The Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-29, Page 614.41 1444, Wee
oteetittlr Exatterieerese 'e • souritum AEOUT THE COUNT so as to avoid thit ions trip, as well wag set up the uttioneetek in tbe red
11111111101J8 KLUB
the *We digit
minors theemel
necessity of ap
reetirder. OW. j
e of Klondike. the log houses, tor barreekla Was built on 0 hot doilA Oar
were under the 11. piece °Vire:mud somewhat higher cuble feet, equal
utin a temporary than the puttied. level of the fiat, and of art. Think
as Mentioued, facing the Inkier*, and trout a tall 1 dollar to the jp*
cent*, would, be
titre* wide
One hundre
dollars nun
claim, 0
Vets oit
but riot so
hall of a houtie that I had AND ITS DISCOVERER. lie to Atraighten .out at once disputes flag of Great Britain.
* *lint." said the, retired
foieeld IA the eteabrella rm 1401161)ilstS S4011Y-lisitete memo this rot oeder f(tit. each claira,t agedee- saund perrepagrar otiounnttolaign neadwehefr tzte
Ithat inevitably occur. Thee paid The clean-up wait already under wilY,
%Unbridle. that WaS the big. .! :mine Lnr n° . av
I ever saw deeigned far Prie tee *se olteee Apappopit e it one an He beindeuetotteLaL ttiie ;r57 river broke, and the netcoraers, whoe
bad received the news from friende
teetteiettreeteetile From creek (.04- required by Canadian
. And ill the same can woe Illeeld speepm t•orecapeweeNt or When they began to measure the side, began to pour in.
Wild scenes followed the cleaneap.
r what StUpposed was a OtiXic, workire claims, by esome trick), a forty -foot
a a Wien with never a penny to spare in
as am t)ig drUM maeorei ha- "Ile treated. with disdain -Cobb's "" 'wee introdueed, instead
fiftY-foot ono. This „had t e e cot ot
h their lives were
thought firat MaYbe that'swimat threat to jump the claims, and said. reducing the five hundred. foot olaiMs
lmt that wouldn't acenunt for he would; go and ' see the teeorder. bY fiftY feet Or more, which! left frac- There was no real disorder, no ehoot-
novella; drum Inept woeideet eedeley. arrived ee tee seene, Etna tee tiOna between tbat by this time were lugs, no hold-ups, none of the things
a great value. Tbeee were seized. up- associated In the popular mind with
any higger Umbrella than any- retioeder told them that it *ter tut ott anti staked the mama go full elaims. a real lire. mining -camp. Something
*lee Would, their namem off Bonanace he would but upon the deception being foUnd in the Yukon air discourages all that.
t wee etill more eurpriseel when put their names down ou the new out, there was a big rOw, and Mr. It could not be the presence of the
teed nwaY from this; eas 'AAA start- oreske. This. Clem:ants, Antone, and Ogilve the Canadian Boun- pollee, for tbere are no police at Circle
(lacy Comudattioner, who bappened to city, and a baker'e dozen were at Daw-
hrough deor froM Ole hell into Keller dM. be in the country at the time locate son. Gold flowed, and wheni it would
Parlor; X had eottle up Into the, "The first .of,a gang of estampedere, ing the international line, wee called not flow it was sowed, literally sowed,
'keen the, Willer. This deor int° who had epnee to Bawrioe oe the Menne- trona Bony Mile to settle the trotible. broadcast over sawdust floors, in
poor eheedd think wee nine er, erdred. Amon those were Mr. Ogilvte, being a magistrate, took drunken delettuebe as' if there waS no
teetiraony; the men confeesed. were re- end to the oupPlye Gold WO panned
hIgh-aight *nd. * half, mire, X.4 William &Mao and Wiiiieol.,Sloon, pentant, and ware fergiefen; and tben eut of the sawduat on the floors of the
r Seen any such doers. in me lige who took It and M. Some one staked efr. Ogilvie made a partial survey of saloons ; whole saloonfuls at men
here; thee went alreost'plumb 1,5 in a fictitioua natue, to try to hold Bonann and Nt Dorado. But mend' would be asked up to driek, at half
he eeeeee end there wee the same for wend, perhaps, and this was de the claims on Bonanza were short. a dotter a drink. Sometimes order/
of a, door. from the Perber into aeterwaree jumped by a man di the thOelaf theft pelmet claims wee not were given to call in the town, and
It of the offissial measurer. It then the bartender would go out into
dining roam hack et it. And in nem (.° waa-on lower Benanza. I never faun& the atreet and call everybody in, and
diniD$ 4:4nmlf, Uncut the ebeira "We all went over to the creek, and out just lirtgire, out it, was staked by tbeY would hive to drink. Whenever
ding aX9tInd the table there began to Measure and rebord. e mounted. policeman. The oreek one of, the new millionaires was back -
winds very much there aud ward in treating, whieh was not often,
one, an erm chair, at 'Mae end tUat "Cobb Jumped Phiseater a claim .
the erowd•--always a good-natured one
the biggeet chair X ever seW at as he bad- not 'taken. his 'name Off
THE 'VALLEY iS BROAD.' -would forthwith piok bim up by th
e It peereed ea theigh, it meld •Ita-ve' Is:- a eree was Re should beeee meatmed the . five legs and arms and swing him. like ae
elenanea, 4The name of th k ...... „.. ..j.
hundred feet in the direction Q . t le batteteng-ram against the side of the
A 'made i°r "me "eat 014.14 1 formailY &dared to be "El Dorado,
ted it eat from the table and' eat ao agreed upon at. the meeting tho direction. perhapa on account of the "I seen fix t 1 I ' . rf' 1"
valley, but he wee not able to Kiel tilfi 11OUS0 111137tilou he earted. out4te,ani•Eynoeuughlgtor
4 in it. When I worked miself <eight before, • - till* woods, end followed the Crepe and the new mill -to, naire had tb treat.
k in the kseat it eaised my feet "Cobb lost his claina, for C.onstane in Its winding. When the aarveyor There had never been iseen aeything
n oft the floor, and when I pat my tine decided that • . 'et the time he cameo along and threw linea across the like it befoee, nor was anYthing quite -
valley corresponeing to his upper and to equal it the 'second year,
up on the Arms of this chair, I jumPed there wie. plenty of as lower stakes, the poor, polioemeta in- The afore -mentioned "Swiftwater
eo pat 'em up like a chicken does d '
goo ground farther UP the creek, and stead of having a °laths waa in debt Bill," whose oinet claims to the at -
wings when it's halt Walking and tbikt it Was hoggish. t th 1 t
a say . 8 . sae , Aix, feet, • . , • . tentiOn of prosterity soma to have
it/ jump ground where a diecovery of One of the •claims near Discovery been the way he "blew" in money,
C ;tort of flying, running 'along the
, ii , on Bonanza was staked by Micky Wil- spent 840,000, and had. to borrow f 5,000
wed. NIThy, pay, it made Me feel • Id had
go been made. ad all the kins. Mikity was not one of those who to go. outside with. • His °lathe was
• • LIRN A rgd• BABT• . : • five • Oialitta been iumPed. instead of were • thrown into boats and breught good for it, though. He quarrelled
ting exp there, ' and I laughed when , ,, . . ', ' • • .
only .one ana this been done after the along nolena volens from "FOrtY Mile with a womao, and observing her •or-
der eggs. in .4 restaarant, he -bought
liPPed down. .111en I shoved the L " . .• ir, the Bret stampeee, btit he was one
for order, tor X do hate tasee thinge phance whether Antone, Keller, and man and. threw him into the' beat. dollar eaeh.
