HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-08-17, Page 2tir
• .teee•
beTeriortha Dead Sea. doi,viteigt
reat jprecipitation,
SUNDAY SCHOOL eiallrelr "4 tevPird th4.4
a the Jar
sh. the r
INTERNATIONAL LIMON, ADO, 20 ty initttldvAgn" tj""1441'
the &pent :font erusalent 10
The I -----------." geek, 47. Ile. srerioho A.brupt 10Whir reideo
Abut tlic 11
ee4,00404/4/000.14/44100144 to her crib, she turned to go out :
eereeer'rere -• • • -- --aeraa. war.
fibleite nto itott ,Aty
s' tfis'Av
Ma filogne eeelea While iasS TNE PLAGDX. TO VIiirT NAOS
*ear *Wet ells %to tti .4944 ,./ • : d the ecaretty of help
-In emu ee rhocele has railed the Ths 1101mese *es nem siscrowillkit 14 Ikea
elm. At it, ene oventrila veti, agate to $ arid ovals $2. The rale • oirevisee meetetieeine teerenettet. 1101 MPS OF
switisible *untie, tO Slat MAMMA. TRE GOVIIREMIT1 /WORT NOT for Toth* anatagemonts with board The oatmeal; et piaotte 14.44„pt sni porn yr
flmt. at eke bad pat Mien Bahr in- ENCIORAOINO ONE. y ranges etymon ;15 and $20,
• itelektielrearl. eke" raell. through winch t rens le full of ea t ,,IELLY MAKING.
*ea. anything over title limit for short relate ereettag more alarm Riau la
engagement covering the summer eea- generally aoknowledged among the *seem es' even realetts.„ s r
the room, but the ,pitifui ory Of the 'Pelt eremite 11-111eil enst-oatleir eillikee the
•erebly lower figures
fraorrangeinei ntsd for a loag
' PRACTICAL NOTBS. rsaidivorthelo ptolsoocetewrlithen:tplooactutieakeet sopite° of alu• Inherited aotlOrlit to little one mete brought aer baOk he" Sea ellowlies, net 1M Amelia Sew term' wahlrel6 genii y roe e at consici- taa4 au,epe, .., a neesteresesei.
actenalfte men end Intelligent inhable land ar eia° ar"..-111000
'rem Afterwek•d. After tbe pro. not far from the mouth of the Jordon, the eolltrer7, there* nO Mere "Wok" aide the crib, where me eet until baby *mot liateteely Ifeeeremed.
• awakening to a reuse thepossibie
"14° ere greu"" .1 The most ported whieperieg geklielA
PhonvetaY the outer courtand near "a elitn7 deltee" Althoitith the .1)ead in Viking jelly than anr other kind. of woe lti the land At dream*. Then The foilenving report of the °rape of
i ..
is le teaebed u ov b b 'a orib nd -7 dangler of the disease 'spreading step in °a' W°04. le "la damn °at' PI '
the eecrincial kitchen* with the Peo- 2" "mu' tj) be' tile °DIY Me bere .2.°.* protervee, for when you, do the right MI tram „ P e• Ontario, Its. etraainarixed. from one ooda -
Pie. *tier the ieveletiow& of the pre- other sea% the great world of Waters, thi" from beginning to end It's sure Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf., Plied has the Ontariti Burean of Aldus. THE OLD WOMAN AND HER ITA.TIES, by eteie I./oilman!, matt it aheit have la lictidan%
, erred to, there is a euggestioa that cue wall a oolorea plotUre ef ,
tele entrance into the boil, owe, tint whielavindised is ca led "rivers" in the juot as good for johy ao you do for Itvb 6 opr,n1„,Qt", P"Par.inlif ttte eat 113P Fall Willeat. -- Vila* croP came KVI-4414114 "al fer Plieeer'' fled to a certain e tent would ' °M wen*
a ar'Pear The Mornum crusade in Loodon he*
t arse, divided Resift late twelve a goo oivi grandma. sun is wato - Robert Stephen Hawker the famous
gained a firm footholdin the heart of 979Tnen d'illnkitr" the eelin.tY
eeding chapters*, The door of the are referred tai here. ,Some of tbe tO "cope" and come fine, too. and front another aide of the ratan a trim& front ataternants sant In by nor.
liond:riatbrin * proportion Of two he
einem, eehe opening of the hooaea. iTahriali rabble tenet that the river, If you have to buy your fz•utt, get Pitirre a thia sante bad. wolf, with renPondeatel Under date, of Alienist let.' The "tiles Auld 4he 4eine "Oat rata. ! Europe. net thew fears are Jostle
a,.. to be borne out by a conaideration ot reellited lat the ender tlo of three
aliaotilararad the teMple courts. Paa rtvera which flowed. to the ed. witti much interest the next night. throngh the winter in poor conditlen,
1 f Mo t k ' f
held.' Ask/Abating a). relate water* tribe% It was even said to flow on rilVe• Of couree, Jelly cot be made to atm, if the removeot the picturee Meese at it having been ttmeat owing v ear e. „ Meaull °WI nnWn -11:r °a"' the history of former epidemical ae wella imitator! to Utah. a a
twelve' "aning, and. never any that is dead
"'wet nt,4. nhialaviirttle 0.u.ritish parley. for
heeled eht from underathe threshold Ivrlliu tbteritt4h by
itift 4 a$: and to lack Of shelter and the formation his tie, by the unaanttary oonditien prevail, ' Great Britain, the United States end
U& the hoUSe. "Ziving waters'," ars tvliseuill :iretc.tvild 14 rea*gfartwiuttil out of half-grown Milled fruit ; but ab
you never can gtve jeller Any filter flier ing very 104gliirretel eigsnt, re3;:: a ice, and a coneiderable acreagewao his ki d 0 lamp ir eeoelitricatlea,
tatt ee ' a targe nanaber of Eurorreatt. France represent one-half of' the tetail
eater as ttr Calabtrta and Into Barber?,
n. ;wee 0 f art, ware as a young : : Wealth or all nation.
eiarae 444 distriots.
IllPririg Water is Celled in the Pibits is iitto it, Indicating that the gher vox' 'then the fruit iteelf has; and he- •ling; auntie is going bat° the. next Ploughed up. With the exeeptiOn of knvah, ex remely ond of praotical pokes
:load! Oadergirduate at Otsford be The old supq,ratitiotia dread of the No fewer than 84,784 Men of the Be-
, rePeatedly ivied gm. a eembol of diviite hand exeolatea according_to deliberate sides this the largei tint frtilt the more rOont now.' Baby eat Up,in her crib. Algoma, and a few other iseotions a ,
ancy a et an old woman, CO haled themselves tilt() a sense of me As a fashionable hobby the raOtor
small one -in tact, the linnet for a
- • q - lag down lier chinaneY flee, igaw her reeuett.
mooly reputed. to he a witch, and peer- .t
con yoas regards the danger of in.
