The Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-27, Page 5I�T'.i
•**11111►tp•ltet PIANO FOR SALE
ut it
t i I4n. Deep
t. Men and even Women will
ncl thoues,ndsof dollars and
net a precious hour to retain i
iiear'ity, Al lovely .complex-
e, soft and smooth skin ---a •
ehyr velvetness is electrifying •
the eight and touch.
• coves ilii , Telephone Road, tigderich town -
Be utiful cabtuot grand upright piano, large
else Hungarian walnut %tee be make, _Ow
unI i a e
nus thio mouths. eathw '
.t.ud► • ,
y ie guan estate
tg ,
fano use i be by Jul
27th 1 thhee bei lee cc)1 t
on time or epeeist price for cash. For terms or
particulars. address. ,
Judy 15th. P. 0. BOX 131 Clinton,
� A / ANTb D,-1450 round color poets, not 1088
11! Chau s iuohos at small ond, roto -b0 a foot .
long, balance 8 feet, To be delivered at
• ship.
• J MIDDLETON, Couueillok
• r
• F ret-olass 2nd hand Phaeton ger sale.
Clinton„rano 22nd, A•J, HOLLOWAY
as. Made mere friends than all sq:
• Jaly 33th 2
then skirt goods and cosmetics i
corrrbiuod, It does not coattail rt al
dl0lrsg&,tnything of a greasy •
,R nature but, ie as we call it a pure-
ly Summer Lotion. •
We •
guarantee it to remove
and prevent Tan, Freckles, etc.`
Try it 25c,,per bottle from
• us only. •
•, •
Phone 2. Prescription Drug, Store i
•t1T1t•••••••••••••••o••••• •
The undersigned offers for rental, the Store
on Huron street lately occupied by Holloway &
Clinton, Junk 22nd.
Comfortable dwellibghouse 'on cast aide of
Albert Street, containing 7 rooms'; hard and
soft water and quarter of an acre of and, fruit
, oto. Will lie sold cheap as owner s leav-
ing town. Apply to JOHN );IDUUT
July 4.
• HOUSE FOR SALE, Arnold McArthur 674•
Welt Oros) High school
Entrance Examinations. . alpglatlat An.
Public School Leaving Ex-
The following
is the listof candidate
peeved by the,board of examinero for
Weet Huron, together with the mark
Obtained by each. On account of th
objeotlon raised by teachersthat part o
theh e i l 0 e
p Y o gY paper the pr
scribed course, the hoard reduced th
minimum in that subject to '20 inetea
of 33, and the'tetal required to 535 in
stead •Of 550
a. West Huron
e'• cess tupublish
a nddide.te� t the roc nt P.. 8. Let87.
e ;ng examination as the centred in the wen -
ft ern inapeotoral division of Huron,
e- Born= P. e.
• Leonora Cleave, 693, Edith Falooner 852,
d Ruby Welddon 674.
GOD8»IQH luODBL donooL.
1 Annie Andrews 624, Christetel Ander
632, Bessle. Brirulcombo 645
Grace Dlokeon 644, Grape Dyke 77.
Alice Garrick 668, Maggie Murray 63•
Ruby McLean 611, Laura Sharman 601
Pearl Snell 606, Edna Steelton 564,Scot
Aitken 546,Wilbur Anderson 602,Sidno
Belober. 561, Leonard Cuff 657,Allan Gar
row 612, Spencer Gant 650, Wilbu
Guest 616,John Hillier 583,Cbarles Lan
651, Philipp Mitchell 612, Redmond Mo
Donald,501, Walter McDonald 630, Don
ala. MoNevin 777, Clarence Rbynae 622
Graham Robinson 639, CharlesSaunder
667;.11•alph Sheppard637, Charles Smit
542, an 1 afford 743.
.00DERUCtI sereeteTit eraooe,'
Mabel Wright 607,. Walter McIntos
677, Dennis .1.. Neville 634,
James (lameron 614, Wilmot G. Hol
Chas. D. Braun 899, Clara. Klenzle 706,
• Ira b. Braun 778, Carrie Kuhn 794, Otealie
Treitz 6#3. '
Son 784, Marjorie Rall 6 2, Victoria
Minnie Derain 716,, Asenath Milligan
5, 800, Oora It. Roberts 7e9, William Glenn
3, 860,
Entrance, Standing -Letitia I urnin, Roy
t Little and Everitt MaUough,
" Florence ieeett 671, Polly Fisher 767,
r Edna McCe ium 847,Burwell Frayne
y 832,
e Herbert Gregory 777, Edward Hooper, 804,
- Herman Prior 707, Frank Roes 812,Rursell
• Southeott 751,, Sam M. Thomas 700,
Entrance Standing=.Lorraine Hooper,
h r8ENBALL. P, a,
Bam J. Coulter 712, Bert Elder 778.
Oliver Geiger 774,Murray Elder 679,Fraek
Reith 787.
h Entrance' Standing, -Ethel Colwell., -
. ZURI011 P. a.
man: 633, Willie Whiddon 576, Eliza Du
pee, 722, Eva Veoods-615, Ethel Watson
Nellie Gorby 668, Milly Potty 691,
Mabel Sparks 610, Isaac Buchanan. 6131
On .'vioto'rda street. Near Organ - Factory.
