HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-06, Page 4•
• !
The Libepl Candidate Signs a Confession Admitting .an, Outrageous
.Series of Crimes Committed MI His Behalf Which Cause Honest
Liberals to Hang. Their Heads .With Shame.—The. Seat
Miesi Lizzie Robertson, Exeter, Is I Mies Birdie Grahame hae returned Mte. E. Newtoirand two enililant of • opecially edapted to their nestle. Mr.
Declared Vacant ad the Returning Officer Ordered to house for her vacation. 1 from her staY at the Normal school, Port Huron are nue paste *of their Armstrong very clearly dimmed hio •
s . ,..... ,
Mrs. Warner and her little daughter I Ottawa, She is quite clamed with ;mut, lora nail etee, Newton oloo Plan ter the tetablishment of a good R.
„.•s• a Pay Half the Costs.
- are the guests of Mrs, McIver, William 1 that city. hammer for . whole Dominion, or failing
Eva Wallas) cause through to visit her
. . a .
• •
4) 940. OP A WEEK
$1,01Sir A- *KilWANINGIS
4.1 ‘11' Conntrapqmossr
• Tbe Wed Elgin election trial bas
creeted ' a treMendous eensation
througbout, the country," and honest
Liberate are eveta•where appalled at
the dtscipsuree of -the outrageous
▪ redotted to on behalf of the
1101(4 generninent. In all the hatory
-of Canada thete ecarcely es par..
• Os the election in - West
Rhein nor corruption and ' rascals'
ity of various kinde. Even, the
judge5 who tried. the ciuse were
*hocked and scathingly denounced the
gOilty parties, The rascality was syio,
• tentatie, and honeety, justiceeand falr
play tiet 4ellance. Mr, McNishathe
Liberal candidate, who, though know-
ing that the seat was stolen, attain -the.
'Legislature last session and, drew the
worked under the direction and con-
tr?.1 of Mr. W. T. R. Prestou.
A 0 were no spu e
111 feet they yeere fully eata.blislead in
How the "strangers" 'did the work
tbey Were hireditnci imported to do le
shown' in the follbwing declaration
from a ocrutiheer ,
I) ig gailit In the matter ot
tho West El in
Ontario Vounty Provincial it ec-
of Elgin. tion held Jan.
12, 18.9%
t, John Lang, of • the city of St. Thomas, in
the county of Elgin, ineelutidc, do solemnly de.
entre that
I. I acted os agent and sorutineer for Findlar
G. MaeDiarmid in Rolling Sub -division No. 7,
St. Thomas, at the Provincial election held in
West Elgin, Jan. 12, 1899.
• 2, The DonutY RetUraing 011icer, who acted
at Said polling place, was a stranger.
S. The said Deputy Returning Oilleer placed
himself and the ballot box close to the window
inade the following untwe_ saghbuojeltiori that inputting the ballots in -
%indemnity,' holCthem between himself a id
cedente4 ionfession In the hope of thought. ito caused the ballot to bo totaled
A SlitItting out' further damaging eon rowed the, to be folded only 021a. Ile on.
across the names of the candidates and al -
larged the :it ni the box (in our presence) vvith
dence 2
a. chisel (melee° of iron so that.lt would let
, sb. Thonacte, .1 nue 20, ale .rempattit way: With these arrangements.
e wangut_any difficulty how:each
essrs. Crothers 8o Price, barristers,. VIM was marked, t orotested. against his
etc., St. Thomas: doings°, and a nuinber ot voters also raised
pear Sirs, --We beg ..to advise you eiatee.toned but the only result was tt have a
t Mr. Macnish has discussed at ;raja:inn iiTillt°dIetaguwatir tigewhdcirtitht
g•th with ihis solicitots the charges nation; were marked. Tao said Deputy Return?
Contained in tne petition whigh has , tog Officer had with him.e Stet of •names of
sas-s been illed against his return as mem-
' "ber ot the Legislattve Assembly of
Ontario for West Elgin, and that they
- hone 1.0 a considerable extent investi-
. gated the dharges, contained therein
and other rnattere which ' have come
to their knowledge in oonnection with
the election. , And the eubscribers
hereto make the followingstatements
and admissions respeeting the Berne:
a•-•-• o • 1. That a large number of persons
iere specially sent iute the cnnstitut
ncy by men working on behalf of•tbe
iberal party for the express purpose
of taking part on Mr. Macnish's behalf
in the election held January 12th, '99;
aDd We believe that fraudulent and
cerroptaineans were used by some of
such persona to mill% his election. '
2. That several Of tbe said persons il-
legally and without authority acted as
deputy returning officers at the said
voters written out on foolscap paper. whiuh ho
.1. The said Deputy Ileturning,011icer refused
and neglected to swear &Lumber of men whom
myself Audi:twee-agent requested him to swear.
Michael Heenan was ono of these. Ile refused
to swear him, he said, because we gave norms -
(tutor wantinghim sworn,
b. When tho time came to count the ballots
the Said. Deputy Returning,. °Aker, after first
pretending to count tho total lumber, threw
the ballots all out on the table, shoving a few
towards eaoh _of Mamba's scrutineers, one of
Whom woe a stranger, the poll clerk and nw
Co -agent, but hauling back the 'main bulk to
himself, Re allowed these mon to sort or ma-
nipulate what they got as they °hese,. while
he stood up and sorted the main bulk, so that
nobody but himself uould see the face of the
ballot 'Ile placonis book to the wall and pur
,posely kept the ballots and••hiniself in such a
position that I isould •not by any possibility see
. their faces. Res set them down on the tabu)
face down. lie gathered`up the bunches from
the others and rooeeded to count the two piles
of the Ballots, but he would not show them. I
did not see more than half a dozen ell told,
election, and in at least three -cams so Re put the ballots away without either sealing
' acted in the nausea of reputable local. or in any way fastening the packets or envoi:
• epee. During all this kind of vvork I objeeted
: men, hevipg, unden assumed: names • and:protested in the strongest tome. I threat -
been introduced to:the returning offe, mete have bird arrested, and to call help and
der by local agents' of Mr. Macnishs• did everything I could think of short of using
.--8,-whagt4"zia,py -of bee polling sub, actual bodily violence to comPol him to do his
duty. but to no purpose. EC ,ordered.the
division's of tbe. riding there were oonstabld to keep the door 'locked and told me
f .ed t and d ks ft •
face down, nsieted we 2212001d $60 the face
• , grave irregularities, connected wl
enunting of tbe hallote thereat, tinder oath and by :virtue ot he "Canada Zvi -
the return of the ballot boxes an htlea8.0unur nirrigtilir sitign Icrotlaration omiseien-
sly believing it to be true, and knowing
their contents, the voting, and tee that it is ofsthe same force anclellect as if made
de• That there -were large.numbers of donee'Act,1893.'
