The Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-06, Page 7• •
' •
. 4 diShetivital Whim rimed god ihrenni.
is a meat letatielle Warm.
gr. rot , TAri leitereetins esperievonte tieseitieleomoansies.
low' hem bele serriod en ItY mtuntliste t° CARA Olt ',mut • mtuic Ilt EtoT
try. t
W •
. 4=1 tit: 1/10.4trate nod remits eubdivistrat et • WEATHER. •
beetle, hut it pad im,,,„,1 umfar that mo he attained. Quite
bi *elms It feed* as t open &ware of ths most remarkable is that aosoni- at reader downtime diftlaultleie which
hitt them meationed are their la vorite theasaade a eeinit /is kiii two bows
c=„ wee, nue food. on. 4,04 eau La it. "his wbuo The eubstenee wee melted at 4 very glvbsg SO to 00 nye of railk daily and
. diefigara luta away rain the, onset high temperature, mid than drawn out 1 — . ix
day, won't yeti flower. When dinurised they drop ta into tibrout *nude, that warts a Vir lutes better isonvemences tor ear g
for it. He seal in mall nen in a cid-
i the ground, enel the boot way to get greater delimits), and tenuity than had
s rid of theta hi to take it shallow pen ler which is not very owl and thie
bin'ttrwit,1 °it a/mu/I"' of wateti he whioh e little kerosene :ncneertek4"'nee. °Isobtiliaedgrest weithaine,InIneeet4/3.rot mute* *Ruth work and giros Poor re-
, , has been poured, end gather the
AVM and hie tow lobo it by shaking the flower; gently
b114111 thread, we It were, al title meteriel has sults. He wishes to laY0 work aod get
nom, over the pen. The kerosene will kill „bee* attained thet it Is invielble ,to better reeUlts. He *eke if digging
them ' Instantly. one sbeuld, loot the staked eye. enti this exoestlint thin -
teeth that lohine in two „a down S or * ft in the cellar bottom
the Omit* aver twits* oath dor, vellila . rewavthoulw4etrapoir inisarbonea& h . and eetting A large tile in the hole,
any talge are to be found. 4 IV 0, t a MO.
then went deep cooler tons for the
" to wars 1 Op Ter!
are se emeraoct that a reply will snit
feat, etch softer the hollyhock, eater and a few ethers, *shed with common mineral cinarta.
b g to my beby.
• ,.
cheeks, where the
. COOKING TOMATOES. " web thelne t matter's It will make lees work, but
A fiber of nneipt0. stilt ah041 ene, Milk and sattiog in the tile, will helh
tla tom, , ToseateetesTo peel tomatoes, PlUng4 if a )144134rd ell318401 Inearnerrtil'epe The"; will not give eatisfactorY results. The
woven lik thr f
button,* Upon hla little
t ve bora worn bo my
fingerei and
Who begotten that the hes
mit cured,
by drinking a SUM of het
rY Moraieg befere breaks
the tiaMe also in. lieu et
tees:andante with apparent,
84o raPsed laUgh in it little.
gathered abent , the ". tea
Sesearting that elle fititn4
math difference 'in the qual-
Abt Water:at .varioua tiroCti
,;triehdtSilineernedtri their ceps
e* the Water litithet stte,
dipper tad her poeition,
o der of the, fatal:Ms 'Tielmonle0
ant:,itisisted„ that water Shoald
frepli# eaeli 'lie*: of Mei
ir.-411ctoo rea4 :expellent tea
'.dteteaft'Oestlie,itistant, wheo it, has
4Ounwater 'Pet belled, end
',.fhal.kettle. lembeen dragged to.
• Siet trinn the hob where It has,
,ed all the afterdoen. , brought
".`" traistitiutible; and. then ppm.,
nhon the rdriens'lenairs et, the
, herb. ..tven incre,oblectiOnabia./6
„ . ,
the elision's, practise 'More, prevetent'
haloW stairs"' than .taistreseefiL. sdepeet.
the kettie Stant the beller to
S hurry up, the bubble and. eteam, A
,in', teastesting known when 'the
-water lies, never .:401.1ed • It stinq ee
, ,
hot -,,ehough :to 'send the lintels!' on
wit it t yet be Unfit tor tet
astint g -or, any other nice 'etilinerY
'S'itrootista_S 'One-man,- Whose. wife elways
' metteit ,her tea „ePon the: tehles. eons;
; plititie;'thet.niech•ist that-serVett :t4hirer
. eur ofshis amen, hes the fletheps cad,
teven,rii,,sespicioo ot the; •greatiliteile Of.
• Thielleatiliar phase Of In-
, sividitst th the tenutt otsenhoiledSWater
senething else, With thesehetlitien-
iSskatriviisto the illitetate ae•Sa ."bub,bling
te."come the sbead," end ;Whet' 'we -
;may s-cliartioterize, brightnesa• et
, Water' for making,tea -and eof ee
the, Wale out; inte.the-hettle. cold: and
' nutrledl:seSrepidly aa";possible.,10 the.
:„-thon. 4It insosilteahnes*-,ont hot -was
ter strittherSWotiln 'per atrength-whete,
ted etuggiehlr, , Warmed. cites
II, that' its 444 kettle tlizit• huh,
an hear Or -so age, and; hes quietly'
war' ti• cointin esaintity.' 'of
s atter .r movedsanitts from'
-beneath:Stu reaeat this mOtions 'Of;*the.
•poitit, Will' Make. altaideless
- • brew ,itipcoirect Upon leaves or grounds`
ot "shelter and; if drunk ,hy itimlf,
. . .
stheatoriza-eh. • ; •
eAlWays,' keep one kettle. e 'krt.° one,
htit: Water gOon the .range for
-100ehOld- ,erigencies,' 'diSh-washing,
scrubbing,,Jlending -oet ' (nese resettle,
Slitting bot 'Water beta:should-such ,be
elded;'.,.(lritviritig, -toe, pain. out ' • Of
Ithieet and Orland; emtkiog the feet
in-ceees otheaclatheor sudden cOng04-.
tion,-, bathing sore eyes 'onittao many
'Other shMidental neeas that the big
`kettle may resented aa /airily
a:Sphatosseopent and ,houtie4ife'n friend,.
'The ueeseaph Of which is a blesstag-,
for:hot yrtiter are manifolii. Some are.
known, to • every ''homientother, other*
aresinspeitea by few. :Aglow of hat
Watet -.taken before. breakfast, Cleanses
Mat. 'of the.staMath, dillitee
;anti *Waken* ',the drowsy, diggetive
poidimit netion. Do' not nonce the
inititike, of drinking it do lot tie; to
gives pain to the delidate niennomies
that tine the alimentarY organs
,,,,,Thesealtie caution' applies toga wa.
saatisr Used, _for hathiug inflamed eyed'.