$300. will buy a roomyy comfortable house,with.
good lot-the_property recently occupied by
Frank Linehan. Appy to
1Vlarch 7th, W. BRYRONIt,'Barrister,
is necessary -in -order to
tell 'time by your Watches,
A }Catch bought here is
reliable.... YOU •need not
.add to nor subtract from
time mark
i as d . onits
face. ' We see to it that
our' Watches tell time FARM. AND TOWN
right allthe time: PROPERTY FOR SALE.
They la: a sold at moder-
• • The subscriber ()from for sale a very desirable
proport on Isaac street consisting of four :lots
upon w Joh there is a comfortable frame house .
with ki clan and woodshed attached. -There.
la a good stable and a fust.class well ttt water
on premises. Theorohard,00neisttngofgrapes
and a ples, •is a good one; Tho property will
he sola at a roaeonabip figure for cash or I cash'
and balance on time.: Apply to the owner on
the premises
Clinton Mav Qth. • ' MRS.. JOHN JUNOR.
ate •pricesand fully guar-
' •-antelsd.
DENT e, THOMSON, Mitchell; Ont., Solicitors for the Brownlee Estate.
ii i May 25th, 1899.
a d Optician.
Offers, in writing.willbereeeived bythe under-
signed for the purchase of the following valuable
freehold properties :-1st. Lot No.. 28 in the 4th
concession of the Township of Hullett in' the
• County of Huron containing 100 acres, more or
Mess. Upon thisproperty are a geed. dwellinghouse, bank barn and stables, a good. orchard,
well, etc. " : .
2nd. Lot No: 1221 on the. East side of Victoria
street in the Town of Clinton in the County of
Huron. This property comprises a good frame
dwelling house and stable.
For further_particulare and for terms apply'
10 Mr. Alex, I> wing, Clinton; Crit., or'to
If you want anything •
in the Musical line, call
at ; O. Hoare's Music
in1�)Or1L1111, .
The subscriber' offers for sale his house and
lot on,corner of 1•lattenburyand Raglan streets.
Clinton, April 17th W. G. DOHERTY,
Tho Phonomenal Welt -Bred
Standard Horse,
'will Stand at W.W. Ferran's barn near Station,
in Clinton every Monday for the balance of the
Season, Tarentum 21795 has in hia.breeding the
greatest sires living or deedalso 12 of the
greatest an ms living. He has first unquestion-
able breeding;•Irccond extreme speed . third
power to transmit it. To insure $15.00 For ex-
tended pedigree see largo catalogtto. address
Maple Leaf Stock Farm
June 12111, 1.gmondville, Ont
I have • tt few rarity Toilet sets left
olid am determined to clear than out
and 7tiow offer a -
$17.0) Sot for $5.000�/0�. •
-6:6o 11I(.. 4.50.
•axe 46 .. 4.00..
Intending purchasers can thus secure
good bargains. •'
Good Butter and Eggs takon as Cash.
'C-. J. STE`W'ART..
Our Fall goods are;„tt,dw in and we, aro pre-
pared to wants of the people of
Loudesboro arid- »ity. We always try to.
please our customers and with „our present
stork are in a bettor position to do se than ever
' before. Iiore aro It few of the bargainswe are
ilw lc iTor+teds 813 d"1)10 922. to order ale,.
genuinetimi it made to ardorwihless m $1
Tweed !'ants madeiip•to•datott,60
All .7,Heavy Tweed Pants for winter
weeOveralls, pure r)enliitm Cottonado; 70 cont&,
Meleekht8 $1,
Smocks front 50 tents to $l. Alt aro well made
and sowed with linen thread.
A Suit Of .the best 13albri gan Underwear floc.
Best Linen Collars 15 cents up to 18 conte,
Nice Tie le collar,
curiniland Ties' 25 conte, •
We carry a Stook of Cuff Batons, Stun etet
evorythingthat it found ht a first-class Fern-
e1her•'p unci ask you to tall and examine cur
stools before buying elsewhere.
e. '• VAlatta rho11010ain.,
a•�ta &Peat 111Vffen I?'e ite:fyr
field and reeemmendeo by all
uggistr in Canada. Only rel!.
1e ,nedioine dieeovered. ,5rx
va�k�es (/Mede to Outs all
s Se_ weti`kwatt ail effects of abuse'
etexeess, Mental Worn', ,teeseere tise'ofTa
be.00,Obia7il or Atthenian , Mailed on noisiest
Cute •Pamphle edfree to a 1, Ont.
ThO''Wood Cbiitpaal, t
o pliodin0 is sold in Clinton by Sydney
The Band of Court Maple Leaf, Canadian
Order of Foresters, Clinton, is now open for en.,
gegements for' Garden Parties, Pic�nios, Cele -
orations, etc. ; For terms,'write Pie
• Clinton,,June 10th.
