The Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-13, Page 7Ii To FAV Ifrid a rior declared that til WON OF TO WORLD," DOMMON FARLIMT ou to our RIM, OF the n 3 w a m a ry, eusehePWO-04 Of OMAN Cttle, Oboes% ft: Whg te Logbl4tor* T in tbla 403mv OD yl�oiz I us Sum _ of 11 Ise "s WOO " Id. I the Leading Xart,44. 441ttai a2:6 HOU46 Could, ad r* ##0 the country THE FAMOUS PR=ON%04 've Dolnjr at Ottawg- only Upon 44"tion of On* vo AGAIN IN va"Ics. OvicarJ41160 Uri; t, I k P P o;;t the 11 1 ''. ro Ivio 0 rep 110mestead, X 110 To 12to, July 7.—Tho .9tr4 to r. OgIJ $Mo. I X0 The C.P.R. will build,.a combined ur4aXi which I 41210114 p4m receits at the 0. ........ the ter rI1W11oltb:i 01, I'll, TICKET OR LEAVE X )or decleirod that it It was not-Tko r. ft � *ft 44100 4. * 140U P14 liver, and battle between tol and labor which W"tarrp Cattle, Yards bore to-d4y wore, satisfactory another investigation 16a OW U ro 'hotel and q4tiou with Official at W-14. : It' the Senate the gon. David'Xilla would be ordered. oil 10 00 T (W 290 billousu"'o, It woo fought ybAr4 ago. *1038 -On to, sixty leads, Jualudinp; I,- 11 rm ........ lb 00 9 w 6 QO, I W M31M ludl 0 W11, etc. They are In, Over 100 mew loopmotives may be Tbs. Now York 94A has been oQui- 6M bogs, 4W obecep arA lambs, 70, Cal- moved the Alecond reading of the bill A dovimtob, from Broot owyx�_Tv_ I to r Provid . for the cooditionUl liberet THE TOUR OF PARE A" HOW at extra valuable a 0 it 0014 or break up, a, ishortly ordered for,., tb a luterpoloulal, d'014 voa,.AU4AcouPlootdozoar4il)xero.Tbo I" harbour­bQat 04du4A Otiiirtlid out xboW 11 41 to for t& lo-ni h ac ton of priooaora. ]is,, 1 04 o, t tb For trapolont gavartloquients 10 cents fOvOr. X114. M.06, certain, their ailrad. , , Market t4roUghovt wa PC a _at , 3,unday AIX 1; I a are worth* A quot4bly un log 't a off t. Cuban coast last September the cJ� X" oi the first 3 cents your conticience, 1'uro.ly vegetable, h A Belgium Coln the bill propo4ed to introduce 4g- 111801 Experiences ortbo t?olr or Tbleve y .pany la Considering ecau'lie taken by chIldre6or delic while used by the, Sun a& a despatoli 0114404, Who ITAud"Ired Alwxt with A rvice storm, to meet the �$fax, whioli WA 1010- 6441h subsequent IA4eXtiOA­ ;it* women. the e4tabliahme4i of a : 114h Syetom,of ticket of leave an POUpa,rell gueasare, ,I" I Price. _W, 4011 Inedleingldeelorq Qr.by =4 $it Chatbam. Igloos factory boatq Shipping paittle. Is steady Suit in fair . cl that on Their Reas. been aii; 1. Professional 04 the bill woo hailed on the English st%" lited for -out At isax, Net tW loot Oxoeedlng pus, Inch, Of 0, L 4004 & Co., LoweH, Nalls. B, Wingate has. boon �locte� The prosaure for Soldiers for the doemond at froin fl.70., to ail. r owt., ! f5.0,0, per PC A deapatob from Montreal says:— one: oolock iti'tho morulpWU4 a autilm city Philippines has. reached snob a point p4d for oboice Seleotio e i Issued ub- .11,1144M. AdvertheMoute without pec- 911gieor tno, a little bat� The story of Pars and Holden's ax- Cleat lull occur to allow the traxisto mlltoia, After an exCit- .that the WO direetio" will too published till campaign. American I-egular army 'Will price wa's paid. 460t to reportin to the aborlIC but it perieces Since breaking ja gorbld and Charged for occordtias the holder was found idling or other- -it. at Nap- of the whRonair from ne box, tq ly, have to be suppleme.ated by 10,000 vol- , F64fid", An T. Emmerton. are, coitnow In various, unteers of the force authorized by the T41911it, 4hiPP W'Dr�b from 04-30 an", -as Might be expected, obows that 4notizer.'4vor oluce his deportgro froo auslent era Site or etc. parts of the Province of w4e Misbehaving himself he would be eoiat4'for firq in- -T , � Ontario, pro- last tto 44-65 Par owt4 Pont the men underwent considerable hard- Isle dix Diable, Dreyfus had. spoken very "E, UADING' OARAER, 6umably by tr MM back to serve out his time. The. sertion, 00 6BPta for *e%ob aubsequqnt. a The Steamer Margaret Olwill, owned Good butchers' ce,ttlo to a rea, 4 Ships, in their wandexingo,'to ovado �little, and even kept� gpart greig 1poertion. Smith's block, ojposite; post Qfficia The Bell 0379411 & Piano Company, I by 'W, P, Smith 'of Cleveland, went. t froui,� *4 to, q4.45 dy . al@ 'system had -been. found to work well , his A per owt., For , reoavpture. On their way from CAMP- Guelph, have received an order forft down In the. Storm ouliuka Brie. Nine n34ngland And in the Unt.ted States TUIR NHW9�RRCOAD will be) sent ALSO fellow-T4eu, and during hour# medium xxid especially the 1009 a Areas, free Of �ostage, for IRSUrORCO Co .rggnq, trap o including Capt.Johu for 6ommou N.B., In charge of Detective -that the vg-aturesome little Cadusil dd England. MPI -00 per year, payable in advance— Art for �tandor.d Life t Vancouver robb"a broke into St. Brown ttle, the enquiry Is light, and prices where 1he system had been ' ltroduo-, Gzeer,.Pare. talked a littlo:'of his re, valply en ho jat his wif and son, andxisoBald� cla, be charged If not ail ad. Re likieved the meaure would be apprip 41-50 ina* id, d tQ %Ob, t Read Office for Canad.0, 3%outeqal. Cb.uroh and stole tb8 COM- win, a Passenger, continue weak4, sales dxagged this pent doings. t A111O dMtAO to Which. Ovary Subscription Manion plate on Tuesday� advantageous In br4oin u e $tax, he Stood alone, Mindless 40 Inkurance la force, . 4116,0N,000 GENERAL, Moraln$r, especially tit the openillig, its paid is denot%14- by tb43 number 04 The Manager of t reformation of youthful offou THEY CLUNG TOGETHER. tbs, the address label, No paper dlicoutin- Rstinviessiteila*1826 The Old reliable tin Winuipeor Predicts he Ogilvie Xills. An earthqu4kei shock of some sever� mediwA Cattl ia worth from 43A.to raging ator . Mo gtoorbil; we . odilq I40,000,000 bushels of Ity was felt Tilesday night at Pit hia opinion it wa much more likely It seems that in spite of Some ap� 084,. t .0 40 pe ww-L IW4. until all arrears are, paid, exceP 14 , 0. r '?