The Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-13, Page 31.111.0-- 0. 4,10
VU te&o the P0110- W%nittes V0494 and, glillig *394 togr4l and ATO r ........... ........ . .. h"
tivs Mn,
dayby the t On w Ill* wou
Ar"t $IVA *00 br4W# MW fil0e. I& It not Mo nor Anytmr thAt towagA to to V1410 *Ad cover, Wt 4 a".
em blttV the duot, It human $to. U, it 00 P% , Hu&brw I Zit it not
A= that she has Mtir 044 make. "4 It g
WDOR OF ORRIST TO -PAT t Wore COAWX*t0d tO t1s Lord *>, RobrAgarrokit 4ye I sye I,# to so, on A
of she.114C 0i Varnish outalds, It
"Tbo, way of thi w*ko4 H I have in Mae be, very haAd*ow.* old y4
Rar. OIL TALUGE 3rigigs or ITS hrtst, It ould In a tow YO&ra It to " 0 -a look of, bar brj U09SLUOLDo gporl. aA
rau44 thAx whole earth to surrea- turpsth. upside down." Hlotory tolls "Rx"llont Tix-vaorrow,.Wo will visit --------- laod trunks Abel
P400T POsITIO'N Cr to God. There I% ano u Alpbo4" wan - - ---------- ------- aid novoir bM, UaCd, tv %at
Add- us that When UMO Wag fougped, 04 dorod by tbs trout the Alit �hk
voloped onora. lip. this. 000 TV reli to that I day ibex$ war.*, twelve vqturos latroAm. Re bad a rod 14 bin head. but r tbs popor the moths Are, X00" tor
ban lIkeIV have doopal ted their eggs.
Oogxorooii rolt, me th"regi,or 4404 lie, bring this city. tR 01brist-840ii. ORNUINS RVOSIAN TSAI t a ww%
flylAg through the air,* but WAOR 4 he didn't attein ailed do CIO" to 1414. be WPA
pt W fjob. He Uktda4t arpoto, t t are A WA
low, Iltii wto"144 44,84sw Ilk MO lW1k%Ad1F.* IWV61OPO4 C%xUtift energy In the tra.wWrossor Idles, the sky 41�Altbl f44� heart. l*MiixW1IAA,1 my friend, lot me lie, is eaten there- *4 *Us.
city, to bring oll tbs, Ilatted States to with wbO4 flocks of theml in- Tbs genuine 'Intissigan too is be baseboard Are often
01iiist-anoiligh qadovolova4 Chirlatku Vultureill vultu Ak tinny 0410S," xaUtter tr64400 YOU to an old 011434 Of AXIAO- 4`1440 And allowed to owl, but tea just eYea whon the TOoM la-ation and most ..............
glly 111#140)q roe. f When I see Min CA ef TJ wopta The only way to Pro.
*xid. py4p" 11Vt It". ad bat " YOU AlphwmQ, ibis 14 Maximill4a, the r0' brewe4. on
A, may leap powned clairvoyant and poyc4p Vent. It 4 to saturate the Carpet ones -
rat and. on .11 ......... ........ 644c.
the whole., world to Christ ; but It 44 robbi so mmy of Mr ailro IOWOd to each cup of boiling water, a week In spring and summer with a WbA
energy In tfi, .a teasp9opful of too, ill t- r ull
U4too. to. bring 1000 War% going down day bydayand may frollo 1 security. a
t of the water a
.44 nsy war(
bu toll ro your fly, trist." And very soo. tb
r -under strata f indifference a4 ploin WWOb jo, thou allowed to stoop PA the little turpentine 04 the places wbpro do UPW Wt
y weak,. I MUS give , t
'and under whole mountalza, of Cloth. d"'A not elap it ba library. !hoarth or toblo ter fifteen inlAuto
A do4p4toh tlQm W"hingtou say$. Your Ingenuous., trust shall not be be- In t�Olattar gentiomants
the motb4i have eaten or are likely to lAuttored, oponivg t&*%
Aav� Dr. TAIM bA9 for the rallaills to SooksOut troed, The plump blue -bottle will be sat, The tOr
ago Preached trom tbs 449w Is It not t 04VAtion. of my Ow, Gustavo Atop broached the object of Th; glasses Oro tbs entine will not injure i. )aar
following, text. begin, 444 the pickaxao 6 Plunge, #lad Rover tbak,rir4e pulled (Iowa its, gOAUIAO Article.' MY book, the! fdthe Most dolloate, colors. find in, he
Now there WaA Ito for 'th1A tat to be bir . ought the r visit. Iluix 11 SAM he hhUrW crack" -ice, Chipped SO fine - best proservgtive from. motba kaoa. 00100 t
lamith fOUAd thrOU o it* our
hout 411 the land out NrAiAg boll on Inobw Roick not intrude upo -your gills this av, Y04 woul4glyo, 4's some o� a of taro full b
and put Into the furnaces, and be w& coolo to tea Immodigtoly., A
'AN tWt 140, Would bWvQ A 0126404 to Thsa,� hers, is a omptidtol that it
tackle from blm�, and your Skill, Y friend Reatheroto4e, Wt
othe Philiatinep, a U 641 into o.witxeis And parbinei to Sceptic to scarcely the apropri* thou boiling tea to poured On. 000 tea- of promiso. suit ago
aid, loot turn despoil vessels thAt weiro'cr,
tho. Hebrews. make d1a hosts 1, The vvot %pa o4,_ flinging himself upon - the . deleted turf las144A' Swords or the LOr Qqrlty thet r901114 but OAS Aight big OWA Ob tP word,", intorru 04 AlPhOA06- �S`Ad OP004fal oflemon juice and Ono, Plies CZAR'$. OR94TWEA14TH.
Of OUTIAORVA In this day Are Useless- crashed flown on tbl.4 very roCJ -iL13d be 94YO libertr bowing politely to, , '.I Ala Ut� .0
Vveare. it 44 tho'laliaelitear We*t c, to *long ent algb,. to host, of lamon Completes the 11 cup which ArMAIWO0144t I
The MvA of 'the LorA's battalion ba,, be went down with his cargo. ate.#,
God AlphoAoo was In love. forty unacquainted with our Strange In
.'dowA tO, the 1111440401i tOliarpea OV- lGg,% to, he reservej corpa. t T Most tea b
be scold t a pot, Thrlom. Aotin
declares. lli4n I;.& T,
so, I say to the wfok- and as P'040e," 4414 he,' "And Am, not so tool- ahq� m4riatired,
00'3444 410 Share, And his con 'Of the was a qr'ot Oliver, gran, P11111ou 110011gro a T001r,
Iter, and - Crew 80 asleep In ilia baxA* ad, thou shalt ouroly die, 4nd thou $;IV, bright as , 0 beautiful 104 so to form An OPIWOU YAPOA It Pali" Itowgro'cir 94
his axe, 444, jai ved rApoka. The roost of the, met4i to un- o"t him - ot Warning, th t � the 016wing 0414411100, of - this. Jeot Qt,wixtoh rtheuware, not ilia. For Hasn't X9117 forg,
4 140took, Yet tbai it araLe, Mo a Czar of Russia is, ter Ahad Of dor the bills, 0, is it not time for shall Ate, in I am entirely ignorant.". modarato, 4tre.ngth Allow one tesspoop- litA file. for the, M4tfQok8,- and for -the the ChUr � his Iniquity; but his blood atuniner'Al ila. Josephine was exqui- "Thai Is certainly proving yourself. Ilow.uponarolis flirtation yetl fte
Ch. Of GO(J to rOUS fill of too., to half a pint of from 4 to sis richer by
,a UP and" will I,roqUire at thy bando," atte, Josephine. was tolepti4q. VpUug a sensible person," replied X ax � ro- I I ad w r. Four Slowly over � tI
Iters, bo I Rip to 'halt than Any.' Qxrow-ned bead in tl.iQ aftoir MOAQYO for "Ile 12" gwo
Con . And for thio torks,, and fo -we want. A n 1UTA111%'th WIN, Unfort ately, t a
the understand that mre from this -subject herself could apt have clipsed his Jo- 44 an 'it world, To it tat IL SUAQs
11 -tile talent, oil the WORIth 04- tea, and lot 1he p 0 arxiiial
4XCQ, Sad' to sharPeo Itbe goads..11�1 What a sad thing, Itis whon. the Warolp ..-pooh' ot stand wboVe Say with Any dogreo of ox�
aIs tO, people be will be A t the. Willa At, yet will ikotitili4e, tile imonat-of him I Woalth, is
for Christ's aael I like the (4 G04 gin by po,o _,g Pot Means jparriago.' No I#rr44
SAM 1poeilto raotal, Those, Ilia,, what they doAlr understand. It g, as,
Ing subjugation for the Wk got boll, for from thr �14 bvioul impossible, beoau
AwEamel that the English soldier,, tlnes lxw.tbat it they COUld. Only got The thought had scarcely flaLshed each art 4dr of- it Ve to five la 044 be Aiado�wlxll Zd0a,- is I Asbaldti gavq to Blther. the oommand-er. Olt, tile Met . al superiority, IIA Utes keeping tightly ooVOrbW:-S6rVQ In so be, be
be, supposed, that
T lie a out oil tho tbxQugh his mind, ere Atoll. It Must Act
philistines, III a as onae started saves so Much trouble," Ing, an Absolute MQUATC-1i, autocrat of
weapon hot teacups,
.4 , rried Thek 4led him "Old Forwardst". we' bands Of the- Israelites, all would be. with, surprise, "Here. is your test", continue allt or Lyndon was
'Off all tile blaCkOMItlis, and torn d havo had enough leaut on big vi
own retreats 14 the. sad, therefore, they tave, And, At AL glance fro 111. 1" a � At% is free to. double or treble holkitleno.
