HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-06, Page 5gamesome
Hee In iunuingr40114 ways
provided for the requiremente of
the human system, One of her
peopietens iii the ,great natural
healer St. Lem Mineral Water: •
IWaiter ,
Is the meet important. in- 2
Organic nic�
� const Cur t oE
1 to the human el
1 . body, The certified analysis i
eho!vs that this water contain •
4, all the:different' elements of the•
41Kidy,. r' •
es •
St. Leon. . o
Stands unrivalled. as a cure,
fovdyepepslai if taken aftertnoals s
For a gentle ca'tbartic bike hht 2
Before breakfast,. The following •
monsters have been drowned in •
'''St. Leon .-.Diabetes, Rhegma. i
es fiew, Dyspepsiti, .Oonsurnption, •
°•, alt •Uidney'L'rouble and Grippe. iP
a Half :gallon bottles 130 cents •
a and we rotund it/cents for return •.
• bf•bottle. We have just, receiv- •
ed pat third ehipreen t today •
• Phone 2,, Prescription Drug Store :
cul - ThSe
• •
Those eyesof yours are
piobabIy overtaxed, and if yon
have'' not found it 'Oa yet you
will soon do so.. Prepare for
PJ A*TON FOR SAUL. • THE 0.01o11.10
Firsteilea s gall Bead Ph eteii for s*1e.
Clinton, June AFad, , HODL,OWAY
Maimed among the serden walls,
Unknown in beauty* bower,
' It bleoms, and carer not which It bei
Bright weed or homely flower.
Yet brave an tiwy red groes knight
And modest ,as a lass is,
It might be the Jeanne 4'Aro of buds
Or Galahad et grasses,
'. u rose for It no envy knows,
The Illy We no pity:
TJnminded in the nieadews green,
undaunted in the city
it blase* in the shirts of spring,
With groats blades round it twining,
.Aa 1t a sunbeam should take root
And bloom instead of shining.
And when its little day is dons
The uuders{gued o or rental the store
on kluron stzset 7atoly occupied by .ti;olloway is
Clinton, June *fed.
-I 1
IA/ ANTED -A Driver for be keep, or for a
1 V smell eoneideratton for the summer or
Part of .the summer. Apply to. ^
Cifnton. dune -17th.
On rounded lung slender
Triumphant rises in its place
Il, stivery, silken splendor;
• A wondrous, wavering, winged thing,
Pree the free winds to fly on --
It is the flower's immortal part,
Soul of the dandelion.•
HOUSE FOR SALE. -W. If. Woods in Youth's Companion,
The subsoribor offers for sale hie house and
lot oa corner ofltattonburvand Baglan streets.
Clinton, April 13th.
On 'Victoria street, Near Organ Factory.
$300. will buy aroomy, comfortable hcuse with
good lot -the propertyrecently occupied by
Frank Linehan. Apply to
W. BItYAONIO, Barrister.
March 7th,•
.A large White Sow wits ▪ *placed in Pound on
Lot 33, Nth Concession q erich township, on
c ole k 'woe, on. Thursday, July 13th, t will ,e
sold by publics auction to pay damages and
expenses, WALTER DOD
July 3rd.
swot rat.
The subscriber offers for sale a very desirable
property on Isaac street consisting of tour lots
upon which there is a comfortable frame house
with kitehenlnnd woodshed attached. There
is a good stable and a frst.olass well of water
on, premise The orchard,. ooneietinteot grapes
and; apples/ a good one. 'The property will
he sold at a reasonable figure for cash or } cash
and balance on time. Apply to the owner on
'the premises
tb.s future by taking care of the Clinton',May 0th,
present; Defective vision is MRM AND TOWN'
ea€iIy cured, unless of.alp ig
standing:0V Our large -stook of
lenses Mand• frames, combined'
• with•Our of how to
fit them "properly, 'insures you
pe1'ranent benefit and not
merely temporary relief.,
Charges moderate. .. ;
Offers.lnwriting willberece(vedbythounder.
signed for thepurehase of the following valuable
freehold properties •-1st. Lot No 28 in the 4th
concession of the Township of i 'Mullett in the
County of Huron containing 100 acres, more or
loss. ''Jean this property are a Rood dwelling
houso, bank barn 'andetables, a good orchard,
well, etc, • •
'2nd. Lot Ifo. 1221 on the Tt,aet side of Victoria
street into Town of Clinton in the County of
Huron. his property omprisesa good frame
dwelling ouse and stable.
Fe/ further particulars and for terms apply
to,MrAlex. Ewing, Clinton, Ont:, or to
TAUNT & T]014ISON, Mitchell Ont.,
solicitors or the Brownlee 1i"etate,
May 25tb,18p0. •
. The,unilorsigalc�4pfersj orsate that desirable
i •BRIG abiteen (16).acres of rand south 'bfti,a London
Road Bridge. •It is a beautiful site for banding
and.win he sold . in one •niece er In lots,. My
iewel•r and Optician. reason for se]lingds that itis. too far from town
1 to handle myself and it doesn't pay to hire help.
•• A. COUCH. Clinton,,.
a ;
;If you want anything.
