HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-06, Page 6• • et a • • THE CHILDREN'S BREAD Jeremy York. • 1 "I *Will be glad. if yin Over becinne able to bring !something _ "My deer," Was the wife)* reply, with the owners ot the Coelho It will : "what do Toe sUPPoeti them, childraa • A westerly wind had crowded be a matter of tweutyeeight Minnie to ear* toe ua weer, - HOUSEHOLD. °Want of Watchfulness Makes 4 Thkf.," — ---- . Natty c440$ of poor healilt GS conte front want of watch - Eggs repreainat a type ot ported the epainowi waters of the DOW4* with Mei who aM now in e Pond -Mon to view "Earn for us? You make me laugh. food; they aro noutlehingt Palatable, fleffleas Vat if you keep 414hered Yeefie N. 'The cattier, the even a aixpence tos A MY eerious _ aPParel, the (plaint bravery ot the thinie" ' Why, they "don't brim; in enythitig, cheap at this semen* of the year when . , your blood pure no thlef can L'ItrYe LOIdd 0. noble awl sparkling aliow ealttaili eXiilalMee with a elwery wave The4 the wise wife end Mothtt. fol. almost every one. 'They should be very steal your health. of the melee- pageaut. The hour wait nf hio hand- lowed her hueband oitt on the front freeh for table ltfitx• and it properlY The 011e effeCtivo naturist blood purl - 41. 11410 betOre tittialoW1;1, ead the 11.114 Tile tall yOUng fellow! Witried jerelnY ships. acid Mainers of, the last eon- " Truitt um, treat me, Mr. 'feria tho and will not for malty yesr." we want them most, and agreeable to Tore, lowered hemeof ergo the boata it stoop as he started, his tin pail in meeked eau be eaten every daY with ger le Ilood'a Stireeperille. Meer of Warta reel giery fast the giant headlaad, went iu ft t neture ot dark entalibundieeaapparently elithe lege hand, fOr hie work. She afterward I pleasure ine well as impunity. disa.ppOinte. gold to the %eolith, and thence pale Aft gage Ile lloala-waa banded down to him told. me, being a point brave' kinswcea The Wannest' way to cook an egg unpuro guockt.,.., my wue eageece author to the ettetern sea -line, with a ler tile skipper ; he flourlithed his hat; n of Miller what she hail seid to the is _to boil it. Byt , ., n.,,,s n the throat calved by impute Weed. fihe there is a right and with pain end dbitrees from an affeet100 Of hot gripe:Jou bead of Maud here And the tirew .oe the brig, Pomo of whom nta_ there vageety defined upian the deli- were at work upon the torecastle and father of her olilitiren. a WrOng. WaY Kt oo even 88 8434'49 1. was oilmen In dearer when *he turned ta mad in "Do you. think, Jobe," she began, thing as this. Usually, the egg is cate red:lance, whilst' the horizon ran tieme aloft, gave him a cheer; with a lige aa °fear as though !scored a Inonient ot two he wall Wing 'weld "that I could work hard et beim here Plunged into boiling water and lett with the weep ot the leg ot 1 pair shatewarde by the vigoroua arms of all day without tbe pay the children's, there three minutee for a "soft beli- ef mempaintee, a. rape of eal oa men pretty ways give me ? You. have your ed " ana from eight to ten ruinutee cured me at scrofula. 1 was week snd de. e. al ; ore n e SaMe oitin tling pro- duped a ao vel Style of taki 'floated in a Pipe at noon ftt the foundry. L ileae for a " hetet-boiled" egg. jil the first bilitMed bat It Made Me strong and well. Portione It would take ,eji the eea . al P -0-0a a.,.... t • hee- - It was an evenizig in a d • ; t fewer tic we one the Mara • graPhe bleb la 1 " II h t • 0/11 THE OCIiNti. .rew entilsties About How Merle Waiter levee sit Eise. plarcreel *es, • km observant man onott tin:oinked Met M:oilt ineu seers ta be me ignorant about the else of the meg as they are of the dietatim between the heavenly Leill peckagos. . CEYLON TEA. 23."40. to • t Nip o poison to way DEL • plaints* Sere ere * few huts; The „ Patine covers 00,000,000 miles; the At - *outlet SWUM end the Iodise Oman* Matto end Antsretio. Ammo. To otow away the eoetante of the Peolflo it would he Alkaileiri 0) fill a tank one Mile long, one milfs wide ;tad one • mile deep ever* usy xor Yeas, ROI; ha figures, the Pacific holds 'weight 048,000,000,000,000,044 toes. The ,Ate •in•••••••,, ref •••••••••.•f h•hli10.1,,,,, h....1h, No, II I ..U11111 itiffist* A SOON .FOR' THE LAME! THE IVEY PATENT EXT$11$100 'NOS_ .044 OWdelle trr Secure ihenddreas Prover, bun* Med aad tradliso varraealrhise. hitt ItIreciii:1:11844641.41714.4111:v,u41.11) twil)ol'i rtil frIt lbw! ktlifeen Lirot t'btfil.411:elt rubriAlI Ii44113:114141f5ww1144"4"ill akg°'44 "I'l)'421/".4441(944 •• utvk. hare no troublu to scuidate others et ige value. — Teo 1.4h:orlon is by ler the beet ot its maitre tato p'smas Ca the Markst, sad astable. ' the me. rer to ask. milled,' to walk With vis santifort, te weer telY erdoteri more wolf liven Oulu OKI thyme ',wilt AMOCO thelr,a1Ont ItIrtWaste trivady, nenotein. Macula Airco to 411. 24.0. rue oriod ugents. Au4re$ lentie averages it depth of not quite follgte Iran* in BAY MELT, TOR0t110, CANADA, Hood Bersapart Fax bottles of this liabirieittitaiwiloetrikt.alhtsavewaetaeor:awtelitg::::0000400.e.: -- Wroxuas, (telt, Ont. • An/MAIT 1110TOGRAPHY, Iscroetha --stucco, geralipernie bait . miles long. The figure* oll the other A Paris photographer has introe proof. /sok I I. %glare 110. ether. Res. never borates is guereateed Water. 11 SWIM IMMO" lateidateely medecent completely cured eere, „Tem, etel,000,000,000 tone. end tank to con. - rat Robber OlotInug 00,, 2.5.04 heptember, Tbere were searce i; • than three hundrea sails et OVeSSOIS showering of brilliaut points to the II- the babY's laugh, I just anatilb, HMO, Place, the• Mate of the egg is -Cooked Us h t ung gliuun John, to sit A minute, wiping off oneVenly, that next the yolk often hot me." BARAD E. MOOT. AftnapAlltl, N. S. Atter a eevere cold bad eatarthal fever. wa or in t world E,000 WO years to would have to measure eearly 1,000 to the easterly test of the water. Tney tbe horizon, with,bere and there A te d d 1 t k b • d ' k • ' '1 W e ea lei mummy pbotb- graphY." The subject is swathed in Manual eerements, put into a genuine sarcophagus imported from. Cairo, and Pletured in an upright position, .A, smiling, living faoe looking out from embroidered grave clothes gives en odd effect. No Prenob actrestee aftIOD la complete