HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-13, Page 4THE CLINTON NI WS -R +' Rf' Frightens Hoimes May Imitate McNish, Confess that Re Was.,leete d and Resign. A Committee or the House Will investigate the BaRot Stuffing Charges, irb lo?lmes, who hate 'been •opposite; the anal of iesolian ea often that even and it could not be distinguished frena 'are beginning to pro, ;'tin official ballot. A ballet of this kind hem tlttawa again on. was banded by a Liberal worker to a .t. was easy to be'seen that man in the constituency, who was ask.. '0110,0Mood but rather , At d. e to t of t' t . p s tl to be ballot bar, The a the ceauuse was not far' man refused to d'o so, and was after,, e Westiluron"ballot hands wards offered a considerable sum of velitlgated by aa• Committee money toreturn the ballot in question, n etre anti, though, which he declined, : eeverjabIng.bas been figed as. At pollingsub-di ,ision.No. liz - i'aK .bye l'et.. aiutflcient informs. bethtwn, everal such ballots we e i,. • • . st rong(t to light to show found in the box at the close of the • es,was fraudulently .elected, palls, The wero ell folded' in such a • he, ira ccupyi ug ;+r'Peat ' way that the epuGy returning officer` eUtwbch Is not justly' his. Itis could see far whom • the voter voted. ety..the Governanent would ; • The deputy retnrnlog officer in No. 1, Seel the enquiry asked.for by ' east weed of the town of 'Brockville, sratives had trot ;the West :refused to destroy, and did not destroy, Q i ar 11. B o .kvil ,a ' r c le And the counterfoil of the ballots, but put elutions so aroused publle, • thetli in his Pocket: Thisdeputy was t it was not safe to refuses : seen the night before the election eon - Wilfrid Laurier -acknow- ,erring •with a Liberal worker with a ".t in Westi I,lijron there is : ballot in his pocket. euse° for in.vestigatton,: • A Another deputy returning. officer at f 're'this'by,his•leader was eL No; 2, ''Elizabethtown, was guilty of olrnesand has. given hiin grave irreg elarities in •refusing to seal w b of he ballot r cep •t al boot, It was • also said that lMelee. (Halifax) offered a: Ina. one of the deputy returning officers in equiriegtlinelerk of the C)rowii Brookville was an accountant int Amery .tg•produce the poll•boolts ithe, then documents to his. ossession candid candidate, ok then the Liberal p� HudsrlYate, and'now 'ir,erlrter of the ing, to ;rite'-eleCtiots in Waet Biu- House. p Brockville, with a View to en. Mr. Borden referred to the notorious tikafean: by the Committee on.Pr:- eedi s' proc ng in West Elgin, and poen e . =lt; ape Elept s.lu .support of out the strong possibility than the sante mom , he pointed out that, al- ,Put the to. secure the election of gW icli mattersweredealt with , Mr. MacNish to that constituencq•were floe ,exten th Act elating to : also employed in. West Huron and everted,elections, it could not be Brockville. hats parliament hard shorn its- own, tetaS.ers. Mr. Borden s,tr 'wiLsxin ActIEPTs. a , M n i:we of ,precedents in Sir Wilfrid Laurier says that he had e 4iLoIa3s4 A. Sif1MING$ Qp Q Q OORRt'%a•ONOltNT 4 • P. M. Seager has had rather a lively 1 thee this,tmonth of July. Mee. S. Et. Winters, (Miss Campbell) of Bradford, Pennsylvania,- was the I guest last week of Mrs. Geo, W,lflliott, Nelson street. Toa. Cr i rax Nztwe-Bisooltn, a stalwart (7onservastive Journal, has enlarged to an eight column paper of eight pages. brimful of live, :local ntiLt- ter .•--Algona Pioneer. Mr. Stewart Stratton of the Wood- stock feentture factory, ood-stockfeeniturefactory, was holidaying at his home, • St. David's street, last week. Mrs, Charlton sailed on Saturday, 8th..inst., per steamer Nebraska for the British Isles. We hope that the ,day was ne e fl . ,. diif rent to the high wind that prevailed on Saturday, the 8th ins,.. - Misses Edith and Marion Hartwell, of Oltnton, were the guests on 1st July of the Misses Hall, Cameron street. Mies Ella McMath of Toronto . st�.ti of .t c ea hors ' holidaying isof da at her home, one. g a Bayfield road. Miss McMath is de- lighted with Toronto. Y. Mr A, Kirkhride is a champion gar- dener, His early' potatoes brought him $1.50 per bushel. Ills etrawber- ries and vegetables are_,always larger than those of any other private garden- er, -'The horseshoe, presumably brings hien luck, but we know the soil an that part of Kingston street is very Rite. Hope the Oddfellows will'grow rich wean' it, • •' - All our new merchants, and the 1t many,are quite. pleased with their busi- ness prospects. Charles Nairn, grocer, '• leads the way by•closing at 6.30 p. in, He can rest in past hams possibly. At 12 p. tn.,. Wednesday 5th lest,. fog horn wastn requisltion. (3oderich has now another_.taLlen violinist, Mr. John McConnell of Lu now. • Ile can militate the bag pipes perfection. Mr Fre , I Free Platt is not able yet to out his express wagon. tie still quires: the aid of hie