. gee it ett warm us can, be comfortably
When seeding hot appla;
, • =batten 'defeats the end ler w iih it is
Made, _ ••• , •
'Unless .the• witer ' supply of your.
heusehold it'beyend suespiewn, cook --
not merely toll -sail the water drunk
rs the faintly,. Every rimming get a
'imin*.pot otter 1130 tire inn :of
Wittir-Z,-,-0Over and. bring to a
*toady bon, Keep thin np for forty
it I nu tes 9briX the niater thlis -Mere;
ss,ifzed, into. bottles ot gloat jars, stop
the mouthe with clean- raw cotton,
4'COtt011 VOOr and set in the cellar or
silattOtie fer,,Use*hen Wanted Thie is
"e wise primantiontetake With the Wa-
tt W. intended forbabies or vety yoling
obildren at all *meows, but especially
ttStil the delimit: -The prolonged,cook-
rirldestraYar 064 !AVM Obt of" "znalevol-
,beeteria and Makes the water no
re Hitt to.the taate than a five -min.
ti hug. •
When there le, 'any Outer of tYph.
diplitheri -or malarial garnet in
well' or reservoir, the sitnele
emautionindleated here 40 of Weals
hie, vitt*. s The linelpitlity objected
Mena at inseparable from boiled
May be overcome in* great de-
bl Peering the 'Water -bite the
east Awn meth a height as
te a beady epethle id the
This le . really elyetton of
hod end; itiaproveseflatot an& cip.
Theamme papoose Is gain -
Shaking the bottle tub jar after
it add tarring Oat enoltgh of
twointite te allow the rest to thrive
Acne!, en Oa 110Wn. „
• *Wald atteMPt to &VIM
0, Without good otiose
a *Orionis Insecticides,
we hoot Mnire 004.,
teteretioral fight to liedUre
an& vegete.bies, but the
hilea aloe breaded our
MA Witty ttf iSur Most
thOM into belling water tor tWO Mins wouldtaltaut equel threael of Un,
Utee; then throw them In old, wetter SPIM allh.
two minutes, and remove the skins 'The meet ingenioue plan coneeiVarto
with /Lae dll?Ped hot Water, WAN devised in this experiment with
sass , t e quarts at it veil high temperature,
after reducing
Stuffed Asked Tonsatomr-Cut a thin nitu414121' P/eteeeer,
PMV9 .44"W' 'WV j1"144 'VL 44j; I1MR" 14j* toothed a. little veer light arrow • to
Metom; remora. the•seods altd imft PUIP the 'Melted substaUce, and diseharged
on4 olloO lt up.with one tablespoonfol- bY memo* ot a email oroeshow. made
of 'peraley, eto outs, oe ham, one one for the. purvotie, which would cense the
of set naoon, ono won onlott one arrew to carry about 50 feet, As tile
. arrow flew throUgh the air. it, etena
cup et btead crumb* Fri all these;
emson with better; salt, pepper* one
teaspoonful of sugar and yolks, ei two
!We- -ifte 0004 ea the gam are beaten
in, rianove from.the tire and etuff the
tealeteett With this misture, heaping it
in the centre. Sprinkle with bread
orumbe, And Place btt ot butter on
'OP -Of eaoh. Lay in a buttered. part
,with one otiP Of hot water to prevent
burning, Rake one. half hour -and
eerve with brOWn mum. A OUP of
012qpped chicken et veat may be Med
in place of liain or bacon,,if preferred.
Scailisped. ToMatees. -.13eation one
„ ,
quert of tomatoes with aalt pe0-
per to testa one -halt cup of sugar and
a few 'drape of onion juice. Butter
a deep lisklug ain't Mid sprinkle over it
, s
• laYer of bread. ,toanntis and put ih a
larer toMatoes. Dot:with bitssof
butter a then bread erumbs, tomatoes,
and so en until tba dish to futl; having
the bread .orumbe on top. Whiten
'With 'tweet cream, and hake * Mena
mate oven. -13rotvit just before aend-
ing to Minable. '
„ ,Fried. Tomatoes--ftemove thesskine
end ,out in slices from one-fourth to
one-half inch thick. Dip them in,
beaten eggs, then in btead erumlm arid
fry' in hat butter or lard. SprtnkIe
the eximedinglr him thread of the fuss
ed intarts. „
It a Piece of quoit; or the size of a
Pitt(' bowl. Wave tused and drawn put
into it•contionous.thread it would melte
Sufficient to girdle the earth a halt
dozen' times. .
some lastioces to winch the rent me
. Seen aiimermea.
Although'not exactly a popelar me;
tora; sinelting thurthea heen and
is' wore' largelY indulged , in,' tun ie.
generatly suppmed . The °maids le
Dutch ,thet, people-• being Mtist-invet-
erate ,smoltera and rately 'Steen ,withont
their pipe; They even lodelge in it
in their'. ohurchea, an& seittoone are
frequeutly provided fee the' better ' ac-
-eomniodetion, oft those members ,ot,,the
!etulgisegetion, who cannot .cleny. them,
Oslitee Sthe 'enjoyment of a sMaki.
practice .extets, in several
shoran*, in Snith America. At one
ame *poking wee orrled to such ao
'cameos in' Seville Cathedial that the
ohapter applied to the Pope for pow.
to repress, the abosei Urban
'yisiding' to thetr. wieh, issued "a bill;
which 'was promulgated so Janiktry 00,
1612. Li Wales smoking in oharith was
indelged an late as 1860, In one
chtneW the communion table stoOd in
the aisle, and the farmers, were ip the
habit of. putting theit hats upon it;
old when tbe • sernion began they lit
their *Pee, and smoked, but witheut
any idea of irretterence- • It ;ha itlso
Stated. that , When the Archbishop Ot
York, wayi on visitation ih St:
Mary'd; Nottingheni, he ordered some
of, May attendants to bring him a pipe,
telmeco. end soiree liquor into the 'vee -
try for his refreehment after the las
tigue of confiretation but the rector
would not allow at „to 1:43 dooe,
was reported recently that at a pres-
with salt "and, pepper. . Take tie to-
niatitea out mat thicken, the gravy with
a teacup of milk,' in.which one-teocuu
of flour has ,been stirred. Plan this
tometom oe toaet on a hot platter and
pour gravy over -them. , Serve hot.
THE sulimprt goons.
In arranging the home take
.pleesantest, rooT in theltolise for the
family living em. If it has 'not a
hardween floor fiti the cracks be-
tWeen, the', boards With a 'pa' lite' Made
cif aeaked ; newevaperte end' glue , :and,
then ititoi‘ the .floet dine .of
if you do. the worh yourself eise
• paint ' "'especiellys Orepare.d hor
floots. , ' eYtery meetmg -Scotland an ads
-It you.have suas use tbem, bet they'''. yitritrrile'vlbttre"agli Mthaed'enitetmtellte;":611/igiihrteeba"
are , not ".- necesSary. • Have. a .1ohnge • uO their phies, and hada smoke befere.
ileinin or other, imehable cover, • „„s„,„„ est.: oolberatiotie...
cool. easy . chairs ' and a table large sveea—iss
enetigh: to' hold ,the reading limp nnd • ' -
a late_Smegazine or batik, for each.