I have moved my. Laundry, the
Revere, to the stand lately' occupied
by Mr. J. W. Hill, in •the Cornbe block
on Albert street,, which will he'more
convenient .both for myself . and cue-
tomers. -'OUr work apeaks " for itself"
OlaraKoelrler728, Ethel Williams. 082.
Poarl'01 6Arthur l
Ni ie,!so n 7 i, K Ia ermann
' •atr. 1ELENB•P. s -
Wm, h Miller 870, Robb. Miller 805.
' oEN'raALIA r, 8, .
Cedric' Hicks 810, Wesley Luker 075,
Melvin Mitohell .779, Loretta Baynham
e 774, Ida Windsor 666,
Maud Hiles 577, Elsie Saunby 563, Ida
Whyard 659, Lloyd Hiles 614, Arthu
.Roberts 579,
Otto Braun 549, Wesley Finkbeine
636, Elmer Gower 567, George Iiookey
617, August Kuhn 571 •
Myrtle Hardy 674, Jennie Hardy 634
Flossie Kibler 596, Ida Sipple 666, Ches-
ter Steinbach 589, Laura . Weide.' 629,
Norman Kibler 639,•
DesnwooD Pureed saran.,
Lilly Hartleib 606,Alrnena Metter 694
Flossie Snell 591, Effie W illert 552.
Katie Elliott 642, Alla Hicks 644, Al -
mons Huxtable 663, Polly. Windsor 726.
S. 8, No. 1 -Minnie Cunningham
867, Eliza MoMtllan 718,. Grace Craw
tord 790. S. S.Wo.3-Grant Carrick 644
Harry McDonald 603; Lily McLean 645
Mgggie McMurchy 670, Hannah Stiles
.485.' S. S. No. 9- Ethel Treleaven - 662,.
Cannon Stealers 626, Robert Treleaven
• 558,. S. 5. No. 10 -Frederick. Holmes
632, Ernest Sherwood 590. S. S, leo. 12
-Grant S. Boyd 630,:. Mary Boyd 548,
Tens.Xempton 587. S.S. No. 15 -Neil
McKen&ie 658, Mary A. Hamilton 621,
-Mary McKenzie 543. Separate school-
William O'Brien 537, Mamie Kenny -083.
8. S. No. 16 -Maggie Kilpatriok 682,
Bert Treleaven 607.
• A8arIELD. '
r, 8. 8., .No..1-Eve McConnell 625, Flor-
ence Stevenson 762,Rebeooa McMillan 780.
Separate school -Dore Dalton 836, Ida
Flynn 652.
Entrance Standing -Annie Hussey. ,
,- 8.. 8. No.: 5 Oliver Brown 666. --
8. 8. No. 7-Entt apue Standing- Alex.
• itfoKenzie.
• S. 8. No, 11 -Albert Gordon 841, Clar.
enoe Graham 650, Alice Dougherty 649.
Henry Ma
ettyeenoew,Standing - Nina. Burrows,•
S. S. No.13-•Herbert B. Woods 759.
S. S. No. 16-Mabei Melgan 627. •
S. 8, No. 2-Seeord Hartt 721, Edward
Stewart 658,
S. 8. No 8 -Mary Rose 648.
, S. S. No. 8 -Entrance Standing-'Dbeo
, A. Alija, Albert Walters..'
S. 8. No. 9 -Winnie: Shaw 653.
S S.' No. 2 -Nettie Tyndall 603 'S.S,
No. 2 -Harold Long 620, 'Chester . Oke
566, S.S. No.3-Pearl Johnston 572,.
Maud Teweley 664. S, S.No: 5=.JaMes
McManus 638, •Allan. ,McManus 586,"
-Clarence Dus eve639. 5,5,, No.6-David
Morris 550, Birdie Devine 698,'Bertha
Horsey 617, Jennie Sands 662. S. S.Nce
9--Ettie Young 605, :Robert. Cummings
701. .
S. S. No. 1 -Nettie Bell. 564, .Graham
Salkeld 598. S.S. No. 2 -Mattie John.
eton 592, John Johnston.540. S.S. No..5
-Maggie Cox 599, Aida McDonald : 699,
Alfred Potter' 647.S: §. No. 8-Luella'
Stirling 670, Mabel .Weston 760. .e.
S S :No. 3 --Laura Richardson 590.; S.
S. No. 6 -Maggie Robinson M. 8.'8.
No. 6 -Oliver Keyes 631,. Norman Purdy
'628.. S.S. No.7--J'ohn Foster 562, Agnes
Anderson 661,Wi1frid McAllister 658. S.
.S No. l O -Jennie Rose- 620.
We respectfully solicit a share of your
HAY..-` ♦-...,,
S S No 2 -Alice Dougall 722, • 8 8
No. 3 -William' Love 536. S S No 6-=
Ella Rennie 620, Maggie Broderick 579.:
S S No 1I Addie .' 693,
David Regan 758. 8 8 No 12- Henry
Piffle 558. 8. S. No 14. -Benjamin •Smit-.
Ire•560. S: No. 15 -Lloyd Taylor 745.
• 8T1:r0EN.
SL8 No 6 -=Jacob E. Rats 702, Mag
gie Barry 617,'Clara Rate 581. S -8 No
fe-Bruce Bossenberry 732.