� IL, wheat.for Manitoba this. Season., 'whona A ticket' of leave parent ill -feeling betweien Pare and* .464, at last the 10 the opt _t le'The custams, ritt-urua 'show an in- and Florence. that one to Iblet Dreyfus Silently is Seat IVAMrCorao ­ . I Troops are defending u'on-uniop men was granted ould reform than, it kept his COMPainlo-ii,. while in Napan�e, the 006 IF WHILL $tookgrio xre worth f out Off to P3.1% J2 crease of noArl t rqe, Per cwt., with a plow enquiry, be I boa non f ma and !Proprietor. b and a 'half rall- in the otrike at the Bochum coal in. the penits dpr4- and two had U regulai system of conimuAl, In the Qtexu Of t PMA I t t r lions for the year ending une SO.. era utiary. Old often fforpeshoor and GenkslBlaoksmith mines, Germa 9xport bullet feisdas. nd milk I ny are unchanged. thoe, who were offenders for the firat cation With each Other. Paro. , made the Caduan. The Independent Order of the Sons At, Rennes, France', it is stat 0 of, AbrahUm at Montreal are taking ed that Seep One easy at from 40 3.56 41me were thrown together in thii pe- known to Holden hio Plans, or tile.. X FRENCH $01L. I.BANK and Par wt, We had. too Many in to,day. HE MOLOGN Albert Street' North, Cl.inton. the a(squittal of Dreyfus Is far from up subscriptions for a Dreyfus f itent sty andthe Opportunities -for, re-, eL'*aPe. The boat reached the ob at about being a certain IJOBBING A SPECIALTY. George 19, Dalglieli and David Hop- Itigoi the famous gipsy, t pring lambs are wortli from as to i�rm were very few L Indeed.' In gug- -�fter leaving the jail a coaquittion 1.30 kin's Of Ottawa, who left for t4ie Yukon he husband f4-50 each, and for anything good to o.olooki there be' 4"Oomlpd4y of Of the Coki.ntaSS CIO Chinlay L is act dead. phiolce, there '5L a steady demand, land it had been found that -the crina- took place as to which direction they 'in . f I i ing CAPITAL� Woollwail; lionod and. first-class material last October, have not Since bbpn ear P., - , .. ntry and a force of. and suaranteed. Farm Implenunits and from, Was reported, in Est 4OU14 take, Holden w1ohing to strike. detectives in waiting, Good to choice ireal'o4ves'ara want , al Classes were those who had lea RXST uiaZ or); ad repalrod. 15000000 Ines re ait a The YtIcan, has a majority ad, pliyalcallito iind that training had to 6 t into the Unite& States as Dreyfus �h% I Ratepayers of nnvil,le, Out ba west The face of Captain voted in favour of,gpeudlzij Iin' the Rome, Municipal. 61ebtiopa,' first Buks,are-ulaoha�nsed at from §2.70 12. n duced improvement as muohUS mor -le, Pare - wishing to little changed- t I* '41� quickly, as posaili ff��j Qflleev MONTREA time in 20 to 83 per e,*t. �hoagla Somewhat L -a water filter and gr�auolithici years, t atill�COAtaint WX MOLSOR."mAci�HE' en Cape 'Light a Culture. He believed the bill would be go east towards Quebec, thinking by an advantageous one, The bi -6r to ese -det r,W0r4VER5TAN 1Jo_,VX R80N, Prosideub and,prices weak thus bogs Steady, 11, was read Ws'roate ilia Ire ��Alka, A. - meeting, of 4 000 persons 1 nd heavy bogs tod plentiful, i the COW Nop Mutual. F" Town has. eadorsea Sir Alfred Niluor's batt ape so, expression of the' arigtoo to but qholm� -ra 4S, Gen. �Xauugar Diphtheria has broken out in tb "Singers," Iscatling from 150 to 200 lbs-, a �o,00nd t' --tion.' The'eastern route beingdecid- aBoys' Home at Hamilton, and five of Uttitacle towards the Transvaal, me. ign of. gufioriug� $a per lb. was paido for light- fit adt upon, the.firat night, an a tOL Notes 131-ounted, Collections, madd, Drafts the inmates are now in the ity A riot Occurred on Monday at, 84r- 41_ft; and. ­ h - '$ THE. ALASKAN OVX.DARY� d -day after Hii, was transf rred the railwa Issued, Steirlin Hospital. agossa. Spain, the mob trying to burn for heavy fat t a price is ff and &icoriean Exchange 4 14 per lb, their eocaps, they. kept to the north lioteres(allowdit 04 Deposit$ Dr. William M. Pat6, of the �Vea_ down h;; cc Senator Macdonald, of British COlUm_ so losed Jeu(1xUo I M., ViiA Sowli are. worth not. more than So Par bia,� Proposed aresolutWa pxpr side of the -St. Lawrence, keeping un-, being hr CsdiAXriviXI9 t tb Fullf and Isolated PropeltY loydia Theological, College, Mpntreal, The Orange, Free State is trying to .1b, der covr as much US 'OSUItS- �' In Town "Out of the J ga. eonly sured. hhs - boon appointed instructor of 'effect' a co -xpprol�al of the, declaration of ;possible, and station the pjrIOoner,.whoze majostill SAVINGS BANK, inpromise between the Brit- Stai at 2opoer III. ocfinally reach d Cotega Junction, where cariiage mirht have Sao the rxn� Biblical literature An Yald University. ish Goverim nt and the TrS:A$v Store hogs are, not wanted. acontained In the speech of $fr,Wilfrid Interest allowed on. some pi ji OPPICERS: George OKeefe, formerly mem- Following is the range of Current- they crosed the St.. Lawrence to V-41- gene eiat tment Laariei in which lie, saidi. o le . yfield. Following the. south share Ored McLean,' Preoldrnt, . Kippen p. O.. bar of the.Legislaturo for Ottawa, has .,Azx-4rme<L_mob has burned.4 the for;. quot4tiona.," of al,' 'Was in Wait- Themes Frfteej, vice-preddent, Brucefield P,6: been apygintea.-P61ioe, ma(gistrate of Olgu Customs nd Consulate offices t I-on'the iiegotat0las for. the Settlement down, they -crossed over again -to iq. wlif of the special ] :Meng-Tsu, P Cattle. t_,- W. J. site eoy-Troir­ Seaforth P. O.'; Ottawa, IA. the room of Mr, Ogara Xovine of Yang -Nan. I O* "non of th� Alaska'6oundari qUeaL 'on. that Vaudreul, and, carefully pidking their. ing. ll efforta of 11 : 'Per, Men Said to per owt. .