• '
member. ot the familys-lirgo enough POISON, IN PURE wkr,p.
for the whole family to eit around and , • . . ;
read. Then plan your Work so that seeming rtirad,,x 'Reviewed. "40,.riman
.father and , mother and eachshoy end • niceties ; • -
'girl can have time to read- at least
twenty minutes on the !oldest day, •Tr 'There is considerable. danger, ticcord-
you do you. iwill have happy„sUM-stng to a, Germen Medical newspaper,
Mer nnleas your bays ars- diffitent
from, mine, pay tbosa rece.,,ntly, cuss,ed.s.,the .effeet
things, the periodicals and hooka and •010-bue catlY Pure water -that
the time to miesthem, even,it you must Weter contenting no dissolvedl salts
Ceonomize in clothing, and table ea- or gases, The action. of puro dletilted
Douses to paY; for titans maser withetares ante frent the tisitues.
which swell up blinabibition, and is a
, ,„ PACTS'ABOuT.citneNALS. 'clangetous pretoplainme poilion. When
. • . swalloWed causes.* swelling up of
neve ineliromos Irma Wee' the euperflobil layers ot , the •gestric
. Poverty tile -Greatest rediSe. ° epithelium, whit% die intl.:ire exfollat-
There ate -many more 'male criminals. ed, That washing out of the etomach
than female. lath diatilled water has a bad eftebt
._,Well-enucated peptone ere sseldoni
found in priaon ; when they get behind
Elie bars it I& usually by trawl or for-
gery, • .
Not half the people who go to pri-
son are confirmed criminal* • Ver.Y
many reforin after One or two or even
time tienteneeti.
The wOrit grumbler's in "jail .are not
gentlettilk, but lady's maids and
Drink is the great Cause of crime,.
gambling provokee embezzienterit$ and
breaches of strata.
Poverty directly mune almtot no
crime. This is very ereditable to hu-
man nature.
Indirectly, hoWevet, poverty beide to
,poor nourislunent, and this in turn,
often lead* to alcoholism and crtme,
The hitniiiittion of ' crirae is due to
the work of impieties, which aim to care
for street ohildren rathee than to min-
is& theta,
Indeed, mime ist proportionately much
lea* °mimeo than when punishments'
Were, more brutal and lees humatielY
Among incurable" prisoner*, hole«
ever, ate usually reckoned. mote women
than men.
The three things that burglars Most
dread tre thit ' twinkler:, " tinkler,s
and " taller" -the night light ithithell
attached to * vvindow sash an the lit- upon the rooks and, heat and strip the Big dogn aro net ePt to bark for =Whit tape, the native cloth
prettent burglary.
,The men open& ranch of their tin* in
PESSIMISM. Making tithing nets and tackle,
In twits of the eimplicity ot the
'People Who** religion and COmmon- national attire, the Samoane are rah -
sense do tot deter them from pessim. et vain, and spend a good ded of time
tam tuhlitt Porhalml indlatia le" le in geautIfying theemelveit The hair
doubt of the world in general, stild is • often plastered, With white
their friends in particular, did they giving it, when dry, this effect of a,
list, in „out en.etehea bite, the white wig. The Una* is washed off by
res night. 'The result is a gradual change
Proetlee Peeekelsei In Pe" hi the tenor Of the hair from a red tea
Mete To enter at other people's MO- bright yellow. Apert front this
tived and Pt4ttices, to doubt tins ale- tannage fano, the &Moans quite Share
verity ot their sentinients end the u_the...,E.uropenes: Ldelsaniarirpratirtharel
batetestedness of their actions, le rorr ;4'soseni`'`::' .k"'"'""4
deniably rade ond illihred, The Pro- A. fad of the loth" Man of 841404
„,yorb 4, Higher tiler, mama can tO Wear the acme of his sweetheart
tattooed upos the ferearta. Ait the
Stilltnin wears no sleeves thie erne-
ineot alwaye aed, he is *ery
proud Of it, whit* le easily understood
as the young -lady herself attars doe;
the tstteoing, it being impoesible
Intrust to a probational WOrkintin
tasks° full ofstettleirierit.
.4 rifle Of Mr" here, InVented
deep cooler's require to be get in cold
water, Cold air is muob Icia,efficlent
Man cold water, we it is a 4)0" Co"
',litotes. of heat, The ohject mught in
'deep setting to cool the milk next
to the auteide intrtaisi of the can. AS
- it 00o14 eettlea and the creain sap-
aratee and. floats to UM top the
warmer la drawn to the eatelde
enthuse of the Mtn. As it OQ010 it Setti40
and be alba greentea tt wing, in the
IMMO Way, The air ou the cellar bot-
tom wenn, hot be Old %Mush to Make
'Una neethon eatiataotorts ,
...If the milk_ bit diluted with water it
will facilitate the eepatetion of the
°reams hut thia deprectateg,' the valUe
ot the eklin milkand the masoning even.
thends net ea thorougb ' to set eu-
dilated milir in: a can sarrounded wtth
°Old Water.' There are Ma/11' kinile et
eosealled eeparators on the,tuarket; has -
ed upon, this ditution-of milk with wa-
tet to , creitin" the Milk, They.. cannot
be ree4MMended, ati water dlintiOn hite
been repeatedly proven fix be objec-
tained,, keeping the water onitdde
tw4ekdei and hettet resulta are 013 -
of the eau. Se the tile will not gere
ea tiefaction. A Water barrel is - Mitch
'better. -skills. with water and set, thix,
ea" Cit Milk 11144 Ohaa443, the. wa-
ter when it becomes warm; This will be
inConvernerit in the cellae, 'but it is
not necessary' to keer, the Milk in tile
• hy' this plan, Anywhere out of
the tem will de, and, the nearer to the
well the more convenient it will be,
ontree, Mina dairymen ,use thlii
method, and as rule thea. make A
tank 2e,inellee deeptfor the orator and
for milk settere. use• tin tone eight ;in-
ches diaMeter end 20 'Mabee deep.
Fite email amou.nts of milk; the cans
are 12 inches deep. Thie method does
hot eave all the butter fat.' The cep -
'keit where arrangements are made ao
trifugal separator alone 'wilt do this,
the water •amigned 'tor stook 'patine
threhgb the, tank containing the milk,
it le exceedingly economical ie. saving
wet* and' getting toe.good resuite
cao be obtained -in any wiry except by
Using it -separator :The same inquirer
alike what he can apply to the. udder
to keen' fliesnotaS, slate can ,use oil of
tar he . wham andstnix it with kite -
With its ;
eene and, lard and paint the uclaer
and Auginit ere Orme
',months diiring whieh.the orchard and
fruit garden need special attention
The btchard is then peeetiarly subject
to weather' conditions. If there is Moth
rein inseets;tiestroy the truita. ...The
grower thould be lireitded
ing piimps .and insectioldoe. and use
the remedy promntly and acCording to
direcitietes Xi the weather is dre-the
insects will be found at work on the
treeli either eating the leaves yoxing
growth, or webbing or tenting throogh
the' head, and then OM white grub Mid
woollf.aphia tie4 getting in their
destructivei work on fhe toots, AI -
though an apple:tree 'mar leok healthy
• WeelZ At ma* betifound ti•ea the
, ,
next. The trouble- Is :caused br the
growth -being exit hi the inieets and
exCeatai4 dry weether.