, in the,$usioal line, Pall.
at • 0.•' Hoare's *isle
I' have moved .nay Laundry; the
Revere, to' the stand lately occupied
by Mr. J. W. 11111, in :the. Combe block
• I on Albert street, which will be more
convenient. both for myself and 'cue-
tomers.. Our work speaks for itself
kind ` 8ATI9HAC1'IUN I8 0t7ARANTEED.
We respectfully solicit a share of your
patronage. Our prices are right and
we will do our hest to please you.
Clinton May 22nd. '
• London &-
Lancashire Life
• The i3and qf: Court Maple -Leaf, Canadian
• order of Foresters, Clinton, now open for en- .
•gagentents for Gerdeu• Parties, Pio-Hies, 'Cele.WEATHER
%� /� � �
ratiefie,.eta For terms wrlio �`g A
.!", J, HAItLAND,
Established in Canada 1863 .
Invested Fund • -- " $t8, 532,238
All the popular forms of
insurance issued, Policies
Unconditional, world-wide
andnonforfeitable, Money
loaned. Policies purchased.
New business 1895, $4,500,- ..
000.. Amount paid policy-
holders $087,000
Pull.information furnished by,
' 'Olfflten, Jayne lOtb. L(
,.' :'fho Phenomenal Welt -tired A,1a
Ward hors*. a
will stand at W.W. Farrnn's barn near Station,
• ctrl Clinton every Monday for the balance of the
• season, �!'arentum 21733 hasin lila breeding the
'`•: ••greatest Aires Siting of dead oleo 12 of the
fereateat dance living. • Ile has first uia(,uestloil-
eblo breeding; second extreme Speed third
ower to transmit it. •Toinsuro f1Y5,00 Por ex-
pedigree see large catalogue. Addreis •
= ......•. O}IAitVrrivoRT r, •
Jane l2lie •
Maple Leaf Stock F in
greondvule, Vint
The finest looking
men take the s1�Veet.
and'prettieat young
girls to
for -
A 01511 OEC THAT
As roe Writ approltehing the' p re-
&erving season I atnl puttinghi a.
• ' large stock of, Gents and ugar,
rvlarh will Ire sold at the closest
nut gash prices, „ •
G. S. S 'WART.
neear.« :yrx aarar
and a glass of those
cool and refreshing
On liferni a W ice
A. nine stockof Bananas
and Oranges on hand.
r4..Ta' • k KIRKBY i
•'e gats -you shall,” she said, looking
haunt ane ererya-ys, yufZur rat wins --
with rosy, jocund eouatenanee in the
'Whites of the elm of the two sol.m:nldss.
One avaissd lice eyebrows. sad the othe
looked it the root in despair, but I had
ISO" for wine could mist this bub-
bling, *bottling mirth? One. 'omelet a
gIlid, boyish *buckle, and the other tie.
kler Baby Just at the right *pet below
the chin -has a baby at home after a
. • and love' it- declaring aloud that he is e
right, Where le erxo dhheartobelare
* tahe
little affectations, and they are going to
be men,
This outburst of hie. majesty cheered
1 ue ail mightily, and a young woman at
the top of the blue, catching his eye,
waved her hand to film with a happy
at Iiia. threugh swollen eyelids red with
weeping; "but there is nothing any one
can do. It is horrible. When I told her
r she would hare to lie still for a time, she
tried to smile, .and then she said: 'Don't
cry S1say, I will he as good as gold.'
Aud thea eke Paid she wouid sleep all
day and lie awake at night to Bear the
nightingale, She has never beard it
ll yet."
remembered how be had listened to
the nightingale in the copse behind her
house on many a summer night when he
bad walked lonely in the fields to see
her light in the window and her shadow
on the blind, and he sighed and said: '
"'The nightingales are singing bravely
in the wood beyond' the station. I'M
glad she has thought of something that
Owlets her, poor darling."
Vynie lying atilt and rigid in Iter
int i
mainto, with wide open egos, watched
the day die. Then the lamp was lighted,
and presently that in its turn gave place:
to the yellow glow of the night light and
the great shadows it cast.
"Are you asisep, Sissy, my own?" said
the little voice,
"No, iny, darlings" Rose bent over the.
bed. "Does it want anything? Will it
have some mil -ince' fizzy milk?"
"No --yea, • 1 want to hear the
nightingale, Sissy. Why doesn't he be-
gin? Isn't it late?"
"Yes, my sweetheart, but perhaps the
nightingale's got suet' a pretty home, in
the warm country 'where he lives, that
be can't make up his mind to come here."
"Oh, Sissy, he must come! I can't lie
Obi all the time unless he comes! Do
please ask God to tell' the nightingale
how badly I want. him. And, Sissy, put
out the light. Perhaps he doesn't like
f to sing till he's sure I'm in bed, and he
•• couldn't know I've got broken, could he?"
"No, my precious;, no. Try to* go to
sleep, and Sissy will wake you if 'he be.
gins to sing,"
But Vynte could notsleep, and by
morning the fever was high. She talked
and moaned and laughed, but always her
cry was for the nightingale, .
"Master Tom, miss, to inquire"
Rose went down, trembling with want
.i! sleep, haggard with anxiety,, She took
• the great basket of roses her friend had
brought; and, holding it, told him how
the nlght had passed. "They were Wag-
ing like mad down " by the station," he
• said. . "Confound the brutes!., • I expect
your nightingale isn't coming this year."
