The Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-27, Page 27- t I'm -IV N" To .0 wol Siva-ko" An I=rW, It him b4oz WU44 In., "ildme'llt W07414 not*bo objgotl" 4 1 14 any w4y, and would remove t. opeOU14 '04 In 1, 0 collection of the FMIUSIT - =y at T10 -reveaus, and appealing for 4 usuf�- ho considered 4 btdaous featuro Of the News 3 mmma.ry I 41boo lis oft" warning U*t the liyar 14 of malpraotl 00, which Are Iia.. bargain. A division took pic rr'"d qf Ova MO, alX44006 &0 torpid or Inactive. More sOrlono erfealair the countryla financial strialts.; W1144 the L"Wftn of tbo Country the Wit waqr passed, ,V to *ad troubles may follow. Fox a prompt, Prof, XerIghl, au Austrian sevonaut, Ars �olua* at Ottim, tho amendoftt lost " A voie of thir- Mithe LoAWnir Xgm McleAu ftogasdisoh* %Pd ia CAN"A�. The historical estate of while, makfar ark Aseent In bin ball*On' tr-three yeam to thirt"Ansys. i�V14140who RAI" 64yer �ba & ,Torftto,, July SI.—RagaLptit of be - 01181111448y it Vienna, a ..The $oorstizof stato tbea moved I Yr. 6 Alo. P no. I XA A grant tiO1167 strike bag started In wag gold ot attottoa for , lashed the otjk� "NATS REFORM. the third read a of tbo . Drummond twisou W and 00 Load* were too M%wb AMON- It WON of the balloon and throw b1moolf out 4% #T VIP votito ro*ort of Cb*rlep 1. of the 04 His to now! In it preo4rlouA Vollowing 14,the, text of the resoln- county Railway bill. for the 'roquirometto of the tradAl at WW14 the store -,About ffi,b(10,0010 in gold is the, KOO- Awitrl4glit to to bear,vigbi-el coudittou, tiou of which the Prime Kiplater given The Hen. David ills AoTed to the Westiern cattle ards. t 14, IA*rM* W rouse 4he liver, ra di 411401144 the bill by editing o v4auxe Pro- 14.QQ b AR (0. #.W 600 full, regular actloo of the bowelp ke output. so for. Of the cost Of the PRO109 04L 10 ' The Spanish Cabinet hois oceepted notice In onnection with the 9Ov0rA' viding that - the bill abou Ino and tie 4,cou"queaq sover#1 IOPAP 0 VQ -460 1 VQ they 4o not gripe ot pain do noi tax rate to 28.4-2 millp and.0reat 4ritalu and Cana4a . -ekb the Offer of the QUillearRegbOt to, W , 14 bt come poolol VIZI04 treat 36 W, W 094t Ox" Irritateor Infliamotho Interns Organs, opositloq for $oaats rc� into force until the act reapooNAX the of -the poorer grallas of butcher cattle 40irts 0 per I I . flunno ' For travAleat ^dvlirt1s.e&euta 10 coatS hat Inkyo iii.posItIVO tonic effect, W. atid'Woodittockla 20 millo . at he 0 ot--� the country by 'meat's pr per 114 - eutia 0011drat stsolbyrasitlot Tbe-Gover . Amajitt will build an tin. of ilia first folio 'Qf Shiske- ivi " up another $400,000 froui th; form,— Grind, +Trunk Ra4lwity in the Same Were lefti unwid, fist a 61WArO Won Sold at auction in 10111404 civil, at of ... 400.0po enjoyed �sd Use elevator at Montreal, by the That, it humble addrago 91 be fflun"ti6a, in brought into force by Pei -Ijael 406 Insertion— C Odd C04 r4welli, Us' tot: X1,700,a, reqvird priog, The bigo. roclaimatiqu, of the C UouWal. As a miatter of fact,, the market JAI, naiver liland, B.C., !a rapIdI jug of 0- OXclullft Of AIIOW,4 to Aar 94jesity the Queen, at d Joyoraor- unchanged frovA a CO% at Previous priga, for a cepy '%us an to ember10 I at. the Rey ttipl; ho amen mout was adopted, and on XourJd* won practically not I§Fcoodlag , OAA Ito)), 00-00 110T d.evelQp;aF ab a 44iniag centre. 47-151 al'tbal, the proviolquo of the aritisi the L job prevail - to Ily. hird reading Senator thin business condIttonewli alinwra- Aoertwouwaw without apoc� was kjIje4 by North Aigailoo- act, 1861, respecting Ville 3MV04 a six months' hot cable, djf- lain, A laborer, '"t' House Of LOkdA Nosed the 800� manifooto by the GX4 at' oldl ou 111teaday, th r gays: th4t the government ouid, It 4(; at Berlio Friday, ond xatiolag of (-,he 010reqkArilog i0aQ0' "H0406forth, and so long as It may Wished, ta�o the Grand Truni , o nIla atreotildan will W , Published till fie, ht the, powero of tbt� Senate of Canada I at interior 7. an keqIeV& to provide soat;4 tar their ao, n9reAse of 1i.080 in the past Year. owtanks by a volts, of 74 it favor to N 46 �opulatlon of Vull is 18,45 not please God to blaie no with a Paul the, making of lawii Oro ansatilsfa rY via Richmond mt�CRL !Pilttlo Was A isbada forbid - ano John Emmert n', Joh" etc K 4 road 4011100i P01714UPS, be! Tr&'Asloitik ,Q"4AP% - . i he right of succession -to - the, thr9a to got into or. 'Tor penis for first In- LEADIP0. PAR098, and should be, brought more, tuk!par- The House again divided, the ainend- it m4in-, Ito Spartan d. -1he Marquis of 'Siti4i;lary devolves, am T -4o prim 6r shippor Woo we lertlou,-g, cont for each oul)4equent . won got oft OPPOse' ordlul; to the procis;o do- a vote Smith's block Opposite Post Office `-Ib U-. 11r.me blinister, spoke-, duct voted, finition of t Inny w'it the rinciple a pc ue Qf good to OWPsOA'0_10IAAd Ot Thursday eve be law of fccessiou': upon _Vular Men',ill for a hoist being lost nfttned. hin wan alao'tr . I mcaoure, � 0 -pray of thixty-five nas to sixteen yeas. obaep, laipbs. ing, our beldv:pd brother, the Grad Dpke gqveraim at, and Ing, thA H - r catt THR, O.REq0RI). will l4. sent boico butchei Is, be,,Sevato has sholvoll.the ftedis any, address, firlde, of vojstagl� it) of.Stirliag was. kili� syndicate fund for carring on globae. Al--XalI4tOvlt6h" majesty may be plaa4ed to recommend button bill. Mr, Mil "Ce, Anna' Marta. W, .18 Voice iu,f%VOt iiWcl calves. .00, fo0vt 1, ridalAor yomr� Payible, In advaaca� a0laid Life I b;y. falling. from a load of the oaolf oi� Mrs. u0es Il,.im,'8atd that the doath of the to the Inaperial.Parltament a measure Of the 'bill at some length. Wh4a tVile market 0, a prao.1cally 114", `ivho ul, ond6avering w prove Litat'it wa .0 not so Paid.. 11604 ofte for Coxiis4a, 00reWitch, Grand Duke George, who for L110 anieudimea� Sgeaking n Oft constitutionality of accident. Wkile, 'wheeling 14 r"e,, w WAS (1.00 � t of the, said Rot In 44to,to wbibh every'Aub4oA114011 t 0 bill, Mr. Alilis was interrupted by' jvv�utful 