These' ptiinta are of impoetance. and
the orchardist' should become familiar'
with the 'different ccinditions and he
able te diagnose. the disease and ap-
ply .a xentedy from the general ap-
pearance of the , tree. Apply tithes,
lime, noncentiated iye salts either
14 Proved. Heally pure water' would separete or mixed. It mixedstake two -
be worse atilt, Waters 'occur in •nar parts Shuts onerfourth " concentrated
ture -purer than Ordinary distilled wa- lye, one-fourth salt, and oneshalf , Weed
ter, and hence the practicat Wiper- asheit Sift this on the groubd thick
tance.ot the subject tomedicine. Watet enoUgh to inake geed saowing as far
obtained from clear, „natural lee may :put ati the reach of the limbo. This ap-'
causee gatitrte•ntarrh and vomiting 'plication is more for trees standiog un -
when given to patienta to suck. Arti- cultivated, For eating insects, gday
tidally 'made ice never produces suth With paria green, tendon purple, or
putts water on melting, and is there- white Maine, and foe all insects that
fore safer, Guide books usually warn suds or usetheir proboseis, apply kero-
travelers hot, •to • drink water fieM seine emuleion. Foot rot is' most eom-
telow,g lusters clear mountain tors men with the cherry trees, but fitme-
nts, which, instead of quenching times attack ; plum, pear, apple and
thirst, often produces gaitritis, The other treeSA .Tius disease is usually the
most remarkable instance is that of a rearat of overfeeding with strong 'fer-
epring at. •Gaetein, which hae„ been tilizer, aecompanied by succeasive rains
known for centuries as the' "Potion and warm weather. To. overcome this
Spring," and nit one Will drink its WA- disease, carefully remove the, tOp
tot, though he poison has ever been going as deep as possible without out -
found in it. The eimple faistsle that ting the xeotir. Fill in ordinary tep
the Gastein water is purer than distill- toil, giving proper drainage that that's
ed water, Boa hae in consequence the may be- watet left standing Oben
ealiteinjurious effects. .
' ' ' the roots. •
Thinning fruit is 'of vital import-
ance where trees are set too heavill.
• 'THE 'SAMOANS... This work should be done just before
the geed hardens or ean be done at
not time after the frill mite, but there
heir tires Aitionamx Seetaillabt Ple44,4811.• la istralo on the vitalit'y of the tree
14 Veil EASY. , the maturing of the seedit The
When Witte Sammons are not at 'trait pulp ie the receptacle of the seed
war they Minn to fOreignera Witte 4 "tl largely water..
very, isluiy. and agreeable life, There ts
never Very muth to do, and What there . °AIME
is is not ardttous or tiring, 'The old Bacteriologiste noW tell us that the
worcien, 'tor Instance, braid, mats or isit xepY condition sonititimeIs manned bY
.railk or 'bream when "set " ritien-
lilt it due Le the development therein
of et,„ certain form of ?bacterium -7-a neat
relative of the organelle, badteriiim
tie, which it known to eaves the sour-
ing or ripening ot cream tinder 'arches
ary conditions the haeteriunt, which
eiiiMes 140 mining of 'cream do rapidly.
develope, and to pronouncedly asserts
itself' that Mine of the Many Other or.
Meet the days of Olesentiet ths 'ow
mee tee *Manly take pert In the oats.
dun tit the wars ot their rtemeetite
comatrim heve beim kw. At the visa
emit day there otillt one trams",
*eye Women** Lite, who, with ant juin
aim, ean he termed "r, Gensual Le, pet -
awake," and that Mrs- Joubert.
wife of General detthert, Oacomenders
in-Ohief a the tamest forme hirs.
J'nuhurt limishoomnittni. hushatui
ell the wars his hes tutderteken. Her
ebony face, almoat hiddea front tieW
under the folds of a huge black eaPP101
has become hutch tamillar idgist with
the hurghere that the incongruity of
One Wonian walking in end Ottt IMMO
an awned fen* et several thoueend
MAS seeMo to be a comae*"
am -
Of . •
- WWI tie A ,1 )40 hhtk lOtASOlp
Preis et hut& Tee nateidted at Cleat
Persestalrartill. Witarrinent°46rs 11""perhoups"mitatre faM tht
From the days ot her ;ingest child -
heed, Mo. ioubert has. been maid th
warn alarms. She ean load ead
0- RUA with almost as much taint 40
"Slim. Piet," Anglice, "ClAVer Riot,"
itimeelf, and ph MAW Occasions hail
*hewn `thegreateat courage,
•Xt is aot generally Itnown thet it WAS
hat ttuit the great defeat of the
English at Majube, wee greatly doe.
The „ General considered the position
eameallable, but Mr* ioubert,
etes afire with Patrietiem, urged the
scruplee.of het husband and tlut Other
ofgeateudante; Tbe ,Is known:
Mrs, ,Thubert's last aPneerariew at a'
War Ocoarred during the recent Magi -
Ohms caraPaigmait the extreme uorth
of the Transvaal. An 'artillery, burghs
er And native foree oearlys10,000-
men Wan diep.itthed to the front te
8040 the rebel cltief SPPefu, in -
a tack, eventualhr coaquermg the
e4senbadtclied4 inhya teeher]Letnepog xpoec,k)' 144:ttwIlie43.8.2
standing vehrit.was femeil woula be
the bloody naturaof the war. the heat
,--tiver RIO degrees in the shadesiand
the fever, the plucky wontan Jain, ed the
General a week or two after ma or-
marivaidtaat the Hoofd Lager, acco7Pare.
ed only by two or three little Ketfxr
, landing General in en any-
thiag but lioraforteble• tent, She ton-
ed him on, erected: a tent 'or her own,
anti:instilled him amid all the emu-
fettasof home. What was Mete, she re-
eonstructed the • Generahti mess a,r-
ranges:mate and cooked tas'oseale with
her ownhande.- The 'Wife of the cons-
nialelieg general peeling potatoes waa
orninaty eight any dey durlog the
eaallthroagoe".eicaaion:during the War the
newii Came tato camp that the Genet -
el heal been taken twee inlay,
la the midat of tt country 'full of tine -
tile natives and -deadly with Malaria.