Ch took the bows, and gazed entranoQd into the
all, t rch of Christ; lot us have a glori. his Income, at the cost -had drifted Into 9, oonyoutIoU4 �t.
bloAk4ax and-,abol, And the, spears. They did not est a nation, lie I ith shops 01 awOr plioasetQ 'intrusted the Cherished EGGS. IN RECIPES, 0
night, tho 'Maxi Ales, Whenever be wishoo to d, 0, tion, With, UArth
Us advaAm. A -ad I say to You to� w4tors. WAS he analidatedf .. Coal million. pogi- at
ishod the trade in the as the GonOal said when hie went hem to have a bands, -of ho ive a . tpotitig4i, to
nlie. boh 14- be real t. He was think- This," Continued he, "was Snipped
W01PP04.. When the Metal a o mountains; Which Passed put of
land' of Tar Of th la� What tion nearly equal to Possessing All that
Ising up in r"litles was gonci their, strpngtb wds Ing, f Van t saw from a lady's bead al� a few days Orin in different forms
The �hilWtxioa woul.4 tropps. ord affrightod. :R4 recipes appe
ven allow these par irrops, his Q us Ana Q 1. 40ro h )is cares to Send. , Us owns enormous Mind oip'rekixra to thOL Ott$. A
tioa to Nv'ork his at hair flyiag.ja the ion,04 �Thls is the trouble. with tho' osophine, not rising froiA, the sea but Ago, and has never State left MY cannot fail to have observed that some- met hor, at potios.aUd i tq"tii
tbeir.valUllille minois of br#ss up 11's voice until 29,000 Church of God to,day, It to surroxx� friend's possession.p) times the writers calou PrOPettlesi Which cannot at the'low-
417, hin, Crying Pat. its courb 'It h I as ot tot- shimmering -amloot, the oods. 444 late the quan-
nor might"th drine' go, n ."And Isuppose, you Al eat. estimate bring him 1 an na
me to -to
a- less th Out thO'BOAPbA All tbs i xap An
oy mako any $Words Or "FORWARD. THE WHOF. LIN4 P "enough, MY pf egg's to be I , ,
"Apears, , Thoro were on y two swords metal. Row seldoiA it, in sYOU', something. about tho.t. lad),, f" ,ad pither by num- .015 ow,- a year, and eo,g Jq
, thAt that illiq wA
Again; I- learn'from. this. subject, yM see a man taking his positi I 00 inay very eas- ver -h 014 14 -
Of obUrge, it Wj only bar Shadow: that bar or weight. The general rule. is b ily Xajurn
leftJ11 All the land. "Yea, the Phllig� thai Somet, ' d6 well to take ad- pow - or in pit pit Qr in' a twice that - amount, Jgven With -him, He 114, at Ono time thIpAg
lye, 'the stream embraced" But think of Mazimillown'bold the, precious ourt, in number, althoug, we think that it tile lowest,, himself 4a Ii
a W -- ining iff� Ocelot and I holding thAt. yo I giuoA estimated -value of his W eve with lie;, but ae
line dixt 00 taken all vqntagd of, the wold's sh'arix Y. I L- the palm of his hand 4' o.
nabracing even thati, Ob, lucky: nfeetiallera would
I Ad Pressed it Would, be hatter if eo '
the gently agalAst his brow.. He remain- grant, froin't6e reir.
ffrindatnex� f Siiruliapnts. These Isr"Iltes Oro re- mA=GPpo4,tioxx and all trial And said so, -for fear of beingcs drow tbs land of IS!. W a, ad9pt 'pli hi eggs in-
ducod. to a filic, and go they. went tion, and all criticism, ;Tbs stream I, And the. fishes bobbing UP ad still -for f raol, Do that If an loraglit'lob farmer then he an. o . Wo)g Ing
oerChurch of 0 a moment., him tbs enoriiious in
to the Karilsoxi Ot the, plilliatin4a to 0& tO-4aY Nekhts more and down o4uglit flies nder the looked angq I aiid then: steadof.using them by autntior, Egg4 '20,000,000,10 which
wanted to aharpea is plough or ilia g6tstbotir, axes; And their goads and backbone, more ���arx Now, he knew t 4t'he did jadt, love
defiance, in
Very Agie of, Xooaplijue�o rdflooticxi� Ch, o P, said he with a start, Vary" , ize to such in extent that
RX011 he had to -go over to t4e, garrison thelr� plol4ghs,sharpenod. he Bible sum ilia income of'no 'other monarch her, for'w''hile 04 )Ila Ortiloo. Tom.had
MORE CIONSEPRATEI) BRAVE ailed the 'inquired Al- it is Often a Matter of difficulty to -.1 ,
the'-philiatinels to-setIt done, There distinctly tates: it -the text which 11 They are Stealing kisses Whittli, the. matteir Ill sail compare,, and even, with the. I ` fallen madly, mW iget4r., ieAvy -phone eply with Uted find medhLra on a, and -lia 6ake-oigking a ad. golciida-�Jxoarted'�ga
,a How often you @ad a Amorous.' Alphonse .10 the r a expenses ir
read attho. beginning of the service.- , a golden -A
only.01;0 bre'at be an. egg tA�, which- lie is put in x4aiu&
laarpenin man start out in some i9od enterprise, h, there will sorotimes that
instrument that they bad no -other inatrukasats and at the. first blast of newspApordont PuBY,
tbl� landt�and that "'Oh, t4laing wAc6uxc De0ing.. The, only. thing about fierr not
nothing, notblng�meely- half the, silie,of 4nothdr. Al. this must be staple
s which, td do thiel work,, and. he haaollapsed., and all his o It a gentlo t , is only golden was her powetb
The.f our4ge, was tualit ilxa�t be to h d"i ook-�:4; wos�onlyt`
aTIA40 And the Mechanics haying the Israelites did'rlg�htWhoxi t�ja hair as been dye . poxision for him.