withoilt a counterfeit pre. sexament of her OWD. Patiallnar, ' g n resorted to thle medleineand 'toured flow over Niagara. .6. tank to hold. it geotly straiteing at their 'hemp cablee quid d k t e h tutees above mt ee long each of itst sides, n , e su s ou my Apron, ao a e up eing coagolate , while the yol is in beg eome together aa it by magic, for rounclebroweil cloud witla 0. eheen oho . a...0 __ _y from the floor, and pley a State et uature, having keen mere. thee _Morning the historic tract' of it like the head of a snow-oloud X Glia 4AXEI 13111 wetere had steePed. harp to the white to obeeure a narrow epoce of the with hint; he -fondles ray neck, he ty warmed' a little. ROLLER YACHTING. • terraces ot the porelandee whilst now aParkling dome. The Foreland Boated orows, he tries to talk, he makee the The hard-bolied egg is literally hard, the multitudinous sbipping showed wan a]ad massive from the white wash • like A forest epoo the see, gay witit ef the water et its base, then tiliNtittii. (11211Ple'S his cheeks, he shows me hin and 'the white eepecially ie indigeste Heod's Pala dam neer 111e; the non•Irrnating end ,111 .."`" t th h • mina' best • `only eathegtis to take with. llood's Senator/11a the 11'4,01. fluttering PennOne, delicate as a int darkly to the flat land uPon ee cane 'Teen e put eimeeown awe e. at I ort . *toed is Only Coo Strel lo of. peoelling with the wondrous in- were greuped" the housee of tbe town drop my poor tired elbows on my`knees. Te boil eggs soft, try this plan: tricames of the rigging, brilliant with of DeAl, whose foreabore at this aho- the red sheen. of the waning himluartt meat winked with its row ot lame% 444 watch hint for five minutes more Lay them in eaucepan and eather • upon glass and brass; upon the writhe or fs elm illumination in places of - as he playa between my weary old feet. more than cover them witb boiling we.. Then John get up refreshed. and Mg of gilt -work upon quarter-galler. email lozenge -paved windows, ahd a t L L th d th wae finish tile' houeework. Juet aa "' "314' w ° ter wilt keep just below the boiling leant for teu minutes, Thee, when broken, the white will be found to be jelly-like, and the yolk, though not hard, will be. copiced. They will be much like boiled eitetard, and will have quite a iiifferent flavor to the palate. Eggs that are *tranted hard should be boiled slowly for twenty minutes. The yolk will then be mealy, and it Will be perfectly digestible, so much No that physicans trequently order boiled. eggs lof„ this kind for their pit - Heats. • Baked ego make a nioe. breakfast dish. Butter a pie -plate and break til- t° it as many eggs as you wish Pee- per and salt each yolk, and lay a, bit of butter in, it. Set in the oven till the whites are firni, whioh will take about fifteen minntes. Poached eggs end dropped eggs are one and the same in the cook's vocabu- lary. Put an many muffin rings into the pan as nu have eggs, to cook and les and castellated sterns; upon LA- brighter_ streak of light striking numerable „ figuni-heads of failtastie through an, open door. High and dry '` device; them. yellow spars where the upon the shingle ,rested groups of . expiring flames in the weat trembled boats; and at intervals, as Yorit Alta in veins of burnished bkase• preached the beaoh, he would •catch a old-worle Beene of thrs kind is noise like to a rash of water upon not to be 'Matched • newadaYs. Tile shingle, and Mark some little fabric , iron (matt has entered. tbe souk of the newly launolied, swiftly Making off on marine, aud all is dull,. flat, prosaic. a small buccaneering cruise of its own Ships of fifty fashions filled tlie amongst the ahipping, or maybe to in- . Downs that evening. There was the tercept some shedew hoveripg past the towering three -decker, grand as Goodwins with hex hold full of talks, palaise abaft, with handsome galleries tea, and spirits, to be "run" before the and spleen:eta% windows trembling to meriting, and under the noses, tete of Ile lustre that rose to them from off the lookout aboard" the firsterate, and the running water, the red. °oats pf *the revenue people, trudging, solitary ' marine,s 'dotting the white lines that and auete,re, along the tail Lefts' edge crowned her adamantine defences,' or the long low line of beach. shrouds as thick as cables soaring to "Many people In Deal just now V" huge rouud tops; from whittle higher York inquired of one of the boatmen. and higher yet, rose topmast and top- "Town choke full, oi allow," was the gallant-Ataats and roCalemaet bato mir- answer. "Take them there -stilial," eines of airy delicacy, from whose cane with a nod in the starlight towards ' fl thd the pere the 'phantasmal huddel over the stern You have Mashed your Inrush and pipe and gone back to molding. Don't You. thilik the bahy Billy brings me his pay tor all his food, my dear old num 7" John hail to aoknowiedge that he had never lookea ar it in that light be- fore, Then my brave omelet, for Att ShA ifle %vaunted her lessen, at another tinae; I think, one Sabbath afternoon when John. "was at home with leisure to listen. ' • "Now, tay good mah, look at little Edgar just trudging off to his school - day by de.i. Why, he' earns his food in .beitigaa He gives me coup. age to be faithful. L would often. sinh down and give up put for the children; theY are loY better than medi- cine; they give eou. manliness, for 'were it not for the children you might be a lazy good- or -nothing, not thinking it worth whi e to struggle any longer, t th hi t the Mate T -here of the, bowt; "one person from each Don't you. see? And Attie, nOW. Our Was tko „East Inditunan, outward craft 'ud be more% enough to over - ..