HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-13, Page 8„ Word to
Tbv Wise is
o to the W. D. Fair Co. when in need
of Anything in their line they are very
often the cheapest, they are always
the beet. They have the kind of qual-
ltl in goods thot bringe quantity' in
trade their Oleo tell this Mora and It
is their prices that make the (felon
Thiry gen the leadere and lead the Bell-
er* kanwing weirThe power of price,"
Precieely what you went is precieely
what they Want to sell you and it
Was you nothing to look for wbat you
• Want while there exists indieputehle
, price reasons to take you there to buy.
Above their qualities you vannot eca,
• belone their pewee it is not wise to go.
,It is often very expensive to boy. the
ctieapeat of everything, neither at it
their rule that high prices must be paid
tOaet the best goods. hutahe kind you
ebould bur naturally costs you a little
, more than the kind you don't want at
• enyptieertua win ceitoinly be worth
• many Ones the difference. What
•we say we do believing it is more
important .to ,do what we advertise
tban to Ad vertiee what we do. We
/solicit a trial net miring you to buy
•but aeking you to be eulted,
O'l'efnihe.C+Iieapest, AZtrays the Beth '
81'1. D. lair Go,
.4iipents Parker's .Dye Works.
'New Avertisementi,
• The 14ast owiBeman Stook -Rodger% Broa.:,4
, Shyno1-11. Combo • 4
A Cahh OtreasalcICInnon Co, ,,, .. as:
The Pall Terin-W, J. -Elliott: . t 6
• White Swan flower -0. Olgon.,..„. ,, ....
• Eameue Shoo Pepartment-4ackeen Bros..6
'4 Sharp Caloulation-A, .T. Grigg •6
• „a, wort to tbe D, Fair Co 8
' Cherries Wante4-0antelon Bros
. nuggy for Sale -This Cfnce
. ,
Out .4
VIVO' 0 •
tanneessashneest e tiow
tea Join Carling. is visiting Exeter
• friends. • • _
Miss Annie Bootee is visiting friends
sin•Galt. '
Di,. Woods of Baylield, was in town on
ss Friday.
Fred. Horton of Henson was in
town Tueselev, • • . • •
iss Newman' of Godericii is the gaest
'f Mrs. Flynn: ' _
ies Lily Miller ait *afield spent
Sunday at home.
Miss Belle Murray. of London 15 visit-
ing at her home here, ,
. Miss CoraCluff of•Gtoderich is 'visiting
her iota, Miss Armour. '
Master Milton Perrin is ependirna-- the
' holidays in Brantford, • .
•• 'Miss Georgie .0a,nipbell . visiting
friend's Bavfleld.
Mrs. Thorn of tienver Colorado, is the
guest of Mrs. King,' Victoria street.
Miss Emma Doane of Detroit is spend-
ing the holidays at her home hens.
Miss Ms Carling returned on Monday
from a yisit to Hansen Wends.
Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers of Crediton is the
. guest of Mr. and Mrs.- J. W. Hill.
Miss Swarts of London is visiting
• relatives in\GOderich this week.
Miss Etta Twitchell bas ,returned from
vie' *ngsgriends in Myth.
s Franclih Caning visited her
laments here hin Welinesday.
. Beaton of Whitechurch Spent a
few days m town last week. -
Mee...Bailey and Miss Bailey' ' visited
' friends in Constance on Sunday..
Miss Bella, thee of West- Superior is
Visiting her mother, Mrs. Ores.
Miss Diincan of Toronto is the guest of
her Sister, Mrs, Campbell. •
Miss May .Bell has returned from a
• short visit with her Londesbozo
;. Miss Tena Gordon of Sheppardton Is
' this weak 'canting hmasiater, Miss IL
Gordon. •• -
Mr. Stuart Leven of Chicago is 'Visit-
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
• Levan.
Mrs. McGregor of Kinburn was visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Frank Hell, last
Mrs. Workman of Kippen spent Sun-
day the guest of her sister, Mrs, Geo,
Miss Susie Mulloy. Of Buffalo is the
guest of her sister, Mrs, James
Twitchell, ' • '
Master John McConnell of Stratford
has been spending a codple of weeks
Mr. jam Baird of Orneefield, a former
Collegiate boy, iv oeslating Dr. Goan.
Miss Retie Campbell of alyth, haft re-
turned home for the holkleye.
Alive Annie Baer has returned from
visiting friend* in Sebringville.
Rev. Joeepti Hamilton a ximico was
a guest at the Manse on Saturday.
Mies O'Neil of the Public school staff
left Wednesday to vend her va-
cation in Winnipeg.
Mita Laura Olson returned home on
Thursday from a visit among friends
in Stanley township.
laies Myrtle adctaugan of Poplar Hill
is wending hr holidays with hoe
sister, Mrs. J. P. Doherty.
Mist; Flo. Hine left on Monday for _..4
two weekte visit to her cousin, W.U4
Davis of the Mitchell Advocate.
Miss Clam Wiseman returned last
week from Chicago where she heti
been visiting relatives for some time,
Mia. Coinne anti Miss Nettie Oonthe
left yesterday for Chicago where
they will be the guests of triends for
some days when they go. to Slater,
Missouri, where they will remain sea -
evil weeks.
Mr. Smith Kilty returned to Olhnten
on Saturday after Several weeds vis
it with Mende In Toronto, London,
Forest and other points.His health
has mach improved and is now bet.
ter than it boatmen for some months,
Mrs, Albert 'Wtight And two children
of Guelph hi visiting her sister, Mrs.
• 0, Olson, previoue to their departure
for Swan River in the Dauphin dis-
trict of Manitoba, where they intend
making t honie,
Miss Kate Mathews, win) has been the
guest of Miss Mabel Bell for the past
three weeks, returned toOwenSound
on Monday. Miss Mathews made
hosts of Mende during her sport
stay and Will be welcomed again to
the Hub. • •
Mr. E. M. McLean left Tuesday for
Toronto where he will be engaged for
a couple .of weeks reading depot te
mental examipation plipees,"ae the
expiration of which tame he will go
to Windsor to spend ,the balaneo of
the holidays at his old home. He
will be rejoined there byMrs.McLeali
who will yisit in Woodstock for a
Dr. Blackell was called to Saltford ni
Thursday last in consultation wiLl
g Dr, 'Hamilton in regard tsa Jalc
Mach eynapethy, is felt Imre for Mr.
and Mrs. Houston' and family of Olin
on in their sore bereavement.