How much gold, came out lot the
ng Around -and took a leak into the company„ I'vvotsfd • . . ' Micky. like a wise man, Sold out for
weirs of the sideWard. •• , ground that first summer eatt never be
'It seemed to me that there Were NOT HAVII LOST THEIR C1,4AIMS, a few hundred "llar-k
. came to 'surveY the -Marta, tfie new known. ,T*0 and. One-half' millions is
.y1Then . they
re carving knives there without probably not far from the mark. The
to which. theY - had not the slightest owner. found onle, • a -few inches. 1
ke than Fe ever seen before, but legarrliht until thee hid taken their felt sarr for. all who. sold at. the very riahness of ,the fifteen. miles r•eported
by Mr. •Ogilvie was Much exaggerated.
(Uncovered in a moment that these - - - '' - start un •1 I met lgieky. •
re not carving knives, but table names '' off Bonanza, and the reasons .. The pans of dirt that were washed out
A 'insets tt of a chum woUld hardly
Ives of very unneual size. 1 disecit-- that barred Cobb vvould not have aP- seeln avorth• having, at least except gave him reaaon for believing, upon
computation, that • there . might be
ed a mdment later forks. to go with l a to late taeratirs. when there was IA Klondike. Nei.2 above
em, r never ,sawany forke like, 'em was staked long'. John jacob Astor actually four raillion dollars in each
no more around. on the creek above . claim. But these were not averages.
Pia% and silver they were, tee; you . - e - -- • _ ' Duni wee a good miner and he wanted
uld see that at a glance; and there • "The spot ' where the geld was ala- to take ie the mouth of Skookum Far, far from it, 'Even if they were;
e sponns- there to correspond; some covered was, like the discovery on Gulch. Mole Low put the. tape to the enormous Cost of working the rich-
est, yet ' costliest,' digginge in the
'em. X shouid think. four times as Dusei's . comm. and' found it•• 'about:
Bonanza. at the, edge of the creek en
eightyafive feet too long, atid- took a Yukon WAS net taken into considera-
ge es an . ordinary tablesp•oon. They .. .. - .-- -
pae one ot 1.4ose. r and 11. It was taken. tion ea it ,should have been, ' • •
-aaugh whau I looked at '0DX, narrow ' slice direotly . oppesite the
me as the chair had, they were so from a ettt the bank. and Wee Pm- Mouth of Skooktun. He did not thine Clements panned out of four pans
82000, the ..largeet being reported at
fferent from the . ordinery run, of eleally surface 'gold that ' had slid so much' of it ac the tinte, He Wanted
8900 for it: No one was so ;foolish as "75" Clarenee. Berry showed gold in
ligs. I suppose I must have been down , from the cid channel . en the
bottles that he said reprersented, Te-
upid not to realize by this time what ..... . • . ..• . • to pay that . „much for the na.rrow
ato-side, le • was nothing more or speetively,11560; MO,. and .175;•patile.-
" I didn't put away that silver in my leas than • 'bench' gold,. the existence
all meant, but I didn't at all.
these. Of
strip 'of &mind.. He tried to let. it out
en a lay, .but no one wanted to work there *ern %Pouf ahem like
course they were picked. and :scraped
g. I thought I'd wait till I saw of whiek• Was not even suspected' at kt for an 'inteeest. • Ile . had to work off bed -rook, and, • did. not represent
hat I got upstairs. I didn't know mmt time,. Front • le 1bPits- etlehext le 4iineelf' Peer 1114e/ ,The fir4. We, average dirt. " Flond011ars. even one
1 what I'd get a bag full of vyatches • was put dOwn; by his piesent foreman,
inettei doe • in the creek -bed, and tin- ' deljar,•"letraight," as it is -Pt called.
ir 'beelein place -I think I'm a stick- - bad been etaked; there is a of a party.who did help tie a drunken 4p every egg in town -at a cost of one
ti diamonds and I don't know what P , and he did pot find a cent. Further
t up there,. and I thought if I need- der Water,. aS high as two dollaire aecount cif whittle probably. the -et -e.; -Wouid be. ,
any ballast after' I got that cargo taken oUt. Bed -rock where the real eat ,Leekleee.,...ertegreubef ha the Whole ENORMOUSLY ,FtICEL
I'd pot in some of these Spoons and richness lay, and 'the PrOel,!4-ba,- grondike emit be left eill later, when 'URN, streak were 10Q feet wide and
rksi or, if I didn't. get a fu.11 loacl . • ...
there .are pack -horses to carry the
pstairs, or anything of • valise, why was tkitela,..94.0 t$Xiiiail'feet below the
geld down 'to 1)awson. • •
knew where these things were. p„,-1, nne, under muck and gravel. On El Dorado, fhb claims were, eintost
Irutohes: Thrown. Aurgy
I turned away front the siaboard "„The next morning, et six welook,
t d bk d ehed the all exeessively lotig. It tooked as if '
y light glinted along the handle of we a art4.3 ge ' an Xaa . they were measured by guess while on . ---
0 of the h',,e spoons, and I pieked.that Indian village at one P.m. (Tossed the ran, and then a lot more added tp .. .,.. • •
,.nd gel it in my pocket. I don't over to our cache, end had doiner. make aura. One fraotion, a7 -4, ie four ilia • RENkRliABLE CASE OF A
Pot:tai sort of attracted my eye, and Then we started for Forty Mile, which .huildred and twentlt feet long—almost YOUR() GIRL IN WALKERTON.
picked. it up kind 0* half involuntar- we reaohed at ten -thirty that night, f , ,
a whole cla m. /several are from one , , ..„...
y. Thee / went. es upstairs. and neXt day we re.ccuded_.again, and
" There was one room opening impulred to one hundred enli sixty' feet roe Three Vein% Situ l'011112 oisly do About
off finally at ..constantme s office 1 ,r, length,. sonmtimes the second man
johns, like so ,_neany other's, litiade hew been in a hurry and not; measure- -
hat upstairs hall that had a door of With the Aid or Cris Itehea-11:111 to ite
he same height ae the ones I'd seen knew the Value of the olatal NA lei ed hia fraction correct/3', and ti- third summon 10 Illen I I Is Was ildooReil Ver.
