HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-21, Page 6e
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• A
T looked. wise wben tee chentahlto wea the highest ur the creek. Above TONS WERE 0,11.NNIBALSI
s money that any Me Wight have bed ea good "Autone told Ericseu that he ruight REMARKABLE DISCOVERIES MADE from flying off into infinite/ Knee by mime). distriets 00 different cou
eas owe a year. Her journey* to
! oat' a become) 'evident to themselves.' had staked off their cleiMii entoniesIBBI MIGHT GET TIRED.
ar teed, awl tapleid their liestele with tile were the two elms that Entpkine
• •
o. Meleit a Greaten, State au- geoshoute hiv,efforns two Nigh sthogiu,d
tbe little girl law our earth kept _Colorado, has juriedietiou over 1,600
tater lingers tio to speak, as if tO say mad Deaner had staked.
Urania/Lima heel been explaining to perintendent of public inatruction for ,
look. Tbere )11.1 wad of etoriee of Discovery clam. We all went uP to AT BRAINTREE,. ENGLAND.
conaten y ry ng t
the attraction of the muns which is
tl t 1 to draw the earth ties, which 'the ia expeeted te visit at
as. they ef they tad, klitOMA Where to have Ititi ell lie wee geing intake
toward itself, while tbe latter alWeys affereet se.notas aro not opean wee
, the Curious husk tea.c acooinpanied the stake. Pretty 00011 Antetee eagle Aall $41110111 Sieeieeititiois et uweetatieccimess keeps ite distanee. by rail, but often on bormbeek., by
*tray -natant Weellit • filling up in nominee aud 1st DoradO, it -sweating, and begged ,ande Pleae,eee rowed wheel Pied Weis Ottawa Oise Grandinama, ailed the little girl, I 'stage coach or eey ramie waggon.
-fiarresliles or ilet Tile tolloweele wittou.nt ot how El Pore with. Ericson tor his mai= 191401c, 00 "Ae te lei:teat tun temente simile Er eine abould the* the sun would get die -
end, inner altenpiraist• ado +Callao to be Malted lute More ins old man Whipple had declared that no to it„ 014,4„ sraho. couraged after awhile and let go.
It hes been dIscovereci during the
resift Circle city- Wrest than ordinary in that it is told one ahould belie Discovery but himself.
lot correnteedieme eV be olio weo wee not enly one of the Ericaon alit bis name off the atakes,
eir liret who !naked, there, bat also wlio and Antene restaked the claim -tbe
eei , supplieo tee xeadere ot Harper's Week- present No. 6 El Dorado. Ericson
ele ' le with the fine etireet news and pito- went above Erapkias and Demers, ?and
num pene leendezeten weele tograplis from the new diggitigee- 8, and etalfed 10. Bruoeth and I
leen dieeeeraged, lee was. stile 'nertit?tolYttivwv,i4nielaiAtitt tehenef, Mr. joens went on far eriou:gb to be out of the
the cwitim ena when word. 0t.....04rxere:goa,irorvteyrybiallr!, iviay oj it Inash, and staked, be taking
meeting on ille Caeadian 'side, rived, end wart one of *se whO did Ittilegardru.g the 'aliecovere, it wee the
„„aet,‘Ording to
bis ataextrey 041114 cut Goid, Bete not; believ,e in tee trute of it. lie wait custom in the tower couatry .... not
, refore esat in the first stanapede. only on the American side, hut within
end ea alecoverer he was outfitted et4boenfirroation. ot the etrike was daily Canadian territory -to allow a dimov-
ill auoteer. Gn the Other ferk being received. , ery, consequently a double claim, upon
ap.olgen of he wee entitled to a tiee eeYto and ati far al) ati the 70'e, but each gelleh. But tee edict bad re.
ety ciatta and one mere. lie e "Bonanza, wail Leaked, ea far dime ita °catty gegle forth from, Porty Ilfile
„ .e. e _ , ae___, „,,_ ,e_.,.., i_determined to go away and try mate that there. could be but outs discovery
gapittutret° ettoee°70 Reayerugeeemelole" af the 'pulite' believing it la never too on a creek, and *one on a 'pup" of e
main creek. The clumovery h
.ictslerateed, anood•o' trd'odu the way
0 the Money
he :114:"erarejalundea0.11°tallilegat41,a8aFrittla a t hwitli whom allowe4 to eawash G g , 44 beea
ti-% to r ' g, obc Ito day that El Dorado.
0: eyo we:, welo0 t h,e..iir en octobuelrd, 0buti;0010 diwaacesoevrtebreayt caul9a I:11;110:n:
t .A•atik 011/1Xer, . 'gill() told, llign. h %ems on the 'xitor '
Made a d*overy ee the amnee Agiutwder=o8utajtbil t h a
,, yelieve Handel -eon mode els Boo. he threw 4 h. 4 -,e- been atelens soia efts h
end refused to e in adother, be must,
d - elbitiovery, end at) thought Hen- gee pesszutoy I rad ttat it before he cornet hold thedeakillsese:cnone'd7i'aticueat
But 40;4 41441r4° wiebed tio. I avnling ete34e
Las tAitileleme me° whcz; °lawn to g .. I his name off the other' t
. eleoeld net be Able a? bole die- ed a boat, Keller, et al.; had already staltAandtmloen.
ery :there., ' „The Whale oreelc wee and they told ua that if certain parties upper Boneuza, and so might eave
let _ifteen '..hr,...ut4°i part ef the creek ate good. 'While ao-
now eathea Hoeiker '' Creek, and. Geld l'alt beeu eincere in recommendittg that
ii' gramotti'reituhran4 rl (If
tWn . %%PAO, s:'tovh. et Hunker Creek.'
niter lexel fouii4 tee spleetild pros.- . WE COULD TAKE THE BOAT. cording to ola custom they might have
e held a discovery on El D°00wrado,c they
to dellare in the pan. Hen- "The men did not turn up •., and in could not legally do so
eefore, being uneeetaen, aeul bait all -4044 We were towing 'the bo t queeloy naloteae proeeptii, jolnoti
ll , ,
in.t16i. Wan .proably riolier, , lip die Yukon. Only tiva weeks 'hue- • tvIlrei 'i. awealled 'Disooverr '' claim that
et- abhie , Beaker's diaetiv- jr;:oLet 114d Pamed tjle MUllt4 °' Ole " blisispeite ssvtttial•tritvetli to ieserve foe
teg.(9,evi.tylreuxt,,edittpeseeneentwoe.bblys slthweepeneeatieezea0t;10wewasaeze413,:il°11aligeth'I'lvieesriiiitsetelom:ei. with one °jai& on !Er DheirMs,de.hobweseyclar,
'' hia Bonanza claim. He was stoutlyi es
Ilt!'‘ik...u°tIoi,,,,r13eeeerb„Purestk,o: Wr.h4ionlad !tre:3,:c41,sii, aloi?1,411e;tnlizea--thiroed cdoeuyrswee unrkeenoouwend ' Tet,l'ING TO HOLD ALL THRKE.
