HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-27, Page 1••• oo. • t's•';7 .• , .;toNt 7 sr* 7 T. •••••• ....••=.••••••••••,..1••••••••••1 21ot Year• CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 27,1899. Whole Number 1076 PIO ...,••,,,••••.. v••••••,•• *A. M.1, • ••••11* •1••••••••••••••••••• al,••••••• A J. T, Gairow is ,11I, 13, P. by On arnee et' an Absentee Witness. Ballot Stating Node Robert Holffles P, Both Cliog Desperately to Oillee IL Moe of - Public Opinion and in it Afilid of 4110 Einctorn;ir • • , Tne• -ealue old ;story.. Let your wittela ran for"the past five ev sor ye/mend never' nes1.10 cleaned or •eiled, And Tmiwonder it Iias • Atcipped, . , 17011 Can't Waille whet} you :step to think the Small ecnoutit•of Oil that is put in your Watch when it, is cle tied, , If yelthave a good weteh it4 .1.:LYtQi•i•le:;•'1;17oe Pe'agririu40' onlylengthees its life but 'Allow! • it to keep, More accurate time. poo•i) wait oom it stops for that inity be too late, but bring • it to - 11(3 novi" And have it thMoughly, creeeed and -repaired, • We are • expertitin our line. • (loot:4We Bo fr Orolt0,,OLIN. TOX DIM7 •,IQOCtaLtT J • V4VATIO14 TIME : 18' 1 0 1 When Knighthood "Was in , RDea.,aviudolleicar.u7n5ic, 75e. Slower, 70c. 3 _• Duet with 'an Occasional (1) Chorus, 75e. • ia •••••eThe Amateur Craeksman Bac NT°74ri5) ,.gp4e. 6o, $ •-- Sheldon's volportage Library I and others, at 15e each er 2 for250 up , $ E91ElallIEKMILKIM 4 $ "YourDarling,", a 1»tby ham, meek with curved spreader ends * and ilY over -$1.4O. . 9 ' Jeweler and Sxpert Waal • Aelddrer, . . • ••••••• ••••••••••.,,, 4 14tie Lamina . eterineuels Riet. • • Mr. TOeekeen bee sold his •driving In the Metter of rain Iluron bee far. mare 440, Alex. Lula of Stanley for ed very well this floasee, much better geed ftlure. . • • • than counties :Nether South where The fen* around, the 1,) ablie School. •' there lute beim acareity of moieture bas been removed. and, the result is •itla •tylgieen blades are few and far bet* improvement.• , weep. Thiaseerus to b9 thegeneratex- The regular menthly meeting Of the perience. Mr. Artinte Cook found it so W.C.T.C. Will lie held at the- home of on his trip lest week through. Halton of Mrs. Bidellecombe this afternoon, . endTeel where he Vent on business =While driving to • Loodesbino or , and pleasure bent. Ete has many- old Monday Mt. j. Taylor counted no Jess friends down there whom, be wiehed to • than eighteen •termini • drawing in to see and he also bail in view the ap- grain, .• ; pe ci op which he eity's will be fairly ,A meeting OfVourtiMap1eLeawi1l be good though not equal to that of Hur. held on Thursdayevening for which it on, • • large attendance of the nlembers is re-. , Next ?Weeders Excursion, 'quested, • • Weathernermitting next Tuesday's RevMr. Thompson of Turner 0 ap- excursion to Brantford prondiee to be poi/Alpert occupied the potpie of the a succese. A latge number wilt. go Ontario street churchlast .Sunday &pal Clinton, while other Pointe along eveningthe line it, e:expected to send it good The Wingbath journal has been contingent. Brantford is one Of the bought by Mr. Gito F Relibineformer• Most ettractive of one second rate Ate, ly of the St, Marys Jouinal, and to ies,, and, wbileit has it number ofbeau- , brightening up., . ty spots, there are also .several large Gardener Boutledge presented Tax rnanitfacturingconcerne to be visited NEWs...liveouri. with it basket each of by those *hose minds rim in a red currants currants and gooseberries: They anical chenna. The .0.0.F. • Were good. Thanks.' • • I:demi:teeny tbe'excursioeists who, be- , 3, MeOrae of the O. 0.F. band has ilveen tile arrival and denartine oftheir treated himself to a forty dollar Oar- train will have about ten hours in the 4 frh Palm Leaves; at 2 fin do . 4:1:00rica Voiding Fans at 10c, 16"5e, • 50 , Choice lines from $ $2 , • OA, OM.E po'fiple are in the habit of faking a glass too much, genorally costs thern:5e; to get 4t, (•*1 lih.Ve 8f,i glasses to ivany, that We are s. • offering 'tit 3C-eaub7.0E- io 35p. Ter duzen.;.,Tbey' are extia goOkl value, and, can ;be eflifl • our .South window. . 70,R a ,delicious dessert try Crdank .0,ustarci, It ethn. tains no Oorn.,.,starch„ requires-. notookng prepared in a Inin- utierkky..Sirnpk„Lk.„ bot)41. 1 o' 11' C ions aceorci• • BAG yeller3 • • .They are now ridden as a ilecessity, and the demand eon- ) Unties all through the year.,. We sell the best wheels made in ;7 Canada and the United States, * and quote the plosest cash prices. • '• . Do you want a wheel Now? "-Then call and seems, as we have Some very special values. Jecianvezuffro • One ofthe prettiest linea et Souvenir goods 'weever bought arenovr on .sale. • The dainty pieces of opal in, the • shape . ot Fin Trays. Plates, Napkin RtnEs;Collar Boxes, Etc., are decorated, by views of the town, and artiatically .hand painted...4 . • . Four viewscare shown -Town Hall,. Public,' Library, Willis Church. and. Of R " • • .