thoy'WeAt is goad, forgetfixt.of the fact that if pmd." It Uad bee stered by 0 Aong It goo
Ing to ftet to a. adnItAi t's the socret," arid Ousts. a th tigIa, eggs Are sold by "the
no over to.the Phifistinea use their 6 without saying that. 4, ab- moderate like �Tom-s. - However, the
UP tlxe � Coulter and a man lift right, All the newspapers of ferrule end of Al lady's � sup juxnporA up. slopping Alphonse on the hundred, of' the hundred, .44eve is had decided.
the grindstones, - My friends, is it ot sliada. d solute monarch has greater facilities to marry,' tiike� S'nice goad and.the the earth,- With All their columns Shoulder. It That14 the, secretil trio pancy in t
tit him, cannot do him for, Ailling
red and wo -,there ba'art, If there --�dyod halr.V his p_oqk6t than, a raler
PiCkAxe, sAve a simple right for us to employ' the world's Ace, and rest assured be, ales, frequently i, diAcre
fi1q, indulatry WA0 He looked up, 1 tle house, and 1 Vs. within.their a
pounding Awa Ato Jos6phIAq?q
If and It
faculty n?I, Mat I is very diffl- biaod incomes.
practically' die bO any permanent damage. it is 6uty was abeut.� leaping to big. fast, when Oh, there's a Secret is Wort of them, loglo, if there be business -1. k
graced. The t idea of who Is WpPoi v too ed After by the
�011 the other Sid, let -us go over and is -wrong that he can be with , a. grabe and charm pe�uli4r; to, tered the sokintist, and lie a4de,cT. quidt- cult matter to get An egg,-mechant And -ndw, with EdaiNk�. hie %tons
Philistines ors' a- dear Peoplai and'.it Will always be found
was, to keep the Is hy, God is going 'to vin- 1y; � but I presume ' you -know the to Admit ihat'his eggs Are small, 'An
oluiploy it for Christ's sake, i The fact di,,te His truth,,. herself, she spread,out',her bandker- Jig was. o d by- thigi
Philibtines was 'to keep -the s� is,, we'jight with too dull weapons, and and He Is going to plas t ogg -morch . eat Is u;suAI)y a poijo 'he. former are, Pomparatively outr ate
--radlities disarxxieciw Theym. -get iron wo,work with too staxid-L by of tbs, Person ?�' - !, U, with that 1; -inf nitely I
... friends, in every ef- chief a4d� sat down upon it, by� his side, N,�,, interruPted Alphonse, in hasty hafi the' tea summer fliftation.
ight 4ull ligplomelate.We fort. you Apeakinjei, i , r Cher �J.
-out of the hills, to make Magi when, we ought tb =ny-r - Chriat's cause and i R;%Ptare t ng 'forward in his Very little is.prepared W11118, ranging :hC*. ior. go
latter. Renee It, is that.. the second.
swords.fif, but� haqk and We the salviltion of men. I Sometimes say He had g thaI's just what I ta,swear.thait 41aqk Is white; and that
they Would �ot he make a keen strolw- Lot us, go over d,
uch a lot to talkabout- that .she dilemma, he. wU-,'.4lroused.
ve a4y blacksmiths -t to Y wifi: , "There is Isomething. rill ir, ... . as'attro as eggs are eggs all those,he ch in Europe is. Ao less.
Wald o anwag abaro busine 'and rong; the newspapers.' have, not as" 0 it out!tlo richest monar,
this Ion.' if they. ot as men, among he didn't know where t . begin,; so for Maximilian qui by knock. 'T6.,WaA:.
g the !ron sharp literary men, and� flna� M I . 1. . I otly returned the lo&t* sells of ii fair average size.'They -than "the Sick Man" -.of binli;iupt yori.e. ., . A,
weld out what saulte4! me for. six'weeks I I'liave net' some -moments they merely gazed int fire Ing. his -name on
ad; they wduldbave�no,grindetonsa their fact, i§ and then transfer it to 1 Should rest contented with. what Turkey., His1acome froin the spun- ger. - Sign
done my duty against- putilke, iniqt never fail E70 poltktrout that acase Con-
ich to bring. the instrame _;itles; the Areagie. togethe, And said nothing, I Already kam I don't care to. tell book,-�he, opened the, telegram.
on �Vli Ate 6f thb'cauxe.of Christ. ..If they have act- i d. I,W111 aiij ilia lip you . -1 - - . tains a very large proportion of heavy try's revenuea is Approximately 0i m next S"day." Iijia furtii6r' brief
sum: and art it will 46 itis good to rub LIS k4e Worst Of love; -there's of� anything
evvioulture'.0r, the military eggs; but when they come to � be., in 000,000 a Year, to*. Whieh,aum. must be
Weapons up agalast-it. 1n other let os tea so much'in it that nothing It was only Xartha Heatherstons. fata.14',
Thelat -Otir them.qp, and -all -the fol- after groat pTessurethat
to iin edge. '014 you poor Weaponless oild`� grindStonpa. We lowing week the devit howls and hQw.s ex the scientist could be, p6rauaded,to 'zome Cases 6, liftie larger tha pro
eniplo the -wI A amar� added the income from hieffriat
-'Israelites; re( a.fil and howls, Showing that I have hit --prsseP So well as Silence. take, the hair Whis hand again, blot the iieller:wIll. code at. once,
a, how I pity will to their- music, and,W6, ill -declare they are an Party;, and this: is eatimat6d at b6iW,, 'i
d I * sqgs� as wha-t� he' has jur6d. Asks for
Vilo this under Protest,II he fine an arge dr.T. I
youl But -i6ge Philistines were, not -watch. their 4ounion, Aud"We will use him viry hard.. Go forth in the oar- - 'After a while,' Alpheihs�' fol5ind, big . . R fi#ndleil fox sotuetime. To obviate this 4760;000 and V1,000,000. Tot, asWe have t his ..forehead. Already said, AW41 Hamid is nearly al -
vice of Christ and'do your wliotwduty. volc6,� au4. lick mUrmured: replacing. It agains H'aspital."
to keep their host. their,grindptonea; And we Will b"koiv 5`0u,have� on' Unpleftiantneas, .4n. alEK) for the sake
on'the.nook their. philosophical apparatus tomake a sphere. I ha:ve another t"Well, if 'You must have the truth ways at a loss to know where to turn aili,injuredl" -he cried, whil
of God'a . children, Jonathan, on - -his "The Lord of Host's is with. the,.person whoe boad Ibis wi�s Cut of falrne�s it'Would not be. a bad plan f Pat -
1 '11 borrow Sphere. I I. �
Our experiments, and we wi r ,money,. not oiily' for -the national'
Iiaipd4'.and knees, climbs up. A� us, and ihe 'God of. Jacob is our re ,The tons in which h6uttorQ4 Ch!&' 601A lot US'Lflay,' not de� it egg" as well -as being Oaloulait d b ..0 -are, but for �his oWn'pr t 0 He
gre'at their priatitit-4premos,to publish our a 3ight for're6i a'Y expeadit memories of the time when he thoUilit':
Bibles, and We their rail- pes,.could also be.par-
:-Taflk-h filike, �golahll We want e. lis I ved heir 'thronged his mind.
which, iccompanied it�� sirable. individual to be acqu'aii1ted wf A. :': �
deberminati6n, of Jonathan., ,,I do. -Act Spoke. 'With chased. by tbs paine standard. Attell- almost'. forgbC Edna. . Hastily donning
iraim to carry our 'Christian litera. a- whole volume o 'Ibve,,,And AS Alphonse I crimsone,. ..r We cost, and he, burridd'to' the
An rer, on his hands And Core, and -%Ve, wUl'bdiriow 'wearisome. '. J`0SOphjn& fidgety L, , qiistovd, 6t tion is sing to this subject. at
armci-bea SUPPosofie;wiis a very,woMileirfut man; d b XEN% WIT GREE N HAIR.
t a but he got on his. kneedand olarabdred act morely, so 9 present in.' Canada, and Sam In the distriets.surrbutdink thc.cop� qapitai Sad was admitted to Warthatel
same xook,* And to tre, our :- niiagil s. export-
11SPOT idnartes. A, of buy -
these* two men was what madeftul such 'a liliistlas.XOCI�, Arid With the lielp, �Of his -must ave understood,. for she blush- A womfiri of�- Umph-just go. 1. ora. are drawing, tbs at'tentio Per* mines of Corxiwalf'Cuba Chile find room.