Witheut hesitation Mrs. 'lambert made
erg:orations. tO go .;and join. her anis-
band, and there is little .doubt that the
Would' heve accomplishea .her phrpose
bad not more,reassuring news 'come to
The was mane to an eatly
ing to the military, genius 0$ General
Joubert, and it is not too mach tti saY,
his better half. The plans of the cam-
paign from the time Mrs. Joubert. ers
rived 011 the camp .was strut*. were
talked over at her dinner, table, bee
sound advice and • almost unequaled
knowledge of Kaffir warfare . being
held in high esteem. • - •
Although such a worrier, hire.
bert is a •ttue woman.. Theo is -nos
thing Meaculine about either het ap-
pearame manner, tinlike most
Datong -Afrikaner women, "oho
Menially when. compared with the
robust proportiOns of General. Piet
iOubert. Wonderfully 'active for her
60 years. and over, ehe .can act:Simi:dish
,as mneh . hard work in an heur as
town -bred 'women would in a week.
Needless to say, the is immenaely
Popular omong tbe burghers. To the
siak she is., ever ready to lend assigt-
anee_, and many a dying man has bless-
ed. her ministrations. :
When not on the warPath /frit. Sou-
bert, is singplarly retiring, Many,Pra•
torlanashave never seen her, although
she liees in their midst, in the town
house of the: General, off Market
street. Her preference, howeVer;
tor the quiet of the farm, ailere she
listrea to remain until ealled. ferth te
the battles *et Ater county by wifely
engem* which are knowo to tte cap-
able. of thriving in milk are elven an
0POortunity of making their influence
felt ; but when, from any oause,-sueh
ai the preaenee of dirt, ete-the other
organisms are afforded, the neemeary
facilities development, they% also
aeon begN .to mart thereselved and
in thie way peedigas one er-other of thir
many OrinditiOnA which are known to
•onne grown fie*. mart tblok" is trite, bot our peisitalat affect bajuriously the Olturnability
rarely' in perfestian, woteld do well to apply the maxim to milk and crisain. Hiirtitofora tti6
le a favorite vie, /f le itginitieteass et heart planation usuallY given for the rept-
- he give others, ere& tor being at nem of milk will' that It wee due to the
Etieeet* *Ad fitligiii die' goitttine el intasett, If he is' not tot
,, Ill -health of the cows. Say It hot be
with sae tks most dreaded innate gentleulas, he eboold be Wino- Mitts after all, this was Otte a cor.
knowit ika the hisok od to let the wail trt large slimover not .explanation, for lit it not poeilble
oar mins tho crop a it And he lleVer betray* the themes that the /Mt the unlit is obtained from
hal truth more plainly than when nr mws wIlloh are eolliditationally un -
the vitelity of the o noir. gound may render such milk all. the
More Milemptible to the attack and
lientang the folist* to droP indintee in the peeeletistie speech am
thee* WW1 More liable CYO ism ineci e ail amoUnt of mote favorable to the detrislopnient of
to start a weak pus* oinaseit that it ws Intith unbliote. To : by Cottle Deedithiett, Of the French the orgenismis whksh ere the indwell-
.„ Grit.** °there end to ,00k down tapes , Mr Oral 4 bullet With tine fere. Ile "hee et the siss.s.2°Phielet
4 tha* II" itheir failings front the vantamsground s"1" - t
disoites eito a otita,toss enoessosity eseesinsuirt be that It will penetrate it home, from ' arah yam' AND- orrafollrf RAI.
tlide plague otty well satiatied, with .oseds salt. Mod to tali, ht a elistastoe of * Mile I
0:wreath is litunillattsit bet trite tied We WIY. '1114' 4 trsdristr. i Clover union* out beforr it troches
te the
1* theta to marsetres When tve *re perfeestly ' port awls= AN /Nowa dried from seven to ten per mot. of al -
hers quite se little tii he pme a- 10, -, - I the blossoming kegs wilt have whoa
0006 or wry atut * nit Iteillitatiovernment, for SI Years, hominoids, whith makes it * 'err ints
re the ntinntadsfind. Prorement is niont” 01,
d as. whist lea stew ta hot ituareaineg tits pops en "nnel tattoo ration Timothy, wheo in Re
ere obi ilett, Is spite -co all aim hoeine of shout wheat jee heo beet sitate, whits% is a little Wore it
*VI 1*** owl/ * fort tie- ituaditY matubd en tuttiitit• a The *14. hal blostsonsed, hes only about four to
end *so to rest dt le atistrant new to .o i
e ales ' - . s
4averittstis tittles*. tie ago,
.,, , . . ,
amt. al
watt dead ripe sot* tbere
vrweo4. fibre, vrillok is
to divot Tbe 'mesa
gores M Watch tie then
it et but to_ th-
vlivy Cofiect Aims tor the Widows and
oryinies or EniviOyes,
Railway dogs -those, that is to pay,
that, aerve tut &Meeting agents tors the
vnrious eharities-are likely to receive
adnitional attenthm from travelers,
after her "tilajestya; kindly ootice of,
"Tim," one. of the'nurabe.r, at l'adding.
ton on Monday. There are atill sev.
erals,collectidg dogs on the various
nwlinesro afbaomutousthea'recounnotrmy,orteh.ongonh thoef
the best known of these dead online.,
tors was "lielp"-se collie trainea by A
guard on the Brighton line. "I. am
'Help,' the railway dist of England" -
read an inicription on a silver medal
attathed to hie collar --"traveling
agent for the orphailhof railway men
who are killed on duty. My office is
at No. 65 Celebroke raw, London, where
ertibsotiptionti will be. thankfully re-
iSeliiirisedcanina6ndoonedoultpar goatekn000tivleei
a thousand pounds stealing, during his
charitable career. He is to be mom
to -day at Brighton Station-preeerv.
ed under a glees case, •
But perhaps the prince of railwilY
doge, though not engaged in collect-
ing, was i'eciateh.'' ge was a vagrant
Cockner Oat, end was mimed from the
loafers about the Ettstontertainus by
one of the drivers of the London and
Northwestern Company. "Snatch"
always acoonipanied his toaster on the
footplate Of the engine, and wee with
hiln, In * collision. Whoa the letter was
killed, "Snatch" was ettentually rut
over in the London streets, by a cab,
tiut he lives in a eymptithetie picture
by Barham Wier.