048, p Wr(e, olia,(00 000 tiqoipar-olti. son of Ge?rga r u a tZlItt 1,,091ce of'Porkland, which. has a such terms an will. Void � in daiabltod' 'by the number. on ir ( unitils -111l,WJ1:000 144uth bicycle 00400A411y make Sir MAokenzie laowell, who asked it , Xunt.I,W bogs came In,, 4ud prices, awaa.drowned In* a bera y*ub rip, addree trer 00 tjOn, over the hilly country about Abbas proviaxon, as of4 . "old ace t,'Tuaisday. No' piper dlscqatja� Notabliol 1(flk2 Tip -rellobivandfavorite- . lv,t4 Uuli' I;o­A;10,0J0i,, eWould refer the ques- aM' steady at. the ikdva. god unti fit ore paid, except amounts rumau, in the itishap It the 'House of Clo One -passes guy ttot: to the courts for determipatida,' 1� rom 100 to 200 'Warden Platt ban Introduced a Mill rlmo hogs, noaling f Virederiek d that bill raja a to Hou. David Mills I -wiled L-86 per lb. w4a paid, tQr light Waikinj3; of the ca"ed -him muc loss of bloo tfat say- 11114., $ 3 t � of r4fornim a the, eastern "niten- or fitill W rauded steamer Paris, w4ono lic�aifts one could to fat!.44d Ugivy tat the pAce is 4"M J� MITOHBLb� -Out' TROW1111 the Grand Dake, died on. the spot. of ka it there. lit the option of the proprietor. Edito and pifoprieltor. wus suspeadod for -twp. years, was to the ocourrence. pass or mmendis in ik way not accepted by. � Sir Xaok6)2zle Bowell—you would, per', lb.; but poor lean.. hogs "are not have Isit t4a sea Of his owti.volitiov it, 0 -per lb. . the 119use of Cc In na, then, it the ieftiso,a fiat, foNe%ilag more than 4& will be formally Opened On at the end Of,* the present season. " At'! House 64 Commons at, thei next f6llow� . Ron. David Mill% --We nev6r reruse olva. tire fate )pijilp ad per lb. ��Iulllly 403ZIhA ton, he. has &..quiet 'bo4ae, 'S PARINCT. ing:nossion again pas flat where It shoulo be issued. A 139AVE LAD StqgS Ise I I at, PTHf :�OLSON18 BANK Albiirt'Sir-i t, N,6rth, Clint6n. Me, sea each bill,and 1ga ii� )neor. . ted.by allament!W�, Tile Ron -trial City Vounoll has -voted where, 'Intends to'rost fiom� his,14-. atat Loagla6ed — The Gover Stotre hogs will not, SOIL 1 8 - of - a ad r of me Of t t6�bOro*' 6,'000,000 from the Bank bors -enjoy the retros at can take the u6stion to the Following IS the raup ourreu ',1013131N.�*&*$PKIALTY, �; Poo, the S3Uat8 again rejects or fails to pass aoxitreal. Long. and useful oateer. SIVAM Out With 1101ank sk'n(I $trie4l lb(I or -amends the, same in a way not ao- courts, and no one Is Can. ibus, tadleii Who In Woodwor�, froao'k and first-olPA4 nixter4j'; wlie Of Rev� Thomas magnificent sword, suam;lled 4voil. 4ir VIVO a of Commons, the Sir Mackenzie Bowell—If the Minis - C cepted'by thwaous ter.wants.. . a courageous motioawe can Cottle, R and work guaranteed. Farm Implements and adutl of $jte Catharhie�, died yeatert and, set with brilliailits, in- Governo Shippeira, per owt. -04% $515. in . rapalred. day morning. scription, Biagi A despatch fror —Gar- r4oneral may,. by proolara* move X-mQntba' hoist. and expec Is. every man Ottawa, says: to -a st­ Jon, convene- one or tuor --The bon, gntlb� Butcheir; choice do. . $70 4 40.' to do his Only," sad on the roverap, don He the J&year-qld a joint aittingo ., Ron. David Mills General Hutton says that inili.ifty abb of. the 376, -the members of the -two houies for man ought to che�*, melt., to -good, 3 20, MONTREALo L, 14of down in, Queb 0114 bo "Trafalgar.", whlch�ws preseated.by late Major Reran,atid of have - mo, ved 4 six Bt111A r era 60 il Btitibherj Interior. 4GO 00 mot 1131o, to tonch FFenoh.. the City of Loadon, to Admiral Lord randospbow of. the'further Of ouch bill miRiktho' hoist. Sheop a4 Lambs, ON. -AfA0PXIl;tt1J0N. President Tbe. Ndill'op Mutual ire Colting,wopil, who was second in Corn- khe late Mr. Gordon I or am Sir— owell I ought S, Pokr Cwt. 826 STA'�I'JR04AS.Qan, Manager HQnrki:`Wqjdon Ihiggan, ag6d. 7, Ot- Mand at 4 -he liattle of Trafalgar, *ms a lieroic act the endmpiats and a question whether., 'not. we, tto crellited wlt� or agiendmbrits shall . Pass" Ban. David'Mills insisted tbat*�be Bucks, Ixer, owt, 25o 275 gold: at auction in London for'4440. other clay, In'the oduisa of the aftevi such bill , 'A 50 111surame Company. wa, Woe drowned in the Ottawa. Rlvo, each . 800 oei ap'ThUrsday afternoon. :'The -whole permitinenGitedf V iiao boijectionil 111�416, likaft th�all bc dieVidee ty q In' Government was pledged to the prin-`SPri 9 -1011kab91 Issued; Brerlin and'Amerlean Rich unt- -nood, at Chilsea,'Miss Bagel Christie, ajority ofAhe of the People to introduce the Mae- Wilkers Wnd Calves. 06 4 Two freight trains collided on. the ad i"ofantry. stationed- in the ba�racka a -of bought tind so). interest wad 11 ged 15, daughter of r. members 'ouses Presen W. J. Chri of che'bill,'and -had the mandate -Cows, e�Gix. 12ii Is- Fum and 1901i0tW Town Fr6perty fxtiarcolonial, at Springhill Junction, at Aiderlibot,, which is inong the t. a ciple 00 4500, N.S.- on Saturday night,' of' thei Bank 0 taWa, ad 'voting, and the vote. �of any such Jai-kent, ar of t who is sure, The amandmeqt was,thon do- Cfalyne, each. 200 Goo my headquarters in �tbo Joint sitting shall, -as respioto stick bill clarad carried, by� a 'vote of 86 to liiiitarist,1416wed on eviins 0 less was Seriously woundd by an an-. f In readifiass.-to depark; for by. -Aged 17,"and Hilda Kirby;. 460 16, Cbokc�- hogis'. Per -cwt. 4 70 12 14 01 and -up... gine at Atilttiville, Pride). outh Africa at a mommitla Aug, offedt as a vote of the � Senate (in- RON AND STEEL BOUNTIES. niltioe, Tw6rdaughtii Light bogs, er owt. 25 48714 J. B. ProAld ht, KiIiven, in, o Mr, '%Via. Kirby, agent of' .A -0. T. R. septionman named Love-, IJT�Akted'�Xlngdora, has been ordered jo.-Suminoring at 1046 less; Georgina Ktr- or amendinonts, have the. Same force .14. hold'itsel 0 lia�itali6us of Ito Thomas Fraror,vice-pregaeat Bru 'I rCompboll Reaves of Montreal has unt6d infantry, sta- der, Jk4e exis�tirig 6o�stitution The Ministot of inance secured the Heavyboks,�Wwvt, 25 4 37 1-2.