HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-07-06, Page 144 I 4 • .1 as •l sit Year. If the Nowstlecord LIL • CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1899. in its enlarged 'form pleases you,. the Editor: will consider i1. a favor to have you reeommend it to your !Wends, You will, . will you not I The Now ilecoril is a Newspaper, first and . ....... ...., ........40.4.._,....,_ Aohimi4 No.11E10 As Avalfivat. Griaket MOO fa &nit , Blyth• 11011106,1110. Windt) NUM Ten derne cild story. Let your • -. witten run for the peel', five or six yore And never hita it cleaned or tiled, and noW yea wonder it bee stoppea. Well, you can't bleine wheri you stop to think the °e4"""41 Mr. lioiey'e family left on Saturday A piety correlating of the Andrerne Our cricitet team journeyed. to Forest Clinton Will Have:Geed Streets . Mr....R. I Aire, 'Hovey meet witil an accident on friende picnicktel tat Rieke la the bike, theForest awn hy six runs, two full Mr. Howard Alexander returned to atta and M. Walker of, Springlielt1 for their usual camping by the 'eke. Glazier and Beacom families With morns on )uly 1st and macceeded in, defeating y, • town from IY/auttoba, es Tualay last. visited friendshi hie neighborhood the Iva. y out which lald her up fior a fele side on !Wonder and on its hornewatel inningabeing played Clinton won the efair of alucknow Mre. 0, Leopard spent a few days days, but which mighe have been vela Way' Met With what might have reeulte toile and took the bat R Ni ht t The Town outwit Decided on Monday Mr. Wm. LAU spent the 1st of July with hie father, in Bright., Misses Johnston acconma- R. Agnew andg o to, a awyer- assay • tout flecomtng alarmed at the hone ed more eerlously than it did, though the veteran 3. Howson facing the atone Oresher at a Cost of $000social ate, No, 8, Beliett, on Feeley tiles Elia Wileon J spending a few. she jumped and bruised herself In • it Was bed enough. While driving ing of lileylor and VanValkenbutg. 0 ae • falling, but we are glad to say is all along at a leleurely rate a wheel of one The wicket wait in very poor condition, MondaY night . days With friendeln Goderich. At 's meeting of the Mr. john Habirirk of Clinton is Mrs. D. B. Oalblek and son ofaffood- ' right again, of the cariples broke down throwing the in fact it was pronounced by all to he town council Mayor Shaw was thrice visiting at his home at presene, stock went a few days With beatealetera, - whole party, into the elltelaaa Mrs. the worst that our boys overplayed on. • eide a tie vote. One of the InOtione was epending his holidays at bishome here. Miss A. V. Stephenson was i 0 Woadama at Charett. nights Atenabers of the local Oamp of Wood- Harry Glazier mattered most and was Runs cause ,very elowly, and at til • e placed in the position or having to de, Mr, Herbert Ashbere, of Thorold is Mr. Acheson. rendered unconscious for a Nine and completion Of the inning. all that men of the World attended divine seain regard to the purchase of a Sawyer- A union picnic of St. Andreeas and ricmholsidsottoweeseka, omit, cox). and It MeKenzie.ancle-Ma Gaeta of Goderi were callere et Aare. apinaes on Sate day. Mrs. Johnston and Dora re- ' smell etommt of oil that is put w • Your wetchwhen it is cleaned, le you have a good watch It will pay you to have it ,cleaned at Telnet every -two Yeiers• It not only longtaiene its life but allows _ „it to keep more accurate time. • Den% waienntil it stops for that mayebatoe late, but is it« to • es now and have • it thoroughly • cleaned and repaired. „ We are expel -1s lawn line a ^ • al HERE are always a few peo- , vice in St. Paul's church on Sunday ple cannot do their afternoon when they listened to bouse•cleamnre In the early en earn and practical serum b Rev. epring on account of various cira T. A. Wright of Brantford. On their cumstances, end for these peoele e we are ready with some splendid return to Vamp votes, of thanks were values irtWall Paper andWindow extended to the rector, preaeher, war - Shades: In time' cases We are dem end choir 41, Nem Death of Me, Mak The Rev. Raberb IL Hale Methodist minister stationed on the Nile circuit, died at the parsonage on Thursday last and was buried at Dungannon on Saturday. Mr. Hail had just entered upon the thirtieth year of his ministry and the second year ' of his pastorate at Nile when suddenly called away. He Was a man of deep piety and great devotion to his work and most success- - • • fel on all his charges. His memory selling Paper at 5c a rolleformers IY offered at 20c ,and 25e. We don't' believe in keeping geode , MINI Macy get old, and our sue- . • • . cesstul season allows us to 'give * sone sweeping cuts on lines We al want to clear, , Es • • • Jeweler fuel Exp:At eiaatela • • 13elatirer. • Tli WL 'QM E people are in the habit of taking a gl too much, and it generally costs them 50, to get . • We have 288 glasses too Many, that we are offering 'at 3c eachror 360. per dozen. They are extra good value, and can be seem in . bur South window. ' rOlt a 'delicious dessert try Cream Custard.