* They are just the't tor eduyenire 'PrIes0 frem, eaoh. . • , • Theladies are always ititereated in For an :appetizer. try the 'latest styles. Wm .handle all the , American' and Canadian , Fashion Jour- sothe . of our Fanpy nals, but none are. as popular as the Delineator, Which.is sold at 16.3a copy SPiced Girkons.. (4.. or. 01 per year, , , , • VER yliiiiTG •new in 'the. 2 . We give the best in qualify, the most in , _... quantity and the lowest price to all. '.Canned Goods line, at: the .`f - - (." woa@otixtiaa$o • . g'cGUBIA@Cg.1%a'V' LE COOPER It CO. Clinton koeeise4964614,e6189440ee . • Oasb Paid' for Bate'r and Egge: end. Anircg$ tir led Apples, ' Phone 29: ' e0 •. • and well-writted cor- ' • respondence is Afeature, •of Tag NEws•RacOnn' 'which has a large and efficient staff -of report- . ers at various veleta in • the county . . .;. • .. • To seetire the news of • Huron . • • read THE. NEWS -RECORD ; •• Tar ; . Tat ,TW0. , • • Advertisements of ten words or under, address counted, -will be inserted in WEE Mows- Rikeono for 10 cents each in- sertion. Lost,. Found, For Sale, Servant Wanted, Etc. inay appear. among the 10-Cept..A.ds. ' • A 0111. new premises •are commodious an. enable u to carry a 1agei stoelt :than before,and thus • Mere, varled sereetion. riorn both points Of *.i670. our customers benefit,: and We want them 'to ;reap it: ;. We solicit an inspection, .believing that a. purehaSe: • " • Thls.has been •rio holiday season • with us; rather the reverse. Our ;trade is larger. than eyer befolo • Which we take -to mean that our . work satisfies our patrons: We • • can giVe you satisfaction, • Or if • Yon want' something in the line , of• summer goode ma these • prides., . . . • Ugh t, colored. Coat ancl Veit, $2.50. Black Coat, $1.50. White and Black will follow, " Stripe antsDuck °oat and P 1, $8.50. • Black Smock and • • Overalls edit $1.00.. Moleskin Overalls • .• • tup,frorn • $0.60. 5 A SPECIALTY. „ Whiter*eates (Thee. •,• •Mr. Robert Elliott of Porter's Rill ',Made a Pour of the Apple Belt last week to ascertain the coming seascm •'prospects and informs Tun Nnwe•eno. lona arid T,Brown hs invested in a citY. • _ • still more expensive onet ' • gowlere"iil tiondon. , ' The pulpit of the Baptia chtuth Wes Two rinks from the •I3owling Cllub' occumed.lastSunclay mertlieg bY Mr. toek part in it tournament in London ; George McTaggert of Seaforth, who Tuesday and yesterdey. London is it 1 tion iii•Goderich. • preached'quite acceptably.' \ • great 'bowlipg pentreand has • arty When oft duty during diylighkebief number of patrons . of the -genie Who Wheatley may be fond in Iiia lower can draw to the Kitty with a skill only garden whiehts kW., now 'it 0314\ of acquired' by experience and -nerve. The beauty end it jOY," Wh le the blosso eempanYvas gocid knit, the Clinton htst. • tiequitted themselves well. Mr. • 4•HotiouringThe Lord's Day" rfas the Poreest irin k vvas coinpesedofJohn- cuan that•fall apples will be short, but that the supply of the winter varieties • will be away ahead of last yeer.• Taken ell around he estimates the orchards give a profitable yield. , • . Aiirootive Window- •• As it window dresser, unique and eV - Neighbor Ogte Cooper has no superior, • Ris south window, a • g senable fOuntain, bas drawn mire than a passinglance from passers- y who ; must have beet:. impressed with. the, •idea. that a firm which is went to make So attractive -rt cliaplay is altogether likely to carry the eaipe progressive spritait3iaselent):th , 037 oer' branches • of th be Orders. 191. Illenotnentep . 'Seale 1•; Hoover's orders this past Weeb inclUde one .from Jee, Snell of Dashwood for dark pearl g,ranite mon-. - 0,1ifent•to memory Of his" parents,. and red granite from 3,'..Latta of Stanley. - On Thtintley they will erect a 'red _ granite in MeTaggart's cemetery to Merk the resting place of Mrs. John Veldwell of Usborne tewriehin. This flr,nx has also reeelved the cOntract for - the ea stone. trinunings „required for the new block.new in course of erec-.` eubjecit of discussion in Ontario street stone, 3disTliggart, Brydone and him - Methodist Murrell League on MOT/day' •self, While life, Jackson •skipped ,for' a evening. - Dr.,ThOinpeon gave a. mese' quartettethree Of Whom were :Dr eXcellent paper 60 the question Brnc e 3 ittepefind and D. McCorvie. ' The Middieten Branch of the W. A. on Tuesday 'Mr, 'Forrester 'defeated, .31: A, will Meet this'afteriinon at the Blenheim and /silage/a, while. Mr., residence of Bay,. anlmes for the Jackson outscored the TorontnThisties. :pnirPtise of packing their" 'annutil 'belie but stoocl:Seenrid With:Mitchell: • for the Indians the North- Wept.' . • F; rogreisivn'ann;ah., 'graBingham and Mr..3. Lowery The. ladies Of '.., the Opts.rie Street Of Snolmerhill and Bev E., ti. Snlith chlwisb , have "day .dI4,lu8sIQn tcsfc. 