Another well known railway aeg
Wes "anck," who War quite an institu-
tion the,Central Station, Derby. He
was a very.aotive, innoetitisonisd Mrs
rim, Mid lived in the porter& room,
He could, dietinguish* Midland from
London de NorthWeetern or North
Staffordeltire train, and discriminate
between the servant* of the three
coMpanies. WAS fond of taking
tripe by train hut is laid to hisre al-
ways found hie way be& to Derbyt.
aqui/4s rag nut Bows. thing -they find thenaselves weicoMed, that your parr is hetivy weitht
Moment is an Upright bow made' of vloletotrie, rose or whatever it may - you twelve one, lit turn, do net mit
71 ie
Seitinost anetiesin at
ohemnied thaltisprem es dowel/ aa anY thesis te es we:Ma" hoe* ouluams-Mtat ow* elt=
rev-notenlady ofwurinik, wise went .4r •wes
, IWO ron to eritiolinn then thekr nieene,""4""e"
Viaarlit atter tea death of the Crowe
Prints Rudolph fall a *A teeseastored
wish. to devote her lift, to be: esul Erns
prem. Titbit, too, In spite a the feet
that ahe was bersolt betrothed. Wines
Rothe Aunty secured an audienee
'oath the Empress the letter wee sit -
g fore a great Si ver 'to a te a,.
teble without the cutaway frilled
Imo and ribbon but ot bettutifial Amiga.
witlt Manive emboased feet,* all of
wild silver. A,' woman was bruthing
the Empresini hair, but, et it Ilan
from her mtstross, /eft the room. The
young Shivoniau then oenfided to her
aovereign all that She tied dreamed.
arid hoPed bell's, to her, and when,
the Empress. remonstrated and advitie
ed. her ta go end marry' her liamat
and be hapPy she merely Bahl that if
the Empress refueled her devotion Atha
would enter a convent. Finally the
FdAttrees said: '
"You are tall and strong mut you,
ear' year love for me would make you
iatocbe:4:33yyob,hattmoobtime es.ituiattyioonorporbovoirdosed_
ter and your birth allow you to occuPy
a, hoat near Year e0Vereigat take -the
pittees of Cecilia, 'whom sou have just
be t evne tgoe- abWro oa ab nweith4:Arte dm. 0 r ilTnogn aro nildi
night, in 4 -lento it X do not wish to
talk, slowly, softly, and often fer
00nerit; ,Thtxx trou.10. Yeur
Rertha -threw herself on her kneers,
kiesed the hana. of the Emprese, Ana
wi'brustilhpe4gaolvt etrlide bataultifalthe;haleirt.e"ItaPrtoem4
that time she wita hairbruelter-ins
ordinarY to her lithijeesty, end was
euite freet to. do as she Pleased at all
other times, sliut she often said that
elle really lieed only Welton% Out of
the tWenty-tour the two when she
wan with. the Wnpress., '
, The other person referred to above
watt a Greek, Canataiitin Christomanos,
who was the Entoress's 'Greek .profes-
sor for two yearn before" her death.
He went with her everywhere and
adored het as Hertha Peoie did. "k
• .0uhla is said to be in chronic state
of being hard up. , few yeats tut°
thetirt,daelltshetipoed-asiletstiLsalkicniz h%rdheogLeee
in Florence were ordered Bold to stirs
iiify creditors, An. Englishmeni who
was -one of Outdate not overonanY
standi friends, hought everything ins
Then hirwent to her; told her it wee
hitt great pteasure te be able to save
her from the straits to which shelled
tame, and, by may' •of ; desnonstrating
his sincerity, tore up the bill of eole
and presented the fragments to ,,the
winds of heaven: This was .all vary
film and quite ia keeping with the
Guide style of doing tititlgsi but, alasi
that interesting wommt.promptly hes
gan %%oiling hag debt once more and
was Soon as badly off before.
Again she was Ordered to be sold Op.
That was the Point at which the de -
butts of the Ouida style • became evi-
dent Ik the Engliah gentlelan had
retained intact the „prod of' his having
bought the geode; `hit might liave again
saved his ftiend. Ag. was, the eale
proceeded, and, with the exception of
things bought in for her by other good
iriends, Oujda. lost Omega everything
she had. She has a phoenix -like qual-
ity, however* which, must be responsi-
ble for the teport that she has been
seen alinost daily of late driving on
the Lung Arno in a carriage "uphols-
tered in turquiose blue satin aad at-
tended by three Soils slogs.
Two women, Margaret Bement aod
Janet Gourley, woke op' not long ago
te the fact that they, wereaueoessful
explorers. Like children,' they did
not "go tor to do it," They iiimply
started out to clear 'a site upon, which'
they had al,t idea: there had once been
a temple to Mut, the mistress of the
great tod, Anton. Everybody warned
the twO gills that they would mike no
discoveries, and they did nor expect
to accomplish anything very much
themselves, But they went ahead tot
their own amusement, Ths first
overseer they employed demanded
higher wages than the average to 00m-
pelisafe" him for the indignity of work-
ing for a women, They. 'draggled
with lazy, dishonest, meompetent
workmen and suffered from a plague
of modern Ngypt, that of the amateur
c011ector, whp calmly bribes the work-
men to steal trophies for him. in spite
of all this, however, the, two women
'discovered, enough to ahow pretty co-
herently the plan of the temPle, and
their aohievement Is considered hy
Egyptologists to be of considetable
Mrs. Kendal was once playing at
Dublin, the role being Galateaaryg-
malion, ,it viral be remembered, has
that tin mama' domestic accessory; a
Petiole wife, During thts temporary
-absence of the wife Galatea was about
to throw herself into the arme of ',Pyg-
malion when an Ind lady lo the audi-
ence called out tviiningly:
"Don't do it, darlintl gift wife% Pot
gone oilt an' Hill be like her to be
stoppiii. at the keyhdel"
the Emptiest Frederick is said to be
a most enagetie woman. She de-
lights in getting up at 6 o'clook in tile
Monliiig, takeit endless excursions,
and bee a mania for acquiring infor-
mation of a detailed. character. . It
is said that the Printei of Wake' wait
asked the other day whom he conelde
avid. the clevereat woman araong hie
triends. He answered thet if modesty
dbl not forbid her would dame' hi* sls.
ter, the Empress Ifrederick. This
wets doubtless *ailing to the rent of
his feminine relativee Ann aconeint-
Perfumed Witt are a novelty assorib•
ed. to the Duchessie ernes. It is said
that when she intenda to have a house
party she contrive* to find Out What
is the favorite perfutne of enth of bet
prospeOtive goats. When they sr.= tied°. However, fashion tmOreil
rive and meek their eurleci hair co -aches battles and the 'Vole of the eititelelm
Of Libra DRUM
It wan dorIng Pelmiest 44,11
the Ramiro.
The overtrue wee over ; the Rraperor,
amemptuded by the RtisPrais, radiant
in har beitUty and glittering withjews
els, bad just autered the Mal boy,.
In another moment the hell would
tinkle end the opera commence.. But
14 On 144titakt the leennd liOx to «be
right at the Bowan:or wee epeeist, LIM
curtains Were drawn aside and mesas
44 the lovely wife of this Rusalan Arne"
basimdor, Duke itfetaerwitoh.
