HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-30, Page 4JAS.McMUROHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, l3LY'i'Ei, OMT. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a speotalty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes. No additional security required. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates We offer every accommodation con- etetent with mare and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell w111 do well to pleoe their property on our list for sale. Bente colieated, CONVEYANCING Or all kinds promptly attended to, INSURANCE, We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and respect. fully solicit your account. OFI'ICE HOURS: 10 A.14. to n KM, Business Cards. A. 11. MACDONALD, Barrleter, Solioltor, Notary, Eto, Sue. miter to d. F. Blair. Office over Stan. dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Mctro- politan Bank. V__._�_T____�._ FIGAMFOOT, HAYS t't BLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Eta, Of Ices—Those formerly occupied by Messrs; Cameron and Holt, Goderloh W. Proudtootl K,C. ; 11. C. Hays, G. F. Blair, G. E. LONG, L,D,S„ D.O.S. Dental Surgeon. Graduate of the Roya College of Dental Surgeons. An honor graduate of Taranto University, Odloe over James Cutt's store, Pretoria block, Blyth, At Auburn every Monday 9 min, to ti p.m. W. .1. MILNE, M,D.C,M, Vhyetoian and Surgeon. M.D.C.31., 11td v'italty of TrinityCollege; M.D., Queen's ,,Idnieersity; Felow of Trinity Medical Oatiegte, and member of the College of Pbysal�olans and Surgeons of Ontario. Car onor'for the County of Huron. Office, one door north of Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. S. SCOTT BRUSSELS, oNT. Auctioneer for Huron County Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office or THE STANDARD, Blyth. Blyth Livery AND Sale Eatables 9 99 Ota 90 go Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. 0n in pit re Firelnlass Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates, Best of accommodation to Commercial Traretlera and others requiring riga, Veterinary office at livery stable. --- ••— KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTR, INVESTIGATE Into the merits of the ) ental y %11- <j j -trattord o� t. It le the most successful business train• in; tchoot in Western Ontario. Our cog,. mercies!, Shorthand and Telegraphic D•. p trtmeuts are In the charge of able in• structure of experience+. All our (ionises are thrr nigh, up•to•1iate and p'& item. We have become one of the Iargesro hue!. nese tratnirg 'chock 1 - the prty ace. Get our free catalogue and learn what we aro doing. Commerolal sehoole as w 11 as buetness men employ our graduates. Stu dents art entering each week, Enter nre. ELLIOTT & McLACNLAN, Principals. PAGE FOUR—THE BLYTH STANDARD --JANUARY 8073t, lgo8, IIIc l #h &tartbat•..b. J. L. KERR, PUBLISHER, THURSDAY, JAN, 110, 1908, People We Know Mr, Ed, SteMillan spent the . past week visiting at Ripley. Dr, W. J. Milne, our reeve, is ab tending County Couneii in Goderich this week. On 'Tuesday Mr, and biro, Will. Moser and son left to start the home. ward trip to Saskatoon. They will visit at Mitchell and Oakville before returning, Mr. Moser is now a member of '"Phe flub Roofing & Cornice Works," which manufactures metal ceiling, shingles, lire proof windows and doors, etc. We hope he will be successful, which no doubt he will bo in this undertaking. Mr, John Kennedy left recently fur the American Soo, Mr. Geo, Thomson and 31r, Ed. Nicholson, of Brussels, were In town last Friday. Mra, 13. J. Crawford and Mrs. Jos. Stealers were at Hensel! on 'Tuesday calling on old friends, Mrs, Alex, McKellar gave a de- lightful 11vn o'clock tea to her lady friends on Friday afternoon, Mr, A. McNally accompanied by Mr. .t, Elder left Tuesday morning fur Newbridge to take stock In the store Mr, McNally has purchased. Mise Maggie Nicol left Blyth on Monday morning to make an extend, ed visit with her sisters at White- wood, Sask, Her many friends here will wish her a safe journey and pleasant Visit Mr. and Mrs, 13, J. Crawford and Miss Olive ; Mr. J. R. McNabb and Mrs. Win, McNally and blaster Seem, all of Dungannon, spent Sunday at the homes of a