$4.25 .. # in tho famiri3 on tNeir own Thomas E, N.Y." .1n,,qpeotorof Leese% Seatqrtli lately Sbippe", 95001 steps, they worked their waF thro.ugh, interview the pwim.her or travel gage refill �ftaptratad _ zote�wjth one or more eudormrlh. 1 . ; . 0 mort, P.. O' 'DIRECTORS I t, The Cubans dre be, lana- Butcher choice, do. should. it be deold6d -, that J the Province of (4ueboo into the Siate rain-werel ired as aeourily. Nelligan; of Hamiltoup says an �Whlle. 400 450 Canal did'4not ),is Lynn Aid. oring for independenob the bet- Butcher: medium to. good.* Oil) 0�76 belong t,6. Canada the �of Maine W. G, Broadfoot'L Reaforth : John G. Grieve r .1 riof the government weal 4 be -to atte pt was Made to bribe him for aria of Huva:na favoll annexation, Butche 300 830 Policy Winthrop. George Dale, Seaforth: h' ',ote in, connection with the ap- . Gen. Otto has gain on by building TRAVELLED AS.TRAMPS,.. o", of the eacort. T) , is train, reabhe . d Ifays, Seitforth -, Jameg in . Thbinas R. is V decided to open An Sheep and'14xiabs. I aceess'-to Yuk a Rabelais,. a tho vans. 'Beachwood; Po % They. 'were se'vrgI Weeks. . aicioom_ Ok:t=n,t a alt engineer.. An in- trade- a Id way down to � what wg indisputably h Witt Harlook. Thoivi Frazeri Bruce. r ti, Jaltl. rge number f Philipping, Ewes, per owt. Boo 150 1 c4naLdiau 'territor . to Observatory Plisl%ing 'this PT*OU.Of Rennai 5.80L a.,M.t, eld, John B. XeLeo ourney, G. D ii� James, wl U be t hich liiylii been closed hL part .of their j L NoTAGGART, ell Kippen; POT a W ethe Yearlingg, Per cwt. 4OW 400 I Yt -he way as tramps. cc olly. Clinton. The body of Mr. Alex.' Taylor of outbreak. V,116t, through the Cassiar, � Atlin and ail Si.sting on' t, In carriage$, were in wa&Ing L AGI�NTS: Winnipeg wxs found in the Red Rive Backs, Per owt, .250 275 L tikou'districta.' * The. resolution, iloo Maine the wern. did not feX � safe, and ner was driven to. his doOtinatlo` .0'anker r' . Serious -Strike riots resulting in, the Spring lam.15s, �,wch, .300 450,reaffirms the motion adopted by . the Way k64 Robt. Sinhh!1IFLOock ; Robnrt McMillan, Sca. He disappeared on Monilay nijhta�nd Pt L -to., the woods as much aik a' forth: James Onwininp, Eginondville, J, W. killing of three sirlkBrs and* the circuitous rouba. is supposed- to. have committed suic.ide : Milkers and Calvea. SPIAte last ,session, to the effect that possible, until about 'two'! weeks ago, I . . T011P=SO*L OUNTO]R. eO.'HolmeRville P, O.; John Govenlook and. 1 w g to buisi a 'troubles. *ounAing of many others- by soidi t . . I AGAINI A1BERT- STREET, 0 C. Morkleou, auditors. D in a SS have oc6ukrea in Be era, Cowor, each. .250o 45oo I is necessary that an L all L Canadian- 'When they struck across� to Nova, Germany., . Ca ives, -4ach . 200 600 e Pacific Coast eAn- war R. Hill, an. o route from th tQ')ruk.on ti and landed near Halifax,. an-, The inhabitinta of - B� ogs.. a open -up w Part A ld man Where are *fears thak� the decree of ohou, "M thout delay in *dering about. for. some aay6, they re- patenfly m. at . unconloetrued. in 376 e�.deRirous.to eflact luaiirance or-tran, living from -hand to Ino H b o Ract oLher builness will be Promptly attended ,It Who, after. the King, of Italy, t. empowering - the Ire I A G 'Business Transacted to on application, to any of the jibove officers yer, was killed by a street oar Choice hogs, per. owt. 475 50010rder 0 secare-f to the iamous encral Banking c U or the Dominion a­traeod tligr steps -and struok'St: John,.' addressed io their respective postllices. a L Gov9rime-lat to prohibit. p Of newspaper 00ftespogWentii.be. ublic meet- bogs'. per owt. 25 425 much f the sit ago last Sunday. From 'etc,�may lead to a Cabin' hogs; L - ;_ . I 'there they orked up -the line of the ly. olies *be she Notes Discounted. , '.Dri%:fts. issued Claimed lo b b6ir to -Lotd' Ar, ings, Light treat ofthat district as aWe on W44 U*Usual int 'as Interest Allowed on be - It strong, the' famous garmaker. Heavy per owt.: 425 425 POssib c. d TWO 1% ercl Several. decoy Qatia Peal S Bavarian officers, Baron LAID. ON. THE SHELF_ t- :)Ionial, to Campbelltourha way an ere on thand.Trunk RallWay. The East End Incline Rail Boa- THE. EXPORT, TRADEi ti Thusday , in to mislead the Owspaper.men." �buLt. that, about *40 acres of land adjoining - i"iI.At on Godin, -Were,kil.jed on The following -are the live stock r�- 113 L reply to a question by, Mr. E. P. .'mak1g, frdin thd"dai1d' _i. _I CLINTON, ONT Trains arrive and Ieavi C n at Tu day, -rid Laurier stated tliat to ca,tob, a ifloatingL �gjiaur FIM Aiiaident a li�f Station as thd. mountain top' Hamilton, WillL er while httenipting to . asb6nd tarns- of the week ending W6dnesdarv,cla ke,* Sir Wilf neighborhood. ere enabled k Tyiolese Alps� X61 Iled WHO G41NED THE 110- indl,lic,lissurance follows, '0 0 none -of the officials .of 'the Kingston of t,fie military, risoner., as. the -hoisbs Transacted. A�Presentq aeveral, of the besb' be sold by Uticitipia on July J4 -t atia- the , Ac erlspitza,.fia �the 5,. as cop -by MT.'Bickerdike,. TH I, . C9nimnieg and -dict of the': Live, dashed into the Ootirt;YOPA, I fy creditoraL.Who hold, mortgages. h � -stock ti ange, Miin� Pnitntiary have been- recommended. uAny infc�matjou relit,ing :o uffilo and b istricf:-;,. owera from A court at Paris as given a ver on Life ......... 10.15 a In n a era 11 UraTICO ffladl I AtL ameeting of fruit go of*26,000 to Madam for 0perannuation, but' twelve la WARD. After'beiidq f-AnallY iiii1aifibrkr8 Agent too the &,Jvd11* General - District Going Wept, Mixed . a Regal -against the t al:— -,;;' ingot IE as the Stoney Creek' district iou�Xenday, 9wriers. of the -French' stean�er La- Cattle. . Sheo. ave the cire of -the unce b"'3n' retired with gratuities.on* the :. It happened that the chief of police, goverior'of the lori%b% Y!