The Clinton News-Record, 1899-06-21, Page 510100000000111011410.00
Universal Hair Promoter
stops the hair from, falling :
: out. Gives it new lie, :
: Makes the hair grow
beautiful and luxuriant. :
: it cleans the 'scalp,
: nourishes the roots of the
: hair, and is a positive
; cure for dandruff. • ;
2 Ladies who value their hair
• Should never be without it.
'II We know the valae of this• •
• •
e Hair Restorer, because •we •
• • • prepare t, and lave many ;
: speak of thepleasant rea'ults
• of its use. 50c, o. bottle'. •
Phone% Poeseription Dreg etere•
ANANTED -A Pritrer for ite .1000O. or for *
smell consideration for tile summer or
partof the summer. A,pply to
Clinten, JUIN,
Tenders will be rooeived 'by. the undeesigeed
up to aoth June for the nuieung of an mote
tom hen ta tioderich. Tudors win be re,
crewel:an berm or eeperate. Tema and Spada -
Mime can be seen from JunolUtli at .Tames
Iteld's office, Town Hall.
W. Hall.
Ooderteh, June 10th. v""" Chairman.
The subseriber offers for sale his hoes° and 1
lot on eorner of Rattenbury and Raglan strOcts.
Clinton, April 1.3th*
On Victoria street,. Near Organ Faotory,
S100. will buy a roomy. Comfortable hens() with
good lot -the property recently occupied by
blank Upshall. Apply to
W. DRYDONE, Barrister.
March Mi.
The subscriber offers for sale a verY desirable
property on law street consisting offour lots
won which there is a comfortable frame house
with kitchen and woodshed. attached. There
Is a good stable and a first.elass well of water
on premises. ' The orchard, consisting of groper;
and apples, is a good lane, • The property will
be sold at a reasonable figure for cash or cash
and wanes airtime. Apply to the owner ott
the premises
Clinton May 9th.
Oilit 7T0 ; (Yee
Offers, in wri tingwill be received by the under -
sired for the purchase of the followinf valuable
Those eyes of yours are
probably overtaxed, and if you
have not found it out yet, you
win soon do so. Prepare for
the future by takine. dare of the
1:017eSent. Defective Vision is
easily cured, unless' of' long
.standing4 • Our large stock of
••lenses and frames, 'combined
With our knowledge of how to
fit them: properly, insurbs you
al permanent benefit and not •
fr eliold properties Lot No. 28 n the 4th
concession of the Township of Hullett in the
County of Huron containing 100 acres, more or
less.Upon this property ares. good dwelling
house, bank barn and stables, a, good orchard,
well, etc.
2nd. Lot No. 1221 on the Bast side of Violet.%
street in the Town of Clinton in the. County of
Huron. This property compriseg a good frame
divellinghouse and htable.
For further_partioulars , and for terms apply,
to Mr. Alex, Ewing, Clinton. Ont. Or to
Solicitors for the Brownlee Estate.
May Ztith, 1809.
The subscriber offers to rent for a term of
years Lots 05
ceigstlit 2r137601:311gjeinastelget--
od land. ThoPsoil is a good Oar loam and is
'highly cultivated and .well -watered.. Upon the
euViir qlt= Illreir:icrrifgi3O3aari4 boigh
•.vhp farm is mile from school and mile from
gigeldIrhgrttgler ortlintir tlainfle wlll alg
wood. Terms reasonable to a first-class
tenant. JOHN BEAC03/.
• June 10th 0011ntou P. 0.
.•• - • -.•
merely temporal7 relief.
The Band, of Cmirt Maple Leaf, Cdnadian
Order of Foresters, Clinton, is novr open for en -
Charges moderate. figments fee Garden Parties, Pio-nice, Colo-
rations, ete. For terms. writeHARL
... W, I, AN%
Clinton, Juno 10th. 4, . • .
Jeweler and _Optimal?: •
. •ruoved my Laundry, the
Revere, tp the stand lately occupied
by Mr J. W. Hill, in the Comb!) block
on Albert etreet, which will be more
convenient beth for myself and cus-
tomers. , Our work speaks for itself
We respectfully solicit a share of Your
e patronage.: Our prices are right and
we will do our best to please you.
Clinton, May 22nd.
if you want anything
in the Musical line, call
at 0. Hoare's Nude
limp cm una:`
Special Notice.
/,aerr TAM Offeri`ng special values in
Green4•131aeis andJapan TEAS ett
25e and Me peril,. 4 trial 40,
convince you of their extta tner-
it. . roll lines of • fresh. Ramis
Always on hand.
, 4. OALL soraorrnD.
Briht anti Well- Written
NW SeAND: lluar RECTO GAR tift The Dloertnit Delivery, verid earloede of hervistine roe-
. .
