HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-27, Page 6.tralr,V1*-7ir -OM -7 "')' fl"1 711- a' r Mrs . Jewels and Superstition rtiwo Magio power a precioua *donee is a beliet dating back to, the ancients. The gig of elogeence is bestowed by the sardonyx, and Disraeli wore ring set with thie jewel upoe all occasions when wished to electrify auditore and will new adherente to his ouae. That this belief in the atone goes Wok into the centurtea is evidenced by the fact that Pliny tells atery of an impeounioue lawyer who hired a sar- 'donyx with which to defend the cause , of a certain fair widow possessed pi great wealth, and he succeeded In win. ning both his cause and the ,widow at one RIM the same time. The Princess Louise a Lorne wears a ring set with sparkling jet as one of her talismens, which is eupposed to have singular efficacy in preserving health. So euperstitious is the royal ' lady that sometimes she will not at- tend public functions, as agreed upon, upor the plea that she knows it will. be one of her bad days. Quit33 as much as she treasures her jet ring does she value and consult the eards which aro regularly sentJto her from Paris. These cards are issued at the beginning of each year, and .giye a lied • of the " days and hours to he avoided' during the coming twelve -months, • The ancient theory regarding Jet was that tf emwdered and mixed with wine, It was a sovereign remedy against toothache. et was also. a mat - velem diecoVerer of unfaithfulisess. The Shah of Persia is never with- out Ills cube of amber, which he wears areund isia neck. It is reported to have fallen from heaven, in the time of Mohammed. Among other pro - parties it has also•the power oe render- ing its wearer invulnerable, Donel- ties' hero used to wear a look of his wifees hair Cheek his neek, thinking. it was -beneficial bemuse it wets amber - metered, , . • Although many people • lianas% that pearls means Leers, the Rothechilds family refuse to believe that theirlate • may be influenced by precious stones, Upon the birth of every girl Roils- . child baby six pearls are purchased, eaoh costing $500; upon each birthe day pie more pearls. are added, so that when the young wothan makes her de. but she possesses aeeasket of magni- ficent. gems., - • M. tole is embarrassed in the 'tri- vial details of hia daily life by. a' host of superstitious fears awl. :a 'belief in goat and •evil omens. His fancy takes the form of numbers, end •17 he • abe hors: and he tyarries a bit 'ref coral as it talisman against. the perils of fleod ane field and thunder, and: a blood- stone because it meens courage and • Agate, which inaures long:life, health and prosperity, is this good omen worn by the German Emperor. The young Czar of Russia wears a ring ip whieh he:*believes is embedded a bit ,of the true cross. Once whije traveling from. St. Petersburg to 1VfoecoVit he suddenly . found that he' had forgotten his ring, The train wait stopped and a. messen- ger sent Deing back in an express en- gine for •it. • •. ' That "the ring of death" 'belongs in • Spain ie ominous. It is a rake and heautiful ring, but it ' is never worn Der kept in 'anyone's' cos:session, a& it is considered wotse than the. 'evil eye. This fatal ring hangs about' the neck' of- the patron saint' of Madrid ip one., di 'the most beitatiful parks of 'the Spanish cap it el. It is of pearls '• end diamonds; but theee is no: speeial pro- ,eision. made eor watching it, as a* superstitious people' like the Spaniarda prefer- to gtve it a *wide berth, , and. • there is no fear or hope of its being 'etolese The story of the -ring a ttagic one. It was made •fore the either of the- present boy King and . 'he presented it to Mercedes upon the • day of their betrothial, Her married life was 'short.. Queen Chriatina, the King's •grandmether, next wore the rtng but Shortly after died, and the - King give it tie his sister, Infanta del Pilar, who died. Within the month 101- • lowing.' The • ring then praised:10 a daughter of the Duo de Montpenner, and in lesS than three months she, too, died. The King, fearing its influence, put the jeirel in his own treesure box. Before the year Wes out he died; and it- with thought' beat 'to put that ring away the living, hence it was . hung about the neck of the statue, where, its history being so well known, it is derailed to be as safe as though" surrounded by a cordon of police. A GOLD..FISH FARM, Fabulous Prices Pahl for Mare aliteeistioas --Hew the English Agu alums Are Me plenithed Front the Slates. " Many aquariunis hi England are per- iodically replenished from a gold fish ." farm," in Shelby County Indiana, about thirty miles from Indianapolis. It in the largest gold fishery in the world. Fitted with a costly propagat- ing plant, 'the " fann,". produces the Pinot' specimens possible. blowier - able small ponds are connected by var- iety alliterate or sluice ways, in Which the flow of Water is contiolled by wa- ter gates. The ponds,are constructed with ore- rul regard for depth, size, height of einhankment„ and antouni and kind of illunbhery on the banks. The most. careful consideration is given to ileac details, for it has been demonstrated that they all, each and collectively, in- fluence the health and development of the fish, and the perfecting of the color 'without vvhich the coldfith is Yaluelese. Immediately after IC is hatched the goldfish Is yery much like any oom- Men every -day minnow, and there is mithing in its appearance to indicate the glorious hues it will afterwards assume, For More than a year it has a dull, whitish, silvery look, which gradually gives place to the shadinga and blotches of color so well known by. faneiere. It ia the sea that creates the delie eate tints. It a fish is kepi in the shade from infancy it wilt always, re- tain its youthful, silvery color, and will be a very; ordinary, and ifi fact worth- less fish, but if it is allowed to bask in sonny shallows aed to lie with its oldie; exposed on pebbly ripples, its wales will absorb the rainbow tints of the stinlight refracted t breugh wavelets of crystal water, oad and raee, colors and spois and blojelles are the kind of markings moat preferred. Unusual shapea in the fish are also very muth sought sifter and invariably- bring high figures. In physical deVelopment the tail is the great favorite of rutture, for it Is that appendage that receives the most attention.. Fish with two, three, four and Wien flee toils are not uncominon, end a few fipeciniens with six tails have been knoWn, but they ere rare. These abnormal developmenbt are al, ways' ocoMpanied by the 1110at bril- liant hues, and have been known to being almost fabnious .prices. - INVITATION ETIQUETTE. "I know &young girl who "so Incite - 'Mims, it Is a pleasitre to invite her anywhere," said a lady not long aloe, "She