Binerdie. •
Rev. HAIL of Belgrave occupied the
pulpit of the Breabyteriart church lost
klabboth evening, the paotor Ifeing ab
Mimes Minnie Aitken and fatale Me.
Ewen of Clinton were guests of Miss
Alice Duff lattt week.
Mr. John Roberteon has mita his farin
to Mr. George Mectionald. Atti?* Ira
. Etcher Lae disposed a his tam oleo,
Mr. John King being the marelanner.
Rev, D. Rogers weather" r vermin) to
the Orangemen in the, Methodist
ohurch last Sabboth morning.
-hlissea McIntyre and areaway have
returned to Toronto,
' Miss AggieHerkert is home from the
Conservatory of Music at Toronto.
Miss Laura Snell is visiting her
grandmother near Clinton.a
• Mr. John Bargees. is attending the
quaiterly await of the 0. O. 1r, at
Brantford this week.
Miss Olive Scott Is holidaying rit Sea-
• forth,
The lirst.half of Yunecheese has been
sold for 7-10 cents..
' •
The brickwork of the new church is
now nearing eompletion. and it the
weather favorable will be finished
this wont. It will be it, handsome edi-
fice when cornpleted.
The Orangemen had a thus day and A
-big crowd At their annual sermon last
Sabbath in Trinity church.
Allan Spic -vs team ran away one tiny
last week while delivering baled hay
at the depot hero. Mr., Sonars Wits.
thrown out and injured elle)) tly, other.
4`vae d 1 •
' , Mr. and Mrs. NV, Y. • Henclerson,
4 Winghom, were in town on Sab.bath.
ElecrY pteking U4 very poptdar_poss
time with our thrifty housewives. at
Present. • •
- ,
'Porter's Ulla.
. Kuntz's span of horses. The animal
had, hecittoe. frightened' below Bay-
field: Ond ran three miler; with the
• pole. whiffletrees and part Of the
• wagon gearing, and inflicted such
hinnies upon themselves that they
• ordered both horses to be shot.
•' W, /IL Newcombe of Petrolia was
. in town last week malting .fintd
rangements for opening out -a dry
.• goods business in Clinton about Ang.
• •ust &at, rle le Well-known het e and
. • is -the son of due esteemed townsman,
Rev, "Father*" Newcombe. Bela at
present And. has been. for some time
busidess in Betrolits where he is
remtrded, as a shrewd, energetic and
progreisive eitizee..% , •
Misses Edjahatual- Rad Sterling of
BelgeftVe are visiting their aunt, Mrs.
3 ' King.
r, and. Mrs. J. J McCaughey yinited.
t Mr. Frank McCaughey's of Hul-
lett on Sunday. • •
Miss Eva Baseball returned to London
last week after spending a couple of
weeks in town. •
Mrs Geo. johnston and two children
• returned Monday from visiting rela-
tives in Varna..
Miss Annie Willianis of Brooklyn,
New York, is the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. P.13, Crews. •
Miss Kate Sheppard left on Tuesday
•••••.° morning 10 visit friends in Kincar-
" dine and Ripley.
Miss Steele Of the Royal' Oity is the
guest cif Mise Harriet ,T, Holmes for
a couple of weeks.
Miss Josie McMurray !Ives the latter
'part of this week to visit in Seaforth
and Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs, Smylie of New Yoek 'are
guests of the latter's father, Me. Al-
exander Monteith. •
Mr. and Mrs. janies Caging and little
Nellie spent last •Sunday with their
eon Albert in Bayfield.
Mish-Viuttles McConnell And family
leave 'This morning to take up their
residence Stratford.
Rev. Mr. Murray of Kineadine, rwho
has been supplying Brucefield,
:virago guest at 111r. J. W. Irwin's last
week. •
Mrs. John Pridhian and Mr. and• Mrs,.
Walter Pridbani of Goderich were
guests at Ma P. 11. Crews' on Sun-
Mr. John Demerling of- Jackson Bros,
staff left yesterday for the home.
stetant Ayton for about a morithaa
Ilise M. McEwan of Ottawa, fernier
teacher in the Public School here, is,
visiting reit/three in town and Stanley
Ur. arid Mag. P.13. °tees and their •
guest, Miss Annie VVilliams of
Brooklyn, New Yorksvisited Bayfield
on Sunday, .
The Missee Relines have returned from
• Ottawa, Tilsonhurg and 'Guelph, nrel
are vending' the ViteatiOtt at home
With their' sisters.
Rev. Mr. Hamilten of Iloiesevain,
Man., called upon Mr, S. Davis on
Monday evening while wheeling
.• throngh to Gram -10h.
Mist (Da) McNally returned to Tara on
Friday_. She was .aecompanied by
Mies Hattie HolloWity telio Will spend
the holidays with her,
Mro.David Gook is visiting Nile friends
this Week, while Mr, and Mrs. David
O Cook, ,Tr., tailed upon relativeg in
the Annie deetion 011 Elohtlar.
Mr4W, hekson booked. the followijig
to Vifeeteen points this week:— W.
in town.
Irving, °Wag° ; htiso O'Neil. Win.
nipeg; L. Mooshn In ; Geo.
Simpson, Brandon.
AMOng theta Who are spending the
heated term at Bayfield are t ---.The
„ Whined McTaggart, IL C.
Bretver, Da Gunn, Meta ShAnnon,
A. O. Pattittor. Misa Eileen Patter*
c_strels. with De, Gunn's faintly,
Maa 00a8e MItte Lily are on
thaa %deft to friends in Illonbro
cm. 1401. Coate has been in
13 tite* and it le
BROWN.—In Clinton, .::on •ThesdaV,
uly lltb.. the wife of Mr. Fred
Brown; of a:daughter.; '•
• .
• . •
Bev, Mr. Shaw peeached an Orange
sermon to large audience oti Sunday.