.,,.with their two'swordai That. . :mag -
'I H& not QIY4, 'got aimor bearerho hewed down tbs Phil- ad and Sighed. Alphorfse'nearly fainted. Gustave� ers. W. go b0k to 'the system, , of Sell,' other places where the Oro Lie abundant- im, she half arose.,on.�tbe
topleoed the-Phiiiatines ihoord ter' in - ls:dal Seeing
1 9- he could get Of Doctor isfixten, And* min of very ordinar.' ' Tis.embolden6d.b1m; 46 Caught heir io.61teasbirious., a eggaby-weight, When'fhis eye- ly 46"a,'a curious eight is to be'seon 'a Sa,
terror upon them. So, 'r' -h Ing. bad a, d i&.,36f t . ly, , ,Tom, you W
throwing: a great all the learnin VQQ; ape of.mea with hair that forg. tii�
Gimaliel, but ending n intelleat"I attainments, oil his kneeot rust I go -on?,;. i.n. e it"induced farmers Ila, the Six me fill
Wsthan; So it: is now.."TWO m6n a dainty gloved hand;.,he Clasped iti &A- if No, lie ', answeredi broken Y,I o.
can storm hilything- f6r,God-and for you. please.., p pay, more briiaing birds �s.,qtxite igreeni* This'la not, asmight I
of G6d, on their mighter th Mars Hill; and,,in vrowdled thoroughm
an a the truth. -we, wAnt something.' of the _y6yoa:11; to hip.earapiured sand- 1 goo the int i :iued, OL -fashion -bright, auffinWi'
rare 0 6. Poetry aad;:graopod- erior of a prison; I-r Would lay the."litrigest' eggs. 1381111ap able fad, but the memories of those',
-eaalt4 piodtibed�by 'the moulp, woul
dotermination of the 'gobersl -who went al� We. *,cult listen to ch I'M xtroxaely sorry to dis- grave,:'x
ntrAtoine to his m �gl
I learn first, front th ir,lo to An w aided., their eloquence sthoir:sof t. coo, ab 'EPT.OVERS.... surroundings. Th . ii�cride Oro, in ordglv
thig aubje6f, how a air ..My ology;� ne'go, on,, b�t r pwdtivelk � 001111'1' WAnMiNd: -'Up L Iiqv6d he -loved hia'. adangerous It 10 Church of God. into the War,: And S. he o9il hei The
'to and OYO th unfit lugs, to their, sweet Warblings of love. �o secure a a
-allowjt� weapons to stay in, the reopagfte, legrtiod in, 0 Have w�'xik'ever be . tau lit lii'Cupid'la, iil-ytt very 14; aoda or baking 'poi4dek* litiouits, -,ad in, enormous fixinicepi and it was * mistaken.
bibdysl tho' A fire battle, hiskneeii,kniticked t th talling'You, MOX6.1*, morii market ble article, fAc4 rose before )ji a be
an- 1 .1 . I I lie physical Courage on 9 is roatt
the Schools of, Ath�na And Hellope is., 1phonse,.wbite am,
'Calling im, to one side, the it
hands of iti, emies., These Israelites. 'his n1ora lips, mechanically bok'�the pr6ffereid y 4e arM04 up b�ys dipplai-cath'one. some iaggp einanatlott- from the
to 11 coViage, 4iid e.,Jloo -qurs'alves.1 uxight again and again have obtaoined a emenddus. pow�- down At hie At
,! eid
went do". tin , r his tr tf� this, chdm-. "Humor her. as
ere.. That was..what gave Thoin nees and said. Ho time sped I -At last Josephine de- tress and thrust it into his pooket.'�, q1tic4l,- lted c6ppar1hat effe said,, as
o)A�wnter and
-act weapoUs, 'he for Chalmers -his �ower in -his da was going 6'really -ought to 6e goini, , Bidding he ps�dhom6t:rfAt 6 - hasty T�a6l ot last Man 0
Supply � of SWbrdp a placing in sm
Inat you kWW :Mhem I to t1ke elarell sh ical,,01tange,in.the haii- of1h6rminers, jifils. - She will urA.1
]as: an Wa,mode
atiap 'When they .�ook the spoils of Id shako. wova adieu "�,fiiends w -t v 1- Whbli- he' Was Again. se4fe oYou, Yolk *A,6u and she looked gt. her wach an no ere soon Ila rogi. anet, urns WA green as �grass,� In esti .8 .. *nquaied, the worl(ra astronomy and It. , I . . d won houl.4,hay.Q. opw and.."iiat.t or hand i
=ohiteB; but,theae Israe ites that ere is only one question for. it up. It was during this trivial oper,- the �s6eet,'hrtd for a white they pur- gatio6,4A bail, -hdldinK h igi
contel4cto; have"no coxopelled It t6 ring On# - the wisdom. Xe proved- that' the, fumes
swords, no -th cold wat6i and from 'the ed, "I H0
'Be Lord,� atibh that AlplaqnseAllidulged in A. ras- sued their way in - Silence.' ho foiott
W ba,-'no,gri does. gto do I Who 60. daily tiio�. Quick as -lightning fie had Suddenly Alphonse 81:6pp2d shO0, and treated in'the gam6 WAY; unless.left in quark
sad greathe i of the Untiu., for you,
"no bld n6tonesi tbs second'timp, 026. - morning Stars fil He made nO-a4swer,,:,for he knoWAii
tity of-aisenioal. matter; And this
actlye lron. mines. until it Wits too. -al here is the work? MA ir of sets- sivikin Will tile artling change,.Afth6iigh hi
he oven Ion
tha� textu Foirgive. inei for sealling you ths
g an ad:
t4nee. joy. Th4t Was what'gave W -the off acurl thus got 'bard theiri Ihst-etate- :is - growth of the .�halr'
is the arivil I hire1s. praer� �re and
ho� "an
go to Josephine at oxide.,, said d
-late for them to mak:a say rpsis sors, dhd he adroitly sail] id: forgotten lxar�
gang together a�d:aii the sons of Go oket v� g his flat. upon a. Post t ugh* to riibake at
d for
,:the' farmers t Along with It f And L dear. Italy d�
�th,pickiixds sad ttulqggi�' g to, son letter id it, to Sears y6i
]led. is thb'pulpi -Ono ofe.her ambient look& -without have alf-this 6XVIalned,l- Uffer -no Injur..
au,(A I! 9dwarda,his influelp'oe in they.* can a '-0tT1W.V-exh-uP
their firatt, and.
firiding-buit wlipt G64 watani to do, her being aware of it. -It was One of Bravely resolvedIt,.C�iea his. friend; oquat,,to
-,are you t8hpoy: his'day,'- He1,conxm4nc6&- the' -world's here
aftepA and do theener& so that. he couldn't ph hi 0 fre lily back to -me, but itls:to.o 1ki. 0'
got With thos6 riugletty tresses that MO and ange is told from
Metaphysic aind forced it into the ser� as Weir th as A
things 11, ;Th6y, metimes. So the mindi Gustave took him by thQ i)rxxx "Too late, darling," )I a
SAY: 1- 0, we are going vice of , GodI Until not only the old: OU oUr . body., mind, �ad soul i3n� clustered " behind,:so baked. FORESSE THE PLAGUE.