always keeps her appointments to the minute„_ never ((AIWA her en- gagements, and is always to *be de- pended• upon. She is very popular with young and old,and thereis lit- tle detibt that the °Wee much to this praiseworthy' attribute., rh the ttlat., ter.of invitations the least Ode 99,11 do Lo ehoW their appreciation of the eourteay extended theta is to be proMptl," ADVANCE OP RELIGION IN APRIOA Twenty yeara ago there was not a mitelonary in Uganda, Africa, where, theta is a papttiation of 10,000;000 now theee are SOO churchee end 600 teach. ' 4.eremy York, VI. etained shirt, the"knife, the coin. were When York was searched, they 'Produced. The landlady of the Lonely found in his cOat pocket a large clasp- SW along with her nuehandi and six knife with a ring through the end ot tither witneesee were ,present to test - it, capped, Where the ring was, by a ifY to the, coin, to the knife, though mounting of copper such as fermerlY the name scored unon it t abundantly might proteet the butt-Ond of a Pistol, indicated, the ownerenip, to the money upoo which: the words "Gabriel Work- in possession of the boatswain at the Op" were rudely saored. The knite tinee Of hi4 diettPpeerance, to the etre reeked. to hare bee& newly eieanee, ouniestances. of Jeremy York having There was. AO atain of bloodlor any- 'aheled the bed with him, to the avowed thing approaching Buell a mark visible Poverty orthe young inan, to the blood. upon, it. In the pocket with this. Marks terMinating at the timber ex - knife Was fraract a Spanish geld piece ; tensiele front Which point beyond: all ment,ed in the year 1690, with a bele teuvation the corpee had been throat% through it, as though the coin was Pato the Se& used as a alarm. or an ornainent. His 1 'flu judge eummed up, making but bundle, contelned merely a few trifieellittle of the circumstance of what he referrea to as the heedlessness of York of Wearing apparel. They also found upon him four shillings of English, in retaining epon his person ouch in- criminating article& as the knife and money and other artieles of no Mom- ent as evidence. Hut when they came the eoin. The jury conferred a. few to strip IiiM_, thee' fouled the left side moments without withdrewing and re - of his shirt heavily stained with blood. turned. a verdict ef "Guilty." Where - All that he said. was, he was inno- !von his lordship put on the black cap, cent' of the crime charged. against him, and after a tedious sermon oo the but refused to declare; more, hideousnees of the crime for which the The 'first • hearing was befere the Prisoner was to suffer, sentenced him mayor of Sandwich and a benth of to be hung by the neck until Ile was magistrates. The mem was erowded ; dead. never in the memory of the most. an- VII, - . clout inhabitant had anything of the In the daya iu which Jeremy York kind •excited so muell interest, pot in- eleueishad the gibbet wee a much less deed in the dist:Oa, but .throughout conventional detail of the civilization the et:Lath-ea:Stern portion ot the emu- of the century than the gallows noW ty. It was universally agesed that ie. Piratee and. blood-stained benne Mr. Worksop had been murdered, and glers were, to.be sure,. haoged in cheins by wham, if not by Jeremy York? But, upon gellows erected on• Thames mud. then, what; had become of the body V Execetion Deck and. elle loWee reachee The marks. of blood proving, that it were fixed points in Sack ITetch's oo- hed been, dragged to the timber exten- •ei-aeame When it. came • to maritinte eion. weee. conclusive enmigh ; 'yet: it tragedies or felonies committed. in the was almost inevitable that a corpse home watera .xteand about -the nom thrown into theliow water close In- within convenient distance; but the or - shore should be set upon. some . part of the beech by the• action. of .dieare landegoing felon wee again and unless weighted. hy e heave., sinker, in to the some Cif .his,Wrong-doing, There the tide, again "turned off" iir places 'adjacent whith CaSta there would be ••a :thence seemed •to the old-fashiened intern- fer the grapnel. ' But day after •day, genes •a • sort of poetical justioe in a' broad tract stretcthing from Deal hanging a man within view •of the Spot Castle, to •Seradown Caittle had been where, ttecerding to•the ferocious lame swept without result. Would cone, of those days, he had earned hie bitter pleter .evidence be •forthcothing t title to the halter. • • Would YOrk confess, or make some ed- • in confOrmity then, -with this prace mieision that might •help to solve the doe, it was. deeided that Jeremy' York myStery? - should be hanged on a:gibbet erected Me ladyeof the Lonely Star, along Within niusket-ehot of Satulown Castle; with other eVienesses, prorad that the: that is to say, within a mile or so of knife and -the gold- eoin had belonged the old wooden structure On to which to Mr. Werksop. The landlady stat- he had .dragged the bleeding body of ed that she had frequently handled the hapleaa boatswain, and-ftOm which, the coin, and that on the dity precede with horrid secrecy, he .hadecommitted, rag hie disappearance or death, h see It to the sea,_ '' ' had asked him to aell it to her:; but he . Itetvas a windy melaecholy morning, replied that it had been given to him sombre with the .stoop ot detyley Weep - by a sweetheart twenty years before, ing ,clouds sweeping' out et the north - •and that he wetild not patt with it edet, with ap .edge .of • frost In ' their for a ton of gold. She• and other occasional showeeing of wet; The sea witnesses 'also testified to Mr. Work- ran a dark hard green under their sotrhaving .been in possession ot srane .shadow, with a ghastly.glare of 'froth thirty Or 'forty guineas, which in his along the liceizon -where the serf was. cups he had •a trick of eugging out by boiling •uPon the Good.win Sends: The' the •handful, that the 'company might sandhills were dusky with erowds 'of knoW - a 'jolly sailor need. 'never . be a pauper. The 'two boatmen that had. ... people who had aseenahledeto witness& ' the fine allow of a hanged man; many roWed Serenty ycirk ashore gave evi- full of curiosity, congregated close to ,dence that he .ponfessed he. was only : the • gibbet, that stood 'back end • bore worth halt' a guineite: that there :1; e . ible like a hideous , signpost - point ing a cpierrel over the fare, add that th ' had to be satisfied with lour shilling:a the road to Death, with the rope sway- Yotles atateisient; on the.other hand, .ed by• the reind,, dangling. from the ex - Was' aa follows: He •said that on the tremiey of ..it." But -the mass: of. t he .night 'in question. he fell asleep, 'after mob seethed to give: it A -Pretty. wide having lain with the ' boatswain .foy, berth, as though it wee an object- to be best admired from afar.' • • . . . about an hoer. He was' then aWaken- ' ed by they 'op•pfession.