HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-13, Page 5• 1 • • a Tile F i• a • ei • �+r •• • of 'rime •. •• • Points to the .desirability of .pure sti e. drugs, .s Long life and perfect health • a, are •possible only when 'the best • •drugs are'Used, The saving of a • penny counts for nothing if the • ,•r drug purchased is ineffective. • • JULY 18.1 r' miTh itslief►aliel«fAfi+fle►a'• PHAETON FOR SALE Firs t and hand Phaeton for salty Clinton, Jun pad.' HOLLOWAY' T -0 RENTe The omoi3uls> n suesTHOB.JACKHOW. buildtnge were levelled to the ground, home neer Kincardine. Sha Wee riceora- and in Amity instancee large treem were panted by Miss Ella noPherson,who will last Olinton, Jn offers for rental the. store occupied by.Eiolloway f't r TEE CLINTON NEWS.- "RJ OORD, Idtell oiow, Uenatsil, A terrible cyclone accompanied by Rev,litr. bolt ,.the 'newly eppolnte heavy rein, swept aorosa the ndniiter to the Xlp en olroutt,, bee sr. townships .of Ashfield sand in. rived. He went to Iaadon ou Tuesday loss on Tuesday afternoon of last returning with his wife and oblldrsn on week. The stormi rose off Wedneaday. The citizens 01 Regsal travelled in a northeasterly direction are preseed to welcome the new comers. scattering, everythingbefore it. Theoy, Miss Sarah Woods, who baa been clone was about two hundred yards in staying with ber aunt, Mrs. A. Maher - width,, and raft fenoee,barna and other son, for some months, returned to her torn out by the: roote or broken off by • s • g 'rho -Nrir1 u sa • HOUSE FOR SALE. Cou,fortabledwelUbghouse en east ride o Albert Street, oontainin 7 rooms ,: harxi and soft water and uarter of an acre .of laud, fruit Tees, etc, Wiles be sold cheap as ownoris bay lug town. Apply to the wind. ,Many chimneys of houses visit up north for some weeks, T. Perkier and wife were In town for were blown off, and the crops, eapeoial- f ly wheat, were badly dauleged, JOHN 1tIDOUT July 4. , Clinton HOUSE FOR SALE, • Mr, William Stothere, of Aehfield,who bas been in poor health for some time " 'past, went to the Galt hospital where an On Victoria street. Near Oman Factory, Paa• will buy a roomy. cous mfortable hoe with f rook pshe. propAoprpyy recently ovoupied by . W, Bf YDON.12,. Barrister. Maroh Tsai,. a few days. While wbeeling hero on Friday night, Tomof quite a ,tumble end had his face.badly scratched. Our enterprising go ahead, oominia- aloe merohant,'iiavid Cantelon, is ships, operation was perforated on him for, ..ping away large oonsignmente of cher- rdney troublesWe. undQrstand the ries these days. operation has "proved very suooessful, and although it was found necessary, to Forest finale..... remove thedlaeasedkidney. Mr.Stoth- __ ora is doing as well as could be expect- Mrs. A. Gross' has gone on a visit to ed and his many friends hope„ that in a her son,. Willsam, in Dakota. short time he will be fully restored' to Mr. Shilliaglaw is. ;again able to be hie usual health. around. 13e will be ready for duty A soldier named Charles.Gaiuble was ,again after holidays. ebot in the head at Manilla. He be- The ratepayers have had two bee. +� ' ► n il, ^� e aria g � • • • longed to a. Minnesota regiment. Fears rep g the aohoolhouae fora furnace. 1< • ea , are entertained that he is Charles G. They intend raising the floor slightly 2;, I.H. GOD ERICH TOWNSHIP Gamble, n son of Mr. John Gamble of and also digging a Tittle. They believe s is readily seen from our stoc • fiuron who enlisted in the A army at Minneapolis and Went out. to Messrs, T. H. and George Brottnlee „ the Philippine Islands.. Mr, Gamble has are home for hol•►days: The farmer ..