Of the Itibliandtiike, end caantred "A Party of Finns soon flame along,
WAR eiltitled to a eoeation ineieurzeovolmagel , eteerttyne, sand b,the eaeded. by a man named Cottle Thee
g oho e og did not stake, but went Wit and, tbrned
Keirdereta1 Otaked 0.liOtiteir 131eXt
464 Jae; emoted It ty au oar 0OPPlies and taking -a pack, we -11P-Eonanua! They wer th I
teltrea„the....mouth of the Klondike to Other persons 011 the crelt . hate °nal.
escustsed, ndam-
hed PA been ehameed t. that Otte now
ineianis, venal:go, kiWitiere flondike That nigithet joilirceaeropkww?il)e padii:u
led tO eeoOrtis hi learned that jA
4 IaOld but, One claim, ill the, wee.hiee. leada oaer tr. hiltkanCile tirongall iwnifnh41 rinlirrdh' 4
4.1).4‘ture, ..‘ 00; a 4 it seemed ti.) tee ridge 'parallel: with BonanaZa-a we Core'. qt.ettus tshe iirhipple
is used, at times even now crowd for having dii
eeta•-•InA tOoorded NO. 3 above l'aTeue4 tertaneee to meorrekrecent trail in g to steer Us away from° the inoretret";
' Preeir• Henderson ' -Wag to the valley -of te e elide,* °besides, old man Whipple had
AlOwing winter., In ,the hull. tramp we reached eliscoAvefrtyer in); - tri ti
isTenntclereek.. After
n toe Jul% Halstead and Eric-
tr , he.mg dishemitmma iv. elle afternoon, Siwash ,George and- son's cla°iem n
01 ,13,01c,,i; .stbeil,,, betwie4 tihim, be eirel_bactiaeo were working at the aide several names wereer.E1 Dierneeade, ,Knut
t 4, 410 monake ,413,r9staeeting iu ttbe: :reencice,ettereityg, witn yr tore: 1 flialittellivdaredu
tgrigle determi ed j7d
thatling itoMe, gold 'anklet ore h.' tehen' pan and palmed ifay 4g,rst Aid in Kim- on. I make diet Point, as certanin eate9;
dike; off the side of the bank, getting comers bane olitimed the bourn, of nem,
/4/4r44', t,B '••400 Metal' ..Goid.,-.ebi euia-.. went .on -to No. a ing the ore k
-' laUse, ,,, ' ha.,*4.1 esuoriptien, it,,,smell,e,r atreara fiagetYveTireseollt8.veryW, eand made eamp under "Next, moern.ing Prod Bruceth oi
1,?,.9±.a.7, X t ..* a -reeerded as !I•Po Much 1 ub.r01141, tarter:, That. night two men Ilp at five o'clock and went d fg
run name is Antone Stan- McKay, whom the =Were hair apupoaintetz:
'sworn* mad 1-4U)N, tlears that namee" Re. '''''''
dard, an Austrian, and .Frank Keller, ed as their recorder, letting out ehe.
.teieningelie went np to etewaet, ,Mak whom we lenteteen, before, on the Yit-
:Mg li,'OilitoOveky, on . ' ken, .canie to our camp,eand sae, for
. ,xtva,41*060, N (=we., aat hour and a half talking. AntOne
, . '''''''' 0 . tOACI us their came was further up -on
e waiettewee•.named afteit him, and after 'tipper 'Boaanza, We inferred. They
gluing n "hang custanee up Stewart said they ead mend ten centa, to the
pan on uppet Bonanza, and they adVie-
at,,hic ao-156,40:Tio...E aite- at the -4164th.
__ ea ula-to--ary -there:
efe the efeettiesien. ea returned.: ete e'Next •Marning We tOok Our peeks,
apeilead to vttawa for the grant of the and' with two 'edam*, .Krint Haletead
ttisee, ' !lite, Mat his appozatien 7.,iras' and John Ertcsone two, Nerwegians,
tieeee eattwored, • . _ . e : ' prespeotedr• along till we getlnto the
- Prina' en injury he received ini In, *Ws: • Tbere we left everything but
e leteer •he Was laid up,. and'atarted reeks, shovels, ana puss' end went 1113
c "oi ',die country ; but 'tee steamer into the Vs, a distance. of rather nio.re
ti wieoh he tome passage was trozeet than seven nines from Diseovery. We•
th, at eirele t.liiy, Where he remaineu: Prospected as we Went, but found no -
411 winter under the doctor's pare. He twee. -The heya agreed in declaring
w0 in Dawbon the summer of..1898, but thet it the gemmed. had not been Pe-
wee enable to wokk op to peoepect as ready staked they woald not take the
berme). i met Henaerson then, and .trouble to do so theniselves. We re-
,- impressed be the earnestness 4 turned to camp, and. decided that, We
:D1etl. 1 asked ban if he was not would prospeot tile large 'pup" that
teectuxageti by ail that had happened. eame he JOS shove ou No, 7; our at-,
o," replied he; •"there are as rich tendon had. been drawn to this 'pup'
OS 'Yet. tf.). bo dmoovered ats any that before we got to Diseovery, on the day
been found." I am not quite Sure of -our arrival,by Meeting two men -
believed that, but it. was char- GorNO DOwN TUE CIMEk.
it, ot the man to say so.. lie „„,,
igee .te. sett his Hunker elaira ;,....,1 4.-."41Y-wc.5,_r et, - a ...„PentYuadnf asikoeurd
1) • 1 ' l' , , miller UreeE MM. . WO
I in Seattle, I saw* Henderson. them, * aOW 0 the creek?
st ust oome from Dawsen. the "'No good,' 'Skim diggings,' 'I.W.
diggings," 'Moose flee! were the .ane ors were suspicious and resentful, and
. .