• of the .atems- ' One might . have itoticeclehowever,- .phere,' which •made hini- fear that he . that' amongst the people vitollingerect would .sufeotate ; and' being parched ' hi the immediete vicinty of What used:. 'wide thirat, he resolved to 'seek 'for. the to he called:the fatal tree was:a knot inn's baek-yard, Where he • inight. hoPe cif: smite ,eiglit oi- een persons, whom - to . find a. pump, w.here he would. be : the, le:est • obeervant eye might have ssre .0f the relief euteeee air. .As he . suspected' evere• present him- it motive - meld. not lift the latch:cif the .doori thet had •littte reference te carioeity. he searChed Mr.. • Worksop's clothee; They %vete most of ethem young Oleo, 110t ChOosing tO disturb. the Man, • wile with a ceitain air of resolution in their had, eliown .hinusell eqiteridous • and manner; ,they oonveraed very: earneet- grumbling, as though in pain; , and fee, they Might hatte been obsereed • to found • a knife, with evhich.he ' suee Meat:thee the height•cif the anneof the °ceded in opening the door.' It was a gibbet from the ground, .the length of little past two re -Clock When he re- the rope; and the space from -where the turned tO. hie , hedroem ; :ii, faint light noose wouldbe when- the end of it,had penetrated the window from the oil been. coilecleaboet the neck to the sand• itinati outside, - Which enabled him .te. beneath. . Some time before. the ate - see that the- bed was: empty. He also rival - ef the Teton, a .Woman. of slight Wok notice that Mre•WorksoP's weer- figure, in deep mourning, her face con- ing' apparel, that had lain upon a .certIed. bY a veiL•cathe 'to the 'steadfast chair, was' gone. . lee., was somewhat group.of men; conversed With them for Mrprised, ' but concluded that Mr. a few minutee, then breke away sob - Worksop' had' been awakened, as . he bing passionately, and was. seen to himself had, hy the heat, had dressed walk • hurried.ly in the , direction, of end ev•alked. forth 440 the, night, .and Sandwithe It was whiep.e,red amongst. that he .would return,' Preseatly. • He thenrowd that she wets JennY Bax, the got 'into bed again, but lay sleenless, murderer's eweetheart; andseveral, fe- math, hearing scene distant clock strike Mitles who recognised - her' as She four, he- rose; clothed. himielfetook his walked away, exclaimed quit. •for all bundle, and left the house,. carrying her mourning and veils: she could not away .the brattewain's• knife, *hien he .but tie an unfeeling, person to Crane Weald have left behind; :had he re- and•view the gibbet where her sweet- meinbered Drat it •was in his--pecket• heart wanto be stiangled, even IL the He was unable to, .accourit for. his poa• had net made uer hex .mtied to witness Was-RaTeof the Spanish piece of gold, the Wholeseene froni behind One of which the witnesses sevore.haci belorig;" those sendhills. she Wae 1,ilcirting.in. ed to Mr. Workeop; nor could he ex- euch a hurry. • plain how it •was • that there •were, „A litele before elieVen O'clock censure •blood:ittains upon his shirt, in the hed, mur ran through the ;• ceowd' like • the. on the floor, not to menttn the marks cry.of a W.O.V.e breaking aslant along a which terminated at the waterside. - ' Having heard the evidence, the meg. ; - 1-ge se for wilful zuurder at the fortheornieg " f LIWOU 0 Epilepsy istrate committed htm to take bis trial assizes to be held at Sandwich. There was probably but one person living at that time who believed in Jeremy York's innocence, and this was his sweetheart, Jenny Bax. The wi- dow Bax, after meth mental awaying to and fro, arrived' at the conclusion that the youth wayi guilty. Itow could it be otherwise? she reasoned, ae did all others who diseossed the mat- ter. The mysterious disappearanee of Mr. Worksop -the knife and coin in York's pocket -the bloodstains, the ineriminating marks discovered on him -it these things did not point to his being. the assassin of 1111- unforta- nate boatswain, what, in the name, cif truth, could they signify ? Hut, what had he done with the guineas, to ob- -Min which, of course, he had com- mitted the dreadful . deed? Well, that was a thing not to be conjetthr- ,sil. It wag Strange, no doubt, that the ono should not -have been found up - o hire when he was searched; for one might well think that .if he had been artful enough to coriceal his 'booty sonaewhere on the road; to the widow's cottage, lie would have taken care to lide.such clameifying testinionials' to his guilt as the knife and the Spanish coin. But it 113 always through some oversight on the part of the evil -doer that he is brought to book. However it, might be as regards the concealment of the guineas and the retention of the kitife and coin, it was beyond all dis- pute manifest that Mr, Worksop lay somewhere Secreted, a inurdered.man,„ end that York was his assassin. . Jenny alone believed in hist innottence. She and her mother were poor; but had the widow been well to do, she would not have advatice,d a groat in defence of the man whom she believed a mur- derer. In the brief time that the lov- ers had bon tOgether before the ar- rival of the conatable, York had told hits sweetheart that he was in hope Of obtaining the balance of his wages as second -mate from the owner of the Collo, and this coming to Setiny's mind whilst her eweetheart ley in Sandwich jaii, she wrote implornigIy to the owners of the brig. of the ter- rible oharge that had been brought againet Mr. Jeremy York, and how neither of them hed, funds to enable them to proeure otinseli and she.pray-. ed them, with all the might of her lit- tle buratieg heart, to send her the money her sweetheart said was °Wing to befh that some effott might be made to reseile him from the gibbet. in re- sponse to th:s piteous. entreaty, the owners of the brig sent her fifteen guineas, with which money ahe beaten - ed to Canterbury and there engaged the eerviees of the likeliest lawyer that that ancient city contained. Thia lawyer had several talks with York, and he eandid enough tO repre- eent to Sewer Bast that though he would do thie best, there was little or no hope. Ileyona his soleintx aesdr. anise of itinoeenee, coupled with the eareleesness, which certainly did not look criminal, of hi$ a:laming the knife Alta COW to reraain in his pocket, the young Men 6580310f1 incapeble of stating a eingle point upon which the &dente etnild rely be Whit% it &raid make atything of. And it turned out an tho sagiteitius lawyer had ptedicted; the eVitle11012 that tied been previously tendered wes gene oier again, and far More diligently examined; this blood - • THE STORY OF A ST. CATHARINES LADY WHO IS RESTORED Site Su Wefts! Severely, Sumethille Haling as natty as four Spatons_1111 it 11 eelt..