matches, ,phe.must be soma great attract at Clinton, far two of onr young g tieuien,'who drovedown on' Mobil evening. Mrs, Matheson, wife of Capta •Robert Matlifeson, anti .her lit dnughter, Viola Jeanette, are t guests of fibre Dells Aiattheison, W lin tan street., The Oddfellows will have to give a gala day when they're ready to 1 the corner stone, We will be able give them .0 copy of Tan Nicws-R URD with, a copy of our Stanley sstre correspondence' therein. We hope V. )Stanley street is and al ways was hocne so rt will be quite in season give them e�o �t ca a c y to.reserve..., have no coin to ;.put along with though, .neitherancient or modern,h the Goderich 'correspondence is st lingcoin of the realm.. et's have a regular excursion: d and pray for the sun to send'his gl< ious rays upon the.Oddfellows and who Assist them in their 'noble wor That's our''creed, "Honor bo honor is due"and upwardandonwar A good creed to learn in one's infayncy, re 'a good creed' to, follow through life. We were pleased to meet Mrs,. W. Rhynes; Newgate street, out for' promenade lest,week after having suf- fered for some time severe pain in the. foot, having had the misfortune to step upon a hoard which had a`nail stand: ing up•in it. - It is well we can write..correspon- denee so bright when the sun is not shining a cold fine mist permeating -the atmosphere, but when we have the pen in hand we care little for anything mare than paper and iek,, and when. we get the paper, free, why then we The foundation is_al.most finished for the twit new ' stores on east side of square. Smith Bros. have Removal; Sale printed on their window shade, so one would suppose that they expeet those stores to be finished very soon Palk about retired,; farmers' keeping back a towns' prosperity. Mr. Hol- e o e' s proving a chainpion worker 'for the. interests of his townsmen. We hope for his brother farmer's interest he will build a canning factory and preserve he title, )retired farther. • Mrs James Stewart, Elgin street, is e a great lovei+offlowers aswell ass her husband.. She has a fine specimen of t- the hibiscus..itis quite a diminutive g plant, Welts one blossom issa study. d It is alovely cerise and very large. . It t is like one handsome Bower, arising in entre of another., We think it must' be a rare. specimen, as we have heard of none other in town. �•, • In Goode,.druggist's•window- en Pri- nk -two lovely lily stalks were placed key Mr. Shelipard,;.l')r•-hitely's assist- nt, in a large vase ' • One stalk had a3:ltu'ge.:vbiitelilies and, five '.•heairtiful• ods ready shed shed their fragrance: on the, legatee 'as .•. welt as the' .donor. Every one should try and have the 11I - es bloom,, for we do not think they : re- uire any extra care,,'nrore than any d'. other garden flower, and the perfume r. would repay ali t•ichly for their : trou- ble. ' , JULY 184 18/9 Work on Port Albert 1larbor out already, ilea b,eior•e the loreittsia AIA 1ldiiactlop► lwl►od'ge I outwit to do any more sb, t filling be wants to spend a day and ge to � -- - Kincardine and look at the sheet pilin Bra.. -The repairs et the harbor are done at that harbor. Beyond a •doui: flnipbed by alt accounts for this time. it was only au election dodge to start ttis.plafn to see they never intended with and to get votes. There is noth to do very much by the 'way the work ing in the estimate* for us So judging was started and was. pushed *head for a from that I guess Port Albert bas its the 1►tr Mcit ulna;etasi'a+ strn►vlterraes were Miss time. There were only two, men at share' for the time being or until an- thebtr est ingree n • , ss Minnie Hamilton ie spending work the foreman and another,. fir,- ,u.tjier„elecliuii tz l for sale, few weeks in•tuwn tie pursue her mug. Sir, the work is an eye sore, especially C1TI EN k town Although nbt c�otit hats not +c seaport feat stdy, the �taha t piling" which hasnut ire s Devise. The, truant, all Aineriean pleasure .equal in the prolinoe .of Ontario orper- fort Alb11 ,.Theo 11 th, to m Jaulests l•Vtla tn' i drug el. for er clerk yacht. spent•the dib: of July in t3�itde- haps the Dominion at present time far r ... . ke' inghis mother. s a ' e visit- rich thi' ar. She clime eteaaning in some of it can be hs en with. the band h , Mrs. W. Putts. with the American fisc et her meetal iC e T roe- Mise Robertson, teacher, Windsor,' in head, Captain Babb est:tea dsnme of or foot, For in the first plane, Sir, .t South er1h'K Protest. at the family residence. Elgin and the offlc'ere around town, . and the don t see what was the use in tieing Stanley street a. She hits Vaught at were quite charilied with iG, The equated ppi�le for round .pile was just as The. triai judges in the protect Against` en Windsor for six years and epands all acbt 'beton to Gtr sae good, When one views the job the return of Nelson Menton . Coiner. a n , vocations at her home. y gs 4 Point and b, ns