% Office, to 340— on RozLoonable Itutea .. 12.55 P.m. 1..ground of physical, in' Ian officer mamOa Duiioan,' 4 d - c e' "re t44 4overnment Was Strongly urged to Bourgogne, ptifik. in colli' Nova: June 30-06rvbuti, London.. 2R3 29 caPaei y. a receiv� VfUB L was ooav,6: —Pal red toi a comfortable I7-0 5 P'M. t k6 g6tien wItLho ad'one of tile. Circulars Sant out : dii_� P 4ion off P �Oiite Market. �Expretui a ut dolay with S� view Soo I ,. for the loss Of on, London. 300 180.' FARMERS PAr Coll JI1118 Second -floor. whekoheaux-,: ...... 4i --10-27P. I her husband. .TX(1lY I—X41an . Ir I " L G619g East, EXPr6SS in*. to. the stAihp,Ln&' out of ths Sall'ar Juna 29—Virg'n;an, scribing . %a two. men. This officer iously aWait)6di'tho arriv -0 oss lbaring� the d' 7.46-a.m. ic - . �. : A iscussion in committee -the arrival of the, tramps and *.. , .. I .. onis house, in the notized �2.ss p. in, I . U %yeak L for, -.00_JVEYANCINC.--' Meng Tze Province of- Yan Nan, Ciiina, Upoll'the hill to: further amend the Do, 10 864 SUSPICI6 mmo,� Dreyfus W, wed, to fies, It hiA: no . were aroud6d � -:116 her ixe he cbar& *of Se.%fte�more, 'Liver- t husband tbm tiaLeS, 4 T .eaping a gambling b i4 minion landa aot,'Mr. Sitton, iu'replY .351P-rk.. h rge of- Americans,. is 6 to Mr th Brue�e..' club, made 4g*inat the 8t hio was In o. a thereupon: arrested. -them, bf1t subse-, three -quarters -of tin London, Hur6h and Jean -Bab- said', to have. beOu in' an anti oster, said that, the'farmerj5 of m to Clubo.will-11 0 7. a. 46h 1111hrough qg� t rdiniag, fid - the Northwest L )Ia 'releiwd. the Thinking, the of' officiaL P 0 G.ingSoutho Express .... tis, July, oManitoba .. a s6i*pa. , a prison Ajdimt a 'he oreign rio ve 7,47L in, all chips- and thc marked -cards vool. '432, L* over again, alid-vougulting the NWhan, I)reyfus.wSis,tpIk1.dnAugl W6 5siOner, cGoing. N�rth,.. L.".. ........... 10. On M6ndiiy 'the� Geraman 4e.legates ; aphi,`he summoned assistance, voy ­ a new couirt-anbortlallawair. pre4y'well paid up their.indebtedueag photogir Conveyancer, I Commi! 4-25 P.m. and'other articles which were Seized June 29�rMooateugle, upon oohoql lands. Ke that '5 '..in. have been stoiO from he court house, af.the Peace Conference 4% 176L CANNOT BE SPA aud Weedily rerrested'the pair. eA Vin on his return to Franoe. FIVILTn's' -IZ.al'E§t.te ... 6.55 -p.m, at RED. Pare, took, -bis arreqt'- qUletly', but, plied, "r hive no ill4d .Montr6al, Germany could -not enter Into any. On- ��Ju 11 a ne 29�8alaoia, 457 thd W., .9. I)Avrs her . naval. July 2—Alcidesi Glasgow. 38 Prior, 'Victoria,4 6� -qdo Holden, who is a much more powerfully b6dj; to -re-entai. Lend., 'A U go Agent -G, P &T AUdd. �States syndicate, with. J;uly 4-15r6raerazilan, * Glad!' olonist" built man, made's fierce- 'resistance,, Giaggo-`W'�L go bad I shall be glad aandmilitary a. istateinent in the Victoria 'a army, wtich I to, A capital df'$10,000,000; Connected withL effective aneouver. "World":'tb. thiO "I" after,wards'Aeclarinj Office"Ii&R—OM, �S Torimt'o. 41-ontreil. the'$50,000,00d .'pulp trusti..bas'bolig Gil' x"di San I f6ni the V y he love- T�EETI­ CLINTON The](tatia A. 0. PATTYSPN,.G.T.R. lit ri genera sit' --Lord lveagh,'Cat-, 1'effe—oti that the * Roi had no fireamm, or. someb6dy`iould In July 2 HUSBAND. AND Agent L. aL Cl� to�, timber limiti aggregating $ljil50,00d Glseppi�. -arrested as a spy the. r,.Geo. R. have be.dwkilled. Will 168 membe Dreyfus, 4ou'X8001vinie the MEDICAL rean 'Gaspe and.Quebec, and French fortifications' at Nice'. waa on r for Buriard, is, to be ap�ointed . he Men Warp . carefully'luarded un- build -two mills to cost a million ea'ch. Monday wivictiid and. 'Sentenced to. J * ply postmaster of.Vaheouver., Ho-aAked . .. neW3 of W ariioiul of her -husband, izi, 568 '597 whether the stateinent was iv6ll found-' tit -Inspector.-Greer's �arrival_ "G 'KILLED MOIVAga AbiD 'reduction in freight -�ive yoarg, imprison' Out and a fine, -whether.Mr.-MaxweW. . ',The* -Party , reached Montreal at'six nledixtely applied,to thii governor of ndn of 5,000 francs., M ed , and was'vot- OW, which wag, W. iatea from Pori William to Bra o'clock Tuesdai. evening. Spealking of for an int&rvi nn, A despatch from Topeka, Kan., says.: otals. To .1,839., Ing with this, promise of an, a.Rpoinf- all.&41tay 'granted. wig 'am- _.Willfe Porter, nine and. Winnipeg is announced by the' C. While the ' ommittee of the Spanish menti in his recapture, after reaching Montreal. big R. C. P. and L. R. C Edinburgh. Years old, of -.R - s reduction- of 14� cents Chamber' of Coininerce -at Mad#d on ThOL Prime Mits was'happy o: be, #air said it -.seemed d that' it. ducted to, 0611 No. 830, 9A Offiee--�Outarlo Street Costs, Kansas, was playinir. soldiers'; too' ba ! Cliftton. Night' per -100 to Brdndon and; 11 1-2 cents to ��puday preserii,ed to the Government Toledo, J'ulY- I­AVhitt No. Ca5h able to say tbit Xr. Maxw should end -up in thi§-*ay_but he:.$UP',: Mme..Ravet, ., WhOre) 'W� A=t -calls at front'door of �essd yesterday with I pistol he. found in the Wiunipeg from Fort * William also a tHo it pi 'ali, 76 1-8o: September, oil ha no posed. there was'no use Tepluing, nd reunio, ance on Ratten-' n btIrY Street, 6P'P,. Pre b�ierian- Church. hixed man's to rptest against the new. budget, And in 'his. pocket and so far OM, "I'llshooty6ii he reduction 6f.nearly *40 bar ceUt. in le- all the stores of the city. war have -to mak6 the beat. and iife. TJ on leaving' 0 2 mixed, 35 1-2co -Oats��N 'they wolm �Ow P said to his baby sister,'who e Closed, COX ii� O a$ he was' aware there had been'Ao the poor weribdan was 'in a Oita of c as in hor Cal freight rataii from Winnipeg to 10- in'$ymPathy* with the Protest. ' - O- oof, the 4#rdumstances. 