Miss Cook of Point Farm is visiting
at Mr. E.•(.1, Potter's. • •
Mr. A. Johnston of Clinton spent
Sunday here.. • •
Mr. john Torrance is erecting A line
hen house. •. • • . .
The Mieses Porter of ,Wingharo are
visiting at Mr. Ale*. Cox's. ;
. Mr..John "Voting is.pant ing bis new
barn .which will greatig.add to the hp-
./ pearabee of it. . • •
• Rev..141-. McKay ot Gonerich preach-
ed in.Betbany last Sunday. • "
• Miss Maggie Torrance • was visiting
friends in Bayfield bast week • ' •
Drysdale •
The recent rain storms damaged the
boy but has given growth to the roots
and vegetables. •
Miss K. Campbell returned home last
week from Berlin and we belietre the
dressmakers will do a rushing business
Mies F. Turner bas been sewing at
Mrs. E. Westlake's in wedding haste.
Dr. Slack is busy making shingles in
Mr. Continetabush. •
. Mr.' Wm. Lind his Sister Maggie Wild
of Brucefleld, spent Sunday at•their
sister's, Mrs. Geo. Campbell. • - •
- Mr. R. Talbot spent Saturda3r and
Monday asking help to Mr. A. Mur -
ray's raisingun July llth,
Mr. IV. Turner took his merry-go-
round to Meter for the 12th.
Messrs. W. Turner, H. Johnston Etna
A. Sreenan spent Thorsdity' of last
week in •Zurich. '
Plowing summer fallow is the &dee
of the day. •
'We are pleased to learn of Miss E.
Snowden's speedy recovery 'from bei• •
bicycle accident of last week. •
• Mr. John j. Sreeuan was the guest
of Mr, lee Gelinaw last Sunday even.
Raspberry pickers are , present
very busy.. •
Haying is now the order Of the day.
Mr. A. Murray rased his big" barn
on Tuesday. ` It was a grand success
and the structure is a fine looking one.
Mr. la. Johnston had his pleasure
boat repainted and he calls it the
ilfr. Dave Dower has been repair.
ing his cage. He .intends getting a
bird ere long.
The ball at Mr. Charles Sreenan's on
Tuesday evening last was it. grand
success. Everybody returned keine
"nom Turner and his Sister,Esther,
spent the first in Beneath
Mr, Sohn Mile is preparing to erect
a new honse this summer.
Mr. William Slack, our shingle
miller, •is doing a ruthing business at
Mr. H. Johnston, who was visiting
friends of north, says he will go beck
when sleigbing comes.
Mr. A. Murray is going to erect a
new barn in the fall if the Weather
keeps flne. .
rhe gents from our vicinity, who are
going to look over the Prairie Prey -
ince, Manitoba, this coming August,
are :—A. Sreenan, R. Talbot, Wm.
Durchame, Bailey, W. O. Cleave,
Howard and L. Durand:
Mr, R. Turner w laave his new
barn completed by nd by, so john
Alex Challet and R. alba did some
nreat shooting at Snowdenville on.
picnic day for which they deserve
Much credit,
Mr, Edward Talbot, le., is engaged
to work for Mrs. Weetlake during the
harvest months of this season.
Mr, James Howard and Mr. IL John-
eton. will pull tug of war and Mr. John-
ston will take his old position as masa
dent of the limonites, -
All good Tories an d fair -play Grits
Will take TUC NISW8-1114cortro. '
Vest TtIckersnlitlit.
Miss. Emily Turner, of Clinton is
visiting around the old home, 'Mr.
George Turner's.
Mr. E. Celeh spent • Sunday with
Colborne friends.
G. NV. Layton was the guest of It It
Walker, of Dublin, on Sunder last,
Mr. Ed, Welter is the first to tom.
mence harvest for this year, having
cub a fiehl, Of wheat on Monday, 10th
Mr. O. 'White is on the sick
Mr. and Mrs. Seim Aryls, of Cleve.
land, paid old friendti here it flying visit
the put Week,
!Intended for yid leaned
Mr. jest 131111 of the lime Line Await
Sunday the guest of J. E. Ball.
A number of our people anent the
Moat in Bitylieki. Our sports celebra-
ted in Goderieh.
" Schools nioited on Fraley fee eummer
Haying in full swing; ,the weather
hao been rather catchy,
Mr, Will Nicol lost it valuable
horse the past week.
Rev, A. W. Thompson came up
the plat week, and will make hie home,
with Mr, Frank Crieh ter a. timo, 114
took eharge of the services at the two
appointments on Sunday for the first
Mrs. Levi Rtronffit returned to her
home in Sarnia on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob& Dotighte 431' Grey,'
Sutmdayed here,
fee hewn, Stanbnry of the Lon.
don Rota retorned tome the put
week from Detroit after it short vatrit
With friends there,
Mr. Malwatal d Wel W.Otholseren
paha Croattan 114' Tina con SunGlay,
, -
• 11rneefield •.;
Wgnn1140 pretty ann in-
teresting wedding was celebrated.. at
the beautiful home of Mis, J. Neyin,
of BrucetielklaSt Thersday afternoon,
when her. yOurigest daoghter, . Miss
Emma. Florence was united in mar-
riage to M.r. G.- Simpson, oh this
villag'e, The cereinony was nerformed
by Rey. S. 'Acheson of Kippen in the
1Prenenee of the hannedlote relatives
and friends a the centracting parties,
the. bridal Party etanding ,beneath a
beautiful arch of flowers. • The bride
was handsomely ;attired and looked
'charming. She carried * bequet of
roses and was attended by• her 'cousin,
Miss. Maud Merritoihs' who was cos-
thnied in a be/naiad gown and carried
earnations:" Miss, Rattenbury, also a
eousin, acted no maid ge bonor,. She
was prettily dressed and carried a
basket of flowers: The groom waa
supported by Ins brother, Mr. Os D.
Simpson. The bridegroom is a popu-
lar and enterprising merchant of this
place, being the.elclest son of . late
Rev. J. H. Simpson, for many years
the pastor of Union church mad whose
memo' y is still so dear to the ,congre-
gation. The bride is, one of Bruce -
news fairest daughMra, mrich esteem-
• ed and higbly accomplished and well
qualified to share the joys and fortunes
of her husband. The presents • were
Costly, appropriate and mud! admired.