Eveer. eye wee fixid with a teseirle
*ten (raze, upon the women who had
Just teken her steat, and was with well
bred nonebalance glowing .about the
home, for uponher.anas, blazing
heacons, eparkled the diamonds of
Which Paris had heard ao much and
Which to'yalty vain bed long sought
to perches*,
A hum of isimiretioa rest throUg,h
the Wise. '
When the curtain fell upon the OW
aeto 'meant wearing' the ImPerial
livery, preitented himself at' the Rues
Man Ainhasmidorai box, rapped ealY
an•_Imperial Ounker could raP, ' 404
then entered' the box. "
"Her Majesty had noticed. the brace-
lets, and was dumb with admiration;
woold milady be so gracious as te al-
eloxwomtihneatiElp,ress meke a personal
instant. the fair arm was shorn
()out took:eel:, ..xa,nd with 4 sultithered
ejaculation of delight, the laatt *64-
ing the Imperial livery bowed himself
The curtain' fell upon the third act,
ascended again on the feurth, the notes
ot the finale rolled through the house,
the curtain fell for the last time, and
still, with well bred' politeness, the
wife of the Russian Ambaseador wait-
ed for the return of her, pricelese jew-
ele. The Imperial petty nese and de-
perotrutret,oda,ridnyonet tthh: nbruakceel, ewtithasa tneort.
Able frown of impatience, rose And
dreve rapidly to the Tuileries., and de-
manded the return of. the, diamonda.
Expleoations followed, anti. the Bake
wag at hist sonvtneed that 'the Ems
Fre te,stia;ilut4 tditentaeraenr wseearirti.nfitort hteh ;inter acr
livera was -one of the daring thtettee
who infested the capital, He bade his
eiteliman drive to the Prefect of Po-
lice, and, ere deylight a hundred of the
shrewden officers were searching Par-
is for the gems. The Duke, filled with
anxiety, remained at the °Mee for tid-
ings, while the Dueling awaited the
recovery of her dianionds et home.
The great clot* had jest Wiled six;
when, the bell of the Duke% hotel rang,
and an officer:of the police was ush-
ered iota the presence of the Duchess.
,Was . the bracelet recovered fa and
tubold retohrofitntila Lolly lite scoundrel
With a grave, bow the officer stated
that the thief waataken, and nPon his
person was found the bracelet But
the fellow stoutly insisted that he wee
hot the thief, and that the bracelet
had beeo in his family many years.
Would medians intrust to him the•mate
of the mikeing Omelet( that the idetes
tity might be completer ' I
Mademe, the Duchess, without a
word, unlocked her casket, and placed
in the bends Of the trusty officer the '
second bracelet. The officer, with a
profound bow, left the apartment, and
madame retired once more -this time
to, sleep and to dream of her preeious
diamond's When the bell tolled the
hour of nine, the Russian anibassadots
haggard and disordered, entered his
Wife's .aPartment and threw himself in
despair, into te chair. Madame opened
her eyes, and, with a smile of, delight,
asked for the bracelets.. ,
Satan t we can learn nothing of
til'e'lesish""titia shrieked the lady",
yi3u not recovered it The officer hwahvoe
came for the other bracelet said the
thief had been taken and the brace-
let foiled." '
Tho Duke, with an exclamation of
amazement, sprang to his feet, and in
a husky. voice, besonght hie wife to
explain* In a few words shot told him,
And then With a groan, the Duke &asps
pea into a seat,
"I see it all," said he; " the tamale
have robbed you. of the second brace-
let The man to whom you gave it
Waft 110 officer but a bolder thief than
the first -a
And so it proved. The bracelets were
never returned • and. the Russian am-
bassador recalls the fete day of the
fallen Emperor wtth a. long -drawn
The latest fad with the ultra fash-
ionable is the absence of -the envelope,
We have gone back to the days of the
older times when the red wafers and
the sealing wax and the folded paper
were all that °mama detaanded or
knew The modern or recalled fashion
hie (substituted the daintiest tinted
mime to Match the paper, heliotrope,
rebin'e egg blue, cerulean, lilac, fawn
or cream, for the muellaged fiall of the
One must write on a big sheet, If
It le a letter ; on the smaller etre for
notes, invitation's, etc.; fold and seal.
and thin a wafer may be added for
extre •attength, or the'seal alone will
sneerer, if Otos neslres. Stainitimes
the papa is folded the caked hate
or the dainty equaree which not oven
t curious poetman would trouble to
dally with, and then, it Orld will, the
Seal and wester may be diapetuesd
Do you want to know how to fold
these dainty raiseivest Then just ask
grandlna, we warrant elle has not for-
gotten, for if allts true that% said, she
had plenty of them in her young dare.
Jen ask her. Shell deny ha billets.
dour, _at firsst, no doubt, but she'll be
pleased jun the same to recall thent
Rod tenth you jUst how they came to
The envelope is a barbarism, evOlved
by a suspicious inventor, or maybe by
title who was practical rather than ex -
Tears le Leach), es a cifeerk
hkutecue ton, a misn wile has keen
longer in Africa, then aso* Rieratione
of Oa* who Imo talested over Moo a
tut terittetrit than any expliswer, ea.
copt Stealer, mid Whine Intowloilgs
the Dalt fientinent, mid Int strum**
wild, d,erker hearted peoples is semod
""thit4kilgairEr.ofj°114Souirthh"Afritsent isaaPoir"tles
for over 4 quarter of st oblatory, aud
In the put decade directly in touth
with those haulm ithtelt Wee called
the attention ot the chilbstd world to
the Transvaal. -A• told Ma atorY "
tree itiom: Lootiltdoben rrecepeitrottieri.0 1ft:47i:steer!
tor of a lame show, of which tile..
• ettraetieg were the natives Jul
bad' brought 'rim Sweetland himself.
"I have been Op yearii It_ South Ai-
-croicnna,:0:.lcid.whict,4"tabnadt .verknoti'votratet wthinorigda.
a Wait I and Captain rinlay00/4 who
meaeured oft the original claims on
the feinotet diamond. fielda Kinis
14e'r' you how the'Trana"trastl ha's'. •
aminejunandpeontahirertuotkut v, traeeliez, a te al tr :I re d401 ; ,ta oaf a r.1
lanta WAS retold tor 'ow, it turn.
big oat to be one of the richest geld '
farms io the Trenevaal, This is how
Men get suddenly, rich out there. Some
have luck, °there ill -luck. I bad ill -
1 u'c' jeums• to vterhenherbeiwt'titheanMrl, Fe 61 Imlir aalnad
Captain Riiers just to glire a hand
with our natives, eame of whom I MY -
sett got 'from the interior of • Africa. -
"Axe Affitain nativea slifficalt te
NX°: at Vhbai 1:7 Otl lade eCt 47 trit:3'eLa. n°81 vhe awae brzt et° Bab rite:1o' 1:a8uWild241:tzgiliellae
number of Swazis :wader my boys rule, •
and he has no trouble in asserting his
authority. Bandini speaks SWan just
as a native doeti. There he is just or-
dering a bOdy of big Swazi to go
Into their kraal. See how he ia intitant-
ly obeyed I Randini is his name.
the. Rjeatt aoffl"theirinSWg ailere,bawndihonse
adviser / was for fiste yeare. I, with ;
my wife and little family, lived just
withie earshot of the royal kraal, an
that time conforming -0i raueh 'as we
00414' to the rules and. regulations ot
that soatege *King's court, The King
Was very' fond cif us, and, through the
toostant antercourse tvith him and his s
22 wivea, and the chiefs and the heads-,
men of the country, we found it al -
'most irksome not to follow lo line all
that the Swazis did. However, we
tried to •set them its much turoPeen
"1 praetically ruled over 9,000 square
miles. of territory, because the King
hardly did anything without askingniy
advice and abiding by it The 'uml-
aute,' 'or white man, particularly if
he comes from the country of the 'Great
Wothbitey ttibuomomovtagisoothooutgAtTht aleogreat deal
. " But King Utnbandlokonce did some- '
thing 'without letting me know about
it till it was all over. He kitten off ,
the head chief and two otherp tor trea-
son. I happened tit milk. down to the
kraal from my house -a wooden -built
place I erected myself -and tomid tbe
King sitting with' hie head men. He
was *eating, and, as' was alwatai
cuatom invited rata to join hire. avhiss
pered to a chief named tjmjebecka.