"Don't," saidthe girl. "I believe Vynie
will have no rest if he doesn't. When
elm heard the church bells this morning,
aIle told me to send to the "clergyman
and tell him to explain -to God that she,
eonldn't do without the nightingale. Oh,
own" little girl! Oh; Tom, she's all
1 "
Tom was not such a fool .its to say,'
"You have me." He only said, "Yee, I
'knuw," and pressed her hand. •
"You are good," she said, and went
back to the child.
A little "fitful sleep came in the long
nigbt..hours of that terrible" Sunday,
but it was broken and feverish, and • at
every awakening the little voice, grow-
ing ever weaker, said: •
""isn't ,it dark yet? Won't . God send
the nightingale? Oh, Sissy, I, do want to
hear him." •
The oldservant, who had been with
the two sisters ohm Vignie's birth, two
months after the father's death, had cost
the life of the mother, insisted on send-
ing Bose to rent and sat by Vynie's side.
"Nurser," whispered the child, "come.
close. Will you do what I say?"
"Anything,' my precious," said the old
woman, holding the hot little hands in
her smooth, withered palms.
• "Well, kneel down "and tell Godds T. shall
smile, Brown gloves, doe Rt., perhaps
0, much worn, end a Jacket also not of
yeeterday, but everything is well made I: and: In perfect taste. bink white teeth
l hazel eyes, Grecian prclile-•what a win-
abine girll-and let me sec, robe takes off
a glove -yea, is wearing an engagement
+ 4, + + +4. + + + + + + + + + •+ + ring; d lucky 'fellow, for she must be
y+ 'r �pC p (� �j anil:iii
. dood #h tea her, ante u aped s an Went
+ his PlUJU0Lu the J.JUU.u. ,j, l►lt, and then the three•• -lion mother, that
J dear Woman 'with hair turning gray -will
By Ian Maclaren, d• go upon the river and come home in the
+' + sweet summer evening, full of content.
3' One••ofthe Famous Author's + As soon as he gets a rise in the office
they will marry, and she will also have
her gift, as every woman Should. But
wheretheblameam I now? -let that baby: bear
,JJntil the bus stopped and the old gen. Wehad one vacant place, 'and that
tleman entered we had been a contented was how he Intruded on our peace; but
and genial company, traveling from a sub- let me make one exquse for him. It is
urb into the, city in high good fellow• aggravating to stand on the edge ot the
ship, and our absolute monarchy was Bit- pavement and wave your umbrella os
by. His mother was evidently the wite of tents#tously, #o a bus which paaaes Rasa
a well doing artisai►, a wise•looking, ca- and draws up 15 yards ahead, to make
yoy,r dangerous way. along a slippery
. gable, bonnie young' woman, and Baby "Street with hansoms bent upon your life,
was not a marvel'‘ef attire, nor could he to be ordered to "hurry . up" by the' im-
be called beautiful. Tie was dressed aft-' patient conductor and ignominiously
er a careful, tidy, comfortable fashion, hauled on to a inovingbus. Per an elder-.
and he was a clear skigned, healthy ly gentleman ot military appearance and
would have noticedoushort temper it was not soothing, and be
child; that is all y
had you met the two on the street. •right have been excused a word or two,
In a • bus where there is nothing to do !Mit he distinctly exceeded.
,(or, 40 -minutes except . stare, into one an.
He ?nsisted in language of great direct-
other's faces, a baby has -the great gess and ,simplielty that the conductor
chance of his life, and this Baby was had seen bin all the tune; that; if he
made to seize it. E1e , was not hungry, didn't he ought for have been looking;
and there were no pins about his clothes that he (the colonel)'was not a foie ter -
and nobody had made him afraid, and ],e tier; to run, after it bus in the mud; that
was by nature a human soul. :So he took the conductor was an Impertinent Scoun•
us in hand one." by one till he had re- are] and that he would have hint die-
duced us all to a state of delighted sub- •►Hissed,' with other things and words un.
. Jection, to the pretendedscandal and worthy of even a .retired Anglo-Indian.
secret pride of his mother. The sympathy of the, bus did not'go out
Hie first congue''t was easY and might to hint, between the nd whener and' n he forced
himself in
'have been • discounted, for against ouch
an onset there was no power of resist- leaning forward with his hands on•• his
anee in the elderly woman opposite --one cane, glared at us impartially, relations
of the lower middles, fearfully stout, were strained.
and, of .course, a grandmother: He sim-
A cut on his cheek and abrIstly white
ply looked at her -if lie smiled, that was taurtache 'half hiding, half concealing, a
thrown in -.for, without her knowledge, cruel mouth, did not commend the new
her arms had •begun to shape for his re -
to a peaceable company, Baby
ception-ao often had children .lain on raaarded the old man with sad attention,
that ample resting place. `Bless 'is little and at last he indicated that ills fancy is
'east; it do me good to see 'im." "No one to examine the silver head of the colo -
cared toeriticise°the, words, and we rb• . nel's cane, The colonel, atter two mo-
' menta' hesitation, removes his hands. and
marked to ourselves howthe expression
changes• the countenance, Not heavy .glues full liberty.' On aeoond.thoughts,
• and red, far less dull, the proper adjec- he must•have got that cut in some stiff
for that lace is motherly, fight. 'Wonder. whether he 'is a V. 0,
The next passenger, just above Gran- Baby maven the cane,back: and forward •
to a
• nie, is a lady, young and pretty, and a march of,his ow, n devising, the colo-
mother..Of course; did you not see her net actively assipting.• Now that I, see
look Baby over, as an expert at her •'It in "a' proper light his. mustache is.