After isartaking of , the wedding
dejeuner the happy pair left by. even-
ing train, amidst showers of ride,' for.
Detroit, Cleveland and other points
where they intend spencling their
honeymoon. Yodr eorresporident joins
with many others in wishing them
good sailing on life's ocean ancl at -last
a safe harbor.. ';•:. ,
• • • •,000.0.g,
•oy iseRoy th Beech.
An old niluer lay.• dying, winch Is no
unusual Wein as =merelike other nee.
pie, are only mortal aud run their race
after about tbe' usual toonuer. But our-
roundiug the death of James Wentworth
Oxeye were owe unusual eircunistaoces.
He liven in a mint' fer up the canyon end
had no conipanlou melte his daughter,
aged 12, and myself. I was frimply a
Proopector, who, becoming dissatisted
wins the plodding vvaye of enstern life,
had come west to gain wealth by Jeeps
and beunds ae a gold seeker, Aimee
Wentworth had made several fortunes in
mining, but had lost them, AO in nis old
age bad settled far up the mountains
with bis wife and dauglitee to make a
final effort in life. /Ds wife bad died
about two years previous, but the old
man continued to. live in. that deep Solitude witit his only. child.
"Dilworth, come here," the Old man
called in a feeble'voice, and I went to his
bedside. "I am alone, but when I am
gone my dela will be without a.protector
In the wide world A want you to prom-
ise to look after Myra, to take her to the
eettlements" and find a home where she
wI bolimosttireatewil
d weill.tu'g
ly to- na• ply vim your
request, and would bare looked After
your child though you bad not made the
request." • .
"I am glad to hear- you my that. 1
know that I on trust you. Beneath my
pillow you will find w package, which
contains 4 ehart of a lost mine. T, lie
owner or the mine and all his assistants
were killed by the Indians during its. de-
Velopment, and the chart fell- to his
Itrother, a very wealthy mine owher,- wile
.failed to'' locate the shaft. About years• ago ago he gave it to me In return for
' a kindness I did bind many years ago.
That mine is *Very rich, as the brother
•told me he had seen 'assays es the ore
during the lifetime of its owner. I have
• searched for four years for the mine, and
not until about a month ago was I able
to identify any of the landmarks, Now.
• I roust give it up." • •
The .old man retnained silent a few
moments and then • resumed in a feeble •
,rat ;nine is
within, five MHO of my
cabin, sabut northeast, in -a vvild and
dangerous lOcality, far up the mountain
.aide. -I want you, to -finieh my Work and
dividwith Myra."
The old Winer grew earnest and agi-
tated as he dwelt Upon the subJect and
-.raised lihnself nearly eprignt in bed, but .
was almost immediately selied vrith 'a -
' violent fit of coughing aad dropped 'back
exhausted. , , .- • .
That night the old miner became un-
conselons • and though he lingered Bev- •
end days, the apark-ot lifelfinally:-•wen
mit and we laid that once rugged form
• beneath the mountain cedars.
• I tat& Myra to a camp where a miner
lived whose .vrife was refined and educat.
ed, and to her 1 Consigned the girl .until I
could find her a permanent home. Then
I took up the search for the lost shaft,
whose existence I believed in as earnest.
Was did its former ,owner. I studied the
• chart -for honor, but. there was not • a
, lanclmsrk upon -it that I. could reognize.
rinally, getting ill the points well fixed
in memory, I net but in the direction
• mentioned by the old rainer and begah
the fruitless search. 1 wandered up and
.dovert the tuountain and climbed precipi-
tous -roes that I would not have ion -
lured under any ordinary circumstances.
As time palmed and nothing was Mud
more than an occasional orfate digging -
by . some wandering prospector, I grew,
nervous, Sleepless' and haggard. 1 at Iasi
realized that I must find the mine, give
tip the Beard' or become insane. ViThen I
first began the search, I geheraily carried
my rifle, but of late it gleii burdensome,
and 1 frequently left it at the camp, al.
. though the region -was the wildest in that
section and furnished a refuge for the
grizzly bear and. other dangerous ani.
male. :' .,: • - • .' .. -
• 1 -went -forth upon My ramble one day
as lightly burdened AS Possible, and' had
walkedabout-for miles in rather an aim-
less manner. I rounded a point of. rook
and. was. climbing up the steep 'mountain-
sidehwhen I was startled by'a rock which
• came bounding down fearfuHy near me.
I halted iiavoluntarily, and, looking up. hi
'• the .0ireption• *hence it came, saw a
huge grizzlY bear thrust his head from
• among •some low shrubs and exhibit a set
of 'teeth -whose like for viciOushefit I .had
-never beheld. I wee without arms, • and
. as the natureof the grizzly is at all times
belligerent, I did not long hesitate ;a� to
'what to do.
• I turned and started clown the Moun-
tain side at a speed that threatened to
break my neck at every bound, the
• ground • was so rough and dangerous.
• The bear gave a growl that sounded to.
nty frigitteneil hearing mere like the roar
of a hurricane than anything animated
' and at once took -up the pursuit. In his
mad chase .the huge anima loosened a-
mass of • rock, .whIch dame bounding
down, emrtting a veritable avalanche. 1
realized that unless something speedily
happened I would be killed by the rooks
• if I were hot captured. by the bear arid,
turning aside, darted into it dense cluing
of mountain cedars. .
• ' I scarcely .emerged from the brush
when myfooting gave way, and I found
myself falling down, down, .A.t firstony
fall was slightly checked by a mass of
• vines that I had dragged with me, but it
seemed that I had fallen e thousand feet
when, 1 atruck the bottom. I was very
much shaken up, but not seriously hurt.
I picked myself up and then glanced up-
ward to see if_ the bear was coming on
after me, but he had evidently learned
rannething teem my drop and only came
near enough to otick his ugly 'noire over
the edge and measure the. distance. He
drew back, and for some time 1 could
bear him thrashing around in the brush
above, evidently much disgusted at the
• talk venni had taken.