'met at Feiloff book store on. Tuesday seheines intirriately connecterl with the last and aelected.over sixty 'pod books progress of the church... One ietthe re for the Sunday' Sehoel Lavery at Snin-. nevating Of the auclitorinth by tring merhilk " . ' • out the old seatii and. ,replacing them A citizen calledyn TEE NEWS REO by niorW Modern ohes, arranged in am orti• yesterday and requested that the 'attention. of the: tOien authorities • be - pliitheatre Berle.. The prilicipat object - :to be gainedby the change is te .give .dritOn, to the fact that 'attle, etc.,are al- greater Seating:capacity which ' is de lowed to rotem theareets in 'cleflance,of mantled by the increase:Je church e by-law inede and. Providedmembership and eongregation. • The Miss Lizzie McNichol received tele, ladies of Ontario. generally aeon:a:lien gram on Friday stating. that her father 'AnY project of this nature they take in • was seelously ill; • She et :mice left for: hand. • • . ' her home in Brtieseli. hut' arrived -at 'gown/his vs,: c1,6ftliit; ' . • her father's; bedside fifteeninintites too A match between the above teams WO -to see him Alive... ' • . , -was-played-in-the• Park Tuesday even The secretary - of . the 'Underwriters' jog, the geme being continued through the full nine lnnrngs .The •ganie re- sulted in. an 'unexpected win • for -the 'visitors by four :runs, the..More stand- ing 15 to 49. .• Our boy'S. team playing. was not of the high, orderlhat We Use-. ally see them Put up but the iladividit- al: playing of. bohefty; Treager end Smittison was . the 'bele seen on the • grounds -during the season: The via; • tore put up a _Snappy awe and be- haved themselves like .gentlemen On the field. W. Rosa: of toietiumpired, and While it feW. of the -decisions given were questioned by someof the apectit2 tors, those that knew thegiune and itis technical points gave him' credit far .wiiihing to be strictly impartial. • • . Bowling Tournantint. • Pour rinks froin.:•the BalvIing Cluh took part in the teurriament. at' See - forth onTuesday and: Wednesday•of last week where they fared very. well, irorrester'e rinkstanclieg record in the finals, for which the' prizes were four tilk umbrelles,While•Jackeon's wcin the 00nm:1ation-and 'four -Oliver //Rivets. Iterhina's rink was in hard luck, being More auceessful hilt Year in a %larger tourney. Combe's rink WAS Made Of green players whogaie a good account of thenieelves: The .four rinks were eon3posed of : Brydene, J. Taylor, Z. P Thiclatil, D, Forrester. Rink 2-L, Kennedy, J. Ransford 3.• Fair, W. Jackson: Meclor- ' vie, J. W. Irwin,' '3, Johnstone, J. Har- land. Itink 4-T. Leckie, le. Boles,. J. Bell, if, B. Conihe. : • • - clines:es Old Mee, Assivietion arrived in town last Thurs- day evening and called out the fire bri••• .gade, but not to ,be caught napping they were throwing water • in good dine. , • " • • ' ' W„ M. Martin, B. A., 90n°, W. Martin of Exeter, a former student of the Colleglate.Institute And a graduate ofToronto UniVepaity, has receirea. the appointment, of Classical Mester of the *written High '5chool. • " • Shipments from (Hinton station this Week include one car tinge to tOrOnt0 by 0 WalhS, three tars cattle t Tor onto by IL Snlith,-lanibs to, Bilifalo by50. Reid, Mit by J. & R. • Itansford, andmachinery byMacpberion Ifoy- •'J..4, C. Cassels, . high mire expert,' gave,:a.peilnrrnance hist Friday even- ing mi a wire stritchedfrnin the poof of the Dowsed Reuse to the store op- posite. He Is an.artist•in,Olici air and did seieral clever tricks upon the wire. ' • • ' • " The Pawnee Indian medicine com-,* patty, Which has pitched its • tent on Printesettreet,•is 'giving a series. of nightly perfciemances, at each one of which there is saventire change of pro- gram. The company will be 'here all this week. . . •. , •.." The o f firer s of the S. A. 