rival balm bA symbolical. of. tbo hi. larly deceptive, In Appearance they the culls for 'marmalade than jelly. &hies on the wall,. and said, in her
',they have come to regard Paris. •
la ber,oening as mach the vogue thle
- session in London emit Was lint year ln
to eanie "fteen under Inc threshold,"
snaneo ef hieeeiege from the depths moral to the thirst traveller to be as . Wash currants in cold water before MI 14htlYi,./fe: "AP. gone' all gone,e hinnher of.vears The wilt& of the
(deer and pure as be had ever . eewa and wall seen stall" grala ranges from plump dad shard •
, Of Jehovah's worship. Other bless, swatea hal- in its „i-1" end as es as 7011 Pk* them from the stems; and a,7 'y
eleVr ou. may be euro that those • crouched before the lire watthing an
to small and sarrariken, even in the . ' - theanselVea 48 in 4 high degree proof 0 eat Britain1 t t h
ers ef blessings," and 'Saviour, visit wiekeanetie and dry theft -heth on a soft cloth, replaced by °there which did not su
gest anything disagreeable either to saute fields. 'Xh'e weather at barveet-
If- same localities, end sometimes in tbe
wetly' the misehievous. student lotle- agaillet the 1 b • h • , a ..h 4.1- s sI Presen a los
Jtaga are poured dewn Crain the heave Welk at; in RS deadlineees "th*Ve elan, him
eite, as we snag, 'lord, I bear of shOw- been a eynibol of the webrild. lying- in strawberriee before they are hulled, •
pictures were never reaming, but were iron kettle full of potatoes.. Very'
p ague, Wong 1, eu ait lute y free fromeattle glemaree of ovel
laiagite .hus alimoat died .out, and' for ash orraYaare =Win Posltsaalon of One
blessing. notably .bY Isaiah and. by oer el;ththereet thiglan of salvation, eelleng..,Ittice it'lleeken So if you raise your 1,47stird frecidthdet dreedel pietuares auilid where there Was plenty of anow, the
, Lord. That the waters here referred waters the i(.; erg, pilit 14are ongu-1 own fruita it is better economy to use pointLegeretinrIfiZrYticrthe asaceant "
Ylol .46 turned out to be a verY :it Una one: .t to the cot age roof or more gbod conduct ba.dgeia•
some years the people at' Europe hale)
shall come to passe a evetry,e rem will mem jelly that ts firm 7 Or her inmate
:red: a roper witb a. hook at the end, ohieflY On, Ow fact that in India,
' ing was on the whole favorable, and hooked, the kettle, and alrew it slowly cwith ItttiVc.osohl.ot for 60 years has this hee
but a very few exceptions t'h
, e na tires
• thY ,Plantation; ' but this blessing iaNeither strawberries aver red raspber-
9 that 'bah
tu siring from un a thing taat which Move
of the holy temple. There Is a wibithersosver the rivers. shell coMet, enough to keep its ,skaPe when turned
deOP thought here. East -Ward. "The shall live, There is no living thing in out of the bowl hut hi Usiag. opal'
. ‘.
the crop svas got isi, In good condition. up -up -up, and out of siflit. have beeit the only victims. The oe,. P , ^
. ,e01.31g , wheet._,x,nia variet5, Of . Peor, near-sighted old annee when currencies at Vienna a silitert time ago . 40,114it:taltial riduipti'v°08hya"forfri.ottnil "Aeutfee
reasbn for sayMg 'eastward is the the. Dead Sea, It le tree tbat the quarter part ,red currant% it ' will A BABY AT. THIRTY, Wheat is 1 I "n th
mare, arge y grown i e thilea-41s ary:teerterelsiyteldneeetieSnesitasvteeerisibtted --Where, it will.oe' remembered, aoree :
, a *he Steroal had, ecoording toaEzekiel's between,' the mireeutone river and the blossom endsi and stems, as Well aii faiit, This is 'the condition et MarY
•Tairhairn. Tbie Spring, coming from but not 'strong enough in votetne te,
toward the pea" where the glory of gore we see a marked.: difference quees with it drY ;loth; Ott otit the --Thlity-Years *Of ageo Yet atI ja- !ger atnbcre,vgiien aivaerrt'lleandirtb.haeleetlaaa,iititis. gitti,14:ntlikoenfilhoe-irttiait.et.yaletcieur,:a:ilnjectareillwilwdikd..isAr hadre-f:111191:aeaustiste3welounerdtifteeeaciliv,:filewaspftenitiefitritutorthaecii.nritietaAhatiowete:irigabiaat .. ecor,twrt:fa,d,Inciate:::21.LemA:ellems-11..taionet:n. to etee:nmmerbaAsletileoelta:
former.. vision, entered the house."- ,Toroan. The Jordan waters are fresh bIa6k and ettotty •• spote, 'trona °rah-. Henry, who, born in 1866, will' have a aam.m...,, . .. -
eastern positien of the telnele floode of the jordan cares' in %retain be '
its 'mysteries and its ideals, and 115 confusion of phraseology that speaks fruit in quarters. •
aceording .to Ortental idiotas the tern- .
'the heart of the eanetuaryebeare along aheata the waters of the ,sea, The oPPles arid guinees. and then out the bittheay aext week at the home, of her,... ner.frineerhis.
parents Thirty-seventh and Aspen has henna 'highly Sera lelthihaaomrr
aettipnioeonillt,othewe iiterrjle.ortuinot.itilettant eex; on this comforting ,benea • , launched in 188t, made a re,..
Pie Molted eastward. in tbat direction :eludes; alt thin.gs that Were elive ana st ts, Philadelphia . This annisrer- hesh''" "r°P i '
in tbe mein • and at the It may be fairly assumed that given been sold to be broken up, ,
of everything that Iiveth es living ine • Don't' he,ee at thin -dish or an iren the conditions ravor4ble to its r wth The (Thurch or England. has a grove.
sPeen in sight, but from first t 1 t
' Pa -a• • • eastern haat of the province, Taken Plinking bewilderment,' arYlag gait in fatal ee"e anPervaded as the result el Thirty thousand Juvenile teetotallers%
`trent ; the waterer whieh Welled Pekes, but the brine of tbe sea soon •
froox belaw the house floWed thrusts tbetr light bodies to the-al:tore. • Rub the down reff trona peaches and rielladelPhla woman Nftu Hoven meth' altogether the crop may be consider- despa.ouirs's:yt tplitientoinoyefsihrietruivsooicuel:1 Art' ipalaigorroaotomrforobe_expesorminieeat:t azolott tbtehter stieumonswiltfrraidtedtain thturttaittna4t
ola3, She Cannot Apnr,late,
wawa o
en a good one. Tbe, yield is likely to
tine the correspondents --wrote, bad "So thee," she cried, "theer'L came tliertris no valid, reasou to, infer that
been secured in excellent conditlen
. . dobaookrop holt! 'tis a -cold oat 0 once the plague has '
, ,
Oddly enougli, the student's jest die, it tehouid n,ot. tato root and spread
ties, while harvesting 'was Progress- tatty benefited, his victin% for when theolegb Rurope, Utifortunately, the
these tits/Ong etreame bepetlkeeee' had cued int the Tema see, Ana fteh o att sary the child-woraaa•will not be able
flaw. The forefrent of tlie home stood that, carried into 06 Dead Sea, avould use earthen, atone or graniteware. to appregiate any more than elie did
toward the east,; As from tenniimmee otherwise have died,. It is an empha- 'Use the least water you, can in nook- u- es I. e .
tio.stateutent of the fact that •life and lag 0164ntit.. Of emirs° crab-apPlee est eerse. for from •the time she was
merle). had been the case- with sacred
under; The repetition shows the' ire. see: Eor !''Xiverarr eome tfanslate i ope either in mind or body. •
eighteen Months' old she has not (level-
, edificea. The vertices came 'down fr.can not death will bereafter dominate that '
and quinces. must have collsidrrabls Up
to about half .their depth, but there
'Portaliee that thede details he.d on•Eze" ‘'derubie streamee .The Deael Sea ehau A bright 'andeunnyateraperge..beihr.