' a and eeusting, lie bade been
th iffeamer of all the money ewers received. . were trying tb overreseh ens an -
,..Did you stake on the creek?' we other in China, Africa and Constan-
Ike ,11.134-.- en hundred •dollarts He
ate badge of the Yukon Order 'et Pion -
the asked. . . . ' . •
"'Wirers tfre Demers and Louis Emp- --Is-- E 0 8 • h
hod hut mei thing left.. It was . tumple. The European cabinetis urere
' golden !square and myrtle leaves of " lio,'.. they replisee . wh' oaring- allerie of intri ue T e
- 4-4 which he was a member. nee kins?' we asked, referring to the two ,,,,arsenttis and dockyards were bustling
reason he initiated. on pinning' it other members of their party. ..eee Vr-ith prepaieteatite '',; r 'var. This irri-
" 'Oh,. they have gone up a pup td table condition has .anfiiiiii. 1,, Good
elf to my vest, saying: "'You keep
1 will lose it too. I am not stake.' • ,A, '4.' humor now. prevails. The govein-
ve among eiVilizee, men." He " :WA; didn't Yolii.staker . '
ck t :Alpe urtraorficipo; at lee - e eidi, ta. ire-. lievith the Raps ' WaS ments -find it easy to make satisfactory
e worked six years Ego, their answer' as they went away agreements- wieb.one another respect-
ut into the Yukon. The doWn the creek. _ . lag their Colonial frontiers and sphereo
Miners wh knew have alleays given __" r Y 0 ." _ a 0/ influence.
4,` Henderson the credit that is due him. Erni:thine. 'Where eave yOu been?" we
• It • "'On that pup • they replied. was sadly out of, tune a year -ago, is
La Toseana, 100, 111CMANCE 010•AS
PAUPERISM IN OLD AGE, re • 'One enontree•
petit. few days that the early Ilietous .....0.40.1.
England is keenly eeeroised about SERVED A. DOUBLE PURPOSE.
were hathe'leibit of eating eacb other
when fowl ran short, says a recent the prevention ot pauperism among mew pareeneeene
j 4", ee 'mind the
Loudon letter. the working olaasee in old ege. 'It beautiful booker Ur. Googan preiliat-
, le stated thee 814,000 Men over aixty- ed ine this inawnin't Ati, the poor
Tbe prelestorie Engliehroan bad DO
objection to human fleele On the Wm- tirlaieieir ite:Ineglicianadreto-idnaleeeaetairthea4t414foro 1:4(43 1 hla waif° died' 'illItj tin. da" ago.
trare, there ia evidence to• ehow that out of every five of the wage-earning
he rather liked a cut tram a human claettee over abay-five become paup-
neva on the,way. Among the first to
arrive were Cobb and his crowd. Hear-
ing of the prospect,. and knowing
thaethe Whipple crowd bad staked
Bonanza also; Cobb stated emphatic -
airy to -Whipple that unlese his crowd
took their names off Bonanza, he would
jump -their - claimr here. AIM thee
Antone, Clements; and Keller game up
to where we were talking, and Bruceth
and 1, who felt that though they had,
tried to job us, yet they really had
made the discovery, and were entitled
to the ground, tried out beat to per-
suade them to go up and cut off their
names, or they would lose their El
Dorado claims - they certainly could
not hold bqth. Wbippie kept insisting
that they could. At this juncture Phis -
cater came along. •
, To be Continued,
esivernmens or Europe can Now Ilnke
' Sul brilrotury A:moments.
A wond,erful• change same to have
taken place in the temper of European
diplbmacy. A year ago the great pow-
being now and then. tor a change.
Tbeee remarkiable discoveries elave
been. made at Braintree. airline that
were cracked open so de to get at the
brains, and human bones split from
end to end by artificial meanie have
been found embedded in the soil. The
nature oithe treatment to which teem
skulls and bones were submitted ie an -
°lent tlinecie is sueh as to leave no
doubt in the minds of epeolalists, that
they are relies of a prehistorie feast
indelged in by the reels:lents of Brain-
tree, possibly upon the remains of
thole enemies. ' •
These ancient Britons were constant,.
ly warring upon eaeb, other; but it is
by no means 'improbable that when
food was scarce they did not treuble
to go out and kilt an enemy. eels.
picem is entertained that the eimm-
bee '4 bones Whieh have now been
fotad, and welch undoubtedly were
scraped. and aplit at some feetival,
were part of the anatome of some'
peaceable residiant in the locality. who
happened to have the ill -luck to be
seleeted for the evening meal, ..
The 'eon arourtd, Braintree is speCial-
Iy adapted to the making of brielts.
Exeevationir are now in progress there
for the purpose of eitracting briek
earth. These °Partitions have been
araye m
3 before he
""Eiwtish George would be fishing yet asked. The concert ha the near East, whieh
eliadn't t
. *nut
even the
an for Bob Hendersonee is "Ane good?' . 1. • now harmonious. Crete has been re-
y hear. • " %met know anything about 1 , as lefised from. Turkish rule, and is pase-
moment the discovery on •Iong as we were u we . thought • .
was known at Forty Mile, we might as 'well stPalke eohmewhere,' fled, Greece is recovering from the
t f and they hurried on after t sir co disastrous war with Turkey. The sul-
Wine was making the sur- •Panions. Thee were rich men, .but tan is again under discipline. The
vey the boundaa7, lett Henderson they did not kno'w Tt. Easteth Question which menaced tbe
entir ly out. Reason was obvious- ,. "Next morning, before We Were • '
no was told about Hendereon. But ready to start, Keller came doWn to peace of Europe a short .time ago, is
i.%-13. recent sPeeeh in Victoria, eir. our camp dressed in cord,uroys and no longer a disturbing element in dip -
'Ogilvie used these words: with rifle on his shoulder, as 'If he lomacy.
The Klondike Avail peospeeted foe were starting out on a hunt. He in-
• a• &arty miles up ie• 1887, without any- inquired bow we had made out. . We Vitithin a few months Eegland has
' ding being, titund, old, again in egos, told hini we had found renbing. ete - come to terme with three rivals. An
with a similar lack of reaulte but the still favored upper Bonanza; be thought - arrangement haa been inade :with Ger-
difference is seen. when the right it was all right. We asked him where maity respeoting the African depend -
course is taken. and. this was hut up , his camp was; we had. not seen it the enema of the two powers. The Niger
to by Robert Henderson. •.Thics Man ± day before. 'Over on the other side ' and Eashoda agreelnenta with France
. is a born proapector, and yOu couldmot he replied, inakiating the way, and wii have Marked out rival spheres of in-
perseade him to stay on &ten the rieli- thought no more of it then, 'Where fluence in West and. Central Africa,
est elaim on Bonaeza, ).le started up ' are you going toelaye he askea us." and while British rale in Egypt still
in a email boat ta apend, this summer " 'To prospect that pup,' I replied, excites jealousy in Paris; tee relations
and winter on Stewart River prespect- • 'Do you know anything about itie of the two countries have greatly lin-
ing. , This is the stuff the true pros- "'Oa, I Aphid a five -cent piece on peoved. With Russia. a eailway cpn-
pector is made of, and / am. proud to rim -rock, a mile up.' vention has been concluded, and a way
"my ha is a Canadian. • "Re left ult. We still thought he opened for a geperal adjustment of
IfIendertion himself sums it up ire a was off •on a little hunt. - rival interests in China.