As soon as I became convinced that ne
free not going to venture after mel took
In tar sutroundings. 1 was at the bottom
et an old mining shaft long Mimed. I
could hardly realize that 7 wait not more
thin 80 feet from the surface, I had
• seemed to tall go far. The frahmente of
a ladder, worm eaten and useless, lay
scattered about This had been the mode
of logtesti. As my eyes became emus. -
tonic(' to the dim light I perceived a Aar.
row tunnel, which led off from the Shaft
it short distance.
7 had a good,eupply of snatchea, and
by means of these I followed the tunnel
to Its -terminus, where I not only came
aerosti some -tools,' but also a considerable
ihuaritity of ore that had been fit Some
dine prepared for removal. •
In a • mamma the truth dawned open.
tile. 7 had discovered the lost mine'or,
rather, a grizzly bear had chased mointo
IL I woe 'wild with ley and forgot for,
the time that I wits* least 80 feet down
In the earth without any meant; of get.
ting out or toed enough 'to last rad 24
• hours. I sat clown, and hadulged in day
dreams until the tang. light wareed me
that tbe day was nearly spent.
I returned to the Shaft and for the 'first
tittle inspected Ite wane. They were to
smooth to afford a footing in any attempt
to Minh out, and the fielder, with the ex.
option^ of ri. few feet, was uselem. It wee J
getting dark, arid as 1 meld not hope to
get mit before the next day 7 ate * light
tenth end prepared to thend the night Mt
lotst 1 could.
I was exeeedingly tired and soon fell t
asleep, nor did I awake until the sun
as gildlint the tops of the eedme atota
blo down it small gnantity of wild grape*
sprang up and nimbi dividing my scan.
y provisions at a Dottie% In my seram. la
came with me, whIen were ripe and ter. h
Mated a most aceepTable addition to my 4
mynah .
There seemed to be but one Neu to es. th
maps from any diingere e situation, and A
that Was to climb those ky walls. To
de` thie, ere -does must Cut in the, reek •a
Ai 1 *armada& Fortune y 1 ilea tags
and a short piers of la er. The boat
might be amosiplished in few horinissit
the time, 1 i
Mg to the hi
*a 1, n
Cathartic Townodo. "
•The True Blues held 4ns:entertain-
went in their lodge room on. the tith
concession on Thursda.y evening of hist
'week. There washt big crowd present,
and as the eatables were appetizing
, and the program good, Alt were ina,
merry mOod. . The Tree Blues,. as a
rule, do things up brown. Mr, Nathan
Brown. .reeve of the township, occu-
pied the chair and .aid his share in
making the affair •thesuccess it was.
Mr. Vi Millian, whotre !rouse was
struck by lightning on. Sunday week,
has guarded against further visitations
by having lightning rods placed on his
buildings by Senn at Kennedy.
Colborneis the great cherry township
of 'Huron, if hot of the province, and
SA immense erop of both the red
and black, ivariety is. raised OVOIT year.
Just now; as one drives along the con-
cessions and ' aide line,otchard. after
orchard IS tO be Seen • where men, wo-
men and children ar0 picking the fruit.
Death has visited onr midst once
more, und Mr. Frank Manning passed
&Way on July' 4th leaVing one brother
to Mourn his departure. The funeral.
took place Wednesday to Colborne
cemetery, Where the remains were laid
in their hist resting place. -
Messrs, Alex. Young and Thos. Buena
are improving their Wine, as they
have built neW fence along the bide
road. •
lanite a namber around bore are hav-
ing lightning rods put on their barns,
as therti hits been so nnich lightning
this sprtng.
Master Tldgar Vanstone, Who re-
ceived a paralytic stroke a few days
.ages slowlyamproving,
Aaron was in Ceder Valley on Sun-
day vening. •
George took it drive to the Maitland
'last Sabbath. Stick to her, George,
she iss darling.
Some young man biretta wheel front
Johnson's livery and went. to Kiricar,
cline And sold its Constable Gundry
arrested him and he Is now in Gode-
rieli gaol, and %vinare there till Friday,
When his trial will come oft
Some exciteinent Was caused on the
farm of Aft. WM. Goods last week'
wben his son; Albert, was drawing out
manure. lust as he got his load off he
stepped back and one of the bottom
beards tipped tap, which frightened the
horses and paused them to eun away.
theew him oat, bat Inekila no tianiage
Wag. done, The Ladies' Aid wan hold.
ing a meeting theie arid were bedly
The lee cream social held ay the Lady '
True Blues at the Otorige Hall, Cedar
, Valley, was a grand euccess, • proceeds
Amounting to $15.
The reekienee of Mr. 'Wm. Wduatna
bad a very riarroW Osetipit from light-
ning last Monday morniana, was
struck by lightning, brat no damage
WM done, except the tearing down of
time chimney and the splitting of the
eave trough.,
A yam* Ulan from Ashilehl, while
yhdttog at Me. Rich. Jewell* oh Sala
bath last had the misfortune to lose his -
horse by a rather peculiar Accident.
The animal, whieh lied berm left tied In
the. ratable, got its head through it hole
and, its feet slipping from mate It, it
vtsfurlirs.hanbig. Morton Of Bayfiald16 hi' tho_
go gJ her Mater Mrs, M
I f
sin alley, Olt week..
nerd, arm , 'pent aours in sitting the
nrst creviceir I wart vera tired when I
Owed the latider in position, leaning the
top egitinst'the °primate olde t/to shaft.
Viet' I mounted and began working up.
oat tbe stepe above. I then realized that
I would ueed two ladders- instead of one.
returned to tbe bottom, and, removing
W. stout mining coat, tore it lute orips,
and with them bound together the sound.
er portions of the ladder remaining at
the bottom of the lift. This cotteutaed
the remainder ot tne day, but bad tbe
second ladder.
I Was UOW Old of provielone and eon -
aimed vvitb thiret, but, throwing myself
down upon the mend, slept fairly well.
In the Wooing I resumed my task, but
wan in no condition to labor. I only gain-
ed one more section, and, though I was
half way KJ,' my powers of eaeurance
were almoat exteusted. Again I arose
from Blumberg that had been haunted by
the wildest &maw burets able to place
my ladders in position, When I raised
toy pick to begin another Eiection, 1 rent.