•(Signed) JORN G. LANG.
persons brought into. the riding for Deelared before nse at the_oity of St. Thonuts
thfrexpress purpose of personating te- tha 28th day of Jantlary,A. D....,. 1899.
of Ma Macnish's local. supporters such •
gaimate voters, and assisted by some (sinned?.
• 5 PRICE Notary Public,
"'-'1•-----"•-••4 persons' didlersonate gualified voters •
tarn_yatitirefor Mr. Macrusia. Godeeleba ,
• 5: -That the declared 'number of
votes for Mr. Macnish largely exceed- Qqite a number of our young people
ed the number •of bona fide votes cast spent the lst July at Port Albert.'
'for , The steam launeh Stella, Captain
• ' 6. That a lattee number of aellots limber, and Captain • Wiinains' sail
a cast for Mr. IncDairmid were in some boat took passengers up to Port Albert
- netious and corrupt manner manip• on 1st Joly.
street. On the bust Sunday of' dune•FloWer mother anti will stay sennetitne. She that for tale provinces or even for this
Mr. aud Mee. Josh Thomas and fans. Sunday wee observed in Knox climate is en route.fin• •Sontliern Alaska. wbere dime's(' to %Attain natter for tbe clergy .
ily left on Tueaday for their boon) at The floral display wail grand. The her husband is eogaged in tbe lumber , continued articles short stories and
Elgin, Ill.
Thee toulore of the Erie Stewed were decorated. Eitelt child carried a limpet, months. . poems. 1.7pon being asked for furth
pulpit end Communion table were business and lois been th sae f ,
arms at the harbor and )drauk to the the front pews The estop ave a. Fo e t la t .. • ' I crib NI A t
health of the Marine Band for 1890. It
takes the sailor to do things as they' the children Nish° are Hie flowers of _ Dean O'Connell, pastor of. St. fdary's • Synod, should have twenty pages
should be done on tt holiday. Christ's Kingdom, IDS text wee taken church that town, who on behalf of trie stark with and be sold at twenty cents
The flags wereunfurledat the British from Epbestansfith cba.ptertand verse. priests of the dioesissi of Montana wits year. •
Exchange and at the post office on Sete onloner thy father and. thy mother " presented wall a ;elver chalice land a Miselonary work in the S. In, Mi
urclay, 1st july. Mail Clerk W. W, which wes truly thoughtful and col're set of breviariee sod by the congreirs liolmee, Cli nton • The S. Sas the aurae
IncVlear was also loyal, for be hallo. , nd bl - tion witle a well-filled purse. In t le of the churob and ehould train theohi
number of small Union Jacks floating * Goderich is surely of stifficient im-
frotn hie residence. • • pOrtanee. to have a volunteer force officiated as sniteleacou. , • Ole the teacher work; and pray* Whe
Mrs. Frank' Boeltcher returned. to ready for fete aays and any time they Fred. Platt a still laid up and will be • • • •
Detroit 'per steamer City of Toledo are needed. for some time, this is done the $. S. is st stemma. Tit
after'n, pleasant visit with het parents, In the bicycle races rouncl the A gentleman saki to your eorrespon- , children ehould be taught to be masa
Mr. and Mrt. Geo. Bates, square on - Inonday an accident
Mrs.• Bente and Mrs. ' Watt, who betel one of the riders in the boys' not keep writing tip the ineffective
dent on Monday a. 111. " W h y do you arias. I We are all aware that early WI
influenceallour lives. How shall we pr
spent it pleasant visie with their sister, 'bicycle race, Dr. Shannon, Sr- was water worke.• I Was nearly choked, (Med to bring this about ? By giving I
Mrs. Prank Swith, Mid. I:Tether, , driving by and young' klarry ilelcher he continuecathe other night, ',the water Memnon. Teach the infant clasp the..t1
Watson, returned to their ho es at ran intO his horse. If the horse had had a lot of weeds in it aturfiow eveey ity. of nature and in this way is th
Detroit on Monday last. . become unmanageable, as it threateit-
Oant, Thompson ofsBowesionot assis-• • ed, there would have been a collision
ted Victoria, street Methodist choir on with the °tiler bioycles. The Dr. did
. .
se ss'
111111111i 11 1.11 N111E11E1
(war CLOSING-2'his dors ▪ Wit slogs et vis u'oloek gar;
everting exoopt &aural/ dame Jay anti Awfuet r •
This Week's Bargain List
MIER special ba.rgaia offer' ffs go on s de Satimlay morn-
ing, July 8th. .111xtra-valitoi to induce quick sales and
er the sure clearing out of all. Summar goods have beetz
led up the hill by their et Inpanions in also eech oulalloecupied Rev. Felber Wesit eras -in mount pertioulare in regard to the .paper de
beautiful and Instructive sernton to the silver Jubilee of the g Rev. ehould hevathe sanction of th
• int bargain prices every day, and these Special Bargains for
d h
nicked out and Dry Goods buyers can make their dollars do
!, almost double duty here, on Saturday. Goods selling at spec,
to act consistently in all positions, For Meit'S*75c Shirts for 25c
celebration of nets.; Rev, rather weet Id .
a A special Shirt Bargain for Saturday that you won't. gnd
iiduplicated for many a day. .
ments Cambric Shirts, good quelities I and $1.00 each, sizes 14as 18, 10S a2n5de .
re and fast colors, goods that were 70c I 17, Saturday to clear
IP • A few more Bargains in Ken's Goods. Worth "your while
k to buy.. 1114'11 sa.ve you mOnoy. .
,3b Men's Strong Co' ton Drawei a it few Men's Braces, good strong Web, sdine
.':..ritur s oppers,
Sunday last. • not know a race was on. Barry Esen
Miss Masoo 'returned to Clinton on oho is a clever bey and we are glad
Monday after a pleasant visit with her his injuties su e no greieter than a die.
friends, Ur, and Mrs, Viclean, West location of one of the bones in his arm.
t Victoria street perse.n. to Montreal last week Ity telegram
Mrs. W, R. Logan was called away.
age by the pastoraRev. Mr, Gedwin, on adyising her of the serious illnese of
Wednesday evening, June 2,8ths Miss her mother, Mrs. Frederick MyerS of
Evelyn Deyner, daughter. of Dr. Dey- that city. Misa .A.ndreves presided at
ner, of Toronto, to tan -Runyan, a pie- the organ or Knox church In her stead
awe dealer, Tketbride•wae beautifully on Sunday last.
dressed in white eilk or andie over
cream silk, They are t e Colborne
Hotel. Mrs, Runyon is a trained nurse
from Stratford hospital.
I Mrs. J. Buxtoa retuned 'on. Thurs.
I day, 29th l'ime born attending her
I father's funeral' at Woodstock.