' kiel's Mind. From the right eide of the become a sea. of life." Afid hy parity is no need of using any with'Currauts That is what this 30-Yeax-old woman
. house, at.the south side of the altar. of reason, every land, however unfruie. and, berries, if You mash Part of then
All these elaborate deseriptive teacher! flu, shall become fruitful as soon aseand heatthslow fi til Is. 116 .
• • S . cannot talk 'neither can. she
'show that to Ezekiel's .mindi this avae this vivo' waters it, •em over e re an
the Juice rims 00817 'before you put in walk, but she 'sits .upon a little high
ter wasno artificial well, eunken for 10. The tellers shall stand upoia ohair and arailes at her brcithers and
Priestly Purposes. It was net an mite it from En-gedieven unto En-egleim. the rest. ' . sisters who, while younger than. she,
, burst of anyewater that ;hod previous- That is, from the loutheenmost Point Make • a double •seamed• bag out of Yetr leek un her as the baby of the
ly been conducted into the itertirrite It •.on „the bead 'Sea • inhabited by the r
toese-thteaded • linen ..tewellina And familyi Toy play with her,. and see
was, as one might qa3r,i thefreeoutflow Israelites to the northern end, where . . • ei that -her toys -the sabie'toys Of baby-
', of the temple's Inmost. hature. , The the Jordan flows in., Apparently'. one-half as large out of eheala cheese,. hood -are near at hand amuse her •
4. ,, Altar Of burnt offering, atoodi directly t'he whole waste of watere shall swarm cloth. . . _ , .. _ . • - ,while -they are away. And she is not
. in ' tient of the eastern, 'doer- a ''.the, with fishes. r"The.fisherit are •the•Wen ' Whenehe fruit hi, conked, wring the hard to amuse,. 'Mr -BM sit8:. and
etenetatary.• Now; if the water ' had who have ettained to litethrough the. linen 'leis out of ,hot..water ; you; in watches her mother, •• busy at her .
'sprung 'froin''the Middle Of. the three- Messianic salvation; the fishers are the the tiatit and hang it in a warm place housework, .asel. smiles el return When
hold, at ',mese flow against that Altar. meesengerS ' of this 'salvation, who; where it • can 'drain into -a 'crock or Jibe mother who has had. many penes
. gather those who are quickened into ;dawn bowl. After the fruit has 'drain- .and anxious moments Since .the birth
Far that reason it flows itt one side of
the. altar; end, at tile right side' • oe, the kingdom. of God, introducing them ed all, hour' or se, •press 'against the of hex' peculiar little. daughter, 'stops
• course, . 'fee' that " was - the aide of good into the fellowship of the Church.-. .'-eades of the 'bag with two sticks or a Moment to coo at her.
..--fortime-andpovVer. The Bedcnins t'5'.-• Re.hz.stuilher_gz..LX1xere is' . emphasis big amens, and now and then squeeze • Doctors call it eretiniara. :That is
• day regard the right right band and the placed mi.:tee eretrieff as well .-ciaCthe--itagently-with-the-hands..-inatanever the scientific' name for alie halting of
right., toot its ,emelemittic of .emin.ence quantity of the 'fish.- '. ' • ' ' wring it It doe t - k . particledevelopmAnt in a child. When little
ale. The exceptions 'mentioned here of difference what kind of jelly exeu 'Nue Henry was one year old•she was killed, but the remainder hasthriven The meal was at length serve . e. Euro, ,
ye comes afrom-Egypt. and Pere :Atilt, andeoan_eivariably. smooth over
' and affection, and the. right hand of ... .
the. Lord le repeetedly raelittOtted in either indicate the velue 'of the. sale,. are. making.; if y.oix. tvvist and wring just the. seine as' her brotheria -and sae gypt is the direet bighway be. I relief places vvith, a. simple, unstinlied
Holy Writ.. and. yielded well, both. as ,tegarde, laties wete kood,. said the meat was ; set, E---
" The water;'' says °Jiver", showing that the ,bleasing of 'God . is the bag. to get' out all tlay jqi.50:1)08- tors, who are now sturdy grown-ups, straw and grain. •. : not .badi but it was peColiar, They tween the East and West, while'. Beraia grace not a few • women would • give "
nick; "is the fullnesteof blessing which . l three last; countries, eipeeially where . ; A new wing is being added to the
borders on Turkey end Russia. In all - half „their 'kingdom to possum.
eVer various in, its" Manifestations, lor. able, or' boil. the juice. ana sugar to-- were 'att that period of their existence. . pea,s-aleports es to the eamdition Of could 420t "plaCe" it. it Was tender .
. 'Holy ,Writ. ." The water." sees Helier-
• is poised out over thee ccimmunity froixi .that life. and health .are.'"solely due pungent ,there ,r and to' be darker- Wetchrul. pa'rents - noticed, a halting in bat as' far as can ba Mired' bi' pees- liake outlinwoi. joint . or bone abciut it,. ,they adjoin, hygiehle arraegemente
the .pea..-cretep are somewhat. variable., end. not unsavory!'
Nott' .hainGeneral Hoe Mal at ii ' est '
it. inay ' be ,ineant to emphaszie• the faet genet., it is sure to have ' a biting, She bad added another. year before her , but it, had no tared-.
. 2, Then Wrought he nteeout of 'the throne of God;" the places that are • Be just .aa .patticular 'to use '•granue Doctors were called ih 'and 0:insulted and ' when liawltera rTarkish nee Persian Governments are of about ee0,000; train dePsigne. by °Mr. .
the 'new 'manifestation of God." . to the stream which .proceeds from the .colored than there is any need. of. 'her growth, •Mentalli 'and phYsleallY. ent indications theme will be an aver,. The hungry :youths ate, • but felt • . a scould hardly be . worse. ' Neither the .
. pose of the angel • was to share 'tee- unfertiie.' e . • • , 'e •
untouched by it necessarily continuing Wed sugar as fecipd . fruit. - coffee but„none had knowledge which would ago yield,' A gOod, deal of injury was trifle squeamish, ,
i Alfred Wateahoinie,..01.-Ettedona The ,
, waY of the eate. northward., The pure caused by excessive rains early in the - suggested that iernight be a "'piece oe in a position to grapple •secoessfully
course of rthe.,flOwing • 12" whet wastiotked in veeise, .7.18. or. ' Most kinds of fruit need 'a pound ' ----a-- an- season,' mote , especially. to loveLlying Iloscastle.-baby,"• • his :friend dashed with the putt:reels; a and Unless the knew Wards will . be connected to the
old .blook by-. a .corridar. 8ft. long, .
kiel• the -Midler sugar has a coarse disagreeable flav.. start again the growthrof br tit 1
fibre In the. little one. per 'years it. fields... . ' - • • • lictstily to the kitchen to make . Europeen powers intervene and insist :
the -Lake Erie 'and, Lake Ontario coulee
ing favarably in other &mittens. The she went about the neXt day telling summit.% of many European
falling off in 'the demand *for barley her tale, the authorities supposed that so deist:44e mat the assertion has been
for malting purposies scene time since •
hereaind compassionatelY inoreas-
the poor old creature:a wits were leav- .
alloefencteleonr- the bay or Caleutta • and Mat in tlie mat -
caused a conelderable reduction in the eo. her _weekly
9. sag rerpecutonuaroy daraelinotiltorstep,ertilio:t toinotohlois.
ter. of ------ i'd ventilation they are
• t• b t
latterly' the largely increased:require- If he riazied Old Nanny about her ineerior to these Eastern efties. It
annuat revenue -a 51-2 millions stera
Lags of which 43,01)0,400 is front taXerf
upon the land, paid, by the tenants.