- Several Donors Consul led. ii *Mout itenellt. Prom the Star, St, Catharines. Mrs. S. B. Wright., of Si,. Catharines, haa for a numbet of yearn been 'a sev- ere aufferer from epilepsy, from which dread disease she is now hapPitry free. To a reporter who recently called upon her to ascertain the manner of. .ber cure, she said :-" It is to lir. Williams' Pink Pills I owe my release, It is some yeani since Thad my first attack. At the time I did not know whet the trouble was, but the doctor 'Who Willi called in to attend me at 'once said il was ePilepsy, and that the disease was incurable. A,fter this I had the spayines as often ats two, three and four Limes a week. I had no premonitory syraptoms, hue would fall no matter Where I. was. I. always slept, heavily after an attack. PLnding that the local treatment was not helping Me huithand took me to a doctor in Hafniltou. Ile also said that he could not cure me, hut that he could give me medieirie that would prolong the period between the spasms. This he aesomplished, but I longed for a cure rather than for relief, and r finally consulted a specialiet, who told Ilse that he could Tire me, but that I must have patience. I asked him how long he thought it would require to effoot a cure, and•he replied at least six months. He gaVe me medicine end I Cook it faithfully, but instead of getting better / Was :surely growing worse. After following this treat- ment for some months without avail, delt that could not hope for a cure and was about resign's* myself to my fate. My Sister, however, urged me to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People a trial and reluctantly I decided to take her advice. For a time after beginning te use the pills / eontinued to have the spasms, -but I felt that graduelly they were less se - 'Vera and my strength to hear them greater, and I persisted in the treat- ment until the tithe °SKIS when the seasine oeased and was as well and atrong as ever r had been. I took in all tvvelve or fourteen boxes of De. Williams' Pink Pills, ,and Although eeVeral years hare elapsed since I dis- continued their tee, I jsave not in that tune had any, return of the malady, I owe thiehanpy release to Dr. Wil - Hams' Pink Pillar and Will alwaelehaVe a good word to say for them. The experience of yen% has proved that there is itheointely no disease due to a vitiated condition of the blood or shattered nervete that Dr. WilliaMa" Pink Pine will not promptly ettre, and. those who are buffering from Ruth troubles would Mead much misery and Mire teensy by promptly resorting to thia treatment. Get the ger:nine Pink Pins every tilde aoddo not be persuad- ed to take an imitttion or some other remedy (TOM a deaieer, who for the rake of t,he eXtra profit to ralirattelf, may eay is 'just as good." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure when other triediebuse "'"itTr FOR EVERY +CO 01 CORRECT ANSWER We ask not ono (tont cf MOnoy. In the accompanying Illus., tration Is represented In outline tho plot ro of Napoloon. Find the picture, mark it, *rid return to us, arid to Vieth of our pat. roils wilt") Inter!. Prote this pure° oorroctly wo will ' give a beaiAtlful Heavily Plated Heart Bangle PUULE Vinci Napoleceee Picture that are on the tree ready to attack the young leaves so 80011-414 they put forth. Even the fungicide destroy the itingue later it 0411 only be after the leaves have been more or less. in- jured. Thie injury ehould be prevent - 511T. he. best way of keeping horn flies Le44 P"kageb• . 01,110..11. A. MORN l'I.Y REMEDY. ture of kerosene and. fish oil between ,_C:ii LON TEA. , away from cattle is tO apply a mix- "we — - ----- ------- ee, 30, V, 50 and 60e. the borne and at other points where the flies gather. One application ev-, ery three or four days will be a great help, Any kind of stiff grease to which kerosene oil' has been added will anower the purpose and if well rub- bed info the hair at the beim of the honornnunntesed not be put on in very large YOU CAN always rely upon: the pUtity and uniformity of NETHERSOI,E BRACELET, In making this marvelleee as Illustrated. • offer we have no desire to pose ea public benefactors. telt isinpituar:Ilyn•palettlpialcnkeitagrietbreontsr.htioesopinbmetdifetd Irrult /Powder into the bands et the public, This powder is put up in 10 cent packagte. with sufficient in each, to make tea gieesee or lime fruit eordial,-a most delicious, re. frothing and delightfully pleas- ant drink, and all wife ere awarded one of our Bracelets we require to dig - tribute for us, among hien& 25 sam le Package*. In order that onr goods may not• fail Into the hands of 'unappreciative people, we requ you M collect froM each person you leave a wimple with, 6 cents, half the selling price of same. After die. Mibuting the 25 packages you return nit the money, We will then give youtor this service, place, a Solid Geld Shell Ring, beautifully engraved, and "tts air who 'return this •\,1 absolutely free, and in addition to the Bracelet, which was awarded you in raciest puzzle within three clays from when seen arse wowin send with the_ Ring, also free, a [splendid lialmulating Ruby. Emerald or fialee--- phire Genuine Tiffany style knelt Pin, To many Ole offte-7.; may seem impracticable, To all such we say it is certainly worth in. vestigatlng; the risk is nothing, as we a* none of your money. We I have been in bustneas in Toronto for ten years, and have never failed to ' fulfil every promise religiously, Our bnsiness it a legitimate paying enterprise, carried on upori the broadest principles of co.operation, and conducted by men of experience, and business ebility. We are far-seeing enough to knoW that the greater inducement we otter the quicker our goods will become popular, and we are liberal. enough in our views to offer inducements to stimulate our indnetries wl4ch have noverbeen attempted or approached by any similar company. Our businees is conducted throughout on the highest Scale of honor. Regarding our responsibility, we refer you te any mercantile agency, NVe see you to interpret our Picture Puzzle and send us your address. We will sward you the Bracelet end semi you, ...postage paid, the 25 sample packages of 'Arne Fruit Powder. Distribute thent according to instructions and We wingive you also the Solid Gold Shell Ring ead Pifi, Could any proposition be more:air/ Avail yourself thia great offer while you have the dtmortunity, or someone else will out out the Picture Puzzle. audit will not likely Wear Maim Mention this Mgr.' ' " YISDALL SUPPLY GO. - - - Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont. I . • mile of shore. T'he procession was in ..0,,,,,,ithiri'yeii,.44.ormaiq mmii.,,,,wou,...1..,,,i, •• . l' ' viewl a horse and cart,. in vvhich were e • laie of. the jail exhorting him, and. the seated York the malefaCtor, the chap- I. Agrictilturali .. • • ht• bangeattn eitting.behiled, with his. legs rilipmvx . AYMANWW,Weyet t. otter the edge, fortifying his .spirite. fvfriotneh aaesiflitYtdXboatratlefiw.