„_..bound, newly brought tip,' scarce. flow us, and You'd eaY thee -one-third ly less , tool' 14 her way than ot every ship'? aompany out yonder had • the first-rate, . with. Sohn Com- come asbore.' Ps IIS'es house -flew at the maid under "A bother)" oried the young fetiow, the aog-hane that glanced like a /streak a 'little. petulantlY; "small prospect of of fire to theeraining of the splendour my hiring. a bed, if it be as you seta -- beyond the Hue of coast, the red flag D'Ye think there's a chance of my note at her peak, the grinning Of °eh- ting a night's xest in your town?" ' non along her sides, the glitter Of uni- "Whey not," answered the other forms upon her hearter-deck, and rows boatman gruffly. "Ye're a seafaring of lively hearties aloft open her topSail , Man battier, and there 'ought to be yerds snugging the spaces laf white I marten soft. plenk properefor. sailor's cloths into lines of snow. ' There were' bones to be found vacant at Deal." • the little, hilander bound to the Medi- "No planking it for Ma net if there's terranoati, rigged with a long lateen InittrASS tO hired.r: cried York. yardr, upon her mainmast; the high- "Suffer such a fever as has kept me " &corned Pink; the round -bowed shinty wasting -for sth Months in Valparaiso, snow; the gallery of a hundred and and'. you'll wish your skeleton mar - fifty tons,. whose long low hull, with rowlesd, that it might give over ach- ports for sweeps. gave her a most. ' piratioal look, with a militant fancy 'There are tans enough, anyway," to folloW nn of a:breathless calm and said one of :the Men. "Troy Mother, Puddell's first. She keeps tbe sign of a, a a stagnated vessel, towaads winch tine •- same galley, is impelled by her bug, • the Oat at' Nine Tails, Snadoivn way. oars. as though ehe were some vast There should be a chance there; and 1 deadly' marine insect sobtly theeeh 0111. tell ye whoy; her liquor's mist swiftty stirring to the impulse of its -bad. She's beknown for that, 'soides antennae. • . high tarms. 'Tenet that I name her The scene was full' of light and life. 'eaahe I love her; but when Li sick - Standing on Deal beach. so quiet. was gent wants a bed, he ain't geing to bh• everything ashore, so still this hour of hindeied by a shilling too much, let suridown, you would have heard a O ' blending of innumerable soundit oof t_ call for %him to drink."-, • • ened into music bynistance-theatrains As the man spoke, the boat's keei of .fiddles in the' nearer craft, the - grounded on the shingle, and the hit- eolces of men Sing in g, tee, pleasant tle craft. swept broadside to the beach, noise of bells, the clank and rattle of York, picking. up his bundle, stepped winches and capstans and windlaases out, and inquired the fare. The boat - the chorustage of lungs of leathei Anfin demanded six •shillings. • , ptowing the canvas, the Shrill chirp- .8se :here," 'aid be, Pulling eat a Inge of boatswains' whistles. Then. on halCagtualee piece, "this is all the a suadeq broke the sudden . Muth money I possess, and I shall have no thunderaof a gun from the line -of -bat- Pl6re'-until I can beg, borrow or steal ' tle•shhe. It was instantly followed, hy it- itt I deduct six shillings from this the graceful drooping of the many.. Whet does it leave noel" Alone a qulaity o' liquor there's no coloured bunting to right anchleft de- noting the hour of. sunseta. and now alre, masthead and gaff end showed bare of aa'a-a" • • the bunting that had but a little before An altereation followed; York was made the mass of sinpping appear like resolve& the boatmen importunate a Bootleg eithaof-bannera; end high and clamorous, end presently offen- above the -congregation of masts the sive. Other boatmen were attracted by towering fabrics of the three -decker the noise, and soon there was a crowd loomed grim and forbidding upon the of Deal men listening to the shouts of darkriese of the evening stealthily their two brethrea and the cold. de- oreephig like some dark curl of breeze termined remonstrances of Mr. Jeremy OT . • At last the tall young fellow"eried out; "Make it for shillings, then, and You shall be paid." The others agreed; the half -guinea was changed into silver; and York walked away, followed curiously by -the eyea of the group of men who had aissembled, • "Tall enough for a Maypole," said one of them. ".What's his sect?" exclaimed an- other. "Looks as if his hair growed, from WOman's head." . "Smite me," cried one of the two boatmen who had pulled the young fellow ashorea.alf ever I takes a job again without Bret 'Agreeing withi the Party as to terms. A. dirty four shfl.. BO But what's a Man to dew? Re outs with his half-guines. piece and says his all the money be's got in the world; and who's to know that it ain't a forg- ed bit WWI But that's Billy Tucker's consent, who's got the coin.' Re spat with disgust and lurched off, on white] the group broke np, and made in sev- eral detachments for the various public - houses or inne in Reach Street. - To be Continued. "Give us teem ' end the men. "Three," he answered; "for God's sake, doe't take advantage • of a, sick sailor I" out of the east. • . • Whilst the Millen explosion of the gun was echoing along the Sandwich plains, a large, exceedingly handsome beig, that hod beea quietly pushing - her vva.y into the heart of the shipping, helped rather hy the tideathan by the faint .fannings aloft., hauled up her courses aitd let go all halliards; and a nainute after her anohor fell from - the catheed and she swong quietly to the drag of her cable. She was from down Channel, a homeward bounder; but those were the ambling days of . trede; ao fuss was made over what we now call prompt 'despatch, It was mere - I/ a queetion of how the wind sat; and a six weeks' detention in the Downs was accepted as a • coramon- Place inoidtat in a voyage from the Thames to foreign parts. A few minutes after. the brig's an- chor had been. let go, a signal was made to the shore for a, boat. The twi- light was yet abtoad; the line of the land dark against the rusty crimson of the west ; the flag was to be• read- ily deacried, and there was a flutter- ing of air etill to Make conspieuous thing ot the hunting, amid the con- gregation of colourless boars and meets, amid which, here and there, you already law the twinkling of a cabin letup or ot a lantern swinging pendia- lumelike from, the fore -stay. t A tali young fellow of some three or four and twenty. years og age Stood in the gahgWay of the brig, impatient- ly gazing shorewards. Eft wAs 'distinct. ly handsOnte, spite Of a certain hag. gardnese .atid hollowness that seemed to betokea a considerable spell of nese. Hiti eyee were large, dark and lug- • Weis, fullaef intellionce, and, as one should say, of softnees elect. He ateed a little above six feet, but with tbe stoop of a man wbo had not yet been able to ittiffen himself out of a Tots te.rin: of