Oxfara -University 'has • ereeted
statue to Charles Darwin in its raue
sewn, It is life. size and somewbal.
dwares 'the figure of Newton, by the,
side of Iv/aid' it .1.8 placed.
British colonies, according to a re.
port Just issued by the American Bu-
reau • of Statistics, furnishes a market
however' 144- cause to dread the introdaetion of the
meets for this grain for stock -feeding queorlY. ebaving ,taties,
• ' ' for more than one-third of Great Bei -
peewees leave brouget le again. into other old woman, • jcian Treworgy, of
• • tain's surplus products and supply
ward in 3nanY Parts, so th'at correse
fever, and this season the area sown the tiny Cornish seaport of Bolecastlee plague.
to barley has been increased. once puzzled him Ane a friend of hie
hungry, at her little. inn, fhe Lehier. German Central Africa, lower EgyPe on 'fifth of the materia% ehe Purchase
At tee present time ,plague exists in 8-
pondents could apt speak positively as and. inquired what fare was to be
emland ot West Africa, and, lastly, the
accordisig to some esporta in the hint.
rtabliethatki;shlelid' hsaahtistfheactroatilay.VtaTahea acsroap , had.
eat and. ;lades," said Joan, add-' niews that an ,epielenno has broken out
bids fair to be a large .one, With fine ing• scornfully, "some call 'em purta; in Persia has recently been confirmed.
bourhoodei Where the drought has -not The guests inquired. what kl
straw and, plural) grain in those neigh- ties, but we always says, 'taties here,' in five years,
-rid of plague ?las been epidemic in central
the length of time the
interfered withits growth. • meat -veal lama _beef or mutton -she,
The most tactful member of the •
d southern Asia,' h d its
- Rytee-Theee is very little rye grown, would provide. . way acroas Asia and planted itself on ' , .
and 'what is nowaraised in same parts "Meat," she responded, "nice, whole- the Airkan shores -of--the-Me,diterran- Royal familyis undoubtedly the Prin- ,
Mas. -This oz -op is rather back- nearly as Much. They stopPed, very Madagascar, efaeritins; eadia,,china, eaThireasnehaahareoangde• as)00 made by sir
'W. H, Bart., M.P., to thee Brit-
ish Congregational Council,. on condi-
tion that a Ante of £15,000 be raised '
for chureti extensions, is being met,
Already close- upon £14,000 has been
subscribed, '
is kaainly usea as 'feed. A ooneiderable some meet and 'tattoo," and no more eau. • . cess of Wales. She alwaya has the.
percentageeefeetheecrop was. winter- would, see say. • e ; I Undoubtedly the gravest menace .to . right word ready ,at the right nue
waters. He te taken by the north,gate
because the ea:stern gate now dwelt upon, the rich froitfulness of sugar' to every pint of JoiCe. Green was the same in the Henry family.
was alwae of the banks of the stream. . It is to gooseberries and wild, grapes need a Noted. physicians - Saw the child° and
lead elm dirisetly against the waters. Pound More than oudgelee.their 'brains, but thee was
shut, and .thealogat_herit. gate would be fruit of all ' sons; it is to be fruit quarter or a half
ripening every month ; the fruit it- this, while three-fourths of a pound Ise all. Father and mother finally tired
outer court the PrOphet and theangel fseorifoiesaitooinbee for meat and and the leavers enough for peaches. or red rilapberries this, and for mane time only the
. and currants together fa.mily physician, Dr. Prendergast, has
Along the outside of. the wall of the. •
- drought fa an unfavourable expedition. Boeicastle •kitcliensi alone in. all Eng- • Well, old
"While rejoicing the.t Thieve hasaela a soldier of heaven..
. .We forgot to-sai that Peach jelly has vieited.the little weman. •
• a better flavor if you cook about, °nee Dr. Prendergast says eiretisitent fol.
thmiredaaonfrtheetbpiets yule? wetgh
Iowa the inalaevelopment or total ab-.
'sugar; pat the latter in the oven • d
the senceof the thyroid gland.' Years ago
there waw thtiught to he no cure
B•eanii -The areeedevoted tothis crop 'further inquiries -in vale. Old Jettn that. tor the protection oe•their peo- and will allow 1,800 cubic feet of air to
hari considerably .diminiehed. owing to sitll stuck serenely to her meat and
ple stringent regulations are enforced. Veil'patient.
extreme.easteen section, Appearances learn that the meat wbich had been The British etedioat Journal, speak- hiin affectionately, by the belt, se
• •
'Lew prices, teens ere grown only in !tatted," and, with that they had to, DB and efficientlir carried: out the Worst • Salvation A.rray man walkedeie ta
. • Young man, I likewise am a eolda
" Whether tee waters flowed forte ' pcent . to • a liberal yield; but the served, to them was a viand known to
walked to reach the 'flowing waters. - * " ing on the subeeet, says:
, •
! predictians of the prophets of evil a Militia man in Fernley, and ta
a few localities, more especially in the content.
Western Lake Erie, cerenties and the Not till years afterwards did theY may be realized. . -
• • -eee, Over or undet the courtst is not expiesee TREASURESOF THE EEL
er •
im. replied tbe maybe
,Iy_satated; at all' eve' nts they rail un- • . and if continued the yeault may be land; it was young roast seel• • coped so far, it is blind folly to
for poor. Some correspondents note that agew it is safe."
.ate, but you're a long way; rora y
• •ran out w ei.e.ei on the right side. AP' The tr ure hidd - .133, epees 'of ' the touThiee a a few barra.cks, anyhow."