The Nook Trial Revealed the Ways and Mean
intnessos Dleareetir Mid Cause the Decision to be AdJoarhed
Jane gOtly
Goderioh, Mondayorune 12. The trial elealen dey by ievitation of Will iam
of the election protest against Hon. Ji T. I Green, and had a •drink with others
Garrow as meraber for Weet Huron from a Wale of whiskey produced by
opened this Afternoon baron Justices
Osier and Rose. The petitioner, Major
Joseph Beck, was represented by W.. D.
MoPhersen and Ur. E. L. Diekeurion of
Wingbam, while Mr. Garrow was de-
fended by Geo, Watson, Q, O. , Toronto,
and W. Proudfoot. The evidence was
edifying in ebowing how little some sup-
posedly well-informed men knew when
"knowledge ie a clarigerolis thing." From
all accounts whisky was usedquite freely
in Mr. Garrovv'e behalf and there neepas
to have been a substantial boodle fund
for hie aupporters to draw upon, and
Yet be says he wanted a pure election.
Sup.poseXr. Garrow wanted an honest
contest -taken with a grain of salt -he
or his election managers, and they` are
to ell intents and 'amperes one and the
same, wcrenot too MINIM for a fair trial.
Otherwise it would not be said that wit-
nesses have been spirited away. In the
absence of these material witnesses the
decisive was again postponed on Satur-
day to Jt1110 30th, The following. is but
a very brief epitome of the evidence fr•
Van Vannormane chief constable in
Wingham, testified s -r -I saw in Wingham
before the election, a. man who was
pointed out to me as Captain Sullivan.
L saw him first at Mr. Garrow's meeting
in the town hall, on Deoember 6. I
saw him later, about 2.15 in the morn-
ing, -coming out of O'Leary's hotel with
PeterlDeane, Jr.'" About half an hour
laterI met them in front of James
Wileyer door. Sullivan was knocking
at Wiley's door. I heard Sullivan ask
Wiley if he Was particular how hevoted.
r heard him ask Wiley if he would take
something and vote for Garrow. I left
then, and about half an hour later
looked ebreug,h the window of O'Leary'a
bar room and saw there James O'Leary,
Walter Vanstone, Peter Dermot. Jr., J.
'T. Linklater and the man called
drinkieg ,at the bar. .
ONE enear's woevassoict.
Peter Deans, Jr.,of Wingliani, egg
.buyer, knew Walter Vanstone, else one
Roberts, whom he afterwards knew as.
Captain Sullivan. He was ' with Spin -
van one night about 10 o'clock in
O'Leary's hotel, "I went to him," Bald
witness, "-because Walter Vanstorrehed
told we he wanted to me me. After '
we met,we had a cigar or it drink, and
then a number of names were read ofte
They included those of Bob. McKenzie,
Geo. White, Alf. Nariott and Mr. WY -
lie. *hen went with Roberts (Sulli-
van) ,to leEcKenzie's, but don't know
Iwhathappened. Then to :Alf. Mani,
ott's, hut I don't know what was 'said.
Then to White'e, where Mrs. White
opened the door, and said White was
in bed and could not be seen, Roberts
then went in and stayed for about five
minutes. We went to Wylie's, but
.there I did not hear what was said.
saw Vannorrnan at Wylie's. We then
went hack to the hotel nod talked.
Sullivan gave me a dollar •. for showing
him where the men lived."
Goelerieb, Tueeday, June 18. -
The second. day of the • West,_Huron
• election trial court opened at 9.30 this
morning. • . ' ,
J. T.Linklater, an important witness
from Wingham, was first called, but.
failed to appear, and although he was
afterwards seen, he has not been foumd
Wm. Proudfoot, president of the
Liberal Assooiation, was then sworn.
He admitted the eatablishment of. a
committee mom on Hamilton street,
Goderich, the presence of Alex. Smith,
the Liberal organizer, and also Vance,
Walter Vanstone and .others. Among
them a man named Malloy, .who said
he wee sent by Mr. Hyman of London.
Witness did not think. Malloy's. real
was 3,IoDougall of ,Eginondville, who was I
/10,010 was Lewis. Another stranger
stationed at Kintail, sun another
stranger, Gorman, was put in charge at
Dungannon; knew he came from Lon-
don, because he told me so. 'Witness
lad correspondence with Me -ars. Gib-
bons and Hyman, London. A man
nanaedBrown was stationed at Smith's
Hill, and he said he came from Toronto.
He was introduced to 1.120 by'Alexander
Smith, who said he was Bent up by
some one to look after P.P. A. voters.
Witeese gave Brown letters .and intro-
ductions to several parties in that sec-
tion, Another stranger witnets met
VW Capt. J. Sullivan; saw him princip-
ally in the room behind British Ex-•
onenge Hotel bar, generally with liquor
before him. Sullivan was in town for
ten days. Witness had heard of the
"Club Blazes," and gave a number of
names said to belong toit. Many mem-
late hers pf this club .diel not vote tilgvery
in the day. Thought the Membership
was not more than eight or ten, but the
club claimed 30 or 40.