prostrating eicknese. hair was long and abundant and curl- ed plehtifully upon his ehoulders and back ; ttn oddity in kith, engage at least a' ehore-goitig eye, accuatoMed to 'the perukes and haws awl 'tyes" of tne streets. Ile waS hebitiel plainly hi. a coat with vast cuffs and poekets and Metal buttona, erbridon breechee, Ouse gray stockings, and shovel-shatre ed. sheee heave with large plate buck- ruficeiace bonne which the achieve. ea. His hat waa a thretecornerea blents of our Canadian bridee would look like saminee. There were thirty fair, and from time to time he fenned three tea gowne, nut to !meek of , hie face with it, whilst he continuisd wetth eteadfastly and anxiouely- iting goVeina carriages gowne, dtate gowne, provided in like profueion, and , the appeoach of a boat from 'Deal the JetVels WOUId Make even a queee beAch. °Here tomes something that • look; - °Pero boats Pale with envy. like e putt, at laeit, Mr. York," nt.. The marriage ceremony took place at elaimed tile skipper of the brim sp. the paltted of the grandfather, end an keen followed it. Then proachink him-ot broad -beamed, bul- elaborate lune ottani lednichee took the bridal party let -headed bit of a Mall, standing On oval shanks and retrying a face /weed over to the BeYsa /mine, the'AsiatiC tut the flag he tattled under. "Hope shore...A rigidly chided state eartiage yoteit pick up tothore, / do. Remo- met the huts, and into It, the dose. • GI1ZAT TITIMIS8 'WEDDING. , A Turkish wedding has just °warred at Constantinople. The bridegroom wait'Djaird Bey and the bride was the granddaughetr ot Ireptan Pasha, Min - later at Marine, and the only Turk ivho auccessfully and constantly bul- lies the Sultan. • This grand -father is mermaid, wealthy, and Meob Min- imum, the bride, is his fa.volite, eo the wedding was a very gorgeous affair. Of course Djaird Bey never ssw hia bride're face until after the wedding, but reports say that it le worth seeing. the girl fa a radiant beauty, vvhich is natural enough, for her mother, Iltimide Mane= is the Turkish belle of Conetanthlople and a power in the kingdom. The Idea of the bowstring and stack for rebellious witres apply to Elareide. She has buried one husband and divorced three, and hits Merely started upon her cereer. Her daughter is mid to have inherited ber temper AS well tie her beauty, so the - outlook for Djaird Day is stormy. The bride's trousteau was of using. her my worde--If yon -feel able to ehip b" Muffled bride Was bundled, with her ' ' ere / am resdy • Mother, who, 111uSt have been a great ' eorafort to her daughter. The bride- tnsail, end that's givingzion from now to; Desionner, wily, ell t t / can say groOM rode ahead on a prancing white their size in White glOvell. for It has our little girl, whom we looked Win is, there's a berth reedy for you." steed. When the house wee reached been decreed in Paris that tan and as doomed to an early grave." the bridegroont led tbe bride to the other tinted gloves In glace kid and Dr. Willisros' Pink Vile are ft *Mlle . "I am heartily obliged to you, eir• stete thaMber, Where he lifted hey ellede ere eminently correot. This for dimities arising front an' irapoteer. for the offer, said the other; "end / thaak you :rein the, dototho of 171 Sotil yell, end, for the first time, saw her will give the economical Woman a tithed condition of the bleod or shat- ter the kindtleaa yotete done ine.-In. face, ',floe he escaped, and went out chance to weer Hun glovee and not tered nerves, ouch as St, Vitus' dance, siol thretW pennies to the beggeri. The epend ell her patrimony on glove* or loeoroOtor ataxia, rheuttuttient, paralY. deed, -Captain Settle, 1 Abell never for- bride motinted a threne, 00 a rallied PaSS through the wOrld with e linger. els, itietioa, the after effuts of le get you; and if I am. mud to goiag neseiloring rtgalti bY VeeetAber... yon dal& and we* exhibited for three mg odor of gasoline ,sbout low. Of griPpe, headache, Monne& eryenteles, moy yetkon mo ray,s44y, sir, ,to upon hour*. Throngs of fueits efillle IA and MUMS, *arid,' if plessent, is *tempt 15OranIB lAte. They are saso a stogie Ments after thin Patter* *Wit the cigarette& Ths tr011014110. was laid monomitel women, White glace km restoring the glow of health to pale was out for their edIfieethin, too. , gloves clon better thin tinted ones, end eallow eheeks. Protect yourself . boat approached; Drafted? It Evidently it TOrkisb wedding is a as there Ifs no denser of their fading. siotinet imitations by insisting that alongside, and the tali yam% fellow minable, anooeventionel affair, a great The quickest way to 111110V6 the odor every box beers the full name Dr. Wit. whom the oeptain had Addtslosed Se •• / shall "dormer to be in London ern Cultiotne, for every OM% friend and Olkaleat In Gale war, will lose the odor Your &tiler does not have them they ** b* mat * niotwit by tbs, u,,,Th., end am the show, Tins doirntrodelen may be hung neer a fire, sere being hot or six boxewfor SAO 1.311 ainitees- eldest girl. How pretty she Is grow - iris to be. . Thank Heaven for the young lady ! •Ah, when. I look at her think I want to live and see what a handsome, beautiful, good woman•she will .grow . to be 1 • When I feel faint I look at her ; that revives me, for I must not and leave her mother- less, To he sure, her dresses cost a good deal more tban a year ago; but, ah 1 she is life to mei Why Jahn, if I aid any value to yeah credit it 1,o julia. 