* letter that is alnioat pathetic: "That "We started toivard the 'pup,' When A year ago there were sueeessive
• le nil I letve got after two and a beg iv° teaohed the mouth, we folloWed the raids upon Chineae *territory. One
,,..,,years" prospecting, living en meat torteous course of the stream. peed, poWer after another seized'strongholds
HOW EL DORADO 06,1VM TO 11E brook* ' " a great Ettropean war in. the near fu -
STAKED AND NAMED. maddy,' said he. .
straight. Bruceth • stopped. and pointed to the on the, coast, and. all signs pointed to
'"Sonte one fa working; the water is ture over that helpless einpire. The
by the ReV. J. W, Kenevorthy, who is
ietrested in antiquarian reeearch.
Mach to lea astonishment he came
upon a find a the first magnitude:
This went to show tbat a prehis-
toric settlenient eidated en an island
in the middle , of a lake at Braintree.
The rev,erend gentleman has laid the
facts before the Field Club of his
Me. KenWorthy has been abie to
show that the lake at Braintree siited
up with waehings froca the hills, and
that for some purptese the prehistoric
-residents of $raintree constructed an
artificial leland In the middle of the
lake. This was probably -for the pur-
pose of defence. ear. Aenworthy has
eusoevered-this tie which were
huts inhabited by people of the etone
maritime hations now seem to under -
"Like hunters who bave scented stand' one weedier, and it is safe to
The large fork epoken of before, came
into Bonanza at No. 7 above Discovery, game, We lapsed into silence. anciewith forecast the ultimate partitioe of
• bat fame Of the tilde gillohes-or eyes and eare alert, kept on. Vtre hdd China into clearly defined spheres ot
i'pupe," da they were oalled--were fay. gone only a little ways, when sudden-. European interest.
bred by the staintsiders meal Bonanza ly we came won four men. Three of What has mimed tide change of tem-
. were atanding around the per in European diplommy it It is
had been staked • as ear below and a„e theme
far above Disoavere at Wee eelleidered, fourth, who was holding a gomeono, due in laige measure to die weakening
in the light of past exPeriente, to be All were intently looking into the pan. of the bonds of the Russian -French al -
worth While. The a:diddle of the Meek The man with the pan was Antone, Bence, whieh was the ohief disturbing
force in Europe.
was considered the best part. Obvioue- and the other three were Z. X. Ole- .
les OS there waft small time to aroePeet, meats, Frank Phiscater, and old. Man- The rescript in favor of disarma-
°bailee predetnine.ted. But as 'mon as Whipple. When they looked up ment and a peace conference shattered
deeefiret holes to bed -rock began to saw da, they acted like a cat canagnhat - French 1•111181°118' and brought all the
it riehness egreater than anY- la it cream -pitcher. Seeing that we : great powers into congenial relationit
bing eve known en the Yukon, many had found them out, they loosened up It put an end to all talk Lanett a
ana • war for the reconqueet of Alsace -Lor -
those who had stakee blindly, as a
•": mere speotilirteon, without plan or raffle and D. eoalition, for this expul-
• ea
In some countries attempte have
been made to prevent sandy soil from
blowing about by growing 'open it
plante which tend to form a sod and
hold the sand in place. • In New
South Wales berms grazed on this
kind Of °roe were so aeriousely injured
by eatieg large quantities of sand
that they died,
The huts ead well made floors and
were proteceed by painted piles. In the
matexial 4 the Boots Mr. Kenworthy
'seerched for evidence of the manners
and eustoms these nraintree lake
dwellers. .
;Before- coining to the bed of London
clay which underlies the artificial lake,
▪ leettwoethy encountered relics of
theec pre -Roman period, and beneath
that a stratum 3ft. din. thick going
back to the neolithic or stone age. Be-
neath this was a stratum of .the post -
glacial age, resting on ten of the bed
or London clay. The remains of the
Lake -dwellers were found in the stra-
tum the stone age. •
Heke were found numerous flint jav-
elin -heads and wooden spear -shafts,
The most remarkable discoveries, now-
-ever were made cm what, was former-
ly the bottom of the, lake. These in-
-chided a large number of benes of the
ox and of other animaelea• which bones
bad been Carefully split to get. at the
martow. The skulla had been cracked
so as to permit of .tle brains being ex-
traeted: • "
'Scattered, among these were several
human bones and •skulls, which had
bee,n treated m a precisely _
this sPot .haa had the back entirely Dr, Willianas' Pink Pills anti Ilniak
" that they are the best medicine in the
weeoru fez,
One of. the human skulls found at
pose of getting at the brains. After g Id to. -day.* Certainly had it not
the o through the ordeal of an operation.
them, I would have had to
breken away, evidently for the .pur- b
• BONES HAD BEEN SCR.APED . and pernaps wou
Id not have been
clean they were thrown into the lake ; 01 laa0sWi.t. wialallotpharougthii: obnye. outt atithienage
public it will be of benefit ta
by **dwellers on the artificial is-. this
s.rticles that Brat learned of the un-
TOLD US ALL THEY KNEW. eion *of the English garrison from
knowledge, losughed, and all but ertedi
theie overflowing joy. Then, They showed CS then what they had in Egypt, It left the powers at liberty
when the noVelty of sudden Wealth the pan. There was not less - than . to adjust the Cretan sueetion, and to
were off, not a few began to thinkjuet fifty °elite. White we were talking borne to amicable agreements over
• as Men de the world over. Art die ex- dome came Keller. HS had taken ofi • their spheres Of action in Africa and
tent of the riehnese bee:mile more his corduroys and Was in his Working- the far net.
knew*, the IDOTe the WieflOra they die, elotheii, his attempt ,,to steer SS (Wily ' European affaire have been well or -
played in pieking Ont Such choice Paving been a failure. The five. men tiered for the Parliament of Peace aL
'the liague.