137.0, litewart, a hook -keeper, who was
poll clerk at No. 2 division, Wingham,
admitted doing work at ceminittee
meetings and sending out cite:1114ra and
letters, but claimed lie did not get pay
'or a promise of pay, but when confront-
ed with one account of Mr. Garrow's,
witness admitted it .
:- 1
At the afternoon session, Theophilus
Finnen, of East Wadfanosh, was the
firet Witness. Ile was taken by Walter
Vanstone to a certain bowie, and then
to O'Leary's hotel. • 'When at the back
entrance John Linklater opened. the
door,' and a stranger .deacribed like
Capt. Sullivan 'gave him two two dollar
Mlle, after some haggling as to his vote.
After argument by counsel the come re-
served judgment.
- In explanation of the absence of
Capt. Sullivan,' Vance. and Organizer
Smith, Mr. MacPherson said he had had
detectives looking for each for several
days, but they could not be tracked.
Linklater, too, whose evidence was most
important, had evidently been induced
Lo hide, for diligent searral during the day failed oft e
number of witneesee were examined at
the bearing to -day of theprotest against
Thontais Elliott are similar evidence.
John, Wilson. who had been taken to
Brown's by Capt, Young, aid he had it
drink er whiskey, as aloe had Bogge'
brother, Wm, Green also gave hint a
drink in the shad from it auk. Wit-
ness got a letter from Brown to William
Prouufoot. He showed it to Proudfoot,
who wanted hini to leave it but he re-
fused, as he lied to produce it in court,
but on Monday the letter, his popket-
book and watch were etolen from him,
the watch being afterwards returned.
Mr. Proudfoot recalled, said the letter
contained simply a few words of intro-
duction, and some hieroglyphics which
he could not decipher. He had asked
Wilson to leave the letter because he
was the worse of liquor.
N. Bogge gave evidence as to Brown
staying at his hotel and buying liquor
by the bottle. None was sold or given
away on election day,,however,
Harvey Fisher said he drove Brownie
Goderioh on election day, for which he
gave lum $1.
Argument took place on this charge,
during whiola the court allowed Mr Gar June 14th, by Bev. D. Perri ,e Mr. Jas.
East Wawanosh. •Kernaghan, ()Morris, to Miss Eliza
°binary from the works of the celebra-
ted Doering ItanuteaturingOorapeny of
°Mosso arrived et. Clinton early rut
week. The duty on the coneignalept,
for the N.D. Is a reality still, anmanted
tb large sum. The machines were un-
loaded and stoked up awaiting the ar-
rival of the purehasers who Canre in on
Thursday. On loading up all drove to
the Dawson House where they wore the
guests of the Company's agents, and
after dinner it procuslon was formed
whioh, headettby a carriage contained
the agents, drove up otte street and
down another and flintily rounded un
on the Clarendon Gore where it was
photographed by Mr Foster who stood
upon the balcony of Mr, Wilteie's resie
donee. Xr.L. Beatty, the local agent,
then thanked the farmers for their pat,
renege and assured them that he was
confident they would one and all be
satisfied with their maohines forDeering
machinery meant geed machinery. The
delivery iecluded about fifty machines,
inoluding.mownee.with a six-foot cutaiix
foot out grain harvesters and ten WI
twelve foot steel rakes. This is Mr.
Beattie's eecond season as representa-
tive, and be eare he finds it enter to
roll it Deering implement this year than
when he began working for the Com-
pany. Among the Deering representre
tive who took part in the parade and
helped do honors of the day were :-A.
E. Johnstone of Harriston, who is"Blogle-
man" or head agent over e block or dis-
trict, inoluding in this 'Carie a good „shoe
Of Western Ontario, D. Macdonald, dis-
triot agent, beaforth, Thos. Brown, Sea -
forth and T. F. Eyre of Hensall. They
were a genial.lot and each one has the
• a- Wear'
4"Great Haste Is Not
4kanto Good Speed."
Mho people trust to luck ;
to putt them through, and are
often disappointed. Do not 0
dilty.cially in matters of ;
health. With: it you can 0
accotnptish miracles. With. 0
out tt you are no pod.
geep The liver, kidneys, bowel's rind
blood healthy by the use of Hood's Sao
rieuarilla, the faultless blood puritier.
IttletirtlIttiorn-" X hirel acute rneuma.
tlem in my limb and foot. 1 commenced
treatment with }food' a Serimparilla and
Ifootter Pills and in a abort time Wee
Med." Wreveeer Hetnestr, Inantford, Ont.
00rOftelst.e" X was troUbled with mobile
would not heal. Hoodei Sara &rine was
and impure blood. A cut oLny Arm
recommended and after T had en three
bottles X woe well." Denim Itoanrsoe,
Treauley Street, Toronto, Ont.