lir, Jos, $touters and Mr. A. McNally, Mra, Crawford is slaking a visit with Mrs, Stothers. WEATHER prophets AN already predicting an early spring, C. N. McLAREN BRUSSELS EMERGENCY SALE S12000.00 Stock of Bright New Merchandise Being Slaughtered. The greatest money saving oppor- tunity ever offered in the County of Huron. Strictly new goods, doomed, must be sold and will be sold regardless of cost. Read this list of attractions. Think it over, Compare. Prove what we say. Come. Come expecting to get goods very cheap. You'll get them. The terms of this sale are cash. Borrow the money if necessary, but don't fail to join the crowds in this sale. The greatest money saving event ever offered in Huron county. Dress Goods Dress Goods in Poplins, 'Venetian Cloths, Tweeds, Pommies, Cdshuleres, &rges, regular value up to 75c, Emer- gency Sale price 89c, 27 only Ladies' Winter Cloth Coats now and are this,easou's hesratyles. All Furs are beteg sold regardless of Dress Goods ill all our hest qualities of cloths and colulings, regular price up to $1,25, Emergency 51110 price 79c. at exactly half price, These are all cost or values. Men's and Boys' . . . Clothing Men's Beaver, Melton and '!'weed aency Sale price your choice for $7.50. Overcoats, our regular price got was Mena Tweed and Worsted Suits, our 98.50, Emergency Sale price 94.58, regular price up to 119,00, Emergency Men's Fine Beaver and Melton Over- Sale price 54 98, coats, our regular price up to $15,00, Boys' Three piece Suits, light and Emergency Sale price your choice$7,50; dark tweeds, sizes up to 83 with knicker New'l'wi ed Worsted and Serge Suits pants, regular prices up to 50.50, Ernst'- our regular prices up to $15.00. Einer- gency sale price RU.70. Ladles' Ready-to•wear Skirts, new this season, beet stiles and Wore, regu- lar price up to 54.00, Emergency Sale price 82,25, $5.00 and 54.00 Ladies' Heady -to -wear Skirt, Emergency Sale price 88.50. Sensational Selling in the Boot and Shoe Department \Vomen's Box Calf and Dongota Kid Boots, halo and blucher style, regular price 52,i u, Retiring Rale price 81.89. Women's Choice Doogolo and Vici Kid Roots, bit and blucher styles, re- gular price $2.14 and 82,10, Emergency sale price 81.79, Sten', Box Galt, Velour Calf and Kid Boots, regular prices 98.75 and 54.09. Emergency Sale pride $2.50, Men's Box Calf and Kid Boots, regu- lar price 82 50 Emergency Sale $1,79, Boys', Girls' and Children's Boots, '25 to 40 per cent less than regular prices. Overshoes, Cardigans and all Felt Shoes must go, cost not considering. G. N. McLAREN Next door to American Hotel e. 3311.UESa ° 1..s3 Children Enjoy It "I have used Ooltefooto $xpectorsat with the greatest eatistactton with sty children. It is s wonderful curt for colds and sore throat. I believe it far ed the life of my little son, who was very sick from a protracted cold on its lungs," MRS. ANNIE BRAMBLER, Orangeville, March 15, 1907. "I em greatly pleased with the good results we got from Ooltefeete IIxpee• Want. I get great comfort with it for my children," MRS. WALTER HAMMOND, 171 Argyle St., Toronto. Ooltstoote Bxpeotoraat Is the great. eat home prescription for all threat and chest troubles in the world, No home should ifs one hour without it. You tau have free sample by sending name to Dr. T: A. Stocumt Ltd., Toronto. All good drugginto keep it. Price, 25e. Bead forFree Aample Te -oar. CItCUCIS NOM, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in St, Andrew's church on Sunday morn. Mg. The Preparatory service will be held tomorrow afternoon (Friday) at 2.30. The service on Sunday evening will be tniseionary, The Pastor will conduct all services, e' e M Rev. A, Stewart Kerr, of Toronto, is conducting the services at Au- burn and Smith's Hill at present T 5 On Sunday last Rev, E. G. Powell of.Btussels, preached Educatfoaal sermons ink the Methodist church here, His two sermons were well lilted by tbose who beard him, e e Rev, S. Anderson, pastor of the Methodist church here, preached missionary sermons ill Brussels last Sunday, •, 5' e e e Rev, J. U81111111 B. A., took as his morning subject "the Betrayal" and In ,the evening preached on the words "Come unto me and 1 will give yott rest" Mr, WIlI, Moser, a fortiiter choir leader, delighted the congregationki;y singing "Hold Thou my band" at ill evening service. CovgNTtou.