HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-08-17, Page 1' r•!'
r"e,`11-4,- • et.1".„,
e„, • •
t Year. ,
17 II wo had not stutRid
halt 4fixes Madan would have defeated Holmes by 200," * a Liberal worker has eonfessed to 'a citizen of Clinton.
r •
'7* ,4; ; • * •
• —
. Whole Number 10Z5 ;
40064[(ohms thus represents the ballot bq steers, not the (Odors ilon.•
never: ttopp. ibs eeit'eetetsi
ta*-7;,4 704' thf old ozl'
removed•Midnetrenit eppliad
. Consid,eathe 'wear, as they,beat
away tbe toinetes, bots, days,
;Peeks arid Team, •
Take epee ef Thor watche=-have..
it properly cleaned an oiled.
Nve, elean and repair all kinde---
do it promptly ecesuately and
at moderate Cost:
WE A.13',"'•t.-Es-D'Ins
. ex' OUR IANE. •
Eir.aier WeeroteRheelann
'44 seem*/ elteeiree • Otrerekr st t
• Mr. 4.T. E. It Barnwell priucipal of NextSandayroo Allb1111111,
There esee always A certain
nuraher of people changing
bouses.tn the early fall. Seize
move to more comfortable •
. •, Now Roe
Means Dereitos 14004 of Musk,
• . minocev. ,OleMent. . The new Orin, consisting of the New, The Clinton howlere have had e, Boo • 'Theeinmatea of the Howie. of 'Refuge,
: ntBnen Irtnaltriinna fj:imallre:tihor:pCsassnet:tblmaotoest.' 1701:40;tet:81°07;n41:::::1107.1:°e'r tab°. vacortmimnenbartoottabneidne,elonvnboi:ptoli:untouint leinitrtne,11 Ai eeriest' sveek, defeating. crack teen* are JuSt as fond of music as, those who .
Woodstock, have „heasiMore.Carbonate in the. tattle Clinton for 13er. holidays. _
up te the Entrance exitinination and children and young People, , In the at* 'Wes Martha Mole haerettirlied. from.
C4rbe:itete:Ittese•t.0. ,o:rh.o0:124w11:010e11:toz. isu.: ,tctieraecilsteersdr b;11:arro. lOIezpenutti7 w,,whaeb.rdleoehsobeziamaridrowir..nan!wil7.0:toni-ohnInecsaiboxtu:stitowhe,vroletslitlysi ciT,fr°m- bath Atir4bea and
q).; • thereost. exactiog retepayer Can reaeette whets the annual tietaion • wilt be-
T.pmenteci in the oaction: 0,114, has hoon. 4.0,0401shov, ' ..44 ded with a ecora of 17 to 15 In fearer of ; were treated, by the ()ataxia etreet e"n4 "4"e4' • • '
ntoxft: f. ;1.;seTar„siliaea skwt eye:holt illy:- sot do. o nkyt e tut enadk eon to evttcilit le,. 0;1: tfi et, ase tted. eer. yeo.t. 4.1:01 ern nes: att 4.1 ctuptt e oetsyd. ibc°110;:tori :40 es. :I:: :fro,:c.,41;:sn:;t1 .1 :le 40ef, e ;, :01;:eft.
reeerigeged far the sixth year, •
e's leseer. Pee 'mem .tetvutt.
' etate that -they are ,sbretvd, energetic defeated by a greateenumbee of points. guage fails -there in expressing, their ere
temorrow Mr; Ed* Windient1 Of ' d up-to-date, aocl from the bridge which has VOW colite res
chaatedVatefe, AVeett, Toera will shf -cri 1 acl f " tbe A.t the conclusion of this watch Wood- delight with the epic* of Buroiers fay -
The Walkerton Herald has cheeped . therobred sheep from Clinten station.
. .
querterseold eloMettkilik the , 'hands, the peretteSee being Mr. L le. Hemede a sierilars shipment last fall
iandlord has not sed. Ithon. McNamara; sena the Collector of Oete eed ie Able to state that the Iowa
well. Then there are, the ..
... newircsarriedi and new come toms in that town, Thopaper has al- breeders are eager to bur Heron, stock
,erti to he coesidered. In r reedy been enlarged to seven ' colunme to =prove thew own.fiocks. • .
. roost of these eases there and Is altoltether likely to regain the A ChIP eifhe 0' Id Mock. '
will be alew rooms in heed reputatiOn it held for re4ny , iears Air Henry g tie 11 ' • t
Ve no shine. Our WalL'Peper ' s.'„w°ng 'Bruce county ' papers.. 0
of Wall Paper. Thie is where ' '' Th eitiee'uafmordene, •Me a,'Ulatobilat,gmhelewellas.
. • stock is the finest in the transfez lies owing to the continued ill 'mayor last Year, has been chosen 4ir
( i , west, and at theePeehaPri0es health. of the late proprietor; Mr. W. the Conservativeti of the "tiding to
tewe are noW Onotm8; no me R. Telford. ' . e . 'represent them in the provincial 010.0.-
onitTur TIg4aset'an.a.frgra Two wins at Lamaze, . . . Bons now thought to be close at hind.
, ,
The junior lacrosse teaM bus won the He is believed to hive good prospects
last two matcheeit bas played, defeat--er 'winning the seat. }le is a8°° Of li.(44.