° con. '-tains no -corn starch, requires • DO cooking, prepared in a min- ute.by cidding boiling • milk, accoi'dino• to directions. For an appetizer try • Some our Fancy ' Oijrkens: • VERYTHING• new in the • Canned Goods line at the tElli).`ifT.DaV • @LEI@C4Ent ALL PAPER . TRIMMED FREE ' CLINTON will be cherished by many. • Little !twat* Wanted-4_bright boY to learn • printings -Tau NewsaueonD, • Mr. P. ger is building a summer . •0. kitchen for Mr. William Taylor, Rat- . ee....eee,aa-• ,a.,,,,._ aaaa tenbury street, ' • ••''5'-r•etalt4IF•waalsaa'a'agne- 5 Mies genie Cnuff fell out of the ham • ' • • • - • '' • • - mock at her father a borne on Sat . . . aay and fractured :bar arm near the S13ectaeles . h Se Pitula church . Sunday School A.N.D . ; . ;1• • 4 has decided to picnic at Bayfleld on 19 .,. 11 a oittioy g. of next week,..... weather. ips,r • • Te -Glasses Imipeetor Robb and rrincipal Lough. ;1 (, are presiding Ile the examinations ill Ina best bought when the eyes e progrees- in the Collegiate Institute ;1, II) I / i ere thoroughly tested (.2 a Mg e• e and the hese adjusted tanst he Rem ta 'lilted. 13oth fr en a - as a poorly fa. • 1 it, , adj and Oa l frames caref1lY re We guarantee••-•-• in whatiiiraromt our S to be.eXaCtl* 8 :ens vria not a,,,,,a 4 .0a seri every Da. onY. (4 re- quired..is g . G 0 ' Of Cooper's Book alma • Graduate Optician ot • the Optical Institute Canada, • The Clinton nasebill team has struck = a winning gait It defeated tbe Orioles of London here on Saturday by 19 to. 9 and the Brussels nine at Blyth on Mon. ay hy D. to 4. • •••• .. ' ... aaa Messrs. Y. and '0. Hill of the Base. Line drove through town Saturday on theiriaity east to deliver a fine span of toper bay active* drafts which they bad sold . for a good 'figure.. , Rev WG. Howson of Ratienbury ritreeb, church will take for his subjects next Sunday : A. M., "People who take back Beata': P. M., "The Mies- •plored way." Master Bert, the flve-yeer.old min of te,weee•aelaseagemaaaaaaa.a.,0e. yea Mr. J. W. nm, fell from an apple tree - -a --- on Tuesday and fractured liis left arta • . below the elbow and dislocated the elbow -joint as well. The choir of St Peter's churaheacide- . rich, took charge taf the musical part Grebe service .intt. Joseph's church • e , • .00LE COOPER !1 CO., Clinton 16 . last Sunday. As their organist dirtriot Cash paid for Butter and Eggs and AD • Ts . accompany theta, Aliso Jones presided at the keyboard. • •.. ... . . Mr. Thos. Saddler of Parkhill, an ex- • Advertisements of tell Words - tensive raspberry grower, called on a or under, address- tounted, number of the dealers on Tuesday and 'and well-written cor- will inserted In,Tna NEWS- eIpects to ship the luscious fruit into respondence is afeature • RaconD for 10 tente each in- this section of the count , in of Tnr NRWS-RECORP station Lost Found,For county the ' Sale, Servant,- Wente,d, Etc. course of a few days.• a. a„ • • "Dried Apples. Phone 23, ' • DBLICtifflciro'.".;°. • .• which has a large and efficient staff of report- ers at various points in • the county. ... . • . To secure tbe news of Huron • read Tien News -Rem= ... , • may appear among •the The C. O. F. Band has had a big run lacent Ails. ' of engagements since its Organization, that at Londesboro on Friday evening and Blyth on Monday making seven in about four week. It is gratifying to • know that the Band has given excel • - lent satisfaction. - Rev. Mr. Howson occupied the pul- pit of Rattenbury street church fortbe • thee time on Sunday and created a fay. oreble iMpreeekni. The congregation • have extended a cordial welcome and pastor and people seem well pleased , with each other. The garden social held at Mr. 0, lioare's on Thursday,evening last was . • • • • 0 ES il THE TWO A.MS. Our new premiseS are commodious and enable us to earry a larger stook s Atban befoi e, and thus a more varied selection. • From both points. of view - our customers benefit, and IVIrtste Pe ir" A d Id id b a ably scretehed and. Oreised, but xlc• 8 hang top scot*. After luncheon Naase7 °twine crul'ha"• etalanfislanm lifaemthe°s4.1.4istog:ho'r