°1111ihme!ctretow fttionkine, ' TMPROVING:POTATOES. hie pocket, ' for this was , a eciontry , one ,_f th fir i; . .1 _ , 0 4 , S . met lode or Mew - pageant,/ with. • hothing but . rooks, and ing bniiroved earieties of pole toes I hare and •there a. farmyard labourer, as sightseers' no crowded progress, ouch.' ever •pat into prate:ice mias suggested asehate-friom.Newgete to Tybern or by natures effort to ,assist in this Neweastle jail to the: town. moor. On' -were, says w. s. inies. So . -:I t one side of thesart walked. the sheriff, are. faveeed in growth. by °Icon:X.44ton: ' on the other three constables, one of whom was Budd,' and a. small derach- we may note be, able to enalyener .de - Ment. of helpers after the' pattern of itnettaieniedeivbittei L le,rie ;Cy note the etrikr ihe one -eyed man. Jeremy York sat g , , wards; eeta and silent, 'gray as 'tobacco Ash laabited in • the elothes he woee when - Wiesen; he held his eyes bent down- ot foliage, 'as :simpered with •the iitle- Plants,' vigor of stalks end •eerfeetion , tut t•y 0. some particitlar . • • . his tips:. we're Matpressed ifito el,. speeimens et the fieicle-eDo riel fail - tive bloOdiessitues; lie gave, no heed to •to 'stake sttch Plants, eas they. Often dlie chaplain,' who mumbled in his' ear; • ssees mere' energy and power of he had ,only Spoken once: else:she had P.°. eattere,d the..eart, ande that: Wag: to ser teansmitting. deeirable itharacteristies to the orilinaey: "Sir; before •God .1 th inlets erept than. may be deeteoPed ara inhoeent." All the •while he lay by .'severale years of ea refUl reanipula- waiting Tor the da.y. of .' eeeeutiotelte . . • ... , he& By .this method some of thentore . h •il o ore " : .. strikieg. specimets in the plant world ' .The cait rolled -up' to' the gibbet,' and. . the Onstables and helpers Ochre the have heen. seeured....it' the ,thne ' of. greartese,'praet yigok go thrOttgh' Your 'croWd'into a circle 'round, it. It Was i thought •th t 'Yak , would make:. 6 fierde having' a eumbet 'of pma 1 stakes ...looking up, •Iilis•Atms Were pinionecle• sPeech, het lie -held ' hie peaCe; -.never . . , e : i • . With five ealrattes' teeth then teeth you. and..isrark. these. cosispictieus .the hangmen: hitched theeend, . or, ehe hells. re ropnd hisneek;•the•chaplain peity-: yoa eau gO en, the field evhen eheeeep 0 : parnesely . and devenelyt • the erowd• : is mei ured and etteily secute', the cratint • • • . - "i4o •ii• ' ot. the season's growth. ' ' •- '- held eheir beeath, end, note_a u d ; broee the dreadful stillneas .iniving.the . ., . _ „ ... .. . i: dreary 'sweep' of the w . ind• over . the Selecting :Seed from the cella' to n- eandhills and the seething and hiseing crease vitality lea more diffieult . task: of the breakers rising and falling upon . and an •actua I knowledge ,as to, .varieter . the trainee. The sherift ' then ' geve • • • - is necessary to. Menke I.}.IttDest reptilte, the, sigpal; the . driver 'who held , _the. The tw6.thein peinie to be, coneidered• - hoeseet head; started . the Snit:dale •the care relied away; and 14tJereney.:Yerk are size and eye. development -The larg- • - ' ' . est porato With. the 'beet,' eye • develop- . pOsture under -the gibbet, when lt• was hanging. " , . But scarce hati he swung to en erect . meet is the one 'with the largest vite ' . ality, Ileum if folloWs thet,Lhe lergest obasived that the hangman 'had ' not allewed for hie' considerable stitture;• 'seed pieee With 'the' least nuenber .of .hia toes touched the ground; but ere eyee le 'the bettet for the Purpoie, and the•erceed conld well distingeish this;__ , . not-over-three-eyesesheuld-•-beeteeed-in the group of•men whoen the veiled -Woe: man in black had conversed.with gath- eny : case: . I mit: neyeelf rar record as ered round the auspended tigure in such* oPPosed to the &election of 'smooth- ie wde as -pertly to support it. , • The eyed, potatoes: for • eeed. Now the raa-' ' sheriff, .conversing with" the hangman, .ttires a the• eyes '0f. a petato are the . looked. away; sib notice -was taken 'of • • . ., chiteacteristicis of.: :the type . When, oei- the Mtion of these peOele, •for It was • a comment eastom in those . deys for &rated; mid' when the potato begins friends Of. a malefactor to gather to '. runout " thectegli any c,auseWhate about•him aftst hei had. been turned :• orate. thgeeyes always get smaller, neve . eft eta• shore him up, and to de their er larger. : •peleet the, tubere with hest te keep him from stranglin,g .dttre'' ing the .halfehour in which he -dangled, stem end eyes' .. that: "protrude. , The The crowd looked me; white the group eyes of 'the middle and, Of the main ofmen were trying' to effect ' they. . • teem tad should ' show a. bulge heloete !night have gaessed; but whether the eriminal should, be ultimately mend M. that is, toward. the stein end. Any ten,. Immediately throttled was ail the same denci toWard coarseness willehe „cradle. to the mobe as it Was apparently to the eated by field. cultivation .enti.nedine Sheriff. It was an execution 'allYWILy; ' :try:condition:a .and especially with 'the thia Was ehe sight that the people . of use of smell seed as is •often•nsed. If j . • ' ,f• ld ' t• - • ' b 1 r . • 'hamlets had colored the sandhills 'to .enough, •the siztooth and -medium-sized stele what it wOuld, there was nothing yinir 'general field erope With excel - of it. - witness, and be the issue of the select- stock pray be used the first season• for to disappoint. them in the presentation lent results, using citily best ape -Omens' 'for seed propagation. . . 'Ate the expiration of half' 'an hour, The protruding stem end. eyes. will time was caned by one of .theemen who give beet resnIts. if eaeli piece to be drewled rotind the motionlees body; the Planted weighs font 'or five ounees, If sheriff signed to the executioner,: who, there should be mote than Cite eye to springingforward, severed the rope, three ounces, cut the poorer ones out, and the body fell -into the outaLretch-: as the above class of•• eyes generally arms of those about it. . A Minute 'produce several 'original stalks. The in - after, a aniall cart, containing a shell, dented eyes in the middle and toward With brodght to the gibbet; .the body • the seed. end are •gegetally single stalk .wes placed in it, five men of the group Producers and two epee may be used, who had clustered about. ihe pendent eating out :•extra eyes ef . less thee. form eprang into the caft, and. within ' five (moo. Use. no small Pieces in a few moments the vehicle was being any edse. • Plant :three feet apart each driven rapidly in the direction of Sand- - way on your best soil and sate for wich. .