• Here are the best as represented s •-: in strength, iirityan�i 1'081111 . #Nona h u•lit drugs sold at so low a price But awritten Washington, D. the S • do not make a specials f the• A large White Sow was laced in Pound on of war, Washington, D. C. raced POUND. s merman in beingup•to'date, q, 'art £ib+ort. d Mrs. George Irvine, Sault Ste. Marie, Is et • present visiting her sister, hers. Jainee Soott. ny. '+* Misses Pore, /de end Ma to Schaefer, Milverton. ere spending their vacation with their aunt, Acro. John Soboenhele, at present. I ewkins, Ifurou township, spent Sunday with his sister Nellie. Quito a number of farmer* got csught, With their bay with the heavy rains Which will spoil considerable of it. Kincardine. At three. o'clock on Wednesday Meru - in last cf as . w ek Johnn i t3 week, bl:oife s e, a pros- perous. farmer, who, lived near Bruce Mines, Algoma,. fell into theharborhere and was drowned._ He was waiting for the steamer Mormons," and had fallen' . asleep, He was awakened when the boat was sighted, and walked out over the pier, into the harbor basin. It was very dark at the time, and efforts were made to rescue him,but withoutsuoaesp. T eo b body was recovered at daylight, and his, relatives at Bruce. Mines were oofn- m uncoated with. His little daughter 8 was with him when the accident occur- red. Be had been vielting relatives. Imre.. ."44, ?pair + ` Js • • Poor Srsbsttttute or Inward WY ortlly "" Good health" lnwerdty, of the kidneys, lever and bowels, is Age to come If .Food's Ser. separate is: promptly used, This secures a fair outside, and a consequent Apr 1s the hem., with the glow of health on the cheek good appetite,. perfect digestion, pure blood. beam trof ed" it -''I wee is poor #lea , oubl vr resines, tired feeling endless of a Ppeetite. I was ipp down. I took mood!' Berea aarrllla1s darer, hit x felt much better. E fl s Ssrsepa• rills built Tae •p, ars J. RUIU�,. Out Cholsee, near Of 4w*, as. N "I hem boon troubled with bead a e d biliousness and was run down. Tried Mood's sarisparila and it gave me relief and built me ug." •f+. Momusox, 80 Defoe Street, Toronto, Ont.. neer is Ih'irt�(jthe non.irritailaksi i .fli, di o CO take ,need'..s.te ' Sold by Watts & Co., Druggists. ' g qua y g were ever •• MAll R A. GLS. , t w • y from S. S. No. 14, Haj', and the latter y ° Lot Stf, lbth Cencession Go erioh township, on ecresr "Duly Feed men and Steed." • from. Albert College, Belleville. ,LLNG--KBRNTY:-... At. Fowlersville, h Treed. your • nerves, also, if you would • cheap kind. • Monday, .July 3rd. 11 not claimed becore 12 At the races in Teeswater, Grace M., _ Berry -picking ie now'the order of -the Mich;, on June 28t1r,, by Itev, J. F, a e them strong. The blood is the a Week, ek, noon,bon Thursday, July 18th, it will be 'owned by Mr. F. Nepavitt, of this vil• day as haying has been kept back by. Ryerson, Mr. Geo.Ling of Fowlers- •feeder and • sustainer of the whole her- •'. • p by pn * auction to pay damages and y g p • B sage took the 6re4 money is the f•11 m• M vows system Menand h • expenses, , ree� the wg4 weather last week. v) e to ase cry, daughter of, Mr., women w o S'�D V rt �1 �(�1 WALTER DODS.WORTH, for- trace, by' three straight heats,. Mr Sohn Dolg, has returned dome John Kefine of Grey township are nervous are so because their nerves • JACKSON July 3rd. ' $1 r x, y p are starved. heti they make their - the act six ears. The li ate must HAZNB-MILLS. -At the residence of blood rich and pure with hood's $ar. P >S y � m , saparAlatheir nervousness disappears • • •• - - Mrs. JDhn McLean of lot 27, Con 2.Kin • l?h ne, Prescription Drug Store Poundkeeper• We regret to learn .of the .death of fr cin Algoma, where. be nae been for Huron county, Oat.. • a'a•aao•aaaa•is.