Little Knox Gaily, the beautiful cur-
ly haired son of Dr. Gaily, surgeon at
Harper's hospital, Detroit, will speed
some weeks in Goderich in care of Miss
Baker, who accompanied little Knox
front' his home at Detroit.
On Monday a young man while ri-
ding a bicydle fell loth a -tank :or
broken sewer on the Huron Road, or
somewhere near the • vicinity of Cain-
,bria street. The town council better
look the whole of them up and have
them properly filled.
Mrs. Wade intends taking up her
residence in Woodstock: We sympa-
thize with her deeply in her bereave-
melnlirtS. Einfty, one of our oldeet end
most esteemed citizens, and mother of
Mrs. .Shannon• of .. the Park House,
slipped and fell at her tesidence,Sa
Patricle street, oue day last week, and
had the misffirtune 'to break her leg.
It was after the rain and the board was
wee. MrseDuffy does not think the
accident so serious as heafriende fear •
it is. We trust she may train recover
her Wonted strength. •
The little housensoying war is at a
standstill, and we think it will cosatbe
ownet too much to finish it: It Was
pretty badly wreaked, moving it the
secon4 time. •
Miss•Charles, German teacher, Colle-
giate Institute, finished the. midsum-
mer term by inviting her many friends
to an outing at Menesetung Park. '
Messrs. Alick and Geo. McVicar of
Toronto spent. their vacation witli
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ma
" ViiiiceKara,yn.nd with their., aunt, Mra..colit..
Miss *Minnie Fisher., eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fisher; South
street, has returned,' to her home after
a pleasane Visit at Brandon and Chi-
Mr. Joseph Fishet bas been triining
horses for John Gentles; Esq., Kincar.
dine, the past eighteen months, and
will -return to his. home, South street,
in a couple' of weeks.
Mrs. Sinclair of Dawn has been
spending a few days with Mrs. Oapts
Trethawn. Mrs:Sinclair -name to visit
her brother„. Mr. McLennan, who re-
sides witb his daughter, Mrs. Captairi
Trethawa. ' •
Here itt a coMpliment to the Gode•
rich cow, paid her by a lady who 'was
wrathy on account of the late sed acci-
dent : "The people here are so green
it's a, wonder the cows don't eite them."
. We neVer heard the expression before,
nee yet ever read it, ea possibly it orig-
inated with the speaker.
There are three more tanks. like the
fatal one on the Britannia Road, be-
tween it and Mee, Bingham's residence
on Lake Huron. '
Mr. Cosner has finisbed his contract%
on east side of square and it preeents
a beautifully fineffied surface. it is so
smootb and compaet if it only retains
its finish. We trust it may for Con-
tractor Coener .knows how to treat
his workmen well. his motto being
"Lire and let live."
On Saturday Mrs. Wallis, who 'had
.been subjected to a criticalsoperation
some days previous, was able to sit up.
Three weeks ago Mae Murray of
Luckisotv underwent a surgical opera-
tion at Mr. Viles' residence. . She
drove out on Sunday.
Two gentlemen were very select in.
their style of chapeau, Each had a
soft white hat and hailed frotn the
Goderich organ factory. Perhaps they
were some of Yacksons' aoek, Clinton.
We saw Mr. J. Vivian haa copse up
from Stratford to thoraces,
They were 20 °ammo Minutes get:
Ling the horseaready• for the running
race, the megaphone kept calling out
for them to go back and one jockey
said "It's going -to -ram you don't want
to drag Laurier through the tilu.d.o-The
jockey' wAS a wit. I
The fireworks conameticea at about
13. and Heaven's artillery along
with them, but the rain ended all at
10 p. ni. exactly.
Mr. and Mrs. Macintosh of Lticknow
spent Sunday and Monday the guests
of Mrs Robertson, East street.
We learn that N, D. Rougvie does
such an overwhelming hardware busi-
ness that he requires fire and burg-
lar proof safe. Well if he don't want
to hnve it blown up be some master
hand he had- better take our advice
nnd leave it open. In case of. fire it
would be the hest plan and in case of
burglary it Would leave the safe as
good as new.• The burglars will get
the money Anyway, They always do.
Every parent, in town must have
known on Saturday that the merry-
go-round 'and its owner had arrived.
OrrSaturday about 5 p. re. a startling
story went around town that a little
nine-yeattold giel had fallen into a tank
that had been leftopen and thatCaptain
Belcher and ins fire brigade were down
with the engine trying to pump the
tank out in the hone of finding the
little girl's body. Her brother, young
McLean, had gone tvith Captain Me -
Donald's son in a skiff to Bayflelcl and
as the tvvo families do not live very far
apart and Mrs. McLean growing
anxious nbout her son's absence she
told little Katie to run over to the Me.
Donalds' and ask irtheir son had re.
turned. Little Mtge left on her errand
and the last known of her WAS that,she
delivered her message And then,as Miss
McDonald thoughn went home. New
two doom west of the home of Captain
McDonald?. Captain Dan Melta,y has
built a beautifunresidence and hunted.
ittely in front of his fence on the side.
walk Wits all OM tank covered civet,
with legs, and on Saturday and days'
s peered. The whole thing was a farce. „ e sell here rang for previous it was beinglilled veith gravel
noW, MEAN TACT/08. refreshments? end all were re. And of cantle the logs were not replan,
freshed et a long taints With entoty ed but I 1ft open, so in poor Katie
"One of the returning alders ,cloth and tip the centre stood meny "derived k'uneeen
a pencil concealed undet• his Ion ling. VASes Ailed with ehoire
and unheard. The
ula d, whereby the result of thiselec. The Misses Mary and Leona Savage
tibn was rendered doubtful, and that of Detroit; daughters of Win. Savage,
in this connection the voting at Shed- Esq„ of Buffalo, a'one time prosperous
den and Midalemarch and in several ' merchant here, after spending. a short
divisions in St.' Thomas, where said Hine at the eesidence of their uticle,
strangers+ so acted as deputy return- john Roberts, merchant, Dungaanon,
•ing °facers, merits special attention. were tbe-guests in town last week of
7. That there are good reasons to Mrs. Wood, St. Patrick street, and
• believe :that there are many specific other friends. Mr, W.Savage removed
and well authentidated cases where to Buffalo many years ago, He built
a ent 9 Mr. Mecnish concealed at the present residence of Dr. Holmes.
om some- of those strangers,
here id large sums of money
8. That Mr. Macnish will forthwith
deliver to the $peaker of the Legishe
tive Assembly -his resignation as a
• member thereof for the: said electoral
district. .
s(Sgd.) DONALD Macanso.
(Sgd) A. BeAmuswonestr. .
Mr. Wallace Nesbitt, Q. C., who re-
preseeted the ?petitioner, said tbere
ae" were several broad features proven at
the trial. •
That there were ballot-bcx stuffere
and manipulators purposely sent into
the tiding for this nefarious work by
the Liberal party.