Reed,aPilla cure liver Ills Ilk, itlitita4and.
only cathartic to talcs witc ga Witt
• Sold. by Watts & Cio„ Druggists.
dence of the bride's father, Willtam
Blenehard, Scott street, Wingham, on
W June 14th, by PastAlbert E. Green to Miss Lizzie
or : Freed, Mr.
shard, both of Winghara.
reputatton of being it successful gales- KERNAGHAN-NalltRAY.- At the
404A.,044.9c164),.‘?-raikee- 00^oret011e-lieze-Wq0449•44100
June is always a busy month with us
year we have made extensive preparatioilsOo
(lemma All the Tune styles in Hats, Flower's,
and new trimmings of all kinds are now in stock,
Baker with her large staff of assistants is prepared
Hats and Bonnets in the latest style on short Ildie8.
We keep a large stock of Ladies' Hats on hand, ready Ulna
in the newest style, at $1, $1,50, $2, $2.50 and 0:
Trimmed Sailors in plain and fancy braids, at 50.0,150..$1.
- and $L75.
Oirlei Sun Hats, plain and fancy, al 20e, 250 and 50e.
Children's Embroidered Muslin Bats and /Hoods at 50e
and $1.
Veilings, in. plain and fancy, at 10c, 121c, We, 200, 25c,35c an
-No Hat is allowed to leave our Millinery rooms ex
is properly trimmed in the latest style and beeom
the wearer.
McKINNON &-001 -
manse, Winghain, on Wednesday, ‘04b.e•-qt-e-lt-e^b-e-qt:a•e•it=de4t-e4beembli-e*.eeri).*(e-e>e
row to be recalled; who- disclaimed any
knowledge of Brown, whom he heard
had been sent to Smith's Hill to look
after the P.P.Als. The charge was
held over for the present. •
Charge 25 was that Robert Winmill
had been asked by John Sands to keep
an old'inan named Little out in the
country and to give him whistey. Sands
said he took Little out because he told
hina he knew where Fred. Hilton was,
whom Sands wanted to see.
At this point Mr. McPherson asked
for A warrant for the arrest of john
Linklater. who continued absent.'
M. G. Cameron testified to rneetieg
Capt. Sullivan, and thought, he was
Working for it Liberal candidate, also as
to having met Smith, the organiser.
Witness had called at the"Olub Blazes"
on election day and saw perhaps a doz-
en of the members, and urged them to
vote, which be thought they did. He
had driven to Blyth and to Clinton with
Sullivan, and saw Threlkeld at Clinton.
At this stage Kr. Justice Rose sug-
gested that when the court•adjourned it
be to sit again in Toronto on Saturday,
to take Linklatefe evidence, which was
In 'Warp o. 8, Alfre Marriott, of
Wingham, aid it man came to his house
about 2 a. in. one morning just before
the election, and woke him up and
asked if he was Alf. Marriott, and then
placed it 112 bill in witness' hand, saying,
"vote for Garrow."
John Rogers of Wingham, who claim,
ed protection of the court, said John T.
Linklater saw him in the Queen's hotel,
.and told him to go to the back door. He
went .there, and a stranger stepped up
behind hirn, asked him his name, put a
IP bill in hie hand, and said, "I hear you
are not particular; remember Garrow."
' Thomas E. Gray of Wingham, said
about half-pasenine on the evening of
December 6 Walter Vanstone met him
and asked him whole was going to vote
for.. . Witness. said for Beck, unless
something good was goiog about. Wit-
ness met Vanstone ageitewho told hina
to meet him at 1015, but he did riot
meet him, atid got no Money. ' 'San -
'done was not drunk. '
John McLeod of Wingliam, said about.•
9 o'clock John Linklater told him to go
up tbe street. A man then came up to
witness, asked him his name, and if he
was particular how he voted. Witness
said he was not. The man then put it
$2 bill in his hand and told him to vote
for Garrow. • . .
Mr. McPherson asked for as adjourn-
ment.of the charges against , Sullivan,
Threlkeld, Vance and Smith, so that
they might be produced before the court
but. it was not granted. . •
The court then adjourned till 10 a.m.
next Toronto.
Toronto, June 17th -When the ad-
journed West Huron election trial was
milled at Oagoode Hall this morning,
before Judges Rose and Oster, the Wit-
ness Linklater; whom the petitioners
wished to have examined, was not pre-
sent, and the trial was again adjourned
until June 30. The court said it could
not grant an order to commit Linklater
because he had not yet been served.
The deputy sheriff of Huron, in an affi-
davit, stated that imbed gone to Wing -
ham for the purposeof serving the miss-
ing alleged agent, but had failed to find
him. He believed he was keeping out
of the way, Both Mr. Justice Osier and
Mr. Justice Rose said the court would
do all in its power to secure the ,attencl.
mice ofLinklater. "The wane*" con-
cluded Mr. Justice Osier, "had better
understand, and hie friends had, better
understand,that his Attendance is nous
eery here."
to us arid take ,a(learitage of the
following special inducements
which hold good to July :- I' •
1 lb 35c Tea, 5 lbs Rice, 301bs „
clean Currants, li lb jar Baking
Powder, 22 lbs No. 1 Granulate
Sugar $20O
100 Ms Kitchen. Queen. Flour
and 22 lbs to. -1 Cranulated
Sugar •300
We keep nothing but good goods.