* "IV. J. Shannon; Weny-TrerLk.78a.forth P. 0 � 6urcased a contr target in the tionad militaiy centers, , iind the Gilmouf third reading of kkis bill exittruding'un- Lumber Coinray. DAIRY. PRODUCE, dvauo�d. to farmers on. their own Thomas E. HiI75.11%FJ)4�otor OR Low-ek1eftforth J�iakstbu locomotive or a. several officers of the. -Medical Depart- Clkelsea; Mrs. 1). Behan and MIMAgnes TRIBUTE TO, MR. IVES. "41,1907 and providing fdr the gradual. I sage re cl received word.1p'Place Behan 6ir'.0harl 1902 onward 4f the , Buttai. Stealty'ni"Irket, The isodipta of more eudorAers. No-3no* P. 0. qgiyed as. Dr 'Wardels skeletou'li S been ment, have ale of, 369 Rideau'atteet, 0 sulm- as TupOer f to thel extinction from f and.d'em ' fairly good, Quot- tbimifelves -in. readiness for active er� In' goveram. n iron and are ree and found at Ninga, ave' pit, vice, er residentsi went. in to.batitbe on the suddeii and a4ddemise, (if the, Ron. W. - -made In* Camada. atiqnsre.—Dauiry, tube, strictly choice C� BAEWE1;4_.Mj%nager. Clinton, W. G. Broadfoot, Reaforth: Jobn 0. Grieve. in a gra I steel enC. Wjiiiatie4 upo W.Inthrop , H G"rozo Dale. Reatorth: Thomas U. a disappeaged iive years tigo. :send 'beach of ta, ab S. an sland Sir.Chaklaa Tupper repeated What be. 13 to 14c; small alry.: lb, prin a 140yF, Seafor,h,- Xamer Evans. Beachwood . UNITED. STATE ..in the river,. R, Ives, in -*whom the House :bad 'lost .1 D � An'attempt will be made by Mt,l H. Just'off the villagis. The beach , u hn Walk Hailook, Thoinal Prom, Bruco� had one of its West 14. to'15o; crea 4uba a (1) bokes, 17 General Wheeler b Lled, members, a man, ho had said oul a former ocoasioii� in an Reid,. 'John B. dLern. Kippan;! JAI, P ascend Mount Aisini- Eta -Or, the always been considered safe and prob- as; a lawj egistator port of the gov6i2ment' Oblicy in this. W 180, pounds 18146. ppinee. ithang6d. Q bolne, Of the Canadian Rookies.' P-4t1i Cheese � Unc notation* ..9 Connolly, Clinton., no$ r' .a business ma;, ol matter. The Brooklyn Nav'y Yard Dock No. 2 ably would have been had. the bathers d of - a public de- Mr 11 w, 8 172! to 96, 61d, a OENTS:, Pois.aAd Holden sit in their calls at aggart, :ex -Minister of Rail- 9minal. RmIth, 1T%r1qo . k . ; RobPrtMoMillan. Safi- Napanee-, sullen, - bad collapsed. Ot: ventured too far out, a I an nistrato nker, -gloomy and breeding. par�=r ald a 10 ways, dissent at ai ta 12c. shown him elf euergeU July' ed'frony thb. vie-�V'of his forth Holden says'he will not be looked up .'A steel; Iron and tube trust lx�,s been" Mrs. Behan -eta 'AJ�PtRT'STREET, C=TON H61M.-ville, P 0.' John00y6nlock and it t a, Eginondville. J.W. yed-near the shore. andi.Ziable. Eta lois Wube grlia.t'. ohiafta!a, and thonilitno more foreigaL . Kingston to h Frontenae bbeese, Bokka _day there' Tch; C. Norijeolls., iud6R formed at Now York., but the girls, joining hands, waded 'out. indAd o his. ore shou;d be Jrecqgbized by the bounty 'white', Party, and the event 1,212 be PArties dqs' Xenle'i, 1c. 6xiet the agitation over Trade bet*e�n :the U� f,% mild -Bra, laughing and . splashing. each tAd6d, to imp than is actutill—Y-nocessary for mixing xea.coloted, and 280 Irdus-to t ingurance, or tr ress the lewn'bow frail and. aljd#t is the tenure,� by Which we ort v tionLtoanyol the above olftoors' -Britishi'flaig over the enly th i A General Banking Business . Trindact�d. to .aiged the At is falling off e -XP Sud ere was a scream, airWd. one 'bold our position here. He was aware .STj , PPLIOU4 TES. pact %her busiue�a, wif be prouiptly al -our o*n, Ctnadia,W ores. 340 e . — -he -Antleoid question vitk imglistered; iiiiere a ld a has both to apd, 145 at 8 7 - on Ite'l T wi nted, addrX.Pdto�hoi�,,respectivep6atofliqei6 Public quare at M Notes, Disepu P. of the Kirby girls disappeared. bRSSED HOGS A14D kOVISIONS. Drafts leaved. gay St. Claire, Mr. axLd Mrs. John D. Davis have.1oft that, the governnient:,wowd Jiave iiPropriatioa*.of nearly along active, and jnterest Allowed on Deposits� 1, Ti� Ii: NON, con- There to Tra img -in p eil, paisleys has been ot�otea New.Yoik on at antotfiobile trip aordso Behav shouted to her mother. I When sea ad to a kiljournment-of House he d'* rov$ . - I ., . . the bad, it million * dollirs for rs, ce-Presidents of d6plr4ble �veat b ore firmer and a little lik, Railwgy. ...no of the Vi the the' Continent. ML;b. .13ehan looked, Hazel Christie and t6 mark this packers , ere tist -Union Of Am� The h Xontreal r headin the two Kirby girle were - be4ig car- aoCb rivers. of Ming People's Rap een. for the 1p6sition * of public. highe, in some lhy,6a s1moki3d meato ain C. de- rai ion as erloa at I Whitnii� f Be a business and the time to-iday, Dr"sed biolo us arriva.ap .#fidaome dtoleso Will! ried away by th mt. MrS.L of th� a of .-transportation. facilltits,' gdts $ steady. Light ond. at a curre Iniurancia 'stroyd by fire Thurisday,nigh - t� daughter shoi0st .1-4ware-tat ratiitheig Tra on* follows: 'and hat "Obia, WO for improvementii o the be, 0, 1: hogs, on the streeit 'Warrei; 'sell. at. insapt,il,',-Represents several of, lisIt. i, Quebe.1drMers arle-Aaneridly Jub �01 $500,000, and -bolow i butchers. Inform On this island there are several sides Would jolt In an expression of 66.50 tc attou relatium to�' - Bufralo and C;oderich Dist' a he nt . Tminsi as it will A-gllie truit�haa been fdrined'in New camping WI&OW Iii'ven. . General. Dfarlot GoiiIg Wes portion, inglUding Mr. and sympathy to the family Of L tfie ljt�a Mi graiii atevatoi and, sto-ra—&',* 0 !or Quotation&. I OVIG 0To0ably.'gib .1hem fine, weather -to' which threatens to. invadl6 the Mrs. James F.' Gartow, X4.-aad Mrs. Iv&, as well -as d: the family of -shOnIders 6 -AgOntfor 'the - onfederation Life Insurance Mixed .5 L grdving.dook is- voted CO.' KoneV.ULoaiiojrnepAonsblaaat�x, -... i. iz.S.q . Canadian maike t. ItrL has plioopoop salted I xpress ...... -harvest their hay,' Waster-Godion Her.:'lato Senator Sang tha and a nhipLchani becani. car lots, 7c; ton lott, t John L E. * Cox, and ord. ael, Rivnr St. Et. long clean P11110.6 Pal' Mixed .............. 