Helped Ili Mid Out of Bid -tier Re.
ownstairs, alight. and a half feet at staked. Alter some days. a favorao 0 mo comes -along and. ,
he least; and when I sort of work- rePort must have beenueceived from
FINDS ANOTHER TINY SLICE. From the Walkertoo Telescope.
ct my lamp around inside of that the new diggings. He was offered . .
oom I struck a bed that looked Come, 8500 for the claim, and sold it to Knut Nothing was too smtill on El *Dorado. A Aouple of Walkerton ladies • were
There. was one ten -foot fraction. It was receeitly discussing the ease of a mutual
nder those circumataiices, to be tivelve Langlows and Mrs. Healy. Ode haff
eet long -I suppose it was really cash, the other half to be paid thought te be worth ten to twenty, friend who, °Wing te the sudden de -
bout ten end lyieg on that bedovas waql bed -rock Was reached. In the thousand dollars. A thirteen -foot frac- velopment of a bad attack of sciatica,
'man that made me think of the case of the man who staked 29, and Lion wart found next to 14. It vrtia so had been compelled tO, take to her bed,
lives' you see around in different played Charlie Anderson for an easy narrow that the owner had. to take a 'when a third lady present, but "who
ta of the country on the tope of mark.. he doe simply judged Klondike lay of thirty-seven feet on an adjoin- was a stranger to the young woman in
log claim jo order to work it. quescion, made the remark, '''1. 'would
Is and mo kis that the peeple valuert like others in 'that *country.
t neighborhood call ' the old man Those 'tithe sold • were by no means Nor was all the luck confined te the advise your friend to take Dr. Wil-
e mountains, or ' the • sleeping fools. They simply had a chance to mines, A butcher by . the name of Rams' Pink•Pills," Asked ta give her
" Long Shorty," otherwise Thorp, had reasons for making this recommenda-
ant.' I never saw anybody like him sell. for a 'grub stake, Which was About
driVen in some eattle and was trying tion she proceeded fa give the detals
nywhere, and I suppose I must have all a man usually, got front a year's . - -. , . , . 1
to reach rorty astle late in the fall, of a most. remarkable cure that had
n kind o' thoughtless and ticked work. And if the truth Were con-.
y lamp against the door as I look- leased, the reason why there were tn., the ice with the meat on a raft. been effected by Dr. Williams* Pink
d at him. He was lying on his left e wall frozen in tit the mouth ef the Pills on the danghter of her nearest
not more , eales at that thne was 16
de with his back toward me, that ,, Klondike, ouly to discover there a big neighbor, a Miss Rebecca Greenhow,
mining camp. That beef was a, god- and the story as told by this lady, have
RE 31UST HAVE BEEN AWAKE THERE WERE FEW BUYERS. ' send to ihe miners that winter. It is ing aubseqUently been repeated inehe
r else he was a very tight sleeper, for POk ' this ia what halmenede first considered prevent «curvy. heariug of the editor, of this paper, we
filet. tiek woke him up and he just clainut,were of no Valuee then, as gold Provisioniewere very scarce. The trine- decided to investigate and find out
oiled over as he lay onto his right was found, they rose in vatue slowly portation company had •been able 'cto from personal inquiry all the circum-
ide, facing me, and, all in the same first, then ivith great leaps. The bring enough up to supply the camP,
movement, he swung his legs out of seller would want, say. a thouriand dol- Flour had to be freighted with dogs
bed and drooped 'em to the floor while Jars; by t,he timee the buyer found from Forty Milei. and sold at from for -
he raised hia body at the same time. that it was really worth a thousand, tr to sixty dollars for a'fifty-pound
and almost before I realized it he was the claim owner had discovered it to sack, ' Beef wet one. to two dollars a
sitting up on the edge of the bed. be worth ten thousand; and when the pound. Mining tools were scarce also,
"And what do you suppose I did huyer was willing to buY at that shovels bringing seventeen and eigh-
then I I dug out. The fact is, I think price, the value had jumped to twenty teen &liars each. Eut wages were
it kind o' upset me a little. I'm not thouttand, and so on. • The buyets were Proportionately high -one dollar and a
aceustomed to losing my head or my just One lap behind the sellers, half to two dollars an hour for coin -
nerve, but this was something very No. 31 nt Dorado was sold by the moa labor, and often not to be had
different iso_m anYthing l'a ever original striker for $100, $80 being at that price. The priee of wagea cor-
struck, and grgee-of--What I'd Been cash. Within six months it was sold responded to the opportunities afford -
downstairs the giant ant& Me all of tote 1131,000, and one year later the ed bY prospecting. .,
audden when I did see him, and I owner refused $150,000. The first hole to be put down byburn-
-don't believe he ever looked so big to Orte-half of lile El Dorado, it is said, ing is eredited to Skookum Jim. Pages
a living soul when he showed in the was sold for. a sack of flour. The eould be filled with the finds that day
oirous-I suppose he must have been owners, big Alec, McDonald and Billy by day were made on those claims that
a retired giant Who waa living here Chappel, did not think enough of it were worked that winter. The peraon-
in comfort -as he did to me flitting to work it themselves, but rather late age not unknown to fame, " Swiftwa-
there on the edge of that tvvelve-foot in the season put it out on a lay, and ter Bill," with William Leggett and
bed. And If he was as quick and took .a. lay themselves on (another siX others, took a lease, or lay, of 13
strong as he wae big, why, gracious claim. The laymen struck it the first El Dorado. Seven hoteit were Rut down
me I I wouldn't have fatten in it at all hole, and out of thirty buntings before the pay was struck, though
With him. and I juet simply got out took out $40,000. many think. there was 'pay in
as quickly as I could. Antone went to Forty Mile after one of the first holes, and that they
-" Taking off my coat when I got staking. Ks was short of grub. and filled it up. At any rate, they ask -
home something sagged against ,eey wanted bi work his Claim, ordinarily ed the price -845,000 -bought the claim
leg, and reaching down I pulled that any Man could get credit in the lower paid $10,000 down, put In a rocker, and
big spoon out of my outside coat pea- Country, NU when Antrum applied to pahl for tbe claim in six weeks.
ket; inatead of ballasting my bagwith the Alaska Commercial Company, On account of the distance to Forty
those big spoons and forks if there the tempbrery agent •woUld not let
was room for them, thie one swan Was him have it Walesa It was guaranteed.
the whole house. But I *am glad X guaranteed Antoneet bill,
the only thing I brought away ftom One Clurenee Berry °dine forward,
and re -
got that. It was a queer sat of are" ceived In return a one-lutlf interest
lic of an odd experience, and we made
it ttrieful, too. I bent the handle up
at a suitable angle and we've used it
ever since for a soup.ladle. '
Do you know who la the inott eerier'
peratitig woman in the world? The
woman you can't iinub. She le two
kinds -the meek aid lowly sort, thee
'eaten you Amite bee turner the Other
eheek, until you're- posititely too
tired to deal her a.nother blot+, and the
Oner whate self.dinportaiice la Invulttet-
, Able as Achilles" heel. I Met one of
' the twit kind tarty iti Ihe winter, says
a Writer. On general tirineiples, ,I
*mad. e.vOid thie weinatt,,because she's
atinoi and het fate shines. Scene -
thing le all wrong about a akinny *D-
raw; one way or another shela dan-
Whhis a 'skinny Whinan'et face shinee
it Iilleanis she's above using powder and
.fer the lack of Ileali on her bones. / motet location line was Unknown Mt- trudged on turtling elite '
of the very weoree that is to ae,count were prechsele
is' sure to make a paeade, as a virtue,
the game; indeed, the thee' Paesed a cabin the 'NMI g team
hn poeition in the rattan faetory and CAB inte. 6 °M "il Yldrie bee bee' '
For Inonthe post she has been filling a;owt. Ozer Petvalleita re eXehange. . . . .....,....1...41A48 42
Rebete ott bille die -
counted. . . . . 47,288 15
couldn't belie the • Welliati calling on - tit 1808. On the. American gide the the hind team WoUld setae the °leper.