•••owes••• T0INN PROPERTY FOR SALE. A SHARP • CAL 0ULATION. The subscriber offers for sale a very desirable property on Isaac street consistingoffour lofs. upon which there is a comfortable frame house with kitchen and woodshed attached, There it a good stable and 'a flret.olass well of water on promises. The orchard, consisting of, grapes and apples, is a good one. The property will •;be sold at a reasonable figure for cash or 7} cash and balance on time. Apply to the owner on the premises . MRS 'JOHN JUNU$ loss, whj,ch••took place . on Wednesday have agreed with him for he look � well the brides parents, Hallett, on •July because the nerve 1 fed e are proper y e• her age, eiseased waw highlytthe Pe04h yeareof Mrs; JfoKay; ofthe 10th con.,: ie visit. 4th, by Rev. Vitt; S. Rigsby, of Kinear• Hood'sSarsaparilla.never disappoints. g., s apo d by .lag at her slaughter e, Mrs, Win. Ross dine, assisted by Rev. R. J. Garbutt, HOOD'S FILLS 'cure constipation. all who knew her. She looks. well and, although nearing a,' • L•L B.,.of Gerrie, Bev. O. C. Katne,of Price25c. . Mr. Al. Miller of Clinton, spent his century of years she is quite amort, Pine River, Ont,, to Miss.A,melia, secs • _ "' • lsi:•o ul a n f J y•va alio at his },oma in anis •and daughter of Mr. John Mills of.. village': .,� a 13ullett. J. Pierpont Morgan's ofl°er to light HTLMAN--HOG(iARD On June 28tH ao sal s ep thedral W[nal�glll, at Ford River Miob.,byRev.Dr.Todd, with electricity has been accepted nMrs, Jos,: uBurton was taken o the Mr. A. T: Mime's, of Newhall to Mies . ' - On Saturday las (}eo.Hb� i 4, alio is where� it es thought a Wsecures of Tornio Florence, eldest daughter of II r�Sam "A; word to' the is' working t Geo. e w a is autlicient. McKIN N -N • A CASH OFF Is always worth more than Credit. 'Alois ,, l .r OdJD. 1. ing business. We offer Cash to the manufacturers a sale •1 o merchants Ii7 4 ap and d get1 is,�� b discounts, �, nt We e, in _. � you first-class ' & clash goods for Cash or Produce �liieh below regular i. 'r' - g x roes. ,) prices like these could •--Good Flannelette worth de for 3.2o.ce . -•-Grey, Cotton yard wide worth 4o fo'p,22c.' ° -Bleached Cotton yard wide worth 70 for Go• -'•Dress Gingham new patterns w t n worth P fi flc rSc.#o -Checked . 1i4 h eke �h' ' d irting fast colors, worth 70 for 30 -Men's Wool Pante worth $1.50 for 81 --Awertean Shirting very heavy worth,kle for 12ic. -Mens Flannelette Shirts a snap at 20c. -Men's Plow Boots from 70c to $2. -Good japan Tea worth 25c, 8 lbs, for •rice, -Heavy Wool y o Tweed 75ofar 50e. 'CASH AND . N1� QNE PRICE, M0KiNNN .- - �e�e�ye�ye .e yeeye• b•iee�ie.vbeeibst•oA ' ` . '�rel!'+ilyo .. EARLY-'-CLOSIN. .G. • • . . . • Clinton ;Mev lith. g a e Eiende;;on a, theuel Hogg rd, of Brussels Bluevsfe road had a.narrow a"soaps from meat wilt be benefloial •to. her. GUY=RO LAND.-At:.the.