!red that my strength would not hold out
for another day, ouch as bad already
gone through, tuid I earae near giving the
task up in (Impair. Only the thought of
the Wagering aeeth an that fergetten
shaft prompted rae to renewed effort, To
any Joy the erst.hlow convinced me that
the rock wao more yielding, and I began
working frantioally, but soon learned
that that would not do and modified my
The sun was low in the west when
completed the section mid with ahnost
dYlng effort Placed the ladder in post -
non, I ...climbed to the pinnacle and
found that I couid react] a small twig of
grapevine. • Tnis I dragged down and
with it a bun& of grapes. These I de.
voured eagerly and then, with renewed
strength, began drawing down more of
the vine ,and fruit. Al last I obtained
one• strong enougb to boar my weight
and, with a desperate effort, paired 'MY
sett• to the surface.. Alter satin; freel
of the fruit, which wits both food an
LT 18.
Saturday,July 220d
It is not necessary to take up space or your time with a
'long introductory talk about this list of goods for Bargain Day.
The goods afeworthy or we wou'id not be selling them. Thep
prices are away below the regular or we would not be advertis-
ing them as bargains.
Arrange to visit the store on Bargain Day, it -Will 'pay
you well to do so. a' A list like this should fill our big' store from
m• orning to night, and broalc the sales irecord of any former
• Bargain Day.
Press Goo• d"----bs for Bargiiiii5;
The gathering together of *desirable lines a blank and colored dress goods selling at
bargain prices. The necessity of reducing our dress goods stock is compelling us to make
greater price cuts than, ever in order to clear our h.ltelves for .fall goods. These prices are
•• money saving •
d pare weol, will not loose Its color; , nothing better for A wool, aboolucely fast color and waterproof, regular 5125 _
• shirte, regular 750, clearing Bergain Dv %OK,. Bantam. Day
42 inch. blaux Grenadine eh and comfortable
t Hard neigh worsted serge, all pure wool; anitable for skirts •
or full suite, regular $1.10, Bargain Day 45c
• ...dress to makes a styli Day.. .. . .
y 50 inch Betamine serge in black 'andnavy, every thread One:waterproof length line navy blue Orivenette, abi
drink to Me, I spent • the night at th
mouth of the shaft. Grizzlies nor augh
else had terrors for me that night,
• Subsequent events ere soon told. Th
mine proved to be as rich as 'Its Melba
• • 42 inch Week figured lustre bright glom Anis.b, clearing on
e 46 in& mesh twil• l dram serge, vary fine quality • , navy blue
, owner ciamed. 1),1yre was placed at
school- while I developed the propert
• only, regelar 75o, Bargain Dity •
1•650 • Bargain Day at 35c
• 01,00, Bargain Day . . .... , WOC I
• inch fine dress amp, all wool, navy bloe only, regular •„,„ I eoalpoiot,alatahrignaginfo&,bytay.ele.s,ai.t.s.o.r.s.r.e:r.et,e.:3!ti.r.t.s:.r.e,ge.la, r. 75,.•0
54 inch Columbia Seiting, no better material to -wear made, -
for our Joint interests. •At '18 she ha
finished' school and is as. lovely and re-
fined as she is node at. heart.. We have
just decided that it is oot necessary to
entitle tbe prsmerty, as we are mon to
contract a life partnership and will joint-
ly own the mine.—Detroit News.
W. WeatheraL O. surveyed the 1.
C. O. b'. on Monday, p, m., after the
amateurs gave 11 nth.- Better to have a
practiced hand, where there is building
land to stake.
,. We were sorry to learn on Monday
evenieg that Mia. Blake, :Brittania
Road, broke' a rustv. needle into the
palm other hand. She, was driven to
heine-of-our-161:--13*--celfo-diagf-out tlue
broken -niece which was one inch in
length. She 'had her hand poulticed
mid we hotte nothing serious Will set
Mr.:•anta, Mrs, Stewart and ion Tire,
Elgin street, and Rev. and Mrs:. Math-'
• *son - of Chicago, and somn other
friends picnicked at the Point' Farm on
Monday last. • . _ ••:
• Mr. Stewatt. Straiton . left for Wocula
ntoca Mohday., • -
• Mr. And.Mrs; Carter of Grand Rapids
Mich„ are spending this week visiting
arktrs: Carter's home, the residence of
Mr. David Reid, Elgin • street. Mrs'
Carter says Grand. Rapids in city of
feroiture factories. . •
' The Marine band opened the skimmer
night iierenade season -with sweet mu-
sic. When they played God SasTe the
Queen we were struck With. • the very
strong tenor. We thought it an ex-
needinglylitie rendition of that grand
old air to royelty. There's to ._•be a.
competition prize given at St. Marys
on. July inth for • the best hand.
Messrs. Ging and Grata, Goderich, fall
Planh, Da,tiira Oerilucopia, gr
like an uinbrella plant the branches
,tirooping over from the top and the
blessoins hanging therefrom like a;
cornucopia, inches or more in length,
white in color. The plant blossoms
the whole season, Mrs. Evans sa3rs.
The steamer Carinona •come in froni
Kincardine on her way down from the
Stunt find left at 11 p. ms The storm
hail cleared but .the day , was colcl and
No shipping this week at the Harbor.
The breakwater staff are getting oth
admirably.. By the end of July their
will, we. feel SUre, be at work it
,t the.
North pier..
Al. the eleVater some. Of the. staff are
busy filling in with earth or clay the
space or shaft alley net
ween the ele-
vatoe and the engine room, • .
The St. Andrew is expected in to the
harbor on 14th inst. or possibly 15th.
Several ladies intend' taking passage
0,11 her for Port Arthur.
MM. Long of Toronto and her daugh-
ter were guests of Mrs. W. T. Ripley.
The' garden party to be held in the
Interests of St,: George's church on
Thursday 20th : July premises • to be
quite a noted affair. We tenet they
will hitite Queen's Weather. ' •
DVSS Rusk of Kernptville, teacher, is
spending her vacation At her tvegidence,
eigin• street.'