abnekl,"TseheelapetinneiMpari bones were broken in either case. Fereet went to hat and their wickets ' - Dohertyhad id .1* johuson Ford and - fell like hail under the ten We bowling yea and Ooancillors Phinunerailacken- . sport of the day was a football match Sunday at st. INTP4 ,.. The service in St Paula on Sunday nf McTaggart and Barge, the innings • . zie and &into) nay, The Mayor voted between Brussels and Blyth, When were hearty and devotainal, The . • n nt b ." ta • yea also and the crusher will accord they lined up it looked as if Blyth boys attendance was not so large ingly be purchased. The .vote was- were not in it, but before playing long turned home on Monday to Innerkip as a mils. Clinton t•hen went to bet and preceded by a diSCIpision in which Kelly scored a goal and juet before after epending a '. few weeks with. 111/Mher of fandlitia had left town for Pliyzeatil0r0 ea.refilliY. They succeed - the summer and many ()there were Plummer • took strong half time was called Brussels scored friends, •° , ed in rolling up the creditable score of Cnunedinv • A. absent having taken advantage of the , a , .• season. He did net believe it could be • were even. • When thee hofiall to Play phia is. visiting under the pa aril • ' cheap rates, The offertory, which was steady betting. Agnew and Barge legally done 58 00 provision had been again it was very interesting for a roof . rettching double figures After a care- .. • • " ' to take the place of the garden parte f • made in the estimates and quoted a whde• but be a long kick Sloan sent Miss A... Yee returned. home after a Was very liberal., over $50 bellag placed t11."11ng 'Yf 6° atardaf.°37111°1"t went precedent in support of his contention. in another gaine foralyth and in about I two weeks' visit with friends in Brini- er; the plate during the day which will to bat requiring 100 runs to win. Our 1 bo s I a ' f t' tbe ki . Ire reply Co the question of legality the ten minutes Sloan scored again. There Ms. ground ageing. buying a crusher this one so that at half time tlee teams prof, 3'. Holdswortb of Phil e- gg runs. Ito s tributing 48 by w on con be considerably increased when alt Mayor said the Solicitor bad been con being about ten minutes to spare It have handed in' their donation. The that it was a sure win, but runs Came t I leand fast makin the finish as ex. suited andhe had given it as his o in- locked as if the Myth boys were goitre P choir and congregation are indebted to 1...k n • g - ion that the council was perfectly jus- to win easily, but Brussels soon Mr Cuff, the organist, and Rev. T. A. citing as a baseball match with the banes full and one run needed to wei tified in making a Purchase if it sa* scored another goal and when playing Wright who preached three excellent ix • • - • - - - I--• fit. The four builders who tendered . stopped the score stood Blyth as •Brus- owever, the agony ended by Rev. , were ,_, mid - searching sertuone. one in' the is . . Sawyer -Massey : Co., $900; a. aalargrett being run out, Below ., , afterneen to the W. 0, W. , Good Roads 0o.,$900 ; Austin 00.4780; the ;Wore in full • Gates Co., $1421, a 6• Mr. Lack Kennedy addressed the 4 council on behalf of the corienittee 0 which manages the riewly-organized Mitchell Won Telco• • ' • CLINTON '-- The'return match between the Olin- Dr Aim' ow b VanValkenburg ton and Mitchell Bowling clubs took a efoasove Popper b Maylor place r otto•Lny;ritahneNdUrieislltti°Iti:•dgarsel4eft:0170:wizna :°_,Illiti- 4,,,LC:a.Mcial (Put; aiu: T:r:::1 ignir run ;:nervtowatuun,tirl ateMaylornbl i r, is, . .. ......... .,..:, :7..2 73 Band of Court Maple Leaf which asked for,a grant of one hundred dollars, He . 6 considered such an amount would be . • 0 Barge b Monroe ' • .. ,,, 5 • • • W Ryan 0 well spenb and the citizens in general .1' B Hoover oVenvaureneerit b Monroe icauabsrtY • 03 canteein b Monroe a W Medley ren out . ... . . .. : 8 would thoroughly appreciate it The 17 skip .,........... ... 24 Dr Shaw not out, . , .,, 0 Band has bad several engagements,but 7 the pay was comparatively small. The 'reread • eyes . 2 3 nansfora ".. Wa ABlrottgu Wicket ,, a .. .. ..,... 1 ord J. Johnston . J Harland Jaeliedu. skip D MoCorvie J'AV Irwin rt A. Forrester,'- • .. Dr Burette • , ' a 49 skip ...............20 . step., 1 ‘ • 76' ., , OND INNINOS -‘ . • - - Dr Agnew b Wicinuan ....% .... :. ....... . ... .13 Totals ; 37 Totals ' .-, .46 , j Howson o Feinier b Walters . . . . 1 • In the afternoon the rinks reversed, b Walters. .... ,•,.,. .... ... 0 . oapt moTageart with the following result :- a Mailurctio b VanValkonburg..... ... .. ... 