'ecirps say they will have it special time in the ,arracks on Friday evening wheat/14- -er and Mrs, Southall will conduct the meeting. The latterWill speak on S.A. Sidelights, during Which she will refer •to the conversion of a girl who mail, queraded as a man for fourteen years, 'At the close of the address ice cream Will be served. Admission, ten Cents. Owing to the intense heat of Monday evening there was not the Usual large Attendance at Bettenbury street Lea. ;rue,' but," netwithstandleg that, CLINTON', • • While three of the citizens of Olin; ton have passed the ninety mark there are several 'who have creased the scrip. tural 'three-se/ire and ten, Among these patriarchs are t- umult COLE. Mr. Cole fleet saw the light of day iti • George Rorke handled the topic, "0b., County Tipperary, freland, in 1814., • • servanee or the Sabbath" in it very His father Wes a tenant farmer and he 0110110121. acceptable manner. Tile League has folloived the Sante calling until hie Cllnton Winn 44- Masai,. • Four members of the Clinton Tennis 010, won six out ofseven events play - (Ain Rensall on. •Thmsday evening last. This, added to their previous Wine makes a verY creditable season fer, The events were: ' •,. neurmlts,f•fcTaggat tend Fair, pin- • " ton, defeated Ferguson and Berry, flensall.-ScoreLA--3; 6-4: Brock and Miller, Clinton; lost to Hen- derson and Bidet.. Hensell: Score • /-4-5 ; 0-4; • • alNeOES-McTaggart defeated Berry. Score -6-2, 6-0.' Fair defeated Ferguson Score -2---6 ;7-5 ;6-4 • Block won from Elder, Score -0-2 ' • • defeated Heriderecin. SeereH0-1; 6=4. . Lewis Won e' freSellery. Score -3-6; 6-2:; • . • - • lliappen. • A pretty wedding was celebrated it the manse .on 'Thursday' of last week when Mr.. Thomas Gerry Dayesan of Detroit, Mich.; and Miss Mary Lowe of Iishortie were united in marriage. The ceremony . was performed by 11,6,i. 5. Atheson, ,the pester Of $t.' Andrew's, The heidegroorn ie Herne bey,. being the seri of Mr.' and Mrs. Peter Deyn3an of. Tuckersmith.,, He le •now .an enter: prising and sueeessful merchant of Detroit.. .The.bfide was handsomely attired and looked' charming. She is the clenghter of ,Mr. and Mrs, George 'Lowe of flehorne township, much es- • teemed and; highly aceompliehed: Mr. Dayman• is t be congratidated_ oe Securing such a refined and accomplish- ed bride to share his joys and fortunes. After the aveddingdejeuner the 13appy Minnie left by evening train for heine, sweet home in the • beautiful ,City Of Detroit: Yenr coriespondea joins Many others in vviehing 'them many, useful end happy days.... . A Sad Eyent.-Aliout a week ago Miss Janet Ann fdeOlov„ second daugh- .ter of Mr. And -Mrs. John MeCley of Timkeismith took' seriously ill oUdiph- theria and, notwithstanding all; that .anedicel skill eould do, has been called • away.• The family have the sympathy of, theentirc community in their sore bereavement. • A few days'. ago Miss Mealoy was just Cie picture of health and now she le asleep in death, remind- ing us of the frailty, brevity and uneer- tainty of life. lathe' absence of Rev. N. Shaw, the pastor, 'Rev.. Mr.•Aches4 on, by requeet, attended the funeral,, The were intevred Egmend. trifle cemetery an ?richly. ,Miss McOlOy will be greatly missed es she was a great favorite. among' relatives and friends. She was twenty•two years of age anda Member of the' Presbyterian. church, Eginondiglle. Much sympa- thy is expressed for „the surviving anetriberit of the bereaved family and are glad to learn that they have 06 far escape&the dread contagion • Miss Jackson of Ripley;toul *Miss Cleawford, her cousin, weguestsre at ni A. Cantelon gang, and is accordingly Well and truly laid. So large a stem- ture could, na, of course, he ridged Mr. R. S, Lang la a and can pay as high. a price for apples Mr. Ainsley, county commission as any buyer in the market. We hone and son. of Wingham were the gm great apple king smith. last week, ' wise last wbursday, Mrs.Rwi.t aoHillutaandraGeeeo, t.hititaietah,p4i,n;shhe lWill may /secure a good quantity it. of Mr. S. Walter last week. the Johnston of St. Louis, formerly Miss elantgtern'; is his first season for tidying. The Mr. and MM. Mcgie of 'Varna w Rent of this place, accompanied by her serdpiiis mammoth 'barn with all the a chance as he wig pity side won. It is Me. Ball's Intention to. farmers of this vicious, shoot give him ae much as any. day.. , the guests ot•Mr.." E. Leonard ,on $ "a' MI" Bell of Hensel, also taade a latest tittle and labor-saving devices, call;er. Johnstone is now visiting _ for he is progressive and wideetveeke one in the business. Mr. 3. IL Holmes retilined from decided by vote to take. its outing ab twenty-ninth year when With his wife orittlTos. • : Brantford on civic holidaY, thetls next and eight -months' old child he came to Tuesday."' One or both of the Goderiell Canada and Aaron county. ftOlinton Leagues may else go Along. 1E BOVE du0.,014132.01 Tits. 