• residence Wise people keep their blood pore With drowning. In company with two young There seems to be quite a quantity of of the bride's :,,,...bell on Jul_ b__ Hood's health. arsaparilla and Tasks pare of. , PROPERTY FOR. SALE, at the Forks 'on the south branch. He at Backer & Vanstone's'storehouse last Alma • The City of Winnipeg is asking. power ' had crossed the river and was returning-, w Offers, in writing willbereceived the under- Mist' ...Florence M. dau hter of .S • • signedfor thopureilase of thefollow n valuable When he went dovvn. One of the young , g Methochst:Parson.age, Atwood, on Juli from 5900 to $500 per day licence fee. . , concession of theTo*nship of Hullett in the nt t it f th tb oently at Ford River, Michigan te •Alf - house, book barn and‘stables, a good orchard, ling together, Separating them as many vras performed 13y Rev. Dr. Todd. co epp „9. 0 Snr tient e 0 er- Young • Hoggard, of Brussels was married re - freehold properties :-.1st, Lot No. 28 n the Atli mendived after him. As they did not less. •Gpon this property are a Freed dwelling man dived also and found the twostrug. red T. Hilman, of N,ewhall. Tile' ',sere- Cotintr of Huron oontaining,100 acres, more or , quickly as possible, he rose to the sun, Miss Hoggard his been living for the 2nd. Lot No. 1221 on the East side of Vi toria with his brether, and quicklY dived past two years in go d River, 31iob.,and street in the Town of Clinton in the Conicity of face IhIglevelargsrprises a geed frame again for Hood, is nec.essary in order 'to ,sglts thus rooming both of e young coup e wi res_ e eir ome Schnook, of Grey township, to Miss . jry „ but fortunately it is seldom known. IIIIHTIIIS. A vast amount of misery is caused , at this season, however, Jun overish. i , .A.watch bought here IS DENT & THOMSON, Mitchell Ont„ fleas; and he has since been off work. • . • WALL • IS ln Clinton, 011 Wednesday, ed blood, poor a t t ppe e an general , them from a watery g mom, in that etate • tell time by your watchee Per furthar.partioulars and lin. terms apply ' -rave' • to mr. Alex. Awing, Clinton, Ont.. or.to lime before GeOrge recovered 'cautious- The community was eurpriseu 'sand July 5the the wife .of Mr. Charles debility. Theis conditions may • be ' shocked On hearing of. the death of _':Waljiss_of a son. • • • remedied by enriching the tilocid and vacate refers to the death of a sister of Albert Gibson,yzho hadoong renesofl• POTTER.-1-111-13,1yth, on June 29th, the toniog the, stomach with Hood's add to nor sabtract from the time marked oa itb face. - We see to it that' .. • —._.... . . ' relent, and the body was brought to E. station Wag in flames. Although no JOEINSTON•7-In East. Wavvanosh, on Job; 1111, the wife of Wm. Johnston, • functiona. We adVisii you, to get a Petite and 10i/1:orate* the digestive and will be sold in one mem or in•lots. Rosexle Bridge. It is a beautiful site for building my went to Belinont to keep heuse for her Mitdhell. 'About, thirteen years age she time Was lest in getting out the enoinp, the firg,had made ouch headway that it ot a daughter, • . . - %I • 25th the wife of Mr Lewis Armstrong t g vfi o you motto gaga LSE1,t, Week the death of Mr. john • 'Due of them was loaded•with salt,' that a sou. : In the Man'toba Leg'slat M. just ri ht. ft 'llYd um* n°11 44krIfi ate Prieee. And fullY guiv- • ' .• A- C"CEEt•Cliatoa• fine character and kind dispgosition, Her siding next the building could. not ' be FERGDSON.-In *Ingham, on"July . Juno 20th. - LAND FOR SALE. mthecflwi chi nonle spiry! Mrs. ThoEt. Bell and Miss A. Boyd of this was Peritonitis. JOHNSTON.