3 • 13 Rawlinson o FichmaublgOttrae 43 CLINTON . , NETTOFIELL A 1WcGarva b Maylor 2 W Jackson. ' Dr Burritt ' ' 0 Barge o Fenger b Maylor. • ... ..... .. . .. ,... -12 , skip 20 skip 18' J B Hoover o Naylor b Monroe • 2 D A. Forrester .. . Dr Wood • • . E .7 Cantelon not out , , 2 skirt•-•.•::. . .. .... -.42 skip .....: .. .,.. 20 3 W Chidley, b Naylor . , ' • - - .. . • • • ' ,- Dr Shaw a and b Monroe ' 2 Totals '.. -; 32 . Totals .' as eyee• • 3 Plot Darrled, . . • Wicket' . 2 , • . • _ Mr John Sheppard of the Nile wits • . • 89 in town a few days last week Waiting far news front Petrolla where. his • Rov A 1Wargrett o MoTaggart b 73arge . • • ST MARYS . . , brother.Jecob lay very ill. Mr. Shep- o vaattuvona•reemenobAugrgnehw bears a strong resemblance to puhlish, Dr wane -so Ilawlinson b Rarge.., a hieGarva b moTaireart•-•• • albel3Taasrgeaar.t.::::. ;•..:::::..., ; : pard, who is seventy-eight yearsof age, c 13luettb MTh art • gg • • ed portraits of alorace Greely,•t he fain w c Thal" Fi Hallocko Hoover b moTaireare . ous joutnalist. He was born 'in , Tipperary, Ireland, and came to this w•Trinet Cantelon b Barge .‘ - • country seventy- years ago, and • Tetaelor e MoTaggart h Barge , • after six years residence. In Toronto 0 PesPontot. out • township, .the family •moved to the ,BY Wroske : • 0 -7 • .10 0 2 .3 -o0 1 5 • 0 2 township of Goderich where' the large, ' . family of boys and girls grew to name: • ' hood and womanhood. Mr. Sheppard, 2ND INNINGS who has long been resident of Ool- Rev A. Margrett run on t 1 , • . .13 13 • G vanviakeseure 0 Shaw b o edreaniectof a.public grant.but thought Mt. Ernest Highly. of Blenheim le - spent a few holidays in Varna, and VI-' March when tbe golden anniversary of c illuett b Metrurobie grant was iieeded, but it was not asked for in advance, but only when good service had been. rendered. Councillor Jelmson, did net favor the resolution, at least not in the form. in which it was rnade. He did not think the council was justified at the present stage in assisting a Society band When at had get into smooth wcirking order and had rendered serviceareauTd be am - pie time to ask for grant Councillor Mackenzie thought $100 rather too steep; $50 would be -plenty'. • Councillor Jones said the Band had •organized by Court Maple Leaf when there was no prospeet of anybody else taking up tbe project. Oonsiderable expense had been incurred in purchas- e• Mr. F. Leonard paid a visit to friends'. in Caineville. His niece, Miss Maggie .. ,. Kier, returned with him. ' • '''' I Mrs. Moat of Tuckeretnith was the guest of her daughter, liars. W. aten. ‘ra cels 2. I,- • , . • Mr. John S. McKinnon of-Toeonto is Rev. X. Greene and Mr, A. JeCourtice . .1 visiting at his home at present. , and wife attended the funeral. of the 'Bev. Wm. Penhall, lately pastor Rev. Mr. Halls of Nile on Saturdoy. of. thiCortionacireuit,Lampton county, Mr. and Airs. Hardy of elle Base Line who was appointed by late Conference spent Saturday with Mi-. Ezra Pickard, to take Ma, Rigsny's appointments, On Sunday morning Mr arrived in Blyth en Wednesday, Colborne preaclaed, and in the evening • On July 3rd things were all a stir Mr Wilson of Bentniller gave an ex - very, early preparing for the erowd cellent discouese. The pastor vvas ate - that was expected, but the gathering sent, taking the services at the Nile. was not very large till about noon. At The E. L. is having the church win- - • 2 o'clock the procession started for the clows frosted. grounds headed by the C. 0, F, -.Brass Miss B., Greene .is trying the exams • • Band of, Clinton. The first item on on the commercial course, and Miss E. the program was • Highland dancing. Stanley is trying the junior leaving • . Then came the hammer throwing, the exams. prize nehig -taken W, Sootb of • BrOssels who threw the heavy hammer Varna. 95 feet and. light hanarar 10a feet Then came thenateball match beteveen Pienies.