'Oh di) I hear 1401116. one say, r ont think.1- yowl - don't Want fits. Oh yes you do. • Youlike your Coat ha your Panto to fit and you like auk* easy fitting Spring ,Overcoat. Your Eat won't look 'well if it don't fit. That is. the (-Rind, of fits we give our customers and guarantee good fits or no 'sale and you can film give us lie other akind of fits. Give ne a trial ix fit you out in a niee ihrfp,g Suit. You will be more than pleased for we make ft specialty of giving better values and better fits than. any house In ' town.' We are proetiCal tailors and can fit a giant or a dwarf and best Of all our prices will lit your pocket book. In the ready made department we lame MN FROM 0.6.0 TO $12.00 the latest styles and potato. .eivei Ili :I/ -d Weholiffill -8atfre Yolfht,oney, ofioT • "...• • . • was then known as. Vandehurg's Cor- t h .s tei and ner's and connoted Of hilt one house, 'remedy haye sold lightning coodoe. Cole settle at what ti now known y. tots this past week are Mullett -Dart. aa Itinburn in the towirahip of Mullett Miss Wells of Zurieb is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Fisher or Bernuitter snrantr. Monday evening was a Bible study Of iarittiaing 0. Knox a, m. Hill g, t j. and in going in had. to break the road., Mrs. Shafer. Sundayed Mr. Butt's, Miss Witsie of the -London Road re,! - Miss Dente Gives is home at present Genesis. Next Monday evening %he, Mountain 11. Colborne -James Strach. Ile lived there for sixteen yeare and Miss Jackson of Ripley Is visiting at The lineman is al) present fixing up topic Will be "Christian Citizenship.° an 5, I. Gledhill 2, W. Loire, 3.' Long afterwards•In Goderich township, but . the home of her gralld•narents,Mr. Alla turned home Saturday, after sPending the telephone post that woe Stenek by Secipeeer,h0I. Gederfill Townehlp. ••IihtY14014, 1••••••••••••••••1 . • Rebel Deau Bodging of Settfortir The long strafrof dirty linen which. toiik,the service in St. Pewee chrirob on •••••••,1••,1111 West Buren contributed. to the gedera Tire congregation tbe Church of Sunday 1,436, wed the nanFragatinn wan tauodry lost February will, when England. 14 BeYtteld- intend holding Well pleased with his disceuree. The • bibitiou at the office of the Olinton grounds on thenvening of Augnst 8rd. • prop'etly washed end ironed, be on ex- ! then' garden"PattY an the 'ceder/ The program; ugh be ell that could be • • Dean expressed himself AS well pleased- New Era with the work and attendance Ogre t. desired for a delightful evening. Music Sundity.scheol. In the abserlett of Miss e do not want,to castany' re ec _ „ voeal anti instrumental by talent at Flora killer, Mies Lizzie formed the duties of organiet. ' Lowery ver, lonvirs,htit BirnoigbuItnghearvaeollhiesedneaid: erious: home and abroad, ice.crelnaneloaan". reAat a6cident hanPened a few days ago to Inge, Watermelon and Mrs. jAohn Sheppard has been quite Mr. Wilbert guok tbs m,,kittona rangemeos are being Made With the ill for some time, but we shall 1141 an con. While unhitchillg a spirited hand. In fact theY are gningto do the reiteration good health. • much pleased to hear of her , yoeng eciFer, the 4,4410,1 frighteaea shoesotd thimate. 2t000 golvdevsyoo:u and became unmanageable kleking We congratulate Mr E, Wither, PtharnilltgheQauvter°alfgeelbgyh'ta. his Pupils at the entrance exams,. five then•A. E. is a good te"aeher, The iTolingiswistutetbtamt: , iithienbric:svt, ri C. h sf oinrittuun, : :61eMliritliam:in,Ff:mtirvaertirs.s.E.oitrKtgooll;:swcaouratrliddaoisit,ev;pieSeevktr.iso.iittin:: ately.did not hurt mock). nth/until the • fortb buggy was consideiably damaged, Rev. Rural Deau IRodgin s of Elea- - Me.:anciavirs. shnons ,00.dericil visiti. ng her pareete this week all of S. $.- •4 upon the succees or poi it on Sunda lest • successful...ones, with tbe nurabee of . • marks obtained by ekb, were; Ethel AggieSterling, wh/3 has retiirm ed from Detrolt•is visiting friends Pa slotTkia713.7e6 VT; he islie41181: H 683, arry Bea lts°8W144 tiobt O. antelon. visiting c°713'• °a The number of Inarks 'friends at tbeNile. • • , quired tO.pa,ss was 550. , • • quite an.innusing inoidept:.0eettered Among the new implenients in use. Mr 'Sunday afternoon as. Rev. Rural fo, the harveet field we notice the Nox4 Dean PedgIns,was•driving into Clinton, onJ3inder, of Mr. P. Beacom. • from Holrneaville.. As be appreached Mr. Henry' Watkins has been build- Bridgewater he asked it passer by if inga driving shed On • the fermOf'ide• people eguIddrive through and he very Henry Baker, on the lotk,conceseion„ hemblY directed his horse towards the and, like all jobs Undertaken by Mr, inviting stream. .After partaking of a Watkins, it will be well dem.. ; copious draught' the animal .evidently The.Oltrithian Endeavor Society has • Aid net have -enough and it, deliberate changed its night of Meeting froin ly. lay down in. the mild. The Rev. Wednesday to Stinday. At the .last gentle,coan, after futile efforts to urge , meeting the topic was taken. by S• him on„ had to strip off, . Wade in, and Kyle. ' The newly elated. officals ,Oe'i -as iMusnelWith hien in difficult cases; Roil. Fres., 'Rev. E.' 19, Smith: Free.. he Saceeeded in, pursuading the animal F, 'Miller; 1st Vice; 0. Nesbitt 2nd •to .nieke 'one. more afore and reach Voolere.,5;e,K;,.ywrle,;,.ER.e3).1e..i4Seerei„,11..Set,tsuNteeer.b,.iritt: '.to3;/nr..sp.afeetleyt:' Cook,-•ahigbly' :••• et;t4erned. Barr; Convenors of coorio.. LoWerY,. resident of 'this township, intends% W. Miller. J. •11,-LoWert• .