2. Mixed, 95 1-46. - Ry4_Wo; 2'. Cash; �60o, saggeation of his. appointinent. The znother!s arIfts, '-Than.. lie pralled the cal points -in tbi West. bd. Cloverseed — Ubobanged; Y 't6 JoSeL '1191dou said.1 ulevei. have. -plete collapse. Lee -ireat; waek the L shock. Dr, W.M. Grahani trigger, the 3109ise *QuWbe very, Sort e . guid bqllet passin AT I�RiTAIN. ..broyfUs arrived at'Rounes on Satu '65t his reoapitursid- an ­�wuld, have' got. of the, Meeting. Dreyfus ham' agedi g through GRg f- 64sh, new, 43.95;'October; 44. Oil— 6Ojvices. (Successor to.- Dr. aby day and was received. quietly. --Ais been xud the mother., kill IMr.! off � zoo if, the country* by grfttly. Hia',hair and beard are how, icentiate of the-Royat Golle,-O of -Physic. ing them instantly. rtiitli t-iiinyfibni Younker bro.� landing at'' Quiberon: wag� oJwau"Nck t ;White, � -and hiS body slaranken ', and un- Y '"Flour, — Steady, BILL,. taking a'sal g vesseli but Pare was Ilin ians, L6ndon En ther oUth Net, L4 dead:. feringy hive aged - m grel Ltly. The The House on to 0 -9, larne leg, and he did us wife that, III ared. to r;in. Mr, Cecil ailed from Northern, 75' f4o; No. tion of the L Passed nsidera- suffering frona' as witireli ignbrant of the events Office'and RqsWeuce' a Block, od6s' has a interview - between 'him' and his Wife 2 fi�rtbeirn, 74c. RYe";J.0. 1"600.4 B& gorverminatt's. f�i uranpe liot.wigh to leave him inthe lurch. hP 11 the -d by.. Dr. HE TELLER WOULDN'T TELL, within the �prison at 46nti4 w r is ately Occupie , , I . h. aTurnbull.. London: f6r Cxpe. .-Town�- as very leY.LN0. 2, 430; 83)MIole, 40 to 42 1-2c., bill:' On vlIe Wh have franspirod d -years-' Mmo.CD� -Mrs. Brow Clause of -this measure la�"Our. langbagoi. %ii.'fall The fiquia- of Lords Mondii defe't-' ;bafuth, July 7,—Wheta N Prhich pr�videiil A set of- a t, Utmst of Misnomers. Oa o; I hard, court leg Ili Dr. �wo: For instance, 1, Iiiet �ed the. bill legalizing Oetoin of III GREAT -DISTINCTION. the, Jail, an,. one of the young. Turks daish, 77 3-8o 117 1-2o . No. 1 which insurance- Companies may in-, Wi the t�sy, by a meO686'd the opinion Office. once who was a pdrfe6t bex. Fifteen persong 'are.reported to'have party t- The Hague, being examined Northern, cash, 74 7-8c; uly,:.75o; Sep-� vast, Mr.' Poster'.expr oflao, —Offita�ipSfreat.,- opposite English .-and they called him- -a . civil engineer.` in a,libel suit brought by. tlie- Ottoman the. only aia Who Thr,ashed 'the been L downed *in. a, boating. accident. tembodr,� 74 04e; N46. 2 Northerb, 7Q that these were a, trifle broad6i'than 16butcho, former' M Sniith� but th' ly occupied, by Dr. , Yes' "Apple- rp at a hotso, It' o0arred,at. Caxnarvon- pring, .67 74c., aton. delegation, admitted having said that 0-8c; Nq� 3 a 'they ,�bpuja be, and tha.Minister L Of prinee Of. JaL riAlbulous s the man they call tel -7' tbe'Sultan called. himself the father of Finance. stated that he w6ul&bave the To Mr.JE(mes. . Miller, a met.' PROWNED'HIMSELF LINZ A DO6, Shire. ler in -a. bank, wanot tell you.a'ny;. dermen.­ the people, but that it Was as S pottiiry bint of 0 1 belongs 'V�C`the I other day how -womed'as Councillors alid,al aturnis, Clause stand over,: as lie was sincerely e ak and, the DR. rr"'Upson thing., Task6d on :1,015tED BY'. - CHINESE PIRAT . ES., desirous of meeting, th ad we W. Aamtral',5ir Wyndham Rorby, K.C. sating his own. children. . He admitted. 'of the Ishis to Nks Neiko Tksn Juinged honor of haviii thra�hed the Pxitice. of T' :nxu6h 'Zoney 'my � hiiaband had on -d.e7. . B.I. retired, died suddenly,on "Wi3diies- saying that the Sultan permitted the� and Wo�il.4,,,Vconsider any I . 9 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON posif s e e. day afternoon - While presiding at Armeiiian murders but'statbd'that his 11101814 ghlp�lilphi ifew of the, Gun 6aggeition whleh Mr." -, cat$jL might �Y�Ies. The gentleman,was visiting next to Molson's attacks Were directed against th boui. e A despatch it Office and Risi�cn� company meeting. have to Make. Th WIll accordingly an.ancle on the Prith.of Fortk, beia' i HIE; VOIQ L . I . 9 61 E. Stands over� remains of Nelson Shaver wor�a!fouAd, a ry oplyl.ug. to a'questi n I Turkish Government. A des"toli,froin at -that time a sinalf Scotch: lad,resi& Danko Ratt nbu 'Street, blinton. Vancouver, B. C., N sk o n the HobsO Mrs. CriMsonbe __: HaS rim- of Commoner Tuesda,*, -Mr. Cbaraber� gxys-.�4he British ship woon" , earn, SCRI.P'FOR' HALFBABEDS.: ilig in Edinburigi, "One, dpy I was rid -o in the new canal 47. look 24,,ou Monday oonbeak i9ot homajor dinner yet, lain said he hoped the bill providing EDALLING OUT ELECTRICITY. Bankiar and o.,' was,held, by � Chinese t on A donkey, "I say ev�ning. The man lad.been aliesing -eldget? A.,bill to am' a r. killer from' which :was wi some' NTISTRY. for Jhe federation bf the Australian ' and die'DDiminion Lands 'Jig ca. kaiiiiebuok, on Act adduced,a discussion in pirates 'on May 22 at th 03ridget— No. =am, commonwealth connee- !'and dw youn-Prinoo was walking by would be introduced lt�ntgoia liayg. lIsgit In $lie Soudan With. the West 'river, 'who Coolly . emptied tion with the issue of -Scrip to certain relatives n I amOd Daboll, also residents Dr. BRUCE .1 thought I beard him d4ownstairs next Session. ou:fO'ot,`,khen w6 Chanced to meet. and ]the Aid of a Tiindem ulcycle; -followod. The Sure that *aS'L the -dog, You heard The' Prince of Weiss O ihS cargo into junks* lying 0,1012gaide.