1 should die without her." No man Can value the service Id bis children. do not Mean in the earti- lags they 'bring in! Alas! for those homes wheire children are deliberhte- ly set to werk, outside the holm to ,earn and bring in I I am indeed com- passionate for the very poor, to whom this auxiliary help is an absolute ne- cessity. But I would rebuke the strong and captible who needlessly put the children to work, who snatch them frora school, who eigure the earliest minute at Whioh they can be "bobbin' bOY,'" or "tend shop," dr hoe corn. As if God did not give the child a right to be•a child! ,As if, in being a child, he was net ai truly eaening hie. blatedati we adults in our MaRlY. tasks. The ottild's childhood. The right of dePendenew is his by divine law. Each of us in turn had that right. What we do for our ebildren pays our tO oar parents, leach generation comes into.the world with..a niortgage on the earth, willed to it hy the grand- father generetion. . The child's.grand- father rests easy in his narrow house only whim his son has paid tha debt to his son. If one be childless, be ought either to adopt a child -not a pet dog; we owe nothiag LO dogs -or give .generously to the orphan asyliim or home for destitute' chi Id rein 13y• each waketul night that parents spend with. their sink ones, they, the parents, pay for their own teeth and the bread the teeth masticate. By each little ,coat the parents buy they 'pay for their owe small coats and frocks of infano. tie all the. sacri- fives to rear a child prebity and honor -which, Heaven knows, in some heroic homes ia a measureless sacrifice -they do the noblest earning of. their own loaf. Why, think of it If . Was the magnia hewn globe made just for us ? What would bappen if the race would not oberisla its infancy? To. be. Governoi or President is less than toabe father and mother. The noblest work on the kot-stOol is keeping life on it. Par- ents cheat and ,defeat the hUogrY grave of Oblivion, which is swallowing all things mortal 1 PArents assert that the world shall go on I Parents twig, old Time by the nose and langn at his soythe. Parents pledge Mlles yet to be,' tielibi yet to blossom, books yet to be written, discoveries yet to be made, civilization not to diet Parente stand an one tilde; Destruction and Desola- tion, twin terants, heand upon the. oth- er. The latter tbreatens the earth tO become a tomb, the. former defy them with the warm, eager, hopeful, life of ' infantile humanity. And the children earn their bread by coming and tarrY. ing with us, by 'promising to survive Ay, and children earn by Suffering, God witness! They begin life with un- merited pains. They eat with pain; they 'suffer oft in silence; or if they speak they cennot be understood nor helped. Children pass long years of this hilmaz existence with but the most limited enjoyments; theY Can hilt eat and sleep and be warmed. You, grown man, would if pay you t`or the trouble of drawing your breath to have but these three privilege: I "The best oared -for children are much neglect- ed! A thousand thoughta are in their minds; e thousand questione, which trotible the little brains, and yet no reply nor satisfaction for year's. No one can doubt the thinking of a little ohild; but in finding an Answer ha barns his tiny hand. And who shall !speak of the world et want and mihery that the children of open neglect endute, ter the sake of growing up and taking our places, to keep the wbeele of this world a -running. • Children teach patience; they com- pel sweetn.ess of temper; they are wholehome monitors against, greed whett they ory "Divide the loaf ht They keep us in practice of affeetion or ottr old hearts would grow soutt Did bale- ful by the World's many mins of vine- gar. Children tarn their bread by asking us "Who and where is God?' "Whither la heaven?" "Tell me of my little deed brather 1"a By these hal- lowed preachments they direct our sor- did mule en high as no clove:Lan eine Childrenat players for us are higher - winged then known. The ehildren gone before to the Better Lend are ever drawing us after. The prieelem value of our night. of dreams, of •• the child Pour in a quart of boiling water, add- ing a teaspoonful ,Of sat. Set the Pan where the water will boil gently and break an_agg in eabh ring. Cook till the whites set, pour .off the water, take out the muffin rings and lift the eggs to la hot platter with the aid of your pancake turner. Serve on squaree oi buttered toast. EffEll are iteratahled by breaking them into hot butter, and as -soon as they begin to set, stixring them all together with a knife, Just ea aeon as.the whites seem done, the eggs are done and shottld go to the 'table, via a ti.ot dish; instanter, , Another way of making a scramble ie to beat five .eggs with a generous ta- bleepoonful of melted.butter, a small teaspoonful et. salt, and half a 9ip of sweet inilk,.with a dust of white pep- per, Cook in the doubee boiler. air-. ring eonstantly until a creamy masa la termed, when it is done•and should go to the table immediately. - A Baked thnelet.-Beat seven eggs well. Then heat a pint of iniak to the •point, put into it a tablespoonful of butter and it scant teaspoonful of stilt, and next a tablespoonful of flour rubbed emooth in Li:little cold milk. Pour into the dieh containing the eggs and stir fast and herd till well mixed. Pout into a buttered earthen diah and bake in a verv hot oven. It will -puff up light and high and must go straight from oven to table/ or lt will fall "flat as a pancake." NOTES. A lady who undertook to grow t.he passion 'Dowel', Paselhora incarnate, in the lulalse• haft very good enemies with it, her first failures, due to leek of A • Sufering • .0 Wilt. WM. fileICAlt CLIFFORD, N. S., TELLS OF HIS DAUGHTER'S CURE Ake Man First A angkeri Vflitt Aeate Rhea • snInttasu, .Follsteved by rd. Vitut* 'Donee tit n Severn irontt -*ler Parents Thanks Sur Vould Nos Recover. • • . Prom the Enterpaise, Bridgewater,. N. S. • --a- • ' . Wm. Moltay; Esq.-, a' well known end much respected farmer and mill man at Clifford, Linienburg Co., relates the following wonderful cure effected in his family by the tweet Dr. Willhinis' Pink Pills: -"About three years ego my little daughter Ella, then a ohild of ten Year% was attacked with aeute rhetnnatism. -was terribTy badease; far nver • a month Attie Was confined to.her. bed; and during most of the time -was latterly helpless, lia• ing unable to turn in bed, or in fact to move. atall without help, She could not even hold anything in her hand. All power or use Ober limbh had en- tirely gone and the pain she suffered was fearful. ' By constant attention after .a month or 30 she began to gain a little strength, and after a while lin-, proved enough to be taken out of bed and:oven walked around a bit after a fashion by means of a support. tiut tklW She 'Was seised with a worse ail.. meat" than the iheumatism. Her ner- vous • system gave way, appeared completely shattered. She shook vim, lently all the time, worild tumble down in trylug to walk. • In attempt- ing to drink from a cup her hand shook so as to spilt the, contents