sharpest? The mother is conscious ot 'left ani 'sets off the face excellently.
inspection and adjusts, a ribbon•his•mai-, Had it not been the cut puckering the
esty had : tossed aside, and then she corner of the upper IIp, that would have
meekly awaited approval. Por a moment . been af very,eweet mouth for a. man, or
we .were anxious, but that was our fool even for a woman. Baby is riot lifted
tshaess, for in half a minute the lady'* above all ,.human weaknesses -preserve:
face relaxed, and.she passed Baby. She ns from perfeet people --and he indicates
Ieaned'dorward and asked questions and a desire to taste as well as handle that.
we overheard scraps of "technical detail: silver head. The colonel is quite agree
•able=the most good natured .man .you
My first -14 months-sixteeth-always
Well." One was a lady.; ,the other a could meet in a day's journey -but
working woman; they bad; not met be. : •Baby's •guardian objects, and history
fore; they were not likely to meet again, . warns us, of the dangerswhich beset a
'but they hadforgotten strangeness and collision between an absolute monarch
difference in the common _bonds of and hes faithful crommons.' We were all.
motherhood. Opposite mg a priest was concerned, but the crisis is safe in the
sitting and saying his' office, but at this colonel's . hands. He thrusts his hand
point his eye fell on the mothers, and I within the 'tightly buttoned frock coat _
thought his lips shaped the words and .produces. a gold hunting watch-.
"Sancta Maria" before he went on with crested, did you notice -and -yea, just
the appointed portion. what ,every rather has 'done -.for ',his
Baby had wearied of inaction and had baby since watches were 'invented -he
blew; the lid fle
began another cad/tato, and my heartw open .. Baby blew, and
sank, for this time .he courted' defeat.. the lid flaw open taster and further.
On the. other side of Grannie and within Remind* tae of my boy at that age--
baby's sphere of influence was a man killed on frontier isat year." 18 much
about whose profession there 'could be . ashamed of this confidence, and we all
little doubt, even it he had not had a look unconscious. What a fine, simple
bag on his
document not readAfterina . o1dSfaveodw he mhas ho'" the colonel is
from a speaking to the mother, "to giie .Baby
long and serious consideration df. the and you a week at Ramsgate? He's the
right sort, your husband. It's fore Baby,
not for you, to get him some folderol, you
know. He's done a lot of good to a crusty
old chap." And he passes. something front
bis pocket into the mother's hand.
The conductor has taken in the scene
with' huge delight and closes it at just
the right „point. "Your ' club, general,
just wait till the' bus stops. Can you
get near the burb, Bill?, Now, that's
right; take care, sir, plenty of time."
The colonel was standing on the broad
top step of the Veteran.", smiling and •
waving his. hand; the bus waved back,
the conductor tpacbed hie cap,. and Baby
danced for sheer joy, since there Is no
victory like loam. British Weekly,.
Human Sketches. .
' lawyer's clean cut, 'clean shaven, blood-
less face; Baby leaned forward and tap-
ped gently on the deed, and then, when
the keen /ace looked up in quick inquiry,
Baby replied with a smile of roguish In-
telligence, as if to say: "By the way,
that parchment would make an excellent
drain;. do you mind me- A tune has
•last come into my head;"
The lawyer,' of course, drew away the
deed and frowned' at the insolence* of the
thing. No, he did not -there ,is a soul in
lawyer' if you know how to find it -he
smiled, Well, it was not a first rate
smile, but it was genuine, and the next
time he did it better, and afterward it
spread., ll over his face .and lighted up
his eyes. He had never been, exposed in
such a genlal, irresistible way before,
and so he held the drum, and Baby
played a variation on "Rule,. Britannia"
with much spirit, while Grannie appealed
for applause. "It he don't play as well
as the band in Hyde park of a Sunday."
After a. well deserrod rest of 40' sec-
onds, during which we wagged our heads
in wonder, Baby turned his attention to
his right hand neighbor, and, for the bal-
ance of the minute, examined her with
compassion---arl old maid .without quote
tion, ivith her diepoaition written on
the thin lips end the hard. gray eyes,
None of us would tare to trill* her.
Wili•he dare? ' if" he has not! That was
his chief stroke of genius, and it deserved
success -whoa, with an expreeaion of un-
affected pity he put out his soft, dim.
pled band and gently stroked her cheek,
`acting as if to ear: ,Poor thing, all alone,
Tone, 'Ione! I'm so solly, solly,golly, so
veer. veils, yells. golly." Did nay that
her • eyes were tender and . true enough to
win it man's heart and keen it, and that
her lips spoke of patience and gentlenets7
If I did not, I repair my neglect. She
must have been a beautiful woman in
her youth -no, no, today, just when she
inelinea her head and Baby strokes her
cheek again and cocoa, "Pretty, pretty,
pretty, and ao velly, velly, veliy good."
Wag that not a lovelyilueh on her cheek?