• , .. . thoroughly, Repeat your seleotiqn• (To Be Continued,), - 'tom seed plot' instead of field, using: . zee . product of seed plot 'as soon as the am-, .• . aunt is large enough for your gib. •eral field crop purposea. Repeat your p.—... selections eech year end your seed eimiliemits or I he Deem's' Mott -See lee for . Pl°1 Will 1043P You stilvlisa v6111 'the - ire enty YOH Ir..1. . beet of seed. 'With year selections . made each year; almorit any sized seed The question atiked frequently by will give geed results, whereas if you. voltinteers ai to the conditions of tee simply take from your crop lhe ine;- tong serviee medal, granted to the colo- diitsin arid sinali sized potatoes, theroad nial volunteers, is covered by the Gen- '' r to .. run reit " it only a. short, one. ...• , .. • . . e. :or my (nen fields. the seed. is grad - oral' Order .setting forth the "Condi- 'tid for three years except of esurse Gone of NV:arrant 'of the &Ionia' Aux- neer ,varieties, so that I never have te iliary Forces Officers',. non-corammiso- Hari common stock, I thus make a com- e new. o a oc ae • k reattlt,. I' never' get a new sott bul sioned officers, and'reen also, Decora- e tiort, Viotoria, R. I." . :onee. See that you have the,beete then It. proves that the. decoration, shall grade it With the same care you, would be granted, to officers, non-com s mi. - • your farm stock arid to every farmet storied °Meuse and Men of the militia or potato grower who prents• even an acre each season, the above sums - and . volunteers, except the permanent. teens- will, if followed, increstee trat pro. force, and headquarters or district • fits from one-third to onte-balf, • ataffeserying in theeolOnies, who have. ' Served. continuously for twenty years; ten years service in the ranks tocount • LET VS SPRAY. ' tor °Mesta; SerViCe on West Atrican Coast to count denble; Service ill One rt le agreed bY everylexly now that eolony and pektly.in another to count a spraying apparatus is a necessary in making cm the entire period; ten u . years' service in volunteers of Or at et meet to eyery fruit farm. There are : Britain; he Count. • The' clause. in Die So many kin& of inseete te he killed regulation that has, special reference and fungona diseases to be fought that to Canada 1st • "Such colonial auxiliary forces' de- unless the farmer sprays his trees ,coration to he eonferred under such '', faithfuffy he hate little chairs to here be submitted by the Governor-Generai fruit growing so uncertain a bueiness a crop. It is this that has, made regulations as may from time to time ves'' .of the Doneinion Of Canada -the regu- that the farmeta rho fallow .the old rations thils intbmitte,d to correspond as far ea preisibie with those heiddeVen teereugeiy trine praistiee are generally pretty for the volunteer officers! decoratiornv discouraged. The only times * • ft would, therefore, appear that the when they ean get a Crop are Season& reguletione Under whleh the long ser- when everybody has a glut of 'fruit, vice medal tor 'Canadian' volunteers iti . granted is; and will be, subjeet tosuth . ';'..-: ., f • and they cart get nothing ,for it. Spray- .eonditions as His Excelleney the Gov- ing with insedicidee and • UhEicide0 erstor-Generar, in other words, the is the re -reedy for this conditien of Militia Department, may direct, whieh things. Excepting to:lamely frosts or must of emirs* he in harmony, with the , ether weather peculiarities that are. ttmintuormme. GOOD SHEEP PASTURE. Clovers are excellent for sheep pas- tures and a mixture of the white, me. diem red, alsike ()lovers with some line- othy can scarcely be improved upon. Provide pure freeh water in the pas-. tare ttAti reeve some soiling 'crop, as rape, yam or oats on hand ico that any shortage of pasture may be bridg- ed over. JOLLY WOMEN OF VIENNA. Vienna, the capital of Austria. is briefly noted for producing three things7coffee, inusic end women. The word, "jolty" . describes the temper of the Viennese woman most ,aptly. She is as good a hchusekeeper as her German sister, but not quite so par- ticular; she is quite agi eeonomicaLebut dresses herselt more artistically; she is just as gpod a mother, but a more loving Wife, She is 'somewhat nor - votes; and the quarrel with her bps - band is as regular as -the amen in the prayer. The truest and prettiest type of the beautiful Viennese woman is that which Melee from the south, In With th majorit of her Euro - pease sisters, the Viennese makes mar- • xrages her goal, Capital and labor go well enough th- gether, but the trouble is too •many men are trying to get capital without labor. " . Man in Distress. A. whole,family suffering. A :dull aehieg of nerve or Muscle, or the aceter perms of ne.uralgke, toothache, orlumbago makes life a misery. Bot Nerviline-nerve pain cure -will re- lieve all thee% Nerviline is powerful, penetrating, toed effectual., , t ' SLEEP, • . . Some doctors believe that a man jute juat so many hours to be awake; and Drat the more of them he usee up in -daY the shorter his life*, will be, A man might live to be 200 if he could sleep most of the' trine. :the prope.e way ,to economize time, therefore, is to eleep *item therie is nething ,beltee to do, . ' • , • . . tif v. r I I,* Ygor; ' itce0by yether.o tirr th's,ii':111111Prealteett'llog 111;rolthZ hu si,fteris rho mons. manna pain, mr6es ulna ef RS. smoinovs •,, sae „ critic, and 1 the best rosneity for diarrhum, 250. boh by all drit gists throughout the world. Be sive and ask for '• airs. WinsiOw's soothing Simile . *CtliAT WCYULD_Lee0 IT. Docter,:sighed the fae man, Iguess it's no ,use. I've tried every. thing you- ve • lire:Scribed and .grown f leishier the thee: "Vora. latest recommenda- tion Was 'to tide horeeback, done'so faillitulty for a month, he I've I ak- en 0,11 eighteen pounds' anti the horse haEl lost lee. . 'Art I thereel • a scientific suggestion, mid the elated (limier. Try letting the horee ride yea for, a while. u By, s Hives new fife th • and restores the color. 