* ernult*n• work as well as anyone. Indeed I dti: ,tet ha rtigz: .0,3, treridpm ict,.. it, vg
. Ate, end X returned her firet eall rath- miners. not believe thet there is to -day it eir foyi:eirt chit reu tathing: Itrwit:thell
, Whit, and dath by. rt. was a teat
and 1 ht k h I 1 1 tb or tht _ogs. __ . n t I rettehm vor.. such is ult. areenhow e 0011 of the eel eerie* roreme. wineeee eeotetee settee Neter in eiroulation. . . 1,820,088 Ott
d . Whe h
eh tux average of a
, tokY, 076,000 pen e - - -,...--
_----, -_,..,„
Wouldt be 150.000 ,4 1)RDINARY CIVILITY.
or eeer,e tweotyelise Me eieeebiehy ett tee Adeselagee awl Hess
On some claim* the ,. seem Uneven. Prom IR.
out of the Berry-Antone
' 04 °them less. "I should recommend as an invest -
and thirty thougand pante" said Mr. Gobbleby, "the prime
ranee ae rhea as El Dovado. tice of civility. AN a matter of faet, -I
Is 111HALTIOV. 0001.140.
d the fraction. There were deal eeppeee that a vory great man- Load 2ackliges.
°Plover: toalethde frooelttrilteTZ tbel; °Of rePtUhillaviee SEielleluddeP;17thebect 717 I wdeuell'It"
an average. for beat of Fl e,-.
ut the cost is one third for rich PeoPle have left fortune% to men
Me number of very
takinee it out. who had been at one time or (mother
The 'first year showed. nuggets of all ' polite to theneebut X don't doubt, eithe
Oz. or $17, from 80 El Dorado.
sizee up to one of 8585, eatinsated at 1 er, that there have beea jUet ouch
The fortunate ones started. for dein-. that subatantiel advantages hare
%Woe, and I don't for a moment doabt
zation with their new wealth. Not all. often. accrued to men through their -
Marty retnained to work their claims consistent ivift
exultant, 'were not heard. ot outeide in anaterial profit though there le still Ale ----• - ------- - • ---- „ ---- . ---- .--- •-- -- ---------••
Ihe bulk of the', gold, amounting to There ore lots of people who like eivii Note& and cheeks pt other ' figlIAV BlAntillild ate.4 to JA Nit1i
ed, the good steamer Portland of the not get anything in (tonere and cents banks in Canada. . . 114,120 01 CUTTING $0110010.114: :044 tot"..
3141g4 ad) k
Ars ninon* to Meeore the tokbyt* el evoke lame 1411W MIA W1/111111. 1114,4mette whoop Ism*
eteem. combo* 111 0" 0 I "Ph liellifi ehOTtei them the other.. V174 IWO 91011111$ ft9Qii 1/41/111s, tut.
ploy -went to week Moot o t.e.ti teht *la toke the tumble ty mit* lye oilyyhmt, 4.6,,,
19 Oa 141 it Onto. thtt tall. et the Keteweieue ter yeereelt and you will, Sate owlet* le
* Yeek, have ne, trouble to 0 gnome othere ot Ste etthte. ..
the woryr to walk uye tit% t , wiek veitl
'nits Encomia is by fee the beet of Its nature ever IA Med 011 1111,M0Thelt, Wed tomb*
se perhaps, not less happY nor "But asiee from 'any queatiou of - *croft mirsee 170 BAY STREET,
circulate tree to ott. Ade toe teeMe to 910W 1/1. 49'.106014
*NH, tuyt Orem them the AMC M.Iles,thIfee:the,b,_' : re forT11;;;01141;htormlat v.,A,PorkwipliApt4:
weir soy ordinary store
the excitemera•that accompanied the ways the chanee of that the exercise of
breaking of Ilk geed newit tothe world. civility wou.ld pay for another remiton, of nete circulation— 70,060 00 FARMS mn °AL* -11111170g coUNte`
down river, to St, Miehael, where wait- pleaeede ler it, and tbough we might , Balances 'due from other . ,
not over $1,200,000. went out, of mnirlie, treatment, who are. in fact, reelly banks, . . 458 403 68 eve. STEW LC4 Dower 18, amsralue k".0.1 006
N.A.T. ere T, Coxnpane, crowded With rout of civility extended. in this way to- Balances due from other Meow C. k 0.,Sel#001. c0.• Mom .
friends and relatives ot the returning ;ward people in general, yet I should banks in United States. 716,739 (16
minere, who had sent word imam of !say it would pay, for we should get Provincial Govertunent se.
their coming Others r t d th
ZS 1 , at emit, the pleasure that; is curdles. . . 426,461 '73
up -river trip, and In parties of three always to be derived, frOur affording Municipal and otlier de -
and, five took to their poling -boats. pleasure to others. • eentures, . 2,888,448 02
and it was some of these, and still "So I should say that from whatever
others, fleeing for their liveq, from the point of view we look ot it, eivilitY
threatened famine, that we ourselves is a good Investment; we are sure to Bills discounted and our-
$ 0,002,105 14
met on our way in last year. get something out of it, anyway, and rent, including advances .
The End. „ , it doesn't cost us a cent." 012 call.
..13,524,891 95.
Overdue debis estint.ated
DOIVIIN101V BANK .retti es.tat.0 :: 59,950 24 Dr. janott, Berlin wheel') consinoeyou heeencuriyou
who bare felled
i. tiremorltaTgtaeste,on
- Bank premises. . . ., i 321,90 74
— ' Other asset, not included $50400 cuti. Xlitollgtra„ Toronto, rigors
done away with. Many pecple in mod- - — .
, neuraiiilo or soiatie Pelee or POrTERIS
erate circumstances, content • them- Itehl. at the Ralill4n1X lifellee er the he Dominion Bank, GTattoraroartitoM, aA4pargialri 9, t4.011,,Taticr.,the7e.7147:e°,1111.7.7,alCa.81;11,,I.v,tael,ltdosureF:14:4nela
telvea with dressing simply in black • 6tit"""" 1" 79"1" Oil wed"e0607, 1899.
icatbs, incluoing baud, 10044 h Om, i to . tom 61glier
The DOWlan CO111111'Sdon Co.,
ne.Weetefearket A aelbenie et,, rersitol..