Butter and 0 OLSON
Eggs wanted,
The finest looking
men take the sweet-
-- and prettiest young
girls to
and a glass of those
ctiol and refreshing
Ca li orni Wine
dartItS130111N'CZ XS A A. nice stook of Bananas
rEATiritg and Orangee on hand.
no Clinton Nows-R mod GIVE US A CALL.
Pe/4r°' After' TOCiell 14108110d13100
IV &eat znetia
Sold and recommended by all
draggiste in Canadaonly
ai,lo medicine discovered, Iz
rketr Duardntsed to ente All
of pride, One paeltage $1, 81X1t5, one iviunfeeof
az tem cure. Patliphlete free kt Mir Mitres*,
*A. 'KIRKBY, the election of Hon. Mr. Garrow in
West Huron. At the end of the day the
court ovijourned, until Saturday next at
Next door to Clarendon. Oageocie hall, Vienna, and ba order WAN
issued for the attendance then of Link -
later and ti thee lin portan t witnesees who
have so farkept out or the Vey. Fur-
ther proof as given to•day of the pur-
°hiving of votem in Wingham. Two del-
lart*eenii to have been the ruling priers,
as quite a number of voters admitted
receiving that awn. Mr. M. G. ,Cainer-
:tiaatfl?ivoidnerich, recognized the portrait"
, whieh is on exhibition in
Caltef and admitted having bean in his
madextei3res wee* "401140."
Captain Williem Young was the first
butting coovention, and gave the MAU%
Of afriltral delegates who Attended ad
of the chairmen of polling suh-clivialons
In Colborne. Rs met Brown et Boggs
hotel,and alto Faiy Symoncle. Brown
told biro be was there to tee after the
P.P.A. men who were said to be against
Garrott. Moose took Harvey Fisher
to Brown's room at the hotel, and after-
wards introduced John Wilson.
Mr. Gerry* woks her. mulled tO prove
certain odadmitus Made by him at en
istamination before Judir Matson in
form o Scene „Weft nese, all effecter Of ahneri INALEtAncsr
or ogee Mental Worry, huessiee nee +It Vt. ,
pium or Stitehlatits, maned on teteipt
Whib Wood eonmesiy, w luso, eat.
Weed Plimphodinn Is sold in Clinton by Sydney.
Sackeoa Ornegiat,`eeee'efejlelkeeiZee.....
*AN OM litArt0
I AoffiVTeil
is A 36%.
ittneeetee ^royale Awe vii.t...Arete
t , ADDitaSS 0114.`fAUtit0 Pieplitit cQ
We thank our customers,
for their patronage in the
past and beg to call their
attention to our removal
from Combe's block to the
former stand of Allen St
Where -we hope to Re them ell
and new ctortoniers too. We
keep in stock Grocerlea of al1
kinde, Ploor, Seed Grain. eta
J. W. 3113EILIL0".. •
•••Seeeelfeleigif .111„ .1„1111 am
Oolabror lige, when he IR Walter Van.
sem and *there were his supporters.
Marge St was then tarn up. (Theriot
fhigrfert stlitkii Vas IR lirrenflell room on
Death of au Afiblield Pioneer.
There died at his home on the 10th
concession of thatoWnship of Ashfield,
on Tuesday morning, ttli lob.,. one of
the oldest and best known residents of
the township in the person of Mr. John
Stothers. Deceased Who had reached
the ripe old age of 82 years, was outing
the very first settlers in this part of the
province, having aettled in the township
of We'd Witwanosh fifty.six yew ago,
and which was then an unbroken for-
ma. Mr. &others was born in Ireland
in 1817, and at the age °Nineteen Mune
to Canada itt 1837. Like the great maj-
ority of those who came from the Old
Land, he possessed very little wealth,
and when he landed in Toronto, .(then
Little York) he had but 75 cents m his
peek t. After workingon it farm near
va •solue Sine, he served six
mo • the volunteer force durittg
the McKenzie Rebellion. In 1843 he
Look up land in the township of West
Wawanosh, and remained there till 1850
when be sold his farm to the late David
Speoal, and removed 10 the township of
Ashfield. Ile was married to Mies
Rachel Bailie, by whom he had maven
childraneeight sons and three (laugh -
tem and eight of whom tiro still living.
llis axed partner in life preceded him
to the better land some two years ego.
In religion he was brought up in the
Presbyterian faith, but some thirty years
ago he joined the Methodist ohuroh,end
In his death the chterob hail lost it faith-
ful mid devout. Christian, and the COM-
rounity it trite friend and neighbor. In
politics he Was *life long Conservative.
Thn cereratiny'vrhTel; united for bet.
tor or worse James Upson of Militia
township, and Mtn Grill Porterfield,
took plate triunity et the
rellhill1104 of the bride'speen*,
near Clifford. The wedding march was
Dlayed bt Miss Young. 41MiaisadJReartu.