over to the.gar isted.iii ths� undertaking. 0 my bre' theft I nied be v .. 1 11 r I ." I . 1 . . . I hdting himself for the d I at t
fisc'f of tha'pr�,,11'st'nas meeting-Jious� at Xotthampfoli, Milsaa� -was not difficult to acoomj�lislh, and aceom�a to t ery door -sprixiltled with 'h' .to zetthe)46 things sharpened I say, chagettsi but' all Chrieftudom ' felt thron, wo -have but little. time -in W11101, Craf til, he sqcreted his treasure; then of the hous& Purtbermore,- he knocked 4 . pea are. lightly it *ould not hurt him, a
You foolith ra , utt ira�d foi- cold water before setting, in the pven Birds rl orplill olke Aligiroiieik.-or. the confess 611 to'his sweetheart After-,
Cat *by * do - yo tb fight foi bod, - You - *ill be dead* IIOCAC�jrted his, unwittingJad at that,door,'and himself Inqu
'Sharpen thera'at-boxne?" " 0 they,S.A�y, thrilled by his Christian power. Well. . y-16ve on now JZy friends; wo., soon'.. Put in the Christian cause evety her wa�'home. 000phine. On- ascertaininj liht ;Sher lAdy.oaa be 'up' - yvith little v�ard.
the blackamith all fiave�.toqls of me, he Stir There aie a6voial instances 0 *rd Ing on, he fou
are all tof -of searching, and -be ;as good n Tom . Talki nd.thai her'�c
aseftlaeod. pot let them energy that - God gives roid lay for, the most p iage, Md been'Wreeked by -colli dcr*xit,"cl we heve nothing left UlAb�t Christian Do art by was at 110 IPUY'shbok hands danger
logo theit� edge. � We, w4 n thy bond fladeth to dot'do 10vith all the vaargiaof�the trout stream, and iviih Alphonse,- and left im no tidn of 'bird olacos attacked -by r
'fresh, s, deserting.. -
a ty. thy might.-. for th -wisdom Cho little fishes.would new and again bu,t. to- fees tbs lady -and th�cplffi-' as per. with another. 'She had. beoa� th n
at, o rds
ft.ia,iulba ChUrob-*6f issue bladeil in this fighk, *s*AntMOcOUI- ere is'nelther Cully. says the Hcusekei� cholera, In 1834,.,on the�appiearance of
nor device In tbs grave whither e Are and of cou Gingerbread to So Mauch better warin out, unconscious, Her, spine was A
Christ ltex� that (-enact rW u#*tlw g' rsff, envy them. I ra a'tMal in Sweden, the jadk- juraa b yond r . ecov6ry.
bp,day. -We Are, -too Willing t6 giv tabs. We Cho a Axe;
Want no axe that calinot fell the trees. 11 hastening.". I gee now the plumes N P a. 'little, fishes disappehred Alphonse *PLO usher6d.'tntd his than cold, but it is too much Work to
Mount daws and. sparro
on),' keapoas'fo the epexay.. Thai talkod'6ver the briglit,'summer
vs., behind' 9. bubble and SO'. I baka it- fresh cyst ti 0 it is Wanted. days St. the mountains, she. happier
We want no gQa4 thati cannot start' of the Lord.s. cavalrypaah tossini-: 1 they would lipart's presence Ch he looked ws all -left the place,
WORLEF,I00ASTS- a14. -.�et'u' the -air. -The 'Archangel before', the an eddying circle. This did not'escape ,,,,ad haggardl YOs'ei;RiAe.*as knitting, And did not 'come back uritil. it lx�d
the iazy, te ql, get,
that a podr- of sooks when he. entered We Used to try*steiiming or.4relisai than she had beqn or niontlis,, he out-
Whapgobbled up tli6 Schools and. TIA - as Already burnished �. big Alphouses.. notice; -nor did,holose the
I . VERY BE5T GAIN. S 'In* 'In the oven, but neither is very gone.. Darinj an-, outbreak.'of the'Aame, wardfy anxiling'L inwardly tortured,
E TO she looked Up -to stolla;� bUF 9
the 001 eg Arts aud:tlx�d soi. NBS trdrapet, and then he Will put its gol& ;Pefit opportunity.' Re whispered to -;eq: alldL the. bey be in , the en lips to his, own, and he will blow -the Ydsephiae he ol And th6 needles I Y. 1��Inally we tried baking
�eg and -the: literature and the print-� we, can -.that, 4he, bubbles' were, con- dropped t w satififlotor diseast. at kuracho6i in Tndia, in - 1846, goon'ber voids began 1:6 ot weak.
%,Afide1i( s ' q4ak' possession of p(Irtioularly remarked that the Tiaking %'.Paper froni belieath hel� pil-
la terror. it -to
Ing a Ing coinliblw long. load blast that Will gratulations--as congratulations fr64 she ran towardhim -I small round' or sqUaie. -joave*s,' low, she handed it to. blux.
ION, FREU, cluDIttly alre-mxan mat mightv, them, to turathei crink while we MAK9 ALL.THE 1411 (1 -the circletil Were a MY- PW what"Is i�o' ter I" Sh about an ures; kites ind' other birds. Of
. attemPt td,g6t all o 6ugh, for two meals in - each My will, love she, explained. I
AShand, 4. Ur Weep- bear down With all our, might on the piretty piscatorialway, of Suggesting cr'Qa.,.
An i, tliiaii to keep t Mai; your handi .6.11 Ya peopl6l Aarlil or surprise may. be imagined when One. 6 top prey, iyI116h, are very nme made some bequlats to charity -t -the
SWift r9vQIvi44 "tit ll. our To warii them lu�;'brush, th rous in that
TOU11pow it le'inaking this boast. -all I'heir:,the - falling thrones, 'and -the the ring. -of the d, entirely disappear- rest I leave to you,111 A,-reprtiacbful
the'tiale; and after a� whilw when the 6fiorglei, And faculties Shall be brought Ala, what an orratic. being' Alphonse ]as,* in -reply, selzod'hei by the wrist lightly with, cold.water.-and.put in part orl
up to a, bright,., :sh dashing, down of demolished iniqui- pang skot through his beiwt�.-
kreat battlei bet arp, glittering was, and what an imagination fiehad I 'and hissed -into her ear: " Toll me'yo r of least, eil, almost simultaneously -With the bes ,Kies -Mai darling," she, murmured,
WeWsia and'rigbt� CIO ties. "Halleluiab-I the Lord God Oxxx� The'lovera wore duty- engaged. somethin . U a pan.ou the'dVan rate, with tbreak, returning
eouauejos has. opened, if e do "not look secret-oi Daliall. do g des,- a q of boiling' water In. ilia oven ginning of the On Beading over. her be did so.
f Jose- PGrate." keeps gradually 6,
..out we V611 be aAilly Off as these tin't May $Rb3ect teabea,lai. on mi ote' reigneth. - Mfflelujahll the Alphonse beoxneso jealous o Un uar� ih"
k�ggd f this world -are bp �t few days,
what a mall allowanoo'Philistine, tat- - come" the -that. he hated bar to be -looked But'she w a too startled to utter 4 der I . The Steam frona this after -thi first Though untised to'doith. he. saw
ny 4wor' Ing 0 0 pixiAo ait mole and freish a it, warnis; it can -"a a a near.