-A large gatherieg'"ef Me- • Brussels and puntorn. teems which re- thodists and Presbyterians rissenibled - suited in victory for the Clinton team at "J'Ovvetta grove, Bayfield, last Setae by a score of 9 to 4 and an innings to 'day and, spent Dominion bey boakeine, sparealefcLaughlin, the (Minton pitcber, bathing, •etc The day wq • struck out eighteen men and puzzled beautiful and everyone seemed to bee the Brussels players. Then Callas the enjoying themselves to the very great, foot races. At 100 yards Jones ofParka est extent hill took lat. Geoege McCully 2nd and • Accident. -While Mr. J. Stevenson D. Scott of Brussels 3rd. The run and was drawing in . hay last Mon - high jump was captured by Mi' Jones day the horses became frightenedent the very heavy clap ot thunder andaan away, throwing Mr. Stevenson off the , load and the wagon passing over his leg, broke both bones above the ankle.' . be sometime before he will be aisle to resume bis duties oil the farm. Rev. Mr. Andrews delivered a ever ing new instruments. etc., in order to of Parkhill with Ma J. Dingwen of Wa- make thel3and well worthy the town wailosh and. • The rain stopped the and he felt certain the citizens at large proceedings for tbe rest of the day. wet e in favor of a grant. The inten. At night a grand Scotch concert ,was tion was to give a full program se • given in Industrial Hall, those taking - weekly street concerts which mead not part .being :-MtasAngus of Loudon, but help liven the town. . piper ; Miss Templeton of London, Councillor Plummer objected on the Susie McGill and EngemeLockach of able address last Sabbath a thapeoplees money in this way. faalemaisierdllioisvecdondgotcevgnatetiolam L lio era.d s ground that it was not right to expenti the same city. also David McGill and In Matt Moody of towru. his zpusical ,experience, and andhe was Mr. Win. Belfry of Montreal is visit- _ last Tuesday, ',, • a - , a , a. membeeaf one of the first brass ing friends in town. Miss Tyreman from Seaforeh ifethe ' bands Wier; organized in ()Beton, every I MraMettFloody oftownlefb on Tues- guest of Miss H. Ward. borne, was married. fifty yeare ago last member had to pay his own way, never day to visit friends in Exeter« Mr. Thos. Barnwell of Kincardine (4 R Monroe run out 6 the honor of membership and the use visiting fi lends in town. cinity visiting his friendsand relatives. • g 01 00 instillment runtaerecompence for Mr. James Sims arrived home on while Mr. 0, Keyes was driving 10 services rendered. • . Monday night with his bride. They nails last Monday he. accidentally 2 ' The vote on the 4, with the Band committee afterwards, rich. Your correspondent o1 ns in ous as was first drove one into his knee causing a .nas- • thought. ale is able to Malin which called will oceupY the house on Mill street 1 - fore'a $100 grant and an arrangement lately owned by John Kelly of Gode- ty wound though possibly not so tiara 3 . stead even and called for the Mayor's wishing them a long and happy life get around again. We belie for the --e- decision. His Worship objected to the together ' best resulte. the day was celebrated. He is brim full Dr waiters eforaggart b Barge • • oold time reminiscences and on W 0 Reddy o Rawlinseab Barge Thursday fell to recalling incidents in P Hallo& o Howson b Barge the early histoi y of Goderich township Wiohman run out and spoke of the tiret marriage sol- :Aragfamoacit oeugtga-lt b 1"1.431116‘ emnized in that municipality or 'the T Popper o Barge b Maturollio county by a minister of the gospel, the BYes bride being Ann Saunders and the • groom Jame? Cada both of whine long • condition.inaposed thee a notice of the band to mourn her departure. M •• t):1 form of the resolution • and said if it Auburn.• twhase anpoptorienmtnoldeenitledofb yafiresotincifitge forto since joined the Greab Majority. • • Aixiong the children of this pioneer make arrangements for street concerts • pair are :-Mrs. 'Robert Miller of the DEATIL-Again the angel of death with the Band committee he would have Base .Line, Mrs:Thos. Beacom, Clinton, bas come into our midst, the beloved to pronounce against« it Past arrange - Mrs, Harry Carte Wingham and Mrs. wife of Geo Beadle passing away on aatnes Depew. Before the event 'here Thursday last, leaving behind a baby 'meta with subsidized. band' bad been • entirely satisfactory spoken of, magistrates had- authority but nine 'days old, another little girl • not to Knot for better or 'worse, with the aged seven years, and a sorrowing line: r. 'event had to be posted up and remain Beadle and friend e havgabe sympathy ir for these days or be read by these of the whole community in this the persons. . and bereavement, the more so as it is • • . well attended, but ail the teMperature Conetriat• Notes.