That at least six of these men were
at work in the riding, three, of whona
were op the spot under assumed
• • nameEl end the identification of tvhose
personality has not yet' been discover-
-7-11N- .
That these men did of set purpose
and neferiously manipulate the bal-
. ectbrs to induce them to vote for
, lots: '
vgax DIRTY Wpm.
"I found," said Mt. Nesbitt,. "Borne
glaring. eases of their evil work. In
one division it wee discovered that the
numbers polled for Macnish started to
van consecutively for 21' voters.
"In another division his votes ran
consecutively no fewet than 28. Such
a cruse of voting is- unparalled. Proof
was shown. that 80 ballots; had been
fraudently substituted for &here
"le was fartlier admitted that a
number of pluggers and personators
were sent into the riding to work "the
electiois for the Liberal candidate ind
that they did, in feet,- operate in the
manner designed:
'"Asnother faet that was admitted
wag tbat a large number of people
sent for illegal purposes were conceal-
ed in houses of prominent 'Liberals-
-es. agents and voters ; that they' veere
taken in and housed by them and that
_their sole object was to bribe.
"Mr. Macnish Omits sever his own
signature that these thtngs were done.
• Such a statement ae that signed by
Mr. Macnish, where a candidate ex.
posed his own partya gross corruption,
nag never before tome to the notice of
° the Canadian public.
' stolen or aett.• GANG,.
"Amongsb the names mentioned in
the voluminous' bill of particulars were
W• T. R. Preston, chief organizer of
the Liberal party ; Mr Alet. Smith.
/of Parry SOMA luMber agent ; a Mr.
athe Liberal organizer ; Mr. McDonald
ThOMpson, whose identity had not
been satisfactoriln esteblished ; Mr.
Vance, who is connected with the
Liberal organization. They were also
• Mr. "Tom" Lewis of London, Mr. Oro.
ben, Ex-Ald. Pritchard of London and
a MraBoyne.
'",The °whole work of corrupting the
eofistitueecy was eystematizedandthey
hod there a good ifield for thole opera -
Hone. • . .
tat0eacen MAGMTILATES,
• "DepUty-returning Oboe and no.
Magistrates were asked to issue
Warrant* and thirst refusede thes giv-
ing a bad name to the Provinee.
MAW Witt. omit
as,,, "Persons; arreeted • had been balled
thut at $100 each ana they bad disa •
On Iuly len Dounnion Day, the Erie
Stewart, Garden Riveautilpittled above
Mooers' elevator, 208,000feet of oak and
basswood lumber for Doherty's organ
factoey, Clinton. That's a right good
'step in a right good direotion.
Mrs. Wallace Bell of Montreal; and
Mesdames John McLeod and Steno of
Petrone, were the guests of' Mts. Ma-
thieson; Wellington street, for a few
hours on Dominion Day. ist July.
No salute fired on ist July. Where
was our battery? s
On Tuesday evenirig, 27th June, the
Junior Epworth League orVictoria
street Methodist church, under ate
sup,erintendance of Miss MeKeag, late
of Toronto, met, In the lecture room
for the purpose of holdtng an enter-
tainment With refreshments to pay a
little tribute to the Missesgandwin who
were leaving for St. Thomas. The
Junior League a composed princip-
ally of very. small:children who ac-
quitted themselves admirably. They
were all dressed in white for the oc-
casion. Miss McKeag presided and
filled the chair With much acceptence
in the place of Rev. Mr. Godwin who
had a bridal pair call upon him to per.
herrn the ceremony. The entertain:
rnent, opened with all asseMbled sing-
ing "All hail the power of Jesus
narne,n Miss Vida, Bell presicling at the
orgon. Firsb on the pregram was a
recitation by Miss Myra Morrow who
gave "Johnnie's Complaint" with .es
much precision and perfect enuncia.
tion as .johnnie himself could have
done it. Myra is a clever little datnsel.
Gracie flogarth followed with recite, -
tion, "Nobody knows; but mother.°
Little Gracie touched all hearts with
the tender words "Nobody knows but
toothen." ' Then came a very pretty
chorus of flve girls, "Ohl what can
little hoar; ?" followed by "Oh
what can little lips do?" They isang
likely an concert and were duly ap-
preciated. Miss May Wyatt an4 hliss
Jamieson were the "stars of the- even
Mg" and were loudlyepplauded. Little
May Wyatt gave "Arethosas' •Tor-
ment" With piquant charm, For en.
core she gave "Eleseie's first party."
Miss Gracie Martin looked sweetly
pretty end recited very nicely "Bijah's
Story." Next was it beautiful sacred
duo sung by Misses Pearl Evans and.
Eva Godwin. Miss Godwin's; alto was
lovely and Mae Evane sang soprano
in exceedingly faultlehe style- Miss
Nellie Jamieson opened the secant)
part .with a very Attractive recitation,
"A little fellow." 'She looked lovely
in her • colored dress with her
long raven curls and dolt eyes, a
charming picture to look at. Her sec.
ond piece in response to encore %vat
"Somebody." Mr. Bert Hale's solo
was well rendered and very creditable
for it young lad. His selectiott was
satred, . The Misses Pearl and Mabel
Trethewa followed .with the beautiful
'sacred solo "Never alone" a great fav.
°rite with Toronto soloiste, The Miss.
Trethewa are the first. to render it.
Goderich and they eang it with
mob. feeling, Miss' Vida. Bell, decOM-.
patina, Miss /ha GodWin. won much
applause in ber pretty little recitation,
"The tittle tioy's prayer," The dia.
legit° by seven little gale was exeeed-
justly flowery. The seventh little
girl Was Myra MOrrOW who only had
her heart to give. Trio "Tile ehild'e
creed" wag Yeats nicely rendered by the
Miesiee May Wyatt, Mav Duff
and Myra MorroW, Mita tinnily 'White;
ly, Adtglinpaniat, Miss Bertha Million
sang tio sweetly the lovelo sohn "Tease
and obey" aeconaperiled ve.ry :cleverly
on the organ by ber eater, Mtge Edith
evening I have to go down the bilinear primary interest in Missionary wor
the riVer alld bi Ing up a piteher fnll aroused especially et much tinies as Se
from a spring tbat is 121 Use bank." -We eaesimal Sunda when the whole alba
ehould be placed before them. The
is nothing more interesting to ohildr
than the lifts Of the Pagan ,erpecially
Ore of the heathen woman and tbat th
vvould have been our condition had
not tieen enlightened, Christ not only -
Raid nee ye into all the world" bet he
left his Fatbera home on high fee us.
