.y. - A pare= mer be- walking- towitrirre' -raginiallt-114=Hatithal of hem in the tome Duck Lake is the l're°1Plee• and the' hoPreeehm 'Of 'den- "Five' Points" of the, Northwest. "It ger le telegraphed to •the optic' lobe,. lies:100 miles north. of Regina, the and thence a message. is sent to the capital of the Territories. : Last year motor area to turn and walk away. five white men -four polkemen aed one But, suppesing it be; dark., flow, are eiviliah-andehree Indians lay dead on the motor cells to receive lest.ruction tthe Metric. wite: their faces to the sky, and guide the individual. le. walking ? .tit the ehd ;that the Peace kdokee be one He. feels with his hanies and feet, and Indian outlaw . blight be made. Whole. the sensorryecells receive messagee Almighte Voice, son'ef John Sounding feoni them ho*•to. direct the:collie The Sker, was huegfe and killed a „thw: The imerression - sMeieed an the braincell first. little irregularity was that the will guide the iedividuel: ueder simi- coW belonged to soniebody else. Therel tar cireumstences again, and this goes fore a sergeant Of :police and a half - to censtitute experience and memery. bred ginde rode forth to': bring Al- tt is easier to Teraember 4 lenlon or mighty Voice before :a magiatrat As a horse than a mathemetieal formelti they rode along. they heard the' repert or e.peeme The reaton a this is that of a gun. They turned from the trail, ,, ereas the lormee•lieve enepressions toad came :suddenly upon •the itelian rifle Went crashing through the red - Skill's brain. The Qom:table flattened, twelY. • In former years the most onerous of the pollee daties WAS the preventing of the tulle of liquor in the Territor- ies. The Northwest was then a pro- hibition etate. The Lieutenant -Gover- nor had authority t,o issue a permit to a man to helm in trie posseasion liquor up to five gallone, providing always the man was re:spec-table. These per - mite gave the peace no end of trou. ble. So long as the owner of a Per- mit neat it ha Ids hand he was en- titled to the possession of five gallons of liquor, though the keg had been drained twenty times. A fieloon-keep. er with friends who held permits could Store ix large etock of smuggled quer and snap" bis fingers at the po- lice. It was an article oe faith that met who tried to bring in ligeor by means lawful or otherwise were. pub- lic benefactore; while the police, who were trying to interrupt ibis wholesale trade, were men to be put far WM ray and shrmed 011 a hog's bluer, Many and various were thee tricks re - (sorted to by the -men stricken wile a thiret engendered of life in that high, dry atmosphere. A oonsignment of 131- bl:tie to Edmonton proved full of a spir- ituous consolation that caused them to sell'ae readily' as hot cakes tc• people who ereviously had taken -very little intere.st in Christian literature. That the nibles were tin did not maiter the slightest. A hrgh-rolling gambler, "Bull Dog" Carney, once ran a oar -load of ensue- gled whiskey into Golden. The Police got knowledge of ,it, awl. after many up and lowns-cmitiseeted meet of it, " It was a eight. to make erode heart ache, sor," the sergeant who told mot about it assured tae. " A. carload of whisky spilled out on the ground be- fore a squad of men thirsty to their veiy scowls. eurely a little keg Would- n't have been missed- from Del that lot -a eve little keg,"' he added plant - his body out, end hugged his mothem Upon amothee occaenin, when there earth as thowth he loved her. A itshot had beea a lawful seizure Of "'moon - from. Almighty -Tam Jere a spur frora light," the superintendent in eberge ofe hie heel. • had seen every. package broached ane Ten feet away •Cook was lying flat ite contents emptied out upon the and motionlees behind the 'dead limb ground, even' to the last " wee little of a fallen tree. He saw the smoke of eee..,, The. ruby-einted neetat had the rifle froarthe Indians' pit, but he girrgled forth and ,aunk into tbe (liet not see the' pair of lenx-like. eyes parched earth before the eyes of a motionless as the. -rock of Gibralear thirsty file of inwardly groaning Pe - that watched steadily that lirab that licemen. But when the bugle piped met - covered his face. :Cautiously he rais- odiously for stable.a; there was not a ed his bead a few AnolieS. There was a 'corporal's guard to feed the many sharp crack, a puff of smoke,•iour bark tomes; and tne superintendette took and. chips were . driven. into his eyes counsel with hinaself, and went on a with teeeifie force, Luckily, the aim tour of inspection. . He jabbed vicious - had, been a little lowe the bullet hod ly with his walking-stiek at the brown glanced. spot of earth who° the liquor, many They•recovered one Of tbeir wounded times emntied, had burned eway the Comrades a little later, and inch by irass. His stick -went • throagh the inch worked their way eackward, emeeteelfeeeeessu staniped on several centres, as -sight; wild two -squaws. He hadtjtist killed O.,. touch, emelletaste, hearing, epeeking prairie chicken:. " Tell him I've eome • end writing; the liaise aers setemped to arrest him for' killing Cattle,'" said merely au the. epeakingrimaring, see- the -sergeent to the guide. . •• .• • ing and wilting centres. These . cen. ., Tell hints, if ' he advances ills kill tres are not. nearly so eeteetive, In hint I" abswered..Almighty Voice. - • repeeting peetrY it is"the soutd ef the Sergeant Colbrook rode quietly foe - last line wleich .sungests.' tne emit vard. The guide covered the indien • line- Uenee 'Poems with rhYme dre etu4e with his carbine, but thesergeant made' -ler te 'learn than those. 'without. .. • hira put it down again. 