•• the second death in the family in less adopted appointing a committee of This has been tie holiday season Aamusing incident was noted' the than a year. ' was too frigid for cooling drinks or ice n a Ione• The congregation of 'Knox church with us, rather the reverse. Our cream the receipts vvere not as krfour who will report at next meetieg. trade is larger than ewer before they wouldaatherwiee have beep, ge aswendingbis Way homewards other evening when of the students , alone held a very successfulgarden sec on jai A switch fronr the Grand Trunk track to the organ factory has been . P which we take to mean that our was heard singing softly to himself "A on the 20Ih of Jane, Which was a de - Mr. Thos. Cacao:mat, graduate of the • • e Does • cided success, making the snug gum of work satisfies our patrone. We Institute for tbe Blind at Brantford day a march nearer exams. it talked about for months, but it looks can give you eatiefaction. Or 1t lute opened up hi the Dineley block a not indeed, seem natural that these • wb 0 'goes to paint le c urc in now m if the firm intended pushing it you want something in the line and is offering baskets of all kinds for exatninations should cause A revulsion Sallie. I htl h h i through forthwith, inasmuch as they Our Auburn band s t ti 1 t of asked for permission from the council of summer geode read thee sale. These naming anything in his of feeling regarding school lifeP A •pen le s ng a ana tan r er ofto cross Irwin, High and Smith street% • Julytt di la d• 0 d pekes. line mieht give him a call and examine 111°re unsatisfactory "ate" "ring a an ni in additimi to the two for which the and he thought this time ft was advisable to lanove fleet and fore- most • what the citizens were • going to get in return for the $100 asked for. Accordingly the original • motion was rescinded and nether " so repairs promptly, hie stock. He al which to white on an examination andForesters'pic c at Pore Albert, obtained a permit; Senn Mine ago. y It e.want thein to reap it. Liot 1 d The Baptist Sunday Selma picnIck- t° prepare for , aro could the e 6 The 13aptist and Bali's Methodist , Co Ore , $ Black Coat, $1,50. je11iittnioBotisyrfleekirtonstaTtot art A lene-Y an- -~e ma. I lam and In fact the interest in the s that a, jolly good I not be easily itnagIned. The enthus- c urc esheldt e r ,annuti p cn c on The queetion of the conetruction of a the 1st july. h h b I I I I e inain Sewer Was briefly diseussed, but We solicit an inspection Coat and Vest $2.50. • believIng that .u. 'purchase , WIlite,andillack . will follow. sty Duck opat ward to this manual even • awhich ranks when it re found necessary to do the I Mr. . Henry Lasylor has returned mote willbe heard of it when an engi- time was spent. The children look for • • stud,ett cannot help bub be liesened • , and the at - with the Christmas Tree from Fibre, Mich., and gives glowing ogeee report iti received, A London or • tendance as is the manner with all S a 7 is g acenstomed "plugging" 'with a tem. accounts of that country, where moat Stratford, authority is expected up .s's, runs high as the date approaches. ' • season of the year. But the Depart- We understand thatMiss Anne Rage tile talk the Mayor stated that Dr. perature like what it u nail •id thi - of his family have gone to reside. shortly, to go over the ground. During ment, no doubt knows best and the leaves for Chicago, where she intends Bryce, secretary of the Provincial students languish on. The"old echoer to go in training fora nurse. May she-Boaril of Health, before whom the JJ closed last Friday evening with a huge prosper in her work for mankind. plan of the Clinton sewer would have a attendance, to re -open, It is hoped, Mrs, Relit ClurnmInge lies gone to to go, would be in Clinton on Weanes- This Collegiate having for several year; Mrs, Joseph Stewert of Detroit desirable to have the• report lead), day, the 12th inst., and he thought it with it etill larger one next September, visit friends in Rochester N. Y. pase graduated a student each year to Mich., is here visiting, having come to when he came. take the scholarship, it is expected attend the funeral of her sister, Ales • The council sanctioned the repot of Din SA El le,TALaT ▪ . • • Uit8. . , Black Smock and Overalls suit $1.00, Moleskin Overalls up froth $0.00. Rev, Mr. Howson, the new pastor of Rattenbury /Area church, arrleed in Aso so naii ft OW a er town Wednesdayand /int thing nurs- e -a a "ordayhe called upon Tres News-R=0m CLINTON. and asked to have his nanie placed • upon our subscription list. This will. ""•••••-""ael readily be accepted by the people of VV BOWE Huron as the best of evidence that he know s a good thing when be sees' It, Mr. R. Elliott, atrentforti, Riga fanjet Ranger of the Canadian Order of For. 01% u,C3Maceesters. St -21." and Will afterwarde be triter r Ciw visit Court Maple Leaf this Oh, do t hear some one say, I don't' think I shall go near you, I don't want fits. Oh, yes you do. You like your Coat and your Pants to fit and you like a nice easy fitting I.. Spring Overcoat. Your Rat won't