r y We learn that e+sine into port from . Killarney:` She t — l•-• is not a dozen of theta together votive member for 8onth Perth in the tin removing air tit I)r. McLeod intends eleared early Wednesday at #n. 6th from top to waters edge, and the pilin;a, L eal,Leglelature,, have given their de. nte street, Go his old reaidectce on Mew- last. planed at the back of them ie wasting cision, dismissing the cage with coat. Ile � gate street,. his laboratory being More he suitable for the peep3t•ation of his el- medicines than where he is at present. Mr.' Will. Smith is making rapid us strides to recovery. He often visite Last ay Menesetun , Park. toMr f; W. ,f Mrs. T HtY r t eeisr wife w f f her e , o ton- rister Tremeear, Toronto, and Miss et Becker of the Toronto Kindergarten e(•D. ssttaif are visiting, their parents, Mr. and Du; . Becket, Srxrrh street. to Miss Cireen of Hamilton is the guest W • o r fS e sun � R name Aire. t M k s BI c i3 . v a David's , G u a d e • it street. e ..re, d t .,�- r ,I r t .+ Dl'i ni t a and• beide e x��.a. nd a have ti.Stock et. taken up their residence text Tratfalgar. street, south side. ay Mr. Iluwber has improved veiny' ar- '_rnueh the residence of the late Mrs. all Russel, East street, which be. recently k purchased. The roof.is flnishe with'L • � • whom h" d a tcw'ndo t .• g'o i W r: ' t ..M i b n li, t a n 11 f L n t li Ills w . 1 C' S . t4re wl�.�. 'close � Aug.• 15 e d', Coit has taken tip his residence there. - , Miss Tillie Grahame, Parke street , .. • returned frem the New York hospital • - on 1st Jnly, at which institution she • • •The Stocka a will graduate must be reduced a,S' I• g du to in. eight months 'as a, trained nurse. She will spend her va, ' ,/. • low. s 'caLtio w possible n with here scents' her bythat LIYYlei P e. Mr. .. •_ 1-r .. and Mrs. Thomas Grahame. °. • ' • • Mr. Fred Eagle'of'roronto is spend. t' in his holidays c s i'�i f' i3 y visiting* n trends. i h. n �e taw , wind up business at the Wiseman Store -on Mrs. (Dr, RalphHooper,. c r P T Toronto; August 1 will�.. th and do not want dol-.. • Spend the season at her old home f � t t®. move 'a' Single +�e d01 • y g.. Wellington street, lar s worthof Mrs: Wellman T n ' on n OQds that clan h mpg and childOSSi%lb0 sold; °a n ion are .et Mr; Sheppard's rest- have :n } " Bence, South ktreet. 'Mer.little brother not r00 in .our.own 0 en store; for the bp, as .it Heroins her g pa,nies her. While she s e father, Mr: James She tands"here so Pmust reduce it manyhand- peed and, son fiharlie-will taki3 u their � • residence with her. • P reels :of dollars_du n -, The Misses Lots ie and Maud Cook of four weeks.. - ¢, h. �-? Clinton and Mr. •Ed:Cook, sPeut Mean- •Our res son for announcing , day,. 3rd feet in: to to -day a short"and- . sharp Howe also spent Monday,. 3r pd inst. 'in clearing at town . the .'ViTlsem.an Store; - .. The Carmona carne in on.Tuesda ' 4th inst. She is all in ship-shape again So many people are glad to pur- chase from Mr. McEwan, the cuttings tahich ho buys ftorn the i�•odtrich bon saw -mill. They are just the thing. for summer use. If they are ; damp a few days sunshine will make them lov- ly'end .dry, Mr. Joseph Kidd has been ependi a1 week or two at his residence, . Nor street.- He looked extremely well. :. come from their home at Kingston apt•- ebt''had taken action always held that parity of elections t which to na a ik most he assured bis confidence, that if.a .West Huron, he was willing to admit tai>p wen 'sna�e�ou h at once that a ease nt w n o refits° to halve hard been made out.. a l w sed, a i d at all costs, As to ��.e .t the c s fur inyesta ation. S . not - ci! dealt with by the °Coinmit- wilts: ONLY 06 0RsE. rivaleges and Elections. Sir'Oliarles Tupper a � • � pp congratula4tedthe 'c u ,A etas- Ire Woes, nohow, Government on the decision at which ❑ing,; then, ` to' tile facts; it wars they had arrived, although really no :that In 'the 'election' for West .in :on`:the 21st of l�ehruary,. 1$941, but to accept the motion. which had Roltues received a au 'ority of 40 ,but Tilade.' at117Va 3, Godbrich when. the bat. ereTe counted, Mr. McLean,. thee carol •o e f fo ll Holmes .Declar Declarations had y g pupil else other course had been opened to them p 't of Canada when it was se abso- . t terreatrive candidate, had 40 votes : to - had as rifts and for the Vpwha t en made {Led Were now initis. 'pos.tions to do what oie could te•put down d re of than subdivision who said that g g a and had th • - Mr.. Gilmour, wif 'rind children, have to take up their residence in the. house lasteiy occupied by Smith, late of the Goderich. waterworks, and now at Fort William, • Birth. --On June .9th,at Cannington, Ontario to Mr. and Mrs.Woodward, T d, nerchents,'Can ni.ngton, a daughter.'. 