• It'
It was linen erabroidery and cut
duction of what we call lace. Tile the kind found in the tombs. . It wail vir P
nuns busied themselveti with this in. not baited hi ovens, but after being
emery. The pattern was heves out of kneaded into (tough by the addition of
ed etones. or wail put oh a plate and Carbone Diatinfootanta. apart, Oleet
An Operation Evaded.
MR.ell..A.; SIZE, Oe' INGERSOLL,. olit,
Sytuptuirta A11001011z1118-The WAY Titer
Wore Honeyed -The sturritrer sow wee
and worming Every
From the Chronicle, Ingersoll, Ont.
In February, nett, Ur. It, Size,
wee taeen very ill, and was confined
to Me home tor several Weeks, . We
beerd teat he was to go to the hospital
to have an operation &iterated, but
the operation nevertoox place, and as
he has started to work again and in
apparently good health, we investi-
gated the case ana round that ee has
been mang Dr. Williams" Pink Fiats for
Pale People., air. Size ie a, highly re-
spected citizen of Ingersoll, having
resided herelor over thirty years, and
has been a, falthful-eraploy,eentMeatire:
Partlo de Son's flouring mills for over
nineteen years. When asked by a
Chronicle reporter whether he would
give an interview for publication,
telling the nature of his ctisease and
his cure, he readily consented, Mr,
Size gave the details of his illness and
cure as follows :-, •
" In February I caught a heavy cold
which seemed to settle in my left side.
The doctor thought it was neuralgia of
the nerves, It remained there for some
time and then moved to my right side,
in the region of the appendix, We ap-
plied everything, and had fly-blititers
on for 48 hours. They never even caus-
ed. a blister and did the pain no good.
The doctors came to -the conclimien
-that the appendix was dimmed and
walla). have to reraoved. The• pain
Was very great at times, an ere was
such a stiffness in my ankles, also in
my hand, and pain all over my hody.
Tlae day arid da.te -was eet foe an ones,-
ation; and I In'as-reeoneiled Abou:t
a .weak before I was to go -to' the hos.'
pital my wife was reading the Chren-
icie. She road an accoutt of a . man
who ban been cured by the use of Dr.
William-, Pink Pills. The symptoms of
the disease were so- much. like inine
that she becanita interested and :vtant-
ed me to give the pills a trial. -I heti
little faith in . the . pills • bnt a,s my
wife seenied to be anxious that I should.
take them, I consented. The day for
the operation had now arrived, and I
told the- doctore that I did not think
would. go to the hospital .for a. while
*as I was feeling, better. I continued
the pills, and wee greatly' surprised
and pleased with the result.. I con-
tinued- te, improve, and have loeg since
given uti all idea of an operation.
When 'I started to use the pills,
tees untible to walk, and suffered some-
thing awful with the pain in ray side:
It was just five Weeks from the time.
that I started the use of .the pills,
until I Was able to walk again and .1
bad been doctoring three months be-
fore' that, and I have been working
ever siege. Altogether I have taken
sixteen boxes of the pills, and they
have done me more .good than all the
doctors' medicine I ever -topk nay
life • I have now every confidence in
Widow blurpby-aleiparra, they kipt
well, didn't: they Weal win
Lead pedigree, CEYLON TEA« 25, 30.
In a recent leeture on eleetricity
Prof. Elieu Thomeon aeletea how Bos-
ton physicians had been able, with an
X-ray tube, to deteet the presence of
the mearobes of pneumonia. in the lungs
Ate InIXFOUII to went the &ramp of every leas era era women in
CIntfilln4 In Ontkinkb bees shone thals the other. and EV QS
Plorumet to every lame mou who will nine the trouble to write far
to act so agents. Get 0110 Of the Extensiona for yourself end you eat
a week. IanYfl trouble to 0011Villaft other* of it* balm
Thie EXtension is by far the best of its asters sea p'acell on the ni
Lao wt etyr. lo Kies Leeson. to walk loth coal sun comfort, to wow.
Pave, uhu gurOa anu MOU44 $91Manal100 Otoir morn* fortuesste
NU VS Ma to s . for terms towseets. oto
110 BAY STREET1 TOR01110,
before any eyniptoms of teat desease Ezirnsternitntoenvitisn, Dorultrh, armg, etc.
were felt, by the patent, or were teem
1QMOlt svereuatect. ainsosteesue Wines -
y a o and.
exaraination. -
perceptible by ordinary pathological*
onions esthaess. wrests* fOr anyeallef in
kusle or Mandela Instnunents.
WHALelahlefele 00 e Toronto' Can
. * •
Per Over Piny Vesta
used by Mothers for their chit iron teething. It soothes
collo, and is the best remedy for tuarrhesa. inuor.uewat
the ehild, softens the sumo, allays 01)11114 Ideal Leather Polish
thee by all druggists throughout the trerld: 138
sure and ask for Mrs. Winrlow's Soothing Syrup,' WIII keep your shoes soft as velvet
Jingso-What did, ,the tainieter say
when the plate came up?
Ilingso-Ife aaid he wouldn't mind So
much if the buttons were all alike.
414 an restores the co Or.
LUEIY'S Tulti 4'14
Sold by all druggists oc a bottle.
• 5 •
An afteneseee Phi:grate, excellent 444:unser tor um
gun% ea; Dime lie, its totanzialest. ieekTterinto,
'CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. rageWiSteketeetfeiR101*$
Husband -after the perforniance-I lee"- it •
didn't enjoy the show very muoh. I
forgot my glasses.
Wife -Perhaps you. did, dear, but
your breath doesn't indicate, it.
Hot el Candake zurePegn Room'
from Pa day ni).
G,T.R. Station, Montreal. GO% °intake& Co., Prop's. Hobbs Hardware Co
have any stomach trouble?
Thompson -I juat keep still about it.
Joheson-What do you do When you BINDER .
In that way I escape advice from ev-
erybody I meet. LOWEST
O'KEEFE's 1201. M ALT
Invigorates and Strengthens. Dealers, Ask For Quotation&
Take Lagative Brom° Quinine Tablets. All Dine
sista refund the money If it fails to core. no•
First.Boarder-Did you bear the re-
port of the engagement of our land-
LadY's daughter? . '
Second Boarder -I should saY / did.