- half-brqeds in the goith-West Terri- of Thorold',' Saturday, when h Saturday' a tPries Which is c6ntempolated1u, thlir trouble A physician of Belleville, Ont.; has Then th prassengers,,maoy of whom mass th" 1geon De'nt1dt_ growtin,, mum, laid,the foundation stone of. the new. Ue went� out to!W_rear, of,the housso t1VL The people who *111,pfit proached. me and, catching me by a OFFICE—Over Taylor*s. Shoe PO4toffice Saving -s Bank, at -Kensington, received, - 'a letter from a rate a in were British and 'Americans, hid to - thereby are thosi who- havils not beiS� le he-dicl noCreturprT—W111118-1, Ted a, g, pulled me from the saddle. In Grad It we& stated tliat the working classes England who wig in the, Soudan Cain- give, up 47,000. in �ath. seftl64: with in connection With the je-m those days I Was a, 41itar, and li�_ tbing, wag wroll w, ""Iifofil 00t' SPedial at ail 'at, to Prager. WHAT HURT, f Gieat Britain have alan g, and'. .ration of natural Ileekh. COS: in paign. The'Writor givis the follow- Three Chinese torptdp �boats, pix� lin6ishipir of the �,boriginal title to fore the youngster knew , Jusb what made, the result behig the fin 'N` -B —Will visit Myth every Monday -and gI heard that yom.were run tho'bank amounting, to ;8I23,(i00,0oo_. ced the land, the polbay.of the Britijil GeV- struck hini I hat.landed some good &.note -stating'-that he intended to" Bayfield every Thursday afternooddu ring' ist this, morning. of Xhar- ernment being in all eases to take no left Swings, and he - was all but Out equaluit Suicide. - The search. hacAbaen 'down by a bioyofl 'General:Urd Xitchaner ing.Lriarration of how aiargeons-in the on. the. river tor Prevent Piracy, ere. the SUMmer. 0'-dboy— 96 1 was. toum, Governor-GenOral of L the Sun- Soudan develop�ed an elec�trle 6qriaht.,. anchored within Z�6 yards of the Scene, laxid'Withbat affording in return so I 0 kept up activoly since Saturday, andou Young— Were -you hurtt dan lids.received'41,640'from. the Earl "After the. battle of Omdurman we but made lid attempt to aesiat . the me I r- Compenextion., In L the Me when his in or, who de o . rapanied him, Monday nigbt his remains Werek found Xorth-Wesi come to thi rescue. O!dboy"Not until. one of the. bj- of Mialo, Governor-General. of Ca6adai brought back ta'Abadteh. 121 wounded chantman. After the robbery the e a of -the `1'eannot deny that the Pxincegot in the new canal. Around h' DR. AGIMW, UP. t1w. cl ims. both the Indiana and AS.neelt DIMNTISr. stander-P Said that it wa4a ob;,m,*�o 60 on behalf of the Candians, for the an-- offloBra. an e. in of tbwWobia reversed her flag at laallbroods have been dealt -with alike. the'first fall when he Pulled from the wag hanging a lieav steel dog Chain L' . ta hdUjy iiou an old man knocked -down like hat dowin,diat fund of the Gordon. Momor- d mer�. Of this number tik re, thd Masthead, but the torpedo toats The halfbre6ds igained'sach Scrip for d6nkay,,bat all the rbst of the honors to which was attached som Office adjoiing Photo Gallery. i fal (Zollege at Khartbm, ware'21 doses which the unfortunate fellow: wn coutc% not bw dis., steame,d, by without paying any at- 240, acies of land. - About 3,006 halfs, Were I easily mine. is n6t Office Hour$, g to S The Loki(tou correspondents. 'oV t9e gnOseclaccurately by ordinary surgical fention to.the signal of distress; breeds hav6 yet to be Settled with. 6f iicord , just ' what ha&onai dently aving madis up hit mind tvaf he W94 going leadng'New York papers in their. -cable means, By the. help of. the Rontgen P'taing of the West -he unfortunato balfbroads to' me * after it was all over to finish' the dead: second Th h letters on the Situation In the Trans- rays, which e a meeting'after the robbery, 1have fallen, ili'many eases into the but I have Just a hazy recollection-ofu out any Chance of rescrue. At Zurich the arsday dr ejo The boat ca rlv� Heretoforei wore used . -about iixty, and senf a resolution to Pekin recod� -hands of br6kers, who cashed the scrip meeting. vast -seem to. hold the oplWon that an� ith my aged, uncle that ondr- ve times, we found the bullet Or Pro" d'ing the robbery, and *Stating that the at- exorbitant diaeotints. The Mii w less President Kruger makes sbstan, it,. absence in 20ou a- e4 in disaster for me. t of these 21 eases torpedo, - boxts, were not engaged, in ter of the Interior explained tha most ... That fight! made the Prince Of Wales ]KILLED THE CAPTAIN. n I tial concessions to the Uitlanderg the the 04 zase being so Ill with &,�evem Suppressing . piracy, but in squeezing: f the people Il my friend for,life. k:nv aftef that So ERI eventuality of war is very ptoblib 4'. Five hundred British troops, it is said, WaS h !0' bullet 'Wound Ift,the lung that It was - money out of Chinese junks On the pro- cultural puriults. The bill was re- meoting in, boyhood appanaO to A British Cimtser Arresta.ilut 40raw' BlaCkall kBall, ..OW10L were sent to South Africa on Sxtur� not Considered justiflAbI6 to examine/.;.tenoo of escorting them down the. ported. leara_that in need of financial French 11cAgel. Veterinary kurgeons, Governinen t Vater day. e we ad no in an I Mr;- Sifton secmd the passage of two na him at the time. Of cents h er. OTH13B GOVERNMENT BILI;S� aid, and he lwb no ti d, -Am, engine to generate our elactric- Minarg Inspectors, at(. A despatch from St. J The Duke of.Norfolk*Presidod at's ity fOI,L US, and tho desert heat had dis. o a check for a prino6ly sam. ;r6 says that a Story. was Current 64 Sat. have met Several times' since. then. CO�Isaac, treet,Clinto Residence, Dirty meeting of -the Catholic -Union Society solved.our specially prepur d candle ASSASSINATED THE MAYOR d,the Prince alway5.buys the wine, urday' that the British fishery pf6teo. Albart&rdet. ibills.giving th6'governmeut power to of Great Britain, held Tuesday in into their oily conatituents.0 a throw open a number of town sit " an es in longer London, All the Catholic nobility os "Nedesaity, you knowt.Is the mother L the North-West whith are no after making Me Promise to fight tion Columbne bad'towed, into St 1 CAL inventloi, and We. had reeotirse'to -a 1111214POInted Oillee-Seeker kill& Huske d- Pierre &,French bank fishing. vpaa�l LE. London were present. A letter Ivas' of needed as 'such, - and another eitan read.