'We have po Though poetry. is revived in the eight authority' to kill," he seed; e We've end somid centres: it .ie :1'10 el). : Wen gOille to. arrest only. Ten him to lay fixed theta: en • - : • ' • down his arms," he :added, tot he: rode . . , • SIMPLE OBjgCTS. • • . . ' steadily ferward. , . • . . . .:A.few paces more, and there catan ae- • Thus a leneen is stamped. twice hi the .. . • - ether warning from the' Indian at bay. optic centre-ence as. u, yellow oval The sergeant, according . to his Oode, fruit• aed •oneet, • as the. printed fruit. hed no choice: • lie could not retire; So there is, Mr epttie• Wordecentro:and lothad:sno authority to sithoots the lin • fe pictorial ok pbottegraphie centre. The , elms; his -orders *ere siMple to arrest eel: ee''''' 0%1'11 °C-EoPtediu 41 °UV' stade.Ped ..`u him, eveu if it Cosi. him his life, -,and it thelormer, • •' - e. ' ' -... e. • did. Another pace, and the flee belch - .Those Who Photograph' knew. well ed from,the mutzle of fhe Crewe guns. , thin: a. good impreamion requirhe gore end Sergeant . et:eel:Omer. fele . snot rect exposure. linder,expoeures arepoor through !be beert. • •The guide's code and do net liist. If ia the same with was not so high lie.eould :retire,. and - our braies.: We'ciinnet learn Witheut he•did, vete, .feet. : • ' deittieg the : subject matter into per That Was the hsghinhig. A price was nrains- frequene. repetitiee :. when set Upon, the Mill -deter% head-; he was learning by rote, and cereful fixed at- ,deelered an outlaw, and for •a„ thou- . tention from the speoial guiditnee and s:and miles nortb the redeloated aders energy of the prefrontal or fore brein, ,watched 'for Almighty.. Wipe, • While whieh "be "'the eel:amending ngia' thee eveured the land far nnd. wide, Many people- axe net. trained to use Almighty Voice. lived for many' modes their eyes. A, quick nbsereek notes in shieldedeby slits trellatn • friends tit Duck a monient. what would ,escape the die- take, - , ... lard altogether. It 'is -tmportent to One day a hoeile Was stolen, and n train, owe self io Observe. Aecuracy half-breed scout With. a • cempanilen a conic with practice. The startect:to. eoutd lip dm thief. They rain i Ike' a•big album of photo- hau;ght him.. As they were bringing 'graphs and other: sensory itapressions. hien:titer:ugh a chimp of eoplers astride It should be storett With aceurate im- ef a knock-kneed cayuse he disappear- pressions, e,specielly .of the geed.' it is ed as if. by. magie. Then Almighty eepeciallY wise it Abe- treining of Voke appearer upon tne semie, arid the children to iive thent impressione of scout was seem gallopitig for dear life the geed. ands the tette ;. the _false- mut --for the little life, that was left him, bad will be forced..upotethem Soon en- rar a eiefee me gone' (oohing theough hie back, end the slayer' - of Not May the Mentery, but the attene Sergeant stolbraok wits eunning like tion requireh training; in fact, One is the wind it .his horse's heels, melee tecessary to the• other:: If we sit bee ing savage cletehes et the nwishing bine a. preacher and hear evere word Mil.. ilending :low along . his horee's he says, but cannot recall it a moment neck, the Scout rode with reeling brain. afterward, it ig because our prefrontal One cluteh of those dark, sinewy hands brain hes been at rest. If we wish in his steed's tail, and the. next insfent . to recell a aelject 'the: stimUlus Must h lakifo would he, ef ,hlt; t hroar, The pens tO tne 'prefrontal or registry of- horse pint:Asa little -the prey' wee m- ike, whenee the stimulus: te sent to caning. The pursner stopped for on in - the bride% cells eontainiog, the •sentee atant, and nig fierce blite.k eyes gleam- ' done to beerecalled. The great problem ed along a gun -barrel. The bullet out le to keep the brain healthy and ace through the , eowbey hat of the scout, ' Uwe . ' and severed the wdven hair bridle be- , , WITHOUT STRAIN, tWeen the heree's eats, • The bit (tree- . . ped from the hors" mout h, and un- it. the blocid is not right the brain der the new freedom he sped faster. cannot be, for it is nourished. by gold: Almighty Voice gave up the clime. blood. The chief enemiert of the brain Over the wire the VOWS Wag flashed et ' ?„..-- are wetter', which disorganizes the ma- info Prince Albert, and Captain Al- ehinery ; shook, which peralyzes• the len ahd a detachment of police rode brain. Welty or we:Ito:sleet causes eighty miles that tight, • Almighty • iireguler neive action. We, cell it eon- Voice' had two other killings to -attend fusion of ideas or nervosity, The optic to, Mit that ride:caught him in a trap. braitt centres throw up a series of de- In the morning' the police were recoil. pleasing merital photographs, exagger- noiterilig from. a little hill« Anal saw atilig existing trouble. *This continues • three vertical blots ot* the landscape. to depreas the -cells ie. the fore brain, es he looked they, -scampered into a • resetting ib. conipleits failure te judge bluff on ali • fours- like deer. " That's aright or anilyee eorreetly. Stiehl; an- an old 'gaine," be tea. " They are the ,, noyences are likely to grow into gide- men we're after." 