• • • ; moving into Clinton in e. few weeks 'Mr.. George Rill has ancither amd"wtling down to the joys of , reel - horse to the buyers, and on Friday last delivered it in Seitforth- • dence there. •He does not., purpose, the knac.k littinghorses for the ink'', 'farm but has, instead, 'hired trusty Mr ilia has: however, either selling, or leasing his ket that dollars in his pocket. Bela Uantelon • who live in the a fine judge of • a, horse, and can judge braise and do the hntk of the plovving, one to.A nteety 'without laYing IvE4Ids.. Sowing- and reaning. Mr. Cook's pp it. •... • : , • riunterene friends will wish hint .manY, :•The tropS around Sunrimerha Will he.. happy years of retireinent nothing tii" boast abodt. ' The hay •work.' . . • • • rather light, fall.wheat won't Average. Master Nixon Welsh. of 'Clinton is mote than twelve bushels to the item spending his holidays at Mr. David tint pens and oats are 'There is . Clark'e and•Master.Eddie at the Welsh too mileb.einut halm bate, thoegh. and Burnet hoinesteads. -Wise Parr tif- Yiringho,b1 ;has been Miller putting; UP ' /ter gueet"..at *hal Shepherd. . motor for Mr. W. Weir.. • •. • Master Ofie,r*,Wallace Of London : Mr. W. Weir has .orie of the finest ' .crops of fall Wheat We have epett this .W/1. Henry Woodyard seasop. -By the appearance of it the visiting the Wallace - and lilreWirlel•Ae-.. yield will be nearly thirty-five bushels Millet:. • . • • ; • the- Ore. • • • . . About.fifteen men. ere ' employed' a .Cook, Who, at a good salary and • -the building of the: cement abutinents •represents .a big., New York' for the new bridge; vvhichiviil be aboilt. medieGew,,ernpany and .le , hoeresta, twenty feet high' finished. Shill- travels over-afters:I:states. is eriending Tow Lake ceMeet is beingusedondilk ' a week fte, the bilt1 hemesteed.:•. -Ile. is contract eitIlepr the boinpietion Of the one of the nuitlybo*frorn this. town - Work about .Augest. 15. 'Eletiry Aina• ship who- are doing welka battle; .ley, son of Engineer Aineley. insp.ec- Reeve Churchill lost gobtl:horse. on. • He estrapping young man add Monday -Irani surilitecike. those from this Wein- • . , • a chin" of the Old' biopic :by• all appear., ; . • 36:•0.1i -d- esho' ro4 • ity who are employed upon the works • • . are: D. Barri • and ;(:), j-ohnsoni One NeWs•RECORilo iliepreSeeted. in iiindes.- BrOwnlee,'IL Beaetim. and J.ardan. ticrey Parliner Who Is:authorized to receive Subscripti*and give receipts 'tor, *the Each of the seven is quite 'capable of putting.in goad day's Work, and knit °alas.) . . • : •as „min• g as capable..•... , ' On Saturday while Mr. •Reps' eon with • playing 011 a stack of hey he fell . and We are glad to hear that.Mr;',3, broke his leg.; They did not think it Lowery of ' S. S. :NO. 4, •Itullett4 'hits broken .at the thrie, but on. Sunday. he heen•engaged for 1900: This will Make. ,thiliplained of his leg and theyTat once . bis eleventh censecutive year as prin- sem:boned. Dr.• McCallum • who exern- cipal oU this ';;;Chool, in which he bas In itdm. ined thelimb. and found it biokeu just been: remarkably • successfid. aboile the ankle. The doctor set it and Mon to being a good edueittor of the the patient is now doing niaely.' -Young, Mr. Lowery le a good neighbor,• 'another good reeson for satisfaction on. . Mr. .4. G. Watt, our enterprising atecamtof his being re-engaged. • we Willer, is working at his dam' with a •wish him continued .success The sal- large staff. • It ism big job as Mr. VV'elib is going to make it strong and durable ery is $409 per annum, a :man reconi- .„ thia time. There. was alwaya tenebie pence torso goiel dteacher. •Mr..Elias Ball. of the Base Line • had with this dam in the 'Spring. when the ice was breakitig up, but he is, nOW go - his barn raising on Monday afternoon, when about two hundred Wen Tgath- ing to put up adam that ought te, stand almost anything: . arid to help put in Place the timbers of Mi.,• Geo. Snell ' and his son 'Robert what is One of 'the finest barns in the • Line, or in -the county fop that reader, wheeled to Belfast on Saturchty„retare. ing on Sunday. • It 18115 x 50. feet, and stands upon• a• - Mrs. j. ConnOra'is the geeet, of her sister, Mrs. 3. Valeener, ; Mr. George Elliott of Windsor Is the g4Mesatsttililirs 41111(reOrliallirkre•42.SilieQutfto.rth is Visiting his „condo, john Stihsqn Mrs 3-1tead and two children of Goderich, who bad been visiting her mothet, Mrs, J. Ferguson, returned limbo thie week, • • ' • • Miss 0. Clark and, Mr. A. Denuisen ,ofBeafertla were the guests of,Mrs, J. MeGee over Sonday.. -' _, Mrs. Paleeter- and daughter are the guest's of hereon, Dz. Palester; Mrs. J. Eagleson and df Clin- ton are thignests of Mrs. W; Eagleson. • Mr. and Mre. E. Folleek° of Ripley. .