Tell them of great mieeionariep; Liv•
ingstonei Stanley, Gordon • etc. Dia.
oustdop-Rev. Mr, Hodgins -We a
becoming more selfish than our for
fathers. Unselfiehness is seen in
the works of our Lord, and therefo
the first nung to teach the little folks le
unselfishness Get them to give money
with which they intended tO buy some-
thing for themselves to buy 'something
for a poor child and so teach the spirit
of self-denial It Mill
x -
said we vvere doing oue sluti•e through
the columns of TOE Nnws-RaeonOand
we thought 'since we tumid . good
spring near the river the
The quartette of maidens are again
t"--Wn colincil
.would liave to go aaittle farther than
he had to go, yiz, to Porters* spring.
out riaticating from Oa buey haunts
of mien at Polley's farm, the Misses
policy end tilt& friends Mien, Cates
pal ne and Miss Shannon, Park House.
lilies Emily Nattel presided At the r, and Mrs. Dunham will take , up
organ ha St. George's -Outsets on Sun- their reeldence on El in street in the
day last during the absence. of Prof. new house built by is A. P. Metaan.
pluff who was at Clinton, - A Junior Royal Tetnplars of Temper -
Mips Eby of ,Berlin was. the guest of once council has been organized in Godes
Mum Haines a couple of days last week. rich with the following officers :-Dt.
The new Bandmaster, Duig, has a rector, Mrs.' Colin Campbell ; ae.sistant,
Drum Maier itnd he' weareth the stripe Mrs. Warnock ; secretary; Miss Maggie
of blue, 'Master Lingle Nicholson. Murray; treasurer, Howard Robertson;
The naetry-go-round was merry on
Mooday, celebration dayo and so were
its proprietors, Messrs, Ha,ycleri of
Sheppardton. • •
Mr. Bawden, Exeter imid of the races,
Monday that they , were N."0. There
was a very large concourse of people
which was One good feature,for of course
it would add materially •to theaunds.
The Marine band played a:good inattY
liveln .pieces and When they played
could have male • everyluody cheer
t"14)1ein: t.les in the air" We only wished We
Miss Smith of Detroit is the. guest of
-Miss ThomPsen at . the xesidence of
Mayor Thompson, •Victoria street. • •
• Mrs. Rente . is speticfing some' weeks
the guest ef her ' eaters, Mrs.. Frank
8116Aint-bother. season wi; trust Goderich
mey canning fActory. Here is
Tisersday's illitstration of the oecessi-
ty. •Vne like when we ca,n itfford, the
time, which is 'seldom, to take e geed
long.walk Mit the •Bitytield Road and
onThursday. we met and chnited with,
one of its fair denizens. who paid that
.while she was in town getting sale foe
'her cherries she felt certain the boya
would be strippipg • her cherry trees.•
•We observed that now that the cher-
. ries were sufficiently alyie•ta steal, An
she sbOuld have them all pinked.."That
is just whete the trooble comee in,"Phe
replied,"I da not know where to get
"pain for thern.". Then on returoing
about p. tn. at ti short clietande' front
"The „Malian" we fouild • a ' eherey
' branch Obout five feet loog covered
with eherries which • some one lied
broken from 'a Well -laden. cherry tree
which wepresnme grew in the beauti-
fully cherrtr lined avenue of "The
Maples."' Doubtlees they Maori
• pinking the cheeries from the brokee
branch when they saw us coining along
for we noticed four boys in the middle
of the road who as soen as we looked
up rode off on their bicycles. '. How
reckless • any one is who . Will break
large branenes from. a teee in order no
purfoie the fruit. &nave -trust some
one will settle the Matter by erecting
a canning -establishment • and -let
people•get sorne ren erationfor their
fruit, instead of betno robbed of it, tr
losing it by not getting eale.
Mr: and Mrs, Witham Proudfoot
left for a trip to Quat gmelle on Mon-
day; July 3rd, We hope they will
bring good news from Barristee Dick-
son on their return. • . •
. Mrs Megaw's eldest .sori, Mr. Wil-
liam Megaw, who .notrried -Miss Annie
Dono•gh and -left on• their • wedding
tour for his home et Kamloops some
years ago, is now Mayor of Vernon, B.
inn Baker, We are sorry to learnauts
had to -have hia fingers that • were
bruised at the dt•edge., amputated.
tan Thureday eventng, at 10 o'clock,
we saw in the east what appeared to
be another arc of white cominencing
to cross the heavene, but it cmickly dise
solved,and p.m.thins nebulous -amis.
ty clo uds formed irregularly in the heav-
en% but the beautiful arc appeared not.
Mr. Browin inspector of tale Ontario
College of Pharmacy, Toronto, came
up last week .to Meet his inetherawho
is spending several weeks with her sis-
ter, Mrs. Wader.
The estitte of- the late Geerge
Browns, treasurer. of Huron county,
wheh • Mr. Alfred Brown, his son,
left. Goderich, was a beautiful fatm on
the Maitland, a teVr .miles froth town,
on the far-famed Huron roed. Mr.
Brown looks exceedingly well and felt
quite pleased to note the visible *Ages
of progeess in the old town. His
motner, a lady noted "for her benevo-
lance, now resides in Sarnia with her
danghter, Mrs:, D. Johnston, but will
spend part of• the summer viaiting the
ot her Members of the (tunny.
. Alex. Mune if haberdasher, squaret
is modernizing his residence on St.
Patrick's street: A new foundation. a
'being built, and it will aim be veneered
. with brick. We are glad Ma Munro
feels like helping to build up the town.
A prosperous, merchant should have a
residence worthy of note. •
We have not heard yet of any nt-
tempt to mend matters at the water.
Works since the return' of one of their
staff from a visit to Detroit. We feel
very certain that Mr. Aindrews would
naturally feel anxious to visit the city
waterwotks, but the deficiency with
our system is, WO preSume, liot tO be
seen above water.
Conductot Cosner laid granolithie
walk last week for Mr. James Robin-
son, -at his residence, Victoele and
Newgate divots.
Miss Nicholson, .dateghter. of DM,
Nicholson, Is visiting blends in Mat.
ham, Mr. Jasper Nicholson, her bro.
thee. hat quite recovered from his re-
cent' Illness. •
Mrs. Ferguson and her son, John,
find Mrs. Adams of Clinton were the
guests of Mat sTighe, Eteitann Road,
on Sunday and Mondays
Toronto students holiday at Grand
Bend and talk up Contine city. Wait
until we•get the electric railway.
Rev, Mr. Allin tieussels took Ine•
. place in the pulpit of Victoria 'street
church on Sunany, and Julys In the -
evening it looked like rain, hut when
the pester roae to reed the text of his
sermon the golden Apnea, Bonded into
the choir through the stained Westeen
window. The text was takenfrom St.
Leakea4th chap., 18th -nod 19th verees.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me be-
cause he hath anointed me to greed'
the Gospel to the poor s he hath sent
me to herd the broken hearted, to
preech deliverance to the' captives and
recovering of sight to the blind; Us set
et liberty them 'that are bruised; to
board of management, Mr. J. E. Tom,
Miss Wiggins, Miss McKesgue, and
Mrs. Campbell. Regular meetings will
be raid on alternate Saturdays from
1.80 to 2.80. All children are invited to
attend the next meeting, Saturday,
'July 8th, An interestiog -programme
wilt be provided for each meeting.