-froin Cardinal, Vaughan express- unique Method. The pulley of 4 small gou'gL Clkle� filiggl4trate. 1119 the close season for buffalo ft f .. 1ho orew'of whiqh haalnutt IGHT ST. PATIVS. dd a46 ing 9XAtificatiob with the attitude Of dynamo Waa Connected by Means of 'a A despatch frokil Muskegon, Mich., Aears that I �000 to 1902. TO L Scott & XCX"ZiO, Howli; this? rap the British Government towards Cath- liather Atrap.with t e rear Wheel of ssys:___�X�yo The Minister of C' -oms he& a bitU the Captain, It ap .h ust facie are that a distarbaAce oeo4 a edrdlid re- .specially con�tr.ucted tandem blcyole� . dirgaft'g Offer Accijted la the ,it S olics and ripferring. to the r James Balbirnie, Was as� Put. through extending the time for ilt, M ETC *stingbetween Gko- Perhaps sleepless zilghts lations exi at Britain t, Pierre last week orL boovd` the C caused: it, of he required velocity for the dynamos saosmated at noon on Thursday by J. orrecting Crete in entries Within, ten Cathedral Authorities. French fishing vessel� gVaiiiiii ii LINTON AX)J BAYJV=D. , grief$ or sldk. and the United'Stat�a, W. Toy Or, a L disappointed offl days front entry or Arrival. lie Clinton Offits—Elliott Block Joseio at. ness, or perhaps it wAs care. UEwas thus obtained and our poeedurb co-deeker. 'A despatch from London which the captain . was stabbea to Offits—OPeA evety'Thursday No inatter wbat the cause STATES. Was as follows: Having Carefully ad- Tayei!'sh6t blayor Balbirnio wbile.the Another clause is insorted at the re- . �says:—The quest of game 4ssoclations in Quebec City PrOM Sdys that the offer of Mr. death.LPL At the tinid this happened tht —Malift street, first door weat.of, you cannot vish to look OR Mrs. 2. D. E. N. Southworth, the justed the circuit with the storage hat- latter was standing in the doorway of g,Via L warsh ColumbinaL was in St. Pierre At thirty.. - novelist, died an Friday pight. try and also with the voltmeter and his ator L a, g the governor-in-coanell Power J_% Plexpont Morgan to Pay ftor'th6 in- Tb Columbine is WiMeiPOSt Okfica, Money to 'loan, his left to 'Permit the export of doer shot by st6lIgtion bf, So The ball. entered at N now.aecking for Ott" Gray hair fit Starved hair. S�ntiaj4o. has had 14 new cases 6f, ammeter, a warralab officer took his- elOotrio Ilghto in St. Prenobschoon Onvelle Ecooa% Thit p0ition on the scat,of the sportsmen Under Orovincial,licouse. The hair bulbs have bearl yellow favor in the past two bicycle .'und breat, After the shooting Balbirnis Paul's cathedral has beat accepted. The t-68601 wasveized by the Xewfoundland depr1ired"of proper food or ell fifteen 'a living TIM USUARY BILL� fts, commenced pedalling. Wh' turned and ran UP stairs to hi coat is astimateA at X5,000, but Mr, people for Violation,61! the gait Act and 19. i0ampiono Q.0., volto and fourteen amperes were rog- rooms, and drdppdd in the ball. lie The Committee of Banking and COM-' uifled his willingness taken, to garin, From thatt Port he tob L cloge to & expired 16 minutdS , later. Morgan has Sig roper nerve The Great Lakes, Towi�i Company' i,,t,rd the to lheet Whatever exPenge it Incurred, put to sea,. sending the Nowf6taidiani owl Tayor words of the Senate,. a couprI6 of wee Sarrist6ro Solicitor, Notary, &C, haki been, organized a:t Cleveland, Oo -,the bicycle was opened alose to the swallowed some earbollo acid, and U, thraW Out Senator Danduiaud cifficor ashore- III, a boat. Her.pli.peri' -GODRAICH, ONT, with a Capital stock of $5,000,000 handle of the! bl*ole Wali opened and than, turned the revolver a I Pon himself aaaary bill, TeL SeniLte fl6forred the re� Th BEAT ALL PREVIOUS.RECOIlDS, had bten rona6vad, and thd vessel is birriet—Ovde D�vlsl Drug Store. The,ttuited States Government the Charging of the.battery begun. and fired, a ball entered his left port 6f the COMMittee back for farth. now at s6s; without registration, afij� anc 0heat shows a'defloit of near,; "AR tha resistanap b6eame, greater a breasto ge died at elooki or consideration, The result Was that Money to Loan. dare i2ot enter a, British part, R#d,,wjI1 $89,000,000 for the year closed on une Isensation as if 44ing, aphill was ex. at a meeting of. the committee the bill elydO, for.1fie, 'Nall probably not long escape, th 30. and the services -of an addi- wad adopted. Or v gilandf Id 0 Johnston voite. R the Rewtounaiand aiid� smush i Tho -fooling: that the war' in the tional orderly were , requisitioned for OUT DOWN THE LICENSE& The only- iaportarit 64tige fA that 'era. Philippines is a useless and Most un the Arent' Seat of (be tdiadelai. the operations of the bill will be Con- A despatch from 'Glasgow seya-_ Sell t.ftff 'venture is rapidly grow-� bicycle practice was generally carrlerd Owners May be 4aivon so fined to amomata leaned undei 41,000 The Clyde shipbuilding returns f6r the ing. in a shad teffiparatar6 of 110 dd� me AllowAfte"', d STREET CARS COLLIDE, Hair 419 ft Illifter of i.roce. on which the interest shall ot execs half-year just ending bedt ail previous Mrs. Rapsay, Who murdered her 9yees F., so that at the Ond of half an A &OPth T L 90 PW-. contL per auntinu The ill will ro6ords, They show tbUt 125 vessels FrIAMNI A-ftiflent OcCurii tj 16100109�60t, Haluiltoftand St.Afidrawfs, husband b6caUse he anoied, has been hour the orderlies wart'not merry when -.,lot apply to the Yukon territory. *104 The English Wore launched, representing an ag. burg ftreat* "offically" declared iisani atNew, the switch wag turned offan(l, the ma- R44T W COM -L Mr. Walker, G6naral Manager of the gregat6 tonnage of 234,877, No fresh rhino obrbught to a Standstill.