S S No' 1 -Edward Caldwell 590,
Herbert Reddy 746,Kenneth White 572.
S S No.. 2 -Isabella Gardner 754, Jan-
et •Kay 616, Nina Monteith 617, Gertie
Monteith 720, Maggie Turnbull 704. 8
S No 3••-Atlan'Doupe 714. 5 S No 6
-Dora tlel'bridge 564." S S No :7-
Bertha Taylor 646, William Hern 665. S
8 No I2 -Nettie Brooks 619, Eva
'Trapp 722.
EXETER rUBLI° 801500».
Eva Balkwel1759, Annie' Briniioombe
629, Nina Carling 685, May Clark 710,
Edna Davidson 744, Tesaie Dow 607,
Charlotte Drinkwater 719, Carrie Dyer
720, Evelyn Gill 638, Merle Gould 586,
Vera Hawksbaw 651, Cora. McPherson
850, Editb Rollins 712, Ruble Treble 598,
Nettie 'Walters 896, Shirley Bobier 673•,
Percy Browning 580, Versy Hardy 546,
Norman Hern 680, Percy Hooper: 6'54,
Harry Huston 729, Mervin Huston 705,
:Ferny Eendle 682.
f. S S No, 1 -Huth Girvin 676, Pearl
Taylor 571: 8, 8. No. 3 -Georgie Smith
668,. 8 8 No 4 -Joseph 'Gaynor. •590'
Peter McDonald 703, Hugh Rutherford
693: is 8 No 12' - Annie Joynt 537,
Mary E. Martin 042,Evy L, Webster 602,
Laura Wellwood `540.
S 8 No, 6 -Mamie Auld 634, Albert.
Campbell 538 S. S.11o.16 Donald..W.
Patterson 554,
bi'1. CARMEL SEPARATE 80000»
Edward J. Hall 672, Madeline Coughlin.
697, Maggie Ryan 537.
S S No 5,McGdilivray -Ettie Cough-.
lin 601, Nora Coughlin. 082, Clover
Short 582, Pearl "Wilson 62i.
S S No 10, '1'uokeremith-Laura
Nchols"617, Alvan Mcl earl 690,
Read ing-=Ida NYhyard.46.
Drawing -Chester Steinbach and Isa-
bella Gardiner 43, ' • •
Writing-t-Chrietabel • Anderson and
*Flossie Kibler 50.
Snelling. -A large number got 50.
Literature-Obrietabel Anderson 126,
Arithmetic -George Hockey, Nina
Carling and Nettie Welter: 107. .
Grammar -Cora McPherson 117.
Geography -Addie Aldsworth 15,
(J'onipoaition Chriatabel Anderson
and Grace Dlokeon 85.
History- Alwena Huxtable an Mab-
el Weston 83,
Physiology=Davit! lllegen 77.
Total -Cora McPherson 850,
No, Writing Passed,
Bayfield 16 12
Crediton 28 15
Dungannon 20 16 -
Exeter . 47 42
(loderieh 68 b8
Hendrik 18 11
MU tail
22 17
81. Helens. 11 7
Zurich 25' 19
•patronage - Our prices; . are :right and.
wewill do our best to please you.
•Clinton, May 22nd.
London &
Lancashire Life
' Established in Canada 1863
Invested Fund -- $6,532.288
All the popular forms' of
insurance 'Issued. Policies
unconditional, .world-wide
and nonforfeitable. Money
loaned.. Policies purchased,
New business 1898, 84,600,-
000. .Amount paid polity -
holders $687.000 ...... -
Full information furnished by
Next door to Clarendon.
Crown Baker
She's a dandy. WW1
Next door to Clarendon.
Men want but little hete
below but most et all want
Taal 260 10/
IP 640140.6...1164.6.
'In Empty Sack Cannot Stand
Neither ean poor, weak, thin blood
tan. Ivor eteength of um vett and Mile.
a , rep -rat for -he blood and- its
it peoves it ie just whatyou need if yon
i Plug and eat are weak and languid.
, . Hood's Pills do not gripe,Alldruggiata,
8ODERIO1 TOWNSHIP:. S. 8. No. 1 -Carman Church 660.
8.8. No. 2 -Lillian Wilson 867.
.Entrance Standing -- Aggie' Johnston,
Fawcett Sturdy. '
8. S. No. 6 -Benson Elliott 716, Glenn.
The Bayfield Road is being gravelled.
The bioyolist cannot now "keep 1.1 th
middle of the road," for the gravel will
do that, but the sides of the road are in,
f 11Xessre. Ilumberplaoed two very no
niilestones, representingtheir lew-elr
business, upon the hayeld • road, on
rade and two miles from tbeir•plaoe
business on the Square., •
"No R like the
Fast . E
You are Diaster of roar
at health, anal if you' do not
O attend to. 4t,,� the blame !_.
ty, itJ
of easily located. If our'btood
Mrs. Jas. Doyle of . etroit is t
guest of Mrs. W, D. Shannon of th
ark Hope.