-In East Wavitinoidi, on town :-- 4,1‘fiss. Elizabeth Boyd,. eldest 0 Sattirday week the fire alarm wee June 29th, the wife', of Robt, John,. wosienald*seYrtettitInpn,vvsirt13;0 pitencraifusy! oonfrioitsh • and vitalize the blood create an ap• weff-known to the old set, any of ito contents. bo fiercely di the t • , ham a stx week s vacatior. I is the Thq aretold at irxoder- reason for selling is that it is too far from town Deaeased was .to handMmyinilf and itdoesn't payto hire help. lers of Mitchell as a youn woman of fire burn that two loaded ', cars on the or a son. , • best medicine money can huy, _ trouble was cancer of the stomach. got away in time and both were burned. :5th, the wife of Mr. R. B. Ferguson, of = 7 ; J,GRIGG RE. .ERE• LAUNDRY • floceey,.horie buyer, formerly of Howick had just been billed out, and the other XENNEDY.-in ltinloss, on JulY grdt Sirett intriAtided a bill township WAS In circulation. Mr•FineeY - had come in•with cement for the side- M . Wm. npedy, of -a had Insurance fund of $120,000 annu- • the bas'been very ill with • • ally, by taxing tvvelvenaillion acres one , I have moved. my .Launciry, inflammation, at walk contractors. Besides the two oars seta. • Revere, to the stand lately occupied Elmvalei and we are pleased to learn and contents a ot of freightvrasburned. . Jeweler antOptician, bSr Mr. S. W. Rill, in the Combos block that he is likely to get better. Cardiff & Best lost two hay rakes and • oh Albert street, which will be.,inore VVhile Geo. Fretwell wee assisting w, two gang plows ; R. McDonald of Cron - For Over' Fifty Years Pattison to remove Mrs. Halstead's fur- brook, about, 17 barrels otaugar ; Wilton If you want anything • in the _Musical line, eall • HOUSE. FOR SALE. • The subscriber oleos for sale his house and ictt Olt Omer of Itattenbury and Magian streets. standard Gorse. . TARENTUM 21796 will stand at NV.W.'rarran's barn moor Station, iti Clinton every Monday for thebalande of the season, Tiirontilin 21795 lirtRin his brooding tho grotif.est sires Bring or -dead, also 12 of the able breeding ; second extronie speed*, third . . power to transinitit. To itieurii$15.00 For ex - DANDY ICE CREAM tended pedigree see largo catalogue. ,iddress • maple Leaf Stock Farm 3IARSHALL.-1n Morris, on July let Mns. WINSLOW$ SOOTLIING SYRUP has heed convenient ,both for myself and cue- niture which was stored in a stable loft & Turnbull, a couple of stoves and a used by millions of mothers for their children quantity ot hardware, and a number of NVP,l• James Marshall, aged 20 years tomers. Out. work speaks for itself near F. G. Spariing's, WM tending and 6 months. while teething. If disturbed at night and and SATISFACTION . GUARANTEED. on a box on the dray. ,when the hoiae business men also lost goods. As far as • broken dt your rest by a sick child hirer' TACYbristina Stein, wife of lir. Absalom ing once and eta bottle of "Mrs o our es o p ease you. ting his neck. As it was, oe was cern- cedar bark and were learning to smoke. CHAMIIERLAIN.—In Blyth, on JIMO rend upon ill:pothers, there is no mistake about falling on his heed ,and alniost some boys who had made a cigarette of n Teething. It will re. patronage, Our priees are 'right and Taylor, aged 31 years. lieve the peer little sufferer. immediately. pletely paralyzed until he teamed Seeing some person coming they'hid the Turoberry, oft July 3rd, and crying with vain 'of CuttinaTeet1113 sendnal VVe respectfully solicit a share of yotir stepped forward, and Fretwell fell off, oan belearned the fire was started by • - JOIEEN-yErAyss, medical attention. cigarette among some baled hay piled 29th, Ephraim Dunham Chamberlain, Clinton, may 22nd. Miss Doyfti of 'Clinton; spent a few and bowel% curet; Oaf uColie, :ohms the on the platform, and in a few minutes aged 84 years, • earns, weducesInflammatfoninvligivestone and London & days. visiting frieltds in town last:Week: . the whore Place Was On fire. " The Om - 3,1iss Norma Dinsley visited with Cif's, Early has Improvised an Office out of the nurses in the United States. Price twenty-five za e oved wife cd John lio• sant to t e to and. is the prescription of one A tb d of the oldest and best female physicians end Mrs. Riter and. Miss A.i.ny ilowson, of' coach serves as it wadding' n er druggists thwth• room and a GIBSON.