' .f attire the Collegiate Institute
will be dialled ivith the aird battalion.
Col. Vareee is highly pleased with
their efficiency and soldier like bear-
Mrs. Stewart, of Chitago, and Miss
13ee Wilkins, of 'Knox church ohoir,
Hong the beautiful mitred song "Mighty
Jehovah!' with exceedingly good effect
on Sunday evening last at the offer-
Mr, Alex. Sanders has returned from
his visit, to Ottawas and other eastern
cities. The new addition is beady fin-
ished, and the present Wilco of the
management will be turned into a ma-
chine room, ana the new office will
open on Cambria Road.
Mrs. W. Smith, East street, has had
her residence newly painted with two
composite paints. one darker than the
ether. The windows are of a -maroon
color and the shutters a' beautiful
green. The fence is also painted, and
presetas altogether a beautiful appear.
once. The work .was done by Dave
The Rev. Angus •Matheson filled
Knox church pulpit very acceptably
on Sunday last. Has sermons were
raxcelIent. Rey. Mr. Matheson gradir.
ated with honors at McCormick Col.
lege, Chicago, previous to his ordina-
tion. He is it brother of Mrs. James
Stewart and Mrs. John Porter, and is
Aceompanied on:his visit by his newly
married wife, wish Rev. 'Mr.
Matheson a long and happy life, happy
in winning souls for the Master.
.Marinee John McLean returned to
Itis tied home on Mondsa,y &oral the
Duckaa-111111ilitanissed the telegrame
el first, and when hedid receive them,
' Ito thought the operator must have
Jaen imetaken, when they mentioned
the necident which befel his little
Ito thought one of the boys rnipht
have fallen in hut not his faithful JitIbo
Katie. lie has a tine chance to enter
enaction foadainaaee agamet• the corn
Rinke. . •
Mr. George, Howard, teacher, le
away in Michigan on a, visit to friends
there, lie expects to be absent two or
htee weeko.
Mr nild toss Johnstone ViSited
Id friends on the Bayfield hne, GOde.
eh township, thie week.
!Tay is fight in this seetion this year.
M. John johnittone Mat week eold
bit haridsorrie driver for A good figure,
rad le on the lookamt for another.
Mr, James Delgaty hen purehaeed
is old horneetead on the Bronson line
nd will take poseetation ehortly.
A nuniber from Imre attended the
lath velebtation in Exeter.
Mrs. :rennin% Hartman, larnesttia
tat t take days. %%rite
tate to lose, and
el sislortod the best
k cam 1 re
ownahip, has , celebritted her h
rthday, •
Wootimaieles tti ride wil pinriaabi be
Fine Blaek, Dreis Goods
At 60c. . .
. We have gathered together Some odd
lines from our best black dress goods,
fancy Lustros and -Crepons, .goods tnat
have sold from 756 to 90c per yard, we
want to clear thein out to make room fol..
fall inaportations, and the lot go on sale
Bargain Day for 63o per yard.
. or Bargain pay
big Of fancy Braids ,and Dress
• • 1 Triiriniingsi• some have sold at twice
and..three:thnes the .price aSked., alt
to clear On,. brtrgai7t day at . . . .
Table -of Dres's Goods'
A special feature of our Bargain Day
- will be a table . of Dress Goods at this
• popular price, Plain • Black Cashmere's, ,1
. •
_ Lustres and Serges, and Fancy Figured ;
! Goods in bilecks 'and Color's, placed on.
- table and marked at this popular price
for Bargain Day
• - ,
XI .0 Yll 1 • •• 11161 1.6 I
11 Bargain
In Linings •..
• It is not Often that -We have the chance to
sell Dress Linings foi. less than regulaf prices,
hem is: one, thouoin--:- • • •
.16 in. Surah finish lonenetth Lintit4 cream and .1
• grey, reg. 1.513, for bargain day", . . .•4 "4 .11. C
, •
arga. in. ay .in. s
Berne Very special bargains in the Silk"departMent. ;.A.Joi of sIort lengths Of
plain and' fancy silks, suitable -for dress •trimmirtg; together • with .taudy
• .ettiped. sill5e, light and,dark color Combinations, the balance of...ling ttliat
have sold for 75c and clearing on Bargain Day for .
. many. of these there are Waistlefigths left; and this is an opportunity o buy
. a silk waist at a great deal less than regular value. •
, ^
. 11. .1 101 1.11
Parasols for Agaees.••
Bargain Dal% . Narrow Vallenoiennes MOO lo. per 1
Staples for BargainDay
SPecial b f
argamb rOM our
. This special Parasol offering. YeLd• •
for -Bargain Day.
aces for Bargain Day will be divided 'Staple hpepattalellt in every
into three lots cream butter and in
cotton, torohon and silk laces goods th t
, an sa that were10,1stvainadgedielo,f°1 dairi wanted
Good quay Gloria Silk 'Animist,
)bellow riba, steel rod, fancy black
horn or natant' wood handles,tops
will not turn greet nor cups strong
and stylish parasol, regular $1.60
and 61.65 goods, just about a amen
in the lot too sell, your choke for 4,,
Bargain Dai at
Blouses for
Bargain DaY.
• 6 10 d 14 a -are
we worth buyina.
•• : 75 yd a stripeaBcoteb zoyintr imitate
Remnants ..of Laces • Inc child. ewe wear or ' 8
• • agro0411, writ ivt biup and.tv. biltlet'es8;r7okir .
1,round with pink and
And Embroideries
• 'bine etrl' a
Short lengths of taces =
Teo, regular 26o. geode kr-.
Yard* lienvy rit)InecialegoiquElleiirret:nti' •
ue white. st •
• . • tar 15o for . , • '
round thread, 31 inch wkle, .,i
gathered , together an d
• .Stripici Ceylon flannoLmostly creain
rriliS Shirt waiSt 'weather,
Waist docks should be cleaned •sola at SG much per niece..- gronnd with colored eirieeo,regniar
and iime 0.,.tat the sllirt placed On* our ,ouiiter and, 13'rg'inTh • •
should. see the , is geode, Bargain Day.......... Ge
17p,130,rgain Day
"ii flaw; oiaery Panay flannel, cream ground with
last of these two lines. •d
ery ono this season's' goods dark • imitable for aprons, regular priceci y bine:
spa light colors flawed styles, e ?Sorted 90c, clealing Bargain Day 740C
Black, black and white, and larrow red stripe, regnla, r 35ongnoaovdsy
for .nargain Day •
lb I
lard wide aprongingluirn plai
co °red norderi snpc
taohable "collars, fancy etripee.
