HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-01-30, Page 1VOL. XXI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1908. N0. 24. The Famous Pedestrian Gentlemen:— "I was a martyr to catarrh of the head, throat and stomach. I was no had the doctora feared consumption. I tried many physicians and medicines. A friend suggested Psychino. 1 tried it and it was the only thing ever did nye any good. I art now perfectly well. It is the greatest remedy the world has ever known, I do not need it for my health now but I use it as a strengthener for my walking matches. I owe muck of my physical endurance to Psychine." JAMES REYNOLDS, st Pout Hope, Ont. Paychine is the greatest cure for catarrh of the head, throat or etomach in the world. It is a wonderful tonic and strengthener of run down system, acting directly on all the vital organs, giving youthful vigor and strength to the eyetem. At all druggists 50c. and $1, or Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, 4••••4•♦•♦••♦•••••••♦••♦• • • • • • • ENTER ANY TIME • • Winter Term in all departments of • • the Central Business College, To- • • Tonto offors •splendid ohanoes for • • spending a few months pleasantly • and profitably. Twentyfive teach. • 4 ers. Catalogue tree. Write for it, • • W, II. Shaw, Principal ; E. R. • • Shaw, Secretary, Yonne & Gerrard • • Streets, Toronto. • ••••••••• 444100*** •••••••• NOW OPEN Out of Soap ! Well, we're not. We have fust received a new supply of tbe truest and daintiest Soaps ever offered for sale anywhere. They are pure Soaps and will give perfect satisfaction to everyone who uses them. Fancy names bring fancy prices for Soaps as well as far other things. We sell these Soaps without fancy names, but think enough of them to put our name behind them. We guarantee their quality. Three branobes:— Crushed Liliies Sweet Clover Carnation Petals 26 cents, quarter of a dollar or two Yorkers carry away a box of either brand. WHITE CiTY DRUG STORE Dr. W. J. MILNE AsksUs to Print It, To relieve the worst forms of Rheu- matism take a spoonful of the follow- ing mixture after each meal and at bedtime : Fluid Extract Dandelion, cne•half ounce : Compound Kagan, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. These harmless ingredients can be obtained from our home druggists, and are easily mixed by shaking them well in a bottle. Relief is generally felt from the first few doses. This prescription, states a well- known authority in a Cleveland morn - int; paper, forces the clogged -up, in- active kidneys to filter and strain from the blood the poisonous waste matter and uric acid, which causes Rheumatism. As Rheumatism is rot only the most painful and torturous disease, but dan- gerous to life, thin simple recipe will no doubt be greatly valued by many sufferers here et home., who should at once prepare the tnixture to get this relief, It is said that a person who would take this prescription regularly, a dose or two daily, or oven a few times a week, would never have serious Kid- ney or Urinary disorders sr Rheuma- tism. Cut this out and preserve it. Good Rheumatism prescriptions which real- ly relieve are scarce, indeed, and when you need it you want it badly. Our druggists here say they will either supply the ingredients or make the mixture ready to take, if any of our readers so prefer. Grow Ontario Wheat. Some of our farmers do not seem to realize the itnpo•tance of the success of Ontario millers in blending Ontario and Manitoba Wheat, In a word, it means, a growing demand for these blended flours, a steady market for Ontario wheat, better prices to the far- mer for his wheat, and lower prices for bran and shorts. All of these mach -wished -for requite' are due solely to the efforts of our millers. They first prove 1 to their own satisfaction that blended flours were better than flours made of a sin- gle variety of wheat. They proved by repeated tests, that a blend of Ontario wheat and alittle western wheat, made better bread than Manitoba "hard patent flour," and alga made better pies oake and pastry than Ontario "pastry flour." This is true bepanse blended flours contain the good qualities of both kinds of wheat. One of the largest bakeries in Toron- tried a blended flour for making "homemade bread," and in a short time they where working night and day in a vain endeavor to supply the demand. In the Maritime Provinces, blended flours have driven the Western flours out of the market in some instances, The millers have done more than their part in proving to the people that blended flours are best, It is doubtful if our farmers realize how much they can help in restoring the price of Ont - Suits -to -Order $10.00 Now is the chance of your lifetime to get a cheap Suit of Clothes. As we have a few Winter Tweeds left we are going to clear them out regardless of cost. We will make you a suit to your measure for $10 and $12, well made and well trimmed. Also the balance of our Ready-to-wear Suits at cost. S. H. GIDLE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE 33L 'SETH ado wheat to its