, au the harvest is later than Usual. e
less, wader qua atone 'PaVement of the New „etteerates whale Is used to .luelolt the juice over the, :ire in, a porcelain_ this, but now, Dr. Prendergast- says in. `VALUE OF SMALL INVENTIONS
Hay and Clarer.-The production of ' alarmists who ceenteed that this couii- A trout"two feet long, and weigrb
outo.court.0-4•Bairbairit. Behold, theris €eld to one doePee• , lined or granite kettle. Boil the juice Motions of animal thYroid have been h a / •D.. be hat b I
der' ihaenetOlinding avalle,,.aoatioubt- • •
. •
eata a en. by the aea have --uncovered-twenty • minute% .takin found of va,lue in stimulating the - • try is not .freo from the danger of a flys pounds two animas. hoot
av an c over wi SOMESW e ow
rem 0 a mea orme a strong off every bit of scum as fast ''t rises; growth f the iegland ' h the average, the PriliciPal egelse of the Enormous Tormnes move men Undo plague invasion -the fear may be set '
erten Simple Drvices.,. aside as•geormidless, at least so. far as
. the sout side of the-esast .gate. Here let the sugar get real hot, so the beings. 1311C this musi be
as i •0 e . same en uman-
The intention of the roller skate caught in OMB of the Plantation .
lodges at Accrington. All the, e.ng
parently .0 seethe:et of the, teinPle,
jelly will boil as soon as possible after dont; before shortage being the heavy frosts of last .
an epidesmo is concerned --nevertheless
f lcle ti */ a
againeeezekiel conies within sight of temptation for man's •ingenuity and • • the patient is five years of. age, so winter, which, in the absence of snow, in the district have been after this
ive hooks in the trout's body pr
stir • - i has been another though a minor face, serew has been responSible for -more and rt. therefare behooves our savita_ry
' tor in decreasing the yield. 1 wealth than most silver mines. :Dna 11 . ' the tiShermen•
Ghat he has had many a. tusale ' w
he meth of waters which bad sprung greed, n ancient mythology trea- you put it in. when the twenty• the discovery is of little good t th 11
nun- o o e killed a great deal ef the clover in
, • e Evilest elated. the fact should not. be forgotten that t. • f he •
usu ar fish or years. T diewerve
made &200000 Th
every part of the province. Drought . -13 . Hang Kong, is a hotbed of theplague,f •
d i
• e re- roves intrusted to the svaves play ides is up, turn the sugar into the kat.. little Henry girt. Another feature of
from underneath the eancttiary. 't •
ea carefully until it is dissolved,
3. Read these verses carefully in both •in res o
a disastrous pert in individual and na-
tendon ,has been concentrated on the • tional fate. No wiener has, in :o.,urr iiiinettil pueeno.obancaks of the
bells, draw the case is Mary:Henry's age, .There are
the Movee A no records to sbow that any child sim-
vensions, Up to this point Ezekielrs at- to
wittere; now the strange actions -of his time, some inventor brought out a new • quart
to fill the, bowls
rwiiss handier then a dipper Harty afflicted survived' beyond its
the. profound. ' lea hides itl unknown bag out of cheese-clothstrain . the '
and twentieth year... „
mere," . • , • yeti fell them. Next morning put a -
On the 19th of last. month the aniiie .t p
layer ol knieeepitettelfgfain:or over the When lions becoane t t th
so the (fies .from,
e con- 'inert and treacherousm. batnuetaese :lake aro
. -Native Jungles.
guide .intereet him. Following the wa- 'Submariner device or diving
peare s words, 'all and w ate, • 0 jelly will not set • - •
, apparatus,,should be hot
tars as they flowed eastwardlye, the when. to Shakes
13. Wning ot waterandMAN-EATING 'LIONS.
fathqms'1 begins to . glitter before Jelly through it into the pitcher. Wet
the Jelly dishes in cold. water before Titan or tee Sewage Neale; In -"their
man'e eyes with its "demoniac &Bute-
versary occurred of' thesinking of the This Wax is better es well aa incTrP ace*
%lenient than .a paper wet in brandy, unnecessary trouble to catch teen, and
Ale.bania by the Keamarge off - the
French port, 'Cherbourg. A series of ;31117k -ems i.
me it tuts the air entirely out hie hIrrnanern derbtealknesgspearrielopulsenetnitreurlp, n
thie date at Cherbourg with a new , and can be used year after year if it
It keeps not
moist and soft on owfbill
experiMents urms being , made about top. t C at much at first, or -proceed on any haphazard expedi-
diving apparatus that enables work to ,,....A
Is washed and .dried when the jelly is dons. They know; wbat ,te do and
, where to go that prey may be procur-
be carried on. at far. greater . depth* ;-`" ' • • •
then has hithert° been possible. The --3 • ed with the least amount of risk or .
GROW ROSES. -IN. THE HOUSE. exertion. Such a lion is well aware of
netv apParatus, it M expeeted, will In the filet place procure goodplants. who tills this core field or that niealie
prove effective at 500 feet up to 106
fathoms. The experiments, it is true. There is a vast difference in the ata- patch. He has informed himaelf of
have so far been made at a depth of
only /70' ft, but this is ' alreesly a de- ,,, ,.
obitn;.1 t ofrnavitality,ivbitiztliftty,isinb
y. to get theiM. They. are dor-' There is no route by which travelers
t situated and how they are guarded.
uow many men accompany the village
herd% where any outiying camps are
7thteharoazasent and
added adVance over previous diving " -
ciperations, and the trial was entirely mant plants and arrive tightly Packed proceed or traffic is carried On that
ile moss. Immerse the roots vvithout, suoh animals have not studied with
the wrappings in lukewarm they afford.es'tothe fatcilities for attack
euccensful. The inventor of the new
device Is a Tunisian engineer; M.Platti. removinga he good
water for two or three hours. Very powers If otherwieeirg d
of a sphere telt feet in diameter fitted fertile garden soil well enriched with sitions present naturallc es
° d i ;inlet °
del Pozzo, end hie epparatus consiets
Man mecianres a thousand cubits, and
calls to Ezekiel to pane through the wa.-
tera. He did so, and they reached to
the ankles -the •first measureinent.
4. The second measure pacing the
course of the waters brings to notice
the astonishing fawt that m their flow
' of the &Wend thousand cubita they had
become, so deep ,that Ezekiel, wading.
through them becanie wet td Ws knees.
After the third Measure the ' waters
eetrato the •Ioine: It was now aediffi-
cult task that, the angel gave to Eze-
kiel, to wide through , a current. •so
. strong •and so, deep..
15., The fourth thousand. Here Eze-
kiel la astounded to find no longer a
' etreamlet, .but a river that he amid.
not Peas over. Impeiceetibly the flood
had not only increased in height and in
rapidity; but greatly in width also; the
, e waters were risen, waters to swim, in,
ee a river that Could not be passed over,
.a ,-f ,ee 6. He said unto Me. The angel
. naid to Ezekiel. San of num, heist thoii
seen this? A question not meant to
. '
have coitus to abetting place. Thei an-
t . be answered. The strange oomPanions
.••• - ' , gel • '''.2 the exhibitor of the
marvelo work 'of God, and with
a holy t ittroph in bis face he take, with three screws that 'enable it to ' old decomposed cownianure is best,' It lion not only. considers ow este
ment weald eak his comrade, ."Do you' 1_ °tree% hahisavpaaraamart Ise' fehraliaPnadr.haP5 AtPraarl
as a modern boy full of glad astoniah. , . enereeT erg POSITION ' should be thoroughly heated in the oven
alt tne bottom of the ocean. ' Another -the 'day before being used, to destroy eventei he bee been watched while en -
see that f" What the Prophet's at- of ite• features le a species of dredger
' tendon is tipecially called. to is the inisects Pint tin caps are much bet- gaged ice ' exercises that. eau only be
doettinuotitt inerease of the Waters. No ,0
worked by machinery that can be used ' . . •
• ter thcm pots to grow house roses, for •
explained, in We way. ,
rain had fallen, no broOlcs had run into t pick up cables or other.objeote. M. o puny a oreature as man is
del Poen) intends shortly to search' . they do not dry out so easily. The top e wheoi unprovided With effective imple-
ht. Here is something as oontreiry.to
. for the 'hull of the famous Alabania can be removed by turning upside down zeolite for offense stands little chance
ne exper n e si p p
um, streams at lasrhu3, au)* opposite Cherbourg on June 19,
terprise after a brief cburee dry tier"
but this street= of Meesianic ealvatuan' At this very knoMent ehe lifting of
fleets on linden, like the pilgrims from a rich treasure-trove frem* sunken
Mrength to strength, like- (he morn_ Warships in the Aegean sea attradts
ing mut brighter and brighter mita the the attention of Europe. The 5th of
Perfect day, like the unletard seed and the wealth marked the 129th anniver-
the leaven in the parables' of oar Lord. 'earY of a famous sea fight, which took
110 dile time One lets got more than e place off Teiheshme, an Asiatic -Turkish
way, ill which the kineom et God sten admiral under Cathetiluell., who,
grows, the four disairate on the banks ' with his' own hands, in 1.762, had stran-
of the Jordan gathering in others un- fled to death the czarinaeleitasband,
til to -day there are millionat and mile Peter III., defeated, ,the Turkish fleet
lions of devoid Christiltas; not•only the there on truly 5, 1/70, with great logeee
way in whieh the divine life el the On both ;sides. And now the sea gives
soul of Man turns weak young Chris -I tii) Me treaeures from the bottom of
in the descriptien. has its lesson. We
Every item t e Aegean. The divers report that
the. Whole ground about the wreaks ie
Hans iiito fathers it God.