all over herself. S‘he was a pitiable ob- jeet. The doctors ware called to her again and said she. had St. Vitus' dance in' the worst form, She took the medicine prescribed and followed the instrudtione of her physielan for some time, but without apparent bone. fit. She wasted away almost to A skeleton and We gave her ttp fon lost. About this tiMe. I read in a paper an - knifehunder and cut them away -from account ot'a gteat cure Of nervousness the bone. Itoaste of beef should be effected by JDr. William' Pink Pills carved in very thin slices, OrOSS the end resolved to try them I bought grain. six boxes and the little girl began using theme The good effeets of the The question of a public park for first , box were quite aPnarent Drogheda ie Agate cropping up.. and when four bona were Used, ahe Seemed so • much iMprOVed. . Save during the -rainy aeason Lake •soffielent heat. She found 'it VW'. • Leftiy, in Western Amitralia, is quite ently half, if pot whollY, hardy -a -that dry. But as the water evaporatee as is, it stood frosts without giving up the the hot weather approaebesaa emootb ghosh Ovid when*. filor n°°W °asset she gluey floor of orystelliee eat is de - put it in the cellar, the stems were posited. Thoae living on 'the shores still green and she has hopes of being able to keep it Over, She alive Violc's Magazine: • • Tub Japan pipli is a bienolni that is fine for cutting for bouquets. A paper of tesed of " double mixed" gave fiftY plants only two of whion were aimilar. They differ in size and color and. shape growing a great variety. The seeds germinate euiekly in the house, and as they are hardy will endure more cold than moat eeedlings. They must be hardened before traneplanting bY leave tag them in the open air both day and night. - . The late Empress ot Austria was very fond of flowers, end at her Villa Achilleon an the isle or Corfu had a huge field. of roses, con:Wising 20,000 bushes, of all kinds andeolors. A trel- lised walk covered with climbing nois- ette and niphetos roses inclosed the field, and the flower -laden branohes met and interlaced overhead and then fell in. perfumed thowers almost to the ground. The rose.garden is so planned that it has the least possible appear- ance of design. As instance of tbe rapid growth of the rubber tree, FLOUR Elastica, a lady writes 0 a floral magazine that from a Mitt cue in 1894, she had four years later ,a•tree ten -feet. high, with 141 leaves and aiitem six and a quarter inches in circumference. This is one of the most -stater orour" nenartientar plants, rankiog next to the palms. TOMATOES. • Stewed TomatoesePour wa- ter over the ton:L.00es and then remove the skillet Chop them fine and mit them he a double boHer without the addition of -water. Season with salt, pepper, butter. onion, a little sugar, if youllie, one tablespoonful of crackers or toasted bread and stew one hour, Sruffed and Baked Egg'Plant-Cut egg plants in half, lengthvvise, and parboilt hem in„ salted water. S000p out most Of the -interior and mash it up. Seation with egge, onion, salt, Pepper, butter, two. teespoonfuls of bread. ernnibs mid e4Lher chopped chiek- en or geated ham and ehopp.ed break- fast bacon. Mix vvell together. Fill the hulls with this dressing. Sprinkle the top with bread, crumbs and. a. lite tie clarified butter. Lay them in a buttered, tin and bake fifteen rainutes. If you have mushrooms •at hand, they ate also nice to 'odd. , Pried Egg Plant -Parboil egg plants in boiling Sated, water with one table- spoonful 'of vinegar or lemon. Cook until tender. Peel, mail and drain. Lop eovfetcyracpkiaetr clam et,g.gt,wPoialPeat teanddegognse, butter, pepper and salt to taste. Mois- ten with milk, form into einal'eakee and fry brown_ In hot fat. Pried- Egg 'Plant, • No. 2, -Cut egg plant in slices one-tbird inch thick, paring each piece. Lay, it „in salt and water over night; The next morning take from the water, drain and wipe, Then butter the slices•of egg Plant, dip in beaten egg and cracker dust and fry light brown in .hot butter. Seati021 With. Seat and pepper. SEILL IN CARVING. Before coninaenoing to wave see that the 'meat is placed on the dish as it should be end that ali strings and .akewers are removed before It hi brought to the table. Make sure that your knife Is sharp and has a good edge before commencing, fa it ia er ewkward fint a, Woman to use the steel at 'the table. Turkey, chicken, goose and, duck should be placed on the dish with their heads to the left. Sraall birds, suck es grouse or par.. tridges, ahould Owed across the dish with their heads farthest from you, A leg of mutton or veal should be carved with the thickest part toward the back of tthe dish, a shoulder of motton or veal with the thickest part up, and a sirloin met 'or a rib toast should have the baekbone at the right of the dish, • The sirloin steak should have the tenderloin next to the carver, a fillet of beef should have the thiekest end at the right side of the dish, and. a sad- dle of mutton should be placed with the tail_ end to the left of the carver. The positions. naentioned should be carefully observed if one expects to do good work in this line. To carve a leg of mutton or larab place the fork firmly in the tole'turn it in tovvard you and cut thin, even gime through to the bone ; then slip, the that the pills were. disecintinued. '" Rare Chaim° She kept on improviog and after a few To cultivate a calm, hopofal apirit lies weeks was as Well aa ever. We were in the nee of Putnetfa's Painters Corn told that the eure would riot last, that Extraotor. It never fails. It niakes act it wee only same powerful ingredient sore ispots On the flesh anti IS there. in the Pills which Was ' dedelTinfr fore painless. It relieves promptly. that ht keeping ail Christmasee now in and that aftev it tone the child would heaven, la worth kshipload of bread be worse than ever. All this has. of this perishing earth. . proved false, for now nearly three Mem God for what the ohildren earn! Years she has had unbingen goad -Hartley Ifatker. health, nerves as Strong ea they are ,........