1 Miss Alena Smith of Chicago Baugh 'i 1s • h East street bakery, and is quite • of the firm of Sanies and Woodwar There was never time in the his - r. r. • f�Mr Jose h Smith of that'oih, he. nest of et cousin, 1 Smith E' t st e a harmed with' aur town. Mr• and Mrs, Runyon (nee Miss Day- ey voted for McLean. If, then; only lately eulininated•in a.frightful expos- 2 sion,by between fftyancl sixty else stalkf a it.ie hrthe�l r,dwhich wae and is a retired farmer . and . h and) will spend a few. weeks iLt th olborne. They toe. like our town. When Mr. John Hail reached Wes rninster'station with his two travellin companions Miss Lottie Kirkbride an is. brother Charlie Mr• Arthur •Stral n was at the station to:.meet his tiro- c her-in,law, Mr. Heil, who is with Mr. nd M'rs.Straitoe now at Westrninster: eywere all delighted with' their trip' ut, and reached their destination, the d unday after leaving here the previous ' Tuesday. n 'Mrs,Laviisou,wife of Captain T•�t,+ween,.'.' and their •three;little daughters, left on,'i b heir ersheonef "The Todman"'.eacly'.en r�ride�p a.m,totake a:conr1le of months' trip on the lakes. The : Tadman cave i in from Midland with cedar.. posts, torp cl yment- and left' light, for. Midlan here she will take;cergo of posts".fo Wallac.eburg.• The election led b • the Gtoverntiient 1 ut ri l ench.votes were found . in the boar ure. s have been car-. ,'as.:sure - proper for.tlio. Souse ten hy, honorable, or fair or fastt insane We hat became of the' other tens and the than who- built and 'r the r flft e,. which were deposited, an a .h o:utd' 1 'ave been deposited, :by -the'''., m&ehine was now in Europe] drawing form o, officer, but were pot found. a high Italylact representative m Uhe t 1 d best' W,. Ularke, the agent for Mr. ; • HL onto DIsmiss *RESTON. Th Loan atlliat subdivision, 'who said Sir Charles wanted' to know whether:n ss4on th,esefternoon of e1'ection day, W. T. R. Preston- had been seat aseay 'S noticed:as Ballot with the counter -ori purpose-andwbether..he wae to' be : i1 attached'bn the floor. This. ballot.' recalled, "The. Government`onghb to' esprohperly marked for McLea'n,-bat j send him. a cable telling him be was a e:demanded-..an ;explanatiou disgraced man; that• his appointment t in Cur'ni_gofficer, Jas.. had been cancelled rind that he was+la1-,'f `:also a deposition made' by', poop e stns a. a a air," tart go •tleman teak tile ballot' 'drawtt'o 1•i10i•x monev.froin •tl; ae' tc as-' utof•his hand and tore it up. The • tiry of.Catada.. Ifs this was not done, WO of- the ballot which wee 'finis the Governrne'nt'wouldfail in its duty D rreup Say Mr. Fare hail been preserv- .Every hour that Preston flirin'g' rernains in w and' ~Vere n,w i'h possession'of a their employ was. • an • indel mber'Of the Ouse; • ibis disgrace' upon • thee country. 1 .oiling'sub-division No."4, in the The electoral corruption which pre. a in* of 'Colborne; :the deputy re- vailed, was threatening to destroy t Mrs. Captain Sheppard. East streetuntil about the 14th or 15tH of:Jul.. nd her daughter, Miss Emily have re timed from 'their trip with Captab heppard upon the Olympia. Miss Em y wall take another trip after the O. ams, are over. Dr. and Mrs Gaily returned to their' horse at Detroit, after' spending three, s The St. Andrew will not call here officer, "Donald- Cunnmings, everything like ` free' Government S ,30 ballots for McLean, but in Canada), and Sir• Richard Cert it the`:1electioti'4-cnen_°hitve Tilade weight many years ego hard seen 'ex ratio • = that • e .. - wit this polling sub-divts'ion; of thing must inevitably`result•in the ' clays in Goderieb, at the residence • of •s rthey vested for Mc wit prophetic eyes that this kind at has become of the.other 18, and. destruction, of free institutions. w could they have dieappoared with_ ITAThDY's $or t HAS COME ut• the intervention of the deputy. re-' ,firttinatel fur urning officer? This was a proper' y Canada, fortunately question for' the House to investigate; for the f uture of every man who valued qquite, apart from any provisions of the electoral purity, the public conscience UopGroverted Election Act. was awakening against these parties stow IT was IN trlt9exvlL>T;. who: handled the reptile fund, and who •with shameless profligacy, and by the ' In the case` of Brockville it could be prostitution of honest electoral pro-• ablished that ballots exactly of the cedures,.sought to debauchihe constit- . t tame appearance as official ballots were uencies. In Ontario Mr. Hardy's hour I a ;plentifully distributed iunong.Liberal. had come. ' His Government Was tot- 1 'won ers.• He had now in his posses- tering to- its fall. The public of On- b sion-one of these ballots with a cross tarso was awakened. .p , n ' This trip she loaded atToledo with coal for Kingston and the;, ppreceding trip 1.. she carried wheat from Fort William to,Kingston, Mr. Moss, who purchased the hand- orae brick. cottage on. Cartthridge treet, the property of. Mr, Oswald Carey, has. had it painted red like Mr. tahleker's cottage on Eaststreet..The hutters are green.and the whole house s being re -modelled. • Mrs. John McLean's son, who went with a sou of Captain John McDonald n a little sail boat to Bayfield last �veek,left th'st port on Sunday, the day fter little Katie's death, at 10 se m. A messenger was despatched to.