2711 A.13)CM ing , Kincetdine aricl Mitchell quite George Rudclell, a highly respected'
&11131ALUI-ta ' handsomely, the former by a, score of e • Itullett farmer, end is said by thoee
if they are good, alWaYs. add match wee played on Thursday lest, ebip of the ald block.
naueli to- tbe.'aPPearance of the local team being conMosed of: P. Shipment of Stook. '
" the home and as .their aro 0 neh A eheppaca L whitely g.
M - Oh 1 W 11' 'd t dl
way they go abeut Welt' preliminary stock played' and clefeated Seaforth Mite vocalist, Mrs. Well. The terms). 4.
, ... •' ., . , .•to 2- nnd tile bitter by 5 to 1, The last' wile know him well to be a veritable
129°°8847 t° everY fur. 1)°ohert'i, Armstrong,.-OrOok's; 4);
stulai .0, f:tneorneesy, asealins oputuAtoonudna,zgwooheritv
payment., E• Deytnent, P.11la,thereeen. red over three-hundre4 ho80. The al'
nished-home .it„. pays, .toeget.
the best: We huy fron le
EVANTEX `goods to neither cure, arse!
ee' nor fade. Each side of thee ,
UVT18 '.4k•ni
, are .. taibitfing o
ar'dienieres that. are' the ehea
, • .
$;(' 'offered.
of b.11king,-: a nicely de-
Obraeed 'eThrriiehiOre large size
fcir be • seen
Iti.±onr southlYintiow;
ve you seen the.Truekse. contain.,
ing (3 pounds Of teless Starch, we are
• offering,? ThaTenna Well -finished.
r goods have three coats of
‘. .naint, and with reasonable
( carp will last for at least ten
4 YearS " There is also a bi
.e. -with loele;:andlkey, just' *what •your
1,itt1e gir 'i',':*Watita..eo keep her dell's
' elothetl.i ...I The ttareh is - the same.
. ,Y.94,Par 10 cents perepoundeforee a ......,
..We,01 :. he:Trunk ,' and' o pounds .Of
po cents. 4‘:
e have ;feet ,reciived • -
, . ,
'roes, more of Oose
per dozen Glasses,
tethe *thing. to. put - , • . .
•i jelly. in. • e 4 - ..
,Pinnext-Sete-jsist opened, an
inporb crate ,,of. Dinner Sete ,
eetialieni whether yen ..
intend buying or not. •
.,'1@rat.3at ,
(IGLE Clinton,
difference in p g
rollers. We ay,
*extra arid 'get .the belt. Harts-
; -s hove rollers', which are thor-
ouginy guaranteed.
g fi)COILIEt
, are always in denten as
' there is no better way of 'Put"
ting upe curtains. Some_peo-
. ple prefer the Wooden Sem,
others the White Penults
and Brass Trimmings, so that
we keep all kinds ex stock. •
General Booksellers, Station-
ers and Fancy Goods Dealers,
' "*, e • •
paist.tok 13iitter and. Eggs and
uriecl Apples, _ _.Phone 23'
!XIV. -• • ,
and `wen -written aare-
• reepondence is iefeature
.-.. • of Ttrie NEwe-REcor03
*which has ri.! leige and
'etneient etaft. Of report-
ers at tenons , points in
Theecure the news of Iluran .."
reed Tar Nawseittemtn . •
Aloahvi :zmy
' - •
Here are a few broken lines that I
Wish to dispose at before putting in nay
fall stock. These
em gum on Saturday, Aug. btli.
.• ••• . Former Selling
• . .Price Price
en et an Congress $8.85 • $2.49
1.50 85
. Bela 3,25 • 2.39
prices ought to pen
' k •
" Dongolas $2, 3.00 90
Ladies Button Kid 3.00 1,25
" . 2.75 1.25
" • 2,50 1.25---'
Mee's Tan Oxfords 125 1.50
—Other lines equally cheap.,
2. allitOft.
y •
' - THE .TVir0 A.XS.
Our new: prem,ises are
commodious and: enable
u to .carry a larger stock,
than before, .a,nd thug a
more varie4 selection.
Vrolu both points Of view
our custonierrs benefit, and
We want them to reap it.
We solicit an inspection,
believing that a pnrchase
will follO1W.
; e prefer ni king inanybad quick
pales at a ritnall• profit each tithe
to holding out foe big prices'. We
do business On this basis and find it
satisfactery. Read these few prie
ces we Ai's quoting this Week, "VS
have many more equally good if
bet better,
Stneek and Overalls, per pair $1.00
Overallt, 500 bit
Paints, .$1.0O -t $150.
When you are ready for
• yout suit, crone to us,
We have the gonds that
will suit You end at racist
snitahle 'Prices. Our fits
ore well knewn. to he
snug andeorefortable.
rerrester, Whitely. H. Gordon, B. there were delivered to,him and, ship.
have Your Ads in ,orage weight was about 160 pounds and
The very large amount of local a3 he Pain five Cents Per pound the Brink
news which THE alOws-aEcogr) fun, total would amount to in the neighbor.,
rushes its readers every issue, coupled heed of $2500., Mr, Wallis has been
with reee feet that much -of it comes •in keePing this up pretty • regularly • all
hee,e, makes it impee,tire thakpopyfor season so' that he must have been the
chehge of advertisement be -sent in ear. means of distributing a sum of wooer,.
iy. ,Advertisers wilt, pleaee jot this that -will run prett3r well im 'to the
rule down -in some prominent -place, four figures. .