Mrs. IWO, Newgate street, is, we
are hippy to state, progressing very
favorably since her ditterhter's retUro
from, Vancouver to visit her sisters
there.' 'Great credit is due Nurse Thor -
bora Who took such great careof Mrs.
Ralph during her illness. •
Singular Coincidence. -It rained in
Torento On Wednesday, 28th June,and
at about 8 p. a rainhnw ap-
peared in the sky. It ramed. in Gode-
rich &aisle day, ann. heavily too,' and at
10 p, m. thete appeared that wonderful
white are.
.Miss AleVicarsof Toronto i3 !spending
her vacation with her parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Jones McVicar, Mocks
We have much pleasure in welcom-
ing Y3andmaster Duig to lead
the Marine band to glory. They have
sometimes aspired to rivalling Totem to
bands and we tt•ust they•will be able to
make 'Urea mark itt Fair time in the
Queen city. If they.are anxiouato suc•
ceed they must act in concert, trust
arid Obey a the bandsinana motto, .as
well as that of others... Bandmaster -
Smith was faithful to a fault, but
sometimes a change is beneficial., It at
the Way of the vvorld. ' °
. In the post office the other day while
we waited for our nsall, a young gen-
tleman opened his box and clrew forth
a paper, when his -compapion said "0
that's Tax NEWS-RECoRD I "Yea," re-
plied the young gentleman, "and it has
the priest news of any." Of course we
felt thankful to -bear so good ar. opin-
ion of out. sha re of the praise' beitowed
upen Tam Innws-Recoan and only
hope we will always deserve inat
Miss Gerrie Ellis of Brantford, for-
merly! of Saltforcl, was the .gUest the'
past week of Miss Hattie Harrison• El-
gin street.
Mr...Ellis of Hensallwae in town on
Friday last.
English Church Convention
Hospitably Entertasnod by the
• People orHerisall. Will Meet
IR 13 lytItain 1900.
The sixth annual conventien ;and
rurialecanal meeting of the comity of
Huron was held in St. Paul's chock
Hensall, Wednesday, June 14tb. Hen-
sall hi a pretty village, its many taeteful
residences and well kept streets bear-
ing eviddoce et the progressive charac-
ter of the citizens. There was a very
good attendance of delegates present, -•
The convention opened at 10' a. m.
with a celebration of tbe Holy Commun-•
ion, • ••
The business part of the convention
was then. preeeetted with. Rev. J. • W.
Hodgins, Rural Dean in the chair, Mr,
'Chas. San dere of Sealants, secretary.
Reports were received from tbe various
Siinday Schools in the Deanery. Ite-
portssitovire'd some of the difficulties nset
vvith by the Sunday Moot teacher or -
irregular attendance -lessons not pre-
pared at home, leak of interest on the
part of parents, lack • of religious in -
'notation at home, eto., etc. Teachers
were urged to visa their scholars fre-
quently -visiting a good way to in-
teretst perents and scholars • • Thie
brought the morning session to a close
when billetewere provided by the good
people of lieneall. A recess was given
till 1.30. •
Hymn. -Opening Address by Rural
Dean. First paper by Miss Flyndosan
of Exeter, "The necessity of theSunday
School as a means for the religious in
struotion of children, In Miss Ilynd•
imina abeenee the paper was read by
Rev, Mr. Ten Eyok of .Exeter-ulf our
children are to grow up as we would have,
them, they must be taught the Scrip-
tures. With ourselves so with a
nation so soon AS we begin .to
depart from God, we begin to degener-
ate. Commas the easneto. True rever-
ence has placed our country where it
is. We have only to glance et those
who know not God. If parents would
diecharge their duties there would be
no need of the Sunday School. •
We have no more soletan ihjunotion
tban to teaoh the children. If Scrip-
tererwere tooght in the publics schools,
ta it should bedt would be easier, but
fiat would not free us from our respon-
The Bible teaches us to know God,
the Prayer Book teaches us how to w o
ship Him in Spirit and in Truth, there-
fore it a necessary to make the child
lamilar with his Frayee Book 8180.1 ,
Rev. Mr.' Itodgins.--Idany contend
that there is no need for the Sunday
Solmol, but would 'their children get
the Sable instruotion home if there
were no Sunday &hoot ?
The feet of the children studying their
OSSOnS at home for S. 8. old bringing
tbeir difficulties to the Parents Make
the parents take an intereita in it them.
selves,. The difficulty of keeping the
• •
re • pairs only left ri•om last Friday s more of tne Wiseman • 250.
en seliing, original price 50e, bargain to clear.... 10o
*40 MePAceFour-in-H and Tiessligbt summer Boys' fine Straw Hate, Whiteman prices
le colorings, Wiseman price 25e,. *slot to were 50c ••••••• ....-25c
2 for 250 •
we • ,
e- sooner. they are turned into.money .,the better We will be pleased.
au That's whv we quote prices like this :—
re -
Blouses and. Skirts. .
Thes'e pods' must lie sold at the Wiseinan:-Sitivv.
Armstrong took pint in the dinsussion.
The Gleaners' Unions isepoken of as a
help in impartIng a Minsionary gastric
Rev. E. B. Smith then read an exc
era paper on "The continuity of Divi
Teaching iu the NAV/ Testamenta?
etudy ot thiesubjeot will tend to mak
the study ef the $oripture more intell
gent and so the more interesting ancl
The Great Teacher of the churches the
word of God. oDivine Teaching" words
of trut h and love which the Father US
given to the Son the Son has given to
His servants, St.John 17-8.The,purpo
of this paper tO shew that the teaohin
is continued progressively from the 0
to New Testament end more partici,
arty from the beginning of the new
its close, Though the casual reader
Holy Seriptures, now firmly believe th
its doctrine!, and precepts, and eye
its language may have been given by
Divine Hand, yet the thought that th
several books of the new Testament ar
syetematically arranged according
Divine intention mons to be foreig
to his observation. Mr. Smith the
taking eaoh beak in turn showed. ho
. •
- • A Big Bargain' in this popular -material, for Skirts. , ;two
A ends all linen Crash skirting, regular '25c quality,we :had mark-
13- ed it to 18c the' balance to clear Saturday 1:2ic.
7 Ladies' Blouses, original prices 75e
and $1. Saturday to clear- 25e
A few odd ones, real good qualities and
stylish patterns, to clear at..... ,7,5e
Resat -ate -wear . Pique Shirts. geed
• quality, special to cleat 81.00
Two only extra gotol Pique Skate, •
worth at leatit $2.75 each, well 'Made '• • •
and best quelity material, two onlY
left, your choice.. • ....... ...,$1.45 .