old figure. What our farmers should do is to atop buying Western wheat flours and Use only Ontario blended flour's, This would create such a demand for Ontario wheat that the price would soon go up, and our farmers of course would get all the benefit, 'Poen, too, this ''ould help our dairy- men and stocklnen, ']'he prime cause of bran and aborts selling for such ri- diculously high prices, has been that. our local mills were grinding little wheat' and consequently there were none of 'these feeds for sale at the mills. They had to be brought frotn Manitoba and Alberta, end by the time the freight was added to the aloe profit which the Western millers demanded, the price was out of all proportion to what it should he, By buying blended flours and keeping our mine running to their full capacity, there will he plenty, of bran and shorts to sell at very much less titan they cost to -day, Morris Connell. tlutended for met issue.] The Council elect for the current year viz :—Geo. Taylor, Reeve, and Messrs. Shaw, Campbell, Taylor and McCutcheon, Councillors, met pur- suant to statute and subscribed the necessary declarations of office end geelification and the Council was duly organized, the Reeve occupied the chair, Moved by A. Shaw seconded by C. G. Campbell that W. Clark be re- appointed Clerk at a salary of $180.00. Carried. On motion of N, Taylor and C. G. Campbell, R. Johnston and P. Mc- Nabb, were appointed auditors salary $8.00 each, Henry Bone appeared requesting th t his property viz, Si Lot 20, Con. 8, be detached front S. S. No, 8, and annexed to S, S, No, 6, Moved by W. H. IticCutcheon se- conded by N, Taylor that Mr, Bone's request be considered at next council meeting to be held on the lith Feb,, next and that the Clerk be instructed to notify the interested parties to that effect. Carried. On motion of Campbell and Taylor CHEAP READING The Standard $1 00 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser 1 65 The Standard and Weekly Wit - nett s 1 60 The Standard and Weekly Globe 1 85 The Standard end Fatniiy Herald and Weekly Star 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire 1 35 The Stenderd and Hamilton Semi- weekly Times 180 The Standard and Weekly Free Press 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun 1 80 The Standard and Hamilton Twice -a -week Sptectator.... , , , , 1 80 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 2 25 The Standard and Toronto Daily News , 2 25 The Standard and Partner's Advo- cate 2 80 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser 2 60 The Standard and Evening Free Press 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily World .... .... ...... 8 21 The Standard and Daily Free Press ..................... 8 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 50 The Standard and Evening Mall and Empire 8 60 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 50 The Standard and Daily Globe, 4 50 Send,all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT. the tender of W. H. Kerr for the town- shipprintiug at $10,00 was accepted. On notion of McCutcheon and Shaw, John Watson was appointed assessor for the currant year at a salary of 870. On motion of Taylor and Campbell David Laidlaw was appointed member of the Board of Health, On motion of Shaw and Mc0ateheon Dr. Hamilton was appointed Medical Health Oflicer. By-law No, 1, for the appointment of Township officers was duly read and passed. Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows viz :-- Fraser & Logan, tile $ 22 10 J. McMillan, gravel 4 08 Jno, Colclongh, gravel 6 11 Wm. Taylor, gravel 1 12 R. Proctor, Collector's salary„ 80 00 R. Yonill, timber and plank 00 centre sideroad 8 00 R. Proctor, postage end station- ary 3 00 D. Davidson, donation to Sick Children's Hospital 5 00 W. Clark,, nomination expenses and posting financial state- ments 5 00 1V. 11. Kerr, printing debentures 11 00 T. 8, Brandon, part salary,,,, . 50 00 On motion of Shaw and McCutcheon the Council then adjourned to meet again on the 17th Feb, next at ten o'clock a, m. W. Clark, Clerk, How to Secure Farm Help. During the past four year's the Sal- vation Army ]las succeeded in bring- ing to Canada a good class of farm laborers and domestic servants. Notwithstanding the protest made in some sections of the country, that there is a surplus of labor, the army officials find there is still a great de- mand for agricultural laborers, and they have found it necessary to charter several ocean liners to supply the need, The call for farm rebores comes from all parts of the Dominion, and now that the Ontario Government has de- cided not to continue supplying farm help, and as it is likely that immigra- tion to Canada will not commence un- til late in April, the demand for set- tlers coming out under the army aus- pices will be vary great, The first chartered ship will he the Keneington sailing from Lit•erpool Feb. 20th for British Columbia points, followed by the Southwark on March 5th for On- tario points; the Ionian from Glasgow, and the Kensington from Liverpool 011 March 26th. Farmers who have not made appli- cation for help for the corning season ere advised to write for application forms and further particulars to Lieut. - Col. Howell, 20 Albert St„ Toronto. It's Surprising How Christmas steals upon a pars n. 