Can got nu bee rem tieyearepeee, mato. Esse
POUltrY, Mid otherbroduee, if you Aloft to cleat •
• •
TORONTO (hitting sohoot otters 4601 advantages
• to 811 do-ItOttit ut 9011.111111,1 44 thorongh knowledge ot
Glutting awl Fitting tientienie 'a (larnienni. Writti for
. • OS Yong* at., Termite.
loss providt4 for. • 27,824 irt Stans mere rs
• -
Moan log SOU, ller unsmiling Oetvisiosse. per week le rid otty himses for ell
sold by. the bank, tem jo $25.0 Ininnical out er. 0 telsob you how to •
-Ne nitured Goods list 4srtier-Eneept
08. lien Piet to 4 i Ohs Qtstile SlYlielt.
The custom of wearing mourning is Annual General Meeting of' the
Proceedings of the Twenty -Eighth ' ' under foregoing heads. 10,745 70
fitIMMOP Mom MI needles, Red
slightly in abeyance, huh by no means . *Stoelehedders. •
819,950,529 pcutthtt, Or SU Queen W. 2'oroate.
Ougs, Ilits and Mice, Sold bralf
and laying. aside 'all ornamenta for a Ha: see. 1809.
vonem or bath. ut unitir ra :hue ivitha of Preeton,
yeae inatead of adonting Abe oonven-
The annual General Meeting be the. neek up. Apia, to 11:11, Niue Proston, Out.
lug Souse of the institution Toronto, Do you thiak fiance loves
An Effervuoing Phorate, excellent cleanser for liver,
°minion Bank was held at the Bank-
tie/tat mourning garb.
But " wearing black° le not new- 'on Weclizesday, May alst, 180. her ?
sarily dressing in mourning. Certain
tiee als druggists, in 100,.bto,50:: and $1.00 paokages'.
materials and modes are set apart as Actiong those present were noticed Indeed, he does, Why he went and 1.1 lea
Col. Masan Messrs, S. Alcorn, William nsade love to that. pretty Allbright ossaroselty Drug 0o, E., Termite.
Ince Thome' ta Long. John Long, 3'. Ris- girl, juat to give pony o °wince to .
belonging exclusively to mourning, ley, 'Wm. Spry, William Rturtsay, cut her out.
' Cathollo Prayer °Nixes, soapuiare
Books, Rosaries, Oru•
Milner and sitoimactobaekeititleir placeof duel tor ptap„,.%
VAL is immealate. pops
dres.s material Beterietta and Eu- Lorne Caombell; W. R. -Brock, A. E,
Webb, E. Leadlayt-M. Boulton; E. 13.
dora cloths are recognized fabrics for Osier, William. Hendrie. Tohn Stewart,
iirst mourning. They are the dead jet Walt The Twentieth centurY • (Educational Works. Moil orders receive prompt otton.
Rellidods Pictures, Statuary. and Churoh Ornaments,
hon. D. di J. SADLIZE SO., Montreal.
er S. Lee W. D. Matthews Chas. Enters upon the heritage of a remedy
black that is required for mourning, Coekshutt, IL 'M. Pellatt,
Walmsley, J. K. Niven, John Fletcher
wm.' Rossd that is sure, sale and painless. Put -
Corn Extractor never
for 01'0 JAM black or brown black are A. W. Austin, Geo. W, Lewis, Thomnac'eanl'S Palate188
absolutely impossible for this pur- mever pauses pain nor the sligh-
n nd, W. C. Harvey, Timothy
Pose. The Eedora cloth is much like Eaton, Dr. T. E. Ross, C. D. Massey.
Henrietta, but isheavier and of a dif- W. C. Crowther W G C
es dispoinfort. .
ferent weave. Both are soft in finish ...paIrat vaes, mativeodthbers. • Given a man and a vitoman of equoarl Ideal Leather Polish
of the current year, which are soft 31r, E. B. Osier do take the h i
and are eppecielly suited to the stylee onded by Mr. W. D. Matthews, that the woman is smaller' than that Of the
y Mr. E. Leadlay, sec- size and weight, then the tongue
a •
WHI keep pair shoes soft as velvet---
street E0Wite, and in adat and skirt retary.
and clinging. Eudeet.zakas‘ tee biist 'that Mr 11. Gamble do act as Sec -
c a r, an na n.
a -ctistume of this material 'is very b Messrs. Walter S. Lee -and -.W. G. The go e
assets were appointed scrutineers. • all"ml." Free Bus mum**, go
smart. aAll triitiming IS out of place
. The Secretary re d t I - $1.50fteps LI) EVERYWHERE.
110.1eSS At is railliner's folds on skirt
mitted the annual :f:titic4
he report* of' the • --
directors to •the sha dente and sub- • EXPLAINING RFIR, POSITION.
and revers. Macbine atitching doea whisin2senas (10fitialwesa:_f" Of eourse, as general thing, she VOW'S Orr
look well on these goods. If buttons
are used Q11 the octet they 'Mould he
Tnho follown
Virt of the•lianit.
ec ors beg to present . the
rtehaldera; roan for Mialley. But marriage is such
said, I dot believe in marrying a THE VALUE or
covered with the dress material. g statement of the result of a lottery, you. see a.nd it's j
ust as
in ending April 29, 1899.4
the business of the ba k for the year
blterugchiltanwtillofur:uvlacilry atehned am:la/real° a' Balance of profit and toes ac -
well to know for sure that there's
something about him you'll like.
button -maker and have •tlie required °bunt, April' 30, • 1898, .$ 32,38$ 05
u Profit for th La Toscana, 10o. BEL -CA NCE
niinibm( made • The rese t t 1
. p nay es ea e year ending
•for •a coat of medium leagth, etther
• 1 APril 29, 1899, after deduct- •
ing .claarges of manage -
double -breasted or buttoned on a flap; meat, ,00.. anti raaktua
it should balm narrow ravers that open P V181011 for. all bad and
why men should want to kidnap
dont,: fur debts. . • . 205 326 09 'sables.
----- 'Why ? she responded inquiringly.
. AXIOM ;Montreal
•• It passes my comprehension hesaid,
a little at the throat, and have turn-
ed over, isolated cuffs. .
For a business suit Or .'every daY
street wear, in short for general ser-
Divklend 3 per cent , '
No figured goods are mciurning remora-
ber. Be careful. he 4 fh I I
vice, serge and' cheviot are Imitable.
Dividend 3 per cent, " '
paid Feb. 1, 1869,. 45,066 00
paid; Nov. Lista 45,000 00.
isaik,,pe tihei: Ea.unddorecoma pare them at home,
ideea: ebtrla:hgk. ifigthltst-all-hw-eayY"--saerwecit)sme-9artot.te.sguepat opraeymabiselasm. ay.i. ,9,.. i455,000000 woo i, .
More elaborate mourning gowns, to W ritten oft hank
be worn on ceremonious occasions, are .
of mourning silk. This is a bilk that
is absolutely lustreless, and the trint-
/3a.lance of profit and i0.116
ming used on lt is dull jet, Nu white
carried forward. . . $ 42,71414
is allowed anywhere, unless for even -
white tnile' TWo new offices of the Bank have
ing wear, when folds of
been opened during the last year, one
are sometimes put round the neck,.and i avinve of Huntsville.. .
black "LuollRe owralneotwssloewvesEARtese.d. •I the city ot winnipeg add one in the
le sub -branch in the northern part of
Widovis wear theer white collars and
has been found neeessary to have
In consequence of the rapittly-inereas-
ing business of the NVinnipeg office it
enffs, eeen in the first six months ot
more commodious premises. The Bank
mourning, and a little white ruching
hes, therefore, acquired a site on the
aside for face veils of net with crape
in the bonnet. Veils, crape, are worn
the first six months, and then laid
south-west corner of Main and Me -
$237;714 14 For instance, e he'd want to parry eff
Dividend3per cent., • that kid of ours 'which has such mark -
paid Aug. 1. 1898.845,000 00 ed a bil i te fon .crying. .