The Carmonaoame in from Detroit o
e is out .o f. order, 'od's $,ar-�
e' saparllla wilt purify it.
It is the specific remedy for troubles
of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver.
1' Heart Trouble -'ti bad heart trouble
tors number of'yeare and different medl-
e oinee failed to benefit me. 1 tried Hood'',
n- send nae teats enudre hr a !,bottles - tom �laYtely_
o Wallace Bridge, N, 8,
, M -s t7, A• �!+'+f+re
A eafogyard-"Jit had lost ave chile
y dren: with 'diphtheria x tare y�
D !r e m remaining
h two ohlldren Hood's SareaparU7a as they
y were subleot to throat trouble and were not
- ' very strong. They are now healthier and
d stronger and have not since had a cold."
k Iins, W.H. FyEoince Pembroke, Ont.
'Tuesday evening, 1801 inst., with sev
eral summer visitors for our town, •
The veterans of '06 expeoted. to b
able to adorn their breasts for their
null exouroion to Brook's monument
the, 25th inst, with. the medals prom
iced them by the Government. rhe
will have to be satisfied, however, wit
the new uniform adopted for them b
the executive committee, which con
sista of a navy serge Norfolk jacket an
pants, ancl cloth cap with leather Pee
which will give. the veterans a ver
smart appearanoe.wlien on parade. t
The. garden party of St, George'
guild was on of ' the !most for years.
The grounds. of Mrs., R, B Smith were -neer y�eoreuverius the e'en. ttn�gand
crowded, and the whole of the number. ea ,llg0to take east hoods 'seta tins,
1088 confeotrons and refreshments were Sold by Wdtts & Co Druggists.
sold: The fish pond'was a great source
of interest and ebjoyment to both old
and young; We gave our chance to
the baby son of Mr. II, Videau, man BIRTHS,
ager of the opera' house; and one of th
bandsmen and Mr, Ball kindly held th
little boy up and told him to fish. When
he drew up, his line everybody wa
amused to •see him fish up a pre
ty little rolling pin. '1'he• prizes wer
very good, and, some were quite expen
sive looking end pretty .articles. Vase
filled with lovely flowers were' upon
every table. The evening was a perfec
RORK1;,-In (Jlinton.od Jul 23rc1, the
e wiie of Me. George Rorke, of it sora,
OJIUHOHILL-In Goderich townsbip,.
8. on July 24th, the wife of Mr: Devitt
tr Churchill, of a daughter.
e FORD -In Clinton' on July -21st, the
wife of Mr. James Ford,. of a. son.
s DUNFORD-ln'Olinton on. July 24th,
the wife, of Mr, James Danford, of a
t daughter.
'one; the moon shone in all her bright
WELSH -In Clinton on J my lath, the
nese and the zephyr -like breeze swayed
the•little Chinese lanterns to and fro
The young ladies who waited upon the
guests wore white, •the evening being so
warm. The Marine Band played under
the sweeping trees and delighted every-
body. lir. Seager was .in his glory
and really felt that it was bordering on
the m'iraoulous• to have such a lovely
evening atter suoh a morning, We.felt
quite proud that TIIE'NEWB-REOoRD was
upheldlin-the-promise of moonlight the
oderioh correspondence gave. Miss
Bella Barker presented' us with a large
and handsomely arranged boquet,
which adorned her refreshment table
Quite a historio table of oak, and Eng-
lish, we'll warrant, one that has seen al-
most"a century and a half, being 140
years:old, and well preserved: On our
leaving the grounds a well known legal
gentleman furnished us with another
item, namely, that Col. C. Columbus
Crabb of Chicago was at the garden par-
r- GIBSON-In Wroxeter,'on ' Saturday,
July 15th, the wife of Mr. John Gib-
son, of.,a..son:--
wife of Mr. Robert Welsh, of a
SANDERSON--In Wingham, July 12,
Mrs. Albert Sanderson, of a daughter..
KENNEDY -In Wingham, July 10, Mrs
W, J. Kennedy, of a son.
RROS$-In Culross, on July 18th, Mrs..
t Thos. Ross, of a son.
MITCEIELL=In Exeter on the' 19th•
Inst„ the.wife of Wm, Mitchell, of a
daughter. • ' -
ERB-In CreditonEast, on Friday, Jttly
14th, the wife o(. Wm. Erb, of a
KEDDY--Xu'Usborne,.on July 15th, the J
wits. of Nelson Keddy, 3rd con., of a
PY1•I-In• tIsborne, on• :July 16th, the
wife of Cephus: Pym, .5th con., of a
daughter. .
KNIGHT -In Exeter, on the 17th inst.,
the wife of R. Knight, of ason,
BRADSFIAW-In Morris,, on July 1'1 th,
• the wife of Mr, Thos. Bradshaw, of if
1tloDonaid 827.., •
8 8. No. 1-L,zzie' Al an 736, Celiiaa
Durand 71f.
S. S. No '8 -Kate Hagan 805..
ii. S. No. 14 -Florence Petty 676, Her -
belt Phillips 644, Alex. lie Smillie 684.