Colored Allover Embroideries
spots and checks, the balance os
Cambric and percale shirt waists,ev-•plain white skirting embroidery,• argain Day
• ..
Navy blue And blaolt, red With whi shaker,lieavy Weight
te Plain blue tw l •
frig Bargain Day at
or regular 90a and $1 lines, claw- 55e•
embroidery; regular 50o goods, to 25t• Vacua for Bargain Day
Fine cambrio shirt waists, the new- clear Bargain Day , ..... • .. 20 inoli heavy lanekabaek
25e Vellings• at Me.
eat stripes in pinke, blues or white II pure litien, extra pod to weer.-- -
all new thia mason, regular 5145
groandihelso fancy plaid gingharas.
Rat Pins at tie. •
tegular 16o goods, 13argain Dv .. 100
Pure eilk fish net Volitive 'in black •
table linen, /Ilia:gal fo '
70 inch balf bleacbect (limbic, clatterer
' and 31,25, clearing Bargain Day at 04.7 , Rua colors, some 25o lines,olearingilic
Bargain Day at ..., . . ... Day r argain
• Ladies' Ties for
Bargain Day. 2 ends only fancw atriped print for
Flag, military button, and jewel list taint maids,' 1 yard wide, fast s,
A clearing out of our pinegegular 12io and 15o, clearing ,• 8 colors, regular 121,o, Bargaia NC '
.Ladies. sullamer neck wear' s-f.nnasyrgja•siveitspiab7elat$ piny, regular 85•II fiargain
Lodieth silk and satin tat, in puffe, • geode. clearing at o
c Nor Small Men.
rieottorkinegoBilaarrrnegonslaytionr0.a...g.e.o.d.e.,, 35e neok and Salta trimmed' tie.
bows and knot* with or withotit
• • with lade and ribbon, regular 26o, h
Ladies'. Cotten Veats
clearing Bargain Day at hf.swetnetiFi ilniribli:Wirte4DDIVI'easprrtallw; efiriget'sry,1 tisegni er.8.8
Felineviioahriffsoin,6tol,esowieiathrinegtooBis:roslititirn, ,50
Day for .. a ... #•1,111.0*** .• • •A• ••• children's Tan Cotton Rose and regular 6'1454341'0in Day 98c
Embroideries and Amorted Eliza, re ular 17o and 20o, 10
clearing Barge n Day at e
insertioiis; •
Organdies at lere.
We have a 'big lot of ext,
The balance cif ottr dock Of fine ore
broideries and insertions th
sell on Bargain day, they will
,f. isEnandasy5a7uosilainllabbgloanokzdgai7::: la,
grounds, goode that sold for 25, 80
be placed together in two lots, tor ,,. .......
both about i regular price. .... ..••••,......„. Lulu
min wnite, pink and whitetlaine Men's Purnithings for
Bla: lardrigw0a 1 ii:Unnedtaltyl; goods, la vii , h Ittoe ' goal:s° Yr 5 ti.,,. ' copli;rittramb:reioanginoftvoLtaiBeiYdeee..r.rg se gi utii' : aiy6 6:h:it:: man
riMbroideriee and imitations, rep- Special bargains from one furnishing de -
Blain white, pink and white, blue
and white mauve and White fanny ' ' • 11.....B i I)
.only Suninier Vests Ifght and
• dark colors, washing' Materials,
sneer 84, 88 and 4(1, regular 01.50, g
13Eirgelu Day for • • -rt.. A..to
i only washing Vents, blue ground
• with white epot,the best goode that
we have eises 30, 48 and 40, rep.
lar 52.75, Bargain Dity tot . J1.04
White washing ties, regulr
geode, flargain
s, 5e
Summor Clothing for
Bargain Day.
beau awl Vests, light patterns, welt
marls from. eerteceabfa materials, 4 Ar%
• were 52 75, Bargain Day . IN Ua
......... summer maffi and mate, dark bine
imbreideriee and Insertion. regultr,
A lok of aim ties, strings. bows And I sorfiet litiO that Wits0•70, Bar. 2
four bahands, regular 26o goods.. 10. q- saki nay
15 end 20e goods, elearingBarge ,
• Datat
reottsotact every WoOnssilioi afternoon
R eaucti 0 it
Fall Wheat GS to 80 i:
.,, .
02 to 06 Itt Mil Ilif er,,,,,.
BarleYOnfir Iff .. iafift1.0. e SO 88 10 0 40 y .
Oats. ...... ................. 40 00 to 0 28
reA160.144010.1164 .......... ... • 0 41) 60 40 0 68
Rye , .v., :0 80 10 0 85 .
Butter loose in baiskeL11 11 to 0 12 ,
Rutter in tuti,......,, . 40 .6 12 te 0 18 1
Ogge- per des...... ........ .,..# 0 11: to C 12
Hay., ........ eifiolote .... i .... a•sst 6 60 10 8 00 20 per. cent
Live' Itogs. f V #410,414.0•41'01r4,4 '05 to ,4 /6
Pork per tawt a, v ep.*...6 00 tO 6 00
Dried Apples per lb...... v..0 06 to 0 06
W601 0 12 te 0 lit
1 00 tO a 16.
• .'Exciarsiori
- For the balanced the
8etkeory / will Mike tr 2? July13
reduction in price of 11.118 and 18
Buggy Pot Sale.
Pare $28 t° nil Mani'
toba pointi.
upon ell kinds of
Millinery • , , . , „ flood going bent or rail.
- Tiekets good for two rhorittie.
For further pattieulare apply to
necrl .ir mey's .Drup Sear
Miss. Ross
1•11 f
Sirvant Wanted
gincloK Of
WAtted Arrilek1 1 SAWIVeri; ;•
Itar ,