• Spent a few •dayswith ueiCe, Dewar, Ode Week. • be. Elliott and -wife Of Lucknow, are the guests. of Itis Sister, Mrs. Fraser. ' . • , , Mr.•W. Boils oV•Expier And Kr. •S. Ross Of Brucefielci. were guests at Mr. Ferguson's on Suedes,. -.- Mr:G. Baldwin' and Miss .N..Eobh of. Seaferthwere in town ibis:week, 'Miss Parke had tbe misfoetime to fall and hurt.her shoelder. • miss..E.:Faleoper is the guest of her aunt, Mrs.:, 3. 13iggart..of this witek ,-,&-mong the gitests of the Queen's Rotel this het week are tAtigh-' ray, wife and or and A. T. Meek, Wife and family„Iiindon ; W. J. Chieholin,, , Ingersoll, Geo. B, Se,yinotir and wife, " New York, : Mrs. E. R. Hooper, and MOS Kate McIntclsh. • ' , Miss Nellie 0,174 Is at home for a short tiine. . ; ' • • Mrand*Vs. Branner and•Mr..and.' Mrs. Glees and-daugliter drove oveeto goderich to Spend the day and. Were much pleasedwith their drive„ :The gentleman .whe lost lie -Int on. 'the lake • bank 5unday night ca •havo 'the' same by applying , /mega., C:f'Rtheve.Q1u7na's. Hwoterli.g„.h., entertained the Cleitical brethren, their :families and friends to it delittfut sale on Lake: Boron On laSt. Sattir y after, . 11"°T°hIle..re. are a feW from, hose names we withold sr N. Clinton,• iltie present, who, if they...per-list S•rdit?ehing for bass, be plf 641 ed forbreach of the 4tkoominand- me; t. 'A Word to:WE:Wise is sufficient. Th 7..:A poor luck on Sunday, yachting pasta; composed of seveiral guests .fronwthe queen's and River Nlotele visited Goderich On Tues- day. Tfrey reached the county toriVin in time Vit. lunOheOn and had returned • to'Bityfield ere. the, allnner gong had ,• been struck. ' • ! ' The village Wil..over-rtin with ,vift- 058 on Sunday who ilmmebere escatici the heat. SeVentSr.liliCathES dined, and one -hundred and ty- at the River Ifoteraloire,• . • , ' Amongfroeiv(rogireste.• at ;Ow . Hotel are :-Mr. and Mrs, John •Cralis of St. Louis. Mo.; Mrs and Mrs: reed. . Colson, Mrs. Trigor Oincienati, Ghia Mr. and Mre, 3, R. Si:avert, two child. ren and nephew, Stratford; Miss Nr. Macklin and the Misses Hey,. London, ' 101.2 foot stone Wall. The framing ' Miss Wright•of London is.visiting at . ., was done by Mr. Donald Patterson of : i• L 0 " tt ' ••• ' Mre, Parlmer returned home on Mon- Misses McDonald and Smith` i I , Auburn, and good judges say it was a splendid piece of workmanship and re- day after spending it week with ber'_ ton spent Sunday with Miss St sishiterr: WM rms.. Swunaldlearcceoicska. t preseilt fleeted much creditupon Mr. Patterson buy- AeblicerFitauley and: daughtcfr vi enable staff, The wall was built by .., lug apples, for R. 5, Lang of Exeter. her mother. Mrs. Eleoet of T lin- •relatives in Irelarik, farmer. The NEWs-BECOnti is pleased . , Riehard Wallace is expected home in trip to Winnipeg aria other points. George Mulholland and Mr. James We are 11/eased to untie° that gr‘ to see this evidence of his prosperity, - f.. a eW days, Thor: Cole having secured. Misa Smith of •Olintori spent a few matdatotan are so far convalescent as attudinhdoaptietelyth;etwahriaseaeri.terprise may lie him torun his engine this season. Dick days with Mies S. 'V'. Stephenson. to be able to attend church, The tier. I hand ith tbeengine Mr. Jos. Leech of Blueval'e; Mrs. .T., vices were largefy attended lastSun. litre w.p.m., uteeien 4 13..Ernittis the is s' firs6-S ass • W -* ---"" - ----' "'"--- "" --- W. L, Ouellette Is talking of laying it last week the guest of Mrs. II0Inles, and alWars very careful about item, Code and. dalighter of Trowbridge were gueet.of her brother, W. i.. ItfeDrien.. Cement Walk: in frOnt of his store this The topics for the Bp•Worth lotgue on Otte6t °O. Mit, Allie tighttiing this sprintt. 3, S,Tiliatett A. YOUng 0. . itlhep! for the pastsixteen: years: has been a ; johns Oritvvford of the- London 4Week her°48 *the • - apen ot •a, few - o ri,y- w t t. • 14; 44.inii44"vv 5: T. pi'to'. 7 the:a,44reeent,' -111.41Witli- her son.1u Very.'