°airfield wits the briderned
Alex.Rapron of Dorehester, supported
the groom. Both bride mid bridesmaid
wore beeoniing °es thew of white lAttilin
and elirried hermits of snowfall'. The
wedding gift* wall hatidieitaeonsfai and
numerous. Ample Puttee was done to
the elegentspread and the 'veiling wits
Leivella Murray of Medway.
The first sitting of the Court of Revi. CARDIFF-MoCARTNEY.- In Cran-
ston was held on May 26tb, Members . brook, at tbe manse, on June 7th, by
all present. Having each severally .•Rev, D. B. McRae, Mr. Nelson Homer
subscribed to the declaration required, Cardiff, to Miss Agnes McCartney,
by statute, the following business was both of Grey,
brought up and disposed of :-Sampson MoGREGOR-VOIGHT.-At the resi-
Carter as agent for Ei lot 32, Con. 3 dence of the bride's father, Listowel,
appealed against the assessment of this on June 7th, by -Rev. Geo. Ballantyne
lot as being tdo high, Reduced $200. e, of Molesworth, Mr. Geo S. McGregor
Application was made to have the of Ingersoll, to Miss Catharine W.
following mimeo added to the roll :- Voight.of Listowel. '
George Cowan Ni Wi lot 36, con. 3, M. ,
F. 0•i John Kehna, Ni Ei lot 36, con.
2 mien Thomas Quinn, Si xi tot 37, MORRIS. -fn Ilullett,on June 10th,the
1, M. F. OelVf. B. Lockhart, lot 29, con. . BIRTHS*
eon. 3, M. F.; Albert Quinn, Si lot- 37, wife of Enoch Morris, of a son,
con. 3, M. F. 0 • Win. H. Virightmutu, Wi HAY, -In Kincardine, June 4th, the
lot 28, con. 4, M. F O., Albert Coiling,
wile ofMr. Arthur Hay, barrister, of
Ei lot 116, con. 4, M. .V.;• Franklin
Killarney, Manitoba,of a son.
uaiiCampbell,ahanli.oit 21 folt c4o0n, iM.
. Lill! t5F.0.,; John Wingam, on June llth,
the wife of Mr. James Walker,of it
STOART.-eqn Winghaan, on June 15th,
the wife of Mr. ' Arthur Stuart' of a
daughter. . '
Wellington lien*, Si lot 33, con. 6, X.
F. tiz F. S,; John Seimings, lot 41, con.
6,M. F.; John R. Bone, lot 35, con. 3,
M.F.0.; Duncan J. liciallum, lot 38,
con. 8, M.F.O.," S. J. Ray, lot 42, con.
9, M.Te Robert Coultis, Jr., Si lot 39
con. 1 leM. F.0 John McGregor, Si
lot 84, con. 13, X. F.; John Cameron,lot
3oon. 18, IVI. F.; Louis B. Duff; v.t.40,
con. 13, M. P.
Dogs belonging to .the following per-
sons were on applip, ation, ordered to be
struck off :-Wm, Toll, Con. 2; Allan
Lindsay, con. 3 ; F. D. Stalker, con. 4,
Wm. MoLarty and Fred J. Mith, oon.
5 ; Wm. H. Demmer° and James Van -
camp, con. 6 ; Richard Corley, con. 7. -
The court was then closed in the
meantime, to be reopened again on
Thursday, June 22nd, next. . .
Council resumed. Minutes of meet-
ing held March 23rd last read and pass-
ed; The reeve reported that the coun-
cil as a whole had met this morning at
FothergtIrs hill, con, 6, and concluded
to let a job of cutting and otherwise re-
pairing said hill on Thursday; Juno 8th
omit. • • '
.Application was made for some assis-
tance towards repairing and fixing the
deviation road leading from iron bridge
at Lower Wingham into the town of
Wingham. •
• Moved by Mr. Ellie, seconded by Mr.
Mettle/luro, that this council take no
aotion the meantime. -Carried.
John rniour was oppointed path- Get Doctr wee
- PAPPITablets at the
master foe. Head Division
No. 2'1.1n- # o
stead 'of Jaiiies Bosse John S. Scott fin', " *tar' s
ug tL
Druggists for 35c a Sox of 60 Tablets.
VINITL001C.-In Usborne, on June 11,
Isaac Whitlock aged 78 years.
Ailsa Craig, on May • 28th,
Carroll, second son of Reif. W. Baugh,
formerly of Auburn, aged 18 years.
MAOMATI3.-In Wingbam, on June
• llth, EuniceMelinda Mainwaring,wife
of Mr. Robt. MacMath, aged 47 years.
FOLLER..-4n Logan, on the 18th inst.,
' Olive, daughter of Edward and Eliza-
beth Fuller, aged 4 years, 7 mos„ 3
WOODS.- In -Osborne, on the 10th inst.,
Mrii. William Woods, aged 70 years.
SEEBACH, -In Fullerton on the 14th
inst., Philip Seebach; aged 83 years,
4 months and 3 days. •
'KESTLE.-InTeeterville on the 10th
inst„Ella, daughter of Rev. James
Kestle, aged 15 years, 16 months.