•Bayfleld n Sunday, and • theebcive was the news e brought home. No boat in sight on unclear evening. Mrs. McLean feared that the,boys were lost, :and was suf- fering iritense agony, fearing that she 'was doomed to lose another one of her family, • Happily at 3 a. m. on Monday the bays returned drenched with rain and as they entered the piers they lost complete control of their sail boat, and she beat about against the pier at an appalling rate, a squall having, arisen. And yet on that dark Jake in a squall those boys were safe, and Katie taken almost at her own door. • The sunflower is out early. Tis said to, be a lucky flower. Well we hope' so. Our sunflowers are tall and state- ly and the°.first flower attempted to open on the 4th of July. At time of writing Saturday,,July10th, there are 'quite ittiumber of flowers out, looking, for the sun, which is at present under a cloud.' We'll he all reedy for the glorious 12th. Some writer• stays we. must try and bring the Orangemen here for the year 1900. .SVhy did he. not try and bring them' here for '00. There's no tints like the present is an old adage. When 12th of Jule, 1000 cornea, we fear Toronto will do' the honors. Noble Toronto, we hope her will o. prosperity � g' on forever like Ten- nyson s brook, We are quite proud of Kingston, Ottawa and all other Canadian cities. The funeral of little golden -haired Katie McLean took place from the reel• dance of her father, Mr+. John McLean, on Thursday p. m. The funeral was postponed until thatday, in hopes that r. McLean could attend, •but the Duck islands ere pretty far out of the. line of travel in some parts, and it is feared he had not received the nes• sages sent him, The little white cask- et was covered with the loveliest flow- ers the first week of July could offer.. Rev. Mr. Anderson officiated at house and grave, The paall•bearere,who look. ed go trice with their white scarfs and gloves, were: --•Masters', Johnnie McKay, Alex. MaIvor, Bobbie Campbell and Dan. McDcinald, Editor Diggings of the Algoma Pio• neer says in his issue of June 80: Cin• der a heavy, black -faced head line, the local Sault Star made a furious, men- dacious, and unprovoked onsliiught upon him. 'Tis wall he' did; for -now we can give the renders of the Naws- Rai;on.D the Pioneer editor's biegra- pity, written by himself. Hesays: , "1 have been 40 years prominently before the residents of Allgemine«•-ten years as provincial constable,' deputy sheriff and bailiff, seven years a public se'liool trustee, nearly seven years as gaoler, twenty-four, years as editor of the Al- goma' Pioneer, thirty-three years as clerk of the Division, Court and four Mrs. Baker, William' street.. The whole party spent Wednesday„ 5th S ins, atPoint'Farm,and were so charm- .s edwith.it and' the town in general' i they are •deternlined to: -return . for few weeks. Dr. Gaily has a large prac- tice in Detroit. Knox, their lovely lit-. - tleson, will retnain sometime at the residence of .Mrs. Baker.: .We..trust a het -Dr. and. Mrs. Getty will . return gain, for Goderich looks beautiful; o 3,1r. and Mrs. Grass, and two clever h oys have taken up their residence • ht S oronto. Mr.G ass canis to Goderich•'in fnterealeo� the Mooers and for ing-'To Evade An Important Witness in the West ;the Liberals to Ke' 1VIr. Justice .Osler aif Mr. Justice • w - e unable to proceed with the latest Huron election trial in the Court . of Appeal at Osgoode hall, Tor- onto, on Thursday of'last week on, account of the absence of Mr. John T, Linklater, of Wingharn, an impor- . ,.tent witness, on account of whose ale Bence the trial was originally adjourn- ed. Their Lordship affirmed their in. Intention of not proceeding in the mat- ter dual Linklater was produced, and "again adjourned the trial. Mr. Wats son, Q. O. was present for the respond- ent,.Hon. J. T. Garrow, M:1'. P., • and easter. E. L. Dickenson, Windham, a R. 11. Gagen, for the petitioner,. Mr. : Beek. '' • ftUNeEL A ,f�IfaAvisr. i As soon teethe court was openedMIs Dickenson read and flied°the following Afildarit by himself, touching his in- ability to serve the order of •the court On Linklater': 3. "1••Edmund 'Lindsay Dickenson. of ati risen of *Ingham, in the Oonnty of Huron, barrister -at -lath', make oath .and say ; I am the solicitor for the above-named petitioner in this matter: "(2 • Having received information that John' T. Linklater, ` the witness , named in the order hereunto annexed, ,.,was expected to return to his home in Wingham after the last sittings of this court, I reteincd'the said order in nay. own hands.instead of placing it in the. hands