—....h -,-e---- ' Made, and stands sthool work and , Anotyr or.ovV. houeehold work as well as a mature person, We have no doubt about Dr. Minds need no longer look twice Williaras' Pink Pills restoriag to tis thn Ahltab ertichte looked her over, ve Ile they ate jam welcome, but it is doubtful If tinted ter the iroubteel peoulier to the eoliths TbAy coatinbod trammels econet. end sherbet, drank coffee, and eMoked - gloves will prove a benefit to the eyetem, building anew' the blood and Mt. York prospered to aimmend. hreprovement apori toneervative wait. of gasoline is by heat. A rumen, Hems' Mak Pills for Pals people. If week ato a‘xtp.• ha avgaimad, fo6 *like, is free to etteed the function If proem& with a hot !roe. Gloves will be mut, Post paid. at BB max A yoplss ann t true, eapseveaqi lea Tat* has mime cimipensetione, after taken, Of roonrim,r, Unit they ate en. hug the Dr. Williaress Glui, Co., • forget to vat in goodt iv fee me 11404 dry. Brookville, Ont. • • have fottod means of utiliZing thia• All, boate which sail, on the lake whin 'Possihle are, during the dry siea. son, fitted with four. wheels, mid thus are enabled te continue their travels. As Lake Lefroy hats an area of over • IV P CALVERT'S col -song Distanfootan fa. Songs, dint moot. Tooth Powdora, *tow hare boon me e and diplomas for aupeidor, exCu: lance. yelplar ma provost infeetl•. :41111;4.9:Ms &A:UM:4f V4:0% Unpit" F. 0, CALVERT. & CIL, aaasupettaran, • • itsnaLeNo 100 miles, and the enrrounding 'men- . MONTREAL The.“ Sabnoraho Free Bus Als' try la extremely rough, this meeile • 1040 up. great fuming in. expellee; lithott hind time. The speed attained by these wheeled_ eachts is very eensiderable, though not quite equal to the pace of the lee yachts so popular in this coun- try. "A Thleir of Beauty le a Joy." • Nerviliae ie a joy also. No remedy in the world equals it. aTeuralgia and rheumatism are telieved, alltaost in- stantly and minor aphex3 and pains are oured by a single application. Nervi - line is sure to cure. MARRIED witIN J3ETTER OPP. Married men, accOrding to a German investigator, live longer then bushel', ors, and de 'less likely to beconie in- sane. Another argument.for raatra- mony is found in the feet that there are 38 criminals among every 1,000 bachelors, while among married men the ratio is only 18 ,per 1,000. . B S ltmr IT rex 11,711 MO to th - Sold by all d ruggistS. 50c. . IA, TOUGH LOT. . „ gay, that wasn't asparagua you sold pte the other day, ' elereaCUTTitic9oSoClgtUO4orit":11o.:.r114Vidtall4, Stamnierers7:01SSES Dr Arnett. Berlin who will dont itle.y.1.1711.1.V.; Orr. t: moot; SENSE KILLS Reecho!, lited pugs. Rata And Mine. Sold b7 Dragglita• Queea W. Toronto. The Dawson Domm'ssion Do.. Limited, .uo. Dirt% wreie.mantitat our: rsorztok 74.114:0.1:13:41:Z14 it yotIP.hii, auto eheig-A. .41F4‘..r OpANEEN-TNSI. G,,,,rolir,,,,Tua:,gle.7:1::;;F!it,1;5:DirsifesiYel,;(1: T estu, EgEkgeltli.71%:2,ZireerRgleir.'70.7i. __ mon'. • ,-__Atott2L3 rublic, Temple Attain& Toronto. Ont. T,008:1111 direlLrtidtue lonfiroetilhirrog%nehntoroUgP"Ixistkaadovrvedftetalesot ITAigtrind Pitting Gentlerno es Garments. Write for • 1130Vonge Bt., Toronto. $215.to perweek le paid by city houses tor all practical oaten. .We teach you hoW to ea.. Write for terms. 0, .Welnitirdi ToroAtOs Tailors $50.00 • WHITE'S PHOSPHO SODA An Effervesaing Phoephate, smoellent cleanser for Over Wu:Land stomaoh, takes the place of coal tar %worm: f)Illieit pity Druz Olt., 274 Yiellhigton•st.PL. %Mato. . What was it? " 1 don't know what it waa, but ,we are using it for bundled kindling • tion tat ggemort.ltridaft45ta egkeotAlissiir !tete. d by . • ' MINERAL WOOL, • • Thie materiai being fire, frost and „vermin p root is now being. very tamely heeti nen-conductor. of heat, cold end a -amid in cold atorage. piaille build-. i nal private rest depees, Me., a .f Or aor rin,t sionin e,atair, hot Ora end vela w 1 ter pipe.' . The Eureka, Mineral • Wool and Asbestos Co., Toronto, witl be 'pleased to send de- part pH pit mph lei if yea are • 1117 °rested. • • NOT WHOLLY: DISINTERESTiD. How carefully your wife dcies. watch her health, Yes; she knows lhat.if I get up a big doctor's bill she won't get A 'sum- mer trip. Hotel Carsia,key dealant; Rog: If Station, Illibureal. Geo.*Carslakek 0., tops. UNDENIABLE. But:said the philosopher, still water dedp, you knoW. 122 and 124 Bay Bt., WOOD 8, PHOTO.BIGRAYING ,j. 1_,JONE.5 ING.C9 EL AIDE SIN R.ON TO. Catholio OraYerfergkos%ittruptt°11P! Hells/Iona Phitures, !Matins*. and elhuarah ornantretts, ,EtiodirationM Woor.itsai. JP! solo° rieErits ram, eolvoe.prommonottrealutte.4. l'ARR1S LEAD. COPPER. ERA SS.. Whoiesale only. Lena Distaium Telephone UM WILLIAM. ST.; • TORONTO. L SUMMER SESSION! 141114140 4{ HARRISON, Business Alla stautireoute eettloir, .r.o.o.Y.BundloS.00InTOINteleSPOnsg• Ote..Tonante. Thorough end prstelloal instmetha In all sublitehm. taming to • thorough Tholneee or Sbothand *decagon, Tharnat=gro 30r Wend Room sea con est, Woe Send metal ferns*, matIon. pa eau year, 71114 OT•Olnit, Oranttefd • All1118 Halo* Barristers,eto.,renioved • to ,Wesley_Blfte., atone II& W., Toronto. , andiheet Metal Werke,. PuRilb1.011?0,3°. Bch R el P Coal Tar, ..to. ROOVediG TILE (See New Olty Fjinisiblif3L°A.09,EBTLAorocomm,GCARS0L0AOnTtiffzEprient.BouIpack.412.1r lugs, Toronto, done by our Arm). Metal Ceilings, Oor- nicasoito. Estimates furnished for work oomidet. or for Materials shipped to any part of the country. Rhone1936 DUEUIESt SOUL AtleIaldi /Widmer Sto.,Toronto Well, what of itf replied the pessi- mist. I've seen rusty' nails that did at the same thing. COKE. EPA'S liatap MALT. Ifirlyorates Str•urkhons, W. X.LOYD WOOD. Toronto, GEDIERAX. AGENT. PHOMAB FLYNN JOHN L eureka, Maria, what have you done with that colored shirt og mine? R ss Tbe one you wore so long? I sent that to the steam cleanere a couple of weeke ego. It hasn't come back yet. " Pharaoh I tio.." rwe'.rar4niv'4". _cigar lidsnufactung Tomarra pxwas Tommy. That church is over /00 years old. • 4. COFFEE CARD INDEX... The only perfect system for keep, 14 names and addreesee Sample tray outfit The (Mimi Spot:Salty Mfg.' 0o,, Tonorro. r:01.%ti; Newmarket. 00 DESPERATE CASE. Established 180 CRAIN ALIO COMMISSION MERCHANTS; • . Rooms 409.12 Soard of Trade Building,' TORON l'O, ORT. Cissy. Airy auntie says it's 'only 100. Tommy. Oli, well, I suppose that's as fax back as she tan reniember. SIRS, WiSsligS°'s'ifolliMaYarine Iste bow' used by maniere for their ehil rem teething. It soothes the tfillti, softens the gni" allays all pain, mans v Ind Cam and I flintiest remedy for diarrheas. 