have pointed to the right of the tstreare covered with a gigantic carpet of ga-
in the depths of the temtde of God 1 ver cans' In Vieof the iMniense
and to th,3 symbolism of flowing water. yield of treasure, the operation thus
Here the seer,. tailed the "eon of Man " far has been conflict to the Russian
iniPte of the spiritnal teaching of aaateurt, between the Russians . and
this vision. This. is not only the I Turks, Count Aleatis Wow, the Hue -
lit ha" that vett title "fetainclecl that lite flagship, which Du at a depth of a
vision. was or mankind, that thiel little over 180 feet. A Very large
!Welling etrintan floWil au to egs days antelltit of Venetian, Austrian and
of the completion Of the butnite race," Rtessian gold pieced hate been brought
e-Secielterer Costonentary. Ile.... to light, and they are SO nithier011a
-damned Mlei to return to the brink .43i that the eteamship Idebollo, three
the river. We are not to tindereeand vveekt ago bad tdready twice carried
thogh ha probably went COnstalatinOple. da 'a yield alone
the wide*
that Erode/ wackaada to swim aerbaa shipments of 20,000 gold coins eitoh to
• 0010a the asp a i3lose watch •for Insects and if
deeP enocirtillatO the reread). te 6oSe anl°"ted 411141101 ":
On a' hot coal fire, leaving thorn in jtuit egainat sunn a foe -an assailant hav-
king enough to Melt the fielder around ing forty times his earength, backed
the. rim. Take them out with a poker by marveloiiii activity and. an intense
patistOn for Carnage. Under these oir-
end give a eharp rap with the stove outastancee savages can only shut
handle, when the to will. Sy off. Cut themselves Up or assault their enemy
a hole an inch square in the bottom in large mascots. On the other 'hod,
with a chisel and cover with a flat those prectutiona taken by a murder -
stone. Roses abhor a wet or soggy out lion Might be seen. to conaport
earth, but to itiloW them to dry up With that bold slid Ofteneerackless
in a pot is just as detrimental to temper attributed to this specie But
their health. such a. decrepancy has no real ex -
Cut the tepti back about one-half, latent*: it only apPeare When a itidg.•
WM to a good shape and. cut exit all ment is Made withodt taking tit the
broken and, misshapen reds. Set the foots into eensitletatien• hia ani-
develc,ped in man -
planet half an inch lower than they , Mat'e intelligence.
Were before end shape the 'earth well eaters to Its highest 'point, together
around the toots preen down and we. with an otganio stealthinets of nature
ter. Cover with gimes fruit bans and and proclivity toward unexpeoted at -
ant in a bright, warin Place, bet not tacks and. stratageras, fully accounts
In the direct sunlight. The can ehould for everything a lion does in the way
be removed every day to give air, but of guardtrig against failure.
adi not leave it off. They will often
start to grow at once. When they
haVe made an inch or incite of growth, AN HISTORIC. SLIP OF PAPER.
commence leaving the glue off each day
a little longer than before until they Written by the flake or Iseeteeeeeek at
cart endure it without wilting, then the nettle or Intiatiebn.
giVis full eunlight, Do not weter uta A scrap of paper that carnes One
til the ground feels quite dry to the beak to the very atmocahere of a great
touch when stilted. Always tie Dike- a- • -a• .
warm Water--zottpands if obtainable, deoleiverbattle in the world's history
le 'among the historical freseuree of
Bleatheith House. On the paper are a
dozen lines soribbled in pencil. They
were written by the Duke of Maribor.
ough at the 'close of the fieroetetruggie
at Illenheira.
that hat hsa Other meaneaceild. he get °neer hang eft untoutheti until the found realitive by hand. You will not
ri e Mlle temits Ing those inetiods, anti alWays remem-
ealled kW back, perhaps assisted him igeted. The enterprise's daily her that a plant twit starting groWth
from the rciehing current to the batik, are reberded by the Turkish officials
7. HAW& Another exclamation of work, Whereupon everything save . i i
a is by t40 roitoh water than perhaps any
astonishment. At the bank a the brought aboard the governreent gra-Other
oriway, wh le a Pietist ttroninkt ge
atde and on the other. Teeeki61 had. Besides the coin, bare at gol , gold end e totes are blooming, give a Weekly'
fail to have beautiful Med by .follovar
te the opposite bane. The th yellow teeters removal has been cent -
where another wonder &waits hit*. aaa, the/ 004000y in °barge of the or while reatiog WM he killed easier
liaret wets' iteneedy trewasuti ehe ehWhet° it le *etch"' bi °114' thous y mat be well impl"
been so engrootted by eh* **tare eihaer Wiese*, Medals and relief*** watering With dilate Mataire we.ter.
their bed and by his eingelio guide that Bib
he had not at ell obterved: what wait
-going on at the tide* of the rivtirt Tub t
Merl:ride from. thie and the aueeteding
rtatiseS id that fruitful trees lartWt lima moth)
the streititt ftesin tie source to Its out. k
floif tut° the Dead Saa. "Tho lookin
forward gave Ezekiel the knowledge.)
the progremisre fullocet end depth of
ea, silver and gold serviced, a That rrOth the, Woken bowie to which
added 1 but
betted LA *liver and.adorned with „
ette, has beim togia. The egNe eatvaYs the flowers before they
Objects, la the tithe 'above mon- mar exPand, removing $ at 4 indite of
was satbroted to be twee the *tem. linked this is faithfill17 fol-
lowed, your plants will mon be worth.
lee*. / have Oen a idngle role, loft
on the tdent until its petals droPPed,
TABGTHIS moms FACTORY.- , ruin the thiefiiltiees of the pleat.
hot Bo art, Haveria is one ot
. the intern; not until he hada beak tbs. lartsat 0 ‘tbs woritee memo*, A, calms jinx or ptorwitig.