their n:isahory is, preferred,and byobser- Mori RecazaizAci,
iing it will seve-bpth themielves
• •
iteiniont middieseii,
ourselves unnecessary annoyanCe. near London, has pressingly invited
„lemon Goes port Herm. • • -REW, 0..B. Smith teaccept of the Bee,
itio:0131P. To be sure the appaintment
Mr. L Rattenbury's isp-eedy pricer,
s in the hands of the 13ishop, but his,
Acreon Jim,has been erttered let the ,
2-3-8 pace atTh°13°`41)1"r911 ra c9.411 eeP ciji:11:11S4iaPe°tfhoHrui tty°,n 19 nh°i: Tychnoti ct: eaxne
lug nel5t Toes4s$• 44-ebautr- 'nth hut; that of the parishioners differ, and in
"been what horsemen, call "110der the
wersehere title seaSon, but is :now in fit this Belmont call the church wardens
'Shape again and will likely be entered pstaosteedd hveavyYireituighsnatyjciaollYtthheamb tahce jer1)-usrr:
'natuoapsthes.lesmurf.eBaveuttetriniiinerBly iewhiignaubethoins" would' be pleased to have Mr. Smith's
aceeptance. We underseand, however,
the 'scene Cor, -like all good' °wrests, he
ts Justice. that be has declined and has no inten-
wantsIa see tha.t bi,e horse go, no. as tion whatever, of quitting his present
aintythheibnngaetitseer.o! attention m
, •• . ethhaettg,117;.. Sitroleitehehrt;oladeetherPeeee ifnotSuccess/di Candid.gdev .• feat calls in. the brief time that he has
: The reports of tbe Boards of Exam- been incumbent of Middleton's parish.
Weis ,in connection with the High '
. - Band Concert.
school and rnatrieulacion examinations
The open 'air eencert;ti given by the C. --
held in July have been considered' by
0. F. Brass Band nuThorsday evening
lie Educational Couteed; and the re. hest wag much 'epjoyed by this larg1.
sults issued. Beloorwill be found the
number Of citizens who gathered, 1
names of the successful' -candidates in the park. The band will be ont again
the extieninatioo of teems 1,11 and 111
this evening when the fellowing pro=
The Marks of-unsueteSsftil caoclidates granti will be rendered.' The fiftliselec.
Will be sent within *ten days to the pion, Indian War Dance, which will b
played here for the first time, is said bye'
paineipelsof High tiehools ot. .Pithlie
ritheatill-depectore. No markt will : be the leader to be ,one OE their most ati-
eenb or given. te: candidates. by the de-
tractive numbers : • .
.ctendierites will be sent to, principals .. , ,, , Lee,
.partarient.• Certificates of successful i.larch-Ertingor .... : . , ,.:,,.....,14,11
let of Septette. e an*--,14`ugnter: 9f*:.7.149v4 • • . •Sinapsoe
Waltze•eBeeause,..., .... ,..... • ......GraY
and inspectors about the , „ eearch-Rero of Manilla. 4. • •Dewe
. Unsuccessful candidates should not indian War Dance .• . . . ..........Brown
appeal tintil they have consulted the (Jake Welk -Mobile' Babe., ... ,:.elltill
High school priticipai •after receiving , Waltz -Sint as the Sun went•clOwn....
their marine Appeals' to•he entertain; ' • (by request.) 'Walker
ed must)* made to the Deputy *finis- Medley Merch.... ,•,...".......,Teennedy
ter before the 20th of September.' . God Save the Qeden. • .
'Regarding the Certificates awarded ilium" sorionlooni. •. • ' .
.for the examination in ';orna,II, sub- • T•he wedding of )44 Berke
jets, baadids,tes should observe the
following -Part Thrones that
and Miss Rosa Onniiinghatne.,'daughter
:*. a of Mr. John Cenningheine, took place
Form IT, kart 1. certificate has been
at "Donny Place," the residenee. of the
awarded, the eandidate having obtain -
bride's father, Orr Wednesday at e2
ed SO per cent.en toad as well as *LBS.
ing 111 each sulajeeto'clock, noini. Extensive preparations
. . •
Matriculation (l)in-miles that a part had been made to give the oting
couple a•good send off and give the
•I matelot:dation certieeat,e; covering
cerenaony an iinporta.oce that will long
grammar, ••aritintietice, history, • aud
physics, has been awarded... she remembered. The entire house and
grounds wereespecially ' fitted tin for
Matriculation (8) implies that a part.
1, matriculation eertithe occasion and about forty gueste
fIcate, ' covering .
grammatrarithmetin and history has
were present, meetly relatives, and in-
- eluded many ftein a distaoce. A.wente
been awarded. Mira certifieate, to- .„,
gether with that 'for MatriCulation (4)
rows Oem wfeLeet114-6:7:314 rils.1801501avid. landrr4
has 110 Otialifying value for either jun- children of Jackson, :Mich ; Mr. and
for leaving or sefilor leaving • standing
Mre. IL ()Allender of Woodstock t
is they represerit exeminations in Mrs, 'Tannerof Aft. Forest ; Mr, Evely
which candidates: have. net obtained
the required total of 60 per
of Strathroy; Miss Moore and Mrs, Me -
In the case of eertaio candidetes Lean of Seaforth and Mr Fay of North
Bey, At tWelye &dock, to the strains
whose names appear un der "inatrieu.
Of the wedding March played by Miss
latkin (fir and who; are, eligible . to . , .