--oh, the fool of a man who might have
had that love! She opens a neat little
bag, and as this is .public affairs we.
watched without shame. Quito so; she
ig to be away all day and has got a fru-
gal luneheon, and -it's .all she can do in
return. Perhaps he cannot eat it. 1
don't know, nor does she. Baby 'ways
are a mystery to her;,bnt would he retries
that Wenn? Not lie; he tnnkes an im-
thense to do over it and glows it to hie
mother and to' all hie loyal subjects, and
he was ready.to be kissed, but oho did
not like to kiss him. Peace be with thy
shy, tnodeet eaill!' The Christ child• come
tato thine heart!
Two passengers' on Baby's left had eft -
dared these eseapadea with patient and
suffering, dignity. When a bey is pro•
roundly conscious that he ism -well, a
nd and unfeeling
Nextdoor teClarendon. world co .piree tb treat d yet a hint its -well,. a
W,' leave tbo loosest in tat'ida hirnishinga child- ho moot Protect himself and assert
t'"Bam, Chi t'mterara r Prte, and ..4,;•
ye ins, Re roar iMpeetiou, •''l R�• goods are _,,_ - "• h1e position. Which he does, to the de-
rl.,htend-Myatt the Prices- •r light of everybody with Any ems* at
0*I.@0 •
• Setter Sento, tvortli ef."2,i for $1.75, Overalls ' -
aMs up.
We cartr everything in tie llierehanttallorhag
lea.. Call and toe our Roods and prices.
•• -. wool rho4110eans,
We thank our customers
fortheil, patronage in the
past and beg to call their
attention to our removal
from Combe's' bIock to the
f'orrner stand of Allen _ St
tlr.,rt .tl fr roman. ,
Mee�me+lleine dirwweie . Ma s'GVhere to hope to tee them all
guinavood to ears ell and new customer* t.o , lateall *taste of abuse - keep in stock Groceries of all
ailed rtes of an- kind*, Flour, Seed Grain, etc
a '$ d ss 1bepl OPPOSITE THE MARKET
t Aw
Melia Clifton b1 Ordeer
• . W.l-1SL.+.
humor, by retains Indignantly to be -
kissed by his another or ttetere in public,
by severely checking any natural tenden-
ey to, enthusiasm about anything except -
sport, by allowing it to 110 understood .
that he has exhausted the last remaining the buteber was reining In his horde 80
pleasure and Is fairly burned. nut. Dear yards down the road and Looking back
boy, and all the time ready to run a mile _ over hide bine shoulder at t heap of gear -
to get a cavalry regintent,drili and tor- : let and brown that now had crimson
manted by a secret hankering miter th.: mixed with *6;1/3 aver wlilch a itiri ler:
zoological gardens. There tea bad been blue gown and a an in a gray ault we
nice little chaps twwo years ago and Would bonding',
be manly fellows two year' hence. Mean' ! "Iler leg is broken. They have set It.
while they, were provoking and required It will al, mantes before she ran walk.
chiatieement or regeneration, Baby was But they say eke Will be nil right again
to them a "kid," to be treated with con* then,,"
tempt, sad when in the paroxysmof de" The two were standing et the gate
light over that folly of a law paper hi again, but now there was no fresh rose
had tilted ene of the yonng mien's hate in her face, xnd in bit oyes no ltght of
that Mars ancient replaced It in position pasiton.
with a bored and weary air. How Behy' ",qty poor dear," hi said, and she did'
had taken in the sitntalon I caediot not resent his wordfi, 'let 'we do any -
Peel, bat ice had Mi rimae ea the lads, thing I ran. Forget at! that folly of this
and rudd.nty, while they were ircistainin morning and let ane I+eip by poor little
nt eetttiirate ew►a*•u. 'iwi sago 10aaie Iliac,
The very song the blackbird sung,
When love and. all the world were young
• My year old baby sings,
Sweeter than anything with wings,
A little song •with catch and- .trill
Mede or tew notes and little skill,
A song for dancing feet
Of babes and birds and all things tweet.
The baby dances as he sings
Sweeter than anything with wings
And sways his golden head
To the brat song .he blackbird made.
...Pall Mall Gazette,
By R. =SHIT.
He Sang Like a Bird* Saved l
Life and tVVon a Girl,
She was leaning on her Arms at the
gate and looking away from him.
"It's, no use, she said. "I couldn't
marry ally one unless I was so fond of
him that 1 couldn't bear my lite without
hhn. That'b the only excusci for mar-
"Then I'm not to come here any more
4-1 suppose?" .
"Oh, dear!" she .said. drawing her eye-
brows together with a worried frown.
"VVhv did you go and swill it all? It was
ail so pleasant! Can't you really' be am-
iable? Let tie go on just as we were, and
pretend that nothing has happened."
"No," he said, ""I shalt go away. When
one lives in lodgings they mar ng 'swell
be in Putney or row -as here."
She thought ho . dull tennis and dance
and pienic Would be without him, and
*aid - stlfby. "just as you please, of
Then her face lighted up as the rattle
Of hoop and hoop stick and little patter-
Ing feet drew her eyes to the other side
of the road, where a little girl in a scar-
let frock came quickly along the aapiialt,
her brown hair flying' behindlher.
The child ease her slater and her friend,
for he wits a friend to ail children, and
struck the hoop so that it bounded on the
curb and flew into the middle of the road.