Di vid end 3 per c nt • . —.-- , .
. 00
stances of this seen:ling remarkable border. Widows, however, generally
instance of the power of medicine over weer the crape veil for a year. -Crape
disease, That evening we called at itt better than it used to be. It cannot
Mr. Greenhow's residence, Both Mr. be said to be 1,3as expensive, but it
and Mrs. Greenhow were at home, but is better in quality, is lighter, and
their daoghter had gone down town. haa not so muck dressing as formerly.
'Yes," replied. Mrs. G reenhoW in answer It is used a great deal as''' trimming,
to a question in regard to the reported but is not durable and collects dust.
cure ."3,1,Y daughter has been cured; It is better to use it in a- veil end
I la'slieve Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills trim gowns •with milliner's folds of the
saved her life." She then. gaee the dress goods de, of mourning silk.
circumstances of her (laughter's ilium Mourning etyles are characterized by
and cure art follows:- a plainnese that amounts to severity.
" Rebecoa. is now iteventeen years of Jewelry is tabooed. Flowers, oven in
age. -Whi75. she was eleven she was black -What is more hideousl-and fea-
attacked vtith tonsilitis and following there are out of place. First mourn -
this for the next three yeare she never ing hate are trimmed with bows and
had a moment free from pain...She be- loops of heavy silk with no ornaments
gan to complain of pains all over her unless a dull jet buckle is used some-
body but chiefly in her hack. She be- where.
oame so weak and run down that she The regulation period for a widow to
was unable to walk without the twist- wear very deg., mourning is one year,
anee of a crutch. The doctor said she At the beginning of the second year
was suffering from inflammatory she may shorten her crape veil, but
theumatisni brought on by an should weax it the first six months of
poverished condition of the system. that year ; then she may substitute
He prescribed varioua remedlea but a thort net face veil with border of
nothing aeemed to do her any good crape. After two yeare +the may leave
and finally we decided to try another. off erape entirely and then , gradual -
'doctor. He also pionounced the ly teturn to colors. She does not make
trouble to be theuMatigns but though formal visits or attend entertainments.
Mile, sixty days were allowed in which ne gave her bottle- after bottle of medi- for the first year. The widow's mourn -
to record. Any claims not 'recoeded eine, she still continued to groW beg ite the most rigorous and, the long -
within the sixty days were open for weaker. By the end. of the see- est continued.
relocation. There, were several .stioh ond year she was unable to. hem the
claims, left vacant by•men who consid- holuie and Ocnild oni M f
in the charm XtFirry was nemetimes ered theist no gOod, and reecuded else- room to another by the use of her A COMPLIMENT. '
spoken of ac 4 lin,,horn garabier,,, where. Such claim Watt No. 40 above orUtehee. We were advised to get her
WSW tiOt supported to have much money on Bonanza. It was known to a large an els:Arlo belt and did so, Wit though
and he was never called upon to make number that the claim was open., and she were it for a long time it did her Little' Sohnny-Mra. Talkemdown
a Mounted Polleeman was there, With no good whatever. During the' third paid e, big compliment to me to -day.
the guarantee good. It was whispered
about tile camp that the agent ex- watch in hand to announce when ex- winter she became so bad that she had Mother -Did she really I Well, there's
peeted to profit by the transaction. nutty twelve ouloOk midnight came. to be assisted into and out of bed, and no denying that woman has sense.
a °hair With.' What did °he "4" f -
little boy as I wale
As tt matter of fact he did not. After - IT WAS IN JANUARY. tould not even raise fronl
wards Antone and Demi bought eon- There wer sev r 1 perVe f t ncl
a e a i s Little Johnny -She Said she didn't
on oo . a see how you came le ha,ve such a nice
out assietanee. We had given Up ail
trolling interests in Nos. 4 and 5, and two men who had dog outfitit, PromPt-
hope of her recoverY When a Mr. lohn
ti, fraction between 5 and B. Their ly at twelve 'YEA ock all bands stakeu
Allan, who had himself been similarly
a kited, but who, had been cured by Why Buffer?
group of claims beeame known, and started. Lereaux and a tompan-
through the pUbllo prole tie "the ion, Vaughan, ran to No. 48 above, vised us to give them a trial, We' had
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ad-
caret:dors Sir Frank Smith was dotted
' At a aubsequent meeting of the
BerrY claims!' About Whieh there was where one team was waiting. Lowerie, trite so many things without succets When there ie such a good remedy as
. President and Itfr• E.,11, Osier Vice-
Nerviline foe all kinds of pain. It
a iittle romance of a- winter trip, a the other dog -men, put down the teen three neuralgia in five mintitaertoetn- President 'for the ensuing tertn.
yohng bride, and ntiggets by the bane- on the run for DaWson, where ttn -
In but he initiated so strongly that we ache in one minute; lame back at one
that we hesitated to aocept his advice,
fui. . dian with five er sit dogs was in .. .. . . applioation; ! headache 111 a few mo -
The length of the claims here, as waiting. Lereaux had the samenum- Lumpy peided.! The firef five boxes meeete; and di pain jtist as rapidly,
elnewhere in the Canadian Yukon, fur. At' Daweon they wee hoe fee seerned. DJ f toduee nO change, but be- Give it e trial. 'Capital stock patd up. .$ 1,500,000 00
- -8 -- - --- fore she had finished the sixth exec we
Wail fiVe hundred feet, instead of one apart. The men both bad rgood (logs, —
&mot streets, upon which a suitable
building la being erected.
A.1.1 branches and agencies of the
bank have been inspected during the
past twelve months. ••
Frank sfreisthident. •
Mr. E. 13. 061er Moved, seconded by
Mr. W. D. Matthews, and •
Resolved, That the report be adopt-
It was moved by Mr. T. Eaton, sec-
onded by Dr. Smith, ands
Resolved, That the thanks of this
meeting be given to the President,
Viee-President and Directors for their
services during the past year.
It was moved by Mr. Geot W. Lewitt,
seconded by Mr. John Scott, and
Resolved, That the thanks of this
meeting be given to the General Man-
ager, Managers and Agents, Inspectors
and other offieers of the bank,•for the
efficient performance of their respec-
tive duties.
It was moved by Mr. John Stewart,
seconded by Mr. Thomas .Walinsley,
Resolved, That the poll 1.16 now open-
ed for the election of several directors,
and that the same be closed at 2
o'clock in the afternoon, Or as soon be-
fore that hour as five minutee shall
e/apse without any vole being polled,
and that the scrutineers, on the close
of the pelt, do bend to the Chairman a
eertificate of the result of the poll.