Israelites,. Without it ds to fight do%a of, dur Loid loan' Christ -s as Ad we
With,, and without Say sharpening in- t -Puts men. Yea,, thes.4 Phills�-. Aat, and, like a turbaned Turk, hsd�- Word, be reheated a second time. arid still be when the virulancot of, the died
-silly Continue h: a loving lookAn' fast-blo
A2911 shut up -the nunes,, and, then.they aired r veil. osephifiet" he hu'r-ri it &u to abate.� The lielief is almaost. uni- Wt'
he should wea
APDA thO.sperintend- took the speats and the swords, then. I'm Olt. the rack I can't stand ii�'food as when freshlybaked, A pall Ing eyes, she, cried t 1 ly:
entis of literary institutions,. to sew to She livoldidnt and: versa! aracig, thd,' natives of many an 5
they took the HORRIBLE CRUELTYl.. with a,perforated bottoin'le prefer- T it thut the imei. who jo into, the Clam blackarnithsi thou they Then'the gre�n�ayda monster batten- alit a tight one, to Age in warming pax�t:4 of India that kites always fiesaft_ The an& had 6ome. took the grindistoneo, and thby took IY "owing whd up Pbtt'eOA4 or cake. Kissing- her tenderly, Its Called the
am' to stand beside the Leydan'jars, ad on his.proy. Alphonse had a bosom Then, scarce] t be'was
and the 6100tric..batteries, arid the inic. everything but a, file, 0 that !a - the A Itet.,gii0i 4hlid Torturid 1rxiAto the, friend# and to:hIxa he confided tbs sec-, doing, he dragg6d the stolen curl from nice, - Oatmeal or other cereals way a Place attacked by cholera; And the doctors.
way sin w6rks; it grialis *;rCrythingo It Pity or rit of Ws.ag6ny. This friend, who was Ithi pocket, and cast it At her feet.. be warn return ot. theoo' birds -is . regarded as Leaving. tbs hospi L to I I a
1'050PPes aila the telescopes , be, chil- xed up by returning to the dou- sadder and
begins"with robbery and it -ends :With of a philosophic, not -to -say mystical, Ah,you have, discovered;" cried she' ble boiler, and heatingi� in that W0, better man,, he went straightway to
dr6n, of God and not Philitines. Tbs followin story, illustrating; the an. Infanible.9ign. that the attack he
fgbber aculty'-and ' .91
Carlylian, EmWrsonian, AY deopdilathib I turn of nibid, advised a proceeding and with &.1ittle shriek she hid'her bat .46 they must be stirred Occasional- begun to . pass off. It iseported again Edna and told -her all
-and Tadallean S�Ulty, And kop4 CA( Until' the 'eraekfy and ingenuity of . professional somewhat out of the conikon. face in hot bands.
thnikeris of this ly to heat evenly hey'are nicer to that' jtL im inhocept ecelil.
day, are trying tog6t Whole nature is gone., i, WVA'the man beggars, was told as one that had come "Jo0ophinelf'. said he, '4 is no doubt, #4 Oh,,forgiye me for dee6ivlAg You," . Mauritius, when' tho'bliblera. She forgave hi
911 tht, -intellectual weapons of this put into a.pan in 4 "closely, covered appeared - At Fort Louis, ibe martins tion, for she knew 6at hiW hriarL* a
eloquent before, if generally- thickens to light rod htly. in Narsoi as you, have told me, frequently, Ox- and she 'burat into t ate, "I Would
dental in their own irajap. What we as,. a ara r,' all 4 - that he Niad lea
at or over a kettle of boiling wate dusappeared, and remoLined away as, truly bets, and a
Christians* to -in personal A eggar woman, Ing a great
want 16"Goientific his tongue.' Was he fiaet I ceedingly beautiful, Sad, lucky. have. told you all: hafore,but I hadn't
cap- appearances, I 'his visage. Was rY. Man the courajo. I didn't know how You'd, arid Steamed until. tbokoughly,heated. long as thb epidemic continu4d. Thid summer flirtations wore, more be
t mars that. you Into, 1. believe hair charnis are
it San a,,, child,wad accustomed to stand at one
turd ilia science, and acholiatto Chrls� he, effluent, I da'the shoriff to I I Aliabot all vegetables, -excepting po- reason. for this getiop. on the part 6f, fill then theY,seemad..
tiaba to capture the Scholarship, and him out; 'b entirely for you. There exist men, my- talks it.01 fatties, that tire, left over are. better the birds is not known. Possibly the
16na, to . capture'the troysis 'WAS At a "Go ov,
Christ lie influe' I I, it. dgs� CA the na,cornOrs. The, child's eyes Aelf included. Who do not bxactly see
to -be wartifed up in the steamer than peculiar State of the atta6sphere- which
popularity.. Was be, placid were bandaged, axid it seemed to. be iii her withyour adoring ties. I Am very It wasn't my fauTt.. I coUldn't help and . r6m is favorable to the dev6lopment of chol�
Philosophy.' and lecturing Chrisdaus to and by adding. a little hot water So"Ids QUEER OFF9NC`ESl*.
genial and loving -f it makes him groat pain fascinating,, Now. bewitching thougb, it.
iake back, the lecturing platform. We Ale assantly, To 'This: is torture. fees all, o
Wa natid'and cross; akid-so -utterly is fits It cried'ine ho. may'be, I should never have imag- "' con., J is . heating on the Stove, as is usually done. era, or the emanations from the ground
IlIt'idgend.out against Schenkel and he thangied is all Inquiri6a.the woluaii'told that the 8.6, , . , . . . a' It takes longer but Choy loss- none of wlafoh soma say are the.originating,
that You dan see, he . ined it� Thtit; Of -Course; is my blind- 01111i tild U110 WA14101Y GUCer 61141111110A $0 lbillikkSk
Strauss And Ronan, a Theodore Christ- 'sarcastic and rasping, and that the eWId.'wqu blind; A priest ho. pa:ssed nisa�- but, nevertheless, lt�ma, - 11 rtr ' their, flavor -in that way, hWy do by cause of an 6u tbreak, are for some rea-
liab of Bonn An V be for a very Abort at Present." escape Atod on the n d
d Against the infidel PhilhUnes hove left bim'nothing but that, way 0 of �steaxn wl 170'4 the birds, which,
^ftl�ntists of. the day, a God-Iworship, fach day wag. Au bllidd by inutile for you, for I am ver� fasoln- ",Short I,a Whols, 'short? W401S to If the law lit not exactly an gas
.convenient to use thd Avoid �it, Thu-
ating. Now, Josephine Appears to me" 6 t V., stove. If not I vay.t
plug Silliftian and Hitchcock an the babylo- Pitiful Means and cries that a , ut t, Atehmer, the next beat way is to Fiat ther (1.04 Moti, .1 th t f the irrespon-
0 "tbs Way Of the transgressor S and, I think to tile world In general, growing 0owly, -but . ill A a birds word very it' has, tit least, much o
Hill up, is bitter, Ilia nialit and-pardoa a,, III ra u the 0"1 lth a a during the year libilities of th4t useful Animal, and
philosophical apparatua, and swing is dark. Jai I a Pangs are deep. flis Olson and have It treated. The woman, me, not so young but that ho.might Josaphinei do you want to send Me 6Y of he Great PIague, 4Ilo AC. one can never be quitia certain When
Ailisiz, We Want 'to, capture all the he wiahild to! take the child to a phy sIII ng " a Ut "a
a frigid sort of'a, girl, growing.,, )a 'I w r uarnalt I T ea Atli
be at.
AD 1� tt A t nind the, telesiZPea on tbs swivel, un- end . is errific. Philistine iniquity loialminj to he the mother, refused to be younger, You haVe no cause for jeal- n1ad 9" q ring Ind where it will kick.
tit through'them we can-aea the xxiorxx� the Inalif "NOW surrender to OUSY.11 She raised her beautiful head a 11 U 6 .11tid
I I the stay 1 0 not 00 a to, Scorh,
Ing star of tile AedeemOr,- and with me. and I *Will give. You allow hilA to examine the, child, His hveA T it laver Not =any weeks ago a Ivory all you Want- reaponde som- and be or f
laintralogleal -hanximer. diicover the micfor Q a Alphonse I urnad her tearful eyes toward him. �MODERN RUSSIA.