-Li-nen Ciash
Parasols. at Bargain. Prices
We dnplicate our Paraeol offerings of last week.
se juin is a big month in the parasol
g trade. We are going to make it a bait
le gain manth in them. at the Wiseman
• - Store. Here are some odd lines picked
so out for qgick selling that vvill save you
car money.
at Latrge Parasol, Levantine top, will not
urn green, steel rod, natural wood
Lieesvantine top, will not cut, steel
o rod,• fancy wood and horn handle,
° • redneed to.. ' 05c
to _ " ..... " ' ... ' . .
o One only nniquality top, sills inixture,
n steel rod, lionow ribs, „black handle,
ly regular $2.00, for $1.25
its position a relative to that which pre -
progress is marked by its reatine pea- ,
cedes and follows it, and what etep of 'DOENS BROS
. ,°18•Ecrilf130..RTEPS
Disouselon .--On the invitetion of . Selling the Wiseman Stock at the Wiseman Store. s CLINTON, ' -
. • ,
One only Parasol, exti A quality Glaria .
top,' will riot eut °return green, -stein
rodabollow rib's:fancy black handle,
.or impel price $2.n0.... an $1.85s
0ne only. parasol, extra. good quality, '•
satia dactiene top, wood rod, hollow •
black liandlewith sterling. silver
rpountings, one of the best in' the"
• .stere, original price $3.a5, HOS ween,
. • ... . $1'.75
few Maley parasols, colored
trimmed' with fsills, Were selling • at a
$1..a5 -and $n 50, OUP bargein• piece
ition eto.,eto.
Mr, Metcalf of Blyth it was .decided to
bold the next convention there. Elm -
tion of offieers-Rev. Mr. Mills, Blyt
President ; MiesJemima Holmes, Cli
ton vice president ; ReciaSec., tir
ance sheet shows a detain. of Sanely
$89,000.000 for the year closed ori jug()
The TJoited States Govermiient. ben
EGG 20,
tO us nnd talie advantage of th
Those tv-ho--7—baye b•Tene-eu7r-ed-by Hood's
n -
d following snecial inducements ".;:saepgaorzlt ti:reen gtilaetsiertyoestelaino:Itiza."
which hold geed to July :-
Sanders, Sesiforth, Coy:Sec.; Mr. Met -
min 13lyth. .
everneo saionort.
Divine Service, 7.30 -An earnest an
thoughtful ;sermon by Rev. Mr. je
flings of Bayfield, Text Isaiah...542am
b- 1 lb 35c Tea, 5 lbs Rice, 3 lbs about it.
ject holy regard for the things .o
f clean Currants, la lb jar Baking
God." Tbe delegates were received in Powder, 22 lbssano. 1 Grenulated .
a royal manner by the ,people of Hen- Ssugar - - .
ground. Tables were laden withall the
sall. Pea being served in the church . 100 Abe Kitchen Queen Flour 82 00 E .
and 22 lbs No. 1 Granulated Roils
delicacieS of the season. At the close ' Sugar
of' the repast a hearty vote of thaoks
was tendered to the Hensel friends. We keep nothing but•good goods. •
Short addresses given by several clergy-
men present. ,
8 00
Butter and
MARRIAGES. Eggs wanted.
FORD -MURPHY. -At Willow Heigh
Goderioh townsbip, the resided°
of the bride's 'Arena, on June 28th
1899, by Rev. E. B. Smith, Frederic
G. Ford to Emily, twin daughter o
Mallenry Murphy, all of Goderic
townsliip. •
SLIIIPSON-ROSS.-At the resident:
of tbe bride's father, Alex, Roes, o
Wednesday, June,28th, James Siam
sion tO Tena Ross, all of MoKillop.
Thursday,. june 29tin by Rev.afr
Thomas, Dn Chao. Clampbellof Brook
lyn, formerly of Seaforth • to Miss In
Stanley, daughter of W. E. Stanley, o
GREER--HIGGINS,-At the residenc
of the bridea mother, Blyth, on Jun
28th, by Rev. A. McLean, Mr. 0. H
Greer of Fort Arthur, to Robing
youngest daughter of the late Rober
GORDON- --Ifo01310-On Wed ne sday, -
June 210, at the residence of Mrs.
Scott, by the Rev, Mr. Sinclain Mr.
George Gordon to Miss Jane MoCue,
both of Kincardine. .
day, June 280, by Pev.Dr. McKay
Anent MoCallunt of Newdale, Manito.
- be, to Jane Niven Irvine of Kinder.
dine, •
by Rey. P. Ildusgrave, at the reeidehoe
of the bride's parents, , Mr. Robert
Sanderson, of Goderioh township, to
Miss Lauretha, only daughter of Mr.
'Wm. B. Cook of Constance..
DOW-FARK.-Al, the renidenoe of the
bride's tweets, on June 28th, by ReV. .
P. Sdott, Mr. John Dow of Hibbert, to
• Miss Ellen Jane, daughter of Mr. Jas.
Park of Fullerton.
MUBSER-DUNCAN.-At the Manse,
Exeter, by the Rev. W.M. Martin, B.
Ins on 2Ist Abratiarn W. Musser
of the township of Hay, tacianalaugh.
ter of Mr. Alex. Duncian of taborne.
SELVES --BItA.VE118.-At Woodhans,
:tine 21, by Rev. S. Ittlett, Richard
Selves' to Mary C., daughter of Ben-
famin Beavers.
June 21, Rev. IL A. Graluttn, AeSt
Maim, to tattle, daughter of W.
Kennedy of that town. •
ELLiOTT--MoILWAINs-eAt the resi-
dence or the bridea father, Witighatn,
on jullf) 21M, by Rev. Mr. Freed, Mr. -
Charles Elliott of Tureberryl. ta. Mies.-
•Teesie Mcilwain, of Winghem, ,
HOWARD-MI-LLEIL-At Grace church
Detroit, oft June 14th, by Rev. Dr.34.
Carroll, Miss Annie E,, only. daughter
of the late It. Maher of Goderich,
end nitide of Mrs. Dr. Cary of Mill.
brook, to RSV. Wm. Aylesworth Hotr-
od, M. A., of Stet Prairie, Wiseman,
Vale, June 28, by Rer.Wor.ivirsat,Mies
Lilum Greeneway Witte. W. McIntyre
of Toronto.
LANGPORD-liAMILTONee•At the resin
• BEADLE,,in Auburn, on Jurie 29th
k the beisved ife of George Beadle'
f - aged 80 years. '
h STEWART-1n Grey, on Tuesday,,June
27tb, ;John Stewart, aged 65 years,
O 10 months and 15 den%
HODDER.--In Morris, on Wednesday,
' "June 28th, Simeon Hodder, aged 82
years, 7 mopths and 13 days.
u ELL1OT.-In Turnberry, on June 18th.