Separate School -Entrance 'Standing�-
S. 8. No 4: -=Entrance Standieg-Maude
• NichoTaon.
8. 8. No. 7 --Josephine Foster ' 833, Geo.
E)gie.819, Wm. Jarrett 733:
S. •5. N. 9 -Bella Thompson 902.
8, 8. No. 13 -Melvin Keyes 811
0.8: `No. 3 -Ida Jory 674.
USBonee. •,
S. S. No. 2 -Thos. Allen 679, Harvey
Borland 645; Jessie Monteith 802.
- •S. $. I7o.. 3; -Author Diniaan704, •
8.5. No.'6--Lesire Robinson 628, Ethel
:Uodbolt 6866.
-Hen art! • 53
S. S••No 14 -Henry Martin 7.
S.' S. No. 16 - Mabel Hiokingbottom. 641,•
Lillian Paterson 629:
S. S. No. 10 -Jessie McLean 628, .
1t�ener. ler.
S. S. No. 1 -Entrance. Standing -'Mack
Curwin, Jae, Quarray.
Reading- Kate Hagan .and Mabel.
Hick'ingbottom.... , ,,, .,• '47.
Drawing--EdithFalconer. .... ., 91
Book -keeping -Bella Thompson...... 90
English Grammar -Jamie Monteith.: 120
Literature -Bella Thompson .........75
Composition --Bella Thompson 90
History -Jessie Monteith... ; ..... , , , 95
Geography -Bella Thompson 86'
Arithmetic--Robt. Miller, ,, ....... 144
Algebra -Mussell k'rayne . 89
Euclid -Glenn McDonald .. 89
Physiology --George Elgie. . 88
Total -Bella Thompson 962
Schools claiming to have done 0011tilltla.
tier' work should notify the Public 13o.hool
toll wing information: -Names of pupils
lnscator before September. let, giving 'the
regn arly attending the school during the
acedemie year, Sept. 1st, 1898, Wallas 80th;
trance before 1899; (b)tvho had passed the
P, 8. Leaving before 1899; (a) number who
paned H. 8, Entrance in 1899; (4) who
passed P. El. Leaving in 1899; (e) the year
the principal was appointed and hia profee-
• • The examiners make the following • sug-
geetione, which should be of benefit to fut.
are Entrance and Leaving candidatee.
(1) The work in clawilig ahould be ' done
entirely with lead 'pencil. Many cane'.
dates this year wiled their drawing by
lining the .figinee with pen and ink.
(2) The ruling in book keeping is beet done
with lead pencil., Red ink faun required at
the examination.
. (8) Candidates should learn to. arrange.
the work in grainreite, geography, etd.,
'tabulated 'form when asked to do so.
(4)LeEnolid, ruler and compering should.
be used in making the figures', the author--
ity for each step should be given in the
°ally arranged.
(5)Itt composition, more ettention should
be given to the use of capital letters end
punctuation make. Many oandidetes thia
year named to have no idea of sentence
, • (6) Special attention should be given to
sparing dad neattunie in every subject.
Some oandidateslestrforty or eetty marks
et the reoont domination, on account of
miatakee in spelling and the rough untidy
manner in which their work Was &Me.
Col, Crabb of Chicago le the peat of .
his sister, Mrs, WM. Lee.
The first things we were asked On
Therm:lay morning last wee: "Did you
hear of the Panic of Montreal being
broken into end one of the clerks hav-
ing tihet at a man? whioh, taken
ally, shoes that the hurglar aleyrn gave
Itt..:11411:vdiliglift.1,47httialt tit tel Wrdt(i)Vdre
burglare *era Mice, We presume the
bank clerke Were W011 provided Irithgite
ATMS, The affair made quite tt Beira,
at'tiled by Miss Aline Twat Of the Seine
placef mune clown °otitis lest trip of the
iltetiMer St, Andrew from the Sault,
They are the gueete ot Rite Set -
tyand took an exceedingly great into
eat in the Marine. Band. He said if the
Band purchased'a perfect set•of in'stru-
ments, they would cost-. in, Chicago
$500, and. if they chose to purchase
them lie would subscribe the halt sum,
.$250: That was nice, Columbus, we feel
proud. of any 'of our old' citizens who
wish to do their town honor. Col.
Crabb bas lived:' almost since his boy-
h'ood. in Chicago,•and is the oldest Con
ofthe' late C. C. Crabb, who built -the
large�-block at the corner of Kingston
and East streets and the Square. Rev.
_Mark and Mrs Turnbull were delighted
with the successful issue of -the garden
party, but the Rev, Mark was balled
away 'on'a'sick 'cell. Mra. Judge,Toms
also was quite proud of her shire in ma-
terially assisting the ladies of the Guild
by selling tickets to' the number of 300,
which' was her choice in the work;
Mrs. Terms is an adept in oh:urch work,
both in the choir' and out of it; always
ready' with her ,money and her time.
The ice create and refreshment 'table
looked -ga115-,` With its lovely large flag
draped around it.. • The entrance to the
grounds .were alio'. decorated, and:'a
great numberof'flags gaily floated from
the' trees inside Mr. and Mrs Seager
took up .their residence in Mrs R••B.