Me. Charles Cockahutt moved, sec-
onded by Mr. John Bond, end
Resolved, That the thanks of this
meeting be given to 31r, E. 13. Oster
for bra able conduct in the chair.
The scrutineers declared the follow-
ing gentlenien duly elected directore
for the ensuing yeart-life'ssrs. A. W.
Austin, W. R. Brock} Wm. Ince, le
Leadley, Wilmot D. Matthews, K. B.
Oster and Sir Frank Smith.
hundred feet allowed by the general But, doge are Poer thinge to race with were attre We eetild natlee °eine
Reaerve fund. . . 1 500 000 00
Balante of events carried;
er , ,
favoe of the larger claim wee brought bition lo pegs ahead like, a hone; he Dontinue their use. From that on. she Governor Thomas, et C°1,ered% reennte
cordinued to improve eteadily, and be The pen and penholder with which
vdend No. 00,. payable
law of Canada. The medification in an Weary one knowe. A dog heti no ant-
' provement, and we felt encouraged to vfo.rward. . . . . 42,714 14
&bold in 1804 through the agency. of preterit to follow. Besides when the.
Captain Conatantine, who recognized trail is narrow, ly eigned the bill Making the new Tell- ,...„ ,
Former dividetula me,
it le h rd i
0 00 team the tbase site had (siren eighteen boxes or oonntr Wae made Ot solid CtiPPle ''"' -• ' ' ' ' • 46',°°° 13°
1 hat, on both sides of the international' -to pest another. Me: the, dide man- every trace of pain •had left her. She Creek go_ ri and was given to Repreeen- daimee . . .. .
205 50
line, whieh croseed the heart of the age to threw away he crutches alastoon for- tative stontgomery,
Pass each other at° all is a mar-
korty Mite diggings, mining conditione vet, bet It happened that (Miry time got that elle ad ever needed. them.
Reserved for interest and
MADE TIIEIR. OVirN LA•WS, S ld by ell drtutoate thetinghont the world. Ile 14276,551 21
er these run the risk of what ebb .ede.entege five man roil ahead healthier girl In Walkerton."
Might do to tete if I violated thle furl-
dantental principle c•f right metal ace i g me a t 6 a PI anY eng te Lewerie end t !nowt were Cure of her (laughter through the use
floosies payable on de -
hey chose, up to eoretething overl thire of Dr. Willianas: Pink Pills after years MilA.TE PENALTY. Mead. . . . 40911,018 00
tilt Ai: Pitec 'bett etitilietth teen hundred feet. but upon neatly
t 111(nd. When ei e balled a ' th e
altee.d. The recorder 4 office wan merest Deposits paya1ble after
of great 'suffering. We May add that
11 e reek, at Port Cudahy. The Indian The death penalty is rarely same,- notice.
the niches it had been fixed at 4'10;199,024 80
456Ceeer wtonefin6e10110 eendedatire"lodrgtellIMincle tl".3 lingndrnd tat 66 tha 6tna 66 terreanea to turn into Forty Ame. Lew, once Inore at the Greenhow abode in a d x 14, y agents. . . . . Km 78
u t dm not know this, or else the dogs dee a day or two later the writer defied ,,„a in Germany, Andric, Denmark or 1311enee tfee le' *Lea"
40 in oropetir tali:04466a womit. T. ford r:turn fLora,the labor .,,of psroape, 6t- flee on the dead run, with Lereaux *he eattle Int°. the roont, She Pre. Inantl, en& In the trnited 'states onlY Asseta.
logAveit to intuit this ofittnti, and I 'mg. ka /emit, "ye 441Inurou Le" W" Putt with him. Both Men reached the mond an appearauee of the Most per.. one MUrderer ha fifty euffere capital Specie. . . . . $ 107,675 15
wanted her te Ono* I Wee stubbing required tit give a rolificient drop office at the mime moment, and fen feet health. She repeated. the story of PullishMent. ' , Dominion Government *de -
her. I would Witter return her *Wee nir• water for the elleice-boxeo. Thie Roared the door. They were both se her sufferings in eubetantially the Ingratitude is the abridgement of Mand notes. • . . 1,115,254 00
fake0 iti gory time she se" ruu ehe at that time of Canada* iiiiioiSre de- Portia not say what they had comet for. and. like, her mother "Ives all the attended with other riotousness.
aothing but being tana a go* wo. it min *that cou be worked, at thp erie saw the mistake,' bemired front hie the hope elf seeing the young We en, n ew (irk II out of 12
seen -Mile $ Menial or inedieerity past mono tune being iarge enough to are sleigh. and, made kr die recoace0 eelf This time Ants was at horde and °murderers esempit vvithout any punish -
lady ber.
This material being fire, frost and
vermin proof is now being very largely
used. as a non-conductor of heat, cold
and sound in cold storage, public build-
ings private residences, etc., also for
Covering eteam, hot water, hot air,
and cold water pipe. The Eureka
Mineral Wool and Asbestos Co..
Toronto, will be pleased to Send de.
seriptive pamphlet • if you are in-
terested. . ,
Speaking of e,x-Seeretary John Sher-
man Senator Lodge recently said: -
"Everybody respects him, but h
never known anybody to be tho lama
liar with him, to slap him on the shout- -
der, for instance."
Lu Brs az! rut, 4,,,Itt
and indorse the co.or.
Sold by all druggism. sec. a bottle. •
ROOF ond Sheet Metal Wean.
Rod (wares n. SLATE BLACKBOARDS l're supply
Public mad High Schools,Toronto) R 0 it Pitch,
Coal Tu. sto. ROOFING TILE (See New City Build.
inge, Toronto, dons by our firm). Metal Callings, Cor -
Wino, eta Estimates furnished for work immolate orfor
materiels shipped to any pert of the conaiT2.. Phelle1938
a. DUTHIE& SO Mai Adelaide ihwidmerste.,Toronie
or expense to the
niost disordered Stomaoh, longs, Nerves, Liver, Blood,
Bladder, Kidneys, Brain end Breath by
DuAarry's Rovalenta
- Arabioa Food,
which Saves Invalids onrbildren, and also Rears sue.
4e:idly Infante whose ments and Debility hiave
fPted ,!TuerildtrZlelOtti IT"
wid hoe , e me t n m di ri
50 uggra Annual Cures of Ooluitlyis-
. P Invariable Success, 100,000
tion, Flatulency, Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Consumption, Diabetes, Bronohltis. /Wisp
suss, Coughs Asthma, Catarrh, Phlegm, Diarrhea,
Nervous Debility, Sleeplessness, Despondency,
Outlawry &
co ▪ 7(1.17 BenVedni
London, W., mho in Parls,14 Rue de fgastigleotnree,
at all Grocers, Obensiets, and Stores ererywhere, in nos, •
2A, 2„ 60., 518., 14S. Sent enrrittlie free. , Also nu
Barris Roulet:tit Biscuits, in MIA, is. mules.
Aunts for Canada: This T. Eaton Co., Limited, Torcinto
Hobbs Hardware Co.