7-05V. capital.. I I reacei 078, -WO. . There is an* ropri 7 140,1; and backs,- 7 -7 269- blOck), opposite Market. inThe -remixins.,6f he, late la.'einry T., on"Ison of the late major eron, whol' The Prime.Minisfiir joined in Sir and ca.W l6ts 3-4 .. a 10-27 P-1111- 'Wbisj Kingston h a basic. found -A., tiegio who Murdered. two white. is 0 -exp tie -of $0-2,000 :for j s. for an a to, 80.. Going East, Expres ........... L a­�J." _a NV ampiag, wUh the C6j.ba; Afro. -Gar- Chailes's '.g.sian ai.to; the losewhiol, diLn, . (Rui 4 :,f- 7-40 Sd1moA Lake, in. which be, wis Men, s-bangedby M mob.at Alita" row land Mra, fv.OX board' the screanis parliiiineift n ional' l;5roVIS'io', dL ia�!­. listri4t; Smoked meats,-Mams, heavy, 10 1-2c; -last 4utumn. had,arista, 'irO 60 a light. 12o; breakfast Mr. Iva -Ontario. rawnd. ran to,. t -shore Without any, deatli-s of. the:loto S medi qONVEYANICII NO ...... 1... 2-55 P-111. Asad, but doing to*. life afterwards;' Pd. in the sudden court of -Ontario am, .11 1-2c.,, �Mixod .......... t and of the IT -2 to 12e ; pic'nic' 11 ims, 8 t4 4-35 P in , ­-Th9i dri'Vel"S'and 'conductors 'of h btLLhe---o4n4Ci live. -hesillati6a., ihe� brively wadedL right lat6 Seto tor Sautotd. - Mr. vea was a interefting appropriations on- bili()n, at,, L atrOke of' ligb t I aing res bred the the Suddenly they, too. gon . tleman with NvIloln he hadformid.aja alieii-.. Xabour.. law, $Sl- & 14c.; -roll baccia, 8 1-2 to 8 34o. AtIR. Ridbut., ingSouih,�Expr into ondonj Huron and Bruce :- -16rceinfetit, of litissea xtun -by the London street car A. '6f his arm�, which had - peeg.usii- Be aCquain ance,,Ll Item t -47 a.m, i -haie been Summoned for neg- use Lai. Theie -tw 000; balance of legal fees dnd.disbqrew ts­�6ut of pickle Io less.than. Pe........... 'a rikers. o ladies could swim a t Lad friendship as a strug- - E .. ......... 4-25 P.- take- out licenses; 1"9 for 13 ybars,! t F&Wg, a fainau but had not �halp arrived -oba, 4ticie&'for ssnokedL meats. Convey�fi�er,�. Coinmissioner, 1, , . I : ladling to p.Elk "' 911hir. YO63ig lawyer vleiting thi 84me milita. in 60ftniotion* 'with Napit; oGel North When broken in �tbres� er Livir Mass. it did it.16'certaiA all five would , have was a man I w - o roe&,. 6 34% '. tabs L 1 709 4hall1k, sLg at.. E96 � Brookfield, Circuits, h from an ballot,frauds, $1,941; expenses of com- Lard-7;ib ......... 6.5 inission edistributionAst. 8"G,ex- ?ire Insura-, 5 P� Places': W�ils, working for. ..Ridhardson -riceive. � at Sah: Franols6o perished,, as the'JA'OL ladiesmer6 weimht�- In tima6 Abitua(utance *With finances L 7o; compOund,.5.1-2 to.5 8-k. eal.Estate caltur, I Pauses . printing voters* list$, $34,000;L t tweu.� ad down with their clothes 8 and jiajujulr,--wa� j�h Cuiaminge, ii Mciney-to Lend.' M. C..DICK$QNI W. L. DAVIS. Son$' gingst6ii,Jose fiAn Manila report thot buihess,- akiri Dis, Pas -Agent, G. P. & T, A.,', P n TH A, ilLANK. a a !Pather trunlis for JQeWL members, *220; hem1or V7,000. daip ges. With the M, at; bUtho "United Statos SWAX OUT W! 0 a a 'on July 21.--lSpecial T*­ eotre'L "aikthority df an. exert; - N, STREET, .CLINTON li� -coniii i",d -I He - willingly t hibition, $175,000. . Towards Office?7 Totonto. te jek4 list Pari EiE 0. PATT S . 6 vb1anter � are 111% 0 -brought. ifing Witorical'data in regard to e 066tinues (lull; cote arc,., linton melanoientes pigk�;;�i.,or kisising The � or 6 comp ds.,.G. T. R. Agent. at Thousa:nds of tons of, iron :om, have fri the shore-Xrs. stie is subscribed to this expression of syInpA- grain marke 'bug, Which. esusing trouble, --Chrl lid her-*dio- thy. the 'AcAdian families iiii Canada;.L fl, UD - 33: 1-20, ex-storel, &-4JL. ift is said -to�bave b�en purchased in Newfoundlarid by 6r,- who Is stayin. With.ber, and q 6ed at at. . a a0pearduce in Aamilton.`L RESER TION� OF -E 100 drill ground and site fdr'an arm- 7t�; 'and buckwheit.at 59 l4c.-Ylbw. AEDICAL local capitalists' for, shipment to: Ph I- 'Pie](13.11ViOman, who Ilives ` near by. VA IOU' 4,9jkOyE.E8l 6' ' rTEL "M try at St. Thorfiss,,$6,000-;.cartridge 89R S FIRE 'A' T1 ST.: 6BORI sidelphla, to -be Into Gordbn Heron, is dull and steady;4intei wheat 1�at' �Skfirrnnia, a graduate 'Of who'had been to the vil- fsotory. -'reqUired for shell boxesl $I,- amb 'ants, V3.75 -to fi;. istraiglit rolfera,, /Queen's and. a qualiflid practifloner, steel' tore, rplurned, ust as Mrs. Chri- be prime >Xi r Gu3ma, , T Aister see- 00 ` monuments fo , lbsittle, fields,. $21iN, �L$8.40 to i go 65 to $1.70; d4trige, Persian of-tl�e'vlfiazli Witled 0' J, A mob on Smtuir'&Y gdii2ed' admit�.- itie'arri'ved. Hequjo�ly sea' $3.60; nL be I. �w � Was fined $80 by: the Police Magistrate ared 4 rope'. end reading' 6this. bilt for -the preserva- general 'Service knedals $10.000 , or , 'a 4 P"113a 1 Kinitobi - for qqui utL 04.10 to 94,80 Edjnburgh� it nk and Several unkinegs, Witu at HEiroiltba'for neglecting to 'register. tinee to tb'DLjaU at Gainesville, Georgia from -the camp, tbreWL Off his olbt'hiss 1 tion ofthe health of empioyeeg-on pu.b-' ammuiiiitiiin and defence 50 tor -$3- - Meal-. 4 6 ­ML ' , ' , 06�a tL a n.isd'Smith, itud. with'tbe aid of ilid Frenchwoman, I It, . strong bakers, fS . .90. 0&07-rOhlario Street, Lbinton., Night Tolillfty DeAtroyeti. u onday blow he and killed ' white mau.n% Works. The- meaguip wits o M001D ireviite, ;128,600; rifle ragea* in quiet; rolled Oets, in a jobbing way., calls *t f?0W(.d6or.*t',re' who as impri oned a charge of whose name could no't be ascertained ne which. $ sidence.on. 11atten from Beaitf,�6rd. says:t-. safe- - in -.'Ithn government bad lati; . ely been In- 07bilft; improvements to the Inter- �)2 he Lbndon . House- Hotol, mtidor. A despatch i Pushed into the'water a'haavy plank � duclid to bring in through the revela, colonili,side Cracks, rollium -stock, etc., -�(riedf; bpp.-Prosbytirit ti .. - . a,.ri quoted, nit $8.70 �per barrel ! aii(i ,,:bury Church.. bad 'Chativilley - �treet,' Montreal, L and got ir William. Waldorf Astor, now read- that lAY on the shore. By this tilne A ire� visited f a vAllame'of -Stj ita L $a U t at $1.15 gr bag. 