The little scarlet figure followed it Then,
in a hash,a butcher', Dart from a side
read, a clatter, a scream, it curse, and
the if I don't have the nightingale. God
will attend to you because you always.
remember to say your prayers.. 1 forget
mine sometimes, even when -I'm not very
sleepy. Oh, nursey, 'I shall never " be
sleepy any;more.• Do'tell. God' all about
The old woman knelt by the bedside
and :with a faith Simple as beadtiful as
the child's own "told God all abdiit-it"
The' dusk was deepening . The child
lay with cheeks scarlet against the white
pillows and shining eyes fixed on the
'slowly "darkening squares of the window.
She moaned with pain and the misery of
""Open the window, nursey, my dear,"
she said softly when• the night had al-
most , fallen. ""I think I heard ,some-
When, the`" ndow was. Opened, Vynie
held her. breath and '• listened to a silence
that 'after a. moment was softly broken
by two or three mellow' notes. •
"Is it -oh, is it? Nursey-nureey"--
"It's the nightingale right enough, my
pet," said the old woman as Rose crept
into the room like• a ghost in her white
dressing gown.
""Oh, Sissy, my ownl It is -it is! God's
not forgotten me. He's going to let me
go to' sleep, and I shah bear the night-
ingale even. when I'm asleep. Listen!"
Again the full notes pierced the ;oft'
Rose gathered her little sister in her
arms, and together they listened-Vynie
to, the song of the nightingale and Rose.
with. a full . heart to the breathing, grad-
ually move even and tranquil, of the lit-
tle child the held against her llosom.
"She'll asleep," said the nurse softly.
"I won't"move," whispered Rose. "I'll
stay here. Oh, thank God, thank God!"
Tom came every day to inquire, and it
seemed to Rose that he grew paler and
thinner in this anxious time, and every
night the notes of the nightingale sound-.
ed from the dark wood -through nights
radiant with clear moonlight and through
the black darkness of night wild with
wind and rain. And Vynie grew stron-
ger and ate and drank and played domi-
nos and was on the highroad to well
being once more.
Then came a night when the nightin-
gale did not sing. Vynie did not miss it;
she slept so sound o' nights nese: And on
that night followed a day when Tom did
not come, and then another day and an.
other. Rose missed him miserably. On
the drat day she was angry at his ab-
sence; on the second, anxious; on the
third she sent the old nurse to gee wheth-
er he wan ill.
"You'd beat go round," Bald the old
woman when she came back from her
mission. "He's more than ill. Pneu-
monia or something, and he keeps asking
form you. Go you. I'll stay 'with the
child. He'e got no one with him but his
landlady, afecklees body, if ever there
was one. Go now, my lamb."
So Rose went. •
His face showed ghastly in the frame
of hie disordered hair and of a three days'
Sh6 came"to him and took his hands.
' ""That woman says I'm dying," he whis-
pered, "but Vynie's all right, isn't she?"
"Yee, yes; but what have you been do-
ing? Oh, Tom, it isn't my fault, le It,
Tom? I didn't drive you Into folly?
That woman gays you've been 'out all
night -every night since Vynie'I been 111.
pay it wasn't my doing.,' er! Pct; li�eali li take the lasts of these
",it wet fon Vynfe," t'6 sold. "'I erase diseases.
diseases. Hood's is Ani -
the ' nightingale,. dear. Don't you re- erica's Greatest Medicine and the best
member how I used to call the robins for that money can buy, _ •
you in the winter. It was a only little Hood'aPillecnre billlonsitess,sickllend-
thing, but it Was all I could do for the ache.
dear, And it did do her good. .You, said
He turned. aside his head exhausted.
Itosa'r eyes were full of tears. "You
atald in that wood all night, every
night? Y'ou imitated the nightingale in
a11• the Wind and rain? And tiow"-•"
She had crouched by the bed, and laying
her Bead on her hands the gobbed aloud.
,'.Don't" he said feebly; "it wag noth-
ing. Zug a little thing to please the
She lifted her face, flushed and dlttort-
ed by her violent weeping, fend laid it
gently against his. H. put up a V.eble
hand and totiched her /seek.
"rou're sorry" for me," he whlap.red.
"Yon needn't he. I can't even be un-
happy after • y
this. Your faceonr dear
faces -•t don"t is the least mind dying
eke sprang up. "Dear Tom myi owe'
dear Torn! You're not oat to d!e• l`
shall rend burse to take earn 01 705.
Nretowweproll,mbeeaise nnrt ae at
Vy'ni. adace" tid hat 1 yenscanwnotoe
possibly Itse vilest you, fay dear,
tear, dear"--•
Tom did not sire the promise, hart he
did what was better. Isle get well.
linen lea and sew Vials, new walk]mg
cheerfully with the crntehss that urchin
Noon belai4 aside, she told him Plant the
'A Fib. Outside ,fit
#• .l'bor & bstlt f,
_for foulard Wraith."
Goorf) esitlit inwardly, of
Me Riney.", lit/gr'arldbowers*
is sure to come if Roes Sar,
saAr'tlla is promptly sisal:
Tins 8eoares a fair outside and a
consequent vi or la the frame, ..t t. She
(clow -of health on the obeatic
appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood .
heathiu was in poor
, scab with t�t;<a4lplers, tired feeling
and loss of ap tike, I wag ooniplstely run
down. I' took Hood's Sorsa axilla d after
*addle 1 felt much better, Hood's Sereapa-
Ana built me ap." Ism ,[. ]user., Old
Chelsea,. near QAtalva. ue.