Where is Sandhlana r Re whispered
back, of course in Swazi, 'Killed.*
"The King then told us all about
it. thet Sandhlana, with the two,. oth-
er chiefs, had plotted to kill him end
put Hops his half-brethee • en the
throne. thibandini had only Just dies
cevered the plot in tithe. "He won't
be missed,' said tha King, ' and, assfor
the other two, there was no rooiu'for
them' 1.' Made him promise not
to kill women. or children, a promise
he faithfullf kept so far as telling hie
osbolidbirie,rsouwwaearceobnicielrende. d. But women ann
"I had been chatting with Sandh-
lane only 20 rainutea before he waa
seized and handed over to Sokilibovo,
itiostneo: warrior,* for immediate eAseil.-
-" The Xing gave me • at different
times twossilver cum, each weighing
12 Mimeo, and bearing a suitable in-
scription. Medic& 30 'days after I parta
ea with him. The present King its only
a bola so the country le governed by '
Usilatti, Queen Regent, an enormeues
ly stout ladY, but whose face Shows,
force and intelligence. Her drew coo -
Mate Mostly of a collection of buck -
skims while at her side is slung an
ivory snuff box, .tct which she has ire
cement recourse,
"Swami royelty grows its nails, both •
of the hands and of the feet, to an
reZeritefolrenighthe .oldIreouttoltaha al kigirlieitagt
off.' was- one day present at an of-
ficial interview_ that Sir .liranois de
Winton had with her anent this bar -
orlon, and her Millie was worthy the
effort of an honored legal luminary, '
Slie mid that all her subjects had a
fair trial, for whenever it was oon-
sidered advisable that a Man Or tivo
should be killed the whole village Wail
turned out and made to eft round in
a circle, the witch dootor going round
and pointing out those thet were to
die- • 'What, she wanted, to know, could
• falrerr than that?
- "She hoped the representative of
the 'Great White `Queen,' would allow
her to continue the engem for a lit-
jeoter on het lint who would never be
(la while longer, as she had mole I:it::
niwbistiediob io'boattmdadthoetbiterritocidinjotsmurialat
fascinating! A )3ritish Tommy Atkins,
one of the guard, close to whom I was
standing, said within my heating:
She's a reg'Itic snuffy Obarititte, ain't
she V'
• s
4 4
...downy ones being no longer the le Pauly. tr Yon intend t* adopt
ndits lettere, be lure
Tim style of hair ontaMentse at the so to speak, by a friendly perfunae of - enough to Stan the Jottrney, and ver
. his result mey be obtained eith- • atid *Malt as you have been snoustomed
and twists about quite hi keeping perfumed sitelleta or by placing I the Waiters, brink the lea', ata the
tWIStati Wire led Yibben, which Curie tir
r by packtn the Rode away with to do With the envelope, but venom
with the snakelike curves of dm tiP* tbin whet, in the bed Itself. t writing Will greet your *ye %Intern.
to-dete skirt and its weird tionVOlu-, Wanda very pretty, but mash people .
dons. Them heir bows are often eery.'
mamba Little geese bows are ele0 lusee a de,d affect on people% NEW OCCUPATION FOR WOMEN.
A progresetve moretary ix the newest
bred with sequins to match the trim. wthelatbP". „owl' trurts orir hattnelinirtha itt
ming,. which festioo at present de- Us too sh-o. Pm-fonsee are mid to
smart, and if only the viola ribbon 14 dream. The Deebeeee. /welt keep a nut"43ntlyPliwticvnonumf6reilawc4316ble :miry to thearir.
Preferred, a diamond or rhinsetime dream book and. ',contribute to themes* voluminous eorrespondenee motel
buckle at the IMO a Inhumation a astenee hy. her investigations. notes, batten lettere pertaligee to
their various charitiee, eto., for want
In (loom viotarial poutosaus at. priusey bailie. et am. an mid to itwoitti radiance! To 0011131:irt:
VALUABLE CLOAKS. The eons tad daughters a the
some father aloake, reamed at . POE %An a pretty hard lot They, sue tens hetr letters. yearetitry gem from
apiece. They were presented. teittag ers-1341. ra7 Peet, lit ars ?AV* to live house tis hems, ana if eheaterocittiratide air
r her
, In 1124 hy the k ate Mithirldidk IMO* sihd, koaP 111,
island*. The parrot Ilia Malt
k they ere made are Haws au sestord.. •
as Neely tleit they peke a parfait%
smooth etirfoice &ft
While we amile at the wife -stealing..
propeneitleti of the savage natione, Wes,
cherish as Our cleared forni a custom
that had its direct origin in this very
mit-mune practice, The " best man,"
who playa so important part in well -
regulated marriages that nowadays
. hese any pretense at all to the faith-
ionable, once on a tittle in Sweden, ocs
copied a poeition that was useful as
well as orztiimental. In, the old days
the Swedish gram foind it desirable,
lo, fact, to ' have emirs,' "best Men"
to defend him from the assault of rtv.
als end prevent *them from carryilig
away his brlde. The Scandinavian
warrior of ancient tiram Watt far too
lofty in his ideas to condescend to plead
for a maiden's hand. So he pettientlY
waited sotii 60M6 other men who WAS
more gaUent had obtained the tilt
Onit'a &Agent. Then, when ell the de -
tale had been nicety arranged the
proud warrior, with a body of well,
trained retainers, dolled dotint on the
wadding party, end, if 04,41111111
corrie.d away the bride. The 'beet •
r MEV and it wait very essentiel that .
17 they should be the best men in t
- -o days, therefore beoarcie ttesmry fix.
..'"Iiit, 11:1101W. • tures to the marriage cernitohr end
, ae's yoa they wore so well skimmed end, their
tee laxity beisente SO permanent that
4,,. ream a their *Xieteritie Wed
any Vern *NU retained.
le prsitervid in the
Wirlyping ts thora druid.*
twat the* any amount of
" a
^ 4