look well if it don't fit. That is the -11 ate CLINTON. • r ""* kind of fito e give our customers and nutA mit° good fits or no sale and you 0A11. then give us o ge as yet unincora )irs. William Pinker is lying very neva animism - Mined tb an Informal Opread nt the %qv, domed tA) ' pbot ito more eon, ab present - • 1 membr* le evaluated, Lege night Ai banded. Several of tbe players are informed, studying medieine with raw to Thos. Me.ckenzleat. ' have been Nettled With other Learnt( for our doetot, Mr. E..Tohneton. who has beeh an Wallace reunotli. Mrs.11.WootlyardandMistMetavan f af• -.. satierins Hotel. A. number from sue- 2. That a tile drain be put on King - rounding lodges are expected to be matehes ant the club hat: dlie• Mies Belle Wilson of Auburn is, we ateest, east eae, from 13, Kaiser's eor- July est, VarnetSunday School lase Saturday, :: Elliott visited the Aubuin.brethen, the game as exhibited by the Clinton bought the sumtuer Which peeves the merit of Mr. Itobt. Itoberteon of Goderich has south Of Townsend street from mr. returned home hot sitturtiari It will of Stanley v hated etthe home of Mrs, F. , primal% and a good attendance of 3. That a two.plank walk be built, on - the employ Of Mr. Sohn Beator6, Sr, the Clerk property in this via Downs' to thetoteer of /last street be remembered that Mr. Abreact:1 AllOblulrr:e• aciler' Me. A. E. Wetheralae ., able curiosity has been aroused by the Mho Annie Ferguson accompanied up to date 100. Is spending big vacation at, his home lit Miss Flora Miller met h what MI" le" MaePhitentlidluisetrundieritinme ',team during the *won. Consider. loge and inthnds building shortly. MurAuck, Hensel', The atiourit 4%001dt-a on the streete went home Some two or three weeks • ego on secountof ill -health. Ife ftr. might have been a bad meld nt: Ott Death has called away another of Chanterlain whose decease took place on Thursday. airy will meet in the Metbodise chureh The members of the Ladies' Auxia • our old residents in the person of E. D. on Thursday morning. • The deceased: • The members of VarnaL. 0; L, will march to the Metbodise church next. . Sunday, when Rev. M, Andrews will • . deliver an Orange ser e -a- • • Mr. and Mrs. Turn ull, w a been visiting friends .and ref Lyt.d. in , Scotland, England and France, arrived home last week in good condition and a relate haying had. a fine trip and, see- ing many' beautiful sights. Mr. J. 1Vaniese is on the sick fist, We hope for a speedy recovery, 1 (4 • V • • Stuninerhill. , expected at the fruit and. ice cream Comma EVENTS, -,A grand time is V ti (Alai at Mr. Geo. Hill's on Monday evening, July 10, the proceeds of which are to aid the Sunday &hoot, No pains are beteg spared to make it a emcees. The C. 0. F. brass band will, furnish mileic galore. Admiseion loc.,children 1004, including refreshmnts. 'Therm • , desirous may- procure extra refresh- reente, as there is to be a booth in einos..a was in his usuel health till Tuesday nighb when he took to his bed, cause of death being heart failure. He•was respected by all that knew lama and had lived to be nearly .70 years old. He leaves a widow and two children to mourn their loss. The funeral took place to Union cemetery on Saturday. Bayfield Line. The annual picnic of S. S. No. 10 and 9, Goderich township, was held in Me, Elliott's grove near Clinton on Friary last, Jane 30th, A good representation of not only both sections, but also the surrounding country was present. About 3 &dock in the afternoon the races began, and the magnificent priz- es offered were exceedingly well con- tested for, each school taking itel fait share of the same; After supper an exciting though very friendlY garne Of football took place between teams from No 10 and No ft the result of which was NO. 9 was victorius, The oration, Conveyances wIll leave match was well played, considering the ton at 0.30 mt. 7n. IOC foe round tr p. • practice either team had. • part of last Week visiting friends in Snaith and Rev. Mr, Beverly of Fame this vicinity and 'returned home on Miss Ella Blair of Pine River spent •Doree mitts this event of the season. CletonoraOur pastor, Itev. E. •13. Mies May Blair, teacher of S. S. No. la Wingbans 'avers' Saturday accompanied Hy her sister, Miss Care and the Misses Saddler of exchanged pulpits last Sabbath. the guests of Miss who Is going hone for her vacation. Mabel Shepherd part of this week. * • Mr,Gla W. Barnwell of S. el, No, 10 Mrs. J. McCool and. Mrs. T. McIlveen wheeled to bis honle neat Kincardine were the guests of Mrs. F. MeIlveen that the one catididate this ear Mire George