'Cele in this wily, far' by brooding over They gamut:dee the bluffeAs Cain thent Mein fatigue eiteurs. Then the Min Allen patrolled close to the bushen Imaginetion sees exangerated views he a ddenly saw something which made ill until spite and hatred, and kindred hine lean far down along the Side of 'Malone exhaUst the fore brain, and his 'arse, but he wait loo late. :lie misguided !talons nettle The strong- beard the bone of his tight arm snap or the quarrel groWs the weaker the like. a piece of glees, and hie hand finer pereeptions become. This explains meting limp ae a rag et his side. The , the desease of the ege-evorry and its ballet from Almighty Voice's rifle had restelts. - , smashed through hie arm 011530 to the Self-control.' is th4g. key to right liv- shoulder. The exelimage of leaden cards Mg and .thinkIng,• An over -indulgent had beet mutual, A 44 bullet from Ale , parent allowe the eternal Instinct to kset's revoleer had 'wombed its way through Almighty Voiete's aekle. eptevail over the intelleetuai control, Throwti from his horse by the shook. to the injury of the ehild's mental de - %%lament, The higher the intellect the °Meer crawled like a wounded. .the more theae instincts are under con- dunk into klie thiek grass of the pra- otrot Euthanasia, or mental well be- trio. Wheiil he had gone a littlekdis. elsanciai aoaditiana are dab, 09arvasa, ragging un ontiveeellittel. Air MT whioh gave back a hollow, complain - Almighty Voice tried to creep out hu1 tuts. . On • top of :the tub was an old night they guarded the: bluff, Once , jug. eound. It was the bottom of. a a elm grate; on top of that •the earth. was driven pack. ID ale morning i lettje trail and a crutch. dropped from It Wrig a very 'pecilliar geological for - the blood-stained hands -of the Indian tuition, not eeeeribed in any of the showed, where he had tried to escape. works. The. superintendent spoke nev- Abollt midnight Almighty yeice celled er a :word, Poi' silence is a gold coat to the police, enrotherie We've had a studded wit h rubi fee ; doubtless. some good fight to -day, I've worked hard wicked 'nen had put it there to brink and am hungry. - You've plenty of 'discredit upon the force. When the grub ; send Me in senile. To:Morrow next lot of seiged nquer was fa boemp- we'll finish the .fight.". . tied, he said to the sergeant: " -1Ve'n The next day the fight was. like • a take this to a new place, and give tint ROUld it speetacle. A small hill near gracti a chance to grow in , the : old by was covered by Indian and half- „vest', : • „ . breed spectatOrie . 'the old ;tan -faced' 1 - 'mother of Altiaighty Voice set there (To. Be Continueh.). . ' . .., oreatn, sad milk in freezer, and wben partly frOzen add sugar and fruit. Peach ICe Oreant.-.0ne quart cream, one pint Milk, teeo Mips sugar, white's of two eggs, one dozen riiny peaebes. Pare and niath elm peaches, aed huger, and let it etand; add. ere= and milk, and And before freezing the beaten whites, Vanilla: Creamo-Oee quart 'Of cream, one pint of mith, levet cups et ' sugar, whites. ot two eggs, (me tee- epoonfut of vanilla. Mix the sugar with the cream and milk ; acid flavoring' and strain itito freezer. Beat the whites to a stiff froth end add just before freezing, Coffee Ice Oreamve-One quart cream, one and et, balf cum of sugar, one pint s strong coffee. Whip meant, mix cof- fee and auger thoroughly, add to cream and freeze, . Peach Short Cake. -One quart of flew, one tettepoonful salt, twit) neap- ing teaspoonfule of naking powder, twe tablespoonfuls of butter, one pint of milk. Sift the flour, salt and pow- der tegether, rine in the butter cold; add the milk awl miic into a els:tooth - doegle just 604 enough to Id:idle; divide in OW and roll out to the eize of breakfast 'nitwit • lay on a greased baking tin and bake in a hot oven eet• minutes. eeparate the . °eke without cutting, as cutting makes• theta heavy. neve two citizen peacnes peeled and cut in elices; use halt of them to cover the bottom halves tat [Shortcake ; sprinkle plentifully with sugar and . cream; lay on ehe top halves with the crust downward 't use -the rest of the • fruit over„thera,• and sugar plentiful- ly, • •dream. Oake-One a uP of .bute ter, one cup of sugar, ow half cup of milk, one and •one-helf oups Of flour, with three quarteee of • a teeepoonfut of bakingebowdere Stir butter ane sugar to a cream, beat the three whites -to a self froth en a d them with t e sifted flour EMI pewder", with the alternately, tuthe :arcuated butter and eugar. .elake in two equal good-eized jelly tins: For filling boil three quart - era of a eup Of milk with tenets of salt, three tables•poonfuls of sugar and one half tablespoonful of but- . ter, mix . (tee leibleeptemfel of . flout with one quarter eup of milk eine stir , into the boiling milk. Cenlinue tee •for a few .ininutes joiager, re- move froin the fire, and add the.ejuice of half h lemon and iieread‘ between the Japers: • : • • ' Delicate Cake. -Sift. three cpeartere of a cupfui •of flour, 'One quarters. pf teaspoonful of •haking powder end a epeck of salt together, Put Into a bowl. two tablespoorifuls sbuttei. and two tablespoonfuls of . sugar, beat them to a cream, thee add the grated rind of half a leatioe. jeutt Lwo eggfi in eeparate bowls, add one .egg end stir in Milt the flohr, .then the .other egg and the rest et the flour; ,beat well. Peinr the mixture . into a welle greased cake ein and bake in a hot . , • • 140:0BEIT9LD • • All the seeceptaeles for" flowers: ehould clear glass or'whites &Mei I adieff have sete Belieek; but It ie rare and Ostler, .ana tine elear. •glei, eo is vvell: ' . 'Cheese -sreedwiches..are etwaYeeti Or- der to. reeve With *tech.... -Giate any •einieee and itib it to paste 'with bute tee, stoned the bread, sprinkle With eelt and pepper .tinh cut inte stripe. • , IA2 little „pipe .0ley dieselvea in the water. be Washing:: deys will, thorough-. le dean ehe :dittieet litet, end will help:to :save.. labor and •Soap, beside's the •cuitnee being made' much whit - A. favorite form of table decoration en:, Paris this semmer is to place a tall ,thee or basket oft.frult or flowers in the veryseentre of -the table. Aere. cebt pretty. decoration had what the school mistrese sisters in "Vanity Fair" called a eneauepot," er .a nice plant of sonie kind, in the middle ..of tee dinner table; but it has neen te4 served. for the teed tavo or three de- eades to heap el:testable With flowers - the costlier, the better: likehand to make :this . decoratian a prominent teature.of ;the extterteinMent at a dine (4nteirt.aotrutrilcuhpeopero, paaititrdty, .to a lose exteet, White veils may be nieeiy.. Cleansed 'by .soaking for half an hour in a solue leen of' ivory or einitile map, ,Then, Preas betvieen the hands until clean. Ater* in eleer watere. Make a cupful of very weak starch Or gam 'arable water, iscittlx . Use vete ie it a few mo. inelats, thee. clap •in the hands 'until nearly' :dry.. . Spree(' a towel over a pillow end pin the lace in each point snieothly °yea' it, letting it rematt un- til peirfectly deer., • . Starch is a warm weather neeessity, but it takes , the nnerring instinet.