I was sitting in thet next room at the
time, and it wao a pretty loud re-
-port, let. me -tell, you. - .•
land* equalled qualities of the pills. •
The only argument that has been The public- is cautioned against
easily disposed of. That the men threW
- °Ve —4 - --elle numerous pink colored imitations of
these famous pills. Tee genuine are
brought forward to or flu f. I'll
bones were ,not split by cannibals is
as people of that period buried or ha boxert, the wrapper -
their dead into the lake is not likely, s°ld milY
burned their deceased comrades accord._ around which bears the words "Dr.
ing to superstitious rites. Had th6 Williams* Pink Pilla for Pale People,"
dead been simply thrown into the lake If your dealer does not haee ,them
the bones would have -beei* found in a d s • g the Dr williams Medicine
will be sent ptettpaidvazot .50hyceendts_
perfect. condition, ilia OS if the indt- a box. or sit boxe0 for
viduals had been accidentally drowned'. Cr:" 8331nr(X1
'Several scientific men who have ex- kville, Ont.
ainined these remarkable relics of
— • us.
.English cannibalism say they prove RECORDS Ole TWO OLD FAMILIES,
eonclusively tbat a large cannibalistic Your grandfather went to saw mood
community eriated at Braintree, and for my grandfather. •
that huMan beings were eaten there in Yes ; I've heard. him tell how your
the ordinary eourse-of domestic cook- grandfather beat him down on his
Mr. Kenworthy will shortly publish hprimic.is 'and II:UE.11e time didn't pay
au interesting treatise on theae
strange discoveries. amensee
SUM un
" Balmoral " Free BIM Am.rha
4,5410 Tem% Old Red Wale reeled Liand decorations 'will play a dainty
Egyptian Tomb. part. In Ake Wardrobe this year, . A,
4, loaf oi bread 4,500 years old. was pretty fad in handkerchiefs is to buy
died in Egypt 2,600 ILO. iti is 'now in the name in pencil, and etch it inlinet
or silk to match the edge. e.tuore
the Museum!' of Berlin. striking whim of fashicin,.though. is the
Thinloaf of cake or bread is dark embroidering of monegrams on gloves.
broWn in color, Inside are, ManY The beat way is to have the gloves
large holes, Probably this patt of the made to order, with the black stitching
the monogram is then Placed
bread long since fell into dust, but left (A
in tbe center at the. baok of the hand.
much of the bread still remains in the
shape of whole kernels and piecett of
PharaOh 100 l'onif""-"b `V`.#
grain. ExandiratiOn proves that 60 thiraf litansibudide
found in the tomb of blentuhotep, who them with colored borders then trace
bread was made of barley, and the
grains were only rudely crushed. and STOPPING A FLY WHEEL.
not sifted. This proves that barley Aeoording to a foreign exchange re -
bread was one of the garliest tent experixttents carried oat at the
kinds made, and it was baked and eov- machine works of Offenbach, show that
ered with twigs and leaves of the syca- with the proper appliances it is pos-
more tree. Able to stop even st fly wheel within
The process of preparing the grain a fruition oil a second. ny means of
for bread is to be gathered ftom a wall! WO brakes affixed to the fly wheel
itmeription whieh has been discovered of 150 horse power, making 80, revoltie
Thebea. It is a graphic) picture, of dons per minute, the "whole of the
tha entire process. Mist picture showe raachlnery was brought to a standetill
that at that eatly period even the in less then a secoed after tbe fly
hand mill Was not yet iirrentea. The Wheelltad aeoompliehed one quarter a
--work-that-led the Way tO the intro- flour was of couree, far trona a revolution."
fine and the bread resulting was of
wafer Was placed between two heat- OALVERT'S
ttolkl lime worked round with button -
Meer stiteh eolored silk and un- laid upon the redhot coals. &erupted lea medals awl demote* tor tuweior
elannt, Teeth Pawners, *to., are been
- bleaehed flax. aed eornetimem in gold "
exceilence mob. regime useareee it meat!.
oust distract. Aak your des et* to ohne* a
and *liver, the result being not Un- TO PREVENT BAGGING. supply. Leen melted fees Oh ameleation.
Customet•-Will those pants bag at I
like our guipure of the present day. F. 0, CALVERT en,
'- Among the earliest speelmene of 'it la the kneest allatitietitirrait. • . aNgliArlb
an altar cloth, presented to Prague Deal r--)Sein frient no ants win *
bag at de kneee if you treat dem right. Th. sidmorsti 11 Fro. Bus Zen,
of Richard It, but this to unaccuetotn-
Cathedral by Good thesexi Anne, wife eimeiteet
• ats••
I tome to steel, said the humorous,
Pleased'to welcome you, replied the
matter-of-fact steel trap, as it„sprang
to embrace the neweomer, • gee.
HEALTH RESTORED 'ov,leuzg.,:eit, ti;
•Bmioldbaer xrataireyttonnaractionh,aLndunBgrae,aNtherbryes. Liver, Bluoa,
. Revalenta
Du Barrj's Arablea Food,
whir& Savee Invalids and Ohildren, and also Rears mu*
eessfully Infante ribose Ailments and Debility•hr•ve re.
sisbedall other treatments. _It digests. when all other .
Foch/ is rejected, savM-60 Mines its cost in medicine. .
1" $ Invariable 13necess. 100000
50 years tion. Flatuleney, Dyspepsia,
Annual Cures of COBStipti-
Iodigestion;Oonsumption. Diabetes, emaciate, Influ-
enza, Coughs -Asthma, Catarrh, Phlegm, Diarrliceu, ,
Nervolre Debility, Sleeplessness, Despondeneym,
DuBarry -at ,Co '
14..d... W.,, also In Parbs, 14 Rue de Iligastrig717115otileegeeatn'udt
at all Grocers, Chemists, and Stores everrhere, hating,
rd.y...ttliiiiirefiltbalittit84g. rzLidizoire
Ave...a for stump: The T. Eato
I tell you how before you go, IL eta
tut eyee &fiery( but little from the lir-
dinary English embroider: on jaconet my own intention.
lenetomer, delig.hted.- Then I'll
OF 11111611. them. liens is the money. What
in your plan?
The, English intend experimenting Peeler -tester sit down.
with an eutoMobila gun carriage for
artily MM. A tricycle, driven lir elec.
tritity, forms diet )(waste an uPon --
The Emperor Willisin hes OM pee
Nvi)01) plum) sd,i,Avimr,
,1. . JoNi ,s I
b e A011 ABB 'et/ ltlEMNID
ras; Atr &liwtollartirtetsSaVie
it is eietiented serviee pattern Maxim eieuerite, which is (hat he will bar. cam too
gun. This we,Ight of the gun mid oar. several kinds of bread 'on the table at
riage only ithoot 14.0 pounds, per. every , , ali of whieb tie par-
nadestaratt* rata early takes ttl
th peak . Tee Twee-
eerpa, will The market Wan
tonalities, hat bee
, rear Wiiltikett
4tr*wt. ot-
; berme.
ri qw.4.4(641-
duvitife4- '44
are the best Rorer= s evPr .kt,
. any price, and the iligo
ewe 50.00.