MONTEITH.-In Ueborne,on the llth
inst., Elizabeth, daughter. of Robert
Monteith, aged 30 years.
CARRICK.-In Stephen, on the 10th
bast., Nathan Carrick of Hay, aged 78
Div. No. 87, instead or Walter Seott ;
Michael Robertson for Div. No. 44, ins-
tead of Adam D. Hoover (deceased);
Wm, Abraham Jr.. for Div. No. 49, in-
stead of Joseph Brandon, Robert H.
Perdue for Div. No. 58 instead of
Robert S. Reid.
Bylaw No. 5, 1899, relaying the ap-
pointment of pathwasters, pound
keepers and fenceviewers, etc„ for the
current year; Bylaw No.8 to order and
regulate the return.of all road lists on
or before the first day of September
next and Bylaw No. 7for the purpose
of procuring money frorn the Bank of
Hamilton, Winghain, to meet the cur-
rent expenditure of the township, each
severally read and passed. •
. The treasurer reported cash on hand
at -date of $198.73. ,
The following orders on treasurer
were passed :-.Wm. Deacon, repairing
washout on road anovvance lot 31,cons.
10 and 11, $7.20 ; Joseph McBurney, re-
pairing washout sideline 33 and 34,con.
10, $4 ; Irwin Walker, repairing wash-
out and temporary pipe, lot 35, cons,
12 and 13, $1.25 ; John Shoehottone re-
pairing bridge and material, lots 42,
cons. 10 and 1.1, $3,25 ; Wm. Dyell, in.
pectins gravelling an Northern boun-
dary in 1898, 756e; -36115-31-iiiiirond &
Son, drawing Inaterial and repairing
bridge, lot 30, cone. 0 and 7 in /898, 52;
Robert J. Hoover, repairingculvert
and material, lot 31, eon. 4, .60; Hen-
ry Toll, repairing vrashout a Quinn's
bridge, core 3, $1 ; David Scott, Sr.,
damages and undermining fenee, lot
35, con. 7, $U; Municipality of Morrie,
settlement of accounts between East
We.wanosh and Morris for 189$, $1(L46;
Wm. Robinson, services as assessor,
1899, $50 ; Isaac Quinn, repairing rail-
ing on bridge at lot 37, cons. 2 and 3,
501! ; M. LoCkhart, reeve, services ten-
dered settling boundary line accounts,
1898, $2 ; Municipal World, St Thomas,
Wank forms under Ditches and Water-
courses Act, 850,
The council then adjourned till
Thursday, lune 22nd next. '
West WawanoSit Connell.
Council met as-1-1—Conart of Revision
and for general business on May 29th,
1 There being no Appeal the &Beaumont
roll' WM adopted. Board met for goner.
alhusiness. Minutes of iftet routing
reed and approved. The treiumrer's
statement showed balance on hand of
$648.53. On petition of W. C. Webb,Joi,
Cempitell and others the Beard agreed
to arSe about snow fence on hill on con:
12, The following °hooka were isitted
:-Assessor, 800; Manchester Public IA -
Natty, 810; A. Kirk, repairing road,
con, 2, $1,60 ; Thomes Smylie, plank,
40e; John Welsh, repairing road, eto.„
$5:27 ; Thomas Begley, brushing, 25e ;
Ed, Crtrig, charity, $10; Same* EdWarche
repairing West boundary, $10; A. John-
iton, brattier!. on ;obi,' $0,30; jamb
Wilily, culvert, 81; J. Clark, repairing
roftdM,75 ; supplies for township $7.30.
Adjourned to meet on Tutetley July 4th
a1110 oielock a. ro . W. S. MoCriterne,Cierk.
"For the Sake- of run, Mischief is
A vast amount of Minthitif is done, Maple Leaf Stock Pawn
their blood pure. he in *chief appeitlet ,reee. --"---- • posti
Briery time. you buy Rye ...• ....... 0 30 to 0 35
Potatose,perbush, tem., 0 60 to 0 65
1: Food -that remains in the stomach un.
digested -ferments.
• 2. Fermenting food causes sour stomach,
, heartburn, sick headaches, nausea. And the
gases cause pain and distress.
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets neutralizo!
fermentation and after clearing the stomachl
00 160 fermenting. burdemthey proceed to cure
the cause of indigestion.. .
1. Dyspepsia cannot ',amain after Dr, Von
Stan's Pineapple Tablets restore perfect di-
gestion. They afford it delightful relief from
the start. Only 36 cents it box, at all drug-
gists-firtablets in a box, -Sold by Watts &
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets
Should be taken by thotio who feel distressea
and oppressed after eating. They relieve in an
instant and correet the c,auses •which lead to
London &
Lancashire Life
Established in Canada 1883 • ,
iller01484 Fllna $66S223&
A.11 the popular forma of
itisurance issued, Policies
untonditional, world-wide
aridnonforfeitable. Money
ioaned. Policies purchased.