•ot an artist V) apply IL properly, Tlie sins of omission aed commission the avearge laundress Perpetrates in ite name naigltb be called one of life's lit- tle sed.ironles, if puns were not so de- tonable: if some gifted women,' or man? for that •matter, woUld,give up trYingt to Make a book, e statue or a picture, and found a school where • the gentle art of eterehing would be taught, she might attain fame and the eternal "gratitude of 'her; felloW mot - tits at a single bound. A department in whieh people Could be instructed how totinfuse the deeirable fonoind Of starch into their simmer •reaneers w.ouid, also be valuable, • SImplielty is what is needed in the cooking Of mushrooms or their flav- or is destroyed. Long cooking tough:: ens them, therefore, haye everytning, in readinees to beetle before begiening With the mushrooms. To cream them, waileone pound of the mushrooms, re- move the stems saving them for steak e le liordelaise-, peel cans and throw into water. Put into the chafing dish two: tablespootatuls of butter.. As soon as melted add- the raushrrooms, cover and cook five minutes, add a teaspoon- ful oe salt, axle cook five rninutes !Ong- erePour in two tableispoonfult tif thick cream and teaspoontut oe sherry or Maderia, Sprinkle with paprika and a. little nutmeg, if deeired, and serve at oneer, With or without toast. . 'GIFT FOR A BRIDE, . • At a leant wedding the beidesmaids gave to the bride a. :these of linen as a joint present. The chest Wits a handsome piece of furniture, made• in qUartered oak, finely poliehed and fit- ted with compartmeet trays. Its eon: tents included four eheete and pillow HUNGRY 0011, A Kneel The prettified child story told late- ly le ill Preneh. A Mother tells her lit- tle girl that beoause tithe hae been naughty* ebe will not kiss ber for a week. Behare two days nave: gene by the childis lipe hunger iso for her moth- erli kites thnt ehe bege her not Wpm - tall her any More. Mother eftys: •ne''"e”e„e;;;;;;;;"..';',' ee.e. ' NO, my dear ; I told Ton that I abould e"""""- "" Z1'33)173312t, 011.41..X‘0311113-414 Uniforsely ilign Offellty not Wee you, and emit keep my wprd. ' Butt mamma, mamma," saysthe lit - tie jetrl, " would it be breaking your word. if you should kiss me juke once to -night, when I'M Beleept" A coed RfOrY• A story is going the rounds at the expense of one of the best known men of this place. We ehall not mention hie name, but you know him, Oe rather deterrained mien, be has af late LLA CEYLON TEA Lead excite -gee. 115: ee: eor eo ec 60a. „,,, A LIOON FOR TH LAME — • IVEY PATENT EXTENSION SOU CO., A te «oxtails tv Aveviv Ili. 1.1 I. it 14 1401 tame malt ling woman lo Outwit,. whose 11411M. ma, Nutrias 11. ot Ili it it slairtsi than he Ot lit E. ettg rt liering,good paying eut In• 1 1. t.ti 14,1 1..41 %gni %ill IWO the trot:Me wtite for wombat cc. rine lc in 1 oe .1. Ott . 1 et one of the 10...“ etimotet for yutiretia joit toter westing, it prj„ no Wog: tAt o 411.11t• 1.11 bias Id 11d matte T11.1 t.te..ei b 144 ft, the 1i14 i11,11111 ore et tit p tit ed o the market, and enehlek, t ie 1t11'. %. r 1, I, Shit e atid smut WOW any erdlocrr atort .1 leo, .e . rot 114 ot eto.te 0, pearatiCe in( h1 knt wogs Mends. Peettriptif . • seems erten- 170 OAT STREETi* • •"^". • *TORONTO, CANADA, . been showing signs of mental agita- EVERY itelASOIsT TO REJOICE. tion. lie wears a full beard, .but a Here ere Same ox knots from a rather few days einee his wife, much to her odd marriage notice which aPPeared alarm: found him hhartlehing a r.azor• in the Stoekton, Kan., Newel-4'3'1We and she went into hyeterics, Expla- indoWeillis nations foltowed. and it was folind that life had for him still 84)1110 oharm. He aantdraovheell anti of coneiderable means, even to make her own bed. lier hue- ot have to• labour, not intended to use the razer upon pain- band le flow yeate older than she, is, ful earns. A friend wno bad used and iveiglie 443 pounds. Their home Pidnam's .Corn Extractor with SIMMS is ie Louisville, Ky. They were Mar - advised its Use, with the followine re- eke). in Kansas ciiy, miss Hiles friends 1 • • M a . n ., I . ' here will all rejoice." razor sent away. Use Putmen'e Corn she thought his need was uethinged nene Hitt is married, tier hte..,btind le Extractor PARIS PUBLICATIONS. LUBrs 7121 Trt and.reaore the co o There are now Published In Paris Sold by all druggi•es, see., a k..uttle. lag Year. ' LOTS LIKE IT. 2,555 Periodicals, nearly 100 more than • . ' were lathed at the corresponding date • Hotel Carslake, .Frrn rim ar resell. Eden 1 • . ' :Why, he aeked, ee they call thie v e • • . LIGIIT DUTY. and crooned a weird death-songe and-- . cheered.. her, bay to fight to the death . like ea Indian brave. -She screamed defiance to the pollee-% her son would slay many more of them. But his end was drawing near.. gust, had been brought ;up from Regina ; a few sbells were throwu into the bluff, and then a charge was made.' It was the: lima • charging through that thick grewth, Lita when the smoke pleared. away, the pit held three 'dead Indians, and it, was fall quiet. along the,Sasket- chewan" once more. Meny special bodies of troops in Europe, sixth, as