(*moo, the nezdai precesition proreed,,,
*rite spider the special Provisions of
ea to the paelor, the heiclis leaning on
former regulatfons, wilt be riecesia,ry the arm of her father. . The parlor was
to furnish evidence, (date and centre of
beautifully decurated wttlx ferns aria
previous examinittions) that they' are e
entitled. to this privilege befote certiti. 'nye"' The 14°80 bar W1134°W was
converted Into 'a, Veritable forest of
earteasasWelltdaewra:idthecie'r orm Ix/ xv fere* aoditone the 'IOW growing •varie•
ties on the floor was One beautiful were
implies an examinationhi the subjects ing „the top of the giants of
proscribed either -under the preitent or mase to
. the species etittidiag °Veit six feet high.
former regulationo. The ceitilleates
issued will Mdicate IDOVe definitely the ' An are Of Oedar houghs Supported at
its centre a floral etar beneath which
-cher:tater of the examination putted.
Candidetets awarded these terttficates stood the bride and groom. The cete
utony was performed $y -Rey. W. 04
Obtained,lietY cent,on the total be-
. Beeman. The bride 'Wag Very 0Weeb In
oldie passing In each subject.
04 gown of white organdie ft -homed
oeuvre% , with satin eilabon and en 'Ing a
rot 1. L. W. Agnew, N. C. Bentboquet of whiteroeert, She watt assist
lay, O.S Cooper, S. X. notieten, G, • ea by her slater, Wee Plorenee, wha
Our Cusitozzaers stz s
ot Jenkins, V, )1c r log in nth; organdie
&set. Chart, Porter W. (Ile Bogen., dress trimmed with plfik ribbOn end
nwen Wm plum. looked clia m 'te
E a, Rumba'', A. lictfhloorr. „ carrying a boquet tif pink and :white
."• Ohl a, t hoar st,me. ono aft / With. 1101°"4---n, Jongine, E, Were& pette. Miss Helen Colville made
Mee. Gordon Iteutig is recovering.
Mrs. Forbes of Beffalo is theguest ot • .„
her daughter., Mrs. .148. Young.* ;
krs, A. Ferguson has returned from .
visithig Westfield friends. ' • ; ••
..,4 „.
' Aliases Vaunt, Garner of (lint= Arid.• ;
isncy qf Gadeeteh *ere guestfief their, ,
'sister, Mrs, Rebert Leeeh, recently •
the property seven years latentn, tigst ' D. emr3.,M0..nmoslcirie opurRes:cu'irh:ieplta'yinW14tas'ety.p. ab .68:ar(jearleWae01.111tapttsaeeshh:Ltir,b
blossomed every reason during
time, and is now laden with • what esW.;*337,4°net eel 41e.'(31•1,1 wIse° m ft, , 0 .k tr, :muss eland Flukey. 114E4 returned te
el baskets, . The trunk is fourfeet and 'it' TBe,Plelior • jj,i/f34.°CI:ite°814.NewVI clPve4taer 'Cock. has been in Poo' r R
Jea-ees say win nil seven heaping bush- . . vao IL Hise'woodreesresoitn :Try trileitaugTed, but
A half in cireumference, while the Kennedy y. • I heal tie but her ni any friends will behib tlth
• D. A. ones er p..27 J. soca „ r. etry oo reternes oin •
'clean, . vigorous -looking , tree and
feet from tile to tip. IS 011titon vs. lartvordloo. , • what iMproved and' hope for her 13'4 .
branches measure over thirty Xohnotone ..2514.11oha•efi Map • . ::::okrerishraesebr:00:;ravpoirclic.
The Olin. ton and Kincardine bag b 11
. : . • pleatted to leern that she has now some-
_ . nines met on the dtaniona in the latter speedy recovery. Mrs. D. Cook
looks good, foie many' years yet, 111r. • . • ' e, ' . foe a few days from sore throat
Initon spent part or not v?eek . with •
riearn gays it has never , been touched t • • .
pecte,ble appertra,nce. ' f
In expressing thre opinion that they rink skipped he Mr. John Johnstone, whose, lucid explanatione of gospel u
will be an accession; to the • ranks of The teams and SCOreS'WeIS AS follows: truths are. aiwaY0 014Preolatga; Next ot°rda 45' ralinvvhl° will ° 4ng.(leei? in ...',
eerengemente we have' i$0 hesitation rink "4 was in turn ' nut scored by 41 was fa eh4r•ge of
Ilt' David' TtPledY'' °i'enerhtm.ttohildae:i•as.16414:eetbdS.eeeltecWelnbihke:WWiollnel!trmet°4'nektrt ' : ..:e.
oor business men and be the means as 3. °I'm°0N.• 010°A144, ' Sunday Rev.- X. T. Merdlielt will con.
well of draivIng additional traria to .e. P. %Udall lit °woo duch.the-secylce. . Street. The cost. will be divided be-
AMOS 'Fair . W, arPord, . •, - tween the nanntomality ensithe proper
the nub. D,A,rorrester W. Viliett ' Gestlierich ItoWnship. • ty ownerawho Ivill be benefittect. The '
„ APINTON. i wooesmon. There is tionae talk of a, union picnic e.t ha been et to Mr. Wi liam ,
that is well worth looking at. It WAS J. RaSsford # a Stawaevt ' '
Mr' "rues Rettrn• hits a, Pliun tree le leertnetly • ' , • i - Wileetler of Clinton. ane Mr. Jahn
el the Sunday Scheele of Midd ewe, — _ _ . 4
ptented thirty-three years ago, was ,i7v,...4•0:essaltullte., A. ktudenir '•• 44 Qica,"14.1113,'na Sunullerbill er! Itil-A4' ;14:r3r4egheaostluaeP6nPortmotenotir we all 4 ' 1
hearing when • Mr. Hearn purchased ewe, .„, „el, zmilrr000 skill; „ , „ 37 .AA Mx, Eic4. 0 grove on the ilth c n. .