RAMBLER builders are confident, after
zo years' experience, that they can
build and are building the
and no wheel at a lower price can be
of RAM13LER quality, wee at a higher
price worth more.
Cbealogus hires.
RAMBLER eicnroms sawn .•
Gormully Artery Mfg. (10 , (Wong
IDEA", BIOlterieS, 425 TO VOA. *
• abeiby Cycle Mfg. Co., Shelby. Ohio
If there is no Agent in your town for the above,Wheels,
write us -for prices.
For telling two dozen packages of Toledo
refloat ten cents a package, WO give tine
Camera. Ibis made bethe -YaleCamera
Cm, has a Bausch & Lomb lene, and 0
shutter that) can be used for anae•shot or
timeexposurce Withitwerandtenhe
!tractions, so teat a ohild of ten years
can make. after a little expe;4once, pic-
tures abuost as good as Allege tit en by
high-priced eftmeras. bfanyeamer re
soldeeparatayotndlinipurchaser ha
Complete outfit, as shown, Wit every
latrthe outfit Wmrvrard. We the
careers. The outEt consists of:
1 "Yale" 011.11104. 1 nous(' Developer. •
1 Boxpry Plates. 1 eet, Directions.
1 Package HYPo. 1 Toning Tray.
1 Printing Pram'. 1 Package Fixing Pardee
Developing Trey, 1 Package Slicer Payer.
1 Package Ruby Paper.
WO require no money in advance. Send
us your name and address, and we will
forward the Pens, which you sell for us,
Then return the money tons, and your
Camera will be forwarded, e11 (barges
Toledo Pen Co. beet g„ Toronto, Can.
,, 10.,„
0 R
steadily to those traditions of insur-
ance, whioh experience has shown to -
be essential to the true prosperity of
a Company, viz., I. Moderate expend -
tare ;`• 2. High class investments pro-
-- THE --- ducing a higher rate of interest than
Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co
• careful seiectioa of
that assumed in the valuatiohs, and 8,
lives." The lie-*.
port wee caeried unanimoualy
response to s hearty vote of
The Twenty-ninth Anneal Meeting kind, gentle, unaSsunung roamer, hie thadhe te the' Directors tendered by
of this popelar Company wait held in honesty of purpose and sound
the Town Ball, Waterloo, 'Ont., on meat. Ron, -P. W.. Borden was appoint -
Thursday May 2.5th, 1899, at 1 o'clock ed id his stead.
p.m. The attendance was both large Owing to 11/Cr. Hendry% retirement
and- representative, and the greatest friim tha Managership, •and his up -
harmony prevailed. piiiutrasnt as Consalting Actuary, he
The President, Mr. Robert Melvin, resigned his position as a member
Guelph, occupied the chair, and on the, of the Board of DirectorS, and the Hon,
platform with the Manager, Mr. J. T. Garrow was appointed in his
George Wegenast, the following ix- place. '
rectors were seated: -Messrs. Hoskin, You Will he called upon to sleet four
Bruce, Britton, Fisken, Clement, Kidd, Directors in the plithe of Alfred
Sommerville and Garrow. Hoskin, Q.C., B. P. Clement, Sir Wil -
At the request of the President, Mr. Bed Laurier, and the Hon. J. T. Gar -
W. H. Riddell, Secretary of the Com- row, whose terms of office have expir-
pony, read the Directors' report,: ed, but all of wham are eligthle for rre-
Your Direttors have pleasure in sub- election. the best capital that any Company can
ratting for your consideratien the re- behalf of the Board. posseati. • t "
port for the year ending Deo. 31st, R. Melvin, President. Mr. B. M. Britton, Q,.0., NI.P., King -
the meeting an behalf of the Policy-
holders, for their great rare of and
vigilant attention to the Company's af-
fairs durieg the past year, the Hon. 'X.
'T. Garrow said it afforded hirn•much
please:re to state that in his opinion
The Ontario was one of the best, if
pot the very best, Life Company in
Cpnada to -day. , Before and since he
becalm a policy holder, he heard many
pleasant things said about the Com-
pany, which, even among its rivals In
business, enjoys a reputation for hon-
orable treatment of its members sec:-
ond certainly to none, and-eqttal to
any other in any' part of the world. -
.189e. • ston, said that the business of life 'n -
age, Mr. Hendry, who had so ably fill- port tha President ,said that the busi-
• In the earl t of the year in cou-,
• aequence of ill health and. aavancing In moving the adoption of the Re-
ed the poeition of Manager of thteCom- neas for 1898 was in all respeots of
pany since its organization, plachd his the most. gratifying character, both in
reaignation in the hands of the Eireo- the volume of new business transact -
tors, which we accepted, and appoillt- ed and the mortality experienced.
ad him Consulting Actuary, a position sale amount of surplus earned and the
much less onerous than that of Man- amount, paid to policy holders werein
agar. excess ot any former year, while with
Mr. George Wegensat was appointed a Much lp.rger amount of insurance in
Manager, and has discharged hiS force, tire lajpSe rate WW1 very little
dude& to tbe satisfaction of the Board. more than in, 1897, purchased Polioiso
Wegenast halt been in the servioe shoWed deemase of 11202,9,15 as com-
Assistant Aotuary and Actuary, and is ed the eum of 88, indicating the
of the Company for eighteen yeare as pared With 1897- 1141 that item reach-
therefere thoroughly' conversant with growing confidence Vif the assured
the businems and palioy hf the Com-
adined potlhieciesenhthrycahddldVaini"thPc.1agnad pauP411.