the Guards, are filled with men over six feet, in the North- west the need is different. Abnor- mally large men would oely be an in- curabrance on the longrides, breaking down both themselves and their hor- ses. A combination ot•sinew, strength, endurance, brain,. and a Iiiir moral tone is necessary to make up the Man who le expected to rtde oftentimes day ette night without eating or sleeping, to hold his We in a fool -race or a fight with a swift Indian or ball -breed; and also show by example that the Northwest Territories are to be devel- oped and governed along the lines of order and industry, The returns from the different posts show that physical- ly the men -are adinirably fitted to fill this bill. 111 height their average runs about five test nine inehes, with a chest measurement cif thirty-eight and one-fialf inches. !Recruits are sub. jeetBd; to a searehing medical examin- ation before being taken 'on. The aim is "to raake it a difficult. force to get into, and, an easy one to get out Of." The Tesult LS a fine body of contented men and few desertions, in addition ta their actual datiee as peace officers, the police are supposed together for the government inform - lion on every subjeet under the sun - the sun that shines between the forty- ninth parallel and the Arctic Ocean; the state of the Crops, the conditions of the ranches, the breeds of horses and cattle most suitable to their individual localities; their opinions on the differ- ent ordintinees relatbag to the protere tion bf cattle ranehes ; even statistidal retains to show where the best mare Imes are and. hovt they can be reached. Should &trencher kill a steer and bring the Carctiali in for Sale, the law says that he must also bring the hide bear - Ing brand to show that in a mo - meat of forgetfulness, he has,not kill - ad his neighbor's animal, The police must see that. he does this. They mutt have constructive ability, and. report on triode end bridges, and difierent mode* of transit -from the humble 40040 to the Bwifterushing railway« The settlera arrivnig ih the country are under the watohful eye of these guardians; their physical moral and ing, le what all must strive for -the tance, he raised hiniself oh one nee, e s, in ealE and e in a onl to 1 "k Mos ihs cold steel barrel anu reported to' headcpiarters: If the liforMOn settlement or the colony ef *Unrest wears cut, the strcligest brains. of rifle and into the merciless ogee Worry 18 poiSon Oa the brain; work de- of Alinighty Voice, He knelt for the Winttonites. havis NO (tattle and 600 sheep, those in authority will know it, I it :apace of five 1100013de looking into the ope for a 'D.ider of the plates," Will haVa f ado Of death, expecting every minute It ll ted b ' Without uncovering his wounded oet• muoli gold per day the miner a jot down in his note- oo . WANT HACIIVLOHS TAX V the 'crash of the leaden messenger., .1' h At a meeting of middle-class WObleti *quarry, the rudien pointed wIth two takes front the sands of the Saskatehe- wan is also known; and how much lie of Athena, held reeently, it was decid- fingers and said, " Throw me yo r tart- poet sit ton foe the teat he bane flue. ed. to ask Parliament to impose a ridge belt." . Ing the long winter months. You will heavy tax on all baehelors over 40 The Cantata understood ,ivi ' find in the blue book a list of this tsttra old. The patetige of any mesh : we:A(113ot Welate a. cartrld questions _Li Hung Chan asked when re is *aid to bit unlikely, for the now that fit was disabled t haa limieothe tbe ehliff resort then% all for defense. Wh baehelors. Consequently ite the edge of the oush h he par a flying 'kat tO Cal. gare, ,erkepeeking and potiltry-raleing are d beneath 110Ii06 alld. intents hit them Weems:, ed, and would not eXpOs 6 'advice itt given, batked UP bY coup* out to finish hi ^ "Throw -me you you," he Said I" answered there was oree battled ate vraged between ittile of 011t1 0, bullet poplar e fire fiend and the constables some- 110TISEWeFELY PROGRESS. • it ie a trifle, apparently, writes Marian Harland, when a woman .taboes in salad dreeeing neeause she "has never been used to putting it in,' when sbe thinks mint sauce a 'trashy.' uccompaniment to least- lamb, and '''wen't hear of hot sauce with eold pudding.," or whipped cream se an ex sonspeniment, to lee -cold taw tomatoes When the vegetable dishes meet all be set on Lite table with the meat, "sa she hag ahliays had them," and lettuce be cut up and dressed in. the kitchen at the cook's VoltVenience, instead of be- ing served, crisp and coot from the deft fingers of sonie raembers of th family, who is "up in selads.e t Each protest is a symptom of demi. denee which is wilful, not inevitable She has stopped learning because sh has stopped. In time,•mental ratisrles beeome stiff, but disuse, is the eauee 0 the change. "I aedount that day lost in which I have learned no new thing," said en aged sage. Our housewife may lay the saying to heart, If there be tobetter way than hers Of 'doink anything -from making pleklette te giving a wedding suriper-r she should be on the alert to posses herself of it. It is not true that it is easnee for yr:Meg eteople to keep them ;selves and their houses abreast of the ILust step that cottnts in the downward temes than ie is for their elders., The road is the tendency tot to take any step fit all, To steed still is to be l'eft es • USES FOR PAPER. A double newspaper with the perv- ert; folded down for the bib atad tied around the vtaist With a strip of mus- lin, makes a. Wise apr011 for dish -wash- ing and baking. Several tbicknesees of paper placed, under the ooat or wrap Oter slioulders and cheat when going oat in the cold will 'Ave many a severe sickness, If there are not bedclothes enough to go arcitand on a below -zero