Beadle. the Street eolientittee, which t•econa last, eatusda$,„ evening. •one day last week. 1 Lough, tent maintain the etanding. Miss Maud Fluker bas returned from mended the following expenditures: I Mr. John Elliott hae greatly improv- Miss Estlier Wallace spent part of ed the looks Of hie place by theerection last week with friends in Stanley, Several ot this community attended The eteetitive end membets of the Olinton to attend her mother, who Is L A culvert of 10•Inch ° tile on the Football club had a taunt meeting on quite alt • Mrs. Sohn Johnston of this village ia ' Baee Line, opposite the Andrews of a new driving house. • Eifday evening Tata after four to wind Mies Mite Robinson of Lucknow is farm, and that the road he gradate at present the guest of Mrs. John John. up affairs for the :wagon. * It tits geese of her unce, atia Aa Bolan. the corporation limit tee Icnie at. ataylield given by the eton of Londesborough, nMIM i/th° Wh° 16*6 been 6tUdYinit WO appearance otottiall bodges on a thuito by her motheishaa gone to 'mit fejoidg The following accounts were ordered wards rettiened to Mr. BeiteoMar and Monday lase While going to Cimtpit Mltidr, Pekoe& the resesb ex* her of the Male ottalente coots. This is in the stoto of Illinois, ominations at the Tormit0 Casten% to be paid :- the emblem f lod the ohm of fits., Give us a trial ti fit you outnice °yr "8 °• alt taking honort. This make* fourteen successful students for poratod but organized, nverthelm.- but et latest reports is a, httle •YelisSiees Spring uit. You will be more t'han pleased for we make a - Miss McHartly In the past four yea" -ea•lhoreletegofi the players of the disband. eaeler - Carter • peciolty of giving better values and better lite than any house in the different examinations in harm., ° ate tea" Wi" 'IN°. Mat r ti I d Satrday, having boon summoned to Beaforth. I a Scott W. ream er ut town, e a e prim co tai ors an can fit a giant or a thwart and best of all our prices will fit your _pocket book. In the *early made department we have SU/78 FRO 0 $12400 the late*t *tyleo and patterno. or and arab tstad **toad year bite Mr. H. D. Mackay:, of W:lkerther. *gent or the Slower-Masey 00.. the Clinton team played with Whir Wheee bonito is in Goderich, was SisotriO Light 00 $17 9° neea compelled bitn at •return ,home bika her Men bealleeptet ne • • Waif 01rt of the buggyond *tatted to work again, but again she 3 00 es se !Otte he will remam the reniainder of , W. Wetted.), engage in ths game elsewhre. Ilerb it. Roseau Switter, one of the stalwart backs of A, ten insvold boy named Robinson, Vf. a% Co • ogg on - Mr. Thotnao Barnwell of Kineerdine **se nue. eta) spent a few days visiting friendo Mie. Lorne Tyndall is recruiting at snigi Varna and on thle line To 00 A. fevr of our boys took in the big 'thbillrPa. Wreinitratmh°1;td, y rola a span of In 00• celebration in bloderIch on Monday., horses to a eleefortaa buyer recently Haying hesenow 'commenced ond the and hes 'ince bought one it not two in $10 If hum of the mowers may be heard lotto the Harlock motion. ""tri l*? Betide. BMW? Of Knox to elate hook keo Mr. hones Stevens' pacing pony in an eighteen-year-0kt hat as sprightly est a cola, Asst. ten.yesat-old Itissold • Nelson Waive Si 'iestseletwai found dam Ottawa, derionneed the pat - star eiso, !OK Wel IA test 'Wein a* •teal practind in Writ Digit Sunday aid _ made Is Isi rook oat& rim Wait ri ibe enadidath as Mr. It fling Tithe. aerceiWI to wallas hoeitlay notional 51 z sn,e osisitth was in town Monday in the Interests I harn egotinst Mount. Forest, while h s drowned here Monday, while batbing miner, wrest meeting partner in the oandaysd in saafortb with mom* other small boys in 141* dam 1118 firm. In addreming the council - re.stotie cruehet he related Son141 Of his with Kippen aino, Dubu j'•00 cox the Deltoid river, atet outside the Brew maw Glue lig A 00 and Hie Will sue Yov. nay, nal Government shares in expenditure wLllysbasn 4tai stwr frittA :d 7074 Y.1.1111 471;d ( 11"14 tbs Pater- Ku hr tett which thrs poaten te wholly on. now, at hiatilt tecoming vire Ilearthe 06°4 wbn" tia"trka:11 045. It‘t 111 116 61.116 7etairoarn gg go tile summer. • on dartaken by tinemuntaipalities. In the Many of the vs towns tam for Mutter Boy, all will bear away Alt from * hay of Mule +mho()) kit *tooth *# injury shout the putatios at road neilattitory, for in. aeaseente will 69 . . 14410,0*, UN GOterla41016 t PAYI arnottal distant part*, lin otornittiOunSpAtinit 14,006.41.4. vimiomt: tite *IN ": o• , platieent awl AND DATUM. . • , . , -- . , , Mitt Mutat, </ 4 :IV • •