Smith's house for the summer, and kind=
ly assisted in eyery'` way to make-tbeir
grounds attractive. `rhe receipts., were
$149, truly a'nice sum, •
The Wetein Fait
The directors of this evei progressive
institution find themselves facing their
annual difficulty that of providing sue
Mee. accommodation for exhibitors
and visitors at the great Live Stook and
Agricultural Show of Western Canada,
but now as in the past they Etre equal
to the occasion, having plenty, of money
and hard earned experience. An ex-
tensive addition is in course of construe -
Mon • to ' the Machinery Hall, nearly
doubling its capacity. '
The Agricultural, Horticultural ancl
Dairy Building have been• moved and
reset, ao as to form one immense exhi-
bition hall, and one hundred and fifty
feet of an addition has been built there-
Also a new permanent prublie office
building over one hundred and fifty
feet long 18 being erected' at the King
street entrance for express, telephope
'telegraph, barber shop, parcel room mad
press offices, and to crown Jilt two large
open stands, 340 feet by 40 feet -up to
date in every particular for the cOmfert
of the public, with*, edditional refresh.,
nmeetint ht , booths- and 'dining halls under.
The Queen's Park, Fair Grounds,
hive been greatly' beautified by the
above atterations and additions.
Tbe prizes offered have been increased
by a little over $1,500eone thousand of
the amount going to the live stock
The special alarm:Alone are being ar.
ranged for,atid it is 'safe to say that only
the very best will be engaged, and plen-
ty of them.,
Anew secreta'ry, John A. Nelles,
has been appointed to fill the position
Vacated by Mr. Browne aften ten years
of service, and as the adage goes, "new
broome sweep clean," great things MaY
be looked forward to. We wiah the in-
coming officer evehr :Amen.
the wife of Mr. John Hunter, of a
ARMOUR -In East Wilwanosh, on July
10th, tbe wife of Mr. Jobn Armour of
aloCALLUM--In Grey, on July 17th,
the wife of Mr. Dan McCallum of a
Wroxeter, •on July 6th, the
. wife of Mr. Donald . Pope, of a daugh-
SIMPSON-NEV1Ne-On the Ilth July
at; Clio resideneed the bride's mother,
• son, to Miss Enima, F. Nevin all of
DAYMAN-LOWE.--On ,the-• 20th July;
at the manse, Kippen, by Rev. S.
bbrne Ont.
'of the bride's parents, June 28th, by
. by the Rev. K. MacLennan of Tivere
ton, Mr. Alexander:Fraser to Annie,
youngest`claughter of Me. D.MeLeod
• ef the 5th conceseion of Kinloss.
MeINTOSII-In Mullett on July 2.1th,
16, elemege Brydon, aged 80 years and
GIBSON-At the residence of her son,
T. W, Gibson, Toeonto, on Tuesday,
July 18th, Janet Frater, wife of the
late Alexander L. Gibson, formerlY of
carry complete stock. Qur
Wroxeter and Gederich, aged 88 'n this
e. Ibis- store's standar neverlowers. t takes 1'
� d� , Z t k s co ll age to a
T take the loss. n'eeessai'y to mo a all goods that belong to 0
Q summer, but out they. go regardless. of cost or value. Above o
0 everything else we insist on keeping thestocks,fid
• ,i' � 1>l �" clMatt anti
selling :all goods in their season. It is not, everywhere that
o, Way, o I Bele are many stores that carry goods over rattler
0 than sell at a fosse u s eL
But � y are . on a different track -no Q
' danger' of collision. These prices make the riddance 0
ID doubly certain ; o
0 ---Printed Ohallies0
lI fast colors were 8c now Gc."
0 •-Muslins floral designs were 121c now 5c.
-White: Ore .ons woven pink s pots 18'
p p p were c now Ge.
o -Printed Organdie Muslin 7 patterns were sec Dory Tec,
0 -Pink and pine Organdies rimy woven stripes were 10e now 710.
O -Wool Del•A ines int -Loral al designs were 23c now 12ec.' - o
-Wide Prints fast colors were Se now 5c.
o ---•Dress. Linen in stripes and spots were 121c now 5c. 0
-Fancy Dress. Goods 40 inches wide were 20e now 124c. 0
0 -Colored Oashineres,in 3 redoes 40 inches wide were tic now 10e, o
0, -Fancy Dress Goods plain anti figured were 50c now 35e,
O -Figured Dress Goods silk and wool were 75e now Mo. -
-Fine Dress goods in Covert Uloth were ,$1 now 75c. ' e
11t ff. �•ou are interested, in. the above goods you should l•
g d y u a bo o
here early Thursday, , n rl in«
d 1 n as chalice to t
y a h e new a_
Y se
o, sonablegoods at about hall' price does. not oftenl 0
oec 11, • �
M KINNON $c 00. -
o cooeeoQR,ece�,eeo • /
*my :OLOSINa:
We commence on June 15th to Close our Store every
evening at 7 o'clOck SharPop Saturdays and prior to
holidays exoepted.