night, try Iayitig your spare newspa- pers betweth the covers, especially over th0 feet,. Use oft paper wrap. pings to polish -your Mettle stove plat- ing. SOME GOOD MOMS, Union ite Creant,--Two quarts of milk, one quart of ereixit, three Cup- fuls of sugar, three egge, quarter of a box of gelatine, juice of tWO leMene and one orange, grated rind of three lemons. Mix sugar, julcot and rind of lemons and orange juice, and set aside; soak gelatine it* half pint of intik and eream and .potir over gelatine until dissolved., 'When cold partly freeze; then add leenon juiee and sugar, and eggs bett* eeperately; turn the crank r idly and freeze.. and figures, as tO how these in- pima Wee: Intly be better followed. Nab- .,, pet the vigilance of these alert Willy' . • ' one pin 4d. ple Creel:IL-One half eapple, 0116 Anger, 8 , 00.0414 of fine Ilneneehemstitched and with ehe bride's initiate in aniall let- ters at one side just below the hem; a beautiful tablecloth and a dozen dinner napkins, itech piece having the bride% Initials, and a number of faney doilies and tray cloths. The embroidery was the work of the do..., ../...e,beenes- hawed the value. ;Sprigs of lavender., were laid away in the folds of the lit - en, eaoh piece of which was done up in tissue paper tied with white rib• bons, a spray of orange bIossome be- ing fastened to the bow 0± white rib- bon which tied together the carde of the donors. ettelaimeti eletavls are Made of the heir of a diminutive geat found In Little Whet. 0,T.M.Statton, Noumea. Geo. 45e.rdslak14 PfantblY, she replied, necaufie you BT-TSINE COURTSHIP. are the only man abopt • the plaee. • ' How's This ? • 4 Mr. Perkins Is'a good business man, we otter One Hundred .noliars Reward tor iSit1t. he, dattkliter ? rass and Instruments, Ormins, Uneforms, 81c, Every town can have a band, L'invest prices ever quoted. catai erne, 600•11isot Mations, mailed free. Write us for anything In Hinge or Muskeg fitatIttInroit WHALEY ROYCE & CO., Toronto, Can, :11101IMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, Bad :111 Bum Bata and Ulm. Hold by all IDlairglits, SP Quota W. Toronto. t112% Profits for the Month 00` JULY. This ompany, after tn leg the 4 per cent. inenthly (towel's umetring August be, hero rowel big a sonnet; of vti Ito cent. Aga coil it atm .n110101011. and the" uniount cum eil to the reserve noel there l'13 11113.115 to the et edit of the Invest. rs StirPhla tIlVitlelni or 16 44 pe.'stent. Any amount Rom et:ie mamma received- Mc investment; itOrtiboli tie% Wittig Atli patting& /I, The Dominion inveatment company of ioronto, • Canada Permanent Chambers, 18 'Parent° St 0611 n on ine :OYAL • Montreal one Quebec to LI %leen.' Large and fast. Steniners Vancouver, t.think so, EsismIss; so• .inotos rarn,eaantoatriehrifsa= teat cannot he eared ny oetio, se: Steerage, $22.60 and $23 60 ter he wee presented to me he told me he was a widower. 111014TREPL DIRECTIMY J. CHEN EY. &Ca,. Props., Toledo, 0. Cheney•tor the last. 15 years, and •believe him perfectly honorable in Oil httai mina ranstunt- ions, and financially able to oat ry ouh any , game m de by their firm. wner ec Timex, who:0411e Druggists. ToiedO, O. WALD1140, KiNNAN Sc MAsvirr, whohiraie Drugglits, Toledo. O. Han's Catarrh Cure IP taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur - twee a the system. Price, ;do. per bolme. Sold by all drugs sts.• .Teatimenials free. Hall's Family rills are Ow best. , Dominien, pcotsio:ie, Cambroolan... Rates of Passage - First Caliin,'$60 upwargs , thuniiel BaiMorai," • Free But,,:sin..PZ' , 61 50 & up. Hotel Carslake, t*'1111,411 0,T.It Station Mott; real.. Lbo fa:it:slake -AVENUE NOUSE-kt',`,11;,-litn,,,tt':eVZ per day. - - ST. JAMES' HOTEL -VT,. tilt Dee P opt Railway; First -ciao Conintereial 147(e'ltrern. provements-Rates moderate . • La Tostana ABM AN.CE CIGIAR •••, FACTORY Atmore& • A MOURNING CEREMONY. A lady in tleep mournieg eome time Lige eipoe the proprietoreoe a Sydney, New South Wales, waxworke shim and asked to be allowed every Sunday morning to place a White .shirt oe theefigure Of ner husband. Her 'request was granted, end for close on six months she nevermissed a Sunday. was seen ef the eccentirie visitoe until one day the waxworks man, was stand- ing at his door, when she eame along in gay apperel ante explained that, as she had married again Hubby NO. 2 ob- eeeted. te the eaceetrie eeremony over No.•1, ' or Ovs I rat% Vent's • , igletAy‘.,T1= ,„„„svv„R..7„. ite't. • Lilp.k hild, softeim t stints, ithatys tulusitn, auraes°winu eOlic, and the beat. remedy for diarrhoM. 250. 4.1 tle. 5 Id by all dru gists* throughOut ale Ue sure and ask for " k1rs. Whirlow's Soothing tigiu21." ell•IVER-W—ASHEO., 4'11;st TremeNohody can say that %You 'ha:ve a submarine face. ' • • Firet TrcinapIt's never*. under wit- • Seeond Tranip-What do you mean? • - TOURS IN TAR RpOKY MOUNTAINS The "Scenic Lirie of the World,e the -Denver, & Rio Grande .Railroad, offers to tourists in Colorado; Utah and New IdeXico; the choicest- resorts, -and to the traniktiontinental traveller the grandest scenery. Two separate and distinct r outes throngh the Rooky Mouidains, alt. tbrough. tiekets avail. able via. either. The direct :line to Cripple Creek, the sgreatett gold camp on earth. Double daily train :Service with through Pullman petace .and tourist sleeping ears, between Den- ver, San Franeiseo, and Los Angeles, • and :Denver alid Portland. . The best line to 'Utah, Idaho, Moetana, Oregon and. Washington via the "Ogden Gale - way." Write S. K. Hooper, Ge.P...1e T. A., Denver, Colorado; for illustrated deseriptive paniphlets. : • CHARACTERISTIC OF THE BRUTE. . thought yeu hated Dick .Daehleigh, and yet I saw bjm hugging eou ja.st night. • , Mane, blushingly -Well, t believe I did say he was a bear. taiataram, l'itte. Ursa, , ger lift6,!