; • THE 'VERDICT. • , 143. WEST E
Dash, .the sprinter, was run over by
a Iot‘of freight ears last vreek. • '
What was the Coroner's verdict
Died from the effects of bad train -
IN .
Dealaro, Aid Per Quotatioss.
lug. omlnion Line ROYAL MAIL
. .
Hotel Carelake ZeMeell R"ms
I from 411 a dity up Opp.
01.T.R.Station, Montreal. Goa Ouslake o., ropes:
It is estimated that one crow will
destroy 700,000 insects every year. :
Any man may make a mistake, but •
none but a fool will centinue in it. -
notrateS and Strenghens.
" Pharaoh 10a." ''''""l'ran';'•()".
Bedouin Araba have stolen the Holy
Carpet of lidahoutet, killing four of the
escorts to Meeca.
..... LUCAS (loom., i ea.
SWANK J. Canner Makes oath that h 6 is the
senior partner of the tam of P. .1. annum 84
uo..• doing business in the City of Toledo.
County and State aforesaid, and that saidlirin
will pay sho sum of ialeR HUNDRED DOL.
LARS for each and every oese__of entail% that
°mance, this 8th day of December..A.1). 1888.
cannot he mired by the 21140f JdALL'Il CATARRH
Sworn So before ma, and subscribed in my
• 4 PRitlit 3. cntutizir.
...,-,.....-.. A., W. GL ENAo tei pritNp 8.
Hall's atarrh Care is taken internally, end
sots direetly on the blood and mucous Bur-
taces o f the system. Set d for testimonials. free.
M. J. CHEESY k 00.. Toledo, 0,
Sold by all Draexiete,175o.
HaIrs Family Maitre the beet.
Do you realty think you We MI
daughter tie a husband should t
Love her t Why, would give uP
bloyole for her.
W P C 977
CarbOlici giessipis °int.
ment, Tooth Patrols, sit0.. haie been
awarded 100 medal a d dipielMite tor supariore
SXcerilarpoe. Their regular wet prevent tweet.
owl diaearie‘. Aek yOtIN dealer to Obtain a
supply, Lists mailed free On application.
saiksoNstras. • • shsoLArib _
Mistreat onil Quebec to Liverpool.
Large and fast Steamers Vanconeer„
• Dominion, Scotsman, Cumin -or -ran.
rotes of passage :-First 041.1n. 550 upward/ : Second
Cabin, 03.5; Ptoerage. 02240 end $:3 30
For forthee info ination a. ply Pa lovoiagente,
DAy ID TORRAKCE a CC., Coneriti Agents.
17 41. movement St. Montrest,
sad suety sae wore joOvianirt,pr•Ittabra
&sear imeinshe dealers..Little eeldttl ealuired.
established over 100 young min paying but.
mesa sir Limo owe, and we are ready to do the same for
▪ liCabssprislag saerehonts also represent u, with
pulite Shameful sad absolute satiate:aim to thaw
eisseassont Writs for full particulars. Text oun
S P1416"12,1""t0116"tirrra Co.• TROPEOtiht"I "'Oa&
gooda other
Mlohlgan land tor Sale.
nt ow entail 000D PARMINO Latiell-ASEMA.0„
iog Deco, Ogemaw and Crawford Counties, Title par.
Ceg,..8. On Michigan Central, Detroit Mackinatt and
Lake Ritilroads, at priull ringing from $2 to IS .
per awe.. These Lands are Mote to Enterprising Kew
70wns, Chtirehet, Schools, et0„, and will besOldon meet
reasonable tenni. Artily te
11. PIERCE, Agent, West Bay eat MM.
Or W, ounr1s, Whittemore, Rub.
On Trial
WE sEND Tilit
on nut
on Clete tents. No sucker, AS
Pocking. Will last * lifetime.
Poe libistratiol Ostalogoilt
Ayhnert Ont.
ittstramegi$,..belogr) atOrMr, Oki
Every town, oan halite a band.
neglett of het out of Vend and pat- *144 112"1"1.
APOlOgiteit t4:1
tuned My vitelf-Mots 1;0f Intended tt.„1-14Z., , Interest/8 ot ;De ectlailY to enitatillt* their business, Captain Aurtiingivini Noiatiot um:wale/at
nether. And hew de you suppose she
stss for rot wing re. firt,te, gorrte.ber groiv..inf territ?rr wife
wiee eet wig, one of many Jodie/01011N eximunted that for a Mement they sante tetras as her mother had done, all beeenees; a fault 1516Ver f0111111. DB- Depomit with bomlniort
Contitentine told them he would wait Portia Paraleals,
n they reeevered euffielentbreeth nre4„ett to Dr. • Willi*.nof
loominotor ataxia,
ink Mk ' '
Government for ssoutity
it 01 1400.„. Ann, atts 13
U941 " TOWEL Os&
loan itotairsteehei imeresionts.
ronisett wwl with tins itssumption that
lf het Aliittlifi
it is *he who it megleetitott els. Mark ank4 nndor Muted atidott htve was host no cm* else coming, he divided the
Thc cenedren gelltem. however, Pro- ease up to Deweon In the late winter
Another right whiek the miners
to PM If there ware others behind; and nervous neadadvi. 110011 prsotrt-
atm, owl dhow* depending- upon "%v hews
Worm * yr trestmene with Dr. Ile T
the r otter .
Itever trifle with a. .skinny Weaken her* NIN1 ono reeorder ler mole ifitioh, A dstacirasst mount,Gd room* cihronia4nryintwiss. eta., all &sever
ef impeintitag oft or timer own lima- claim between tuns humors in the blood. such itit scrofula, ti betwite la a Ititritrito.;ftt: I itsge, s. hand e6
A 52121941 a
(r 'tided Otke district, or tie. dee reoord,„bnoks Rama Pi Pills. me stet t hestIthy TN* tAL1SNIA4 OM 1r
APPOIniteit by Ottawa, whose stets bode- with hew
first Watrien perialOiler ot the Oen was to ant as roonfliat. or livid toiletry of {kat the" ihmo le
efertteeepeoe tty. kirra to pale and Intl ow ocoeplerletto 77 musk tessas. V
Amok, Tivic4 whoa*
*lib war it 'Mrs. O. D. Oibbroath, eirettuttotenewt. Where the 11/~. t liitstribt BO printed bi , bra or mix lanes fair .50 by
krt dialers sod poottioald at
rho id
trek rahbatty, SW Were MSC et hen.d, thie Wog tes piss kb4. it siElltary 4trrra Dr. Williams' ediottat
,„, 1. 1, bit etillem tiny Infra OWL lirst ?woos La 411 toWee Out., Do wet be per-
tiet km tiros 01 Me* Lni KNOW Winn. Al
SAW Ohne elebiltittate.
I 11
FREE 0111101A.
elati *Sten Oen til a We elle tide
Saint bra 00110114g* of TA&
mere. l_ii wade Latil aleCtuaera
. has a Derteeb. Se la Inekatad a
utter that oast he us for putsp.ebst
thrieszpoent•es. With it we mindrall •
etrnettons, fro that a °Find of ten
mak*, after a little ii
almost stil good
-. •