of the Sheriff of the County of Huron, in Order to enable me •sto effect rotnpteervice upon the eitid Linklater r6imediately upon hie arrival. "(81,1 kept Careful . watch for the Bald Linklater, both by, myself and by othere, whom I instructed for thatpur- dose,: but the said Sohn T. Linklater id not return to. his home in- Wing a' hints,' and I was unable to effect service Of the said order upon him. "(4) I have received no intelligence. of the ecoid Linklater later than that ,;,,,, .,pehlclt advised me that he was staying ;at the Barclay' house in the pity of Petiole - "(5) The ffe of the said Sohn T. L{nkllater le still stay ing in the said Wit of Winghamn,but has declined to ve any information to my agent* .. to his whereabouts at• future move - ents:" • In eft* of this Mr. Dickenson ask- t eek, the Whet to Order `an adjourn- t Justice.. Huron' Election. Case Being Paid by Kee 'Out°of the' Way, ' before the court last week . you ':pro- duced a statement from aMr. Douglas, Has that statement. been sworn to yet, Mr. Dickenson : I regret to say that it has' not been sworn to, and I must admit that Mr. Douglas ' absolutely re- fuses• to make oath to these'state- ments. Continuing, Mr. Dickson stated that Mr.. Douglas of Lucknow was politic- ally opposed to the petitioners and al- though he had unbosomed hinielf very freely to him—Mr. Dickenson—aynd et one time appeared willing to sign an affidavit, he now declined to do so. bfr. Watson o posed the motion for adjournment, The petitioners had produced no material in support of an adjournment, lie protested that no attempt' had been made to serve sutn- rnons upon Linklater, and, as shown byMr. Dickenson's aflldavit, he had himself retained the order. • Justice Rose; --What attempt more could be made a It would have' been. perfectly useless to serve the order out of the country, His Lordship asked Jar. Watson li- the' respondents had endeavored to f5J cilitate servbce. Mr. Watson replied that they had not and would present argument to show that Linklater was not a neces• sary witness. The court refused to hear hair contention, An order had al- ready been,issued for Linklater`s ap- pearance. The limit pf adjournment had been reached, Me. Wateon said, and theta was no reason why a further adjourn- ment should be granted. "No reason," Justice Osler replied, "except that tbie witness is keeping out of'the way." Justice Rose would not allow any witness to tire out the court. Mr. Watson spoke ofo interminable adfournmenta. Would his• Lordship approve that course P "If necessary'and in the interests of justice," replied Justice Rose, "I cer-. tainly would foment 10 prolonged ad- jottrpnient." Mt, justice Osler then nnnouneed that the trial would be adjourned un• til SeptemberSth, but that if the wit- ness could he produced, and Mr. J`us- ieelRose and himseif were in town, hey' world be prepared to fit, an ear- JuiticPs'liii i al -When: this . Caen wear Mt. Dan Fergti n of Bt. Paul le vis- Itinpl •hie parentft, Mr, and Mrs. 1). I+'er- C ens LEghthonsse street •�osweet es ivo'eery i t bi ora nstreet I- • 4. Something must have.. Londe" is ti he i'estclmsee ler date. o'derlek The Meeftdarrtexr Trethewa Colin ampitell and other ladies, Who, with the the lust 'three mcinths, has been on trial as inspector of elevators. We are sorry to lose nice Citizens like Mr. and Mrs. Grass. Mrs. Captain Dan , McKay was at Clinton for a short time, last week in. June, and on herr return her daughter heard the bus coining to the door, and fearing the bus horses might go thro' that unfortunate Britannia road tank, she ran out and warned the driver not to come up to the gate. When we get the electric street, rail- way in perfect running order, the' citi- zens of Clinton and adjoining towns could remain here for. the 'summer months and go to their respective work by the electric car. We. were passing the C. P. R. office, Weststreet, and we heard a gentle- man say "We use 1503. bushels Mani• toll* wheat a day, besides local wheat" and we looked up and saw that one of thein was Mr, Colborne,. grain buyer, We thought that was an item we must treasure up, so we Waited our time and very soon. we saw Mr. Colborne head - in for the s office g pat on his bicycle. We asked him who the gentleman was and' he answered very ambiguously "A miller," and although we -pride our- selves upon not asking many quest ions, we said "0 yes we know he's a miller, but he is a stranger." Then Mr. C. thought he might venture to inform us that the gentleman was Mr. Mooers'of Kingston. Happily we know little of cyclones, At Leeds, Dakota, the storm was vio- lept, doing great damage. Mrs, W. Reynolds rn writing to her mother, Mrs.A. Kirkbride,' here says: We' have had three terrible hail storms, the first I have ever seen, and all. I Byer want to see again. Villages and towns around us Iie in ruing and Lee'ls suf- ferred'also. TheNorthern Peciilc round house, coal sheds, several large barns, windmills, blacksmith' shop, one of the largest stores in Leeds, that was net quite finished, •granaries, hotttes and other buildings too *minerals to Men- tion were blown down':°and split into splinters. We have jnet returned from seeing a family', whose house and barn were both blown .down on Friday night, 80th June.. The man and his wife and five ' littler children and the hired main were all in the frouse when the storm came on. Mrs. Walker and the children and hired man dot out, but Mr. Walker was buried in the ruins. They got hien out, but ho line not regained conecioasness, but the doctors think Inc Will recover. 