_r_r 10 u Cleat Manttfact twee , A LONG HEARD. just before W, V. Smith, of Flore enee, Kan., goes to bed he • carefully places his beard in a muslin bag. After he has entered, the bed he pnts the beg under his pillow. His beard 3s near- ly eight .feet long. e 071.< E FE'S 'px1"r M ALT litriemitos and cur, 4111. W. LLOYD WOOD, Toronto, GE RAL, ARNIM • TRUE NERVE. .1e3linson-What kind of fellow is Thompson? Bailey -Well, he's Odle OC Llama fel- lows that can take a glass line itop- provided you treat find. DISCOVERED AT LAST. A wholesoine, nourishing prepare. - tion which takes the place of tea and. coffee cure.s indigestion, and ell com- plaints caused by tea and coffee which are poisonous. " Rock° Health Drink" Ls absolutely pure and is used at your mean: instead of coffee. A, 10e. pack- age will make 75 cups. Rokeo also make.s a delicious summer iced drink, • For sale by grOcers. Ask for it. ItAki-nt444 11,4101:tv # 444k 441.4, . MAN'S INCONSISTENCY, You ,are the apple of my eye, my dear, he said, And only yesterday you.told me that f was a peach! $5 Tires PERIM'S. Deuble Tubin, give good servant -Bend In early -wen t lest --ileadatiarters far -Goodrioh Singh) Tubes, -0. & J4 Detachable, -Morgan& Wright, Sundrlas, Rad. dios, Lo. Dentate nvIciesou IP0110ation Amorioan Tiro Co., 164.168 King St Woof, TOItONTO ./.44ti. We, the undersigned, have gnown J. , °A YID TOM:A:NCR Sr CO , littoral Agents, 17 StoSseramt nt St.. Montreal. at- -- * — Michigan t and fOr Sale, • , Fur informa, loo apply lo bleat sients, I see they: macle in lemdon. Yes, he reininds In whet wae Wears nis hair ft lien of Scrilde over one ot a lion:. • long and has a den: W. P (1 984. OALV ERT'S Carbolic DisitifaCtancts. Soaps, °int.. mant, Tooth Powtiers, etc., Imre been awaritud IOU mud ate cod diplomas tor su pe. tor exeelletioe. Tnidr regular usepreve..P intecti- 011S diseases. Ails. 5 our deamr to obtain a supply. Lists nutiletirce on application. ALVERT-&40., laAniceiEsTmes ' ' , • • "W"..,EL. •. AGENT'S -Either eex, to bahfiie euperier ei Crayon anti Water Color Portraits, Frame*, rte. Mao. and 'Eleotrio Prints .supplied artista • 1nd the Made. All goods at wholesale nrices. • • • (TRIM & AFFTIOLDER, Toronto, Out. , ON E • • r c ata • Catholic- raye,' . & J. SA fLIER & 00 , tam -areal. . 1 R011,10114 Pictures, is a inv.,. and (Munn (Ir., miens; Wi riot. r I ee atammorers be. Arnett, Berlin Imo -011-00:0 iglu., yail be, cm, mire yeu wt ere write so ci 000 ACRES 000D ARMING LANDS-ARENAO, , 101,00"ckgetnaw and Crawford Counties, Titleper. ;etLo n Lake Railroads. et prices tanglog from 82.to $5 un mtchigati Central, Detroit & Maeklnae. and per am. These Lands are Close to Enterprising Nen Towns, Churches, Schools, eta., and will be sold on most reasonable terms. Apply to • Ri M. PIERCE, t4 but, West Bay City, Mich.' Or J. W. CURTIS, Whittemore, Mich. • • SUMMER SESSION' . MINIM° & HIARRISON,' SWItHRINI AND SHORTHAND 001.1.1101, DuilcUrig, Twice and College Ste., Toronto. • Thermo sad practical Instruction in all subjects per. tabling to a thorough Badness or Shorthand education. Tliorougbproporia•on for Inland Revenue and Civil Ser. sloe examinatleas. Open entire yeara' day and evening. Send postal for fres Information. FARM FOR SALE . 198 ,AttES SITUATED ' •WaterlooDo., Tp.,' Ont.* 2 niiie nurth-or New Dundee 41111 5' Miles son(h.1 Petersbnrg, 'ow G.T.R. t. the 1 slopes. gen tiy toWarde 'mutat and end is s rich clay loam, hi a good stitte .311tivatIon ; fiber* " n aere's of °mbar I encl. runlet., about 28. acres of sedur--und-worucewheauts.aneund-- . buildings, and 200 i• aple trees bordetio g farm ; ara and soft water at house ; bsrn supplied with .print water by hYdratilie ram ; power wheel on hero ; about 60 owes of wheat, 45 Meadow. balance spring crop' farm ean be bought with or ,withoot .(frop.' For terms ' address I iRAEL VREEISh(ANi New Dundee. Oin. • 13oi er Makers ! . Fitters I Lathe Hands I • We 'can give geadiereeteelee steatlywork, good: wages, cool, well li gifted, well-heatee shop, best modern conveniences. Brantford is a healthy, progressive city.. Living cheap. WBTEROUS, Brantford; Canada, , , . Ga.Yrrient vabo wish to improve and have up- cutterst .0. vtif trial' *rite us. CO.,Tormsto. LADIES INANTED-1-2p reoresent u,s tittles dist ant position, ITALIAN DRIIM:104.,t111011vtgIV: Pie". T1018n01 III: 1 "tit lutAt 41 gaLteii 11 . tile...11111 And l'itth,g Centime (Laments. Write for purtioulans. . . -C. " EA':E13::11:He DS '1" IATa°oTI ItOs-h. never hardens & is guaranteed. Water. proof. Ask tint ittake no other. ' Bet, Per glIblrir %SUCH Ods DinOrnal. Lady Wanted litil:10%,111.11g,IU'Irstlegsli;`..cg) ana steady position. Apply, Italian Drug cos Montt eat • • • WIN LOVE A140 AFFECTION, • . The -Great Magnetic 'Vegetable. D wormy M the -chin. elm bas never been known to fail, Absolutely nitre and' Inamles4. ' A trial wi 1 1•91101141.10 yo.1 of Its great, ion., Once.. Fh.itt by 4444111a plain wrapper for 50e. .0es:um Chem:oat co., montreat. pATENTS Procureg 1a countries Designs, Troia Murk!, registered', LlopyrIghts, Caveats procured, Write for information.. • EOpwros, IL CASE, Registered Solleitoref Pimento, Notary Mlle Temple Building, Toronto, OM. • . • - SLIMNESS SCHOOL. , ALBERT COLLEGE BELLEVILLE, ONT. f :9343 pays for P.ourd, dem el e, One term M 10 Weeks Send forspethnis of penmanship,. etc. • W. P. DVSS, Principal, • Ztvle.JONES E.NG.C9 ST W TORONTO: Cat grill roreireirrii &elk imituinerbox. The Indian Caturilteurire1011:.,01t4.6,:ta.:itynesto-sth..ahyee.hotremlasI. ands tO make money in grain and stoat. Tor tonne hundred dollars carefully invested on Margin ..