'Hair. It makes agree *ad by all druggists. eoce a bottle. , LABOR-SAVING SHEARS. - Garman Who-believesin labor-sav— ing deyices has patented a pair of shears with a spring attachment. ,When a Cut has bkin made and the shears are Olosed, the spring opens the „blades slIghtly, When they are wide open, ready lor outting, the arrange- ment ots in the reverse way and as - stets in closing them. • Both actions- • 'A SOON FOR THE LAME.' THE IVEY PATENT EXTENSION SHOE 60,, Me NOXIOUS 41,1 +nemesia, ,nidrahA of eviny Num min mid Mellen In Canada whose imam nem consists to One I Lemg shorter thau the Oar. sod ere offering good pylori M. ployurt nt to every m e moo who will tart the trouble to write tot OMAN 404 OW eet,er Mains. fret ung ot Ilmemiietra f'gr yostreelf arid you wile after Welling 18 "•1;184tilaiisiervierw40111ctrliutlirevibnecset°,tifiltar°4tititoreV41"ereB semi ou the market, and onaelso tbe maw to walk es von, wing with ease and eonifort, t° wear tiny ordinary Mom alum, an r gives !hem Ow mine at Peatati05 Ms their lucre fortunate bloods, Deseriptivr ototoltir 0158,,elrimiloarsofilteye totiviit Egiik, for terms I-0 MOMS. AddreaS T • TORONTO, CANADA, POLICE FORCE OF ONE. Iceland Ls probably the one country in the world/which gets along with a Single policeman, T,hei descendants ef the Vikings have no need ef police- men, The Solitary officer, in epite of his great responsibility, has a. very leaay time. Ile is maintaiued more for ornament and dignity than for use, The Icelanders tinetle it would not de to have a capital without a poticesnall, and so they keep one, • A It is no snap to makea time exposure with a camera. . Fact, Fancy and Fable - neve oonvineed people that Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor should be given the preference. Get rid of yoter corns; ,get rid of thorn without pain; use Putnam's Extractor and no other, COST OP A. IT—OYAL FAMILY. The total coat to Aussie tif the imperial is $20,000,000 per year. • Beware' of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain .idereury as mercury will surely deeti:ey the sinoii of smell and con:emery derange th. whole eys- tem when entering it terough the mucou- aur - face. Stith articles should nev. r be used ex - rapt on prescriptions twin reautable phydici, ans, toe damage they win h ton fon to the g od you ean possibly derive from thetn. HalPs.Catarrh Cure, manufactured by le J, Cheney. Sc Co., Tolede. 0., oniteins no mercury, and is taken internally, 'acting (*pal), upon the.blood and mucous surfaces or the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be mire yoa get the Renew,. It to taken internally, hnd made m Teledie Ohio by, F. J. Cheney 5: Co. Te,11- menials free, Sold by Druggiste, price 75o. per bottle. Hall's Family Pllis are tbe best. ' ' BISMARCK'S DRAUGHT BOARD. The late Prince Biamerck was 'an ardent lover of a game of draughts, and is said to have possessed the most eatable draught board in existence, the squerea of which Were 'made of erold and :silver, to represent the light and dark squares' respeotively. The men evere made of theeranie metals, the silver. men haviug the addition of .a diamond. In the centre, the gold draughtsmen beving-a--eulty--inlaid-ehe the centre of each. • -e - • The Tallman a of Beauty vows CePtIVAting A At. Pire, oniPlexIon ASE up Beautiful as s rose.leat; clear soft and re vetf es on infant'a, can bePobtained, Sent free on opplioatfOrl• ve • THE TALISMAN 00, 77 VICTORIA ST., TORONTO. rass Dant Instrunumts, Drums, Uneforms; etc, .Every town can have a band, • 144=ig:alligt;,"(Itrkv,t :liTitggip,f44"' ROVICE"&ma.4,111,Ogilto, Can. Ideal Leathei Po;;sh :WIll hoop your shim soft ae velvet MADE IN ALL COLORS; SOLD EVERV*BERN.:,,,..0 SUNIMER SESSIO • NIMMO & HARRISON; BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND 0011901, ; inirtstoBlieLft Bsulltailing,:rtigOehr.TuoirterouritandwOot3.11c71,1Stalr.le),Torot Th -rough notice t o' Thorough preparation for Inland ReVenue and Civil Ser- vice examinations. Open entire jean day and evening. Send postal for free intormation. • 4% P it; rpririls1 viti;r111.11:vn?tliec;t1111:(15.7„ttrrklopiVeerit rilutr ly.1 aultrlit from S50 upwitihr reee.ved for., „ t h j 1,14 'als'ilee4tpui.;e:ttlirlenart,ni*darsidilhe:eirisrYeting wIdeTreed interriSt rro PI:tem785:11:0 vvY00 t 1 151 el Prtr ;It r°0 rri :r sy ti.a 18 el o Da ;`. ijui"; ft8ir mr " compound in safe end conservative speculative invest - The ootninionenvestment Company of Toronto, Canada Permanent Ohatahas„ 18:1'21,1nto • " L.. COFFEE & COEstablished 1846. CRAIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Booing 409-11 Board of Trade •Staltilng, TORONTO, ONT. TliriafAS FLYNN • Boiler Makere! _Fitters Lathe Hands I P 13 981 We ean give good meehanics steady work, . . good. wages, coi.31,well lightedoveleheated shop, best modern convenkeriCes. • LiBvirnagOtcfhoerdapi,s beatthe, progressivecity... Tires' WATEROUS, Drantford, Canada.. LONG SERVICE MEDALS. Imperial order granting the decora- tion. beyond human power to remede. spray-,,, .4, $ ,, - ' ing wiii make fruit. growlug 0 safe it THOUGHT HE unArn CA.MP PIM 'bueinese IS en? kind of fanning. It will aleo be mote profitable also than • Denny --Th, captain told me to kape fruit growing has ever been betore, avVey from thi inemye foire• Larry--Phwitt did ye tell him 4 for fruit grOWille; Ntrill then be POO* sible only to those who are able to Denny --I told hilt the ineiny,,,,wut so give the increased care ,and skill whieh busy shootin, they hOditist Made ley it reottirea to mske sute of a etop, It loins yet. should est be forgotten that th6 firat MASTS. spraying should be done befote the ' . buds heve burst into leaf. That cau Wette-eater grandfather walked ten. be made mneh stronger as to fungi - mike on hit 'eightieth birthdey, 'cidee than will be Rafe to use after , Potts -ash I My grandfather walk- the young vegetation has put forth. 1 ed eighty mile* on his tentli, birthday. This first sptaying will destroy spores lighten the work of the cutter'. ' '" Pharaoh TOG "Pas"":"'" • Cigar Yeeneseturer. DISCOVERED AT LAST, A wholesome, nourishing prepare-, tion which takes the place of tea and' coffee cures indigestion, and 511 coin - plaints caused by tea an& coffee which roisonous,.' Rocko Health Drink " • auzoititely pure and is usedl yodr .mea.14 instead of coffee, A 10c. pack- age will make 75 cups. Itokco also makes a delicious summer ice'd drink, For sale by grocers, Ask for it. ste.u.s FEMALE BODYGUARD. The King of Siam bas a bodyguard 61 female warriora-400 girls chosen frOm•airiong the strongest •and 'hand- soraest of all the ladies in the land. . O'Kt. EFE'S Itivisorttet and Str. ngthens. Vse.. LLOYD wpm oronto, GENERAL AGENT. . • SOLID ROBBER WHEELS. A new wheel tor motor oars and aim. ilar heavy Vehicles is called. a flexible wheel, The box la- formed of e block of solid rubber that bears the whole weight of the conveyance and acts as a spring. Hatei Carslake, rgretuk Plan, Rooms $1 a de? up! Ong. 13..T.E,Stalipn, Matthaei. Geo, Chirslake k Co,. rroplo, • - 13ER,LIN'S PAUPER. CEMETERIES. More than 3,ona -persons are buried annually in the paupers' cemetery of Beelin, Est Tootiono .F.ACTORI ,NILMtreir VERY CONFIDING. I never saw a man of more eonfiding disposition than Barber. . That'a Barber, all right. Why, he even believes his own lies MINERAL WOOL. This material being fire, frost and verniin proof is now being very largely need as a non-conductor of heat, cold and sound. In cold storage, public build- ings private residences, etc" also for covering steam, hot water, hot air, and cold water pipe. The Eureka Mineral Wool and Asbestos '05., Toronto, will be pleased to send de- scriptive pamphiet if you ate 01- lerested. ••••••61••••% monEsT APPEAL. The attenticin of English-speaking visitora to the Milan Catheetal is read- ily ettrected. by the following notice, which appears over an alms -box: Appele to Charitables, The Brothere, so -balled, of Mercy, ask siender arms Per the Hospital. They harbor all kinde of &stades, ands have no respect to religion. Hobbt-Hat are. Co.