New business 1898;•$4,500,-
000. Amount paid policy-
holders 5087,000
Full information furnished by
It runs emir, the materiala on
Whieh It le built, are all of the
very hest, and the price equals
the quality. There is no better
wheel than the Massey -Harris.
Agent Massey -Harris, Clintein
The Phenontenal Welldired
Standard Home.
will dud W.W. Ferrates barn near Station;
In minuet every Moienty for the balance of the
Mason. Tarentimt 11796 flu in his breeding the
greatest Wed living or deed. atm 12 of the
greateet dams living. He has first err tiestion.
hie breedi • woad extreme it • third
O.We eominence.on. June 15th to Close ou
evening at 7 o'clock sharp,, Saturdays
holidays excepted:
Our stock of Hardware" of all kind is ivety.. di*
and Our prides are right, having a large 'stook in
. lore the late advances on all kinds of HiirdWare..
Don't buy Binder Twine until you see CITT brallt ,
beats evorything.
are now deliveri g Coal. Leave your orc
.QUP Storeforprompt
roadfoot, Ilox
• •,
• 111tolutaciurers and pea' tors in
For the Spring trade we are offering the largest and roost co
of High; Medium and Low Priced Fui•
1.V.e„have some great values to offer
until you- have paid a visit to our WareroomS.
piets stock
the cott*y•
Do not buy
• •
n this line we carry a eoniplete stock: Our Horses a
fit are up to date and our charges reasonable.
-Furniture, Dealers and Thxdokalterde
J. •Chidley, Mau
Night .and Sunday calls answered at Residence of :our
Funeral Director, j.W. Ohidley, King St., opposite Foundry.
We havo the latest in Gents Iourniabin
Tits, Collars, Cuffs, Underwear Ete. a
• we invite your inspection. 14;good
EXOUrS1011 $2.00
right and so are the prices.
(Tito J.,illy 13 and 18 $1.60
Rde up.
Hotter Pants, worth $2.2,1 for VA Overeat
We carry everything in the MorehrintTailoring
line. cag anti sec our goods and prices.
$9.R to all Mani -
Fare toba pointe. W. T. PARLMER, LONDESBORO.
Good going boat 6r rail.
- •
Tickets good for twe months.
For further particulars apply to Aster Mauls for Sale.
I have a number of Aster 'truth -for sale
They are the best tha teen be got 1
tine nth. Atnertiltreet.
Summer Resort
llayneld le the poniear lakeside resort for the
people of Huron, and, the hivergotel the most
popular house. have again had it, refitted
and renovated and am in it bettor position than
lastseason to cater to the wants of the health
orefleasure.seekingpahno. have had etepri
eleet to the river, immediately in front Of the
Hotel, and tables, seats, swings, °to bttilt in
tho pretty Grove which extends along the
waterside, where there Is ample room for
large pie-nie porde& It is a cool, shady ala
comfortable sprit for it hot day,
to make use of it. There
temple eceornmodetion.
Ilayfied. Jame Gth,
(Corrected a!ral Wadarsdaistafteintuni
Fell Wheat,
10 to 71
Gomm Wheat
X. CITARtatteWoRTH, Barley
too, because peo4de nerleet to keep :Ma nth • leptonaviiis, Otita. .....
• 0 38 tO 0 40
•... 0 30. to 0 31
/0 80 to 068
in eruptions, deepepets indigestion,
nervoitimese, kidney diceasee and other
aliment* This miechiet fortunately,
may be undone Ivy the fratieful nee of
Hatsapox lilt, which curet all
Mutt/tea originating in or protected by
Boom," PILLS cure all liver ill, Non.
very photostat!, opus by the large oom. "Trite notto a
pany. Mr. liepton and bride will reside r2urPtin.,„„
in lialletiorhere She/ tied life 11°341"' ii, n"'"
under pleMieg pro eine in oft
Butter lam basket..., 0 10 to 0 11
0 11 to 0 12
Sega p-er dos. .......... ....... 0 00 to t 20
you get pan Virginia tobseao, Bay 60 to 8
not I Peakott
Toil, B. MYRTLE Girr Ilutlyt it tub.
▪ ,
Return Tickets will be issned
. All stations in Canada to and from Detqlit.
midi., Port Huron, Mich. Island Pond, Vt.. eet
Massone Springs. N. Y., lielens,N.Y.. Bomber I
Jot., gort Covington, Roue Poot
N. Y. All smarms In canride 'hue N
FROM Buffalo, N. Y., Black Hock, N. .1
Niagara Falls, N. Y., and SuspensiOn Bridge,
New York.
(4001) GO/NO JUNF1 30th awl JULY
CloOd returning from destination not later than
ard, 1899.
For partiettlars tee to reduced fares to points
on other Canadian lines, Tickets. Picots! and
Parlor Car accOmmodation And all ipt
apply to any Agent of the Wand Tro k
M. O./worm, D. P. A., Tornrito