-, wisalous "Port roeom. t Bank of Commereo, sp6ke against the A deeplatela fXoM Pittsburg SJY,1* ]3r'vd York. it goes. orders were pitteed this month, but During a fight b6twedn bill and showeA how it woul(I operate striking § - reduction I the number of houses Ili. against a f,ifnier Who, Owing to badL there is at! mouths' work, at full time Ai& result Of 9 i1tr6et car Collision OIN 11lairlst6z, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c,, minoirs, and fiegross near Carbondale A PERTMIANs DISCOVERY. for OM'108 Of _441104. 64 Of, thO Crps and difficulty in obtaining good Oil hand' Sunday nighE on tb4 :road of the 6. III., the nogrom burned Union Olt the min4ita, lived, Prof. Axftl(Oldc.61! Pettigia, has dis. first IMPOrtaylcd- It hays-1hat while, Security, would have d; par he;W In- V?ugahoila Traction 'Company" two' 11161 Itictsites the circulation Ili e6vared that three, fifths of ll - according to atribt justie6; no Claim terut to save the foreclosing of blig XLOXDIXt. GOLP COMINO IN. are dead, five v6rfiow sorloualt injar. The krike III 66 Chicago sto6k nien f6v Daft be urged by Mortgage, Thit argumnt did hot, all'. AgAVP.A. CLINTON the, *00p, gives ftiore power Yards oontifium in bevbral brau6hos, of diati,notion are, first.born 'OhIldfoof' thoq,re losinir their licenses,, Some Al. pear to have v much weight wl 641, and ten others Moro, dr log hurt to the flerves, supplies thist. though the unskilled stockmen sue. the other two fifths tire either me(-ojud th butt. Wvcorgh Ott Reached The aceidoat ha inod'cia & am% JOWAA66 halght, bb mxdd,ae it mattOr the Committee, by� when the qamtloh Mlt t .1,1 Ing 61ambnts, -to th6, hair ottidad In gotting their derrianArt. Orthird children, or tjs6� tht young. of greoa, of 6zebipthig the British Columbia gentelo T1110 Fair. grade near ge, The wo Can 60 VItARS' ballit. Ther Mlohlgan� Central freight house ost of Verr large families. Among the A " JA Collision Wira heavily los;ded wift 9 -L XPEN IANO I It Used attording to diree- ..at Toledo WAIN On Monday destroyed first lie Points but Luther, Dante, Us, Proispeotor from, th6 optiratiolis of the, detp4th from Sekttl% Wash." hirers returning from Xennywoda I flons, gmy halt begift to, Cars, this 1161, teon4rdo da Vicl, Confucius, bill came in, It was dmw toconsider tayst—The Am�rioiin barqdO, MikUdO. The Motorman stopped his 041 by fire, b"Id6ii 100 elihoW Color- JUL a feW 44ye. Patotal loss Amounting, to byet #Soo, Mine, &�hppenhuor, GO6tfi6, &rlftio ANOTHER BIG 199 IN DAWSOI;. tbat Matterwhan th6bill e&mei bistote :j6h4l. grown, from Yokohama ynnd 1, Wa the bottom of the hill to gat I Solt It his all the WOW** 000. Mohammed, Shelley, ErsAmQ, * Milton' Home. arrl"4 Thursday aftornotiA with a drink of Arater tit a spring. no" im, tod tichn"s of outh ond LiOulb litish of X6W York Is In Jail Byron, Moffere, Carlyle, Ab"Int, Tal. Aixtr "41nNs With their contthi;s, ll TION exrgo, of silks for X6* Itark and Pos,, bardly loft his tar wh&A the elaotrl( N rotutfis at Detroit on a chat go, of MnU - leyrand, 'nUffon; among the last toyo' on, our ho6i' fgl'ug 14 and Pftliklifto both thirteenth obil.- OVA h read, Of . th6 BMistributiou ill, plailaod wa* shut 0% leavIllUo tal k Alroyed Ott fithe 10. A vote was rftohM thp "bond ourrelitt fov,00ma ri6ason as yet unaX, INA69 from CanadA 090000 worth o despatch fr SOattl, NVm n '1!bj Jittimer IWAIIeL from a MARKa eidly monds Mitt wors foutid In his poosos. ".A Ott the Haya Iva dfdnv' 90hUblift, f6urt6OAtb hild. wh4b, was 6arrl" �by 77 . for to 41 kAguaY. In dakuwa. Ild irklnd go itgalust; m#JCrIty jot GoVetuMoAt, lo. brought d0i $444 it to 1-6u. The. profemoor thinks this iirise$ iroft, :"r0.—N6ws frop Dawson, to, $utk6 No 90 xloftaik6rh On ThUVAI- with his oAr, I-ollowed shortly iiftsr 0*y#lt0"T#1 &a. I a jmw of W" re4alvado Tuesday by the Ateava- TUXON WAAG95 AGAIN. dAY and 110,000 Worth at Cold dait, vrard, and *4 the for6ittoiat car w" 12 k0lir "4 41 Miss Prank Ploravian, of alhok'Hil Is, natitte 0 11 �"S D. tauf red what Atlin whi- er4, Humbolt and Dirigo. On 'Jule 19 The House ons again W a tb7b h*ror SIU06 Afilfigatlon pnOn tha too late, to check the 066d, The :V,aw fftAklug A total Of 411,9500-0 r6delved dAkneft, It could not b6 seen untli .. V ft t(d 0 bf-AnAlth# 1 men bali4ro ivlll bwims the great. fire t t6d *A th Ilotdiks olds of Yukon oborta. Mr. Da t4skA Isk" and the Yukod this #6#,* car orxiih*4 into thii -other with t6rij. t*94 and. British 9VIDPINOR IN His PAVO& 1); adjourumetit of e YW 6VOMod ftrA Its Mite in Aliks; 16 01 dooW 49 NIXty, a*bIns with tuvitiah to t 61 it fie forcia, almost ta,1646*ne it, W6 sbO sightid, my butban high WWA. vews ThOM 14 ft* toundAtton for the, ft- able to lowA prides herIII NIQWU at �Vort that the Ttautnal has plooed aft Woll Mid her neigh it fiO4TS, L miat on his horse tense. %*d It y to *0 QWftTAWftt "U thin -k my- b6r b"Os' to, 'od th tin bm IKYW# Do ws A ordat Lwith to ordAan*6 firm in, tile Make " w rN POA100utfra i 60 OU ead to think �f It, Doul 'J Rare w k%r� Val m4a t uudirb. It Is im awtw thiat. to A�- &at" for tion fiald batterlas yoll he It0*11y hag it, 00 111 tr oqt% the sts rest Wb list you have Maa's 861, ""610" *A t I 0 oyed but six #A411. t*reutly t re, hs AL g%ft Oil, I $Was P" lie$, it, all right, Any- W maft 014-ur"If. IfttA Itt. tL swu rAugmt04. at ill* Witts aw a mently aLWAY6 klokilig. fr#w tile ohalkxi tat," 6"w4y. Awt $4,4 to It I 1,12k