'There'll be Roast Tur- key, Plum Pudding and Cake and Sante Claus almost before we know it, And there'll be Mince Pies and C1)ristmas Cake plenty too. Now we can supply you with your needs for your Xmas Baking Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Peels and Nuts, ell new fruit. Also Fred' Mince Meat—package or bulk, and we have a full litre of Candies, Nuts and Fruits. We keep a full line of Fancy China suitable for Christtnas Presents. CASH FOR ALL KINDS Or PRODUCE JAMES CUTT MONTHLY FAIRS AT BLYTH Friday, February 7th, 1908 Friday, March 6th, - 1908 Friday, April 3rd, • 1908 All tbe leading horse and cattle' buyers are specially invited to attend. Let everybody cone, Welcome to all. A. W. SLOA N, President. WM. JACKSON, Vice President. J. LESLIE KERR, Secretary. ANNUAL STATEMENT BANK OF HAMIL As eubmlttad to the Saareholdsn at the Annual Reeder bold at the Head Office of the Bask, at Hamilton, Monday, January 20t11, teu9. BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR ,1908: RON, WM, 3,1BSON, President, • GEORGE RUUIORF01tD J.'1'1'1 \1111,Vice-PresidisI & Central Manager JOHN PROCTOR C, C. DALTON DO' 1 S HENDRI'K, C.V.U. ('T'RC'0 A. 1411)10 LIABILITIES To the Public Notes of the Bank in circulation Deposits bearing interest, including interest acenled to date $18,902,027.36 Deposits not bearing interest 4,314,939.69 04,216,967,05 Balances due to other Banks in Canada and the United :hates Bnlanees due to Agents of the Hank in Great Britain..., 517,397.50 Dividend Na, 74, payable `lad. December, 1907 $61,759,00 Former Dividends uupaid 324.00 $ 2,215,621,00 197,508,51 To the Shareholders Capital Stock 42,470,360.00 Reserve Fund 2,470,360.00 Amount reserved for Rebate of Interest on Current Bills Discounted 71,000,00 Balance of profits carried forward 217,949,79 62,083.00 $27,209,637.12 5,233,609.79 $32,443,306,91 ASSETS (lobi and Silver Coin $ 534,979,33 Dominion Government Notes ., 2,173,070.00 93,110,844.53 Deposits with the Dominion Government as Security for Note Circulation 125,000.00 Notes of and Cheques on other Banks 1,48ii1,108.95 Balances due from other Ranks in Canada and the United States 141,488,68 Dominion and Provincial Government Securi- ties 226,810.23 Canadian Municipal Securities, and British, or Foreign, or Celouial Public Securities, other thau Canadian 3,946,017.91 Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Steaks 801,085,77 Loans at Call, or Short Call, on negotiable Securities 3,441,119,012 - —410,178,757.59 Nates Discounted and Advances current 20,343,0:43.61) Notes Dleeounted, eta., overdue (estimated loan provided for) 62842.94 Bank Premises 1,180,073.31 Office Furniture, Saes, ate. 113,029,4.5 Real Estate (other than Bank Premises), Mortgages, cte. 874160.85 Other Assets not included under foregoing heady 60,003.91 43244:1,906.01 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT The Balance at Credit of Profit and Loss Account, 30th, November, 1906, was $110,270,04 Tho profit for the year ended 10th. Novem- ber, 1907, after deduottn;y charges of management and melon;4f provision for bad and doubtful debts. are 384,7013 25 t'rentium received us new Store). 270,00 $495,246.29 HON. WM. GIBSON, Preeldont four. Paid-up Reserve. 1517...$1.250,000 $ 725,000 1093.., 1,25000 775,000 1949... 1,500,000 1,0110,000 1r0. , . 1 1 t 3,219 1,234,119 1991.. , 2,000,000 1,500,000 ft '1111 be peen by the abov Capital increased reserved increased Prom which have peon declared four quarterly divi- dends, in all 10 per cent $247,020.50 Carried to Reserve Fund from l'rotniunn on new Stock as above 270,00 Written off Bank Premises 2.1,0011 Allos'uoce to Ex -President authorized by Shure• holders 5,000,00 ----- 277,298,3o Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward 4217,1)49.79 J. TURNBULL, Vice -Pres, and Genet ANNUAL RECORD OF TEN YEARS' GROWTH Circulat'nn, tirp•sits, $ 934,240 1,187,573 1,180,726 1,393,695 Total Iris. 'I. Mal bilines,, AIoela. the )'n10io. 0,437J110 $ 7.820,649 $ 9,846,678 , 084,37.4 9,117,310 11,100,144 S 711004 10,62a 520 13,103,057 10019501 11811,59 1467177 1,060,221 11,549,00-4 19,479,007 17,111:7 59 e that during the last ton years the Bank's 97 per cent, 240 per cent, Paid-up Total Lie- ,•o;al year, Ca,Reserve. Circulation. Uepoatta le)itiesto pital. nv.ets, the Vol 1902, ,.12,000,000 41,600,00(1 $1,818,115 414,184,911 416,210,209 411019 042 1903... 2,000,000 1,700,00(1 1,810,530 15;90-1,380 19.129,4 74 1 0,'1,590 1904, ., 2,229,980 2,000,000 3,994,870 ,1,1,7,583, I 19 20.3,51,552 21 71.01:1 1905 2,440,740 2,440,740 2,279)79 ) v ,461,1 1 23.014.117 2s.si,:iIDS 1900... 2,500,000 2,100,000^ g,31.0,0.06"'21,380,027 27,372,869 52,504519 Circulation increased , 147 per cast, Deposits increased :170 par rent. Total assets increased , 220 per cent, arstatt't;, ,4:ssru., o