sleet ha Wine te Iniove, With a 4:16*** tO tome ay bierfebS bill haring*. Ma to vary otroNi in the telootion of
whet followe tho fertilizing West a two fgra there, Jig ' iAtor) thre
ChM* Nick to 110 Illritt Of We COI
that &Fee lit , etso tra$0,- and onto
to rutin the physical I
- a thilai it -P-
wo flar
these waters."-Ilaw et* ens . eh/ y grow pieta:roe fOr the obildrottee bed -room or
. The turault of battle wee telling
westward, where 'hooch and Baur-,
lane were in disordered retreat, with
Marlhorotiglee cavalry riding fiercely
ite their rear. The elopes Of the hills
and the inertia plain were itrovm
with thirty thoutsand killed . and
But Marlborough, wi the excite,
' hundred thousand pounds in 'first'eolais °mitten to exclude the disease frinn
any part of thin country. -
' Corn.. -The cold and wet weather 'pre-... ,
veiling at the time corn should ha.ve
been planted delayed that week eonsid. Securities, would not, represent the fere . . • . e . .
eiable and the consequence is tbat at tuna made by the man who first . -
ly as far advanced as usual. , Hew- shoes. Even a little thing like • the..Toe Leviatanis sir the peep Are 'New
the time of reporting the crop is hard- thought Of copper tips to children's WHALING AT SN.00KS ARM. . .
ever, taking all the reports received, mon need1,, e threader is Worth L10, -•*Bird be selenium Apeitancesi
the Crop is likely to turn out td• bet a cam
fair one should the lateness of the sea- 000 a year to its. owner while the er.e. .
son not bring it into ' frosty weather. turn ball"eea. wooden ball fastened on ete.enook s Arm, ,on the east cadet
Several correspondents- .report the a piece of eladtic--lields 10,000 a of Newfoundland, hie scientifie whid-
erection_ of new silos this year. •
annum; this, is only one of the many ing-station, the only one in. the West-
Potatees.-There promisee te , be a . , H rinsphere .11ereaa well as at
5 w
the "s s .
good... yield of potatoes. though in profitable toys. We may mention e
many quarters rain ia badly. needed "Dancing, Jim Crow," which produces and
ling -stations of Iceland
specially constructed
and in, consequence of tong continued ,•415,000 a year; the "wheel of life.,!
drotith the early pota.toes, have been
worth lei" all full £100,000; the walk- at"mers 8:re "atthred'itruiPildaedvi.sweith
Boots,-ttoof crops,, more especially ing figure, n. P eVery appliance a a can .
somewhat small in size.
"Joe Gilpin " and the -
in the eastern and northern parts of "chameleon top."' The mile of the a A small harpoon is no longer hotted
moisture at seeding time, which eaused has been .eeertamrs 'torn the "hand of some trained Eskimo,
the province, suffered from too much last_ommea toy
some loss. At a later period the want. and the profits also enormous. In_ bsit ain immense iron bar, more than
'Atli great wings or
of rain was severely felt in many deed, the "chameleon top," as a profit- air feet fang'
localiti e which if continued may re- able invention, has probably excelled flanges a few feet from One end, -like
Flex. -This crop is not now largely a" one discovery in modern . tunes • h • h f •
the bare of a cross excerpt that they
sult ni light crops. • • •
grown, as a number of the- mills in however valuable and important thi: area_folds& baok to t e mann s a t, -is
Western Ontario.have been: closed for 'may have oeen. As far as profits are now, fixed, frame a cannon on the ship.
Tbeire-Mn large projectile at the end,
some time. Where raised it has been a concerned, the Invention og toys pays filed, sharp and. pointed so as to pene- .
; Tobacco -e. Correspondents ill BOUM better than those of anything else. trate the whale's body. It 5. loaded
fair crop this .seasOn., • .•
been ehiefle,tried in thiatlprovince, re- made "ere
tend Rent, whets .tobacco raising. has Money has been and always can be
easily out of Meseta pat- omee of gas- '
with combustibles that generate vol -
port that the ares in Leaf JO very much sated inventions than out of -any. in- • A. man with steady nereeaand quick
season,: owing to the poor inarket. The Great discoveries take so many years akoi is et the cannon, and in an
smaller this year then inehe previous vestment or occupation. •
plant is regarded as being a littledate fortunes' 'made from thereat° sniall
and out so mesh to perfect that the instant there is a flash, and the great
compared, with, those we bare butane- haapoon is hurled through the air.
With unerring aim iterlunges into the
and grasshoppers, it is generally re- candle if tapered at the end would
ed. The Man who discovered that a whales side, the wings on the cross -
this year, but with the exception of
garded as being tri good' condition, bar suddenly flying horizontal, and
reports ,of injury from "out worms"
' Fruit. -There is. likely to be a scare the explodieg projectiles generating
city of fruit this oesecen, owing to var. stick tienaly into, its socket patented ge•eat volumee of gas •that keep the
the idea and afterward founded the body aflotet. Death is very speedy,
ea a large proportion of the fruit trees simple 'device ? Out of the millions
eaght not anyone have thought of this reittee is not too close, .
and almost without suffering, if the
late causes. The severe winter destroy- le
largest candle factory itt the world,
injured many which survived. Reser who, e'en uMbrellate how many realize ettaeters.
when the cannon Jai fired at dlose
rain during the bloasoming seasen' articles represent wealth untold! The
I that theae Unfortunately indispensable arid the whale haripens to
in scene motions, .and appetite to have
greatly interfered with fertilization, asa, frame, be young, with tender, thin hide, the
did frost in some neighborhoods. The all are the result' of numberless eXper.
the cover, the materials used, harpoon flies right through the body,
apple crop is :eery lig•ht, rent as a. yule I iments and., patentee An umbrella the ,rope holding the wounded creature
the quality Is good, and fruit fair- 1 yeare ago Used to be Made of whale- fast, and men are deepatohed in boatig
ly free from scab. The peaeh. crop lig bone and • gingham. It weighed ao tot spear the prieoner.
practically a failure, .owirag to the much as le portmanteau- Alpaca Was Since last July more than a hundred
general de/Arnett= of the trees, which ' autettitUted tor gingeam, then silk for whales have been shot, and, not a sin -
suffered more severely from tht3 winter alpaca: Each ohange meant a fortune gle shoe has been lee, although in
one pr two cases it has been necessary
trews have not been leo prolific asuman!, For. a long time the ribs were solid's
three did the other varieties., , Pear to, thainventer who brought it about. etruggling minister Was killed, Ihe
to fire a second harpoon before a
was about an average erop of oherriete brella and cut, greoves along its ribs, and, logging
whales, are towed into the harbor and
d to be dragged by steam -power
ad the /supply will be light: 'There then Samuel Vox arose, took the um- Moore-,
though sortie damage from wormseand He designed the "pa,tent paragon slant ah the 11
black knot is, tepecified. Reports ton- fraMe" and lived to see his invention ing wharf.
DODX04 it, the vines being bealthy and Samuel Fox his heir was benefited to LOI1BET'S GUARD.
cerniri the vineyards are highly 'en- used tiniverialip , At the deeth of
well -laden, promising an abundant the extent of &179,000 -the residua of ....•
fruits have been generally plentiful
supply of 'grapes.. Berries and small et total profit of at least 1E500,000. 'rawest/ Private *Weedy" Attead 1111a
they have run rather small in cense- The eeexet fords charged to protect
ney and Male.
and good, though in, many; looalities ... -
quenee, ef the droughto WOMEN'S most riomis.