25c. 11 tie. h Id by tat din Oils throughout the world 130 silre and dak for.. ' Afrs. gitirtow's Soothing Syrup." A YOUNG FINANCIER. ,*•••••••• :thehra.t. makes you naughty so Much of the Unto, Willie! said the indulgent Why, you see. mamma gives me a penny every time promise to be good, replied the youngster, and she never asks me to promise to be good until I have been naughty. ,La Toscana; 10o• raittiV,I,Agitta She, approvingly. ',Ind Eto yOU WMI .her hand/ • Re. 1 eup;poie M.-I•Ve been under her. thumb ever aloft. • STA.Ta or MOO, CITY or Torso° LOOAS COUNTY, • FRANK J. 0115:111111f 1116,1011.06th4hlittite thief sailor partnef Of the Mut Of Ir. J. MENET al Co.. doing business in the Oity of Tolstdo Outiall and etittb stonelike and that *Aid arm WilLFaY flue stint of ONN HUMOR/DO DOL. 1,,Arts ter intckatid every citie_ct Oats, rb tannot be Ottred. 10 the mkt Of MAWS OATAIIIM OMMe nithant ,t. CHENEY. Swam 6* before ate, end' Subscribed In my eresence, this Sth day of De oember. A.D. itea , A. W. GIL/OA:ION, . f - same . - - ' Notary Public a....„..... 6) - Hall's starrh Onro is taken Internally, and Mktg dtreetty on the 0 skin mu one im • ItArm MEGRAPHY. acute the Intent. Rend tor WWII foliate, fre e. have invented a telegraph inetrument ' lall's thmity hirls sire the beet. • Pollak, a Vienna engineer, is said te rode eildelleValikC(x'176led°141 that Will traneMit Menstigee lever 4111.6.1.1•11. singleatvire at a speed of 1,000 Words "UNEtA.PPY PAR.ENT. a minute. The Wheatstone auto. No, /said tbe father to hie undutifol matte instrunierit will transmit at a MD, I, can't eek yoei to respeot me speed of 000 worde a agnate, bat even When I think whom father I nin sueli e high speed's Se140111requivid. dotet respect myself, alleft01000,10 11 40, 4/„,e,,,,,6 ,L4 4.,..„4/1,,..ati Ate InstruMents, Druins) Unfrotwss,Ste, Ever,y town can have a band. LoWest prices ever uuoted,Fine catalogue, 500 illus. trations, mailed free. Write us for anythingLA Most° or Mnsi011 Instrameote. WHALEY ROICER CO., - Toronto, Call: 2 9Tfa°1;erattislityenlahnow. c_raptivattitys. .1: , • 0,... A ' 'ft• °rap OX 011 . s i Beautiful as a kose.lesf : u 01,...----.1,110ftw7adiz. A lap Yeti as en infant's, co be obtained. v II Bent free on application, T . T • NJ. THE TALISIVIAN 00. er • 77 VICTORIA ST.. nmetere. . AMBItiOUS MEN Uldirkk=1:dar=ga=tr: V=Trittli r9r=, will.laeostraglith44 Ms 500 yams Ian payiag Mut. asset. el their owe. and we ant moo to do she soars for Latorprldai moirdsaats also rsolassat as, with Ussamodras and absolute setistaetion to their fill=wIlea oa today for tall partioalara Yon cora "pormo Wm from oni goods than trots oar other earlessa ROKOD trre Cc, Totente, Can. • l'itY OUR OILS. PAOKINO a INGINSISS' SUPPLIES. ThoWm.eutton Cemnound Co. Waited, Consulting Engineers. Office: 1110 Queen M. East Toronto, Canada. Dominion Line ixterai Montreal and gambit to Liverpool. Large and fast Steamers Vantouyer. Dothittion, Scotsman, CaMbroman. tate: of passage :- Whet Cabin upwards ; ftecorhl ' DAM, S35: Steerage, $22.50 and 9 50 Ebr further information apply to local soots. or DAVID TORRAROE a CO., General Agents, If Ea. Sacrament St, Montreal. EVE1012/10110 KNOWS The VALMIC OP Galvanized Steel Windmills and Towel* Arno • Neal MR Stittfil• nl'Ion (it= 1411041 Pump% *mouse. BRANTFORD GAN. Seed for New GatekSIMa Mention Silnin4th . . • MILD HAPLEY. MUIR GOO/ Hobbs flarthvars • LONDON. Eo NI • BLIwtiEspERK, w • . ,. . • it, ,zolirt..4-114.$8:!•-• PRICES.. Repos:: Venlig andosEN100)101816 . ilowee006404,1090.1.4800,41,, DssiarkAsk Foe Quotations. • - .pETEROOROUcli- "11 . CATALOGUE, f • •Ont°terio Canoego. 1413111- zit) Suroessors AIME . it . c . J. 4. ROGER:, Manager. PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO, CANADA. sowismos,s6WIANSAboll ALLAN LINE ROYAL .MAIL I 8r- uloctVult4,61°4 44. SvrEAMERS murigrati,:ra FrOM Nuevo!. "814.7utntves,11?".. ...... TAINUI 24 June. . ,, I july. 22 Jane. ..... ..LAURENTI July. 291uncr., •NUMITYIAN. The new Twin Screw S. S. Bavarian, _'10,200 tens, will sail from Liverpool July 27, and from montrem Aug.19. oabin Passage -350.00 and upwards. Second Cabin -335.0f/, Return k56,50. steerage -Liverpool, Loud rt. Glasgow. Londonderry, tamenstown, *rasa • For furtherinformation appli to BoURLIER, 77 Tonge St., Taranto,. • or & A. ALLAN, Montrest:— CANADA PIERMANIENT. Loan and Savings Company. • nreortronaten The Oldest mid Largest Canadian Mort- • • • gags Corporation.. • Paid.tip oapitai 112.1304:So noverve Fund ' Poona otfir.o-,Toronto at., 'Toronto. Scanoh, °Moos -WI/napes', man, voinouver, DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Interest allowed. DEBENTURES ISSUED for 1, s, 3, 4 cif S wall Interest coupons attached. .• MONEIY LENT on seenrIti of real estate mortgagee, Government and manhdpai Bonds, eto. For further/Articulate apply to ' J. HERBERT 111.450N mooning Oireetor, Toronto. . a HEALTH RESTORED. er,Tit.:016g."'";: most disordered StOnmeh, hunks, 1;errevas, iLeiv;rittB1004 . Bladder, itidnegi. Brain audottreath by ' Du Barry's Arabloa Food; Walsh Berea Insallds and Ohildrenowidalso nears sue- evisfullyInfants whose Ailments and Debsay have re- sisted all other treatments. It digeats when tot other Food Israfeeted, saves 403Imes its cost In medicine, 50 years* t,trIbigrortZfr.° don, Inatulonoy, Dyspedaidr"' - /ndigestWonsumptiork Diebetesi monehlkia Iona, f oga, Oo s Asthma. oatarrb,_Pideset, -rdarstana, • Nervous Debility, Sleepleasassi, Dopondeacy. (UMW* DuBarry . & Go.; 77 Regent Street, London, Wodso fa Pala Ie Rue de Oastiglion$ and at all Groom's. Okendsts• and Stores everywhere, Intim dd., Ia. Sib. lit Bent cattlalla has. Also Di, Barrfs RevslentaBleatilte,In thisAs. in *nab. Arens for Meads: ThaT.mston Go., Lifitited,Toront4 • 1899 1A- ()DEIS . ore the best RAtfittER cyst' built, at . anylprice; and the 3890 • PRICE IS $ 50.00, , Retinue builders araconfident, after. 2o years' eaperietee. that, they: can build:and are building the "" “BEST BICYCLES IN THE WORLD" and no wheel at a -lower price C1112 be . of Muni= quality. stotie sit it bighet price worth more. 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