-fn Brussels, on JulY 2nd, oents a bottle. SOld brall ton fnionda last week. . • . aggage room, a sec,. c ass passe g • Clinton were the guests of Miss Snell couple of box oars on the siding do duty Albert, son of James Gibson, aged .22 out the world." De sure and ask for rs. Lancpshir,e Life Invested Fan& — $6,682.238 during last week. for a freight house. years, and 5,montbs. All the popular. forixis of 'clearance issued. Policies • loaned. POlicies purchased. 000. Amount 'paid policy - 'holders $887,000 Full information furnished.by .HERE -ANO.: The finest looking men take the sweet - and prettiest yonng • girls to for PRESERVING SEASON . • Ober and a. glass, of those cool and refreshing' A Imo stoticof Bananas anat. ra ngea on' hand. As we are approaching' the pre- • serving season AM potting in a which will he Collet the closes cut cash .prices. `. STEWA1ZT. • We leave the latost; in G01.0 Furnishings, ftig, Collartw Cults, Underwear, Etc. and lino, Cell and SOO oUr gOOdis end prices. Vediri P110410411.1. retotren ea all druggists in mods, OiSy Able laird .0110ottlited, ,V10014 *AM tUle delta ed rabid SI. It A. KIRKBY' D• oing business under the Departmental System—Buying and selling. for cash—llaving no expenses in this De- paTtraent enables u8 to sell the cheapest Boot and Shoes'in the county. lVfottth after month business keeps increasing .7,1 and it is not hard to find the reason. When we say that our goods ate sold 10 to 20 per cent. cheaper than other 'stores knOw it -is true. No other town can afford to ,sell on the small margins whith we put ou. our goods. Read this list • 4i..i.ib..-1.*$•:.-ShOo. .D.004ft*eti.t evening at 7 o'clock sharp; Saturdays rid Our stook of Hardware ofall kinds is very and our prices are right, having a large S • fore the.lateadvances on all kinds of Hardware. Don' buy Binder Twine. until you see our bran beats everythink. • We are now delimering Coal. Leave yo rclers • 'our .'tore for prompt delivery. • •LAND..B -IHON AND:HARDWARE roadf.00t, find 31jE4fiers WOE. ALL KINpS OF FURNI For the Spring tiade We are offering the largest ande-most com plete stock of High, Medium 'and Low Priced Furniture in the Panay. We nave some great Amines to offerin PARLOR SUITit C. _OUCHES, AND' , 'LOUNGES - 7. -4. Do not buy unti you. have paid a vis t t. our Warerooms. frOyan n this line we carrS a complete stoek: Our Horses* fit are up to date and our charges' reasonable. BROADFOOT; .BOX .&' Oa jr. Chi'citley, Nan Night and Sunday nails answered at Residence of Our' • Funeral DireetOr, Chidley, king St., opposite Foundry. ' o spec a t es and t compai.e figures with anything on the market, • • WHITE SWAN • FLOUR The The 'creole, price $2.00 I am one of the beet advertised aud most talked about shoes on the market.. 1 = - ant moderate in price. 1 am giving the greatest satisfaction in 'wear, 1 am selling - ahead of any shoe in the market. But there is a reason for it. " I am seamless and. waterproof. 