Rock of and arala the flora of &006, Swift. steeds for Auspicious wore aroused, and he belteV bra toge% what it I tell you I Am She -said no word,' but oluto Ing t 0 a LingUiShOd SWedish'oftiolal, GenOr;Cl
h A a I �, --
6 race, Impoirri4i &Uch to slumber 013, ad that the., woman was deliberately joalois-76t- the past, And -,of What, ambient looks e loved so'w.ell, she Rappe, Minister ot War, WeA hinpri-
'Ad the 11 Road, of Sharon. a (I you shall 'th
all realin's,41 . PnOTRCTIdNS FROM MOTHS, at COU41try Still PeCIIA the 111fillielift Of
't, be, refreshed with the torturing the child in order that -its through that Past, may be--looming,in took them off --she. wore a Wig, rour and. the Illy, of the valley. I soned'for, three d4ya'fok the offouse
We W"I a raest fruitalinbaskets.of golden fit- cries might bkcit:6 the sympathies of the future 11, A.faver, a ahaviod head a wig until Nothing Is iu4rq trying among tbs
clergy leakned enough to distiouree, of , the passersby, Accordingly he appeal- Nearly to. th ! grew again -this was lox. .,it, of 11 fi. of wearing a LOU hat, gin
astee", He lies. The imusio turns out e roots of his ixtur did. ker ov�n bab vocloth. All nations feet more or lefts tbs. 0 r
the human eje,ehowijig it to be A mic- to be a. groan, am& fe than to h do
ad to a gendarme And the child was ferribld, secret, giAil impetua. gli'ven theilt by one great awninOAed A Council of the The fruits buret the , his friend's o�vobrows eldvate them- Togephiae'g
roaoope arid telescope in Ono stru- i1nd with rank Poison, The filagred taken train tbs woman, - When the ban- salves. What was- he - aboulf to hear I hig and furs -and carpets eaten by
aa -JoReplone bail told me She has a al L
I'cles jr,
m*nt, With eight hunArod wonderful I,, mixa, al, of tWIgtd(t snake dageti were removed, it was found that -attiths. � Verx.ofteu I arti are not, man, but',proliably, none so much. as ;Ind to his diaxn4y, And thi t".of
oontrl#ancc-�3,�and lide closing 30,0W or a auniber of poisonous wasps bail, bee modern Russia. It may almost be Bald zombied Ministers, 'the voters one
couch - [a a. grave, Small Allowance A 066reVt This confidence was whisper QUADRtTPLD WEDDINGS. put, away soon enough In the Spring-, ;it walked late the Council Chamber In
4000 tinx*s� it day;S11 lie inu elah And of resk Small illowall of Pitt, Underneath to sting nd torment ad, and M Ut m glance - askanoe, n If to have been fliddreation ok onwman, full uftlformv crowned by the incon-
and blonds showing the Infinite mull peace; oady Iffid Wthe stuffs Peter the0reat. And the features hd
11OWanod of Col . the, dhild and destroy the eyesight, Ao he expected blia Inarnorata, to appear A most. remarkable wedding has just the agge are air gruity of a Bilk hat. 1111i grotOSCLUO 11110-
tkill. 6fan Iftfiriltd, God, and than win& 'llags. - 016y site packed. and hatch in pearance wga greeted With ro4ra of
rough,-ahing tit Ill t fdre the Wiest intorferm the, baby had At We elbow sad denounce him f6r the taken place tit it vi called TrIl, before impressed upon tho-Russlan stato are
Ing Up with the Peroration.- 11 Ila that .11 1 " d been bitndeaeud disfigured for I gaglaild, Iour brothers b9ing'married the profound. darkness in which they still distioetly visible, A mass ofbar- spite of his
*" With Voltair9l pf"d lf6- betrayal, Laughter, but the Ring, in
'formed tbs OYO, Shalt he not 'see Ill And apip)
then *6 wduf to bar able to discourse it powerful sad active member of the
Man of Va. day: Andl that bberat 15-1, to four alatefa. - The four knotswore ravel' barisin was trahAlforined by him into smilesi ordered the. Arrest, 61 the, ab -
about th6 human ear, its onderful "Tbs Sdriptaras was lit!; jedt-litiok "GOOD Still. in, liar Own keeping; but she ill' d ab tbs home of the fodr sster Theti s general linpirdosi6n tbat sent -minded GenerAl.
- rhembraAcea and vibra- iw- c family of civilized AdtiOad, 110 ga've to Uqually recently ah, named
whence he drew, asgureo me allt will reveal it Some UY Intith-balla keep his aubjeats an army, an noxy and an Ealth.j)avitt, t With
--mome day. Ali, Gustavo, my fiend, brlda, who are daughters of rA. prosper- camphor or pepper or
tiOng slid UIA chain of Small bones and lion mOtS to gall the'Chriatlan and the Raw the solkhat"" go 441VAIn In wak-10114 0 nochgtetier, away nioths, but it, is not so, They educational system, Commerce ustr Y sp%idaring on
CW'� ' tea you a6t now o6mpleehand the jeal- ud farmer, name with the lawyj of A la, b
its Auditory nerve,. clooing with the An nfl�ej ous pangs Lhat'radk inyheartIll Their -agoa range from 18 to do hot In the least bjqt to odors, countries, prroviously forbid- the Stage of the Somosay Orphe
when Wall, but what won 28,, and! Ulft- in
XU04tift. "116 that planted the ear frow are you 11, That's SwoWth. Women are Apt to enlarge agon the ages of k4eir reopedtive husbands dou, 91,116 Warmly encouraged, lxhe auto- Vienna, in Correct Ilitary' UUtfor
dWbo, not hear 94 And we want ioxd6 grooms and why such to ooe'dat all lit crat trattafatr0d, - his Capital to the
0 $this to 6XPOUdd the first ohapt6ir 01 thn a tOxt W6014, touch hb to the How do you Orb Ill Thatla Dutch.' Small matters, lay dear Alph6nail. , hie vary only slightly. The brido vo this offense she hit to y a fine
rially a 'Mystery. Buffalo bags 4061n shores of the naltl�, and buitt the of 16 florins, alth
of doaWs, bringing to it the geology quieW, HOW'dO YOU stand V That's Italian.' 100 Only be 0, WOM1U'S Wile to test Are the four sons of John Samara, And to thrive on camphor, And to great city whidh Ware bid name to be had won fit ouch, it or tiallo
your lovetto, try yout, falth. Think no tire energetic young axen, of goocA bab-I really alty in' A sin 16 butto she
h hfk
y Of the world, Until, &I.96d'With hamottliagb of t Go with God, Thatla.Spgft' sh, More of it; And, jf� she ever reverts to Its and Owns m"ps.' TheJour brotht- (Intl especially congenial quarfero in would have swaixid, the I
Und the AfAtt0ftoW $. lutga thepea door to the civilization of the
0 Job Afiggest6d, " the Atones, of the In Parts, where he had ! gone to ))a ,now 4C yo I "on tot That's nus-� it; I h t It"s live within Western wotld, go introduced the arts, which
field sh'All be in lenooll with the drowned in the theatre ais the MCI of U live - Aug A era and their wives edar -shelves or Closets or. trunks, the literature, the OeienbOA. and the By ill# eurlotio; i truth, and the taro in their 60tise all 1ftAao6,'b6 Be" $I to You -*an never have 19*6ry article should be, J.araftilly seenomie'theorles of tha sAvanced Ad- tiloved, for you ttoa0i throw of each other, dhaiaoteriges lawls, a er 11
cannot roalize the intensity of my Pon- tot In. G&M7AMy W ra, it, I ry uni-
get a priest, t be: way be reconciled How doyou, Perspire 11 Ull the pockefg, ttirned: in- ticuig,* Russia 'at the imbsen, day Is as- It
III then turned tatted by the ideas of ilia groat Czar. forkif At Alt on t ate 0
VIGHT AGAINST. SIS19RA. lahad, if- it lar not oorr iit t a It -
terror 1alisupon him, Eto makes the Stubb-She showed hie Monte are., side out; brush9d, - slid in ambition, its subtle and
to the Chur6h. sfore e( dlea,, A great Lien. slon., Yottr Advice Is af 'A' VBAT PAR9. brusiiod
Than I ..... the othet 4Y It. I
know, this 000t67
.0 Church of God, 6 out And recaptro so disMal "Upw doou hv6 Yourself 11, T tto Al ng t pahitings. moothly back again, And dYbry "t Una . crulMlouis politi, its varalsh of eat. detail.