'Veed. is in fa der in,inone, 4800, in notes and 40,0,000. 11 tiong made! by the recent commission $699,718.;�A. Ryan, for;,cla d 1 8 tie ok the'viarket is George Xitrig; ato, t Ln'tookidbu,'.1i fighting a personal two -of the girra bad sunk-1wicid: They �iatc@ the state -of health of "men eiia- 8te. Maria.. referied to . arbitration, mand; t 0. to his 1001 in mining shares. de Dk Giahani had also been wepf back steady, Ontario likan, in bulki #18 -to in in ssessmen.1; of -$21,000,006, levied it Now wardo. and �.ploynd 012 the contructi6i of the ..02111505 -1' - St. - Audiew'h Rapids,: i9ed A Y. short itinie m great The �vd ities are investi- Ylorki on, ibe plea, that h forwa6rds by tb eddies, !Crow's Neqt,Paaa Railway and -would River, 9W,000; to ' Pay.eiperto to (Succ�ssor to bi. Turnbull. porti . on stal autbo� �-Ls- it non-, $13.50; and shorts, 4%50 per ton' Liceh;i;ite of thl� Royal* C9110ge of p Ctfeths business,, part W C#e, iratiair -the' dsVafoara of a letter ;-'shoris hysic., air�sLdeut. -Karen; With gro at co Manitoba bran, $12.50 *to $18 Eng. P ace, son blo* W.,F. -Tid- O10bss,`apply;.,to all'p.ubI16 Works under the gather uniforin code, -.of rules for rail- ouillie; $16 to 926 Per, known as. the, Lawra Containing 01 ap by t, troll�r mrimam. J�' Morgan bas swom out With `fbe'piank. He, first ur fjfl� to.. 916; m to hie Otto . 1 i isdictioil of �pailjaaient, The' bill ha;d: ways 6f- Canada, t2,'000 Port. Colbortie, 'ton, including �Ofl di rlttetown, P clufflit Hazel. Cbristia'and pulted.;ber I already- been 'Aftilly discussed, in,, the harbpgr4niprovements, $15D,000.. baled hay. -Lis still joqd for shipments fici ab'd Resid Block mar&�6f Chs, baga; The di3mand for ately 6CC yAb'wiped out.,. The PjetatfloS PStro.y.r made chat -gee against the inaaagomeat 04, Dr. Turnbull, briAbor-in'the Magdalen Islandg;,- on, to,theLplank. Then one by gns, 66 ad are J. P�. LaWrasdn a privat 'Of New York efqrmatories-f9r woman w4pparHouige. arican, and English'njiirkete, and -aii inves- manag6d with the help of Uri. Gar. I Tb,'dbic 6 bank, xhe ieW ]�Qva Scoti� Id" Of 48M, to Mai Which are sure to result It firm; choice No.'l, $7.50 to Hazards, boot and shoe ussion on the bill lasted into priceslare stor.6, '000 at $:.Per cent. hits beian.successfully tigatloa by the State Board'of Cheri.' row and Mra. Cox who were. just the avenin A GALLANT WATCHMAN. Sass'' bakery shop and, adjoining 6012- 'floattsajiondobj the ave the keeping themselves afloat, t g sitting, and thei measure 48; No. 2'. $5.50. to $6; and clover at rage of ties.* - I!' ., - : I . 0 get -the 114,11., received its 'third aiia ft"i - tenders'. being .95 64, and a other two girls to, hold'on to * the $4.75 to $5.25 per ton, on track Pro cliurch,, i5b a r . '�hs vstiftiary� �Company of America -vlsions� are steady; heavy office -4 Site early A*i6 i4qn E lish leptioiXery; store,' A. Crozier butch� reading. Laborer Who swam lite River'Twice to As P111, piank. 'As 'soon at; he had -all. five Trains. holding . FISgE. ALES. T. unuer,s livery stable, iall. 6rized capital 6f 9125,. LOBSTER short out* main pork; @16; Apple-. shop, W. 6nL belfif eried.mq kequited., cirly accupiedly Dr. dif short "i ton; -a L(h an- auth -the. plank. Heron tied the - and ure of the steamer Potials 000,000, was, incorporated at �Trenton, - ro I Pe aroutd� the plan MeLeanan, Inverness,- ou m.0tiou TA desptta from Vancouver, says:- I the old Public' hall. a mall of: k, swain br.4 mok,415.6.; aelected heavy abort out qnblog,to register the full distance -X i1bot in to the nd'pulled ths'plank In.- To W go into aitiPply, complained of'an A spark from traiii set fire 6oueleas mass, J,, to' manufactur -The-' fire,orgIA1t6d from the oven said to have. .-bes& the .-chief whiskj,-Spifita, ale g' -a T H1 pat D $16,50; and heavy Ion -pure Cana - ON obol, in and 1.1 get, to ashore wag no eas.T' matter, as injustice to.his o oun. Y-+11-00% cut mesa, 0.15. lier ba;xel; C - to d ivreck of -that essel on ditillery.products and bye" 'proiducts, - the carrent was very strong. 'In fact, With. the eho3iges which.� th'W'lobster the bakery� The village has no prcP t' otion to and completely destroyed the rail- -to 7 1-4o per PHYSICIO-ANb. U N.* d,eagine. having fallen Ill- BIX�Fiph '$boot, west of bar- Rey -Te way. bridge thirteen. miles' west of than lar4, in polls, 1 -2 to tection, an ol' lb and comound refined at 5 1 i.ry is at James6w,n, N.Y.i. he was 64iii6d to land On the OPPO-* cOmM ission -lately � recommended: in con-' -2c; and to disuse, but r, Voild Kamloops, had just,, east of Cher r, 34 Offi�e anil IkQd the residents. joi6d III a�. night, - once. tiext/16, Mo themselves into m'L bucket brigadej;aiid I Hospital in a serious condition, the re- sito shore. nection with'the season; ry. i, per lb.; hams, 12 .,to 18 1 Bank,! Rattenbo "Jinton. ,A-' boy ',n4med -Faction, of Levis, suit; it is-alkired, bfInJurilis rece][ved Greek.. Thd bridgepanted au'arin of bacon, 11 . 1-2 to 12 1-26, Ofteto Q a ALL SAFELY LA The Minister of Fisheries replied that 8STed Whitt t4ey'rou a, D, 'Reid, 'ban Quebeel, on, Sunday slight averted what Wheing 'Initiated into -Tamestown a, *-and wag a Howe,trass lb.. CheaS6 is' fiiM at a 3,4, . to. Cauzilt fiie,' but the Ic When the party were. safely landed IL concession 'could . udt'be made t In- Kamloops Lak go for -*Vesterna; and 18 5-8 to 8 3-46: guisbelf bifore, In flaines were extin- might have been, a bad accident. to An Tent, igbts * of the. M4Lccgbeea(. the 'girls were -very exhausted. verneas in: thin matter WiffioutAts 96.� btrudture, 125 feet..iu lengtIL The 1401 - Ail 'train by giving tlinely Terry has placed th. atter' in. the 'Dr * Ang extended to the a Batter In also strong*at' ch harra was dcrtt� Inter661q, for Eastern., Mr. Howells h6use wag.also slightly v�arninj� fluit. some large stones were Davies, of -Cbelana, wits sent for. For,. �of Nova Scot djacent counties dent waa attended by an exhi "tion . Of 17 1-2 -to 180, for creamery; Western litiened. All -the �urr6xinding. buildings 'oii the tralak. bands of an attorneyj and deniands tU,,t,ly he Was, it and Prince Edward Is- bI at home, and was %oon dat erkes I were covered with wit Plankets, which. Tbe'St.'Trrsals DaUs, of t spot; When he administered. re. 