$111 net you same profit as one to five, thousand 'dollars. it you por- oboe out tight. Write for Pamphlet. explaining fully, F. 0, ANDERSON & eq., Stook mut investment Brokers, ea Victoria W., Velvet°. •• • , WHITE'S PHOSPHO 'SODA Wheat Stio.Cks An Effervescing Phosphate, eicelloit cieanser for lifri kidney and stomach; takes the place of tool tar prepare tlons incase of headache, Re effect le Immediate. Sold by 4.1111mggiste, in 10c, 25e, fiflo and SLO packages Quiron City oregoo., 27e Weinneenest. E., UMW. HARRIS. LEAD3r. C0114111R, BRASS: . Irlrolurala Indy. tong DistavooTonsousum. _MALIAN TORONTO. • • • The 0113111011 Cointhission Co., Willed, cerowast•Mariskta Colborne et., Toronto, . GM get you beat priom forma Apples, Butter, Itsge,' Poultry., and Mime modem. it you ohlp it tonna, .LA4 W tit'2,11-trut a`inVy°,7,1 to weseerP eldeen, mole mond Ht. 'W., °rent% 8014001. OF MINING, KINGSTON. anniatoa to (bootie Univiosity. Hendon begins Oe. iober4th. Four yeirs tor ilcio ear (B. Sc., E. ht.) In 0,) Mussy aml Mining lingittecan (2j Analytical (Thamistry mid Au vimbandi3)Mlacralogy enittleology. Three years for diplomas. Shorter special (Nlutses. graduates hove so tor secured employment Immedi- *telt For calendar imply to t. 030DIVIN, Direcnot $110W CASES, WALL CASES Office noe Bank Fixturee, Modern Store Prete& Mirrors and Plate Glass, For low prices. write TORONTO SNOW CASE CO, 92 AQUARIA W.8 T&RONTO. GAN. 0000 AS COLO •Itumo woo* PEERLESS " mat IN Li The Very be.tt. oil tloq to tonto tor ast italtin shook ik• ory, thawle Newt% favorite: Hardwore, Dreg and tieuerel Stores cell it. EENCP.LIMItt. FA SI GOERS PRISTORONTO 00 ri N Anti am, to 111001111101 MTN: -ff.% Roofing i`elt,agittClii, id • f,etilitekDF-Pringe.at'dlOtelln.tiAUleaticiluan The; ", are imperishable. pretty and easily MIA gen them, return Me monev, and we send els valuable trLtirng malln rivetilitied. Cam, • re. II omciSpeclaltr Co.. Dept. ifs 'Toronto. Skin. , • Rote. land Saloon roes oanmit afford fobs .wobeut tbe Automatio Faucet Attila" nients ailtpaystoritself In oneweakarmes Mg beer. No drip, Ito waste. You only need one hand to draw beer with the Automatist: • but In cisi of rush you can hold glasses in ' each hand, as the Automatio is always ready. The Automatic draws the finest glass of bear and is used for any trade, is it puts the kind of bead on the beer that you want. Price $1.50 propaid- money_ refunded if not satistao.. . tort. SainUtouMfgeo.,Toronte CARD INDEX... The only perfeet moon for keeit Mg names and attar. sue .1:bri 122 a n d1 2 g'4 111 '10:: thee, 11:60y: 'iNfft offoTi °41,01,:ti !Ina ft8d:F1'aiRg:adi lacitttri tr°1h1e' Ityhrid. waN's. Me' fae:::tabanoudt:::::kt ;0;81; we wi I award a harelseme bicycle waist set We rehuire MI Who are areiraea the waist Bet to distribute 26 pkgs. Drier Lemonaile Powder . and iaglect 5c per pkg. Each package minable enough air ten &met 'Return the money to us by eXpresS, money owlet or postal note,. and we will give ydu addition 10 waist set an elegant bracelet, In order to include plompt. ness, to all who makereturns inoldetwelve days from reuiptuf goods we will fothergive a love. ly stick pin DOMINION SUPPLY noose, 92 ging St.'W., nomaton, ont. On l'rial wE sEN13 TUE .A.-5rT_AS/IFAXI Tti ANDEO$ON; PCIke,t, PUMP 011 1100e 44,1i114. No sticker, 114 packing, 15 III last hosime, Vat Illuldrsted (Intuit gos whims AYLMER IRON WORK*a J. VC: MIOIRSON, Aylmer, Onto ALLAN LINE ST. LAWRENCE Rot" rig., , . It OVAL MA I li EVERY THORsDAY • S I EA M II ItS ' hi.?vNiTeStoti..T° Froln Liverpool. Front St.mireal. 3 Allilelt....... ...CAL1FORIZIAN.....,.... 17 Al1g1lat 1 70 AA 1.1 11: ,,, , 4, . . • .. . . , . D. TAcii liNsUr t N, , . ..... ; ,,. • ..2311 AAtitsitts,t, 24 Aug ..... .......11AvAti'AN.;,.. .. 7 Set t 31 Aug.., CALLFORNIAN ."' '14 Sept. the "w MI" 8°118' A til,Lm mosirem'saa. 7. coil from Livens) d._ .41 jug. kv, num " ikt°°"th' will coin Posettre-sm n i i ants. , teeond Othia-53 , Ittet,urn. 860.60. 8 teetreg -L:iresrezild, Lo ul m teasere toneoneerm ktrietickteZol'ulal3t Information ilenlY tO Wool agent or 0. BoURLIER, 77 Yongo St., Toronto, or II. & A. ALLAN, Montreal. . . ,.. _ _. . ......._ _......._ LIEALTH RESTOS. 1,1-.1":,rit„,:ee47,1: most disorders d scion iish, Woo, Niu yen Liver, Blood. , Mad ler, Kidneys. Wahl and Breath bg Oil •Barry's . Rovalenta . which Sorsa Invalids lad Children, and mica Itcam sue. Arabloa FOod, oeutally Infants WI,0443 AI manta end Debility hove ret sist. a SO °the, treatments. It digesta when a 1 other Food (*rejected, sever SO times its tot In medicine. 5110uoyaeraryrs,04.0,,,„10.10.0.... 100,00( . Annual Vents ef comitipa, estritIldim.igionuott,tioolttehbOI:i•Ate ;ay shrlinopl'oi.olneci.,:bitli:06s,itolePtpletr:s;ile:tgornetudent:helroitilirl;Totidslo::. f.t.10.,tto,ty, 0,0 ' 77firgg,nt London, Wo Aldo In Pettit, It Rue de carnation, coo st MI Gramm chemists, And Stores everywhere, i I: thio, to„,3.,6,1., lo, 5114, Its. Sent earlier.) fret, Atee Du Moll A ftwitletart Biscuits, br tint, as 0t1 ander ',eras No vattstIA . The T t'ston rin ;Limited, Twonig , - _ _-_-_.1-.... l".•21",!...-- .-....; .2tAr""lt Lowland Savinga OomonaSt. " 1 tAtViee: jtow Otm Du Id. latceartmAtitn law** 'alma ottAT rosktitritonnal 'rho oldest. mild Largest Canadian Norf. rums TA P. 11= awtdololifore*,88 . sag. Ooeporatio.:. Amoligtoarlizt Oellioc, Om, Paid•tiq Capirl, • • $2,6othooa afey 00 Hobbs Hardware Co aeleHr.011:"700.0.0*0.,,4„:„4.0 LONDON. I IoillsT (s RA DES. • . elth intermit tOMMON 44tatilma, Sraaah affitaw-WlniSIMEr Shut, ViliunneigN MO. DEPOSITA REORIVED. hatred olltivitut 150111tHTTIRES ISATIED to 1,1, 3, 4 or 6 Morel PftICES* T IN ..---*.tro --_______, .. w E ,,,,., AIME It MOM tittl *SWAY at mg SAW inottiotte. so rald Matecipta nook its, LOWEST N'14)10, lete roust oitteott epee ye ROPE, 'Loth VC. sod t loyalty. t. ft kr MASON nee" Ask 11 elflottetkot, Oweetet, to stirew stis ,