41I L y m , yawn the boom er. e e
by black knot. The plum is known as •team won h3, a score of It to 9. This re. Mm. James coma:my was ,in Loudon
stilt wadue to the clever work of
the bright yellow sugar and quite pel-
on Saturday and made a sale. of the
citable, but of that we will know -more their pitcher who struck out seventeen lest hall of July Make of the Holmes -
later O. "
uf the i'reltiu's" - EattY in the game Dr. viiie feetoer to`Ballantyne ite Sons atla
A t it Meeting of' the Quarterly Board had his vitrist fractured. A ball was better than for the corresponding fart-
20t0.,citieut7 Effort, - Bruce, the Kincardine first bas • e man,' cents per pound which is just 2 1-100
of .1tattenbury street "ehurch Tuesday threwn to him high and. he jumped to nieht of last year. • The geed priees tie -
The family 'cif Ibey, Jahn reteng.„Of
peverend gentleman has-been in poor •
•evening Rey.. w,G. nowson,v,vas given roenaesbegiut:ntetehev.osaasmethtainat etthheatpar., Owlian-s tinetg,rnrears11;:e: ,avirieshratthh:r t.h‘ f. &e-
a fortnight's 'leave of absence. The ton platrer was sliding to 'the base. The toriee which this year,.changetieta hat; , Tamen Wheels in Occasionally.
Teenailton- are gmeste at the
ehealthe-lately;'-butetheeteeeiteisebripetteeitnoehed'o•Verantr-nr falling. met Mr, -eve -11,1,6-retee'et Wegloral 18
will effect a etre'. .1;•Text sAndAY the rail the injury to which allusion has. been ship met with all experience last Week -.with LeardburyrelatiVes..
spending week
nit tita.y he occupied by Rev. lir. Kee. made.• • which willhiss pp for. some time. Rolaerton ha's his new *home well
neer oe Auburn; whose work will be 'KINCARDINE. He wtis leadsug ull when lie fel
• 11 I takee by Mr. W..11,. Lough. The dole.: . E. P.O. A.; E. • and the animal topped over an him. ' The traction engine of ltfuteg Droslis
McInnes, ss, .5 3 ,. 2 • 1 , 3 • breaking his coliar bone and otherwise
Pife, 0 4 0 injuringhlox.' As this Wilt keep -him.
MIVIelielekrencrzie.-,2b..551. .Q01' '•°0 Boarditjt Ieer et; of Litisebectet%tsh•onfetehetee.HeteilerrigeeLitlblee•
31cIetyre peet ' 2 „1 ' 17. 1 1`, ia,ctory of WhiCh he ,president • was
Ross 3 b.....•.4 • • 2 a, ; hici at his residenCe on Saturday even -
Stewart 12. -1 ' • .1 0 ' Mg When by resoletion Mr. Connolly
Methewsen c.4 • , •• 2, -17 1' 0 2.: was declared -adting, presid.ent during
Alment , '0 O. • 1.• * 0 : 6 Mr.•Porster'S confinement. - „ • . •
gate to the financial district meeting
in Seieforth next.; Thursday will be kr.
Lough. On the.seconct Sunday in 0e,*
tober the church will, discuse the 20th
Century • Fund; but instead of con-
tributing to this fund' the geperisl
opinion is that the congregation will
malFe 4 Supreme effort and mark -the
advent •of the century by building e
new place of worship.
Sacred Coneect. •
• A . steered •coneert will be held on
Friday evening in the Ontario street
church under the auspices of the Junior
-League. . Refreshments served at 7.30
o'clock consisting of ice cream, coffee
and cake. There.. will be an admission'
fee of fifteen' cents. . Thefollowing pro -
aerate. has been Prepared for theeven-
engteentertainment :
Chairmaree Address ---Rev. B. Clement.
Solo -Miss Couch,
Recitastiou-Miss Brickenclon.
' Solo-M.adame Wall
Scotehlteading-Miss WilsonSolo-Mi' IIolloway4.
Solo -Miss McMurray.
' Address --Rey. A.'E. Thompson.
Solo-eMiss L. Doherty. •
' 1' Recitation--Iliseleforch, '
Solo -Mr Hettaphrys.
Clarionet Solo-Mr...T. R. Brown:
Solo -Madame 'Wall . •
$1, Joseph' ails Btandettli. • •
*Monsieur Contine of the "City" of
$t. joseph has been called a "conun-
drum," but that is by these upbelievers
who will not he oonvineed that: his
enterprise ;is such an one as May be
attempted with reasonable trope of
shccess.• Such people are insisting
that a barber is an absurdity' at that
point and withoet one the "City" can
• never be eity in reality. They
furthermore regard the money spent
there in one way and another as. lost
beyond hope of resurrection and, scorn
the stories in eiretilation that 1Prench
capitalists have offered the projector
a, large sum for his interest. These
pessimists natty have'a rock foundation
for their opinion, though ib is possible
they are doing Monsieiir injustite,
Considerable has been writteh this
summer about the 'qfity" so in order to
Secure for the reaciere of Tau Name-
Itircemet any rivaAlable informatkie re-
garding ther place we drovedown the
other day: We visited, the spot just
eleven months ago so were In • posi.