Our stock of Hardware of all kinds is very cOmplete
and our prices are right, having a large stock in, be.
fore the late -advances on all kinds of Hardware.
Don't buy Binder Twine until you see our brand,
beats everything.
We .are now delivering Coal.
our Store -for prompt .delivery.
roadfoot, ox Co.
Leaye your orders at
For the Sriring'trade we are offering the largest and most com
plete stock of High, Medium and Low Priced Furniture in
the County. We have "some great values to offer in
Do not bny until you,haire paid: a visit to our Waxerooms.
line we a Horses and out
CUNZ--In Exeter on the 171h july, t ale up to date and our charges reasonable.
ItEINNEDY--In Winghatn, July 15th,
27 days.
3tidosayins,fant son ?twin) of Mr. and Mrs. •
Kennedy; aged 24 yeara,Cmonthil and
15, Ellen Hanna, wife of RobteMo.
Emily Lois Blackwell, wife of'W. J.
Burney, aged 31 years, 7 months and
'Night and Suncliy calls answered at Residence of our
Tourniture Dealers and Undertakers
Funeral Director, J.W. Chiclley, King St., opposite Foundry.
Mr. Andeew 31, Newlands. a well-
known enanufacturer of Galt,' died
• For Oyer Fifty Years
Mns. Wurseowe SOOTHING SYRUP has beim
Used by millions of mothers for their children
While teething. It disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by S. sick child suffering
and crying With pain of Cutting Teeth send at
once and got a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth-
ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re-
lieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Do -
pend upon ik_mothors, there la no mistake about
it, it cures Dlarrlicea__,_ regulates the Stoniach
and. bowele, MVOS WHIR Colic, softens the
Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and
energy to the whole system. "Mut Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea-
sant to the taste and is the Preseription of ono
of the oldest and best female physicians and
nurses in the United stelae Price twentrilve
cents a bottle. Sold. by all druggists throngh-
out the werld." Be sure and ask for "num,
The people of St. Itiary's have carried
a by-latv to raise 810,000 for a water-
works system for the town.
of r,ureka, /IaritesS Oil will take the
stiffness oat of old liarness and make
it soft as new, It will !Oak like new,
rops i
..„„, It oild, softens, blackens and
v 10.4, preserves the leather. *Stott
, , tett keep new harness from.
wearing out and renew
the life of old 'harness with
hareem ea on your
till) in Cane frOm
combining good quality with low
price. is te good seller. Give it a
trial and you'll want -it again. At
$1.00, per cwte it is splendid value,
indeed, 'it is the &putt deny floue
ever imported into Clinton. Bread
made from White Swen flobr looks'
well and is pleasant to take.
Eggs wean ted,
'Tang 214 1.8
Fare_.$28 ta all Matti-
-.lobo points.
Good going boat M. rail, 4
Tickets good for two merithst,
roe further partiettlere apply to
people of Huron, and the Diver Hotel the moat
popular honse. havo itgain had it refitted
nntl renovated and nni it.hotter position than
last season to enter to tho wanta of the health
or elea.sureeeekIngpublie. haVe had roes
eidet to the river, immediately in froet Of the
The pretty Grove which extends along the -
watereide, where there is invitee room for
large motto fdttlea. Itis a cool; shady and
comfortehie seat for &hot day.
to wieke tote of it. 'There -
le ample deeommodation.
ilityfielte, Jane Oh.
Corn and Corn Chen always on. •
hand for sale.. Driye. to ware-
house oppesite,RailwayPassen-
. gar Station.
Clinton; "June 251,11, 101
"The Tourist Route
Of America,"
'Vestibule .trains daily between Hamilton,
Niegare Valls, Detroit and .Chicago,
and the best service is also via this route to
Ottawa, Montreal,. 'Quebec, Portland, etc. A
great variety of tom. embracing the eharniing
11/Iuskoka, Midland and Niph,sing Lakes, Geer- °
glen Bay, Mackinac, Dein th, Thousand Islands,
St. Lawrence Itiver,•Mon Weal ,Quebee, Segue
llaY River. Sea Coast Itosorts, Europe, etc.
Illustrated publicatiOns, maps and full and,
reliable information may be obtained from any
agent Grand .Trunk Railway System,
F, HOdgens, G. T.R. Ticket Agent,Clinten.
Nearly sixty pee cent of the students
we enrolled during The put year front..
outside of Stratfeal came fermi nearer
other businesa colleges than ours.
Three times the 'number of applialleons
for offlee help have been received this
year as compared with any previoue. .
yeitr. Only one kind of birsinees edne
cation given to our students and that
"the beat." Witte for tme new °ate.
IOgue, Ws the finest it Canada,
" NV. JeleLLIOTT; Principal.
0 000Ladies. Sete, effectual. Ladies ask
• your dniggist for Cooke Woe Reel L481.
mil. Take no °thetas all Mixtures, pills and
r -s$ No, is, 10 oegreen etinfloter,aa V1'1)1)2. Pte.
r *lima. The *kik Company,Windaor. Ont.
..s -Not. I and 2 sold and reeromnanded by ell
lespensible Dentate in Olgladei
!Jackson, Druggist,