'fie was terribly bruised.' Mee. Walker too ie terribly bruised, and everything they yc owned wee smashed, and clothes m blown away. At another home the up huehaed, wife and eight children had Oa their house blown away, and their two re months' old baby. They found the wi baby had been blown ester as the barn . lo hut it was dead. None of the rest rel. cetved `any serious Injury. The hail Was . be worse with ns at Roseniond;farnt than ret the wind. Wedo not know yet how dri ars AS. mayor of any of ye Canadian editors can show a recoed like this chieftain of the /Indian Sault. We trusb when he athes the half century mark Algoma VOW to her. A lady, Mre. W. Stateon, Who had en. visiting ab Chatham and Elora, %retied by way of Kinearditle, being ven into toe& on Sunday' by her ther-in-law, In her hurry the took r serape and matched oub of the car, ge No that the horses eould be driven the livery, and of eourse the iota of . a little lEatie McLean was being ked_of hy several at the gittse- bald s. Watton, being so sympathetic, forgot that she had hung her small dial for safety, while getting the gar thineot taken ti,,bsit ex- alt *mit lesto• TOT • lin lovely their familial, pterifeted at noffield on - tato ern eliarmitig epee Quite -a number of Were abnu,t Loudon f are in the cottages, hare fare writ Wen k - .. THE, COODS ARE HERE.. THEY MUST, •the"Ocean House, an took the basin otl Wednesday. P. m• for Heesall.* We went down on Wednesday, a. m: 5th inSt to see the American yacht,who BE -SOLD. .THE TIME IS SHORT.' OR DINARY PRICES WILL NOT SELL THEM sent 'up town forlittle Union Jacks to decorate their pleasure boats. ' • BEFORE WE HAVE TO . LEAVE THE Wesaw a lady fall at Filsioger's cor- heod stumbled against- the sidewalk • which is higher than the street at the Mrs. Oharles Tanner of Toronto and: little sons will spend a few weeks at ts:etutHr:tel Bedfbrd,. Mrs. Tonne: is the Only sister of Jatnes Wilson, druggist, The' trade mark Of the Menestung Mineral .Water from Hawley's well is an arroW. ,We wonder if Christopher Odlanibus brought arrows with' him, for archery was a famous accomplish. ment of the ancientHritons. We wish • it could. be revivedbere. Wouldn't it he a lovely sight to see our young lad- ies in blue, • pink or white costumes practising aeohert on that lovely lawd at, the bowling green,. Out they hAve . You see just Where we stand in the matter. We have the goods, We have not lawn tennis and we presume theywise- * • ly leave,thaarrows and the archery Lor them in our own..store. We,have promised to leaVe here by AuY• 15 so there is nothing raliCtiCe .t0 011Pid, If he has ever yet left to do but sell them, and sell them Nye will. To the careful, economical ,buyer the bargain Miss Seegmillor .has conie out from 114nteri.111 fact all: the buyers ot dry goods a chance 'Ike this comes oak seldom. pay Nebraska, and with the Misses Lang of you well to buy for future nee& even.if you do.not want 'the goods fur present use. 'We tint Stratford will spend some weeks at the ' British Exchaege. bete the list of bargalp prices that are saolples of many others Just Its good. The gOods g000n: Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of Clinton • and their son of Indianyolis, are , . sale Saturday inorning, Jtily 1.6th, and "Stay at these prices until all ate..sold. STORE.. EXTRAORDINARY PRICES WILL SELL A GREAT- PORTION OF - THEM. EXTRAORDINARY `PRICE WILL 113E P.UT ON THEM. :swrogpilt .4.1114. I .E Iota Chitutaqini tboVement seems to 4EARING OUT THE VVISEMAN DRESS GOODS. NJ.; fallen through. We hear naught_ • we have been informed that J. • . It will pay yOu to buy dress goods at t4e priepg we will 8,11 thetp at. even. ihoUgh::•you Kuntz of Saltford lost a valuable team , . noewant to make theth Up for kix 'months. of home the other night having, while retuening from nayfieldreceived such injuries in a. runaway that they 75C. BLACK DRESS GOODS. AT,33C... -FIGURED •LUSTRES FOR SKIRTS had to be shot, et the suggestion of a veterinaryeprgeori. They broke loose from the wagon and doubletrees, striking them at'every step while run- nitig three miles, they had their hoofs broken to pieces. One of their horses ron away on East' street since and marked•up the new