Mon to ;make comparisons and note
progress. We went ht. way of Varna,
thenee to the Goshen and derail that
Line to ZUrich. The farmers of that
• section ought to he at peaee with
the world. • They hat* comfort-
able homes, big barns and wellefeneed,
,fertile farms, and ate at. no ititotiVen-
ib 1 often seen. •
0. 'Wenzel has er cted a. work shop
and placed in an 'engine for various
purposes. ••
Miss Blair and Miss, Ross had a fer. •'
• ,
off wheel receutly, '
Mee. McCummings has • returned. „.
apperently much beneflted by the U.
ehester visit, R. M. took in Niagara,
meeting his wife ttsere returning.
• . .
• • 40 14 7 4.4- -5 7
,A..)3 R. H. P.O. A. E
Harland if • „ 6 ' 2 ,0 0. • i
McConnell cf 6 0 2 1 0 0
Doherty se.. „fl• 0 s 1 2 1 x the early varieties to Manitoba. Rob-
Spalding lb. ,6 2 8 • 1 4 ert ships early and will ship often.
Treaor 3b.„...5 0
Cowan 12 ....5 1 - 4 ' 0 0 0
McRae c,... -5 0 1 0 • 0 .2
Smithies':ea 2b.,5 o
McLaughliap 5 . 2 • 2 0 2 1
• 49 9 14 . 21 8
Miss Maggie Walker of Toreeto, ac-
companied by Miss Eche Oakley, is rite-
iting her sister, llitre. J, W. Elliott. •
.• Ma Robert Etilott made the first
shipment of apples frorn this. section
, 3Ionday when he sent carload of
Lid Ie. Locals.
The public schools in towns opeo on
Tneeday, 51h September, but those. in
the country next Monday. ;
Mr. Jo Bell and Mr. Fowler 02 Sea
fox th shipped a carload of 'horses to
Morden, Manitoba, last week,
Rev. Mr. Wicher address the
Christian Endeavor Sedgy of Willis
church next Monday evening,
ttattenbnry street Epworth League
had andesionary Meeting on Monday
when. theta* "India" as welt' hand-
led by Mee Washington.
Mr. 0. H. Reid shipped' a load of
fine cattle on Monday and another yes-
terday'. S. n.. Smith ehipped three
carloads yesterday.
From two hills of potatoes Dr.Bleck-
all dug one-thad of a bushel on Tues-
day. They were of the ,Bovee variety
and the seed Was purahesert from Mei
Williain Dunertn• ,
lir. Wee Kemp preeicied ab the•On-
Mr. Geo. Stirling of Hancock, Mich.,
has been the guest of his sister, Mrs.
Sohn Dempsey. He has come to Can-
ada, with the hope uf ,regaining his
somewhisiebeoken health. -
Mi. Edgar Miller spent a few days
• .
visiting friends its the vicinity of
Lucknow lett week. ' Since his return
he has been indieposed, but we are
glad. to say is ahle te be about his
usual occupatiOn again.
Mcist of the farmers have stored
their barley and. oat haryesb is now
the order of the day.
Mr Thos, Ooopee has been improv-
ing the annearanee of the sehool. room
at S. S. No. 0 by giving it a fresh coat
of whitewash. • Acquire all userul ace
complishreents within your reach,
A few of the farmers have titreshed
their earlier grain.
Ur. Sohn 'Mestard of Wyoming. is
'visiting friends in this township and
Stanley The young .rian, who is the
son eta weethly miller, is off on his
holidays and wheeled the distance of
over one hundred Mike, •
• Mr. andMrs. William. Irwin of Chi.
cago have been guests at Mr. Boland
tario street Epworth ,Leagne one mop. Jenkins' for the pest fortnight, Mr.
day evening, and Mr. G. W. Wray and Mts. Jenkins with their guests
gave a meat eXcellent paper on "Clonfi. "„en vislting P6Int' Vnrin and
otherpoints on the lake shore.
donee in Christ,"
Mr 0. J. Nesbitt bad one of his bor.
Owing ;to the illness: of the pastor
the pulpit of Itattenhuey street chard] ses etaked one day last ,Week, the ani -
met stepping upon a blunt piece of
was occupied last Sunday morning by
rtev, J. Greene of Holmesville anti in :seautliug /1111°1111°W no and `Penetrat-
the evening by Mr. Belfry. ed its side to the' depth of nine inches.
in addition to live dock. the ship: Son* parties. ire the "eth end of the
inentefroni Olinton station this week toweship have suffered of late by
include orgitne by W. Doherty ec (Jo. having their hen ehops robbed of their
threshing tnachitety by Macpherson ri's le"h°rect °c"Pants' ' scsnie losing' " .
uovey and grain by b. A. Forrester, high as iixteen full grown chickens in
pointed delegate by the Onterto street
has. been up., a night, while some ',patties have bad
their cellars looted of fruit and other
Mr. John Brickenden
Methodist church Quarterly Board to eatables It is claimed that the thicks
attend the financial meeting -ef the are picked and. sold to campers along playing croquet, boating, fishing ete.