-, Double Tubesi, give Odd service LON !:,80 :BINDER. -•-•Sand in early—wen t last lonir. -Headquarters for , —Coodrleh single Toes, —G. & 'Detachable, '--Morgan & Wright, -Maple Sundries; Sad- dles, Tubes, &o. Dealers' prices on aPplication. ' • • • . • American. Tire . Co., 164-168 King St. Wcist, ' _ .TORONTO, , • • CALVER S Carbolic Disinfectants. Soaps; Clint- =Tooth Powders, etc., have been d too medals and diplornas for su pe :tor excellence. Thel r regular use prevent infecti- otis diseases; Alik year dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. C. CALVERT & CO.,. ' . MANCHESTER, •-• • ENGLAND. . . ONE N1011TdCirn 41.sk your. Os. for it.1 Heeler at0611 Brat, The " Balmoral," Free. Bus Irsh';',44; . IC11:71.th0110 Prayer ai:;- tweeinn, Plettireir, firw nary, _en.d. _Cl_atr: 0. Or! Inent8 5 ltiostloaLl WC ehel. rIViad/11 ma rd, re rk:reegel:ti D.& J. semen & Gee taintroai. Procured In CU O'ounirlea. Dealgoe, pAcTufeaNTorSocured rite for oforroatiors. ts W EGERTON, It, (JASK, Registered Solieltorof Patents, Notary Public, Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. AGENTS-ElWther.tto Than333(11e3:o)u7..uparlorline of Chalon and Water Color Portraits, Frames,' ow. Solar and Electric Printa su plied to .artist. .nd the trade, All g°°Afg at wh°P1066WaltierGRTli, Termite, Out The Dawsim Commission Co., Limited, 00e. west-;earket &Colborne Rt., Toronto, Can at you best micas for your ,ApPles, Butter, BUN Poultry, and other produce. if you ship it to them, FOR sineeBRUCIte COUNTY - rah! W wer 16, Kineardirie FoAKR.AMI:ES,ART, Some Great Bargains. Ayala tchlAlVtES resit, NOve St m Ts and SIMI. CATARRH fel !Lb -.het .0seently cured.° Ianedleo (Werth Ours Oa, 146 EiL Jame1131, Montreal. 7 WHITE'S PHOSPHO SODA An Rfferveiming Phosphate, excellent Cleanser fot liver, kiduey and stomach, takes*, place of mai tat prepare, tions in ease of headache, its effedt le Immediate. Sold by aiiaruggete in 106, 25c. 50o and 51.00 packages •OttalutOtiF Drug 00,, 271Wellingten-st. E., Tortinto. HARRIS LEAD. COPPER, BRASS.; Wholesale only. tongDistanceTelaphone1720. WILLIAM 8T., TORONTO. • Itillia. Mills & hales Barrister:4Mo.; removed to Wesley' Ridge., Rion - mond Ht. VV.. Toronto. ana twese CUTTING SCHOOL moo. C. ft 0. SC11001. rge."MZidtgrata" nOlIMON SENSE KILLS Roaches, 1ted ea Bags, Rats and Mice. Sold by all • Dragglits, islet QUeeti Toronto. ree eite. ee. ..WOOD& PHOTO. ENGRAVI146 J:1_,JoNis ENG.C2 —643.10 ADELAIDE St ev TORONTO: CARD INDEX... The only perfect oyotem tor keep. leg names end asidh esce Semple tray outfit Tim Oftio. SpeOlalty Mfg. 00., Limited 122 and 124 Bay St., TORONTO. Faotorr NeWirtarket. et' Birlia vOlo t I ;h4:2:1'1;14:-1"; Stammer." W1511,0111.0101°W5 THIt VALI* oft • A PARTU ENT MEDICINE, IGHEST GEA S. • LOWEST • Twi . Rope, Lath 'Yarn, and Eloyclos. . Deatio. Aiik For Quotations. Dominion Line :1-21skiNt . • . • Montreal bnd 'Quebec to Li vtrnool. • Large and • fast Steamers Vancouver, eDoyninion,. Scotsman, Cainbrornaee..e Rates of, panne :- First Cabin, 850.upwairiss; 'Second s Cabin, 535; Steerage, 822.50 and 803 50 • . For farther. informed Of) apply tri Meal gen ta or DAVID TORRANCE it 00...Cieneral Agents, ;17 St. Sacrament St., alontresl. ' That 0111.51 HOT OR COLD WEATHER MAKES tiO DIFFERENCE! "PEERLESS" MAIIIIINE 011.• Does Its Work Well • • ./JfMardware, Drug and Geneml Storea all sell Mfg their best Oil cheap as the other. . UEEN CiTiffilLgo.oft. sAMLROGEuSens.10R0E0 Michigan Land for Sale. 2 000 *ORES 000D FARROW LANDS—A,RENACI, Ioeso,Osensin and Crawford Counties, Title mu- /mt. On Michigan Central, Detroit Machined send , loon lahe Railroads. at prices winging from 32 . per sore, These Lands are Close to Enterprising New ' Towns, Chun:Mem Reheat', etc., and. will be sold on most .j• , reasonable termi. Apply to IL R., rinacm. Agent, -tea Bay Olty, Mich. Or J. W. CURTIS, WhitteMeretig10. .FARm.FOR SALE.. la Waterloo Wilmot, Tp., one: mile n nib of 198 MAI, SITUATED New. Dundee and 5 tulles stinth ,ettisburg, on• o,T R. ; the -nd slopes gent'y towarils south and ad,: - rieh e:ay Ku" lienloOd state of oth hatIon ; there a° acres of °roller 1 unit gar • en stlasu acres of to sl hardwaial bush, ced.tr and i.pruee hed.se around buildir gs, and 300 Mile trees %wrier b na f on: Ord Out soft wster et 'lotuses t bun ruPPlied wait . W..ter by hydraulic nun ; power eheri on bore; about mrog of wheat, ts meadow, battince ing erdp 1 farm owl be lionght with or without crop For terma IsEAEL OlthiSSMAN, New Dundee. Orit. •• - .."")411ETERw""64"6"1"BOROUGH TTELID sEND FOR CATALOOUE. Etremissors C (iamingro ANOE PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO, CANADA. J. Z. ROGERS, Manager. Ontario Canoe Co. . llellAbilly4,41014&,11,1101101818.+INBo fREE! Ladi°1711 stela, with guard or ehatelaineforseldingS dot. al our fttUuised Doylissatleo.eaoh:Lady's literlingElliverWatahforselllug 8 dos. Doylies In latest and preheat design. They sell at 4411Eposapalo:ro.ndW.dreit:e4115prnth401:mpe,tieeyttu4ornrtilwaroeuni gout watch free. Unsold doylies aveurneellie. IJNEN DOVLYgd..0ept., Twat& ALLAN LINE 1/1A11.1 eT* LAWM/N°M ST EA3fERS 1"6""E" " LIVERPOOL. Prim Liverpool. Pratt le, ontroal. 0 July ' CALIFORNIAN 20 July. • 13 July V.AINUf. ........ 27 ,fitly, 20 July ramatAri . August. 27 July.. LAURENTIAN ..... 10 August 3 Augudt... .. .. te Angst. The now Twin Screw S. ittrarlan, 10,000 tens, wiii exit front Ltverpo 'Ana. 14, mid from Montreal Sept. 7. Cabin PaucOute -MOO end Upivarde. becond cabia-eseeo, Rotten $66.60. Steenges,-Iiiverpoolr L n, ilistegow, I;Orsilonderry Quecoatorisn, 9'23 50. For further information apply to 11, SWIRLIER, 71 Tonga St.,' Torento, or & A. ALLAN, Montreal: -My - Beitedutddolltdiedtausral rtirliMmach, Lungs, Nertes, uTo:::ooditt: nilhaintagn: Breattillobvildentit HEALTH RIEST0110 VI:Pg.:VI ‘P ‘ Arabia*, Food, which Awes toners end children, and also Beata alto. Manful I Y Infanta whose A inmate and Debilitybeve te• steed ail ether treatments. It digoetervheri all ether lro la rejected, Mei 80 times its cot to medieles, 0 years, Annst„,,,...,..costilet 0 100100 45 • item Flatulency, D %, ' inediktivissouojitottifstrOOnifttutoti shMiltitoimei6041:1400.hattbsvolearhoolBorintnjoyebult.vot DuBaril & 06.1..011g Ilt,201467101v4sh, ellaltuad:'ftliit.'414ifillr"z:44.4. 1.1.-P4' natilo aleseiesse'is " kkei tiakhr.14. treiatitons Arnim Mt 00.....iiio i.e.X..o....o.tuid 'i '1'.1 Nowiwwoottostopottelantoo...tua , -