1 am made from the best Milwaukee Oil Grain. AlwayS Eat and pli- able. No lacing or strings to be bothered with. For solid wear and comfort 1 am ---,. not equalled, and the reader of this advertisement ifnotalready a wearer should try me. 6'Standard Shoes" SOME ARE WISE SOME OTHERWISE The vise ern?ke otherwise they smoke anything whieh is •offered to them. This line of goods ie espeCially made for solid, sensible wear, and the verdict of .buyers who have had them" during the 15 ast spring is. that they are the beat Boys shoes in the market. The price is to size, They wear and look well. They are shapely in appearance, but still" strong and durable. Stbrewd buyers will investigate the claims of the great 'Standard Line.' Notice to Advertiser& for Ladles' wear. The finest goods shown in Canada at the presentt time are those made bytne celebrated tell people of Montreal. There is a style; fit and finish that cannot be seen in any other makes. Wo haveltad a most successful rieason4 trade in these goads and they are giving great satiefaceitlk. lave no other make. Rep ireoti. Boots g!atd Shoeilsvromptly attended to. Nieft's Plow 'and Harvest Shoes Price 70cts , Made froth solid leather and a •shoe that wilf give a satiefaction.• Most other people cherge yon $1.00 for the 4 same line, but ha,ving no expenses in our Shoe Department we can afford to sell very close. Keen buyers are picking 4 them up very fast because they appreciate good values. 4 The 'Slater' Shoes for Moil's Near. 4 The great Slater shoe stands without a peer. -It is 4 the greatest selling shoe in Canada. at the present time. • We are selling a great lot of them, We have a selection that few Slater agencies equal. We are ,the sole agents for Clinton and this section. Once you 'Wear' them you will This is allifanitoba-mixed flotir,and combining good quality with low price, is a goed seller. Give it a Indeed, it is the equal of any flour e vet. im ported into Clinton. Bread made from White Swanflour looks well and is pleasant to take. ' • Butter and Eggs wanted. • OORNI FOR -.SALE Corn and Corn Chop always on hand for sale, Drive to ware - ger Station.. vv. a PER Clinton, 25th. lm CHEAP EXOURSICANIO MINNESOTA AND 0 OLSON NORTH .DAKOTA We thank our customers for their .Patronage in the 'past and beg to call thein attention to our removal froin Cbiribe's block to the farmer stand of Allen tit, Wilport OPPOSITE THE MARKET Where we hope to see and new CuStoiriers too. Ws keep in stock Groceries of all kindst Irlour, Seed Chian, etc COODS AND PRICES STAND/RE/EST emiiiiehierisaweirmir SUMMER RESORT. ter nfoll Oleg tg Going trip to oorantonce Sots, Ili cm le, 1800. Return trip to bo completed respectively, on or bekreBppt.12,2opt...t7 4880, Return ticketo can ho purchased from all agents and at all etatione of the Grand Trunk Railway System in Ontario andQuobee at • Of the Carreat 'Sectstd:Cless 'One Way Vero. .Arty turthorparticulars relating to ratOa ac- commodation, 04., from FALL TERM OBIS SEPTEMBER BTIL....,4 • . Nearly 111.xtY per tent of the rtnden we enrolled during the past rear fen outeide of stratfard came trona Ix other business colleges than • Three times the' ntlYrkber of applications% for office help have been received this year se compared, with any previcase year. Only one kind of business Wok nation given to oni•, students and that , "the hest." Write for our new este. logue, Ws the finest In Oartada. #dverilseinents for pages 4 and ensure insertion the following creek and for pages 1 and 8 not later than 8 will Sado 1yror this is Ooitot tot 1.0 fp V VII \in