district to be held in Seaforth next the lake sbc)-ret . . - Ibis' would 8 6 b t °
e ni a, e ter way of enjoy -
Thursday. ' . , . The Towrtship Council met on - ing. the outing. than by having to bring
In ins report of the cricket match re- ' the Ith inst. Ittintites - of last elongteisketts, dishes., etc, Mr. Mil '
centlY played here the nairistoa Tri.. - meeting were reed and passed. Moied ' enterprise and good taste h 1 et 8
by- jaines Johnston, seconded. by 0. frailly dello much towardspopularizing
lea distancee from churches, schools belie says :-The howling- of liicIdur.' .w. winiato ths..0 in. regard to com- this village as a summer resort.
and post Pince& Zuricb, is a neagbrellatiteler good nonfa°tIhinct°bnntwirng oefIcivromthiuntaohnre - nuntication from Goderich 'Council per-. Inr. joist% Morgan, of Whose illness
village ready to blown „into
taining to te certain' watercourse, that inention was made in last week's ism*
things on the advent, of a railway, te anAdt0ahintertioafgthoerstabmeertetritnnegosoadhsoedi
no action be taken, Clerk to notify died on Wednesday, tie had almost
*hide 'period it is looking karward
with admirable patience. The reef.- Board Monday evening Mies ate, re, said council that this eouncil are of the reached the ecriptorat allotment of
dents were at one time afraid St. Jett- 1101Mes was engaged Ail assistant to aitn. d uwoevhectinbeg.es
opinioe that they blocked up the dein three score arid ten years.. .-
entirely iecovered front thist scare, et. sdhoot term at a salary of thirty dor.
eph would he their ruinaticindaut have P,tiriciPal Lough duritig the •Model iothine txhiedideideutotrnitsoecoopnedu. ! ethreveteary serviaas Ili fornication
with the Methodist church will be held
Jetteph Ip it as prosperous, as it "was lees per mentli,
ce,,,ar at 11 a. In, and 7 te m. to 1* condueted
by S. 0., Woods •tilet the follotting ac- next Sunday' when servieest wilt beheld,
eoperatione were in progresre Since learn that J. 0, Gilroy is playilmece
last fleptetober not a briak has been the cricket team of that
twelve months ago, When 'building irroyn the. west negogina, Assa.., we amines he pain 4 -1t. tiakell', a
pal.vainual, !P$p2o1st,f3., aStill. Ts; .11300hunaiTstentoene.denstdetirinilitsetre, by Ittoeivio.tyStn, 03% xt.e.oliniannolf eGovedneirort; tOeatt:
laid, nor is there any- stock on fiend helped beat the :Barracks teat:et-Or' the. $46344" W4 a Verse". hnnher $120,07e inwhoetitigdwd 11. he held inbottideeitesiverwrtedhbalrl
Sas theb purpose. ' The mealitnoth first tirne in ten yeaett Gilroy says No.7 end fiby-laws were read eneepaes-
• . A.. E. has completed the stave -pack- „
lag contract and avetimeeeoperetioes
at hie school in Sunernerlifiknekt week., •;„
house to p, coat Of '
LoCal:tightningeodegeets end apple . • e;
buyers are cibiteaCtive atpresent..
1.1'he Zjiiee.W• M. .
will meet in the chorch T,hursday ,
afternoon of the 2Ithiinst. Ten, cetits••----.‘
tea at 5 p,. m. ' •
Misses Estella, and Tru.die Holmes of •
Detroit are the guests of ;their grand-.
.mother, Mrs. Holmes. ..
Miss Beatrice -Greene is visiting
friends in Exeter and Fullerton.
Miss Ida Tebbott of Clinton' spent. a,
few days With Miss McCartney. .
Mrs. Geo. Stanley and son, S• of
Brown City, Mich., are the guests • of '
W. Stanley.- • .
Rey, J. Greene and wife aro in Owen
Soundattending the wedding of their .
bneiMeecnies:sol:EissdostniPthero:tiTin.e:bat. has tr.e_rto, Med
homefrom Inneekip • where she has
. Mr.:Bailey, wife and son ef
spent Sunday with Mr. B. Forester,
Mr. Belfry preaahrid Suncley Marie
ing while Rev. X. Greene supptied for,
Rev. ' Mr. Howson of Ttattentouryi
street, Clitaten,who Was tumbleto .14.k
his work. Nei& Sunday 'the p tor
Will be absenb and IL Foster rifl
take the service in the meriting nd
Mr. Thos Murch in the evening. „se
' itayfielel, .
Among the guests. at the Ritter Hotel e 7
are Mr. and Mrs. Orr, Mr. mid Mrs.
Davidson and Mr. and Mee. Welah; Of
Stratford, three Mise Mrsedonalds, •
Gerrie, Mrs. Macdonald, 3488 Mace ,
&maid and Mr. Macdonald, Seaforth ; ,
Ittr. Turnbull, wifts and three children, •
The Presbyterian choir of EXeter,
* kniclied 48 It'n tos17"
pic 1 e grove on
day. They came early, Inid dinner. and
the evening' bleat at the Biver hotel -
mid spent the intervening hours. in'
th* ki ha Manning. 0. E. Shipley, •, a pretty tieWer girl dredged entirely I • n hetel,aud starer, front Which to much the West, Inetulled the leather with ed. The felleiting are the rates for the Revel, Atlin, Murduc wad joining*.