. the French President is Me from eatint,
,. The Apiaryeelteports vary consider- By' the Way, if yod are laboring tin. /tea If be had been Willing to keep
ably regardbig hem, A test. dotree. eer the iattlirtiesion that padded hips it tr. US htnetiOne, it might have
Ref low as 10, and..even, -5, lbs. per hive. it at once. The new figure, fresh and if hie had been willing to keep
are the nr_eggiiieg fashion, get rid of soared .111. Loubot. the attack of the
1:000flente Xepart as high rits 76 lbs. sur-
plus, honey per hive, but a number go
The average will be sibenty, 25 lbs. The front Parte, is hiplebs, and espeeially other Sunday. It is 4 force Otte
beekwheaterep will in mony-liiillivicatt gutted to the olinging fashion Of &Part tram that which everybody sets,
be "fed back" or not. gowns. it calla for the full bust, na. from the army contingent;, the pollee
decade whether the heed will have to
Pasturea and Live Stock. -Reports turally Pleeed, but ila hips, and this and the relterv6 pest of the city guard,
as to the condition of pastures and the is the way in which it is mitred: PurPoeelY displayed and serving above
dfdry prodixo6 vez3, grosatiy itecordint ,,ere sets of Was are provided, one of all for decoration. Ties terViee that
sited Upon the oupply of fodder and a.,
to locality. in the Lake Erie and elastic, Which begins at the waist line nobodY setae /a conePoled Of 20 pergiona
In permanent servioe, and of 60 per-
paLerktt Otigapritoetcuorvstitatsre.6 a:oda:re:nay otherandand Cotainues to the top, *here it is
left extremely Tufo to eta a full Iirr$40wtbihannothoet Parecauldarrnistatrravrealttrtetad
up and bete, resulting -1a a consider" but effect. The elastie expands and th rd service,-whotie niyateriout role
able failing off in the supply of milk untraott with the nioventent of the is Idenied by theArolfcc. All this ma,
and a shortagetla dairy ptodttoe, with oheatt. The other lacing of linen or M. Louhet's Prodectie,
disooursgbig teorts for the keep isilk is put 10 at the bottom of the '314°41, which
sor kept In constent 00ealiatioa, Beanie
of cattle during 11 and *Inter. In outlet and extends to the Watiet line ,
Wait of the great tit t yet stroag the northern tad • eastern pelts et bringing the ti, vette et the serial. ,fOrtataable and coMplicated in (he
tes. This Midst of a republie.
..,. the provinces, whete enure taiu has fel. This enatert, With 00ileign never to
within hire, pitildit to bit home on one. 1:tt the pubis' ei i et moot felehin_g 4. AS fox'
eget at re abed goieti„v a
Of the little male bridges abatis the abundant supplies milk for coifivirel. men,' Of them ere Seen, ell I". EIght Of bleat MOM ht Loubet,
Sohwanbuoh, and itoribbled them dozen deirTlyi mimeo, esu '.o141..4 pr eatt.of a I ti PlelnlY, and giving a eto. they say, positively Wearable. He
esesped from them the other. day, and
line, to Mt frizrfouti wife in Ltardorta pled I it supailY of feed to stoci teate appearenee to the wearer, eAra
ergot of the pelvis were met in motion;
are the doing al e ordt faint It
there Was slainhither and yon aad
. used 2t other cutitatioe Iran
it gave rite to ao. *muting incident.
to tell her of great out. tabour oe Mrages.--Th demand Moo 'dr whet( one or beth here Xt Thee wet °automation. All the bi.-
,APPaMitly the &art; botrowed the tor term lehettt tie still easing, issitited oat of glee&
masa* of papa tretebask ol It setae bier Of &wine gai .tow frequent eider
the rtureery. itsinttosber thet the Belie his ses,,ites twr 0// the
of Nets elitirdivels art togas glad ot Mid f items et e too
, 4. Viola beet *bade theta. repot of the b
rat had
OW fad
- ha 10 '431 fr.? i',.A. ,.4 4 Ve
4 ) jil 1 _11Qky
nerly ratith4 the When
PTIOStrV FAYEk. bet was dieuTered promenading the
teaabstaritiLsateet. wet 1111 ttg6
cool thins, stout &fettle of the CliwW 111,Isses In glaiet
atorrtertation with his mt.
' t
, • , .
Mr. George H. &nit* Of Oardiff,
laid before the Postmaster -General
proposal to connect the Channel Id
telegraphically and telephonically, o
the wireless principle, with the soot
coast of England. Mr. Smith says
is confident that with his apparatus
can telegraph' up to a hundred an
fifty miles on the wireless plan.
John Wilson recently picked up s
old shell an the sands of Morecat
Bay, whichisa favorite camel
place for artillery. He was tapping 811
rusty screw with a hammer when th
shell exploded. Wilson was shocking!
Injured, one eye . being , blown out
Pieces of the shell were found a qua
ter of a mile away.
ew leissaae or DlselplIno Introditeed.
• Scotch schools. •
I specially visited the mud row, el
uated between Tolicrose and Carmy
about eight miles from Airdrie, tit
afternoon, to review the lads who r
cehtly received the first honors ah
fonr stripes from the nosily acquired
Whipping apparatus at Airdrie, writes
a correspondent. The apparatus f
shaped like the breast -piece of a via-
•is about five feet long by three
feet broad. The boy ia fastened on f3y
loather straps on his arms and Jule
and, the weapon is an ordinary birch
"You :thew lip the Airdrie authori-
ties," said the mother of a lad nained
Allan to me. I asked hima-a bright
- wee chap of 10-11 he would like tat
visit Airdrie again. The boy *it
equal. to ihe occasion and promptly an-
swered. no. He was the firat to be
birched; he had four stripes, and 111
he has to complain of Was that t
..tothtianewtteoiktetsatl: et long time. betWeen
He was not favorably Imprensa
with the executioner. He was a big
man, says he, with e great, big, red
face --and a dootor looked. on. He did
net Lunde when he received the find
lash; it was very tore, Anglice, pain -
f1. 14 It felt like a big bleu* of
weeaangigyd airetphrid. al librohethectouldaictualst41
prevented the lad bolo; lashed. Tht
other boys spoke in the tame Arabi
and did not relish the introduction 01
machinery,lhough the punishment ap-
pears no more degrading than a school
birthing. That is a form of school 811-
unknown to Scott% board
taboo's, where palnlies, or etrokett oi
the palm of the hindwith a
the prevailing inethod of administer-,
ing punishment..
A rather rernarkeble spirit lamp he
been found in;the worlothop of eat*:
doo watchmaker. It le In the Ike%
of a boar an4 tufts the burner els i
dtta, bhouserttthInherieteittilettobil
ing feature a it gal it that it*
erishattkr.u.bataTthydrneedeOzbett iiinuitste
Is Sitered to the memory of the wa
maker's father, by whom it was
and Setae hold that there is a s
tiott Of the trenetaietration of the
of men into animal* 5 the ter
with whiah this image is roger
'004 nevertheless, for the
for awooti
hlohtithi,w4 barwhirigbielly the
maker beide Metal or wider. AS an he.
atoned a the coratinatioe of Imitletter
and piety it is rather latersAtIng.
What are tho log 'for 1 arditelAbb
tut het
tiEau, wan( et 11443
jest at