During. the year an Agenoy was For soMe time after thie 'i,Company
and we are pleased, to pay that so far that.a Mutual idte ASSUTS11013 Com -
opened, m John's, Newfoundland, commenced haeleeee, many 'Iliought
we have reoeived a fair amount of
businees from that Colony, end hope
inorease it in the future,
,We are glad to be able to inforra
you that the business of the year has
been eminently satiefactory, and that
llotWithstanding the greatly lessened
earning power of money, we haVe been
44:dheler ad. to continue a very
dietribittian of sulpha; to our Policy -
Boor susintribbiattnadeppoina atmAegner he gags Minr:
Speedo& our Ageuoiee in °Merit?, Que.
hao, Manitoba, British Columbia, the
Maritime Provinoes, and. the Terri-
tories. 4. number New.Agents has
been appointed to our Staff, Which
now thoroughly organized and ef-
fective. This we believe win result in
etiII larger and better elan of heel -
110.4. The amount of new insurance
taken dining the year was largely in
*Mill Of forma year,' and of a very
intisfactory character. ,
The death rate was much below tne
minxes in volume and importance was
enormous, the amount in force in the -
world to -day exceeding 015,000,000,000
antra this immense sum Canadians
carried on their lives nearly es74,00(?,-
goo, or abobit 075 for every Man, Wo-
man and child in the Dominion, if
equally distributed ameng them. hi
this tray beneficent work The Ontario
was entitled to a fair share of credit,
having in force in round numbers the
mutt of $24,000,000, and having written
in 1898, within a few thousand, the larg-
est amount of new business seoUred in
Canada by any other company in that
year. . . The proad position the
Ontario ocoupinn to -da hat been at -
tained in spite ot 6 - &nee that
still exists, among men ot se wen
informed, as to Mutual „awe.
parties. Many even in Peril=
and in our case doomed to failure; but on their members. No one should,:
think a Mutual Life Company rda
panyewas at best but an experiment, levy "Ailseesinefits" or make "Calls
aa the publio came to understand more however confound a Mutual Com -
fully the scientific principles undere peaty like °era with any kind of Ati-'
lying the purely Mutual System, it bit. sessment or Society Insurance, for
came evident that thne which reveals they are as differene in their methods
the defects a less perfost evateMa. as any two radically dissimilar systems_
left untoutthed the giant strength and can possibly be. The Ontario is a leve$
robust vigor of Mutuals. Their sue. premium Life Company; it takes nd
cora hail been so pronouneed that premium note as some Mutual Firil
aome of the oldest Stook Compantes are CoMpanies do, and it holds at all derail
now seeking to give their poliofhold.
tiered Directors -a right whith the as Stook Conipaniese
the full Government reserve, the same
era a voice, however small, in the elec.-
ing the poet year we have added large- and County Crown Attorney, 'Bern
Mr. E. P. Clement, acting Sheri
members of this Compane have enjoy-,
ed since its eetablishment in 1800. Dar- in proposing Votea of thanks 'to tit
Irleome, largely to our Assets, largee tery,
our Head 0 ice Staff and Agents, paid
ly to our Assurance, largely to
ly to our Surplus, that our Lapses are glowin testae to the Manager, Seer
field woerdkleaarsl, Dfoixreetthueei egetriSriceerfslic
few, that our Caffil 131.11TOLIder Values manner, In which the business of
are little more than half they Were in
erease in eustnesa is greater than in
1898, and ,our death rate neubh below Voralieners. in their reispeotiVe depar
the marked success that attended the
189/, that up to the 1st ot May our ill. menet, haa been Itioked after, and f
the average. May We not hope, theta. labors during the past year.
Mr. Geo. Wegenmt, Manager, r
;elpeetattom, aud the looses by lapee0 fore, that the rogreati Of 1898 Will be
proportion tit elisdritece taken
and Lie force. than IC tty preceding VICE-PRESIDENT'S ADDItESS.
bfr, Alfred Hoskin; Q.C., in deooncl.
The needier Of petiole* lima during fag the adoption of the Report, held
the jeer Wet fiti6e amounting to $8,- that the reinuneratere inveetMent of
tio.s4, the number ett application* dee itsi ftinde wgs One of the essentials to
alined, 101, (moulding to $118,200; the the permanent Welfare ot Liee Cora-
nuMber polieles in form 10,082, pany. Tina Will, be eondeded when it
tatetetteele to ee$,70$ 070 88 the /lee is remeMbered that there it to -day on
and cash sarrenders were oonsiderably
eVen greater 1899 f
turned thanka on behalf of hielt
mul the Head Office land Agency Ste
assuring the meetiug that it was
moat element thing to him andet
who aereed. the Crompeny
and well under him, to near the w
corait salutatifin of "Well done g
and falthful tervant." He wished
warmly thank the Road. and
Agents for the generous support
eery*, Aotuaries' per Ont., on the deposit in our Banks the enormous corded hini in the diecharge of
amount of policies in force Is $8.8118e wife of $250,000,000 of which about $ ,- onerous clutied of Mangership,
81444; tete net Premium Income $796,- 001,003 bear no interebt. The difficulty especially the President, to whole
174.86; intateit ogx rnyeatraagte elefte of finding desirable Investtnentil at fair .wat greedy indebted for Much v
764.96; Totlia Income $928,941.13; ratee of ihterest. la Wareing greater able deldetanee and advice.
every year. A decade ago ehe eneritge The Scrutineers, Dr. Webb and
Total Aseete 14,186,129,48
The amount peed to Policy bolder. rate wag 7, but now innestora are well Geo. Moore, repOrted this re-eleotio
for du,* olotigni walk sleg,89$.01); for i satiefied at much lees figurc„. The the Right 11011. Sir Wilfrid Lau
Endowment* $71 600.00; Purchised Poll- Ontario hal been more fortunfte than P. O., G. O. M. G., Ottewt, Mr. Al
ene, ssetet.,74,.. ikaplus $15,080.70; An- I Ocametitors, the rate of iutereat on Hoskin, Q.0., Totonto,„ Mr. E. P.
Lurvitireita tlietl,09044414,81T00.ta001;,eittstropitiss ormisr; isit.tut Isiwreihntrolthatat hoarviinnteitn 018at 8thaeve0rathgeerd rnibewn! aBoderoltrnie,ba.nd the lion. j. T.
all liabilities on Oom.peurs Standard COPIP*GliWI ranged frets 4.48 to 4.59, On motion Messes J. M. Sally
eattnartaie 4 per cent. $#71,190.86; Sure This Compeay's perdentage of foreclo- George Datichion, were reAnhoi
Gereargesioat Staadard $440,414., spree to ite total hereattnenta WAS oaly &editors for the preeent
3 per tint, while its competitors rang. The DireittOrt Chet itublielitent1
we leet by deeth a 4Id all the way up to Ill por cont. rettleeted Mr. Robert Me di,
member a la the rush there sepears to be at dent; Mr. C. M. Teeter, Fhlt
laa Ms *le 43.14/ inholplef6t1 QPir, aeSeoo4ta na44dVbfir'
"will andlota Compial tor the
bit% *rhea amle the' p
Itlanatrar. Loos
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