plee, 411 round &bduti h* bru
6 out and tabii Possession of the. God UIA the nurse dool r that III wo Id. ofully Cleansed
thboo wda"as'r ot t)AA''Mag of a as is 6 on Or, t, to culture, scarcely -lilditig the
i I How,06 4 1 be a
Pokill-Wh6l: did You think Of thelat of every description oar 6xc6ity
not for tilt the'Wealth, of Extrope age 114hank God, how OT6 youf`$ Thd,tfs Indelicate f- . I ;
debabolied 'Printing. another Stabb-Woll, they ramItadod m6 of it -Sor mothsalwas sele upon a spot ulturr, scarcely hiding the ferocity
"Then unravel It by othor means. fare b6s&teak. 0, the etalac of
Infi4el die. Philistine IAI`I Arabian, Pind it out Yourself And tax her with of &AY sqt as' a -#4Vt16Ular choice barbarian, Its ltol 0
ow of ill& Colpatry be recaptured for quily h" groluliged. him, all tbs WIVId"k 11 May thy'abadow never grow 18. sfta-lu what way I Ill popular liberty and Its real solicitude The othet day iL little boy was sent
rist, siad the ruT16tterA ftd the.type- garlondat tit in I t. Then It would-be At 'jour own OP- morsel, Mach garineAt abut be fold -
getters Add the editors and oublishers when t the last h40r df hid That's Fafaian., V Wubb.-Nof verl well doip., for w pbany' worth of tab -
tion, to to land (Or the Material ielfato of the POO!- to A shoo
he Aeoiled solsolag, Sent How do yott carry Yourself I" That's] the match. "give bar or to br . 68 1 k I off ad Separately
be $We to swear alliNglawe to the wrapped In. old UnAlft, or oottoolst 016, the Rulftla; -of to -day is, the Russia blorloi wax,
tearing Across big conscience Audi bit MONL4.y SL"D p,moxvw rlwp �, aAd va MA00tul oats,
Lokd ",,of ftth. Ah, My friend, n0fYOS a fast it flla� Miller would bredle lUt hoott� laut or Parts of the of e The'shopman, 'thiAlclar Of 4alsiging-
.41 Ila, 1AUAt come, aftill If tho'great So IV Was with doyou do fl, Thails linglish an -think Your Advice goo Only how lVommorcial Traveler (to 0ountty, 1 4, OX06144 thIng to h
th not the Lordyroo'. his 11rideofthess In Vaie.' alb"I to Got about 'Itt!) shopkeeper). Row -s bus[ New =alplor 'a as for � 06,46 -reason Woult shootluket'a WAx dot
faid& 6 Chtistillift man , hAV6 00d 0dlY 411lrPoftil by his uncleanness, .7 Be axpd6r the guard of God.1"battir, gl%6,q�t given, you dome clue It, 06AS, Mr- fold 'th Age ln,� Aw dfthlt know, replied tho W61
tat at, the ebuxago or the, oolawri%- 'I J J ( I ; mothk jurtioularl o4jobt to It. The, VILLAGD.
tion, to do It, that( lot 80346 Xonathati, a Vealob, thangoin Oil to slid hie fI She me anything." Cin't OOMPTAIlli. 110t made 180v#r- Chests thot thi ad in New Gulnes tbs village of Tuptt- tetutlob& Again directly and, *d-
willfaut misery at WO16gigi, first. ,govv. I Have Y`04 I' Droliped 6 1 &q. sway. in should e c AwIll, to all, see,
Ine at his nurse Pletcher, fretting tit
ok:hL4 buoy Vands sad on his PVaYW6 ostomach I ritally Wiped: OUtL Tbs houses,
IS Most remarkable, Ing tbs ithoop
knees, oulfib up on tho rook 6f, hbld- oeton your ricot" That's Claa�06, "She has dropt*d.31�4. at. porfeatly Olean with aft, Mal
now, was that. a Wet cloth, so -are all supported n plies And stand
that not it Particle of dust lingets% It
abA in thie nAM* of the Lord, Ilmself, fretting #it the world, i t�v *j b�g Man waxUld to get trIpst6d for a valt dilafath6r says that showatkerlik will
4 do.
APht thou out In the Coosa: a considerable die -
'God tif At DEM! I hovi 0 'OJA, Is wall to spr"d a I Tro Ola ebbot-ovtr taute from shore. Th Is to protect The shoomsm handed It to bliu, *W11.
raft41 slash, to Ceas' tho" lit Pitt of t 6; difff6ulty. boots, sad I didn't lot bin hav the open trunk, an pa h, It down,
It to Men will sad, h, who itaft to thi worlh "Clilldo lit, a alalrvoy,4 to" a
rold" thoi villa era fr the ttaoks of tbs
- W A orsfAnd.0 loavlay the afrOu outside, and that dirsadod
u6t be, touvws(l t6 GodytUip- thCY us$' Rild "Th One of the illost i1iffloult probiq do t u 11 iatv, and sal&
tit" oad huut , alw& at 11 bat is tb# differat"#
PA40fift Of Chillou" and "tbs glogi Of that many woshoft ha#o td dial with, ::116 to Also a, pophometrieV ol thitt vir w1ion 'the trunk a oat jot 6
lobat be dMtr6y6d,# , I 1 0011! avo, here w6ral bills to f*1 0 r Vill in Well, S&id the, lad,
Corloth" reduced to nothil, but a file[ "-I It t t1he tOWfAlrd the
I logtA frM this subject Wbitt is that of keeping themselves looking AAld that 1— 11 Peaked, foT 4*612 oft Woth Millor," It t ,
long overdue and- �Iiorload Alto d Up I same iliffer.
I& large AlMoulat of the oburob's, to- 0. sin lift great faollitY ot Making well In the Morning, The trouble of "'Give him siy small article Of Y watit
IS gotaglly kiddea and brla roWbox, but It has just MAgresi; fakil. many house; gowtis and drouln so- aPz*xral--& glove, A, handkerchief, lin desper4tely-I $A SOM to it 191100 In, A*y txado 'ill otief at their, to b6two6i you, , and a
thlar Is out it t k
t al. and a m _ oul I tb6 W both Alike,
�Ulqaavolft*d The Siblo Intl- tY fox btWiLking the A Christian ktS Of the tion-pratbutloilid k1al IN by holding, it against his forehead he t awkii 0. ftorlt lit,* boo 1pod out, t V, lift 19 thil toll 01iftrful life, while 6 that tboy "I tell your character, And wi W= TO PACM Mgt it Tory rio)t IJUA atA hot beolAing ground of$ X61k
*Ate# tut tilt "It and pay them
"The, lift Of WtV 60traliddl! Ilk raMOV06 th no4k, To romedy this, -a UAW, an& you, a resumii of your p 61 a W51L fail a tad be ev- No, Air, "it th* WA suthw, I al
.4h,*. land of br&ej- k. rt says: gat lit have to, alood day, or,
. �uo ate It6a, :&Od out of the kills calm, -$Ad &*tb. Its Painted al" is ty Idod to to 4at a 01"s of OuNg. tested his powers, alld wb&t ht bike r, er lb1ft w*yw stick toft6ta - 0106pt w1i'm I'm LA= OV DOMM XM.
Wild- tHA I the bri fto- tbs Al -Ana b**d- bold Mo, has beta far More trQthfUI X*a 0*1
Tka Btbbt Ifttl, So of a biod a Ciro 61
0=9 S, E'
not t
to ask am,
God want Me
0,110. yet, AUft- "t #Ays of the A, Atid, flabill It at tb,6 Wirt than Willer flattering r P10"Ot'll 44004 *hd to; of
of th"jand ofammrs- WOrtA Of udilitesvift, Fold, It 1 11 it 1, Our XftP& it 404"T ;wive In InT I
aww"tua U1110, file hod Most look, IWAV, a'- of I d be No"y to XVRA in
d1i fWarty W1 at, Ilb WW WOM or t; WAAM
ay. Its k fro
d t toroot, A *%rd, fr1w
i0*0111i ho ttla In a doult R'40W.
.6 it nwM
A"I, bro rm ill tht."