'hat is MUCh*­ stock is quoted at, 0 lyi air finncial satisfaction for 'hie iiijut-, on the land, The Canadian lobiter fish" ' pluck on the part of a railway laborer ry is quoted at 13 1-210 140- E he Mask- leg. Oftener istped to sive. them.'' storatives. In the mornipg all five were Were: worth safegliarding, and exp�r­ drama Own iuxixil life 5 ' 80D in Moto- are steady; choice I tongs -.River, Q order bas been issuoli,extending showed that valuable fisheries tile But for -him 14c; ordinaryl-at 12c. -and No. 2 af.gtb pon The logo Will, be heavy, though f' uebec, are fqr sale and. reported an bbing all right lance 11,-� some United S again, Mr westgoing express would probably too, per dozen. The marketfor maple -had 'been llestroad through have been precipitated into the. water. syrup in� wood, 6 1-2 to a Shoe fates capitalists ate ne� ths Privileges and pr W. J. -Christie,, whose daughter. we ; elsewhere OPVIC ver ures arW not yet obtainable. oductl6n of . the c gotlating fdr the pprobase front the Am �riban flag to thls shipping of , Porig moved, says: that while every credit la . ek of pr9ticition, ThWC.P.R., watchman dlscover�d. the product is dvill ift '85,tiD We, per tin. he Philippines; . A-11 ships must be given to Nis. Garrow and 7c, per -lb; and w lb. noney sured.- PANDITTIRE. fire, just in time tot% him to flair two Suga at 81-2 to 90, P( Clinto'h -11 attv�'!ndoftlo and oocupqfitek ak67 W811 ln� InAtistrial Society of the and t RIDEAU HALL ME I I- . ...* presar. owners vation of ur county of Itjc� . . J h6w.e*er. ulskito'nse. The falls *are dogired for owtio -by rbaidants of these, islands Mrs. Cox for their splendid efforts to it It-Blyt ever o day and - Mr. Hunter, who.' had lately,bcitg�j, purposes. in committelli of stipply, Mr. -George trains that were east and, west bound continties quiet, white clover comb, Bayficlil a hurs a After$,) on d6ring the livery.. Insured, I I t. only it day pr6-' ', British Coln at the time of the exchange oft he rail- sive, all five must wnbd Tayldr ittacked the goverAmait for respectively. 11; was late at night, and in 10 -lb sections,. 9 to 10c; dark, 7 to.8c, the �o-ipjer.. vious to thei fire. mbla has just floated Lfleation ot.trogties are inoldood. lit the, had it not been-foi�,the coolness of purchasing without lenders glasswite in order to inake sure of fft6pping the white extracted, 7 1-2 to Be,, and dark,. 1k ancObsilfullY; in London, a loan of order., young; Heron, It is supposed the girls and crockery from' a Montreal com- eaatboul3d train th idy at 85a, a watchman heroic� at 4 1-2 to 5o. Emus are eta ;G840,600, 01,700,000, at a fraction over. Chas. Graham, 'the ballad, writer, sfink into one of: the many holes, or pany to the value of $1,505. ally swain across the stream; at its to $1 a bushel. 10131i A ST. It -is a Common night, in the rural most s%tisfactory�l beinig NEW, DE _adattl.t, of Ch,na, t XTI Pigs harneds- wbow songs have been.sang, played basits that make the Gatineau so The question arose in the discussion junction with the lake and flogged -the ' Buffalo July 21. -Spring - wheat - d to.- awaIV form wagons, more'tbaa I per cent. higher than the and whistled everywhere, is dead in daftg6roud. W a bather it would mot be a cheaper and train. He made the rip back and Dull ut steady; No. 1 Northern, spot, 401111co� adjoioing:, Poster's Photo Gallery. best pioe.obtintil for any previoud NeW York. In a Province' it pitw* of the't great pop better 14vesixiient to put up ii now flagged thle 'we4tbound train, The pas- 17 141c; No. 2 Northern, 72 7-8o; Winter .6 , oredi - is very' ulirity of his i6ings, he in 1;aid to have W. F. DOLL UNDER ARREST.. building than to be. forever I irs�on both are warm in praise of whoat-Dull and weak; No. 2 red offsr� Olies, to 5,. good, diod. Penniless. For meet of. his work money to I . a eying out sangO, C, me tain th� present vioaka-' his, sLoilon. ad at 75 14c; No. 1 white quoted at. 75c, At ZuricV40p iecond Thursday of 6mcb xth'. aridme Power he was poorly p�id; -One of his grea 1�, Idoned. Corn - 'Unsettled,. No. 2 analia li khe a! In A Wormer Canadian Litigant -Took gal rest on track. -he .916be. Great Britain is first eat sum -eases, ' TWO Little' 0iris in on t i i Ar ow Tarl0l; rfollcomed to Pertorm TRIBUTE TO MR. GBOFFRION, MANY HOUSES COLLAPSED. yallovi, 3Q I -k; No. 8 yellow 39e; No. 2 With one-half the Ldtal abi In& , ton- Blue," brought him only #16,: ' - I $ . a, $go',- No. 8 corn, 88 8-40,04to - PP Ilse Peedv 10 The Pr=6 Minister rose to the Mai- IF cor VETERIN At - United States, 1#F87,720; 'Germany, * reau of Immigration of immigrants or- Aj despatch from New York, saya'­ 3 white, 29 1-20; 1 nag -is existing amounting to .97 Almost complte returns to -the Ou qo. 2 white, 3D 1-2 to 30 84o; No. A ION "oholy task of anno4noing the death cruslittoW. or rtna, 'and Alorming Firm; 1 40. 4 white, 28c; No. 2- b72,605;'Xorwpy, 1,545,822, France; 964-- rivifig In the United States, -for the Wed. V., 15oll, who a few years ago, of his, asteemad friend and colleague, quake Shocks. mixed, . 28 NG, 8 pAxed, 27 1-2c. 164; -Italy, 730,05S,, -Canada,. 698,783. the n. 0. A. Geoffrion. For this, se .0 33160kaltik Ball,. cvcr fiscal ylmr ending June $0, show on In. I resident of Winnipeg, golued ond tione withid a very brief ii a- A, despatch from Rdme soys:-Thefe Rye-SaI68 f No. 1, in store, at 62o. witer(hary S.urgebns. Gove . t -omen it Valet.. The total.tumber of Conadjai vessels civase, of $2,579 over, ther: fiscal' year t ritty; throughout' Canada - on ao� riterval Cillisti freight$ --� Weak, Flour Weak. li 6,648, of which stoamos. number 1,. endtid June SD,'1898, Tho number of no 0 the aAJ;0l of death- had visited parim, wag un eruption of Mount Btila this -Wheat closad,.