granolithic pave- ment with its feet. shoe black hits struck town we see He has quite a stylish stand indeed, on which a chair is placed for customers at the South street corner of the Brit- ish Exchange: We hope the nickels he will gather in, The white lily seems to he every- where Ma month of July. Miss Edith Nordheimer of "Glen& dyth," Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, D McDonald, Wellington•street. Mrs, Bret/Icy, Toronto, anti children are the gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Willcin. son, Mrs. Brayley's parents. Mr. Robt. Wilkinson, Minneapolis, is visiting at the ota home, Elgin street. Architect Fowler and staff paid the new grounds for the site of the Odd Fellows hall a visit et 8a. m. Monday. Water pipes will have to ha laid to carre water for the use of the masons. They commenced the excavation of the cellar on Tuesday morning. Mr. George Sowerby is building a bonnet; been. Ile draws the lumber from Thompson's mill at the harbor, Get your I/folios read,y on that conces- sion and have regular harvest home festival nt its finish. Mrs. Will Trethewa left last week to join her huabend in British Columbia, where he is superintendent of a mine. Captain Trethewa visited; the mines at Nelson, 33. Cs and Spent a few days with his daughter, him Daxendele,and hee husband, who is a miner. Jodge Jehnston and his wife, after spending a pleasant time in Boston and New York, returned hy.way of Ni- agara, and were visiting in Toronto. Iaet week, They returned to the Sault on Saturday. ROYACOROWN-- " HIYHOL' THE WORLD'S BEST POLISHINO SOAP. For quickly and easily polishing brightly, without crabbing, Silverware Goia. waroishes, Knives snit 'orks, Art Spoons, Cutlery of o" Judo, Brass on IlarttP40,.." asti on Engines And Boilers, Brass of II kinds Copper Utensils, Tinware, 'Pewter, Glassware, Windows, Fire Irons; Cooking VitansiIs of all kinds, Marble, Woodwork, Floors, Mirrors, HIelothq, Bath Tubs, Bicycles, P.IstOd Ware, Eto,, Etc. ' W114 *V RUMOR ME MOil Fine Black Drees Goods, pure wool materials, stripes Fine figured lustre medium petterns bright 'finish, the , and fancy patterns, 88 to 44" inches. wide, including Wiseman 35c line for 240, andAthe Wiseman 45c' line soine of the famous Priestly makes. Wiseman prices for 300 • • • • BLACK AND WHITE DRESS GOODS • 90C. BLACK DRESS GOODS AT 50C, , • FIR LESS THAN HALF PRICE , Extra goocl quality all Wool Black Drees' Goods, large . . _ , . and small patterns some of the best black goods in 75 yards fancy black and white dress goods, assorted the Wisernan stock,'Priestlie's and other inakes,,Wise- • stripes and checks, Wiseman prices were 05c to 85c, • man prices were 75c, 85c and $1.00, your choice of clearing at 26o the lot • 606 One end only black and, white bracatued dress geode, 38 inches wide Wiseman price was. 40e, clearing itt...19° COLORED; DRESS GOODS Not a yard of Oolored Dress Goods to be moved if prices will cleat them out, Fine Navy Blue Lnstre bright gloesy flnish,88 in. wide, wait th'ese.wfil make a very stylish dress. Wise. Wiseman price was 50e.to clear at 22o man price wee 90c, to clear at PElo ' All wool. heavy serge, 88 inches *ide. Wiseman price Ode end only pliwitnasdLeos,stg000desa, rclaLk.red, 88 in., t•s,. Ide„18,3 was 40c, clearing at , 25o original price An 44-4. all wool, silk finished Henrietta, Wiseman price Oue end only fancy dress goods, red and gold mixture, was 00c, clearing at ' SOO 42 in, wide, suitable for waists or weappers, original • • OOSTITIVIES POR $2.50: , 12 fine Costurnes.410 two alike, extra gool goods, sotne of the best in•the Wisetnan stock, 'Prices were $4,50 to $7.00, your choice of the lot at... , „Saul One end vrool Dentine, plain cream ground with grey flower, ,Wiseman Two Bargains in Wash G-oods • One end only fine French Sateen, fewn ground. brown and white flowers, original price was25e• ' to clear at The Wiseman stock of <Dress Muslins. dark and86 lilth t colors, goods that sold at 100,12te and 15c. we will nob move any of them, and the whole lot Men's FurnisAings Men's shirts and drawers, niedfum weights, Wiseman the Wiseman Furnishings, Pats or Clo'shing mreTieielde:',4w:IlsicinetitnilaFtlpv'clrielles were 80e 1 g at ... -3.60 We will not move a sh3gle dollar's worth of ghb coloi:L, knots, bowe. four. that price will sell here. You do f . not often have tri;:,;:t a %Ara fine quality aummer undee eftelain, al the chance to buy sneh urnishings as these,. p zee fort to clear ab .480 BOys' ribbed mitten sweaters, Wiseman priee w' as 110c, * Materials far Quilt Linings A big lot of Engbash Shaker flannels, medium and dark colors, fancy patterns, Wiseman ptice was 12Sc, these goode make splendid fintngs, to (ti nvery shirt ill the Wiseman stook must be sold, While they last we will sell MBN'S FINE CAMBRIC SHIRTS, fast'colors, all of the 'Wiseman $1.. ani $1 26 goods, choice of the lot. 60o. .114 x • • •