.g.Oirdin 'tibia section . friends in Beigrav,e, • Sting Vartuarleeds On .1561# tibia Attie returned from via. Mr. E..tligley left for h Biotite:din on TueeditY Sts., Andrew's Presbyteria Vary elucceserril Meier Ott the the Marise oi); Wednesday law very enjoyable tinle etas span, 1113. • Myth thrice marled ; hie present wife is for Crops with the exception of wb b Mies Mabel Sheppard, who hat been di f weeks h lid • Miss Adam Crisp returned home after eld-CW MeWhitiney 5 D Brown 5 pard,g, Mathews13, T. 000a 5. Ash- resident of Clinton. He has been Road. . • .. • fine style for winter rule and we aup VVitighavi, tSkurned home Saturday'. •It, Jaffrey 'and T. W. Porkier *beet- Itirepberries 'Wive been geram weiconaelhe plums and the cherries In old friend° her° shall Mrs. Scarlet ofttLeeitalalbounrye gdet; toe: ed to Elayfield on Siilldity. • John rind Pato jeffreyare at pre,aent due season. week. mte.• ze stevoirb of tl t vieiting at Wingharn. thers 8.• •ort a 0 The paragraph in the obituary of Mr.„ thildren, two havelocated in Michigan, w,. Whitely • in lett week' t IMMO •011e Itlitgatisal Mid one,Ben,,in Clinton, which:Spoke of the "late Mr. Haldane" Mr. Cole is a staunch Clonservatiye arid' was scarcely correct, except in the • has ttavei negleeted an eliPertunity ef 'lenge that bele eighty-five year* of age. ekOreiiing his frenchle*. • Be is now a eitiNin of Totbrito and is *ttl • ° n Read T. Parimer's ad lir Tun Nnvvaltitoonn this:week. n14160014 present,the guest of her mother,' Mr?. This veteran of eighty.two, he Wail Mr. David White of Tackeretnith Mise Weatherall of Auburn was the. paid 'to bear well "the Sitre audyellow.4 °rawest* are going to play Blyth foot Th! Orahttel was ataaa thne 'pupil of born on June 2/Ircl, 1818, is as cheerful died Monday hightattet but a soupie glimort,$Af stio.trcrvit'Whnolebni$$ ra"blreint. on bell 'team this week in Myth. All and alert of inanner es many men of of Weeks' ilinese. The canoe of his tak. it Mr. Halclana's anaduiing hie residence . Lovett. The Londeeboro football team Nev.- should go toile° our be it k y a 0 it 0* in Toronto was his termer rifincipaes fifty. Ile is a fawner ilgute about - off Is eald to be due to disorder. .Wintall,„ng t4tir t° 13e.__tr°1t• refilthed tilay of theinselves. medleal adviser, town and hie happy disposition has of the stomach. The deceased WM 14°1" "4440 With4 Ohothatn• win. Griffiths returned after errand. The reeeipte amounted to. $14, Dr. Cook returned to t,own, day alter vieiting bonne in Chel WAS MOM Man fartineknott• ie visiting at her uncle's, Mr. MAIL • d, at ,• present.... ench 'meet as boottog eirootitersbut mitried. ° It"! *t.121"*" f riMg iThssiernadallidwrei°1wha I returnedi to her Mr, A lint ot a e state in Parte, ery of lira( setiltet uttiellitiwgalyttehrstotrejasuitaatathurie nOgrairthdeTptruesidi nowadays confines himself to the fot. The Pawnee Medicine CoMpany who '•"'"."1 hoinn in Varnalatt week. tot season mooing to the mnaknkn trier. Mr. Gilchrist was born in Stith. exhibited here for Orin it week haVe TAkes Diotriat and other tieldnnek in the erialldehlrig Seotlatul, and though ire goo* to olinton. Thrtiffittithe handsome aeries adver Made him val./ PoPulkr• ne f°11d °I about twaritY•five Year* of age and rm. taw na ,Highlande cif ^Ontatki, many bo beim in this' 66Intr, fat "vat"' ACV, Mr. Bilehtlit of Toronto octift, This viliap was v11110044). hut -gist" 0.0 den • they having 'Amon, the One lit YAM WaWatiOSh. Stable until recently. rr • years still ospokes the ,Oitelloi" ;Ilene pied the pulpit (If the Prod/WOW /16' rlf 'net 4"e‘k wnan Mies MaTaviell of Wingbanx was .it MSS *it% liZelise a Attimr.,:iss eteti° "14:414Ctattl*ed 11 the • 1850 he has been a teeldetat of leture.n ellereh the last two Stimlitio. , $ dg" 13"*" toot at Zama MeGm'e an Sunday. tug at tar OW** .?4,.6. 404 Kouyaf • t,940 aloul 01. &malty that* . %a of Ns.. Ike. Athertat Ittitito•al visited her Alittotavilths ht re Part Doe% huts week. 11'011, *IAN titortortxt• tomb tieaehn it Wu* frmi. 0114* fte , Igo ▪ • lott v•es of this progresielve re ay inforthooh 6ita eoffics of and a, eitisen of Olinton for more 14,604. ohm, *b. , dulta , vative anti goXid tteerten, br Nrerlits 14011,1., flub it hay getiOrafittyth. HS; GO n Mr. Nu Grafted( lta ;ow, itol! rtav, flfolgabb of Whitechritch - term 1,1„.„ , ••••, th*Vairtitifici licafritri . byte) *ere. egad with ffortti Pali the girle and one boyon o, b Out tram .1* bandsonau river frato Ittfat, of Staffs. , . gait* it nember fiwetn- bore the garden party bed hi ''t Friday evening under the Bogibilr jrciroll in 1 ,.. ,•;.„../ric.y.ry..61- -; '',;a • i„sg, .fr.,,,f 0 -,,,t'4, ‘‘.,:.',..,`, .•.;>> \-•;-,!;-,:e4.41.7111; f.,,;/4 2 ',".„) 4 . ' . ')r..,., e, i 'L4 .i..1..•.5t 4 I'I,'Idr I:,I...,,,, 'I „ n ,q • , .., ., „ , , , I 41 ., )1 ...I:CC I ( :,..11.,,,'IAII 412,,,,,i e, 1 ':',,, , 1r TO 4., 4,1, /Aill• 4 Si, • , L,%,(2('