Illillotimmisa^.41 bay' been tronblect
wIth headache' and Meanies* and was
much rundown. TrIed.Rood'e Sarsaparilla -
sue It geve me relief and built re. ur
illeanzsou, 80 Defoe 'Argot, Toronto, n
• ai,ots rine ewe liver ins ; trepeteeitasela
,eni memo to take with
Sold by Watts ds Co., Druggists.
.04 If
"Ana, do you knosv,"%she Said, "Slay
says he never sang after you got I
eilPOOrie God wee so busy taking care of
”Yoll that he hadn't time to bother with
naughty nightingales that wouldn't do
their singing. The nightingale sang very
nicely, • though, when he was made to.
Only I thought atter a bit he seemed a
little husky." .
"Perbape he Caught a. cold," said Tom.
"Abuse of the nights wernverY Wet:"
"Perhaps he did -like you, you knoW,"
said iVynie cheerfully. "Well, he was
naughty nightingale. But if he had a
cold I hope he had some one as nice as
eurceY and sister to look after him, like
they did you."
"I think he' had," said Tom.
''"Anyway, I dihall always love him,
even if he 'was naughty, because he
helped me to get web," .
"It would make him yea haPPY it he
"Do you think he does know?"
"Well, whether or no," oaid Vynie,
„comfortably, "I'll go out in the wood and
tell him all about it if hemings in that
wood next year."
But the nightingale never sang id' that
wood again. -:Collier's Weekly.
The Manufacture of Soon.
In the production of the well known
English hard soaps of high repute the.
• mantlfacturees Use hard animal or vege-
table fat. and weak solutions of soda,
these being geuerally boiled together un-
til the thin paste is aaponified, when the
soap and the .glreerin remain suspended'
•in the water, and they are next sepa-
rated by brine or conlmon salt, in which
soap is not soluble. • Any excess of alkali,
all the glycerin' and "the water combine
with the. salt and so throw the soap up
to the top in a gratiulated mass. The
spent lye containing the glycerin is with-
drawn througb a tap placed at the bot-
tom of. the boiler. and the soap curd,
after behig Melted, may be run direct
Into wooden or iron frames to cool and
havden, or it may be further treated With
alkali and again salted and •melted. .
Ashfield. .
• •The "courted met on June lune • 24th
with the'inerattere all present. Cheques
were issued for the foiloiving amounts,-
-W .Shackleton,repairing. culverts ed,
pairing culvert con. 6, 50o,T, Anderson
repairing bill S.R. 6 and 7, 62.50, N.510-
. Milian repairiog 9.and 10, $1, Thole
'pairing gravel pit $2,. MoGrory re -
parting culvert S. R. land k $2. 50
Dalton repairing b. B. $5.37,,Tolsn Barker'
repeiring grading S. B.$3, John Rich.
archon culvert D.L. $12.60, ThOs Smiley
drain Duegannori. $4,19, Jehn Bennett
man repairing S. B. .$1•50., Sohn Shims
son caidari$1, Jos. Tigger ithspeitor" $2,
E.Atidrew cleaning ditch eon 32 $2,
P, Cook two Culverts one on DI L. and
on con.12 and for cleaning (MO con 12
$8, E.Bowers timber $3,75, Jos.. Hack-
ett repairing OUIvert S. R. 6 and 7 $1.75
J. Farrit repairing culvert and cleaning
ditch $5, N. McKenzie repairing road
on L.R. fe-pifiEng culvert con. 12
and plank $8, covering culvert L.R.S.R.
.9 and 10 $8.50; j.. johnstoa shovelling
gravel $1.50, AIN Lethead repairing
breakwater S. R. 6 and 7 #20, John Mc-
Donald drain con. 12 $2.50, jae. Craw.,
ford bridge S. R. 616, John McLeod • re-
pairing road $6.; J..Dalton bridge MOO,
H. Gibson repairing road $6.90, jer,Dal-
inspecto$250,T.Drennan repairing bridge
ditch $9.98, John .101petrick repairing
75, John Murdoch gravel I4. The next
meeting will be held on August 121,11.—
Get Demtor
Von Stan's at the
oruggists,for 3So a Sou of 00 Tablets.
ny neutralizing the excess of acid fit
the stotnaeh-
2 Br exciting the natural accumulation
aarodniaacethio_n of the digestive fluids in the
By vitollzing all the organs on which
your health and corniest depends for the
proper digestion and assimilation of food -
And by their Wale action upon the
Dr. van scales pineapple Tablets accomp-
lish thee° remarkable resent' in all came of
dyspepsia and ihdigestion,
5 Most caseenre cured with one box. •
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablet*
Encourage you to eat what you like, and the
eorrect indigestion in a natural way. They re
love distreSs to an instant,
Mr. W. P. Kallackey
died suddenly. •
"Orentuststnees Alter Casa."
In ease* of dyspepsia, nervousness,
catarrh, rheuniatiern, eruptions, etc.,
the eircumetances may be altered by
purifying and enriching t he blood with
Hood'e Sarsaptailla. Good appetite
: and good digestion, Strong nerves and
of Windsor
Mr. Cecil Rhodes hos sailed from
'London to Cape town.