• Mrs. James Elliot, aged 40 years, 4
months and la days.
• HASTINGS. -At Glenannan, Jane 22nd
1 Isabel Anderson, wife of Hastings,
aged 30 yeare, 5 months, 20 dam
6 ROSSa-In Rodgerville, on June 24th
e • Mrs. Gavin Rosa, aged • 54 years, 8
• months.,
COOPER. -In Clinton, on .7uly 3rd, the
wife of Mr. O. J. Coopenof a daughter.
READLE.-fn Auburn, on June 21st,
the wife of George Beadle,of a daugh-
PRENDERGAST.-In Seatorthson June
29th, the wife of Mr, Ed. Prendergast,
of Chioago, of a son.
LANE.--InanoKillop, on Itine 22nd,
the wife of MaJohn Lane, of a daugh.
MotGerEE.-In Marone, near Whalen,
June 26th, the wife of Dennis McGee,
of a daughter.
McLean In Kincardine, on , Saturday,
June 240i, the wife of Mr. Angus Mot
Lean, of a daughter.
SHORTREED.-eln Morrie on June 23,
the wife of Mr. George 'Shortreed, of
Winnipeg, of a son.
MARTIN. -In Wingham,' on Saturdays
June 2ith, Mrs. R.3. Martin, of a son.
Arnim—In Lower Wingharo, Juno
. 25th, Mon IlObt.Austin, of a daugbter.
. •
ehildren in the Sunday &shoot was again deride Of the beldea tether, let 7 con.
referred to, especiaity the difficulty of * flegli014 121 MCGillirra its en Tueidays '
0 cer refueet to al. getting ymeng Men Who work during the June 27th, by Rev, M, Short of Port
all pertook of the letrionadei• 11 f ank WM ten or twelve feet equate end preach the .neceptable year of the
low ecrutineers to bee the face of the week te Attend S n The excuse is R ell a " led by Rev W Diehl alf
ballots and thus he was. enabled to get t sehnon ' Very deeP. _ The little body wee found Lord." Before the mention the ehoir - - - " ' • ' 611, s 1631 • . 1
at the teak, and after that the men siting t le sive y All Mtn, oW matt i . ,
1 1 1 tl "11 I ta made Una they need' thie time for re- Alai, CM% Rein Albert .1. Lengford
riendwirbes And Jove!? kinds of cake.
hey adjourned to the elAss room and
•14. in his fine Work. seemed, deprived of 'their "lenses foe int upon the mountains." Mr. Breda, ereation. 'Ilie question Wes asked woilld to Mile Maggie A., daughter of Mr.
finished the program with n, heppy Moo
' • , Xertel eitOolnernettee, emptied the load AA they dM all rielt suetained the , bass with fine not the instructiontreeeived be more John lietailton.
"In other cams ' ha I t-te ehnrus by five gide and the" cloelng day -Into the opening Of enures when baritone voire. At the offertory Miss beneficial than the recreetion, 0100- SIMPSON-HOLT.-e0tf ;lune 21st, et,
' qatetnted by p600te who had nothing itlettin." Wecinnot refrein from offe
--i-oaeoaee ',tete hymn tainti be with ion till we tneet th thee felt sio e;otelts word wits floulbee rendered the bertatif ul enlo tion is SOMStiMeit Inad8 fa titling 0( rit..lantes church, Parkhill, by Rev.
e nin .
to do with the electron They brought ing a mead of bribes to the Aram 4+ wo k he V ' eh ' th fler veiee l'f a Pure in 4. le
r- mint up town and, an before mentioned "The Children's Ifointi" in a praim. prises. I believe hi rewarding'merit, SO O. R. Gann*, M. A., Jas, W. Simpson
In the hake* without a:ny existential V r gen. ots more an an ever y mermen • iv g Bibles, Peeler Bootee, eto., for to wee tam* elesgetee wars, S, J.
ALL WOREISO illernett PIttarroW. • A / "AA f n Bat VIA .1/4 inn 2 r e en§ine pumped- awAy and et satsuma fun et freshness', reachinathe regular attendants* at ohurohnand Sun- psaatesta en as ?Osten.
lin t th
selli wills
"Fhe Whole riding wise sample flood- time Ano A I rt Miff d
end Emily Whitaly. limiters rt the end of t, itt tftne there wan Retie high noteff with Porfeettrt'edom• Xinitt lit, School A enteral disenesion fel- Cl/ANT-TAYLOR.- On Jane 2Ist, by
*verve a el I
wpmers old
view, hes taw
161666 thid twat* &nen the Wags in azimetn? with teirle
Zama Addams neturwens Won Breed. en
, • no
msntiori for be hanetence Oboe ran- Itt
• •
er er 'mid of the, tank on her Boothe, is One of London d eopranos, amen an eseeeneet
tie hstnd And k noes, her mem h fun rind &on that eity great eredft. Mr. read by RSV. Mr. Arent
the sett cley. No OA. Will ever knave Allis fa A pleasing Speaker, Ana v.'
-- - - e non, t The need eta
editing more &bent fa for ehe triode I know hie congregation WM appeeciate ) other'religloui bodies 13
Pig% I him.
• Tr66 ea Reagents Bois meditted by %matte:Pair-
of Dundlun game W. A . iclout I. A . of 'nee -
8. S. Papers' onte, 6 new of
• putillOatiOne wart , r • • •
For P.erfurning Wardrobes, Li.ner• r
Closets, and preventing: MOth
loc a Bag.
Onr HO To
25e a Package
nip is the great Spring Bitters.
• •••••,,,ri.,-.
We are sole egents in Clinton for
• The Penny post Cigar
the best 5c Cigar in Canada. Bey
Chemist 'and Druggist.
Physicians' Supplies.
(Wee Cotton Root Compouni
Is successfully used monthly by °Vet
1000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cook's Wait Reef Cap
posit Take no other. as all Mixtures, pine and •
Imitations are dangerous. Priee, No. 1. atter
I, &I No. sac degrees strott*er,ss jeer box. No.
I ir 2, mailed en receipt of price and tWol.isent
t amps. The Cook ()outpour winesor, Ont.
,arNoe. I and sold and recommended be all
responsible Druginato 111 Canasta
Noa end No 9 sold. in Clinton by Sydney
Jackson, Druggist,
of Eureka. Harness Oil will take the
stiffness out of old harness and make
it Oft as new. It will leek like new.
It oils, softens, blackens and
itg.t preserves the leather. You
can keep new harness from
wearing out and renew
the life of old. harness wit.h
Melt On allyourharitessmOod your
eartiagetop. Frit up in cane ,•t
g pint to 5 gallon. 8old evdywhere,
itiallittAt. tele 00., Lynam
s' •
Arrrerrirr ,
. •
• '