•The annual Ep. wortlt League Viand Sabbath School cotsv,:ation of`'tt a Goderich District will 4 held In,tbe Methodist church Seafoith, Feb.`I'd and 14th. Besides the. beat talent,in ttte District the fiillowi1ng gentlemen will he present Ret'. 1r. Cullens, who is working In the interest of the Y. M. t". A. ; Rev, A. C. Crews. D. '0.. of Toronto, Gen. eral Secretary Ad Sabbath Schools and Epworth Leagues ; and Dr. Livingston, who, is an inspiration to all who hear 111in, Special music will be given at each session by the Clinton Quartette,; Rev. W. Wilson of Kingsville ; Rev. T. A, Steadman Bayfield.; and the Seaforth Choir, The !eines of delegates should be sent at 'once to Mies A, Brownell, Seaforth; The Teats. Dowtes.-In Blyth on January 27th, Robert Downs, of Clinton, aged 75 yearn. SUBSCRIPTION price to all United States subscribers is 111,50 a year payable strictly In advance, Dow's' forget to hand in the names of your:visitors, we are always will. ing to publish them. Tits weather man must have had a terrible fight with the gid lady as he opened ap with a vengeance on Sunday and Monday. A VALUABLE Boort FRSE,—One of the choicest hooks of its class that has ever been issued In Canada, hast recently been published by Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. It Is entitled "Slocum's Dictionary of Dreams and Book of Life," Besides being a very reliable Interpreter of dreams, it contains many other features of great interest and value. Among then may he named : "IIow to give first aid to the Injured," "A Fortune Teller"—'t great Amuse. mem 111 feature suitable for parlor or social entertainuaents, in addition to these features it itnssesaea a vast fund of valuable Information for diseased and suffering humanity. The honk contains flfry pages if most litterestinn matter, and is hound In n handsome three cid„r'd paper cover. This c'.ver is n aludv iu Itself, being n modern mailed Kuigt•t Crusader, who has been accosted by a Lady Philanthropist. Between them a most interee,thlg minve'oatinn takes place. This hook will be mailed free upon rrghest to any 014! sending their mune ond address, std Sti 'ing they saw it In this paper, to Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, New Year New Prices Special inducements in Furs, Dress Goods, Etc. See our Overcoats and Boys' Cloth- ing before buying. It will pay you. J. A. ANDERSON E LN'IrII U,o'o;taw If You Feel a Cold Coming on break it up and stop;the cough with Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam It Is tat 'ftuairy &actor” to enwareds of homes, for couiih., rolls, bser.ene.e, left t4ort, stoop .ed bronchi/di, lt's wonderful h.,w a few dots of MS reliable real{, oteste up a cola owl twee the cough. Rigged bottle for Use money, too, ase. Al all dealers, • 28 lialteNlAL MW in CNIY4CAL CO. of CANADA, LLMITeO, tewoots, Nos, Sold in Blyth by J. M. Hamilton. ROBERT N. OARNISS ALUEVALE — ONTARIO Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terme reasonable. twee arranged for at THE STANDARD office, Blyth, Take Rive Herb Tablets for Stomaeh Liver Kidney. 4n kr cleaning the 13100 1 200 dare traa'wert 51, 30 days' treatment, 25c. I'm Dr. M1ine'i Drug Stora WiMtsioe hoe, tl:e RIVAL HERO AGENTtt • Iih,c.o.''llna, Ont. fl full line kept Woodenware, Meats and Flour ---Five Stat, Best Manitoba and Choice Fatnily. I am now handling Cod Oil, Lying a perfect measttting tank with aor r: mac=, seal. Give ns a salt. Goode delivered, A. TAYLOR Cash for Butter and Egge. WO BLYTH A Blended Flour (of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) Makes the WHITEST BREAD er LIGHTEST BISCUITS a TASTIEST PASTRY « DAINTIEST CAKES BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one. The famous Bread and Pastry making qualities of Ontario fall wheat ---are combined with Manitoba spring wheat, which Adds strength and nutriment. BLENDED FLOURS are not only the beat for all home baking—they are also the MOST ECO'N(,''+,1ICAL They yield MORE bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other Try it, and you will use no other. "Made in Ontario" If Ns is theirs eta now