• For Over Fifty Veers
Mae. Wiltatowas'Soormaa Sneer has hem
used by millions of mothers. tor their children
while teething. If disturbed et night and
g Syrup for Children Teething. IV will re.
pe nen ens
It caret Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomath
and bond& eureS Wind: Coll softens tho
Gunn, redneeeintlarnmation, andgivem tone and
,sant to the taste end le the preeeription et One
rotayinsto sthArpho„.folt grittendaurnied.n tee"scialtnweia.si:poill:su:
et the cadent anti beet, female physicians Mid
A VASTLY different otore to what it W1413 0, year ago, 0?
0 r14 and yet by no means what 'we intend to make it• .P
I We aim to do things better every year. Buying for spot a
V cash brings us ill touch with naanufacturers and iniporters„ I
.0 which sometimes (doublee our purchasing possibilittee. In IF
q one way and another good things comes to us at lese than ;
Z regular prices, and this etore's usefulness ` wa$ never so ap.
i parent. We often get snaps for la,ronapt. cash, which pee-
s ple doing a credit business never hear tell of, Which, en.
0 able@ us to quote prices like these :— '' ' ' •
New Prints, wide width, feet colors, worth fic for 5c.
New Prints. wide width, light and dark coloro, worth 10c, for tlic
h Extra Heavy refute, fast cOlors, new patterns, worth 124c. for 10c
;' White Pique, stripes and checks, wOrth 15o, 'for 10c
Fancy Zephyrs, stripes itiad floral designs, worth 120, for 81e
Fine Sateen's, in stripes and checks, wort•h 14e for 10e
cl French Organdies, in white and fancies, at 10c, 121c, 15c and 20o
Parasols, black, ehot effects arid atripes, at 50c, '15c, $1, $2. $8
;Lace Curtains, yards long, 54 inches wide, very special, In
Men's Union Socks. worth 140. for 100
(e Men's heavy Cotton Socks worth 8e 4 f 25e °I
Every man, youth or boy, who has not bought his spring' suit, should not
fail to see the fine stock of Shoreris ready tailored suits we are show.
ing at very close prices. Boys Suits from $1.25 to $2.50, Youths! ri)
Suits from $2.50 to $5. Afen's Suits frotn 0,50 to $12,
We commence on June Mil to Close our Store eveiy
evening at 7 o'clock sharp, Saturdays. and prier 'to
• Our stock.of Hardware of all, kinds is very complete.
and our prices are right, aving a large stock in, he-
. fore the late advances on all kinds of Iihrdwarn:
Don't buy Binder Twine until- you see our brand, it
beats eVery thing.
We 8,re now delivering CoaL Leave your orders at
our Store for prompt delivery.
ISTibe Spring trade we are offering the largest and most, cora,
plete stock of. High, Medium and Low Priced -Furniture in
the County. We have some great values to offer in '
-Do not buy until you have paid. a to our Warerooms.
n this line we cards' eomplete stock: Our Horses and, t
fit are up to date and oar charges reasonable.
Night and Snnday calls answered at Residence er :our
Funeral Director, J.W. Chidley. King St., opposite Foundry.
In Millinery
Por the balance of the
season I will Make a
redoction in• price of
20 per cent
tleon all kinds of
Sand next lierey'a Drug Store.
Parasol Found.
Panted found in Recreation Park Friday
Princes", Street:
Celery Pleitts for Sale.
Pall or Winter Celery Plante -foresaw
11. EEIt.
Prince.% street near Recreation Park
Dayileht ie the popular talieside resort for the
people ot Huron, and the River Hotel the most
pannier house. have Amin had it refitted
and renowned and MIT in a better position Ulan
last season to enter to the mune of the health
or lleasnreeeeking public. I have hint Stein
aunt to the river, Inuneditstely in front of the
Hotel, and tables, seine, ewInge, ate , built in
,the pretty Grove which, extends along the
svatereide, where there hi ample room for
largo picedopartica. It Ls a coed, shady and
comfortable moot for a hat day. .
to make use of it. There
ie ample Accommodation.
Envy time you bny
Cairn and Corn Chop always Oil
herd few gee. )5rIve to Ware -
hoods oppoeitetRailwey Newt -
ger Statton.
(lintel'', Inns
you get pare Virginia tobaceo,
full weight, not loosely peeked
to make tbe package look big,
but closely paokad to retain
the trioisiure and the aroma.
Jane 271 July 13 and 18
Fare $28 to ali Mani -
tabu points.
Good going boat or raiL
Tickets good for two months.
For further particulars apply to
We .41010011
Going trip to commence on July twit!, 180i
Return trip to he completed reepeetively., on or"
before Sept,12, Sept. r; 1800.
Return tiekete cun be ntirchescil feints all
agents and Mall etationeot the GrandTrunic
Of the durreat Secoud.Olass One :Way Vero.,
cOnlinedation, etc,, front
M. C.Dieksen, D. P. irs,Torouto
Properly Prepared Yonng Men *nu
Women Tor Butane. life. FORTY.
POUR of our Recent Stodsnats have 144.
tented good eltrifit4041, Basinetse Man
appreciate our work end apply to nu
for oor gradiretet, Sinter now if 'you
Proepectue Owe.
W. 3.1ILLI(YTT. Prineipet 1.