ii,on o a to near you, Form A, Anderson, J', 8, At... white at.4 0,,,,,,310o boweet at sweet weatepeetetthave not Rot heYend the coneidertable effecb. year eacourity nulls on f$, toWnship 1 I
. don't want •fits, 0 yes. you do. - ohihald, D. Bard, 0; FeBingham,8, peas; The groin wee itesisted by Mr. first story and there does not seem Mr. William Duncan intends rtiviy. 24-10 mine, epeeist ochool 1 mill.. .tet prOgramv. Adnalseion, ?,5 centet and 15
• .14* to ,fit and yott like *nice easy fitting irati .1. tad b Mita Moore aveanice -
he -ceremony the soft atreineottbe - done this Year. Eight hogsheads. al inaugurt. tte a aeti- ef vreskiy sake': tunvealvti*:i.lartlet'Thhnetmir inete'ttl
291:42411;1'140. tictlor'ditt, • Hu: 1.111. Mille:: • '•,:ffect tit)) tlYie **Liam, •ce knookin detail to th
, Spring Overcoat, • Your Hat vton't whofiti bus knot iwelbnal .IserListit:rdeoduipawt:itleelitetoery(A. 411iits Little market equate. 118 ile° had .14111AMS to retrieve fence between 1.
aleton • autluirizing 0. , • Itrateetietd
Therawl a so he a, special musical
'You like Your Coat and your Panto 3. Carlisle, 0.0hkiletelS, J4t Courthie, 110Ward 13vety ot Strathroy, bur- have read eones, ' ,
retteh prospects of any week being fritter an auctioneer's license mid will 'Tune tninutes No. 41 should
look well if it claret fit putt is the o. A. Mustard, I. T. Mustard, S. hadtheen firmly tied and duly witness. residents ot the piece teem to hatiii the 'highest bidder andepetund Belgeavee, Baker° ant11" Csit'ke 1°4-4' Adinurned °tit' 1167" b" ght" e" 11"6147
• kind dills we .kiire our customers paisley, m„ Porter, N, D, „now, le, ea Ihe giiaats were conducted to the I least idea, though it le bald that- Cori- whore lie operated, he Wet hied as to meet on fleet Ithanday in September, 17th to be observed, as our owe holt.
and; intirontoo nts or no oiale and yon ofin then give ‘30 Scott, 13. Shepherd, n..Walker,‘L. -dining room fat the Wedding 104404 tine purpottee oonirarting preiredi persuative wielder of the hamixter. -Nixon Sturdy, Clerk. . bat
day Everybody is got* Bstyfield
Two long table* and eevemi finaller reeidence WU" an hotel. A. do lit of A.ilry go I war" sake
IL Yen. a. any of out, merchant* deag ,
the other hind of fits. Give US a. trial tc fit yOU °LA in a 111430 Alateleelation (4)-44, 0 34 h °nee set oat% and lis,ndsmu.sly public ele"itinat were Niel on *eine ' hun 460644b014,16:10. ttaw°1/100-11.
ISOM new that day are Ibthre, to a heavy
With Ablest., Thee dlener day end Monday evenings glatb week, ef th )1 fat rulterriating. Mr. Georko ttigial of Blenheim Vide Arhenti of Sinfertli has sitnitti * 4
d of a eholoo menu, eontalotte; wbfatt were hirgely attended bl ifOtele teAtlists Ilelf York ited friends in toevn leidi week. Mt
Spring ..StlIt. Y011 be more than pleased for Ire make a M. Mitlilletion,J; T. Thompson, X. 1:1,1 deed
Oalty Of giving better values and better fits tkatt any hottse 00n11$
ttrcvn. We are practical tailors and can fit a. giant or a drarf Lotrittatir 03):44,„..11,14h, cit b.
test Ottill our pieta fit vour Docket book. Irthe »if":311"w"th 11'41' "t
r m60 .clePartruellt ivo have t7 Dire ram pap ro Azov:: "4'1°,6, .#*Tr':-"- egg'
-fat est styles and patterns.. '
.' 3' • - * • '
we Us 0411 and We,
• !-
stolonaht0 4011000100 whteh from taro a:Natant tuatrt4. * coopers engsgerd maktreg. blefelle e.er
MO fall jostles to by Choirs as., vs were ammo 404 •Agilr *Wet Ne rfe MINS Millie.nta of Louden e'ed her stave fastety. Pititt 1011$
,And. *tot kr& retit0 OndeCelm•ls• ty,yach from trinfit Sandi dotimbe
led. The happy yattes °ewe gentlenum,-sitid be„ qtraino, Asertscrair, j. )38'1I, un . among tire ritualabr-of
on thW
e oe o'el.crok Wain fora ;meets ef etre pleacestslingt Wittiffitt.
sotedditag trip ter Owen Soiled and Mere' matey erf (fame freest* Maks
M 16
UM 041,1MI 4.41,441,4 .A4641014 01114 tea Ole* dt ote
ertithess, Old k' -it** rite. Alike
ie at! wittretobit* I
4Th.*s ,
ttri!iocroo Mtik
. n pon
•i- .:-*- *.k.&, r,„s4;.I,‘n'**
) ,i ., , , .•
•-.,,,; -;_„A, t • *. !4.
1 -4
I r , Itiol!:',1,14 ,--1 V
1, 1 A..d! ,, 4! AP' 06
•4 - - • q4. -4, • -
. •
I , • rjo •
:,W.hrettan is rt. :rak” thlbover, Ate' Whrots,
jsztvo +store of dtractoitto
F lints Winkinlit