-No. inspectors.,. utt 91 his suits with the Atherldan- ment 4 and rom'oved -one of its esteemed morning., After loud subterianean Detroit, July 210 Oilitli-Itialp"�a��gtrittt,Clititon; Residen 900, with an aggregate vitItie Of $go,- imniigratit arriving in 180 was Sti,878, -001" all1, white, cash, 74 1-4e; No. 9 red, cash, as against 2-29,299 for the previouis Watch Cas Company, and various wont and remgved one of its most ea- a6isse'ths. or4ter vomited, forth dense h and Juli 74 1-4o; September, 75 8 4' $0, 0 Slow It is said�, that- the Quebec Govora-o year. teemed, most Popular, and beloved columns- of smoke, *which weto f6liow- Toledo, Jul 21.-Wheitt-NO� 2jo Immigration in 1$98 It . 1; Am t 0 oth�r litigatidAh which he indulged in, members, nitnit itends to give effect to the smallest kor'10 years. The House; he felt, would -44 LECAL. isnow in trouble in Ne York. In. hardly realize. at once the magnitudi ad by enormous mosses 'of aand. A 13 bid, Yuly, 72 8-4o bid; Septem- scheme suggested by Lord Duffarin -4c, bid. Coriu-No. 9 mixed, U GENERAL.: that City his love for limW suits did of Clio lose sustalue& Mr. Ge6ffrion had strong earthquake shook occurred here bar, 74 s , No, S10 duringia ttrm of office in Canada Or tie taste for, active political life, aj-w 1-40. oats. -No. 2 mixed, 2lic. Rye- iths beautifying of Quebec. A prorad� Tasmania4avours . the. Australian, ,t and he gained much" pub at 240 o'clock this morningi and was 2, cash, $5.70; Clover se6d-Prima. Cash Ott. welrenzielo Is to'be built from Dufforin tar- ftileration, scheme. I'though throughout his lifetime, a folloived during the anguifig 15 mixt- no�v $4; Mtob6r, $4.66. SiARiSTBAS, SOLICITORS, ETC. fact- arijuhl the foot of the hill, Com- English ca pital is taking the place lioity, by it fight. in tho Courts for the i strong party. man, and it bad , been ated by it number of othei�-Isevere &Idt�, Rtlan.; July 21.-W�eat �LEOTON AND � BAYFIBLD. 4%MMC ? g!elely . nUtlad to the Parliament. of Spanish In. Cuba., right to rido- & *hoel and drive any only oat of the abundance of his heart shocks, I hard, cask, 74 3-4; July, 74 3-4o; No.� uildings. It Is- also proposed to ton- IT roe morei-caarbs of bubonic I The damage dode,blsra by the earth- 12o. July 720- Sep- io6-Elliott e , Ignite at. b ort of carriage on the Speedway, a that he had cons6ated to enter 0arlia- 7 tilt' a ut. tie was a manif. extraordinitry I Northerit, cash,, Sayf 'Id-Offloo-O lal a r Thursday, Vt never did; but we howe tinue thit pvomenada along Lbo wall, ate reported at Alsxaadrla,�.. roadway specially set apart I for drlv� me quake $books was Slight, but at (he tember, 71 7-8o; December, rA 140. - 'firs bi-idging St. J obn, Xob�ahon and dthar finfluence, of great alents, of sound village of Rocce, dl apFij,.15. il Pr g. W in a reat,,11irs 0 r wast of hing at We tifile Gen. Otis, the Vnited States com- era: of trotting horses. �Judgment, of aterline'tharacter, of kind ottth,east of Rome,:It ea 3 as in boot, 65c 0 ney to loan. 'Ot so covered with mander to i110 PhilipplUfS,, has: asked Ilia la,lemt public uppearahoe, how-. heart, of fait mind -and of uniquo WAS mOfO SOT- 'Ullwaukee; July gf.-Wheat-NO. I =9 a hleavy par- ious. A number ot'houseff in- -; No-, 2 Northern, 19 tt" V. It. MoReazle. of t�e' Y"es'tr thunderstorm whic that 0.46jth6kft , 751-26 dandrult that it looked -as if It around Vrellanit lightning struck Goo for 2,500.horses. ever; to in coAueation with a new grlev- aonality In the sphere in h 'he place, to A part of, a church, was de- 1-2o. Ry;! -No. 1, 58c, Barley -No. 14. of $33 had been out 10 A toguliir ano Newfoundland bid a' deficit moved. In Montreal he left it void molished at. Castel-Gandolto, on t 42 1-2,6, satiple, 98' to, 49e. Anger 'a 'residence at Shorkston and 000 lag &no#, and It culminated in his arrest, he aw&ploxt, storm. 11110d Mr. Anger and rendering Mrs. gurplu t year, but'thtre will be e.00.0 . 0 it took eliaien' of the br6ed-of polles� which It will be difficult It) fill- 112 north-west side pf Mount Albanti, and No-noed of this snowstorm ;d After end Miss Jehie, Beam both un- f3 this year. hove in the American me- his professional career, extending over 14 miles south-iat of Rome. No ta. As the surbithdr $Un Vdu conscious. The lightning ran down f Droviiiiii Voluapff to aee� damaged inou�.theY Period of tirty �ftrs, he had boon talides have been reported. TWOCANADIAN WINNER& Nditry, &c, 069hICHi 0 T. a, the State, for false imprisonment, tropoli to do the dead. so r. Doll i PdPular ­�ilth the beneh and bar alike, n1t1t, MO f0illitig 11flOW 116� Wilt th.-.4 060 Pipe through the stove and Davl0*Drug Store. through th wall into (16 next room but for fotm-h sak6 will enter suit for states,. Tbe, circumstances Were these: I T* his Party bin loss was irreparable. gild viemlpg Lead In the ore,' ona fratto or %W, Doll liv6q at No. 3,610 Am it porsotat friend of the Iste Mr.' THE TRAMP WAS, XILLED. 4' 11chirtfit oney to Loan. I"' Adr- Broadwayi.atid p to his head There will bi� thrds months of Court was riding down Bighth aOAkIU6 Of' tin-: Oeoffilon for upwards of thirty years, A despat6h!from. Bliley, saYs:-Liaut, ma&dowa again, tie Was killed Ili. motirning for the death of thd CZard- 'electric car at nine olcI6�k -on Wadnea- 'he could any, that, he had never heard aritiln zuding. of it ailt of sunday Noriatutt O� ion.. 61, \ rMher olt the Cz him give utterance to ali unkind word. %itch, ar. day night,. When a woman passeligery Gilchrist, Ink the Canadlas( Etc It in annoutiftd in lt6e tat the who hatl three ehildr9n1wrth bar, oOm- Ile was an honorablik., mqn, and his A da,l),tob from Bay St. Paul. Que., Theta.' It c6asiderable anxiety III riflo-man, won In the. tie in th6 Proiftle Vatican has - decided to -etablish tin plilinad' that the conductor Had not whole life was spent It' doing good, says: --Coroner Guilleniti;6 has been compq1tion, defeating Visiting, Wayn( 11A Auvirous pattion SIR CHARLES TUPPER. ot-Klondiklirs who IOU $Ivan proper change to hqr., tha, Sir Charlleg Tupper, though he had asked this morning to hold aninquest and Pattisan, alidt taking first ptize, t Atro lost Apring, none of at had each ar- who" Three Cituonleres U the Yr - D611, Doll .,to- AgtraO lial�eilton and St. Andrewi conductor's attention, and t , 6 womaii.' -qf a frqmp who was killm bicycle. Ptet Flowing, Brandon W I . gin 1%4�rd from alnea last fall till (Il io i ailed, Ott the ftca- ing up, pulled. the, tord which re- h I Geoffri;i;' sg(-116 ad at Petite Riviera, Goinpalay,' took wate pUblished, % - a"' "" J4MP �Thft *ore: very mea r6 go o tile prison, Its, I ly dnd tako . A t ad ltal;4n glatera hue' making the oifi6lal fe01 Illit Hg t, had seen enough nt responsible to hill- 6.mploy6ro for an ad- of h , to j at, y hirri in associating committing a theft atthe preabytery �;910, Hanill'oolas, stating. Ito, Daniel Me- The conneetiou of Gen de Pal- himself Wth 6vary uribir t a b6le ration of ass yester. 'a cotapetitiolk 6ral word that bad fin- The Duke of Cambtid Aullf& had'"ached Dawson City and ditiotial sum. This, tb6 conductor as ta ftoot t� Prim' my he servant at the presby0rY Ntary Publit, &cj, 11OUX with the Dreyfus does It to be sertod Doll advised her to do, so be Minl8ttr10 llp­�- He at W yatda, eammenced tb-day. Th6k( thilit '94. arria had been frozen so jnvestilrati5d, and his, disgrace i4samd ordered tbb men off the dar.� was knOwn, to be On# of the ablost, aNalved t 6 Presence of a thief W thil wore-seviral sor6s, of 46 cub of a pow %verely as'to loe a -lee by amputa- fulaillacut. Doll was gal, ousa and ve the ararm, Four Able 50. The Canadinif soores ware at. tions ho being at Wind City. ng throlgh 125tb street M406C influontlitl and most im parlahloxiers started after the thl6f4aad followco.-Lieut. Attobloy, 32nd# led th4 Tji(, eglebratod. Rindoo asoalie,'Siit� when- he heard a noise behind him, members of Parliament, His death BEAVER 0M. CLINTON Stealub6at travel bn ths: Ctt&wgJ. Riv- ral Blinskatonanda, who Was visit..,d by Tur wa# mor6 than a party JOAN', it Wag 6, r at him III the woods, One of the men Canadians with a seora, of 44; Surgeoto .6t is deoldift Cheap At 'PI!686tts ht the riatis of Walww,and all'Indlau arouna he saya he saw ol6vain loan to the whole 1*rIlsm6ai, which **hot him and the wound proved fatsil, Lieut. Bertram, 77th, and Capt. Ronnie these flitirts- of ditfkdruN In e rato -war. between courist is dead, They were discussing WhA- ld be eplored NY all. It fit said he sh . ot bastily, but. it Is also -4 thb "P- t goes further than !the Octaws RIVtr Navigation Co., aft that they -should artmt him or not, W" I asserted that he noto-d in a6lf­d6fenea, Ilith,'113; Capt. Wilbbn Sk%L 41; Lieut. this - Itprmptsitheir fdrdlittl0n. d Tile British ship, Caj,i,lo Cagile - W They debid6d that theta were enough IX THE - SENATE. -ItobertAon, Q.*O. It., K Staff Sargti b.N.6tdaller oompaniet ion the river. A - tht thief shown a ravoTvor a d it has AdIl otheir propettle artad to have foundered off -Rodk- of thma to do to- and seized him. Wbeo The lJon, David Millos, m6vtd te. kn a 4 Inayleg, R, G., 28; Major R6", Uth, 1k T11000 and return, dlatappe its. The sum of $15 and a Watch al Vrh6 3hootinig. nt 600 yards for the at' It Will tstt6ft COlOr t6 VILY I f Iniptham, western Australia. All hands, be. reached the statibu he denied to third readlaa of th-6 Grand :frunk to have been stolen wera. found on th - 'Of 00 W114,'may bb idade f6'r k. The oil boara war6 lost. capti%41 Stolukamp that he ha't rung a r4mmant bill, In donneetioll with, bbdy., Thb(,OVOAer Will inveatimat th =e challenge VA86 wits tomplet;a it Ptlaceild Loulit, In Just on tflual out of 6"ry 8(004'�O :Iot, on ca". r 91 lextension -of tht . Intereolo!#al eircumstaftoet. About seventy of. that mark& And It dodt 0611 mom It [VOL, -60ftrid, Chargelt 260, for. the Va. Tht, ftaratiat uprising in th u- any farii% but was htld in 03W it e tarn 't from Oftaws, to Tharso, southern peovinoes, of P;ertt lsi,opreZ- 'ball- Frank Mass, former Police Com- Rgilwiq 'to Moatteal, 'Tb%A motion men tua& tho highest "Alble, scoroll fwliku ind flotirlthas thill roots Me* Z - ople of Ottawa lag, land th Govttnmont' bitio sent m'"Io&4r of New York, wont ball, for *111, "Opt" , but oft the Motion that MAY $99 SALLOONIST DIL including Pt. PleMing, B. 1. Compsfi*- .4wh .0 the good r 41 - _ of the Canadian teRta. T166 gooTes of tbe -v ro; on3oying alfabst rise trip$ down MO infantry and cavalq into the to- him* MAIM* 4d M ba rl the bill be, lAsted ftmtor C emow is tkw b* fta short halt lbe- tw iWar". bisIllout district. blved that the clause oal"lliv this Other Causullillf Vft)*-Libaf. . PAC kley 861h4K,1041. nif. GMAT 911rTA11f. 06rmany's export4i, t# ths Valt6d AS TO. OTCLOPSDIAS. "Min"t id tronsf6v to thiti rand reltt# troth 41W 4i"hlp to Praiient6 ot and Graham, 48th, $4, Sur MO* Afr §tat*n for the# quartAt NA04 *Itb aeft, llw*y at Motatreal, all un- Oat, Thon4aaa 77th, alid PEI 11balw on th# H - X6 1 dbW,t want It, 111Y4 oft fiat*1ratli wast6ft-bound traffih be A daloplittoh from Clavalanit mays: -5, 4611, R.G, 88. It I'S your#. for handrod &X4 dfght6at warshi June last, wam 42100.004 aaw- cyclopedia Arready. 6 Words, It. ffAwkhl#� an aemonatit, Is I l , 6f Was killed In rt in Lite Brit bit' udtd by addinig thtrist* th an AAM V 750 b u. I and 0; W,000 L w, 0 app a- udg d - Ju 0 d lowl krAppl .01 to Of 11ii MA F2 oo-Ilut this aapared with 024,50,64 W tht, dork*# #&met th 0 � , r wme%(tiaj� IOU 1 d 1 6 2" of 414 Nosin-chat at- the Uoub,14, okiw it Wk tia 'evvainit, Aft* Labor Xetittolf-VP aAA Ths Rippal of Par ab�l *IA Iwa tall, P" pint that tbs (ts WOOLd Contra t my itair 11T." W PW m6a irm, 1a t rA. 14 P��4 W 1K 410 �t�d WaSter 9.-- euse, nad Berlin in� Au. Tulou Omramen kwanrW f,,r with t1re rflaptkotiVti wowo, OA I I thdald oar6 fo rt I *Vf ba* bm Wapoeialun qtoh,64 r-i(gard1bg the work of W r"" %V'1106 f t W ftbroue. toot a *VA 0OUrItYl YAM J,*4d* foLly to buy Auotrtt